Irish terrier character. Detailed description and characteristics of the Irish Terrier dog breed. Characteristic behavior of an Irish Terrier dog

The Irish Terrier is one of the oldest breeds bred in Ireland. This is a small golden-red dog with a wayward character and a stormy temperament. The Irish Terrier is called the "sunny" dog of captivating charm or the "brave devil" because of the seething energy and courage. Irish Terriers were owned by Jack London and Canadian Prime Minister The Honorable William Lyon Mackenzie King.

The Irish Terrier is a mysterious breed, the origin of which has not been documented. The Irish themselves argue that its origins should be sought in the depths of history, since terriers appeared even before the return of its patron, St. Patrick, to Ireland. And, according to historical documents, it happened in 432. Officially, they started talking about the breed in the middle of the 19th century.

The ancestors of the Irishman are also a mystery to dog handlers. The version about the origin of the Irish Terrier from the wolfhound is doubtful, since there are no common features. It is most likely that the ancestors of the "red devil" were wire-haired terriers imported from Britain. They were bred in England to hunt small forest animals.

Each county in Ireland until 1870 boasted its own variety of Irish Terrier. The height and color of the dogs were different. In the north-east of the state in County Antrim, the color of terriers was brown, white and black. In Whiteley County, the coat color of terriers was reddish, while in and around the Iveragh Peninsula they were black or black and brown.

Breed standards began to be fixed only after 1879. Breeding began, terrier clubs appeared. The first was opened in Ireland in the late 70s of the XIX century. It was this Dublin club that set the breed standards, promoted and popularized it. The popularity of the breed grew, but since the 20s of the twentieth century there has been a decline in interest, which could not but disturb the true connoisseurs of the breed.

Through the efforts of G. Selfridge, the Irish Terrier found new admirers as a result of a witty marketing ploy. Mr. G. Selfridge was the owner of a large shopping complex "Oxford Street" in which he held a large-scale presentation of the breed. The Irish Terrier has never been a "star", so it has retained its original exterior without much change.

Description of the Irish Terrier breed

The Irish Terrier is a medium sized dog. Height at the withers is about 45 cm or 18 inches. males weigh 12.3 kg, and females - 11.4 kg. Outwardly, the representative of the breed is energetic, fit, hardy, strong, fast. According to standards, the Irish Red Terrier has the following parameters:

The appearance of the animal creates a feeling of elegance and fervent lightness, swiftness and strength. These not the largest terriers are excellent hunters of foxes, hares, and small roe deer. The Irishman is also a gun dog, which indicates his intelligence, patience, strong nervous system and ability to learn.


The modern Irishman has a red coat of various shades, ranging from red (red, copper) to wheaten. Suppose and intermediate - yellow-red color. Other than those listed, all others are disqualifying. Color should be evenly uniform. The ears may be somewhat darker and white markings on the chest are acceptable. White spots on paws are undesirable.

The wool is hard, in appearance and tactile sensations it resembles a thin copper wire. The hair is a little broken, but not curly. The coat is of unequal length - somewhat longer on the jaws, on the sides of the neck and on the forelimbs. On other parts of the body, it is short, straight, very densely growing. The coat does not hide the general outlines of the body, and the uneven length creates expressiveness and swiftness of the silhouette.

Pet character

The Irishman has a strong nervous system, which allows him to be used as a gun dog. He learns quickly, is smart, remembers a large number of commands and clearly follows the task. The Terrier is one of the few dogs that is not prone to motion sickness. For hundreds of years, breeders have been culling "nervous" and overly aggressive dogs. As a result, the best character traits were fixed:

  • devotion;
  • courage;
  • restraint;
  • equilibrium;
  • instant reaction;
  • assertiveness;
  • purposefulness;
  • tirelessness.

The terrier from Ireland successfully combines the straightforwardness and loyalty of a mongrel with the intelligence and sensitivity of a true gentleman dog.

The Terrier is great with children. He is tireless in games, cheerful, has a sense of humor. But at home, this is a patient dog who will not impose his presence if he does not see the encouragement of the owner. His expressiveness is amazing. It perfectly "broadcasts" love, sadness, patient expectation and other feelings.

His character - the character of a real Irishman - an unbending spirit, pride, sometimes stubbornness, courage, flavored with clumsy romanticism and devotion. The Irish Terrier is an excellent companion, hunter, watchman, service dog, bloodhound.

The young dog is cheerful, agile, energetic and tireless. But the child who is next to the terrier must be older. Despite the friendliness and lack of aggressiveness, the Irishman is a strong and impetuous dog, which a small child cannot handle. The dog is very sensitive to punishment, touchy, proud. Therefore, the owner must behave in a balanced manner so as not to lose a true friend.

Basics of training

Many dog ​​handlers argue that, as such, the Irish do not need. The dog is very smart and focused on the owner. It is enough for him to explain correctly, and the Irishman clearly performs the task. It seems that he "remembers" forgotten skills. The dog very accurately perceives the mood of the owner.

What was invested through explanation, and not coercion, in early childhood, the matured dog performs with enthusiasm and pleasure. The dog remembers the name and characteristics of the objects surrounding it well. Therefore, the requirement: "Bring a blue ball" - for example, performs quickly and accurately, even if you have to choose from many different-colored balls.

Experienced dog breeders do not talk about training, but about establishing partnerships, friendly relations, forming their own individual "vocabulary" of commands. Moreover, the Irishman does not need to intonate the order, he singles out commands that are understandable to himself in free speech. Such communication is very important in the conditions of the city.

But it is impossible to completely abandon the correct training. Explosive character and innate stubbornness require patience, tact, firmness. The dog cannot stand rudeness, “obligation” and drill. He will not, like service dogs, spend hours training and honing some command or skill.

And the Irishman will begin to carry out the bored occupation carelessly or become stubborn, offended. Therefore, the Irish Terrier needs an individual program in which tasks alternate. The dog trains more willingly if he understands why it is necessary. So that he does not get bored, the complexes should be diversified, complicated. The Terrier loves to solve complex problems.

Despite all the qualities of a dog that is malleable to training, the Irishman can be self-willed, because he was created precisely as a dog capable of making independent decisions - a partner, not a servant. The dog is brought out of defiant disobedience not by shouting and slapping, but by persistence and switching attention. It is important to get the command done.

Another of the "stumbling blocks" in the training of the Irish is teaching them the skills of aggressive protection of the owner. The dog itself rushes at an object that is larger than it in size if the owner is in danger. He will fight to the death, but the task is to teach the correct behavior and thus protect the dog. Each dog is individual and requires its own approach.

Photo of Irish Terrier

Irish Terrier video

Where to buy a puppy and kennels

A puppy should be purchased not “by hand” or by advertisement, but from specialist breeders, having previously familiarized themselves with the reputation and reviews of the nursery. Then the puppy is guaranteed to meet the requirements of the standard, mentally and physically healthy, socialized.

After getting acquainted with the parents, you can exclude hereditary pathologies, as well as get recommendations on nutrition, maintenance and communication with a small pet.

In Moscow, you can buy a puppy in kennels:

  • "Red Wind" -;
  • "Rus Dendy Lot" -

Irish terrier, "red sun", "gold in wool", "red devil" - as soon as they do not call this beautiful dog with a truly Irish character! He may not shine with originality and has never been on the lists of star breeds, but those who value loyalty, devotion, uncompromisingness and partnership will get the best of dogs. The owners of these "sunny bunnies" claim that, becoming the guardian of this dog, you begin to learn patience, understanding, balance and intelligence.

> Irish TerrierA determined, quick-witted, sometimes reckless dog. Like all terriers, very inquisitive and full of dignity. But when compared with other terrier breeds, it is less aggressive and stubborn.

The main feature of the character of the Irishman is complete fearlessness, so he perfectly copes with security functions. Loyal to all family members and ready to protect each of them to the last breath, the Irish Terrier will never back down if he sees that his owners or their property is in danger.


A dog of medium height - up to 50 cm at the withers and weighing up to 15 kg, has a proportional, harmonious, strongly built figure, which is crowned with a long head with massive jaws.

The coat of the Irish Terrier is thick and coarse, shorter on the head than on the whole body. A distinctive feature is a protruding mustache and beard. The coat of the dog has an excellent water-repellent property, as soon as he shakes himself off, water and dirt are gone.

Terrier puppies are born dark, but by the age of one and a half to two years they acquire a red, wheaten or yellow-red color.


Dogs of this breed live 13 - 15 years.

Feels good in a country house with a large plot, but can also be kept in an apartment, in the presence of full-fledged physical activity. The Irish Terrier is an active dog, loves jogging and games, can jump high - this must be taken into account when building a fence.

Easy to train, enjoys playing sports. Very often the Irish are taught circus tricks.

Shows aggression towards other dogs, especially of the same sex, can start a fight, so when walking you can not let it off the leash. It is also not recommended to keep in a house where there are small animals: rabbits, rodents, guinea pigs, since a strong hunting instinct cannot be overcome even with the help of training. But with cats, the Irish Terrier gets along well if it grows with them from puppyhood.

The coat of the dog does not require tiring care. It is necessary to comb with a massage brush every other day. This breed does not shed seasonally, so it is necessary to trim twice a year to get rid of dead hairs. This procedure can be done independently, but for the first time it is better to contact a specialist - a groomer.

When leaving, also do not forget to cut the dog's claws and brush its teeth, cut the hair between the paw pads. Bathing an Irishman is often not recommended, so as not to destroy the natural oils that protect the skin, one procedure per year will be enough.


The food of the Irish Terrier should not contain salt, even in minimal quantities.

A useful product in the diet is meat, but pork and other fatty foods are excluded. The recommended daily fat for an adult terrier is one tablespoon.
The dog's menu should include: boiled sea fish, cereals, vegetables, greens.
Be sure to provide constant access to clean drinking water.


Irish Terriers are prone to diseases such as hip dysplasia, allergic reactions, and melanoma.

They are sensitive to anesthetics and drugs, so it is recommended to give the Irish dosage less than other dogs of the same parameters.


Aggressiveness towards other dogs, willfulness, recklessness.

Suitable for

Families with mature enough children - the Irish not only actively play with them, but fearlessly guard them. But if the owner has very little ones, then the purchase of a dog should be postponed. Terriers are not too accurate in their games, they can push, and a loud roar and running away of a child will be taken as a fun game and they will want to repeat it.

The dog is suitable for keeping anyone who has enough free time for activities and games with a pet, as well as a sense of humor to be indulgent about the antics of a pet, which can be stolen socks or an eaten remote control.

Buying Choice

When choosing an Irish Terrier, give preference to an inquisitive, cheerful, well-fed puppy who, at the sight of strangers, will not show aggression and timidity.

The puppy card should contain the date of anthelmintic therapy. If the first vaccination has already been made, then a veterinary passport must be available.

Check both parents' dysplasia test results. Familiarize yourself with the conditions of detention, ask for a special diet for feeding the future pet.

Dimensions:Height: from 46 to 48 cm, weight: up to 12 kg
Character:Fearless, playful, self-confident, moody
Where is used:Companion, hunting, drug search
Lives:13-15 years old
Color:Red, fawn, red, wheaten

This dog can rightly be called a sunny dog. Its bright color, seething energy and desire to constantly communicate with a person make the Irish Terrier one of the most popular breeds. He is smart, elegant, despite his stormy temperament, he knows how to behave with dignity. However, it is not necessary to reveal all its secrets now. So, Irish Terrier - who is he?

Origin story

Even having made his way into the very jungle of history, now it will not be possible to find out exactly where the Irish Terrier came from. Perhaps his ancestors were Irish wolfhounds - until now, many cynologists consider the hero of the article to be the younger brother of this dog. But the plausibility of this version of the origin of the breed is questionable.

Most likely, the ancestors of the Irishman are black and tan wire-haired terriers from England. There is also an opinion that once upon a time a rather large wheaten terrier lived in one of the Irish counties. He most likely took part in the creation of the Irish Terrier.

The breed was officially recognized in the 1870s, at the same time it was first shown at exhibitions. In 1879, with the advent of the Irish Terrier Club, mass breeding of these dogs began.

Over the almost 150-year history of the breed, the terrier has changed its appearance and colors more than once. Previously, dogs of this breed were black, white, and brown. Now the Irish coat color is red or fawn.

Training and use

The Irish Terrier now continues to be used as a hunting dog, although it is increasingly becoming a companion and companion of man. Also, representatives of this breed, thanks to their excellent instinct, work at customs control, where they look for hidden drugs.

The Irish are great athletes. Their constitution and stamina allow them to move quickly. Such dogs often achieve success in agility, Frisbee.

The training of the Irish Terrier should be based on mutual understanding and the ability of a person to negotiate with a dog. The ideal option is to turn classes into fun games. Thus, the Irish, and especially the puppies, quickly learn everything new.

Conditions of detention

Due to the compact size of the Irish Terrier, it is quite possible to keep in a city apartment in the presence of frequent and long walks. It is desirable that they are accompanied by active games.

In a country house, the dog will also feel comfortable, especially if he is allowed to run around the garden. Pets living in the city behave somewhat calmer than the villagers. The Irishman in the photo is a lover of playing rope.

The Irish are very jumpy, so before you let the dog run around the site, you should take care of building a high fence.


The Irish Terrier is unpretentious in care - it does not need to be washed often. The coat is combed a couple of times a week with a brush. Special attention is paid to the mustache and beard, which are desirable to wipe after each feeding. Puppies should be accustomed to hygiene procedures from childhood under the strict guidance of the owners.

The Irish Terrier does not shed, but a couple of times a year he is taken to a grooming salon for trimming. In addition, at home, it is necessary to monitor the hair in the ears and pluck it as it grows. The hair between the toes is usually cut off.

From time to time, you need to inspect the ears and eyes of the dog and clean them as they become dirty. Be sure to brush your teeth once a week to avoid the formation of yellow plaque.

In the next video, groomer Svetlana Sokolova will tell you in detail how to properly prepare an Irishman for an exhibition.


The composition of the terrier's diet directly depends on the activity of the dog and the conditions of detention. The more the dog moves, the more food he needs. The menu should include meat, sea fish, dairy products, vegetables.

Puppies during growth should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. A detailed description of vitamin supplements can be found in any dog ​​literature. The photo shows how Irish Terrier babies eat.

By the way, when forming a portion for the Irish Terrier, the rule should apply - it is better to underfeed than overfeed, although he is not prone to obesity. Both puppies and adult Irish Terriers will be happy to eat "drying", but you should choose only professional food. This is especially important during the growth period of young animals.

The Irish Terrier is a medium sized hunting dog. He is active and energetic, distinguished by fearlessness, always ready to rush to the aid of the owner. Good with children, curious and always ready to play. Suitable for keeping in a city apartment. Dogs are used as guards and hunters. Owner reviews of the Irish Terrier are positive, he becomes a true friend of the family.

Description and breed standards

The Irish Terrier was recognized as a breed at the end of the 19th century. At first, the color of the dogs was different, in some counties they were red, in others - brown, tan. There was a black and blue color. But in the 1880s, it was decided to leave only red and wheat individuals for breeding. Thus, the Irish Terriers, known to this day, were obtained. Here are the main standards and description of the breed:

  • The height of the dog at the withers is 45.5 cm.
  • The weight of an adult dog is 11-12 kg.
  • The head is long, with a flat skull, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is barely noticeable.
  • Nose black, jaws with strong grip, well developed, mouth with large teeth.
  • The eyes are convex and small.
  • The ears are small, hang down, fit snugly to the temples, have a triangular shape, the fold is always higher than the level of the forehead, the color of the auricles is darker than on the rest of the body.
  • Body medium length, strong
  • The back is straight, the lumbar region is slightly convex, the breast is deep, of medium volume and width.
  • The tail is straight, vertical, stop it by one third or leave the natural length.
  • The shoulders are elongated, graceful, the forearm is of medium length, with developed muscles and bony, straight, pasterns are barely noticeable, short.
  • The thighs are well developed, the knees are moderately arched, and the metatarsus is low.
  • The paws are rounded, small in size, the fingers are curved, the pads are dense, without calluses.
  • The coat is of a hard and dense structure, when it is parted, the skin is not visible, the hairs are slightly curved, but without curls and curls, the dog is almost smooth-haired.
  • Color red solid, with a wheaten or golden hue, sometimes there are white marks on the abdomen.

Malocclusion, discoloration and coloration of the nose, callused and cracked foot pads, semi-erect ears and other deviations from the standard are considered breed defects. Before buying, it does not hurt to carefully consider what the Irish Terrier looks like in the photo and video. Then there is less chance that you will acquire an individual that does not meet the standards.

If you are interested in how much such a pet costs, then the price of an Irish Terrier dog in the nursery ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. You can buy it from private breeders for 5-8 thousand rubles, and in the bird market without a passport it costs 500 rubles. But such a price only says that the dog is either a mestizo, or has defects and malformations. So for a purchase, it is better to turn to a nursery with a good reputation.

The nature of the breed

The Irish Terrier is an active dog with a lively and fearless personality. She is smart, easy to train, gets along with children and is infinitely devoted to her owner. It will not work to keep small animals, rodents in a house with an Irish terrier: the dog has a highly developed hunting instinct. With cats, he finds a common language only if he lived with them when he was a small puppy.

Dogs of this breed are not very fond of their fellows. They climb into battle with representatives of the same sex with them, while not paying attention to size. The courage of the Irish is sometimes manifested in recklessness. They are infinitely devoted to the owner, rushing to his defense, sacrificing their own safety. At the same time, Irish Terriers are smart, their actions are thought out, and they often turn out to be winners in seemingly hopeless situations.

Terriers are hunting dogs, because they are curious, even a small puppy lives in an adult dog. They love to run, physical activity is very important for them. In addition to hunting qualities, dogs have developed watchdog instincts. Irish Terriers rarely bark, but in case of danger to the owner (imaginary or real), they attack the stranger. If the dog lives in the city, it requires good training. Otherwise, unpleasant situations arise on the walk. The main character traits of the Irish Terrier:

  • bravery;
  • mind and ingenuity;
  • waywardness;
  • energy and activity;
  • curiosity;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • good contact with children;
  • aggressiveness towards other dogs;
  • developed hunting and guard instincts.

Features of training

The Irish Terrier is a smart and intelligent dog. According to some owners, they don’t even need to be trained: they already understand everything. In fact, the Irish, like other breeds, need education. It's just that learning commands is easy for them. Even an inexperienced owner can do standard training and education, but a dog can do more complex skills, so you should contact a professional trainer.

It is best to conduct training in the form of a game. Irish Terriers do not accept pressure, but they perfectly understand calm explanations. The approach to learning must be creative. A hunting dog is not a service dog, it can be wayward and stubborn, shows its own initiative during classes, because in the forest, far from the owner, in pursuit of game, he had to make decisions on his own. The Irish Terrier will not hone the same command for a long time, he gets bored with monotonous repetitions in which he does not see the point.

Irish Terrier - a dog with a huge brave heart


If you find an individual approach to the dog, it can be taught a lot. Irish terriers are also trained according to the ZKS system, they perfectly master agility. As a result, they make good guards, sports and show dogs. They bring up good friends for children and active assistants on the hunt from the Irish. It is important to remember that terriers, for all their friendliness, can be aggressive. Their endless devotion to the owner and courage make them rush to the defense, even when it is not required, therefore it is important to teach the dog to obedience, for its safety and yours.

dog care

Irish Terriers are adapted to life in the yard and in the apartment. They are unpretentious, normally tolerate cold and dampness. Their wool is hard, easily repels dirt, therefore it does not require special care, from time to time it must be combed with a stiff brush. Two or three times a year they do trimming (pulling out wool). It is better to entrust the first procedures to a specialist until you learn how to do trimming yourself.

The basic steps for caring for an Irish Terrier are:

  • Weekly nail trimming.
  • Trimming the hair on the paws (between the pads).
  • Cleaning teeth and ears.
  • Washing paws after a walk.
  • Washing eyes several times a week.

Irish Terriers are active dogs and should be walked at least twice a day. In the fresh air, the dog must run freely. This breed is capable of speeds up to 40 km/h. Its need for fast movement is almost the same as that of a hound. The terrier can easily accompany the owner on a jog, bike ride. He feels good in nature, because he is taken with him on country trips, to the country. If the dog lives in the yard, you can make high fences. The Irish Terrier jumps perfectly, easily overcomes even two-meter obstacles.

Dog food

The breed is unpretentious in food, it does not have a genetic predisposition to diseases of the digestive system. If you feed the dog with natural food, you should follow the general recommendations. Dogs are contraindicated in pork, fatty poultry, fatty homemade cottage cheese, tubular bones. Offal give 2-3 times a week, boil well. Animal proteins form the basis of the diet. In addition, they give the dogs porridge (barley, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), vegetables.

Buy dry food of high quality, without preservatives and flavorings. It is desirable that the composition includes meat, and not just animal protein. The optimal grain component is rice, barley. If your dog has allergies, it's best to buy grain-free food. The Irish Terrier puppy is fed the same food that he is used to from the breeder. Gradually transfer to new feeds. To choose the right food for your dog, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Dog diseases

The Irish Terrier is a breed known for its good health. He rarely catches a cold, has a strong digestive system. The most common diseases in dogs are:

  • allergy;
  • congenital dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • malignant melanoma.

Vaccinations are given to prevent infectious diseases. Since the dog spends a lot of time outdoors, it is periodically given anthelmintic drugs to fight parasites. In the summer, after walks in the park or country trips, it is important to carefully examine the dog's body. At this time, ticks are active, which carry many dangerous diseases.

The content of the article:

A long time ago, on the shores of distant, green and rocky Ireland, St. Patrick descended. The first to meet him were small, red dogs. This is how the ancient Irish saga says. These dogs are extremely intelligent and recklessly bold. At home, they were called "red devils." These "daredevils" cannot be considered decorative dogs, but they can perfectly live in a city apartment. Plus, they won't let you get bored.

Historical data on the appearance of the Irish Terrier breed

Irish Terriers are very old dogs. But there is very little official data on their origin, so nothing can be said with certainty. It is believed that their ancestors were large wheaten terriers that lived in County Cork in Ireland, as well as Welsh and Lakeland terriers. There are sources that say that the Irish Terriers are a mini copy of the Irish Wolfhounds.

For centuries, they were used as multifunctional dogs that were able to protect the owner from danger from uninvited guests and helped the person hunt. Terriers hunted the most diverse beast. It could be rats, rabbits, otters. The "Irish" performed all their work with great zeal and perseverance. And they got their nickname "red devil" for their insane courage and unbridled hunting ardor.

The unpretentious appearance of the Irish Terrier, let's say it is not glamorous, has served the breed very well. A variety of these dogs has never been massively bred, thanks to which they have retained all their best features and qualities. One has only to look into the eyes of the Irish Terrier to understand its essence - there are few of us, but we are in vests!

Despite its "farmer" origin, the Irish Terrier has long been considered a great luxury, even in England. At the end of the 19th century, the cost of such dogs reached a thousand pounds, but despite this, the "Irish" never came into fashion.

The colors of Irish Terriers have not always been pure red. Until 1880, black and tan or brindle individuals could be seen. By the end of the 19th century, breeders worked to eliminate black and tan and brindle coat colors, and by the beginning of the 20th century, all pedigree individuals carried the red color gene.

Red-colored Irish Terriers very soon began to show off at exhibitions and competitions in England and America. The new breed immediately aroused interest and delight. In March 1879, the first breed club was registered in the city-county of Dublin. In the 19th century, Irish Terriers were the first of the terrier groups to be recognized by the English Kennel Club as the national breed of Ireland.

Description of the parameters of the appearance of the Irish Terrier

The Irish Terrier is massive but not coarse, with a wiry coat. Has an athletic physique, not stocky and not knocked down by the skeleton. Shows plastic speed while running. Hardy and strong at work. The Irish Terrier is brave and able to stand up for himself. He will defend his position to the last. Very devoted to his master. The dog is balanced and loyal to people.

These terriers are used as hunting, gun, guard, farm helpers and companions.

Based on the established criteria, the height at the withers for males is from 40 cm to 46 cm, for females from 36 cm to 40 cm. The parameters of individuals can vary within 1–2 cm. The weight of pedigree specimens in males is from 11 kg to 13 kg in women from 10 kg to 12 kg. Bitches have a more elongated body shape due to the childbearing function.

Move freely and quickly in a straight line. The front and hind legs are directed forward and parallel to each other when moving.

  • Head medium size, well set on the neck, rectangular-elongated, well covered with leather. The frontal part is narrow and flat in the upper zone. The furrow on the forehead is smoothed out. The tubercle on the back of the head does not stand out. The cheekbones decrease in the region of the eye sockets, harmoniously outlined. Eyebrows slightly protrude, low.
  • Muzzle oblong, parallel to the skull, equal to its length, rectangular. The bridge is even. The stop is slightly noticeable in profile. The lips are dense, pigmented in black. Bite in the form of scissors. The dry breeches slightly overlap the lower jaw, but do not go beyond it. Jaws are long and strong. The teeth are large, white with powerful fangs.
  • Nose developed, stands out. The lobe is pigmented in black-charcoal.
  • Eyes Irish Terrier of medium placement, on one front line. They are round and small. The color of the cornea varies from dark brown to jet black. Color with a greenish or yellow tinge is rejected. The eyelids are outlined by dark pigment, dry. They have a lively, intelligent and inspiring look.
  • Ears with harmonious placement, emphasize the shape of the head. They have a medium size, triangular shape, hanging. The cartilage is not thick, slightly rounded at the ends. The auricles hang down, slightly raised on the cartilage, harmoniously adjacent to the skull and cheekbones with the front edge. The top of the ear fold rises above the level of the skull.
  • Neck- moderately long, oval in shape, with strong relief muscles, widening towards the shoulders. Set in harmony with the body, has a smooth curve. The withers are prominent, smoothly transitioning. The suspension is missing.
  • Frame- balanced-rectangular (neither long nor short), with mesomorphic musculature. The chest is oval, roomy, well formed. The back is well muscled, strong and straight. The loin is strong, slightly rounded (in females it is longer). The croup is strong, the ribs are rounded. There are developed false ribs. The line of the abdomen is perfectly matched in the lumbar region.
  • Tail high location. The natural tail is larger than average. It can dock at the level of three-quarters of its entire length. It is strong and thick at the beginning of growth, gradually decreasing at the end. When running, the dog carries it cheerfully upwards.
  • Forelimbs- when assessed from different sides, stand in parallel, have a strong bone. The legs are placed not wide, moderately long with a strong system of dry muscles. The shoulder blades are sloping, tightly pressed. The shoulders are well connected with the body, elongated, obliquely set. The pasterns are shortened, even. Elbows allow free movement. Rear - stand parallel to one another with strong bones. Hips with dry powerful muscles have a slight slope. The joints are harmoniously curved. Metatarsus short, vertical.
  • Paws- slightly smaller than average size, round-oval shape, strong. The fingers are arched. Their claws are hard and strong, painted black. The pads are firm and firm.
  • coat The Irish Terrier is moderately short, thick, wiry and hard. The hair has a slight kink, but fits well to the skin. The hairs are located very densely to each other, do not hide the outlines of the body. The back has no curled strands. In the head area, the hair is the shortest, smoothest and straightest. The muzzle has a mustache and a beard.
  • Leather thick, tightly fits the body of the dog.
  • Color- solid. Bright red, wheat-orange and red-yellow are preferred. A small patch of white is allowed on the chest, but not on the legs.

Characteristic behavior of an Irish Terrier dog

Irish Terrier, a dog with a strong sense of dignity and extraordinary stamina. Getting into trouble, the "Irishman" fights to the "last drop of blood", courageously, not paying attention to pain and wounds. Possessing a "fiery" temperament at the same time, he is the most seasoned of all terriers. The dog can instantly flare up, like gunpowder, rushing to the attack and instantly freeze in place, as soon as she hears the owner's shout, and the owner's voice for the "Irish" has a magical effect.

The mental abilities of the representatives of the breed deserve special attention. The Irish Terrier has a wonderfully developed memory and intuition. He perfectly remembers the area and the route. The dog perfectly understands the intonations of the owner's voice. It has the opposite qualities. The dog is ferocious and unusually affectionate, obedient and terrier-like stubborn, freedom-loving and devoted.

He has a great sense of humor. He enjoys being a clown, but gets offended if he is made fun of. Admiring bathing, the Irish Terrier does not tolerate walks in wet weather. In his diet, he may sometimes prefer vegetables to meat.

The pet loves natural spaces, which can run for hours. They love "seedering" - towing a person on a sled or roller skates. Irish Terriers are well trained, but require respect. By humiliating a dog, you will never force him to do what you want. She will obey implicitly only if you find a “common language” with her.

The advantages of the Irish Terrier can be listed for a very long time, but still its main quality is that it is the most devoted four-legged friend. He is great to talk to and have a great time with. The dog charges with its fiery energy.

Irish Terrier Health

Since representatives of the breed have never been fashionable pets, they have retained their wonderful natural features and resistance to disease until our time. The average life expectancy is about thirteen to sixteen years.

Do not forget that preventive vaccinations will keep your "Irish" healthy. In the spring and summer, be sure to inspect your dog for ticks. If suddenly you find a bloodsucker, then in zoological shops there are inexpensive special devices to remove them.

Irish Terrier Care Criteria

  1. Wool- Irish Terriers are trimmed to remove dead hair, improve skin and hair, and create a pet hairstyle. Comb them regularly with a stiff brush. Show pets are trimmed once every one and a half, two months, and ordinary dogs once every six, seven months. Tweeze the hair all over the body as much as possible. It is advisable to remove protruding hairs in the neck area more often. The muzzle is pinched every two to four weeks, leaving a mustache and beard with an extension to the nose, not forgetting to remove the hair around the eye sockets. The ears are also pinched, and trimmed along the edges with scissors. On the throat, the neck pinches badly, so it can be cut with a machine under the nozzle. All protruding hairs that have not been plucked are trimmed with thinning scissors. The hair between the fingers is also trimmed with scissors. Bathe "Irish" not often, about once or twice a month, as they have a hard coat and dirt does not stick to it. Shampoos for washing a pet should be gentle so that there is no dandruff. All products must be thoroughly rinsed off. After bathing, the dog is thoroughly dried and left to dry in a warm room. The smell of wool of such dogs is something special, here it doesn’t smell like a “dog” at all.
  2. Teeth Terriers must be kept clean in order to keep them healthy for a long time and protect them from stones and periodontal disease. To do this, you need to teach your dog to clean them from an early age. For manipulation, zoological, edible pastes and brushes that are worn on the finger are suitable.
  3. Ears these terriers droop. Hair grows inside the auricle, which must be plucked out to better ventilate the auricle.
  4. Eyes- so that there is no infection, check and wipe it in a timely manner.
  5. claws be sure to cut with nail cutters so that your pet's fingers are not deformed and the gait does not change. Shear them once a month or as they grow back.
  6. Feeding Irish Terrier must maintain energy in the dog. Such an active pet, if you prefer natural feeding, should be given a lot of meat and offal. Dogs love to feast on fresh beef tripe or lips. Also a delicacy for them is dried beef and lamb lungs or ears. Such delicacies are given to encourage a pet. In order for a dog to grow up healthy, it must systematically eat mineral and vitamin supplements. It will not be superfluous to give your pet various vegetable oils and fish oil. For busy people and travelers, feeding your Irish Terrier with professional food is wonderful. The concentrate brings together everything necessary for the perfect functioning of the animal's body, and, accordingly, its brilliant appearance.
  7. walks should be long and active. For teenagers, four to three times a day, and for Irish adults, two to three times a day. You need to walk in total for at least two and a half hours. If you do not properly walk your Irish Terrier, then he will smash your entire apartment to smithereens. They are the longest and fastest of all terrier varieties, so they need to run a lot. The beauty of this dog is shown in its movements. In the city, for the safety of such a mobile pet, you need a collar and a leash.

Features of education of the Irish Terrier

Another feature of Irish Terriers is their upbringing. This terrier does not tolerate any kind of violence or coercion. Having experienced pressure on himself, he can turn on his terrier stubbornness, which cannot be overcome by a strong-willed decision. Forcing an "Irish" to do something against his will is pointless.

You have to be able to negotiate with him. He is rather a partner, a friend, but not a slave. The dog is very sensitive and listens to the owner looking into his eyes. The pet is always ready to do everything for him, but only from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the "Irish" very correctly, without suppressing his self-esteem and showing love for him.

There are stories and legends about the courage of active and resourceful Irish Terriers. During the First World War, these dogs acted as messengers. Risking their skin, Irish Terriers delivered significant news to various points on the front line. The dogs were not afraid of anything. They persevered in their task of delivering an important notice. And in this, neither explosions, nor shots, nor the horror of the war that was going on around could prevent them. And yet, they gave a combat alarm signal, and thanks to their sense of humor, cheered up the soldiers with fervent barking. It was a real feat that did not go unappreciated. The breed was awarded an order for its fearless and noble character.

Irish Terriers have left their mark on literature as well. The world-famous writer Jack London kept only such dogs. He devoted two of his works to this breed under the titles: “Michael, Brother Jerry” and “Jerry the Islander”. In Remarque's novel "Three Comrades", the protagonist gives the "Irish" to his beloved Patricia. There are also feature films with the participation of these charming dogs, such as: "The Adventure of the Red" and "Fire Dog".

Purchasing an Irish Terrier Puppy

If you are an active person or a traveler, then such a dog is for you. In order to have a pet with a balanced nervous system and a wonderful exterior, buy it from a professional nursery. The approximate price of a puppy varies from $400 to $1000. Each puppy has its own value, which you can find out in the kennel. Show class bitches and puppies will always be more expensive. Puppies with defects are given more cheaply.

For more on the Irish Terrier, see below:

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