Weimaraner hunting dog: description of the breed, character, reviews, photos. Weimar Pointing Dog - Breed Description and Reviews Pointing Dog Weimaraner

The Weimaraner is one of those breeds that you can't pass by without noticing. Stunning grace, unusual color, expressive look and indefatigable energy of a born hunter. A breed with many advantages, however, is not suitable for everyone. Another name for the breed is the Weimar Hound.

Gray hunting dogs have been known in France since the 12th century. Presumably, the breed appeared and began to develop during the time of Louis IX, nicknamed Saint Louis. Some historians believe that the monarch brought hunting dogs of this type from the Seventh Crusade. For a long time they were even called the dogs of Louis. Under this name, dogs are mentioned in Gaston de Foix's Book of Hunting, written in the 14th century. Dogs similar to the Weimaraner are depicted in many tapestries and paintings of the Middle Ages. Their hunting success was so remarkable that many royal courts in Europe followed the example of the French and began to breed gray assistants.

Under the name Weimaraner (German: Weimaraner), the breed was first mentioned at the end of the 19th century. In those days, gray dogs were popular in Germany, namely in the vicinity of the town of Weimar. In 1880, Weimaraners were first introduced in Berlin, but they were classified as crossbreeds. Then Karl August, Duke of the County of Weimar, decided to correct this injustice. He gave his Weimaraners the blood of other breeds and began to work on creating a full-fledged group.

Hunters call Weimaraners "silver ghosts" for their ability to be cat-like in hunting, fast and silent.

In 1896, the commission finally recognized the breed as independent. Several sports hunters organized the German Weimaraner Club and bred dogs exclusively for work. To buy a puppy, one had to become a member of the club. As a result, even in Germany, it became almost impossible to buy a Weimaraner. Today, by the way, the position of the Germans has not changed much: working qualities are valued more, sometimes to the detriment of the exterior. In many countries, in particular in Russia, it is much easier to buy a puppy with good working and external data.

Video review of the Weimaraner dog breed:

Appearance and standards

The Weimaraner is a working type dog, wiry and muscular with a strong physique, but at the same time quite graceful, above average in size. Weight - 25-40 kg, height - 50-70 cm, gender is very well expressed. The movements are sweeping, smooth. A gallop with long leaps, creeping, at the trot the back remains straight.

Head and muzzle

The skull should be in proportion to the size of the head and body. The zygomatic arches are traced behind the eyes. Stop smoothed. The muzzle is long and rectangular. The bridge of the nose is straight, may be slightly convex, but not concave. The eyes are rounded, amber color (from dark to light). The hanging ears are set close to each other and high. The auricle is wide and long. Rounded tips reach the corner of the mouth. When the dog is alert, the ears are turned forward. The nose is protruding, wide, flesh-colored

Body type

The neck is lean, broadening towards the shoulders, the upper line is slightly arched in profile. Back without sagging, strong. The croup is moderately sloping. The chest is massive, deep enough. Long ribs are well defined. The underline is slightly tucked up. The limbs are high, straight, set parallel. The fingers are arched. The nails are light or dark, the pads are pigmented, hard. The skin is strong, fits well all over the body.

Coat and colors

According to the quality and length of wool, Weimaraners are divided into two types:

  • Shorthairs are distinguished by a very dense short outer coat that fits snugly over the body. There is no undercoat at all or it is very rare.
  • Longhairs are distinguished by a softer elongated guard hair with a sparse undercoat. At the base of the ears, the hair is slightly wavy, falling. The length of the awn is 3-5 cm, slightly longer on the neck, belly and chest, the feathering on the tail and legs is clearly visible.

Color - shades of grey. There are three main ones: silver-gray, gray-brown, mouse. On the head, ears, the hair is slightly lighter. White markings are allowed only on the chest and fingers.

Character and psychological portrait

Weimaraners are intelligent and hardworking dogs, devoted to their owner, affectionate with other family members and friendly to guests, but alert and wary of strangers. Children are treated well if they are known from an early age. In general, they are sociable and friendly with irrepressible energy and a vivid hunting instinct.

An intelligent and strong Weimaraner is very proud and independent, and therefore may try to take a dominant position. He will easily determine those who are most loyal to him and will use it. By their nature, the cops are not aggressive, but if necessary, they will stand up for the protection of the family, fearlessly rushing to the ill-wisher. They get along well with other dogs, especially if they are well socialized from an early age, but they are unlikely to pass by a street cat calmly.

At times, Weimaraners can be very stubborn and independent. They should always be near a person, they cannot live separately in an aviary or be left alone for a long time. Often this brings a lot of trouble when growing a puppy. In addition, if the dog is not given the opportunity to fulfill itself, not the most desirable character traits begin to appear in it: irrational activity, perseverance, destructive behavior, or even aggression.

Of course, the qualities associated with hunting are most developed in the Weimaraner, but a high level of socialization, intelligence and adaptability allow them to be excellent pets and companions.

Training and exercise

The Weimaraner lends itself well to training, but physical force should not be used in the learning process, otherwise the dog may become cautious and distrustful. If an experienced owner devotes enough time, the dog will be able to show miracles of obedience, but a lot of time and effort will have to be spent on this.

Thanks to the developed sense of smell and intelligence, the Weimaraner is used in the rescue and search service, but the main purpose of the dog is to help in hunting.

Physical activity is very good. You should count on a two-time walking for 1-2 hours with games and the opportunity to run without a leash. It is very important to give the dog the opportunity to throw out all the energy, it should be hunting or playing sports (coursing, frisbee, agility, pitch go). Before the hunting season it is important to prepare the dog. Intense physical activity, for example, jogging 5-7 km, will improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, as well as make the assistant more resilient and strong.

Hunting with a Weimaraner

They start hunting with a puppy for six months. At this age, the hunting passion awakens more actively in the dog, skills are quickly consolidated and acquired. Competent coaching teaches discipline in the field. First, with the Weimaraner, they begin to work on the bird. They switch to hunting on a bloody trail after two or three successful seasons.

The best option for a dog would be keeping in a private home, where he will have a large territory for research and a warm overnight stay in the house next to his family. In the city, the animal will feel uncomfortable. The main condition for living with a Weimaraner is the presence of a large forest or park near the house or apartment for active walks without a leash. In the house, the Veim should have a fairly spacious sleeping place with a flat, moderately hard surface. For winter walks in the cold, you will need a warm jumpsuit or blanket.

Weimaraner is an energetic hunting dog that is recommended for active people with enough time or hunters. The breed is not the best option for the elderly and busy people, as well as for urban families with small children.


Taking care of a dog is not difficult. Periodically, dead hairs are removed with a special rubber glove for smooth-haired dogs or a wet towel. A little more often comb out the coat during the molting period. Bathe as needed, usually once a month. Keep eyes and ears clean.


The issue of feeding should be given special attention, since the breed is prone to food allergies and bloating of the stomach and intestines with the possibility of bloat. The type of feeding convenient for himself is determined by the owner. This can be a well-balanced natural diet or feeding with ready-made industrial feeds. It is important for the Weimaraner to follow the regimen and feed in portions, 2 hours after or before physical exertion. Food should be at room temperature. Drinking water is freely available.

Or Bracca) rightfully deserved its unusual nickname - "Silver Ghost". Its elegant appearance and beautiful color will not leave you indifferent. Weimaraner (a description of the breed is presented in the article) can be of two subspecies - smooth-haired and long-haired.

The first version of the origin of the breed

It is generally accepted that the first mention of dogs with an unusual silvery coat appeared as early as the 13th century. According to ancient documents, at the court of the French king Louis IX Saint there were such animals as the Weimaraner. The description of the breed is contained in the manuscript of Count Gaston de Foix called "The Book of Hunting". It is thanks to her that this breed of dog has gained such great popularity in European countries.

It is worth noting that there are many other versions of the origin of the Weimaraner, according to one of which their ancestors were European Brakki crossed with Ulm. The name of the breed itself appeared relatively recently - in the 19th century. It is associated with the German city of Weimar, where these animals were allegedly bred. Over time, dogs became participants in specialized exhibitions, where they were presented as a cross, and since 1896 already as an independent and officially registered breed.

Initially, these animals were used to hunt wild boars, deer and bears. However, a little later they began to gradually accustom them to the production of birds. It is interesting that at all times the Weimaraner (photo below) was considered an elite dog that accompanied its high-ranking owner everywhere. Perhaps it was this fact that left an indelible imprint on the character of their modern representatives.

The second version of the emergence of Weimaraners

In fact, it is not known for certain how and when these dogs appeared, but there is no doubt that such animals existed at the German court of Karl August, Duke of Weimar in the 19th century. They say that the nobleman himself dreamed of creating a new universal hunting breed, which would be distinguished by endurance, courage, lightning-fast reaction and selfless devotion to its owner.

Seeing the almost feline grace of the dog, suddenly turning into a swift throw towards its prey, the German hunters called it the "Silver Ghost". Subsequently, in Weimar for a long time these amazing animals were called that way.

Registration of a new breed

It is known that these dogs got their name back in the 1850s. The official birthday of the Weimaraners is considered to be 1890, when the first stud book appeared. Their selection was immediately taken up by Weimar hunters, who, as usual, prepared dogs for work on the beast.

The long-haired Weimaraner, which was born from smooth-haired parents, was considered a breeding cull until 1935 and was excluded from breeding. This continued until the well-known Austrian writer Ludwig von Merey liked the dog. Shortly thereafter, long-haired individuals were nevertheless included in the standard, and several enthusiasts took up their breeding.

Weimaraner: description of the breed

As already mentioned, the hair of these animals can be long or short. In long-haired individuals, the hair is very soft, slightly wavy or straight. On the paws, ears and tail, the hair is always of different lengths. In smooth-haired dogs, the hair is rather coarse and close to the body. Interestingly, the undercoat may not be in one or the other subspecies. The color of the representatives of this breed can vary from mouse to silver, while the hair on the head and ears is often lighter than on the rest of the body, and there are white spots on the fingers and chest.

Weimaraner puppies are born with sky blue eyes, but as they mature, the color changes to dark or light amber hues. The ears are wide and long, rounded at the bottom. The head of these dogs is proportional to the body, and between the eyes there is a pronounced groove. The muzzle is angular and elongated. There is a hump on the nose, and the lobe itself is gray-black.

The neck of the Weimaraner is graceful and long, smoothly turning into a distinct withers. The chest is deep and wide. The back is quite strong and long. The abdomen is slightly tucked up. Paws are strong with well developed ligaments. They must be parallel, as the bulldog position is not allowed. The tail is long and set low.

As for the parameters, these dogs can be both large and medium in size, while the height at the withers is almost equal to the length of its body. According to generally accepted standards, the height of males should be in the range of 59-70, females - 57-65 cm, and weight, respectively, 30-40 and 25-35 kg.


It is difficult to find a more sociable and active dog than the Weimaraner. A description of the breed would be incomplete if not to say that he gets along well not only with small children, but also with other animals. However, do not forget that some individuals are sometimes overly persistent and stubborn. Such animals will require from their owner a certain experience of keeping and special attention to their upbringing.

Given the fact that Weimaraners have been living with people for a long time, there is no question of any aggression in this case. Judging by the numerous reviews, despite its friendliness, this dog does not trust strangers and, if necessary, will be able to protect its owner.

Weimaraner is one of those animals that love space and can hardly endure the tightness of small apartments. For him, the ideal option is a private house, in the courtyard or garden of which he could frolic enough, and in bad weather and at night stay in the house. It is known that representatives of the short-haired variety of the breed often freeze in winter, so it is best for them to stay close to their beloved owner.

Deciding to get yourself such a dog, you need to know that she just needs regular and enhanced physical activity in the form of hunting, all kinds of games, etc. Such training has a good effect on both the pet’s health and its emotional state. In addition, the more often the dog communicates with the owner, the kinder and more affectionate it becomes.

The long-haired Weimaraner (photo above) needs daily combing, as well as water procedures, which are usually carried out no more than once every two to three months. To care for short-haired dogs, there are special rubber brushes or gloves, with which they remove dirt after the next walk, as well as dead skin particles. In addition, like other breeds, Weimaraners need to wash their eyes from time to time, clean their ears and teeth, and sometimes trim their nails.


Representatives of this breed live on average for about 11 years. Basically, Weimaraners are distinguished by good health and may never get sick in their entire lives. But alas, there are exceptions to the rule.

Dogs can be susceptible to diseases such as mastocytoma, volvulus of the intestines or eyelids, fibrosarcoma, demodicosis, distichiasis, melanoma, cryptorchidism, corneal dystrophy, interdigital dermatitis, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy.

But do not despair, as the risk of diseases can be significantly reduced if you love your pet and properly care for it, as well as do all the necessary vaccinations on time and visit the veterinary clinic regularly.


The cost of dogs of this breed can range from 5-75 thousand rubles, depending on the status of the seller. A purebred Weimaraner, whose price is 40 thousand or more, can be purchased in a good nursery. If the future owner plans to make an exhibition champion out of his pet, then the animal will cost him no less than 60 thousand rubles.

In the case when you just need a cheerful and friendly companion for the family, it can be purchased at half price. There is also a budget option - to buy Weimaraner puppies from your hands. Sellers usually ask for them from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. These are the prices for animals of this breed throughout Russia, but as for the capital, here they are much higher.

The description of the Weimaraner dog breed provides comprehensive information about the character, appearance and habits of this animal. But he cannot convey the beauty and charisma that the dexterous four-legged hunter and faithful friend possesses - the pet of the Weimaraner breed.

Weimaraner dog breed

Ash-gray color, amber eyes, slender toned body - distinguish Weimaraners from others. The breed is rare and highly valued in the cynological world. The animal is easy to train, has excellent intelligence, is friendly and very energetic, but in the absence of adequate education it becomes an uncontrollable destroyer. The description of the breed of the Weimaraner defines the character of the dog as kind and faithful, not tolerating loneliness and separation. Dogs rarely get sick, with proper care they live up to 11-13 years.

Weimaraner - breed history

The unusual appearance and excellent hunting instincts have given rise to many legends regarding the origin of this breed. Weimaraners were officially recognized in 1869. But historical reports give references dating back to the 13th century. They say that the Weimaraners became the favorites of the European nobility, after returning from the disastrous crusade of Louis IX. According to the writings of Gaston de Foix, the king returned with a pack of more than 10 blue-gray dogs. Animals instantly acquired the noble status of blue blood.

The Weimaraner breed, as specially bred in the suburbs of Weimar in East Germany, was first mentioned in 1850. She was not recognized by cynologists for a long time, having received her own name, the dogs were positioned as a cross between or a culling. Only 30 years later, representatives of the Weimaraners began to take part in exhibitions, and only after another 16 years they received the status of an independent breed.

Weimaraner - breed standard

Weimaraner breed dogs are excellent hunters, they are dexterous, fast, able to move silently. Such qualities are due to the constitution of the body. The standard characteristic of the Weimaraner breed looks like this:

  • growth- according to the description of the Weimaraner breed, depending on the sex and pedigree, the dog may have an average or above average height;
  • height at the withers- from 57-70 cm;
  • the weight- 25-40 kg;
  • color- the visiting card of the Weimaraner, the shade varies from silver to gray-mouse, non-intense copper is allowed. The head and ears of the dog may be somewhat lighter, white spots on the chest and paws are not excluded by the standard;
  • head- moderate, in proportion to the body, the forehead is wide, moderately passes into the bridge of the nose, the back of the head is round. The chewing muscles are well developed, the eyebrows are pronounced;
  • teeth- strong, medium size;
  • eyes- medium rounded, amber, in babies - blue;
  • ears- set high and close to each other, triangular with rounded ends, hanging in a calm state;
  • body- muscular, moderately elongated, neck of medium length with a bend, chest broad and deep, ribs slightly arched, back long;
  • tail- set high, medium length, 1/2 or 2/3 docked, covered with hair;
  • limbs- dry, muscular, well developed shoulders, elongated fingers.

Weimaraner - character

By nature, this dog is a hunter, so it is very difficult for her to exist in the jungle of megacities. It is difficult for an animal to cope with instincts - a dog can take a trail on the street and run away, not paying attention to passers-by and transport. A pet Weimaraner will feel much better in a private house with a large yard, where he can actively frolic during the day, and bask indoors at night or in bad weather. If the animal lives in an apartment, it needs to be walked for a long time and with high quality, so that the dog has the opportunity to throw out energy.

Weimaraner breed - the character and habits of this dog are noble. Being always close to his master, the dog does not like to be left alone or in the company of another animal. He is devoted and friendly to all family members, if necessary, he will become a protector, he will never offend a child. The lack of aggression towards a person makes him a bad watchman. But in terms of learning, the silver dog has no equal, having excellent intelligence, the dog willingly executes commands, can take part in rescue operations or become an escort of a person deprived of hearing or sight.

Weimaraner dog - varieties

The Weimaraner breed has three varieties that are officially recognized and have the right to participate in exhibitions. Dogs are classified according to the type of coat and color, the rest of the signs remain identical for all representatives of the breed. By type of wool can be distinguished:

  • with hard and short hair without undercoat;
  • with a long, soft and wavy six 3-5 cm;
  • straight-haired with dense undercoat.

By colour:

  • individuals with light silver-gray hair;
  • brownish gray;
  • mouse shade.

long haired weimaraner

Until 1935, the long-haired Weimaraner was considered a cull. A dog with a long and wavy coat was accepted into the “family” only after she attracted the attention of the Austrian writer Ludwig von Merey. Now long-haired dogs are included in the standard, their color varies from silver to mouse, there are pants and feathers, there is a beautiful dewlap on the tail. There is another variety, very rare - a flat-haired Weimaraner. Such individuals are distinguished by a coat consisting of two layers: a thick undercoat and long, even upper hair.

short haired weimaraner

Dogs of this subgroup have short, coarse, close-lying hair without undercoat. Their coat is very thick, but in the cold season, the animals freeze, so they need additional equipment; in rainy weather, it is better to walk the dog in a raincoat. According to the description of the breed, the short-haired Weimaraner may have a lighter color on the head and ears than on the body.

Wirehaired Weimaraner

The hard-coated Weimaraner breed was specially bred, for this, representatives were crossed with drathaars. A similar experiment was carried out in Czechoslovakia, but it cannot be called successful, because as a result the dog lost some breed features. Officially, the Wirehaired Weimaraner was recognized as a separate breed by the Slovak Wirehaired Pointer.

Weimaraner - colors

The color of the Weimaraner is considered a clear indicator of purebredness. The standard provides three shades:

  • silver, in this case, the wool may have copper overflows, but not too pronounced;

  • gray-brown with a predominance of gray. A brown Weimaraner with spots or rich chocolate colored hair is considered a marriage;

  • grey-mouse.

Weimaraner hunting dog - care and maintenance

The content of the Weimaraner is painstaking work, unbearable for a constantly busy person. The dog needs attention and walks, during which he could release the accumulated energy. Weimaraner, breed description warns, requires special nutrition and temperature conditions. If a dog lives in a house or apartment where the air is very warm and dry, it will begin to shed intensively, the smell of a dog that is not characteristic of the breed will indicate nutritional errors. Dogs need to be bathed and brushed regularly, ideally taking the pet into dog sports.

Weimaraner - care

A healthy and energetic Weimaraner pet, according to the description of the breed, will be subject to properly organized care, which includes a number of mandatory procedures:

The question of how to choose a Weimaraner puppy must be approached thoroughly, focusing on the goal pursued. For further breeding and participation in exhibitions, it is imperative to choose purebred individuals without defects with an excellent pedigree; pets without a claim to a stellar career will be suitable as a true friend and companion. About your wishes, you must immediately notify the seller, who is interested in the fate of their pets.

After the purchase, a puppy, pulled out of its usual environment, will experience stress, this must be taken into account and be patient. Ideally, keep the animal in its usual diet and regimen, not burden the adaptation period with shows to guests, intrusive touches, and learning commands. It will be easier for a small Weimaraner to get used to it on his own, gradually get acquainted with new owners and smells.

At first glance, it captivates with its silver-gray coat color and amber eyes. In addition, they are considered the "blue blood" of the canine world for their high level of intelligence, excellent memory and the ability to make independent decisions.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

The origin of this dog is not exactly known. Similar dogs were mentioned in European medieval manuscripts of the 13th century. For example, one of the legends tells that the French king Louis the Saint was captured in Egypt during the crusade. He returned to France with a pack of gray dogs.
By the end of the 14th century, many noble people of France already kept gray dogs for hunting. They were used on a large animal: a wild boar, a deer, a bear, and later on a bird.

The French were followed by other royal courts in Europe. The ancestors of the Weimaraner have always been highly valued and therefore were with the owner. Therefore, dogs of this breed cannot be kept in an aviary. For emotional health, they need constant contact with a person.

For the first time the breed "Weimaraner" is mentioned in the middle of the 19th century, as bred in the vicinity of the city of Weimar in East Germany.

Since 1880, these dogs began to participate in exhibitions, first as crossbreeds, and since 1896 as an independent breed.

Description: size, standard

The Weimaraner is a medium to large sized dog. At the withers, it has a height of 58-69 cm, and weighs about 25-41 kg. The dog has a regal and athletic appearance, the correct proportions.

Its muzzle is graceful, long, sometimes with a small hump. The ears are broad, hanging and rather long, set high and narrow, with rounded ends. Nose - dark "liver" color. The eyes are light to dark amber in color. Puppies have light blue eyes.

The body is strong, slightly elongated. The neck is high, muscular. The back is strong, muscular, slightly long. The tail is set high, most of them are one-third docked.

A special pride of the Weimaraner is a hard short coat, smooth to the touch and a peculiar gray color with variations of silver to mouse. The skin of dogs has a flesh tone.

There is also a long-haired variety of the breed with a coat length of 3 to 5 cm. The tail of such dogs is usually not docked.

The rarest variety flat-coated weimaraner. It has a two-layer coat with a dense undercoat and an even top coat of medium length.

Silver gray color- the only officially recognized coat color of the Weimaraner, but other colors are also found. For example, "blue Weimaraners" have a noticeable blue-gray coat color. They have black noses and lips. These dogs are bred only as companions.

The nature of the Weimaraner

These are selflessly devoted to the family of their owner dogs. They are always close to a person and absolutely cannot stand loneliness.

Weimaraners are great with children and despite the lack of aggression, they can always protect them.

It is a friendly, cheerful, fearless, very fast and agile dog. Therefore, it must be occupied with business: hunting or: pitch go, agility, coursing, etc. if she is given the opportunity to splash out her energy on the street, she will not take care of the home environment.

Weimaraner is an excellent hunter. He points at the discovered bird in the rack, takes the ducks out of the water, finds and raises the wild boar. However, in an urban environment, his hunting instinct can lead to trouble, therefore, in dangerous places (near roads, etc.), the dog must not be let off the leash.

When training a Weimaraner, he should not be physically punished, he can become distrustful and cautious. It is better to encourage him with praise and treats. Due to its easy trainability, this breed is used for search and rescue work.

The puppy gets along well with other pets and dogs.

However, these friendly dogs can be overly irritable. If they are not allowed to do what they want, destructive behaviors can develop. Therefore, such dogs need enhanced exercise.

Care and maintenance

Weimaraner is best kept in his home with a large territory, where he will have the opportunity to run a lot and explore the space. However, the short-haired variety of this breed cannot always be on the street and in the cold season she needs a warm overnight stay.

When living in an apartment, a dog needs to train a lot and find time every day for intense long-term ones.

The short-haired dog has a short outer coat, close-lying and coarse, without undercoat. To clean it, use a rubber brush or a special glove to remove dead hair.

The long-haired variety is combed daily with a comb, bathed every two months.

You also need to clean your dog's ears regularly (weekly) to prevent bacterial growth. You should also brush your teeth regularly and trim your nails.

Health and major diseases of the Weimaraner

This breed of dog lives on average 10-12 years. Its representatives are most prone to diseases such as volvulus, demodicosis, mastocytoma or mast cell cancer, hip dysplasia, lipomas, fibrosarcomas, myasthenia gravis.

Puppies are quite often born with symptoms (not testicular descent). The skin of animals often suffers in the form of interdigital dermatitis, degenerative myelopathy and melanomas. Eye health problems are manifested in diseases such as corneal dystrophy, distichiasis (extra eyelashes), entropion (eyelid torsion).

puppy price

This is not a very common breed and therefore puppies with a good pedigree are on average 800-1000 dollars. Dogs that do not qualify for breeding and show career, as a rule, are evaluated at 500-700 dollars.

Photo of the Weimaraner breed

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(Weimar Pointer, Weimar marriage) - a hunting breed of dogs above average height with a graceful physique and a charming look that will not leave anyone indifferent. It was bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany for Duke Karl August and his nobles. It was used for hunting big game - wild boar, bear, deer.

This energetic and hardy dog ​​is simply born to run, so the nickname “silver ghost” is well deserved. She has a keen sense of smell, is well trained and shows excellent results in dog competitions. Freestyle, agility, frisbee seem to be made for her. But do not forget that no sport can fully replace the main purpose of the breed - hunting.

The Weimar Hound has a strong hunting instinct, it was bred as a gun dog, it is good to navigate the field, find and raise the bird on the wing, make a stand when you find the game, and most importantly, bring and give the shot bird, and believe me, this is not so easy.

Photo Weimaraner on the grass

An interesting feature of the Weimaraner breed, puppies are born with blue eyes and gray-blue coat, but with age, the eyes change their color and become amber-yellow, and the coat acquires a grayish-silver hue.

Weimaraner character

Photo of a Weimaraner with his favorite toy

By nature, the Weimaraner is cheerful, active, energetic and affectionate. As a real hunter, he is assertive and stubborn, clearly goes to his goal. This cop completely lacks aggression towards a person, therefore, as a watchman, it is not entirely suitable. He can warn by barking, but no more than that. It would rather rush at a stranger to hug and lick than drive away or bite.

Weimaraner will adore all family members, but most often chooses one owner, obeys and obeys him. It has considerable strength, in adolescence, on a walk, it can strongly pull to the subject of interest to it, so the owner must be an athletic and strong person. A strong sense of smell makes him react to different smells, so he can pick up everything in the street. Be sure to teach the “no” command, and best of all, wear a muzzle.

Suitable for a family with children, affectionate with them and gentle, but almost never listens to them. As much as you love it, given the large size of the Weimaraner, don't leave too young children alone. The Weimaraner does not get along well with domestic animals, because the hunting instinct is very great, except that it grows with them. On the street, he can react to aggressive dogs, wants to chase a cat or a bird, and the owner’s duty is to constantly wean him from this.

The Weimar Hound is very smart. They even say about her that these are dogs with human intelligence. She cannot just sit still, and is constantly looking for something to do, even if it is risky. She was born with a hunting instinct, and this cannot be taken away from her.

Weimaraner is ideal for a hunter and an active person who can devote a lot of time to her. Needs early training and socialization. Can't stand being alone and won't be able to be cooped up all day. If you are a very busy person, it is better to give up the idea of ​​having him. Weimaraner needs to be trained, educated, cared for and walked a lot. He must waste energy, strain his body and brains, otherwise he will spoil things in the house, and smash the apartment.

Weimaraner is easy to train, happy to follow the commands of the owner, as any pointing Weimaraner wants to please a person. The owner must clearly understand one rule - Never hit a pet. Try to find an approach to him, make each lesson interesting and unexpected for him. Never crush his will, do not insult him, he will understand everything if you explain in an accessible and calm way what task he must perform. If you are unable to find a common language with the Weimaraner, contact the education specialists.

Weimaraner description and standard FCI (FCI)

In the photo, the Weimaraner lies on the lawn and poses for the camera.

  1. FCI classification: Group 7 Hounds; Section 1.1 Continental Pointers of the Brakk type. With working tests.
  2. Application: hunting, pointing.
  3. General view of the Weimaraner: above average hunting breed. Beautiful, strong and graceful with a muscular body and an irresistible look. The sexual type is well expressed.
  4. Important proportions: The length of the body is proportional to the height at the withers 12:11.
    1. Head proportions: the length from the nose to the stop (transition from the forehead to the nose) is somewhat longer than from the stop to the occiput.
    2. Forequarters: The distance from the elbow to the middle of the pastern and the distance from the elbow to the withers are almost equal.
  5. Head: the skull looks harmonious with the growth and the front part. In males it is slightly wider than in females, but in both individuals the relationship between the width of the skull and the overall length of the head must be proportional. A median furrow is visible on the forehead. The occipital bone is moderately convex. The zygomatic arches are clearly visible behind the eyes.
  6. Cheeks: Muscular, well defined.
  7. Transition from forehead to muzzle(stop): weakly expressed.
  8. Nose: Large with wide open nostrils. Prominently protrudes above the lower jaw. Dark flesh color, gradually turning into gray closer to the body.
  9. Muzzle: powerful, rectangular, in males it is longer than in bitches, this is very noticeable. The bridge of the nose is straight, slightly convex.
  10. Flews: moderately deep, flesh-colored. There is a slight crease in the corner of the mouth.
  11. Weimaraner - close-up photo of a puppy

  12. Jaws/Teeth: Regular scissor bite, strong jaws. Teeth complete, correctly positioned, even, white. The upper and lower canines meet tightly in a scissor bite.
  13. Eyes: rounded, set obliquely. The eyelids are tight. Eye color amber (from dark amber to light amber). Weimaraner puppies have sky blue eyes. The expression of the eyes is intelligent, penetrating.
  14. Ears: Hanging, wide, reach the corner of the mouth, the ends of the ears are rounded. Set high and close apart. When alert, slightly turned forward.
  15. Neck: Muscular, almost rounded, dry. Gives a noble look and an aristocratic postava. Closer to the shoulders, it expands and harmoniously merges with the topline and chest. When viewed in profile, the upper line is convex.
  16. Topline : Gradually merges into a strong back from a prominent nape through well developed withers.
  17. Withers : Well visible.
  18. Back (from withers to maklok): strong, muscular, even, without sagging. Slightly elongated back - this feature does not apply to shortcomings.
  19. Croup: Long, moderately sloping.
  20. Chest: Massive, moderately broad, deep, almost reaching the elbows. The ribs are convex, but not barrel-shaped. The forechest is well developed.
  21. Underline: Slightly raised, but belly not tucked up.
  22. Tail: strong, even, densely covered with short hair. Set low. At rest, the tail is carried down. When alert or at work, carried horizontally or above the line of the back.
  23. Forelimbs: straight, parallel, not widely spaced.
    1. Shoulders : Long, sloping, muscular, close fitting. A good angle of the humeroscapular joint is visible.
    2. Upper arm: Oblique, fairly long, strong.
    3. Elbows: located parallel to the median plane of the body, looking strictly back. Turned neither in nor out.
    4. Forearms: straight, vertical.
    5. Wrists: strong.
    6. Pasterns: wiry, slightly sloping.
    7. Paws: strong, set straight in relation to the median plane of the body. The fingers are arched, collected in a ball. Long middle fingers are a feature of the Weimaraner and are not a fault. Nails are strong, light to dark grey. The pads are elastic.
  24. Hind limbs: strong, muscular, straight, standing parallel.
    1. Thighs : Strong, muscular.
    2. Knee : Well angulated.
    3. Lower legs : Tendons are clearly visible.
    4. hocks: strong with well-defined angles.
    5. Metatarsus : set vertically.
    6. Hind feet: strong. Fingers are collected in a lump, without fifth dewclaws. The pads are elastic.
  25. Movements: in all gaits, sweeping, smooth, hind and fore legs are placed parallel to each other. Gallop creeping, with long jumps. At the trot, the back is straight.
  26. Skin: skin tight, smooth without wrinkles.
  27. Coat: according to the type of Weimaraner is divided into:
    1. shorthair: short, thick. The outer coat is smooth, close fitting, without undercoat or with very sparse undercoat.
    2. Longhair: soft, straight, slightly wavy, medium length. The outer coat is long, dense, close fitting, about 3-5 cm with or without undercoat. The ears are covered with wavy hair. On the underside of the neck, front of the chest and belly, the coat is slightly longer. On the back of the front legs there are feathers, on the back of the thigh there are “trousers”. The tail, well feathered in the form of a flag, is covered with hair. On the head and muzzle the coat is much shorter than on the whole body.
  28. Serious shortcomings (defects) of the Weimaraner:
    1. Obvious type deviation. Sexual type is not expressed.
    2. Significant deviations in growth and proportions.
    3. Too developed flews, short or pointed muzzle.
    4. Jaws and teeth: absence of more than two P1 or M3.
    5. Weak and unilateral eyelid defects.
    6. Ears too short or long, no folds.
    7. Dewlap (suspension), significant deviations in the neck in shape and muscles.
    8. Back: Definitely sagging or humped back; high-ass.
    9. Chest, abdomen: barrel-shaped chest; insufficient depth or length of the chest; fitted belly.
    10. Significant anomalies in the position of the limbs, i.e. insufficient articulation angles, inverted elbows, flat paws.
    11. Pronounced barrel-shaped set or.
    12. Poor movement at different gaits, including lack of freedom of movement forward or insufficient propulsion, amble.
    13. Serious skin imperfections, ie. the skin is very thin or very rough.
    14. Intermediate wool specified in the standard.
    15. The fluffy coat of the shorthaired Weimaraner. Curls or sparse feathering in a long-haired individual.
    16. Deviations from shades of gray (yellow or brownish).
    17. There are tan marks in the color.
    18. A serious deviation from the correct height or weight (for example, more than 2 cm from the measurements given in the standard).
    19. Slight lack of temperament.
    20. Other serious defects.
  29. Disqualifying faults (out of breed)
    1. Too coarse or too light build.
    2. Complete disharmony.
    3. Atypical head, e.g. bulldog type.
    4. Excessively concave bridge of the nose.
    5. Undershot, overshot, missing teeth, except P1 and M3.
    6. Entropia, ectropion of the eyes.
    7. atypical ears
    8. Pronounced dewlap.
    9. Sagging or hunchbacked back, too pronounced high back.
    10. Barrel ribs or underdeveloped chest.
    11. The limbs are rickety or underdeveloped.
    12. Lameness.
    13. General stiffness of movements.
    14. Skin defects.
  30. Defects: Any deviation from the above points should be regarded as a defect or fault, depending on the degree of severity.

Weimaraner color

  • Light silver gray
  • brownish gray
  • mouse

Light or dark and all shades of these colors. The head and ears look a little paler. Small white markings on the chest and toes are acceptable. Sometimes there is a more or less defined strap along the back.

A Weimaraner with tan markings is allowed on the show, but do not expect higher marks than “good”. A brown spot is considered a serious defect.

Weimaraner care and maintenance

Grooming a Weimaraner (shorthaired or longhaired) is not difficult, but mandatory. Weimaraner sheds, but shedding is almost invisible. If you take 5 minutes outside and brush your pet with a rubber brush (short hair) or a natural bristle brush (long hair), the house will always be clean. But if the air in the room where the Weimaraner is kept is too warm and dry, the coat can constantly crumble. Abundant molting should alert you, consult your veterinarian about proper diet and care.

The characteristic smell of “dog” is completely absent, but only with the right diet, selection of food and a healthy lifestyle of the Weimaraner. Any manifestation of an unpleasant odor is a signal that there is a health problem.

Coat: Comb 1-2 times a week with a natural bristle brush, rubber glove or rubber brush. During shedding, you will have to comb every day. This is a very useful procedure, because during combing blood circulation improves, dead hair and dirt are removed, and the Weimaraner receives an excellent massage.

Blue eyes and chocolate color, pictured is a Weimaraner

Bathe the Weimaraner once a month, or as needed, with dog shampoo. Install a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub so that the paws do not move apart and it is not injured. After bathing, dry well with a towel, and dry with a hairdryer if necessary. Walking after water procedures is recommended only after 2 hours. In winter, it is better to bathe at night.

Be sure to make sure that the Weimaraner does not sit in a draft and dries well. In winter, wool can be cleaned with a damp cloth, or by dry cleaning. Dry shampoo or talc is applied to the coat, rubbed in, and then combed out well. In summer, the Weimaraner loves to swim in open water, only after such water procedures, be sure to rinse your pet with warm boiled water to wash off the sand and small microorganisms.

Eyes: Check your eyes regularly. Healthy eyes of the Weimar Hound are clean, clear, without souring and tearing. To prevent souring, wipe your eyes once a week with a soft, lint-free cloth (not cotton) soaked in chamomile decoction. Wipe each eye with a clean cloth. Small lumps of gray in the corners of the eyes in the morning are acceptable, since the Weimaraner is active, runs around the street a lot, and in this way the eyes are cleaned. It is enough to remove them with a soft cloth or rinse with chamomile. But if you notice profuse redness of the eyes, souring of a yellow color (they gather again after washing off), a swollen eyelid, profuse tearing - immediately seek help from a veterinarian. There are several reasons: a draft, an allergic reaction, an insect bite, etc., so it’s better not to self-medicate.

Pictured is a white Weimaraner with blue eyes.

Ears hanging, poorly ventilated, regularly inspect them for redness or allergies. Once a week, wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. To ventilate your ears, wave them for a few minutes. While swimming, it is better to plug your ears with cotton pads or just put a swimming cap on your head. A healthy ear is gently pink, odorless and excess sulfur. If you notice too much sulfur, an unpleasant odor, liquid flows out of the ear, the ends of the ears are swollen, pimples or wounds appear, the Weimaraner shakes its head and rubs its ears on the floor - contact your veterinarian immediately.

Weimaraner ears are very sensitive to cold weather, sometimes the tips can freeze in a matter of minutes, so it is better to wear a hat in winter.

Weimaraner teeth are recommended to be brushed 1-2 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs (they cannot stand ordinary human, highly foaming) using a toothbrush or nozzle on your finger. Include solid foods in your diet to prevent tartar buildup.

Trim nails 1-2 times a month with a nail cutter for large breeds. The more often the claw is trimmed, the less risk there is to damage a blood vessel. You need to cut off quite a bit, the soft part of the claw hardens over time, and the vessel moves higher, file the sharp ends with a nail file to avoid burrs.

Wipe feet after walking with a damp cloth. Check paw pads for wounds and damage. To avoid cracks, rub vegetable oil into the pads and be sure to include it in your diet (1 tsp per day). In winter, wash your paws especially carefully after walking, if you live in the city, do not let the snow lick off, in order to avoid poisoning with reagents.

Clothing is an important attribute for a Weimaraner, and not a whim of the owner. Since it has a short coat and almost no undercoat, the Weimaraner does not tolerate cold well. Therefore, in order to keep your pet healthy with the onset of cold weather, dress him in overalls. In the rain, they wear an ordinary raincoat, and in severe frosts, a jumpsuit with a warm lining. Of course, do not forget about the hat, it will protect your favorite ears - flakes from freezing.

Walking is recommended 3 times a day, accompanied by the owner, while keeping in the city it is better on a leash. The hunting instinct is so strong that it can muffle the commands of the owner, and the dog, carried away by the pursuit of a bird or a cat, will end up on the roadway.

The Weimar Hound is very active and, moreover, does not tolerate loneliness, therefore it needs frequent walking and energy release.

  • In the morning you need to take a walk for at least half an hour
  • During the day, the main long walk up to 2 hours
  • 1 hour in the evening

Walks are active, playful with elements of training, since the Weimaraner is very energetic and hardy. She needs to run a lot, hunt for someone, catch someone, train her body and brains. Remember, the more energy she spends on a walk, the less she will pose a threat to the owner's things at home.

But noticing the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy, apathy
  • High body temperature (39 - 42 degrees)
  • Yellowed whites of the eyes
  • Urine red-brown
  • Refusal to eat and drink
  • Falls on its hind legs, contact your veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist can save the health and even life of your pet.

Worms: 1 time in three months it is necessary to carry out deworming.

Weimaraner food

The nutrition of the Weimaraner is a very serious matter, it is prone to food allergies, bloating and volvulus, the owner must carefully monitor the diet. It is better to give small portions.

Kids play after dinner - weimaraner photo on the grass

Number of feedings for a Weimaraner puppy:

  • At the age of 1.5 months - 5-6 times in small portions
  • At 3 - 4 months - 4 times a day
  • 5 - 7 months - 3 feedings per day
  • 8 - 12 months and adults 1-2 times a day

There are two types of food:

  1. Ready-made dry food of the highest quality
  2. natural food

When feeding with natural food, you need to provide a complete balanced diet with vitamins and trace elements.

  • It is recommended to feed 2 hours before walking
  • After a long walk and physical exertion, you can feed only after 1 hour.
  • Water is given half an hour after walking.
  • Ready food is served at room temperature, a portion is eaten in a crawl for 15 minutes.
  • If the Weimaraner refuses to eat, we hide the portion in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • Always keep an eye on fresh water in the bowl.
  • Bowls are washed with hot water after each feeding.
  • Never feed your Weimaraner table scraps.

Prohibited Products:

  • Fatty meat (pork)
  • Grapes, raisins
  • Chocolate
  • Spicy food
  • Spices
  • fried food
  • Pasta
  • Sweets
  • River fish raw (may be infested with worms)
  • Tubular bird bones
  • Minced meat is poorly digested

Healthy foods.

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