Relationship: man and sound vibrations. Recommendations for treating the frequencies of certain diseases

Ecology of consciousness. Life: The natural form of movement of all parts of the universe is vibration. The human body and all...

The natural form of movement of all parts of the universe is vibration. The human body and everything that surrounds it is no exception to this rule.

The cumulative frequency depends on many factors:

  • from the state of the body on the quality of the food
  • bad habits,hygiene,
  • connection with the surrounding nature, climate, seasons,
  • on the quality of feelings, purity of thoughts and other factors.

If several objects are close in their vibrational frequencies, they resonate and amplify each other's vibrations, a synergistic effect appears, that is each object receives additional interaction energy.

If objects have disparate frequencies, then an object with more energy can suppress the vibrations of a weaker object. In radio engineering, this is called the "capture phenomenon". And in the human body this is how the disease develops under the influence of pathogenic factors.

Our life and health depends on how we can “absorb” vibrations that are beneficial for us, resonate at the frequencies of the universe that are consonant with us, and reject harmful vibrations that suppress our life force.

Studies of the frequencies of parts of the human body using modern instruments spectral analysis(research by Dr. Robert Becker) give the following data:

1. The average frequency of the human body in daytime 62-68 MHz.

2. Frequency of body parts healthy person in the range of 62-78 MHz, if the frequency drops, then the immune system has suffered damage.

3. The main frequency of the brain can be within 80-82MHz.

4. Brain frequency range 72-90 MHz.

5. Normal frequency brain 72 MHz.

6. The frequency of the human body parts: from the neck up lies in the range of 72-78 MHz.

7. The frequency of the human body parts: from the neck down lies in the range of 60-68 MHz.

8. Thyroid frequency and parathyroid glands 62-68 MHz.

9. Thymus frequency 65-68 MHz.

10. Heart rate 67-70 MHz.

11. Light frequency 58-65 MHz.

12. Liver frequency 55-60 MHz.

13. Frequency of the pancreas 60-80 MHz.

14. The frequency of the bones is 43 MHz, at this frequency the bones do not have their own immunity, despite their hardness. They are protected soft tissues with a higher natural frequency.

Cold and flu will start in a person if the frequency drops to 57-60 MHz,

If the frequency falls below 58 MHz, any disease occurs, depending on its pathogenic source.

Fungal infections grow when the frequency drops below 55 MHz

susceptibility to cancer occurs at a frequency of 42 MHz

Frequency drop to 25 MHz - collapse, death.

Should be taken special measures protection against the occurrence of sound vibrations with the following frequencies, because coincidence of frequencies leads to resonance:

20-30 Hz (head resonance)
40-100 Hz (eye resonance)
0.5-13 Hz (resonance vestibular apparatus)
4-6 Hz (heart resonance)
2-3 Hz (stomach resonance)
2-4 Hz (gut resonance)
6-8 Hz (kidney resonance)
2-5 Hz (hand resonance).

When do destructive vibrations arise?

It turns out that they appear in a person as a result of the action of his negative personal qualities or emotions:

  • grief gives vibrations - from 0.1 to 2 hertz;
  • fear from 0.2 to 2.2 hertz;
  • resentment - from 0.6 to 3.3 hertz;
  • irritation - from 0.9 to 3.8 hertz; ;
  • perturbation - from 0.6 to 1.9 hertz;
  • self - gives vibrations of a maximum of 2.8 hertz;
  • irascibility (anger) - 0.9 hertz;
  • a flash of rage - 0.5 hertz; anger - 1.4 hertz;
  • pride - 0.8 hertz; pride - 3.1 hertz;
  • neglect - 1.5 hertz;
  • superiority - 1.9 hertz,
  • pity - 3 hertz.

If a person lives with feelings, then he has completely different vibrations:

  • compliance - from 38 hertz and above;
  • acceptance of the World as it is, without resentment and other negative emotions- 46 hertz;
  • generosity - 95 hertz;
  • gratitude vibrations - 45 hertz;
  • heartfelt gratitude - from 140 hertz and above;
  • unity with other people - 144 hertz and above;
  • compassion - from 150 hertz and above (and pity is only 3 hertz);
  • love, which is called the head, that is, when a person understands that love is a good, bright feeling and great strength, but it’s still impossible to love with the heart - 50 hertz;
  • love that a person generates with his heart for all people and all living things without exception - from 150 hertz and above;
  • love is unconditional, sacrificial, accepted in the universe - from 205 hertz and above.

You can shift your frequency spectrum upwards with fresh foods and herbs, essential oils. published

First there was an explosion
then light and sound! Then they formed
light-music of the immensely finite Universe,
harmony vibrations of the Milky Way Galaxy,
systems of the Sun, songs and rhythms of the Earth, riddles and
the meaning of a brief moment of the existence of civilization!

From the dawn of science to last days she struggles with the problem of harmonic oscillations of the World. Oscillations are called harmonic, the periods of which have integer or close ratios. The steady vibrations of the string of a musical instrument or the bowstring of a primitive bow fit an integer number of times in their length (1, ½, 1/3, ¼, etc.), and the ratios of their periods, for example,

correspond to the ratio of the integers 4 and 3. That is, the transverse vibrations of the strings are purely harmonic. These spatial waves can be seen when a string moves or on the surface of water in a glass if a drop is dropped on it. Waves are characterized by length L, m (distance between troughs), amplitude A, m (deviation from rest) and propagation velocity V, m/s.

The propagation speeds of sound and radio waves have their own designations: V and C, m/s. They depend on the characteristics of the propagation medium and the oscillation frequency F 1 / s, measured in the number of oscillations per second [Hertz]. The harmonic vibrations of the strings cause vibrations in the air, which we can hear in the frequency range from 16 to 22,000 Hz (Fig. 1). The squeak of a mosquito is close to the upper limit, a rumble sea ​​waves- to the lower limit of audibility. We can listen to music at concerts or in radio and television broadcasts, where sound vibrations are delivered using high-frequency electromagnetic waves at a speed of C \u003d 300,000 km / s. The length of the earth's equator is 40,000 km, that is, music, images and news content reach any person in about 0.1 s, after which they can be listened to, seen, recorded and discussed by the whole world.

A person distinguishes sounds when their frequency changes by 1%, that is, frequencies of 100 and 101 Hz, 20000 and 20200 Hz will be heard as different sounds. In addition, musical sounds that differ in frequency by two, four, eight times seem similar to a person, but differ in tonality. Thus, hearing and the brain allow a person to perceive the harmony of sounds in a wide range of frequencies and classify them. A person likes some combinations of sounds, some are annoying, and low frequencies of the order of 8 Hz cause fear. Low frequencies also scare animals. They precede storms and tsunamis, so to save lives, jellyfish swim away from the coast into the open sea, and snakes and elephants move away from the ocean to higher ground.

Photo: Black piano /

Note frequencies change from left to right from 27.500 Hz to 4186.0 Hz, about 150 times. Neighboring notes differ in frequency by about 6%. The piano's seven octaves cover almost all human-audible sounds from 16 to 22,000 Hz. Only sounds in the low frequency region (16 - 27.5 Hz) and sounds of almost two octaves of high frequencies (4186.0 - 22000 Hz) are missing. When a hammer strikes a string, many vibrations arise in it, but most of them are quickly canceled out mutually. Saved only harmonic vibrations, which fit into the length of the string an integer number of times.

Vibrations of pleasant harmonic sounds and images have been recorded and reproduced with the help of devices invented and invented by man, since the border of the 19th-20th centuries. Therefore, it is clear that we know this time very well, are well acquainted with the history of mankind since the existence of oral legends, writing, and we can even imagine how people lived before the appearance of writing on rock paintings and other traces of their life.

We obtain information about earlier geological and biological processes from space-time waves recorded in the alternation of layers of different geological sediments and the fossilized imprints of ancient vegetation and animal life contained in them. Sedimentary and igneous rocks of the Earth, containing grains of iron, like tape recorders record prehistoric harmonic oscillations of the electromagnetic fields of the Earth, the Sun and Space. The decay of radioactive chemical elements allows you to more accurately tie the obtained changes in terrestrial conditions to the absolute time scale.

Studies of the rhythms of the micro- and macrocosm, vegetation and animals, climate fluctuations and geological processes, the structure and periods of movement of elementary particles, solar system, our Galaxy milky way and other galaxies speak of the existence of a single series of harmonic oscillations of the Universe in the entire frequency range. The paper discusses stable rhythms of nature and regularities in the distribution of their periods [Berry, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2010; Berry, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2011]. The author warns readers that the brevity and relative simplicity of presentation (it is assumed, mainly, knowledge of school courses in physics and chemistry) of this vast field of knowledge is achieved by omitting many important historical facts and scientific results that do not change the essence of the Harmony of the World.

1. Harmonic oscillations of the macro- and micro-world

In the end, stop at the theory
in which naturally connected things
there will be no probabilities, but facts
A. Einstein

Before studying harmonic oscillations, let's just take a bird's-eye view of how this World works [Berry,]. I want to draw the attention of viewers to the fact that you can see the entire Universe only by flying away from it at a distance of 10 billion light years. This is the distance that light has traveled since its formation. In the end movie on YouTube, when demonstrating the entire universe, it briefly mentions the distance from which its image is shown. That is, this is how the harmony of the World looked like 10 billion years ago! Viewed from about 14 billion light-years away, the flash from the primary explosion can be seen. This is the distance the light has traveled since its formation.

Exploding, interacting and gradually changing, the macro- and microworld surrounding us obeys the physical laws of I. Newton and A. Einstein. At the beginning of the 20th century, M. Milankovich, A. L. Chizhevsky and other researchers showed that some internal factors is not enough to explain the processes occurring on Earth. It should also be taken into account external influences on our planet of harmonic oscillations from the motion of the celestial bodies of the Solar System [Berry, 2010, Berry, 2011]. The question of the influence of the interactions of the Solar System and the Galaxy on heliogeophysical processes was not considered at all because of the a priori recognition of their insignificance. The discovery of the phenomenon of a jet outflow of gas and dust from the center of spiral galaxies and the development of the galactocentric paradigm on its basis radically changed the situation [Barenbaum, 1991, 2002, 2010].

It has been shown that geological events, which have been unsuccessfully attempted to be explained from geocentric positions, are in fact the product of powerful harmonic cosmic processes on a galactic scale. The connections between the processes of the Earth and the Galaxy turned out to be so multifaceted and close that it became possible to study the problems of the structure and physics of the Galaxy using geological data, and to explain the causes and sequences of geological and geochemical phenomena on the basis of astronomical observations [Barenbaum, 2010; Berry, 2010; Berry, 1998].

The Galactocentric paradigm, which studies, in particular, the periodic orbital motions of the Solar System around the center of the Galaxy and the rotation of its branches, after a 2500-year break, allows again to combine knowledge about the harmonic processes of "Earth" and "Sky". In contrast to the dynamical model of motions of the Galaxy and the SS, which is confirmed by the geological processes of the Earth [Barenbaum, 2010], the physical and mathematical theories of strings [String theory] and inflationary cosmology [Linde, 2007] explain both the structure of the micro- and macroworld, but are still hypothetical character.

String theory describes the harmonic behavior of elementary particles and the Universe on scales of the order of 10–35 m. This is 20 orders of magnitude smaller than the diameter of a proton (the nucleus of a hydrogen atom). Matter here turns into a series of field standing waves, similar to the vibrations of strings. musical instruments. Each harmonic has its own energy state. According to the theory of A. Einstein, the higher the frequency, the greater the energy of oscillations and the mass of the observed particle.

Representatives of the European Organization for Nuclear Research announced on 07/04/2012 that two detectors of the Large Hadron Collider observed a new particle with a mass of about 125–126 GeV, which is the Higgs boson, reports It will be shown below that the average value of the detected particle energy 125.5 GeV = 3.03629*10 25 Hz (~ 0.32935*10 -25 s) corresponds to a single harmonic sequence of nature's rhythms [Berry, 2010].

The model of the origin of the Universe, which includes many galaxies, is called inflationary cosmology. Inflation is a rapid exponential expansion of the Universe in the first moments of its existence from 10 - 43 to 10 -35 s after the initial "explosion". High-frequency waves of quantum fluctuations, growing together with the Universe in size, formed complex systems of harmonic low-frequency waves of different lengths. Increasing in size, the waves lost energy and froze, filling the Universe with an inhomogeneous interference (total) scalar (numerical) field. Galaxies subsequently formed in the inhomogeneities of this field [Linde,].

At present, only this fantastic theory can explain the possibility of a uniform exponential description of stable harmonics at all hierarchical levels of matter [Berry, 2010]. The author's ideas, substantiated by the empirical laws of the distribution of natural periods, correspond to 1) the ideas of ancient thinkers about the harmonic structure of the world, 2) the heliogeophysical and geological rhythms of the Earth, the Solar System and the periods of its revolution around the center of the Galaxy, 3) modern paradigms of the emergence and existence of the Universe.

The periods of resonant harmonic oscillations of nature are described by geometric progressions, similar to the musical series of the piano R with frequencies F R:

F R \u003d F 0 *2 R / n \u003d 440 * 2 R / 12 Hz,

where F 0 \u003d 440 Hz - the frequency of the note for the 1st octave or the initial member of a geometric progression (1.1); R and n are a sequence of integers and the number of notes in an octave, as in any geometric progression. In European music, n = 12. Good music has beneficial effect not only on people, but also on animals (Fig. 2).

Photo: Black piano /

The octaves of the lunar model series of natural rhythms consist of 16[ Berry, 2006, 2010; Berry, 1998, 2006, 2011]:

T K= T 0 *2K/N = 0,075*2K / 16 years ( 1.2 )

and 32 notes:

T L= T 0 *2L/M = 0,075*2L / 32 years ( 1.3 )

where T 0 \u003d 27.32 days \u003d 0.075 years - initial period geometric progressions, equal to the sidereal period of the Moon's revolution; To and L- sequences of integers and period numbers T K and T L lunar progressions; N= 16 and M= 32 number of periods (notes) of the solar system in octaves T K (1.2 ) and T L (1.3 ), where T K and T L- model harmonic periods of motion of celestial bodies and their natural processes, including helio-geophysical oscillations, Letters N and M, denoting the number of notes in octaves in the formulas, are also used in the tables below to indicate the number of notes.

It turned out that as an initial period T 0 series of natural rhythms, you can use not only the sidereal period of the Moon ( 1.2, 1.3 ), but also the period of the physical Rydberger constant (1/R=3.041314*10 -16 s). A quantum of an electromagnetic wave with such a period knocks out an electron from a hydrogen atom. Series of model periods with octaves of 16 and 32 notes ( TR 16 , T R 32 ) With initial period Rydberger ( TR 0) are written similarly to lunar progressions ( 1.2, 1.3 ):

T R16= TR 0 * 2R/N = 3,041314 * 10 -16 * 2R / 16 sec ( 1.4 )

T R32= TR 0 * 2R/M = 3,041314 * 10 -16 * 2R / 32 sec ( 1.5 )

where T R 0 \u003d 3.041314 * 10 -16 s - the initial period of Rydberger geometric progressions; N= 16 and M= 32 - number of harmonic periods (notes) in octave progressions TR 16 (1.4 ) and TR 32 (1.5 ); R- sequences of integers and numbers of periods of Rydberger progressions TR 16 and T R 32 (1.4, 1.5 ).

Moreover, the period of the elementary particle D 0 meson ( T D 0 = 2.22 * 10 -24 s):

T D16= T D 0 * 2D/N = 2,22 *10 -24 * 2D / 16 sec ( 1.6 )

T D32= T D 0 * 2D/M = 2,22 *10 -24 * 2D / 32 sec ( 1.7 )

where N= 16 and M= 32 is the number of harmonic periods in the octave rows of the D 0 meson; TD 16 (1.6 ) and TD 32 (1.7 ) - periods of progression of natural rhythms ; D - sequences of integers and numbers of periods of progressions D 0 meson TD 16 and T D 32 (1.6, 1.7 ) with octaves of 16 and 32 notes. Masses, energies and periods (frequencies) of elementary particles are interconnected, easily converted into each other and are their equal physical characteristics.

Empirical sequences ( 1.2 , 1.3 ) stable natural harmonics were obtained using 26 and 34 periods of the planetary systems of the Sun and Jupiter in the time range from 8 hours to 250 years, and then, just as D.I. Mendeleev, were extended by the author to the entire range of natural fluctuations [ Sidorin, 2010] from the values ​​of the galactic year of the solar system of 250 million years to the reciprocal of the Rydberg constant (1/R = 3.04*10 -16 s) and the period t- quark (9.19 * 10 -26 With) [Berry, 2010; Schroeder, 2010].

Ability to extrapolate harmonic patterns (1.2 - 1.7 )over the entire known temporal (10 42) and spatial range (14 billion light years) is one of the most important evidence for the existence unified system resonant vibrations of the micro- and macroworld. The general resonance of the Universe will be finally confirmed in the experimental substantiation of string theory.

The last articles of the author about the harmonic oscillations of nature

Berry B.L. Helio-geophysical and other processes, periods of their fluctuations and forecasts. // Geophysical processes and biosphere. 2010 a. T. 9, No. 4. S. 21-66.

Berry B.L. Harmonic models of the motion of the solar system and helio-geophysical processes, reconstructions and forecasts. 2011

  • Grouping the components of the mountain complex according to the constancy of human impact
  • Levels of adaptation to hypoxia
  • Chapter 6
  • Stages of functioning of neutrophils as cellular effectors of acute inflammation
  • Mediators of acute inflammation released in its focus by mast cells
  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8
  • The most common causes of extracellular fluid volume deficiency
  • Contents in liquids of sodium, potassium and chloride anions lost to the external environment
  • Chapter 9
  • Causes of hypokalemia and hypokalemia
  • Diseases and pathological conditions that cause diarrhea as a cause of hypokalemia
  • Pathological conditions and diseases associated with a high acting concentration of mineralocorticoids and hypokalemia (without extracellular fluid deficiency)
  • Electrocardiogram changes in potassium metabolism disorders
  • Elimination of hyperkalemia
  • Chapter 10
  • Normal values ​​of parameters of the acid-base state
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12
  • Effects of proallergic cytokines
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14
  • Upper limits of normal fluctuations hell
  • Classification of the severity of arterial hypertension depending on the level of diastolic blood pressure
  • Classification of the severity of arterial hypertension
  • The frequency of types of secondary arterial hypertension among all cases of hypertension in patients
  • Causes of obstruction-occlusion of the renal artery and renovascular artery
  • Chapter 15
  • Links of the antioxidant system and some of its factors
  • Chapter 16
  • Immune and serum tumor markers
  • Tumor immunomarkers
  • Section II. Private pathophysiology
  • Chapter 1. Pathogenesis of respiratory failure, arterial hypoxemia and respiratory diseases
  • Compensation for respiratory acidosis or hypercapnia
  • Elements of the therapy system for one
  • Effects of proallergic cytokines
  • Relationship of signs of status asthmaticus and exacerbation of bronchial asthma with the links of their pathogenesis
  • Stages of exacerbation of bronchial asthma and status asthmaticus
  • Chapter 2. Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system
  • WHO classification of cardiomyopathies
  • Causes of Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Connections of pathological changes in heart cells in MI with changes in the electrocardiogram
  • Doses of fibrinolytic agents for thrombolysis in coronary artery thrombosis
  • The degree of restoration of the patency of the coronary artery obstructed by a thrombus under the action of thrombolytic agents
  • Pathogenetic classification of sympathicotonic postural arterial hypotension
  • Sympathicolytic arterial hypotension
  • Chapter 3. Pathophysiology of the digestive organs
  • Causes of acute pancreatitis
  • Ranson criteria (Ranson j.H., Rifkind k.M., Roses d.F. Et al., 1974)
  • Mortality in acute pancreatitis depending on the number of criteria
  • The most common causes of intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholestasis
  • cholestatic syndrome
  • The relationship of clinical signs of liver cirrhosis with the links of its pathogenesis
  • Etiology and pathomorphogenesis of liver cirrhosis
  • Disorders of higher nervous activity and consciousness in patients in hepatic coma
  • Etiopathogenetic classification of osmotic diarrhea
  • Chapter 4
  • Franco-American-British classification of acute lymphoid leukemia (acute lymphocytic leukemia)
  • Franco-American-British classification of acute myeloid leukemia
  • Relationship between symptoms and pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia
  • Some mechanisms of development of coagulopathy associated with acute and chronic leukemia
  • Chapter 5. Pathophysiology of the kidneys
  • Negative consequences of oliguria
  • Differences between prerenal and renal acute renal failure
  • Mechanical obstruction to the outflow of urine outside the kidneys as a cause of obstructive uropathy
  • Therapeutic effects aimed at eliminating and preventing the action of factors of prerenal renal failure
  • Indications for hemodialysis
  • Pathogenetic therapy of hypokalemia in acute renal failure
  • Pathogenetic therapy of metabolic acidosis in acute renal failure
  • Pathogenetic therapy of pathological increase in the volume of extracellular fluid in acute renal failure
  • Chapter 6. Pathophysiology of endocrinopathies
  • Signs and links of the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism
  • Pathogenesis and symptoms of hyperthyroidism
  • Signs and pathogenesis of Addison's disease
  • Pathogenesis and signs of insufficient secretion of endogenous corticosteroids
  • Chapter 7. Pathophysiology of the nervous system
  • Principles for the prevention and treatment of pathological pain in severely wounded
  • Chapter 8
  • Congenital immunodeficiencies
  • Chapter 9. Pathophysiology of shock, coma, wound disease and multiple system organ failure
  • Glasgow Coma Scale
  • Causes of coma associated with local damage to brain structures
  • Causes of coma due to encephalopathies common throughout the brain
  • Elements of therapy for a patient in a coma
  • Signs of septic shock
  • Gram-negative bacteria
  • Section III. Pathophysiology of disorders of the functional systems of the body associated with military professional activity
  • Chapter 1. Changes in body functions under the influence of aviation and space flight factors
  • flight factors
  • Structural and functional changes that occur under the action of shock overloads
  • Resonance frequencies of the human body and its individual parts
  • Chapter 2
  • Influence of hyperbaria on the functional state of hyperbaria
  • Chapter 3. Psychogenic disorders in combat operations and emergency (extreme) situations
  • Resonance frequencies of the human body and its individual parts

    The initial mechanisms of action of vibration are determined mainly by the fact that it causes a stream of impulses from the extero- and interoceptive zones. The reflex arc can close like an axon reflex through the connecting branches of the sympathetic border trunk and cells of the lateral horns, as well as higher sections of the vegetative-vascular centers. The reticular formation, stem vegetative formations, the diencephalic region, cortical vegetative cells are involved in the development of changes. When exposed to vibration, foci of excitation appear in the spinal cord (excessive inhibition of "vibration centers"). Due to the laws of irradiation, excitation is transmitted to neighboring centers (vasomotor). There are spastic reactions of vessels. This creates the conditions for the emergence of a pathologically closed vicious circle in the chain reflex arc. A new vibrational stimulation leads to increased excitation of the "vibrational centers" and to a deepening of the vascular reaction. During the post-flight examination of the flight personnel, a symptom of oral automatism, hyperesthesia of the distal parts of the arms and legs, and staggering during the sensitized Romberg test can be detected. Nystagmus is less common, more often - anisoreflexia of tendon and skin reflexes, decreased knee and Achilles reflexes. Transversely directed vibrations can cause pain in the lumbar region, since this causes a large load on the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the spine and, as a result, fatigue of the paravertebral muscles.

    The effect of weightlessness on the body

    Weightlessness is a biologically significant factor in space flight. The significance of weightlessness is due to the unusual nature of this state for a person. Weightlessness is such a physical state of the body when it seems to lose mass and is characterized by a decrease or complete disappearance of the mechanical stress of all its structures.

    In a real space flight, weightlessness occurs when a circular flight around the Earth is performed at a speed of 8 km/s. It is at this speed of flight in orbit that conditions are created when the centripetal acceleration is balanced by the forces of gravity.

    Weightlessness like specific factor habitability, has a direct and indirect effect on astronauts. The direct effect of weightlessness is understood as the adverse effect of the absence of terrestrial gravity, leading to the disappearance of body weight, deformation and tension of the structures of various organs and receptors of the body. The mediated influence of weightlessness is understood as functional changes occurring in the human CNS due to altered afferentation entering the cerebral cortex from receptors (vestibular, interoceptive, proprioceptive, tactile, etc.) and volume receptors, leading to a weakening of the regulatory role of the CNS and a violation of the functional systemic nature of the analyzers, involved in the analysis of spatial relationships.

    The direct influence of the absence of terrestrial gravity gives rise to three main causes of changes occurring in the human body under conditions of weightlessness: a change in afferentation in the central nervous system from mechano- and volumoreceptors; reduction to zero hydrostatic pressure of blood and other body fluids; no weight load on the musculoskeletal system. The change and weakening of afferentation from mechano- and volumoreceptors in the CNS is due to a loss of otolith mass, a decrease in the tension of the postural tonic muscles and muscle efforts when moving the body due to the lack of the need to overcome the forces of gravity, the absence of reflex reactions aimed at maintaining body balance, a decrease in the stretching of hollow smooth muscle organs and vessels, a decrease in the deformation of parenchymal organs due to the lack of mass of these organs and their contents, a decrease in the load on the osteoarticular apparatus, etc.

    These changes in afferentation under conditions of weightlessness lead to disruption of the habitual interaction of functional systems and the emergence of a sensory conflict. Deficiency of impulses from mechano- and volomoreceptors in the acute period of adaptation of the body to weightlessness may be accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the dorsal hypothalamus, hypothalamic-pituitary system and reticular formation with a weakening of its ascending and descending influence, which leads to the establishment of a new level of cortical-subcortical relationships in the form of a decrease in tone and reduce the inhibitory effect of the cortex on subcortical formations. In a real space flight, these changes lead to the appearance of illusory sensations in astronauts, an increase in the sensitivity of the receptors of the semicircular canals of the vestibular analyzer and rapidly onset motion sickness, as well as a violation of spatial orientation and coordination of movements.

    The decrease in weightlessness to zero hydrostatic pressure of blood and other body fluids leads to significant changes in the circulatory system and the water-salt balance of a person. These changes are based on the movement of blood and other body fluids in the cranial direction. This leads to an increase in blood volume and an increase in its pressure in the vessels of the head, stretching and stimulation of the mechanoreceptors of the atrium and vessels of the cardiopulmonary department, which in turn causes the inclusion of reflex and humoral mechanisms aimed at maintaining hemodynamic and water-salt homeostasis.

    The resulting urgent compensatory-adaptive reactions are associated with inhibition of the secretion of the pituitary antidiuretic hormone, with a decrease in the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and inhibition of the vasomotor center. This leads to a partial loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body through increased diuresis, a decrease in blood plasma volume, reflex constriction of the pulmonary vessels, dilation of the vessels of the systemic circulation, blood deposition in the internal organs and limitation of its entry into the cardiopulmonary region. In later periods of stay in weightlessness, adaptive reactions join them, manifesting themselves in a decrease in the total mass of erythrocytes and hemoglobin and leading to a further decrease in the volume of circulating blood.

    The absence of a load on the musculoskeletal system under weightless conditions, as well as a decrease in muscle efforts during static and dynamic work associated with overcoming gravity under Earth conditions, cause a general muscle underload, a lack of muscle activity and a decrease in the total volume of proprioceptive impulses. These changes lead to a violation of the coordination of movements and a weakening of the function of the neuromuscular apparatus, a decrease in the intensity of the general metabolism, processes of structural and plastic metabolism in musculoskeletal system, as well as to reduce the role of the muscular system in the overall hemodynamics of the body.

    With a long stay in weightlessness, especially if you do not perform physical exercises, a further decrease in muscle performance will progress in the body, detraining of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, disrupt the processes of biological oxidation with uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. In a real space flight, the lack of load on the musculoskeletal system manifests itself in cosmonauts in a violation of the coordination of movements, a decrease in muscle effort, a slowdown in the performance of motor acts, and in violation of the proportionality of movements according to effort. Subsequently, functional atrophy of both striated and smooth muscles may appear, which will manifest itself in a decrease in the orthostatic stability of astronauts.

    In general, under conditions of prolonged weightlessness, cosmonauts, in addition to the listed deviations, have a decrease in metabolism, a decrease in body weight, inhibition of the functional activity of the neurohumoral and immune systems, which is accompanied by a general asthenia of the body and a decrease in its resistance to the adverse effects of the environment.

    The human body, as a complex biological system, from the first minutes of exposure to weightlessness, includes all innate and acquired mechanisms that provide optimal adaptation to an unusual environment of existence. At the same time, all components of adaptation are realized: regulatory, plastic, energy and non-specific.

    Adaptation of the astronauts' organism to weightlessness conditions includes 4 subsequent phases (stages): primary adaptive reactions lasting up to 2 days, initial adaptation lasting about a week, relatively stable adaptation lasting up to 4-6 weeks, stable adaptation.


    The frequencies of the Buddhist block are the basis for any healing activity of a cosmoenergetic at any level and solve the bulk of issues physical health patients. Descriptions of the frequencies are given with some examples of their use for the treatment of specific diseases.
    Frequencies of the Buddhist block do not require mandatory development before using them to work with yourself or patients.

    Farun Buddha


    The main binding frequency of the Buddhist block. All frequencies of this block are opened and spoken through it. Can be used in the treatment of any disease. It is used when setting up energy centers, the energy field of the head and the energy field of the patient, the treatment of burns and ulcers, including gastric and duodenal ulcers.
    Quickly removes from fainting, shock (not painful), coma (not insulin, give a frequency in the energy field, between the 4th and 5th center, contact, through the hands).
    The frequency can be contact, semi-contact and non-contact. Can be used on its own or as often as needed to structure water.

    When treating fresh burns, work semi-contact.
    Despite the fact that a number of frequencies have in their arsenal the properties of healing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, if you work on the ulcer with the Farun-Buddha frequency with the laying on of hands on the place of pain, then the cure time for the disease is 21 days (11 sessions every other day).
    If in the treatment of any disease you do not know what frequency to work with, then work with the Farun-Buddha frequency.



    The frequency is used to adjust energy centers, treat enuresis, gum disease, hearing loss, thrombophlebitis, cleanse the patient's energy field and the energy fields of organs.
    And also to remove the negative energy-informational impact (evil eye, damage, witchcraft); purification of apartments, offices, goods, objects and water structuring.

    Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Hearing loss. Hearing loss can occur as a complication after an infectious disease or drug treatment.
    Hands should be placed on the auricles and worked out with the Firast frequency. The “dirty” energy formed at the same time must be pulled out by the “motor-well” method from both ears. Then make cuts auricles(not heads) and leave an energy arc.
    With the Firast frequency, you can work on all organs (work out - pull out "dirt"), while the organ is cleansed of negative energy, i.e. preparing him for treatment with other frequencies.

    Enuresis. A wet bed is not always associated with a disease, therefore, you should agree with the parents so that they put the child on the potty once at night (always at the same time), while finally waking him up. If a child sits on a sleepy potty, then he will release bladder not completely.
    The session begins with work on restoring the general energy and setting up energy centers, while the first center must be adjusted to an overestimated range of vibrations and oversaturated with energy (pumped over).
    Further, contact, with a closed lotus between the 4th and 5th energy centers, “pump” the aura with the Firast frequency. After this, the child can be released, let him play, and at this time you continue to keep him under the Firast frequency, and it is not necessary to constantly pronounce the frequency, just push it several times. The duration of the session is increased to 40 minutes.

    Thrombophlebitis treated without contact. In the treatment of semi-contact, and even more so, contact, a blood clot can come off and get into circulatory system. Non-contact treatment, although longer, but safe.

    Toothache– the working hand should be put on the place of pain and worked out with the Firast frequency, then cleaned using the “motor-well” method. Repeat several times. If there is flux, then leave the flushing arc. In all cases, energy cuts are made. Then work with the Moonlight frequency until the pain is relieved. Usually the pain is removed in one session, but if the pain does not go away, repeat the same at the next session. The patient must be sent to the dentist, because. cosmic energy methods in this case relieve the symptom (pain), and the tooth continues to decay

    When neutralizing the negative energy impact, expelling energy essences and cleaning the premises, the work is carried out contactlessly. When cleaning apartments and offices, the effect will be temporary if all geopathogenic zones are not blocked.

    Purification of things, goods. If a thing was worn, then in order to remove energy from it former owner, work with the semi-contact frequency in the same way as the frequency of the Lighting of Objects.

    Craon, Gilius


    Treatment of blood diseases, normalization of blood composition. Treatment of infectious diseases that originate in the blood or are carried by the blood or lymph (viruses). Contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Craon - soft frequency, Dzhilius - shock. Frequencies work the same way. You should start with working with the Craon frequency (about 5 sessions), analyzing the results. With insignificant results, switch to the Gilius frequency.
    The frequency is opened at the beginning of the session. If necessary, an arc is placed simultaneously on the liver and spleen. You can put an arc on the liver and spleen separately, but not in the same session. When installing the arc on the spleen, no incisions are made and the lotus does not open. If the arc is set, then at the end of the session in the patient's energy field, you need to give the frequency, the arc of which is set.



    Straightening of the bones of the skull of a child in cases of a crooked head as a result of a birth injury and for other reasons. Removal of intracranial, intraocular pressure, treatment of glaucoma. Semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    When straightening the bones of the child's skull, work is carried out provided that the fontanel is not overgrown, non-contact. When the fontanel is closed, there will be severe pain. The lotus does not open.

    With intracranial, intraocular pressure, glaucoma, work is carried out semi-contact. It is necessary to get up from the back of the patient, keep your hands palms up (boat) in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears. The lotus is open so that there is an outflow of energy. If necessary, to increase the outflow of energy, open the chest. After the session, the patient is released with an open lotus (it is possible with an open lotus and chest). The lotus will close when the energy begins to decrease, the chest must be closed by cosmoenergy no later than 4 hours after the end of the session.
    If after removal of intracranial or intraocular pressure(Kurf frequency) there is a need to work directly with the eyes using the “eye to eye” method with Ranul or Sury-Sanlay frequencies, then this work is carried out after closing the Kurf frequency. It should be borne in mind that the Kurf does not close completely, so there will be a partial mixing of frequencies.
    When working "eye to eye" with the frequencies of both Sury-Sanlay and Ranul, there will be no effect at the same time



    With heart disease, influenza, allergies. Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    When treating heart diseases, work begins with setting up the 4th energy center (it is necessary to normalize its work). All diseases of the heart are cured, including heart disease. Contact on the heart with the frequency of Ninalis should be worked only after a heart attack for the resorption of scars. Do not leave arches on the heart. If information arrives, leave the arc, then make it very weak. In case of a heart attack, you need to give any frequency to the 4th energy center (you can use your eyes).



    Removal of alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction. Contact (when working with the aura) and non-contact frequency work is possible.

    A prerequisite for obtaining a result is the desire of the patient. If the patient does not want to quit smoking, drinking or using drugs, and did not come of his own free will, then the probability positive result small.
    The duration of the session is 40 minutes with the lotus closed and the well with the "pumping" of the patient's aura at the end of the session.

    Smoking. After 2, 3 sessions appears unpleasant feeling in the mouth. Quitting smoking should carry cigarettes. It is necessary to take into account the environmental factor, for example, it is difficult for a man to quit smoking if a woman smokes in the house.
    If the healer himself wants to quit smoking, then Round should be opened for any person who does NOT want to quit smoking or drinking - the healer will have the effect.

    Alcoholism- it's a disease. At correct dosage frequency, you can lead a person to the fact that he will drink moderately or quit altogether. However, as in the previous case, the factor of drinking friends should be taken into account.
    To improve efficiency additional work according to the photo, you can make a "Honor Board", i.e. attach photos of several patients on paper and give a frequency for 40 minutes. You can place the "Honor Board" in the place where it will constantly catch your eye and periodically give the Rawn frequency to it through your hand.
    It is also possible to work with alcoholic beverages. When "charging" vodka, beer, etc. bottles do not need to be opened.

    Addiction. Indian hemp, marijuana, anasha are not addictive. If a person decides to quit, he will quit. With the use of HEROIN, withdrawal symptoms are completely removed in 3-4 days. Work every day. Already on the first day, breaking can be removed completely, but it is advisable not to do this. The drug addict should be "cleansed" for 2-3 weeks, work with the liver and lungs. If the addict broke loose and came a second time, then you can treat him again. When applying for the third time, then refuse treatment, otherwise he will use the healer to relieve withdrawal when he cannot get the drug. When used psychotropic drugs it is necessary, first of all, to find out how long the patient has been using them. If the duration of the use of psychotropic drugs is not more than 6 months, then we take it for treatment, if more, then we refuse or work in tandem with a psychiatrist.
    Do not close the frequency after work!



    For the treatment of kidney, liver problems, any diseases gastrointestinal tract(infectious, poisoning, dysentery, cholera, etc.). Duplicates the frequency of Saint Moses. The frequency has a percussive effect. Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.


    When working with this frequency (as in the case of Craon and Gilius frequencies), one should listen to informational frequencies. To work with the gastrointestinal tract, there are many duplicate frequencies, so you need to choose the appropriate one. If at the 3rd session the pain did not go away, it is necessary to change the frequency. The Risur frequency works for about a day.



    Work to improve vision. Treatment of skin diseases, allergies, gangrene. Contact (extremely rare), semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Work to normalize vision. A prerequisite when working to improve vision is the patient's change of glasses in glasses with a decrease of 0.25 diopters. Glass must be of good quality. It should be taken into account the factor that one eye of a person is working, the other is auxiliary. The difference between them is approximately 0.25 diopters. Taking into account this factor, glass should be changed.
    If the healer has a vision problem, the healer also changes glasses to improve his vision. Glasses are changed after about 2-3 weeks, depending on the patient's energy. At this time, the lens is kept in a certain state, work is carried out every other day. When the patient begins to see as well as with old glasses, the lenses are changed. He comes to the first session with 0.25 diopters less glasses. You can work "eye to eye" with or without glasses, it does not matter.
    When working "eye to eye", the healer looks at the patient with an absent-minded gaze at the center of the head behind the eyes. In this case, the frequency is scattered. Work continues until the appearance of pain, a feeling of sand, heat. The work is done every other day.

    With glaucoma Ranul frequency works better. You can alternate between Sury-Sanlay and Ranul.
    Treatment of skin diseases. If a skin diseases caused by an infection in the lymphatic system, it is necessary to work with the blood. This is, first of all, work with the liver. (Holy Moses, Risur). We give Craon or Gilius to the spleen, leaving the arc, without cutting the energy field of the organ.

    Allergy- when analyzing the incoming information, the frequencies of Sury-Sanlay (soft action) or St. Mohammed (percussive) are selected, the work is rarely done with the frequency of Ninalis, only if there is a prompt for Midi. Lotus is open. Recommend the patient to wipe with fresh urine (from 10 minutes to two hours do not rinse).
    Infectious prickly heat- Wipe with fresh urine.
    In the treatment of weeping eczema, purulent diseases, work is carried out semi-contact. AT rare cases leaving an arc. Lotus is open.

    Gangrene. Treatment is complex, often there is not enough time. Gangrene usually occurs in the presence of diabetes. During treatment, it is necessary to restore the overall energy, adjust the work of energy centers.
    To work in place semi-contact, leaving the arc. Each disease has its own behavioral function, which, in case of gangrene, leads to a stop of the 4th energy center, so it must be maintained 2 times a day. Gangrene treatment begins when the boundary layer appears. Frequencies pull the boundary layer down. Before the appearance of the boundary layer, one should work with the Suriy-Sanlay frequency in order to prevent damage to the tendon. The duration of treatment is at least 6 months.
    AT initial stage gangrene can be cured folk way. The hot liver of a cow or bull (at the time of slaughter) is cut and bandaged on the affected area.



    The frequency is used to work with the eyes, including the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. It is possible to work "eye to eye" and contactless according to the session scheme.

    Work with the eyes is carried out by the method of "eye to eye" in the session or outside the session, as well as the Surya-Sanlay frequency. If there were operations on the eyes, then work only with the Ranul frequency. When working with the eyes, the frequency is "shock".

    holy buddha


    The frequency is used to work with hernias of any kind, scars, postoperative scars, fractures, joints, gastrointestinal problems. Frequency enhances tissue regeneration. Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Scar. Work is carried out semi-contact or contact.
    The scar begins to spread, pigmentation is restored. You can leave the arc. Incisions should not be made, because. in this case, kosmoenerget should give energy, and not take it away.
    Hernias. Umbilical hernia. If the patient is calm child with a non-overgrown fontanel (up to about 2.5 years), then the work is carried out by contact, through the hands in the hernia area. After 3, 4 sessions every day, the hernia will remain, but the child needs to be released for a month. If the child is calm, then in a month there will be no hernia, but if the child is restless (yelling for days), then the hernia will again scream. When working with a restless child, you should skip the frequency between the hands from 3 to 5 minutes. The stream is powerful and wide. Then we begin to compress (narrow) it, as the flow narrows, we begin to twist it (we give torque) and as a result we get a tourniquet. The mental image works - we imagine that the rubber tourniquet is stretched. Attach one end of the rope to umbilical hernia and the other to the spine. So we work 3-4 sessions, every day. We work with adults every other day until the hernia goes away. It is necessary to warn the patient that heavy things should not be lifted during treatment and for some time after treatment.
    The inguinal hernia is tied to the thigh.
    In the same way, the rest of the organs are tied if they are omitted.

    Prolapse of the uterus- fasten to the pelvis, you can to the spine.
    Kidney prolapse- fasten to the collarbone. Right hand in front, left on the collarbone. Tourniquet at an angle of 90 degrees - from the hand to the kidney (auxiliary), from the kidney to the collarbone - the main one. We twist the main tourniquet. The hands were released - the auxiliary tourniquet disappeared.
    Working in this way, any organ can be lifted, the only thing to do is figure out where to attach the support tourniquet. Our phantoms perform this operation well (frequency of Phantom Operations - Master's level).

    Fractures. When working with a fresh fracture (up to one week), the bone will heal quickly and correctly even with complex fractures. We work semi-contact or contact, every other day.
    If the plaster is removed and the bone has grown together incorrectly, the following happens: fusion points form at the site of the bone fracture, and bone cartilage grows around. When exposed to frequency (semi-contact), the bones begin to fit together, and the cartilage dissolves. In this case, the fusion points will break on their own, and painlessly.

    GIT. The work is carried out contact, address, if necessary, arcs are installed.

    Joints. The work is carried out similarly to the treatment of polyarthritis with the frequency of the Holy Jesus.

    Holy Jesus


    The frequency is used to treat joints, catarrhal diseases of the throat, normalize pressure, reduce body temperature. Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Joint treatment carried out semi-contact and contact. With non-contact treatment, the effect is negligible.

    Polyarthritis. It is treated for at least six months. Hands are treated by contact, as usual. You can put the patient's hands together and work with two at the same time, taking in your hands. We do the same with the knees. The patient should be seated and work on two knees in contact. The arc can be left immediately on both knees or two hands. After one, one and a half months, the pains go away completely, even if the fingers are already deformed. After the pain is gone, the interval between sessions can be increased. If, with polyarthritis, the joints of the fingers are already deformed and their mobility is lost, then it can be restored, but the fingers will no longer be straight. With complete withdrawal pain it is necessary to start massaging each phalanx on the verge of pain, gradually increasing the load. In this case, friction of the joint occurs and a blood bag is formed, severe pain will not, but the joint will straighten a little. It should be ensured that the patient develops the joints himself.

    Cold sore throat(all colds associated with the throat) are treated by contact. Do not connect fingers when working on the throat.

    Normalization of blood pressure.
    Hypotension(low pressure). After adjusting the work of the energy centers between the 4th and 5th contact in the aura, give the frequency of the Holy Jesus to normalize the pressure. The lotus and the well should be closed at this point. You can open the lotus and the well only at the moment of tuning the energy centers.
    Hypertension (high blood pressure). The patient can sit. Open frequency, lotus and well. To get started, this is enough, there is no need to rush. After 10-15 minutes, measure the pressure. If the pressure has not dropped, open the chest and "shoulder straps". Under the hypertensive patient, we open a large well (in the case of a forced decrease in pressure through the hands, the well under the healer must also be open). If the results are unsatisfactory, we apply a forced pressure reduction. We put our hands on the patient's shoulders, approaching from the back, and pull the excess pressure (like a motor) through ourselves into the well for 5-7 minutes. The pressure energy passes through the hands, then along the side meridians and through the legs goes into the well. If the healer works correctly, then after a few minutes his feet and shins begin to burn, as if he were standing on hot asphalt. At the end of the work, the incision of the chest and shoulders must be closed, the Lotus left open. If the pressure is not completely relieved, leave the chest and shoulders open as well. Clear the energy field of the head using the "motor-well" method. AT difficult situation you can work every day.
    Only after solving the problems of hypertension (in two or three weeks) can one begin to work with the general energy and adjust the work of the energy centers according to the usual scheme of the session.

    Decrease in temperature. An increase in body temperature is normal reaction immune system on any problem and, in general, is a positive factor. There are diseases for which the body needs a temperature jump to treat, for example, with most viral diseases. With tonsillitis, pneumonia (pneumonia), the temperature usually decreases simply when the frequency is opened (there is no temperature jump). The work is carried out without contact.
    If the temperature under the influence of the frequency does not decrease, but rises, it is necessary to constantly monitor it and let it rise to a certain level, depending on the state of cardio-vascular system and the age of the patient, upon reaching which the frequency should be closed. After 15 - 20 min. the temperature is decreasing. The next day the patient is practically healthy, but physically weak.
    Decreased temperature in a child. At a temperature of 39 degrees and above, the child may experience convulsions. If a child has a temperature crisis, then you need to undress him, cover him with a blanket and open the frequency. Prepare a bath with cold water. If the child turns pale, i.e. he will now begin to have convulsions, then lower the child up to the neck in cold water for 4-7 seconds. Wipe, dress, cover with a blanket. If at a high temperature the child's face is red (crimson), there is no need to worry, in this case there will be no convulsions.

    holy moses


    The frequency is used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract (lungs, throat), liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases, including stomach cancer. Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Patients with the fourth stage of gastric cancer should not be taken.
    Airways- lungs (including cancer, tuberculosis, inflammation) and bronchi - we treat with contact, by laying hands alternately on the bottom and top of the lungs, leaving the arc. Bronchitis- laying hands on the chest, work every day for three days in a row. With inflammation of the lungs, they need to be “pierced” with a frequency. Left hand on the lungs from the back, right hand we beat on the left (our) hand and pronounce the name of the frequency. It should be taken into account that people with weak heart after pneumonia, a heart attack often occurs.

    Kidneys, liver, stomach(including cancer of the stomach) are treated by the laying on of hands, by contact. The frequency is soft, so it works on the liver and kidneys as a healing one.

    Saint Mohammed


    Used in the treatment of any kind allergic diseases, wound healing, destruction of warts and wen, destruction of hair in unnecessary places. Contact, semi-contact and non-contact frequency operation is possible.

    Wound healing. With wounds of a traumatic nature, you can work every day or twice a day, semi-contact or contact, if the condition and nature of the wound allows.
    Poor treatment of chemicals electrical burns(with them the Farun-Buddha frequency gives the best effect).
    In case of allergies, the frequency is universal, if after 3-5 sessions the therapeutic effect is weak, then replace it with the frequencies of Sury-Sanlay or Ninalis. The frequency of Ninalis in the treatment of allergic diseases is rarely used, only when prompted by the informational frequency.

    Destruction of moles, warts, moles on the leg. Pinch the mole with your fingers, as if slightly squeezing it out. Pass a frequency through it. You can work non-contact, with your eyes, then make an energy cut on the mole.
    A mole on a leg that does not have a brown head is removed longer. Moles associated with oncology, birth moles - are not removed. When working as Saint Muhammad can be pain. Often the mole remains in place, but as a result of the outflow of energy, the leg dries up and after a while it falls off on its own.
    Wen are removed by working with the frequencies of Saint Mohammed + Shaon contact or semi-contact. An energy incision is made on the wen.

    Mustache in women– to work in conjunction with the Synrah frequency. At the end of the session, make a lot of energy cuts, install drainage. If you make incisions during a session and continue working, they will close.

    Stitches after surgery. Work semi-contact or contact. When working with seams, fabrics can move and diverge. If this is accompanied by pain, then stop the work. With the destruction of adhesions, the pain must be endured.

    The frequency is concomitant with the normalization of hormonal levels and the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    1 2

    How does the audio resonance method work?

    To answer this question, about why some feel quite comfortable in life, while others are in a "black streak" for a long period, one will have to turn to some physiological characteristics the work of our brain, thanks to which events in our life line up in a certain way.

    It is known that serotonin is a substance produced pineal gland from tryptophan.
    Serotonin is often referred to as the "hormone of happiness" because it is the transmitter of impulses between nerve cells brain and actively controls the emotional sphere of a person, causing certain desires that cannot be explained in a logical way.
    Serotonin produced by the pineal gland cannot be stored in the body like fat.
    At the bioenergetic level, it must be spent in the form of pleasures experienced by a person.

    So, the produced serotonin must be used up in emotional sphere. Whether you realize it or not, this process is constantly going on within you.
    Some people spend this "hormone of pleasure" in the fastest and least laborious way: overeating, addiction to sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol in any form, smoking. Thanks to dozens of small pleasures that constantly occur to us in an incomprehensible way, our brain uses up the produced serotonin.
    Gradually, stable habits for serotonin expenditure are developed, which are extremely difficult to overcome. A typical example of this is addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs.

    So why are luck and money "attracted" to certain people, like magnets?
    The essence of the phenomenon is that for these people the pleasure of enjoying constant success in society, getting more and more profit, has a stable psychophysiological character.
    Their brain spends the bulk of the produced serotonin on the materialization of situations leading to a new, even greater profit, since such a consumption of serotonin is a "channel for obtaining bright pleasure" for it.

    It is far from easy to reconfigure the energy flows of psychic energy in order to drastically change your life.
    This requires activation of the brain regions responsible for the expenditure of psychic energy in a certain direction. Our brain forms stable zones increased activity through which serotonin is depleted.

    A fact repeatedly verified by science suggests that the work of the brain is characterized by frequencies called low and ultra-low.
    For those who are not familiar with this, let us briefly recall the publicly available data that the human brain has several types of activity that correspond to the biological and mental state of the organism.

    Delta rhythm. It consists of high-amplitude waves of the order of 500 μV, with a frequency of 1-4 Hz. It manifests itself in a state of deep sleep.

    Theta rhythm. Waves with a frequency of 4-7 Hz with an amplitude of 70 - 150 μV. Occurs during non-REM sleep.

    Alpha rhythm. Corresponds to the frequency band from 8 to 13 Hz, the average amplitude is 30-70 μV. It is observed in a state of calm wakefulness, with eyes closed.

    Beta rhythm. Range from 14 to 30 Hz with an amplitude of 5-30 µV. Corresponds to the state of active wakefulness.

    Gamma rhythm. Frequency range from 30 Hz to 50 Hz. This type of waves is characterized by a very low amplitude - less than 10 μV. This rhythm is observed in a state of maximum concentration, anxiety, during outbursts of anger.

    It is not difficult to see that with a decrease in the frequency of brain waves, their electrical potential increases from 10 μV in the Gamma rhythm to 500 μV and higher in the Delta rhythm.
    From the foregoing, it is clear that in order to activate certain zones of the subconscious, a special kind of signal is needed, which should have a frequency from 0.01 to 7 Hz, corresponding to the state of slow sleep, since in order to achieve a state of meditation and higher perception, complete relaxation of the muscles of the body and detachment from emotions.
    However, our with you hearing aid perceives acoustic vibrations bottom line which is 16 Hz. The ear does not perceive frequencies below this level.

    How, then, with the help of a sound file with frequencies of hundreds of hertz, to activate the brain so that, in resonance with the perceived sound, it works at a frequency that is at least two times lower than the threshold of hearing?

    A similar problem has long been solved, for example, in radio engineering. Any of you can easily record a voice or other sounds perceived by the ear on a tape recorder.
    This is done by a microphone - a device for converting air vibrations into an electrical signal. Regardless of the device, all microphones have the same element - a membrane that oscillates in time with sound vibrations.

    Is it possible to record air vibrations that the human ear does not perceive on a tape recorder?
    Yes, you can. But, for this you have to go to small technical tricks.
    The recorded low-frequency signal must be played back at a speed several times higher than normal. Then it becomes audible. By compressing a signal in time, we actually increase its frequency.
    Due to this, it is in the range of frequencies perceived by the ear.

    Have you heard the sound of sunny weather or approaching rain?
    In the normal state, we cannot hear it, because our ear does not perceive vibrations. atmospheric pressure that happen very slowly. However, there is a device that "hears" the weather.
    This device is a well-known barometer, a device for measuring atmospheric pressure. In essence, a barometer is a membrane that reacts to changes in air pressure and is similar to the one in a microphone.

    To "hear" the upcoming weather, you need to mount a sensitive microphone at one end of the liquid barometer tube, which must be sealed. At the sealed end of the tube, changes in atmospheric pressure will cause the microphone diaphragm to vibrate slowly. These oscillations cause a change in the induction in the microphone coil.

    If a few hours of such a recording is played at a speed several times higher than usual, then atmospheric pressure fluctuations become audible sounds that can hardly be called harmonic.
    A similar effect, but in a visual form, each of you has seen more than once on television in the form of accelerated shooting, for example, when a sprout is removed at intervals of several hours over a week or month. Reproducing the shooting, which took a month, in a few minutes, we kind of "compress time". What our eyes are unable to fix in the normal state becomes visible and understandable.

    Experimenting in this way, we accumulated a whole series of "compressed sounds" in the form of digital files that corresponded to various weather conditions.
    In such a "compressed" form, such recordings can be played on any consumer player.
    Compressing the wave envelope of the "weather sound" by 15 times and superimposing it on the harmonic audible sound in such a way that the envelope corresponded to the "border" of the audible frequency oscillations, we let completely strangers listen to the melodies.
    Everyone, without exception, was able to determine exactly what weather conditions each of the heard phonograms corresponds to.
    This indicates that the subconscious has the ability to directly perceive information, bypassing its analysis by consciousness.

    Unlike radio engineering, where a low-frequency signal for transmission to long distances"filled" with high-frequency oscillations of a fixed frequency, in our case harmonic oscillations based on "pink noise" are used.
    This kind sound waves characterized by the fact that its spectral density decreases with decreasing frequency.
    Such a sound signal does not cause irritation during playback since it is a harmonic sequence of sounds that are pleasant to the ear.
    The feature of the modulated sound signal that activates the subconscious is that the "enveloping" wave is not perceived by consciousness, since it has a frequency below 16 Hz. It penetrates immediately into the subconscious and is deciphered there.
    The audible part of the signal perceived by consciousness is the filler, the role of which is similar to the functions of supports in a "roller coaster".

    The hippocampus of our brain, which is responsible for "turning on" the areas of the subconscious responsible for intuition, during the period when a person is awake, is busy distributing "input" information in the brain that comes from the senses every second. In this state, it does not work in mode reverse output information.
    The channel "to exit" information from the subconscious is activated when the brain works at frequencies below 8 Hz, i.e. in a state of slow and deep sleep.
    When you are awake your intuition is off, when it is on you are asleep.
    If you activate the hippocampus with the help of audio files modulated by signals of 0.01 to 8 Hz in the waking state, then you can turn on intuition at a time when it is vital, at a time when you are active, alert and full of energy.
    Moreover, with the help of modulated audio signals, psychic energy can be directed in the right direction, allowing it to resonate with other types of energy. natural energy, including those with Schumann waves.

    By modulating sound with ultra-low frequency waves, you can “turn off” the “anxiety zones” in the subconscious, destroy fears, increase the feeling of happiness and pleasure from the process of life, activate the subconscious in such a way as to be attractive to other people, etc.

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