Lao alternative medicine. What is alternative medicine. Types of alternative medicine

How to live long and not get sick? Take a look around, nature is giving us hints everywhere.

If a person is in harmony with himself with the outside world, then he does not complain about health. If a person moves away from nature, ceases to listen to his body, then he turns out to be unprotected against diseases, both of the body and of the soul. Believing that an expensive pill will save him, a person thereby deceives himself. Having tried possible and impossible methods traditional medicine, he, like a drowning man at a straw, grabs at not always understandable and explainable means and methods of folk, or alternative, medicine.

Alternative medicine- these are approaches to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases that, for one reason or another, have not received universal recognition from doctors. Most of these approaches have deep historical roots and are based more on the assessment of the manifestations of the disease than on the study of its causes and mechanisms. The so-called folk remedies West and East complement and enrich modern official medicine.

Alternative medicine is characterized by the absence of clear rules.

In heritage traditional healers from different countries, extensive knowledge of alternative medicine is presented, such as:

  • aromatherapy- treatment with smells;
  • Apitherapy– treatment with beekeeping products;
  • Phytotherapy– treatment with medicinal herbs (taking infusions of various plants and herbs has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism, cleanses vital organs and blood from toxins and toxins, increases the protective functions of the body without side effects on organs, as it can be when taking chemicals);
  • Urinotherapy- external or internal use of human urine for therapeutic purposes;
  • Naturotherapy- treatment with medicines of natural, mineral, plant or animal origin;
  • Hirudotherapy- treatment with leeches;
  • Manual therapy- biomechanical techniques performed by hands, aimed at eliminating pain and restoring mobility of the spine and joints;
  • Acupuncture- moxibustion, auriculopuncture, acupuncture, acupressure;
  • Stone therapy– massage using various natural stones;
  • Hydrotherapy(hydrotherapy) - the use of water in the form of local and general baths, rubdowns, showers, wraps, douches for preventive and therapeutic purposes;
  • metal therapy- applying plates of various metals to the body;
  • Starvation;
  • color therapy(color treatment);
  • Sound therapy or muzikoterapiya(sound therapy);
  • Magnetotherapy(treatment with constant and pulsed magnetic fields);
  • healthy eating(carbohydrate-free diet, separate meals, protein-free diet, etc.);
  • Turpentine baths- a method of balneological therapy, which is based on the use of baths containing gum turpentine;
  • Thalassotherapy– treatment with seaweed, salts, mud;
  • Bioenergy therapy– treatment with biological energy
  • Su jock- one of the methods of oriental medicine, represented by acupuncture;
  • Ayurveda;
  • Homeopathy- a system of treatment of diseases based on the use of minimal doses of substances that cause phenomena that are similar to the signs of the disease.

By starting to listen to ourselves, using properly our potential for physical and mental health, changing our lifestyle and attitude to the world around us, each of us can live many years of a healthy and happy life. This is evidenced by ancient knowledge about human nature, about the causes and treatment of diseases.

Alternative medicine methods will help you improve your physical and mental health, discover and begin to use the natural forces inherent in you, get rid of diseases that were considered incurable for many years, gain health, vitality, balanced emotions, rejuvenation of the body and spirit, creative and spiritual abilities.

As a rule, the term "alternative medicine" implies a method of medical treatment that is not generally accepted in the West. Moreover, complementary and alternative therapies are quite difficult to classify, mainly because of the extremely large differences between them. They use all kinds of diets and exercises, hypnosis, chiropractic and acupuncture. Technically, "alternative" procedures are those that are used instead of the conventional ones; and when using the same procedures simultaneously with the standard ones, they are called "complementary".

The benefits (and lack thereof) of alternative therapies are often the subject of heated debate. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of these techniques, but the lack of scientifically validated results does not stop people from wanting to take advantage of the fruits of alternative medicine. In 2008, more than 38% of Americans turned to some form of alternative medicine technique.


A very interesting video seminar, which discusses various non-traditional methods and means of treatment, gives their classification and recommendations for the use of certain methods, recipes and devices of non-traditional, as well as traditional medicine. In particular, the results of studies on the effectiveness of Chinese and Oriental medicine, reflexology, homeopathy, as well as various extrasensory, healing and magical practices are presented.

The seminar presents a fascinating personal story of Vyacheslav Gubanov, Rector of MISE, which tells about the long and difficult path of finding effective means of self-help without medication, the final of which was the development of his own scientific direction "Infosomatics" with a large arsenal of innovative thought-like technologies based on the physics of the human brain, the concept subconscious controlling stresses and metrology of subtle planes of existence of matter.

Watch and adopt the unique experience of a practicing researcher!

Classification table of methods of helping a person:
traditional, alternative and folk medicine

For a more detailed explanation of this table, see the video seminar presented above on this page.

This table provides a systematic classification of methods and means of treatment of alternative and traditional medicine, as well as various areas of traditional medicine.

You can also find a more detailed explanation of this tabular in our special article "New millennium - a new worldview"

Detailed content of the video seminar:

This video seminar was held as part of the fundamental online training course "Expert of Life"

  1. Introduction. Welcome to the webinar participants
  2. Tabular: the distribution of various methods and means of treatment, both traditional and non-traditional, traditional medicine in terms of their effectiveness and applicability, depending on the change in the frequency of the environment (the evolution of the mind). practice table
  3. On the fight against pseudoscience in Russia
  4. Genetics, Cybernetics and Bioenergoinformatics as pseudosciences. History reference
  5. Software virus 666 that kills programmers - classified materials. History of Antivirus creation. Birth of the first Infosomatics technology
  6. History of Vyacheslav Gubanov. Search for effective self-help methods and treatments in alternative and traditional medicine
  7. The history of the formation of science Infosomatics: the path from a hydroacoustic, programmer, specialist in radio electronics and military analyst to a specialist in energy informatics and "software" of the human brain
  8. An interesting story of the creation of the first non-traditional medicine device in the Soviet Union "Akson 02" for electro-acupuncture based on secret literature on Chinese and Oriental medicine in 1987
  9. Qi energy - what is it ?! An interesting explanation from the point of view of the theory of semiconductors: electrons and holes
  10. What is space from the point of view of elementary particle physics
  11. The principles of an unconventional method of treatment due to the electrical impact on the human energy meridians, saturating them with electricity in accordance with the measured potential of the channel
  12. Explanation of the principle of operation of the alternative traditional medicine device "Denas" and its differences from the device "Axon 02". Advantages of frequency electrical influence on human energy channels. Resonance principle
  13. Explanation of the principles of EHF-therapy. Information medicine and correction of the human software shell. Evaluation of the effectiveness of this non-traditional method of treatment in contrast to other means of providing assistance to traditional medicine. Examples of using
  14. The current state of affairs in healthcare in the Russian Federation and in other countries
  15. Ethnoscience. A real example of the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies and methods
  16. Dialectical materialism as a method of cognition of the surrounding reality. Basic Laws
  17. The human brain is like an onboard computer. Human thinking is like software - its influence on somatics (body)
  18. The story of Vyacheslav Gubanov about learning the language of dolphins in order to create instrumental means of communication with them. Application of this experience when working on contact with objects of subtle-material reality
  19. The history of V.V. Gubanov on the study of various methods and means of treatment of alternative and traditional medicine, medicine and magical practices in order to create a new scientific and practical direction based on imaginative thinking and the laws of Nature
  20. Phantoms are like electron clouds generated by the human brain.
  21. Explanation of the principles of effective counteraction to the enemy in hand-to-hand combat due to pre-emptive reading of thought forms, neutralization of phantoms and "sucking" of the enemy's manpower. Paralyzing the enemy
  22. An explanation of the physics of the technology "Love your enemy". Fundamentals of effective energy-information protection
  23. Secret works of Vyacheslav Gubanov in GIDUV (State Institute for the Improvement of Doctors). An unconventional method for selecting medicines for treating patients is by taking a graph of the frequency response (amplitude-frequency response) of a person. An example of effective work with phantoms of investigational drugs. Alternative folk medicine in action!
  24. A funny story about "Brigade in a row" for a female oligarch
  25. A method of quick and effective treatment of headaches using the figurative technologies of Infosomatics. Why homeopathy, reflexology, and many other well-known traditional and alternative medicine treatments may not be effective
  26. Physics and causes of headaches from the point of view of energy informatics
  27. macromolecules of water. How water carries information. Fundamentals of Homeopathy
  28. Aura-Soma. Principles of action. An interesting story of discharging a person's negative program on bottles with aura-soma
  29. An interesting example of treatment with folk remedies. Non-traditional medicine and the method of treating diseases among Komi healers. The prototype of modern homeopathy, but at the energy-informational level
  30. An alternative method of information charging water with the help of thought forms. The secret recipe of alternative folk medicine for the selection of herbs with very good efficiency. Healing practice of Vyacheslav Gubanov
  31. The reverse side of healing practices and methods of assistance, which few people know about. Healing as energy-informational donation. What do healing practices ultimately lead to, how do they affect the health of the healer himself. (Personal experience of Gubanov V.V.)
  32. Energy-information technology of Infosomatics to restore your energy and break energy-information ties with clients and patients - for healers, healers, bioenergetics, psychics and all those who work in the field of alternative medicine
  33. Reflexology 2.0. Technology of energy-informational acupuncture: how to conduct an acupuncture session on biologically active points (BAP) on your own with the help of mental images and connection to the Chinese medicine informatorium. Acupuncture with phantom needles as a method of self-treatment without contraindications
  34. The placebo effect - what is it in simple words. The physics of the placebo effect on the human psyche and physiology. How it works?!
  35. How traditional medicine (pills, pharmaceuticals) act on the human body, in contrast to non-traditional methods of treatment. What are the consequences of ways to correct health with the help of chemicals
  36. Human thought forms as the operating basis of the placebo effect in the treatment of folk remedies. How does it affect logically oriented (left-brain) people and how creative, intuitive (right-brain) people. Differences
  37. A funny example of a real deliverance from a woman's infertility with the help of a "super-device" of alternative medicine. The power of beliefs, their influence on human physiology and the psychological method of breaking stereotypes of thinking as an alternative way to effectively correct health
  38. Water, as a keeper and carrier of information, as a medicine for the body and soul. Research by Masaru Emoto. Mantras, prayers, conspiracies - their effect on water crystals
  39. The use of structured water as an easily accessible method of traditional medicine and a means of treatment (as well as prevention) of many diseases. Recipe for water treatment at home using freezing. Crystallography
  40. Consequences of the 2012 quantum transition from the point of view of elementary particles. Proton size change by 4% as a scientifically proven fact
  41. Why MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), as a tool of traditional medicine, often leads to errors in diagnoses
  42. Information homeopathy. An example of "infection" and healing with the help of thought forms
  43. Homeopathy - what is it in simple words. Physics of influence. How does homeopathy, as a kind of alternative medicine, differ from the pharmacology of traditional medicine. Teaching the body at the program level to resist various diseases with the help of homeopathic treatment, that is, exposure to doses of ultra-low concentrations
  44. The impact of virtual reality (computers, gadgets) on human health
  45. Figurative technology of infosomatics for disconnecting (mismatch) of the human body and brain from virtual reality and returning to natural processes. An example of effective self-help (alternative self-healing) with the help of mental images
  46. Information non-traditional medicine based on “targeted” imaginative thinking (structured mental images) and its effectiveness in comparison with homeopathy
  47. The law of negation of negation and the principle "You should have listened better to Mommy", that is, Nature
  48. In what cases does Chinese medicine and Oriental medicine work well (herbs, aromatherapy, acupuncture, su jok, chiu therapy), and in which - Western medicine
  49. The results of modern studies of Chinese medicine BAP (biologically active points) of a person. Weighty scientific evidence of the reality of their existence in the human body at the physiological level! Anti pseudoscience
  50. The brain is like a human operating system. About the importance of working with software (human thinking), and not just with hardware (human body).
  51. Phantoms as a product of human mental activity. What does a tomograph actually measure?
  52. About programming and damage by diagnosis
  53. On the role of women in men's health. How positive emotions and energy generated by the female body and brain can heal. Pro-Nature Healing
  54. About pseudoscience and the correct attitude towards magicians, sorcerers and psychics. How methods and means of treatment of non-traditional, traditional medicine of the past can and should be effectively used in the present. The influence of the active transition of the majority of people from Natural Reality to Virtual Reality, which entails the need to update methods of assistance and means of treatment by connecting and developing alternative methods of working with human software - with the mechanisms of his thinking and energy-information structures
  55. The culture of brain activity as the basis of health
  56. The relationship between the laws of the dense-material and subtle-material worlds
  57. On the need to take into account the impact of reincarnations and incarnation programs on human health
  58. Modern methods of informational (software) corrections for self-recovery and long-term preservation of your health!
  59. Topic Completion

Often, when the treatment of a particular disease comes to a standstill, we think about which medicine to choose: traditional or folk? There is no absolutely healthy person. SARS, colds, genetic diseases or any other diseases require treatment. It is believed that making the correct diagnosis is the most important step, but without proper treatment it will be difficult to achieve a positive result.

To recover as soon as possible with the least damage to health is the main motivation on the way to treatment. In order to make the right choice in favor of traditional or traditional medicine in the future, you should understand them well.

The main difference between traditional and folk medicine is the means of treatment. The first uses exclusively medicines to cure various diseases. At the same time, traditional medicine relies on the healing properties of the gifts of nature. But every day people are more and more often convinced that alternative methods of treatment are sometimes more effective than pharmacy drugs.

Medications are synthetic in nature. They are produced artificially and often have a lot of side effects that adversely affect health. The use of medications often leads to a weakening of the immune system, manifestations of allergies to some constituent components. And in some cases, it threatens the formation of drug dependence.

Folk remedies contain only medicinal plants and natural ingredients rich in nutrients - honey, tar, apple cider vinegar, plant juices, mummy and others. As a rule, such remedies are completely harmless and can even improve health. Many can be used as a prevention of various diseases and to strengthen immunity.

An equally important difference is the use of an integrated approach in alternative medicine. Traditional medicine is guided by a complex of knowledge about human anatomy and its physiological processes. Thus, when diagnosing diseases, all the basic information from different branches of medicine is used. Traditional medicine uses separate methods of different specializations - physiotherapy, surgery, pediatrics, etc.

Origins of traditional medicine

Since ancient times, people have been treated with what nature gave them. This is how traditional medicine arose - the totality of all information about medicinal herbs, healing agents and hygiene skills, as well as their practical application. The skills and knowledge acquired by people were passed from parents to children and were fixed in proverbs, sayings, and customs. With the advent of writing, people began to record their observations. Physicians and herbalists appear.

Under the primitive communal system, treatment with folk methods was the only possible one. There were people who knew about the pain-relieving properties of herbs, understood the importance of the sun and water.

Superstition and mysticism came from antiquity, healers, doctors who widely use the knowledge of traditional medicine appear. The doctors of Mesopotamia already knew how to make potions, used herbs to prepare ointments and compresses. Tibetan Buddhists considered natural medicines to be the basis of medicine.

And yet the most ancient branch of traditional medicine is hygiene. Many hygienic requirements worked out experimentally over the course of many centuries were included in the laws already under the slave system. For example, in Babylon the seventh day was a day of rest. In ancient India, many written sources talk about the impact of climate and seasons on human health, the importance of exercise, body hygiene, and proper nutrition. In China, great importance was attached to healthy sleep, moderation in food and cleanliness.

Famous doctors of the ancient world appear. These are Hippocrates, Ibn Sina, Avicenna and others. We still use their valuable advice.

In Russia, wormwood, birch sap, tar, cranberries, cloudberries, mountain ash, etc. were used as medicinal preparations. Know about the disinfecting properties of plants. It was in Russia that for the first time diseases began to be treated in a bathhouse.

There are many prohibitions expressing hygiene requirements: eating apples, only after the Feast of the Savior (before the holiday, the apples are still unripe), or warnings about the "evil eye" of the child (examining the child by strangers led to hypothermia or infection). Many proverbs and sayings about traditional medicine were collected in a collection by V.I. Dalem. He singled them out in a special section "Health and Illness".

Famous Russian doctors used traditional medicine in their practice. In Soviet times, the Research Institute of Medicinal Plants was created to research herbal treatment and generalize folk experience.

The path that traditional medicine has traveled is long and difficult. The use of traditional medicine or medicines based on them saves us from severe side effects and increases. Traditional medicine truly works wonders.

What is traditional medicine today

Alternative medicine has a very ancient history. So people turned to the help of traditional medicine 10 thousand years ago. During this time, she has enriched herself with a large arsenal of methods for influencing human organs. For the treatment of various ailments, she uses about 20 thousand types of medicinal plants.

The World Health Organization presents alternative medicine as a way to improve the quality of life through the use of animal, herbal and mineral remedies and exercise. As well as carrying out various procedures for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Is it possible to trust folk remedies

An important advantage of drugs is that they all, without exception, undergo a long and high-quality test and clinical trials. But some folk remedies can be questioned due to the lack of supporting knowledge. But still, most folk methods have passed scientific tests and confirmed their healing qualities. For example, the WHO recommendations and the right to use received the technique of acupuncture. It allows you to easily eliminate pain of various origins and is excellent in the treatment of simple mental disorders. A worthy place is also occupied by herbal medicine, mud therapy, hirudotherapy, homeopathy and other branches of traditional medicine, which have firmly entered the arsenal and are widely used in medical practice.

Working together against serious diseases

Despite the significant differences between traditional and traditional medicine, in recent years, WHO has actively supported traditional healers and healers, given their extensive experience and knowledge in the fight against various ailments. This is done in order to develop new drugs for the treatment of complex diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, etc.

Also, in many countries of the world, they began to conduct courses in the treatment of traditional methods, open universities of traditional medicine. The acquired new useful knowledge will significantly improve the quality of medical care.

Both traditional and traditional medicine are very popular among the population of different countries of the world. After being diagnosed in medical institution, people immediately try to find alternative methods of treatment, saving their body from excessive chemistry. So in African countries, shamans are much more popular than doctors. And in China, it is impossible to distinguish between traditional medicine and traditional medicine. According to statistics, half of the population of Europe and America is treated with folk remedies. In developing countries, people are much more likely to resort to alternative methods of treatment, due to their availability.

Due to this popularity, traditional medicine has great chances for development in the future. But traditional medicine should not be neglected. Modern achievements of science are invaluable. New diagnostic devices greatly simplify diagnosis and treatment. And no healer has these opportunities. But in the end, everyone decides for himself who to go to - a doctor or a traditional healer. The main thing is to always be healthy!

Herbs for diseases

- These are several ways to treat various pathologies. There are principles, diagnostics and methods of non-traditional treatments for people.

Alternative medicine is the collective name for methods that claim to be able to treat (or prevent) diseases, the effectiveness and safety of which has not been proven by the scientific method. Typical examples are homeopathy, acupuncture and naturopathy.

For centuries, people have been looking for ways to be healthy. Currently, mankind uses three methods of medicine: modern, traditional and non-traditional. As soon as a person gets sick, he goes to the doctor. He is given a prescription, if necessary, tests are prescribed, and the treatment regimen is explained. In parallel, many begin to brew herbs and make infusions. And only a few go to healers and healers.

Alternative medicine, treatment

If official medicine has classical and generally accepted standards, then this does not apply to alternative medicine and treatment. Its goal, first of all, is to find the beginning, where the health problem came from, under what circumstances there was a failure and violations, which led to the disease, when modern and traditional is, first of all, the removal of symptoms and only then treatment.

Another difference from the classical medicine we are used to is not studying the internal organs separately, but as a whole.

honey and lemon

Traditional medicine, also called traditional medicine, is ancient methods of treatment, time-tested. For a long time, before the advent of such a science as medicine, they resorted to such methods for healing. Herbs, flowers, bark, roots were taken as a basis. All this was necessary for the preparation of infusions and decoctions.

Healers supplemented their potions with prayers and conspiracies. According to old beliefs, it helped protect against evil spirits. These prayers are still used today, passed down from generation to generation.

Eastern healers

Oriental folk medicine is popular all over the world. Belief in it is taken because of the longevity of the locals, their good health, slender figure and ageless appearance. Eastern traditions prevent and preserve health. It is based on a spiritual philosophy that prolongs the life of the physical body. Harmony with the outside world helps healers solve problems.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is both folk and non-traditional, which treats a person, but not a disease. Those people who trust this technique consider it as safe and effective as possible. Those who believe this and refuse classical treatment can do even more harm to themselves.

Doctors have a positive attitude towards all methods and, but only if they are used together and the doctor's recommendations are followed. This should be done carefully, listening to the behavior of your body, since not all methods are known and studied.

Unfortunately, many clinics promise a complete cure for diseases through alternative medicine, but then people end up in inpatient departments in a serious condition. This says that there are charlatan doctors and it is impossible to believe in a miracle. Even qualified doctors cannot fully determine the correct method of treatment.

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