Retriever breed description. Golden Retriever Diseases and treatment

The Golden Retriever has a unique history, which is interesting because for a long time one version of its origin was officially recognized, and then another appeared that proved the legendaryness of the previous one.

beautiful legend

According to the mythical version, the breed originated from Russian Shepherd Dogs, which were circus dogs. The father of the breed, the Scottish Lord Tweedmouth, allegedly bought them after performing in a circus, in which they impressed him with their intelligence and skills. It happened, according to him, in 1858. The lord bought 8 dogs for a fabulous sum and started breeding them on his estate, not far from the famous Loch Ness.

This story was told to everyone who was interested in the breed, and was even published in the magazine Rural Life. The Lord actively popularized this version and added that he wanted to organize an expedition to Russia, in particular to the Caucasus, in order to bring more Russian Shepherd Dogs. It is difficult to say why this legend was needed. Most likely, it was a kind of skillful PR of a new breed, which immediately interested everyone. Origin from amazingly intelligent dogs, luxurious golden color, romantic circumstances of their acquisition - everything was in the hands of Lord Tweedmouth.

It should be added that his estate, in which the breed was born, was really a fabulous and interesting place. It was a huge estate with an amazing park of exotic trees brought from all over the world. There was also a unique dairy farm and hunting grounds, in which, at the invitation of the lord, the cream of Scottish society spent time.

The first breeders of golden retrievers were only noble people, which added even more noble gloss to the breed. So, Colonel Le Poer Trench acquired a puppy from Lord Tweedmouth, which he subsequently registered with the English Kennel Club. The dog was listed as a Russian Yellow Retriever. For a long time, the circus version was popular, according to which the new breed came from Russian Shepherd Dogs. Even Caucasian shepherd dogs were called her ancestors. Although the appearance and character of the Golden Retriever pointed to other ancestors, most people believed the beautiful legend.

Read the article about the hero's dog - Golden Hero

Official version

Serious cynologists understood that the circus version could not be true. Therefore, it was only necessary to study the origin of the golden retriever, and the truth turned out. Elma Stonex thoroughly studied the history of the breed from the written sources she found. Their authenticity is not in doubt, as they were stud books kept by Lord Tweedmouth. They trace the chronology of the formation of the breed from 1835 to 1889. Now these records are kept in the English Kennel Club.

Sheds light on the history of the breed and the Lord's letter to his great-nephew, who also bred Golden Retrievers. The letter describes in detail all the events related to the origin of the breed. Lord bought the first dog from a shoemaker from Brighton, who at one time received a puppy of a beautiful golden color from a forester from the Chichester estate. The lord named the golden dog Nous, which means “wisdom” in the Celtic dialect.

Nous was bred to Belle's Tea Colored Water Spaniel. From this mating, three yellow puppies were born, who became the founders of a new breed. About all subsequent matings, the lord made entries in the stud books until his death. The last puppies born on the estate during his lifetime were Prim and Rose. In 1995, papers were found that traced the pedigree line from Rose to modern Goldens.

Information about matings with Irish Setters and Bloodhounds, which also participated in the formation of the breed, has been preserved. Tweedmouth culled all black puppies, leaving only yellow and golden ones. On the estate, the Gisesen nursery was organized, which was widely known in Great Britain. The owner of the kennel presented the best puppies to his friends, aristocratic hunters. Some of them were also engaged in breeding the breed, actively infusing the blood of Labradors.

Therefore, after the death of Lord Tweedmouth and the sale of the estate, the breed did not disappear, although the circle of breeders was so closed that the general public and even cynologists knew little about it. This is evidenced at least by the fact that in the work of the famous cynologist of the early 20th century, Robert Leighton, the golden retriever breed is not mentioned about the hunting dogs of England.

In creating the breed, the merit is not only of Lord Tweedmouth, but also of those breeders who began to exhibit it and seek official recognition. One of them was Lord Harcoat, who represented his dogs at dog shows. At that time they were not yet recognized as an official breed and were called Golden Flat-Coated Retrievers. Another equally famous breeder was Mrs. Charlesworth. The future British Champion was born in her kennel in 1912, it was the first Golden Retriever to be awarded such a title. The Golden Retriever Club was founded in 1913. But connoisseurs of the breed waited for official recognition only in 1960. In Russia, the first representative of the breed appeared only in 1991.

The Golden Retriever is the second most popular dog in Europe. This is evidenced by the number of registered representatives of the breed in European dog handlers clubs.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The appearance of the Golden Retriever is remarkable for its amazing proportionality. This is a beautiful, well-built dog, active, with confident movements and a friendly look.

The head looks harmonious in relation to the body. The muzzle should not be pointed or rough, it should be broad and deep, but not massive. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly expressed. The description of the eyes deserves special attention. They should be dark brown in color, with the same dark stroke, and have a pleasing expression.

Strong jaws with a scissor bite. The teeth are large, preferably in a complete set.

Ears of medium size, hanging down. Set at approximately eye level.

The chest is powerful, with deep, well arched ribs. The back is straight, the croup and tail seem to continue its line. The American standard allows for a slight sloping croup.

The forelimbs are straight and muscular. The shoulder blades are equal in length to the shoulders. The elbows are close to the body, the shoulder blades are laid back. Such a structure of the limbs is necessary for the dog to perform its functions as a hunter. She runs easily, without wasting extra energy, throwing her front paws far forward.

The hind limbs are muscular, with strong bones. A well-defined knee joint is important, the degree of stretching back of the paws during the run and the strength of the push depend on it.

The coat may be straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat is thick and waterproof. Around the head, starting from the ears, and on the neck, the hair is longer. Such a mane gives the dog a good-natured expression, which is so valued in the breed.

The coat color should be golden or cream, but not red or dark gold. Mahogany color or too dark is unacceptable. The American standard "dislikes" all colors, except for a rich golden hue. English is more loyal and accepts pale colors.

The height at the withers of males is 56-61 cm, females are on average 5 cm less.

The nature of the golden retriever

Only positive opinions can be heard about the character of the Golden Retriever. It is difficult to find a person who would not like communication with these interesting dogs. They are so good-natured and human-oriented that they are ready to constantly express their love and devotion to him. In this regard, golden retrievers have long ceased to be just hunters. They have become companion dogs, guide dogs, and they are also actively used in zootherapy.

By their presence, they calm people, relieve stress, and eliminate aggressive behavior. They are used in working with children with autism. They are able to perfectly console a person when he is upset or crying with something. These dogs perfectly feel the mood of the owner and any person. We can say that if you decide to buy a golden retriever, then you will always have a soft “vest” in which you can cry. They say that even when you just hug this dog, you begin to calm down, there is so much positive energy in it. Golden retrievers will never bare their teeth or growl at a person, so it is difficult to imagine them in the role of guards and bodyguards. They are not wary even towards strangers. They also transfer their love of love to other animals. They never provoke fights, and can even endure attacks from other dogs for a while, simply avoiding conflict. But sometimes another dog still pisses them off, and then they give a worthy rebuff, showing their power.

These dogs are not only obedient, they are very helpful. They always want to be useful. They will never lie still if the owner is doing something in which they can also take part. Some owners skillfully use this quality, and for example, teach them to serve various items to them.

Golden Retrievers are happy to go everywhere with the owner, get acquainted with other people and animals. You can be sure that a dog of this breed will never offend even unfamiliar children and will have fun playing ball with them. But there is no need to think that this breed is just kind, calm bumpkins, capable only of playing. There are many cases when golden retrievers rescued people during fires and floods. They can save a drowning person without an outside team. Golden Retrievers are not only smart. They are also able to assess the situation themselves and make decisions quickly. The reaction of these dogs is lightning fast, so they act very quickly in extreme situations.

Golden Retrievers have an excellent sense of smell and outstanding training abilities. Therefore, representatives of this breed are often used by the police, customs, and airports to search for prohibited substances and weapons.

Friendship of a golden retriever with a leopard

The whole world is watching the touching friendship of the golden retriever Tommy with the leopard. Animals live in South Africa in Pretoria and love each other's company and joint walks.

Golden Retriever Care

You can keep this breed both in an apartment and in a private house. The main thing is not to deprive the dog of your attention and not leave it in constant solitude. A chained golden retriever, deprived of the company of people, is a sad sight. Such treatment does not go unnoticed for the mental health of the dog. Therefore, before you buy a golden retriever puppy, think about how much time you can devote to him daily.

A feature of the breed is that the dog does not choose one owner in the family, all family members can train it or carry out hygiene procedures.

Grooming a Golden Retriever is easy. The main thing is to accustom him to hygiene procedures and daily routine from puppyhood. Proper feeding is very important, but you need to pay attention to other aspects of keeping your pet.

You need to carefully monitor the eyes of the dog. If you find purulent discharge from the eyes every day, then this is not a harmless phenomenon. This may be the first sign of distemper, and a symptom of the presence of worms. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to simply rubbing your eyes and instilling a drop, you need to examine the dog for diseases. Although the reason may be more harmless, for example, from getting sand or dust into the eyes.

If the dog was on a hunt, then after that it is imperative to rinse her eyes, since while running through the forest and thickets, various debris usually gets into her eyes.

Ears can be examined less frequently, about once a week. Rinse them with water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. You can simply wipe the inside of your ears with a damp cotton swab.

Many people think that taking care of a dog's teeth is not necessary. But sometimes this opinion leads to the formation of tartar, to the appearance of yellow plaque. Such a dog can no longer become the winner of exhibitions. You can buy a special toothbrush and paste and periodically brush your dog's teeth or do the same procedure with a cotton swab.

You can wash the dog at your discretion. Usually this procedure is not necessary more often than 2-3 times a year. You need to wash your golden retriever with special shampoos that do not wash off the protective layer and do not lead to dry skin.

It is desirable to comb the dog's coat every day, then it will look well-groomed. After all, the golden coat of a retriever is one of the main advantages of its appearance. This decoration is especially important for a show dog. If you want to shine with your pet at shows, then you need to turn to the services of a professional trimming. You can master this art yourself, then you will need patience, free time and a special tool: massage brush, comb, scissors. And remember that show judges really don't like it when your haircut work is visible. The coat of a retriever should look as natural as possible.

Giuseppe, a golden retriever, works as a salesman in his owners' shop in Ocala, Florida. He greets customers and helps them push their shopping carts to the checkout. The store sells exotic fish, aquariums and related products.

Raising a Golden Retriever

Some owners, having learned that this breed is very smart and kind, do not pay enough attention to its training. They decide that the dog does not need to be taught anything at all, it will grow up and become smart and obedient. This is an erroneous delusion, any dog ​​needs to be trained and taught at least basic commands. A golden retriever living in the city must know at least 3 commands: “Come!”, “Fu!”, “Next!”. The dog is quite large, and not everyone knows that she is kind. If your healthy retriever rushes to an unfamiliar child to lick it, then the parents of this child will not listen to your cries that this is a kind dog, and it will not touch anyone. Therefore, start training the basic commands from the first months of the dog's life in your home.

If you are a keen person, then you will definitely be interested in other opportunities for training a golden retriever: freestyle, agility, circus training. With such a dog, you can start staging theatrical performances and perform with it at charity events in orphanages. In a word, raising a golden retriever can make the life of its owner much brighter and more interesting.

Baxter, a golden retriever from Massachusetts, rescued his brother Bailey. They both got lost in the woods, and Bailey got stuck in the bushes and couldn't get out. When Baxter returned home, he immediately led his mistress to the place where his brother had been trapped.

Where to buy and how to choose a puppy

It's hard to use common sense when the market offers you to buy an adorable golden-colored puppy, and they say that this is a descendant of the famous golden retrievers. But it is better not to make decisions about buying spontaneously.

To get started, find out if there are breeders of this breed in your city. Meet them, look at the golden retriever, its behavior, and decide if this is really the breed of your dreams. Then you can contact the kennel club in your city and find out about the planned matings or already born puppies and say that you intend to buy a golden retriever for the soul or for exhibitions.

If there is no such organization in your city, then this is not a problem. Thanks to the Internet, you can get in touch with lovers of this breed. The easiest way to find them is on special forums or in groups on social networks. There you can look after yourself and the breeder of the mother of your future dog. In fact, the choice of a breeder is also very important, because the health of your pet depends on his honesty and proper care of puppies at the initial stage of their life.

If it is not possible to personally see the father of the puppy, then it is still advisable to contact the breeder and look at his photo, video. Before buying a Golden Retriever puppy, people pay a lot of attention to studying the pedigree of his parents. On the one hand, this is correct, but this does not guarantee the absence of flaws in the offspring of the eminent couple. Therefore, more attention should be paid to puppies. This is not 5 minutes of watching puppies play. You need to carefully examine the puppy for both health and compliance with the standard. Therefore, it is not recommended to book puppies that are only a few days old, seeing them only in the photo.

When making a conscious decision to get one, many opt for the Golden Retriever breed (they are also called "Golden Retrievers", or simply "goldens").

Good-natured breed with aristocratic habits and restrained disposition. From the description of the breed, it follows that this is a friendly dog ​​with a gentle character, not prone to aggression and hyperactivity, which makes it a great addition to a family with small children.

Description of the breed and photo

The standards of breed parameters adopted by the International Cynological Federation are particularly harmonious and proportional.

Origin: England (Great Britain).

  • Height (at withers): up to 56 cm (females), up to 61 cm (males).
  • The weight: up to 37 kg (females), up to 41.5 (males).
  • Body type: harmonious, strong, powerful.
  • Bones: strong.
  • Head: large, in proportion to the physique, the parietal part is wide with a pronounced transition to the forehead.
  • Ears: broad, set high, hanging down, of medium length.
  • Eyes: widely set, brown, oval, the edges of the eyelids are dark in color.
  • Nose: long, black lobe.
  • Jaws: strong with large teeth.
  • Neck: muscular, long.
  • Rib cage: wide, deep.
  • Paws: rounded, massive, muscular, with retracted shoulder blades and pronounced knee joints.
  • Tail: long, not curving, on the same level with the croup.
  • Wool: straight with light waves, long with dense undercoat. In the area of ​​the neck and ears it is thicker, creating the appearance of a “collar” and giving a special good nature.
  • Color: cream, golden, possible on the chest is a medallion of white color.
  • Character: soft and calm, balanced, non-aggressive.
  • Behavior: discreet.
  • Movements: smooth, graceful.
  • Lifespan: 10-13 years old.

Retrievers with a white color are considered a tribal marriage.

Often the Golden Retriever is equated with the Retriever breed. But this is a gross mistake. Having similar features, these are completely different breeds with opposite characters.

The breed reaches its maximum height by the first year of life, weight - by the second year of life, and maturity - by 4 years.

Did you know? The Golden Retriever breed ranks second in popularity among kennel clubs in Europe.

It is worth noting the fact that the real cost of a "golden" puppy, which has all the qualities provided by the standard and has a pedigree, cannot be less than $500.

History of the breed

If you do not touch on legends and rumors, the history of the breed begins in the 19th century, when two breeds were mated:

  • a fawn flat-coated retriever male, resulting from mating a Newfoundland and a setter;
  • tweed water spaniel females of a local breed.

As a result, four puppies were born in 1868, who later became the ancestors of the breed.
In the future, breeders made mating with other breeds. So, some descendants were mated with a fawn bloodhound, some with a wavy retriever, the rest with a setter. Litters from mating, over time, tied together.

Such intense selection has rewarded retrievers with a host of virtues. His sensitive sense of smell, flexible mind and easy learning stand out.

The first participation in the exhibition took place in 1908, and the breed was officially recognized by the international cynological community in 1913. The first golden retriever club was created and led by Mrs. Stonex in the UK in 1959.

Did you know? The retriever breed was bred as a hunting breed; in translation from English "to retrieve" means - to find, take back, return.

Today, golden retrievers are actively used as guide dogs, rescue dogs, or in animal psychology programs as canistherapy (treatment using specially trained dogs) for children with cerebral palsy (CP) and autism. Retrievers are great for this because of their good nature and friendliness.

Features of care

Wool, shedding

Golden wool is the main advantage, and requires careful and regular care. The main care is daily combing. So that this procedure does not bring discomfort, it is necessary to accustom to it as early as possible. Combing is carried out with the help of special iron or a special glove for animals. Shedding occurs 2 times a year (spring and autumn), during which the coat is completely renewed. Shedding is abundant, so you need to comb your pet often and regularly.

Ears, eyes, teeth, paws and claws

Ears must be checked and cleaned. It is better if these are scheduled examinations at the veterinarian, but you can examine and clean yourself once a week. To clean the ears will help special drops created specifically for this purpose. To do this, the required number of drops (indicated in the instructions) should be dripped into the ear canal and massage the base of the ear for several minutes so that the dirt has time to dissolve. Next, wipe and thoroughly clean the ear with a cotton swab. You can use 10% hydrogen peroxide.

Eyes should be checked regularly for damage, irritation, or disease. The dog should not have any discharge from the eyes or any other signs of ill health (lacrimation or any other behavioral manifestations).
As a preventive measure, you can wash your eyes with purified distilled water using a cotton pad, gently moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

Did you know?The organs of vision of golden retrievers allow you to perceive the world around you only in black and white and are not able to focus on stationary objects.

It is important not to forget about oral hygiene. Once a week it is necessary to clean the teeth from the formed plaque. Timely hygiene will prevent the formation of tartar and protect the dog from possible inflammation of the gums. Cleaning can be done with a soft toothbrush designed for people (or children), or you can buy a brush for animals in a special pet store. These stores will also help you pick up toothpaste. But if there is no opportunity for such purchases, you can also clean with tooth powder or soda.

Such timely care will help preserve the already strong teeth of the dog until its very old age. And to prevent the formation of deposits on the teeth, regular consumption of solid foods with natural feeding, or specially purchased biscuits and pressed strands in pet stores can prevent the formation of deposits on the teeth.
Paw inspection should be regular. Inspection is carried out for the timely detection and elimination of damage or third-party objects (dirt, chewing gum, etc.). In addition to the usual inspection, the paws should be washed after each walk. In winter, you need to wash your paws especially carefully to completely remove salt and other chemicals used to treat roads.

In order to avoid the formation of dryness and cracks on the pads, the paws can be periodically lubricated with a greasy cream. It is necessary to rub until it is completely absorbed.

Nails in dogs grow very quickly and can bring discomfort to the pet. Active walks contribute to the constant and gradual grinding of claws. But if this is not enough and they grow too long, they need to be trimmed. It is best to use special scissors when cutting claws - a guillotine. Only the lifeless part of the nail is trimmed. Finally, you can round off the rough and sharp edges of the claws with a nail file.

Important! When examining the paws and claws, special attention should be paid to the fifth dewclaws. Due to the fact that these fingers do not touch the ground, the claws on them can be deformed with growth and grow into the paws.

Bathing should be done as it gets dirty, but at least four times a year. It is better to accustom to bathing as early as possible. So the dog will quickly get used to hygiene procedures, and as a result, he will not feel discomfort during bathing.

Bathing water temperature should not exceed 39°C. Bathe your dog with shampoo. It is best if these are special shampoos bought in special stores or veterinary pharmacies. Special cosmetics for animals will not cause harm and will optimally affect the skin.
To dry and style the naughty thick hair of an animal, a regular hair dryer will help.

If the dog still does not like bathing, then special dry shampoos will serve as a good substitute for this process.


Show dogs need professional trimming done by a specialist. If you are going to do trimming on your own, you need to understand the main thing - with the help of trimming, a dog (its coat) is given a certain shape, nothing more.

Shearing can be carried out with ordinary scissors or with special thinning scissors, which will help to avoid clear cut lines and hide some imperfections.

Did you know?Golden Retrievers are the only dog ​​breed with a characteristic "smile" face.

You need to start cutting from the upper body, keeping the direction of the scissors opposite to the growth of the hair. Frequent combing during this process will show all the shortcomings of the hairline. Process sequence:

  1. at the first stage, the muzzle is cut short. Here you need to be especially careful not to injure the pet with an awkward movement. After cutting the protruding part of the muzzle, the outer edge of the ears and their inner part are cut short;
  2. at the second stage, cutting the neck towards the shoulders. Here the length depends on the preferences of the owner;
  3. then cut off the excess length on the sides(the so-called suspension);
  4. after shaping the dewlap, the paws are also shaped. As a rule, in these places only the longest part of the wool is cut with thinning scissors. Cut especially short hair between paw pads. This will facilitate the dog's gait and prevent dirt from sticking between the toes;
  5. special attention should be paid to giving tail shapes. The shape should resemble half a bird's feather. Shearing will be easier by holding the tip of the tail. As a result, the hair at the tip of the tail should not be less than 3 cm, and at the base at least 15 cm.

Dogs not participating in shows do not need to be sheared, but this process generally improves the appearance of the dog.

Goldens prefer long walks and active games. The optimal duration of the walk is at least 2 hours a day (twice for 1 hour). During the walk, you need to satisfy the hunting instinct of the dog and persuade it to offer various items. It can be a regular stick or a favorite toy.

Important! During regular walks, you can develop the correct posture in the dog. To strengthen the muscles of the back, the dog must be persuaded to execute the “pull” command.

The key to the aesthetic forms of the dog is dietary and nutritious nutrition. Thoughtful and well-composed, it becomes the main factor in the health and long life of the pet.

The dog is unpretentious in food and is equally disposed to natural food or to. When buying special food, you must adhere to the daily norms indicated on the package.
With natural feeding, it is important to properly compose the diet, for the optimal presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other components in it. Additional vitamin supplements are purchased from a veterinary pharmacy and served to the dog as an additional treat.

The daily diet should be in the following proportions:

  • meat - 50%:
  • cereals - 25%;
  • vegetables - 25%.

An adult dog is fed twice a day, a puppy - 3-4 times. The volume of food should not exceed 3% of the total weight of the pet per day.

In order not to “unbalance” the pet’s digestive system, you should not combine natural nutrition with special dry food.

Important! Goldens are prone to obesity, so any changes in the animal's weight should be carefully monitored when on a natural diet.


Due to the calm disposition and obedience, a false belief may arise that dogs of this breed do not need training. But this is far from true. Team training is a must, especially if you plan to participate in exhibitions in the future. The dog must understand what is required of it.
Moreover, a trained (trained) dog is more calm and confident, and its behavior is predictable.

With independent it is important to adhere to the basic rules:

  • reward the dog for each correctly executed command;
  • observe consistency and constancy in actions. If something is forbidden to a dog, then not only here and now, but also in the future;
  • short classes (no more than 15 minutes);
  • classes should be devoted to one skill, and not to all teams at once;
  • do not end training with an unfulfilled command;
  • Command training should be ongoing.

You need to start training lessons as early as possible (from 2-5 months). A dog of this breed is quick-witted, so this process will not be delayed. The training process can be done independently (so the dog will be more trusting of the owner), or with the help of a competent dog handler.

Important! This breed has an excellent memory - dogs are able to remember especially old events.


Young retrievers are healthy, but as they grow older and age, diseases characteristic of them may appear:

  • cancers at the gene level;
  • hereditary eye diseases (for example, retinal degeneration);
  • hereditary diseases of the hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems (for example, von Willebrand's disease);
  • infectious and non-infectious diseases of the ears, due to their breadth and openness;
  • hormonal disorders (eg, hypothyroidism);
  • skin diseases and allergies (for example, atopic dermatitis).

Retinal degeneration leads to dystrophic changes in the retina and is initially accompanied by loss of vision at night. It is important not to miss and notice the disease in time.

von Willebrand disease is asymptomatic, it can be noticed as a result of injuries or surgical interventions. It is characterized by internal or external bleeding (gastrointestinal, gums, nose or genitals).

Hypothyroidism develops as a result of thyroid dysfunction and leads to depression of neuropsychic activity. Symptoms of the disease are lethargy, behavioral changes, weight gain.

Atopic dermatitis occurs as a result of constant contact with allergens and is manifested by rashes, itching and inflammation on the pet's skin.

Important! Pets with identified genetic diseases should not be allowed to mate.

Despite its considerable weight, the Golden Retriever is a dog breed with a light character. She is unpretentious in care, but requires attention. Moreover, these dogs tend to have a strong emotional connection with their owner and are hard to forgive betrayals. Therefore, before bringing a Golden Retriever puppy into the house, it is important to evaluate your own strengths. As you know, we are responsible for those who have tamed.

Update: October 2017

The Golden Retriever is a hunting breed, however, these dogs make ideal family pets due to the following qualities:

  • balanced character;
  • calm;
  • stress tolerance;
  • intelligent manners;
  • friendliness;
  • friendliness;
  • sociability;
  • activity;
  • determination;
  • curiosity;
  • quick wits.

Brief description of the representatives of the breed

Who are Golden Retrievers for?

Young active people leading a healthy lifestyle. Families with children. Those who will calmly treat dog hair indoors.

Not suitable for: people with allergies to wool, the elderly, and those who cannot provide their pet with regular long walks and quality care.

Who is better to choose: male or female?

If a dog is needed as a companion, it is better to get a bitch. She is more balanced, obedient, calm, quickly gets used to the owner. It will be easier to control it.

If golden is needed for hunting, it is better to take a male. It should be borne in mind that working dogs feel uncomfortable in an apartment, sometimes they show aggression towards other pets.

Can you keep it in an apartment?
Recommended conditions of detention - a country house and a garden with a reliable fence. You can keep it in an apartment, but you need regular long walks in the park, physical activity.
Is it better to feed a retriever: dry food or natural food?

Depends on the capabilities of the owner. However, it is impossible to mix types of feeding: industrial feeds of the highest category are completely balanced and contain all the substances necessary for normal life. Adding other foods to the diet upsets the balance.

In addition, when eating industrial feed, certain enzymes are produced that are not able to digest natural food.

Is it easy to train?
These are very smart dogs, they are perfectly trainable. It is important to start training as early as possible. However, allowance must be made for the tendency to mischief, stubbornness. To keep the puppy interested, classes must be dynamic.
How are retrievers used?

On the hunt, the goldens raise the bird on the wing, bring the shot prey. Compared to other hunting breeds, they are much better at looking for game in the thicket. Since their mouth is soft, they do not spoil the bird.

Due to the presence of an adequate and quick reaction, excellent sense of smell, they are used as guides for people with visual impairments, as well as as rescuers. In addition, they take part in search activities.


  • good-natured, peaceful;
  • not aggressive;
  • obedient;
  • smart, perfectly trainable;
  • hardy
  • resolute;
  • bark little;
  • have a stable psyche;
  • love children;
  • get along well with cats and other pets.


  • regular hair care is required;
  • physical activity is required;
  • unable to perform the functions of a protector or guard;
  • love to eat, because of this they are prone to obesity;
  • cannot be kept in an aviary, on a chain (due to high social orientation).

What is the difference between a golden retriever and a labrador

Photo of a golden retriever

The nature of the behavior

The nature of golden retrievers is calm, balanced. They are distinguished by good nature, intelligent manners, confident behavior. They have an accommodating disposition, playful, energetic. Naturally hardy and hardy. They are not afraid of water and love to swim.

Ability to learn

They have a good memory, well-developed intellect. Inquisitive, obedient, easy to learn commands. Moreover, very helpful; a pet can be taught to help with household chores, for example, to bring various items. According to the research of the American professor of psychology Stanley Coren, Goldens take the 4th place among 133 breeds in terms of intelligence.

Attitude towards the owner, children, strangers

Representatives of the breed are highly socialized, constantly need the company of people. The owner is not chosen, they love everyone who treats them well. They are ready to follow a person everywhere, they love spending time together. With their presence, goldens bring joy, relieve stress. Subtly feel the emotions of other people, transmit positive energy to a person.

They are not aggressive, they adore children and can become real nannies. Thanks to a stable psyche, they meekly endure the “bullying” of babies without causing harm. Cynologists claim that goldens are safe for children.

They do not show alertness or aggression towards strangers, therefore, these dogs cannot be used as guards or watchmen. However, education can ensure that the pet does not approach strangers on the street.

Relationship with other pets

In relation to other animals, they are always friendly, not inclined to dominance. With proper upbringing, they find a common language with cats, rabbits, etc. They live amicably with other dogs in the house. Having met with relatives on the street, they do their best to avoid conflicts, they never attack first, but they are quite capable of standing up for themselves.

Health, susceptibility to disease

Golden retrievers cannot boast of good health, they have a hereditary tendency to the following diseases:

  • oncological diseases (hemangiosarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, etc.), which are the cause of death in more than half of the individuals;
  • von Willebrand disease (blood pathology similar to hemophilia);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • heart disease (cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis);
  • joint diseases (ligament tears, dislocations);
  • skin pathology (dermatitis);
  • eye damage (retinal atrophy, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal dysplasia);
  • obesity.


Like all dogs, Retrievers need to be vaccinated. 10 days before vaccination, treatment against worms is required ("Drontal", "Cestal", "Azinox", "Prazitsid"). In an animal with helminths, the immune response to vaccination will be insufficient.

Injections are given only to healthy animals. Try not to combine vaccination with flea and tick treatment. The following vaccinations are required:

  1. At the age of 2 months. - the drug "Nobivak DHPPi" (prevention of parvovirus, adenovirus, canine distemper virus, parainfluenza virus) + "Nobivak Lepto" (prevention of leptospirosis).
  2. The first revaccination in 3-4 weeks. - Nobivak DHPPi.
  3. The second revaccination at 6-7 months. after the final change of teeth + rabies vaccine (“Nobivak DHPPi” + “Nobivak Rabies”).
  4. In the future, once a year, the dog is vaccinated against plague, parvovirus, rabies, leptospirosis ("Nobivak": DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies).

Quarantine after any vaccination lasts at least 2 weeks.

If you constantly pay attention to the dog, she will be comfortable both in the yard and in the apartment. It is necessary to ensure maximum freedom of movement. You can’t keep Golden on a chain, this will cause him psychological trauma. In the warm season, the pet can spend the night in a booth. When it gets cold, it is better to let him into the house. The Golden Retriever is a hunting breed, so you need to walk with him more often (in the forest or open area).

If the dog is kept in an apartment, walks in the park are required for at least 2 r. per day (from 30 minutes). You have to walk more on weekends. Retrievers are very fond of outdoor games. Make your pet run, jump, fetch a stick. Ideally, if there is an opportunity to go hunting with a dog.

  • Ear care: once a week - examination, wiping with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. The reason for contacting the veterinarian: the presence of a large amount of discharge, an unpleasant odor, scratching, itching (the dog often scratches its ears).
  • Eye care: once a week - examination, wiping with weak tea leaves.
  • Dental care: Regular checkups. When plaque appears on the teeth, it is necessary to give the pet solid food. You can brush your dog's teeth with a special nozzle that fits on your finger.
  • Paw care: wiping with wet and dry rags after each walk. Inspection for the presence of foreign objects between the fingers (remove), microtraumas, cuts (treat with an antiseptic).
  • Nail care: trimming - 1 time per month.

Hair care

Hair care involves combing 2-3 p. per week using a comb with metal teeth (frequent and rarer on one handle). Such a tool is suitable for combing the neck, paws, ears, tail. You will also need:

  • oval brush (for drying with a hair dryer);
  • brush-"rake" with rotating teeth for combing during the molting period;
  • furminator for combing out fluff.

During molting, use a special slicker, mitten, comb out 2 p. in a day. After the procedure, the wool can sometimes be wiped with a cloth soaked in a solution (1 tablespoon of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of vodka). This will get rid of the dog odor.


Once a month, using special shampoos and conditioners for dogs. If the pet participates in exhibitions, the procedure must be carried out the day before the event. After washing, the wool is blotted with a towel, then dried with a hair dryer. To achieve the best effect, the pet is constantly combed during drying.

A haircut

Perform only after bathing and drying. Haircut order:

  1. Starting at the neck, trim the hair with scissors from the bottom up, gradually descending to the shoulders.
  2. Pay attention to the sides of the neck and jaws.
  3. Make no more than 3 movements with scissors, why comb the hair with a comb, evaluating the result.
  4. Shorten the hair on the dog's chest in such a way as to emphasize the dignity of the pet.
  5. Trim off too much hair growing along the underline of the chest.
  6. Trim the feathers on the paws.
  7. Shorten too long hair on the "pants".
  8. Remove hair between toes.
  9. Trim the hair that grows from the pads of the paws to the wrist.
  10. Then take care of the haircut of the tail, at its base and at the tip the hair should be shorter.
  11. After trimming, comb the ponytail and shake it.

It is better to entrust the grooming of a show animal to a specialist.

Choosing a puppy, care, maintenance, upbringing

When choosing a purebred Golden Retriever puppy, keep in mind that the main features of the exterior and character are inherited, so if possible, try to examine the dog's parents. Ask to show pedigrees, exhibition diplomas.

Examine the puppy, pluses will be:

  • healthy look;
  • absence of external defects;
  • clean ears;
  • clear eyes;
  • clean skin;
  • pink gums;
  • White teeth.

A thoroughbred baby should have:

  • the skull is wide enough;
  • the muzzle is deep, well defined;
  • correct bite;
  • ears of moderate length with proper fit;
  • the body is compact;
  • the chest is good;
  • the pelvis is wide;
  • eyes are dark;
  • nose and paw pads are black.

The place for the puppy should be bright, protected from drafts, located away from heat sources. The bedding must be kept clean, for this use removable covers. Introduce the puppy to the new home immediately: take the pet in your arms and carry it through all the rooms.

Rules for handling a puppy:

  1. Lift it with 2 hands, clasping it with one hand under the chest, and with the other under the seat.
  2. Do not take the baby by the paws, or by grabbing him with your hands under the chest.
  3. Do not stroke his ears, head, do not put the collar over his head, otherwise the set of ears will deteriorate.
  4. Teach the puppy to the collar from 2 months old, walking ammunition should be strong enough. It is necessary that the pet gets used to the muzzle.


Take treats and toys with you. First, the puppy must do its business, then you can start playing with it. During walks, do not overload the baby, this leads to injuries of the joints and the skeletal system. Alternate free walking with walking. Make sure that the puppy is younger than 5 months. did not jump from a height (since his skeleton was not yet strong).

Until the age of 10 months. Don't let your dog jump over obstacles. Do not allow children to sit astride a grown retriever, this leads to a deflection of the dog's back. It is possible to accustom a dog to a harness for a skier, a sled not earlier than the age of 1.5 liters. Useful swimming: up to 6 months. - up to 20 min., from 1 year - up to 40 min. Subsequently, the load can be increased.

Education, training

Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent dogs and are highly trainable. Goodwill must be the foundation of a good relationship. Representatives of this breed are very soft, do not tolerate aggression, loud screams, physical punishment. They perfectly understand human speech, you need to talk to them more often. The dog must follow the basic rules:

  • urinate on the street;
  • do not spoil things in the house;
  • execute basic commands;
  • calmly respond to street stimuli.

It makes sense to start real training when the puppy is six months old. Until this age, he perceives learning in the form of a game, so you should not expect impeccable execution of commands from him. In the future, there should be no concessions during classes. Always make sure your pet does everything he is told to do.

Apporting will be an excellent training, and the dog must necessarily give the brought thing. If the puppy bites or snaps, say "fu" and try to take the toy. If this does not help, take the puppy by the scruff of the neck and lay it on its back. Hold him like this until he relaxes and stops growling. Repeat this every time the puppy refuses to give up the item.

Training to participate in the exhibition

Ringside Golden Retrievers should be taught to stand daily for 1-2 minutes. Correct stance:

  • the puppy stands firmly on 4 legs;
  • the forelimbs are located under the body;
  • the hind limbs stand slightly wider than the forelimbs;
  • paws are located close to each other;
  • the back is straight;
  • hocks are perpendicular to the ground.


Feed your golden retriever at the same time every day. Feeding frequency:

  • at 2-4 months - 5 rubles / day;
  • at 4-6 months - 4 times;
  • at 6-12 months. - 3 times;
  • after a year - 2 p.

After feeding, the bowl is removed, even if there is food left.

Dry food

It would be more correct to purchase Premium or Super Premium food for the dog. Cheaper ones are not able to meet the needs of the body and often cause allergies. When choosing, keep in mind that foods containing a lot of protein are not suitable for puppies.

If your pet becomes overweight, reduce the amount of food. You can temporarily transfer it to diet food. If allergy symptoms appear, buy special hypoallergenic brands (Nutra Choise, Doctor Alders, etc.). This food contains lamb meat, fish, rice.

Until the puppy is 3 months old, soak dry food in warm water to a mushy state. A bowl of clean drinking water should be freely available. If dry food, natural food, or any vitamin or mineral supplements were chosen, they should not be given. This will cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver. As treats, you can feed crackers, pieces of fruit.

natural food

The food from the owner’s table is not suitable for the dog, it must be prepared separately. The basis of the menu: protein products (meat, sour milk, eggs). Additionally, they give cereals, vegetables, fruits. Approximate composition of the daily diet:

Age 2-3 months:

  • 250 g of meat,
  • 1 egg
  • 350 ml milk
  • 150 g cottage cheese,
  • 1 teaspoon l. rast. oils,
  • 150 g of porridge
  • 150 g of vegetables.
  • 350 g of meat,
  • 1 egg
  • 200 g cottage cheese,
  • 450 ml of fermented milk drinks,
  • 1 teaspoon l. rast. oils,
  • 200 g vegetables,
  • 150 g of porridge.
  • 450 g of meat,
  • 1 egg (2 rubles / week),
  • 200 g cottage cheese,
  • 0.5 l of curdled milk, kefir,
  • 200 g vegetables,
  • 1 teaspoon l. rast. oils,
  • 200 g of porridge.
  • 0.6 kg of meat (instead of it, 2 rubles per week give fish),
  • 1 egg (1 rub/week),
  • 350 g cottage cheese,
  • 250 ml of kefir, curdled milk,
  • 250 g vegetables,
  • 1 teaspoon l. rast. oils,
  • 250 g of porridge.
  • 0.7 kg of meat (instead of it, 2 rubles per week give fish),
  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese,
  • 250 ml of kefir, curdled milk,
  • 0.4 kg of vegetables,
  • 1 teaspoon l. sunflower oil,
  • 300 g of porridge.

How to feed:

  1. Defrost meat, cut into pieces. Give raw or scald with boiling water (boil lightly). Minced meat, pork are not fed.
  2. Offal is pre-boiled, given from 4 months.
  3. Only sea fish is given (boiled, without bones).
  4. Vegetables (beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin), stew, finely chop the greens, add everything to the porridge with meat.
  5. Cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) - cook a fairly thick porridge.
  6. Eggs pre-boil.
  7. Bones - buy only beef joints (not ribs, not tubular).

As toys, give the puppy an apple, a whole carrot. Include vitamin and mineral supplements, multivitamins in the diet in accordance with the instructions on the package. Starting from 4 months, you need bait containing glucosamine, chondroitin. They promote healthy cartilage and joints.

Feeding puppies and lactating bitches

Starting from the 2nd month During pregnancy, feed your dog 3-4 r. / day in small portions. Increase the daily ration by 1.5-2 times. Include in the menu:

  • boiled bird;
  • good quality meat;
  • lean fish;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat);
  • raw tripe (without fat);
  • boiled offal;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, sour-milk drinks;
  • boiled egg (2-3 rubles per week);
  • milk - up to 1 liter per day (with good tolerance);
  • vegetables (grated raw carrots, tomatoes, boiled zucchini and pumpkin):
  • greens (finely chopped parsley, lettuce, scalded nettles);
  • fruits (apples, pears);
  • dried fruits;
  • dryers, crackers.

Mineral baits with a high content of calcium and phosphorus are needed. A week before giving birth, increase the amount of easily digestible protein (poultry, fish), while reducing the amount of beef.

During the first 2-3 days. after giving birth, give food after 6-8 hours, water should be freely available. Then transfer the dog to 4 meals a day: liquid food (porridge, milk, sour milk).

Gradually include in the menu meat soup with cereals, boiled meat (small portions). In the second week, feed raw meat cut into small pieces.

Give mineral, vitamin supplements. Useful ascorbic acid with glucose (daily). From the 4th to the 6th week. reduce the amount of food without reducing its calorie content. Gradually reduce the amount of liquid in the diet to reduce lactation. To completely stop it, do not give food during the day and limit the dog in drinking.

breed standard

Description of the Golden Retriever breed according to the FCI system (Federation Cynologique Internationale).

cranial department Wide, not rough. The stop is well defined. The head is proportional, the lines are honed.
Muzzle Wide, powerful, deep.
Eyes Set wide apart, dark brown. The eyelids are dark.
Ears Medium in size, at about eye level.
Teeth Are located strictly vertically.
Jaws Strong, scissor bite.
Neck Muscular, no dewlap.
Breast Deep.
limbs Strong, muscular. The paws are rounded, similar to a cat's.
movements Strong, with good drive. Steps are free, long.
Tail Located at the level of the back line. The length reaches to the hocks. There are no bends at the end.
Color Various shades of gold, cream, except for mahogany, red. White hairs are acceptable, but only on the chest.

History reference

The Golden Retriever was bred in the 19th century in Great Britain. The founder of the breed is Sir Dudley Marjoribanks Lord Tweedmouth I. To get hardy dogs for fetching game from the water, the following were used in breeding: a yellow flat-coated retriever, a water tweed spaniel, a labrador, a bloodhound. In 1913, a club of breed lovers was created in Great Britain, and a standard was drawn up.

In the 1920s, golden retrievers became popular in Canada and the United States. Currently, there are differences between American and European representatives of the breed. In the USA, dogs of a darker shade are preferred; in Europe, a thoroughbred dog can be almost white.

In Russia, the first registered retriever appeared in 1991, the dog was brought from the USA. In our country, American-type individuals are most popular, however, light retrievers are also found. Currently, many purebred Goldens of Russian origin become winners at the best world exhibitions.

(Golden Retriever, Golden Retriever)



Height at the withers



The best friend of the family, an attentive nanny for children, an ideal companion for pastime - this is how the golden retriever can be characterized.

The high intelligence of this dog allows it to catch the smallest intonations of its owner and to realize all wishes.

Basic Breed Standards

Acquaintance with the breed should begin with basic information.

  1. The weight of an adult bitch reaches 25 - 37 kg, a male - 26 - 41.5 kg;
  2. The height at the withers of the female is 51 - 56 cm, the male is 5 cm more;
  3. Color - all shades of cream and golden colors, with the exception of red, red and mahogany;
  4. The coat is long, straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat is dense and waterproof.

Breed varieties

There are three types of golden retrievers:

  • American;
  • European;
  • Canadian.

It cannot be said that they are completely different. Their temperament, intelligence, life expectancy are completely the same. But there are certain differences that led to the division of the breed into different types.

Main differences:

  1. Color. American Golden Retrievers, according to the standard, have a rich, bright golden color with different shades. At the same time, very dark and very light colors are not typical for this type. European retrievers have lighter shades, up to pure white;
  2. Growth. American Golden Retrievers are slightly taller than Europeans;
  3. body structure. Representatives of the European type are heavier, have a shorter and wider muzzle, as well as shorter legs and a deeper chest.

Canadian Retrievers are somewhere between the two types listed above: they are similar in height and build to European Retrievers, but have a lighter color, such as the American type of breed.

What is the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador?

Golden Retrievers are often compared to. They differ in that the Labrador has a shorter coat, they are more densely built. Retrievers have a more beige coat, while Labradors are more yellow in color.

General description of the breed

The popularity of dogs of this breed is growing significantly. The American Retriever Club alone registers over 70,000 dogs each year, and this statistic is increasing every year.

The popularity of this breed is due to their character - they are kind, smart, playful - ideal friends for any family. The life span of golden retrievers is 10-12 years.


Golden Retrievers are harmoniously built, symmetrical, active, strong, strong. Their head is always proportional to the body, the skull is slightly convex and wide. The muzzle is long and straight, the cheeks are flat. The nose, with open nostrils, is large and black. The ears of the dog fit snugly to the cheeks, hanging, with rounded ends.

The neck is of medium length, muscular and without wrinkles. The chest is deep in the region of the heart, the back is short, even, with strong muscles. The tail is set at the level of the back, the stomach is always tucked up. The shoulders are strong, equal in length to the shoulder blades. Paws are medium in size, rounded with thick pads.


Golden Retrievers - very smart dogs. These words are confirmed by the studies of the American professor of psychology and neuropsychology researcher Stanley Coren, according to which this breed occupies 4th place among 133 breeds. It should be noted that these dogs are excellent students, who throughout their lives, like a sponge, absorb information.


The main character traits of the golden retriever:

  • sociability;
  • devotion;
  • love for children;
  • mental stability;
  • friendliness;
  • complaisance.

Golden Retrievers fight with other dogs only in critical situations, when there is a risk of harm to life and health. These are very powerful dogs, and therefore they emerge victorious from such fights. The Golden Retriever is more likely to be a great companion than a guard dog.. Because of his gullibility and kindness, he can be easily misled.

A dog of this breed should be started by people who already have other pets, including cats. They are not prone to dominance, and therefore they treat all other animals favorably. These dogs are very playful and active.

Attitude towards children

Golden Retrievers are very calm and devoid of aggression, these dogs love people and obey them in every possible way. They just love to mess around with kids., and thanks to a stable psyche, they are able to steadfastly withstand all the “bullying” of small children. According to cynologists, pets of this breed are completely safe for children and will never harm them.


Golden Retrievers are highly trainable. Such dogs are very often used by customs, police, and also at airports to search for prohibited items.

You can start training puppies as early as 2 months with simple developmental exercises. At 6 months young retrievers can be played seriously.

Since the training of representatives of this breed is difficult, for proper training it is recommended to send the dog to a special retriever school.


Although bred for hunting, golden retrievers are very friendly dogs that have long been used for medicinal purposes. Canistherapy schools are opening all over the world, in which dogs help children with “special needs” adapt.

With their presence, retrievers soothe, relieve stress, comfort, eliminate aggressive behavior. In a dog of this breed there is a lot of positive energy that is transmitted to a person.

Buying a dog

When choosing a puppy, the first thing you need to decide is for what purposes it is needed: for hunting, shows, tests, or just for comfort and warmth in the family.

What should you pay attention to when buying a retriever?

If a puppy is bought as a pet, the optimal age for acquiring it is 7-7.5 weeks. It is not recommended to transfer a puppy to a new environment at 8 weeks, as during this period he is especially sensitive to changes. Better to wait up to 9 weeks.

When buying a show puppy, you need to be more careful. First you need to study all the breed standards, which will become a guide in choosing a particular puppy. It will not be superfluous to visit specialized exhibitions and talk with breeders who are exhibiting.

Some believe that the breeder will certainly keep the best puppies. It's a delusion. Even the most active caregivers will be happy to give the puppy into the hands of people interested in shows and victories. Be sure to require a pedigree, photographs, as well as a detailed description of the dog.

Buying an adult dog

Changing the owner and habitual habitat for a golden retriever is a big stress. And therefore, it is important that the previous owner himself brought the pet to a new home and helped him adapt a little. To speed up this process, it is recommended to put some object familiar to him in the place where the pet will sleep.

There is an undoubted advantage in buying an adult dog - it is complete confidence in its beauty and qualities. This is especially true when buying show dogs.

Preparing your home for a puppy

Before buying a puppy, you must:

  1. Hide potentially hazardous items (tools, cords, small toys, chemicals, cleaning products);
  2. Remove plants that are dangerous to the health of the puppy (diffenbachia, aucuba, spurge, ivy, ficus, pasalia, holly, wisteria, cyclamen);
  3. Consult your veterinarian about the best puppy food;
  4. Takes care of the availability of fresh water at any time;
  5. Prepare bed:
  6. Place a toilet (tray with filler) in the house.

Price of puppies

Factors affecting the price:

  • Age (the older the puppy, the higher the price);
  • Health status;
  • Pedigree.

It is worth noting that domestic puppies will cost less than promising show puppies from the same litter. The price, depending on the above factors, fluctuates in the range 250 - 5000 dollars.

Features of care and maintenance

Golden retrievers are very active dogs, and therefore, regardless of weather conditions walk with them in the fresh air is necessary 2 times a day.

The outward resemblance to a wolf is characteristic of a Malamute. And the ability to make decisions independently has saved the lives of the owners more than once. Read more on our website.

These proportionally built dogs always cause admiration. Meet the one that is distinguished by poise, devotion and great physical strength.

Sennenhunds show propensities for protection and protection, they know the boundaries of the site exactly, they protect children. For the manifestation of these abilities do not need any special training. Read the description, photos and other facts about the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Features of feeding

For the beauty and health of a dog, in addition to meat and ready-made feed, it is imperative to feed it with vegetables, herbs, garlic, dairy products (milk soups), vitamins and minerals.

Bones should also be present in the diet, with the exception of tubular and ribs. In the vicinity of a bowl of food, it is necessary to put a drinking bowl with clean and boiled water.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of golden retrievers:

  • Excellent character;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • High level of intelligence;
  • Love for children;
  • Ability to learn.


  • Dog hair is a strong allergen;
  • They are very trusting, and therefore it is impossible to grow a guard out of them;
  • High price.

The Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for a large family, with the advent of which joy, comfort and happiness will come to the house. Adults will find a true friend, and small children will find an affectionate and caring nanny.

The Golden Retriever was bred to find and feed downed game on the hunt. But thanks to quick wit and trainability, this dog began to be used in many other areas. The Golden Retriever is good both as a rescuer, and as a service-search dog, and as a pet. At exhibitions, he shines because of his beauty and obedience. This dog is appreciated by both experienced cynologists and simple dog breeders who need a faithful and reliable furry friend.

Description of the Golden Retriever

There are two versions describing the history of the origin of the golden retriever. One is romantic and the other is true. If you believe the fairy tale told by the creator of the breed, then these animals come from the Russian Shepherd Dog. Moreover, the ancestors of the retriever, according to legend, were from the Caucasus. Although the Retriever has nothing to do with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog in principle. The whole legend was nothing more than a clever advertisement for a new breed. In fact, the Golden Retriever has among its ancestors local hunting dogs, water spaniels, setters and bloodhounds. Spaniels and hounds improved the hunting qualities of the golden retriever, and setters made his temper more docile and good-natured.

Golden Retriever body type

The Golden Retriever dog breed is harmoniously and beautifully built. She has a strong skeleton, a powerful and developed chest and a muscular torso of an elongated format. The height and weight of an adult dog of this breed are 55-57 cm and 28-33 kg, respectively. At the same time, the male with its size and weight exceeds the bitch. The Golden Retriever is distinguished by well-developed and strong limbs. They are located parallel to each other, the paws are powerful and compact, the hind limbs are stronger than the front ones. The tail is long and fluffy, set high. In a calm state, it falls below the hind hocks, and in an excited state it is carried slightly above the line of the back.

The head of these dogs has a rounded and broad skull. It has strong bones and large size, but it should not look too rough or massive: this does not meet the standard. Ears, according to the description of the breed, drooping, with rounded ends, set high. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, the muzzle is slightly elongated, with a black nose without pigment spots. The jaws are strong and strong, the lips do not droop, only a scissor bite is allowed. The eyes are intelligent, oval shaped and black in color.

The color and texture of the coat of a golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is a long-haired breed of dog, while the coat can be either straight or wavy. On the neck and on the chest there is a kind of collar made of longer and thicker wool. There are also feathers on the front and hind limbs, as well as on the tail.

The Golden Retriever is not smooth-coated, and in this he differs from the Labrador Retriever. There is a dense and thick undercoat that protects the dog from hypothermia while hunting. The hairline is soft and pleasant to the touch, but at the same time it is water resistant.

The Golden Retriever got its name for a reason. The standard for it allows only shades of gold or cream. Red, black, white or dark gold color (brown-gold) are defects and are not included in the description of the breed. In this case, small and barely noticeable white spots on a cream background are allowed. But the golden color of wool in this breed is often valued to the greatest extent. After all, it is because of him that the Golden Retriever got its name.

The nature of the golden retriever

Animals of this breed are distinguished by good nature and complaisance. But good watchmen usually do not come out of them because of their love for human society. At the same time, Goldens are sometimes stubborn or overly playful, which makes them difficult to deal with. But it is this playfulness that helps in raising a dog, since they perceive any training as a game, which helps with training. The Golden Retriever is also valued for its intelligence and intelligence. Often, these animals are aware of commands, even vaguely expressed, and carry them out correctly.

But high intelligence and a passion for communication have a downside. Like any animal with a fine nervous organization, the Golden Retriever is prone to nervous breakdowns and does not tolerate loneliness. He always sincerely worries about quarrels with the owners, so you should not be too strict with him. You should also remember that this is an animal for the home. It can be kept in a house or apartment, but not in a kennel on the street. This dog has another unpleasant characteristic: he is prone to mental disorders, so when buying a puppy, you should definitely study his pedigree and check if there were any dogs with similar diseases among his ancestors.

Aggressiveness is not characteristic of the nature of the golden retriever. That is why viciousness is considered a vice that is contrary to the breed standard. Children can safely play with this dog, and more care must be taken here so that the kids do not play too much and do not harm the pet.

If we talk about other characteristic character traits that the Golden Retriever possesses, then this is a love of water and fetching. Bringing various items to the owners and swimming in every pond they meet - that's all this dog needs for happiness. And here it's not just a matter of character, because it was bred specifically for the offering of padded prey, in particular, waterfowl.

golden retriever training

Golden Retriever training starts at puppyhood. This dog is incredibly smart, kind and independent, but that is why it is desirable to train it from an early age. There are two important reasons for this. The first reason is that if this dog is not accustomed to obedience, it will help the owner when it sees fit. For example, when playing actively in the water, the pet cannot always understand if the owner is drowning or fooling around, and can start saving him just in case. Therefore, they try to teach the dog not to act without a command. Although in a really serious situation, she would not need a team anyway.

The second reason for training is trivial - the full disclosure of all the capabilities of the pet. After all, training a golden retriever, especially if it is started with puppies, gives amazing results. In terms of its level of intelligence, this breed is close to the poodle, German shepherd and border collie, known to the intellectuals of the canine world, so the constant and methodical work of training the golden retriever quickly pays off. Puppies after several sessions begin to demonstrate miracles of obedience and follow the owner's commands with a half-word.

Golden Retriever - All about the breed

Golden Retriever. Planet of dogs to the rescue 🌏 My Planet

CHAT: Pros and cons of a dog in the house / Golden Retriever

How to grow a golden retriever in 9 months

Despite the existing instincts, a dog of this breed must be taught separately to hunt. And it is advisable to do this from puppyhood, since in this case the pet will quickly get used to working "in the field." Although puppies are not capable of serving game, they should be taught to fetch and carry various heavy and uncomfortable objects in their mouths. Another pet should not be afraid of a gun shot, since the dog is used exclusively in hunting with a gun. It is difficult to teach her hunting on her own, so you can and should seek help from special bases. Both the owner and his pet will be taught all the necessary skills there. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say how much it will cost, it all depends on the specific region.

Golden Retriever Care

Caring for a golden retriever begins with constant and long walks, without which its maintenance cannot do. A dog of this breed needs constant physical activity, and this applies to both puppies and adult animals. Owners should walk their pet for 25-30 minutes in the morning and evening. And if there is such an opportunity, then you can stretch the walk for a longer period. Active games while walking are welcome. But it is important to remember that you need to feed the dog before exercise, and not after it.

The Golden Retriever dog in the photo looks just great. But in order for a dog of this breed to look the same in life, it needs additional care. The ears of the pet must be constantly cleaned, and do it carefully and carefully. This part of the dog's body is prone to a number of diseases, and so that nothing threatens the life of the animal, preventive examinations are needed.

Nails need to be trimmed so they don't get in the way while running. How exactly this can be done, the veterinarian or other specialist in the care of the dog will explain.

Grooming a Golden Retriever

The coat of the golden retriever also requires careful and attentive care. You will have to comb the dog at least 4-5 times a week, unraveling the tangles and cleaning out the dirt that has got in. They also love water, so you can often bathe them or let them swim in the nearest clean body of water. But the use of shampoos is not recommended, with the exception of special products. And even they should not be used too often. Due to the use of shampoo or soap, the quality of the coat deteriorates, making it difficult to keep it in order and clean. Show animals must be groomed by a professional.

You should also remember about such an unpleasant period in the life of the owners as the molt of their pet. At this time, the wool evenly covers the floors and furniture, and the dog has to be combed out daily. Sometimes a golden retriever needs to be brushed twice a day. Fortunately, shedding occurs only twice a year, and this period should be prepared in advance. Only one way to deal with this natural disaster was found - constant and accurate combing of the dog and caring for it.

Feeding your golden retriever

These pets are illegible in the diet, so the owners should monitor its nutrition, because retrievers are prone to a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inappropriate food threatens their health and life. It is better not to give them large portions, but instead feed them more often, but little by little. Breeders recommend using ready-made premium and super premium dry food. It is advisable to soak them in water, and put a bowl of clean water next to the food. Such food will benefit the animal.

If one of the owners prefers to feed their pet with homemade food, then it is better to make a separate menu for the dog, and not give the same thing that the owners eat. The diet in this case consists of lightly boiled meat, cereals cooked in broth and finely chopped vegetables. From meat, you can give lamb, beef or veal. Buckwheat or hercules is selected from cereals. Carrots, beets, cabbage and some greens are taken from vegetables. But you can’t give tomatoes or potatoes to retrievers. Some other breeders recommend periodically adding fish oil and a small amount of cottage cheese or kefir to your pet's food. This food will do him good.

Golden Retriever Health Care

The life expectancy of a dog of this breed is 10-12 years. But in order for her to live this period, you need to take care of her health. And it all starts with vaccinations. The first vaccination is carried out in the kennel when the puppy is two months old. But subsequent vaccinations will have to be done by the owner. Experienced retriever breeders or the owner of the kennel where the animal was purchased can recommend a suitable clinic. Vaccinations are a must: these dogs are vulnerable to viral diseases.

But the golden retriever has diseases that vaccinations do not save. Some diseases are hereditary, they have a predisposition to others, and others are peculiar to them, like every large dog. And therefore, with improper care, these pets, unfortunately, do not live long. Here are the ailments that most often affect representatives of this breed:

  • volvulus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • various food allergies;
  • diseases of the eyes and hearing;
  • cancers, in particular, malignant tumors of the lymph nodes and leukemia;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the heart muscle;
  • hip and elbow dysplasia.

An experienced and knowledgeable veterinarian can explain what diseases these dogs are more likely to suffer from. But visiting a veterinary clinic is not only for consultation and vaccination. Preventive examinations of the pet should occur at least 2 times a year. And if you suspect a disease, you should immediately go to the doctor. This will minimize the risk to the health of the dog.

Breeding golden retriever dogs

For the owners of these animals, there is a recommendation from experienced dog handlers: do not rush to mating. Even if the dog looks already quite large, in fact, a young golden retriever is still a puppy. And if it is too early to allow him to mate, then the development of the pet will stop. The minimum mating age for males and females is 18 and 20 months respectively. And not a month earlier.

Mating is usually done in the second week of estrus, on days 12-14. It should be carried out by a specialist, since in this process there are a number of difficulties that an inexperienced owner may not be able to cope with. And even if the mating was successful, it is too early to celebrate the appearance of a new golden retriever. There is still a pregnancy ahead, which lasts about 2 months.

Golden Retriever Popularity and Popular Culture

The Golden Retriever breed, due to its popularity, has long and firmly taken its place in popular culture. She appears in books and films, and not as a minor character, but as a central figure in the entire story. And this universal love for Golden is more than justified. This dog is smart, beautiful and incredibly friendly. For which she is dearly loved not only by ordinary owners, but also by eminent writers. And with movies it's even easier. The obedient and photogenic animal fits perfectly into the frame and fulfills all the commands of the trainer, to the great joy of the director.

Golden Retriever Books

One of the most popular such works is Dean Koontz's Guardian Angels. In the English version, it is simply called "Keepers", or "Watchers". And although this author prefers to work in the genre of dark mysticism and fantasy, this book is more sentimental and romantic. It is also recommended to read “The Incredible Journey” from fiction. The book is about the return to the owners of a young golden retriever, an older bull terrier and a Siamese cat.

From books written on real events, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following work: “As long as there is Tuesday. An amazing connection between a dog and a person that can work wonders. This is an autobiographical story about a disabled veteran and a dog who is trained to be a companion for the disabled.

If we talk about training manuals for handling this dog, then it is worth recommending the books "Golden Retriever" and "Labrador and Golden Retriever". They contain all the information that is useful to the owner of a dog of this breed.

Golden Retriever Movies

If you think about the films in which this breed appears, then there are a great many of them. Golden looks great on video, which is why it is used in movies. And his portfolio is more impressive than that of other actors. There are several dozen films in which dogs of this breed play key roles. Here are some of these films:

  • Series "King of the Air";
  • "Guardian Angels", a film based on the already mentioned book;
  • "The Tenth Kingdom" (one of the main characters spends most of the story in the form of a golden retriever);
  • Fluke.

Choosing a Golden Retriever Puppy

It is better to acquire a new family member in a specialized nursery or from trusted breeders. The breed is popular, and in Russia there are many who professionally breed it. But various trading platforms, like Avito or Olkh, should be treated with caution. It is also possible to buy a healthy and purebred Golden Retriever there. But, unfortunately, there are also a lot of scammers there, so it’s better to pay a higher price in the kennel, but for a healthy and up to standard dog. The average price of a golden retriever puppy is 20-25 thousand rubles. The minimum cost does not fall below 15 thousand rubles.

And here is what the owners themselves say about nicknames for retrievers:

“How to name a puppy, everyone chooses for himself. For example, some people like nicknames like Shiny - in English Shiny, which means "glitter" or "glitter". But when choosing such a nickname, it is better to know the translation in advance. So that the name of the pet does not turn out to be too ambiguous or obscene. But in this matter, each is determined independently.


The Golden Retriever is the perfect pet and family friend. He is friendly, playful, smart and loyal to the end. And he never singles out one owner, his love is enough for everyone. At the same time, he perfectly shows himself in the service, hunting and at home, which is why this breed is valued by both professional cynologists and ordinary dog ​​breeders.

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