Why does a cat have a greasy tail. To make the cat's coat shine

Both long-haired and short-haired cat breeds require constant grooming, and it is important that the coat looks healthy and clean even outwardly, and this effect can only be achieved by properly caring for the pet.

Any cat needs proper combing, and if the cat has oily hair, this may also be the result of improper care on the part of the owner. When it becomes clear to the naked eye that the cat's hair is greasy, the first thing to do is to bathe the animal and comb it after it is completely dry. Short-haired beauties are recommended to be scratched with a special brush, first rather carefully against the coat, and only after that, smooth the hairs according to their growth and get rid of the fallen ones. Long-haired animals require even more attention to themselves and they should be combed as carefully as possible, at the final stage slightly lifting the hair at the withers and head up.

Such a procedure should be done regularly to get rid of the fallen hairs so that the cat does not do it herself, swallowing large hairballs, in addition, combing as needed makes the animal's fur coat shiny and glossy.

Wool and its appearance directly depends on the diet of the animal: you should pay special attention to what the cat eats, so that later you don’t wonder why the cat has oily hair. It is recommended to feed domestic cats 2-3 times a day, and it is important that the amount of food per serving is not too large, the best serving option is the size of a mouse or a bird. It is better to opt for a specialized high-quality food, and not feed the animal with homemade food, because the food is created by specialists and already contains a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals, which will be very difficult to achieve on your own at home, especially without special preparations.

The coat is a direct indicator of a cat's health, when it is soft, clean and shiny, this indicates that the animal has no problems, while a cat's dull and greasy coat may indicate that some kind of failure has occurred in the body.

Fleas also have a negative effect on both the skin of the animal and its coat, so if they are found, it is worth starting treatment as soon as possible. To get rid of fleas, there are a large number of preparations in drops, they are recommended to be applied to the withers and washed off only after a certain time has passed, for the best result it is recommended to purchase a special flea and tick collar, it will not allow pests to reappear.

We must not forget that cats also need periodic bathing to cleanse themselves of dirt and dust and improve the appearance of their coat, and it is worth washing animals only with the help of special shampoos intended specifically for this procedure. The temperature for bathing should not be too high, since the cat's skin is more sensitive to temperature changes than that of a person, it will be enough to heat the water to 38 degrees. The fur needs to be wetted gently and gently, you can use an ordinary sponge for these purposes, and it is undesirable to wet your head, in addition, you need to make sure that water does not get into your eyes, nose and ears. The shampoo is rubbed into the fur until a thick foam forms, after which you need to rinse it thoroughly so that the cat, wiping himself, does not lick off the shampoo on insufficiently well-washed areas of the body, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated for a better effect again.

During any procedure that does not bring pleasure to the cat, it is necessary to address her in an affectionate voice and be as gentle as possible towards her, after which it is worth treating her pet with a tidbit to reduce the stress experienced.

If hair problems are the result of skin diseases, for example, bald spots, scratches, rashes or crusts appear on the cat’s body, you can’t self-treat, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible to identify the problem.

In some situations, pet owners turn to veterinarians with complaints that the cat's tail at the base has become sparser and covered with a layer of dense fat that is difficult to remove.

Cat owners are interested in what to do in such a situation, how to get rid of fat, and why blood can ooze from the affected areas of the skin of the tail. Most likely, in this case, the doctor will answer that the cat has a disease called "greasy tail".

Causes of the disease

The reason for the appearance of a similar problem on the tail of a cat is associated with hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands located at the base of this mood indicator of the feline tribe. Normally, the paraanal glands help the defecation process by lubricating the exit of the anus.

If there is some kind of malfunction in the glands, an infection gets into them or the exit narrows, the contents, which have a very strong unpleasant odor, accumulate inside, causing the animal severe discomfort. Most often, an uncastrated animal is susceptible to this disease, so there is an assumption that it is associated with a high level of sex hormones.

The cause of oily hair on the tail may be a violation of the normal sebaceous glands. With increased production of sebum, fat does not have time to be distributed over the skin and hairs of the coat, and the animal cannot cope with a viscous, thick secret. Often, the hyperfunction of the sebaceous gland is also associated with excessive production of keratin. Together, this leads to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and their inflammation.

The output of the sebaceous gland at the base of the hair in the follicle is clogged with dense contents, and a comedone appears - exactly the same "black dot" that can appear on a person's face and other parts of the body. If an infection gets into such a comedone, then the fatty contents can easily become inflamed, suppurate, an abscess is formed, which looks very similar to an acne abscess.

This name is also given to the disease in cats, and acne is localized mainly on the chin, especially in animals with a light or white coat color in this area of ​​​​the body. Acne often becomes inflamed, pus flows from them, causing serious suffering to the animal, especially if it is a small kitten.

When the tail is affected, first at the base of it, the appearance of small seals is noted, which turn into abscesses, and in the absence of proper care and treatment, into pyoderma. The hair in the place of accumulation of sebum begins to break off at the base at the level of the skin, and the tail seems bald.

Treatment of a cat's tail can be difficult and lengthy, but it must be done, because without proper attention to the problem, irreparable changes can develop, in particular, the cat can be left with a tail bare, like a rat's.

Wool is the main decoration of any cat. Smooth, beautiful, fluffy and shiny, it just makes you want to caress the animal. But it also happens that the owner, stroking his pet, finds that the cat's fur is too oily. Especially often this effect is observed in the tail area. Sometimes it is also accompanied by the appearance of brown or dark yellow spots. What it is? Is it dangerous? And what could be the possible causes of oily fur in a cat?

Why does the cat have greasy fur and brown spots?

This may be a symptom of one of the diseases associated with the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands in the animal's body.

Oily hair on the tail of a cat can be a symptom of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Its cause, in turn, can be an infection, the release of hormones, and much more.

The most harmless reason is the game of hormones

If you are a happy owner of an unneutered cat, and you find that he has greasy hair and strange spots in the tail area, then there may be no cause for alarm.

During puberty the animal's body may secrete more fat than usual, as hormones activate the sebaceous glands. These excesses remain on the wool, giving it a unkempt appearance.

During puberty, the cat's body releases a large amount of fat.

young cats

Most often, this effect can be observed in young cats that have not yet been bred with females.

Usually, unpleasant symptoms disappear immediately after the animal's hormonal levels improve, that is, at the end of puberty.

At the end of puberty, unpleasant symptoms immediately disappear.

What to do?

If the pet is not worried about oily hair, and spots (if any) do not cause discomfort, then special measures should not be taken to eliminate oily hair.

The only thing is that you can comb out the cat's tail more often to give it the most well-groomed appearance. But it is also important not to overdo it with this, otherwise, due to active combing, there may be a risk of partial baldness of the tail.

If the problem does not disappear within a year or longer, then perhaps cat should be castrated . Usually, in the first month after castration of a pet, the activity of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, and the coat ceases to be greasy.

The cat should be castrated if the problem does not disappear within a year.

Inflammation of the anal glands

Cats have a pair of glands in the tail area. responsible for allocating a special secret. They perform different functions, depending on the situation. For example, if an animal intends to scare away an enemy, then the glands will secrete a substance with a pungent odor. When the cat is ready to approach, they, on the contrary, secrete a secret that attracts individuals of the opposite sex.

Unfortunately, the anal glands can often become clogged and inflamed, causing them to malfunction.

One of the most common signs of such a failure can be such phenomena as oily hair on the tail of a cat and brown spots, occasionally accompanied by peeling.

With inflammation of the paraanal glands, the cat may experience peeling.

animal behavior

Another obvious symptom of malfunctioning paraanal glands is the behavior of the animal. The cat, experiencing discomfort in the anus, begins to rub his back against any surface, whether it be the floor or the back of the sofa.

And also he can:

  • often lick the tail area;
  • experience pain when going to the toilet.

The cat may experience pain when visiting the toilet if there is a malfunction in the paraanal glands.

To relieve your pet of problems associated with inflammation or blockage of the glands, need to see a veterinarian who will carry out the necessary procedures for their cleaning. But the specialist will also prescribe strengthening vitamins and other drugs to relieve inflammation and increase the immunity of the animal.

Oily seborrhea in a pet

Another reason for the appearance of greasy traces in the tail area of ​​\u200b\u200ba cat can be seborrhea.

This is a fairly common disease, especially among non-castrated and non-sterilized animals, which manifests itself. Yes, yes, our pets can also get this unpleasant disease!

Oily seborrhea in a cat.

Symptoms of dandruff

Symptoms of dandruff in a cat:

  • oily and unkempt hair (most often on the tail and next to the tail);
  • small brown or yellow spots;
  • peeling of the skin;

If the cat has oily hair on the tail and brown spots, and you suspect that this is seborrhea, then it is recommended to immediately take the animal to the veterinarian. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

To make a diagnosis, you should take the cat to the veterinarian.


These are the main reasons why a cat's coat can look greasy and unkempt. Some of them go away on their own, in other cases, the intervention of a veterinarian is required. With competent actions of the owner in case of oily hair in a pet, the problem can be eliminated in just a few days, restoring the animal's coat to its former shine and beauty.

The problem of oily hair disappears within a few days with the right actions of the owner.

Video on how to care for a cat's hair

A complete and balanced diet is the most important condition for the health of the skin and coat in cats. In adult animals, the lack of certain substances is rarely observed, with chronic starvation or improper feeding. But during the growth period, kittens may be vulnerable to other nutrients. , designed for different physiological groups of animals - a good and simple solution. If the owners themselves prepare food for the pet, they should take into account the special needs of the cat's body.

Nutrient requirements for cats

  • Cats need much more protein than dogs. The diet of kittens should contain 35% protein, and an adult animal - 30%. At the same time, it is important that the protein is complete, that is, it contains all the necessary amino acids. The content of taurine is especially important.
  • The cat's body is unable to convert linoleic fatty acid to arachidonic acid. Therefore, the diet should contain ready-made arachidonic acid, which is found in animal tissues.
  • Cats cannot, like humans, convert the beta-carotene found in plants into vitamin A and must obtain it from their diet.
  • Cats have a high need for vitamin B3, niacin. However, they are not able to synthesize it on their own from tryptophan (an amino acid).
  • Pyridoxine, vitamin B6, is also strongly needed by these animals.

Protein deficiency

It seems surprising, but 25-30% of the total protein ingested with food is consumed by the cat's body to maintain the normal growth of the coat. After all, hair and nails consist of keratins, special proteins, and amino acids are necessary for their synthesis.

Possible reasons for the lack of proteins in the body:

  1. Feeding a diet low in protein (unbalanced homemade food, dog food, therapeutic diets for cats with/liver failure).
  2. Systemic diseases leading to protein loss (diseases of the kidneys, liver, small intestine, chronic blood loss).

Signs of protein deficiency:

  • before the appearance of skin problems, a noticeable decrease in body weight is noted;
  • hair loses pigment, this is especially noticeable in bright colors;
  • wool grows poorly, becomes thin, dry and brittle;
  • the skin on the whole body is flaky (seborrhea);
  • multiple foci (spotted alopecia) caused by increased hair loss and insufficient growth of new ones.

Treatment is dietary modification.

Lack of fatty acids

Essential fatty acids (vitamin F) should make up about 2% of the total calorie intake. The optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids is important. At the same time, cats require both linoleic and arachidonic acids from Omega-6. Their lack in the body is considered a rare disease and is observed mainly in cats and kittens on vegetarian diets.


  • generalized peeling, dull coat;
  • oily seborrhea and with increased formation of earwax;
  • accession, development of yeast fungi;
  • areas of weeping eczema;
  • poor wound healing;
  • dysfunction.

Feeding balanced foods with added fatty acids prevents these problems.

Excess fatty acids

This rare condition is called pansteatitis. It occurs when excessive consumption of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet. Usually these are diets based on fatty fish (sardines, tuna).

Rancidity products (reactive peroxides) accumulate in the fatty subcutaneous tissue, and the fat changes color from white to yellow. "Yellow fat disease" affects young cats that are obese.

General signs:

  • animals are not able to jump, move quickly;
  • loss of appetite;
  • depression, depression.

Skin lesions:

  • Severe pain when trying to lift the animal, caused by inflammation of the subcutaneous fat.
  • Knotty subcutaneous fat deposits and tissue fibrosis, most commonly in the groin and lower abdomen.
  • The surface of the skin appears intact.

When making a diagnosis, infectious causes of nodular skin diseases must be excluded. Important information about the type of food. If necessary, take a biopsy, then the fat samples have a characteristic brown / orange color.

With such a problem, it is not enough to adjust the diet. It is necessary to force the cat to eat new, unusual and less appetizing food. Sometimes veterinarians are forced to prescribe special appetite stimulants or use force-feeding. In addition, food is enriched with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) at 20-50 mg per day. This antioxidant is given for another month after the clinical signs disappear.

Vitamin A deficiency

This disease is rare, in animals forced to eat plant foods. Symptoms include:

  • photophobia, disturbances (on examination, retinal degeneration is detected);
  • weakness of the hind legs;
  • reproductive system disorders;
  • poor quality wool and peeling skin.

To solve the problem, it is enough to introduce into the diet. Artificial addition of vitamin A is not recommended due to possible toxic effects. An overdose of retinol is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

Too much vitamin A

The disease may be due to excessive addition of fish oil or when eating a large amount of liver. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and is processed in the liver. Since it tends to accumulate in the body, hypervitaminosis A is more often observed in older animals (over 8 years old).

General symptoms:

  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • stiffness of the joints (exostoses are formed around), especially the forelimbs;
  • spondylitis of the cervical spine.

Skin lesions:

  • hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity of the skin to ordinary touch;
  • the cat neglects grooming (cannot lick), the coat becomes untidy, seborrhea appears.

With such a disease, the prognosis should be cautious - even with the adjustment of the diet, the changes that have occurred in the body may be irreversible. Balancing the diet can be difficult, as in other cases of feeding fatty foods.

Vitamin B deficiency

B vitamins are water-soluble compounds, each of which performs important functions in the body. Deficiency of one or another vitamin can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Long term treatment.
  2. Feeding raw eggs (causes a deficiency of biotin - B7).
  3. Lack of protein, meat products in the diet with a high content of cereals (deficiency of riboflavin - B2 and niacin - B3).
  4. Diseases of the digestive system, kidneys.

Signs of beriberi:

  • The lack of biotin causes baldness of the area around the eyes and the formation of crusts throughout the body, apathy and diarrhea occur.
  • The lack of riboflavin is manifested by seborrhea on the abdomen and around the eyes.
  • The lack of nicotinic acid threatens with ulceration of all mucous membranes and the disease "pellagra": this is severe dermatitis, damage to the nervous and digestive systems.

As a treatment, it is recommended to give the cat high quality commercial food. In severe cases, a course of injections of B vitamins is given. An overdose of water-soluble vitamins is unlikely, therefore it is recommended to give additional brewer's yeast to cats receiving home food.


The task of every owner is to provide the cat with food that meets its needs. It is especially important to balance the diet during the growth period. The condition of the skin and coat is the best indicator of the health of the animal. Any systemic disease will affect the quality of the fur. In a young healthy cat, the coat is shiny, the coat is thick, dense and does not fall out excessively.

If skin problems appear, you should not diagnose at home or treat your pet with complexes. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinary dermatologist.


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Many owners are familiar with a similar problem: the cat's belly hair seems to be greasy, hangs like icicles, the tail and back become greasy, dandruff appears. Does this mean that the cat is dirty, or is it a sign of illness?

What does it look like

Oily coat looks dull and disheveled, may hang in sloppy icicles. Long hairs can roll into tangles, sometimes dandruff appears, oily deposits or comedones (black plugs that clog pores) can be noticeable on the skin. The skin and coat in some, especially oily areas, may be hyperpigmented (take on a dark or brown tint).

Often, the area of ​​the back and neck, behind the ears and on the collar (especially in long-haired cats with a thick “mane”) becomes the affected area, which is associated with the inaccessibility of these places for licking and is most often observed in older animals and small kittens.

Oily fur in a cat: causes

The reasons why a cat has oily hair can be very different:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • young age - small kittens still poorly care for their hair;
  • old age, when it is already difficult for the animal to engage in full-fledged grooming (hair care);
  • any serious illness;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs - liver and kidneys;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hyperandrogenism - excessive production of male sex hormones that stimulate the secretion of sebum, especially in the tail gland (occurs not only in males, but also in castrated animals of both sexes due to problems with the adrenal glands).

As you can see from this list, the causes of oily fur in cats are very diverse. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: those associated with worsening grooming (which in turn occurs due to general poor health or age) and increased sebum production due to internal problems (hormonal imbalance, food intolerance, etc.).

The cat has oily hair: what to do?

Do not panic if the appearance of the cat has deteriorated. Most often, the animal needs help to restore its former appearance. Here's what you can do if your cat has oily fur:

  • help the pet with grooming: comb out excess hair more often, wash with a special shampoo;
  • review the pet's diet, it is possible to change the food;
  • if care does not help, be sure to take the kitty to the veterinarian, you may have to take tests and scrapings;
  • follow the recommendations of the doctor if any diseases have been identified;
  • with a greasy tail in cats, only castration most often helps.

To find out why a cat's coat looks oily, you need to carefully analyze his lifestyle, nutrition, changes in behavior and diet in recent times. For example, if a pet stopped looking after itself and became lethargic, this could be a sign of a serious illness. If a cat becomes sloppy at the age of 20, then this is a natural age-related phenomenon, and if a young animal suddenly began to look bad after changing food, then perhaps the diet simply did not suit him.

The sloppy appearance of the animal should disturb the owners not only from an aesthetic point of view, you should always remember that sometimes this sign signals serious health problems. Therefore, do not disregard the fact that the cat has a fat back or tail. If in any doubt, you can contact your veterinarian.

What canned food is best for cats?

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