Dangerous creatures in the ocean. The most poisonous underwater inhabitants. Sea wasp and jellyfish Ikuranji

In order to defend yourself in the depths of the sea, it is not necessary to be strong and big. Nature endowed many marine inhabitants with a completely different power, hidden inside the animal in the form of a concentrated poison that can harm or even kill living organisms. For a person, all of the following poisonous marine animals are dangerous without exception.

It is difficult to find a sea body of water in the world in which dangerous sea animals would not be found. Even in the most harmless in terms of dangerous inhabitants, there is a sea dragon (lat. Trachinus draco) that looks like a bull, in the sharp spikes of the spine and gills of which there is poison. Often, fishermen, grabbing a dragon with their bare hand, receive a painful injection, which, fortunately, is not fatal, but can easily be laid on a hospital bed.

The blue-ringed octopus is a small mollusk, only 15-20 cm long, but its poison is so strong that it can kill a person.

The poison is contained in the saliva that enters the body of the victim when bitten. The main neurotoxic component is tetrodotoxin. There is still no antidote for the venom of the blue-ringed octopus.

Sea urchin

The sea urchin toxopneustes has short spines that are practically invisible behind many "beautiful" flowers - pedicillaria. However, it is these pedicillaria that carry a mortal danger - their harmless tricuspid corollas close like traps upon contact with the victim and poison is injected into the resulting wound by itself.

It's good that toxopneustes is more common in captivity than in natural conditions - it is bred by aquarists because of its decorative effect.-

Puffer - fish dog

The pufferfish is a typical representative of the pufferfish family. In case of danger, the fish is able to fill the saccular processes of the stomach with gas or water, which makes its body become spherical, and the spikes on the body rise.

The poison is found in the skin and some internal organs. The main component of the poison is tetrodotoxin.

Lionfish - fish of the scorpion family

Undoubtedly, the Lionfish is a very beautiful fish, but on occasion you should not even try to touch it.

Lionfish fins at the ends have sharp poisonous needles through which poison is injected into the body of an unwary victim, capable of causing death under certain conditions. So, as in a museum - do not touch with your hands!

Physalis or Portuguese boat

A marine animal with such a rather romantic name "Portuguese boat" is actually a colony of medusoid and polypoid individuals. Let's not be smart and say right away that this brilliant bubble with tentacles, the length of which can reach 50 meters, left its painful autograph on the body of more than one hundred people.

Pain from contact with the tentacles of the colony is similar to an electric shock and does not go away for a long time, the resulting burn wounds usually become inflamed. Lethal cases are rare, but they do occur.

Wart or stonefish

The warthog is a master of disguise, which is why it is called the stonefish. The poisonous spines of its dorsal fin are so strong that they can easily pierce shoes if a person inadvertently steps on it.

The venom of the wart causes such severe pain that the victims of the injection agree to the amputation of the damaged limb. At best, treatment can last several months. Resting on the seas? Look under your feet!

box jellyfish

Box jellyfish owe their name to the characteristic bell shape. A meeting with this jellyfish is so undesirable for a person that in Australia the marine parts of the beaches are fenced off with special nets.

Burns are very painful and the post-traumatic period lasts a very long time. Deaths due to burns from box jellyfish are recorded annually.

The predatory gastropod mollusk Conus has gained a bad reputation among divers because a large proportion of cone bites are fatal. The most dangerous among cones is Conus geographus, death after its bite usually occurs in 2-3 minutes.

Every year in the Pacific Ocean, 2-3 people die from the poison of the cone. There is no antidote.

Dubois sea serpent

The Dubois sea snake is the third most venomous among land and sea snakes. Its venom contains a toxin that suppresses the nerve centers responsible for breathing, so the victim simply suffocates.

I note that a snake that is not aggressive very rarely attacks first, so in order to be bitten, you still have to try.

Poison jellyfish - Hairy cyanide

Hairy cyanide is the largest jellyfish on earth and with a bell diameter of 2.5 meters it can have tentacles over 30 meters long.

Although the poison of the stinging cells of Cyanea does not carry a great danger, with extensive damage to the skin, death can still occur.

As you can see, it is not entirely necessary to be a large and formidable animal in order to protect yourself from enemies. Muscles are not always a fundamental factor for one's own defense. Instead of strength, evolution endowed them with a deadly poison, which, with its toxic effects, can affect living organisms. When a person is affected, the poison enters the bloodstream and acts primarily on the circulatory system, blood vessels. Further, when passing through the poison, it affects the central nervous system. It is very important not to panic when poisoned and try to exclude physical activity that contributes to the rapid spread of poison throughout the body. The main task in case of poisoning is to deliver a person to the hospital for urgent help as soon as possible. Antidotes have now been developed for many poisons to help organisms resist the spread and action of the poison.

Every year in the world there are accidents with tourists on vacation. Wrong behavior on the water, abuse of alcoholic beverages, ignorance of elementary safety standards leads to disastrous consequences.

Exotic holidays are also popular with Russian tourists, where you can get acquainted with the diverse fauna of the warm seas. For example, in Egypt, as an excursion, it was proposed to go scuba diving in the open sea, where vacationers could take pictures of beautiful fish and touch them with their hands. However, no one warned that almost half of them are poisonous and pose a danger to humans up to death.

Due to the deterioration of the ecological situation around the world, large predators in search of prey migrate to places that are unusual for their habitat, swim close to the coast. For example, in 2011, a record number of shark attacks on people around the world were recorded. In Primorye, where sharks have never swam to the shore before and did not show aggression, there have been several such cases. Also in 2015, sharks attacked tourists at the most popular resorts in Egypt. Therefore, before going on a sea vacation, it is important to know the simple safety rules when swimming in the sea.

Basic safety rules at sea

  1. Before going on a sea holiday, study the inhabitants that pose a danger to humans.
  2. While in the water, do not touch the marine life with your hands.
  3. Do not swim in the sea at night or at dawn, or alone.
  4. Avoid swimming in poor visibility and murky water.
  5. Carefully look under your feet when entering the sea.
  6. Wear special shoes near coral reefs.
  7. It is not recommended to swim during a strong wind and after a storm, as many jellyfish wash ashore.
  8. Choose low-key swimwear and swim trunks to avoid attracting the attention of sharks and other dangerous fish.
  9. Do not swim further than 10 meters from the shore.
  10. Pay attention to the badges and flags on the beach. The color of the flag can signal danger.

Let us analyze in more detail the main marine inhabitants that pose a danger to humans.


Jellyfish have special stinging cells with poison on their bodies, which can cause severe burns. As a rule, they are in a fringe that hangs under the dome. Many jellyfish living in the Russian seas are absolutely harmless, and touching them will hardly cause a burn.

Very often you can observe how children play with jellyfish, throw them at each other. However, among a large number of harmless jellyfish, a dangerous jellyfish that accidentally swam after a strong wind or storm can be caught. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare your family members in advance for the fact that you cannot take jellyfish in your hands.

Jellyfish habitat: warm waters of the Mediterranean, Aegean, Black, Caspian, Azov, Red Seas, Indian Ocean, Amur Bay (Vladivostok).

Especially dangerous jellyfish:

Tunisia (Mediterranean Sea) - black jellyfish, Canary Islands - Portuguese boat

The coast of the Black, Caspian and Azov seas - jellyfish cornerot

Precautionary measures:

  • plan ahead and choose safe seasons (for example, during the rainy season in Asian countries, the number of jellyfish near the coast increases, August and September is the season of jellyfish in Tunisia),
  • do not swim in the sea immediately after the storm, do not touch the jellyfish with your hands.

In case of defeat:

  • do not wash the wound (burn site) with sea or fresh water - this can lead to an even greater spread of poison.
  • It is necessary to lubricate the skin with vinegar solution or alcohol, remove the remnants of the jellyfish from the skin, treat the wound with a wound healing ointment, and also take antihistamines.

sea ​​urchins

Sea urchins can be found in the warm sea on a sandy bottom, on stones, sheer cliffs in the sea or on coral reefs. They often form large concentrations on sloping rocky surfaces near the shore, can be found on metal stairs when descending into the water, grow on piers and bridges. Unlike other inhabitants of the sea, hedgehog needles do not contain poison. However, his injection is very painful and can take quite a long time. There is also a high risk of wound suppuration or tightening with the remaining needles inside.

Sea urchin habitat: warm waters of the Mediterranean, Aegean, Red Seas, Amur Bay (Vladivostok), Indian Ocean.

Particularly dangerous:

Sea urchin diadem , upon contact with which paralysis may occur.

Precautionary measures:

  • be careful when entering the water, where there are accumulations of stones,
  • Do not swim in muddy water or at night.

In case of defeat:

  • If the needle of the sea urchin has got into the leg, then it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible.
  • If this is not nearby, then you can try to remove the needle yourself, after holding the affected area in hot water and treating it with alcohol.
  • In Greece, the spines of a sea urchin are pulled out as follows: they lubricate the wound with olive oil and squeeze out the spines.


The word "octopus" or "octopus" has been a metaphor for almost 200 years, denoting something dangerous and frightening. In fiction, cases of attacks by huge three-meter octopuses on people have been described at times. In fact, there are only a few really confirmed such cases.

The huge octopuses described in the novels of Victor Hugo live at great depths and do not attack people themselves, but rather hide from them. Meetings with such octopuses of divers in the holds of sunken ships or in underwater caves are known. Therefore, if you decide to scuba dive, avoid such places.

Small octopuses that live in the Red or Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the Indian Ocean, are dangerous only if you take a marine animal in your hands. The octopus has jaws similar to the beak of a parrot, which, when bitten, release poison that can cause paralysis and suffocation.

Octopus Habitat: Mediterranean, Aegean, Red Sea, Amur Bay (Vladivostok), Indian Ocean.

Particularly dangerous:

blue ringed octopus - lives in Japan and Australia and causes severe paralysis of the whole body.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not pick up octopuses,
  • do not swim in underwater caves and grottoes.
  • If you are scuba diving, then be sure to have a sharp knife with you so that in case of an attack by an octopus, you can cut its dexterous tentacles.

In case of defeat: since the bite of an octopus can cause paralysis and suffocation, you need to urgently call for help and call an ambulance. Experienced fishermen recommend urinating on the site of the bite, so the poison can be neutralized.


Until recently, the Russian seas were considered practically safe in terms of the likelihood of shark attacks on people. However, in 2011, white sharks began to attack divers near Vladivostok, 10 meters from the shore. In 2016, as well as in May 2017, sharks dangerous to humans were also seen in these areas.

Shark Habitat: The Black, Azov and Caspian Seas are considered the safest due to desalinated water and pollution. Mediterranean Sea(resorts of Greece, Turkey, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, France) - over the past 100 years, 21 fatal attacks have been recorded. The most likely inhabitants are the tiger shark, mako shark, hammerhead shark and gray reef shark.

Red Sea (Egypt, Israel): about 30 species of sharks live, some of them come close to the shore. Attacks by especially dangerous white and tiger sharks are possible.

Indian Ocean: most of the attacks were registered near the coast of Australia and Africa, South Africa (Cosi Bay). Dangerous to humans like gray, tiger and great white sharks live here.

Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean: beaches near California, Florida and Hawaii are considered the most dangerous with the largest number of sharks.

Particularly dangerous:

Great white shark (cannibal shark) - one of the large and dangerous predators, reaches five meters in length. It lives in all seas and oceans, including Primorye and Sakhalin.

Mako shark (grey-blue shark) - the fastest and most aggressive shark in the world. It lives in almost all seas, including the eastern region of our country in the summer (with the exception of the Black, Azov and Caspian). Numerous cases of attacks by this shark on people standing on the shore or on the pier have been recorded.

Blue shark (blue shark) - Few cases of attacks on people are known. It lives in all seas and oceans, including Kamchatka.

Tiger shark - one of the most dangerous species of sharks for humans. In 2011, 169 cases of attacks by this shark on people were registered, 29 of which were fatal. It lives in tropical and subtropical waters (Red Sea, India, Australia, North and South America).

Precautionary measures: The main reason for shark attacks on people is the shark's poor eyesight, it mistakes a floundering person for a fish. Often vacationers themselves provoke a shark and swim closer to it. For tourists, they even came up with such dangerous entertainment as swimming with sharks. Those who choose this way of “resting” forget that sharks are predators, and they can react to bright swimwear, jewelry, as well as fresh wounds or cuts on the body, as they can feel blood at great distances.

Do not swim alone, especially near fish schools, fur seals, dolphins. Sharks love loners and most often attack solo divers. For security purposes, modern repellers and repellents have been created as a means of protection against sharks.

In case of meeting and defeat:

  • If you are swimming and see a shark in the water, do not tease it, but catch a wave and try to get ashore.
  • Sharks even attack a person in a boat (for example, a mako shark), so if you are in a boat and a shark swims at you with the intention of attacking, you need to hit it with an oar on the nose and immediately swim to the shore. This will scare away the shark and buy time.
  • Try to overcome panic and fear: the shark feels fear, this can provoke an attack.
  • When meeting with a shark, you need to swim away slowly, slowly and without floundering in the water, but you should not pretend to be dead, since this method does not work with sharks.
  • Just because a shark just swims by doesn't mean it wants to attack.
  • A possible attack by a shark is indicated by the fact that it went straight towards you or describes circles around you.
  • As a rule, the shark attacks in one sharp movement, at this moment you can strike back at its nose, eyes and gills.
  • The blows must be applied quickly and many times, everything that is in the hands will come in handy. For example, a camera, a mask, fins, a stick, a stone.
  • If there is a large stone nearby, you can snuggle up to it. So you reduce the angle of attack of the shark.
  • If the shark attacked and swam away, then you need to call for help as soon as possible and get ashore - the predator can return.

Sea fish

The most dangerous and poisonous marine fish live in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, where tourists are offered to go scuba diving and watch the beautiful underwater world. However, it is worth remembering that no matter how beautiful the fish are, you cannot touch them.

The most dangerous and poisonous fish of the seas and oceans

Spiny arotron (relative of the deadly Fugue fish) - secretes a powerful poison tetrodotoxin, can cause death. Lives in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean.

Lionfish (Lionfish) This beautiful fish has needles in its fins that emit poison that causes severe pain and paralysis, which can cause death. Found in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean.

Scorpion, sea ruff - injections of sea ruff cause very severe pain. It lives in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

Stingray - a stingray thorn that can be stepped on contains poison. A thorn prick is extremely painful and dangerous, it can even cause death. It lives in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the Black and Azov.

Many people are afraid of sharks that kill people. However, these are not the only bloodthirsty inhabitants of rivers and seas. Killer fish live in some waters, where everyone swims and fishes carelessly, unaware of the possible threat.

Tiger fish goliath

This creature is so dangerous that the famous piranha looks like a harmless fish against its background. The length of an individual is up to 2 m, and the weight is over 30 kg. These fish gather in schools and move in the waters of the central part of the African continent. They are able to tear apart a huge victim in seconds. The killer's yellow-eyed mouth has large, knife-like fangs. Their length is over 5 cm.

Once on the river Several people died in the Congo; the natives could not determine the cause of death. Everything was attributed to an evil spirit and dark forces. The situation was able to clarify the fan of extreme fishing. He pulled a terrible monster out of the water. From that moment on, the goliath fish instills even greater fear in the natives and tourists.

piraiba catfish

Novice fishermen in the waters of the Amazon may well meet him. When such killer catfish grab the bait, it seems that something big is pecking. The fisherman tries to pull him out, not yet knowing who exactly is hanging on the hook. The most terrible moment comes when you realize that you have caught a catfish 3 m long.

A person's legs may well stick out of his mouth. Catfish begins to make growling sounds that inspire fear. This fish is a potential cannibal. The teeth of the paraibu catfish are very sharp and have a curve towards the pharynx in order to prevent the prey from escaping from its powerful jaws.

Catfish bagarii

The river flows between India and China. Kali, which has received a bad reputation because people mysteriously disappear and drown in its waters. It was not possible to establish the true cause of the tragedies for a long time. Horrors about killer fish were confirmed after a terrible brown creature fell into the hands of people. Its length was over 2 m, and its weight was about 140 kg. Catfish have very sharp teeth and a strong desire to eat human flesh.

A terrible predator, grabbing prey, pulls it down. Often the prey dies from lack of air before it is eaten. There is a version that the fish became a cannibal through the fault of the man himself. Local tribes have a custom to burn the dead and throw the bodies into the pond.

big barracuda

This creature resembles an organic torpedo, which has very (up to 10 cm long). Killer fish can be attracted to metallic or shiny things. The length of the representative of the ichthyofauna is about 2 m, and the weight is over 45 kg. Fish attack unprotected animals or objects that annoy them.

Dangerous fish can also attack humans. To prevent encountering the jaws of a predator, you should stay away from muddy reservoirs, mangrove forests and estuaries. Underwater hunters are at risk. During the attack, the barracuda bites the tendons, tears off large pieces of flesh, kills in a matter of moments. On the east coast of the United States of America, many tragic cases of encountering this fish have been recorded.

common catfish

The waters of Europe seem safe at first sight. But slippery giants live in rivers and lakes and look like demons. Bathing enthusiasts should be careful, because it weighs about 180 kg and has a length of up to 4 m. It is very aggressive, it captures prey with multi-row sharp teeth.

There is no official information about how big they can reach. According to archival data, it was established that individuals up to 6 m long and 3 tons in weight were caught. Cases have been recorded in which they have bitten divers. One of the catfish caught in Russia had a human body in its stomach.

Giant freshwater stingray

The reservoirs of the southeastern part of the Asian region hide a poisonous creature in the water column. A world-famous crocodile hunter died after being stabbed by a small sea stingray. But there are terrible ones in fresh waters. The giant stingray claims to be the largest fish that lives in such conditions: the length is over 5 m, and the weight is more than 0.9 tons.

These creatures are dangerous fish because they have a 20 cm sting that they stab like scorpions. But even without it, the stingray is able to keep a person under water only due to its mass. To avoid meeting him, be vigilant when swimming in the waters of Asia.

pike masquening

To date, no deaths have been recorded after meeting with this creature. However, the description of this fish suggests that she has the opportunity to win a fight with a person. Many are afraid to meet her in her native element, because her length exceeds 2 m. The fish lives in lakes located in the Northern Hemisphere. Its mouth is strewn with sharp teeth capable of tearing birds, mammals and other inhabitants of water bodies into pieces.

Dangerous fish can inflict serious wounds, and an individual weighing 36 kg can drown a person. The pike attacked a thirteen-year-old girl, bit her and dragged her to the bottom. Miraculously, the victim managed to escape and escape from this monster. A fisherman from an overturned boat received multiple bites from a pike while trying to get ashore. The main habitat of the predator is coastal vegetation. The pike grabs the prey, making a powerful dash forward from the ambush.

electric eel

This fish is the main predator of the Amazon basin. Defending and attacking, the eel creates a very strong discharge of electricity. It is enough to deprive the horse of consciousness. From a discharge of 600 V, a person instantly dies. If the current is of lesser strength, it will lead to loss of consciousness. In this state, a person will easily choke in the water.

Dangerous fish grow up to 250 cm in length with a weight of 25 kg. Without the danger of getting them, they are picked up only with rubber gloves. If you enter a river where eels live, you can get a fatal blow, because water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Many deaths from these dangerous predators have been recorded.

Mississippi cuirass

This ancient monster lives in rivers in the southeastern United States. Its length can be 3 m, and weight - 180 kg. These rare fish resemble a crocodile in their appearance: a large body and a huge mouth with many fangs.

There is a known case when the armor grabbed a man who was sitting on the pier and dangling his legs in the water. The creature tried to pull the man to the bottom, but he managed to escape. Encounters with a shell that ended in death for a person are unknown. But it cannot be ruled out that people drowned because of them.

bull shark

The rest of the killer fish are no longer so scary when the details about this creature are known. The bull shark is different from the typical shark, posing an even greater threat to others. Its length is 2-4 m, and its weight is up to 270 kg. The fish lives in the sea, but can swim in freshwater rivers for thousands of kilometers, falling into lakes. A large number of people in the United States suffered from the action of these predators.

This shark is the most aggressive among relatives, because its blood contains a record amount of testosterone. The stranglehold of its jaws is the strongest among all fish living in our time. Predator attacks should beware in fresh muddy reservoirs.


Rare fish sometimes pose a greater threat than those that are rumored. Pacu is a predator with a body length of about 90 cm and a weight of about 25 kg. The fish is distinguished by an eerie set of teeth that strongly resemble human ones. The creature perfectly wields them during attacks. Pacu is native to the waters of the Amazon. After it became an object of sport fishing, the range expanded significantly.

In 1994, two people from New Guinea died from the bite of this fish. They were fishing in the lake when a mysterious creature bit off their penis. Death came from severe blood loss. These killer fish are among the most terrifying creatures among the fish fauna.

sawfly stingray

A sawfish can kill a careless person, turning him into minced meat. The appearance of the fish is noteworthy, the description of which is as follows: length up to 7 m and the presence of a saw on the snout up to 2.5 m in size. This device is equipped with many cutting elements. The available data indicate that the predator does not specifically prey on humans, but attacks are not excluded.

The sawfish has very poor eyesight and a strong instinct to defend its territory. His attitude towards random guests and prey is the same - the desire to tear to pieces with his saw. The situation is complicated by the fact that the fish does not give itself away until the very last moment, after which it is too late to escape. Anthropogenic impact has led to the fact that fish are on the verge of extinction.

Mackerel hydrolic

These fish have such a terrible appearance that it seems that they came from another planet or from the other world. The length of the animals is up to 1.2 m, and the weight is about 14 kg. It has fangs with a record length - up to 16 cm. With their help, mortal wounds are inflicted on the victim. The fish has incredible instincts, biting in a way that damages vital arteries.

A person bathing in the Amazon could theoretically receive a heart or lung injury that could be fatal. Mackerel-like hydrolic is an object of sport fishing.


There is another dangerous inhabitant of reservoirs - piranha. Killer fish have a flat body, weight up to 1 kg and length up to 50 cm. The lower jaw of the creature is slightly pushed forward. The teeth have the shape of a triangle, their arrangement is such that when the jaws close, the upper ones enter the gaps of the lower ones. This allows one jerk to tear off a piece of flesh from the victim and immediately rush after the next.

Able to absorb a 50-kilogram animal in a matter of minutes. The inhabitants of muddy rivers have a highly developed hearing and sense of smell. They are able to feel blood diluted 1.5 million times. At a distance of hundreds of meters, they hear the sounds made by wounded animals.

Surgeon fish

More than 100 species of these fish are known to live in coral reefs around the globe. Among them there are very beautiful representatives. But it is better for divers not to approach these beauties, which are about 60 cm long. Their tails hide a natural scalpel. He gets it instantly, as if under the action of a spring.

They use a knife to defend against violators of their territory. A person who approaches them risks serious injury with serious consequences. You can die both from the strongest blood loss, and from reef sharks, which will not keep you waiting long.

brown snakehead

Representatives of this species came under close public scrutiny when there was a rumor about their appearance in the waters of the temperate zone. Large representatives have a weight of 22 kg, and a height of 120 cm. One of the most ardent predators is able to defeat almost any medium-sized animal that it meets. His teeth are sharp as daggers and his body is muscular. These creatures inflicted severe injuries on the workers of the rice fields, who ended up in the territory controlled by the predator.

The aggressiveness of fish increases many times during the period when they protect juveniles. During wild attacks, people suffered from bites and blows to the head. In some cases, this led to drowning. Fishermen who have caught a representative of the species are at great risk. Defending themselves, they bit people and during attacks they pierced them with fishing rods. Several children died from the actions of these predators.

Greenland Shark

Swimming in the waters of the Arctic belt is by no means safer than in the tropics. can grow up to 6 m. Large mammals were found in her stomach. There are legends that human remains were found inside the shark. This polar predator instills fear in the Eskimos, who have long been familiar with the predator.

It lives on shallow sandy beaches, buried in the ground. Having disturbed the stingray, you can receive in response a strong blow with a tail, at the end of which there is a poisonous spike. This spike, like a bee sting, breaks and remains in the wound, continuing to poison its victim. If a stingray stings a person in the body, then a fatal outcome is possible. The most famous incident that led to death occurred on the set of the program "The Most Dangerous Inhabitants of the Ocean", when the presenter was stung by a caught stingray in the chest, after which he died.

In addition to "natural" poisoning, people have long used stingray spikes as poisonous arrowheads.

This stingray lives in all tropical and subtropical seas.

2. Sea wasp and jellyfish Ikuranji

Nondescript and small jellyfish (dome diameter of about 30 cm) have one of the most highly toxic poisons in nature. The poison is contained in the stinging cells on the tentacles of the jellyfish. Upon touching the victim, these cells "explode", injecting a neurotoxic poison into the body, affecting the skin, heart and nervous system at the same time. The poison works very quickly. Deaths have been recorded within just 4 minutes after a jellyfish attack. There is an antidote against the poison of the sea wasp, but a person often simply does not have time to swim ashore or climb onto a boat, but dies in the water, having received a heart attack. Against the Ikuranji jellyfish, an antidote has not been invented, but the poison of the Ikuranji is weaker, and they are less common.

These box jellyfish live in the southern hemisphere. They are especially common in the summer months off the coast of Australia. Australian beaches are closed to visitors at this time. It is difficult to estimate the number of victims of jellyfish. At least one death from the venom of the sea wasp is recorded annually.

These small (up to 20 cm) octopuses top our top 10. One blue-ringed octopus can kill 25 people. These "babies" are extremely aggressive, hiding in the crevices of underwater rocks and on the coral reef and attack anyone who encroaches on their territory. Octopus venom has the strongest nerve-paralytic effect. It has two components. The first affects the nervous system, the second - the muscular. The bitten remains paralyzed for several hours. At this time, blood pressure is greatly reduced and the person stops breathing. There is no antidote for the venom of the blue-ringed octopus. The only way to keep a person alive after a bite is artificial ventilation of the lungs until the paralysis passes.

The blue-ringed octopus lives in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Divers should also be prepared to meet with the inhabitants of the deep sea, which are not in the most friendly way towards uninvited guests. This has already been discussed in a separate article. Now - TOP-8 dangerous inhabitants of the seas and oceans, a collision with which is best avoided, and first aid in cases where an adverse collision did take place.


The stingray family belongs to the class of cartilaginous fish. One of these insidious representatives is the stingray. Usually it huddles at the bottom of the sea or ocean, and it can be both shallow water and a decent depth of up to 2-3 km. The slope can have quite impressive dimensions - up to 2 m long.

The tail is separated from the body, unlike the fins, which are integral with its body. Sharp needles, which are located on the upper part of the tail, have a toxic effect when injured. Inflicting sufficiently powerful poisonous blows with stingrays is possible only if they feel threatened. They don't attack first.

In order not to turn into trouble, some measures should be observed in their habitats: careful behavior in the water - if you find a stingray at the bottom, you should not tease him, you must wear appropriate shoes for swimming.

If a person has become a victim of this marine life, it is worth remembering that his bites are toxic and cause pain in the form of spasms. Severe pain in the bite area appears an hour after being hit by a poisonous stingray needle.

The victim may experience weakness, nausea, chills, and decreased pressure. The skin turns pale. An increase in temperature is also possible. If the necessary medical attention is not provided, a person's diving after a meeting with a stingray can end very sadly. Especially if the wound is in the chest area.

First aid:

1. Remove the toxic substance by sucking, then rinse your mouth with water.
2. Rinse the wound with sea water.
3. Carefully remove the remains of the spikes.
4. Apply a bandage and immobilize the affected part of the body.

Sea dragons

Sea dragons or sea scorpions, as they are also called, are on a par with the most poisonous marine life. They can be found in the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas. The light brown body of the fish, which reaches a length of up to 40 cm, has very poisonous spines. They are located on the dorsal fin and gills. The dragon fish has a fairly aggressive nature, so it can attack first and inflict a rather painful wound.

When going to, you should be extremely careful, since this marine inhabitant burrows almost completely at the bottom, thereby provoking an unpleasant surprise. With the onset of dusk, the sea dragon comes to life and is especially active.

So during an evening walk in shallow water, you should be especially careful. Having noticed a predatory fish, in no case should it be missed without special gloves. The same applies to a dead dragon, since for some time after its death, the thorns are quite toxic.

The bite of a sea dragon causes severe pain and is accompanied by fever. Swelling occurs at the site of the bite, in rare cases paralysis of the limb may occur. There may also be cramps and nausea, which may worsen over several hours.

First aid:

1. Apply a tourniquet slightly above the wound and remove parts of the needles with a tissue.
2. Wash the damaged area.
3. Reduce pain by treating the wound with novocaine.
4. Immediately seek qualified medical assistance.


Incredibly spectacular and, nevertheless, quite dangerous sea predator scorpion lives in the Black Sea and Azov waters. Sometimes its presence can be detected at the bottom. Due to its unusual coloring from dark brown to pink shades, the representative of the scorpion family will not have any difficulty to merge with colorful coral or pitfalls.

Scorpion, or sea ruff as it is also called, reaches up to 15-20 cm in length, and is characterized by a large (compared to the body) head. The fins, which are located on the back and sides, are distinguished by poisonous spines. The main feature of the predator is its ability to shed its skin, and in its entirety.

To avoid an underwater collision with a scorpionfish, divers should carefully observe everything that happens around them, because the predator tends to adapt to the area where it is located.

Poisonous injections of scorpionfish are especially toxic in the spring. Depending on the amount of poison that has entered the bloodstream, a varying degree of reaction can be observed - from redness of the bite site to swelling. With timely seeking medical help, the state of health improves within a few days.

First aid:

1. After removing the poisonous spikes, wash the wound with sea water.
2. Treat with an antiseptic.
3. Apply a tight tourniquet slightly above the bite.


Warty bears a particular threat to vacationers on the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It can also be found in the waters of the islands, Hurghada. This marine inhabitant has an unusual shape and color that changes depending on the situation.

Maybe that's why her middle name is stone fish, because she skillfully merges with stones and colorful reefs. The wart moves along the bottom with the help of pectoral fins. Poison spikes are located on the back. The average size of the representatives of these poisonous fish is 30-40 cm.

Fans should remember that the wart is waiting for its victim, burrowing into the sand. She's very hard to spot.

But, nevertheless, excessive caution and attentiveness can save the life of scuba diving enthusiasts. The venom of the stone fish is so toxic that, if deeply wounded, it can be fatal within a few hours. Painful sensations can lead to shock and even loss of consciousness.

First aid:

1. After removing parts of the spikes, the wound should be washed.
2. Since the wart venom contains a protein that is destroyed by high temperature, it is necessary to apply a hot compress and treat with an antiseptic.
3. Apply a tight bandage.

Medusa cyanidea hairy

The giant cyanide has a fairly impressive size and is the largest jellyfish among its relatives. Its habitat is the northern waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. Usually rarely swims to the shore. A comfortable depth for representatives of this type of jellyfish is about 20 m. Its volume can reach up to 2 m. The cap-shaped body has unusually long tentacles that can reach up to 20 m. she's brighter.

Upon contact with a person, it causes burns of varying degrees, depending on the duration of the touch of poisonous tentacles. The poison of a jellyfish is not deadly to humans, but when meeting with a marine inhabitant, medical assistance is indispensable.

In order not to fall into the arms of hairy cyanide, you should avoid contact with it. She does not attack first, so she is not so dangerous in a calm state.

First aid:

1. Get out of the water immediately and rinse the burn with baking soda or sea water.
2. Remove the remains of the tentacles with a tissue.
3. Make a compress from ammonia.
4. Treat the wound with an anti-inflammatory agent.
5. Allow the victim to drink plenty of fluids.


An incredibly beautiful and rather dangerous inhabitant of the underwater kingdom is the striped lionfish. The deceptive appearance is fraught with a sufficient amount of poisonous needles that the predator uses in case of protection. The zebra fish lives in the Pacific and Indian waters, as well as in the Caribbean Sea.

The body of the lionfish, up to 30 cm in size, has a color in the form of stripes of bright colors. The graceful fins of the fish resemble wings, hence the name of this rather dangerous predator. The 18 needles possessed by the lionfish contain a strong poison. When it enters the human body, it causes severe disorders - from tissue necrosis to heart failure.

First aid:

1. Provide the victim with a state of rest.
2. Rinse with sea water.
3. Treat the wound with an antiseptic.
4. Hold the damaged area in hot water and apply a tight bandage.

box jellyfish

Box jellyfish pose an extreme threat to diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. Today they are recognized as the most dangerous among all the jellyfish that live in the oceans. The largest concentration of sea wasps, as they are also called, is located off the coast. They are also found in tropical and subtropical waters. Due to the rectangular shape of the body and the presence of muscles, the jellyfish can move quite quickly.

Its two-meter tentacles contain a toxic substance that can mortally wound. Jellyfish are especially active at night. This fact should be taken into account by lovers of evening swimming and night diving. When meeting with a marine resident, you should not touch her and knock her off the intended course. This will prevent from unpleasant consequences acquaintance with this inhabitant of the sea kingdom.

In order not to fall into the tentacles of a sea wasp, you should carefully study the beach on which you have to relax. It is also worth looking around while swimming or diving under water. Advice to divers: the presence of a special suit and shoes, as well as increased vigilance can save lives when attacked by this dangerous creature.

When encountering a jellyfish underwater, the best option is to swim away from it. Depending on the amount of poison that has entered the human body, death can occur within a few minutes.

First aid:

1. Urgently call for medical help.
2. Pull the victim ashore and keep him still.
3. In case of loss of consciousness, perform an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.
4. Rinse the bite with sea water and apply a cold compress or ice.

sea ​​snakes

Among the many marine organisms in the waters of the planet, sea snakes are especially insidious. There are about 65 types of them. These are permanent inhabitants of the Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as the coastal waters of Africa and Australia. Their length can reach up to 3 meters, and their bright color seems to warn of the expected danger.

The poison of sea snakes is several times more powerful than that of their relatives on land. But snakes attack only in case of protection. So attentiveness and caution when swimming are more likely to prevent an unpleasant meeting with a dangerous sea creature.

First aid:

1. Fix and immobilize the affected part of the body.
2. Apply a tight bandage.
3. Urgently seek help from medical personnel.

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