Acromegaly: causes and symptoms. Nikolai Valuev spoke about the long-term struggle with a brain tumor Family and children

In terms of spectacle, bloody spectacle and show, any fight is a win-win. Antonio Silva with another fighter who likes to fight in the stance.
There are a trio of UFC fighters, between whom you can constantly arrange fights, and then rematches, and on which people will blame the shaft. This is Antonio Silva, former K-1 champion. Mark Hunt and collective farm grunt Roy Nelson. All of them have completely cast-iron chins and are almost impossible to cleanly knock out. A completely enchanting fight between the New Zealander and the winner of Fedor Emelianenko has already taken place, but Nelson still falls out of their company a little. Yes, of course there is Junior Dos Santos, but he is just #2 heavyweight mma and you want to watch him fight only against the best. I'm talking about a pure spectacle, about the gladiator fights of our time, where the main thing is not the level of the fighters, but the number of heavy cuffs they received and the amount of blood shed.

And here I, as a novice promoter, came up with a brilliant idea! Everyone knows that Silva has to cut a lot of weight to meet the heavyweight limit of 120 kg. Previously, with a weight of 137 kg, he competed in the heavyweight division. Does it evoke any associations? - Yes, he definitely needs to fight against Nikolai Valuev. Let it be according to the rules of boxing, but then it’s easier to take gloves, and spend no more than 10 rounds! Previously, our giant had an advantage in size, with which he could crush the enemy. Now it will remain, but it will be rather conditional 213 cm in height against 196 and 216 arm span against 208 cm for the Brazilian. Yes, and at the same time, trying to crush the enemy in the clinch would be a strategically wrong step, because Silva himself likes to push in the clinch and is much better trained in this, in addition, he has very good endurance to the corresponding power loads!
Valuev's gigantism will be opposed by a natural deviation, no matter how blasphemous it will be said about it, Silva - acromegaly: the proportions of a dwarf with increased dimensions. That is, in reality, Antonio will most likely be even more powerful than Valuev - he has a heavier skeleton, and, unlike Valuev, he never weighed around 100 kg!

Valuev can outbox Silva, but with his speed he will not be able to knock out, but Antonio can knock out anyone. After all, he has in his collection scalps of such skillful and, I emphasize, tall kickboxers as Travis Brown and Alistair Overeem(Alas!). He won and Arlovsky. Thus, the massacre will be great. A knockout is possible, but not required. There will be a lot of blood and a lot of blows missed by Valuev.
Nikola Pitersky would have fallen in the end (for the first time in his career) if he had embarked on an exchange with a dangerous Brazilian. In exchange with Silva, only a suicide can be launched, well, or Mark Hunt (analogue in boxing - David Tua). Alexander Belenky somehow allowed himself to compare Valuev's slow blows with hits with a sleeper, but, as practice shows, Bigfoot's head is easier to crush the bones of his hand than to knock him out. It’s better not to stand still in front of him and you can’t allow yourself to be driven into a corner, this is all fraught with big problems.
And the intrigue of the fight would be Valuev's low speed, as well as his not the best skills in terms of pure boxing, because the defeated Silva Cormier boxed amazingly well for a fighter in the past, this can hardly be expected from Valuev ...

Acromegaly is a disease characterized by increased secretion of somatotropic hormone (GH), disproportionate growth of skeletal bones, an increase in protruding parts of bones and soft tissues, as well as internal organs, and metabolic disorders.

The frequency of acromegaly in men and women is the same, more often people over the age of 30 get sick. With the appearance of hyperproduction of growth hormone at a young age, before the completion of growth, there is a proportional accelerated growth of the bones of the skeleton, gigantism develops (growth up to 190 cm is considered normal).

However, sometimes in children with open growth zones, excessive secretion of this hormone is accompanied by the appearance of acromegaloid features or the development of acromegaly.

The reasons

Why does acromegaly develop, and what is it? Acromegaly is a syndrome that develops as a result of excessive production of somatotropin (growth hormone) by the pituitary gland after a period of maturation and ossification of the epiphyseal cartilage. The disease is characterized by a gradual pathological growth of bones, internal organs and soft tissues, especially peripheral parts of the body (limbs, head, face).

Causes of acromegaly in the vast majority of cases in the clinic, the cause of excessive secretion of growth hormone is a pituitary adenoma, located in the area responsible for the production of growth hormone. Most often, the development of a tumor is provoked by a mutation in the Gs-alpha protein gene. This mutant protein continuously stimulates the enzyme adenylate cyclase, which leads to increased growth of cells that produce somatotropin, and as a result, to an increase in its production.

In the absence of benign tumors in the glandular tissues of the pituitary gland acromegaly can cause:

  • skull trauma;
  • pathological course of pregnancy;
  • acute and chronic infections (eg influenza, etc.);
  • mental trauma;
  • tumors localized in the central nervous system;
  • malignant neoplasms of the left frontal lobe;
  • epidermal encephalitis;
  • cysts of a large tank, formed as a result of head injuries or as a result of infectious diseases;
  • congenital or acquired.

It is worth noting that the trauma in itself is not the cause of acromegaly, it can simply become a catalyst for the development of this pathology of growth.

Symptoms of acromegaly

Symptoms appear slowly enough, and their increase occurs gradually. As a rule, for the diagnosis of this disease in adulthood takes about ten years after the onset of the first signs of the disease. In the case of acromegaly, the symptoms largely depend on the stage.

Experts distinguish the following forms of the disease:

  • preacromegalic- there are practically no symptoms;
  • hypertrophic- the main part of the symptoms of the disease is manifested;
  • tumor - tumor growth affects nearby nerve endings, tissues and organs;
  • cachectic - the most severe stage.

The frequency of occurrence of subjective signs of acromegaly when contacting a doctor is as follows:

  • increase in hands and feet - 100%,
  • appearance change - 100%,
  • headache - 80%,
  • paresthesia - 71%,
  • joint and back pain - 69%,
  • sweating - 62%,
  • menstrual irregularities - 58%,
  • general weakness and decreased ability to work - 54%,
  • weight gain - 48%,
  • decreased libido and potency - 42%,
  • visual impairment - 36%,
  • daytime sleepiness - 34%,
  • hypertrichosis - 29%,
  • palpitations and shortness of breath - 25%.

When examining a patient, attention is drawn to the coarsening of facial features, an increase in the hands and feet, kyphoscoliosis, changes in hair, skin. As a result of an increase in the superciliary arches, zygomatic bones and chin, the patient's face becomes stern. The soft tissues of the face are hypertrophied, which leads to an increase in the nose and ears, lips. The skin thickens, deep folds appear (especially at the back of the head), as a rule, the surface of the skin is oily (oily seborrhea).

Due to the increase in internal organs in size and volume, muscle dystrophy increases in the patient, which leads to the appearance of weakness, fatigue, and a rapid decrease in efficiency. Cardiac muscle hypertrophy progresses rapidly and. According to statistics, a third of patients with acromegaly have high blood pressure and disruption of the respiratory center, resulting in frequent attacks of apnea (temporary cessation of breathing).

The tongue and interdental spaces (diastema) increase, prognathism develops, violating the bite. The growth of the bones of the skull, especially the facial one, is noted. The hands are wide, the fingers are thickened and seem shortened. The skin on the hands is also thickened, especially on the palmar surface. The width of the foot increases, and due to the growth of the calcaneus - and the length, the size of the shoes worn increases.

The skin of the extremities is thickened, oily and moist, often with profuse hypertrichosis. Often there are paresthesias and a feeling of numbness of the fingers. In advanced cases of the disease, varying degrees of skeletal deformity occur.


The diagnosis is confirmed by examining blood tests for hormones. In all patients with acromegaly, an increased content of somatotropic hormone in the blood is detected. In addition to laboratory tests, the patient is shown other diagnostic methods:

  • x-ray of the skull;
  • endocrinologist consultation.

Diagnosis of a number of cases of acromegaly cannot be based solely on changes in the patient's appearance. This is due to the fact that an increase in facial features, limbs and body parts are signs of other diseases - gigantism, osteoarthropathy, Paget's disease.

Therefore, it is extremely important to conduct a number of additional studies with signs of acromegaly. In particular, an x-ray can reveal an increase in the size of the Turkish saddle, and a tomography will help determine the true cause of this. In addition, a number of ophthalmological examinations should be carried out.

Acromegaly: photo

How patients with acromegaly look like, we offer detailed photos for viewing.

Famous people with this disease

In chronological order:

  • Tiye, Maurice (1903 -1954) - French professional wrestler, born in the Urals in a French family; prototype of Shrek.
  • Keel, Richard (1939-2014) 2.18m American actor.
  • André the Giant (1946-1993) - professional French wrestler and actor of Bulgarian-Polish origin.
  • Struyken, Karel (born 1948) - Dutch character actor with a height of 2.13 m.
  • Igor and Grishka Bogdanov (Igor et Grichka Bogdanoff; born 1949) are French twins of Russian origin, TV presenters and popularizers of space physics.
  • McGrory, Matthew (1973-2005) - American actor with a height of 2.29 m.
  • Valuev, Nikolai Sergeevich (born 1973) - Russian professional boxer and politician.

Treatment of acromegaly

Therapeutic measures for acromegaly are aimed at eliminating the increased secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland, reducing the manifestation of clinical symptoms and eliminating such symptoms of the disease as headache, impaired visual fields, etc.

This is achieved by surgical removal of the pituitary adenoma, irradiation of the interstitial pituitary region, implantation of radioactive yttrium, gold or iridium into the pituitary gland, cryogenic destruction of the pituitary gland, and drug therapy (dopamine agonists and somatostatin analogues). After the level of somatotropin decreases, not only the patient's well-being will improve, but his life expectancy will also increase. To date, scientists have proven that a long-term increase in this hormone leads to early mortality caused by pulmonary, cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

In any case, timely treatment of acromegaly plays a very important role, since its absence is fraught with early disability in patients of active working age and an increase in the likelihood of premature death.


Lack of treatment of acromegaly leads to disability in patients of active and working age, increases the risk of premature death. With acromegaly, life expectancy is reduced: 90% of patients do not live up to 60 years. Death usually occurs as a result of cardiovascular disease.

The results of surgical treatment of acromegaly are better with small adenomas. With large tumors of the pituitary gland, the frequency of their recurrence sharply increases.

The famous boxer, the first Russian world champion among professionals, was born on August 21, 1973. Kolya Valuev had a quite normal height at birth - 52 cm. However, subsequently, according to this indicator, the boy significantly outstripped his peers. Interestingly, in his family, he is the only one who ended up with a similar genetic anomaly.

unusual child

Valuev was 30-40 centimeters taller than his school peers. His height in the first grade was 1 meter 60 centimeters (the boy turned out to be taller than the class teacher). In the sixth, the boy left behind even high school students: 1 meter 96 centimeters. Nikolai grew up mobile, strong, but at the same time calm and kind.

Thanks to his father, he fell in love with fishing and was accustomed to reading the classics for life. Valuev Jr. has always considered his dad an indisputable authority. He was a very respectable and good-natured man. By his own example, he taught his son, even in a difficult situation, not to go into conflict, but with a fair amount of self-irony (in the words of the classic) "to laugh out of trouble."

Introduction to sports

In the 80s, many parents sent their children to sports clubs. Nikolai began his career in big sport with basketball, then went in for athletics. In the 7th grade, a guy with obvious talent went to study at the Leningrad Sports Boarding School No. 62. While studying and participating in competitions, he became the winner of the USSR championship in discus throwing.

However, neither the well-deserved sports titles, nor the coaching diploma received by the future champion in the 90s, promised the future champion any special prospects in life.

At this stage, Nikolai Valuev happily passed the dangerous temptation (dubious people tried to attract an athlete with a textured appearance to participate in the “shooters”.) Fortunately, fate soon gave him a more real chance to decide in life.

First boxing lessons

At the invitation of coach Oleg Shalaev, Nikolai Valuev, who was out of work, came to the boxing section. The growth of the athlete at that time reached its highest point - 2 meters 13 centimeters. It was the anthropometry of a basketball player rather than a fighter.

Boxing for a calm, non-conflict guy at first turned out to be stressful. For Valuev, throughout his boxing career, the problem of the first blow was essential. The coaches told him more than once: “First they will hit you, and then you start to fight!” Nikolai Valuev was forced to overcome his character, learn to defend himself. The style of his duel organically began "on defense". Even then, it became clear to his coach Oleg Shalaev: Nikolai would continue to demonstrate such boxing. Valuev has always been distinguished in the ring by a sporty spirit and gentleness.

This first stage of his career left its mark on the life of the future champion. At the very first trainings, he was paired with an international master of sports, who forever "gave" the champion a mark - a broken nose. Looking ahead, let's say that 11 years of cooperation connected boxer Nikolai Valuev with coach Oleg Shalaev. During this time, the newcomer entered the top ten heavyweights in the world.

In the professional ring

In the very first year of his boxing, Nikolai Valuev was supposed to go to his first professional boxing tournament in Germany. However, two days before the fight, his dad died of heart disease. The athlete promised his family to dedicate his first fight to his father.

With a resounding victory over an opponent, the career of a Russian professional boxer began. On the eve of the fight with the experienced John Mortan (40 professional fights), Nikolai did not sleep, and after the fight he had a fever.

In the same year, Nikolai won silver at the championships of St. Petersburg and Russia. From 1994 to 1996, the athlete holds only five fights in the professional ring, but unprincipled, since his opponents are unrated.

About the wedding of Nikolai Valuev

In 1998, he met his future wife. By chance, at a table at a celebration with mutual friends, they were seated side by side. The cheerful girl began to look after the “largest boxer in the world” at the table, treating him with one dish, then another ... Young people began to meet. At that time, Nikolai lived with his coach and promoter. With Galina, he could only meet on Thursdays and on weekends.

Valuev’s wife says with a smile that she personally didn’t receive marriage proposals from the future champion, instead Nikolai invited her dad to the bathhouse, where he announced that he was marrying his daughter. Coming out of the bath, the men, to the surprise of the ladies, began to seriously plan the wedding. By the way, on the second day after the celebration, Nikolai and his father-in-law drove off to hunt ...

Later boxing career

In 1999, after a professional duel with Alexei Osokin, Valuev became the champion of Russia. And on June 6, 2000, Nikolai won the title of champion of the Pan-Asian Boxing Association, defeating the Ukrainian Yuri Elistratov, and in 2002 he defended this title.

Relationships that have passed all tests

2002-2003 became a real test for the Valuev family. Due to the position of the then manager Nikolai (he did not let him go to competitions), the boxer remained without work for a long time, for several years they did not even have money for basic necessities. After a couple of months, almost all friends, except for a single neighbor, stopped lending money to Valuev. It is characteristic that for all those difficult months, Valuev's wife, Galya, never reproached her husband.

Subsequently, already speaking in Germany under the leadership of Wilfrid Sauerland, Nikolai repaid his debts to friends who had previously rescued his family (at that time Nikolai already had his first son Grisha),

Professional contract

07/26/2004, the Russian boxer becomes the intercontinental champion of the WBA version. The victory over a clear advantage was overshadowed by Nikolai's not quite “clean” blow to the back of the head of the Nigerian Bango. However, the referee did not notice him.

Soon, boxer Nikolai Valuev signed a contract with an American boxing company. In December 2005, the Russian had to spend his first championship fight in Germany. The legendary champion Mohammed Ali was also present in the audience.

The Russian got a heavy and "viscous" opponent - John Ruiz, who stubbornly opposed him for all 12 rounds. There was some drama in this fight. Nikolai Valuev, being right-handed, fought with an unhealed fracture of his right hand. Therefore, the Russian athlete fought, in fact, “with one left” and, in spite of everything, managed to win on points.

In the future, the Russian champion successfully defended the high title three times. However, on April 14, 2007, he was selected by the Uzbek boxer Ruslan Chagaev.

Then Chagaev was injured, and, according to the rules of the WBA, Valuev had to have a rematch for the title of “interim champion” with John Ruiz. In this battle, which took place on August 30, 2008, the Russian confidently won. On December 20, 2008, Nikolay defended his title in a fight against the eminent contender Evander Holyfield.

In 2009, Valuev officially received the WBA heavyweight title. On 11/07/2009, he loses it, having been defeated by Briton David Haye.

In total, during his career in the professional ring, boxer Nikolai Valuev spent fifty fights. Of these, he won 48, including becoming a two-time heavyweight champion. He met different opponents. If the boxer finished the first fights in 2 rounds, then professional fights required dedication and left injuries. Obviously, in fights with fast and technical punchers, Valuev experienced difficulties. Height and weight affected the mobility and reactions of the athlete.

Our hero had his own tradition: before the fight, Nikolai Valuev invariably went to his small homeland to stand at his father's grave.

Why Nikolai left boxing

Nikolai Sergeevich stopped performing at the age of 36. For him, farewell to the sport came unexpectedly. In 2009, a 15-year contract with German promoter Wilfried Sauerland ended. The athlete was worried about knee and back injuries.

Boxer Nikolai Valuev, while still in Germany, decided to undergo a thorough medical examination there. Unexpectedly, on a tomography, the doctors discovered that he had a brain tumor, fortunately, benign. When deciding to continue his boxing career, the athlete could die, possibly right in the ring. Nikolai did not feel fear of the uncertainty of the future; it seemed to him that farewell to sports was inevitable.

Luckily, the brain surgery went well.

Deputation Valuev

Nikolai Sergeevich was elected to the Duma of the Russian Federation by the people of Kuzbass. If you ask his voter: “What catches the eye of the viewer when Valuev is behind the podium?”, “Growth, perhaps,” he will jokingly answer, but then add that the ex-champion still has live contact with his voters. Indeed, the ex-champion travels a lot around the region. He - one of ten deputies - represents the Kemerovo region in the State Duma.

Valuev is a member of the Duma Committee on Sports and Youth Policy and is competent in all areas of his work. Also, having a long-term corresponding hobby, he participates in the Duma working group on the law on hunting.

Valuev's wife, Galina, jokes that sometimes in the kitchen she conveys to Nikolai the voice of the people on state issues, such as increased fines for driving violations. In an interview, she mischievously assures that she will not let "her Kolya" become a cynic.

Family and Children

There are three children in the family of the famous champion: son Grisha born in 2002, daughter Irina born in 2007, son Sergey born in 2012. The children of Nikolai Valuev adore their father, sometimes jokingly calling him Shrek. So he was once called, being quite small, daughter Ira. The situation, it must be said, is quite comical. Once, when there were guests in the house, she opened the magazine with comic book pictures offered to her and, noticing the cartoon Shrek there, loudly asked her mother: “Who is this? Dad?"

For many Russians, Nikolai Valuev can serve as an example not only of an athlete, but also of a family man. Nikolai Valuev takes his eldest son fishing with him on the weekends, as his father once did, whom Grinya never saw.


This big and very kind person now devotes his time to the youth and sports policy of Russia. The ex-world champion is charismatic, but his judgments are balanced and solid. He's popular. Many eminent agencies want to see him in their advertising.

Nikolai Valuev does not go on vacation abroad, once and for all choosing the nature of his native land for recreation. As a person, he is very popular. Most Russians know what the world's largest politician Valuev has height and weight (213 cm and 160 kg).

State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev spoke for the first time about the reasons for leaving boxing, according to him, at some point a tumor was found in his head, but now everything is in order.

Talking about the reasons for leaving the sport in an interview with Sport-Express, Valuev admitted that after negotiations for a fight with Klitschko dragged on, he decided to "go to the doctors."

“And then the news poured in. I had to do an operation on a topic that I did not even suspect. She predetermined the departure from boxing. If I could somehow cope with my shoulder, hand, knees, then a genetic anomaly was corrected here ... An anomaly in the head ... A benign tumor, ”said Valuev.

According to him, the tumor was the size of a pea or an acorn.

“I'm the first to tell you about it. The operation lasted five hours,” Valuev said.

The operation was carried out in Germany, because there were no such clinics in Russia.

“It turned out that I have a rather rare thing, sooner or later leads to death. Premature, of course. Do you understand what pros and cons I weighed? Theoretically, you could do boxing. But I thought: I have a family. If the operation is postponed, it will get worse. To turn into a plant in the hands of relatives - do I need it ?! - explained Valuev.

But the disease was discovered in time. Then the doctors did a trepanation. And in the end everything worked out.

“Please note: I did not deceive anyone. I was asked: why did you stop boxing? I answered: “For medical reasons!” Valuev added.

Boxer Nikolai Valuev was elected to the State Duma at the end of 2011. He immediately began to stand out among his colleagues with his mighty growth, the media reported that he even had to make a special large chair for him.

Nikolai Valuev is 39 years old. He is the champion of Russia in boxing in 1999, the world champion according to the Pan-Asian Boxing Association (2000), the world champion according to the World Boxing Association WBA (from December 17, 2005 to April 14, 2007 and from July 27 to November 7, 2009) , as well as an interim WBA world champion (from August 30, 2008 to July 27, 2009).

Valuev won 50 victories in the professional ring (34 of them by knockout) and suffered two defeats (on points).

For outstanding physical data: height - 213 cm and weight - about 150 kg - the boxer was nicknamed the Russian giant and the Beast from the East. He was also called Nikola of St. Petersburg and Kolya-sledgehammer.

In 2010, his fight with heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko was supposed to take place, but Valuev canceled the fight, which gave the Ukrainian champion a reason to accuse him of cowardice.

“In the ring, you can immediately see what a person is like, so Nikolai Valuev is afraid to box with me. Millions are looking forward to our fight, they are tired of watching how an adult behaves like a child, ”Klitschko said earlier.

Valuev himself then called other reasons for refusing to fight, there was no talk of health problems.

Excessive secretion of somatotropin, known as growth hormone, provokes the development of acromegaly, a serious neuroendocrine disease. In this article, we will consider the etiology, clinic, and methods of treatment of this pathology.

a brief description of

By the way, gigantism and acromegaly are two sides of the same disease, but there are certain differences between them. Gigantism usually develops in children and adolescents, it entails abnormal linear growth. Adult patients are characterized by growths of the periosteum and soft tissues, accelerated weight gain. In 99% of cases, pathology is a consequence of pituitary adenoma. There is an excessive increase in internal organs:

  • lungs;
  • hearts;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • intestines.

The consequences of hypertrophy are deplorable - multiple organ failure develops, tissues become sclerosed, and the likelihood of tumor formation (malignant and benign) increases significantly.


Pituitary adenomas in patients with acromegaly are detected in the vast majority of cases. Somatotropinomas are monoclonal tumors that have developed due to mutations in somatotrophs. Sometimes (40% of cases) it is possible to detect a mutation of the Gsp protein. If we try to classify somatotropinoma, then we will attribute it to the syndrome of endocrine neoplasia (multiple) type 1.

Clinical picture

If we discard the cases when gigantism develops in children, then the course of the disease is unhurried - deviations form over 5-10 years. We highlight the main stages of pathology:

  1. Growth of soft tissues. Fingers, hands, feet begin to rapidly increase in size.
  2. Thickening. Affect the lower jaw and frontal bone.
  3. Bite disorder. The distance between the teeth of the patient increases.
  4. Abnormal growth of the nose.
  5. Skin problems. Increased sweating, greasiness, the formation of skin folds and papillomas.
  6. Rapid fatigue and weakness.
  7. Thickening of the joints. Leads to limitation of mobility and development of hypogonadism.
  8. Cardiomegaly. Formed due to an increase in mesenchymal tissue, can cause heart failure (congestive).
  9. Impotence (in men).
  10. Failure of the menstrual cycle (in women).

Multiple deformities provoke a compression syndrome. Its symptoms include:

  • constant pain (localized in the area of ​​​​the eyes and superciliary arches);
  • visual disturbances (narrowing of the field of view - the effect of "spyglass");
  • high fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • (consequence of intracranial pressure);
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

The reasons

We have already found out that the main cause of acromegaly is somatotropinoma. It is based on excessive secretion of prolactin and somatotropin, as well as other adenohypophyseal hormones. Increased secretion can affect other types of hormones:

The etiology can also be hereditary in nature - this will manifest itself in the form of:

  • tumors (thymus and thyroid gland, pituitary gland);
  • adrenal lesions;
  • pathologies of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.


Diagnosing this disease is quite simple - you just need to take a quick look at the patient. The time frame for the course of the pathology will be indicated in the medical history, so it will immediately become clear at what age the problems began. If the disease developed at the age of 14-16, you can safely make a diagnosis of "gigantism".

As the patient grows older, his skeleton changes, facial features coarsen, hair growth accelerates, and endocrine disorders occur. The diagnosis must be supported by standard research procedures.


Having identified the cause of acromegaly, it is necessary to proceed to its prompt elimination - this is the basis of the methods of treating the disease.

Medical treatment

The main goal is to inhibit the synthesis of somatotropic hormone. For this, the following preparations are used.

  • somatostatin (a drug that replaces the natural hormone);
  • bromocriptine (brain receptor stimulant).

X-ray therapy

This method is based on the use of X-ray waves (highly active), which reduce the synthesis of growth hormone and suppress tumor development. Depending on the scope of the tumor process, the doctor prescribes a dose of radioactive radiation.

Surgical intervention

If the scale of the tumor exceeds the allowable limits, the patient's body undergoes surgical intervention. The operation is also performed with compression of the brain by surrounding tissues and with high intracranial pressure. This is an extreme case, it becomes possible only with the complete ineffectiveness of drug therapy.


The complex of preventive actions is aimed at the timely calculation of the symptoms of the disease and preventing its development. In addition, we recommend:

  • complete nutrition;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory and infectious lesions of the central nervous system;
  • surgical treatment of pituitary pathology;
  • prevention of injuries affecting the head;
  • regular visits to the doctor.

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