Indian head massage technique and other types of non-traditional massages. Non-traditional massage methods

The art of fighting disease dates back thousands and thousands of centuries. Modern medicine is a community of high-tech methods and methods of treatment that have come to us through the centuries. A typical example of methods that have stood the test of centuries are reflexology and homeopathy. Appear quite often most effective methods treatment various diseases, which have come down to us in a revised state adapted to the modern world. For example, various massage techniques (palsing, acupressure, ayurvedic massage, watsu massage and many others).

Non-traditional massage combines energy and manual effects, national traditions and ancient rituals, unique techniques that differ from classical technique. The effectiveness of the procedures is based on a holistic (holistic) approach, the perception of the body as a whole. This is one of the means of healing the body, restoring vitality And psycho-emotional state, achieving harmony of body and spirit. Some types of massages are performed using unique devices: singing bowls, bamboo sticks, hot and cold stones.

Below we focus on two the most effective types non-traditional massage: palsing (from the English word "pulsyng" - pulsation) - pulsating massage - and manual practice of reike - a Japanese method of transferring stimulation vital energy patient through the hands of a massage therapist and a number of special methods psychological impact. These techniques are successfully performed by an excellent healer, trained at the St. Petersburg Academy, Karpov Vitaly Aleksandrovich, a professional psychologist and psychoanalyst. HE IS NOT LIKE THE OTHERS. Combining traditional (body-oriented psychotherapy) and non-traditional (powerful energy system) medicine, conducts treatment sessions, getting a high cure result a wide range diseases.

What is palsing?

Pulsating holistic massage is a highly effective method of dealing with physical fatigue and stress. Thanks to a soft, non-manipulative technique, palsing massage has practically no contraindications.

Palsing is based on vibrations that pass through the entire human body, the frequency of which during the session is approximately equal to the heart rate. The patient experiences gentle swaying and vibrations that travel in waves through his entire body. These waves activate the activity of various systems: blood circulation, lymphatic and hormonal, and also remove energy blocks from various parts of the body, just as the flow of water removes all obstacles that are in its path.

This type of massage is effective for the consequences of injuries, strokes, headaches and joint pains, problems with the spine. Massage is shown as physical ailments as well as psycho-emotional problems. Not excluding pharmacological methods of treatment, palsing helps with bronchial asthma, problems with the thyroid gland and the gastrointestinal tract.

Palsing has no contraindications - it can be successfully used both in case of serious illnesses, and in order to simply relax and unwind.

Another amazing, highly healing technique is the Reike practice. Reike, translated from Japanese, is a universal life energy, multiplied by the patient himself, which is transmitted through the healer with the help of hands. A Reike session cannot bring any harm, and it is impossible for a healer to make a mistake, since the treatment does not use its energy, but the universal life energy. The technique treats not only local manifestations common problems through energy impact, an altered state of consciousness, removal of blocks, correction of psychotraumas of the past, the cause of the disease is treated, a deep restructuring and healing of the whole organism takes place, the aging process slows down.

Main indications: sleep disturbance, depression, obsessions mental imbalance, sharp pains various origins, acute inflammatory diseases, functional disorders nervous system, digestive organs, respiratory organs, gynecological pathology etc.

Massage is one of the ancient healing methods. In addition to the classical, there are also non-traditional methods. They combine not only physical healing, but also spiritual. The approach of non-traditional massage methods is based on the harmonization of the body and spirit, the restoration of vital energy flows.

Types of non-classical massage

Amma- Chinese massage technique developed by blind doctors for whom it was the only way to earn money. With this technique, the client does not need to lie down, he can sit or stand in clothes. Such a massage is based on the stimulation of points located on the energy flows of the body. Pressing, rubbing and stroking with fingers or palms of the hands are used. The main objectives of this methodology are:

  • General health improvement
  • Energy recovery
  • Improving the emotional state
  • Getting rid of depression

Shiatsu- Japanese massage technique using the fingers and palms of the hands. hallmark This technique is a combination of diagnosis and therapy. Shiatsu can be performed by anyone. Having studied this method, you can massage yourself. The process uses the same points that activate internal energy flows. These points are associated with functional organs and systems. Impact on them will lead to healing effects:

  • Elimination of fatigue, pain in the lower back, neck and headache
  • Disease prevention
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, sciatica
  • Smoothing wrinkles on the face and neck
  • Endurance development
  • Mental calm
  • Stress resistance
  • Improving intimate life

Swedish massage - the main action is aimed at improving blood circulation, calming the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, relaxation muscular system, working with seals, stretching muscle tissue and neurovascular bundles. Swedish massage is indicated for:

  • recovery from injuries
  • recovery after operations
  • treatment of a person’s mental state, calming the nervous system after stress, normalizing sleep
  • joint pain

Stone massage- an ancient technique of massage with stones of different textures, heated to certain temperature. The heat of the stones penetrates the skin and improves blood circulation. For this massage basalt stones are used. The advantages of this procedure:

  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Removal of pain
  • Elimination of headache, fatigue
  • Improving the functioning of the nervous system
  • Resilience to stress and depression

Cryo massage- a type of massage that is gaining great popularity. It is part of the cryotherapy procedure. Ice is used from a decoction of herbs, wrapped in bags. These bags are applied to problem areas and moved in a circular motion. Massage result:

  • Fight against cellulite
  • Increased skin elasticity
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Relieve pain and swelling
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes

Massage with bamboo sticks is a type of Creole massage. The masseur rolls bamboo sticks over problem areas. Sticks of different sizes are used for each zone. The process takes place under ethnic music. Medicinal properties:

  • Removal of fatigue
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs
  • Skin toning
  • Elimination of cellulite.

lomi lomi- an ancient Hawaiian type of massage, which was until recently the secret of selected healers. Executed using essential oils accompanied by Hawaiian dances and songs. The masseur works on the entire body of the patient, processes the subcutaneous fat, kneads the muscles and joints.
What helps:

  • Relief from stress
  • Normalization of pressure
  • Improving digestion
  • Improvement of blood circulation
  • Muscle relaxation

Sound massage– massage is carried out with the help of Tibetan bowls. Three bowls with different sound tones are used. The massage therapist puts bowls on the body and with the help of sticks causes the bowls to vibrate. Benefits of this massage:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Relief from stress
  • Getting rid of a headache

Catapateo– deep back massage with the help of the feet.

  • Relief of muscle tension
  • Provides lightness and flexibility
  • Relieve insomnia and migraines

There are several dozen non-classical types of massage. But, no matter what method you choose, massage is great way get away from all city worries, improve your health and relax well.

Types of massage: non-traditional techniques.

Massage with herbal bags.

The birthplace of this massage is India and Thailand. This massage is carried out with warm bags of herbs. You need to take various herbs, for example, geranium, ginger or others of your choice, you can also add rice or sesame seeds, steam with boiling water or vegetable oil. As a result of this massage, the skin is saturated useful substances, becomes elastic, muscles are restored, metabolism improves, blood pressure normalizes.

Anti-aging stone massage.

It has always been believed that precious stones have the ability to correctly distribute the movement of energy in the body, and this contributes to its rejuvenation and self-healing. Anti-aging stone massage is carried out with various precious stones (sapphires, rubies and others).

Massage with sea shells.

This type of massage was brought from the Polynesian Islands. For this, empty flat shells are used. different sizes and molds that are slightly heated in sea ​​water with algae. That is why the skin is saturated with a large number of macro- and microelements, more collagen is produced, which increases skin elasticity. In addition, such a massage relieves stress well, has a relaxing and healing effect.

Massage with bamboo sticks.

This massage is often called Creole, as it was brought to us from the shores of the Indian Ocean. It takes place, as a rule, to the music using bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters. Musical accompaniment allows the specialist to change the rhythm of movements and manipulations. Mostly this massage is indicated for those who work hard and get very tired. Bamboo massage improves the functioning of internal organs, helps to get rid of fat accumulations, cope with cellulite. In addition, as a result of such a massage, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness.

Alpine ice massage.

Ice renders more strong impact than just cold water. Due to the fact that under the influence of cold blood vessels narrow for a short time, and then expand, there is an increased blood flow, which improves metabolism. So the fat is burned excess fluid leaves the tissues affected by cellulite. This type of massage is effective in the fight against cellulite. Due to the effect of lymphatic drainage in one procedure, it is possible to reduce the volume of problem areas up to 1 centimeter. It will not be difficult to do such a massage yourself at home. It is necessary to freeze the infusions of herbs and massage the problem area with ice cubes for no more than 2-3 minutes. You need to massage from the bottom up in a straight line, then in a circular (clockwise) and zigzag movements.

Shiatsu with lifting effect.

This massage is for the face. The technique was developed by the Japanese doctor Tokiuro Namikoshi. The principle of action is based on the correction of the movement of vital energy along the so-called meridian and on the massage of certain points (organ projections). As a result of this, not only a healing effect is achieved, but also a cosmetic effect. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, swelling decreases, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Honey detox.

This type of massage came to us from Tibet. Recommended for the fight against cellulite. Honey massage perfectly draws out toxins, smoothes wrinkles, evens out the skin texture. The method is very slow: apply honey to problem areas, press your palms to the body and immediately tear off sharply. At first, this process does not cause any difficulties, but as soon as a white mass begins to appear under the palms, it becomes more and more difficult to tear off the hands from the body. This white mass is nothing more than toxins pulled out. The method is a bit painful.

Yumeiho for posture.

After such a massage, you will get rid of back pain, get a perfect posture. Massage appeared about thirty years ago and is recommended for those who spend a lot of time sedentary work. The massage is based on working with the pelvic bones and spine; a specialist during the session uses manual therapy, shiatsu, acupressure.

Watsu water massage.

Massage is done with hands warm water and recommended for work on problem areas. It works well for problems with muscle tension, in the program of getting rid of cellulite, with problems with the spine. In addition, watsu gives strength and has a strong anti-stress effect.

That's not all non-traditional types massage techniques. There are a great many of them. And everyone wants to try. If you don’t have beauty salons in your city, get a massage at home. And then youth, beauty and health are your companions in life!

Massage with two bamboo sticks belongs to the exclusive SPA program. The ancient philosophy of bamboo massage technique is based on the belief that bamboo gives energy to the head. This school of massage is comparable to the school of yoga, it restores activity to a person, increases tone, and returns energy. Bamboo is unique plant, restoring the balance of Yin and Yang energy in the body.

Where: medical center "Emenal" (st. Rossolimo, 17; business center on the territory of 2MPZ)

Hu Liao fire massage

Such a massage is only dangerous in appearance, but in fact it is harmless and very useful. First, the back is massaged pointwise, then an herbal compress is placed on it, and a towel is placed on top, which is set on fire, but quickly extinguished. The procedure helps to warm up the deep layers of muscles, expand capillaries, increase blood circulation and remove muscle spasms. This ancient technique stimulates the dissipation of inflammation in the body, edema, bruising, promotes the excretion of metabolic products, soothes and relieves pain.

Where: Oriental medicine clinic "Amrita" (Novinsky Boulevard, 8, floor 6; Lotte Plaza Shopping Center)

Snail massage

Snail slime is known for its anti-aging abilities. Many Asian cosmetic brands have included it in their anti-aging lines a long time ago.

In addition, the snail, when moving, releases a special substance that has healing properties and promotes the regeneration of damaged epidermal cells.

Massage with precious stones

Many minerals are known to have healing properties. modern science confirms the possibility of their energy interaction on the human body. Gems have found their application in medicine - gemmotherapy. For example, emerald has a detoxifying and tonic effect, ruby ​​harmonizes the body and soul, sapphire calms and is therefore used in the treatment of depression, diamond has a rejuvenating effect.

Where: Kerala Yoga Therapy Center (3 Michurinsky Avenue)

Sound massage with Tibetan singing bowls

This is a deep energy-stimulating and harmonizing massage, which is done with the help of sound vibrations singing bowls come from Tibet. This massage acts on two levels: physical and energetic. The bowls are placed on the body and around it, and with the help of blows on them with special hammers and friction with sticks, a sound-vibration massage is performed. Soft vibrations relieve spasms, muscle blocks and relax.

Where: Yoga Studio "Aura" (Donetska str., 10 k. 1)

Preventive technique
(Evgenia Yuvashevna Davitashvili)

Here are excerpts from a book that highlights non-contact massage.

All over the world, every year more and more interest in non-traditional methods of prevention and treatment of various diseases is growing. is among them. This can be explained by the desire of a person to fully know and reveal their capabilities.

Science, which has penetrated even into space, has done very little to study man himself. But man is the whole universe. How many discoveries are yet to be made here!

The scientific experiments in which I participated showed how amazing and unexpected the results of the study of human capabilities can be. It would be necessary to create a whole direction in science to study hidden reserves human body, which would undoubtedly bring great benefit to all mankind.

But this is a matter for the future.
In the meantime, let's talk about how to help people maintain their health and prolong life.

Every person is endowed with an inexhaustible potential from birth. It depends on him whether to make his life interesting and varied, or mundane and boring.

And yet another tragic contradiction. Endowing us limitless possibilities, nature erected an insurmountable obstacle. Human life is so short and swift that few people manage to fully open and express themselves. So calm down? No and no again!

We must fight for the extension of human life. Science already now has the ability to stop aging, to prevent the onset of many diseases. But the main task- to give each person a weapon to fight against old age.

This is the main preventive focus of modern medicine, and I try to help this by developing my own methodology. I rely on my own experience, and on the folk traditions known to me, especially the ancient Assyrian ones, in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

What is the essence of my method? Without going into details, I can say that it is based on the ability of a person to influence the body of another person in a non-contact way.

How does this effect take place?
In the literature, such a concept has long appeared and exists - "biofield". It caused a lot of criticism and rejection on the part of some scientists, but gradually took root.

During the period of scientific experiments with physicists, we came up with a new, more precise term - "physical fields of biological objects". He was born from a very interesting idea. After all, just as near our planet there is an atmosphere and a magnetosphere, clouds of charged particles and flows of electromagnetic radiation, so a person has a similar, invisible to the eye, but completely material shell.

And its dynamics is a manifestation of our life activity. And if information about their state is encrypted in the radiations of planets or galaxies, then in the same way it is also in the radiations emanating from living objects. You just need to identify it and decipher it!

Therefore, in the laboratory we used the well-known methods for studying information about distant objects by their own radiation. Today I can happily say that these studies have confirmed many of my assumptions and guesses, gave me confidence in the correctness of my methodology, which was developed by many years of practice of communicating with patients - those very biological objects whose physical fields emit signals of suffering and pain, communicating them hands of the healer.

At this moment, the person treating is like a receiving radio station. This means that any person is both a transmitting and receiving system, a kind of generator in which radiations arise and electromagnetic and other fields that have not yet been studied are continuously born.

The scientists of the laboratory managed to prove in many experiments that non-contact magnetograms and thermal imagers can provide more valuable information about a person's condition than some well-known research methods. Devices based on this method have already been created. And what I, my students and colleagues are doing today with the help of their hands, without invading the human body, will be provided by devices in the near future.

Then any person will be able to undergo an examination in one or two minutes, and after processing the data on a computer, get a complete analysis of the work of their organs. At the same time, it will be possible to detect not only diseases, but also their precursors, and this will make it possible to take timely measures and give a number of preventive tips.
But diagnosis is only the first step. And I already dream of creating a whole complex of devices ...
Most frequently asked question, which they ask me: when and how did you feel that you had unusual abilities?

And I can't give an exact answer to this question. Apparently, even in early childhood, others noticed something unusual. I remember how, as a very small child, they woke me up at night, asked some sleepy questions, and perceived the answers as predictions.

I remember the first session of "treatment". Mom puts my legs on the lower back of my father, who was struck down by a severe attack of sciatica. My soles are hot, I carefully shift from foot to foot, and my father asks: "Be patient a little, daughter, I'm already better." But all this from unconscious memories.
And as a schoolgirl, I helped my friend get rid of warts. At the same time, I already tried to imitate my great-grandmother, who was a well-known healer throughout the district and whom I remembered well. She didn’t specifically teach me, but watching her as a child, I remembered a lot, not assuming that someday it would come in handy in my life.
In general, in our family, many women kept and passed on to their loved ones ancient Assyrian traditions, knowledge of traditional medicine. All this was absorbed with mother's milk, in everyday communication with relatives and friends.
In my childhood and youth, I was a dreamer and dreamer, but I never seriously thought that my mission was to help a person get rid of an illness. Perhaps only one father guessed my future, but he died early, and my mother left after him.
My older brothers helped me, I graduated from a technical school, got to Tbilisi by distribution, but I didn’t have to work in my specialty (projectionist).

She got a job as a waitress in a cafe, then moved to a bar. Behind the bar I spent several years. It would seem that what is common between a barmaid and a healer of people? But it was at this time that I seriously took up the creation of my methodology and gained great fame in the city and beyond.
And it all started again with a case. She helped a friend of hers get rid of a terrible spot on her face - this message spread widely. People started coming to me asking for help.

I could not refuse, and it was interesting myself. So, gradually, step by step, I, accumulating experience and knowledge, began to believe in my strengths and capabilities. And people believed in me when they saw the results of the treatment. More and more people gathered at my house, I had to conduct sessions right in the yard, in the open air. And the patients kept coming and going...
Realizing and testing my capabilities, I increasingly thought about what it is and whether it is possible to transfer my experience to other people? Therefore, I willingly made contact with doctors, scientists, trying with their help to understand myself and my method.

To replenish my medical knowledge, I graduated from the People's University of Medicine, received a diploma as a masseuse. My technique was tested on patients in a hospital, my capabilities were examined with the help of equipment. Reviews were very different - from blind rejection to enthusiastic praise. But I wanted something else - a serious, professional study, deep scientific recommendations.
For the scientific recognition of my method, I had to fight for more than one year. It was a difficult time. Sometimes it seemed to me that it was impossible to break through the blank wall of misunderstanding and denial of the obvious.

I moved to Moscow - the center of scientific thought, I thought that here I would be able to interest scientists and get their support. And again, drop by drop, we had to hammer the impenetrable wall, which fenced off many scientists from the pressing problems of modern life, the interests of people.
Years of struggle for recognizing the work of my life begins to bear fruit. Scientists - physicists and physiologists - began to study the "phenomenon D", as they called my inherent abilities. My method began to be confirmed in practice.
Research conducted by me with scientists from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and other scientific institutes, gave indisputable evidence the effectiveness of the method proposed by me and scientifically substantiated its effect on the body.
My main concern today is the wider implementation of the methodology into practice. Everyday life. So I try to re-date my experience as best I can more of people.

In the beginning, my students were only doctors. Many of them are now successfully using the technique non-contact massage as an addition to traditional methods of treatment. Why doctors in the first place? I believe that without basic medical knowledge, without accurate confirmation of the diagnosis and constant control the course of treatment cannot be taken to correct such a complex mechanism as the human body.
Often people who do not have elementary medical knowledge and experience, taking advantage of the demand for "fashionable" treatment, cause irreparable harm to people's health by their "healing". And that is why I prefer to work with doctors, teaching my technique to doctors and nurses, for whom the commandment "do no harm" is a professional duty.
But I understand very well the desire of people to help their relatives and friends in difficult times, to alleviate their suffering. Many seek to get to me, write letters, cry for help.

But, unfortunately, even working twenty-four hours a day, I would not be able to help everyone who yearns for a miracle from me. Firstly, I am not able to accept everyone, and secondly, there is no miracle, but there is work - difficult, long, since each disease requires an individual approach.

The disease is removed not by a wave of the hand, as some believe, but by performing certain manipulations with the hands for some time in each session. And the number and duration of sessions depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. Therefore, it is easier to master it for those who are familiar with the basics of traditional massage.
The question is natural: can people who do not have a special medical education learn how to apply this technique? Over many years of practice, I have repeatedly had to teach friends and acquaintances the techniques that I use in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

All of them benefited from the acquired knowledge and skills. I am often asked: is my technique accessible to everyone? I can confidently say: almost everyone. But this does not mean that anyone from the first session will achieve the desired effect. Individual abilities, practice, and acquired experience play a role here.
My confidence is confirmed by classes in non-contact massage courses, which are attended by people of different ages, mostly without medical education. All of them successfully master preventive techniques. The courses also include review lectures on medical topics, which help students to better understand the principles of my methodology.
I consider prevention as the basis of my methodology. Even when it is necessary to deal with the treatment of any one organ, the effect is on the entire body and thus the predisposition to other diseases is eliminated.
I would like to say very briefly about the main mechanism of the impact of non-contact massage on the body.

As a result of the session, when the physical field of one biological object affects another, significant changes occur in the patient's blood. This has been confirmed experimentally. Hemoglobin rises, and other blood characteristics improve. In addition, the temperature rises, blood flow improves.

All this gave grounds to give the method another name - "blood warming method". Recent studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this technique and on lymphatic system. Thus, the body gets the opportunity to actively fight the disease. At the same time there is a big preventive work inside the body.
The ability of different people to send signals and receive them, of course, is different. Often during their public speaking I ask the audience to raise their hands with open palms and try to feel the signals that I send with my hands into the audience.

This is where a different ability to perceive comes to light. Some very quickly begin to feel a strong tingling in the fingers, warming of the palms, others do not immediately, and some do not feel anything at all.

Does this mean that the latter are completely devoid of the ability to perceive the radiation of the human physical field? Not necessary.

Most of them can develop their receptivity by systematic training, as in any other business. But, of course, at first it will turn out differently for different people, with a greater or lesser effect. Some will spend less time and effort, others more.

Before proceeding with the description of the preventive method of non-contact massage, I would like to give a few tips.

Never try to heal serious illnesses especially in the acute stage.

Run a session at the same time drug treatment possible and even necessary, as this will alleviate the patient's condition.

Do not try to act on a diseased organ if the exact diagnosis is not known. Do not self-medicate!

If you want to help a person with impaired blood pressure, then you need to know exactly whether his pressure is low or high. It is also necessary to control the pressure before and after the session. Better with a tonometer.

To find out how successful your care is, it is advisable to systematically check the health of your patient in a medical institution.

Preventive sessions should be carried out daily for a week, then a break for one day, then again sessions for a week, after which a break of at least a week so that the body does not get used to working normally.

You can repeat, if necessary, this cycle of treatment.

Under no circumstances should pregnant women be treated. IN exceptional cases prophylactic sessions are possible for kidney disease, but always under the supervision of a doctor.

It is better for children to conduct sessions when they are sleeping.

What you need to know when starting to master the techniques of non-contact massage? First of all, it is necessary to have at least elementary knowledge about human anatomy, about cardiovascular system, respiratory and digestive organs, urinary organs. This information can be found in encyclopedias, popular medical literature.

Well, if you are familiar with massage techniques. Although my technique is called non-contact massage, but for some diseases, a combination of non-contact and contact massage techniques and the laying on of hands is necessary.


Now let's move on to the description of the non-contact massage technique.
How does a person (let's call him an operator) feel who conducts a session? Holding the hand at a distance of 5-10 cm above the patient's head or slowly passing it along the body, the operator feels warmth in the hand, and sometimes tingling in the fingertips.

Over time, gaining experience, you can feel the difference in the radiation of the patient's body in various points learn to decipher the information sent human body into the surrounding space. But this skill does not come immediately.
At first, it is enough that the patient feels the radiation (warmth) of your hand. Practice this. Hold the hand so that the palm is open towards the patient's body, the fingers are slightly bent and the pads point towards the patient. Keep your hands free, do not strain. But don't relax either.

Mentally focus on your fingertips and begin to smoothly move your hands along the patient's body. First from top to bottom (palms facing down), and then from bottom to top (palms facing up).

Above the head, the palms almost join (the distance between them is 2-3 cm), and then turn and slide down. The movement is performed continuously, smoothly. The palms should feel connected to the radiation of the patient's body. You can imagine it as if you are performing these movements in the water, smoothly enveloping the body with water.

With this reception, as a rule, work with the patient begins. This is getting in touch with him. So, take your time, listen to your hands. And alternately - front and back - perform these movements.


Another technique is loop-like (cross) movements with the hands, which begin above the head, then continue along the body, to its lower part.

Hands with slightly bent fingers facing the patient's body. These movements are also performed in front and behind.
These two types of movements are conventionally called "energy distribution" and are the basis of a preventive technique.

The implementation of these techniques relieves fatigue, regulates blood pressure, improves sleep and overall well-being.

Energy distribution - component each session for any disease. After carrying out these techniques, blood microcirculation improves, the general tone of the body increases, and working capacity increases.

During a non-contact massage session, the patient can be in a standing, sitting or lying position. It depends on the disease, health and individual characteristics patient.
In a standing position, the patient stands calmly, with arms lowered along the torso. When sitting - hands lie quietly on your knees, palms up. When lying down, any position that is comfortable for the session is chosen.

The place and posture of the operator are determined by the type of reception being performed. It can be in front of the patient, behind or to the side.
The session can be carried out at any time - in the morning, afternoon, evening.
Each session must begin with the distribution of energy. In this way, the organism is included in active action. Each technique is performed for 2-3 minutes, then the techniques are repeated in the same sequence.


In conclusion, it is necessary to carry out vigorous circular rubbing with the palms chest and upper back.

Movements are performed simultaneously with both hands in a clockwise direction. These movements should end all sessions. They stimulate the activity of the heart, thymus and carry out blood flow to upper lobes lungs.
Start learning the non-contact massage method by practicing general preventive techniques. Total duration session 10-15 minutes.

When should one resort to a preventive method of non-contact massage?
With fatigue, poor health, often associated with weather changes, magnetic storms, at nervous tension and in other similar cases. Do not rush to swallow pills unnecessarily. Try to influence each other with the warmth of your hands. Do not regret for your loved ones strength and energy. She will come back to you a hundredfold.
In the prevention of various diseases, in addition to the distribution of energy, other methods are used. Let's consider some of them.


Press movements. They represent the mixing and spreading of the hands in a horizontal plane. Palms at a distance of 5-10 cm from one another with fingers directed towards the body (Fig. 4). Then they move apart and move up to 3-5 cm (as if stretching and compressing invisible threads). The movement is repeated continuously for 5-10 minutes. This technique is performed on various parts of the body.


One of the varieties of press movements are "saber" movements. The hands are in horizontal position, for example, at the level of the patient's shoulders, palms down, fingers pointing at the patient.

Smooth breeding and mixing is performed on a large scale - 5-7 cm wider than the shoulders.

This technique can be performed on other parts of the body.

Often used such a technique as a hood. These are circular movements with the hand around the sore spot. The fingers are slightly connected and directed perpendicular to the patient's body.

After several circular movements (5-6), a 5-10 cm abduction is made to the side and the fingers are fully connected.

The direction of energy is carried out by a directed action or movement of the hands perpendicular to a certain area of ​​the body.

When performing this technique, it is especially important to feel the feedback, that is, while holding the hands in a stationary position, feel the patient's reaction, the occurrence of response heat or cold, tingling in the fingertips.


Pumping. This technique is performed with two hands in front. The hands are loosely gathered into a handful, fingers directed towards the patient's body. Raise your hands palms up solar plexus to the chin, turn the hands palms down and lower them back (to the solar plexus), etc.

In the upper position, when changing the direction of movement of the hands, we make a slight discharge of energy with the fingers (shaking).

All the above techniques form the basis of the preventive method of non-contact massage. They need to be carefully studied, well trained, repeatedly repeating these techniques, first not on a person, but simply by mastering the movements of the hands, to achieve their rhythmic and smooth implementation.

Only after you feel that you have acquired some automatism when performing these movements, you can begin to conduct prevention sessions for those diseases where these techniques are found.

Performing general preventive methods, i.e. distribution of energy, try to ensure that your movements are light, smooth. Do not strain your hands. When the hands slide along the body, they seem to envelop it with an invisible elastic substance - feel its "heaviness" in your hands.

Movements should be continuous, at the same pace. Until you have achieved sufficient automatism in performing these techniques, do not mentally distract yourself from your actions, focus your attention on the tips of your fingers and try to direct your energy there with internal efforts.

After making sure that your impact is felt by the patient and brings him relief, improves well-being, you can begin to master other techniques. Try also to work them out to automatism, i.e. they must be performed without tension, rhythmically and continuously for 10-15 minutes.

After a preliminary study and mastery of these techniques, you can move on to short preventive sessions, during which you should feel and become more aware of the movements you perform and learn to feel feedback from your patient.

Do not try to conduct all the described sessions at once. Improve gradually, only in this way you will achieve a noticeable effect from your actions.

Do not be discouraged if not everything immediately turns out the way you would like. I have already written and I will repeat once again that this technique is available to almost all people, but everyone masters it in their own way: both in time and in terms of the result of exposure.

Therefore, be patient and diligent, even if it seems to you that everything is easy and simple for you. This is work, work is active and quite tiring, especially at the stages of learning. But it will bring you joy and health.

First, let's look at some widespread ailments and diseases, the exacerbation and manifestation of which can be prevented with the help of non-contact massage.

One of the most common diseases in our time is a violation of blood pressure, resulting in hypertension and hypotension. These diseases do not know age limits - they affect a person from childhood to old age.

Many years of experience have shown that the non-contact massage technique has proven to be very effective in the treatment and prevention of these diseases. Its positive effect was noted in numerous conclusions of various medical institutions where it was used.

Preventive session of blood pressure regulation is carried out as follows.
The patient is in front of the operator in a standing or sitting position. If the pressure is very high, dizziness may occur during the session. In such cases, it is better to put the patient on a chair. The operator performs hand movements at a distance of 5-10 cm from the patient. With increased blood pressure the operator performs movements first being in front of the patient, and then behind.

We perform the reception of energy distribution. We smoothly move our hands from the head along the torso down (palms down), then, having reached the end of the torso, we begin to move up (palms up). Raising your hands above your head, bring them to each other at a distance of 3-4 cm and again lead down.

These movements are repeated continuously for 5-7 minutes. Then, for 5 minutes, we perform vertical movements with our hands along the body from above to the limbs, as if removing the “energy” that is around the body.
If possible, check the pressure. After that, you can repeat these movements from the beginning. The pressure should be reduced gradually so as not to cause dizziness.

At the end of the procedure, we perform hand movements above the head - from the face to the back of the head and back (energy distribution) - 7-10 times); we run our hands (contact, with light pressure) from top to bottom along the back along the spine (to the coccyx), then along the legs (to the heels).

In conclusion - circular massaging movements - rubbing the upper part of the chest and back simultaneously with both palms clockwise.

If the patient is lying, then one should perform the methods of distributing energy first above the head, then along the body - to the legs. After that, we carry out press movements. In this case, the span of the arms from the lumbar part of the body (one arm) and the neck (the other arm) to 5-10 cm and back (7 times). Then "saber" movements along the body - to the legs and neck.

These movements are performed as follows: the hands with fingers are directed perpendicular to the body, palms down; a wide swing of the arms from the center of the body to the legs (one arm) and neck (the other arm), when the hands meet, they make a cross movement. Finish the session with contact rubbing of the back and chest.

Under reduced pressure, the distribution of energy along the body is carried out for 3-5 minutes, first in front, then behind. Then "saber" movements (7 times) at shoulder level and at the end - circular rubbing of the back and chest. After checking the pressure, the session can be repeated.

As a result of the session in patients hypertension systolic pressure decreases, as a rule, by 20-60 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - by 10-30 mm Hg. Art. In patients with hypotension, systolic pressure increases by 10-20 mm Hg, respectively. Art., and diastolic - by 0-10 mm Hg. Art. Along with this, there is an improvement in overall well-being, increased efficiency, mood.

What does the patient usually feel during such a session?
With skillful exposure, he quickly feels the heat emanating from the hands of the operator, and then the heating of the whole body. It happens that the patient feels uneven heating of any part of the body. For example, the right side of the head heats up more than the left. This means that in the vessels of the left side, due to some painful processes, blood circulation is difficult. As a result of the systematic use of non-contact massage techniques, these disorders can be eliminated.

But do not forget that you should not get carried away with the duration and number of sessions!

Let me remind you once again that the number of sessions in general cycle prevention should not exceed ten. As a rule, one session a day lasting 20-30 minutes is enough to improve well-being.

Good results are obtained by the use of non-contact massage techniques in other diseases. However, I want to emphasize once again that in your hands its purpose is preventive.

Do not undertake to treat advanced diseases, especially in the acute stage. Try in these cases to apply my method only as additional remedy to the treatment prescribed by doctors. This will alleviate the patient's condition and speed up his recovery.


And now let's dwell on some ailments in which you can help your loved ones.
In order to prevent swelling and pain in the legs, as well as relieve fatigue during long walking, the following session can be performed:
1. Perform all energy distribution techniques for 2-3 minutes to increase the overall tone of the body.
2. Perform pressing movements along each leg at a distance of 5-10 cm from it (the patient can stand or lie down). The hands move one towards the other smoothly, without touching, as if compressing the air between them, move apart and move again. Movements are continuous, for 10-12 minutes, 3, At the end of the session - contact stroking of the legs with both hands (first one leg, then the other) from top to bottom and from bottom to top - 5-6 times.

4. After that, you can once again within 1-2 minutes perform energy distribution techniques and contact stroking the upper back and chest clockwise with both hands at once.
With varicose veins, we also perform pressing movements with both hands along the leg. In this case, one hand moves from the foot up to the knee, and the other towards it - from the knee to the foot. You need to perform these movements both in front and behind. Then light contact stroking. The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.
This session can be done by yourself. To do this, you need to sit down, put one foot on the knee of the other so that it is convenient to perform the manipulations described above. Then change the position of the legs and repeat the techniques on the other leg.

In the prevention of insomnia and headache (migraine):

1. Movement of the right hand above the head from the forehead to the back of the head and back (energy distribution) - 7 times.
2. Laying hands on the head in the region of the crown. The palms are slightly arched, touching the outer side of the thumbs, the rest of the pads lightly press on the surface of the head.

Keep it like this for 5-7 minutes.
3. Direction of energy to the area of ​​the ears (both hands are directed with fingers first to one ear, then to the other). Duration 10-12 minutes. In this case, the person conducting the session can feel a pulsation in the palms, and the patient feels that the pain is concentrated on the crown of the head, then concentrated at one point, say, bursting the temple. After that, we perform the movements again right hand above the head from the forehead to the back of the head and back. We finish with a light rubbing of the temporal region.

Separately, I would like to highlight some tips that may come in handy in case of domestic injuries and other unforeseen circumstances. Of course, if the injury is serious, immediate health care. Then, during the healing and recovery period, you can help these processes by performing the following techniques.

Dislocation, fracture.
Alternate the imposition of fingertips on sore spot with the movement of the hands (breeding and mixing) in the horizontal plane - press movements with an overlap. At the same time, the hands then approach, then move away from the sore spot. Continue movement until feedback appears. The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

Apply fingertips to the affected area. Light pressure, without taking your hands off for 20-30 minutes.

The main thing is to first make a general distribution of energy and pumping. Then the movement of one hand over the affected area - as if collecting and unclenching a handful - with tension. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes of exposure, the blisters fall off, the skin turns pale. You can work with both hands - do press movements with an overlap.
In any case, you should definitely not forget about the periodic distribution of energy during the session: above the head and on the sides of the body.

Difficulty breathing when false croup, asthma.
"Saber" movements at chest level are performed at a slow pace. The operator, as it were, steps on the patient and retreats. Then pumping and rubbing is done in the back and chest. The duration of the session is no more than 15 minutes.

Pain during menstruation
Place both hands on the uterus. Press with your fingers alternately in a circle, clockwise. When you feel pain points (there are up to five), deepen your fingers, despite the pain, until you feel a pulse in your fingers. Continue like this for 15-20 minutes until the pain comes to the center and dissolves.

Another one can be used operational way pressure relief:
With the fingertips of the right hand, plunge into left palm the patient, with the left to support his hand from below. Keep it like this for 10-15 minutes. Then you should do a massage along dorsal trunk from both sides from top to bottom (several times).

All the techniques described above, as already mentioned, are preventive - this should not be forgotten. Your task is to help the patient alleviate his condition. Of course, with long-term correct application With the help of a preventive non-contact massage technique, you can achieve significant success and completely rid your patient of any disease. But don't make it your goal.

The main thing is to try to conduct these sessions at the first signs of the disease, when prevention is so important and effective.

In the treatment of serious and neglected diseases, my students and I use more complex specific techniques that are available only to those who already have a good command of the preventive technique, have medical education and appropriate equipment for monitoring the patient's condition.

However, given the great interest in the prevention and treatment of common diseases, here are some methodological tips that you can use to help your loved ones and friends. At the same time, I want to emphasize that they should be used only after you are able to achieve effectiveness in conducting sessions of the general preventive technique and feel confident in your abilities.

Sinusitis, runny nose
Pressing movements at the level of the nose with "overlapping" (hands in the oncoming movement go one after the other). Direction of energy to the nose with a feeling of feedback (hands parallel to one another, fingers pointing towards the nose) for 30-40 seconds to 1 minute. Extraction in the nose area (3 circular motion, then moving the arm to the side) for 1 minute. Repetition of techniques, i.e. again pressing movements, direction of energy and extraction.
The duration of the entire session is 10-15 minutes. The hood is done with the right hand, while the left hand is lowered down.

Distribution of energy above the head with the right hand. First, from the forehead to the back of the head and back, then from one ear to the other (1-2 minutes). Direction of energy to the ear (the right hand fingers are perpendicular to the ear) for 1 minute. Extraction (as if pulling a thread) around the ear with pulling to the side. The fingers are brought together as if in a pinch. The total duration of the session is 20 minutes.
The child is best treated in a dream.
Can also be removed toothache(extraction above the teeth) and pain during the eruption of milk teeth in children.

Inflammation of the gums, periodontitis
First, we perform pressing movements at the level of the mouth (1-2 minutes), then directing the energy locally to the sore spot with the fingertips of the right hand at a distance of 5 cm (1 minute), drawing around the sore spot with retraction to the side and easy reset only with fingers (1 minute ). This cycle of receptions is repeated several times. The total duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

Throat diseases
Pressing movements (without overlap) are performed at the level of the throat. Extraction area thyroid gland. Then we pump with both hands. This technique is performed as follows: the fingers are loosely gathered in a handful, we raise our hands with our palms up from the solar plexus to the chin, we turn our hands with our palms down and lower them back, etc. Above, when changing the direction of the hands, a slight release of energy with the fingers.
Then again press movements and hood. Each movement is performed within one minute. The entire session lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.

Respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases
Saber movements (hands in a horizontal position at the level of the patient's shoulders, palms down, fingers directed towards the patient, left hand on top). In this position, smoothly reduce and spread your arms with a swing wider than your shoulders - 7-10 times. Then slow pumping, as described above, with feedback - 7-10 times; again saber movements, pumping and so on. The duration of the session is up to 10-15 minutes.

Violation of the function of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Press movements at the level of the intestines, liver, pancreas, etc. (1 minute), pumping with energy release with fingers each time (1 minute). Direction of energy to bile ducts, then on the liver. Repetitions: press movements - pumping - direction of energy. From time to time we perform energy distribution techniques along the body (on the sides of the body from top to bottom - as if we are washing, from bottom to top - we raise energy on the palms; 3 times up - down). The duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

You can also have a self-healing session. To do this, you need to lie on your back, first attach the fingertips to the liver area (palm raised), then the entire palm. Gradually push your fingers into the body until you feel a “pulse beating” in your fingers. At the same time, a special aftertaste, an eructation, appears in the mouth. We lie like this for 5-10 minutes. It also relieves heartburn.
Similarly, the effect on the pancreas is carried out.

Bowel dysfunction and disease
The direction of energy (the hands are parallel, the palms are directed one to the other at a distance of 10-15 cm, the fingers are directed perpendicular to the body). Hold for 1-2 minutes until a strong tingling sensation appears in the fingertips or palms. Pumping 1 minute. Distribution of energy along the body from the sides up and down (3-4 times). Then the cycle repeats. The total duration of the session is 10-15 minutes.

And one more piece of advice: to improve intestinal motility, every morning, lying down, index finger with the right hand, press the navel and wait for the moment when the finger feels how the pulse "runs" from the navel. When the finger feels a rhythmic beat, stop the procedure. Do this every morning in bed, before breakfast, for 10 consecutive days. Peristalsis will improve.

Impaired kidney function
Pressing movements without overlap at the level of the kidneys in front and behind (1-2 minutes). Further, the impact on the patient is carried out from the back. Direction of energy with both hands (palms are perpendicular to the body, fingers are directed towards the body). Extraction with the right hand. The hand moves elliptical in a horizontal plane, first in the area of ​​one kidney, then the other - and so on alternately for 2-3 minutes. Abduction to the side after two or three circular movements.

Of course, I also have my secrets, which I have not yet revealed. I will be able to open them only when the majority of scientists and doctors understand and support me. I want to give people all my knowledge, experience and promising methods, which I work on together with my students. But I still have no confidence that all this will fall into reliable hands and will be used for the benefit of man.

Today I have many supporters, and also more people who got rid of their ailments with the help of my technique. This inspires joy and hope. But I also have many opponents, especially among some of the scientists and physicians.

I can’t say that they openly interfere with me, but I almost don’t receive concrete, practical help from official science and medicine. You have to fight for everything, each step up is given with great difficulty and stress. And this diverts my time and energy, which could be more rationally used to solve my main problem. life purpose- to help people maintain their health and prolong life. I have created my own methodology and am improving it for people, I want to give it to all of humanity. And I believe that it will!

Each person has his own life choice, his own alternative - to live for himself and die in himself or live for others and stay with them forever, I chose the second path and will not turn back from it. My hobbies - painting, poetry, music - help me with this. About this and my parable, which I give you.

ALTERNATIVE (From the cycle "The Travels of Junia")

While Junia's quick-footed brother ran tirelessly across the meadow, she sat on her favorite hill and, throwing her head back, stared up at the living mosaic of clouds floating above her.
The clouds covered the sky so tightly that it was difficult to look into its bottomless depths, where her home planet might be. However, it seemed to Junia that she existed always and everywhere, although she had never clearly imagined who she was and what her true name was. She did not even know exactly where she was born and where her real home is. After all, hosts of planets were born and died in the Universe, and on which of them in Once again her soul could settle, it was impossible to guess. From this, she often fell into despair and wept bitterly. Her sobs were full of hopelessness and longing, she did not find any peace, let alone consolation.
Hardly anyone could help her at such moments, except for herself, but even she, knowing secrets that were not available to others, could not use them for her own benefit.
She knew her past, present and - alas! - future. And this was probably the only case when knowledge not only did not inspire, but drove into a hopeless dead end. She knew too much, remembered even more about the origin and flowering of life on the planets of all nine spheres of moving stars. She had a historical memory, but this accursed gift deprived her not only of childhood and youth, but even of old age.
For a long time, Junia resisted the temptation to open up to people. It haunted her even now, when she was sitting on her cherished hill. Meanwhile, tired of the senseless pursuit of butterflies, the little brother settled himself comfortably at her feet and suddenly, beyond his years, seriously and sadly asked:
- Tell me, Junia, is it true that everyone dies in their own way, is it a true story or a fairy tale?
The question shocked Junia, but did not take her by surprise.
- Everyone lives and dies under his own star, and the path of life is inscribed for everyone from birth to the end, and if so, it means that he is his own, special, not explored by anyone.
- Why? - the brother did not let up. - You're not imagining?
- Have you seen the color of chicken eggs?
- White.
- And the chickens hatch differently. Look, what a motley brood goes after our hen, None of them ordered plumage for themselves.
- It turns out that the stars know everything about us, but we don’t know about ourselves?
- Yes, because they are far from us, but it is easier for us to live from ignorance.
“Then I won’t study,” the brother said decisively.
“You don’t have to study to be able to use the benefits of the Universe, and they are not only here on our planet,” but also there, on other planets too.
- You know it?
"Perhaps," Junia replied thoughtfully. “Maybe because I was never born and never died.
The little brother looked at his sister for a long time.
"Let's ask Mom," he decided bluntly.
"Let's ask," Junia agreed.
Arriving home, the baby bombarded his mother with questions.
“Junia grew up like all children,” her mother answered shyly, “but she was born at the moment of my unconsciousness. When I woke up, she was lying at my chest and greedily sucking milk. What is unusual here? But I experienced this bliss only once. She no longer looked for her mother's breast, and this worried me, I often cried - I was afraid that she would die like hers. elder sister. But in vain, Yunia grew and developed. And this is as true as the fact that at night the stars do not leave the sky.
Junia listened to her mother's story, seemingly indifferently, but her heart trembled - her birth was preceded by the death of her sister. She knew her fate - all aspects of her life will be associated with the death of loved ones. She could not open herself to anyone without losing a person dear to her.
And knowing this, Junia suffered deeply - she did not want to gain life and happiness, losing sisters and brothers, father and mother. But evil fate weighed on her: if she had appeared on any planet, in any Galaxy, she would have suffered the same fate!
Junia hid for a long time. But when she was ten years old, she nevertheless decided to check whether fate was as strict with her as she believed.
“I know where my sister is buried,” she once told her mother. - I have never been to her grave, but I know both this place and the appearance of the girl, although it is not captured anywhere.
Her mother recoiled from her, astonished and terrified, and when she regained the power of speech, she asked:
- How can you know? After all, you were not in the world when this misfortune happened. Maybe you had a dream?
- Yes, probably, mom. I saw her in a dream, but it was a prophetic dream.
After such an unexpected conversation, the mother began to be wary of her daughter - this child was clearly not like the others. It seemed to her parents that Yunia was even able to read minds.
This discovery made them become more restrained and less likely to look into the eyes of their daughter ...
From time to time, the mother tried to convince herself that Junia, like other children of her age, was simply a dreamer and was talking the usual childish nonsense.
Yunia sometimes really forgot herself and behaved quite naturally, like all her peers - she ran, jumped, sang, played pranks. At such moments, she was subconsciously guided by the desire to erase from her memory all the incredible glamor of the life of distant planets, to take the hand of a friend and rush forward along the eternal path of childhood, youth and old age. She mortally wanted to feel like a teenager, a young woman, and then grow old surrounded by numerous grandchildren. But alas! All this was beyond her destiny. For her, old age did not exist, for only her soul could grow and grow old. But first she had to go through many roads and learn the life and fate of different people...
And although her mother often repeated in a conversation with her father that Junia was talking nonsense, her father was in no hurry to share such an unfair sentence with her. He guessed that their daughter was an extraordinary creature and it was time to tell her ancient legend about the pyramids.
One evening, he led Junia to the treasured hill, and when they sat down under the emerald crowns of plane trees, he spoke slowly.
- I'll tell you, daughter, how to find yourself - it's in your power and mine. There, - he extended his hand towards the twilight gathering on the horizon, - is a blessed land - the Land of Memory. In the middle of it are three pyramids, in one of them lies a sarcophagus covered with a marble slab with mysterious inscriptions. This sacred place is guarded by the Sphinx in the form of a woman. It guards vigilantly, not subject to either winds or rains, or the sun, or time, And in this Sphinx is the key to unraveling the mysteries of the Universe, which protects it alive soul. If you can take possession of this key, you will find what you want. But it is very difficult. . .
Junia only nodded to her father and blushed, - he could not know that the soul of the Sphinx, the guardian of the cherished key, was she, his daughter Junia.
While her father was painting her a picture mysterious land promised, before the eyes of Junia, that sultry Mesopotamian plateau arose in rocky spurs, the tip of which clung to white flocks of clouds and eagle's nests, then the Arabian Desert, boundlessly stretching under a transparent soft blue canopy of the sky, then fig trees - mighty ancient witnesses of the times of the Assyrian civilization, then the pyramids created by the genius of the human spirit and fantasy, leaving peaks in space.
Junia remembered how their obedient slaves built them. Her soul had long been freed from the captivity of that time, and this once again convinced her how much water had flowed under the bridge since the time when she lived in these sacred places and how her soul has matured since then.
Days passed after days, and time more and more harshly and inexorably reminded Junia - her prosperous existence brings death to the people she loves. There was no alternative. She hadn't cried in a long time and hadn't cast spells on Eternal Memory about mercy and indulgence. At the risk of losing the immortal thread that connected her with the bygone generations, she nevertheless once told her mother what was ordered to her forever and ever.
- Prepare for the worst, mother: soon my brother will die, and then my father. . .
The mother's face darkened, her eyes went out.
“It would be better for you, daughter, to die than to tell me what I heard.
Her mother stroked her head and left the house.
Time has stopped in Yunia's family. Brother passed away. After this tragedy, Junia was shackled by despair for a long time. At night, the mother was awakened by indistinct sobs, similar to a groan. But in the morning there were no signs of nighttime suffering on Junia's face, it shone with youth and blossoming beauty. However, listening to these lamentations, the mother felt more and more clearly the approach of her husband's death. At the thought of this, her heart sank, her mind froze, life became unbearable.
It flared up in her dislike for her daughter. Then she gathered her courage and said:
- I'll be leaving soon too, Junia. Without a father, I am not a tenant in this world. It would be better if you were born on another planet - grief would bypass us.
Junia convulsively clung to the hand of her mother, the most dear and fair.
-. Don't punish me, mom! I punish myself. And what you told me I know well. I could not remain silent about what my heart, the heart of nature, told me to say. And would you refuse me the last favor - to go through and know all the stages of life that nature has given to man.
The mother's eyes widened for a moment, a stingy smile flickered across her lips.
- No, I wouldn't refuse, - after all, I'm a mother. And you? . . Junia was silent. Her gaze froze. The lips took on a sharp shape, as if someone had walked over them with an invisible cutter. The mother realized that something was happening to Yunia. Afraid to see something terrible, she left to convey the conversation with her daughter to her husband.
And there was a full moon - a time of confrontation between life and death, which Junia especially felt. Her features sharpened, her body became motionless. Oka understood what this meant, and mentally saw herself frozen in stone. After the first bitter confessions of her mother, she felt the first formidable signs - day by day her fingers and joints became numb. It was a warning of fate.
There was no way out, and Junia tried not to think about it. Actually, there was a way out, but this meant that she would have to voluntarily go to the country of pyramids and golden sands and forever merge with the mysterious Sphinx. At the thought of this, she froze and her eyes froze. The hour of choice is approaching...
When the mother returned to the room. Junia was not there. She was not found either in the yard or on the street, they did not find her either in the forest or in the mountains.
Then the father sent his mother home, and he went to the treasured hill to be alone. But as soon as he stepped onto the hill, his head turned by itself towards the edge of the pyramids.
An unknown force ripped him off and pushed him onto the old, washed-out road. He walked and walked along it, and as he moved away from his native places, the road lost its outlines, and he lost his appearance. From the outside, a healthy vinedresser might now seem like an ancient pilgrim. At the foot of the pyramids, he felt almost like a dwarf. Looking inside one of the pyramids, my father saw a sarcophagus and a slab with incomprehensible inscriptions. When he approached the Sphinx, his shoulders straightened, he raised his head and began to gaze intently into the face of the Sphinx: an infinitely dear image of his daughter appeared in the frozen stone.
The old man fell in front of him on the yellow sand and raised his hands to the sky, tears rolled from his eyes, a groan escaped from his chest: “Her love saved our lives! It’s in vain to look for Junia where she will never be. eternity".

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