What should receive a disabled person of the 1st group. Activities of public services in relation to the disabled. Allowances and benefits for single mothers

AT recent times Increasingly, people are turning to the doctor with serious health problems, but few people know that most chronic pathologies provides for disability. Disability is a certain condition of a person who has some limitations in physical abilities, mental or psychological deviations. But who can confirm this, what degrees of disability exist and what can a person who has received the status of a disabled person expect? Let's take a look at our article.

Passing an examination

Medical and social examination is a commission of several people that meets to determine the degree of disability, while taking into account general state person, the presence of any abnormalities that prevent the body from functioning normally. Everyone who applies to the commission after passing it receives a document that confirms that the patient has manifestations of restrictions for leading a normal lifestyle.

Only having this document in hand, a person gets the opportunity to assign one of the disability groups. It is given only on the basis of the examination, and all deviations that involve restrictions on normal functioning of the human body are mainly associated with serious diseases or injuries received at birth or throughout life. But what degrees of disability can a person expect? Who is eligible for disability?

Classification and features of disability groups

Thanks to the classifier of disability groups, it is possible to accurately determine the factor limiting the life of a disabled person. As mentioned earlier, only the commission has the right to recognize a person as incapacitated and gives him a certain degree of disability. All violations in human health can be divided into the following groups:

  • Statodynamic - violation of motor abilities, for example, movements of the head, body, limbs are limited and there are problems with coordination.
  • Mental disorders, which are characterized by the impossibility of memorization, perception of the surrounding reality, the lack of sound thinking.
  • Speech - stuttering, difficulty in learning writing techniques, the presence of verbal or non-verbal speech.
  • Problems in the work of the hematopoietic system, metabolic processes, malfunctions of the digestive system or respiratory organs.
  • Physical deformity - the strongest changes in the configuration of the body or its individual parts. This also includes such pathologies as the presence of holes in the respiratory, digestive, urinary system, as well as unacceptable body sizes that can adversely affect health.
  • Sensory - This category includes people with poor hearing, vision, smell and abnormal sensitivity to temperature and pain.

Everyone who has one or more of these changes in the body should immediately go to the commission, which will determine the disability. The degree of limitation of the ability to work for each individual patient is determined individually, depending on his diseases and disorders. You can't lump everyone under the same brush.

Causes of disability

Very often, many patients have heard such a wording, which asserts the fact of assigning a degree of disability for one of the forms of a general disease. But for most patients, such a conclusion does not raise questions, but there are a number of reasons that few people know about, suitable for this formulation - the establishment of disability status in the form of a general disease. These include:

  • Injuries acquired at the workplace, which led to the most serious defects.
  • Occupational ailments.
  • birth defects.
  • Pathologies, wounds and injuries received while serving in the armed forces.
  • Diseases caused by the Chernobyl accident.

All people who have been injured or belong to one of the categories have the full right to receive the status of a disabled person of a certain group. But what degrees, disability groups exist?

The first group of disability

One of the most difficult degrees of disability is the first group. People with significant impairments to the functionality of the body can count on it - the highest degree of difficulty in movement, communication, learning and the inability to control their actions. A person is faced with serious limitations in life, he does not have the opportunity to serve himself on his own, which leads to the fact that he must constantly be looked after. Disability group (1 degree) provides for the provision of household functions that are vital. Such people are only to a small extent capable of self-service.

Disabled people of the first group are mostly unable to work, but there are those who can work - they are blind or deaf and mute. In most cities, special societies have been opened, in which special conditions have been created for the work of people with a first-degree disability. People whose lower limbs do not work are able to perform certain types work sitting, and most often they work at home.

Disabled people of the second group

The second group is received by people with minor impairments to the functioning of the body. They can take care of themselves and do not require constant supervision. This category may include people with a height of less than 150 cm or those who do not have first fingers.

The second group, the second degree of disability, is assigned to people who have such pathologies: a skull defect, paralysis, serious consequences after injuries, congenital pathologies. The second group is assigned to disabled children for the duration of their training, after which a certificate is issued stating that the person is fit for work.

People belonging to the second group of disabilities are able to work, but only if the working day is reduced for them, additional breaks are provided, the production rate will be significantly reduced.

If we comprehensively evaluate all indicators, then the main categories of life activity can be divided into three degrees:

  1. 1, 2 degree (serious disability) - this is when a person has the opportunity to independently serve himself, while spending a lot of time, and to reduce the volume he cannot do without the help of technical means.
  2. Grade 3 - a person practically cannot serve himself, he needs outside help.

Disabled people of the third group

People who were given the third group of disability have moderate impairments in the work of one or another organ - this may be deafness, inability to navigate, or paralysis of the hands. As a disability of the third group, the limitation of the 1st degree provides for violations in the functioning of the body as a result of diseases, birth defects or injuries received in the process of life. The result of such ailments can be a moderately pronounced disability.

People with a third degree of disability can take care of themselves and they do not have such dependence on others, but the help of social workers is still needed.

It is also worth saying that with a comprehensive assessment of certain indicators that characterize violations in the functioning of the human body, there are four main degrees of disability:

  • 1 degree - these are minor malfunctions in the body.
  • Grade 2 - violations are moderate.
  • Grade 3 - all violations are pronounced.
  • 4 degree of disability - these are serious malfunctions in the work of the whole organism, which are very pronounced, and it will not be possible to miss them.

For how long do they give the status of a disabled person, re-examination

After the ITU commission has recognized a person as disabled, it issues an appropriate document with a seal to him. The patient receives a rehabilitation program and a certificate of assignment of a particular degree of disability. Three days after the assignment of disability, an extract from the minutes of the commission meeting is sent to the local Pension Fund. The 1st disability group is assigned to a person for a period of 24 months, and the second and third - for a year.

With regard to disability for a child, in this case, the period for assigning a status can be from one year to the moment when he turns 18 years old. Lifelong disability can be established in some cases if it is not possible to reduce the degree or eliminate the limitations of a person’s life that were caused by serious morphological changes or disturbances in the functioning of body systems.

That is why, in order to monitor the health of the patient and the state of working capacity of the disabled person, regular re-examination is carried out. Those patients who were given an indefinite group may also be sent back for a commission on own will or as recommended by your doctor. Each disabled person has the right to receive material assistance from the state, for each individual degree of disability, it is determined individually.

Financial support for people with disabilities

The main way to ensure the life of the disabled is a pension. To get it, you need to pass the ITU and get one of the three disability groups. A disability labor pension is a once-a-month payment given to those who have work restrictions to compensate for lost earnings.

If disability was obtained due to a general illness acquired during life, then in this case, for the purpose of assigning a pension, the total length of service with a certain duration is taken into account. For those who have been injured in childhood, even before the moment a person is 20 years old, a material allowance is assigned, which in no way depends on the length of service. If the second group, the second degree of disability was given due to a disease received in the performance of professional duties, then in this case a pension is assigned regardless of the length of service.

For military personnel, a monthly payment is prescribed if the grounds for obtaining a disability group appeared during the service or no later than three months after its completion. Also, a military pension can be established if a person’s disability was assigned through enough long term after being fired. In this case, the main thing is that the injury or illness that caused the disability should be acquired during the period of service.

Consider the example of patients with coxarthrosis hip joint what group of disability is required and how to properly issue it.

Disability in coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a serious pathology that to some extent limits the mobility of a person, in this case the patient has every right to apply to the commission and receive a disability of group 3, restriction of degree 1 or any other, depending on the severity of the disease and its accompanying pathologies . The main criterion for registration of disability is the inability of a disabled person to independently perform certain household operations and go to work. As a result, a person loses the ability to provide for himself and for this reason he is assigned a monthly disability allowance. But what degree of disability in coxarthrosis can be given to a person and what will he need for this?

In order to get a disability, first of all, you need to visit your doctor, who will submit all the necessary documents and referral to the ITU. If the commission makes a positive decision, then in this case a person is assigned one or another degree of disability. But what group of disability in this case can give a person?

Most often, with such a disease, the patient is given a disability of group 3, a limitation of 1 degree, because the patient is able to serve himself, although he spends a lot of time on it. It is possible to get a second group, but it will be much more difficult to do this. At the same time, it will be necessary to regularly confirm the presence of the disease according to the established schedule, but if at least once a person does not appear on the commission, then the disability group is removed and it will be even more difficult to return it.

Such measures are explained by the emergence of new unique technologies that allow a person with coxarthrosis to undergo the procedure surgical intervention and replace the diseased joint with an artificial one.

If the patient was given a disability degree of 3, a degree of limitation of 1, then after the operation it can be taken away, and if the surgical intervention did not help, the second group can also be given.

But the presence of one degree or another of the disease does not give a person the right to automatically receive disability, only the commission, having considered all the documents that confirm the presence of pathology and deformity in the joint, will be able to assign the status of a disabled person or not. Thanks to the latest diagnostic techniques, today it has become much easier and faster to do this. It will be enough to provide a commission X-ray, which confirms the presence of joint pathology and the results of arthroscopy. After examining the documents, which will also confirm the fact that the patient cannot take care of himself and has disability, the commission makes a decision and assigns a disability of the second or third degree.

In cases where the complexity of the disease is not too high and the patient does not feel any special problems, he does not have major restrictions on movement, and he can go to work or do it at home, then he may be denied disability status. In the same cases, if inflammatory process in the joint goes at a moderate pace and the patient has a history of coxarthrosis of the third stage, then the patient has the right to receive a 3rd group of disability. This usually applies to those people in whom the pathology has been identified recently.

In cases where the disease has led to the fact that the patient has a shortening lower limb, the patient may not qualify for the third group, but for the second. But, as practice has shown, this happens only if the leg is shortened by 7 or more centimeters. But the first group can only be received by people who suffer from deforming arthrosis and are unable to move around without a wheelchair. Most often, with such a diagnosis, they give a degree of disability of 3, a degree of restriction of 1, and then only for a period of one year, and then it is removed, since an operative intervention is prescribed, allowing the patient to forget about the disease and begin to live a full life.

But not only adults with certain diseases can receive the status of a disabled person, there is also a category - children with disabilities.

Disabled childhood

Disability can even be given to children, and the category of a disabled child is assigned to those who have not reached the age of majority and have limited opportunities as a result of a congenital injury or acquired pathology. Receipt serious injury, which entailed difficulties with independent movement and self-service, the inability to fully learn, control their behavior, and concentrate their attention is also the basis for obtaining a degree of disability.

To obtain a child with a disability status, you must also apply to Commission ITU, which not only determines the degree of disability, but also gives certain recommendations on training, place of detention, the need for technical means to ensure optimal conditions for normal life, prescribe a rehabilitation program.

Defectologists should constantly work with children with disabilities, who teach them all the necessary skills that allow them to better adapt to their peers. They prepare the child for further learning, relying on the preserved functions of the body. But we can say for sure that in our modern time disability is not a sentence. Today, everyone is calling for everyone to be loyal to the disabled. Many new programs are being developed that allow a person with problems to improve their quality of life, they have the opportunity to start new life and at the same time do not pay attention to their status.

Healthy people should reckon with the fact that a person became disabled against his will and, if possible, help him in any way they can. Today, the state has developed a number of social support measures that allow a disabled person not only to live a full life, but also not to deny themselves anything. Today such a person has the right:

  • Receive financial monthly support from the state.
  • He has a utility bill.
  • For free accommodation and treatment in specialized sanatoriums.
  • To pay for travel to the place of rehabilitation and treatment.
  • To receive a quota in monetary terms for treatment and diagnostics.
  • Have a reduced work day if the group allows the person to work.

It is worth recalling that disability is not a sentence, and every person with disabilities can live a full life and not deny himself the joys. You should not close yourself in and consider yourself flawed and inferior, it is still unknown who lost and who gained in this life, because, as practice shows, most of the disabled achieve a lot in life and the presence of such a status is not at all an obstacle to achieving great results .

Seeing on the street a person in a wheelchair or a mother with sad eyes trying to entertain our different child, we try to look away and completely ignore the problem. And is it right? How many people think that life is unpredictable, and at any moment trouble can overtake one of us or our loved ones? The answer will probably be negative. But the reality is cruel, and healthy people today may be disabled tomorrow. Therefore, maybe it would be worth looking for answers to the questions about who people with disabilities are, how many groups of disabilities exist, who establishes them?

Patients need constant supervision and assistance from third parties. They need love, affection and care more than others. It is important to note that many of them do not tolerate any kind of self-pity and demand to be treated as equals.

Today, an increasing number of such people are trying to lead a full life, work, attend entertainment events, relax in resorts, etc. When communicating with them, one should observe a sense of tact and not focus on their health problems.

Basic concepts and their definitions

The term "disability" has Latin roots and comes from the word invalidus, which means "weak", "weak". This concept used when it is necessary to characterize a physical or mental condition a person who, due to certain circumstances, is permanently or for a long time limited or completely deprived of his ability to work. This, in turn, implies a limitation due to the presence of some defect (congenital or acquired). A defect, in turn, or as it is also called a violation, is a loss or deviation from the norm of any function of the body.

With regard to the term "disabled", in literally it means "unsuitable". This is the name of a person suffering from a health disorder, a moderate or severe disorder. various functions or body systems resulting from disease or injury. As a result, we can talk about the limitation of life, which consists in the complete or partial loss of the ability to take care of oneself, move around without outside help, enter into a dialogue with others, clearly express one's thoughts, navigate in space, control actions, be responsible for actions, receive education, work.

The criteria for disability groups are used by specialists conducting a medical and social examination in order to determine the conditions under which the degree of limitation of an individual's abilities is established.

In the presented sequence of ideas, the meaning of the phrase "rehabilitation of the disabled" should also be clarified. It is a system and at the same time a phased process of restoring certain abilities of a person, without which his everyday, social and, accordingly, professional activities are impossible.

Disability groups: classification and brief description

Disability is a problem that directly or indirectly affects almost every person on Earth. That is why it is no secret to anyone that there are three various groups disabilities, the classification of which depends on the extent to which certain functions or systems of the body are impaired, and how limited the vital activity of the individual is.

A citizen can be recognized as disabled only by conclusion medical and social expertise. Only members of the commission have the right to decide on satisfaction or, conversely, on the refusal of a person to assign him a disability group. The classification, which is used by the specialists of the expert group, determines exactly which and to what extent the functions of the body have been affected due to a particular disease, injury, etc. Restrictions (violations) of functions are usually subdivided as follows:

  • disorders that affect the statodynamic (motor) functions of the body;
  • disorders affecting the circulatory system, metabolism, internal secretion, digestion, respiration;
  • sensory dysfunctions;
  • psychical deviations.

The right to direct citizens to belongs to medical institution where they are observed, to the body responsible for pension provision (Pension Fund) and to the body providing social protection of the population. In turn, citizens who have received a referral for examination should prepare the following documents:

  1. A referral issued by one of the above authorized bodies. It contains all necessary information regarding the state of human health and the degree of disruption of the body.
  2. An application signed directly by the person who is to undergo the examination, or his legal representative.
  3. Documents that confirm the violation of the patient's health. These may be the results of instrumental studies, etc.

Distinguish Classification of the main dysfunctions human body, as well as their severity, serve as criteria for determining which of these groups to assign to the applicant. After analyzing and discussing the documents submitted by the citizen, specialists decide whether to recognize him as disabled or not. In the presence of all members of the commission, the decision made is announced to the person who has passed the medical and social examination, and, if the situation so requires, all the necessary explanations are given.

It should also be noted that if a person is assigned the first group of disability, then re-examination is carried out once every 2 years. Re-examination of persons with the second and third groups is organized annually.

An exception is an indefinite disability group. People who have received it can be re-examined at any time of their own free will. To do this, they only need to draw up an appropriate application and send it to the competent authorities.

List of reasons

Very often you can hear talk about the fact that someone was assigned a disability group due to a general disease. With this, everything is more or less clear. However, it would not hurt to know that there are a number of other reasons for obtaining this status, which include the following:

  • injuries received by a person in the workplace, as well as some;
  • disability since childhood: birth defects;
  • disability resulting from injury during the Patriotic War;
  • diseases and injuries received during military service;
  • disability, the cause of which is recognized as a catastrophe at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl;
  • other reasons established by the law of the Russian Federation.

Disability of the first group

As for the state of human health from a physical point of view, the most difficult is the first group of disability. It is assigned to those persons who have significant disturbances in the work of any one or more body systems. We are talking about the highest severity of the disease, pathology or defect, because of which a person is simply not able to serve himself on his own. Even to perform the most elementary actions, he without fail outside help is required.

Disability of the 1st group is established:

  • Persons who are completely disabled (permanently or temporarily) and need continuous supervision (care, assistance) from third parties.
  • Persons who, although suffering from pronounced functional disorders of body functions, can still carry out certain types of labor activity. However, it should be noted that they can work only if specially created for them individual conditions: special workshops, work that they are able to perform without leaving their own home, etc.

In addition, it should be noted that there are certain criteria for determining the disability group. To establish the first group, the following ones are used:

  • inability to take care of themselves;
  • inability to move independently;
  • loss of skill (disorientation);
  • inability to communicate with people;
  • the inability to control their behavior and be responsible for their actions.

At what diseases the disability of the first group is established?

To understand why some succeed in obtaining the status of a person with a disability, while others are denied it, it is not enough to list only the above-mentioned criteria for establishing a disability group. Members of the medical and social commission take into account a number of other factors and circumstances. For example, one cannot ignore the list of diseases in which a person is assigned a disability of group 1. These include:

  • severe progressive form of tuberculosis, which is in the stage of decompensation;
  • incurable malignant tumor;
  • serious illnesses to which the cardiovascular system accompanied by circulatory failure of the third degree;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • hemiplegia or severe aphasia of the brain;
  • schizophrenia with severe and prolonged paranoid and catatonic syndrome;
  • epilepsy, in which there are very frequent seizures and constant twilight consciousness;
  • dementia and at the same time the loss of a critical perception of one's disease;
  • stump upper limbs(for example, the complete absence of fingers and other more serious amputations);
  • thigh stumps;
  • complete blindness, etc.

To all citizens who will present to the members of the commission medical documents confirming that they have one of these diseases, a disability of group 1 will be assigned. Otherwise, it will be denied.

What can be said about the second group of disability?

The second group of disability is given to people in whose body serious functional disorders are observed, which are the result of an illness, injury or congenital defect. As a result, human life activity is significantly limited, but the ability to take care of oneself independently and not resort to the help of outsiders remains.

The second group of disability is established if the following indications exist:

  • the ability to serve oneself independently, using various aids or minor assistance from third parties;
  • the ability to move with the use of assistive devices or with the help of third parties;
  • the impossibility to carry out labor activity or the ability to work only if the special conditions, the necessary funds are provided, a special place is equipped;
  • inability to receive an education in the ordinary educational institutions, but susceptibility to the development of information through special programs and specialized centers;
  • the presence of orientation skills both in space and in time;
  • but subject to the use of special means;
  • the ability to control one's behavior, but under the supervision of third parties.

For what diseases is disability of the second group established?

Disability of the second group is established if a person suffers from one of the following pathologies:

  • the valvular apparatus of the heart or myocardium is affected and II-III degree circulatory disorders;
  • II degree hypertension, which progresses rapidly and is accompanied by frequent angiospastic crises;
  • fibrous-cavernous progressive tuberculosis;
  • and cardiopulmonary failure;
  • atherosclerosis of the brain of a severe form with a pronounced decrease in the level of intelligence;
  • injuries and other infectious and non-infectious diseases of the brain, due to the development of which the visual, vestibular and motor functions of the body are disturbed;
  • diseases and injuries of the spinal cord, as a result of which the limbs are immobilized;
  • re-infarction and coronary insufficiency;
  • after a surgical intervention necessary to remove malignant tumors in the stomach, lungs and other organs;
  • severe gastric ulcer with loss of appetite;
  • epilepsy, accompanied by frequent seizures;
  • hip disarticulation;
  • hip stump with significant gait disturbance, etc.

Brief description of the third group of disability

The third group of disability is established at significant reduction a person's ability to work as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the systems and functions of the body, which is caused by chronic diseases, as well as various anatomical defects. This group is given:

Disability groups depending on the degree of ability to work

There are various health conditions of a person, on the basis of which disability groups are established. The classification of these criteria and their essence are spelled out in legislative acts. Recall that at present there are three groups, each of which has its own specific features.

Determining the disability group that needs to be established for the patient is the direct responsibility of the members of the medical and social expertise. However, it should be noted that the ITU also determines the degree of ability to work of a person with disabilities.

The first degree assumes that the individual is able to perform labor activity, but on the condition that qualifications will be reduced, and the work will not require a significant expenditure of effort. The second provides that a person can work, but for this he needs to create special conditions and provide auxiliary technical means. For persons who have been assigned one of these degrees, working group disability.

Unlike the first two, the third degree of working capacity implies the inability to carry out labor activity. People who have been awarded this degree by the ITU are assigned a non-working disability group.

Category "disabled children"

The category of children with disabilities includes children and adolescents under the age of eighteen who have significant limitations in life, which result in developmental disorders, inability to communicate, learn, control their behavior, move independently and carry out work in the future. In the conclusion of the ITU for a disabled child, as a rule, a number of recommendations are prescribed:

  • permanent or temporary placement in institutions specially created for such children;
  • individual training;
  • providing the child (if necessary) with special equipment and aids to ensure normal life;
  • provision of sanatorium-and-spa treatment (the profile of the sanatorium and the duration of stay in it are indicated);
  • describes a set of necessary rehabilitation measures, etc.

In the Russian Federation, disabled people belong to the socially unprotected segments of the population. These citizens, due to their physical injuries, injuries or problems of a psychological, mental nature, are limited in their ability to work. And within the framework of social policy, the state guarantees them various indulgences, subsidies, discounts and compensations. In the framework of this article, we will consider a list of benefits that rely on children with disabilities of childhood of the 1st group in Russia.

The norms of the federal law on the social protection of disabled people, which dated November 24, 1995, stipulate what benefits a disabled person from childhood with group 1 can receive.

General provisions

Before considering what benefits are due to a disabled person of group 1 from childhood, let's analyze who belongs to this category. So, Initially, we will determine that this category includes persons who have since birth or received in childhood certain injuries, injuries, illness, which caused irreparable violations of physical functions and suffered a violation of life.

Qualities characteristic of children with disabilities of childhood of the first group:

  • lack of abilities, skills for self-service;
  • need for outside help;
  • disorientation in space;
  • inability to move independently due to impaired motor function.

Attention! Guardianship is required over a disabled person of the 1st group, since childhood injuries and injuries prevent them from serving themselves, moving without help, and adapting to society. A guardian who is forced to devote most of his time to caring for a disabled person, which to some extent compensates for the time spent by him.

A confirmation of the disability of the first group is a medical certificate issued by the ITU Bureau after the applicant has passed the commission. In the standard case, the status must be confirmed every two years. But persons who have irreversible impairments, consequences from childhood, in the mature phase after 18 years of age, receive the status of "Childhood Disabled Category 1".

Refusal to recognize disability, the authorized body may make if the restrictions, injuries, disability of the applicant are caused by intentional harm to health, intentional drunkenness and drug abuse, immoral lifestyle.

Benefits in 2018

Disabled children with the first group are entitled to certain benefits, in the form of tax breaks, a social basket, housing subsidies, material benefits. Consider the list of benefits relevant for 2018:

  • extraordinary medical care in state medical institutions;
  • kit free medicines and means of rehabilitation;
  • prosthetics in state dental clinics, including a set of dental services;
  • sanatorium and resort treatment on a free voucher, taking into account the profile of the underlying disease, lasting 18-42 days;
  • compensation for travel to the place of treatment and in the opposite direction, the cost of a ticket for all types of transport, including airplanes, is reimbursed;
  • travel on a free basis in public transport, with the exception of taxis (the “social taxi” service can be ordered once a month) - the norm has become invalid at the federal level;
  • the possibility of access to all infrastructure facilities, provided with free wheelchairs, guide dogs, installed ramps and other means;
  • pre-emptive right to membership in a garden partnership;
  • special rates when purchasing air tickets.

On a note! Free accommodation in a sanatorium + compensation for travel to treatment and back - a benefit that applies to a disabled person and his guardian.

In addition to the above in-kind benefits, in order to implement state guarantees for the provision of assistance to citizens with disabilities, material types of support are provided. These are allowances, pensions, monthly cash payments and compensation for the cost of the social basket.

Housing Benefits

Certification of the fact of disability gives the right to a set of certain benefits, including in the housing sector. So, the applicant with the first group can receive:

  1. 50% discount on utility bills.
  2. 50% reimbursement for capital repairs of residential premises, if we are talking about an apartment in an apartment building.
  3. Land plot on a free basis for individual housing construction, horticulture, subsidiary farming.
  4. Opportunity to improve conditions in the non-residential area (installation of ramps, handrails and other devices in the entrance, on the stairs, near the house).

In the standard procedure, beneficiaries can receive land from the state at a bargain price at an auction. Persons with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities are offered a simplified procedure. Initially, they are given land for rent for three years, after the expiration of the term and the start of construction, the site is registered as a property.

Reduced taxes for the disabled

As for preferences for disabled people in the tax industry, they are also available. So, the presence of the first group is the basis for providing:

  1. Tax deduction. Applicants with 1 group are exempt from property tax.
  2. Exemptions from state duty.
  3. Relief in the payment of land tax. The preferential amount is 10,000 rubles, no fee is withdrawn from it.
  4. Exemption from transport tax. It is provided exclusively for one vehicle with an engine power of 150 hp. With.
  5. Withdrawal on payment of income tax. The applicant is given 500 rubles of relief every month, the prescribed 13% is not withdrawn from them.

Benefits in the education industry

Disabled persons have the primary right to enter general education, vocational and higher educational institutions. This right is exercised by applicants on the condition that:

  • successful completion of entrance examinations;
  • absence of contraindications to study in a hospital.

On a note! Educational opportunities are provided free of charge to the disabled. He is also guaranteed an increased scholarship, which is 50% higher than the standard rate. Additionally, a person with disabilities is provided with free literature, sign language interpreter services and other set of aids.

Compensation for a set of social services

Each disabled person is guaranteed a set social services. This is getting a ticket essential medicines, prosthetics, travel in public transport and other types of assistance. The state guarantees the applicant the right to receive these services in kind.

But if a person does not use the social basket, then he is entitled to compensation in the amount of the cost of individual services (full package). To receive a refund, an application is written to refuse a set or individual services.

On a note! The cost of the social services package from February 1, 2018 will be 1075.19 rubles, of them:

  • 828.14 rubles - defined for medicines;
  • 128.11 rubles - deducted monthly for a ticket;
  • 118.94 rubles - goes to compensate for travel in transport to the place of treatment.

Reader questions

  • First question: What is the general procedure for obtaining benefits for a disabled person?

    Answer: Initially, you need to get an opinion from the ITU Bureau. The second step is to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. You can initiate the right by submitting an application, and confirm it with a set of supporting documents attached to the application.

  • Question two: What set of documents will be required to exercise the right to benefits?

    Answer: Together with the application, you must bring the conclusion of the ITU, an individual rehabilitation program, a passport and a copy of it.

  • Question three? What is a rehabilitation program, is it necessary to receive it?

    Answer: The rehabilitation program is an individual plan developed for each applicant with a disability. It includes recommendations, medical indications and restrictions for a particular person. Such a written program provides a citizen with the opportunity to receive the entire set of benefits, including when entering a university, finding a job.

For some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, privileges and benefits are provided. To the subject state aid group 1 disabled people. At the legislative level, a number of measures have been established for their social support, which makes it possible to improve the quality of life. Disabled people need daily assistance, in addition, their state of health requires significant Money for medicines and medical procedures. In this regard, benefits were developed for disabled people of the 1st group in 2018, helping to maintain a decent standard of living for them.

1 disability group

The number of people with the first group includes those who received irreparable injuries or have congenital physical limitations for full-fledged life. A person's disability may result from a serious illness or injury. In addition, group 1 is received by people who are not able to independently navigate in space, requiring special care from other people.

From the above, an exact definition of who belongs to the first group follows: people who are not capable of self-service and self-care. Such persons are unable to cook their own food, perform hygiene procedures, move freely in space (due to a violation of the musculoskeletal system). To help them, they need a guardian, who often becomes a relative (for a child, a parent).

If a person has disorientation in space, the first group of disability is given to him only for 2 years, after which a second examination is carried out, on the basis of which it is extended or not. In the presence of the listed violations in a minor citizen, he is assigned the status of "disabled childhood of the first group." In Russia, there is an annual corresponding indexation of monthly payments for vulnerable categories of citizens: an increase in 2018 will be 4-5%.

The rights of disabled people of the 1st group in Russia

The status of a disabled person of the first group is determined federal law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995. According to this document, disability is assigned to a person with impaired functioning of organs and systems caused by the course of diseases or injuries. As a result, there is a limitation of life activity, which causes the need for rehabilitation and measures. social protection.

The basic right of persons with disabilities is social protection. According to the current legislation of the state, this is an inalienable right of incapacitated, sedentary people. Since disability of the 1st group is given to persons with severe disorders health and work of the body, social protection measures in relation to such people are extremely necessary. These are guarantees from the state in providing legal. economic, social measures regarding the support of a disabled person in the course of his life.

Measures relating to social protection are aimed at maximizing possible rehabilitation persons, to compensate for the restrictions caused by the state of health. These measures should bring the capabilities of a person with a disability as close as possible to those of a healthy person. The rights of a disabled person of the 1st category in other areas are:

  • the right to medical care;
  • on access to information (provided by the publication of books for the blind/visually impaired, audio publications, providing access to hearing improvement technology, specialized services of typhlo-surdo and sign language interpreters);
  • for the design of new buildings and structures that provide unimpeded access to persons with limited legal capacity (installation of ramps in buildings, special parking lots, etc.);
  • access to the social infrastructure of the city (any social, administrative, commercial institutions must be equipped with ramps, disabled citizens themselves are provided with guide dogs, wheelchairs, and the help of social workers);
  • for education (it is proposed to study at home, education is supposed to be free);
  • to receive housing (except for the provision of housing, persons with limited legal capacity are entitled to preferential utility tariffs);
  • for work (provided with a reduced duration of working hours - 35 per week and 7 hours per day);
  • for state material support (implemented through disability pensions, social cash supplements, compensation for harm, insurance payments, benefits, etc.);
  • on the social services(provision of household, medical services at the place of residence, assistance in providing drugs, prosthetics, purchasing food, providing legal and notarial assistance, etc.);
  • for stationary, semi-stationary services when a person is in a boarding house or a boarding house, a social service institution.

What is due to disabled people of group 1

On the territory of the Russian Federation, benefits are provided by law for people with disabilities of the first group. They affect the social, labor, medical, educational spheres. Privileges are regulated by an impressive list of legislative acts, the violation of which entails criminal liability. In addition, there are additional programs set at the regional level. This often presents certain difficulties when considering privileges for persons with this category of disability.


For citizens who have not reached retirement age, a monthly social pension is established. In 2018, the amount of the payment is 2974 rubles. Such material assistance to disabled people of the 1st group is paid to the current account from the country's Pension Fund on a monthly basis. The size of the pension is set at the federal level, it is subject to an annual increase taking into account inflation.

For citizens of retirement age, a different amount of old-age pension is provided. In 2018, this is 11,903 rubles, including social payments. This help paid regardless of how old the patient is. After the assignment of the first group, a person is assigned a monthly subsidy. Even students have the right to count on a pension. In addition to it, the incapacitated receive every month compensation payments. In 2018, their amount was 3137.6 rubles, and the money can be spent on any needs without restrictions.

Funds are allocated from the federal budget to the Pension Fund, which transfers them to the individual account of a citizen. Since not all disabled people are able to receive money on their own, trustees or guardians appointed by the court when declaring a person incompetent can do this for them. Guardians are family members, close or distant relatives, strangers providing care for the disabled.

Set of social services

Since the rights of persons with disabilities of the 1st category are protected by law, they have the right to receive a monthly payment simultaneously with a set of free social services. From the latter, a person has the right to refuse in favor of money, but often citizens receive NSO. The set of social services includes the provision medicines by prescription free of charge at any state pharmacy or pharmacy that cooperates with medical institutions under a social contract. Financial compensation of the NSO deprives a person of this right.

The legislation of the Russian Federation ensures that category 1 incapable people receive a set of social services simultaneously with monthly payments, and not instead of them. In 2017-2018, the required set includes:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • security medications by prescription;
  • a free ticket to a dispensary, a sanatorium for treatment (provided annually).

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 in 2018

Persons who have harmed themselves through the use of alcohol cannot qualify for a category 1 disability. drugs or alcohol. So, if the examination established that at the time of injury or chronic disease, which led to the restriction of the work of organs and systems, the person was in a state of intoxication, then he may be denied a disability. All other citizens who have received or have the first group will receive the following benefits in 2018:

  • free medical care, necessary medicines and means of rehabilitation;
  • the right to join a garden partnership without succession;
  • 50% discount on electricity bills;
  • the right to receive a ticket to a sanatorium for the treatment of the underlying disease (the duration of the stay is from 18 to 42 days, depending on the severity of the pathology);
  • free dentures, orthopedic shoes;
  • free travel in public urban transport (except taxis);
  • 100% refund of the cost of round-trip tickets when traveling on health resort treatment;
  • access to the infrastructure of the city (if necessary, a trained guide dog is provided, a means of transportation for wheelchair users);
  • free prosthetics teeth with future maintenance and replacement of materials;
  • discounts on air tickets.


The rights of disabled people of the 1st group to free education, including secondary special and higher educational institutions, are legislatively fixed. Other educational benefits for this category of citizens:

  • upon successful passing of exams, a person with limited mobility can receive a higher or secondary specialized education out of competition);
  • 50% increased scholarship;
  • provision of special literature, other additional means for training;
  • services of a sign language interpreter when studying at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution (free of charge).


Persons with disabilities have the right to demand improvement of living conditions on legal grounds. For example, wheelchair users should be provided with special ramps to the house, as well as widened doorways in the common house territory and directly in the apartment. To implement this, it is necessary to apply with a written application to the Department of Social Protection of the Population or the guardianship and guardianship authorities. On behalf of the beneficiary, trustees / guardians and members of his family can apply.

If it is impossible to exercise this right, a change of place of residence to a more suitable one may be offered. In addition to improving housing conditions, persons with limited legal capacity are allowed not to pay tax on the property of individuals, this also applies to real estate, including land. The benefit applies exclusively to the incapacitated, and members of his family are not exempt from payment.

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for the possibility of obtaining land for private household farming or individual construction of housing for disabled people of the 1st category without waiting in line. The land plot is allocated free of charge from among the municipal lands. Other housing benefits:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • free improvement of living conditions (installation of ramps, holders, expansion of openings);
  • provision of separate housing due to pathology (with a general disease of a chronic type);
  • exemption from tax payments on real estate (starting from 2018);
  • a privilege in the payment of state duty during the transaction for the purchase and sale of real estate.


In addition to the free provision of medicines, which is included in the set of social services, people with disabilities are provided with the following benefits:

  • free prosthetics with domestic materials in medical institutions and clinics of the country;
  • free travel to the place of treatment without payment, regardless of its distance from the place of residence of the citizen, but within the Russian Federation;
  • providing the necessary assistive devices such as crutches, wheelchairs and orthopedic shoes;
  • allocation of a guide dog, if available and necessary;
  • free sanitary and preventive annual rest (1 accompanying person is allowed, who also does not pay for accommodation).


In the upcoming 2018, some changes will be made in the amount of cash payments for different categories of people with disabilities. The state will increase material assistance by about 4-5% or more, depending on the specific region. Discounts are available for the purchase of essential groceries. This category of citizens is offered the following benefits:

  • exemption from paying property tax;
  • if a person with a disability owns a land plot, the tax on it will be reduced by 10 thousand rubles;
  • when paying for notary services, the amount of the benefit will be 50%;
  • with a vehicle power of up to 150 HP, the tax rate will be halved from the base one (tax is not paid if vehicle was purchased and intended exclusively for an incompetent citizen);
  • people with disabilities of the 1st group are exempted from duty on property claims in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Benefits for carers of people with disabilities

Care has the right to carry out able-bodied, unemployed persons: both relatives and outsiders (guardians). This kind of help is available for:

  • an incompetent person with a disability of group 1;
  • disabled child and disabled child.

In 2017-2018, any payments to persons who have taken care of a disabled person are made simultaneously with a disability pension. Standard size payments for care is 1200 rubles. Guardians or parents of a disabled minor are entitled to 5,500 rubles. Citizens living in regions with a difficult climate are additionally set regional coefficients.

If a person cares for two or more persons at the same time, payments are due for each of them. If the caregiver has additional income, the benefit will stop. When jointly owning property with a disabled person of the 1st category, a person is provided with the following benefits:

  • free vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • abolition of property tax, reduction of the land duty rate;
  • reduction of transport tax by 50%;
  • benefits for utilities (50%).

Benefits for the disabled in Moscow

In 2018, the budget of the capital allocated a lot of funds to index the payments of citizens with disabilities of the first group. The table contains more detailed information on benefits for Muscovites:

Benefit name


Payout amount

Compensation for a person caring for a disabled child.

Monthly until the ward reaches the age of 23.

12 000 rubles

Financial compensation to non-working parents who have a disability of 1 or 2 categories for a child under the age of majority.

Monthly until age 18.

12 000 rubles

Payment for the purchase of a set of clothes for a child during the period of study.


10 000 rubles

Assistance to participants of the Second World War of 1941-1945 who received a disability to compensate for the purchase of essential food.


  • passport and several copies;
  • a certificate with a medical report and data on the assignment of a disability;
  • original and a couple of copies of the work book;
  • paper with an individual rehabilitation program (you can get it when registering a disability group).

Papers must be taken within 3 days to the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence. It is better not to miss the deadlines, otherwise the delay in the process will lead to the re-receipt of fresh certificates being scheduled. Since not only pensions, but also social fixed payments are indexed annually, a person with seniority can also receive a special increase.

To do this, you need to contact the department of the Pension Fund and social security for clarification of up-to-date information on payments in a particular region. This is important to do in order to achieve full financial assistance and benefits. The first non-working category of disability is assigned unconditionally for such diseases:

  • dementia;
  • complete loss of vision (in both eyes);
  • oligophrenia;
  • cancerous tumors in the stage of metastases;
  • amputation of limbs;
  • paralysis of the musculoskeletal system;
  • renal pathologies that caused severe chronic insufficiency body;
  • congenital absence of internal organs.





Benefits for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in Russia - a list of all benefits

Disabled people in Russia are considered a vulnerable category of citizens, therefore the attention of the state to them is manifested through the provision of various benefits to them. The number of the latter, their set and the estimates expressed in material terms may be different depending on the disability group that is assigned to a citizen with disabilities. What benefits can people with disabilities receive? Is it possible to replace intangible benefits with money?

Benefits for the disabled this year by group

Disabled people have the right to receive a preferential pension. What group of disability - what benefits?

Social pension in 2019:

  • for disabled children - 2,123.92 rubles;
  • forIgroups - 2,974.03 rubles;
  • forII- 2,123.92 rubles;
  • forIIIgroups - 1,700.23 rubles.

(for currently working or previously working citizens) is:

1) for the first group of disability since childhood - 11,903.51 rubles;

2) for the second group of disability - 4,959.85 rubles;

3) for the second group (since childhood) - 9,919.73 rubles;

4) for the third group - 4,215.90 rubles.

In case of refusal of benefits, a disabled person can receive monthly compensation. This year it is:

  • for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for WWII veterans - 4,481.47 rubles;
  • for disabled children - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for the first group of disabled people - 3,137.60 rubles;
  • for the second - 2,240.74 rubles;
  • for the third group - 1,793.74 r.

In addition to material benefits (for example, pensions), these citizens can receive various other benefits that relate to a wide variety of areas: education, healthcare, labor, and so on. Such assistance is provided for disability and benefits for disability groups from the state.

What are the benefits of a disabled person at a notary? What benefits are provided to disabled people of group 1 in 2019, as well as people with a second group of disabilities:

  • exemption from state duty is guaranteed for those cases that are considered in accordance with civil and arbitration procedural legislation;
  • payment of only 50% for notarial acts (the discount applies only to fees, it does not affect the payment of the notary's work in any way).

As you already understood, such benefits are provided to disabled people for notary services. As for what federal benefits are due to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, it is worth telling everything in detail for each group separately.

Benefits for the first group

What benefits are provided for disabled people of the first group in Russia? Benefits for this category of citizens this year have not changed, so people can use:

1) free travel on any public transport, except for taxis and minibuses;

2) free travel on public transport if you need to get to the place of treatment (this also applies to persons accompanying disabled people);

3) , written out by the attending doctors;

4) free medical equipment (as indicated by doctors) and dressings;

5) free for treatment and recreation (once a year, but only for first three years from the date of receipt of the disability group);

6) free prosthetic limbs;

7) free orthopedic shoes;

8) free dentures;

9) extraordinary admission to higher and secondary educational institutions (subject to passing entrance exams);

10) an increased scholarship (if the disabled person is a student). The amount of the scholarship is determined by the management of the educational institution;

11) shortened working week (35 hours) for disabled people of the first group who work.

List of benefits for disabled people of the second group

1) free travel on any public transport, except for taxis and minibuses;

2) free travel by public transport to the place of treatment (here we are no longer talking about accompanying persons with disabilities);

3) provision of medicines prescribed by the attending physician;

4) provision of medical equipment (according to the indications of doctors), as well as dressings;

5) special prostheses for limbs;

6) orthopedic shoes;

7) dental prosthetics.

Among other things, a person with a second disability group can use:

  • extraordinary admission to higher and secondary educational institutions (when passing entrance exams);
  • students can receive an increased scholarship, the amount of which is determined by the management of the educational institution;
  • a shortened working week (35 hours) is also provided for this category. This applies to working disabled people of the second group.

List of benefits for people with a third disability group

These citizens are entitled to fewer benefits. Basically, the latter are associated with discounts on goods and services.

1. Discount on the purchase of orthopedic shoes.

2. Discount, which is 50%, for travel in any public transport from October 1 to May 15. In addition, a 50% discount is provided for 1 trip during the remainder of the calendar year.

3. 50% discount on medical equipment and medicines (this applies only to working or recognized unemployed disabled people of the third group).

What benefits do people with disabilities have regarding tax payments?

1. Disabled people of the first and second groups are exempt from property tax if they inherited real estate.

2. Disabled people of the second and first groups, disabled children, disabled veterans of the Second World War, who have land plots registered before 2004, have the following deduction: the tax base for tax calculation (the price of land) is reduced by 10,000 rubles.

3. Transport benefits for the disabled consist of a 50% tax rebate when purchasing a car through the social security authorities (power up to 100 hp) and a full tax exemption in case of owning a car that has been specially converted for a person with disabilities.

Benefits in the form of a tax deduction

  • Every month, 500 rubles are deducted from the personal income tax base for disabled people of the second and first groups and disabled children.
  • Monthly for parents (custodians, guardians, spouses, adoptive parents) of underage children who are disabled, is 3,000 rubles. The same amount for disabled children under 24 who are students (students, interns, graduate students);
  • 3,000 rubles is a monthly tax deduction for disabled people who are liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, victims of the Mayak production association (the accident happened in 1957) or former military personnel who received a disability due to injury.

About surcharges and regional benefits

In the Russian Federation, every year the amount of additional payment is established for a certain category of citizens, among which there are also disabled people. So additional cash payments began to be received by disabled people who were participants in the Great Patriotic War, former military personnel, former liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, former cosmonauts, residents of besieged Leningrad. The amount of such additional payments can vary within the following limits: from 100% to 300% of social pensions.

In addition, every citizen of Russia who is disabled is entitled to benefits provided to him at the regional level. For many years, cities and regions have been using the practice of giving priority service to people with disabilities in one or another institution, issuing free clothes and food. Another common benefit for people with disabilities is the free installation of fixed telephones. Companies that used to be employers of a disabled person often also help. You can find out about the full list of preferences at the local department of social protection.

Can a wife receive benefits if her husband is a disabled person of the first group?

Often, people faced with this problem ask themselves: what are the benefits for a wife if the husband is a disabled person of group 1? The tax code does not provide for deductions for dependent spouses, whether they are disabled or not. The standard deduction applies to those taxpayers who provide for children under 18 or full-time students, residents, graduate students, cadets under the age of 24.

Small benefits are provided (which are not taxed 500 rubles per month) for disabled people of the first and second groups, if they have a job or other income. However, there are pitfalls here: if the taxpayer has the right to more than one tax deduction, then in this case the largest one is provided. That is, the maximum of tax incentives and the rest are not counted.

Providing medical benefits to disabled people of the second group

What medical benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group should be expected this year? Non-working disabled persons of this category are entitled to free medicines based on a doctor's prescription. The order of the Ministry of Health establishes the procedure for prescribing medicines by a doctor. In addition, people with disabilities have the right to prosthetic limbs at the expense of the state. Now you know what benefits are due to disabled people of group 2 in 2019.

What benefits do people with disabilities receive due to a general illness?

Benefits for disabled people of the second group of a general disease:

  • throughout the year, disabled people of the second group can use a one-time free ride to the place of treatment, there is no such benefit for those accompanying them;
  • disabled people are provided with medicines free of charge by doctor's prescription. Also, people with disabilities can receive dressings and individual products free of charge. medical purpose, if there is a conclusion of the ITU bureau about the need to use these funds;
  • this category of citizens are provided free of charge with prosthetic limbs and orthopedic shoes;
  • free dental prosthetics;
  • ensuring out-of-competition admission upon admission to secondary or higher professional state or municipal educational institution if the entrance exams are successfully passed (if this training is not contraindicated by a medical certificate);
  • full-time students receive an increased scholarship;
  • working disabled people work during a shortened working week (up to 35 hours a week, subject to the preservation of earnings, vacation at their own expense up to 60 days a year);
  • disabled people can use free travel on any type of urban and rural land transport (except for private minibuses and taxis).

By the way, telephone payment benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group are 50%.

Benefits for the first group of disability:

1) during a year disabled people of this category and their accompanying persons are entitled to one free ride to the place of treatment;

2) people with disabilities are provided with free prescription medications. They can also receive dressings and certain medical products if they have an opinion from the ITU Bureau about the need to use these funds;

3) disabled peopleІ groups receive free tickets to Spa treatment at least once a year during the first three years after the disability was established;

4) if necessary, such citizens are provided with prosthetic limbs and free orthopedic shoes;

5) disabled people have the right to use free dental prosthetics;

6) these people have the right to non-competitive enrollment at the time of admission to a higher or secondary professional municipal or state institution, if the person can successfully pass the entrance exams, and if such training is permitted by a medical certificate;

7) disabled people receive an increased scholarship when it comes to full-time students;

8) the reduced working week of people with the first group of disabilities consists of 35 hours with the preservation of earnings and vacation at their own expense (maximum 60 days a year);

9) in addition, you can ride for free on all urban and rural land transport (except for taxis and fixed-route taxis).

Benefits for the third category of disability:

  • disabled peopleІІІ groups can buy orthopedic shoes at a discount (depending on the complexity of the manufacture of this product) or for full price;
  • a working disabled person with the status of an unemployed assigned to him has the right to purchase certain medicines and medical products according to doctor's prescriptions at a 50% discount;
  • free travel on intercity lines of railway, air, road and river transport from October 1 to May 15 and once at other times of the year.

What benefits are due to disabled people of group 3 in 2019?

As you yourself know, social assistance for these vulnerable segments of the population is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation. Disabled persons of any group can receive social benefits.

As already mentioned, the social pension for people of the third disability group this year is 4,215.90 rubles. (the same amount of payments for disabled children).

The labor pension is calculated taking into account the length of service. The state has set a fixed amount - 2,402.56 rubles. per month.

If a dependent (a person who is on financial or material support) lives with a disabled person, compensation may increase:

1) in the presence of one dependent - up to 4,000.26 rubles;

2) if a disabled person lives with two dependents - up to 5,605.96 rubles;

3) if with three - up to 7,207.66 rubles.

All persons with disabilities can count on a monthly cash payment (UDV). It is paid if the disabled person refused a number of additional services. This year the amount is 2,022.94 rubles.

Main perks

People can expect not only to receive cash benefits, but also benefits that make life easier for a person who has a disability. Let's summarize the list of benefits.

1. Medical(you can purchase drugs prescribed by a doctor at a 50% discount). Discount on orthopedic shoes is 60%.

2. Social(a 50% discount is provided for preferential sanatorium-and-spa treatment for a disabled person). Students are enrolled in higher educational institutions on benefits (entrance tests are not conducted if there are budget places for the disabled).

3. tax(tax rates are reduced, but this decision can be made by going to court). He has the right to significantly reduce the amount of tax payment or give the disabled person an installment plan for their payment.

4. Transport(use city public transport disabled people can go for free, taxis are an exception). You can also use preferential travel on Russian Railways transport: a 50% discount in one and the other direction or a free ticket every two years.

5. (Payment for housing and communal services is halved). In addition, a person with a disability can be helped to improve their living conditions, which is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Providing additional benefits

As mentioned earlier, people with disabilities who are engaged in labor activities can receive leave for up to 2 months (60 days). Vacation is issued when an employee goes to a sanatorium, or he has to scheduled inspection in the hospital.

In addition, disabled people of the third group, like people who do not have health problems, have the right to work on weekends and holidays. In addition, people with disabilities can demand a recalculation of the pension in accordance with the legislation of the country.

If a disabled person has an income below the subsistence level determined by the state, then he has the right to services that are carried out at home. For example, help with buying medicines and food, keeping your home clean, providing medical care, and consulting with a lawyer. Among other things, you can organize help for a paid social worker, if necessary.

Persons with disabilities since childhood (childhood disabilities) may qualify for additional benefits. They don't have to pay registration fees when they open a business, and they don't have to pay fees when a housing order is issued.

Invalids of the war, in addition to all known benefits and benefits, have a permanent discount of 50% on railway tickets. Here are the benefits that a pensioner with a disability of the third group has.

Benefits provided for combat invalids

If we are talking about benefits of groups 1, 2 and 3, then first of all we mean benefits related to taxation and payment of the corresponding pension. All provisions are confirmed at the legislative level.

With regard to pension legislation, they provide for such benefits for combat invalids (disabled due to military injuries):

1) the retirement age comes earlier by five years, if compared with the generally established one;

2) a certain disability pension is assigned regardless of the length and size of the length of service (taking into account military service);

3) when it comes to disabled people of the first and second groups, then the amount of the pension consists of three minimum old-age pensions. Speaking of disabled peopleІІІ groups, then pay only half of the above amount. However, there must be an income and work experience that would give the right to receive a disability pension due to a general illness, so that the size of the pension is higher than usual.

Rights and benefits that are also important to list:

  • privilege for the priority of obtaining, buying, building and maintaining residential premises;
  • the opportunity to carry out major repairs of housing with financial support from the local budget (the conditions in this case are determined by the local government);
  • priority in obtaining the necessary building material in the case of housing construction;
  • the possibility of providing housing in those houses that belong to municipal and state funds, if there is a need to improve housing conditions;
  • the opportunity to carry out extraordinary repairs to housing occupied by people with disabilities;
  • various benefits in the labor field and in the field of education, vocational training;
  • the opportunity to receive the payment of financial benefits, which is associated with temporary unemployment, in the amount of salary (regardless of the length of service);
  • the possibility of free training in a new profession, qualified retraining, the payment of specially organized scholarships in the learning process.

Benefits for the disabled in St. Petersburg

So, what benefits are provided for disabled people in St. Petersburg? This category of citizens can apply for:

  • preferential travel in a social taxi;
  • a benefit for purchasing a ticket to a sanatorium or receiving it free of charge once a year;
  • preferential travel in suburban and urban public transport;
  • preferential passage of certain medical procedures in public clinics and hospitals;
  • a benefit for receiving free medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • a discount on utility bills in the amount of half of their total price.

All disabled people have the right to apply to the local administration in order to receive funds for rehabilitation at a time after a major operation or other medical procedure.

A working disabled person is entitled to a 30-day vacation. In addition, an employer cannot force a disabled person to work more than 35 hours a week. A person with a disability must work exactly as much as is indicated on the sick card. He also receives a regular salary.

People of the first and second groups of disability enter a higher educational institution without competition.

What benefits can different categories of disabled people enjoy in Moscow?

What are the benefits for disabled people of group 1 in Moscow in 2019? What is provided for people with other disability groups? To support the disabled at the state level, the concept of "additional material support" was introduced.

When material provision is calculated for disabled people of categories I, II and III, the following parameters are taken into account:

1) the amount of the pension paid;

2) a cash payment (if any), which must be issued monthly, which includes the cost of paying for social services.

In 2019, the state covers the costs of:

  • use of public transport (suburban or urban);
  • payments for living space and partial compensation of money for housing and communal services (payment for electricity, gas, water resources, heating);
  • use of telephone communications (this applies only to landline phones).

What other benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as to other categories of disabled people?

Social supplements are added to the pensions of mature disabled people and children with a disabled group. The same applies to children who are not yet 18 years old, but they have already lost their breadwinner.

Participants of the Second World War are supposed to receive 1,000 rubles every month. A person who cares for a disabled person can apply for compensatory assistance in the amount of no more than 5,500 rubles. Outsiders individuals who voluntarily agreed to care for the infirm are entitled to receive 1,200 rubles from the state.

People with disabilities of groups 1 and 2 can present a doctor's prescription at the pharmacy and in return receive subsidized medicines. People with the first group receive a 50% discount on the indicated price.

If the beneficiary has no limbs, then he has every right to use free technical means prompt rehabilitation in the form of prostheses and other orthopedic products until they are replaced.

Prostheses are indeed provided free of charge, and orthopedic shoes - according to the degree of complexity of its implementation. If a disabled person does not stand in line, he can purchase shoes in cash at a 70% discount from the initial cost, but only at a designated point.

In addition to this, each region indicates its own groups of beneficiaries. There is also a list of organizations that provide the necessary services, taking into account the rules and regulations of local legislation. Here, disabled people can take advantage of free assistance or assistance with a 50% discount. In Moscow and other megacities this year there are much more such points than in the outback.

Such benefits can be used for disabled people of group 3 in Moscow and the Moscow region, the same applies to disabled people of other groups.

Allowances and benefits for single mothers

What are the benefits for single mothers with disabilities? A woman raising a child on her own is a mother, deprived of the support of the father of the child in material support and upbringing.

This year, the amount of benefits for single mothers applies not only to the woman's own children, but also to adopted ones.

The single mother's allowance is awarded only in the following cases:

1) the court and the registry office did not register paternity;

2) if a single woman has adopted children;

3) when the court proceedings terminated the fact of paternity.

The legal father of the child is the man listed on the marriage certificate. The father is not necessarily the biological father. Enough registration by the registry office of documentation that allows a man to raise children.

Benefits and allowances are NOT accrued to the mother if:

1) the child has a legal father, and the court has assured paternity;

2) the mother of the child is divorced from her husband and does not receive alimony from him, established by the court;

3) the father of the child was officially deprived of the opportunity to raise him.

The status of a "single mother" is also invalid when the child was born before the end of the three hundred-day term after the parents' divorce or marriage annulment.

In order for a mother to legally receive benefits, there must be no mention of the father in the papers confirming the birth of the child. The status of "single mother" is considered official after the single mother receives a certificate in form No. 25.

Labor benefits for single mothers

1.When a single mother is laid off at an enterprise where a single mother works, she is not entitled to be made redundant if her child is under 14 years of age. Such a reduction is also considered unlawful when the management company is changed. The conditions for the dismissal of a single mother due to violations of discipline during the work process can be discussed.

2.If the company in which the single mother worked was canceled, she must be offered an alternative job.

3.Single mothers, like mothers without this status, are entitled to financial assistance when it comes to caring for sick children. The amount of the allowance is established in accordance with the length of service of the mother and is paid during the inpatient treatment of the child. The mother receives the allowance during the first ten days after the child's illness.

4.A single mother can receive full sick leave if she needs to care for a sick baby who is under seven years old. If the child is older than this age, sick leave is paid within 14 days.

5.A single mother can arrange a vacation at her own expense for up to two weeks.

6.A single mother should not be asked to work overtime if her child is under five years of age. The same rule applies to night and weekend work.

7.Moms in Moscow receive additional benefits when hiring. Employers cannot refuse single mothers employment because they have children.

Using a tax credit

For single mothers, there is a double tax deduction for the cost of providing for children who have not reached the age of majority. If an adult child succeeds in enrolling in a university, he will be able to enjoy tax benefits until he reaches the age of 24.

Graceful terms of the tax deduction for single mothers mean that part of the income will not be subject to tax collection.

Other benefits and allowances

1.You can get underwear for a newborn baby.

2. Children of a single mother are provided with vouchers for health improvement in a sanatorium.

3.A single mother may temporarily not pay for the maintenance of a multi-storey building and garbage disposal. The benefit can be used until the child is 1.5 years old.

4.The children of a single mother have the right to attend preschool institutions, circles, sections with a 25% or more discount.

5.Children of a single mother who are under two years of age are eligible for reduced milk meals.

6.You can buy some medicines at a big discount or even half the price.

7. In school canteens, children of single mothers receive free two meals a day.

8. If there is a massage room in the children's clinic, then the children of a single mother can go to free massage sessions.

Help with housing

Moms in Moscow can seek help from a government program designed to improve housing. Thanks to regulations this city single mothers can apply for subsidized housing.

But first, the state must recognize a single woman with children in need of an improved quality of life.

A single mother who is not yet 35 years old can use the special Housing program lobbied by the state. Thanks to this government initiative, young people can get more affordable housing than in spontaneous real estate markets.

In Moscow this program is called "Affordable housing for young families". This is especially important for single mothers living in rented housing.

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows individual subjects of the country to regulate benefits and various payments for this category of the population.

Factors affecting the amount of the mother's allowance:

1) the amount of income;

2) employment;

3) the presence of a regional residence permit;

4) amount of children.

Benefits introduced for mothers with disabilities

Like all other parents, such mothers are eligible to receive federal benefits and payments at the birth of a child. The amount of additional charges depends on the region in which the disabled mother lives. To find out detailed information about what kind of payments mothers with disabilities can count on, you should contact your local department of social protection. In Moscow, such mothers receive payments in connection with the increase in the cost of living and food. In addition, mothers of disabled children and those mothers whose income is below the subsistence level receive additional payments. The remaining benefits are the same as those provided by the state for single mothers.

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