The most beautiful breeds of dogs. Dogs as toys are beautiful breeds of small dogs. – Japanese Miniature Spitz

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose life has long been inextricably linked with human life and activity. These are the first animals that were domesticated and tamed by man, and became his faithful assistants in such vital activities as hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, home protection and much more.

The most beautiful dogs, and simply unremarkable representatives of the canine family, are unique animals whose life has long been inextricably linked with human life and activity.

Of course, with the development of civilization, a number of important activities, for example, hunting, have practically lost their paramount importance and turned more into entertainment, however, even now dogs faithfully serve a person not only as companions and nannies for children, but also as service dogs, outstanding whose abilities help to solve serious problems in the field of security.

There are more than 400 dog breeds in the world, which can be divided into the following types:

  • hunting;
  • official;
  • decorative.

A number of cynologists also distinguish shepherd breeds of dogs. And among all this many representatives of the canine world, there are both beautiful and majestic dogs, and there are just cute dogs. However, no matter how harmless and cute this animal may seem, one should not forget that any representative is a predator, and almost all decorative breeds were bred on the basis of hunting and shepherd breeds.

When choosing an animal, many people first of all pay attention to the attractive appearance of the breed. However, a beautiful exterior is not the most important quality possessed by the cutest dog breeds.

A dog is a predator, therefore, it must have an appropriate appearance, i.e. a representative of a dog breed should be similar to a lion, a tiger, a bear, and in no case a herbivore (as is the case with the Bedlington Terrier). Professional cynologists believe that the most beautiful dogs in the world are animals that combine the following qualities and characteristics:

  1. Strict compliance of individual characteristics with the typical characteristics of the breed.
  2. Harmonious color.
  3. Physical and mental health because the cutest dog, being sick, looks sad and requires special care of the owner.

In accordance with the above criteria, it is possible to roughly determine which is the most pretty dog in the world, and highlight the top of the best.

Gallery: the most beautiful dogs in the world (25 photos)

Top 5 most beautiful dogs in the world (video)

Ten most beautiful breeds

Compiling any ratings among dog breeds is a delicate matter, and in many ways its result is relative. After all, time is passing, the fashion for breeds is changing, new varieties are being developed and existing ones are being improved, “finalized”. And it is not surprising that for a real dog breeder, the most beautiful breed of dog in the world is precisely his favorite.

Of course, there are exhibitions where pets are evaluated by a professional jury, therefore, according to professional cynologists, we can conditionally single out the next top 10 most beautiful dogs in the world. In principle, this ten should be divided into 2 parts, and the first 5 positions in this rating are deservedly occupied by representatives of service and hunting breeds:

  1. Collie (Scottish Shepherd).
  2. Russian canine greyhound.

The second part of the top is decorative breeds, namely:

  1. Chow chow.
  2. English Cocker Spaniel.
  3. Poodles.
  4. Bolonka.
  5. Pekingese.

These beautiful breeds of dogs have an interesting appearance and characteristic qualities.

A little about the characteristics

The Scottish Sheepdog, or Collie, was bred in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. She tops the list of the most beautiful dog breeds. The main qualities of Scottish Shepherds are as follows:

  • endurance;
  • high degree of adaptation to the harsh climate;
  • very beautiful forms;
  • affectionate and soft character;
  • attentive, calm and trusting look;
  • cleanliness and accuracy;
  • light training.

Collies, along with Chow Chows and others, are the fluffiest dogs, whose thick coat perfectly protects from the harsh climate of mountain pastures.

Collie loves people and is an excellent watchdog and protector.

The majestic and regal Great Dane is an ancient breed originating from the Greek fighting breeds - the Molossians. The main qualities of the breed are:

  1. Large, strong, mobile and balanced.
  2. They are very calm, without nervousness, behavior and restraint. At the same time, they are affectionate and friendly to the owner and his family. Strangers are treated with distrust, but calmly.
  3. Great Danes need proper upbringing and handling, because they have a cool character.
  4. Representatives of this breed have relief muscles.

The Russian Borzoi has perhaps the most beautiful running silhouette. These fantastically fast and elegant animals are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. They have a large growth (height at the withers from 68 cm).
  2. The temperament is calm, but quickly excited at the sight of the beast.
  3. The breed is distinguished by devotion and needs correct kind treatment.
  4. The character is largely due to hunting specialization.

Likes - representatives ancient origin, leading their pedigree from northern wolves. The most common are hunting huskies, which are characterized by endurance and energy. They have a strong, dry build and medium height.

In addition to hunting huskies, there are also sled dogs, including the Siberian Husky. Huskies have a gentle nature and love children. In appearance, huskies are typical huskies, but this breed can have blue eyes. In addition to the Husky, Russian-European, West Siberian and East Siberian Laika breeds are also common in the Russian Federation.

Huskies and other riding huskies are unsuitable for keeping in an apartment, because they need increased exercise, they cannot stand loneliness. These breeds are also not suitable for the role of watchmen, since they have long been accustomed to treating people well. Alternatively, a hunting husky may be suitable for an apartment - it is unpretentious in food and handling, and is also very affectionate.

As for German Shepherds, this is probably one of the most versatile Laikas that can perform tasks. of varying complexity. This is a real service breed. Her outstanding qualities include endurance, high adaptability, poise and incredulous character. With incorrect training and handling, the breed can become aggressive. And with insufficient exercise, it can wander and perform various tricks.

The next "five" - ​​the cutest dogs ornamental breeds: chow-chow, english cocker spaniel, poodles, lapdogs and pekingese.

So, chow chow is an ancient Tibetan breed, characterized by increased shaggyness. Has a calm, closed character. Chow - real personality, which does not tolerate familiarity and excessive affection even from the owners. characteristic feature dogs of the Chow Chow breed is a "stilted" gait, due to the special structure of the joints of the legs. The breed has a wide range of colors - white, cream, red, blue and even black. The coat is very thick and requires careful care.

The coat of the English Cocker Spaniel also needs special care, especially for wavy hair on the ears. Cheerful english cocker spaniels, despite their hunting background, are great friends, especially when it comes to elderly lonely people. These cute dogs are very active and funny.

A sociable character is also distinguished by such a beautiful decorative breed as a poodle. Elegant, well cut latest fashion poodle is a real decoration of the house and a worthy company to the owner. However, these dogs also have one drawback - barking for no reason, from which it should be weaned at an early age.

Beautiful dog breeds are admired by all who love these brave and loyal animals. And even if the dogs do not have a frightening appearance, large size, sometimes even more like cute soft toys - they are still the most true friend for a man, ready to defend his master. And that's why it's so interesting to consider dog breeds with photo, paying attention to the features of the exterior and guessing the temper and character of the four-legged. Exists great amount different breeds, each has its fans. And everyone likes beautiful breeds of dogs, this is another proof of the imagination and mastery of nature, which creates so much amazing things.

Beautiful and true friends

Breeds are bred by experienced and talented dog breeders, these specialists who are passionate about their work pursue a specific goal in the process of work. There are dogs that are bred for protection or other types of service, there are also hunters and rescuers. These animals are regarded as reliable and faithful helpers a person who can correctly execute commands. But beautiful dog breeds are a real pleasure for their owners and for those around them. They delight with their perfect forms, interesting color, friendly and playful nature. But there are also dogs among the handsome men who are able to faithfully serve and protect their master, his home.

Like attractive people, beautiful breeds of dogs give a lot of pleasant emotions and attract increased attention. It often seems that dogs feel their attraction and even condescendingly allow you to admire their beautiful view. What might be of interest cute dog breeds with photo? Lovers of handsome dogs can admire the appearance of the dog as a whole, the shape of its body or individual parts, the density and silkiness of the coat. But the impression that a dog makes is also influenced by its behavior and character. smart dog, even the most familiar and common breed, will only cause sympathy.

The most beautiful dog breeds participate in special competitions held on different levels. Experienced dog breeders, veterinarians carefully check the exterior of the dog, his health, the ability to follow commands. And the audience comes just to admire the cute and fearless animals. Watching beautiful dogs greatly improves mood, relieves depression, next to beautiful and smart dogs there is a feeling of calmness, security. Nature creates various breeds of dogs as if as a gift to people, reminding them of such feelings as kindness, loyalty, friendship.

In his Tope-30, in my opinion, I collected the most beautiful dogs service, hunting and decorative breeds. Each dog breed has a photo and a brief description.

Do you like cats more? Then Top of the most beautiful cat breeds is for you!

30. Afghan Hound (Afghan)

Hunting dog breed. Similar to the Saluki, with thicker coat. First brought to the West in late XIX century by British officers who served on the Indian-Afghan border. The dog has a height at the withers of about 70 cm, long silky hair. According to research conducted by scientists at the University of British Columbia led by Stanley Coren (Eng.), Afghan is one of the most stupid dogs in terms of training. A very old breed. According to legend, he was among the animals that Noah took into his ark. But in any case, there is no doubt that some kind of afghan existed in the Middle East millennia ago. It is believed that the modern Afghan was obtained by crossing the ancient Afghan Hound with the Saluki. Be that as it may, the Greyhound-like dog made its way, perhaps through Persia, to Afghanistan, where it “acquired” long, shaggy hair to protect it from the harsh climate of the highlands.

29. Great Dane

Giant dog breed. Companion, guard dog and bodyguard. As forerunners of the modern Great Dane, one must consider the bulldog or boar dogs, which were halfway between strong English type mastiff and fast, agile Sighthound. The term "great dane" primarily denoted a large, strong dog that was not a representative of any breed. Later, names like "Ulm Dog", "Great Dane", "Great Dane", "Great Dane", "Hunting Dog", "Boar Dog" and "Great Dane" denoted different types of these dogs, depending on their color. and size. In 1878, a committee of seven active breeders and judges under the leadership of Dr. Bodinus was created in Berlin, which decided to classify all the above types of dogs as “ German dog". Thus, the basis was laid for breeding this particular German breed.

28. English Mastiff

The English Mastiff, or just Mastiff (eng. Mastiff) is an old English breed of Great Danes, the largest Great Dane in Europe and the largest of the Mastiffs. There are several versions about the origin of the name of the breed. According to one of them, the word "mastiff" comes from the distorted master of thief - "master of thieves": during the day, mastiffs were kept on a leash so that they would be more ferocious at night. According to another version, the name of the breed comes from the Anglo-Saxon word masty - "strong". According to the Oxford Dictionary, "mastiff" is derived from the Old French mastin (modern mâtin). There is also an opinion that the name comes from lat. massivius ("massive, large"). Mastiffs are very sensitive to the mood of their owner and most of them can be absolutely crushed by a sharp shout. But Mastiffs can be one of the most stubborn dog breeds and can sometimes be very difficult to deal with. Getting a Mastiff to repeat a command during obedience classes is sometimes unrealistic (a Mastiff will prefer to do it once and then take a nap or do something else). Mastiff dogs, like people, are very individual. Some of them are calm, some are energetic and need to be constantly busy with something. A lot of the Mastiff's behavior depends on how well they were socialized when they were puppies. The mastiff breed is distinguished by its cautious attitude towards children.

27. Akita Inu

One of the oldest dog breeds, bred in the Akita province on the Japanese island of Honshu. Other names: Japanese dog Akita. Ancestors could be Chinese spitz breeds crossed with mastiffs. The Akita Inu is the largest Japanese Spitz dog. In the distant past, Akitas who were taken for hunting were called "matagi ken" (Jap. "dog hunter for a large animal." For a long time dogs were used for hunting mainly large animals such as wild boar, deer and bear. Energetic, independent, cheerful and courageous dog with a balanced character and high level intellect. He is wary of strangers and is vigilant. Parenting requires patience and perseverance. One of the complexities of the breed is the desire to dominate the canine environment. At the same time, her high fighting qualities are used to the maximum.

26. Leonberger

This is a large dog breed. This breed is named after the city where it was bred - Leonberg in Germany. Its creator is the mayor of the city, Mr. Heinrich Essig (1808-1889). Crossing Landseers with St. Bernards, and then infusing the blood of a large Pyrenean mountain dog, he received a strong, furry dog ​​with a brave heart, which became the living embodiment of the coat of arms of the city - a lion. The first dogs named "Leonbergers" were born in 1846. The breed was recognized by the FCI in 1905. They have been bred in Russia since 1989. Leonbergers are very powerful dogs with a balanced temperament, they can be used as guard dogs, companion dogs, family dogs.

25. Doberman

The breed of short-haired service dogs, bred in Germany, in Thuringia, in the city of Apolda at the end of the 19th century by Friedrich Louis Dobermann, is named after its creator. The original name of the breed - the Thuringian Pinscher - after the death of Dobermann in 1894 was replaced by the Dobermann Pinscher. During the next revision of the standard in 1949, the word "pinscher" was removed from the name of the breed, and it began to be called simply "Doberman". Dobermans are used in the army and police, as they are excellent bloodhounds, they have an amazing flair and scent. Dobermans live up to 16 years.

24. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A breed of dog whose region of origin is the Caucasus. It is one of the oldest breeds, has existed for more than two thousand years. This is one of the largest dog breeds. The wool of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs is quite thick, they easily tolerate severe frosts and look even more massive due to the thick undercoat, especially in winter. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has a persistent, courageous and decisive character. Distrustful of strangers. With sufficient persistence of the owner passes general course training and the general course of protective guard duty, like any other service breed. It is the oldest herding breed in Asia. Its ancestor is the Tibetan Great Dane. As early as 1765, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog was used as a guard dog in the Turkish army. In Russia, during the conquest of the Caucasus, by a special order of the command, Caucasian shepherd dogs were introduced for guard duty in all the fortresses of the theater of operations. And today, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are successfully on guard duty.

23. Kurzhaar (German Pointer)

Released in Germany. The basis for the creation of the breed was the old German short-haired cops. A very active dog. The closest relatives of the kurtshaar are the drathaar and langhaar. They were used for hunting birds with nets, especially in the Mediterranean countries, as well as falconry. Through France, Spain and Flanders, the pointers came to the German estates. The most important distinguishing feature of these dogs was their ability to work in a stance. After the appearance of the first double-barreled shotgun (1750), a need arose for a pointer for hunting flying from under a dog. This was the beginning of the transition from a pure pointer to a versatile gun dog. The kurtshaar is universal, it works on all types of game birds. Best of all, the kurtshaar manifests itself while hunting in the field. It swims well, apports well, can be used as a bloodhound. He also has a well-developed protective instinct. In Europe, the kurtshaar is one of the most popular and used hunting breeds.The kurtshaar is easily spoiled, as the dog is very smart and immediately determines who can indulge it.

22. Papillon

From fr. papillon - butterfly - continental toy spaniel with erect ears. Dogs of this breed were brought from Bologna by Giovanni Filipponi in the 17th century as a gift to the King of France. Louis XIV. But soon the revolution came and the importation of dogs stopped. Previously brought dogs were taken out of France by their emigrating owners for the most part to neighboring Belgium. Therefore, in no country at that time, except in Belgium, this breed was preserved and Belgian dog breeders used the imported specimens to update their lines. It is one of the oldest breeds of purebred small dogs. The breed is small in size, often less than 4 kg, sometimes 2-3.5 kg, height 20-28 cm. They lend themselves well to training. They take 8th place in intelligence in the general breed rating of dogs and 2nd place among decorative breeds (after the poodle).

21 Sheltie Shetland Sheepdog

Shelties are native to the Shetland Islands. It is believed that the breed is as old as the islands themselves, but it is difficult to find documentary evidence of this. At one time, the use of Shelties - a small dog - was possible, since they were not required to guard the herds, but only required to manage them. In conditions where the herds were few, the sheep were not large, and the grass was green, the Shelties were very well adapted for this. The situation was changed by amateurs who perceived Shelties exclusively as pets. In 1909, the Scotland Club was formed in Scotland, and the breed began to gradually gain international recognition.

20. Dalmatian

Dogs with spots in the color. They were known in ancient times, for example, archaeological excavations in Greece made it possible to see a variety of paintings, which, along with people, depicted dogs very similar to modern Dalmatians. And this means that Dalmatians have existed for several millennia. A person who is going to start a house four-legged friend of this breed, should know that Dalmatians are quite active dogs that require heavy loads and long walks in the fresh air, so if you are not a fan of long walks over long distances, you are better off getting a dog of a different breed.

19. Tibetan Mastiff

A very old breed. The purity of the blood of these dogs was maintained due to the geographical isolation of the country. Tibet is a country of snows, high plateaus and green valleys. In the 13th century, Chinese merchants, passing through Tibet to the Gobi Desert and Northern China, took their own guard dogs with them. The population of Chinese and Tibetan dogs began to mix with imported ones. western breeds, and the only ones not spoiled by someone else's blood were dogs that lived high in the mountains. They were powerful and strong animals, able to withstand the harsh climate and hard way of life. By nature, a calm, reserved dog is perhaps one of the few dog breeds that combines the ability to live in a family and guard the house flawlessly. In relations with other dogs, it is relatively friendly, it is able to respond adequately to aggression. One of the main distinguishing features of the breed is cleanliness (sometimes similar to a cat's) and independence in relation to the owner. The training of the Tibetan mastiff is not difficult, the dog is obedient and quick to remember. The breed in intelligence is very much like a Great Dane.

18. Hungarian kuvas

A breed of dog bred in Hungary to protect livestock. The shorter and qualitatively different wool of the Kuvasz gave him the opportunity to easily move among tall grasses and plants. Therefore, it was also used for hunting. Kuvasz has always been exclusively white color, which helped to distinguish him at night from a bear and a wolf. Kuvasz does not need to be trained to guard the house, but at the same time, one must take into account that we are talking about exclusively characteristic breed, which requires consistent and mainly professional approach. From puppyhood, he must be accustomed to a place in the family, to which he will always be faithful and which he will always selflessly and fearlessly protect and protect. This breed is distinguished by a tough and self-possessed character, therefore it is very important and useful to educate it carefully and attentively.

17. Labrador retriever

It is one of the most popular dog breeds. This breed was originally bred as a working dog, so many Labradors are still used as gun dogs, guide dogs, and rescue dogs. The breed originates on about. Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada. Research results show that there are three versions of the origin of the name of the breed "Labrador". The first Labradors were exclusively black, resembling the labradorite stone in color. Perhaps, in honor of this stone, Labradors got their name. The second version says that the ancestors of Labradors were bred on the Labrador Peninsula. And the third is that the Portuguese called Labradors so for their amazing performance, calling them Labradors (labrador), which means “worker” in Portuguese. Labrador Retrievers are smart, active, playful, outgoing dogs, they are always eager to please and want to make friends with everyone. They are great with children. These dogs get along great with other animals.

16. Chow Chow

Chow-chow (literally: “dog - shaggy lion”, “dog of the Tang Dynasty”) is a guard dog, companion, one of the oldest breeds of dogs. By their origin, Chow Chows belong to the Spitz group, but there is an assumption that they have an admixture of Tibetan Great Dane (Mastiff) blood. Purebred chow chows, contrary to popular belief, were probably not eaten in China - crossbreeds were used for food, and purebred chow chows were widely used as watch dogs and for hunting big game. The purebred Chow Chow line was maintained in Buddhist monasteries, where they bred the breed and kept special journals, essentially Chow Chow pedigree books. Refreshment of blood was carried out by exchanging producers between monasteries. The first description of Chow Chow was brought to Europe by the Italian traveler Marco Polo, who lived for a long time in Tibet. According to research conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia led by Stanley Coren, Chow Chows have the lowest acceptance rate for learning and the most low level mastering / executing commands (77th place out of 80 breeds).

15. Pekingese

Decorative dog breed, bred in China, one of the oldest dog breeds. Small fluffy dogs bred in ancient China over 2000 years ago. Their very name comes from the city of Beijing. The Chinese themselves call the Pekingese Fu Dogs, and how much this breed is revered in China can be judged by the incredible number of works of art depicting the Pekingese. It was believed that these are small guardian spirits, and outwardly, the Pekingese are more like tiny lions than dogs. In addition, the Pekingese were considered sex symbols, and streets and even satellites of the planets were named after many Pekingese emperors. This royal dog came to Europe in 1860 after the British captured the Summer Palace in Beijing, then five Pekingese belonging to the emperor were taken away as trophies from the women's quarters of the palace. Prior to this, no one except members of the imperial family was allowed to own this dog, and the death penalty awaited those who could steal it. The Pekingese was first presented at an exhibition in Europe at the end of the 19th century.

14. Japanese Chin

Breed of decorative dogs. Also known as the Japanese Spaniel. Comes from Japan. In Japan, there is "inu" - a dog and "chin" - a jewel. It's believed that japanese chin descended from the union of a lion and a tiger, so he can meow, talk and behave like a cat. In size, this is a small breed of dog, weighing about 1.8-3.5 kg. The Japanese Chin is ideal for living in an apartment, as it has a quiet and calm disposition, and besides, the dog does not require much space. Also, these dogs get along well with other animals and dogs. The character of the Japanese Chin is often light, although there are proud, wayward Chins, but this is very rare. Dogs are docile, obedient, very sociable, emotional. They never bite, bark little and faithfully protect their owners in any situation. dangerous situations. Hin would rather die than give his master away. These dogs are almost fearless. They are not afraid of big dogs or loud noises.

13. American Cocker Spaniel

The history of the American Cocker Spaniel is rich in a wide variety of events. This breed is of American origin. And although there is no officially confirmed data on this subject, presumably this breed was bred in 1880. Quite quickly, it spread throughout the world, as it attracted the interest of many dog ​​breeders, thanks to which, in the shortest possible time, it gained recognition from the leading dog breeding clubs. Of course, modern Cocker Spaniels are significantly different from the first representatives of this breed, but they still have a lot of common features. American Cocker Spaniels are distinguished by a lively mind and quick wit. These are very mobile and active dogs, constantly finding all kinds of entertainment for themselves. They are alien to the state of rest, they are naturally curious. Due to their curiosity, they are perfectly trainable and perceive the learning process as a kind of fun game. Loyal to their master, ready for self-sacrifice. Friendly and affectionate, they get along well with children, even small ones. These dogs also love to eat, so you need to follow the standard portions of their diet, because it’s hard to resist their pleading eyes.

12. Scottish setter (black and tan setter, gordon)

Hunting dog breed. Bred on the basis of old English black and tan dogs. The breed was fully developed by 1860. When creating the breed, crossbreeding was used with setters of other breeds, as well as with a pointer. Hardy, persistent dog, able to work in any terrain. Has good instincts. Needs patient training. Well adapted to apartment life. Requires space for development and active physical exercises. The coat needs to be brushed regularly.

11. English Springer Spaniel

Very long span time, spaniels were considered a single breed of dogs that did not have subclasses, the actual separation occurred not so long ago, but on the other hand, many different varieties of these dogs appeared. For example, in the 19th century, it was found that the breed of dog known as the English Springer Spaniel is one of the oldest. Its very name suggests that it frightens, raises game. It has the same hunting qualities as the Cocker. But a larger growth and massive build predetermine its hunting use. Unlike a cocker, he is able to bring a large hare or a fox in his teeth. Only in last years there was an interest in him among the foresters, hunting in those places where there is no need for a dog stance. The Springer Spaniel differs from the Cocker both in its larger stature, and in its higher set and more short ears, and by the fact that it is never monochromatic. The English Springer Spaniel is the oldest of all English breeds. hunting dogs. All other breeds of English Sport Spaniels were bred from it. By nature, he is very kind, he is rarely used as a security guard, as he is not prone to aggression at all, but as a nanny for children, he is ideal, because he is very careful and attentive in everything. Cheerful character and constantly playful mood do not allow such a pet to sit still for a second, you constantly need to monitor him, not letting him out of sight for a second. These dogs have a good sense of smell and as soon as they are on the street, they instantly begin to search and sniff the area in search of something unusual and suspicious. Excessive curiosity allows them to easily absorb new knowledge gained as a result of training, which they simply need to maintain good physical shape.

10 Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The breed originated in Wales, where it became one of the first shepherd dogs. Welsh Corgis became common in the 10th century. The basis for the breeding of this breed was probably the Swedish Vallhund (Vestgotashpits) or the Icelandic dog. Welsh Corgis belong to the Shepherd Dog family, although they are quite miniature. Their short stature allowed them to deftly dodge hooves and horns during shepherd work. Despite the fact that these dogs turned out to be quite attractive from the point of view of breeders, they remained unknown for a long time, and only in 1892 they first became participants in the exhibition, where they were noticed. Further development This breed went much faster, it quickly spread throughout the world. These dogs became most famous due to the fact that in 1933 the Duke of York (the future King of Great Britain George VI) presented the Welsh Corgi puppies to his daughters Elizabeth (now Elizabeth II) and Margaret Rose. The Welsh Corgi is distinguished by great vitality, liveliness, goodwill and innate intelligence. Corgis are loving and devoted: they love their owner's family with awe. They are very loyal to all people and other animals, easily get along with cats. They are very kind to children, especially to small ones, they watch and protect them. Calmly endures life in the city. They adapt to the climate without much difficulty, but they feel better in the heat than in the cold.

9. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

English toy spaniel. Is the most miniature breed spaniel. Companion dog, infinitely devoted to his master, smart and intelligent dog. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a good temperament and a good disposition. In England, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are extremely popular: minimal maintenance, not large size, make the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy the leader among the breeds that people want to have in their home. The very ancestors of the breed, the British, often call the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel a dog that creates comfort and coziness in the house.

8. Hungarian Vizsla (Hungarian Hound)

The Hungarian Vizsla is a rather ancient breed of dog, it took a long time to form, hounds were taken as the basis for its breeding, then they were reduced to various representatives the strongest and most enduring breeds. The birthplace of this breed is Hungary. In the 18th century this breed was fully formed, but it still had some differences from today's representatives. A very energetic and mobile dog, it rarely stays in a state of complete rest, preferring active games and physical exercises to rest. These are usually very calm and balanced dogs, they rarely show aggression, they are friendly towards most people. Loyal to their masters and ready to protect them at any moment. Courageous and smart, she easily learns to follow commands, but in the process of learning in no case should she be rude, she can be influenced only through understanding and attentive attitude towards her.

7. Weimaraner (Weimar Hound)

Hunting gun dog. Her ancestors were also used in hunting big game. He is obedient and unusually intelligent, easily trained and reaping laurels in training competitions, used for search work and as a watchman. The Weimaraner is native to Germany. Some indigenous people of Weimar call this dog nothing more than " silver ghost". This breed has a very ancient history, presumably its progenitors are European Brakki. Initially, the Weimaraner belonged to the hunting dog breeds and did an excellent job with its duties, as it was fast, agile and quick-witted. And although there is no evidence of this fact, there is an opinion that the Duke of Weimar Karl August participated in the breeding of this breed. She was born presumably at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Such a breed of dog as a Weimaraner is a good and, most importantly, an attentive student. Its representatives easily learn commands and how to execute them. These are quite mobile and not at all aggressive animals. They easily find a common language with people, are very devoted to their master. They are capable of showing tenderness, but they are also in a bad mood. They love outdoor games and walks, so it is best to start them outside the city where there is space and at least relative freedom.

6. German Shepherd

The breed of dog was originally used as a shepherd and service-search dog. The German Shepherd was obtained as a result of selection and crossing of some varieties of herd dogs of Central and Southern Germany. The German Shepherd is one of the three in the ranking of the most smart breeds, compiled by Dr. Stanley Coren (Eng.), Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada). Many cynologists consider the German Shepherd an ideal dog. The German Shepherd is versatile. It can equally well serve as a companion dog, security, protective, detective, service and guard dog. Successfully used in animal husbandry as a shepherd dog. More often than other breeds it is used in the service in the army, in the police, for the protection of state borders. A well-trained German Shepherd is indispensable when detaining a criminal. Used to accompany the blind. They get along great with children.

5. Golden Retriever, or Golden Retriever

A hunting dog breed developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. A hardy and energetic dog, has a good memory and instinct, which allows it to work perfectly both on land and on water, where it is able to find lined game. Initially golden retrievers were bred to work on the hunt (feed game). Currently, golden retrievers have successfully mastered many other professions. They work at customs, look for drugs and explosives, participate in rescue operations. Recently, in many countries, golden retrievers, who have undergone special training, have been used as medical dogs that brighten up the lives of babies in shelters and boarding schools for children with mental disorders. Various breeds are used as therapy dogs, but golden retrievers, with their unique receptivity, gentle and optimistic nature, are particularly suitable for this purpose. If there are elderly people or small children in the family, the golden retriever can be recommended as a companion.

4 Siberian Husky

The dog breed, bred as a sled dog, is one of the oldest dog breeds. Currently also used as a companion dog and show dog. The description of this breed of dogs suggests that these animals first appeared among the Chukchi. The dogs were kept by the Chukchi directly in their dwellings, therefore they were bred to be extremely non-aggressive towards humans and loving to mess around with children.

3. Pomeranian (pomeranian)

Decorative dog breed. The Pomeranian is often confused with the German Spitz, but they differ in appearance: Pomeranian the coat is more wadded, soft and stuffed, the muzzle is short, while in the German, the outer coat predominates and the muzzle is usually more elongated. Pomeranian is miniature (zwergspitz) and small, rarely medium. The name comes from the name of the historical region in Germany - Pomerania. This is the smallest representative of the Spitz.

2. Bernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Shepherd)

It is a herding breed originating from the Swiss canton of Bern. Used to guard herds. Hardy, balanced, peaceful, good-natured and sensitive dog, with a light cheerful and balanced character. It is wary of strangers, devoted to the owner and will protect him and property from encroachment, although it is not aggressive by nature and barks infrequently. Being alone is very sad. Easily trainable. When training, perseverance should be shown, but without pressure. Dogs of this breed reach maturity only by 1.5 - 2 years. Among all four breeds of the Sennenhund, this dog is the most common, which in most contributed to his friendly appearance, long, shaggy coat and good-natured disposition.

1. Poodle

Poodle (German: Pudel, from puddeln - “to splash in the water”) is a breed of predominantly decorative dogs, one of the most common breeds at present. The Poodle is ranked second on Dr. Stanley Coren's list of the smartest breeds, behind the Border Collie. They can adapt to almost any climate. It is believed that poodles were bred in France, but some call them Germany as their homeland, since the word "poodle" has German origin. It should be noted, however, that in France this breed of dog is called caniche from cane - duck, which indicates the origin of the poodle from hunting, French water dogs. Life expectancy from 12 to 18 years.

Beauty is a relative concept, everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Someone admires the architecture created by human hands, and someone comes to admiration, looking at the creations of nature.

The beauty of the animals that live on the planet is delightful. You can admire the neat stripes of a tiger, the graceful movements of a panther and the bright feathers of a parrot.

To help man, nature created a dog. And looking at this creation of nature, it is impossible to take your eyes off. The most beautiful dogs in the world, photos of charming pets next.

They attract the eyes of passers-by when they go for a walk. They are admired, admired, the owner is asked for permission to be photographed with a wonderful pet. Each dog can have its own zest:

  • heavenly eyes in which you can drown;
  • snow-white fluffy wool;
  • amazing spotted color;
  • extraordinary grace;
  • strength and courage, slipping in every movement.

The most beautiful dog breeds in the world: full-length photo

We remind you that the proposed rating is subjective, because everyone has their own concept of beauty. Each dog, like all animals, is beautiful in its own way. It is difficult to single out the most beautiful breeds, because everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Each owner considers his pet to be the most charming, because he loves him.

  1. Collie.

Siberian Husky

That's who passers-by really do not give a pass! Outwardly, they resemble wolves, and for good reason: their ancestors are northern dogs and wolves. Most often there are animals with black and white and gray and white color. The coat of the Husky is thick and short, the undercoat is soft. Now the breed is gaining popularity.

Bottomless blue eyes are amazing, in which you can drown! Quite rightly, the Siberian Husky receives the title of the most beautiful dog in the world: photo, breed in front of you.

Siberian Husky

samoyed dog

The honorable second place in the ranking of the top most beautiful dogs in the world is samoyed dog or in common parlance Samoyed. Her highlight is chic snow-white wool, due to which the Samoyed looks like a cute fluffy bear. The owners of individuals of this breed are already accustomed to the fact that on the street passers-by turn around after the beauty, as if she were walking along the catwalk.

Delicate coat, in addition to white, can be cream-colored or the same white, but with fawn markings.

Important! The soft wool cover needs careful care, only then the Samoyed will look attractive.

The Samoyed is nicknamed "smiling dogs": due to the raised corners of the lips, it seems that she is constantly smiling. Those who disagree that this is the most beautiful dog in the world - a photo "in the studio!".

samoyed dog

Akita Inu

Akita Inu will not leave indifferent any four-legged lover, especially after the release of the film "Hachiko". The famous dog that waited for the deceased owner for several years at the entrance to the Shibuya station belonged to this breed.

Externally Akita looks like three wild animals at the same time: a fox, a wolf and a bear. The figure of the pet is perfectly built, its powerful body is complemented by long paws. The imperturbable expression of the muzzle and the peculiar shape of the eyes makes the Akita Inu look like a real Japanese. Recall that this

Akita Inu

Attention! The breed standard implies only three colors: snow-white, white-red and brindle color with white urazhiro.

Attention! This kid makes a good guard. Yorkshire Terrier unusually brave, always ready to notify the owner of the impending danger.

Among the group of decorative pets, the Yorkie leads the conditional competition for the most beautiful dog breeds in the world: the photos confirm this.

Yorkshire Terrier

shih tzu

We could not but include small dogs with amazing hair in the rating. This fact clearly demonstrates the unusualness of the Shih Tzu. A cute face and chic hair attract connoisseurs of beauty. It should be noted that the breed belongs

This breed is suitable for living in a family with children. Dogs get along with kids. With proper maintenance and proper feeding, Shih Tzu can go side by side with the owner through life for twenty years: they are long-lived.

Cane Corso


The Dalmatian breed is known to everyone thanks to the cartoon One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Therefore, given its huge popularity among children, we give the Dalmatian "People's Choice Award".

Therefore, to the question: “what is the most beautiful dog in the world, the photo of the winner?” many Dalmatian owners will point to their pet.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you that every dog ​​is beautiful in its own way. Aesthetic pleasure is important, but still in a dog, as in a friend, it is worth appreciating the spiritual qualities and its devotion. In this, ordinary mongrels do not lag behind their purebred counterparts. You should not chase fashion, you can caress and warm a homeless animal that will give you the highest gratitude and affection.

Additionally, check out the video about the most beautiful dogs:

Beauty is a subjective concept, everyone has their own vision of beauty. But the beauty of nature is beyond doubt. Dogs were created by nature to beautify the world and become reliable faithful companions of man. Each breed of dog is beautiful in its own way. They conquer us with the depth of their eyes, graceful gait, luxurious coat of amazing colors and boundless devotion.


Charming long-eared representatives of this ancient breed cannot but be liked. The Beagle is a dog that accompanied the aristocrats of the Middle Ages to hunt. England is considered the birthplace of a cute dog, but it is known for certain that its oldest descendants lived in Ancient Rome and Greece. These are small dogs with a spectacular exterior, strong, but not coarse physique. Three colors are mixed in the coat color: white, black and red. The spots are arranged on the body of the animal in a random order, which makes each dog unlike its relatives.

Beagles are considered the best breed for young children - dogs often choose a child as their master. They interact well with all household members, house guests and other pets. The only remark is that rabbits and rodents should not be let out of the cage so as not to provoke the hunting instincts of dogs. The nature of the dog is a mixture of cheerfulness, kindness and incredible activity. You can play with it from morning to evening - the pet will not get tired.

Bernese Shepherd

A real beauty from Switzerland, whose meaning of life lies in devoted service to her master. The Bernese Mountain Dog is the second official name of the breed, whose history goes back more than two millennia. This is a descendant of shepherd dogs, who have guarded herds on the mountain slopes of Switzerland since ancient times. Very beautiful tricolor dogs of impressive size are distinguished by power and endurance. These qualities helped the Bernese Shepherd to cope with the tasks assigned to it. Subsequently, dogs began to be used to transport goods.

In modern reality, a beautiful dog with a long and thick coat is popular with dog owners. Sennenhund conquers the hearts of dog lovers with its unusual exterior and good-natured character. "Giant kitten" - this is how one could call this dog, weighing half a centner. It is impossible to watch without tenderness how this dog tries to get on his master's lap. Infinitely attached to his family, he enjoys communicating with other people. Not aggressive, but can stop intruders with its loud bark and menacing growl.

welsh corgi

It's hard to believe that this cute short-legged dog belongs to the genus of shepherd dogs. Welsh Corgi is the smallest shepherd dog in the world. ancient history. The small size helped the dogs dodge the horns and hooves of livestock. Today there are two varieties of the breed: Pembroke and Cardigan. The cardigan is distinguished by its larger size, noble appearance and balanced character. Pembroke are extremely positive dogs with a cunning fox muzzle. Their incredible smile and deep velvety eyes melted more than one heart.

The compact size and charming exterior should not mislead you. Dogs are not at all decorative sissies. These are strong, hardy and very smart animals. They can easily graze herds of cattle in countryside. In the city, Welsh Corgis will become devoted companions and guards. If the corgi senses danger, he will throw all his strength into protecting his family members.


Thanks to the luxurious silver color, grace and insinuating cat's gait, the Weimar cop has an unofficial name - the "silver ghost". The dog is really beautiful, elegant and truly thoroughbred. This is a true representative of the "blue blood", which is deservedly gaining popularity among dog lovers. The memorable exterior is not the only advantage of the Weimaraner. The dog is smart, quick-witted, can make independent decisions.

To all the advantages of the breed, you can add excellent performance, fearlessness, determination and endurance. The dog was bred to hunt big game. She is not afraid of wolves, bears and mountain lions. At the same time, the Weimaraner is distinguished by boundless devotion and obedience. The most beautiful cop quickly becomes attached to people and does not tolerate loneliness. A smart dog gets along well with the younger members of the family, he is ready to play outdoor games with children for hours. Aggression does not show and forgives the kids of their pranks.


The spotted coat of the Dalmatians and their charming smile do not leave the dogs a single chance to go unnoticed. Millions of people in the world are crazy about these black and white spotted dogs. The fashion for the breed arose after the release of the cartoon “101 Dalmatians”. However, you should not treat a dog with an unusual exterior as a cartoon toy. These are smart, sensitive dogs with a complex character and aristocratic appearance. They have an unusually developed sense of self-esteem - they will not tolerate rude attitude and violence, they can be vindictive.

Dalmatians are active, playful and hardy. They can easily run long distances, play with children for hours and not get tired. Dogs are great to train. With a competent approach to training, they will become sociable and cheerful family members. Dogs are sensitive to the atmosphere that reigns in the family. If quarrels often break out in the house, swearing is heard, Dalmatians become depressed, behave nervously.

Among the numerous breeds in the canine world, there are those that cause tenderness even among the most indifferent people. Cute appearance, complaisant and friendly character - this is what unites the pets that are included in the conditional rating "the cutest dogs". This mainly includes representatives small breeds, which are appearance which is not to be feared. They are distinguished by a playful gambling character and can be aggressive only as a defensive reaction to danger. All of them have to themselves and cause only positive emotions.

A soft cloud of wool that envelops the entire body of the Pomeranian, and kind eyes cannot leave anyone indifferent. Despite the angelic appearance, small weight and height, these pets are prone to dominance and even slight aggression. That is why they need to be constantly engaged, trained and walked in the fresh air. Luckily, they are very trainable, especially when they are puppies. Spitz get along well with other pets and with small children.

The growth of the Spitz is related to the length of the body 1 to 1, which makes it look like a round fluffy ball.

Shih Tzu is translated from Chinese as a lion dog. For a long time they belonged only to representatives of the imperial court. A well-groomed animal with a combed train long hair has a truly royal look. They do not like loneliness, they always become attached to their master and follow him wherever he goes.

Their love of love is enough not only for the owner, but for all the inhabitants of the house. The weak point of the Shih Tzu is the eyes. They quickly become clogged due to rare blinking, so they need to be wiped daily with dipped in warm water. cotton swab. The location of the wool on the muzzle resembles the petals of a chrysanthemum, from the depths of which intelligent eyes look out.

snow white shiny wool The Maltese attracts the attention of not only children, but also adults. Against its background, large eyes of dark hazel color and a black nose stand out especially expressively. Maltese has not only a perfect appearance, but also a wonderful friendly temperament. She will always be happy to play with children. Despite its miniature size, this is a very bold animal that immediately begins to bark at strangers or suspicious sounds.

Funny, disproportionate ears and joyful eyes allow the Papillon to take pride of place in the top 10 cutest breeds. It is the ears that resemble the wings of a butterfly that the animal owes the name of its breed, because “papillon” is translated from French as “butterfly”. By their behavior, they resemble active kittens who love to play and run around the house. They are distinguished by a cheerful temperament, curiosity, devotion to their master. And the papillon is prone to fast learning and is also among the most intelligent dogs.

samoyed dog

Elegant posture, fluffy snow-white coat and a tail curving in a ring to the back - that's what makes you pay attention to the representatives of this breed. This is not only a cute, but also a very hardy animal, which was previously used for teams in the north. Samoyed is reserved in relation to other animals, but shows incredible friendliness and love for children. It is also called a smiling dog due to the raised corners of the lips.

According to one version, the name Samoyed was derived from the fact that when the animal was dragging a team of sleds through the snow, it was practically invisible, so from the side there was a feeling that the sled was driving itself.

The place of honor in the rating of cute dogs is occupied by one of the most popular breeds for establishments - the Yorkshire Terrier. In exhibition individuals, the length of the hair reaches the floor, and on the head it is collected in a “tail”. The Yorkshire Terrier needs more than other pets constant attention owner. These small dogs are very independent, so they are not always amenable to training. They can even bark at a large dog without fear, but due to the small size of the Yorkie, such a picture is only tender. This is one of the most “dressable” breeds”: owners often purchase a complete wardrobe with overalls, jackets and boots so that the pet does not freeze in the cold and looks its best.

Yorkie wool is considered non-allergenic because it is identical to human hair.

petit brabancon

Another breed that resembles a soft children's toy. Brabancon is able to make funny faces that reflect the full range of emotions from joy and delight to sadness and sadness. The little dog has a stubborn nature and an exaggerated self-esteem, which can cause some inconvenience to its owner. At the same time, she shows good nature not only to children, but also to strangers. But if the latter shows aggression, the Brabancon will forget about his kindness and rush to protect his family members.

This small dog of Japanese origin attracts attention with a muzzle with an upturned nose and wide-set eyes. They are calm and unpretentious in food and care, which makes them an ideal companion for life in a city apartment. In the first place, the hin always has the owner, so he will never forget to stand up for him, even despite his miniature parameters (the weight of an adult animal rarely reaches even 4 kg). With its habits, the Japanese Chin resembles a cat: he loves to wash himself, as well as climb on cabinets and other high furniture.

In the list of the cutest dogs, one cannot but include pugs - small animals with a flattened muzzle, large cherry eyes and a tongue that often falls out of the mouth. They can sometimes make such a sad muzzle, the sight of which causes only a smile and tenderness. Pugs are very kind, love to be among people and feel their care and attention. Instead of active games, they prefer to rest and sleep more, while making snoring, sniffling and other amusing sounds.

This is a dog with cute big ears, which invariably attracts attention. The Chinese Crested is a friendly animal that gets along well with other pets. Thanks to the magnificent tail and mane, tassels of wool on the limbs, it can be compared with a miniature thoroughbred horse. Chinese crested dogs are easy and quick to train and are even capable of performing various tricks. They do not like loneliness and will always be devoted to their family.

The presented rating is purely conditional and does not detract from the beauty or fun of other four-legged human friends. After all, more importance has not so much the touching appearance of a pet, but his devotion to the owner and his ability to support and protect him in difficult moments.

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