Menstrual cycle: a general concept of its norm, regularity, failures and violations. The period of the menstrual cycle and its main phases. The degree of profusion and pain during menstruation. Menstrual cycle: what is it, duration, norm, failures, violations

A stable menstrual cycle is an indicator of the health of a woman's reproductive system. Its total duration and the duration of individual parts can be individual. However, the changes in the body that occur at certain intervals of the cycle are the same for everyone.

Phases of the menstrual cycle: follicular, luteal, menstruation and ovulation

The processes occurring in the reproductive system at different stages of the cycle depend on the secretion of various hormones. Any significant deviation can signal the presence of pathology. For this reason, it is so important to know how many periods are included in the female cycle and what features are characteristic of them.

Loop structure

The menstrual cycle consists of 4 periods. This period of time is counted from the first day of menstruation. The cycle ends just before the start of new menstrual flow. Its standard duration is 28 days, but slight deviations are possible. The following phases are distinguished:

  • menstrual;
  • follicular;
  • ovulation;
  • luteal.

The names of the phases reflect the essence of the processes taking place in a woman's body. However, a two-phase cycle is often considered. In this case, its two longest stages are studied: follicular and luteal.

The time interval starting from the first day of menstruation and lasting until the moment of ovulation is commonly called the proliferation phase. The rest of the cycle is the secretion phase.

Changes that occur at different stages are controlled by hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is from these structures that the work of the ovaries depends.

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland control the phases of the menstrual cycle

menstrual phase

The first stage of the cycle is characterized by the presence of bleeding of varying degrees of intensity. This phase usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. The total volume of blood loss should not exceed 80 ml. Deviation from these data may indicate a violation of the reproductive system. The exceptions are periods of puberty and menopause.

Bloody discharge is a shedding endometrium - the inner uterine layer. In the previous cycle, it grew and condensed to allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold inside the uterine cavity. In the event that pregnancy does not occur, the body gets rid of unnecessary endometrium. The unfertilized egg is released along with the blood.

During this period, weakness and headaches may be noted. The vast majority of women complain of pain in the lower abdomen.

The beginning of the cycle is considered the phase of menstruation.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle begins immediately after the cessation of bleeding. Sometimes menstruation is considered as part of the follicular phase. The countdown of the stage will start from the first day of discharge, and its average duration will be 14 days. The follicular phase corresponds to the first half of the cycle.

At this time, the preparation for the intended pregnancy starts in the woman's body. In the pituitary gland, under the influence of the hypothalamus, active secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone begins. This process triggers the production of estrogen by the ovaries.

Thanks to these hormones, the follicles - the structural units of the ovaries - begin to grow vigorously. In one of them, an egg matures. The follicular phase is characterized by gradual thickening of the endometrium. A favorable environment is formed for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Estrogen concentration rises throughout the follicular phase, reaching its peak on the last day before ovulation. This phenomenon is inextricably linked with the maximum secretion of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland.

External manifestations of hormonal fluctuations during the follicular stage vary from excessive irritability of a woman at the beginning to an emotional upsurge at the end.

The follicular phase is characterized by increased growth of follicles in the ovaries

Around the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs. This is the process of release of a mature egg. The follicle shell bursts, and the oocyte begins to slowly move through the fallopian tubes. The ovulation phase is the shortest. Its duration is two days, and the average life span of an egg does not exceed a day.

From this phase of the menstrual cycle, the intense secretion of estrogen by the ovaries ceases. The main effect on the woman's body begins to have another hormone - progesterone.

The release of the egg is controlled by the pituitary gland. On the 14th day of the cycle, the secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones is most intense. This phenomenon determines the maximum chances of a woman getting pregnant.

It is at this time that women's libido increases. The vaginal secret acquires a mucous character. In addition, there may be slight spotting, which is accompanied by mild pain in the abdomen. This is the norm. Another external manifestation of the ovulation phase is a slight increase in body temperature.

Ovulation phase is the best time to conceive

luteal phase

If the mature egg has not been fertilized, it is time for the next phase of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the luteal phase in women is not the same. The longer this stage, the greater the number of days included in the full cycle.

A corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle. The secretion of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland continues. It triggers the production of progesterone by the ovaries. The concentration of the latter increases sharply immediately after ovulation and remains stably high until the onset of menstrual flow in the next cycle.

Due to the influence of progesterone, the endometrium becomes loose. During pregnancy, this allows easy implantation of the embryo into its walls. At the end of the luteal phase, the endometrium reaches its maximum thickness. It will begin to be rejected from the first day of the next cycle.

A woman under the influence of progesterone becomes irritable. Deterioration of mood and well-being reaches its peak at the very end of the luteal phase. This condition is called premenstrual syndrome. Other symptoms of menstruation may also be observed:

  • breast swelling;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • skin itching;
  • acne;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

The intensity of symptoms is an individual indicator.

It is the current phase of the menstrual cycle that determines the likelihood of pregnancy. In addition, the hormones produced by the ovaries affect the appearance of a woman, her emotional state and well-being. It should be remembered that the main condition for planning a pregnancy is the stability of the cycle. With any changes in one of its stages, it is required to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

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The difference between a man and a woman is due to sexual characteristics and the presence of the representatives of the beautiful half of the reproductive function, which directly depends on how the phases of the menstrual cycle proceed and whether there are any failures in this cycle.

What are the phases of menstruation, why should a woman keep a monthly record? Is it possible to plan a pregnancy on your own if you clearly understand what the essence of each phase of the menstrual cycle is? Read more about the features of the female body in the article.

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What is the menstrual cycle

The reproductive function of the female body becomes active from the moment the first menstruation arrives in a girl aged 10–15 years and until the period of female menopause (age criteria are individual). With the ability to conceive on a monthly basis, nature awarded the woman purposefully so that there would be more attempts for the appearance of offspring, given the fact that a short time corridor from 24 to 48 hours is allotted for mating a sperm with an egg. If at this moment there was no sexual relationship between a man and a woman, then you should not think about pregnancy either.

menstrual cycle- this is a periodic change of phases in which the egg matures, enters the cavity of the fallopian tubes, meets or not with the sperm, moves into the uterine cavity and has two scenarios for the development of events - the fertilized one is fixed in the endometrial epithelium, the empty one is expelled from the uterus along with the corpus luteum and unnecessary endometrium.

Every girl, woman must clearly know her phases of the menstrual cycle in order to have a desired pregnancy or prevent its development if children are not included in her plans.

What are the phases of the menstrual cycle, their number

Phases in the menstrual cycle are certain stages in which special processes are carried out under the influence of special hormones.

Some sources divide the entire menstrual cycle into 4 phases:

  • Bleeding phase (menses) lasts from 1 to 7 days.
  • Follicle formation, the beginning of which coincides with the first day of menstruation and lasts until the full maturation of the egg.
  • Ovulation when the egg leaves the follicle and rushes into the fallopian tubes to mate with the sperm.
  • Phase of the menstrual cycle when active lutein hormone is produced, which is responsible for preparing the uterine epithelium for egg attachment, for the production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum until the placenta fully matures as an organ that supports the development of the fetus and its birth. In this phase of the menstrual cycle, the rejection of an empty egg also occurs if conception has not occurred. Exfoliated endometrium and corpus luteum come out, like waste material.

In the community of gynecologists, it is customary to talk about three phases of the menstrual cycle, when the period of menstruation itself is classified as a follicular phase.

Classification of the phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • Follicle Growth Phase- each woman has a different duration of this phase of the menstrual cycle. This phase of the menstrual cycle ends at the moment of full maturation of the egg.
  • Ovulation phase- lasts no more than two days and is considered the shortest phase of the menstrual cycle. The egg breaks through the wall of the follicle and enters the fallopian tubes, through which it moves into the uterine cavity. The most important phase of the menstrual cycle for the conception of an embryo, if a woman and a man have the desire to do so.
  • Phase of active influence of lutein and progesterone, which is commonly called the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Active preparation of the uterine cavity for the attachment of a fertilized egg and further growth of the embryo is underway. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum leaves the cavity of the follicle and, together with the dead egg and exfoliated uterine epithelium, comes out in the form of spotting. The first phase of the next menstrual cycle begins.

It is the first day of spotting (menstruation) that is considered to be the first day of a woman's monthly menstrual cycle.

Classification of the phases of the menstrual cycle by day

The standard division of the menstrual cycle into phases without reference to specific days does not provide exhaustive knowledge for a woman how to calculate the ovulation phase in the menstrual cycle in order to become pregnant or exclude such a result using calculations as a contraceptive tool.

You can rely on this method if the phases of the menstrual cycle are constant and the period from the first day of menstruation to their next onset is the same, that is, 28–35 days. With a constant failure in the menstruation schedule, you should not rely on the calculation of the day of ovulation.

In some cases, a woman may have two follicles at once, and with a delay of 1-2 days, another egg rushes into the cavity of the fallopian tubes, which the lady is not aware of.

If we focus on the average duration of the menstrual cycle, then it can be divided into 2 phases:

  • From the first day of bleeding until the moment of ovulation.
  • From the day the egg is released to the moment it attaches to the endometrium or the start of a new period. This phase of the menstrual cycle is always constant and lasts 14 days, given that the period of ovulation is given no more than 48 hours, sometimes less.

Each phase of the menstrual cycle can be considered in more detail, moving on to specific intervals of processes in the reproductive organs of a woman. The following table, focused on a cycle of 28 calendar days, will help with this:

Cycle phasedaysProcessesProbability of getting pregnantWoman's well-being
First (follicular)1–7 daysBleeding that lasts 4 to 7 days. From the first day, the growth of follicles begins, which are capable of maturing the egg. One follicle is always more active, and when the diameter reaches 14 mm, competitors lose ground and dissolve.NotPain in the lower abdomen, mood deterioration, loss of strength, sometimes headache.
Day 7–12Absence of bleeding. The follicle is actively growing, the hormone estrogen enhances the effect on the reproductive system to help the maturation of the egg.NotThe mood improves, there is no pain. Increased sexual desire for a partner. Efficiency and activity at its peak.
OvulationDay 13–14Rupture of the walls of the follicle and the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes. The luteinizing hormone actively manifests itself, which weakens the walls of the follicle when the cell is ready to go outside.Yes, up to 16 days of the cycle.A woman may feel pain in the ovarian region due to the active release of the egg from the follicle cavity.
lutealthe period of the phase is constant and lasts 14 days from the moment of fertilization or cell death.A corpus luteum forms at the site where the egg matured. The production of the hormones progesterone and lutein begins, which prepare the body for the development of a new life. If fertilization does not occur, hormone production stops until phase 3 of the new cycle.from 17 to 28 days of the third phase of the cycle, fertilization is excluded.Until the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle, a woman has an excellent mood, high performance. If conception did not occur, then after 22 days, PMS (premenstrual symptoms) begin to appear, individual for each lady. In this phase, the basal temperature in a woman is 37 degrees, which can be considered a determining factor in the luteal phase.

This table is relevant only for women with an established menstruation cycle of 28 calendar days. With a longer cycle, the first phase increases and the day of ovulation is postponed.

To clarify the date and phase of ovulation, it is necessary to keep a record of the first days of menstruation of each month in order to understand during what period the follicle growth phase is active, and when the egg release phase begins and its ability to mate with sperm.

Causes of the shift in the phases of the menstrual cycle

Sometimes women experience a shift in the phases of the menstrual cycle and there must be good reasons for this, because the onset of menstruation is a mandatory process for a healthy woman of childbearing age.

A woman should know the phases of her cycle and its duration, so that at the slightest failure in this process, contact a gynecologist to identify pathologies that can be serious and require immediate treatment, in some cases surgical.

How to calculate your phases of the menstrual cycle

The basic rule that any lady should follow from the first day of puberty (the first menstruation for a girl) is to buy a notebook or calendar, in which the days of the beginning of the first phase, that is, menstruation, are systematically recorded. After 3-4 months, you can analyze how stable the cycle is and how many days all three phases last, given that the third phase is always constant in the number of days and lasts 14 days.

Calculation example

  1. The first discharge appeared on March 5th. The date is marked on the calendar. The next mark is the last day of bleeding, for example, March 9th.
  2. next menstruation began on April 2 and lasted until April 6.
  3. The full cycle for March/April was 29 days. To clarify indicators you can compare the days of menstruation in May and conclude that the phases of the cycle are constant and you can calculate the phase of ovulation by subtracting 14 from 29 days, which means that the period from 13 to 15 days of the cycle is the phase of egg readiness for conception.

For an accurate calculation, you can use an online calculator that makes a detailed calculation of the length of the cycle for a certain period and accurately indicates the phase of ovulation.

If a couple has problems conceiving, then a woman is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan on the 5th-7th day of the first phase of the menstrual cycle to make sure that the follicles are able to form an egg. And also the doctor determines the phase of the menstrual cycle, favorable for sexual contact in order to have a baby.


Phases of the menstrual cycle is not only a gynecological term, but also a process that every woman should know. This is a kind of women's health barometer, which you need to pay attention to and immediately consult a doctor.

It is useful for women to know what happens in certain phases of the cycle, which hormones are necessary for the optimal functioning of the reproductive system. Violation of the secretion of estrogens, progesterone, LH and FSH, and other regulators disrupts the frequency of monthly bleeding, reduces the level of fertility.

Infertility, endometrial hyperplasia, polycystic ovaries, the threat of spontaneous abortion, lack of ovulation are pathologies that develop against the background of excess, deficiency, or an incorrect ratio of hormones. The article contains a lot of useful information about the menstrual cycle and its phases, the influence of the endocrine glands on the ability to conceive, well-being, weight and appearance.

Hormonal status in women

The defeat of the endocrine glands in combination with nervous breakdowns, malnutrition, lack of sleep, physical inactivity, chronic pathologies are the causes of problems with the reproductive system. Any violations in the production of regulators adversely affect the maturation of follicles, the nature of monthly bleeding, the onset of ovulation.

Effect on the menstrual cycle

Studies have confirmed a complex system of regulation of processes in the genitals, mammary glands. Neurohormonal control of the cycle occurs with the participation of the central nervous system, pituitary gland and ovaries. Maintaining reproductive function at an optimal level is impossible without the sensitivity of target organs and elements of the reproductive system (uterus, vagina) to the action of hormones.

The thyroid gland and adrenal glands, through the secretion of regulators and interaction reactions with other substances, also affect the ability to conceive. The endocrine glands produce hormonally active compounds in minimal doses, but even small deviations in dosage provoke the development of pathological processes.

The role of hormones in the regulation of the functions of the reproductive system:

  • . Both excess and deficiency of an important substance is harmful to the body. inhibits the process of maturation of follicles, provokes anovulation and hormonal infertility, cessation or rare onset of menstruation. The concentration of the regulator increases significantly during pregnancy and lactation. It is no coincidence that in the first six months after the birth of a child, with natural feeding, the level of prolactin is very high, the probability of conception is minimal;
  • . The main hormone, without which pregnancy is impossible. In place of the follicle, it is formed that produces progesterone. In the absence of fertilization, a gradual reduction of the temporary endocrine gland occurs. With successful conception, the corpus luteum functions, producing progesterone, until the placenta is fully mature for sufficient secretion of the hormone. Progesterone reduces the tone of the uterus to preserve the fetus, prevents spontaneous abortion. The sex hormone is responsible for the proper development of the mammary glands, preparation for lactation;
  • gonadoliberin. Religing hormone is produced by the hypothalamus. The main role of the regulator is to stimulate the secretion of FSH and luteinizing hormone in the pituitary cells. A characteristic feature is pulsed release into the blood. The hormone is rapidly transformed under the influence of enzymes, a violation of the synthesis of GnRH negatively affects the production of LH and FSH;
  • . Glycoprotein is produced by the gonadotropic zones of the pituitary gland. Together with the follicle-stimulating hormone, lutropin regulates the maturation of full-fledged follicles and the onset of ovulation. After the rupture of the follicle in the granulosa cells under the influence of LH, the production of progesterone begins;
  • . Steroid sex hormones ensure the correct course of the cycle, the successful maturation of the egg, and the preservation of pregnancy. The most active estrogen is called. The substance affects the formation of sexual characteristics, endometrial thickness, nervous regulation, weight, vascular condition, hormone proportions, cholesterol levels. Estriol and estrone are less active;
  • . Glycoprotein is produced by cells of the adenohypophysis. Under the influence of FSH, the follicles mature, the eggs are ready for fertilization. With a deficiency of follicle-stimulating hormone, the production of the aromatase enzyme is disrupted, without which the correct transformation of estrogens is impossible;
  • male sex hormones. and produce small amounts of specific follicle cells. The aromatase enzyme ensures the transformation of androgens into estrogens. Testosterone deficiency provokes bone fragility, muscle flabbiness, deterioration of the epidermis, a set of extra pounds;
  • and . With insufficient production of thyroid hormones, the secretion of thyreoliberin increases, which leads to increased production of prolactin. With and there is no ovulation, the regularity of the cycle is disturbed, hormonal infertility develops. With an excess of thyroid hormones, the concentration exceeds the norm, which disrupts the level of estrogen. With hypoestrogenism, the maturation of the egg does not occur fully, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

On a note! The optimal cycle length is 21-35 days. If the rejection of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) occurs more often, then the mucosa does not have time to recover, and the risk of pathological processes increases. Too long an interval between menstruation is also harmful: the thickness of the endometrium increases significantly, it is difficult to reject part of the inner layer. With rare periods, with the onset of the next menstruation, severe pain appears, bleeding is profuse, often lasting longer than the average time (optimally 4-6 days).

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The biological purpose of monthly bleeding is to prepare the female body for conception and the preservation of pregnancy. Changes in the organs of the reproductive system, occurring at approximately equal intervals, is called the menstrual cycle.

Unpleasant sensations during menstruation, pain syndrome of varying intensity in the lower abdomen is associated with desquamation (rejection) of endometrial tissues. With hypothermia, frequent stress, infectious and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, hormonal failure, discomfort increases.

The menstrual cycle has three phases:

  • the initial stage is the development of the follicle. In the follicular phase, the maturation of the egg occurs, which in the future can be fertilized for the development of a new life. The duration of the period is from the 1st day of menstruation until the onset of ovulation. During the follicle maturation stage, the basal temperature does not reach 37 degrees. Estrogens, LH, FSH, androgens play an active role. Closer to ovulation, the concentration of estrogens and lutropin increases sharply, which ensures the rupture of the basement membrane of the mature follicle;
  • the second phase is ovulatory. At this moment, the mature follicle bursts, the egg (oocyte) comes out, moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. To regulate the process, the enzyme collagenase, prostaglandins, and other substances from the follicular fluid are needed. During ovulation, the basal temperature exceeds 37 degrees. When treating infertility, it is important to measure this indicator every day in the morning so as not to miss the onset of ovulation. Pregnancy is possible three to four days before the release of a mature egg, during ovulation and only one to two days after it;
  • the third stage is the onset of the luteal phase. The second name is the corpus luteum phase. At this stage, after ovulation, a temporary gland is formed in place of the egg, which produces the female hormone progesterone. The luteal phase coincides in duration with the functioning of a specific endocrine gland, on average from 12 to 14 days. During this period, the balance between the secretion of estrogens and progesterone is especially important in order to preserve the fertilized egg and ensure the implantation of the embryo into the uterus. The level of lutropin, FSH falls by about the 28th day of the cycle. The basal temperature during this period is kept at 37 degrees, if pregnancy has not occurred, then the indicators drop to 36.4-36.6 degrees two to three days before the next bleeding.

On the page, read about the rules and features of the treatment of hyperandrogenism during pregnancy.

During the cycle, several successive processes occur in the endometrium: rejection of surface cells (menstruation), restoration of the layer due to internal cells, and the process of proliferation. The final stage is the secretion phase, during which the corpus luteum regresses in the absence of pregnancy and the endometrium is prepared for the next menstruation. To regulate processes, an optimal level of progesterone and estrogen is needed. With a deficiency of estradiol, the epithelium recovers more slowly, negative processes occur in the uterine cavity. Endometrial hyperplasia is a serious pathology.

For a stable menstrual cycle, optimal hormonal balance is needed. With damage to the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal cortex, the secretion of important regulators decreases or increases. To restore all phases of the menstrual cycle, normalize the secretion of hormones, an integrated approach to therapy is needed under the guidance of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. For the successful treatment of PMS, infertility, mastopathy, hypoestrogenism, hyperprolactinemia, it is important to forget about addictions, normalize the daily routine, give up living in a state of stress, and stabilize weight.

What is the menstrual cycle? When does ovulation occur? Video about the phases of the menstrual cycle, about the hormonal background and about the influence of important regulators during all phases:

The menstrual cycle is a complex periodic process consisting of phases, each of which has its own characteristics. As a rule, its duration is 28 days, however, this parameter is individual and normally can be 21-35 days.

What are the phases of the menstrual cycle?

The whole cycle consists of 3 phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal phases, each of which has its own characteristics.

Consider the phases of the menstrual cycle by day.

So, the first phase - follicular, has an average duration of 14 days. It begins with menstruation, i.e. in the first 4-5 days of this phase, spotting is observed. After that, the body begins to gradually prepare for a possible pregnancy. This increases the production of estrogen, which promotes the growth of follicles, and also has a direct effect on the maturation of the egg. It is in this phase that the growth of a new epithelium begins, and the gradual preparation of the uterus for implantation takes place.

If we talk about what day of the cycle the ovulatory phase begins, then this is 14-15 days from the moment the monthly discharge begins. Despite its short duration (about 3 days), this phase is very important for the formation of a new life. Directly at this time, a mature egg, ready for fertilization, enters the abdominal cavity, i.e. .

Speaking about what day of the cycle the luteal phase begins, it should be noted that this period of time lasts from ovulation to the onset of a new pregnancy. It comes on about 15-17 days from the beginning of menstruation. Its duration, on average, is 14 days.

At this time, the uterus is actively preparing to accept the egg. If fertilization occurs, after a while it is fixed in the uterine cavity. In the opposite case, there is a gradual rejection of the outer layer of the endometrium, and then a new cycle begins.

What else do you need to know about the menstrual cycle?

Having considered all the phases of the female menstrual cycle by day, it should be noted that in fact this or that phase does not always begin exactly at the indicated time. After all, every body is different. Moreover, the menstrual cycle itself is a rather delicate and complex process, the normal course of which depends on many factors, and it directly affects women's reproductive health and well-being in general.

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Menstruation: terms and parameters

With a frequency of 21-35 days in a healthy woman of reproductive age, menstruation occurs - the rejection of the endometrium and its release along with a certain amount of blood from the uterus. The duration of menstruation normally lasts from 2 to 7 days. When bleeding, approximately 35-40 ml of blood is lost, however, the amount of blood released can vary from 10 to 80 ml. Due to the presence of the enzyme plasmin in the menstrual blood, it does not clot.

The period of time from one bleeding to another is called the menstrual cycle. The duration of different menstrual cycles may vary slightly. However, if this difference is more than 3-4 days, then it is necessary to visit a doctor to find out the reason for this phenomenon.

The cessation of menstruation occurs between the ages of 40 and 58 years (most often 47-50 years). During menopause, a woman's reproductive function noticeably fades. The onset of menopause depends on several factors, primarily heredity, as well as some diseases.

Each menstrual cycle is divided into phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal phases.

Follicular phase

In this phase, maturation of 5-7 tertiary follicles occurs. The process is triggered by follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH. Once the follicles have matured, they are ready to move on to the next phase of the menstrual cycle.

Under the influence of a number of other hormones, 1 or 2 of the mature follicles become dominant. The remaining 3-6 follicles atrophy. The time of maturation of the dominant follicle is individual. This period can last 7-22 days (average 14 days).


The dominant follicle begins to synthesize the hormone estrogen, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium. As the egg (in the follicle) matures, the estrogens produced by the dominant follicle cause the formation of another substance -. After some time, the dominant follicle reaches maturity, turning into a graafian vesicle - a sac in which a mature egg is enclosed.

The secreted luteinizing hormone weakens the wall of the Graafian vesicle, as a result of which it bursts, and the egg leaves the surface of the ovary into the fallopian tube, that is, ovulation occurs. In which ovary (left or right) ovulation will occur is unknown, since this is pure chance, not dependent on any factors.

Further, the egg is directed towards the uterus with the help of movements of the hairy epithelium, which covers the inner layer of the fallopian tubes. If fertilization does not occur in the fallopian tube, then the egg will enter the uterus and dissolve in its mucous membrane.

For some women, ovulation may be accompanied by pain that lasts for several hours.

luteal phase

The luteal phase is the period of time that begins immediately after and lasts until bleeding. The luteal phase lasts an average of 13-14 days. After the graafian vesicle ruptures, its cells begin to accumulate the pigment lutein and lipids. So the graafian vesicle gradually turns into a corpus luteum, which secretes a number of hormones: estradiol, progesterone and androgens. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, changes occur in the endometrium, and its glands begin to secrete a secret. Thus, the uterus begins to prepare for the implantation of the zygote (fertilized egg).

Questions from readers

Hello! I have never had a period failure. October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello! I have never had a failure in menstruation! And 3 days ago I signed up for a fitness trainer ... during a workout, I got a little anointed, as if my period was ending (2 weeks have passed). It was smeared for an hour ... I didn’t go in for sports for half a year. Can this break the cycle and are there any consequences of this? Or maybe there is another reason for this phenomenon?

In the middle of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the level of progesterone and estrogen reaches a maximum, as a result of which the level of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones decreases. In the event of pregnancy, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum until the placenta develops in the pregnant woman and secretes these hormones.

If pregnancy does not occur, then the corpus luteum ceases to function, and necrotic changes occur in the endometrium and the two outer layers of the endometrium are rejected. At the same time, the level of progesterone and estrogen decreases, which contributes to the synthesis of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, and a new menstrual cycle begins.

Mikhail Khetsuriani

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