Binocular vision makes it possible. Methods for assessing binocular vision. Feature of binocular vision

In order to form a three-dimensional image in central structures of the brain, it is necessary to merge the two pictures that were received from both eyes into a single whole. This is called binocular vision.

Binocular vision appears in the process of merging images that were obtained from the surface of both eyeballs. This helps to perceive objects in volume, that is, it provides depth to the image.

And due to the operation of the mechanism of binocular vision, one can perceive the world fully and determine the distance to objects and between them. The so-called stereoscopic vision is the achievement of evolutionary transformations. With monocular vision, you can get information only about the width and height of the object, its shape, however flat vision does not make it possible to assess the relative position of objects relative to each other.

In addition to these benefits, binocular vision is responsible for expanding the fields of view, as a result of which objects can be perceived more clearly. This, in turn, is accompanied by an increase in visual acuity. Only with good binocular vision is it possible to work in several specialties, in particular, as a driver, surgeon, pilot, etc.

Mechanism of binocular vision

The fusion reflex is the fundamental mechanism of binocular vision. In this case, the images that were formed in the plane of the retina merge into a single picture with stereoscopic characteristics. This fusion occurs at the level of the cerebral cortex.

For the image to become unified, it is necessary to match the images received from the right and left retinas. This takes into account the size and shape of the image, as well as the area of ​​its projection on the corresponding identical areas of the retina. Each point in the plane of the retina has opposite side its corresponding point. Asymmetric areas are called non-identical points, or disparate. When the image points fall into these disparate points of the retinal plane, binocular vision becomes impossible. Instead of merging the image, this results in its doubling.

In newly born children, the coordinated movement of the eyeballs is not possible, therefore, binocular vision is also absent. At about a month and a half, babies develop the ability to fix their gaze with both eyes, and at 3-4 months it is already possible to talk about stable binocular fixation. The fusion reflex is formed only by 5-6 months, and full-fledged binocular vision - only by 12 years. In this regard, it is more often present in patients of preschool age.

For the formation of normal binocular vision, several conditions must be met:

  • Ability to fusion (bifoveal fusion).
  • Consistency in the work of all muscle fibers responsible for the movement of the eye. They should provide a parallel position of the eyeballs at the time when the patient looks into the distance. When the gaze moves to a closer position, a proportional convergence of the visual axes occurs. This process is called. Also oculomotor muscles must respond ha associated movement of the eyeballs directed towards the object being studied.
  • The visual acuity of each eye should not be less than 0.3-0.4, which is sufficient to form a clear image.
  • The eyes should be in the same horizontal and frontal plane. If a change in symmetry occurs as a result of trauma, tumor, inflammation or surgery, then the fusion of images becomes impossible.
  • Images projected onto the plane of the retina must be of this size (iseikonia). With different sizes of objects on the retina we are talking about, which occurs with different refractions of the two eyeballs. In order for binocular vision to be present, the degree of anisometropia should not exceed 2-3 diopters. This must be taken into account when choosing, despite good visual acuity, binocular vision will be absent.
  • Also necessary condition binocularity is the transparency of the media of the eye ( , ), the absence pathological changes the perceiving apparatus (retina) and the conducting system (optic tract, chiasm, cerebral cortex, subcortical centers).

Our specialist in binocular vision

How to check?

Several diagnostic tests are available to check binocular vision:

  • Sokolov's experiment (a hole in the palm) consists in putting a tube to the patient's eye (it can be a sheet of paper rolled into a tube). The subject must look through it into the distance. From the side of the open eye, a palm is attached to the end of the tube. If there are no problems with binocular vision, then due to the overlay of images, the patient perceives the image as a hole in the center of the palm (occurs due to the overlay of images).
  • The slip test (Kalf's experiment) requires two pencils (or two needles) to run. The patient must hold the needle (pencil) in a horizontal plane on an outstretched arm, while it is necessary to get the end of it into the second needle (pencil) located in vertical plane. If the patient has normal binocular vision, then this task will not cause difficulties. If there is no binocular vision, then the subject constantly misses. For accurate diagnosis research should be carried out with closed eye. In this case, the patient must miss.
  • The pencil reading test is carried out as follows: a pencil is placed a few centimeters from the tip of the nose, which will cover some of the letters. If binocular vision is preserved, then there will be no problems with reading due to the overlay effect. The subject will be able to read without changing the position of the head. Otherwise, it will be difficult to read closed letters.
  • For a more detailed diagnosis, you can use a four-point color test. At the same time, the fields of view of the right and left eyes are separated, which becomes possible due to the use of color filters. Four objects are also applied (two green, one white and one red). Glasses with different glasses (red and green) are placed on the patient's eyes. If the patient has binocular vision, then he is able to distinguish between red and green objects. Colorless will be colored red-green, as it will be perceived by both eyes. In the presence of a pronounced leading eye, a colorless object will be painted in the color of the corresponding glass (green or red). In the case of simultaneous vision, if data from both eyes are perceived in higher structures, the patient will see five circles. In the case of monocular vision, the patient will be able to recognize only those objects that match the color of the glass on the perceiving eye, as well as a colorless object (it will be painted in the corresponding color).

Binocular vision and strabismus

If the patient has strabismus, then binocular vision is absent. This is due to the fact that the eye deviates, and the axes from do not converge on the area under study. The main goal of treating patients with strabismus is to restore normal binocular vision.

Based on the presence or absence of binocular vision, one can distinguish between imaginary, apparent and latent strabismus(heterophory) from the real,

Between the optical axis, passing in the central region of the cornea and the nodal point, and the visual axis, which begins in the fossa yellow spot and goes to the object under study, there is a deviation of about 3-4 degrees. With imaginary strabismus, the angle between these axes becomes larger and can reach 10 degrees. In this case, the central regions of the corneas are displaced to the side, which leads to the effect of imaginary strabismus. Along with this, with imaginary strabismus, binocular vision is preserved. This feature allows you to establish the correct diagnosis, which is important, since imaginary strabismus does not need treatment.

With hidden strabismus, a deviation of one of the eyes occurs when the muscles relax, that is, in the case when there is no fixation of the gaze on the object. Heterophoria can be determined by the adjusting movement of the eyeballs. When fixing the gaze, a person should cover the eye with the palm of his hand. In the presence of latent strabismus, the covered eye will deviate to the side. If you remove the palm, then the eye makes an adjusting movement (in the presence of binocular vision). Heterophoria also should not be treated, as well as imaginary strabismus.

AT medical center"Moscow Eye Clinic" everyone can be examined on the most modern diagnostic equipment, and according to the results - get advice from a highly qualified specialist. The clinic is open seven days a week and is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Our specialists will help identify the cause of vision loss and conduct competent treatment identified pathologies.

In our clinic, the appointment is carried out by the best ophthalmologists with great experience professional activity, the highest qualifications, a huge store of knowledge.

Clarify the cost of a particular procedure, make an appointment at the "Moscow Eye Clinic"You can call in Moscow 8 (499) 322-36-36 (daily from 9:00 to 21:00) or by using the online booking form.

The eye is the hardest optical system, for normal functioning which requires the coordinated work of all its parts.

A person with healthy eyes sees not only the outlines of surrounding objects.

But he also distinguishes what color they are, evaluates their size, shape, determines their relative position in space and perceives their volume.

One of the mechanisms that provide three-dimensional vision of the surrounding world is binocular vision.

What it is?

binocular vision- the ability of a person to see with both eyes at the same time in such a way that the images received by each eye separately eventually merge into one.

It is thanks to the mechanism of binocular vision that we can easily determine at what distance objects are, do not lose orientation in space, and also see objects in three dimensions at once.

In addition, if this mechanism is not broken, we see not only in front of us, but also on the sides, above and below.

Such stereoscopic vision begins to appear with infancy: already at the age of two years, the child is able to see a three-dimensional image.

The formation of binocularity ends only by the age of 14-16.

What is necessary for the formation of binocular vision?

Binocular vision may not be formed in all people. For its full development, the following conditions must be simultaneously observed:

  • equal vision on the right and left eye (not less than 0.5 diopter);
  • the same shape of the cornea in both eyes (the degree of refraction must match);
  • symmetry of the eyeballs (due to injuries, infectious diseases or growth of a neoplasm, the position of the eyeballs may change);
  • proper functioning of the eye muscles;
  • proper functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • the same projection of the image on the retina of both eyes;
  • normal operation of each optical medium;
  • absence of pathological changes in the retina, lens and cornea, optic nerves.

If one of the conditions is violated, vision cannot be fully binocular.

How it works?

It is believed that binocular vision arises due to the work of the cortex. big brain. It is this part of the brain, as it were, that connects the two images received from both eyes into a single whole.

Each point of the retina of the eye has an identical (corresponding) point on the retina of the second eye. Images of the same size and shape are projected onto corresponding points on the retina.

If the images are projected onto a disparate point, the connection of the two images cannot occur. Then the person sees the surrounding objects doubled.

How to test binocular vision?

There are many methods for determining binocular vision. You can test your vision without any special equipment.

Sokolov's experience

The patient brings a sheet of paper rolled up in the form of a telescope to the eye (or any other hollow object resembling a tube) and looks through the hole at any object in the distance.

Next, the subject brings the palm to the second eye at the same distance as the end of the folded sheet. If binocular vision is not impaired, a person will see a hole in his palm through which the objects in question will shine through.

Kalf experience

The patient is given two pencils, one of which he holds horizontally and the other vertically. The task of the patient is to get a vertical pencil into a horizontal one.

If vision is not impaired, the subject copes with the task with ease, since binocular vision helps to correctly assess the position of objects in space and determine the distance between them.

Experience with reading

The patient is given a piece of paper with printed text and a pencil. He should hold a pencil at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the tip of his nose and try to read the text without moving his head, hand or moving the piece of text.

If binocular vision is formed correctly, the pencil will not prevent the subject from reading the entire written text. This is done by merging two images taken from both eyes.

Four point test

This verification method is the most accurate. The doctor puts objects in front of the patient various colors: red, white and two green. Next, the patient is asked to put on special glasses.

One lens of the glasses is red and the other is green. If the mechanism of binocular vision is not disturbed, a person will see all four objects.

Red and green will not change their color, but white will look like red-green, since the finished image is formed by both eyes at once.

If the vision is monocular, then the subject will see only the object whose color matches the color of the lens put on the dominant eye. The white object will also take on the color of the lens of the dominant eye.

Also, binocular vision can be checked using special ophthalmic devices:

  • slit lamp;
  • ophthalmoscope;
  • perimeter;
  • autorefractometer;
  • monobinoscope.

Causes of impaired binocular vision

Many reasons are known causing violation binocular vision. It is very important to install true reason pathology, because only in this case adequate and effective treatment is possible.

Here are the main reasons:

  • anisometropia (different refraction of the eyes);
  • various lesions of the muscles of the eyes;
  • violation of muscle innervation;
  • pathology of the bones of the orbit;
  • pathology of the orbit cavity;
  • diseases of the brain stem;
  • infectious diseases of the eyes, surrounding tissues, brain;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • tumor diseases of the organs of vision and brain.

binocular vision disorders

The most clinically significant and common disease, accompanied by impaired binocular vision, is strabismus.

Strabismus is a condition in which one eye (sometimes both) deviates to one side, and the visual axes of the eyes no longer coincide.

Patients suffering from strabismus may complain of the following symptoms:

  • doubling;
  • the need to tilt the head to the side with which the eye muscle is affected;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • severe headaches;
  • impaired mobility of the affected eyeball.

Strabismus can be either hereditary or acquired. Here are the main reasons why it develops:

  • ametropia;
  • previous injuries;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • psychiatric illnesses;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • malformations of the eye muscles.

Treatment of strabismus

Strabismus, accompanied by impaired binocular vision, causes significant discomfort to the patient and reduces the quality of life.

Medicine offers several effective ways to treat this condition. The method of therapy should be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the patient's disease and its severity:

1 Correction with specially selected glasses and contact lenses
2 Improving vision with microcurrents and physiotherapy
3 Performing recovery exercises on a regular basis

Since childhood, many people have been interested in why two eyes are needed, if you can see with one. But few adults can formulate the exact answer. The whole secret is that two images perceived by the eyes, as if overlap each other. We get the opportunity to see the world around us more fully and voluminously.

Monocular and binocular vision differs from each other in many ways.

Binocular or, as it is also called, stereoscopic vision in humans is simultaneous vision with two eyes. Pictures focused on the retinas produce nerve impulses that enter the visual centers of the brain. After processing the information, the brain creates an integral three-dimensional image of the surrounding world. The apparatus of binocular vision makes it possible to navigate quite well in space, to consider objects in volume, and also to accurately estimate the distance to objects.

As studies show, due to the lack of coordination of movements in the organs of vision, a newborn baby is not yet able to see binocularly. Consistency begins to appear only at 6-8 weeks of age.

By the age of six months, stable fixation of objects with two eyes at the same time appears, and only by the age of 10 the formation process is finally completed.

Fundamentals of the formation of stereoscopicity

Not every person is capable of binocular perception, for the formation of which it is necessary:

What is a fusion reflex

Two images obtained on the retinas of the eyeballs are combined into one image due to such a property of the nervous system as the fusion reflex. To merge both images into one three-dimensional image, it is required that the image obtained on the retina of one eye coincides in shape and size with the image from the other and falls on identical points of the retina. If the image falls on asymmetrical areas of the retina, then the pictures will not merge into a single image and the world in the eyes will split into two.

Monocular vision in humans

Unlike humans, the eyes of some animals are designed and arranged in such a way that fusion is impossible. Perception with one eye, when the pictures do not add up, is called monocular vision. Binocular vision is inherent in humans and many mammals, and monocular vision is in all birds (except for the owl), as well as in some species of fish and other animals.

At various pathologies Monocularity also occurs in humans. These abnormalities can be identified and are often treatable.

Basic verification methods

In ophthalmology, there are many tests to check visual apparatus on binocularity and the definition of its violations.

Definition of strabismus

One of the most well-known pathologies of binocularity is strabismus. This is a constant or periodic deviation of the visual axis of one or both eyes from a common fixation point, accompanied by a violation of stereoscopicity and significant decline visual acuity in the squinting eye.

There is real and imaginary strabismus. With imaginary stereoscopic vision is not disturbed and treatment is not necessary.

The lack of binocular vision can be caused by a number of reasons. But at timely handling to the ophthalmologist this problem is usually solved successfully.

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Normally, each person perceives the world around him with two eyes at the same time. The images received by the right and left eyes are merged in the brain into a single image, and we get a three-dimensional, stereoscopic picture. If the merging of the two images does not occur, they speak of impaired binocular vision.

Binocular vision can only exist under certain conditions. The brain will merge images together if both eyes have the same visual acuity, the shape of the cornea matches, the eyeballs are symmetrical, and eye muscles are working correctly. Importance has the correct functioning of the nervous system, the absence pathological disorders in the retina, lens, optic nerve.

Can binocular vision be tested at home?

If you suspect that you have a binocular vision disorder, then you need to contact an ophthalmologist who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and be able to accurately determine the presence or absence of this problem.
As preliminary diagnosis binocular vision testing methods at home can be used, you can test yourself. The most popular self-diagnosis methods are the Sokolov method, known as the "hole in the palm", the Kalf method, the four-point color test, and reading with a pencil.
It should be borne in mind that all these methods of checking vision for binocularity are of an auxiliary nature and do not replace the advice of a specialist.

How to check binocular vision using the Sokolov method?

To check binocular vision by this method, You will need a tube with a through hole: this can be a spigot from food foil or just a folded piece of cardboard. Put the tube to one eye and look through it into the distance. Place the palm of your free hand in front of the other eye, aligning the back of your hand with the far end of the tube. If you do not have problems with binocular vision, then you will see a "hole in the palm" - a round hole through which a distant image is viewed. This optical illusion due to the fact that in normal binocular vision there is an overlay of two pictures: your palm and the image that you see through the opening of the tube. The absence of a “hole in the palm” indicates monocular vision, in which the brain perceives information from only one eye. If the “hole” is present, but not located in the center of the palm, then this may indicate simultaneous vision, in which the brain receives information from both visual organs, but does not connect the resulting images together.
When conducting the Sokolov test, it is important to examine through the tube precisely distant objects located at least 4-5 meters away from you. Alternatively, you can look out the window or, being in one room, consider objects in another.

Checking binocular vision using the Kalf method

Another simple but effective method check binocular vision - Kalf's method. To carry it out, you will need two pencils, two knitting needles, or other objects of a similar shape with sharp edges. Take them in different hands. Position one pencil vertically and the other horizontally, and then try to connect them in such a way that you get a right angle. With monocular vision, patients usually miss and cannot achieve a correct connection even after several attempts. If stereoscopic vision is in order, such a test will not cause difficulties.

Reading with a pencil

You can check the presence of binocular vision using ordinary reading. To conduct a self-diagnosis, you will need any book and pencil. While reading, position the pencil at a distance of 15 cm from the book and a few centimeters from your nose so that it covers part of the text for you.

If your vision is binocular, you can still easily read the entire text, because the brain combines the images received from the two eyes and produces an overall picture. If you cannot read part of the text, then the brain processes only information received from one visual organ, which indicates monocular vision.

Four-point color test - an option for home vision testing

Usually, a four-point color test is carried out in a clinic using a special apparatus. The principle of operation of the device is based on the separation of the visual fields of the right and left eyes using multi-colored filters. The patient is put on special glasses: a red light filter is located in front of the right eye, and a green one in front of the left. After that, the patient looks into the holes of the device. Depending on what color the filters are painted for him, the doctor concludes that there is binocular, monocular or simultaneous vision.

You can conduct a similar test at home if you have red-green glasses. To carry out the test, you will need items of red, green and white color. Place them at a distance of one to five meters from your eyes and look at them through glasses with colored lenses. If binocular vision is not impaired, colored objects will have the color they originally had. A white object in your perception will become half red, half green. With monocular vision, all objects are "painted" in the color of the lens of the leading eye.

Other ways to test binocular vision at home

There are several more simple ways, which will help you at home to determine whether you or your child has binocular vision.
For the test, you need to select a point in the distance that you will look at. Focus your gaze on it and begin to press your finger on one eye through the eyelid, slightly lifting it up. If everything is normal with binocular vision, then at the moment of pressure on the eye, the image begins to double in the vertical plane. The visual image is divided into two pictures, one of which is shifted upwards. When the pressure on the eye stops, you see a single visual image again. If during this test doubling does not appear, then with big share probabilities can be assumed in a person monocular vision. At the same time, the brain perceives information from the eye that was not pressured. If the image also does not double, but when pressure is applied to the eye, a single image shifts, this means that the brain processes information from the shifted eye.

The second way is no less simple. If you are testing a child's binocular vision, ask him to look at a selected point in the distance, and then cover his eye with the palm of his hand. If the fixed point has shifted, then most likely the vision is monocular in nature, and the working eye is the one that was covered with the palm of your hand. If during the experiment the fixed point disappeared altogether, this also indicates monocularity of vision, and means that the uncovered eye does not see at all.

Binocular vision test should be done by a doctor

Self check vision for binocularity at home will help identify possible disorders in the work of the eyes and visual perception. However, to determine how binocular vision is developed in you or your child, put accurate diagnosis, assign adequate treatment only an ophthalmologist can. In the arsenal of a specialist there is wide range devices and tests that will help with a 100% probability to give a conclusion about the state of your binocular vision.

Binocular vision provides three-dimensional perception of the surrounding world in three-dimensional space. With the help of this visual function, a person can cover with attention not only the objects in front of him, but also those located on the sides. Binocular vision is also called stereoscopic. What is fraught with a violation of the stereoscopic perception of the world, and how to improve the visual function? Consider the questions in the article.

Feature of stereoscopic perception of the world

What is binocular vision? Its function is to provide a monolithic visual picture as a result of combining images of both eyes into a single image. A feature of binocular perception is the formation of a three-dimensional picture of the world with the determination of the location of objects in perspective and the distance between them.

Monocular vision is able to determine the height and volume of an object, but does not give an idea of ​​the mutual position of objects on a plane. Binocularity is a spatial perception of the world, giving a complete 3D picture of the surrounding reality.

Note! Binocularity improves visual acuity, providing a clear perception of visual images.

Volumetric perception begins to form at the age of two years: the child is able to perceive the world in a three-dimensional image. Immediately after birth, this ability is absent due to inconsistency in the movement of the eyeballs - the eyes “float”. By the age of two months, the baby can already fix the object with its eyes. At three months, the baby tracks objects in motion, located in the immediate vicinity of the eyes - hanging bright toys. That is, a binocular fixation and a fusion reflex are formed.

At the age of six months, babies are already able to see objects at different distances. By the age of 12-16, the fundus of the eye is completely stabilized, which indicates the completion of the process of formation of binocularity.

Why is binocular vision impaired? For the perfect development of a stereoscopic image, certain conditions are necessary:

  • lack of strabismus;
  • coordinated work of the muscles of the eye;
  • coordinated movements of the eyeballs;
  • visual acuity from 0.4;
  • equal visual acuity in both eyes;
  • proper functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems;
  • no pathology of the structure of the lens, retina and cornea.

Same for normal operation visual centers the symmetry of the location of the eyeballs is necessary, the absence of pathology ophthalmic nerves, coincidence of the degree of refraction of the corneas of both eyes and the same vision of both eyes. In the absence of these parameters, binocular vision is impaired. Also, stereoscopic vision is impossible in the absence of one eye.

Note! Stereoscopic vision depends on correct operation visual centers of the brain, which coordinates the fusion reflex of merging two images into one.

stereoscopic vision disorder

To obtain a clear three-dimensional image, coordinated work of both eyes is necessary. If the functioning of the eyes is not coordinated, we are talking about the pathology of visual function.

Violation of binocular vision can occur for the following reasons:

  • pathology of muscle coordination - motor disorder;
  • pathology of the mechanism of synchronization of images into one whole - sensory disorder;
  • a combination of sensory and motor impairment.

Determination of binocular vision is carried out using orthooptic devices. The first check is carried out at the age of three: babies are tested for the work of the sensory and motor components of the visual function. With strabismus, an additional test of the sensory component of binocular vision is performed. specializes in problems stereoscopic vision ophthalmologist.

Important! Timely examination of the child by an ophthalmologist prevents the development of strabismus and serious problems with a vision for the future.

What causes a violation of stereoscopic vision? These include:

  • mismatched refraction of the eyes;
  • eye muscle defects
  • deformation of the cranial bones;
  • pathological processes of the tissues of the orbit;
  • brain pathology;
  • toxic poisoning;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • tumors of the visual organs.

Strabismus is the most common pathology of the visual system.


Strabismus is always the absence of binocular vision, since the visual axes of both eyeballs do not converge. There are several forms of pathology:

  • valid;
  • false;
  • hidden.

With a false form of strabismus, a stereoscopic perception of the world is present - this makes it possible to distinguish it from real strabismus. False strabismus does not require treatment.

Heterophoria (hidden strabismus) is detected following method. If the patient closes one eye with a sheet of paper, then he deviates to the side. If the sheet of paper is removed, eyeball occupies the correct position. This feature is not a defect and does not require treatment.

Violation of visual function in strabismus is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • bifurcation of the resulting picture of the world;
  • frequent dizziness with nausea;
  • head tilt towards the affected eye muscle;
  • blockage of the eye muscle.

The reasons for the development of strabismus are as follows:

  • hereditary factor;
  • head injury;
  • severe infections;
  • mental disorder;
  • pathology of the central nervous system.

Strabismus can be corrected, especially in early age. Various methods are used to treat the disease:

  • the use of physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • eye lenses and glasses;
  • laser correction.

With heterophoria, it is possible fast fatiguability eye, doubling. AT this case prismatic glasses are used for permanent wear. With a severe degree of heterophoria, surgical correction, as in obvious strabismus.

With paralytic strabismus, the cause that caused the visual defect is first removed. congenital paralytic strabismus children should be treated as early as possible. Acquired paralytic strabismus is characteristic of adult patients who have had severe infections or illnesses. internal organs. Treatment to eliminate the cause of strabismus is usually long-term.

Post-traumatic strabismus is not corrected immediately: 6 months must pass from the moment of injury. In this case, surgical intervention is indicated.

How to diagnose binocular vision

Binocular vision is determined using the following devices:

  • autorefractometer;
  • ophthalmoscope;
  • slit lamp;
  • monobinoscope.

How to determine binocular vision yourself? For this, simple methods have been developed. Let's consider them.

Sokolov's technique

Hold a hollow object resembling binoculars, such as rolled paper, to one eye. Focus your eyes through the pipe on one distant object. Now bring to open eye your palm: it is located next to the end of the pipe. If binocularity is not out of balance, you will find a hole in your palm through which you can observe a distant object.

Calf Method

Take a couple of felt-tip pens / pencils: keep one in horizontal position, the other is vertical. Now try to aim and connect the vertical pencil with the horizontal one. If binocularity is not impaired, you can easily do this, because the orientation in space is well developed.

Read method

Hold a pen or pencil in front of the tip of your nose (2-3 cm) and try to read the printed text. If you can fully grasp the text and read it, then the motor and sensory functions are not impaired. A foreign object (a pen in front of the nose) should not interfere with the perception of the text.

Prevention of binocular defects

Binocular vision in adults can be impaired for several reasons. Correction consists in exercises to strengthen the eye muscles. Wherein, healthy eye close, and the patient is loaded.

An exercise

This exercise for the development of stereoscopic vision can be performed at home. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Attach the visual object to the wall.
  2. Move away from the wall at a distance of two meters.
  3. Stretch your hand forward with your index finger raised.
  4. Move the focus of attention to the visual object and look at it through the tip of your finger - the tip of the finger should split in two.
  5. Move the focus of attention from the finger to the visual object - now it should split in two.

Target this exercise consists in alternately switching the focus of attention from the finger to the object. An important indicator The correctness of the development of stereoscopic vision is the clarity of the perceived picture. If the image is blurred, this indicates the presence of monocular vision.

Important! Any eye exercises should be discussed with an ophthalmologist in advance.

Prevention of visual impairment in children and adults:

  • you can not read books lying down;
  • the workplace should be well lit;
  • take vitamin C regularly to prevent senile vision loss;
  • regularly replenish the body with a complex of essential minerals;
  • you should regularly unload the eye muscles from tension - look into the distance, close and open your eyes, rotate your eyeballs.

You should also be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist, adhere to healthy lifestyle life, unload the eyes and not let them get tired, perform exercises for the eyes, treat eye diseases in a timely manner.


Binocular vision is the ability to perceive the picture of the world with both eyes, determine the shape and parameters of objects, navigate in space and determine the location of objects relative to each other. The absence of binocularity is always a decrease in the quality of life due to the limited perception of the picture of the world, as well as a violation of health. Strabismus is one of the consequences of impaired binocular vision, which can be congenital or acquired. modern medicine easy to recover visual functions. The sooner you start vision correction, the more successful the result will be.

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