Boxer dog brindle color. German boxer, the kindest guard. How much does a puppy cost

The German Boxer is a breed of smooth-haired dog bred in Germany. They are friendly, intelligent dogs that love children and play. But they can be stubborn, plus not the cleanest.

  • German boxers are an energetic breed and need a lot of exercise. Before buying, ask yourself if you have the desire, time and energy to walk and play with your dog.
  • It is important to train puppies before your boxer gets too big.
  • Despite the size, this is not a yard dog, but a room dog. Their short coat and brachycephalic skull make Boxers unsuitable for life in cold or hot climates. They need to live in the house.
  • They grow slowly and behave like puppies at the age of a few years.
  • They cannot live without a family and suffer from loneliness and longing.
  • Boxers are slobbery and there is a lot of saliva. They also pollute the air. Often.
  • Despite the short coat, they shed, especially in spring.
  • Smart enough, but stubborn. They respond well to positive reinforcement and training is fun and interesting.
  • Most are serious about security functions, but some lick strangers. However, when it comes to children and families, they go all the way to protect them.

History of the breed

Although the German Boxer is a fairly young breed, its ancestors date back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Boxers are members of a group of Molossians known for their brachycephalic skulls, impressive size, strength, and strong guarding instincts.

This group is ancient, between 2,000 and 7,000 years old, depending on the theory. There are different theories about their origin, but the fact that Molossians or Mastiffs spread across Europe along with the Roman armies is a fact.

Among the tribes that adopted the new dogs were the Germanic tribes. The descendants of the Roman mastiffs became a new breed - Bullenbeisser (German: Bullenbeisser). They were similar to other mastiffs, but differed in greater strength and athleticism.

Although most used mastiffs as guards and watchmen, the Germans adapted them to hunting, as they lived in a wooded area. They used bullenbeisers to hunt wild boar, elk, wolves, and bears.

At some point, bullenbeisers were crossed with hounds, and a Great Dane appeared. The success of the Great Dane reduced the demand for large Bullenbeisers, and gradually the breed dwindled in size.

At the beginning of the 17th century, changes were taking place in Germany, the aristocracy was losing its positions to the emerging bourgeoisie, and hunting was no longer available only to the nobility. More and more people are moving to cities and most can afford dogs.

The requirements for them are also changing, but these changes have almost no effect on bullenbeisers, they are universal. Dogs begin to help not only in hunting, but also perform sentry, security functions, fight in fighting pits.

Again, the demand for large dogs is decreasing and the breed is adapting to it.

From the mid-1800s, dog shows became popular in Britain and crossed the English Channel to France and then to Germany. Prussia, on the other hand, is engaged in icing over scattered German lands, and nationalism is unusually high.

The Germans want to standardize and popularize their German dog breeds and create a new, superior dog according to the trendy theory of evolution. German breeders want to standardize Bullenbeisers and bring back their old traits.

Munich becomes the center of this effort, where the first German boxers will appear at the exhibition in 1985 and the first club will be organized in the same year. This club would create the first written German Boxer breed standard between 1902 and 1904. Yes, the breed will be renamed Boxers, not Bullenbeisers, for reasons...already unknown.

It is widely believed that this is how an Englishman called them, who noticed that dogs make movements with their front paws, like boxers. Most likely, this is a myth, there are two explanations for the new name.

The words boxer and boxing are borrowed from English and were widely used to describe fighting or boxing, and the buzzword was decided to be used as the name of the breed.

Or, this is the nickname of a certain dog of this breed, which became popular at that time. Moreover, the nickname Boxer was popular at that time, both in Germany and in the UK.

At first, breeders crossed Bullenbeisers and, as well as unknown breeds. The first German Boxers were half Bullenbeiser, half English Bulldog.

However, as time went by, the blood of Bullenbeisers became more and more because they wanted to remove the white color and create an athletic and athletic dog. As was the case with other German dogs of the time, Boxers often crossed with each other and the current dogs are descended from a small number of dogs. By the beginning of World War I, the German boxer was 70% Bullenbeiser and 30% English Bulldog.

During the First World War, boxers served in the army and police. They were watchdogs, military dogs, carried reports and carried out the wounded. But, they were quite a rare breed.

Everything has changed since the end of World War II, when American soldiers brought boxer puppies from Europe. The breed becomes so popular that for many years it was included in the top 10 breeds of the AKC, and at one time the most common in the United States.

In recent years, the difference between an American boxer and a German boxer has become more and more visible. The differences between them are not so noticeable to the average person, but to the breeder they are quite clear. Classic boxers are heavier built and have larger heads than American boxers.

However, these two lines are considered the same breed by all major canine organizations and mixed breeds between them are considered purebred puppies. Although there is no reason to separate them into different breeds, in the future this is quite likely.

Description of the breed

The popularity of this breed has made it one of the most recognizable in the world. They are considered one of the smallest dogs in the Molossian/Mastiff group, but this is only in comparison to their older brothers. The breed standard describes the German Boxer as a dog with a height at the withers of 57-63 cm (males) and 53-59 cm (females).

These are strong and muscular dogs, they should not look fat. The average weight of males is about 30 kg, females about 25 kg, but overweight dogs can reach 45 kg!

Everything about the look of a boxer should speak of athleticism and strength, from the broad chest to the magnificent musculature. The boxer's tail is usually docked, but this practice has already been banned in many European countries.

The natural tail differs in different dogs, in most it is long and narrow, and in shape it can be either straight or curved.

The German Boxer is a brachycephalic breed, meaning a short muzzle. The head is in proportion to the body, not too light, not heavy, square, with a smooth skull. The muzzle is short, with an ideal balance of 1:2, which means the length of the skull should be twice the length of the muzzle.

The muzzle itself with pronounced wrinkles, the lips form jowls. The form of the bite is undershot, the teeth should not protrude when the mouth is closed (but some do). Eyes of medium size, dark, not protruding.

The coat is short, smooth, shiny, close to the body. Among the owners, disputes about the color of the breed do not subside. Everyone agrees that boxers come in at least two acceptable colors: fawn and brindle.

The red color of the boxer can be any shade, from light brown to mahogany. A brindle boxer with a light yellow to dark red base color with black stripes running along the ribs. Both the Fawn and Brindle Boxers usually have a black mask on their muzzles, and many have black on their ears as well.

White markings are allowed in all breed standards, but not more than 30%. They are usually found on the paws, belly and chest, white markings on the sides and back are undesirable and should not be on the mask.

Dogs with and without correctly spaced white markings are equal in the ring.


Proper character is critical to the German Boxer and most breeders work diligently on puppies to maintain the standard.

But, be careful when you want to buy a boxer puppy, some negligent sellers, in pursuit of profit, raise aggressive or shy dogs. Approach thoughtfully when buying, and you will get a loyal, playful, funny friend.

The right German boxer is a guard and protector who loves family and children. They are so attached to their family that when left alone for a long time, they become depressed and depressed. Moreover, most boxers love all family members, and only a few prefer one person.

That's where they differ from each other in character, it's in relation to strangers. The breed standard says that dogs should be suspicious of strangers, and in fact most of them are. But, some modern boxers are not afraid of anyone and gladly welcome strangers, seeing them as a new friend.

While most German Boxers are alert and can be guard dogs, this ability varies from dog to dog. Some, especially trained ones, are excellent guards. Others may lick someone else to death.

With proper socialization, boxers get along well with children. They are both playful and funny, their relationship with children is based on friendship and protection, they will not let anyone offend a child. Problems can only be with young dogs and small children, since during games they can inadvertently knock down a child.

The biggest concern is aggression towards other dogs, especially those of the same sex. Most German boxers cannot stand same-sex dogs and look for skirmishes and fights with them. Most owners prefer to keep dogs of different sexes at home, as training and socialization reduce conflicts, but do not eliminate them.

These conflicts are tougher with other people's dogs, as they still somehow tolerate their acquaintances. In addition, they can be dominant, territorial and show a sense of ownership.

As for the rest of the animals, the matter depends on socialization and education. Boxers raised in a family with cats will consider them members of the pack and will not cause problems.

Dogs not familiar with other animals will chase and attack them. Moreover, the instinct of persecution is high in them and it is necessary to work from an early age to reduce it. Remember that the German Boxer is a strong and powerful dog, capable of seriously injuring or killing another animal.

They are used in the police, army, customs, rescue services, so the obedience and trainability of boxers is at a high level. Most (but not all) boxers are intelligent and able to learn quickly. However, for an inexperienced owner, many pitfalls are hidden during training.

They are very stubborn. They do not try to please a person and do what they see fit. They may refuse to execute the command and cannot be forced. They have selective hearing, passing by their ears what they want. It is believed that boxers respond best to positive reinforcement when they receive a treat for a successful action.

Anyone who has encountered this dog will tell you that Boxers are energetic and playful. It usually doesn't take much begging to play. Before you buy a boxer, answer yourself the question: are you ready to walk him for at least an hour every day? And the more intense the walk, the better.

They need a safe place to run. However, for those who love running themselves, they are not very suitable, as they quickly begin to suffocate. It is important that the dog finds an outlet for energy, otherwise physical and mental illnesses begin in it. She may become hyperactive, barking, aggressive or destructive.

Behavioral problems stem from unspent energy and are the most common reason adult dogs are sold. As soon as the German boxer gets the necessary exercise, he becomes quiet and calm in the house. It's just that he spends his energy in games, running, learning, and not in eating shoes or furniture. People with an active lifestyle will find in them good companions, always ready to have a little fun.

Potential owners should be aware that this is a simple dog, not for aesthetes. Boxers can wallow in the mud, run through it, race through a mountain of garbage, and then come home and climb onto the couch. In addition, they drool profusely, which can be found throughout the house.

The structure of the lips does not contribute to cleanliness while eating and drinking, everything flies far from the bowl. But most of all, inexperienced owners are annoyed by the abundance of sounds they make and flatulence.

This snoring and often farting dog is absolutely not suitable for those who love cleanliness and order. Especially considering its small size.


The short coat requires minimal grooming. Wash your dog only as a last resort, as washing will remove the oil from the coat, which serves to protect the skin.

What needs to be done regularly is to inspect the ears and wrinkles, removing dirt from them and preventing infection. And clip your nails.


German boxers are not very healthy and many dogs have a short life. Different sources call life expectancy from 8 to 14 years. But, a study conducted in the UK revealed a figure of 10 years.

The most common causes of death are cancer (38.5%), age (21.5%), cardiac and gastrointestinal problems (6.9% each).

Most worrying is the decline in life expectancy of boxers, and the increase in the number of cancers. They suffer both from diseases characteristic of purebred breeds (dysplasia), and for breeds with a brachycephalic structure of the skull (various breathing problems).

Breeders and veterinarians are working to improve the health of the breed, but most of the problems are still far from being solved.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in care
Endurance in the cold
Heat endurance

We associate Germany with the Brandenburg Gate, Bavarian sausages, practical Germans, BMW cars, and, of course, German boxers bred there in the second half of the 19th century. The breed got its name due to the fact that dogs tend to fight with their front paws.

The German boxer is great for children with children, she is friendly, easily adapts to new conditions and even new owners. No wonder they say about the boxer that he is a dog of more than one owner. The breed has a very pronounced facial expression, and it is always clear by the face whether it is in a sad or good mood. The boxer's facial expressions made her popular with photographers. The dog is very photogenic, and is often found on posters, calendars, posters.

Boxers were pets of such famous personalities as Picasso, S. Stallone, R. Williams. Another fact surprises many: the breed has a universal blood type. There is a boxer named Winston - the most famous blood donor for dogs.

The German boxer is a combination of guard, working, hunting, pickling and indoor-decorative dogs in one person. It belongs to the 2nd group in the classification of the IFF, section 2 "Dog-shaped".

The boxer dog is a breed bred in Germany in the 19th century. The first dog, which was characterized by the features of modern animals, was demonstrated in 1850. The ancestors of boxers were the bullenbeiser breed - dogs that were popular in Western Europe and were used to hunt big game: bears, wild boars, wolves. Their power, strength and endurance are reflected in the name of the breed: the word "bullenbeiser" means "bullhound" or "biting bulls".

In Europe, two varieties of bullenbeisers were common: Brabant - for hunting wild boars, deer and Danzig - for baiting larger game: bears, wild bulls. In the 17th century, due to the beginning of the use of firearms for hunting and the reduction in the number of chicken game, the Danzig bullenbeisers ceased to be used and died out. And their relatives, more mobile and adapted to new conditions, the Brabant bullenbeisers, have survived. They began to be used as guards by cattle traders and farmers. From this variety, a new breed originates - a boxer, a dog that has become popular all over the world in a short time.

It is believed that the ancestors of the Bullenbeisers themselves are descendants of ancient fighting dogs brought by sailors to Europe from Assyria, an ancient state that existed before the 6th century BC. And these fighting dogs, in turn, are descendants of the Tibetan mastiffs. Thus, the German Boxer is a unique breed that has the blood of Mastiffs, Bullenbeisers and English Bulldogs.

The ancestors of boxers were pickling and guard dogs, which are characterized by aggression. When breeding boxers, breeders tried as much as possible to eradicate aggressiveness and ferocity, and make the dogs manageable. Their efforts were not in vain: the German boxer is a dog that is great for keeping in the family, it is peaceful, adequate and perfectly trainable.

In modern times, the Boxer is widely used as a working dog. She successfully passes the "service" in the police, is used as a bodyguard or guard dog. They easily learn the skills of guide dogs and become the best friends and helpers of people with disabilities.

Characteristics, description, character

At heart, a boxer is a guard dog. Her vocation is to protect the family and home, so he is wary of strangers. A boxer, whose character is a set of virtues, will delight his owners with positive traits all his life.

It has:

  • good nature. If the family has a network of children, other dogs and pets, then contact will be established, and the boxer will be kind and affectionate to everyone.
  • Family bonding and devotion. The boxer dog loves his owner very much, at home or on a walk he tries not to lose sight of him.
  • Energy and love for games. These qualities are retained in the dog even into adulthood.
  • Big mind.
  • « Reticence." Boxers rarely bark. His barking can only be caused by a serious reason.
  • Fearlessness. In a serious situation, when the owner is in danger, there is no limit to the courage of the dog and she is ready to protect the owner to the last.
  • Cleanliness. The breed is great for keeping at home and does not require much care.

Appearance characteristics

The Boxer, whose breed description and standards are constantly updated, is a large and stocky dog. This is a strong animal with a strong physique and powerful muscles. From all his movements breathes nobility, vigor and strength.

  • Square head with a sharp transition to a broad and powerful muzzle.
  • Long, dry and muscular neck.
  • Short, strong and straight back.
  • The protruding lower jaw gives the dog a slightly menacing look.
  • Upturned and flattened nose.
  • Highly set tail, which is most often docked. When the animal walks, it wags to the sides, which gives the dog a funny look.
  • Boxers are found in red or brindle color. Characteristic black mask and occasional white markings.

Boxers reach a height of 57-64 cm (males) and 53-59 cm (females). Their weight is 30-32 kg and 25-27 kg for males and females, respectively. Very often, due to their bright appearance and temperament, German boxers become show stars, competing with many other breeds.


Officially it is believed that the duration of German boxers is 10-13 years, but in reality they rarely live up to 10 years. The reason for this is their not very strong immunity. They get supercooled very quickly, prone to allergies and colds. In order for the dog to always feel good, it must be kept indoors without drafts, high humidity and not walking with it in wet and windy weather.

What diseases are most common in boxers?

  • Deafness, which is typical for puppies with a white color. Puppies are deaf for one or both departures, and the proportion of such deviations is high - up to 40% of individuals born white.
  • genetic disease - arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle and aortic stenosis.
  • Due to poor immunity, dogs are prone to allergies and hair loss.
  • Digestive problems: bloating, gastric volvulus, vomiting. The best prevention of such ailments is to prevent the dog from overeating and feed small portions several times a day.
  • Already by six months, German boxer puppies can be diagnosed hip dysplasia- a serious disease that, if left untreated, will begin to cause severe torment to the dog, lead to lameness and paw dragging.
  • There is another disease of the spine - deforming spondylosis, which can lead to paralysis. It arises a field of 5-6 years.
  • Brachiocephalic Syndrome characteristic of dogs with a too short muzzle. A boxer with this diagnosis will snore in his sleep, breathe hoarsely and suffer from shortness of breath (especially during training, walking and in the summer heat).
  • Hypothyroidism is a result of thyroid dysfunction. If chills, hair loss, rash, hyperpigmentation of the skin were noticed behind the dog, then this is a reason for immediate contact with the veterinarian.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision: eversion or inversion of the eyelid.

Care and maintenance

Proper and regular care is the key to the health and impeccable appearance of the German boxer. As soon as the puppy appears in the family, it is necessary to start accustoming him to hygiene procedures, and the dog will take them for granted.

How to take care of the skin and coat?

The boxer has a smooth and smooth coat, so it does not get tangled, tangles form on it. To keep the hairline in a well-groomed form, it is enough to regularly comb the dog with a soft brush or a rubber glove. This will get rid of keratinized particles and give pleasure to the pet. Hard brushes are contraindicated, as they can injure the boxer's delicate skin.

Dog bathing rules:

  • Bathing the breed should be taken very seriously.
  • It is advisable to bathe once a year, and after the water procedure, dry the coat thoroughly so that the dog does not get too cold.
  • If the boxer gets dirty during walks, then it is enough to wash the dirty areas.
  • Use a low pH shampoo for bathing.
  • The folds on the muzzle should be wiped daily to prevent inflammation and irritation.
  • To clean and disinfect wool, you need to wipe it with a special solution: vinegar, water and alcohol in a ratio of 1:1:1.

The breed has very delicate skin, and it is necessary to be more attentive to its condition. Combing with a rubber glove is not only a hygienic procedure. This and massage, which improve blood microcirculation, improves the well-being and mood of the pet. Sensitive and delicate skin on the paw pads requires inspection after each walk. Microtraumas received on the street can lead to inflammation and deterioration. In puppies and older dogs, on the advice of veterinarians, the skin on the paws should be lubricated with cream before and after walking.

How to take care of eyes, ears, teeth and claws?

  1. Daily cleansing eye boxer will prevent the development of conjunctivitis. The procedure should be carried out in the morning or after walking with cotton pads soaked in boiled water.
  2. For cleaning ears no special tools are required, just wrap a clean cloth around your finger and gently remove dirt. This procedure, carried out once a month, is the best prevention of ear infections. But if the auricle turns red and an unpleasant odor is felt, then you can’t do without contacting a veterinarian.
  3. Teeth you need to brush with a special toothbrush at least 2-3 times a month and do not use the usual, “human” toothpaste. When tartar appears, it is necessary to contact a specialist, only he can eliminate the defect.
  4. Long, uncircumcised claws- the cause of improper gait and inconvenience when walking. If the pet rarely walks on an asphalt surface, where the claws grind naturally, then you need to cut them with a special nail cutter.

Rest and walks of the German boxer

The main rule when organizing a place to rest is to place it in a conspicuous place and where there are no drafts and sources of heating. The boxer always keeps the owner in sight, so soft and wide bedding in a suitable place is the key to a comfortable and relaxing stay for the pet.

Training and education

The German Boxer is a smart dog that really wants to please and obey the owner, so it is easy to educate and train. Education and familiarity with the rules in the house must begin from the moment the puppy appears in the house. As a rule, the puppy is in the house of a new owner at 1.5 months. From 3 months you can start training your pet. It is surprising that even a child who has reached the age of 12 can teach a dog the first commands.

The first commands to teach puppies are: Sit! Beside! Lie! To me! Like any other dog, a boxer can be stubborn, but a patient and persistent owner will insist on everything, directing the learning process in the right direction. If the dog remembers the commands, then this is for life. By the age of six months, the breed should know and follow all the basic commands.

In the process of education and training, the owner of the dog must behave like a friend. Perhaps strict and demanding, but a friend. In return, he will receive a loyal and friendly dog.


Healthy boxer puppies are amazing creatures. They do not scream, hold tightly to their mother's nipples and almost purr with pleasure. The most painful topic for puppies is tail docking. Many believe that the barbaric attitude, so in England this procedure has long been banned.

Boxers are born with their eyes closed, opening on days 10-13. But there is a certain percentage of puppies that are born with their eyes open, but they usually don't survive. Even with their eyes open, puppies can only distinguish between light and dark, and they begin to see well only by the fifth week.

In kennels, puppies begin to be sold when they are 45 days old. By the time the little boxer appears in the new house, the owner must have bought all the attributes for the full care of the puppy:

  • Bowls. They must be aluminum and on a height-adjustable stand. The dog's bowl should be at the level of the elbow joint. Many experts note that bowls located on the floor are also quite suitable. The dog spends about 10 years behind a bowl and during this time there are no loads on the neck and spine.
  • Mattress or underlay. The sleeping place should be soft and large so that the dog fits there in full growth. An important condition for the location of the lounger is away from heaters and drafts.
  • first aid kit with drugs prescribed and recommended by a veterinarian.
  • Collar and leash. Puppies need to be trained on a collar and leash. If you attach a tag with the owner's phone number or address to the collar, this will facilitate the search in case the dog gets lost. Experts advise buying a leash with a length of at least 2 m.
  • Toys - necessary attribute for a puppy and an adult dog. Boxers are playful and very bored when left alone. To make it easier for them to wait for the owner from work, you need to leave toys for her.

Catering for a German Boxer Puppy

A balanced diet and proper diet is the key to a puppy's health and development. Until the age of 2 months, the puppy should be fed at least 5-6 times a day, and then go to reduce meals:

  • from 2 to 6 months - 4 times a day;
  • from 6-10 months - 3 times a day;
  • from 10 months - 2 times a day.

The puppy's diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products, vitamin and mineral supplements. The meat should be varied: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. The main requirement for meat: raw or half-cooked, low fat, no bones (to eliminate the risk of injury to the esophagus).

And English Bulldogs. Previously, dogs were mainly used for hunting wild boars, deer, even bears. A little later, the pets decreased in size and became known as brabanters. Already in the 19th century, Brabanters and English Bulldogs were crossed - a boxer dog arose.

German boxer character

Dogs of the breed are distinguished by good character, intelligence and devotion. The boxer loves the owner, tries never to lose sight of it. Affectionate and accommodating. The dog likes to lie on the couch next to the owner.

Do not be afraid for cats in the presence of a boxer's house - the dog gets along well with other animals. However, do not expect such an attitude towards other people's pets. Boxers love to chase other people's cats and small animals.
Physical development stops at about 18 months, which cannot be said about emotional maturity. Therefore, it seems that early development does not bring positive results. One day a boxer will understand the lessons taught in a moment. Try to praise and encourage your pet more, the pet does not accept punishment.

Boxer dog breed

Boxer is characterized by increased playfulness. Even in adulthood, boxers love to drive the ball with the owner, play a little trick or play with a relative. Being surrounded by people, they easily adapt to any environment.

The Boxer is a smart dog, sometimes creates an excess of noise. With difficulty, experts advise to fight with the help of mandatory obedience training. It is worth noting that boxers love to learn, training is easy for dogs. The breed dog is often used as a guard or guide dog.

Boxer Grooming

Caring for a dog is simple, the main thing is to properly feed the boxer and follow the rules of keeping. From an early age, teach your pet to regular inspections and care. During such actions, the dog should not show discontent, resist.
Boxer puppies quickly get used to grooming procedures, if done carefully, without causing pain. If the puppy stubbornly resists, turn the baby on its back and, pressing your own hand to the puppy's chest, hold it in this position for several minutes. When the puppy calms down, praise the little boxer and play with him a little. In subsequent times, the little boxer will not resist, lying on his back.


To care for wool, you will need a rubberized cloth and a leather cloth. First, wipe the boxer's short coat with the first material, then with the second, soaking it in water. Bathing your dog is not recommended. After a walk in bad weather, it is recommended to wipe dirty places with a cloth moistened with water and shampoo. Teach your dog to wash their paws after coming from the street.


Cleanliness of the eyes is supposed to be regularly taken care of. The German boxer is a dog with drooping eyelids, prone to frequent conjunctivitis. Allocations are removed carefully using a soft cloth.


Never clean your dog's ears with cotton swabs, do not drip alcohol or other liquids. To clean a boxer's ears, you need to wrap a handkerchief around your finger and remove dust and sulfur. If the dog behaves unnaturally, a strange smell comes out of the ears, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Remember, too long claws interfere with the dog's walking, even cause pain. The claws are shortened with special incisors, it is important not to touch the blood vessels that are in the outgrowths.

Nutrition of the German boxer

Experienced dog breeders say that the brindle boxer is a dog for which dry food in combination with meat is quite suitable in the form of food. To make your pet's diet balanced, other healthy foods are added.
It is allowed to include cereals in the boxer's daily menu. It is acceptable to mix with meat or give the dog in its pure form. Dry food is not recommended for daily use, there is a risk of nutritional imbalance. Do not save on the brand - quality is above all. When using food in a dog's diet, make sure that the pet always has access to water. The water bowl is replenished regularly.

Trust and deep affection for “our own”, irrepressible energy and optimism, strong mentality, good-natured attitude towards the weak - the boxer breed, despite its warlike past, was able to become a truly family breed. Looking into serious eyes and appreciating the boxer's powerful jaws, it's hard to believe that this is not a bloodthirsty scoff, but a varmint and an eternal child.

For thousands of years Europe was inhabited by large, fearless and greedy to fight dogs. They were used as guards, pickling dogs for a bull and a bear, and, well, as an entertainment, arranging "gladiator" dog fights. The first description of the boxer breed refers only to the middle of the 19th century, but the ancestors of the most beautiful brachycephals lived in Germany long before that. First of all, they include bullenbeisers or “bullhounds” - desperate, pain-tolerant dogs with a flattened wide muzzle and upturned nose. In addition to bulldogs, mastiffs, huge and incredibly powerful hunters of wild boars, bears and other large game, participated in the formation of the breed.

In 1896, the boxer dog breed began to conquer the world. The first boxer club was opened, stately dogs with upturned muzzles increasingly pleased the experts with their presence in the ring. The working qualities of the boxer were not left behind, brave and dexterous dogs worked in the police and the army, they were used as search dogs and guide dogs.

It would seem that knowing about such ancestors, everything about the German boxer breed is clear even before a close acquaintance with these wonderful dogs. They were supposed to become distrustful, pugnacious and vicious dogs. But the boxer was lucky - from the very beginning, the selection was carried out taking into account the trends of the new time. Breeders did not create killers, they sought to maintain endurance, agility and quick reactions, but add balance and good nature - the necessary qualities for life in the family circle.

Read also: Tornjak: appearance, character, training, health (+ photo)


The first thing you pay attention to is to become and military bearing, strength and elusive energy raging in the depths of smart eyes. Even a person who is absolutely indifferent to brachycephals notes the accuracy and “correctness” of shortened powerful jaws. The German Boxer breed standard does not allow curvature, distortion and other deformities of the bulldog bite. The muzzle should not be exaggeratedly flat, the teeth should not move in different directions. The length of the muzzle to the length of the skull is 1 to 2.

Traditionally, boxers have cropped tails and ears. However, this is currently not recommended. And if the plans include an exhibition career, then it is completely prohibited. The tail should be even and long, the ears are medium-sized, thin, hanging on the cartilage forward, adjacent to the cheekbones.

The boxer breed does not belong to the giants, although the growth at the withers is decent - up to 63 cm for males and up to 59 cm for females. In this case, the weight of males should not exceed 32 kg., For females - 27 kg. But, despite the modest weight, the boxer gives the impression of a strong, hardy and muscular dog of a square format. The muscles are well developed, the back is even, the chest is deep and fairly wide. The limbs are sinewy, not shortened and without inward or outward curvature.

Once upon a time, the description of the boxer breed included a white color. Today, the short, glossy, perfectly fitting coat can only be brindle or red. White spots on the chest and a white blaze on the head are not considered a fault, but there should be no large white spots on the body.

Character and training

In the family circle, a boxer is a tireless clown, a merry fellow, a rogue and a dodger. This is the focus of vital energy, amazing cunning and touching stubbornness. Looking at how an affectionate strongman with a sad expression on his “face” begs for something tasty, you understand everything about the German boxer breed - manipulators, skillful and quick-witted, capable of melting the toughest heart.

Boxers are very active dogs, bored without new experiences. If you do not give the pet the opportunity to splash out the accumulated energy, the good-natured dog will find a way to relax at home. Everything will be eaten - wooden parts of furniture, parquet, upholstery, wall corners. In this characteristic of the boxer breed, it differs little from their closest relatives: there is no desire or time to work with your pet often and a lot, choose another breed, more calm and “sofa”.

Boxer dog breed It was first bred in Germany in the nineteenth century, when breeders successfully crossed English, Bullbasers and Brabanters (at the moment this breed close to is considered extinct).

The etymology of the origin of the name is not completely clear, since the word "Boxer" was originally used by the Germans in the same sense in which we use the word "Dog", calling this term all representatives of the species, regardless of their belonging to the breed.

Unlike their ancestors, bulldogs, who are prominent representatives of hunting dogs, boxers were bred primarily to protect people and their property from aggressors and ill-wishers.

Nevertheless, the boxer is distinguished by incredible energy, friendliness, kindness and quick wit.

They can play not only the role of pets, which are adored by all family members, but also guides for the blind, bodyguards and reliable watchmen.

Description of the boxer breed

When looking at boxer dog photo first of all, the athletic physique of the animal is striking.

The boxer has a solid appearance: the height of males varies from 55 to 65 cm, weight ranges from 29 to 33 kg.

Bitches are usually 52 to 60 cm tall and rarely weigh more than 26-28 kg. Boxers are owners of short hair that does not tangle, does not fall off and does not need complicated care.

Trimming wool with plucking too long hairs is practiced only before shows.

Boxers can be tawny, striped, brindle, or red.

According to the breed standard, the predominance of white should not exceed thirty percent of the body.

That's why white boxer dog today has a rather low distribution because it does not meet a number of international standards (such as the FCI), many professional breeders euthanize puppies.

Boxers are very similar in head shape to their English Bulldog ancestors, and also possess a somewhat cubic skull with a slight bulge at the top.

The lower jaw is protruding forward about one and a half centimeters, fleshy lips hang down on the sides.

The nose is slightly flattened and upturned. Initially, the breed standard provided for mandatory ear cropping, but at the beginning of the 2000s, an official ban on such a procedure was introduced.

Features of the boxer breed

Boxer dog character is docile and disciplined. Usually a boxer chooses one of the family members, who follows literally on the heels.

Pictured is a white boxer dog

He considers him the master, however, all other inhabitants of the house also become part of his pack, and he will bravely fight for them in case of conflict situations.

The boxer generally treats strangers with great distrust, and can take revenge on the offender, seeing him even after a few years.

Boxers, on the contrary, are too gullible towards their owners, but they can be offended if they try to deceive or outwit them in some way.

dog boxer can peacefully get along not only with family members, but also with pets.

The boxer finds a common language with cats of the same breed (it can be very aggressive towards representatives of other breeds) and even with parrots.

In addition, he treats small children very well, and will never let them offend.

It is not uncommon for an adult boxer to oppose his owners, who reprimand the child for pampering, but such skirmishes actually never end in direct aggression from the dog.

dog german boxer It has a very high mobility, which persists until old age.

Therefore, she needs regular long walks and physical activity in the fresh air.

The boxer lends itself to training just fine, and in order to teach the basic commands, you will need to spend a minimum of free time.

You can train and educate a puppy from the age of three months. Despite its high degree of activity, this breed is not particularly "verbose". If it barks, then most likely there is a serious reason for that.

From boxer dog descriptions it becomes crystal clear that he is very stubborn and cocky.

Distinguished by enviable fearlessness, the animal can attack the enemy larger and stronger than itself, so it is worth restraining your pet when meeting with dogs of hunting and fighting breeds, which can easily end in a skirmish.

Boxers perfectly adapt to any conditions, the only thing they do not tolerate well is high humidity with insufficient heat, so they should not be left in damp cold rooms.

Listing the rest boxer dog characteristics, it is worth dwelling on their calmness, cheerful disposition, devotion, cleanliness, friendliness and other features for which they are simply adored by adults and children.

Possessing high intelligence, this breed was engaged in rescuing the wounded, delivering medicines and mail, and guarding facilities during the First World War.

For those who decide buy a boxer dog, you should know that she needs a lot of attention, and she does not tolerate loneliness very well.

At least once a week, the dog needs to arrange a full-fledged training, including reinforcement of commands, running with obstacles and weight training.

Boxer nutrition

Based on numerous boxer dog reviews, it is best to base their diet on boiled cereals in combination with meat.

Protein should be at least a third of the total daily allowance. For puppies and who are subject to increased physical exertion, this figure can be safely increased to fifty percent.

Of the cereals, they love rice, buckwheat, corn flakes and rolled oats (the last two varieties of cereals do not need to be boiled, which makes them a quick, healthy, and cost-effective replacement for dry food).

Puppies are fed four times a day, adult dogs eat twice a day. Feeding scraps from your table to boxers is not worth it.

boxer price

On the boxer dog price influenced by the presence of a pedigree, appearance and many other factors.

Buy a thoroughbred boxer dog puppy today it is possible for an amount of ten thousand Russian rubles.

In the photo puppies dog boxer

In the event that the puppy's parents have many prizes at various exhibitions, which is confirmed by the presence of documents and medals, then the price for such a copy will increase by several orders of magnitude.

Dogs of the Boxer breed are characterized by such diseases as: deafness, food allergies, bloating and hypothyroidism.

The average life expectancy of Boxers is between ten and twelve years, however, based on the reviews of many breeders, dogs often live up to the age of sixteen.

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