American Cocker Spaniel dog grooming tips. English Cocker Spaniel, description of the dog breed Cocker Spaniel breed disadvantages

The popular hunting dog of the American Cocker Spaniel breed often becomes the pet of city dwellers who have no idea what hunting is. Dogs have an attractive appearance and a wonderful character, but like any hunting breed, they have their own characteristics of upbringing and care.

Cockers were brought to America in the 80s of the XIX century, they hunted woodcocks and rabbits. This is one of the few breeds that track down not game, but fur-bearing animals. Over the years, the breed has undergone some changes - the muzzle has become shorter, the coat is longer, the weight is less. A new breed has appeared - the American Cocker Spaniel.

Cocker Spaniels have been ranked number one in the American Kennel Club stud book more times than any other breed.

In the 80s of the last century, it was a cult dog that many wanted to have. The FCI recognized the breed in 1985.

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniels have a beautiful appearance. They have a wonderful soft coat with a thick undercoat, large expressive eyes. The ears, chest, belly and paws of the dog are decorated with thick, slightly curled curls.

The working qualities of American Cockers have been preserved and can be successfully developed in the process of training.

But who would take it into his head to walk through the forests with such beauties? Dogs have retained the energetic and mobile nature of their ancestors, they do not sit still for a minute, if they are not busy eating or sleeping. The exception is individuals suffering from gluttony, sick or too lazy. American Cocker Spaniels are very active and quick-witted, trusting, people-oriented.


Cocker spaniels have common ear, eye, and skin diseases. A dog can inherit eye cataracts, epilepsy, dysplasia, and temperamental problems.

The average life expectancy of American Cocker Spaniels is 13 to 15 years. How long dogs live depends largely on care and living conditions.

Breed standard and puppy selection

The Cocker Spaniel has a strong body, adapted to fast running and exhausting loads during the hunt, and the appearance of a graceful and noble animal with a cheerful character, always ready for work.

Description of the breed and standard requirements:

  • head well balanced, proportionate in size;
  • dark eyes look smart, lively and bewitching;
  • the cranium is rounded, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well expressed;
  • the nose is black or matches the coat color;
  • the muzzle is elongated;
  • scissor bite;
  • hanging ears with long hair;
  • the neck is slender, slightly elongated;
  • the back is strong, the chest is deep;
  • tail with long hair, slightly carried, but not higher than the line of the back;
  • limbs with powerful muscles and strong bones, slender, straight.

The dog has a lot of colors, the main ones are chocolate, black and fawn, the rarest is roan. The coat is soft and long, silky. She is very beautiful, but requires special care and regular haircuts. In American Cocker Spaniels, the weight is limited by the strict limits of the standard, the height of the dogs must be from 34 to 39 cm.

To choose a healthy puppy, you need to get to know his parents. You can do this at a dog show, having learned from the owner of the animal you like when the next mating is planned.

You can buy a thoroughbred animal through the club. If the pet is planned to participate in exhibitions, a puppy is chosen from a litter of champions in several generations. Its cost will be twice as high as that of a puppy with minor defects in appearance.

It is not worth buying an animal in the market or through a private ad. It has long been known that by inheritance a dog receives not only diseases, but also character. There is no guarantee that a pet with a questionable pedigree will grow up good-natured and cheerful, and not aggressive or cowardly.

Purpose and character of the dog

The dog is highly intelligent. She is very mobile and active, all the time looking for something to do, play or communicate with the owner. Thanks to the natural mind and curiosity, it is easy to learn commands.

Pets perceive training as a fun game. Dogs have a friendly and affectionate character, they love one owner and are devoted to him. They get along well with small children, for the sake of the owner and his family they are ready for self-sacrifice.

The modern purpose of the American Cocker Spaniel is a companion dog. But do not forget about his excellent hunting qualities, which many breeders are trying to develop and strengthen.

Cocker Spaniels search for prey by smell, they also have a keen eye and a keen sense of smell. The better they smell while hunting, the more they wag their tail.

Dogs are ideal for hunting in the forest, they can crawl under any obstacle from the branches, easily swim across a stream or a small river. Thanks to their short legs, they make their way through the forest thicket well, but it is more difficult for them to overcome long distances than for large dogs.

In everyday life, American Cocker Spaniels are unpretentious, they have an excellent appetite and are always in a good mood. Long walks are required to keep the dog healthy. In addition to daily games and training on the street, attention should be paid to the appearance of the pet.

Long hair takes time and special care products. It takes more than 1 hour for a dog to dry after a bath.

Care for a Cocker Spaniel that participates in exhibitions should be especially thorough:

  1. For the beauty of wool, high-quality dry and canned food, vitamins are needed.
  2. Wool should be washed once a week. Then comb with conditioner, blow dry.
  3. The dog's back is trimmed. Hair is cut off on the paws, head and torso.
  4. The American Cocker Spaniel is groomed every three weeks.
  5. Ears must be properly cared for - instilled once a week, massaged, cut off excess hair. The dog can eat and walk in a knitted hat so that its long beautiful ears are not smeared.

American Cocker Spaniels tend to be overweight. It is necessary to feed adult animals 2 times a day at a certain time. Puppies more often - 3 - 4 times a day.

Natural food should be warm and soft. Once every two weeks, you need to spend a fasting day, giving your pet only 40% of the usual diet. The menu should include cereals, vegetables, dairy products, greens, meat.

  • The meat is given to the dog every other day, it is pre-frozen, cut into pieces or passed through a meat grinder. You can not give pork, rabbit meat, but you can give poultry and beef.
  • Grains are poured with boiling water.
  • Vegetables are rubbed on a grater, greens are finely chopped. Vegetables can be given raw or stewed.
  • The diet of the Cocker Spaniel should include sea fish, but before offering it to the dog, you need to remove all the bones.

Many owners prefer not to bother compiling a full-fledged dog menu and buy super-premium quality dry food in the store. This is also the right decision, since professional feeds contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the animal.

How to Train and Raise a Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniels are overly energetic and nervous, especially when children are around. But for well-trained dogs, this is not a problem. Therefore, it is important to go through a training course with puppies. Representatives of the breed are very smart, they understand well what is required of them. Cocker spaniels perfectly feel the mood of the owner.

If you plan to participate in an exhibition with a dog, you need to teach it not to be afraid of strangers, to be able to present yourself. She must know the basic commands: "Sit!", "Stand!", "Lie down!", "Fu!", "Come to me!".

It is impossible to be zealous in repeating commands. The dog must take training for play, only then will it obey.

During a performance at an exhibition, no one will require a hunting dog to perform service commands.

Cocker spaniels for hunting are brought up in a special way, walking in the forest and explaining everything in practice. They are taught to look for an animal, bring prey, not be afraid of shots, give a voice when they notice game, and much more.

Pros and cons of the breed

The American Cocker Spaniel is characterized by reliability and love of freedom, beauty and grace, tireless energy and ingenuity. But having fallen in love with the puppet face of a dog, you need to think about the pros and cons of the breed before buying a puppy.

Advantages of the American Cocker Spaniel:

  • effective appearance;
  • small body size;
  • good hunting qualities with proper education;
  • lively and peaceful character;
  • devotion to the owner.

So, these dogs have a lot of advantages for urban content, but they have their drawbacks.

The disadvantages of the breed include the following qualities:

  • the need for careful hair care;
  • hyperactivity;
  • tendency to frequent barking;
  • disobedience due to improper upbringing;
  • gluttony.

In some representatives of the breed, negative traits are less pronounced. Dogs quickly adapt to the owner, they have a very flexible character. Therefore, the person who raised him should be blamed for the bad behavior of the dog.

What is the difference between American and English Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel and the English Cocker Spaniel differ in character and appearance, although it is easy to confuse these breeds.

Unlike American dogs, the English variant is used for hunting. While the American Cocker Spaniel prefers performances to hunting.

The American Cocker Spaniel has wide-set large eyes, which is a disadvantage for the English variant of the breed. When choosing producers in American kennels, the preference was given to dogs with a beautiful appearance, and hunting qualities were not taken into account.

The American Cocker Spaniel is a small active and good-natured dog. Modern cockers are the result of long-term selection. They were originally used as hunting dogs. Therefore, representatives of this breed, despite their small size, are hardy, tireless, have a strong and muscular body. Later, the animals became popular pets. The friendly and mischievous nature of the dogs served this.

Spanish roots of the breed

The very name of the breed - American Cocker Spaniel - reflects the history of the origin of dogs. Cockers are direct descendants of spaniels, whose ancestors came to Spain from Asia Minor. In the "land of rabbits", spaniel-like dogs were highly valued for their hunting abilities. They were easily trained on large rodents and birds.

Later, the ancestors of Cockers were brought to England (the first description of a breed similar to spaniels in the UK dates back to the 10th century). Here they were taken up by local breeders. While trying to maintain their hunting qualities, the breeders at the same time tried to develop a friendly breed that could become a companion. In addition, the needs of each hunter owner differed both from the features of the landscape and the type of hunting, and from personal preferences. Cinematographers claim that The British bred about 20 varieties of spaniels. The smallest - Sussexes and Field Spaniels - are the direct ancestors of modern Cocker Spaniels.

The English Cocker Spaniel was first mentioned in 1697. They differed from ordinary spaniels in their denser coat, small size and weight.

However, cockers were taken seriously only in the 19th century. In 1859, a dog of this breed - Obo - was presented at an exhibition in Birmingham. His descendants, Obo-1 and Chloe-2, were brought to America at the end of the century.

Introduction of the American Cocker Spaniel

On the mainland, local breeders began to gradually move away from English standards. At first, English and American representatives of the breed were crossed with each other, but soon this type of selection was abandoned. In 1915, American Cocker Spaniels were already significantly different from their ancestors, after another 20 years interbreeding was strictly prohibited, and 30 years later the American Cocker Spaniel was recognized as a separate breed.

"Americans" and "English", despite their common origin, are strikingly different from each other:

  1. Wool in American Cockers with a developed undercoat, on the paws and sides of their fur coat is elongated and forms an arch. Dogs seem to show off in a woolen coat. In representatives of the English breed, the coat is shortened, there are no long fringes.
  2. Frame in the "Americans" the back is straight along the entire length, in the "English" the back is even from the withers to the croup, and closer to the tail it goes down. In addition, the latter are slightly higher at the withers - an average of 5 cm.
  3. Muzzle American Cockers are slightly smaller than the British, with large eyes and “chiseled” features: dense, voluminous lips, a forehead steeply turning into a muzzle, and clear brow ridges.
  4. Hunting qualities the "Americans" are almost not expressed. According to the FCI standard, they do not participate in the working tests required for the "English".
  5. Character both breeds are soft, good-natured. However, American Cockers are more excitable, more difficult to endure loneliness, their psyche is less resistant to stress.


The main distinguishing feature of the American Cocker Spaniel is a long thick coat with a stiff pile.
And it is more matte than silky. The "fur coat" of dogs of this breed lengthens on the paws, stomach, ears and chest. The characteristic of the breed includes the following description:

  1. The weight: 7 - 14 kg;
  2. Growth: 35 - 39.6 cm from the floor;
  3. Color varied: red, dark, brown, fawn, two- or three-color, with tan;
  4. Ears lobe-shaped, long, set at the level of the lower margin of the eye;
  5. Tail in relation to the total length of the body, short, elongated. Both cupping to the middle of the length and its absence are allowed;
  6. Paws with equally developed musculature, shoulder blades at right angles to sloping shoulders and straight forearms, hard pads with strong claws and hair between the fingers;
  7. Nose black in dogs with a dark color. Brown earlobes are allowed in light-coated dogs. Mandatory presence of "snub";
  8. Eyes large, the color of the iris is dark brown.

The nature of the breed

American Cocker Spaniels are extremely friendly and active. They get along well with children and other pets.
This breed is constantly on the move, but knows how to take into account the circumstances. So, indoors, the cocker becomes more calm, and on a walk he gives free rein to his passion.

Cockers can't stand being alone. With a lack of attention and active games, representatives of the breed develop mental disorders: constant barking, howling, whining, damaging things. Therefore, it is better to acquire this breed for those families where someone is constantly at home.

American Cocker Spaniels are sensitive and amiable dogs. With all their friendliness, they are not intrusive, subtly capture the mood of the owner. A dog of this breed will not pester the owner with games when he is not in a good mood.

American Cocker Spaniel dogs are friendly with all family members, but choose only one owner. Often it becomes a child, whom the cocker frantically protects in case of danger.

The breed absolutely excludes any malice and aggression. Dogs with these traits are not allowed for breeding.

Features of training

The training of the Cocker Spaniel excludes any violence. It must contain game elements.

Training starts at an early age. From 8 weeks, the puppy must be socialized. The pet should communicate as much as possible with other dogs and people. If you miss this moment, after two months of age, he will begin to be afraid of strangers.

The first command that a little cocker should learn is his nickname. The training of an American Cocker Spaniel puppy should be started at home, practicing and reinforcing each technique on the street while walking.

When the Cocker Spaniel reaches 4 months, attention should be paid to dominant traits. This age in all dogs can be compared with adolescence in humans. Puppies are trying to check how firmly the members of his "pack" hold their position. Any attempt to dominate - growl, grab hands or feet with teeth, jump on people, sleep on a bed, walk ahead of the owner on a leash or go first into the room - should be stopped right there.

General training of the American Cocker Spaniel is not difficult. These dogs are aimed at a person, trying to please the owner as much as possible. The only thing worth remembering is that pets have a sensitive psyche, and any angry or loud exclamation will nullify all the results.

Bathe your Cocker Spaniel every 10 days. You will also have to regularly cut the hair between the fingers and from the ear canal - here it interferes with the ventilation of the ear, which can lead to otitis media. Regular grooming is recommended for the American Cocker Spaniel.

American Cocker Spaniels need to trim their nails and brush their teeth periodically. Special toys will come to the rescue: bones and cords. For the winter, you will need clothes for the American Cocker Spaniel.

A separate problem is Cocker's ears. They hang low on the edges of the muzzle, and debris can easily get there. To avoid inflammation, the ear passages should be cleaned regularly, and during feeding, the pet's ears are pierced from above or a bowl with a high and narrow throat is selected.

Cockers are real gluttons. Portion sizes should be strictly limited, as they will not rest until they have eaten all the food they see.

For a Cocker Spaniel, keeping in a small aviary is ideal. In the apartment, they also will not cause much trouble if they are walked for at least 2 hours daily. The dog should be entertained not only with outdoor games - the curious mind of pets also needs to be developed.

Hereditary and acquired diseases of cockers

The American Cocker Spaniel is a healthy dog. With proper care, they live an average of 15 years.
But this breed is predisposed to a number of congenital and acquired diseases:

  • seborrhea;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • melanoma;
  • otitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • epilepsy;
  • urolithiasis;
  • progressive retinal degeneration;
  • ulcer and dystrophy of the cornea;
  • cataract;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, in which the skin becomes less elastic and durable;
  • melanoma - skin cancer.

American Cocker Spaniels are ideal for large families with children. They are friendly, curious and energetic. These dogs get along well with other pets, and their indefatigable enthusiasm and cheerfulness will not let you get bored.

In contact with

They were bred for hunting, but it turned out to be an extremely cute creature with such nice external data and a charming character that very soon these dogs became a man’s home companion, sat down at his feet, climbed into the soul and began to reign there.

The English Cocker Spaniel is capable of many things - to be a model of excellent manners, to run wildly after birds without feeling their feet under them, to build touching eyes, begging for a tidbit, and to love faithfully, to serve their master with all their hearts, to the very bottom of their cheerful and positive soul.


By the name it is clear where this breed was bred. The meaning of the word "cocker" is translated from English as "woodcock" - a type of feathered game, for the sake of hunting for which the breed was created. Cocker had to smell the bird, scare it, find it and bring it to the owner.

The meaning of the word "spaniel" is not interpreted so unambiguously, there are discrepancies. One version relates the origin of the word to the ancient Phoenician language, in which "spani" meant a rabbit or an eared dog. This hypothesis seems very convincing also because the ancient Phoenicians had dogs that were used to hunt birds, and then brought to Western Europe and England.

The first Cocker Spaniels were larger than today's until they were crossed with Japanese, presented to the Queen of England. The mixing of blood led to the appearance of individuals of small stature with a characteristic color - chestnut-red spots on a white background.

The British have done a lot for this breed. They improved the hunting characteristics of the spaniel, taught him to work with his voice, warning about the found game. Cockers could make their way through dense thickets, tall grass and thorny thorns, they were distinguished by their efficiency and balanced friendly disposition, intelligence and quick wit. It took more than one decade of the 19th century.

At the end of the 19th century, the first club of the English Cocker Spaniel appeared, but the breed standard was described only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Until the breed was officially recognized, English Cocker Spaniels were called "field spaniel" at exhibitions, and among themselves "jolly cocker".

Description and breed standard

The most common color of the English Cocker Spaniel is golden.

The English Cocker Spaniel has a compact size - no more than 41 cm at the withers for males, 1–2 cm lower for females. Weight varies in the limits of 12 - 15 kg. All parameters are strictly specified by the described standards, and deviations from them are considered marriage.

  • The physique is square, that is, the height at the withers is equal to the length of the body. A strong muscular body, proportionately built, with flexible curves, does not create a feeling of heaviness, rather, endurance and good physical health.
  • The head is of the correct form, with a clear transition from the forehead to the nose. The muzzle is rectangular, the nose is wide, the bite is like scissors.
  • The eyes are large, only brown, but different shades are possible. The look is smart, lively.
  • The ears are hanging, thin, located on the sides of the head at eye level, covered with wavy soft hair. The length reaches the nose of the dog.
  • The limbs are strong, muscular, generously covered with hair. The hind legs are developed more powerfully than the front ones, which gives speed to the run. The English Cocker Spaniel moves quickly and gracefully with a light gallop.
  • The tail is below the line of the back. It is docked half or 2/3 of the length.
  • The coat is long and soft, with a dense undercoat, slightly wavy, but not curly. On the lower part of the body, long hair forms a "skirt", and on the paws, along the entire length - a fringe. The breed standard excludes the absence of undercoat, curls, fluff.

When choosing an English Cocker Spaniel puppy, first of all, attention is paid to the correct physique due to the strict requirements for the standard, especially if the puppy is intended for breeding and participation in exhibitions. A healthy baby English Cocker will have a well-fed appearance, a beautiful shiny coat, a lively and clear look, a wet nose and well-groomed silk ears.

The color of the English Cocker Spaniel is diverse and can be solid black, chocolate, sand / golden, fawn / red, spotted.

Due to the variety of colors, the future owner can choose a black, spotted, red or other English Cocker Spaniel.

It is believed that a solid color does not allow white spots, since this is a marriage, and in the ring such a dog has little chance of winning. But you should be aware that some solid-colored puppies at birth have small white marks on the tips of the muzzle and fingers, which disappear as the dog matures.

Monochromatic colors are considered rare and so far unrecognized: sable, bluish or gray, as well as white with black or brown spots.

Completely white or black English Cockers are rare and not welcomed by breeders, especially white ones, as this color often carries the deafness gene.

The most popular coat color of the English Cocker Spaniel in Eastern Europe is golden red.

The difference between the English Cocker Spaniel and the American

The similarities between them are much greater than the differences, and until the mid-30s of the 20th century they were not separated, but then the English founders of the breed insisted that the differences between the American and English versions be officially recorded.

  • The American Cocker Spaniel is more elegant and decorative than the English. The British have always relied on the working qualities of the breed. And the American look is distinguished by luxurious wool, long dewlaps on the stomach and paws.
  • The English Cocker is 5–7 cm taller than the American Cocker.
  • Different structure of the head. The American is snub-nosed and his head is smaller than that of the Englishman and rounder.
  • Features of behavior. The English Cocker Spaniel has retained the habits of an active hunter. He needs movement and regular walks, while his American counterpart is happy to lie down with the owner on the couch.

Personality of the English Cocker Spaniel

When chasing prey, the English Cocker Spaniel is completely carried away by the process and does not notice the surrounding conditions at all.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a versatile dog. She has all the necessary features to become a true friend to a person, a sympathetic companion, tireless both in games and on the hunt.

The English Cocker Spaniel is great with small children. He will be fine in a family where there are teenage children. The indefatigability, curiosity and constant readiness of the Cocker for walks, games, and running around will come in handy. This dog will also be appropriate as a companion for an elderly person.

Due to the fact that this dog is smart and quick-witted, it is easy to teach basic commands and achieve obedience, since Cockers have in their blood service to people and a desire to please the owner.

Features to Consider

  • Passion of the pursuer

From the hunter, the English Cocker Spaniel left not only an excellent sense of smell and vision, but also a weakness for all representatives of birds. He cannot sit still if he sees a crow or a dove taking off. The passion of the pursuer flares up and drives the cocker after the prey.

This quality should be taken into account by the owner who decides to let his gambling pet off the leash in a city with busy traffic.

  • Chooses one owner

With all its friendliness and sociability, the English Cocker Spaniel chooses one owner for himself, to whom he will experience real heartfelt affection.

There are cases when a dog loves its owner so much that it makes it completely dependent and dependent. The problem is exacerbated by the increased sensitivity of the representatives of this breed. Cocker spaniels are extremely susceptible to both petting and screaming, rough handling. Physical punishment for these dogs is unacceptable.

  • Jealous and stubborn

These dogs tend to take the lead in the family. Females are especially prone to dominance.

  • Ownership

Manifested in relation to his dog toys and accessories. Cocker spaniels do not like to share them.

  • Promiscuity in food

All spaniels have a good appetite, and English Cockers are no exception. They are prone to begging and go to all sorts of tricks to get their hands on the treat. And yummy for them is everything that can be eaten.

The owner should take this feature into account so as not to overfeed his pet and spoil his stomach.

After each walk, the coat of the English Cocker Spaniel must be cleaned of dirt.

The beauty of the English Cocker Spaniel is in its magnificent wool, shiny and silky, in large, expressive eyes, hanging ears. But in order for all these indicators to have an appropriate appearance, the dog needs regular care. For the English Cocker, this postulate is especially relevant. This is not to say that this breed is easy to maintain.

  • Wool

Thick, with a dense undercoat, while the soft coat of the English Cocker falls off easily if it is not regularly combed. Plus, molting, which is not seasonal in Cocker, but a constant, sluggish phenomenon. In order not to see “scraps along the back streets” - on carpets and furniture, the dog will have to be combed out with a special slicker comb.

Experts also advise daily massage with a special brush with short bristles, which will allow you to combine a useful procedure for dry cleaning of wool from dust and dirt with pleasure for your pet. Cockers love to be scratched.

English Cocker Spaniels should not be washed frequently. This dries out the skin, the coat becomes dull and dandruff appears.

Once a week, the ears are examined for discharge and inflammation, the sulfur is removed. Excess hair inside the ear at the ear canal is trimmed.

  • Eyes

The eyes are wiped every other day with a cotton pad dipped in tea leaves or boiled water.

  • walks

This active and athletic dog needs daily full walks with running and games.

What to feed

While eating, the dog's ears can fall into the bowl, so you should purchase a special one with a narrower top.

The challenge for English Cocker Spaniel owners is not to overfeed their pets and prevent them from becoming obese by combining a balanced diet with exercise.

The diet should include:

  • raw meat - beef, lamb;
  • stewed vegetables (except potatoes);
  • cereals (except semolina and pearl barley);
  • sea ​​fish (low-fat varieties);
  • cottage cheese, eggs (1 time per week);
  • fermented milk products - yogurt, kefir;
  • water is freely available around the clock.

Salty, smoked, sweet, starchy foods should not be given to dogs. No complementary foods and snacks from the master's table. The diet of an adult cocker is 2 times a day.


Grooming is one of the most important grooming procedures for the English Cocker Spaniel.

To ensure complete care for the coat of the English Cocker Spaniel, you will have to stock up on an arsenal of aids and tools:

  • 2 combs - with frequent and rare teeth - for the prevention of tangles;
  • massage brush with short bristles for massage and dry cleaning of wool;
  • slicker comb for trimming, getting rid of shedding undercoat;
  • scissors for cutting wool on the pads of the paws and inside the ears;
  • electric machine for general haircut.

Puppies need to be taught grooming from an early age. He must calmly respond to the grooming table, patiently endure all grooming manipulations.

Proper haircut for English Cockers

According to English rules, Cocker Spaniels are sheared in a natural style, so that when you see a dog, you get the feeling that her coat itself lay down and grew like that. In fact, a similar effect is achieved thanks to the painstaking work of the master.

Haircut has a number of subtleties:

  • Need to use thinning scissors.
  • Cut in 2 stages: first the head and torso, then the paws and ears.
  • The hair in the back area is not sheared. If you remove the outer hair, then then it will not lie down in the right way. To achieve the desired length, the hair on the back of Cockers is combed out from the undercoat. Only in this case, the rest will lie flat and tight.
  • English Cocker Spaniels start shaving early. Most breeders hand over puppies to new owners with their first haircut.

Education and training

So that the training process does not bore them, it is important to change the exercises and introduce an element of the game.

With the upbringing of English Cocker Spaniels, there are no problems if the matter is approached consistently and taking into account the personal and breed characteristics of the dog. Cockers are smart and quick-witted - they do not need to repeat one command 20 times.

Dogs are vulnerable and sensitive - you can’t shout at them and put pressure on them, the gingerbread method will be much more effective. Food motivation works flawlessly on little gluttons.

The educational process begins at the age of 3 months - training and consolidation of basic commands.

The training course will depend on the purpose for which the dog is bred - for home keeping as a companion, for exhibitions or for hunting.

Diseases and treatment

In general, the breed is distinguished by good health and rarely gets sick.

Most of the ailments that happen to Cockers are hereditary: hysteria, a tendency to panic, aggression, skin allergic manifestations, food allergies.

Dogs with a solid color are prone to aggression.

The weak point of cockers are the eyes and ears. There are cataracts, glaucoma, inversion of the eyelid, cherry eye, otitis media. If you experience the first symptoms of these ailments, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Rarely, hip dysplasia occurs.

Spaniels have no problems with appetite, but sometimes cockers go on hunger strikes. Refusal of the proposed healthy food can be delayed up to two days. The natural stubbornness of this breed works. In such a case, strict perseverance is required from the owner. If you give in, then a smart manipulator will use his "holodomor" regularly to get what he wants.

How many live

The normal lifespan of an English Cocker Spaniel is 14–16 years. The dog retains a lively and playful disposition until old age, subject to good care, attention and care.


A female English Cocker Spaniel can have 3 to 10 puppies.

Breeding puppies for sale is a laborious process that requires knowledge, skills, abilities, time and financial investments.


Before mating, a genetic test of the bitch is done and tests are carried out to confirm that the dog is healthy. Physiological readiness for mating is determined by the number of estrus, the norm is 2 times a year. The time before the next estrus is chosen - the most favorable for fertilization.

The mating process takes place under the control of breeders. Animals are given time to get used to each other. During mating, the bitch is held by the head and under the belly until the “lock” moment, which lasts about 10 minutes. After 2-3 days, knitting is recommended to be repeated.

Pregnancy of Cocker Spaniels lasts about two months. The time of onset of labor is determined by measuring rectal temperature. A drop to 37 ° C indicates that you need to prepare. The first births need the presence of a veterinarian in case a caesarean section becomes necessary.

Childbirth in a Cocker Spaniel is a rather lengthy process. The interval between the first and second puppy is 3 hours. The next ones are coming out sooner.

Puppy care

If the mother does not have milk or it is not enough, then the puppies will have to be fed from a bottle with warm milk every two hours, including at night.

The first vaccination is done at 2.5 months, before that the puppies do not leave the apartment.

In the access zone of mobile and active kids, you will have to remove all objects with which they can harm or spoil themselves - electrical wires, detergents, cleaning products, medicines, books, newspapers, etc.

Small Cockers should be grasped with both hands and held firmly. These creatures are very nimble and nimble, they can fall out.

Cocker Spaniel puppies are given to a new home at 1.5 months of age. By this time, they have already stopped sucking their mother and are switching to solid food. It can be premium ready-made food or homemade food specially prepared for a puppy.

Boiled meat of turkey, chicken, beef, beef liver, homemade cottage cheese, boiled sea fish without bones, omelettes, cereals cooked in meat broth (oatmeal, buckwheat) are suitable for a puppy.

How to name

Choosing a nickname for a puppy is a responsible task for the owner

The puppy card, which the owner receives along with a thoroughbred puppy, contains the name of the pet. It may be "indigestible", but do not be afraid of this. You need to come up with a sonorous shortened version of it. Many give their pet a separate household name.

For Cocker Spaniels, nicknames are suitable that reflect the essence of his character, temperament, and external data. The main thing is that it should be short, easy to pronounce and not look ridiculous.

Nicknames for English Cocker Spaniel Boys

Given the fact that the breed is English, such names as Jim, Chaplin, Casper, Patrick, Watson, Simon, Jerry will sound good.

If you want to make your pet stand out from the crowd, then you can choose something original: Rolex, Mickey, Hobbit, Tiktak, Fruit.

Owners of an interesting coat color can beat this dignity: Yuki (snow), Brown, Brown, Gray, Goldie, Ryzhik, Chernysh.

Eared and agile livestock will suit such names as Dexterous, Cunning, Rustle, Jumper, Shaman, Circus, Voiced, Zador, Cowboy.

Nicknames for girls' dogs

The English accent is also heard in the names for girls: Molly, Gabby, Mary, Daisy, Cherie, Shaya, Yucca, Connie, Linda.

Russian variants with a gentle sound: Button, Knop, Iriska, Gamma, Snezhka.

Japanese nicknames are popular, which are often given according to the month of birth of the pet or season: Natsuko (summer), Sakura (cherry, that is, spring), Akito (autumn), Shinju (winter).

For playful and mischievous natures, such names as Quince, Tracy, Laima, Helga, Roxy, Irma, Ora are suitable.

You can be inspired by your favorite literary character, or the hero of the series. The main thing is that the nickname is sonorous and goes to the pet, reflecting the essence of her character, and not confusing and not forgiving, like Cutie or Kutka. After all, we are talking about a thoroughbred nature, in the blood of which are noble and well-deserved genes, the centuries-old efforts of English dog breeders.

If you appreciate devotion and fidelity, you are conquered by enthusiasm and vitality, you melt in the whirlpool of brown eyes and are thrilled by the shine of silk wool, then the English Cocker Spaniel is your dog. And be sure, 15 years, filled with tenderness and touching affection of an intelligent and warm-hearted being, are provided to you!

The English Spaniel is an impossibly playful animal. A small tail, hanging ears and huge eyes create a special atmosphere of absolute happiness and joy around this small dog. And the soft, flowing under the fingers, full of shine, the wool just begs to be stroked.

In the Middle Ages, when this breed was just born, Cocker Spaniels were used in hunting as water hounds. The English Spaniel breed (see photo below) originated, you guessed it, in England. Today, these pets are not just hunting dogs, they have become true friends for people due to their light and cheerful disposition.

English Cocker Spaniel. Description of the breed

They are not tall, on average 39-41 cm, the knots are slightly smaller. For exhibition individuals, there are quite serious requirements for appearance. The pet must be of small stature and weight. According to the rules of the standard, its weight must vary in the region of 12-15 kilograms. True, the main focus of the test is on the correctness of the physique, and not on weight. The dog should be moderately well-fed, with a beautiful and shiny coat. Without signs of rickets and other deviations in health. Eyes bright and shiny, wet nose, well-groomed ears. Here is the first thing you should pay attention to when buying an animal for yourself. For breeding or participation in exhibitions, the requirements are much wider.

So: there are certain standard rules for the English Cocker Spaniel dog. The description of the breed below will allow you to figure out how a thoroughbred dog should look like.

Standard rules

  • The head has a clearly defined, regular skull, with a pronounced transition from the nose to the frontal lobe.
  • The ears are located on the same level with the eyes, thin, teardrop-shaped. Since they are quite long and at the same time set low, they easily reach the nose of the dog.
  • The eyes are large enough, but not protruding and always dark in color. Bright and shiny pupils. But for chocolate-colored animals, light brown eyes are allowed.
  • The nose is straight, with a large tip and developed nostrils. The color is black, with the exception of breeds of chocolate shades, they have a brown color of the nose pad.
  • Bite: cheekbones even, not protruding. The incisors should be strictly vertical, and the bite should be shaped like scissors.
  • The body is well developed with a regular topline and a slight slope from the loins to the beginning of the tail.
  • The chest is deep, beautifully folded, of medium size.
  • The back is rather short, straight, with strong muscles.
  • The forelegs are straight, of small length and with full pads.
  • The hind limbs differ from the forelimbs in more developed musculature. They have impressive hips, giving power and speed of running. The legs are straight, parallel to each other.
  • The tail is below the line of the back. Trimmed in half or two-thirds of the length.

Summing up, we can say that the requirements for these dogs are quite stringent. And when selling a puppy of the English Cocker Spaniel breed, the price is set based not only on the personal qualities of the animal, but also on the status of its parents.

A haircut

Since this breed of dog was bred in the UK, the haircut must be done according to the rules of this particular country. It is done in a very natural style, and when looking at a four-legged friend, one gets the impression that his hairstyle was a creation of nature, and not the result of the painstaking work of a master.

The English Cocker Spaniel's haircut has its secrets, the main of which is the use of thinning scissors. The haircut can be divided into two parts - first they process the head and body, not forgetting to thin out the undercoat of the animal, and then they start cutting the hair on the ears and paws. The English Spaniel (photo below) is trimmed according to all the rules of the standards for this breed.


It has an extremely good-natured disposition and extreme energy. The dog will become a great friend to children and a wonderful assistant in hunting. With the right upbringing, you can participate in agility exhibition competitions with this cheerful animal.

Spaniels are very affectionate, becoming faithful comrades and companions for their owners for life. Due to their very light nature, they get along well with the rest of the animals in the house. But you should not indulge their whims while they are still puppies, otherwise a very wayward and harmful dog will grow up in the future. These dogs do their best to play a dominant role in the family.

Training rules

They are excellent in training. These are magnificent athletes, in whose blood lives a real hunting passion. Knowing the characteristic features of the behavior of the dog, you should make classes as intense as possible and establish equal relations. Under no circumstances should you beat a pet, he will never forgive you for this. But it’s also not worth giving a descent, otherwise your four-legged partner will grow up as an extremely selfish beast.

This is a very beautiful dog, with a shiny, flowing coat and bright bottomless eyes. But, as beautiful as she is, she also demands attention. The greatest advantage of this breed is wool. True, she is also the biggest drawback, bringing a lot of trouble and problems for those who keep a dog like the English Cocker Spaniel at home. The description of the breed, presented below, touches on very important nuances in caring for this dog.

  • Shedding in a dog is not periodic, but permanent. It needs to be combed every day to remove dead "hair". For the same purpose, trimming should be done periodically. Daily combing will get rid of tangles that easily form on a curly thin fur coat.
  • You should not wash the animal often, because of this it may develop dandruff, and the coat itself will fade and become completely ugly. But you need to clean it daily, especially since the dog just loves to be scratched. To do this, use a special brush, with teeth of various lengths. Brushing is a very useful procedure, since during it a massage is carried out, which improves blood circulation and, accordingly, the metabolism of the animal.
  • The nails are trimmed as they grow, using a nail cutter. Do not forget about the hair that grows between the pads on the paws, it must be trimmed.
  • In winter, when coming from the street, always wash off the salt from your pet's paws, it can provoke severe inflammation.
  • The ears also need close attention. Somewhere once or twice a week they are cleaned with a special solution, and periodically, with the help of a cotton swab, various secretions are removed. During feeding, ears need to be tied up, or buy a bowl for cocker spaniels. Excess hair in the ears is trimmed.
  • About three times a week, you should wipe your eyes with tea leaves or a certain solution that is sold in
  • Teeth also need regular brushing, with pet toothpaste and a toothbrush. Don't rely on food to clean your own teeth.

Remember, you need to teach your four-legged friend to hygiene from childhood. And then the procedures, the implementation of which has already been brought to automatism, will not take much time. And your dog will be healthy and beautiful.

Don't buy an English Cocker Spaniel if...

The animal has a very beautiful coat, which requires constant attention. If you are not ready to devote a considerable part of the time from your personal life to the dog, then you should not start it, in this way you will only ruin the life of both yourself and your pet.

Who Should Buy an English Cocker Spaniel?

If you have never had a dog, but you are ready to take care of your dog, giving him all the affection and care; or you have children, and your whole family decided to buy a four-legged friend into the house - then this is exactly the dog that you need. Incredible mobility and friendly character will not leave anyone indifferent. For hunters and those who simply love to travel in nature, this dog will be a wonderful companion.


The Spaniel lives about 15 years and is generally in good health. True, some representatives of the breed with age are overcome by eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. Keep in mind that solid colored dogs tend to be aggressive and require more rigorous training. A prerequisite for maintaining the health of the animal is a large number of walks in the fresh air and active physical activity.

Knitting features

If you decide to breed puppies for sale, you should be aware that this is a rather complicated process. Think carefully, clearly assess your capabilities, and only then start looking for a partner for your dog. Indeed, in order for English Cocker Spaniel puppies to be born in the near future, a lot of effort and money should be invested in caring for your pregnant pet.

Before mating, it is imperative to conduct all the necessary tests so that the bitch is completely healthy. You also need to do a genetic test. Estrus should be repeated 2 times a year - this is an indicator of the norm. It is after going through all the procedures before estrus that the mating of the English Cocker Spaniel will become the most fruitful.

The mating process itself must be tightly controlled. First, the animals are given time to get to know and adapt to the new environment. Further, so that the bitch does not break out, it is held by the head and under the stomach, until the moment of the so-called lock. The duration of the castle is usually about ten minutes. After a couple of days, knitting is recommended to be repeated.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Ordinary pregnancy, without any problems, lasts for 56-63 days. To accurately determine the day of onset of labor, rectal temperature is measured. When it drops and stays around 37 ° C, you can begin to prepare for the process of the birth of puppies.

Primary births are best done in the presence of a veterinarian, as a caesarean section may be necessary. Puppies appear in fetal membranes, do not interfere, the bitch will gnaw them herself and free the kids. Childbirth is a rather long process, usually the second puppy appears only three hours after the first. Then things go a little faster.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies require a very careful attitude. If the bitch does not have milk, or there is too little of it, then you will have to feed the babies yourself. Every two hours, including at night, they will need to be bottled with warm milk.

Somewhere in 2.5 months, puppies are vaccinated. And only then, plus a week of the incubation period, you can go out with the kids for a walk. When selling puppies of the English Cocker Spaniel breed, the price for promising young animals is much higher and can differ greatly from the usual market value.


The Black English Cocker Spaniel is actually not always completely solid. This color has many variants, for example: black and tan, black and gray, black and piebald. A pure black shade without impurities is a rather rare phenomenon.

In the English Cocker Spaniel breed, colors are very diverse, and different countries have their own wishes for colors. So, for example, in Eastern Europe they love the golden-red variant of the color, and the rare, pure white color is considered undesirable, as it can go hand in hand with congenital deafness.

Summing up, let's say: if you have children and want to get a dog, then take a closer look at such a puppy as an English Cocker Spaniel. The description of the breed provided in this article makes it clear that an amazing four-legged friend will grow out of him, who will delight you with his cheerful disposition day after day.

The English Cocker Spaniel always receives very favorable reviews. Many owners note that this is a wonderful dog, a little timid, but very kind. Everyone likes her touching muzzle and beautiful coat. And always the owners note her playful character.

Photo of a Cocker Spaniel |

basic information

Assessment of breed characteristics

adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to himself.

Need for exercise Daily activity level of the dog.

social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconvenience that the dog can deliver to the owners in the ratio of the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushings, and the required number of professional grooming sessions a dog needs.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the dog's behavior in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

tendency to bark Tendency to barking and its frequency and loudness.

Health Issues The potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard or even the owner's car.

Friendliness for cats Tendency to be tolerant of cats and reduced hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog's ability to think and solve problems that arise (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in teaching a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness for children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its name itself, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with his other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

English Cocker Spaniels first became known in the early 20th century, and work on their breeding began in the 1880s. From the name of the breed it is clear that England is the birthplace of English Cockers. Often, however, English Cocker Spaniels are confused with theirs - these breeds are similar, but somewhat different in appearance. The vocation of English Cockers is for swamp and field game, although these dogs quickly adapt to almost any role. It is not without reason that English urban cockers are bred as companion dogs, which is not surprising, given their good-natured nature, healthy curiosity and a high degree of accommodating with other pets. These animals are perfectly trainable, can be started even by inexperienced owners. They are unpretentious in care, they can live both in a street enclosure and in a small one - their good endurance and modest dimensions allow this (the weight of dogs is from 12.5 to 15 kg, height is 38-41 cm). English Cocker Spaniels are excellent human companions, meeting almost every desire of a potential owner - they are ready to hunt without damaging prey, affectionate and playful, able to adapt to the mood of the owner.

The main distinguishing features of the English Cocker Spaniels are long hanging ears, decorated with wavy hair, well-developed muscles, large paws that allow you to get trophies while hunting from the water. The head of the English Cocker is domed, medium in size, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth and well defined. The eyes are predominantly dark brown in color, oval in shape, with close-fitting eyelids. The ears are set low, long, close to the head tightly, which does not negatively affect the quality of the hearing of the animal. The nose is moderately large, dark, crowning a fairly elongated muzzle (unlike American Cockers, the muzzle of the British cannot be shortened). The bite of strong developed jaws is scissor-shaped. The neck is rather long and muscular. The strong body is moderately short, straight, convex in the lumbar region, the chest is deep, the stomach is tucked up. The limbs are distinguished by bony, well-developed muscles, the paws are large, with large fingers. The tail is set slightly below the level of the back, most often. The coat of the English Cocker Spaniel is long (sometimes curly) on the legs, ears and flanks. The undercoat is well developed. Shades of wool - black, brown, red, golden, black and white, red and white, brown and white (sometimes with tan or speck).

Photo of Cocker Spaniel:

Photo of dog breed Cocker Spaniel |

Origin story

Despite the fact that the breed was bred in the British Isles, Spain is also related to English Cockers. After all, this country is considered to be the birthplace of spaniels. True, some scientists believe that long-haired hunting dogs appeared in Germany. Other experts attribute the origin of all spaniels to Ancient Greece. Be that as it may, the main version of the origin of spaniels is that these dogs were formed in Spain. Allegedly, dogs were taken from there in the Middle Ages to Ireland, and then they appeared in Great Britain. Interested in strong small dogs, the British decided over time to create their own national breed capable of hunting in almost any conditions - in water, thickets, fields. The image of dogs similar to English Cocker Spaniels can be found in the paintings of the XIV-XVII centuries, although at least two and a half hundred years must pass before the official recognition of the breed. Initially, English breeders divided their spaniels into field and water. And only by the 19th century, breeders decided to create a breed capable of hunting both land and water game. So the breed of English Cocker Spaniels was bred - hardy, reckless in hunting, but quite calm in the family circle of dogs. The Kennel Club of Great Britain approved the English Cocker Spaniel as a new breed in 1893. And in 1902 the whole world learned about them, when the first breed standard was approved. Soon, the spread of English Cockers occurred almost all over the world. By the way, the word "cocker" has become a prefix to the name of the breed from the English "woodcock", which means "woodcock". English Cocker Spaniels were imported to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, but their popularity in our country woke up relatively recently - in the 1970s. Moreover, the interest of buyers in English Cockers was dictated not only by hunting - many people liked these dogs due to their classic appearance, obedience, and relatively easy care for silky long hair. Unlike the American Cocker, the hero of this article is the best hunter. American Cockers, on the other hand, were bred more as decorative dogs that delight the eyes of the owners.

The character of the cocker spaniel

A well-bred Cocker Spaniel has an excellent temperament. This affectionate dog loves to participate in all family activities. The Cocker is playful, alert and active. He loves any games and exercises: from the usual walk to active running. The Cocker Spaniel is known for its sensitivity, excellent mental and physical abilities. He has a gentle nature, but reacts to rough handling. Sometimes this reaction consists in growling, but it comes to this in extreme cases. In the period of early socialization, it is very important to teach the dog elementary norms of behavior. Socialization helps the animal to show their best qualities.

The coat of a Cocker Spaniel varies. Thick, sometimes wavy short hair adorns this dog. The color is mostly monochromatic. It can be black and light cream, and sometimes even reddish brown. There are also spotted spaniels (two or more colors). Cocker Spaniels need intensive and systematic grooming. Most owners of these dogs prefer to resort to the help of professionals who can not only clean the coat, but cut it, buy a dog. It is best to carry out this procedure once every two months. Note that the cost of such services in different salons may be different.

Many Cocker Spaniel owners prefer to keep their pets short. This makes it easier to take care of your dog in general. But even in this case, you will have to cut the dog's hair and nails every two months, as well as thoroughly bathe the dog. Grooming in dogs of this breed should begin immediately upon reaching the coat of the appropriate size. It is best to accustom to a haircut and regular combing from an early age. This will teach your pet to the procedure from childhood. The same goes for trimming your nails and brushing your teeth. Try to accustom the dog to all hygiene procedures from the first days of the appearance of the puppy in the house. Unfortunately, Cocker Spaniels are distinguished by their negative attitude towards grooming. Therefore, it is best to get extensive advice on this issue from a veterinarian.

Nails should be trimmed every month, ears checked weekly. When examining the ears, look for irritation, inflammation, and any signs of infection, which may manifest as foul odor from the ears. This procedure is important, as Cocker Spaniels are prone to various ear diseases of an infectious nature. To prevent ear problems, treat your pet's ears with a special solution weekly. During feeding it is necessary to use narrowed bowls. This will prevent the ears from getting into the food while eating. The same applies to drinkers. Some Cocker owners even put their dogs on a leash while eating to prevent their ears from getting caught in the food.

Training and education

English Cocker Spaniels are easy to train, but the training and education system should include rewards and praise. Cocker spaniels are very sensitive, so any rudeness and aggression should be completely excluded during training. Otherwise, your lessons will fail. The best thing about training is rewarding and praising the animal for any, even minor, success.

If a baby cocker is acquired as a family friend, then the best option as a training would be to take an OKD course, during which the dog learns the commands: “next”, “place”, “come to me”, “sit”, “no” and others . Moreover, the natural qualities of English spaniels (in the field of training) are so well developed that both a professional and a beginner can teach them the basics of training. The main thing is not to show excessive affection during classes. A dog that sees that the owner is too soft will either become stubborn, following commands, or try to ignore the words of the person. As a reward during training, a calm and friendly tone is used (usually they say to the dog: “Well done!”) And a treat. Punish the dog with a strict tone of voice. In rare cases, the animal can be lightly hit on the rump with a hand, twig, or newspaper without causing pain.

Since English Cocker Spaniels are hunters, after completing the OKD course at about 7-9 months they are trained (at the request of the owner). From childhood, these dogs are taken with them during outings into nature. From childhood, the spaniel will become accustomed to the area where game hunting will take place in the future. Typically, English Cockers are used as assistants in gun hunting for upland, swamp, field and waterfowl game. At first, the animal can be accustomed to the sound of a hunting horn (sometimes a whistle), for example, by giving food, accompanying the action with a signal. So the dog will not only not be afraid of the characteristic sound, but will also understand when to approach the owner. Also, from an early age, a pet is taught to develop instincts - they hide an object (a toy, a treat) first on the lower shelves of the closet, under the bed, for example. Gradually, the task becomes more complicated - the thing you are looking for lies higher, and the windows are open - so it is more difficult for the dog to recognize exactly where the desired is. Gradually, the animal is taught to catch the great snipe (this bird flies low and allows periodic landings), ducks, pheasants, corostels, snipes, quails, partridges. To begin with, the dog should be allowed to smell the bird, and then move away from it, pointing in the right direction to its location. As a rule, these dogs quickly learn the basics of training, which allows them to become good hunters at a young age.

Health and disease

The average life expectancy of a Cocker Spaniel is 12-15 years. The main health problems that can occur in Cockers include: cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune, hematological, immunological disorders and infectious diseases.

Some interesting facts

  • The Cocker Spaniel is an affectionate, gentle and well-mannered pet that is suitable for keeping in any home.
  • Cocker spaniels are companion dogs, so they should live exclusively in the house with the owner.
  • The character and physiological development of the spaniel will largely depend on the professionalism of the breeder. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a dog from experienced and proven dog breeders.
  • The Cocker Spaniel takes part in various competitions with pleasure: hunting, running, search competitions, etc.
  • The Cocker's tail is usually docked in the first days of life, but dog breeders differ on this point. Many people prefer to leave the tail undocked.
  • During training, you should thank the dog and please her with goodies.

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