Swiss Shepherd (photo): a snow-white dog is a devoted and intelligent friend. Friendly for Children, Vigilant for Enemies: Introducing the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Blue-eyed White Swiss Shepherd

Also known as the Swiss Cattle Dog and American Canadian White Shepherd, looks almost like a German white shepherd, which is associated with its origin. It has either a harsh, long coat (long-haired type) or a short coat (short-haired type). Long-haired white Swiss Shepherds do not have an undercoat.

White Swiss Shepherds are generally characterized as bold, shrewd and alert dogs. They are obedient, cheerful and ready to learn. Calm and serious, these shepherd dogs are confident and extremely brave. They will not think long to lay down their lives for their man.

White Shepherds love to be around their family, but may shy away from strangers. This breed needs regular human interaction and should not be cooped up for long periods of time. These shepherd dogs bark only when they feel it is necessary. Often used as police dogs, White Swiss Shepherds have a very strong protective instinct and are very loyal to their handler. Socialization of puppies from an early age is usually quite simple.

Aggression and attacks on people in most cases is due to poor socialization, training and handling. Problems can arise when the owner allows the dog too much, allows him to believe that he is the leader in the pack (family) over people, or when he does not give him daily mental and physical exercises. This breed needs firm owners who will be authoritative leaders, as well as confident, calm and consistent in their actions.

Well balanced and properly socialized, White Swiss Shepherds get along well with other pets, including cats and dogs. In addition, they are also great for families with children if they have received obedience training from an early age.

White Swiss Shepherds, whose owners are too passive and do not meet the needs of the dog in physical and mental exercise, can become shy and timid.

These shepherd dogs are one of the most trainable and intelligent breeds, but they will not listen to a person if they feel that they are stronger. In addition, they also do not respond well to harsh discipline. To train this exceptionally intelligent dog, the mentor must be a consistent and authoritative leader.

White Swiss dogs are well adapted as guard dogs, for work in the army and police, as guide dogs for the blind, as well as in search and rescue operations. This breed also excels in many other activities, including agility, tracking, and various sports. In addition, the White Swiss Shepherd is popular as a reliable family companion and a participant in popular shows.

History of the breed

White Swiss Shepherds have developed in Canada, Europe and the USA. The breed is a direct descendant of the German Shepherd. After they were brought to the USA, these shepherds were not mixed with other breeds. The gene responsible for the white coat color of the Shepherd Dog is natural for the German Shepherd. The first white shepherds were brought to Switzerland in the seventies.

In Canada and the United States, these shepherds gradually gained recognition as a separate breed. The breed received official recognition and the name "White Swiss Shepherd" in the International Cynological Federation in 2003.

Height and weight

The height of males of white Swiss shepherds is from 60 to 65 cm at the withers, females - from 55 to 60 cm. The weight of males is from 35 to 40 kg, females - from 30 to 35 kg.


In general, White Swiss Shepherds have excellent health and an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years. However, the breed is prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, food allergies, and flea allergies. Some Swiss Cattle Dogs also develop autoimmune diseases and congenital spinal disorders.

White Swiss Shepherds get along well in apartment conditions if they have a sufficient amount of physical and mental activity. Indoors, they are low active, especially if they have a large yard where they can burn off their excess energy.

Swiss Cattle Dogs love dynamic exercise as well as challenging tasks that challenge their mental abilities. They need daily brisk walks, jogging or cycling. Swiss Shepherds also love ball games, 15 minutes of such a game, along with a daily walk, will tire the dog enough.

Swiss White Shepherds shed constantly. They also experience a particularly heavy seasonal molt. Daily or regular brushing will help reduce the amount of hair falling out. Due to possible skin problems, these shepherds are advised to bathe only when necessary.

The cost of puppies

The cost of white Swiss Shepherd puppies with a pedigree is on average from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. Puppies without a pedigree cost an average of about 10,000 rubles.

White Swiss Shepherd Video

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog (BSHO) is an undesirable variant of the classic, old-fashioned German Shepherd, once rejected by German breeders. And the BSO has nothing to do with the real Swiss Shepherd - Sennenhund (Schweizer Sennenhund) and all its types. It is also known as the American-Canadian White Shepherd, and this is its more correct definition.

In the International Cynological Federation (IFF, FCI), the Shepherd Dog was allowed to be registered only in 2002, under the standard number 347, in the I section "SHEPHERD DOG", as a shepherd and service dog.

How did it happen that the dogs, known since 1882, received recognition only at the beginning of the 21st century and have a “port of registry” not Germany at all? To do this, you need to know the history of this breed, and it is closely related to the appearance of the German Shepherd.

The history of the white dog or almost everything about the BSO breed

With the development of cities is always associated with the development of crime on any continent and in any country. In the era of enlightenment and the development of infrastructure in the 18th century, the German principalities were literally covered with a wave of new crimes. It was then that the question arose of creating a service dog to help the police.

The BSO breed standard was adopted by the FCI only in 2002.

Society "Phylax"

A voluntary cynological community "Phylax" appeared, which set itself the goal of obtaining service dogs from local shepherd shepherd dogs from different regions of Germany. The basis was based on small nimble working "shepherds" from Thuringia, Bavaria and Saxony, they were paired with bony, wide-chested shepherd dogs from Württemberg, with long powerful legs, erect ears and a wolf-colored zone gray color.

Filax even managed to organize several exhibitions, where it introduced a new, still raw breed under the general name “German Police Service Dogs” (Büropolizei Schäferhunde Deutschland):

  • Hannover 1882 - gray and white males;
  • Hannover 1887 - males and females of zone gray and white;
  • Hamburger 1888 - the vast majority of white dogs;
  • Kassel 1889 - all presented "Germans" are of the same white color.

Torn apart by internal disputes about what, in the end, the breed should become in the final version, the Phylax community did not last long, but it managed to sow positive seeds:

  1. It drew the attention of society to the value of many qualities inherent in shepherd dogs.
  2. Developed a certain view on the required type of service police dog.
  3. It opened in the retired cavalry captain Max von Stephanitz the talent of a great cynologist, the result of whose life was the creation.

german shepherd

After the dissolution of Phylax, Max Stefanitz set up his own kennel in Graphrat, where he and his friend Arthur Mauer continued their efforts to create the desired type of police dog.

On April 3, 1889, they, as usual, visited a dog show in Carlorue, where they spotted a wolf-sized zonal yellow-gray male standing at the feet of a downcast owner. The despondency of the owner of the dog was explained by the fact that they were not allowed into the ring, because. the judges could not determine the breed, although the owner once paid a lot of money for a puppy.

But friends immediately determined that this dog is the result of mixed blood of dogs from Saxony and Württemberg, and, most likely, the puppy was bought from the Filaks society.

The first of the first - Horand

Both friends knew a lot about sheep dogs, and this representative was a perfect representative of the desired breed - strong, springy, free in movement, harmonious, in the type of a primitive wolf dog.

The owner explained that the dog is a working dog, he is more than satisfied with the qualities of her work and added that the dog differs from other shepherd dogs in endurance, intelligence, independence and obedience. Plus, despite the outward resemblance to a wolf, the dog tends to be in human society more often. The grey-yellow shepherd's name was Hector Lynx Rain.

After some squabbling with the owner, Max and Arthur bought Hector and settled him in the Stephanitz kennel, giving him the name Horand von Grafrath.

A few days later, a new society was registered SV - Gesellschaft Zucht Deutsche Schäferhunde (German Shepherd Breeding Society), where Horand von Grafrath was listed as the first number in the pedigree book of pedigrees; parental information: "UNKNOWN" - unknown.

From the moment Horand was registered, the search for bitches similar in quality to the male for breeding the desired type began. It turned out that the most suitable type would be the Old German Shepherds Kuhhunde or the Old German Shepherd Spitz-Tiger (the common name in Southern Germany for all shepherd dogs of marbled white and black merle color).

unknown danger

Back in 1889, no one yet assumed that in the homozygous state, the white merle color gene, which gives a solid white color, when compacted in the genome, carries such dangers as:

  • various anomalies in the development of the eyes;
  • deformities or non-viability of the fetus;
  • partial or complete deafness;
  • blue pigmentation of the iris and nose or light blotches;
  • oddness of the eyes;
  • high degree of sterility.

Fortunately, females of other colors were also involved in matings, which introduced new blood using standard inbreeding for several specimens with strict selection, both in external data and in working qualities.

Horand as a producer

Soon, a rather heterogeneous population began, like a mosaic, to take shape in the direction of the desired type of appearance and behavior.
The uniqueness lies in the fact that from one male an excellent high-quality breed was bred, which has a perfect exterior appearance and excellent service qualities.

Judging by the history of origin, the “father of the breed” Horand von Grafrath himself was related to the shepherd shepherd dogs of marble and white, so the transfer of the white gene to his descendants was inevitable. This is partly confirmed by the fact that many of his grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren have white markings on various parts of the body.

Horand was the father of many puppies, 140 of them entered the Society's stud book, but his most prominent son was Hector von Schwaben.
Hector's sons Beowulf, Gates and Pilot became the founders of outstanding pedigree lines, where the white gene was present, which later played a very cruel joke with snow-white German Shepherds.

By the beginning of the XX century. The popularity of the German Shepherd, used not only in pastures, but also in the police and the army, has grown so much that the fame of its endurance, obedience and intelligence has gone far beyond Germany.

Although the emphasis in breeding was placed primarily on working qualities, the white color of the coat gave a special charm to these dogs.

Snow-white smart dogs quickly conquered the hearts and souls of private dog breeders and many tailed police officers were sold to the countries of Great Britain, and from there they were brought to Canada and America.

BSOs are descended from old-fashioned German Shepherds

Expulsion of white dogs

Meanwhile, work on improving the German Shepherd in Germany continued. The color for a working dog was considered something of a secondary nature, selection work under the patronage of Max von Stephanitz was aimed at increasing the requirements for the breed and expanding its professional capabilities.

But in 1936, the greatest cynologist who closely followed his offspring - the German Shepherd - Max von Stephanitz died.

He has long understood that when mating 2 white shepherd dogs, only white puppies are born, but this offspring has too frequent health failures, and he made sure that the white shepherd dog must be paired with a normally colored male.

The descendants of such a pair carry the white gene in a latent state. The next mating between normally colored dogs in 90 cases out of 100 will definitely give one or more white puppies in the litter, if at least one of the parents has a homozygous white gene. By crossing white offspring with normally colored individuals, we get all puppies of normal color. And such a cyclic breeding process should not be broken in order to maintain the health of the entire breed.

Left without a strict "loot" newly minted breeders-improvers-amateurs-destroyers have redoubled their efforts in obtaining the shepherd dogs that are in the greatest demand - light-haired, flouting all the rules of genetics.

The offspring they bred not only did not correspond to the title of “Perfection Itself”, but led to the degeneration of the breed as a whole.

When crossing two white shepherd dogs, the offspring were very often sick

Even during the life of Max von Stephanitz (1933), the All-German Cynological Society raised the issue of excluding dogs with a recessive white gene from further breeding, but then Stephanitz was able to defend them. After his death, there was no one to do it.

The pragmatic Germans correctly associated degenerative tendencies with the presence of individuals with light or completely white coats. To understand the intricacies of "the genealogical method of establishing the type of inheritance with the predicted probability of the appearance of certain signs of the future generation" (Mendel's laws of heredity), German breeders had no time - Germany started the World War.

Weak, prone to allergies, giving a large percentage of blind, deaf or unviable puppies, the white shepherd dogs of the “post-Stephanitz period” did not meet the needs of the Wehrmacht army in any way, and were mercilessly excluded from breeding in Germany. Since that time, the paths of white and colored shepherd dogs have diverged completely.

It must be said that the individuals that remained in breeding nevertheless benefited from this split, acquiring the external features and character of the Old German Shepherd of black and red color that are familiar today.

But the distant interrupted relationship is no-no and reminds of itself "gray hair" on the muzzles and bodies BUT and small white "stars" on the chest.

Further breeding of BSHO

In America and Canada, white shepherd dogs were accepted with a bang, some behavioral problems directly related to the health problem were tried to be corrected using an individual approach to each dog, believing that developmental deficiencies can be corrected with proper upbringing.
White dogs were in the bulk in private hands, their upbringing and development was monitored by specially trained people, who would later be called "animal psychologists".

Only thanks to this approach to each individual, it was possible to save most of the white livestock. However, in order to preserve this livestock, animals with wrinkled tails, with a blurry color, with an incomplete set of teeth, small in size, with an unstable psyche and other vices incompatible with the concept of "German Shepherd" were allowed to breed. The goal was to keep the white coat of a dog similar to HO.

USA and Canada

By 1964, there were enough such animals in the United States to open the California club of white German shepherd lovers, but soon it had to be disbanded (1968) under the pressure of the indignation of German breeders, where NO after the war, it was ranked among the national breeds of the country and the white color was not included in the breed standard.

The Canadian Kennel Club acted more cunningly: the color was not banned, but it was classified as an undesirable disadvantage, and later, in 1971, it created a separate club "White Shepherd" without reference to the word "German".

Due to the fact that the standard of the German Shepherd did not provide for the white color, the white shepherd was forbidden to be called German.

In the same year, the Americans joined them and the community was named the American-Canadian White Shepherd (ACWS).

The name "American Canadian Shepherd White" became the official name for this breed and lasted until 1998.
Under this name, dogs came to England, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland in the 70s.

How "American-Canadian" Became "Swiss"

These countries favorably accepted overseas dogs and recognized them as a separate breed, and Switzerland offered its help in smoothing out some of the rough edges associated with ill-conceived selection.

For this, a snow-white male Lobo (born in 1966) arrived from America in Switzerland, who is recognized as the progenitor of almost all white shepherd dogs in Switzerland - his descendants are listed in the stud books of many clubs in Europe and Switzerland. Descendants, but not himself. Why?

Lobo himself was of the correct physique, had no malformations, but was too large and heavy for the concept of a partner or service dog.

Switzerland offered to work out Lobo's data for reduction, resulting in a tireless, mobile, maneuverable dog, moderate in nutrition and easily transportable, both on its own and by any transport.

Lobo, weighing almost 60 kg with a height of 70 cm, had a hard time enduring field trials: he knocked down his paws on rocky ground, lost a lot of maneuverability on mountain slopes, quickly overheated, and refused to work due to rapid hoarse breathing in rarefied mountain air.

Such shortcomings in height and weight were eliminated by competent selection work by Swiss breeders, who managed to preserve and consolidate the best qualities inherited by American-Canadian Shepherds from German ancestors.

It is these dogs that are the most desirable type for the working group, this is how the Swiss breeders made the raw, unfinished type of American-Canadian Shepherd Dogs and it is these shepherd dogs that began to be registered in the Swiss Stud Book (1991) as White Swiss Shepherd Dogs (BSHO).

BSOs are not crossbreeds! This is the product of long-term selection work, which led to the creation of an independent breed that carries the noble blood of the German Shepherd, although mating between the BSO and the NO has been prohibited since 2003.

BSO is an active dog requiring long walks several times a day


The Fédération Cynologique Internationale has recognized the name White Swiss Shepherd Dog, rejecting claims to the Canadian Kenel Club breed, for 4 reasons:

  1. Switzerland has completed the formation of the breed.
  2. Switzerland has applied for separate breed status recognition.
  3. Switzerland has the largest number of dogs of the desired type.
  4. Canada is not a member of the FCI, so it is simply not ethical to approve a breed with the word "Canadian" for the FCI.

We must pay tribute to the breeders from Canada. The first copy of the HO was registered in this country back in 1919. There is no information about the coat color, but in 1922 the Association of German Shepherd was organized in Canada, and in 1959 - out of 200 registered in the breeding book of animals, 130 have "color-white". The breeding program for white-haired shepherd dogs almost completely coincided with the conservation program for these animals in the United States.

Moreover, the California California club of white German shepherd lovers was included in the White Shepherd, which helped to keep the dogs owned by the American club.

Paying tribute to the work of Canadians, the International Union Of Canine Clubs (UCI) recognizes 2 names at once and puts an equal sign between them:

  1. White Swiss Shepherd.
  2. American Canadian White Shepherd.

Standards, standards, standards...

In 1995, the standard that has been in force since 1991 was changed.

Today, the standard "Swiss Shepherd Breed Description" with the qualitative characteristics of the BSO looks like this:

  • the size and body of the shepherd reach the standards of BUT, but may exceed them by 1.5-3 cm;
  • the same applies to the weight of an adult animal - from 25 kg.

The behavior and main characteristics of the BSO breed are in many ways similar to the breed data of the German Shepherd (old type); the exterior is similar - less slope of the topline, may be absent altogether, but the croup never goes beyond the highest point at the withers.

The White Shepherd was called Swiss because it was Swiss breeders who made the greatest contribution to the development of the breed.

Despite the fact that among the representatives of white Swiss shepherds there are 2 variants of coat length (short-haired and long-haired), they can be called long-haired conditionally - the length of the blood hair is not allowed longer than 6.5 cm. The hair must be hard, straight, equipped with a thick dense undercoat. In long-haired dogs, a mane and feathers are a desirable feature of the breed.

Completely smooth-haired animals with a hair length of less than 1.5 cm are not allowed for breeding.

Opinions about the length of the coat are divided: in Europe they advocate medium-long hair, in America the standard is a tight-fitting coat.

The color is always the same and the only acceptable one is exclusively white with a dark lobe, edging of the lips, eyes and eyelids. Super - all paw pads and nails are very dark, ideally black.

The Swiss White is by no means an albino! She does not lack melanin in her blood, and the best proof is the presence of obligatory dark pigmented areas on the dog's body.

The behavior and character of the BSO are similar to the behavior and character of the NO. Ideally, a shepherd dog turns out to be moderately curious, attentive, without signs of pronounced aggression, but cowardly behavior is also excluded.

To strangers, the dog is indifferently restrained, the owner and his family are loyal and friendly.

He learns all stages of training easily, effortlessly, but requires constant attention from the owner - he likes to play pranks during classes or “jump”.

Some content features

White Swiss Shepherd puppies are more like plush children's toys with a cat-like demeanor, and often owners begin to treat them like home decorations. This is a global mistake!

White Shepherds easily “turn on” to protect their “pack” in case of a real threat (in their opinion) and make the decision to attack the aggressor on their own, often without “consulting” with the owner.

BSOs are highly trainable

The breed belongs to the working group, it is a serious service dog, in many cases competing in the ZKS and K-9 with other famous breeds.

The BSO, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises as they grow older, must be taught to obey. And to achieve obedience, you need to properly educate from the first days of acquiring a puppy.

Otherwise, you can get a shepherd dog, no, not aggressive towards the owner (“Swiss” is softer in character than “Germans”), but absolutely ignoring the requirements of the owner’s family and team.

From birth, white shepherds are focused on communication with the human "pack", but in the upbringing and training, the owner will need to show constant perseverance, consistency and firm, but not rude pressure on the puppy.

The shepherd is very mobile and needs a lot of exercise and exercise during a walk.

Another distinguishing feature of the BSO is the love of conversation. The dog willingly “talks” with the owner, with family members, almost constantly says something to himself, voicing his actions, left alone loudly complains about fate, and during sexual hunting he “whistles” without ceasing.


If there is a desire to purchase an American-Canadian White Shepherd, then it is important to determine exactly what such a dog is for.

If for show exhibitions, then be prepared that a snow-white handsome man (beauty) can present an extremely unpleasant surprise in the form of a weak nervous system - nervousness, cowardice or aggression.

And you will have to endure a cowardly shepherd dog next to you for 12-14 years, since this is the life span of the BSO.

If this suits you morally, then be prepared to pay about 30-50 thousand rubles for a puppy.

BSO gets along well with all family members, children and other pets.

In addition, show-class dogs rarely have the qualities necessary for real protection of the territory and the owner. Demonstration sports performances with BSO have little in common with real protective qualities, which are based primarily on the instincts of the earner and the protection of offspring. In show dogs, these qualities are artificially exterminated!

Moreover, this shepherd must be LEARNED TO BITE - she loves people so much that without special training she cannot break this “taboo”.

Of course, a white handsome man (beauty) is quite suitable for scaring off intruders from a car or around the perimeter of the site - they like to bark, but with a direct attack, the dog will be confused if the owner is not nearby or the BSO has not completed a special course. training.

"Ein Hund, der seinen Schwanz schützt" - the Swiss themselves say about the shepherd - "A dog protecting its tail."

The other side of the coin is that the owner does not have to worry about their children and other pets. The love of the American-Canadian will not allow her to cause the slightest damage to the household. Everyone who lives with her under the same roof, the shepherd will be happy to “graze”, but here you can’t count on the protection of the “herd”.

In Canada and the States, this breed is used as a search and rescue (after training) with the same frequency as retrievers in Russia.

When choosing a companion and protector, watchman and family friend, you should pay attention to the shepherd dogs of working breeding lines, where dogs are selected not only for their exterior, but also for their behavior.

Good dogs are not obtained after studying various training disciplines, their attitude to work must be laid down in the genetic characteristics of the breed.

A good working BSO is a large, robust individual with a well controlled type of desired behavior.

Working line puppies are cheaper - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the working qualities of the parents.

If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions, it is better to purchase a BSHO of a working line

The Swiss White Shepherd is a true aristocrat in the dog world. The snow-white color, harmonious constitution, restraint in behavior determined the extraordinary popularity of the breed.

Height at withers: males 63-66 cm, females 52-55 cm;
The weight: 25-40 kg.

  • Color: white;
  • Wool: the standard allows for long-haired and short-haired coats;
  • Eye color: brown, dark brown;
  • Eye section: almond-shaped;
  • Nose: black;
  • General appearance: muscular, proportionately built shepherd dog with strong strong paws, smooth lines of the body, saber-shaped tail.

Disqualifying vices:

  • fearfulness;
  • Expressed aggression;
  • Blue eye color;
  • bulging eyes;
  • Malformations of the eyelids (entropy, ectropion);
  • Malocclusion;
  • Lack of pigmentation of the nose, lips, area around the eyes;
  • Albinism.

Serious shortcomings that judges may attribute to vices include:

  • Square body profile;
  • Irregular shape of the ears (hanging, widely set, half-lowered);
  • Ring-shaped tail (twisted up);
  • Sloped back.

History of the breed

In 1180, in Austria, snow-white sheepdogs lived in the royal palace of the Habsburgs, and they were quite deservedly considered aristocratic Viennese dogs. This breed did not have an official name in those years; in everyday life they were called the “royal shepherd dog”.

In 1882, the breed was presented at an exhibition in Hannover under the name "German Shepherd", although the officially famous service "Germans" were registered only in 1899.

The German cavalry captain Friedrich von Stephanitz acquired a white male with the common nickname Hector. The dog was renamed Horand von Grafrat, and under this name was registered in the studbook as first representative .

True, a year later, white representatives of the breed were carefully culled, leaving puppies with a black-backed dark color. Dog handlers argued that the absence of dark pimento is evidence of weak immunity and genetic failures.

Today it is difficult to establish how white dogs got to Canada and America in the 60s of the last century. Clever, good-natured and courageous dogs took root on the new continent, and became the favorites of many eminent families, including the Rockefellers.

It would be fair to call the current Swiss Shepherd Canadian-American, but the forgotten breed was also remembered at home in Western Europe. This happened due to the boom in popularity of the dog in the New World.

In 2003, the breed was recognized by representatives of the International Cynological Federation (FCI), and now elegant aristocrats have again become the decoration of prestigious exhibitions. The name "Swiss Shepherd" was given only because the cynologists in Switzerland have long sought recognition of the status of a white dog. In this country, the breed has been revived since 1966 in order to return its official status.

Few people today know that wonderful elegant dogs with a cheerful, intelligent disposition and slightly slanting eyes are the progenitors of the most popular service breed in the world.

Character and temperament

The Swiss White Shepherd is balanced, intelligent, and obedient. It is no coincidence that the breed is considered universal, because the Swiss work as guides, rescuers, guards, shepherds.

The virtues of character are obvious:

  • Shepherd never shows unmotivated aggression;
  • Confidently protects the owner in the event of a real threat;
  • Excellent with children;
  • Rarely is annoying and naughty.

The disadvantages include the fact that Snow White is too strong bored alone. The Swiss White Shepherd does not recognize rough treatment, remembers the offender well, who will not win the dog's trust anywhere. Features that others do not like too much include a tendency to “vocal” - dogs often howl when they are left alone in the house.

If the puppy lives in an apartment, it is necessary to arrange an anti-slip floor covering. In babies up to three months old, paws spread on parquet, laminate and linoleum, and this can lead to a distorted formation of the skeletal system. The convergence of the hind hocks is one of the reasons for improper care of the dog during the growth period.


Good nutrition does not affect the appearance of the animal. A healthy shepherd dog has a snow-white coat that gleams in the sun, clean eyes, a cold wet nose.

  • The main thing for a service dog is a sufficient amount of meat in the diet. Every day the dog should eat 500 grams of beef or rabbit meat (poultry and fish can be given once a week) in combination with vegetables and cereals.
  • Cereals - buckwheat, millet, rice, vegetables - without limitation, at the request and taste of a pet.
  • Fruits and berries, you can safely add vitamin fillings to cottage cheese.
  • Boiled and raw eggs are included in the weekly diet - 2-3 pieces each.
  • Cheese can be given as a treat during training.

Foods that should not be given to the Swiss Shepherd:

  • cookies, white bread;
  • boiled bones and bird bones;
  • sweets;
  • sausage, sausages;
  • smoked meats.

An adult dog is fed at the same time, twice a day, after a walk. Access to fresh clean water must be provided.

Remember that nothing ruins a dog's health like being overweight. In no case do not overfeed the animal, and do not give flour products that shepherd dogs adore.

Education and training

The BSO is highly trainable. He enjoys doing it, and a lot. He remembers commands for a long time, shows restraint and patience during training in the OKD and ZKS group. Not afraid of shots. He does not like to obey strangers (he is stressed), so the owner himself must train the dog.

Health and longevity

The Swiss White Shepherd lives 12-14 years old. Less often than German Shepherds, it suffers from distemper and enteritis, is not prone to allergies, eye diseases and joint diseases. The health of a pet depends on the quality of nutrition and care. There are no specific diseases and pronounced hereditary weaknesses in the breed.

In old age, special attention is paid to eye condition(the eyes of older dogs are sensitive to dust, wind, sea water). Every day, you should gently wipe your eyes with a solution of chamomile or weak tea, and clean your ears with a special stick.

Don't skip vaccinations. If the dog lives in a forested area, a tick vaccination is required.

How much and where to buy

In Russia there are specialized BSHO nurseries. You can also buy a puppy abroad.

Puppy price: 15-40 thousand rubles

Photo of the breed

A selection of photos of a white swiss shepherd dog.


The White Swiss Shepherd in appearance resembles the German White Shepherd, which speaks of its origin. This breed is also known as the American Canadian White Shepherd or the Swiss Cattle Dog. Representatives of this breed are of short-haired and long-haired type. As a rule, dogs with long hair do not have an undercoat.

Description of the breed The white Swiss dog resembles the signs of a German shepherd, has about the same height, although the physique is stronger, straight top and not too large ears. The White Swiss Shepherd is a strong, active dog with light and free movements. For its ability to move completely silently, it allows comparisons with the polar wolf.

The minimum life expectancy of the breed is from 11 to 17 years.

Height at the withers for males - 65-66 cm, for females - 53-56 cm.

Weight in males reaches 35-40 kg, in females the range is 25-35 kg.

  • The standard states that the ratio of withers to body length should be 12:10.
  • The legs of the breed are straight and strong. The chest is wide, in males the sternum is pronounced. Bitches are small-boned.
  • By standard, the teeth should be in a scissor bite and placed strictly perpendicular to the jaw line.
  • The dog's skull is in the form of a wedge, has a flat shape in the upper region, smoothly turning into the cervical region.
  • The eyes are slightly slanted oval in shape with eyeliner.
  • Ears should be upright.

The breed, similar to the German Shepherd, has a strong tail, set low and resembling a saber. If the tail does not match this shape, the puppy is not subject to the standard.

Special attention is given to wool in representatives of the breed.

  • The Swiss White Shepherd can be either smooth or long-coated.
  • Purebred specimens are distinguished by straight hair and a thick undercoat.
  • The color of the coat suggests only white, without a hint of impurity and blotches. The nails are black, as are the nose and paw pads. If there is no pigment on the pads, the puppy is entered into marriage.
  • Eye color is brown, from light to dark shades.

See also: dalmatian

You can find a photo of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog breed in any search engine.

History of the breed

The White Swiss Shepherd breed began to develop in Europe, as well as the United States and Canada. Representatives can rightfully be considered descendants of the German Shepherd. After being brought to America, shepherd dogs were not crossed with other breeds. The white coat color is due to the presence of a gene that is present in the German Shepherd. The first white shepherd appeared in European countries in the 70s.

Gradually, Canada and the United States came to recognize the breed. The breed was officially named "White Swiss Shepherd" in 2003.


The representatives of the breed are in excellent health.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is not observed, which is associated with a rather tall stature, a straight back and a less sloping croup than its German Shepherd descendant.


The Greater Swiss Shepherd Dog has a cheerful disposition and is quite sociable.

The dog is constantly ready for communication and is looking for it not only from the owner, but also from all family members. It is capable of aggression only in case of a real threat from unfamiliar people and animals.

He is friends with other pets, over time begins to follow them.

The dog is highly intelligent and curious.

Representatives of the breed have a wide range of vocal signals. In a similar way, she communicates with the owner and tells him her thoughts. The duration of such a "conversation" depends on the mood of your pet. Therefore, when choosing a puppy of this breed, be prepared for the dog's voice signals.

White Swiss Shepherds live well in apartments, have the necessary amount of walking, physical activity and mental activity. Enclosed space reduces their activity, so it is better to let the dog out into a large yard so that it has the opportunity to throw out excess energy.

Swiss dogs prefer dynamic exercise, with mental tasks that challenge their minds included. The breed needs daily live walks, jogging. Shepherds love playing with the ball, a quarter of an hour of such an activity with a dog will fully unload the pet.

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Swiss White Shepherds are in a constant process of shedding. The seasonal molting period is especially difficult. To reduce the amount of hair loss can be daily brushing, which should take place regularly. Possible skin problems do not allow frequent bathing of the dog, so the procedure should be carried out as needed.


Veterinarians recommend giving preference to premium dry food or practicing mixed feeding. This is justified by the fact that cheap feed does not contain a complex of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

With mixed feeding, premium dry food is also taken, and porridge is prepared for complementary foods, without the addition of salt and milk. Lean meat, some vegetables and vegetable oil are added to the diet in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. You can sometimes include unsweetened dairy products in your diet.

Sometimes a shepherd dog needs a bone from the veins to independently maintain the cleanliness of the teeth and strengthen them.

The cost of puppies

You can buy a representative of the White Swiss Shepherd breed with a pedigree in the range from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. The price of puppies of the White Swiss Shepherd breed without a pedigree can be taken for 10 thousand rubles.

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