How to identify a purebred Samoyed dog puppy. Samoyed Laika (Samoyed dog). The history of the origin of the breed

Many people want to get a friendly and affectionate dog that will become a devoted friend. The Samoyed Laika, which is most often called the Samoyed, is distinguished by precisely such criteria. This noble breed is famous for its appearance, good manners and rich history.

Hair loss
Security guard
Difficulty in care
Friendly with children
Country of origin Siberia and northern Russia
Lifespan 12-15 years old
Price15-100 tr.
Male height57-60 cm.
bitch height53-56 cm.
Male weight25-30 kg.
bitch weight17-25 kg.

Origin story

The Samoyed Laika is one of the oldest breeds that appeared in the 11th century BC. In aboriginal times, dogs were kept by nomads belonging to the Samoyed group. Basically, these people lived in the North, so it was there that the history of the Samoyeds began. According to some reports, it has been suggested that the breed arose due to the domestication of white wolves. This is evidenced not only by its appearance, but also by the habits characteristic of the breed.

In ancient times, Samoyeds were used for hunting. In addition, the nomads left them in tents (structures that looked like a strong hut) so that the dogs would take care of the children and protect them.

Interesting fact! The Samoyed is very sensitive and cautious if a person takes her to sleep with him. It will never disturb sleep, and in winter it will warm you better than any heater.

Modern Samoyeds are Spitz breeds. They became widespread at the end of the 19th century. Breeders transported these dogs all over the world, as a result of which the inhabitants of Europe learned about them. There are about 2,500 dogs in Russia, but this number is increasing every year.

The name “Samoyed” was given to the breed because of its origin, since the dogs were originally kept by the Samoyed peoples.


The Samoyed husky, whose photos are touching and make you think about buying a puppy, looks simply charming in real life. The main advantage of this breed is fur, the color of which can vary from snow-white to cream.

Some Samoyeds have fawn markings. The size of these dogs is average, as it should be for representatives of the Spitz group. The height at the withers can reach 60 cm in males, 56 cm in females. Average weight of Samoyeds: 25-30 kg.

Important! The Samoyed dog has a mischievous smile, which can also be attributed to the distinctive features of the appearance.

Dogs of this breed have a long and dense coat. They have expressive eyes and a neat nose, which is most often black or dark brown.

Regarding appearance, the following factors should also be noted:

  • erect ears;
  • dense physique;
  • strong neck of medium length;
  • muscular limbs;
  • high tail (this is especially noticeable when the dog is excited).

Samoyeds are almost impossible to confuse with other dogs. At first glance, these fluffy dogs enchant, and their character does not spoil the further impression.


The Samoyed has a cheerful and sensitive nature. Dogs of this breed are devoted to their owner, they treat his environment and family members well. They quickly get used to people, but they can shy away from unexplored surroundings.

This is not to say that Samoyeds are positive from all sides. In their character there is stubbornness, sometimes even arrogance. They must be educated, accustomed to the correct behavior in certain situations. The Samoyed breed is characterized by waywardness, it will never completely go on about a person.

All the minuses of character fade against the background of the vigor and vitality of these dogs. They are ready to be active all the time. Samoyeds make great friends and helpers for people who love physical activity. Even if the owner is too lazy to go for a walk, the dog will definitely fix it.

Important! Samoyed huskies need attention. They need to be looked after. Otherwise, any dog ​​of this breed will rebel, begin to bark and attract the owner with all its might.

Samoyeds can become guards, but they will not show much aggression towards others just like that. If a stranger attacks the owner of the dog or members of his family, then the dog will definitely come to the defense.


Dogs of the Samoyed breed are descended from wild animals - wolves. They need to be educated based on this fact. It is worth noting that the use of brute force in the process of training is unacceptable, as dogs perceive such behavior as offensive. They are unlikely to become aggressive, but they will definitely stop obeying.

Important! You need to start training your dog at an early age. Immediately after the Samoyed puppy gets into the house, it must be accustomed to the place. It is best to arrange a corner for the dog in advance, which will be in a calm place.

A few rules to follow:

  1. The Samoyed must enter the room first. After him, the owner can already enter;
  2. You need to feed the dog after your own meal. In no case should you throw pieces of food from the table;
  3. Children should not constantly spend time with the dog until he is accustomed to basic commands. Otherwise, the frequent interaction of babies with a dog will give negative results.

The Samoyed breed has an absurd temperament, so training must be done correctly. It is necessary to train a dog according to the laws of the pack. As a punishment, it is best to use the following technique: raise the dog by the withers, shake it a little, press it to the floor. This will not hurt the dog, but it will show him that he is making a mistake.

Samoyed husky training

How to choose a puppy

The Samoyed is not a decorative animal, so the choice of a puppy must be taken with special care. First you need to find a breeder, and preferably several. The seller must have a good reputation, and it is also his responsibility to provide all the necessary documents for the dog. Be sure to check the pedigree.

In addition, you need to look at factors such as:

  1. Keeping a dog. Samoyed puppies should be in a warm, cozy place. Where they sleep and play, there should be no unpleasant smell or dirt;
  2. Temperament. They start selling dogs from a month and a half, at this age any dog ​​already shows character. During the purchase, you should pay attention to the activity of the puppies, choose the most cheerful and playful;
  3. Health. The breeder must provide certificates that all necessary vaccinations have been made;
  4. Standards. Before buying a puppy, it is necessary to study all the above information about the breed, including color standards, physique.

The nature of dogs of this breed largely depends on genetics. If a person wants to acquire a future champion, then he must choose puppies from titled parents. Such a dog will cost several times more, this factor must be taken into account in advance.

The average price of a Samoyed: 30,000 rubles. Listings that list a contract price often carry a higher amount. Some Samoyed puppies can cost $100,000 or more.

Samoyed puppies

Samoyeds cannot be called whimsical dogs. They require careful, but not fanatical care. First of all, it is necessary to allocate a separate place for the dog, which will be warm and comfortable. When choosing a site, it is important to be based on the fact that dogs of this breed love peace and comfort.

Important! Looking at the photos of Samoyeds, you might think that caring for a dog's coat will take several hours a day. In fact, it is enough to comb the dog regularly and wash it periodically, but not often. The coat of these fluffy dogs has a self-cleaning function, moreover, it rarely sheds.

The Samoyed does not need grooming. Its coat provides protection from various natural phenomena, ranging from temperature changes to precipitation. It is necessary to comb the dog carefully, according to hair growth.

You can feed these dogs both natural products and dry, wet food. The second option is more convenient, but it is important to understand that industrial food must be of high quality. Suitable balanced feed for active breeds.

The following foods should be included in the Samoyed's diet:

  • Meat (almost any, from chicken to lamb);
  • ryazhenka, milk, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits and grapes);
  • vegetables;
  • fish (without large bones).

Dogs of this breed eat almost any food, but it is not recommended to give them too fatty foods. You can cook various cereals with meat pieces - ideal for every day. The dog's diet must be balanced, it must be fed on a schedule. Samoyeds need to refrain from flour, spicy, sweet.

Health and disease

The health of Samoyed dogs largely depends on care, feeding and hormonal levels. These dogs have strong immunity, they are rarely overcome by serious diseases. Two main rules for any owner: walk the dog more often and do not feed it with various leftovers from the table. You need to get vaccinated, especially in case of quarantine.

Samoyeds are prone to the appearance of diseases:

  • Endocrine system (hypothyroidism);
  • eye diseases (cataracts);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, dogs sometimes have congenital deafness or a portosystemic shunt (liver disease). It is because of this that it is necessary to carefully check the health of the puppy at the time of purchase.

To avoid the diseases listed above, it is necessary to regularly wash the dog's eyes, once a year, take him for examination. It is recommended to purchase vitamins with an extensive effect or dietary supplements.

Samoyeds do not tolerate heat well, it is best not to walk them at high temperatures. Otherwise, a dog of this breed may overheat. It is best to walk your pet in the evening and early morning.

Proper care, balanced nutrition, lack of stress - the key to the health of the dog. The owner must show attention and care to his pet, regardless of his own employment.

The average lifespan of a Samoyed is 15 years.

A photo

The Samoyed dog breed, photos of which are presented in this section, is distinguished by its stateliness and extraordinary beauty. These fluffy dogs look touching, their long hair and a smile similar to a human are especially impressive. One look at a photo of a Samoyed dog is enough to make you want to buy this animal.

This breed has many advantages that more than cover some of the disadvantages of character. Samoyeds are great friends and protectors. It is not scary to leave children with them, go for a walk in the late evening. Dogs of this breed remain active, loyal and caring until the end of their days.

For more than one thousand years, the Samoyed dog faithfully served and serves the northern peoples, sharing with its owners all the hardships of life in the harsh climate of Siberia. This is one of the oldest spitz-shaped breeds.

Samoyed dog is also called Samoyed, Samoyed Laika, Samoyed Spitz. A distinctive feature of these animals is their trademark "smile", which gives the Samoyed a mischievous, cheerful look.

The history of the breed

The birthplace of the Samoyed dog is Siberia, the northern territories of Russia. Breeders did not have a chance to work on this breed, since nature itself worked on its formation. The purity of the breed, its genetic code remained intact for thousands of years.

The Samoyed Laika is a very ancient breed that has lived in the North since ancient times along with the northern tribes. These hardy and adapted to harsh natural conditions animals were used in teams as sled dogs, they also guarded herds of livestock, helped their owners during the hunt, although they practically have no hunting instinct. In addition, Samoyeds make excellent nannies, they are ready to endlessly play with children, carefully and affectionately treating the kids.

Northern dogs have another important purpose. When the frost was too strong at night, the owners let the Samoyeds into the tent. Animals went to sleep next to people, warming them with their warmth. There is no substitute for such a “heater”. Modern Samoyeds, kept in cozy apartments, just like their ancestors, strive to warm and create comfort for a person. If he falls asleep with a pet at his side, the dog will lie quietly, without moving, waiting for the owner to wake up.

Regarding the name of the breed, there are different versions, the most reliable options are the following:

1. All Samoyed peoples were called Samoyeds. The sled dogs kept and bred by these tribes were called Samoyed dogs.
2. When the Samoyeds were harnessed to a team and the sleigh was driving on white snow, against its background, dogs with a light coat color were almost invisible. A person watching such a team from afar might have thought that the sleigh was going by itself. From this came the name of the "invisible" dogs - Samoyeds.

breed standard

The exterior of the Samoyed clearly shows strength and endurance, combined with elegance and softness. It is impossible to confuse with another type of Samoyed. The unique shape and position of the eyes, combined with slightly raised corners of the mouth, creates the appearance of a smile. White coat and signature Samoyed smile are the main difference between this species of animals.

Samoyeds are medium sized breeds. There are three different species: fox-like, bear-like and wolf-like. Thus, dogs are distinguished by the type of head. Adult weight 17-30 kg., growth approx. 53-57 cm. Males are larger than females.

The powerful head rests on a strong, slightly arched neck. Triangular, slightly rounded at the ends, the ears are small in size, mobile, set wide and high. The muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose; a square or narrow format is not allowed. Almond-shaped brown eyes, slightly slanted. Jaws strong, scissor bite.

The physique is compact. The limbs are straight, parallel, muscular. In a calm state, the tail is lowered to the bottom, when the dog is alarmed, excited, the tail is thrown over its back.

The unique lustrous coat is self-cleaning, has no dog odor and is waterproof. The outer hair is straight and hard. The undercoat is soft and dense. Males have longer, coarser coats than females. The head is framed by a magnificent "collar", on the limbs there are feathers - "trousers".

The following coat colors are allowed: white with biscuit, cream, snow white. The color of pale brown is not allowed according to the standard.

Maintenance and care

Such an energetic, restless and freedom-loving dog is not recommended to be kept in an apartment. The chain and kennel are also not like a Samoyed. He needs space, freedom of movement, will. If the northern dog is locked up in a cramped apartment for a long time or put on a chain, he will become bored, angry and may even get sick due to the stress he has received.

If there is a private fenced yard, the Samoyed will be happy to walk around the territory. She can also adapt to apartment and aviary maintenance, subject to long daily walks with active pastime. Having chosen an aviary as a home for a pet, be sure to let it out every day for jogging. The aviary should not be cramped; for the Samoyed, build it spacious, open.

When living in an apartment, equip a sleeping place for the dog with a rug or bed. This place should not be in a passing place, in a draft, near heating appliances. Set bowls for water and food.

Surprisingly, having a thick coat, the Samoyed husky calmly tolerates a hot climate. The main thing is to properly care for your pet, following the rules and carrying out all hygiene procedures:

  • Comb 2-3 times a week. During shedding brush daily. This procedure prevents tangling, downloading of wool, eliminates dead hairs, and also cleans dust.
  • Bathe twice a year using a special shampoo for white-coated dogs. An exception occurs in cases of severe pollution.
  • Eyes and ears are wiped 1-2 times in 7 days.
  • Nails are sheared as they grow.
  • Brush your teeth regularly, for this it is recommended to buy special bones for your dog.


Despite the active lifestyle inherent in the northern breed, Samoyeds do not differ in gluttony, they eat relatively little. You can feed them dry food or natural products. In the first case, it is recommended to purchase premium food from reliable, trusted sellers. In the second case, dog food should not be expired. The food is of high quality and fresh. Only with a properly composed diet, a beautiful, healthy, active dog will grow out of a puppy.

Nutrition must be balanced. You need to provide your pet with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is forbidden to feed food from the master's table, as spices and salt harm the animal's body. It is also forbidden to feed the dog with smoked meats, sweets, small chicken and pork bones, fatty dairy products.

With a natural way of feeding, the basis of the diet is meat. At the same time, pork is prohibited, the ideal option is beef.


Like all Siberians, the Samoyed dog is hardy, strong, nature rewarded her with good health. With proper care, a Samoyed can live up to 15 years.

Health problems are rare, but you need to be prepared for them. The list below outlines the diseases most commonly affected by Samoyeds:

  • - a disease associated with a lack of insulin. With proper treatment and nutrition, the animal will be able to lead a full life.
  • Deafness- genetic predisposition.
  • - a hereditary disease that affects the joints.
  • Digestive problems- Due to malnutrition, bloating or volvulus can occur.
  • eye diseases.
  • Cystitis- a serious inflammatory disease of the bladder and urethra.
  • Nose pigment change- as a result of changes in weather conditions, when daylight hours are reduced, the dog's nose loses pigment.

Samoyed owners should be very careful when treating pets. The fact is that representatives of the breed in many cases can have an allergic reaction to certain drugs. Self-medication without the supervision of a veterinarian is strictly prohibited.

Samoyed character

The Samoyed breed is valued for the fact that even an inexperienced dog breeder can handle it. These pets are distinguished by friendliness, unpretentiousness, intelligence and lack of aggressiveness. The Samoyed is quite suitable for guard service, the guard from it is good, since the dog is not one of the timid ones. But the hunting instincts are weak. This contributes to the fact that the pet gets along peacefully with all pets.

As a sled dog in the conditions of the north, the Samoyed is indispensable. He is able to smell danger where it is not visible. For example, a dog will never set foot in a place where there is a crack under deep snow, he will not go where there are polynyas. In any snowstorm, in a hopeless situation, when the owner gets lost, his pet will find his way home and save a person's life.

Samoyed dogs are great with children. They are playful, it seems that they are always in a great mood. Kids enjoy playing with such cheerful pets. But due to the fact that the Samoyed loves to make noise, bark and even howl, it is not recommended for families with infants and very young children. It will not be possible to pacify the "talkativeness" of pets completely.

It is not for nothing that Samoyeds are called an optimistic dog. Experts recommend more communication with these animals for those who suffer from depression and are a pessimist. The dog himself is drawn to people, loneliness is hard to endure. He will never start a fight first, unless he responds to aggression in his direction. He will not give offense, aggressiveness is not in the nature of the Samoyed.

Training and education

Without training, it is impossible to raise an obedient dog. Education begins from the first months of life. Samoyed puppy often shows stubbornness during training, the owner must be prepared for this and be patient. For example, if a small pet refuses to obey the command for the third and fourth time in a row, and the owner did not seek obedience, the puppy will systematically ignore the commands. It is important each time to bring the matter to the end and to achieve the execution of the order from the ward.

During education and training, coercion and encouragement are used. Penalties should be minimal. The Samoyed is a proud dog, despite all its friendliness, it can be very offended and flatly refuse to learn. It must be taken into account that this is a pack breed, for its representative it is important to know who the leader of the pack is. The owner must show the pet that he is a leader and his word is law.

Pros and cons of the breed

When buying a puppy of the Samoyed breed, you need to realistically assess your strengths and capabilities. This dog will require a lot of attention from you. Like any breed, the Samoyed has its pros and cons:


1. Loyalty.
2. The ability to sense danger.
3. Friendliness to people and animals.
4. Gentle attitude towards children.
5. Adaptability to both hot climate and frost.
6. Beautiful exterior.
7. Cheerful, playful disposition.
8. Unpretentiousness in nutrition.
9. Not difficult care.
10. Good health.


1. Abundant molting.
2. They like to howl and bark for a long time.
3. The need for frequent, long walks.
4. Inability to fit into cramped quarters.

Based on the characteristics of the Samoyed dog, it can be argued that it is ideal for families with children who like to lead an active lifestyle. Samoyeds will be happy to accompany their owners on trips to nature, and charge them with optimism and good mood.

For three thousand years, the ancient Samoyed dogs roamed together with the northern tribes belonging to the peoples of the Samoyed group (Samoyeds), who inhabited Siberia and the northern part of Russia. The largest Samoyed people are the Nenets. Initially, only they were called Samoyeds, but later the name became collective for all representatives of the group. The snow-white dogs that lived with the Nenets and other nomadic tribes inherited the name of their owners.

The northern tribes used the hard-working animals that accompanied them to transport cargo in dog sleds, guard herds of deer, hunt bears, walruses, and even as a "nanny" for children and a "heater" for adults. Samoyeds were often left in the plague at night and fell asleep with them in an embrace, because sleeping with a living duvet is much warmer than without it. Until today, they have retained their amazing ability - if you hug a Samoyed dog, it freezes and becomes extremely careful and attentive in order to preserve the owner's precious peace.

Since all northern peoples used dogs of the same type, it can be assumed that they were able to domesticate white wolves, which were driven south during the glaciation. Aboriginal Samoyeds are similar to the polar representatives of the wolf, although the wild prototype has changed quite a lot in the process of domestication.

According to the most popular version, the ancestors of modern Samoyed dogs were aboriginal Samoyeds, which have now practically disappeared from the face of the earth. In 1889, British explorer Ernst Kilbrun Scott lived for several months surrounded by Samoyed tribes. During his expedition, the zoologist was so fascinated by the beauty and strength of local dogs that he could not leave for his homeland without taking at least one of them with him. Then he first brought to England a brown puppy named Dog. After some time, a cream-colored female came to the expanses of Foggy Albion from the Western part of the Urals, named Vaiti Pechora (White Pechora), and a snow-white male named Masti came from Siberia. It is believed that these dogs laid the foundation for the development of Western Samoyeds. There is another, undocumented opinion, according to which the first representatives of the breed, while searching for trade routes with Siberia, were taken to Europe by the English captain Joseph Wiggens.

On the territory of the USSR, Samoyeds were not particularly favored - in the 1930s. XX century they were subjected to mass destruction. The ruling authorities believed that the shepherds and sled dogs of the northern tribes greatly hampered progress, which is why they were shot in the tundra by whole teams. By the end of the decade, the number of animals bordered on zero. So thanks to several individuals imported to England, modern Samoyeds delight dog lovers with their presence. They were re-imported to the USSR from Israel, Finland, England and other countries. The first breed standard for the Samoyed dog was officially described in England in 1909.

Today in Russia, according to various sources, the number of Samoyeds is approximately 2,500 individuals.

The appearance of representatives of the Samoyed dog breed is their main key to the heart of every person. Grace, elegance, charm, fluffy fur outfit and signature Samoyed smile (upturned corners of black lips) are the main qualities of modern Samoyeds. The height of males at the withers is 54-60 cm, females - 50-56 cm. Weight ranges from 17 to 30 kg, depending on the sex of the animal.

The body of the dogs of this breed is compact and strong, rather flexible, the head is wedge-shaped and powerful, the muzzle is gently tapering towards the nose, the neck is of medium length, proudly arched, the limbs are straight, muscular and strong. Abundantly pubescent tail during activity is kept thrown over the back or on the side, in a calm state it can be slightly lowered. The high-set ears of Samoyeds are small and thick, slightly rounded at the ends, dark brown almond-shaped eyes are deep set and wide apart, slightly slanted, which gives cunning to their look, the nose can be black, brown and flesh-colored, but at certain times of the year the pigment has property to discolor, giving the so-called "snowy" or "winter" nose. However, even during such seasonal changes, dark edging should be present on the nose.

The discoverer of Samoyeds, Kilburn Scott, distinguished three different types of heads among bred dogs: fox-shaped, bear-shaped and wolf-shaped. This unofficial classification has been preserved to this day.

The coat of Samoyed dogs is truly polar - dense, plentiful, with a double coat of wool: a thick fluffy undercoat and a longer, straight and harsh coat. A thick collar framing the head forms around the neck and shoulders, in males it is more intense, on the back of the thighs there are "woolen" pants. Healthy hair has a special luster. In the cold, the hairline fluffs up, and interestingly, the stronger the frost, the more magnificent it becomes. Another feature of Samoyed wool is the ability to self-clean, if the pet is not washed very often, it will last for a lifetime. An important advantage of Samoyed dogs is the absence of their own smell. In terms of color, it can be white, cream or fawn (white with a few biscuit spots). The outer hair must have silver ends.

Samoyed wool is sometimes used for knitting as a material with hypoallergenic properties and an angora-like texture. Products knitted from Samoyed fur are very warm and have healing properties - they are used to treat joint pain, sciatica and reduce inflammation.

The life expectancy of Samoyed dogs is 12-15 years.

Samoyeds can be described as incredibly attractive, friendly, sociable, active, cheerful, adoring all their household animals. They make wonderful pets and companions. They are unpretentious, hardy, open and independent, have high intelligence, but sometimes they can show some stubbornness. They retain their enthusiasm and playfulness throughout their lives. Loyal, intelligent, gets along very well with children, weak hunting instincts make it possible to live together with other pets. Samoyed dogs are absolutely not aggressive and not shy, but they can always stand up for themselves. These affectionate animals can find an approach to any person and always empathize with the owners in trouble and joy. Loneliness is not tolerated well, they are always drawn to communicate with people. In the US, Samoyeds are even referred to as "good mood dogs" and doctors recommend companionship with them as a treatment for depression and a way to get rid of feelings of loneliness. Samoyed dogs give voice very often and can become excellent watchmen at home.

By virtue of belonging to pack dogs, the family in which they live is perceived by Samoyeds as their pack with the corresponding hierarchy, rights and obligations of each member. That is why in the process of education, special attention should be paid to the correct arrangement of roles in this system. It is advisable to start training at an early age, because. later you may encounter stubbornness and unwillingness to submit.

It is impossible not to mention the love of Samoyeds for snow and sledding, today they, along with other breeds of sled dogs, take part in races.

The main point of keeping Samoyed dogs is the careful care of their luxurious coat. These owners of thick hair need regular daily combing, and during the shedding period, which lasts several weeks once or twice a year, it should be done especially intensively. It is necessary to comb snow-white puffs, holding the separated part of the wool against the direction of growth with one hand, and work with a brush in the direction of growth with the other hand. Tangled places need more time. You should bathe your pet no more than once every six months, because. their coat, like that of most northern breeds, is self-cleaning and impermeable to snow and rain. Washing Samoyeds is necessary solely in order to get rid of the saturated odors of other animals. To give the coat an even more attractive look, take a comb and run against the pet's coat so that the undercoat rises slightly.

An important part of keeping Samoyeds happy is ensuring they get enough exercise and daily walks. Their innate adaptability to life in nature and love of work require sufficient space for movement, open air and constant employment. Sitting in a kennel, house or apartment is not the best activity for a Samoyed, so the pet needs active and long walks. It is necessary to train them with special perseverance, combined with love and patience. Despite their activity, Samoyed dogs do not eat very much, the diet may consist of natural food or dry food.

The cost of puppies of the Samoyed dog breed, depending on the eminence of their ancestors, ranges from 250-1000 dollars.

For three thousand years, the ancient Samoyed dogs roamed together with the northern tribes belonging to the peoples of the Samoyed group (Samoyeds), who inhabited Siberia and the northern part of Russia. The largest Samoyed people are the Nenets. Initially, only they were called Samoyeds, but later the name became collective for all representatives of the group. The snow-white dogs that lived with the Nenets and other nomadic tribes inherited the name of their owners.

The northern tribes used the hard-working animals that accompanied them to transport cargo in dog sleds, guard herds of deer, hunt bears, walruses, and even as a "nanny" for children and a "heater" for adults. Samoyeds were often left in the plague at night and fell asleep with them in an embrace, because sleeping with a living duvet is much warmer than without it. Until today, they have retained their amazing ability - if you hug a Samoyed dog, it freezes and becomes extremely careful and attentive in order to preserve the owner's precious peace.

Since all northern peoples used dogs of the same type, it can be assumed that they were able to domesticate white wolves, which were driven south during the glaciation. Aboriginal Samoyeds are similar to the polar representatives of the wolf, although the wild prototype has changed quite a lot in the process of domestication.

According to the most popular version, the ancestors of modern Samoyed dogs were aboriginal Samoyeds, which have now practically disappeared from the face of the earth. In 1889, British explorer Ernst Kilbrun Scott lived for several months surrounded by Samoyed tribes. During his expedition, the zoologist was so fascinated by the beauty and strength of local dogs that he could not leave for his homeland without taking at least one of them with him. Then he first brought to England a brown puppy named Dog. After some time, a cream-colored female came to the expanses of Foggy Albion from the Western part of the Urals, named Vaiti Pechora (White Pechora), and a snow-white male named Masti came from Siberia. It is believed that these dogs laid the foundation for the development of Western Samoyeds. There is another, undocumented opinion, according to which the first representatives of the breed, while searching for trade routes with Siberia, were taken to Europe by the English captain Joseph Wiggens.

On the territory of the USSR, Samoyeds were not particularly favored - in the 1930s. XX century they were subjected to mass destruction. The ruling authorities believed that the shepherds and sled dogs of the northern tribes greatly hampered progress, which is why they were shot in the tundra by whole teams. By the end of the decade, the number of animals bordered on zero. So thanks to several individuals imported to England, modern Samoyeds delight dog lovers with their presence. They were re-imported to the USSR from Israel, Finland, England and other countries. The first breed standard for the Samoyed dog was officially described in England in 1909.

Today in Russia, according to various sources, the number of Samoyeds is approximately 2,500 individuals.

The appearance of representatives of the Samoyed dog breed is their main key to the heart of every person. Grace, elegance, charm, a fluffy fur outfit and a signature Samoyed smile (upturned corners of black lips) are the main qualities of modern Samoyeds. The height of males at the withers is 54-60 cm, females - 50-56 cm. Weight ranges from 17 to 30 kg, depending on the sex of the animal.

The body of the dogs of this breed is compact and strong, rather flexible, the head is wedge-shaped and powerful, the muzzle is gently tapering towards the nose, the neck is of medium length, proudly arched, the limbs are straight, muscular and strong. Abundantly pubescent tail during activity is kept thrown over the back or on the side, in a calm state it can be slightly lowered. The high-set ears of Samoyeds are small and thick, slightly rounded at the ends, dark brown almond-shaped eyes are deep set and wide apart, slightly slanted, which gives cunning to their look, the nose can be black, brown and flesh-colored, but at certain times of the year the pigment has property to discolor, giving the so-called "snowy" or "winter" nose. However, even during such seasonal changes, dark edging should be present on the nose.

The discoverer of Samoyeds, Kilburn Scott, distinguished three different types of heads among bred dogs: fox-shaped, bear-shaped and wolf-shaped. This unofficial classification has been preserved to this day.

The coat of Samoyed dogs is truly polar - dense, plentiful, with a double coat of wool: a thick fluffy undercoat and a longer, straight and harsh coat. A thick collar framing the head forms around the neck and shoulders, in males it is more intense, on the back of the thighs there are "woolen" pants. Healthy hair has a special luster. In the cold, the hairline fluffs up, and what is interesting - the stronger the frost, the more magnificent it becomes. Another feature of Samoyed wool is the ability to self-clean, if the pet is not washed very often, it will last for a lifetime. An important advantage of Samoyed dogs is the absence of their own smell. In terms of color, it can be white, cream or fawn (white with a few biscuit spots). The outer hair must have silver ends.

Samoyed wool is sometimes used for knitting as a material with hypoallergenic properties and an angora-like texture. Products knitted from Samoyed fur are very warm and have healing properties - they are used to treat joint pain, sciatica and reduce inflammation.

The life expectancy of Samoyed dogs is 12-15 years.

Samoyeds can be described as incredibly attractive, friendly, sociable, active, cheerful, adoring all their household animals. They make wonderful pets and companions. They are unpretentious, hardy, open and independent, have high intelligence, but sometimes they can show some stubbornness. They retain their enthusiasm and playfulness throughout their lives. Loyal, intelligent, gets along very well with children, weak hunting instincts make it possible to live together with other pets. Samoyed dogs are absolutely not aggressive and not shy, but they can always stand up for themselves. These affectionate animals can find an approach to any person and always empathize with the owners in trouble and joy. Loneliness is not tolerated well, they are always drawn to communicate with people. In the US, Samoyeds are even referred to as "good mood dogs" and doctors recommend companionship with them as a treatment for depression and a way to get rid of feelings of loneliness. Samoyed dogs give voice very often and can become excellent watchmen at home.

By virtue of belonging to pack dogs, the family in which they live is perceived by Samoyeds as their pack with the corresponding hierarchy, rights and obligations of each member. That is why in the process of education, special attention should be paid to the correct arrangement of roles in this system. It is advisable to start training at an early age, because. later you may encounter stubbornness and unwillingness to submit.

It is impossible not to mention the love of Samoyeds for snow and sledding, today they, along with other breeds of sled dogs, take part in races.

The main point of keeping Samoyed dogs is the careful care of their luxurious coat. These owners of thick hair need regular daily combing, and during the shedding period, which lasts several weeks once or twice a year, it should be done especially intensively. It is necessary to comb snow-white puffs, holding the separated part of the wool against the direction of growth with one hand, and work with a brush in the direction of growth with the other hand. Tangled places need more time. You should bathe your pet no more than once every six months, because. their coat, like that of most northern breeds, is self-cleaning and impermeable to snow and rain. Washing Samoyeds is necessary solely in order to get rid of the saturated odors of other animals. To give the coat an even more attractive look, take a comb and run against the pet's coat so that the undercoat rises slightly.

An important part of keeping Samoyeds happy is ensuring they get enough exercise and daily walks. Their innate adaptability to life in nature and love of work require sufficient space for movement, open air and constant employment. Sitting in a kennel, house or apartment is not the best activity for a Samoyed, so the pet needs active and long walks. It is necessary to train them with special perseverance, combined with love and patience. Despite their activity, Samoyed dogs do not eat very much, the diet may consist of natural food or dry food.

The cost of puppies of the Samoyed dog breed, depending on the eminence of their ancestors, ranges from 250-1000 dollars.

The Samoyed is a breed with a unique snow-white coat, playful character and a unique innate smile. These dogs have a proud posture, unsurpassed endurance, gentle nature and devotion to the owner. The breed is versatile and can be used as a companion, watchdog, shepherd and sled dog.

The Samoyed Laika is a dog that accompanied the Samoyed tribes that lived in Siberia and northern Russia. Nomads used huskies as guard, hunting, sled dogs. Laiki even served as nannies, warming the babies with their bodies in harsh climatic conditions.

According to the existing legend, the Samoyed dog is a white wolf tamed by nomads. The tamed predator got its name thanks to its snow-white color. When the dog was pulling the sled, from the side it seemed that they were moving independently on the white snow. According to another version, the dog was named after the Nenets Samoyed people.

Dogs of this breed lived next to their owners, slept with them, warming them with their own bodies. In 1889, the British zoologist E.K. Scott lived for three months in a Samoyed tribe and met huskies there.

From the expedition, he brought with him a couple of representatives of the breed and began breeding work. In the country, he created the Farmingham nursery and the club of admirers of Samoyed huskies, which opened in 1909. At the same time, the first breed standard was adopted. The description of the Samoyed husky has not changed since then.

Description of appearance and breed standard, photos

Samoyed husky has a spectacular appearance. The dog has a harmonious silhouette, luxurious fur, a sweet face adorned with a sincere smile and deep, wise eyes. The size of an adult dog is the growth of males from 51 to 56 centimeters, females 46-51 centimeters; weight from 20 to 30 kilograms.

A photo. samoyed husky

Samoyed in the photo

There are 2 types of Samoyed huskies:
  1. Bearish - short back, downed physique, wide, large head.
  2. Wolf - lean physique, medium width chest, wedge-shaped, slightly elongated head.

The Samoyed Laika breed has the following standards:

  • Head powerful with a broad, flat skull. The muzzle is elongated, gradually tapering towards the end. Lips are even. With raised corners, which creates the impression of a smile.
  • Nose black, brown or maroon.
  • Eyes obliquely set, almond-shaped, brown tones of varying intensity.
  • Ears dense, medium length, moderately rounded tips. Set wide apart, fully erect, covered with hair.
  • Bite scissor. Jaws are powerful.
  • Body medium length, muscular. The back is straight, wide. The ribs are convex, deep.
  • Neck medium length, curved, strong.
  • limbs erect, muscular, of medium length. Shoulders well placed. The shoulder blades are sloping and strong. The hips are wide, muscular. Paws are oval. The fingers are arched, slightly bent.
  • Croup slightly sloping, wide.
  • Tail set high, medium length.

Disadvantages of the breed:

Disqualifying vices include blue eyes, hanging ears, aggression.
  • Light bone.
  • No sexual dimorphism.
  • The eyes are yellow.
  • Bulging, barrel-shaped chest.
  • Squat.
  • Incorrect posture of the limbs.
  • Pincer bite.
  • Unpigmented lips.

Disqualifying vices:

  • Blue eyes or different eyes.
  • Overshot or undershot.
  • Hanging ears.
  • Cowardice, aggressiveness.

Wool and color of the breed

The Samoyed has a double coat consisting of a short, soft, dense undercoat and a long, harsh, straight outer coat. The neck of the dog is complemented by a collar around the shoulders and neck. Males have a particularly rich collar.

The coat is short on the head, forelegs, body. The ears are covered with upright hairs, the inner surface is well pubescent. On the hind limbs, the hair forms "trousers". The tail is profusely pubescent.

Colors of the Samoyed:

  • White.
  • Cream.
  • White with hints of biscuit.

The presence of brown shades in the color is not allowed by the standard.

Characteristics of the Samoyed dog

The character of the Samoyed Laika breed is distinguished by unsurpassed friendliness and the ability to find a common language with literally all family members. High intelligence and complaisance make the breed an ideal pet.

The Samoyed is a very sociable, active and friendly dog.

The Samoyed gets along well with children, participates in noisy games and even tolerates their importunity. Samoyeds do not have a hunting instinct, so they get along well with any animals in the house.

Education and training

The dog has a fairly high intelligence, and therefore is able to make independent decisions in many situations. Incredible ingenuity makes the process of training Laika quite simple, since she is able to master many commands literally from the first time. If you conduct the training process in a playful way, the learning process is fast.

If you try to suppress the will of the pet, do not allow it to take the initiative, the Samoyed will show its independence and stubbornness. This dog will quickly get tired of the monotonous, monotonous repetition of the same command. The dog needs to be captivated, then the training process will be successful.

IMPORTANT. It is impossible to beat the dog with a leash for disobedience, since in the future it will perceive this object from a negative side and refuse to go for a walk. For strong disobedience, you can in rare cases spank the dog with a whip.

The behavioral skills of the Samoyed Laika must be reinforced with special education. The technique of forcing the execution of commands and rewarding for obedience allows you to quickly make the dog completely controllable.

It is necessary to behave with a dog as with a partner, then its behavior will be the most adequate.

You can not let the puppy disobedience, as he will feel indulgence and will systematically show self-will. Therefore, in the upbringing of huskies, one cannot do without punishment.

An effective way to punish or stop wrong actions is a whipping by the withers. If the pet behaves incorrectly, it must be lifted by the withers, shaken and pressed to the floor. This action will not hurt the pet, but he will understand that his actions do not please the owner.

But any punishment of the Samoyed must be exceptionally fair. If a dog is punished just to show his superiority, he will be offended and begin to show his own character.

The upbringing of the Samoyed husky is carried out according to the principle of the behavior of animals in a wolf pack.

The owner is the leader, which means that the dog must learn the rules:

  • There is only after it.
  • Enter the house after the owner and with his permission.
  • Know the place assigned to her and not get in the way.

The upbringing of the Samoyed husky is carried out according to the principle of the behavior of animals in a wolf pack.

The puppy must learn all these rules, starting from the age of 2.5 months. If the dog is used as a guard, it is necessary. But protective qualities are not inherent in the characteristics of the Samoyed husky, so this type of training is not necessary for her.

Dog maintenance and care

The Samoyed is a pack breed, so experts advise having several pets in the house at once. This will make the like active and will provide an opportunity to better show working qualities. With proper physical activity during long active walks, you can keep this breed in a city apartment.

The dog needs frequent walks and communication with the owner. If a husky is kept alone in an apartment, she will become depressed and begin to behave destructively (as a protest and). Despite the independent nature, this dog cannot do without daily communication with people.

During walks with the dog, active games are played and other physical activities are given to it. . A short leash is necessary for a dog to go to the veterinarian; it is not suitable for walking, as it restricts the movement of the pet.

The Samoyed is a riding breed, so it can be harnessed to a sled or team.

The Samoyed is a driving breed, so it can be harnessed to a sled or tied with a special device to a skier, and it will gladly play the role of a draft force. You can train your dog to carry special dog bags with purchases from the store. For a dog, this will be great entertainment and an opportunity to keep the body in proper physical shape.

IMPORTANT. In summer, it is better to choose early morning or late evening for walks so that the dog does not overheat in the sun.

Samoyed husky in the apartment should have a place to sleep, not necessarily warm, to prevent overheating of the animal. Dog toys should be placed near the sleeping area. For feeding, it is recommended to purchase a special stand with a bowl.

The optimal conditions for keeping a Samoyed husky are a country house with a large plot. But the dog should not be put on a chain as a guard. The yard for her is a place for independent walks, and not an object of protection of the territory.

The height of the fence to prevent jumping should be at least 120 cm. The dog can sleep in the booth, even in severe frost, since the wool of this Arctic breed reliably protects the body from any cold. At the same time, this breed should not constantly live on the street, far from the owners. The dog should be able to enter the house and communicate with the owner and family members.

The Samoyed has a very thick coat, so this dog can live outside all year round even in severe frosts.

While walking around the yard, the dog will dig the ground, drive any objects found. Samoyeds have a great passion for digging holes in the heat, when they turn over the topsoil to cool it. In hot weather, you can install a bath or pool in the yard so that the dog splashes in it and cools his body.

Basic dog care rules

  • Combing wool once a week, and during molting every other day. The procedure is carried out using a special slicker. It is often not necessary to bathe a husky, since its coat is capable of self-cleaning and is protected from contamination by a fatty coating. It is enough to refresh the pet's coat 3-4 times a year using a special shampoo. Pet paws are washed after walking.
  • Ears and eyes dogs wipe with a damp cotton pad once or twice a week. Excess hair from the auricle can be cut off.
  • Teeth cleaning the dog needs once a week. To prevent the formation of tartar, the Samoyed can be treated with raw vegetables, special bones from the pet store and meat cartilage.

Catering for the dog

The decision on how to feed the Samoyed husky, each owner can make on their own, after consulting with the puppy breeder and the veterinarian. If the option of eating dry food is chosen, it is worth buying or, in which there is a high protein content.

As the main diet of the Samoyed, you can use super premium or holistic food.

Brands, EaglePack, Innova, Solid Gold contain only natural ingredients in their composition and will provide the dog with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Natural nutrition of the Samoyed

The natural diet of the Samoyed should include products:

  • Meat - 30% (beef, turkey, chicken).
  • Cereal-based porridge (rice + buckwheat in a ratio of 2 to 1).
  • Dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk).
  • Sea fish - once or twice a week instead of meat.

It is permissible to include vegetables and fruits in the diet. They can be included in the menu in addition to the main food, introduced one by one, tracking the reaction of the body.

Prohibited for use:

  • Pork, lamb, steam veal.
  • Bones.
  • Beets, potatoes.
  • Salt, sugar, chocolate.
  • Flour, white bread.

It is not advisable to include in the menu:

  • Carrot.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Pasta.

The natural diet of the Samoyed includes meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products.

The meat is given to the dog in a scalded or slightly boiled form. Porridges are boiled in water or meat broth. Fish before consumption is frozen at low temperatures for at least 2-3 days.

IMPORTANT. It is very useful for a puppy up to 6 months to give goat's milk and cottage cheese.

characteristic diseases

The Samoyed is a hardy and healthy dog.

Typical ailments include:

  • Arthritis.
  • Infection of the genitourinary system.
  • Some individuals show sensitivity to analgesics, congenital deafness, and eye disease.

Samoyeds live 10-15 years.

Samoyeds can suffer from diabetes, diseases of the genitourinary system, and some dogs experience deafness.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The undoubted advantages of the breed are:

  • High intelligence.
  • No dog odor.
  • Self-cleaning wool.
  • Friendly nature, accommodating with other pets.

The disadvantages of the breed are the need to organize long walks and abundant shedding of wool during molting.

Rules for choosing a puppy

Before choosing a Samoyed puppy, you need to decide on the goals:

  1. A dog for sledding should not be too massive in build in order to have maneuverability and ease of movement.
  2. To participate in exhibitions, you need a puppy that is completely appropriate for the breed of the exterior. It is better to postpone the purchase of such a pet until 6-8 months, when all the external features of the breed appear.
  3. If the dog is purchased exclusively as a pet, you need to choose a puppy that you like. For a family, a cheerful, lively puppy, responsive to affection, is ideal.

General selection rules:

  • Thick, shiny coat.
  • Fatness, activity.
  • Clear eyes.
  • Clean ears.
  • The coat and skin around the anus should be clean, without signs of indigestion and infection with worms.
  • Males should have two full-fledged testicles.
  • The movements of the puppy must be correct, free.

A photo. Samoyed puppy

Little Samoyed puppy in the photo

You can buy a purebred Samoyed puppy in the nurseries of the cities:
  • Moscow - from $800 (,,
  • St. Petersburg - $500 (,,
  • Yekaterinburg - from $600 (,,
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