Silver Ghost - Weimaraner: description of the breed, characteristics of skills. Weimaraner. Description of the breed, character, illness, care, photo Dog with gray hair and blue eyes

The Weimaraner dog breed is also known as the Weimar Hound. These animals are bred in Germany and are hunting animals. In their group, they are considered continental cops, which means that they have a good upper and lower scent. Thanks to the upper instinct, the Weimaraners find the victim by smell, with the help of the lower one, by the prints on the ground.

Dogs are valued for their excellent hunting qualities and devotion to the owner. They are taken to forest bird hunting(corncrake, quail, duck, partridge) and beast (fox, hare). But Weimaraners can earn respect in other areas besides hunting. They make excellent companions and search engines. Representatives of this breed love their owners, have a stable psyche, which makes them universal pets that do not need special care.

In Russia, Weimaraners are practically unknown, although they could perfectly live in families with an active lifestyle.

Outwardly, these animals are quite large. Their height reaches 70 cm, weight - up to 40 kg. The bones and muscles are massive. The coat is either long or short. Long wool has a silky texture, the undercoat is weakly expressed, there are feathers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, abdomen, chest and tail. In short-haired cops, the coat is thick, shiny, fits snugly to the body, without undercoat. The color of the hairline is from silver to dark gray, slightly lighter in the area of ​​​​the ears and head.

The forehead of the Weimaraner has a groove, the cheekbones are brightly outlined. The muzzle is rather elongated. The eyes are rounded, light or rich amber in color. Puppies eye color - sky blue, changes later. The ears hang, they are wide, rush forward. The neck is also wide at the base, turning into a proud withers. The chest is massive, the back is stretched. The tail is directed downward.

The only official color of the breed is silver grey. But there are other varieties as well. For example, blue representatives of the breed have a blue-gray color, with black lips and noses. They are bred only as companions. There are brown-gray and mouse colors. Yellow and brown colors are considered serious faults of the breed.

The emergence of the Weimaraner

The Weimar Hound was recognized as a breed in 1896. Previously, such dogs were known from the 17th century in Germany, they were used by hunters. Accurate the facts of the origin of the breed no. Some experts believe that the dog was brought to Germany from the Czech Republic by Duke Karl August.

Another version says that the Weimaraners originated in Germany. They are reported in manuscripts of the 13th century. According to one of the legends Saint Louis King of France fell into Egyptian captivity, from where he returned with several gray dogs. Later, such animals were involved in hunting massive animals - a wild boar, a bear, a roe deer.

Since the 19th century, the breed has been taking part in exhibitions, first as a mixture with other breeds, then separately. The name of the dogs comes from the German city of Weimar.


Weimaraner has an excellent disposition. These dogs are kind, but occasionally show their strong character. For example, they can do something in defiance. They are affectionate to the owner and the rest of the household. They get on well with children. Pets are treated with restraint if the owner has previously taught the right reaction.

Dogs, accustomed from childhood to nature trips and hunting, are distrustful of strangers. They are devoted to the owner, soft and gentle. For the emotional health of the Weimaraner, it is important to communicate with the owner.

Weimaraner activity is best realized when living in suburban areas. If the owner is not sure he can ensure due attention pet, you should not get this dog. Weimaraners are very lively and active.

Weimaraners are bored in separation from the owner. If she is forced to stay at home often, things and furniture may be damaged. The favorite pastime of the Weimaraner is hunting. They have wonderful intellect The dog is smart and smart. The Weimaraner rarely barks and is not aggressive. Such a pet will bring a lot of pleasure to its owner and will not cause much trouble.

Weimaraner is an excellent hunter. In the rack he indicates the found bird, he can get the duck out of the pond, find and raise the wild boar. In an apartment setting the hunter's instinct can be dangerous, so the dog should not be led off-leash in the city.

The Weimaraner can be moody. This happens when the dog is not allowed to do what it wants. Increased physical activity will help to cope with the situation.

The dog is quite strong, and on walks it can pull the owner to the side, so the owner of the dog must be a physically hardy person. dog's interest in birds and other animals on the street awakens the hunting instinct in her, so it is important to teach the puppy to prohibitions and obedience.

Care activities

The dog needs to be walked 2-3 times a day. At the same time, it is important to think over the dog’s leisure time; ordinary walking will not suit her. Frisbee, agility will be excellent activities. Weimaraner walks should be long and intense.

It is not worth keeping the Weimaraner in the apartment for a long time, the dog needs movement. Weimaraners love to strain their body.

In the aviary, the pet will feel uncomfortable, it is difficult for him to experience separation from the owner. If a the dog lives in the yard and does not communicate with the owner, she can be disobedient and become lethargic. The guard from the Weimaraner is bad, the breed is not characterized by aggression. But if necessary, the dog will stand up for himself and for the owner.

Caring for a Weimaraner is easy. It includes such activities:

  • weekly combing;
  • bathing 2-3 times a year;
  • wiping the paws of the pet after walking;
  • regular cleaning of ears, teeth;
  • trimming of claws.

You can feed the Weimaraner with natural food or dry species. But you should not choose economy class feed, they lead to problems with health. It is also not necessary to give the dog food from the master's table, fatty, spicy, sweet foods are completely unhealthy.

The Weimaraner does not smell like a dog at all. But if this smell appeared, then something is wrong with the health of the Weimaraner. The owner should be wary in this case.


From the moment you get a puppy, it is important to socialize it. You should not hide your pet from the rest of the family. Weimaraner must get used to the sounds and behavior of the rest of the inhabitants of the dwelling. The puppy is taught to the collar, at first putting it on for a short time.

Weimaraners are well trained, they strive to please the owner. They should not be overburdened with tasks and commands. If the puppy is purchased as a companion, a basic training course is enough for him. hunting representatives from 4–5 months take to nature for coaching. In this case, the puppy learns all the intricacies of hunting from childhood. If the dog will not hunt, he needs some kind of sports hobby.

When training, physical punishment should not be used, this can cause distrust and caution in the puppy's character. Treats and praise are good rewards. Thanks to its excellent learning ability, the dog is valued in the search service and in rescue activities.


Weimaraner lives up to 10-12 years. It is very important to vaccinate your pet and engage in disease prevention. The owner should pay attention to health animal and not to miss all cases of malaise. These can be temperature fluctuations, disorders of the gastrointestinal organs, discharge from the nose and eyes.

In all situations, you should show the dog to the veterinarian, self-medication can be dangerous. For simple cases, a home first aid kit is suitable, with which you can provide first aid to the animal if necessary.

Weimaraners are in good health. Of the occurring diseases are diagnosed:

  • congenital inferiority of the hip joints;
  • skin rashes;
  • brain diseases of the spinal region;
  • eye pathologies.

Weimaraners are often referred to as silver ghosts. Such a strange name the dog deserved thanks to his mysterious eyes, as well as the ability to quickly rush to his victim. And the noble gray color of the coat makes the dog attractive and elegant.

A dog of this breed participated in the film "Handsome Alfie, or what men want."

Weimaraners are quite rare puppies, so the price of the breed is $800-1000. Those representatives who do not apply for breeding work and participation in exhibitions cost less - 500-700 dollars. The budget version of the Weimaraner can be purchased at a cost of 5 thousand rubles.

GENERAL FORM: Hunting dog above average height. Functional, working type, pleasantly shaped, wiry and very muscular. Sexual type is easily determined.


The oblique length of the body to the height at the withers is approximately 12:11.

Proportions of the head: From the tip of the nose to the fracture is somewhat longer than from the fracture to the occiput.

Forequarters: The distance from the elbow to the middle of the pastern and the distance from the elbow to the withers are approximately equal.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Versatile, easy to train, loyal and passionate hunting dog. Persistent in a systematic, however, not too fast search. Remarkable ability to pick up the smell. Ready to grab game and other prey; moreover, it is capable of working as a service dog, but is not aggressive. Reliable pointing dog and work on the water. Remarkable propensity to work after the shot.


CRANIAL REGION: The skull is in balance with growth and face. Wider in males than females, but in both, the relationship between the breadth of the skull and the overall length of the head should be in good proportion. Median furrow on forehead. The occipital bone protrudes slightly or moderately. The zygomatic arches are easily traced behind the eyes.

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Extremely weak.


Nose: The nasal mirror is large, protrudes above the lower jaw. Dark flesh in color, gradually turning into gray posteriorly.

Muzzle: Long and, especially in males, powerful, looking almost rectangular. The fangs and...teeth area is equally strong. The bridge of the nose is straight, often slightly convex, never concave.

Flews: Moderately deep, flesh-colored as well as gums. There is a slight crease in the corner of the mouth.

Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong; The teeth are complete, properly positioned and strong. The upper and lower canines meet tightly in a scissor bite.

Cheeks: Muscular, well defined. Definitely a head of clean lines.

EYES: Amber in color, from dark to pale, with an intelligent expression. Puppies are azure. Rounded, slightly oblique in section. Eyelids fit well.

EARS: Hanging, wide and rather long, exactly reaching the corner of the mouth. Set high and close together, forming rounded tips. When alert, turned slightly forward, with a fold.

NECK: Noble appearance and postava. The upper line is convex in profile. Muscular, almost rounded, not too short, lean. Widens towards the shoulders and merges harmoniously with the topline and chest.


Topline: From a prominent nape, through a well-developed withers, the topline gradually merges into a long, strong back.

Withers : Well defined.

Back (from withers to maklok): Strong, muscular, without sagging. Not rising backwards. A somewhat longer back is a breed feature, not a fault.

Croup: The pelvis is long and moderately sloping.

Chest: Massive, but not excessively broad, with sufficient depth, almost reaching the elbows, and sufficient length. Well sprung, not barrel-shaped, and long ribbed. The forechest is well developed.

Underline : Rising slightly, but belly not tucked up.

TAIL: Set somewhat lower than other similar breeds. The tail is strong and well dressed. At rest, it is held down. When alert or at work, carried horizontally or higher.



GENERAL APPEARANCE: Tall on the legs, wiry, limbs straight and parallel but not wide apart.

Shoulders: Long and oblique. Well fitting, very muscular. Good glenohumeral joint.

Upper arm: Sloping, sufficiently long and strong.

Elbows: Not connected, located parallel to the median plane of the body. Turned neither in nor out.

Forearm: Long, straight and vertical.

Wrist: Strong, neat.

Pasterns: Wiry, slightly sloping.

Forefeet: Stable, strong. Set straight in relation to the median plane of the body. The fingers are arched. Longer middle fingers are a breed feature and therefore not a fault. Nails light to dark grey. The pads are pigmented and hard.


GENERAL APPEARANCE: Tall on the legs, wiry; very muscular. Limbs stand parallel, neither turned in nor out.

Thighs: Fairly long, strong, very muscular.

Knees: Strong, well angulated.

Lower thigh : Long with clearly visible tendons.

Hocks: Strong, well angulated.

Metatarsus: Stringy, almost vertical set.

Hind feet: Tight, strong, without dewclaws, otherwise like front feet.

MOVEMENTS: Movements in all gaits are sweeping and smooth. Hind and front legs are placed parallel to each other. Gallop creeping, with long jumps. The back remains straight at the trot. Ambling is undesirable.

LEATHER: Strong. Tight fitting, but not too tight.



Short-Haired Variety: The coat is short (but longer and thicker than most similar breeds), healthy, very dense, smooth-lying topcoat. There is no undercoat, or it is very rare.

Long-haired variety: Soft, long outer coat with or without undercoat. Straight or slightly wavy. Long, flowing hair at the base of the ears. Velvety hair is acceptable on the ends of the ears. The length of the coat on the sides is 3-5 cm. On the underside of the neck, the front of the chest and the stomach as a whole is somewhat longer. Good feathers and trousers, but less long downwards. Tail well feathered in the form of a flag. Fur between fingers. The hair on the head is less long. A double coat-like coat type of medium length, dense, close-lying top coat, dense undercoat and moderately developed fringes and trousers, is sometimes found in dogs of mixed ancestry.

COLOR: Silver gray, light or dark, as well as shades of these colors. The head and ears are usually slightly paler. Only small white markings on the chest and toes are allowed. Sometimes there is a more or less defined strap along the back. A dog with tan markings can only be rated “good”. The brown spot is a serious defect.


Height at withers:

Males: 59-70 cm (ideal height 62-67 cm)./p>

Bitches: 57-65 cm (ideal height 59-63 cm).

Weight: Males: about 30-40 kg.

Bitches: about 25-35 kg.

DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a defect or defect, depending on the degree of severity.


Obvious type deviation. Sexual type is not expressed.

Significant deviations in growth and proportions.

FACIAL REGION: Significant deviations, such as excessively developed jowls, short or pointed muzzle.

Jaws and teeth: absence of more than two P1 or M3.

Eyes: slight defects, especially weak and unilateral defects of the eyelids.

Ears: Definitely short or long, without folds.

Chuck (suspension), significant deviations in the neck in shape and muscles.

Back: Definitely sagging or humped back; high-ass.

Chest, abdomen: barrel-shaped chest; insufficient depth or length of the chest; fitted belly.

Significant anomalies in the position of the limbs, i.e. insufficient articulation angles, inverted elbows, flat paws.

Pronounced barrel-shaped set or cow.

Poor movement at different gaits, including lack of freedom of movement forward or insufficient propulsion, amble.

Serious skin imperfections, ie. the skin is very thin or very rough.

Intermediate wool specified in the standard.

Lack of overgrowth on the abdomen or ears. Widespread fluffy coat in the short-haired Weimar Hound or curls or sparse feathering in the long-haired variety.

Deviations from shades of gray, such as yellow or brownish. Burn marks.

A serious deviation from the correct height or weight (for example, more than 2 cm from the measurements given in the standard).

Slight lack of temperament.

Other serious defects.


Completely atypical build, above all too coarse or too light.

Complete disharmony.

Absolutely atypical head, for example, bulldog type.

Front: Absolutely atypical, ie. distinctly concave bridge of the nose.

Jaws/Teeth : Undershot, undershot, missing teeth except P1 and M3.

Eyes: Entropion, ectropion.

Ears: Totally atypical, i.e. away from the head.

Very pronounced dewlap.

Back: Severely sagging or humped back. Expressed loftiness.

Chest, abdomen: Pronounced barrel-shaped or underdeveloped chest.

The limbs are rickety or underdeveloped.

Permanent lameness.

General stiffness of movements.

Skin defects and underdevelopment.

Partial or complete absence of hair.

White markings elsewhere than on chest and legs.

Not grey. Large brown patch.

Pronounced deviation in growth.

Other underdevelopment. Diseases that should be regarded as hereditary, such as epilepsy.

Behavioral defects such as cowardice or nervousness.

The compilers cannot, of course, include in the list all the defects that occur, the above are considered as examples.

NOTE: Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Weimaraner (Weimar Hound) - a breed with an elegant body of a beautiful color cannot leave anyone indifferent. No wonder this elegant breed of dog was depicted in his paintings by the famous painter Antonisavan Dyck. The metallic sheen of Weimaraners gave rise to the nickname "Silver Ghost".

The Weimar Hound is a breed bred in Germany for hunting purposes. The task of the Weimaraners was originally to frighten and fetch game birds. German hunters started and used these dogs since the 17th century. Weimaraners participated in the hunt for wild boar, bear, elk. When the popularity of such game fell, the breed began to be used in the extraction of foxes, hares and game birds.

By the end of the 19th century, dogs of this breed were kept at the court of the Duke of Weimar. It was during this period that the breed of silver-colored cops received its modern name, after the name of the city where the castle of the Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach was located.

The Smooth Coated Weimaraner was officially registered as a separate breed in 1896. In 1935, thanks to the English writer Ludwig von Merey, long-haired specimens, which were previously considered culling, were recognized as a breed variety.

Appearance, breed standards and photos

The breed of hunting dogs Weimaraner has an average or above average height at the withers - from 56 to 68.5 centimeters. The weight of an adult is 32-39 kilograms. There are two varieties of the breed: smooth-haired and long-haired.

Weimaraner in the photo

The Weimaraner must meet the following standards:
  • The body is proportionately folded. The figure is tall, sinewy, with straight, long limbs. The chest is massive, moderately wide, deep. The ribs are long, gracefully rounded. The back is muscular, strong.
  • The neck is long, beautifully set, muscular. Expands to the shoulder girdle and smoothly passes into the chest.
  • The tail is set below a strong croup. Powerful, medium length. When alert, it is carried horizontally.
  • Paws are strong, in a lump. Nails are short and grey.
  • The head is dry, proportional to the body size. The forehead is flat, the transition to the muzzle is not pronounced. The occiput slightly protrudes above the skull.
  • The muzzle is long. The upper lip hangs down, covering the lower one.
  • The nose is dark meaty, fading to grey.
  • The eyes are blue in puppies, amber in adult dogs.
  • Hanging ears, long, wide, set high.
  • The coat is of two types: short, thick, adjacent in short-haired, long, straight, slightly wavy, flowing - in long-haired.
  • The color is dark or light gray with a silvery sheen. Much paler on the head and ears. Small white markings on toes and chest are allowed. Brown spots are recognized as a serious defect.

The Weimaraner is a hunting dog.

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • Deviations in growth and proportions of the body.
  • Developed wings.
  • Short or pointed muzzle.
  • Barrel chest.
  • Absence of hair on the abdomen, ears.
  • Wavy, fluffy coat in shorthaired species.
  • Sagging or arched back.

The nature and characteristics of the training of the breed

Weimaraners are obedient and understanding. A more sociable and active dog is unlikely to be found. The Weimaraner gets along well with small children and other animals. There is not a drop of aggression in the breed. But at the same time, the dog, if necessary, will stand up for the protection of the owner. The Weimaraner does not trust strangers.

The Weimaraner loves vigilant runs.

The breed loves long runs, active games, so it will be best to feel in a country house with a large plot.

In training, the breed is easy, but you need to start accustoming a puppy to the order at an early age. Little Weimaraners are like children, so you shouldn’t spoil them, but you can’t forbid him all the pranks either. It is better to distract a puppy that has played too much with a treat or other activity. The method of changing affection and severity will lead to positive training results.

First of all, they begin to accustom the puppy to the nickname and the “come to me” command. This should be done in the yard or room, so that an unaccustomed puppy does not chase the first prey that comes across and does not get lost.

One and important is the "place" command. You should not limit a young dog too much, but sometimes a puppy that has played too much can become too active in the apartment and can smash everything around.

The Weimaraner is a smart dog. He can sometimes show cunning and try to dominate the owner. If you want to get an obedient pet, this should not be allowed, since it will be very difficult to re-educate a dog.

Dog maintenance and care

The best place to keep a Weimaraner is a country house with a fenced yard. This active dog needs long active walks. In the city, you can only walk your dog on a leash. A free-running Weimaraner can easily get under the wheels of a car.

It is impossible to keep this breed in an unheated outdoor booth, so outside the city you need to find a corner for it in the house, build a soft bedding in a place closed from a draft. The place of the dog should be located in such a way that it can observe family members. As a bed, you need to use an orthopedic children's mattress. The sleeping place of the Weimaraner should be raised above the floor and serve as a good support for the muscular and rather large body.

The Weimaraner needs long walks.

The Weimaraner needs physical activity. Long walks, preferably outside the city. Therefore, it is worth starting it for active owners. This breed will not be able to sit all day alone in a city apartment.

In summer, the dog can be bathed in open water - the Weimaraner loves to swim. After swimming in the river, the wool should be rinsed with tap water to wash off microorganisms and sand.

Important. For walks in the cold season, the Weimaraner needs to purchase a special jumpsuit; in the rain, it is better to protect the wool with a waterproof raincoat. This breed has practically no undercoat, and.

Weimaraner nutrition

The dog's diet should consist of meat, cereals and vegetables.

Proper feeding is an important condition for the maintenance of the Weimar Hound, only a dog that receives enough nutrients and vitamins will maintain the beauty of the figure and coat.

The dog must receive:

  • Proteins - cottage cheese, meat, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Fats are meat products.
  • Carbohydrates - buckwheat. If there is no allergy, you can give the dog rice.
  • Vitamins - fruits, greens.
  • Fiber is vegetables.

All elements must be present in the diet daily. Natural food must be supplemented with special vitamin and mineral complexes. Once a day, a spoonful of vegetable oil is added to a bowl of food to prevent constipation.

It is very convenient to feed a Weimaraner or. A suitable option would be the brands Akana, Hills, Proplan, Probalance. When feeding with dry food, the dosage recommended by the manufacturers must be strictly observed, since it is impossible to overfeed the Weimaraner.

Important. The dog is physically active, so it should always have clean drinking water in the bowl.

Do not give chicken and tubular bones.

Do not feed the dog leftovers from the owner's food. It is forbidden to give the Weimaraner:

  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Sweets, especially chocolate is contraindicated.
  • Fat meat.
  • Spices.
  • River fish.
  • Chopped meat.
  • Pasta.

Health, life expectancy and what diseases the breed is predisposed to

The life expectancy of a Weimaraner is 11-12 years. The breed has fairly good health, and most individuals can live a lifetime without suffering from serious diseases. But the breed has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Weimar cops can suffer from the following ailments:

  • Mastocytoma.
  • Turn of the century.
  • Demodicosis.
  • Melanoma.
  • Corneal dystrophy.
  • Degenerative myelopathy.

Rules for choosing a puppy, kennels and price

The Weimaraner breed is quite rare, so it is almost impossible to find a purebred puppy in the free market. Kennels recruit those wishing to purchase a puppy in advance, and sometimes you have to wait quite a long time.

Weimaraner puppy in the photo

Prices for puppies:
  • In Moscow - from $600 (,
  • In St. Petersburg - from $ 500 (,

When choosing a Weimaraner puppy, you need to pay attention to:

  • Communication skills, shyness. The puppy must be called, taken to his knees, and he should not resist.
  • Build - The puppy should be well-fed, but not fat.
  • Smell - the baby should not have an unpleasant smell of a dog, as this indicates unhealthy skin.
  • Teeth - The bite should be scissor-shaped, the fangs should not rest against the gums.
  • The puppy's eyes and ears must be clean.

If you decide to purchase this breed for yourself, then watch the video material.

Weimaraner Longhair

Thu, 12/31/1953 - 12:00


A young German breed of hunting dogs, combining the qualities of a watchman and family pets. With proper upbringing, Weimaraners behave friendly and obediently, treat children with tenderness (those that adhere to the boundaries of what is permitted in relation to the dog). Distrustful of strangers makes them good watchdogs, but you should not keep such a dog alone in the backyard - he needs companionship. Weimaraners are prone to escapism and often see small animals as prey.

History of the breed

The Weimar Pointer breed was named after the German Duke of Weimar, at whose court selection work was carried out to develop a new breed. Bloodhounds, German Shorthaired Pointers and Great Danes, as well as English Pointers were used for crossing. A mixture of hunting genes has led to the Weimaraner's versatility as a hunter - he hunts both large and small game. At home, the breed was zealous about its distribution, dogs were sold only to members of a special club.


Strong muscular dog of medium or above average height with floppy ears and a long tail tapering towards the tip. In long-haired Weimaraners, it is densely covered with hair. The guard hair is elongated, has a rough structure. The dry head is distinguished by a furrow separating the forehead and an upper lip covering the lower, which forms a small crease at the corner of the lips. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not very pronounced, but the withers are clearly visible on a straight back. It is noticeable that Weimar puppies have blue eyes, while adults have amber.

Character and temperament

A kind and intelligent dog is strongly attached to its owners and strives to feel part of their family. Human society is important to her. This friendly companion poses a definite threat to strangers, to whom it can show aggression, small animals and dogs of the same sex. The hunting nature determines the independence of the character of the Weimar long-haired Brakk. He is also characterized by high observation, thanks to which this pointing dog copes well with the watchdog.

Health and disease

Hip dysplasia - a common disease among active dogs, does not bypass the aristocratic Weimaraner. The weak point of his body can be called the eyes, which are prone to progressive retinal atrophy and eyelid deficiencies - their inversion or excessive growth of eyelashes. A frequent disease is hypothyroidism and angiohemophilia, gastric twisting. Representatives of the breed are characterized by immune-mediated diseases. The oral cavity and ears are prone to infectious processes that require high hygiene.

training, training

Throughout his life, the Weimaraner will try to take your position as a leader and leader, so be vigilant in his training to prevent this from happening. Early socialization will help to get along a little with the dog's hunting instinct, but will not save pet hamsters from his teeth. About two hours of training daily will allow the Weimar Pointer to use its energy, otherwise it will turn against your furniture, lawn, etc. Note that this dog will eagerly catch up with cars, bicycles and joggers.

A dog as heavy as a Weimaraner requires about a pound of meat daily. It is better to choose low-fat varieties, but in the cold season, add a little animal fat to dishes - this will increase their calorie content. Thick soups are prepared from vegetables and cereals for a four-legged pet, which (like other dishes) are recommended to be salted. Biscuit crumbs can be mixed with pieces of meat or partially replace bread in the dog's menu with dry food. To enrich the diet, bone meal and special vitamin supplements are introduced into it.

November 19, 2014

The Weimar Hound is a surprisingly beautiful and quite popular dog breed, most often it has a short, thick, silvery-gray coat. Possesses elegance and fine forms. The Weimar Hound has a fairly high level of intelligence.

History of the breed

This species is native to Weimar and is the result of crossbreeding the Brach breed dogs with the Ulm Blue Great Danes. They are quite popular in Europe. The first standard for silver-gray cops was established in 1897, from that moment they were given the name Weimar. It was officially approved only in 1925 in Germany, and registered in 1969.

What type of dog is it?

The Weimar Hound has an excellent hunting instinct. She has a keen sense of smell, and is a good tracker. Such dogs are very often used in hunting or as service dogs. And also the Weimar Hound can be an excellent watchdog.

Character and feature

Dogs of this breed are attentive learners and very well trained. No wonder they say that a dog is a man's best friend. Weimar cops are very obedient and accommodating towards the owner and his close people, show love and tenderness. They are not aggressive and strongly devoted to their owner, they love to walk, frolic in outdoor games. But sometimes they are still in a bad mood and irritable.

The uniqueness of this breed lies in the change of color of the puppy. Initially, they are born blue-gray with blue eyes, and after three months they become silver-gray with yellow eyes. Their final color is formed only at eight months.

Weimar Hound Standard

  • Height male: 59–70 cm, females: 56–65 cm.
  • The weight of a male is 30-40 kg, and females: 23-30 kg.
  • The color is silver-gray, mouse, gray with a beige tint.
  • The head and ears are slightly lighter.
  • Sometimes there are white spots in the chest area and on the paws.
  • Along the ridge there is often a dark stripe.

Types of Weimar Hounds

  1. Short-haired (hair is short, thin, smooth).
  2. Long-haired (have a long, soft coat).
  3. Wire-haired (hair is short, hard, elastic).

Where is the best place for dogs to live?

It is better to keep Weimar cops in private houses with a large territory, where they can run freely. They are very sensitive to the weather. Therefore, it is desirable that dogs of this breed can live not only on the street, but also at home (especially in cold weather).

And also Weimar cops do not tolerate heat very well, so at this time they need to be kept in the shade. And it should be noted that they are not particularly friendly with other animals.

How to care?

For the Weimar Hounds, the care and careful care of the owner is very important. With long hair, they need to be combed and trimmed. Discharge in the eyes should be wiped with a special lotion, and the ears should often be carefully examined and regularly cleaned with cotton swabs. It is also necessary to trim nails and feed two servings of a balanced meal, due to the active lifestyle of the dog. Weimar cops should be bathed at least once a month and do not forget about regular physical activity.

What to feed?

Weimar cops need to include raw meat in their diet, except for pork. And also from time to time you can give the kidneys, liver. It is extremely important for dogs to eat sea fish, but not river fish. Eggs should be given twice a week. It is very useful to consume dairy products. This strengthens the skeletal system. Greens and vegetables are also equally important. It is necessary for dogs of this breed to eat cereals, such as rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.

When training, you can give apples, bananas, cheese, dried fruits. Food for Weimar cops needs to be slightly salted and vegetable oil added, but not more than 7 grams per day. Harmful for dogs of this breed are products such as: steamed rice, muffins, raisins.

Possible diseases and life expectancy

On average, Weimar cops live 10–13 years old. With improper care, they can begin various diseases:

  • Dysplasia of the hip joint. The basis is a genetic pathology. It is quite difficult to identify without examination.
  • Entropy is the turn of the century. Causes: heredity or inflammation of the eyeball, deformation of the eyelid structure. Signs: dogs often squint and scratch their eyes, tearing and photosensitivity increase, eyes redden.
  • Bloating is a volvulus of the intestines. Most often it happens due to poor-quality food, overeating or starvation. Characteristic signs: shallow breathing, anxiety, regurgitation, profuse salivation.
  • Extra eyelashes (distichiasis) - an extra row on the inner eyelid. Symptoms: corneal irritation.
  • Pododermatitis is interdigital dermatitis. The main cause is paw injury.
  • Mastocytoma is a cancer of mast cells. The reasons for the formation have not been fully identified. Signs: A mastocytoma may look different, such as a wart or wet dermatitis.
  • Corneal dystrophy is a hereditary pathology. The main symptom is clouding of the cornea;
  • Undescended testicles (cryptorchidism). Determined by palpation.
  • Demodicosis. The reasons may be a microscopic tick on the skin, low immunity, a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms of the disease: itching around the muzzle, ears, tail, accompanied by hair loss. Dogs become naughty and constantly itch, there are ulcers, shortness of breath and a wobbly gait.
  • Lipomas. Causes: heredity, overweight, metabolic disorders. You can see it visually. A wen usually looks like a soft, round, mobile swelling under the skin.
  • Degenerative myelopathy. Disease of dogs in old age. Symptoms: loss of coordination, weakness of the hind limbs.
  • Melanoma is a malignant tumor. Distinguishing signs: swelling in the mouth and an unpleasant odor, increased salivation, weight loss, inability to eat.
  • Fibrosarcoma is a malignant tumor; Causes: genetic pathology, host smoking, radiation, infections, hormonal age-related changes. Symptoms may vary. If it is in the mouth, then the dog has a poor appetite and profuse salivation. On the skin, the tumor looks like a seal under the skin, and on the paws it looks like a swelling.
  • Myasthenia gravis. The disease can appear as a result of poor environmental conditions, infections, hormonal factors. Symptoms: weakness and fatigue of the dog, difficulty swallowing food, loss of voice.

Photo of the breed

Appropriate nicknames for Weimar Hounds

  1. Jerry.
  2. Jul.
  3. Dina.
  4. Greta.
  5. Betty.

How much does a dog cost?

On average, the price of the Weimar Hound is from 15 to 75 thousand rubles. The cost of a purebred dog of this breed in a good kennel is on average 40 thousand, and champions - at least 60 thousand. You can buy for 15 thousand, but such a Weimar hound will only be a friend of the family.

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