Ultrasonic cavitation for weight loss: how is it carried out and is it possible at home. Contraindications and consequences of ultrasonic cavitation Cavitation cosmetic procedure

- This is one of the modern methods of getting rid of excess body fat.
(From Latin cavitas means: emptiness, bubbles).

cavitation method based on the formation of a large number of bubbles filled with gas and steam. Over time, the bubbles increase in size and subsequently evaporate.

Today, the principle of cavitation is used in various fields of medicine:
in dentistry - to remove plaque and calculus
in nephrology - for the removal of kidney stones
in hardware cosmetology - to combat body fat.
And also for:
treatment and cleaning of purulent wounds
disinfection and emulsification solutions
creation of inhalation mixtures.

Cavitation is divided into two types: hydrodynamic and acoustic. Hydrodynamic cavitation occurs as a result of a decrease in pressure in a liquid, which can be caused by an increase in its velocity. Acoustic cavitation occurs when an acoustic wave of high intensity passes through a liquid. In hardware cosmetology, acoustic cavitation is used, and in the future we will talk about no.

The effect of cavitation in aesthetic cosmetology?
The essence of the cavitation technique for the treatment of cellulite and getting rid of excess body fat is the effect of low-frequency ultrasound on adipose tissue. As you know, ultrasound is an acoustic wave, and the cells of the body contain a large amount of fluid. Thus, it turned out that the cavitation effect also occurs in fat cells.

It was experimentally revealed that under the action of low-frequency ultrasound with parameters of 30-70 kHz and a pressure of 0.6 kPa and a certain flux density, a cavitation effect occurs in fat cells, i.e. microbubbles are formed. The higher the frequency, the smaller the bubbles; the lower the frequency, the bigger the bubbles. The optimal frequency for adipose tissue is 37-42 kHz. At this frequency, the maximum number of bubbles of the optimal size is formed. Increasing in size, they liquefy fat and displace it from. In adipose tissue, bubbles collapse, releasing large amounts of energy. When the bubbles collapse inside the fat cell, a hydrodynamic push occurs, a kind of microexplosion. These microexplosions damage the cell membranes of the adipocytes. First of all, the membranes of the most fat-filled cells are damaged, due to their greatest stress. The released triglycerides, which make up fat cells, are removed from the intercellular space through natural metabolic processes. 90% of the decay products are excreted through the lymphatic system and 10% are absorbed into the bloodstream, where, as a result of the reaction, triglycerides are converted into glucose molecules. At the same time, other cells and tissues (muscle fibrils, cells of the epidermis, vascular endothelium, etc.) are not damaged by cavitation, because are relatively strong and have a sufficient coefficient of elasticity. There have been many scientific studies that have proven the effectiveness and safety of cavitation.

How is the procedure of ultrasonic cavitation performed, its effectiveness, price?
The procedure is carried out in the same way as when working with conventional ultrasound. The duration of the ultrasonic cavitation procedure is no more than 45 minutes. Sessions are recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time in 5 days. At the same time, a lymphatic drainage procedure is required to speed up the process of removing decay products. The standard course consists of 5-7 sessions. If necessary, maintenance treatment is carried out 1-3 procedures in 4-6 months. The cost of the cavitation procedure is 40 - 80% higher than the price of a regular electrolipolysis (needlepolysis) or lymphatic drainage procedure.

To increase the efficiency, an integrated approach is used and the addition of such procedures as: pressotherapy, lymphatic drainage, lifting, electrolipolysis (needlepolysis). This allows you to speed up the process of removing the decay products of fat cells through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The total time of an ultrasonic cavitation session followed by pressure therapy or lymphatic drainage is 1-1.5 hours.

The effect of the cavitation procedure noticeable immediately after the first session and intensifies over the next few days. In one session, up to 15 cm3 of fat can be removed from the body. This corresponds to a loss of volume in the waist from 3 to 5 cm after one session of cavitation. Once the split foods are removed, fat accumulation in the treated area becomes extremely difficult. The patient loses both volume and weight after the procedure. But it must be taken into account that adipose tissue, occupying a large volume, has a low density and, as a result, is quite light, therefore, first of all, the client notices a loss in volume. An active lifestyle, proper nutrition and drinking regimen should be recommended to the client.

The concept of "Cavitation liposuction", reviews and opinions of experts.
Currently, it is accepted and even fashionable to compare cavitation with liposuction and operate with a new term - “Cavitation liposuction”. According to some experts, cavitation liposuction in terms of effectiveness is quite comparable with classical surgical liposuction. Although it does not require a scalpel, no injections, no anesthesia, no long-term rehabilitation. Fat removal with ultrasound does not leave bruises or dips on the skin and guarantees the result will be preserved for years, because the destroyed fat cells are not restored.

It should be mentioned that the cavitation procedure appeared relatively recently and has not yet been fully studied. In this regard, its appointment is justified, only with a relatively high degree of obesity (from 15-20 kg). Because it has significantly more contraindications than classical electrical stimulation. With the degree of obesity (5-15kg), it is recommended to use only classical methods: electrolipolysis (needlepolysis), lymphatic drainage, as safer.

Cavitation indications:
excess body fat

correction of defects after surgical liposuction
removal of lipomas (wen).

immune system diseases
blood clotting disorders
hepatitis, kidney failure
diabetes mellitus

impact in the wound area.

Advantages of the method:
achieving a quick aesthetic effect
no need for anesthesia, the procedure is painless
no need to wear compression garments
no “washboard” effect on the skin after the procedure, especially from vacuum devices (endermology)
absence of hematomas
preservation of tissue sensitivity in the treated area.

We present professional equipment for cavitation and other procedures, from economy to premium level.

The photo shows the following models of devices:
Computer physiotherapy apparatus - complex ESMA 12SK KAVALER

Fat folds and deposits on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, cellulite - these and many other figure problems bother women and men, regardless of age. Modern medicine and cosmetology have developed many ways to correct the figure, one of the new popular methods is ultrasonic cavitation.

What is ultrasonic cavitation and how does it work

Ultrasonic cavitation (or ultrasonic liposuction) is a non-surgical non-invasive technology for correcting figure problems. This technique was developed in 2006 by Italian scientists and is used not only in aesthetic medicine, but also in classical medicine in ENT practice, dentistry, traumatology, and surgery.

The term "cavitation" means the process of formation of cavities (bubbles) in a liquid, which are filled with steam, gas, a mixture of gas and steam.

The essence of the cavitation technique is the use of low-frequency ultrasound, which acts on fat cells, invoking the effect of cavitation in them, that is, the formation of microbubbles. The bubbles increase in size, releasing energy that destroys the membranes of fat cells. The fat contained in the cells under the influence of ultrasound is liquefied and enters the intercellular space, and then is excreted naturally from the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Ultrasonic cavitation destroys fatty deposits, restores the tissue blood supply system and drainage, stimulates the work of connective tissue cells. Due to the restoration of elastin and collagen fibers, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out at the sites of exposure, skin firmness and elasticity are restored.

Apparatus for ultrasonic cavitation

For the procedure, clinics use modern equipment from foreign manufacturers. Professional devices have several exposure modes designed for different depths of fat deposits, control programs for the cavitation process, programs for setting the mode taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin.

In clinics, the following ultrasonic cavitation devices can be used:

  • Cellulab.
  • GS 8-0.
  • RAH MediCell.

Indications and contraindications

Ultrasonic cavitation is carried out in the presence of such problems:

  • Flabbiness of the skin in the back, arms, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
  • Cellulite at any stage.
  • Fat folds and deposits on the body.
  • Bumps and other skin defects after surgical liposuction.
  • Wen and lipomas.
  • Metabolic disorders.

Contraindications for ultrasonic cavitation are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Inflammation on the skin in the affected area (viral, infectious, bacterial or fungal).
  • Mental disorders and diseases.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Blood disorders (for example, a bleeding disorder).
  • Neurosis in a severe form.
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis.
  • Kidney disease (eg, kidney failure, kidney stones).
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Angina.
  • Tendency to bleed.
  • Diseases of the immune system.
  • Umbilical hernia.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Chronic and infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • High fever, chills, fever.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the bladder.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Implants, scars, tattoos, scars in the affected area.
  • Ulcerative diseases.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Arterial hypotension.
  • Vegetative dystonia.
  • The presence of prostheses in the knee and hip joints.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Menses.
  • Chronic hemorrhoids.
  • Pulmonary insufficiency.

In the presence of these diseases, ultrasonic cavitation is not only undesirable, but also life-threatening.

Pros and cons of ultrasonic cavitation

The advantages of cavitation over other cosmetic and medical procedures are:

  • Procedure safety. The depth of ultrasound exposure is precisely calculated and passes only at the level of the fat layer. The impact of ultrasound does not affect the bones, adjacent tissues and skin.
  • No scars or scars.
  • Long lasting result.
  • No need for a long period of preparation, rehabilitation and recovery.
  • There is no sagging skin after the procedure, because the ultrasound tightens and tones the skin.
  • Preservation of skin sensitivity in the area of ​​sonication.
  • Painless procedure. You do not need to use general anesthesia or apply local anesthetics.
  • Non-invasive. During ultrasonic cavitation, the skin does not injure or deform.
  • Result after the first procedure.

The disadvantages of ultrasonic cavitation are the high cost, the need for lymphatic drainage massage after the procedure, a large list of contraindications for the session, a high risk of complications and side effects.

Procedure for ultrasonic cavitation

Before the session, the doctor at the consultation determines the problem areas that will be affected, and also sets the required duration of the session.

The procedure is not painful, the patient feels only a pleasant warmth and slight tingling, so no local anesthetic is required. The doctor applies only a special gel, natural oil or glycerin to the affected area, which contribute to the sliding of the handpiece and better penetration of ultrasound into the fat layer.

During the procedure of ultrasonic cavitation, the patient lies on his back or stomach on the couch, the doctor rotates the rollers of the device nozzle along the massage lines of the problem area, in the direction of the lymph nodes.

The duration of one cavitation session is from 30 to 45 minutes, but not more than an hour.

After the session, it is necessary to carry out a lymphatic drainage massage, which helps to remove decay products through the lymph and blood. The duration of the massage is from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. Lymphatic drainage massage can be of the following types:

  • Hardware.
  • Manual.
  • Pressotherapy.
  • Vibrovacuum.

Most often, after a session of ultrasonic cavitation, the doctor performs a manual massage, combining relaxing massage movements with intense and warming ones.

The full course of treatment consists of 4-10 procedures. Between procedures it is necessary to take a break (5-10 days).

Before the procedure (for 3-4 days) you need to completely exclude fried and fatty foods, alcohol and coffee from the diet, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

2-3 hours before the session, you need to drink more than 1 liter of pure non-carbonated water.

After completing the full course and in between sessions, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day, which helps to remove decay products.
  • Normalize food. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice), lean beef or poultry, steamed or boiled, seafood, dairy products (homemade yogurt, fermented baked milk, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese).
  • Every day at least 30 minutes to play sports (aerobics, gym, step, water aerobics, swimming, sports dancing).
  • Use vitamin and mineral complexes.

Possible complications and side effects of ultrasonic cavitation

During the procedure, the patient may experience nausea, dizziness, headaches, difficulty breathing, ringing in the ears, and other complications. In this case, you should immediately stop the procedure and see your doctor.

After the procedure, there is a risk of unwanted complications and side effects.. This is due to the fact that when the membrane of fat cells breaks, the diluted contents (water, fat emulsion, pathogenic microorganisms and toxins) enter the open space, being absorbed into the blood (10%) and lymph (90%). The decay products of fat cells are carried through the circulatory and lymphatic systems throughout the human body, which can lead to inflammation in internal organs and tissues.

So, after ultrasonic cavitation, the following side effects may appear:

  • Dehydration of tissues in the affected areas. When fat cells rupture, the volume of cellular fluid and extracellular volume decreases, then water leaves the bloodstream. This reaction of the body provides the brain with the water it needs to remove dead cells and toxins.
  • "Fat" chair. It is the main indicator of inflammatory processes in the intestines. After a session of ultrasonic cavitation, the pancreas and intestines are subjected to serious stress and do not always have time to produce lipase (enzyme) in time, which can cause Crohn's disease.
  • Skin burns. An ultrasonic wave, penetrating into tissues, causes their destruction. During the session, ultrasonic energy constantly affects the same area on the surface of the skin, which leads to an increase in skin temperature, which can reach 100 degrees Celsius. An increase in temperature can provoke protein denaturation (burn).

Medical studies have proven the negative impact of ultrasound not only on the patient, but also on the doctor. So, sooner or later, the doctor's hand is affected, with which he holds the sensor during the session.

The effect of ultrasonic cavitation

Patients (70-80%) notice a visible result after the first cavitation session, which intensifies during the full course of treatment.

A full course of ultrasonic cavitation allows patients to achieve the following results:

  • Normalize the metabolism in the body.
  • Eliminate cellulite.
  • Get rid of fat folds and fat deposits in problem areas (thighs, abdomen, back, buttocks, breeches zone).
  • Tighten the skin, improve the overall tone, elasticity of the skin.

After the ultrasonic cavitation procedure, the accumulation of fat in the affected areas is much more difficult, so the effect remains for a long time.

Ultrasonic cavitation goes well with mesotherapy, cryotherapy, anti-cellulite massage and body wraps.


The average cost of one session of ultrasonic cavitation is from 4000 to 9000 rubles.

After the procedure, you need to undergo lymphatic drainage massage. The cost of one massage session is from 600 to 2000 rubles.

The average cost of a full course of ultrasonic cavitation, which includes massage sessions, is from 50,000 to 120,000 rubles.

The desire for beauty and harmony is inherent in many who want to have an ideal body. Cavitation makes it possible, without surgical intervention, to obtain the desired result. After passing the required number of procedures, patients experience a reduction in cellulite and the breakdown of fatty tissues.

Cavitation is one of the most effective methods of body shaping, which includes non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction. This method also applies - non-surgical liposuction of the face.

In modern times, it is very successful, it is chosen by millions of people. Translated from Latin, cavitation is emptiness. Ultrasonic cavitation, acting on fat, forms microbubbles in it, which make the adipose tissue softer, thereby displacing adipocytes from it.

As a result of this process, triglycerides are released, which make up fat cells.

They swing so much that they burst. The excretion of these cells from the body occurs due to metabolic processes. The fatty substance becomes liquid and is excreted through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

It should be noted that under the influence of cavitation bonds, the skin becomes much more elastic, and in the areas of the procedure, there is a regenerative process of blood circulation and stimulation of cells that are part of the connective tissue. These cells are responsible for tissue renewal.

Numerous studies prove that this procedure does not leave bruises and scars and is physiotherapy procedure rather than surgery.

The effect will not keep you waiting. The result is noticeable after the first sessions. After the first procedure, the volume of fat deposits becomes less by 2-4 cm. Over the next week, the removal of fat deposits will be much faster, which in turn will significantly reduce the volume.

The advantage of cavitation is that after each procedure, you can immediately lead a normal life, since there is no need for postoperative rehabilitation.

The procedure lasts about 20-30 minutes, which directly depends on the size of the area on which the impact is made.

You should know that cavitation and lymphatic drainage massage have a close relationship in the process of getting rid of excess fat.

Massage must be connected after the session. This helps to get rid of edema, which, naturally, may appear after the procedure. Also, a good effect is obtained by combining the methods of cavitation and myostimulation.


  • excessive body fat, which are localized in problem areas (thighs, abdomen, buttocks, sides and back);
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • wen, of various origins;
  • various defects after poor-quality liposuction surgery.

The main cause of skin aging is the deterioration of cellular processes: growth, metabolism, and removal of harmful substances. Read all about it in the article

You know that facial ozone therapy not only masks defects and age-related fading of the skin, but stimulates endogenous processes of healing and rejuvenation. .

Video: Ultrasonic cavitation


Like all body shaping methods, this method has some contraindications.

Cavitation should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women. Chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver also impede its providence.

Various disorders and disorders in the work of the circulatory and immune systems, various skin lesions, infectious diseases, tumor diseases, an allergic reaction to soy are also contraindications.

Cavitation with uterine fibroids and cavitation during menstruation can cause serious harm to health.

Even if you experience a slight malaise or a slight increase in body temperature, it is better to reschedule the procedure for another time.

Side effects

One of the disadvantages is a long period of time for a complex of procedures. How much to do depends on how many areas you want to treat. In order to remove fat deposits on the entire body, you need to go through many procedures.

Each procedure is aimed at only one specific area. And each zone, in turn, also requires several approaches.

Some people have a high pain threshold of sensitivity and sometimes, during cavitation, they experience discomfort. And with a sufficiently large amount of body fat, it will take about 10-12 procedures.

How often can you do it?

You can only do one session per week. Such a period of time is necessary for the removal of decay products of fat cells. Also, an unpleasant consequence of cavitation can be a classic side effect - the appearance of wen. Wen, as a rule, appear in the sub-knee region.

You should know and remember that having decided on this procedure, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition. Otherwise, calories will look for a way and a place to settle in your body.

The place of their subsequent localization may become a place dangerous to health. For example, retroperitoneal space. And this, in turn, contributes to the formation of cardiological disease. Thus, cavitation is harmful to health.

Photo: lpg massage

It is worth noting that the cost of the procedure for many can be high. The price of one manipulation varies from 2000 - 9000 thousand. It depends on the area of ​​influence and the time of the event. Let's say hip cavitation, for 90 minutes it will cost about 8500.

So before you decide, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

If you cannot decide on cavitation, you can think about other procedures. For example, if we compare it with lpg massage, then the first method also has quite a few advantages.

Cavitation and cryolipolysis have more similar effects. People who have a large number of means to restore their figure can decide to combine two methods, cavitation and lpg.

Is cavitation possible at home?

Today, many online stores offer to purchase devices for the procedure at home. But, specialists - cosmetologists, completely disagree with the effectiveness of such equipment. maybe they are sources of ultrasonic waves, but where is the guarantee that these waves will reach the required level of penetration.

So it is more expedient to apply for cavitation in a modern beauty salon, where they offer a wide selection of such procedures, including cavitation for men who are not averse to getting rid of cellulite and excess fat complications.

Prices for the procedure

Video: Cavitation: the secrets of success

Our time is overweight, as well as the consequences associated with it, which are reflected not only in appearance, but also often pose a serious risk to health. External defects such as loss of skin elasticity, flabbiness, excess volume at the waist, violations of the line of the figure are eliminated in a variety of ways: from diets and fitness to therapeutic and surgical means. New methods are being developed to overcome these problems. Recently, figure correction is more often carried out using cavitation. What it is?

Cavitation as a concept and areas of its application

Cavitation is understood as the process of vaporization and subsequent condensation of vapor bubbles in a liquid flow and the formation of cavities (caverns, or cavitation bubbles) in it, which are filled with the vapor of the liquid itself. This process has found wide application in industry, military equipment and other related areas.

Cavitation in medicine

The effect of cavitation is also used in biomedicine. Cavitation is used in work with bloodless excision of tissues of dense organs, with sonoporation. It is also necessary for the removal of kidney stones, which is carried out using lithotripsy. In dentistry, cavitation is used to remove pigmented plaque and tartar.

The latest cardinal technique has taken a leading place in cosmetology. It is based on the phenomenon of cavitation. What are the procedures that have become the most significant competitor to surgical liposuction?

aesthetic medicine

All modern means used for body shaping are conditionally divided into therapeutic and surgical. The former include lymphatic drainage and vacuum massage, myostimulation, electrolipolysis, ozone therapy, various types of body wraps. A popular surgical remedy is classical liposuction. All these methods have long been used in aesthetic medicine centers. But not all of them solve the problems of cellulite and other body defects. Therefore, experts pay attention to the study of new, more advanced techniques. Body cavitation is considered the most effective and safe of them. What is this procedure, how effective and safe is it?

Today it is the most effective procedure for removing fat deposits in problem areas - on the abdomen, thighs, arms, back, which does not require surgical intervention. Therefore, if non-apparatus methods of body shaping fail, cavitation is recommended. What is it, the photo shows

visually - the difference in body lines before and after the procedures is obvious. The procedure allows you to remove problematic defects, adjust the figure. After the procedure, no scars and scars remain on the surface of the skin. The latest technique allows you to acquire harmonious harmony, removing imperfections only in the right areas.


Each patient wonders when recommending a course of cavitation. What kind of technique is this, by which it is removed from the body? Its essence lies in the fact that during the procedure, problem areas of the body are affected by low-frequency ultrasound with a power maintained in the parameters of 37-42 kHz. Microexplosions of gas bubbles, formed by releasing more energy, help to liquefy unwanted fat deposits and damage the cell membranes of adipocytes, releasing triglycerides that make up fat cells. They are excreted from the body through metabolic processes. About 90% of them are excreted through the lymphatic system, the rest is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it is converted into glucose molecules. It should be noted that the effect of ultrasound on other tissues and cells (vascular endothelium, epidermal cells, muscle fibrils, and others) does not have a harmful effect. They are not subject to destruction, because they are distinguished by high No harm is confirmed by the results of many studies that were carried out before putting the cavitation apparatus into practice.

Devices for carrying out cavitation and lifting procedures (professional, portable, multifunctional) have proven themselves well in large medical clinics and beauty salons. They are quite effective in their main purpose - body shaping, skin rejuvenation and tightening, cellulite removal, whitening, lymphatic drainage, restoration of elasticity and turgor, as well as improving metabolism. With the help of these devices, a variety of programs for general skin rejuvenation are practiced.

Indications for the procedure

To eliminate defects in such problematic areas as the abdomen, buttocks, lateral thighs, it is recommended What it is, they explain at consultations in medical clinics practicing the so-called cavitation liposuction, which gives results equal to surgical intervention. In aesthetic medicine, it is recognized as the most effective therapeutic procedure.

Indications for cavitation are getting rid of local "fat traps", reducing the manifestations of fibrosis, correction of skin laxity and defects after surgical liposuction.

Cavitation procedure

How is ultrasonic cavitation performed? What it is? The procedure largely depends on the degree of obesity, on the area of ​​the problem area. The cosmetologist, after examination, selects the most suitable program and passes the working manipula over the surface. A lipolytic gel is preliminarily applied to the skin to reduce the friction that occurs between the device and the skin. The gel, when penetrating into the subcutaneous layers of the epidermis, also helps to accelerate the breakdown of fat cells.

The cavitation effect of ultrasound occurs precisely in the adipose tissue and does not affect the surrounding tissues. This is due to the design of the maniple, the depth of impact of which does not exceed 2-3 cm.

A qualified specialist conducting a cavitation session tries not to fix the device over the projection of large joints, small pelvic organs and parenchymal organs.

Choice of method of influence

The choice of the method of exposure, programs and the frequency parameter necessary to reduce body fat is selected by a specialist. Much depends on the localization of problem areas, their significance, the proximity of large joints. With the help of high-frequency cavitation, about 10 sessions are performed, the duration of which does not exceed 30 minutes. They are usually enough, since high frequencies allow you to use a stable method of exposure.

Procedures with low frequencies are prescribed once a week. In total, their course can be 6-8 sessions of 40 minutes each. With this program, the movements of the ultrasonic handpiece are slow and uniform; fixing the device in one place is not recommended.

The patient feels comfortable during cavitation. At 2.7 MHz ultrasound, sensations of pleasant heat and vibration can be expressed in the projection of the manipula, at 40 kHz, more often at the end of the procedure, a tingling sensation may occur directly in the treatment area.

On average, the duration of a cavitation session can be 20-30 minutes, the maximum is 60 minutes, but not higher, in order to prevent overheating. If necessary, repeated courses of cavitation are prescribed with an interval of six months. To enhance the functioning of the excretory system, lymphatic drainages are usually recommended.

cavitation effect

Questions are often found on Internet forums: "Cavitation - what is it"? Reviews of those who have tried this procedure are somewhat different. There are those who are satisfied with the result, there are those who did not notice any effect.

However, the result is achieved after the first session of cavitation. What is happening, patients do not always see, because often on the first day they expect a significant decrease in volume, changes in weight. All these signs are more noticeable after subsequent procedures. It also depends a lot on the volume of adipose tissue, naturally, with minor problem areas, up to 10-15 cubic meters can be lost in one session. cm of fat, which means a decrease in volume in the waist area by approximately 3 cm.

It is also important to achieve the best results to adhere to an active lifestyle, proper diet.

Benefits of cavitation liposuction

Cavitation is carried out without negative consequences, which often occur after surgical operations. Its main advantages are non-invasiveness, atraumaticity, painlessness, insignificant time spent for procedures, quickly achievable aesthetic result, and absence of a rehabilitation period.


Among the undesirable moments for cavitation, skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncological pathologies, osteoporosis, kidney failure, metal implants in the body are highlighted. There are also places where ultrasonic emission is not recommended. This is the area of ​​the joints, ears, glands and genitals. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor about how harmless cavitation can be for you, that these are contraindications that do not concern you directly.

Specialists conducting the procedure should collect a complete patient history, give recommendations on diet and physical activity. If during the examination it turns out that there are no contraindications, cavitation is performed.

In most cases, this is one of the effective and safe modern methods used in aesthetic medicine, which makes it possible to obtain the expected effect, which, as a rule, satisfies both the patient and the doctor.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Would you like to have a luxurious figure and face without plastic surgery? To date, the cavitation procedure, which is done using a certain frequency of ultrasound, has become very popular. Excess body fat is removed by a method similar to therapy. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, lysis and disengagement of fat cells occurs.

ultrasonic cavitation

Adipose tissue contains a certain amount of fat cells interconnected. When fat is stored, the cells increase in size. If a person loses weight, fiber throws out fatty filling. Fiber accumulates fats entering it, but does not remove them well.cavitation method(cavitation - bubble, cavity) is based on knowledge about the body. During the cavitation procedure, a huge number of bubbles with gas and steam are created. Ultrasonic liposuction makes fat cells softer, separates them from tissues and removes fat from formations faster.

Cavitation is carried out:

  • with the accumulation of body fat;
  • the formation of cellulite;
  • defects after liposuction;
  • unwanted lipomas (wen).

Advantages and pros of the method:

  • the procedure is performed without surgical intervention;
  • fast recovery, luxurious aesthetic effect;
  • painless, anesthesia is not needed;
  • no tissue damage, bruising.

Cons and disadvantages:

  1. The passage of a large number of sessions, for each zone separately (10-12 procedures).
  2. Cavitation is useless if you do not follow a diet in the future.
  3. With frequent overeating and removal of fat in certain places, it will form in others - this threatens with cardiological diseases.
  4. A serious side effect is the appearance of wen under the knees, which only surgeons can remove.

facial cavitation

Lipocavitation has found application in the correction of the facial zone. Local deposits can form in the form of a second chin, located in the area of ​​​​the oval of the face. To spendfacial cavitationno need to go to the hospital. Ultrasonic waves acting on the problem area destroy deposits without scarring the skin. Over time, fatty tissues are eliminated by themselves through the lymphatic system and bloodstream. Cells that removed fat by microexplosion will no longer be able to store it.

Abdominal cavitation

People who dream of losing weight often turn to doctors for help. There are different ways to get rid of hated fat: surgical, laser and ultrasound. The latter has recently gained popularity.Abdominal cavitationoccurs with the help of the frequency of ultrasound on fat, helping it to disengage faster. Before the procedure, a lipolytic gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen, which reduces friction between the device nozzle and the skin. After just one session of cavitation, you can reduce your waist by 5 cm.

Cavitation - what is this procedure

How is the cavitation procedure carried out? Low frequency ultrasound acts on fat cells, forming bubbles that expand and dilute the liquid. Fat is displaced by tension of cell membranes and their subsequent rupture. The contents are excreted through the lymph, liver and blood. The cells of the epidermis are not damaged, as they have greater elasticity. Cavitation is similar to ultrasound and liposuction, which without surgery will bring your body into the desired shape. You will look great in all photos.

Apparatus for cavitation

Cavitation - contraindications

Before undergoing any medical procedure, it is important to know what contraindications exist and to prepare. Be sure to do an ultrasound of the soft tissues of the area of ​​the body where non-surgical liposuction will be performed. Cavitation in cosmetology has the following contraindications:

  • hepatitis of any kind;
  • kidney failure;
  • immune system diseases, positive tumor marker;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • fibromyoma (uterine fibroids);
  • the presence of implants;
  • the presence of scars, wounds;
  • heart failure, installed pacemaker;
  • osteoporosis;
  • the presence of scars;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • tattoos in the area of ​​wen;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • taking non-steroidal drugs within 10 days before cavitation.

Price for cavitation

How much does a non-surgical liposuction procedure cost?Price for cavitationdepends on the prestige of the clinic in Moscow, the area of ​​application, the time of the procedure.

Application areaTime, min.Cost in rubles
Stomach45 4000
riding breeches60 5000
Buttocks60 5000
Arms30 3000
Inner thigh 45 4000
The entire surface of the thigh 90 8000
Face (cheeks)15 3540
Double chin removal 10 2550
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