Mental disorder as a violation of personal perception. mental disorder is

One of the socially vulnerable layers of our society is people with mental disabilities. Life in the modern world is quite difficult for them. However, if such people are given the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills for independent living, they are more than able to master them in order to lead a completely normal life in the future. The specialized complex "Zhanuya" is a much-needed island of hope, where children with mental problems are prepared for the future from childhood, surrounded by care. Today, Zhanuya IC is the only institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan where a correctional boarding school, an orphanage for orphans left without parental care, and a kindergarten work at the same time. We decided to learn more about this unusual institution.

SC "Zhanuya"

In 1994, the complex was called "Children's Home No. 3", and since 2006 it has been renamed the Zhanuya Sports Complex. Now 420 children study at the school, of which 83 children are orphans left without parental care, they are all year round within the walls of the complex. There are children who come, parents leave them at school from Monday to Saturday, and take them home on weekends. There are also children who are brought to classes and taken away in the evening, as in ordinary schools, but basically this only applies to elementary grades. Today there are few kids in kindergarten, children who study in the zero grade live with them. The main activity of the staff is the education and upbringing of children with mental problems. All children studying at school have organic lesions of the central nervous system, they have such diagnoses as "mental retardation of moderate, severe form", "ZPR - mental retardation", "Down's syndrome", "epilepsy". There are no children here who could study in a regular school.

At the school, stands with information about the achievements of students hang everywhere - diplomas, certificates, awards, photographs of little singers, a choreographic circle and sports teams that regularly participate in competitions and competitions. The children in the photographs look the most ordinary - they shine with joyful and proud smiles of the winners, and if you do not know about their features, you will never guess that they are somehow different from other children. When we arrived, everyone was just leaving for breakfast. There was a characteristic rumble in the school, familiar to everyone who went to school.

Director of the complex Lyazzat Askergalievna KULSARINA greeted us hospitably in her office, and then gave us a tour, along the way talking about the everyday life of the orphanage:

We have five meals a day. After breakfast, the children go to classes. Each teacher has their own class. When classes are over, they pick up the children and take them to the dormitory, where the children rest. After lunch, the junior classes have a sleepy hour. Further, all children begin self-training, children attend circles and sections of interest. Then, according to the schedule, a walk in the fresh air. And after dinner, free time, which everyone disposes of at their discretion. At 9 o'clock at children a light-out.

- Can children from other cities get to study with you?

– Our school is only for children with a residence permit in Almaty. Before coming to us, children go through the GMPK (city medical and pedagogical commission). She examines the child, makes a conclusion, on the basis of this document a referral is taken, and only then do the children come to our school. We cannot accept a single child without the conclusion of the GMPC and a referral. Children from the regions are also not accepted to us. In other cities and regions there are their own correctional schools, where children are accepted at the place of residence.

- Please tell us how your curriculum differs from the usual one? How are the lessons going, is everyone doing well?

– In each class we have about 12-18 people. In connection with the diagnosis of our children, we are focusing on work training so that in the future they can feed themselves. We have many different workshops where children are taught in such specialties as shoemaking, carpentry, national applied arts, sewing, gardening, and others. The works of our children were exhibited at republican, city exhibitions, in the central museum of Almaty, where the best 3 works were selected for the EXPO-2017 exhibition.

Children with more severe disabilities are engaged in the simplest work - for example, they learn to sew clothes, sew on buttons. Pupils can now go to the workshop themselves and fix their shoes or ask one of the other guys to do it. All the specialties that we teach can always be useful in life, these are practical skills that are in demand. Classes are divided by levels, there are classes of ZPR, auxiliary and moderate classes, it depends on the diagnosis and severity of disorders. Children with mental retardation are taught according to a more complex program. The rest of the program is lightweight, specially designed for them.

What special education do teachers need? Who else works in the complex?

– Teachers of different specialties work with our children: subject teachers, defectologists, speech therapists. The team is large, today it consists of 167 people, of which 67 people are only educators who work with children outside of school hours, engage in self-training with them, take them to the dining room, to circles and walks. During the holidays, visiting children are at home. And the children from the orphanage go to the summer recreation area, we have our own camp "Zhanuya" on Kapchagay, where the children, together with teachers and educators, spend the whole summer.

- Is there any treatment?

- We do not treat children, because we have a school, not a medical center. Nevertheless, of course, we have a medical unit, a pediatrician and 4 nurses work there. During the year, our children undergo medical examinations twice, X-rays are taken, they are examined by narrow specialists - surgeons, therapists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and other doctors, they themselves visit our orphanage.

- How do children from the boarding school and incoming children get along with each other?

- They live together almost all the time, study, sleep, eat, spend their free time - all together, like one family. There was no such thing that conflicts naturally arose precisely between the incoming children and the children from the orphanage. We must take into account the fact that a child is a child. It happens, of course, that they quarrel, like any other children, they may not share a pen or quarrel over something from the same series. But next to them there are always class teachers, teachers, educators who can resolve the conflict that has arisen. But mostly children live together, support each other.

- How are things going with public life and equipment?

- The school has good facilities and facilities. In principle, today we have no problems with this. Now 6 of our classes are equipped with interactive whiteboards, and all workshops are equipped with the necessary materials. There are computers in the classrooms, last year we received 16 new computers in the informatics classroom alone. We have a large assembly hall, the school regularly hosts many events on all significant dates. The only real problem right now is hardware problems.

Soon we plan to hold a guardian's day, we want to invite all the guardians who have taken our children under guardianship. At the moment, there are 9 children under guardianship, 12 in foster care, and 6 under a guest contract. Despite their diagnoses, our children are talented, they constantly participate in various contests and competitions. Relatively recently, one of our girls, Nazira, received a prize in the nomination "Golden Voice" in the republican competition "Tansholpan". Children regularly participate in the Meyirim competition, which is held by M. Ospanov's PF.

On the basis of our school, republican seminars are held for defectologists, labor teachers.

Our teachers give open lessons, share their experience, exchange knowledge. 50-60 people come from all over the republic, they all attend master classes, watch workshops, observe how and what our children live, get to know them. Teachers talk about the main methods of their work, about what successes they achieve, how children learn the program, what difficulties they face. There is a large-scale exchange of experience, which is very important for further progress.

The main work also consists in the fact that children need to be prepared, to tell everything in a form that is accessible to them. This year, a republican seminar for teachers is also planned. For the third year in a row, our school hosts the republican competition "Zhuldyzai", which is held by the corporate fund "BI-Zhuldyzai". In November, we will have master classes. They will be conducted by Kazakhstani pop stars, choreographers: Doszhan Tabyldy, dancer of the Astana Opera State Opera, head of the AST CITY Ballet ballet studio Adyl Erkenbayev, director of the Zhuldyzai festival Galiya Baibosynova, and soloist of the National Military Patriotic Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan , teacher of the Kazakh National University of Arts, master in pop vocal Madina Askarova and sign language interpreters Khasan Israilov and Samal Nurymova.

- What are the future prospects for the students, what awaits them?

- All children can work in the future, for this we train them. Most of our children do not have the opportunity to enter higher educational institutions in Almaty. After graduating from the 9th grade, our pupils for the most part enter two colleges in our city - No. 7 and No. 8. In the future, they will be able to get a job as shoemakers, seamstresses, carpenters, painters, welders, florists and other specialists. At school, they learn these very practical skills that are within their power and that are always in demand.

Before submitting documents to colleges, preliminary work is carried out, the guys and I attend open days, we repeatedly go to different organizations where children can get acquainted with certain professions in order to have a clear idea of ​​​​everything. Our children are brought up only up to 18 years. Now we have a consolidated group where college students live, they go to classes in the morning and come back in the afternoon. There are senior students who are currently doing internships at enterprises and organizations in their specialty. When children reach the age of majority, we place orphans left without parental care in the Youth House, where they are provided with rooms. If there are children among the graduates who have fixed housing, they go home. Then they begin an independent life, for which we try to prepare them as much as possible during the school years.

– In addition to the equipment, what are the problems in the complex today?

– Of course, we cannot say that we do not have any problems, it would not be true. But on the other hand, there are always problems for everyone. We would like to improve the conditions for our special children. As far as possible, we attract sponsors, this is the main assistance that we receive from outside. The state also helps with funds, for example, this year we have carried out lighting of the territory, put up spotlights, installed cameras on the territory of the orphanage. Now our main problem is the need to asphalt the yard, there are now holes in some places, children can stumble, because some have impaired coordination of movements. We are trying to solve this problem on our own. In general, we can say that everything is fine with us, children and parents are happy.

- Who provides support to the complex?

- All the events that we hold are held with the participation of the stars of our Kazakhstani stage. Recently we were taken under our patronage by the Zhigitter group, our frequent guests Eskendir Khasangaliev, Medeu Arynbaev, A. Abishchev, Madina Saduakasova, Kairat Nurtas, Zholbarys Seifullin, the violinist Zhamilya Serkebaeva recently came, many other stars regularly drop in to see us, and the children meet them with pleasure. They speak to the children and, as far as possible, contribute to improving the life of our orphanage. They are always in touch with us, we are always glad to them and very grateful for everything.

We also work with many public funds. I would especially like to mention the Rich, Zhakiya, Dara, and Ayala funds. The Zhakiya Foundation regularly treats children, and recently it helped to install braces for children. "Rich" renders a great help in strengthening our material base.

Their volunteers often come to us, they bring here gynecologists who conduct delicate conversations with our girls, talk about women's personal hygiene and sexual education.

After the tour conducted by the director of the complex, we met with psychologist of IC "Zhanuya" Dmitry ZVYAGINTSEV. He showed us his possessions and told us a little about his work. All the children we met joyfully greeted Dmitry, some loudly and sonorously, and some in a very peculiar way, but it was clear that they understood each other very well.

– Please tell us about the specifics of working with children with mental disabilities.

– In our school, 30% of children cannot speak at all. They pronounce sounds, some syllables, which, not only to outsiders, are incomprehensible to parents. And we must not only understand what the child wants, but also must give him the tendency to a more perfect understanding of the world. In this case, we are already looking at what potential the children have, what their strengths and weaknesses are. For example, we have a child who does not speak, but can do things with his hands that are inaccessible to most other children. Through these his crafts, we talk to him. The main specificity of our work, its task is to understand these children, we help them in their adaptation.

Social orientation

We have such a subject as social orientation, it starts from the 5th grade. Children are taught to navigate in everyday life. For example, make the bed, wash, iron, clean the room, wash the dishes, cook food, make tea, navigate the city, they study traffic rules, etc. We have 4 rooms for social orientation, and they are all different. Everywhere there is a kitchen and a class, but the situation in these kitchens is different. For example, in one room there is a modern sensory stove, a two-chamber refrigerator, a new model of a vacuum cleaner. In another, the situation is more modest, the equipment is a little outdated, as in most ordinary apartments. All this is necessary so that children can navigate in any environment. So that it does not happen that the child could not turn on a regular stove, knowing how to use only the touch one, and vice versa. In such offices it seems that they are at home. Children love to be here, for them it is a very personal time and environment, so they do not like to be photographed here, they are very embarrassed.

Twice a year, PMPK comes to our classes to see the changes and dynamics in children. At the end of the school year, she comes for the third time, conducts examinations and decides on which program the child will study. Those children who study under the ZPR program can enter a regular higher education institution if they have an equalization of the current state. For them, it's a little hard, but it's possible. There are children who entered the Pedagogical Academy, the Sculpture Academy, the Conservatory. If children study under an auxiliary program, then they will no longer go higher than a vocational school (now these are colleges). We used to have a hairdressing lesson, and the girls and even many boys really liked it. But work with scissors is not given to everyone. If there are 2-3 people in the class who can work with scissors, then what about the rest? It was decided to remove the subject from the program.

- Do you have any classes for children?

- Children say that we play - we draw, sculpt, do motor exercises, sometimes we just walk, because it is important that children move, we build and destroy something. There were parents who resented this, they thought that children did not develop in any way and just rolled cars or something like that. But after they watched our “games”, everything became clear to them. For example, I have a sensory room where we play snowballs, throw soft balls.

Sometimes children have a need to vent their aggression. I'm not going to let them hit each other with pillows or anything. At one school, a class was held where the children staged a fight with soft plastic bottles. So then every break was accompanied by these fights, because of one lesson a wave started, everything got a little out of control, and the director had to ban it in writing. We have a special room for this. First, two towers are built from soft toys, and then the children throw soft balls at each other. At the same time, if someone hit someone, it is imperative to stop and ask if it hurts him, if it is possible to continue so that the child does not feel that the aggression is directed at him. Children should feel the interaction and joy of the whole process.

What are the chances of children being adopted?

- Yes, there are those who are adopted. There are those who restore family relationships, maybe even with distant relatives. But to be honest, the percentage is very small. Basically, children are adopted from a baby house, and ours are older, in addition, most people are afraid to take children with such diagnoses. But in addition to adoption, there is such a practice as patronage. It has more results. Many do not dare to adopt, because this is a very big responsibility, and if God forbid something happens, there will be many consequences. Under patronage, the conditions are the same as for adoption, except for three nuances. Every year, the social service arranges a check to see if the child's stay in the family is safe in order to extend or terminate the contract concluded with the parents. Parents receive additional subsidies from the state for the child. And besides, they have an official educational experience.

Sunday family

Before taking patronage, we recommend being a so-called "Sunday family". The family takes the child to their place for weekends, holidays, during vacation time. During this time, they can take a better look at each other, and they will have a chance to think things over better, because anything happens, they may not agree at all in characters, even if it initially seemed to a friend. When a child has organic lesions in the nervous system, it is sometimes difficult for him to understand himself. In addition, not all families are fully aware of what a child with disabilities is. Unfortunately, it also happens that some time later, the Sunday family refuses the child, because they understand that they will not cope. When this happens, it is very painful for all of us.

At one time, our children were often adopted by foreigners from the USA, Italy, France, Canada. Now this happens less often, I don’t know what it is connected with, probably the whole thing is in a crisis situation. Once there was an amazing event. A couple of Americans were sent to us, and when they went to the children, they were in shock and for some time could not even say anything: among the children there was a boy who looked incredibly like a man, as if they were really their own blood. Hair and skin color, facial features - he was his little exact copy. They adopted him without hesitation. A year later, the child already spoke English, the adaptation went very well.

This place is a refuge, a chance, a home for these children.

To be honest, on our way to the specialized complex, we had certain expectations, probably born of stereotypes about orphanages, but, fortunately, they were not justified. There is an atmosphere of calm and life everywhere. When we ran into a group of thirteen-year-old boys at the door, they held the door open for us, and we even had time to exchange a couple of jokes. This place is a refuge, a chance, a home for these children. “Our children” – director Lyazzat Askergalievna repeated literally in every sentence, not “pupils”, not “pupils”, not “students”, and this phrase contained the whole essence of this institution, all the deep attitude towards the children. People with a certain mindset and character, people with a wide heart, who work and live there, were truly able to justify the name given to the institution in 2006: “Zhanuya” is a family. Children are in a certain society, among the same as themselves, they are understood, they are taken care of, but most importantly, they are given a chance for a full life. Now they are not outcasts, and the main long-term goal of the complex is to teach them to use all their abilities, not to let them withdraw into their world, to give them a ticket to the future.

The word "rehabilitation" is rooted in Russian practice. But do we understand what is really at stake?

“Rehabilitation” in Russia is a very specific concept. To rehabilitate means to put on one's feet. But this is only a part of rehabilitation, physical, restoration at the level of a biological organism.

But a person is not exhausted by biology, a real, comprehensive rehabilitation, in addition to this component, has three more components - social, pedagogical and psychological. Ideally, rehabilitation should not take place once or twice a year, but be a continuous process.

At the very least, parents of disabled children cope with physical rehabilitation, although free state assistance is not enough for this. Parents of children with congenital motor disorders solve this problem in different ways - someone tries one technique after another, alternating different rehabilitation centers, someone goes to the same place year after year, and during breaks works with the child at home. Personal funds, as a rule, are not enough, they organize fees, turn to funds.

Unfortunately, movement disorders in children are often combined with mental, emotional and intellectual, all of which cause numerous behavioral problems. It is important not to miss the moment when they are easy to correct.

They don’t take them to children’s centers, and Margarita is waiting for PNI

There are children who have practically no difficulties with movement, but there are mental intellectual disabilities that give rise to many problems that parents tend to underestimate.

A few years ago, the author of this text had a chance to meet a family from the region who lived in an emergency building, the task was to reach out to the authorities and solve the housing issue. In the end, it was possible to solve it, but this only partially improved the situation.

The girl, let's call her Margarita, had serious mental disorders. She was born very weak, and in the first years after birth, her parents spent a lot of effort and money on her rehabilitation. One of the specialists told them: “She will go, but you will not be happy.”

And so it happened. By the time we met, Margot had grown up and turned the whole house upside down several times a day, the girl was not used to prohibitions. Her father threw up his hands: “What to do? I can’t rein her in, I’m a gentle person by nature, and words don’t work on her.

Classes at a local rehabilitation center helped Margarita a little, it turned out that she was quite capable of hearing and understanding when people addressed her, and during the rehabilitation she even learned to follow some elementary rules. But at home it all started again.

Then the girl grew up, they stopped taking her to children's rehabilitation centers, and from institutions for adults in this region there are only PNIs, where she will most likely end up someday - her parents are no longer young, and their health is getting worse.

Now Margo is physically strong and strong, but, unfortunately, completely uncontrollable. If there was an organization in her life where experienced teachers would constantly work with her, if there was someone who could convince her parents to change their approach to the child, perhaps everything would not be so sad.

I really want to save special children from such a fate, but so far there are very few centers where rehabilitation is carried out in a complex way.

Success is sure to come

Children with a variety of disorders go to the inclusive center “Walking Together Together” with a variety of disorders - with cerebral palsy, with various manifestations of autism, with Down syndrome. The main task is their adaptation, integration into social life and further socialization.

Our joint project with the Gulfstream Foundation involves 30 children who will study at the center for 9 months. Specialists evaluate the capabilities of a particular child and draw up an individual program for him, which can be adjusted in the process.

“Narrow” specialists also participate in the preparation of the program - a speech therapist, an orthopedist, a massage therapist. Classes with children - both individual and group.

A small group for many will be the first experience of socialization, because many of these children have never gone to kindergarten or school. After 12 lessons, after 60 lessons and at the end of the course, specialists will assess how far the child has progressed in his development and what he has learned. There will definitely be success.

But what if parents like the parents of Margot, whom we talked about above, brought their child to the center? Could you help them? Irina Skuratovskaya, head of the Walking Together Center, claims that this is possible. We will talk about different types of parents and how specialists can bring them to their side in the process of rehabilitation of a child in the next publication.

The Center "Together it's fun to walk" provides an opportunity to attend classes for thirty children with disabilities - mainly cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorders. Thirty families form a stable social group and support each other.

Families with disabled children need your support. Sign up for a recurring payment in favor of the Children of Angels project. Provide an opportunity for thirty children to undergo rehabilitation and social adaptation free of charge.

Even 100 rubles of monthly support will help the project develop, and children will learn how to communicate with the world.

Medvedovskaya T.A. 2007

T. A. Medvedovskaya



The work is presented by the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Supervisor - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor N. G. Manelis

The study was aimed at studying the relationship between the ability of children with autism and mental retardation to solve problems on the "mental model" (understand mental states) and their intellectual performance. Characteristics that are common to all children and contribute to the successful solution of such problems are revealed, and for adolescent children - specific ones that hinder this activity.

The study was designed to examine relationships between the "thcory of mind" (ToM) ability and cognitive characteristics among children with autism and mental retardation. General characteristics of all children, facilitating the successful solving of the ToM tasks, and some specific characteristics for the autistic group, preventing these activities, are revealed.

In the process of development, the child masters one of the fundamental abilities - to understand mental states (mental states). The term "mental states" (MS) denotes such concepts as "assume", "know", "believe", "hear", "see", "want", "understand", "realize" and the like. The ability to identify these states in oneself is associated with the development of self-consciousness. Understanding that other people also have thoughts, feelings, intentions, which, firstly, can be different for different people and, secondly, largely determine

catch their behavior, is a necessary condition for full-fledged communication and socialization.

In 1978, D. Premak and G. Woodruff introduced the concept of "thcory ofmind". The Russian equivalents of this term are "theory of consciousness" or "model of the mental".

"Model of the mental" is the ability to realize MS, to attribute them both to oneself and to others, to connect these states with each other and thus predict the behavior of another. Most authors agree that the prerequisites for the formation of a "model of the mental"

appear at the earliest stages of a child's development.

In some cases, the "model of the mental" may not be formed or formed insufficiently. So, it was found in children with autism. In understanding MS, they lagged behind both healthy children and children with mental retardation who had reached a mental age of at least 4 years. This regularity allowed a number of specialists to suggest that it is the absence of a “mental model” that underlies autistic 3


Despite a large number of studies on the ability to understand MS, there is still no consensus on the mechanisms responsible for its formation.

Speaking of autism, B. Narre is one of

reasons for the violation of the "mental model"

considered speech disorders. Experiments are known in which the “model of the mental” improved in the process of development

some aspects of speech activity.

There is a point of view that the deterioration in the understanding of MS is a consequence of the abnormal way of processing information found in autistic children, when the universal property of self-

to make disparate fragments into a single picture based on context.

At the same time, most authors speak of specific innate cognitive mechanisms (for example, an innate imitation system or anticipatory schemes), the violation of which leads to a deficiency of the “mental model” in autism.

The objectives of the study:

1. Study of the ability of healthy children and children with developmental disorders (autism and mental retardation) to understand MS.

2. Identification of factors related to the ability to understand MS.

Characteristics of the subjects. The study involved subjects of three diagnostic groups: typically developing children (N), children with mental retardation (MPD) and children with autism spectrum disorders (A), a total of 190 children aged 5.6 to I.8 years. The general intellectual development of all subjects corresponded to the standard indicator (1p > 85). Children were divided into two age groups (younger - up to 8.0 years old, older - from 8.1 years old). Data on the number of children in age groups and on the average age of the subjects are presented in Table 1.

Understanding the principle “seeing leads to knowledge” (“I will know only if I see”, “He knows because he saw”) (2 tasks);

The ability to distinguish between physical and mental experience. The child must be aware of the fact of the existence of real experience (the object is present in reality

Table 1

Distribution of children in three dnapping groups by age

Asc. group N ZPR A

n Average Std. off n Average Std. off n Average Std. off

1 40 7,1 0,5 19 7.1 0,4 35 7,1 0,4

2 44 9,6 0,5 27 9,6 0,4 25 9,6 0,4

total 84 8.3 1.5 46 8.5 1.4 60 8.2 1.4

The following methods were used during the study:

1. Wexler's test, children's version.

2. Sixteen tasks aimed at studying the understanding of MS. The tasks were grouped into blocks according to the tested ability:

and you can perform actions with it) and mental experience (the object is presented only in thoughts, in the imagination, it cannot be touched) and must understand the difference between them (4 tasks);

Understanding the desires of another in the direction of the gaze. The child must be able to trace the direction of the gaze of another and understand that the object that he is looking at is the object of his desire (1 task);

Understanding true beliefs. The child must understand that the subject performs actions based on his knowledge (1 task);

Understanding False Beliefs 1st Tier. The child must distinguish his own knowledge from the knowledge of another person and understand that the other may have an erroneous opinion about the situation (“I understand that he will make a mistake, because he does not know what I know”) (6 tasks);

Understanding 2nd Tier False Beliefs. The child needs to take into account the points of view of two other people and understand that one of them may have an erroneous idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe views of the other ("Character A will make a mistake, because he does not know what character B knows") (2 tasks).

Each answer was evaluated as correct or incorrect (1 or 0), the score for the block of tasks was calculated as the arithmetic mean.

The results of statistical analysis were recognized as reliable (significant)< 0,05.

The results obtained and their discussion. Children with typical development coped well with almost all tasks (the average scores of each age group in each block of tests, except for one, were higher than 0.75). The exception was a block of tests for understanding false beliefs of the 2nd order. The ability to perform these tests improved with age (cp* = 3.22, p< 0,001), но ив старшей группе средняя оценка не достигла 0,75.

Children with mental retardation completed most of the tasks without lagging behind their healthy peers (Table 2). In tests for understanding the desires of another in the direction of gaze, however, their results were worse in the younger group than in typically developing ones. The tasks for understanding true beliefs and false beliefs of the 2nd order also turned out to be difficult. In the first case, lagging behind children with typical development manifested itself in both the younger and older children, and in the second case, only in the older group.

Positive age dynamics in children with mental retardation was revealed when performing tests for understanding the desires of another in the direction of gaze (av* = 2.19, p< 0,05), понимание истинных убеждений (ф* = 2,06, р < 0,05) и понимание ложных убеждений 2-го порядка (ф* = 1,88, р < 0,05).

Autistic children coped with most tests worse than children from other diagnostic groups (Table 2). When performing two blocks of tasks (“vision leads to knowledge” and “false beliefs of the 1st order”), the backlog was found already in the younger group. In one case, the lag manifested itself only at an older age (during the task “false beliefs of the 2nd order”). In two more blocks of tests (“desire in the direction of gaze” and “true beliefs”), the younger ones lagged behind only healthy children (whereas the older ones lagged behind both healthy and children with mental retardation). And only with tests to distinguish between physical and mental experience, both younger and older children with autism coped no worse than other peers.

Autistic children did not show age-related improvements in the understanding of MS.

When analyzing the understanding of MS, an integrative indicator of the level of formation of the “mental model” was introduced - IMP, which is the average of the results of all tasks. In all diagnostic groups, significant correlations were found between UTI and Wechsler test parameters (Table 3).

In all three groups, positive correlations were found between UTI and total

table 2

Reliability of differences according to the Fisher criterion between diagnostic groups (taking into account age) in the results of "gestures for understanding MS"

Blocks of tests for age Neither ZPR Ni A A and ZPR

groups F PS F R "f

Vision leads 1 0.00 4.29 0.001 3.49 0.001

to knowledge 2 0.00 - 2.58 0.01 2.32 0.01

physical and mental experience 1 0.73 1.60 0.59

2 0.57 1.19 0.57 t

The desire of a person 1 2.30 0.01 2.73 0.-1 0.01 ,

in the direction of gaze 2 0.25 1.64 0.05 1.70 0-5

True beliefs 1 4.60 0.001 4.70 0.001 0.65

2 1,87 0,05 3,97 0,001 1,93 0,05

False beliefs 1 1.53 4.26 0.001 1.98 0.05

1st order 2 1.19 - 3.40 0.001 2.01 0.05

False beliefs 1 0.99 1.57 0.32

2nd order 2 1.73 0-5 3.51 0.-01 1.64 0-5

verbal intelligence indicator (VIP), which indicates the relationship between the level of speech development and the ability to understand MS. A similar relationship has also been noted in other studies.

In all diagnostic groups, positive correlations were also found for IMT with the verbal subtest "similarity" and with the nonverbal subtest "successive pictures". The "similarity" subtest evaluates the ability to identify essential features and compare objects or phenomena with each other. The Sequential Pictures subtest measures the ability to sequence events, anticipate them, and bring the individual parts of the plot together. In both subtests, the named objects (or presented elements of the plot) must be perceived in a holistic semantic and contextual relationship.

In the autistic degay group, in addition, there was a negative correlation between the IMP and the Kohs Cubes subtest.

Thus, the general factors associated with the ability to understand MS have been established.

According to U. Frith, good performance on the Kohs blocks subtest is positively correlated in autistic degenerates with a high level of field independence in Witkin's plugged-in figures test. Field independence is associated with the ability to quickly isolate the figure from the background, which is ensured by the orientation of perception to the detail, and not to the object as a whole. Autistic children performed better on the Witkin test than healthy children and children with mental retardation. Attention is drawn to the common feature of the test "included figures" and the subtest "Koos cubes" - in both of them there are no


Correlations between UTI and Wechsler test scores (partial correlations with fixation of the variable "age").

Subtests of the Wechsler test N ZPR A

g R "g R * G

Similarity 0.29 0.01 0.47 0.001 0.38 0.01

Sequential pictures 0.35 0.001 0.39 0.01 0.26 0.05

Koos cubes 0.22 0.05 0.10 0.53 -0.34 0.01

VIP 0.23 0.05 0.66 0.001 0.51 0.001

it is necessary to distinguish individual fragments in a complex geometric pattern.

The same researcher also found that dividing the sample pattern in the Kohs blocks subtest into segments that match the outlines of individual blocks leads to significantly better performance of the task by non-autistic children and does not affect the results of autistic children. The author concludes that non-autistic children in both variants of sample presentation perceive it as a whole and “as is”, while autistic children initially highlight fragments (and do not need auxiliary lines). This indicates that children with autism have a specific perceptual strategy. This conclusion is confirmed (in the same work) by experiments in which it was shown that autistic children assemble "puzzles" differently than healthy ones, namely: they are guided by the shape of the edge of the pieces and ignore the whole picture. This method of activity greatly facilitates their assembly. Healthy children, on the other hand, assembled the “puzzle”, based on a complete image.

Similar results were also obtained

in the studies of N. G. Manelis. When copying the Ray-Taylor figure, autistic children more often than typically developing children used a strategy designated as fragmentary-chaotic, when some detail that does not have signs of “good shape” is highlighted. Healthy children and children with mental retardation, in contrast, used predominantly holistic or fragmented strategies, which are united by the following property: in both cases, some typical gestalts (square, rectangle) are first distinguished, which are then supplemented with details, i.e. i.e., a universal generalized algorithm adapts to a specific problem.

So, using various experimental material, it was shown that autistic children are characterized by a specific strategy of perception, in which a fragment is distinguished first of all (while children with typical development or with mental retardation

first of all perceive the object as a whole). This strategy has also been found to give autistic children an advantage in performing, in particular, the Kohs blocks subtest.

The negative correlation found in the present study between the Kohs Cubes subtest and IMT may thus indicate the following: the more pronounced the specific fragment-tpo-oriented strategy, the worse children with autism understand MS. Together with the positive correlations of UTIs with the subtests "similarity" and "consecutive pictures", this suggests that the ability to assess the situation or phenomenon as a whole is necessary for understanding the MS, while focusing on the fragment makes it extremely difficult.

As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Understanding MS is largely related to the level of development of verbal functions, regardless of the presence and type of dysontogenesis. For all groups of children, the factors contributing to the successful completion of these tasks were the ability to bring parts together into a single coherent whole and to highlight significant features.

2. Healthy children successfully cope with almost all tasks for understanding MS. Children with mental retardation in most cases do not lag behind them, and in the rest they show a positive age-related dynamics.

3. Tests for the understanding of false beliefs of the 2nd order cause the greatest difficulties for all subjects. The results of groups of young children do not differ, while in older children autistic children lag behind children with mental retardation, who, in turn, lag behind healthy children. Age dynamics during the performance of this test was revealed only in children with typical development and with mental retardation.

4. The greatest difficulties in understanding various aspects of the mental world are experienced by children with autistic disorders.

Czech spectrum. Their ability to understand MS does not have, in addition, positive age dynamics. These difficulties in these children, apparently, are largely

to a certain degree are due to a specific cognitive strategy, in which the fragment, rather than the situation as a whole, acquires the greatest importance.


1 Premack D., Woodruff G. Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind? // Behavioral and Brain

Sciences. 1978 Vol. 1. N 4.

MeltzoffA. N. Elements of a developmental theory of imitation // Meltzoff A.N., Prinz W. (Eds.) The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution, and Brain Bases. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002; Wellman II. Early understanding of mind: normal case // Baron-Cohen S., Tager-Flusberg H., Cohen D. (Eds.) Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives from autism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Baron-Cohen S. Mindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999; Perner J. Understanding the Representational Mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.

Happe F. Autism: and introduction to psychological theory. London: UCL Press Limited, 1994.

Lohman Y., Tomasello M. The role of language in the development of false belief understanding: a training study // Child development. 2003 Vol. 74. No. 4; Tager-Flusberg H. Language and Understanding Minds: Connections in Autism // Baron-Cohen S., Tager-Flusberg H., Cohen D. (Eds.) Understanding Other Minds: Perspectives From Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Frith U. Autism: explaining the enigma. Oxford: Blackwell Publ., 1989.

Manelis N. G. Comparative neuropsychological analysis of the formation of higher mental functions in healthy children and in children with autistic features: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... cand. psychol. Sciences. M., 1999; Manelis N. G. Formation of higher mental functions in children with a delayed variant of deviant development. Neuropsychological analysis // School of health. 2001. No. 1.



Smolyaninova E.P. teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU secondary school №30

Inclusive education has become a leading strategy in the education of children with Special Health Opportunities. (1slide)

(2slide) Regulatory documents are being developed, scientific and methodological support is being created, the requirements for professional and personal training of specialists are being determined, and meanwhile, children with disabilities are already sitting in our classes. Both the choice of methods and forms of teaching these children, and the choice of ways to overcome difficulties in terms of teaching the subject, and the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities of students with special educational needs is carried out by the teacher independently.

I’ll make a reservation right away that one should separate limited physical and limited mental capabilities, since the former require additional organizational efforts, while the latter require literally additional qualifications.

One has to partially study oligophrenopedagogy, reference books on psychiatry, in order to understand at least in general terms what makes a child special.

(3slide) Conducted scientific and practical seminars are of great help. February 5, 2013 - with the participation of an international expert in inclusive education Ekaterina Romanova "Organizational and managerial foundations of inclusive education in the general education space" (ARROI "Iskra Nadezhdy" with the support of the Department of Education of the Levoberezhny District)

Experience in organizing the educational process with "special" children was presented:

The choice of an educational and methodological complex, techniques that increase motivation, the principle of working in small groups,

Organization of space in an inclusive classroom

Development of an individual educational program, diagnostics,

Unfortunately, it turned out to be impossible so far to fully take the experience presented by the expert Romanova, this is not provided for by the material and technical base of the educational institution (there is no rate of a tutor, accompanying teacher, defectologist, speech therapist, different class size). But, undoubtedly, this experience helped to achieve some certainty.

(5slide) A child with disabilities goes along the Individual Educational Route. Expert Romanova defines it as a way of individual development of the curriculum based on the overall curriculum and the corresponding relationship between different educational areas and other types of work.

In correctional pedagogy (2005, No. 1, pp. 62-66 Knyazeva TN), IOM is defined as an indispensable condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction.

Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Mark Bashmakov gives the following definition of the Individual Educational Route: "A student's action program at a certain stage of learning." (Program of actions and WAYS of action)

The development of methods for the individual development of the curriculum begins with the identification of difficulties, that is, the range of problems that make the student special.

If we are talking about children with mental disabilities, then there is (6slide)

Little cognitive activity

Lack of self-control, independence,

Inadequate self-esteem

Practical absence of long-term memory, selectivity of memory, lack of logical and abstract thinking,

Undeveloped speech, often with defects,

Misunderstanding of the meaning of what is read with a tolerable reading technique,

Inability to manage emotional and volitional reactions.

With so many NOTs, learning is difficult. To choose a methodology, let's try to identify the possibilities: (7slide)

Ability to work under supervision

Ability to work as a model

Ability to use cheat sheets

Desire to participate in a common cause, activity.

(8slide) The education and development of children takes place on the basis of their capabilities, and not taking into account their inability. Therefore, we define the following rules for teaching children with mental disabilities: (9 slide)

The maximum reduction in the amount of tasks,

Tasks in "one step", with only one verb (write out, underline, insert, define ...),

Indispensable visibility, since students with disabilities are dominated by concrete thinking,

A clear plan of action.

All these conditions are met (10slide) by T.Ya. Frolova "Overcoming psychological interference in the formation of literate writing skills." This technique, patented by the International Center for Pedagogical Inventions, makes it possible to simplify the process of learning spelling by 6 times. For each academic year, seven spelling topics are allocated, and only 12 instead of 72. This creates a situation of success. For children with disabilities, it is important that the generalized rules are secured by a system of mnemonic techniques (11 slides), which ideally provide long-term memorization, and in our case, at least recognition in subsequent classes. The technique allows you to transfer the load from logical memory to visual, auditory and motor.

The volume of tasks using this technique is reduced by optimizing the process, it becomes possible (12 slide) to omit the study of many grammatical categories without compromising the final result, to prevent overwork with the enormous laboriousness of the lesson.

The algorithmization of the rules used within the framework of this technique (slide 13), which implies visibility and clear instructions, also works to solve a big problem - mastering the program.

The necessary clarity is provided by the ILO (individual learning sheet) (14.15 slide) - a kind of short outline of each lesson in learning a new one, a step-by-step illustration. ILO contains a number of sequentially built tasks-questions on the topic and open fields for recording answers during the study. ILO remains a clear evidence of mastering the topic and serves as a kind of assistive technology, as it helps with homework, and sometimes serves as the only opportunity for children with disabilities to restore the flow of reasoning at work.

Due to the peculiarities of perception, texts in ILO are typed in large print, headings or key points are highlighted with a colored background. This helps to partly overcome increased distractibility, the inability to focus on the subject.

The undoubted advantage of using TSO and ICT in working with special children. They allow you to differentiate tasks, increase activity, focus on certain information, provide the necessary visibility, and are one of the ways to alternate activities and regulate the intensity of the load.

In some cases, TCO and ICT become the only possible means of presenting the material. For example, audiobooks. Children with disabilities read slowly, mostly mechanically, monotonously, without observing punctuation marks, often not understanding the meaning of what they read, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the voluminous texts of the school curriculum using the example of artistic reading using phono-chrestomathy. And work directly with the text becomes fragmentary, selective, and therefore much smaller in volume. Watching films, followed by discussion and partial reference to the original text, is also of particular importance.

Significantly reduce the amount of material for study allow tasks of a test nature. In this case, the student only has to insert one letter at a time or put a punctuation mark in monosyllabic words and sentences, respectively. Often, such work has to be preceded by repeated additional explanation-reminder, preparation of a reasoning model. The independent work of the student is certainly supported by a visual algorithm of work.

These techniques are developed on the basis of personal experience and the experience of colleagues in working with children with disabilities. Of course, these are far from all possible methods that allow inclusive education to conquer new platforms. Of course, it is far from always possible to use even the little that is in the arsenal, since we work in classes with ordinary children, where there is insufficient motivation, homework failure, and disciplinary violations. Of course, the time "for special children" is given unforgivably little in the classroom. But we are not magicians ... we are only learning.


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Slides captions:

Teaching children with mental disabilities (from work experience). Inclusion is a belief system based not on the idea of ​​charity, but on the observance of human rights, which are guaranteed by the constitution. (Smolyaninova Ella Petrovna MBOU secondary school No. 30, VORONEZH)

Barriers to inclusive education Lack of flexible educational standards Non-compliance of curricula and content of mass school education with the special educational needs of the child. Lack of special training for teachers, ignorance of the basics of correctional pedagogy and special psychology

February 5, 2013 MBOU secondary school No. 30 "Organizational and managerial foundations of inclusive education in the all-Russian space"

Questions of the seminar selection of an educational and methodological complex organization of space in an inclusive classroom development of an individual educational program, diagnostics recommendations for the adaptation of children with disabilities in educational institutions

Individual educational route A method of individual development of the curriculum based on the general curriculum and the corresponding relationship between different educational areas and other types of work. (E. Romanova) The condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction. (T.N. Knyazeva) The program of the student's actions at a certain stage of education. (M. Bashmakov)

Features of the development of children with disabilities low cognitive activity, lack of self-control, independence, inadequate self-esteem, practical absence of long-term memory, lack of logical and abstract thinking, undeveloped speech, often with defects, misunderstanding of the meaning of what was read with a tolerable reading technique, inability to control emotional-volitional reactions.

Opportunities for children with disabilities the ability to work under guidance, the ability to work according to the model, the ability to use cheat sheets, the desire to participate in a common cause, activity.

The education and development of children takes place on the basis of their capabilities, and not taking into account their inability.

The basic principles of teaching children with disabilities - the most reduced amount of tasks, - tasks in "one step", with only one verb (write out, underline, insert, define ...), - indispensable visibility, since students with disabilities are dominated by concrete thinking, - a clear plan of action.

T.Ya.Frolova "Overcoming psychological interference in the formation of literate writing skills"

Soft sign after hissing and c

Grammatical categories that are excluded when studying the rule: the gender of the noun number of the noun with the declension of the noun the person of the verb the number of the verb the indefinite form of the verb and the indicative mood of the verb

Soft sign after sizzling and q Is there a sizzling (Ж Ш Ш Ш + Ц) at the end? Soft sign after hissing. Answers the question "what (c) to do"? Answers the question "Where? when? where? where? why? why? And How?" Answers the question "what"? Can I substitute the words "a lot", "my"? This is the verb b This is the adverb b This is a multiple. adj. b This is a noun. M.p., pl. b. This is the noun f.r. b

Secondary members of the sentence. Addition. Members of the proposal Main Secondary? ? Addition. Definition. Circumstance. Addition - a minor member of the sentence, refers to the predicate, answers the questions of indirect cases. Misha invited Natasha. () I will tell a friend. () Tanya is watching a cartoon. () The wind plays with foliage. () The book tells about the heroes. () Grammatical basis ------------- ========== R (who? what?) D (who? what?) V (who? what?) T ( whom? what?) P (about whom? about what?) Sergey congratulated _________ You will write _____________ Mom knits _______________ Father is interested in __________ The magazine writes about _________

A dash between the subject and the predicate Existing-existing Voronezh is our hometown. The parrot is a funny bird. Internet - _______________ Bicycle - ______________ Number-number Twice two is four. Three times three- ______________ _____________________________ Subject = who? what? Predicate = what does he do? = what is it? = what? Noun (who? What?) Numeral (How much? What?)

In order to answer the question: what are and by what signs are mental disorders or disorders determined, it is necessary, first of all, to deal with the very concept contained in the word - mental. What we will do in our article.

Mentality, mental disorder: what, where and where

At the beginning of this century, with the light hand of the European Court, the definition of "mentally ill" was found to be baseless and prohibited in official circulation. But any nature, even words, does not tolerate emptiness, and in the everyday life of psychiatry and psychology, a new popular terminology has been fixed - “mental disorders”, “mental disability”. Without clarifying anything, phraseological units accepted for general use have made even more confusion in the essence of the problem. Neuroses, psychoses and manic syndromes were piled into a common heap. The steep batch was thickly flavored with classifying features, in a language understandable only to the initiated. Soul and pain stepped aside and were left face to face with each other.

Psychiatry, psychology, various philosophical schools and religions give mental disorders such an ambiguous interpretation that the desire to bring all opinions to a common denominator threatens to turn into a disorder of the mind, psyche and physical health. But it's worth trying.

If we generalize at least part of the information received, filtering out specific terminology, and go beyond the orthodox understanding, by each specific group (association), then we can present a certain model of the mentality of the individual.

Individuality is not a disease or a crime

A person adapted in a certain society accepts the conditions of existence, the norms of behavior and the way of thinking proclaimed in this society. Any violations will be regarded, at best, as inadequacy, at worst, like a crime. Sometimes, when the mental box of the community is violated, both assessments are combined.

Christ reclined at a meal with the publicans, did not condemn the harlot, did not deny his Divine essence (to the provocative question: is He really the Son of God, Jesus answered: “You say”), allowed Himself to be called the King of the Jews. As a result - an accusation in connection with the devil, blasphemy, imposture, and the cries of the crowd: "Crucify him!".

Dissidents in the country of the Soviets were sent for indefinite treatment to psychiatric hospitals. And what? Only a person with a mental disorder could be dissatisfied with the conditions and way of life in a state moving towards a communist future.

Hence the conclusion - personal mental perception of the surrounding reality, other than the imposed or given patterns, is not the result of a clouding of reason. And if a person is not like many around, then this means that he is different, and nothing more. "Other", humanity owes spiritual and technical progress.

The society likes to give labels to everyone who differs from the average standard "homo sapiens", often without understanding the reasons for the anomalies. It is scary and painful when it comes to children. Autism! The doctor's diagnosis sounds like a sentence dooming the parents and the child. Then follow vague explanations about the possible causes of mental disorders, which do not explain anything and do not indicate a possible way out.

What is autism- disorder and backwardness of the mind or a sign of "otherness"? Studies have shown that children with this diagnosis often have remarkable abilities and even talents. Only this is not interesting to them, as communication with people is not interesting. They perceive the world around them through some special internal prism. And, perhaps, the refraction in this prism of any scenario reveals both the present and the future so clearly before them that questions and aspirations simply cannot arise. How can one not remember that in a lot of wisdom, a lot of sadness.

Maybe these children came to our world in order to solve an unresolved problem about the meaning of being. And everything you need for this is in them. And maybe others should not torment them, trying to bring them to a “normal” state, but just create normal conditions for them.

If you label everyone who prefers solitude as autistic, then all introverts fall into this category, and there are quite a few of them. Self-sufficiency, more often an indicator of composure than disorder. An introvert is more viable. He can spend time in public, albeit experiencing slight discomfort. Extrovert, loneliness will kill.

Modern society is one of the causes of mental disorders

The life and events of modern society clamp people into pincers of stress and anxiety. Daily problems are exacerbated by the wave of information that engulfs the audience, escaping from the TV screens. Numerous channels compete to deliver sensational heartbreaking material. The degree is pumped up by hysterical debates and ambiguous show programs. Much of all this is not amenable to any semantic and logical analysis, which, of course, leads to a violation of mental perception, accompanied by neuroses or a state of quiet panic.

A person begins to constantly experience indefinite anxiety. The reaction to everyday situations changes, often becomes inadequate. Nervous breakdowns are becoming more frequent, accompanied by unreasonable bursts of aggression and a subsequent depressive state. A person reproaches himself, experiences pangs of conscience, but is not able to cope with this problem. And, if, he is not helped in time, the mental disorder will rapidly progress, acquiring the form of all kinds of phobias and psychopathies.

Modern medicine has a large arsenal of drugs that reduce the severity of perception and response. Their main disadvantage is the short-term effect. Attention, support and unobtrusive care of loved ones is what will help a person gain confidence in himself and tomorrow.

Postulates of faith one of the factors in the prevention of mental disorders

Believers were and remain the most resistant to stress.

  1. In everything that happens, they see the will of God.
  2. They accept everything with gratitude. And problems for them are nothing more than a test.
  3. When making difficult decisions, believers pass the situation through the heart, where the “hidden man of the heart” is found, and they will never sacrifice peace of mind for the sake of momentary blessings.

Believers (it is possible to include followers of some occult, esoteric and philosophical movements among them) looking forward. Real life, for them, is nothing more than a point on a straight line, which has a milestone value, but does not have physically significant characteristics. Those who are weakening will be helped by pastoral support - confession and instruction.

Christianity, as a religion and as a philosophy, offers and gives a person what he most needs - forgiveness. The call to forgive up to “seventy times seven” eliminates the indignation and anger of one side and gives hope to the other, that is, it simultaneously corrects mental perception and prevents its disorder.

Personality transformation

A person's constant awareness of his guilt, will inevitably lead to mental impairment. Unforgiven guilt can burn out the soul and turn a person into a creature with a "burnt conscience." This is no longer just a mental disorder, but a violation of the very human essence. Lack of conscience breeds a sense of permissiveness. Moreover, aggressive permissiveness. From a potential center of salvation, "save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved," a person turns into an epicenter of danger to others.

  1. Outwardly, it remains the same.
  2. Open behavior in society is quite correct.
  3. The physical mind does not lose its sharpness and even becomes more inventive.
  4. Certain tendencies can transform into compulsive cravings.

Such a creature, in human form, is always a danger to others. In this case, mental disturbance is expressed in the removal of all internal restrictions. His soul does not hurt. The mind demonstrates communicative activity. The only deterrent is the fear of the law and subsequent punishment.

It is obvious that this person is not mentally ill (he has no soul or she is in a very flawed state) and not crazy. Moreover, most maniacs sum up the "logical" justification for their actions. There is a violation, and even a complete disorder, of mental perception.

The cause taken here as a starting point is one of many, but the result is always the same.

Modern scientific view on the problem of mental personality disorder and more

Psychiatry wanders in the dark in search of causes, means and methods for eliminating all kinds of mental disorders. And this is not from a lack of knowledge or practice. But, as part of modern medicine, psychiatry must rely on evidence-based facts. For example, in some cases, a comparative analysis of images of the brain of a person with a mental disorder and a healthy individual shows the presence of changes in the first case. But the question always remains what preceded: physical metamorphoses or mental disorders.

In esotericism and occultism, the order of cause and effect, in the analysis of mental disorders, is built much simpler and more thoroughly. The presence of subtle bodies in a person, and the close coexistence of our material world with invisible entities, for the most part aggressive and hostile to a person, these are the foundations that will help determine, find and eliminate the cause of mental perception disorders.

Christ healed the paralyzed and cast out demons from the possessed, but He also warned that the dwelling must be kept clean, otherwise one, exiled, will bring seven, even more cruel and evil. This means that you should look for the positive in all life phenomena; filled with goodness and light, leaving no room in the soul for excessive fuss and panic experiences.

Among the many tips on how to avoid astral attacks, there is one, at first glance, very simple, but practically difficult to implement: do not wish harm to anyone!

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