Maternity photo session best ideas. Interesting ideas for a pregnant photo shoot

Pregnancy represents a new emerging life, and therefore every pregnant woman is incredibly beautiful! For the beautiful half of humanity, pregnancy is that wonderful and amazing period in life when a woman blossoms. Having survived the first excitement, expectant mothers are most often in anticipation of magical changes. You want to keep memories of this fabulous moment of life for a long time, and the easiest way to do this is with the help of good photos.

It is strongly recommended to use the services of professional photographers and studios to get truly beautiful and high-quality pictures. In addition, whether it is a maternity photo shoot in Kyiv or in another city, it usually costs several times less than a classic wedding photo shoot.

Before and after

This idea is quite difficult to implement, but if you try, it's worth it. The whole relish is that both photos should be as similar as possible to each other: in clothes, hairstyle, body movement, gaze, color scheme, play of light / shadow and much more. Taking into account the fact that the difference between the two photographs is about a month, it will not be easy to repeat - thorough preparation is needed.

But, if everything works out, this is definitely the shot that you can look at for hours ...

Photo in nature

Studio shots are usually of good quality thanks to professional lighting, but even they cannot be compared to photographs in which expectant mothers are captured in nature. Although in this case clothes for a photo shoot of pregnant women should be selected taking into account the season, natural light and the beauty of nature in such photos will in many ways surpass studio shots.

Whether it's shooting in the studio or just photo session of pregnant women in nature, the use of props will give the photo originality and additional meaning. As items that complement the photo, you can take both children's books and soft toys, as well as round objects that resemble a pregnant belly, or whatever your imagination dictates to you.

For many people, home is where they feel most comfortable and can feel more at ease and completely relaxed. For a pregnant woman, this indicator is sometimes the highest priority when choosing a place for photography. In addition, with the help of such a photo session, you can show the process of preparing parents for the appearance of a baby in the house. It will be, in a way, a photo report from the life of your family, which, after years, will be interesting to show to a grown up baby,

Photos with husband

One of the most popular types of shooting expectant mothers is maternity photoshoot with husband. You can show how impatiently the father is waiting for the appearance of the child. In addition, such pictures convey a tender and warm relationship between spouses and show that the baby will come to a family in which love, affection, care and tenderness await him.

Children and pets in the frame

When the future baby already has an older brother or sister, their presence in the frame adds to the photo the atmosphere of anticipation that children can create. For such shots, you can also use pets in the shooting.

Photo in the water

Despite the fact that underwater photography is a rather complicated technical process, today future parents are increasingly choosing this type of session. The obvious advantage with this choice is that such photos are truly magical and, perhaps, the most unusual.

One of the new trends in creativity is drawing pictures on the tummies of pregnant women. Modern masters with the help of paints that are absolutely safe for health are able to create a real masterpiece on the body of a future mother. Despite the fragility of the picture, if you capture such a work of art on camera, then the photos of the tummy will evoke the same colorful and vivid emotions that you experienced at that time every time.

Ribbons and fabric in the photo

Ribbons and fabric are often used during shooting to give photographs a romantic touch and lightness. It happens that a satin bow tied on the stomach indicates the sex of the child. Pictures also look great where the expectant mother is dressed in a flowing cut of silk or tulle. When shooting like this, it is important to choose the right poses for a pregnant photo shoot.

Fresh flowers will add femininity and romanticism to any frame. Here it is worth stopping the choice on soft shades of bud petals, which will give the photo an atmosphere of tenderness and touching.

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Expecting a baby is a wonderful moment in life. Many women want to keep the memories of pregnancy for many years, not only in memory, but also in photographs. Being photographed while pregnant is great.

This condition is wonderful, especially since most women are pregnant 1-2 times in their lives. I think it will be interesting for your baby to look at you when he was still in his tummy. Of course, you can just take pictures at home, but many still prefer a professional photo shoot. These photos will look beautiful and stylish, you can make a photo album of them or hang them in a frame as a keepsake of a happy period in your life.

We want to offer you some interesting ideas for a photo shoot.

Photo session of a pregnant woman by months and after the birth of the crumbs:

Of course, the most natural and organic photos of pregnant girls are obtained in nature. Natural background, bright colors, light and colors of nature create beautiful landscapes for photography. You can choose an interesting place, for example, the bank of a river, lake. Find a beautiful meadow with flowers, a lawn or the edge of a forest.

Photo session with my beloved husband. It especially needs to emphasize their tender relationship to each other. The kid will then be pleased to look at his happy parents.

A photo session in a studio with pre-designed scenery, high-quality lighting, will help bring various interesting ideas to life. Weather conditions and various external factors will not be able to spoil photography. You can beat the story of the birth of a child in an interesting and original way. In the studio, you can create a suitable environment, scenery, so that the photos turn out like from the cover of a magazine.

To create an image and a beautiful picture, it is very convenient to use various thematic accessories. For example: booties, small shoes, sneakers, ultrasound scan, clothes for a newborn, small hats, bodysuits, dresses, balloons, bottles, garlands with various inscriptions, wooden letters composed in different words (baby name, love, happiness, 8 months etc.) cubes with words, soft toys, various decorations for a pregnant tummy, books, various objects indicating the gender of the child (crown, car, etc.) pumpkin, watermelon, caputa, flowers, fruits, vegetables, rattles, lollipops, sweets, sweets, etc.

The idea of ​​photographing painted pregnant tummies has recently been considered quite popular. This maternity body art is called gestational painting. The tummy is a blank canvas on which you can fantasize as much as you like. Many future mothers with big tummies cannot deny themselves such an unusual way to emphasize their temporary body shapes.

Photo shoots with young children are always interesting and funny. A child can be dressed up as an angel, fairy, some fairy-tale character or animal, give him a sign with the inscription (I'm waiting for my sister, I love you, etc.)

Every expectant mother wants to remember the exciting period of her life - the time of pregnancy. For this purpose, you can turn to a professional photographer and capture an unusual, beautiful image of a pregnant woman in the pictures. Ideas for a photo shoot can be completely different, depending on the wishes of the girl.

Studio Maternity Photo Ideas

Shooting in a specially equipped studio has a lot of advantages: there is suitable lighting, scenery and props, there are no strangers who can embarrass a woman, there are comfortable conditions for changing clothes, etc. It will be easier for the photographer to choose the necessary design for shooting and make beautiful, clear, bright pictures. There are a lot of ideas for a maternity photo shoot in the studio, so it will be easy for you to choose the right, as close as possible image.

Share your ideas with the photographer and the master will be able to give professional advice on makeup, hairstyles, attributes and accessories that will match the theme of the photo shoot. Examples of creative ideas for studio photography:

  1. Pregnant girl in a chair. Expectant mothers look very beautiful and feminine in light wicker chairs or chairs decorated with bright soft pillows. If you wish, you can ask the photographer to shoot you in a pose lying on your back.
  2. Belly in the lens. Don't miss the opportunity to capture your tummy close-up by tying it in a beautiful bow or placing booties on top. In addition, you can use other interesting accessories: a bouquet of flowers, beads, soft toys, and other things.
  1. original poses. Favorable body position during pregnancy is standing on toes, sitting sideways, lying on your side. To make the image original, to emphasize the tenderness and femininity of the girl, use soft, flowing clothes and drapery. If the photo session takes place in winter, put on a knitted sweater that covers the top of the thighs and high socks of the same color.
  2. Nude photoshoot. A naked pregnant woman is beautiful. When shooting in a photo studio, use a thin, lightweight fabric that should cover the body to create a gentle, weightless, airy image of the expectant mother. At the same time, the whole image should be harmonious, so it is better to make manicure and makeup light and light.
  3. Emphasis on the belly. If you wish, you can emphasize the roundness by wearing a tight-fitting dress. Some people like to combine two incompatible images: a vamp and a tender, defenseless pregnant woman. Makeup and hairstyle in this case should match along.
  4. Pregnant woman in flower petals. The expectant mother, lying in a bath or bed strewn with rose petals, looks very beautiful, unusual.
  5. Painted belly. Many photo sessions during pregnancy take place with the participation of a body art artist. Using paints that are safe for health, the master decorates the tummy of the expectant mother with a cool pattern, for example, a smiley face, an image of a funny baby or a funny inscription.

Photo session of pregnant women in nature in an urban environment

If a pregnant woman does not have the opportunity to go out of town, but wants to take pictures in nature, a city park or a beautiful square will be an excellent choice. Each city has interesting places that will serve as a beautiful backdrop for pictures. Ask a specialist to take pictures of you near historical sites or a body of water. Beautiful photos are obtained where a pregnant woman poses just sitting on a bench surrounded by greenery. Nature is the best backdrop for photos at any time of the year, but the most striking are the pictures taken in the summer.

Photoshoot for pregnant women in nature outside the city

The summer months are a great time for photo shoots in the bosom of nature. The choice of places outside the city is rich: shooting can be carried out in a park, field, forest, near a river, lake or seashore. Photos of pregnant women in nature cannot turn out badly, the surrounding beauty cannot be repeated in the conditions of even the most richly equipped studio. Shots captured on the banks of a river or the edge of a forest always come out very lively, bright, fabulous. The main disadvantage of such photography is the unpredictability of weather conditions. Ideas for a photo shoot of pregnant women in nature:

  • shooting in a wheat field, on a green meadow;
  • in a clearing with blooming wildflowers;
  • a pregnant woman posing in a wreath of collected flowers (the collection process can also be filmed);
  • sitting on a colorful blanket, having a picnic (for this you will need additional details: dishes, baskets, fruits);
  • pregnant in the forest in the form of a nymph (you should wear loose long clothes and let your hair down).

Photoshoot of pregnant women at home

Often, a photo session in anticipation of a miracle is held at home, while attention is focused on preparing parents for the appearance of a baby. There are a lot of ideas for home photography, and its main plus is comfort, since a pregnant woman feels as free as possible in her native walls. You can use any piece of furniture, things for a baby, children's books, soft toys, etc. It is better to choose clothes that are comfortable, loose. For example, the future mother looks very cute in her husband's T-shirt.

Ideas for a pregnant photo shoot with her husband

If the husband is involved in the creative process, that's great. There are many poses and classic subjects that make for very beautiful, touching family shots. A courageous dad will set off a romantic and tender future mother. At the same time, it is better to arrange a photo session at a late stage of pregnancy, when the tummy is already clearly visible, but puffiness has not yet appeared (at 30-35 weeks). Successful ideas for a photo shoot of pregnant women with her husband:

  1. With watermelon. This is a popular subject for filming during pregnancy. The symbolism of the idea is obvious - a watermelon is as round as a tummy. You can add originality to the photoset by calling an artist involved in body art.
  2. Marine theme. Prepare sailor and sailor costumes, a decorative steering wheel, a compass, and have a fun photo shoot, leaving funny, bright pictures that remind you of this important period of your life.
  3. With a pregnancy test. Despite the popularity of this story, photos with a chronology are very interesting and unusual. In the first picture, the girl should hold a pregnancy test in her hands (you can use a large fake one), in the second, a grown tummy is visible, and in the third, mom is already holding the long-awaited baby.

Photo session of pregnant women with husband and child

If you already have children, be sure to include them in the photo shoot. A pregnant mother surrounded by babies - it is impossible to take your eyes off such photos. Such pictures look very harmonious, especially if you choose clothes of the same style / color for all participants. Girls should wear beautiful dresses, and boys should prepare funny hats. The process should be fun and enjoyable, then the pictures will turn out great. Ideas for a photo shoot:

  • children with their mother sit like a train, combing each other's hair;
  • mother with father and child left a place for a new baby at the table;
  • the legs of future parents, children are visible, and for the baby not yet born, booties or small shoes stand side by side;
  • mom holds on to her tummy, and the kids and dad kiss him.

Video: photo session of pregnant women with her husband in nature

A photo session at home of a pregnant woman allows you to capture one of the best periods in a woman's life in a calm and familiar environment. Considering ideas for photo shoots, pay attention to the choice of image and makeup, think over interesting poses and decide with whom you would like to be in the photo - with your husband, family, girlfriends, pets.

Or in the photo house you can take original individual pictures, where there will be only you and the baby who will be born soon. Deciding on ideas for a future photoset can sometimes be difficult. The main thing is to listen to yourself and understand what topics are close to you.

Benefits of home photography

Studio photo shoots are not always convenient for pregnant women. A maternity photo session at home in familiar conditions helps to feel at ease, which sometimes cannot be said about the filming process in the studio.

A photo session of a girl at home is an opportunity:

  • without the hassle of bringing pets to the photoset of a pregnant woman, without wasting time and effort on their transportation
  • do not depend on weather conditions (for a pregnant girl, you can arrange a photo shoot indoors in any weather)
  • take a photo in the rooms of your own apartment (on a cozy sofa, in an armchair, on a bed, where a pregnant woman can take comfortable and relaxed poses)
  • use interesting toys and things prepared for the birth of a child (crib, booties, blankets, envelope) as props for a pregnant photo shoot

You can also creatively capture the morning rise of a woman, cooking breakfast or lunch at home, communicating with her husband in an informal setting.

A maternity photo session is especially successful if the apartment has large windows and enough daylight enters the house.

Taking pictures in your own home, you can realize any creative ideas of a maternity photo shoot to get a photo with a change of images and props. Especially - if you invite the best stylist, makeup artist and other specialists who will add creativity to the overall style of photography

Shooting in a studio always involves professionally installed lighting. However, the photographer will be able to capture a couple of lighting fixtures for the apartment. With this, he will be able to create the conditions characteristic of a studio photo house.

For a maternity photoset, several sets of clothes are usually selected at home - formal looks, cool costumes, everyday outfits for expectant mothers. Prepare in advance a couple of toys and items that indicate the expectation of the baby, or that are dear to you.

Shooting Accessories

In addition to children's things (bodysuits, booties), there are also various cool props for interesting photography. These include:

  • bright ribbons in the interior
  • fresh flowers to decorate a photo shoot
  • signs with inscriptions for creating creativity (“Happy parents”, “We are waiting for you!”, “Waiting for a miracle”, etc.)
  • muffins, cupcakes, large lollipops (today it is not difficult to find not only tasty, but also original confectionery)
  • the ultrasound image adds creativity and looks organically in the frame with a couple of parents-to-be
  • cubes with the name of the unborn child or other words (“Happiness”, “7 months”, “Love story”, “Family”)
  • items indicating the birth of a daughter or son (baby bottles in blue or pink; symbolic berries, vegetables or fruits: watermelon, pumpkin, cabbage)

For delicate photo shoots, choose the appropriate accessories: floral wicker wreaths, straw or birch bark decorations, crafts.

A bit about body art

A popular trend today is body art - a kind of "make-up" for the body. A photo shoot of pregnant women fully allows its use.

The most suitable time for photo shoots can be considered the twentieth week of pregnancy, when the rounded belly is already clearly visible. On the body of expectant mothers, using brushes or an airbrush, make-up artists draw flowers, butterflies, apply both creative artistic patterns and simple emoticons, words, phrases.

If you like such topics, then, using the services of a makeup artist, you can create an unusual and vivid photoset. If a photo session of a pregnant girl is held with a loved one, you can discuss original ideas for a photo with him.

With spouse

When taking photographs with a loved one, the main thing is to focus on the tender and trusting relationship of the couple.

A photo shoot of pregnant women together with their spouses allows you to demonstrate a joint affection for the home. One of the most symbolic elements for a family photo shoot is the fireplace.

It is better for spouses to choose the most simple and comfortable clothes: large-knit sweaters, jeans, bathrobes; in summer you can wear loose T-shirts and shorts.

You can also add some warm pastel colors to the interior and minimize makeup to make the girl look more natural.

There are many options to reflect the joint pastime. For example, fans of the "nautical theme" will enjoy shooting with the use of vests, lifebuoys and other similar elements reminiscent of summer.

If you want to take a picture in a romantic style, then a pregnant woman in a light dress and a man in light pants and a shirt will look great in the frame.

With kids

During a photo shoot of pregnant women, pictures with an older child are obtained as cute and touching. During the shooting, you can jointly:

  • put together puzzles, play board games, sculpt cool figures from plasticine
  • eat beautiful cakes, cut a big cake
  • "sing" into the microphone, dance, take funny poses and have fun
  • watch cartoons and do a lot of other daily life things that you yourself like

In the hands of the baby, you can give a sign with an inscription, for example: "Sister, I'm waiting for you!". Also, children are often dressed up in costumes of angels, cartoon characters, fairy-tale characters, fairies.

When organizing a mom-to-be photo shoot with friends, husband, and other family members, think about the same elements for all participants in the shoot. These can be hats (caps, knitted hats, hats), suits for men and dresses for girls in the same color scheme. Regardless of the plot, a photo session at home for a pregnant woman will remind you of minutes filled with love and warmth.

A wonderful position - a magical time that you just want to capture in photographs. And to convey with their help an amazing feeling of happiness!

Every pregnant woman has a lot of photos with a tummy. But banal photo shoots look pretty boring, and the future baby, when he sees these pictures in a few years, they are unlikely to be interested. Quite another thing is a creative approach. After all, you can easily make your photos with your child even before his birth become one of the brightest and most interesting in the family album!

1. Boy or girl?

Let's start with the simplest - photos with a hint of the gender of the child. We think if you decorate your tummy with a bow or dress up as a candy, no one will doubt that you will become a mother of a daughter. But sneakers or mustaches will tell the world about the imminent birth of a mini-man:

2. Photo report

Capturing every important stage of pregnancy in a photo is a very interesting “quest”. It will be very interesting for you to watch the magical metamorphoses of your body:

3. Family contract

Even more interesting is to involve the whole family in an interesting photo session. Let your husband and older children have their own important roles in your historical chronicle:

4. Inscriptions and drawings

The idea of ​​body art on the stomach or decorating it with funny inscriptions - isn't it a message straight to the future?

5. "Mermaids"

Such a photo shoot is a real space. And, almost in the truest sense of the word. Underwater shots give rise to incredible effects of floating in zero gravity. Simply unearthly beauty, real masterpieces of photography:

6. Laughter, and only

If everything is in order with a sense of humor in your family, joke and have fun:

7. Creative without limits

Thus, you kill two birds with one stone at once. First, get super funny and original photos. And secondly, in three years you will not have to rack your brains over how to explain to the baby where children come from. Just show a photo document - and you're done!

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