Tendon ganglion or hygroma of the wrist and fingers. Hygroma on the finger: treatment, symptoms, causes

Hygroma is a pathology, which is also called the tendon ganglion. More often formed hygroma on the finger is a benign subcutaneous neoplasm. Despite its frightening appearance, the deviation is quite easy to treat, especially if it is started at the first symptoms. The therapy is carried out locally with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments: Diclofenac, Nimesil and surgically with recurrent pathology.


Such a defect can occur for many reasons, but in half the cases, the cause of the formation of a seal on the finger is a hereditary predisposition. Second common cause the appearance of pathology on the arm - a joint injury due to mechanical or physical impact.


Patients complain of small formations visible under the skin. Hygroma occurs with a certain frequency on thumb, and on the little finger. The lesion can be either single or multiple. Neoplasms are loose and dense consistency. They are distinguished by clear boundaries, the bases of which are closely related to the underlying tissues. The main part is not attached to the dermis and subdermal fatty tissue. The surface above moves freely. The occurrence of intense pain in most patients is associated with pressure on the compacted area.


Education can appear aching pain.
  • Dull, aching or radiating pain, which is associated with the size of the formation and the presence of nerves in the neighborhood.
  • Pain that occurs when the fingers are bent, as well as after prolonged mechanical stress, when the hygroma increases in size. At the time of rest, its size returns to its original size.
  • Change appearance skin. The dermis in pathology happens: unchanged or coarsens, flakes and turns red.

Latently flows 35% hygrom. The average size formations - from 3 to 6 centimeters. Spontaneous resolution and resorption of the hygroma of the finger is impossible. Timely treatment and prevention of education lead to a favorable outcome. Removal of the hygroma on the finger, which increases in size, occurs surgically.

Diagnosis of hygroma on the finger

Recognizing the pathology for the doctor is not difficult. It all starts with the fact that a patient comes to the doctor with complaints about the ball located on the finger of the hand. On palpation, the formation of a spherical shape is felt: even and elastic. Further diagnosis occurs with the help of ultrasound, MRI, radiography. The puncture is assigned only in extreme cases, for differential diagnosis and when deciding on surgical treatment pathology. By itself, the hygroma can transform into a bone articular pathology. The anomaly is sometimes disguised as ailments, such as:

  • lipoma;
  • atheroma;
  • cartilage and bone tumors.

How to treat?

Education in initial stage can be treated with drugs.

Hygroma therapy is divided into conservative and operative. A conservative effect is possible only with the timely recognition of the disease and, accordingly, it can be divided into two subgroups - and medication. Formerly people successfully coped with the disease without modern drugs and treatment in the inpatient department of hospitals.

How to remove folk remedies?

Among people, such a method of helping with deviation has taken root, like a compress with celandine. In this case, freshly extracted plant juice (1 tablespoon) is taken, which is smeared on the site of the hygroma lesion, then dressed with a sterile bandage. An alcohol bandage is also used. To do this, you need to dilute the alcohol in a glass in a ratio of 1: 1, then moisten the gauze and apply it to the place tendon ganglion. Before treatment with folk remedies, it is recommended to go to the doctor and consult, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Conservative treatment with ointments prescribed by a doctor

With a small hygroma, NSAIDs are usually prescribed in the form of ointments: Nimesil. As an analgesic, Diclofenac ointment is used. Also appointed antihistamine"Clemastin", which is taken twice a day for a week. The duration of medication depends on the number of formations and concomitant diseases from organs and systems.

Surgical removal of hygroma

Education can be removed with the help of an operation.

Surgery is a fast and reliable method that copes with the formation and completely prevents possible relapses. It must be removed surgically with support drug therapy. Operational removal hygroma is carried out according to the following indications:

  • rapid growth of hygroma, its compaction;
  • discomfort when performing actions;
  • pain syndrome due to compression of surrounding tissues;
  • if the hygroma looks like a cyst and is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blarge-diameter joints.

You should not rely on self-resorption of the hygroma. So, the neoplasm can increase in size and interfere normal functioning joint.

What is dangerous?

With repeated injury to the hygroma, a hernia may form on the wrist.

The main complication of hygroma is the leakage of the contents of the capsule into the surrounding tissues, due to injury to the site. With an unfavorable course of deviation occurs inflammatory response, which turns into suppuration. Leakage of fluid into the surrounding tissues leads to the formation of a group of capsules. With repeated injury in the joint, a hernia occurs on the fingers, wrist and hand.


The main rule for the prevention of hygromas is to limit mechanical effects, especially if the limb has been injured. Hits must be avoided. If identified genetic predisposition, it is required to carry out preventive examinations. If necessary, physical activity should be avoided or carried out with the help of others. The use of an elastic bandage has a positive effect, as a means that reduces the load on the joints and fingers when bending. It is necessary to promptly treat the diseases that underlie the tumor: tendovaginitis and bursitis.

Hygroma on the fingers, the second name is tendon ganglion - a benign formation that brings discomfort to a person.

Every patient who has experienced a similar disease, must understand that the tendon ganglion has the form of a small capsule, which is formed from superficial composite shells. This capsule contains serous fluid. At severe course disease, it may contain impurities of mucus or fibrin protein.

As a rule, a benign formation is localized on the fingers, may occur on the feet, in rare cases on the wrist joints.

The main types of hygroma

There is a certain classification that divides hygromas by localization, type, and also by the number of capsules.

All tendon ganglia on the fingers are divided into: single-chamber and multi-chamber. It should be noted that the capsule also has several features, since there are several types.

  1. Consiste.
  2. Valve.
  3. isolated formation.

The fistula is presented in the form of a cavity, directly the tendon ganglion, which, in turn, is connected to the joint. With this type of hygroma, there is a periodic "exit" of fluid from the capsule. As a result of this phenomenon, the maternal cavity is filled.

The valve is formed by connecting the capsule directly to the mother shell. If you inadvertently injure this benign formation, this will lead to leakage. In order to make it clear, the liquid from the capsule begins to flow out, this phenomenon is accompanied by severe pain. In more severe case, this may cause fluid to leak into adjacent tissues.

When the cavity benign education on the arm is completely separated from the maternal membrane, then such a development mechanism means that the patient has an isolated formation.

Causes of hygroma

It should be noted that doctors have not yet fully studied the mechanism for the development of hygroma on the fingers. However, some traumatologists argue that a benign formation develops under the influence of several factors.

hereditary predisposition. If the family already had a hygroma in the family, then it can also occur with you. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly be examined by a doctor in order to identify the disease on early stage its development.

Traumatologists also argue that the disease occurs against the background of a single injury.

It should be noted that with repeated trauma, hygroma may also occur. Re-traumatization can be associated with constant stress, directly on the tendons or on the joint itself.

How correctly the disease occurs at the age of 20 - 30 years, hygroma in old age is rare.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

With such a benign formation, an elastic and rather dense tumor is observed. Main features: smooth edges and spherical shape. As a rule, these formations are attached to the surrounding tissues. If the pathology is not recognized at the initial stage, then the tumor attaches to the bone structure.

At the time of palpation of the formation, the patient can feel the rice bodies. Mobility with hygroma on the fingers is quite high, and the fluctuation has a pronounced character.

At the time of pressure on the tumor, the patient, as a rule, does not experience pain. Pain symptoms indicate a severe course of the disease.

The main symptoms of hygroma:

  1. Round formation can reach up to 5 cm.
  2. The surface is smooth, rarely rough.
  3. Thickening of the skin over the capsule.

In addition, the patient has a pronounced inflammatory process on the skin.

Diagnostic measures

Due to the fact that hygroma has character traits, it can be detected at the initial examination.

Additional diagnostic methods are prescribed in order to differentiate the disease from other pathologies, as well as to find out the exact form of the hygroma.

When hygroma on the fingers is prescribed instrumental methods examinations.

  1. Radiography.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Appointed ultrasound examination the affected area.

Laboratory examination methods:

  1. Blood analysis.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. Blood is taken for further biochemical analysis.
  4. Blood sampling is taken for the study of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Blood test for hepatitis.

If necessary, in a hospital, doctors perform a puncture. With its help, you can examine the contents in the capsule. In addition, the puncture is used as conservative method treatment. The procedure takes place in a hospital setting. A special needle is inserted into the tumor, and the doctor gradually pumps out the fluid. If the neoplasm is large, then medications are injected into the cavity.

Finger hygroma treatment

Treatment for hygroma on the arm is carried out in two ways: conservative and operative.

AT conservative treatment includes:

  1. Puncture.
  2. Sclerotherapy.
  3. Blockade.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures and crushing.

A patient with such a disease is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. medications. It is necessary to take funds throughout the week. With the help of NPS drugs, the pain syndrome is quickly eliminated, the drug Nimesil is most often prescribed.

As local treatment prescribe diclofenac ointment. Medicine It has not only anti-inflammatory, but also analgesic effect.

The drug Clemastin has proven itself well. Take with hygroma 1 tablet 2 times a day, the course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, but as a rule, not less than 10 days. With the help of Clemastine, it is possible to destroy histamine in the macrospheres, thereby blocking the release of the allergen directly into the tissue. Clemastine also helps strengthen mast cell membranes.

Physiotherapy procedures

The main goal of treatment is to reduce the size of the benign formation, as well as to eliminate inflammatory process.

As a treatment, tissue warming is prescribed. deep method. The procedure has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Additional benefits include: improves local blood flow, and also enhances tissue regeneration.

With the advanced course of the disease, doctors prescribe an ultrasound to the patient. The procedure allows you to improve microcirculation in the vessels, in addition, such heating also has a positive effect on smooth muscle. It should be noted that ultrasound procedures also help to saturate tissues with oxygen.

Magnetotherapy is rarely used for hygroma on the arm. The procedure helps to eliminate the inflammatory process not only in cartilage tissue, but also in the bone. Magnetotherapy is rarely used due to broad list contraindications.

Main contraindications:

  1. The patient has a pacemaker.
  2. Violation of hematopoiesis.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Malignant tumors.
  5. Renal failure.
  6. Hypertonic disease.
  7. Hemophilia.
  8. Diseases that occur with purulent inflammation.

Often with hygroma, saline or soda baths. The procedure can be carried out at home. With the help of baths, adhesions are softened and lengthened, and the inflammatory process is eliminated.

Crushing a cyst with a hygroma is practically not used. Since during the crushing of the shell, the liquid begins to flow under the skin. Therefore, it can lead to the appearance of a new tumor.

Removal of a cyst

Removal is carried out with large formations, the procedure takes place under local anesthesia. After the operation, the capsule is sutured, and supportive drug therapy is prescribed.

Contraindications for surgical treatment:

  1. Acute infectious diseases.
  2. Operations are not performed if the patient has problems with blood clotting.
  3. Pregnancy period.

The operation consists of several stages. First of all, a medical rubber tourniquet is applied to the affected limb, after which an anesthetic is infiltrated. With the help of a surgical scalpel, the doctor makes a small incision at the site of a benign formation, then a puncture is performed in order to extract the fluid from the capsule.

In severe cases of the disease, doctors perform excision of the hygroma along with the contents.

Final steps surgical treatment consist in the expiration of the protrusion, suturing is carried out synovial bag, and then the doctor performs stitching of the wound itself.

After the operation, a tight bandage is applied to the affected area and fixed into the joint with an orthosis.

If an inflammatory process occurs, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, the stitches are removed on the 7th day, and the bandage is removed after 2 weeks.

In addition to surgery, you can also laser removal tumors. This treatment has several advantages:

  1. The procedure is painless.
  2. Coagulation occurs when exposed to a laser small vessels so there is no bleeding.
  3. Laser removal of hygromas, can be carried out in childhood upon reaching the age of 7.

Unlike surgery, laser treatment lasts for 20 minutes and the risk of complications is reduced to a minimum.

Complications after surgery

Complications usually occur after surgical intervention. There is a risk of infection entering the wound or its suppuration. If the operation is carried out carelessly, then there is a risk of bleeding (occurs when an artery is damaged).

If a nerve is damaged during the operation, then there is a risk of impaired innervation.

In addition, it should be noted that in 30% of all cases after surgery, a relapse of the disease occurs.

The main reasons for the recurrence of hygromas:

  • connective tissue weakness;
  • if the fistula of the hygroma is not sutured;
  • non-compliance with the rules in the postoperative period.

In order to avoid complications and recurrence of the disease, before performing the operation, it is necessary to undergo complete diagnostics and take into account the individual condition of the patient.

Finger hygroma treatment with folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment are used after prior consultation with the attending physician.

At home, you can steam the hygroma in hot water. Dial in the pelvis hot water and hold the affected limb for 30 minutes. After steaming, you need to put a honey compress on the bump.

Apply liquid honey to the formation and put a small piece of parchment paper on top, fix the compress with a bandage. Compress and steaming can be used for small tumor sizes.

An alcohol compress helps to relieve the inflammatory process. To prepare a compress, you will need 70% alcohol and sterile gauze or cloth. Moisten gauze in alcohol and apply to the sore spot, put a small piece of the bag on top and wrap everything with a warm scarf.

Important! If appears severe burning, it is necessary to stop treatment, otherwise there is a risk of burns.

Red clay can be used as a treatment. Preparation: mix clay with a small amount water, stir until smooth. Put the finished mixture on a cotton cloth, and then apply to the sore spot. Keep the clay compress for 2 hours. The course of treatment until the complete disappearance of formations.

With hygroma, you can use pine branches. At home, you need to prepare a tincture. Grind dry pine branches and pour boiling water, then leave for 10 hours, while constantly heating the solution. As soon as the tincture is ready, it must be filtered. Use folk method can be in the form of a compress or douche.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the development of hygromas, it is necessary to treat diseases that can cause these formations in a timely manner. In addition, long-term stress on the joints should be avoided.

Remember, when the first symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Hygroma is not considered dangerous, but, nevertheless, serious complications can occur.

Doctor, pharmacist Titova L.A.

Hygroma on the arm is a benign connective tissue node. Such a formation occurs in the area of ​​​​the tendon or joint. The formation looks like a cyst, and its size can reach 10 cm in diameter. When a hygroma occurs on the finger, it is necessary to take measures to get rid of the formation. There are many effective methods struggle.

Hygromas can form on the fingers

Hygroma symptoms

Most often, such an education does not cause trouble to a person. The only discomfort is the unsightly appearance of the wrist. Large formations are especially noticeable. In children, hygroma appears extremely rarely, most often it is characteristic of people aged 20–40 years.

Hygroma can be localized multiple or single. The formation is well manifested under the skin, the tumor is localized on one or several joints. The formation can be dense or elastic, it can connect with neighboring tissues. The development of hygroma proceeds slowly. If the growth increases, then there is discomfort after exercise, limitation of joint movement. The following can be distinguished severe symptoms hygromas:

  • aching pains;
  • numbness and tingling in the joints;
  • sharp pain when pressing on the growth;
  • pain at the location of the hygroma in the subglottic region;
  • thickening of the skin over the tumor, peeling, swelling.

Hygromas can be multiple

Neoplasm treatment methods

The hygroma may disappear if the load on the hand or wrist is reduced. If this does not happen, then the problem is without fail should be treated. There are many methods to treat the disease.


This is one of the ancient methods, the consequences of which can be unforeseen, because the tumor is squeezed or pressed. It is not worth getting rid of the problem with this method, as this is fraught with relapses, an inflammatory process, and the occurrence of purulent foci.


This method is suitable for getting rid of small ganglia up to 1 cm in diameter. Anesthesia is performed before puncture. After that, the specialist pumps out the fluid from the tumor with a syringe, injects a glucocorticoid composition so that the walls of the capsule grow together without recurrence. After this intervention prerequisite there will be wearing a bandage for a month, sometimes the terms increase. Physiotherapy procedures - at least effective technique which includes electrophoresis, the use ultraviolet radiation, heating techniques.

Surgical option for the treatment of hygroma

This method is one of the most effective. Before the intervention, the specialist does anesthesia, after which he makes a small incision, exposing the growth. It is necessary to push the tissues apart and, using a scalpel or a laser device, excise the walls of the saccular growth. After that, the fluid exit area must be sutured. The procedure can take about 40 minutes. The stitches are removed after 2 weeks.

Modern surgical method for solving the problem

Modern clinics offer patients to solve the problem of ganglia with the help of endoscopic removal. Today, this method is considered one of the most innovative with minimal risk of complications. The method does not involve cutting the skin. The specialist uses the endoscope and inserts it into skin covering. The device has a video camera, so the specialist monitors the manipulation through the screen. The method guarantees a minimum recovery period, leaving no scars and scars.

No less effective and modern method- This is laser removal of hygromas. During the procedure, the specialist dissects the skin or nail plate using an infrared beam.

When the growth is removed, the doctor will simply sutured tissue capsules. The main advantage of modern laser treatment hygrom consists in its bloodlessness and in the absence of complications. Recovery period passes quickly enough.

Modern clinics will help remove hygroma without leaving scars


Therapeutic folk procedures hygromas of the hand, foot, nail are no less effective. Traditional medicine offers many recipes that can be effective for treating hygroma. If for some reason you are not ready to apply traditional medicine, then it is worth trying some recipes from ganglia. It does not take much time to prepare the funds, you can make a cure for hygroma from pharmaceutical products and vegetables.

  1. Alcohol compresses. They are applied to the tumor, covered with cellophane.
  2. Cabbage leaves against hygroma. They are ground through a meat grinder, = the liquid is squeezed out, which is moistened with gauze.
  3. Kerosene compresses are considered very effective in the fight against hygroma. It is necessary to treat the area above the hygroma with oil, and then apply a kerosene compress. This remedy is kept for about 20 minutes 4 times a day. Oil helps prevent possible burns.
  4. Aloe and honey. Prepare a crushed aloe leaf and mix it with honey and flour. The result should be a cake, which is applied to the hygroma. Be sure to insulate the cake with polyethylene. The cake can be made from wet blue or green clay.

Aloe and honey - a folk remedy for hygrom


General Tips:

  • try to prevent excessive load on the wrist joint;
  • take care of the area increased risk from injury;
  • don't forget to apply elastic bandage before loading, because this will allow you to tightly fix the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints;
  • consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease, which will allow you not to start the process.

Prevention prevents recurrence. Most often they occur during crush treatment. To avoid such unpleasant phenomenon, like hygroma of the finger, you should eat right, drink purified water regularly throughout the day.

The formation on the hands of a benign etiology, which is formed from the shells of the joints, is called hygroma in medicine. The second name of the disease is tendon ganglion. Pathology can occur on any of the joints that have connective tissues. The disease is localized in the area of ​​the tendon sheath, bags for the location of the joints. We will talk about the treatment of hygroma on the fingers in this article.

Causes of the appearance of pathology

To date, the exact causes of hygroma on the hands have not been established. Doctors say that there are quite a lot of them, and there are a number of main ones:

  • A third of all pathologies occur due to hand injuries.
  • Injuries that happen repeatedly and create tension in a certain area on the arm for a long time.
  • About 50% of cases of the disease are hereditary.

Most often, people are susceptible to hygroma young age up to 30 years old. Women suffer from this problem three times more often than men.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The disease occurs quite quickly, is of a sudden nature and within a few days reaches a diameter of up to two centimeters. External signs hygromas are manifested in the form of tumor cones in the area of ​​​​the joints, which are located on the finger. There are cases when neoplasms develop slowly, without causing any significant concern. Although, as a rule, hygroma is a rather problematic disease. In addition to discomfort and unaesthetic appearance, a person experiences a pronounced pain syndrome when pressing on the tumor.

If a person notices the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to immediately seek the advice of a qualified specialist. In this case, it is possible to identify or exclude oncological pathology in advance, with the help of a medical examination and diagnosis. The doctor will conduct a visual examination of the tumors, taking into account their size and primary signs that distinguish hygroma from other diseases. If necessary, appoint a puncture. During this procedure, the formation on the fingers is pierced and its contents are taken for laboratory analysis.

Also appointed additional research, since the pathology may outwardly resemble a lipoma, atheroma:

  • X-ray.
  • Ultrasound of the tumor and adjacent tissues.

Treatment in a conservative way

It is advisable to treat the hygroma as early as possible, while the disease is in its initial stage of development. The recovery process includes drug therapy and a number of physiotherapy procedures:

  • Irradiation of tumors with ultraviolet light.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Applications with the use of therapeutic mud, paraffin.
  • Phonophoresis with Hydrocartisone.

Taking a puncture

Another one from conservative ways the fight against hygroma is taking a puncture by piercing the tumor. From the formation on the finger, the contents are removed for analysis, and an anti-inflammatory drug is injected. In case of infection, topical antibiotics are additionally prescribed. After taking the contents of the hygroma, a tight bandage is applied to the finger, and then an orthosis. The finger is not recommended to be subjected to physical exertion, to protect from mechanical damage. All these measures minimize the process of synovial fluid production.

Crushing the subcutaneous capsule

by the most in a simple way getting rid of the hygroma is considered crushing the subcutaneous capsule. This can be done by pinching the tumor with your fingers and pressing hard on it, or you can use some kind of plastic object. After crushing, the internal fluid flows into the tissues around the capsule. The procedure is absolutely sterile, since the tissues do not become infected or inflamed. However, it is worth bandaging tightly and fixing the finger with an orthosis for a period of two weeks so that the wound heals without complications. If the disease is neglected, and many and large tumors have appeared, one cannot do without a surgical operation.

Surgical intervention

The removal of a hygroma through surgery is called a bursectomy. This is the most effective way to get rid of hygroma on the fingers. You can also use the laser removal method, it is no less effective. Surgery prescribed for a number of indications:

  • The capsule rapidly increases in size.
  • Difficulty moving the finger.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Cosmetic discomfort.

The operation is carried out using local anesthesia and last no more than half an hour. The doctor carefully removes the liquid capsule and stitches the wound for up to ten days.

Evaporation with a laser

The procedure for evaporating the capsule is done using anesthesia local application. The operation is carried out using carbon dioxide laser beam, because it has a disinfectant effect and also has the property of coagulation. The skin on the finger is cut to get the capsule. After that, the wound is treated with suturing inside, and then on top. Close the wound with a sterile dressing. By using

Folk methods of treatment

To get rid of hygroma, you can use the tips traditional medicine. The most famous and commonly used methods of alternative treatment are:

  • Cabbage juice. Grind fresh cabbage leaves in a blender. The resulting mass must be squeezed through sterile gauze. cabbage juice drink one glass a day for a month.
  • Pieces sea ​​jellyfish apply to the sore finger, pressing with a bandage. Do not shoot for three hours. Carry out the procedure every day.
  • Kombucha is applied daily to the formations and worn for several hours.
  • Copper plate. Heat a copper coin over a fire, and then put it in a solution with salt. Bandage to the finger for three days. After that, the copper coin is thoroughly washed in order to repeat this procedure.

Prevention measures

To prevent the formation of hygroma on the fingers, it is necessary to follow preventive measures this disease. Reduce power physical exercise on all fingers, avoiding monotonous manipulations. If there is a hereditary factor, it is necessary to take care of the joints of the hands, to prevent injuries. Loads for both hands should be distributed evenly. and tendovaginitis should be carried out in a timely manner healing procedures. And most importantly - do not self-medicate, but turn to highly qualified specialists in time.

Sometimes a person accidentally pays attention to an unexpectedly small neoplasm on the finger. Most often it is localized on the distal and middle phalanges, in the region of the joint. Hygroma on the finger of the hand - this is the name of a strange formation - prefers to "settle" on the bodies of children, as well as young people. AT adulthood hygroma is much less common, and in the elderly it almost does not appear.

A round formation filled with fluid is also called a synovial cyst. characteristic feature its location is on the tendon sheath or in the region of the joint bag. Outwardly, the hygroma on the joint of the finger is similar to soft ball flesh or pinkish color. It may be translucent. The contents of this tumor:

  • serous fluid;
  • slime;
  • fibrin protein filaments.

When pressing on the hygroma, there may not be any sensations. Or a slight soreness is felt.

Education is benign, so the prognosis of treatment is always favorable. If the hygroma on the thumb is located, it rarely causes discomfort. If she "chooses" the index or middle fingers may interfere with freedom of movement. In addition, a hygroma on the finger always looks unaesthetic. Patients try to get rid of such "decoration". Women are especially worried - for them appearance is of great importance.

The tumor never degenerates into a malignant one, but it is desirable to treat a hygroma on the finger in order to avoid spontaneous opening of the tumor and the ingress of fluid inside, on connective tissue. In this case, many "daughters" will appear, and the first hygroma will grow again in its original place.


For doctors exact reason the appearance of hygroma is still a mystery. A tumor on the joint of the finger grows due to:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • a single blow, a bruise of the hand;
  • prolonged uneven loading.

It can occur on the thumb, on the little finger, on the index finger - in a word, anywhere. The impetus for the development of an inflammatory process leading to pathological growths with synovial fluid, most often it becomes an injury, less often - a failure in the smooth operation of the system internal organs. There is nothing wrong with hygroma as such. However, it is better not to leave her unattended, even if she does not cause concern.

Hygroma on the finger: how to treat

One of the consequences of injury to the tumor (accidental or intentional) may be infection of the wound. This will require long-term treatment with the use of antibiotics and loss of ability to work for a while.

Treatment of hygroma on the finger includes a number of activities. Sometimes doctors start with conservative measures, although they rarely bring the expected result.

These include:

  • paraffin compresses;
  • mud compresses;
  • heat exposure.

If your doctor suggests trying to get by with such methods, you should listen to his advice. With small and “fresh” hygromas on the fingers, it is sometimes possible to achieve their disappearance. In rare cases, tumors go away on their own - usually this happens when the body's immune forces are activated.

More often the tumor does not respond to conservative treatment. Then the doctor recommends removing the hygroma on the finger.

You should not be afraid of this mini-operation. If earlier methods of pressure and others, rather unpleasant for the patient, were used, now laser removal or excision of the tumor is used. The doctor removes the capsule with all its contents - thus eliminating the possibility of a spontaneous breakthrough of the tumor and infection of the injured area.

Then the wound is sutured. They will be removed in 7-10 days, and the problem will disappear. The likelihood of relapse after surgical removal minimum, about 5%. The procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes. None additional treatment not required.

Hygroma on the fingers of a child

In children, hygroma is more often noticed by parents. If the tumor is small, the child may not pay attention to it. The danger is that while playing, the baby will damage the tumor, so most likely infection exists in the case of the development of a synovial cyst in a child, and not in an adult.

How to treat hygroma? The method will be chosen by the surgeon, focusing on the size and location of the cyst. Often the problem is solved not by removal, but by puncture: a thin needle is punctured and the contents of the hygroma are pumped out. After that, the medicine is injected into the cavity.

The child's body reacts faster to stress and other factors (favorable and vice versa) of the external environment. Therefore, it is likely that the cyst will pass by itself, without intervention. With small sizes and localization in places where there is little chance of injury or cut, the doctor may recommend waiting a bit.

If the thought of removing the hygroma located on the finger is unpleasant for you - you are not yet ready for such a procedure - try folk remedies. But you need to keep in mind: it is easy for a non-specialist to hygroma to confuse with other neoplasms:

  • atheroma;
  • lipoma.

In these cases, the treatment will be different.

You can try to cope with hygroma with the help of cabbage leaf. It is necessary to pass the sheet through a meat grinder and then squeeze it out. The extracted juice should be drunk. One glass a day is enough.

This is the local effect. A cotton pad, abundantly moistened with Kombucha, should be applied to the cyst several times a day. They say there will be an effect, you just have to wait for it for a long time.


Is it possible to prevent this benign tumor? Since it is not known for what reasons it is formed, it is difficult to observe preventive measures. However, doctors traced the following dependence of the disease:

  • hygroma is more often formed in women than in the stronger sex;
  • in many cases, its appearance is combined with a weakening of the body;
  • a person who has had bursitis, tendonitis and others inflammatory diseases joints, is more likely to encounter hygroma.

Preventive measures are general character. It:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • eating enough vitamins and minerals;
  • uniform physical activity.

The synovial cyst on the finger does not pose a threat to health. It can neither degenerate into cancer, nor give impetus to any undesirable processes in the body.

And yet, letting the disease take its course is not worth it. If you leave everything as it is, the hygroma will gradually increase in size, become painful. The removal process will be more complicated. If it spontaneously breaks inside, instead of one tumor, the fingers will “decorate” several pieces at once.

If a "bump" is found, you should contact the surgeon, who will decide whether to do a puncture for accurate diagnosis and choose the method of treatment. It will most likely be removed. Just a week - and you will forever forget about your petty trouble. Therefore, do not delay the treatment and do not try to "deal" with the cyst on your own. Your health is in your hands. Let's treat our body with care and provide it with timely assistance!

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