Additional education at school: programs and directions. Additional education Schools of additional education for schoolchildren

Clay modeling, ship design, in-depth study of English - today it is difficult to imagine children's development without various circles and sections. Some parents try to find a tutor for their child, but additional education for schoolchildren can handle this. It is carried out both on the basis of the schools themselves and in various educational centers.

It's no secret that chess player Anatoly Kasparov, actor Sergei Nikonenko, director Rolan Bykov and many other talented people came from institutions of additional education. Unlike school lessons, which each student is forced to attend, regardless of their own aspirations, desires and abilities, the child can choose additional education courses on his own. They will help him find and develop his talents.

Today, more and more elite educational institutions, whether schools or universities, require an impressive portfolio that cannot be compiled without taking courses for schoolchildren. Maybe your child has an excellent ear for music and sings well? Or does he like to collect model airplanes? Or wants to become an ecologist? Additional education will help identify and develop your child's talents, as well as find friends with the same interests.

Why do students need additional education?

In circles and sections
children learn to communicate
and often find
friends by interests

The ability to draw beautifully, win chess tournaments, play the violin, run fast - these and many other abilities your child can get in institutions of additional education for schoolchildren. In addition, various circles and sections can also be an excellent tool for studying many school disciplines. Additional education can give a child a lot in terms of upbringing, socialization and development.

  • Identification and development of abilities. Does your daughter spend a lot of time painting, and your son constantly disappears on the football field? Or maybe the student does not know what to do with his time? Mugs will help your child find himself and develop his own talent. , art schools, scientific courses - thanks to the wide range of institutions of additional education offered today, the student will be able to choose a circle of almost any direction.
  • Socialization. What could be more fun and interesting than doing something in the company of like-minded people?! Mugs are not only a favorite pastime, but also communication with children who are passionate about the same thing. Discussing films in a film club, playing basketball and rooting for your team, singing in a choir - additional education courses will help your child make new acquaintances, make friends and interact in society. Quite often, it is in institutions of additional education that schoolchildren find friends with the same interests, with whom they are friends for the rest of their lives.
  • Self-discipline. In clubs, circles and courses for schoolchildren there is no strict control, the child chooses them, focusing on his abilities and aspirations. So the student himself is interested in his successes and achievements, therefore, additional education develops self-control, self-discipline and self-development, which will be useful to him both in ordinary lessons at school and in other areas of life.
  • Career guidance. Whether your child plays tennis or loves to craft with clay, any hobby can turn into a profession. Classes at school, as a rule, are limited to a range of certain disciplines that do not allow everyone and everyone to reveal their talents to the fullest. But it allows schoolchildren additional education. Is your child seriously interested in sculpture or playing chess? Perhaps this is a future sculptor or a chess player.
  • Deepening and expanding knowledge in basic and optional disciplines. Additional education courses help not only to show oneself and one's talents, but also to improve knowledge in those subjects that students have in the main school curriculum. For example, classes in the circle of law and economics will help in social studies lessons, and the circle of robotics will be an excellent assistant in the study of physics. The tutor for the child will cope with the same task. Some courses are engaged.

Directions of additional education

The directions and programs of additional education are completely different, and every child can find something to their liking. According to their specifics, all circles and courses of additional education are divided into several groups:

  • Artistic and aesthetic direction(creative studios, music and art schools, dance, literary, theater circles, etc.);
  • Cultural direction(book clubs, museological, art and library circles, historical and cultural centers, etc.);
  • Scientific and technical direction(computer courses, stations for young technicians, circles of robotics, design of aircraft, ships, etc.);
  • Natural science direction(geographical, physical, chemical circles, courses in astronomy, medicine, etc.);
  • Ecological and biological direction(stations for young naturalists, courses in ecology and local history, etc.);
  • Military-patriotic direction(military sports sections, historical and patriotic circles, search work, etc.);
  • Physical culture and sports direction(sports sections, physiotherapy exercises, orienteering and tourism circles, classes in sports halls, etc.);
  • Social and pedagogical direction(circles dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, charitable organizations, social youth movements, etc.);
  • Economic and legal direction(courses of economics, political science and law).

Mugs make a baby
more independent and instill

Organizations of additional education and tutors

Additional education courses can be held at the school where the child is studying, as well as in other educational organizations. At the same time, attending courses at school after school will be much more convenient for the child himself. But, unfortunately, in schools the choice of circles is limited, and they may not have the right course.

A good option would be an educational center with various circles that have a common focus. For example, your child is interested in natural sciences. Isn't it great if the circle of chemistry and biology will be in the same place?! The same applies to various art schools, where the child can learn to play a musical instrument, sing and dance.

Tutoring plays a special role in the additional education of schoolchildren. This is especially true in high school in preparation for the GIA and the Unified State Examination. Tutoring can also help lagging students. When choosing a tutor, pay attention to the track record of the teacher and his recommendations. Often, school teachers also engage in tutoring. How to find a good read on our website.

Watch out, time!

When choosing a tutor
need to pay attention
on his work experience
and manner of communication

Of course, circles and sections are great: in them, the child will be able to do interesting things for him, develop useful skills and find new friends. Therefore, the desire of many parents to send their child to a circle is fully justified. However, today various courses for schoolchildren have become a fashionable trend, and therefore some parents try to send their child to as many circles as possible.

With all its advantages, a lot of circles will not benefit the child at all, because he will not have any free time at all. Classes in most circles are held twice a week, while children who are seriously involved in sports train almost every day. And do not forget that the child needs to devote time to homework, walks and rest.

If you want to send your child to a circle, be sure to pay attention to the correct distribution of time. A student should not have a busy week! It is better to limit yourself to one or two circles or sections. If your child is very active, teachers recommend choosing three different courses for comprehensive development: scientific, creative and sports. More circles are fraught with overwork.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that the child must choose the direction of additional education on his own, otherwise he will quickly abandon his undertaking.

Additional education for schoolchildren

Additional education courses will become a place where your child will definitely meet new friends and like-minded people. Such training will be personally significant, increase the motivation and self-organization of the student. An interesting circle can become not only a place of work, but also of relaxation, because it is impossible to get tired of your favorite activities.

Designing aircraft, playing the flute or figure skating - additional education for schoolchildren will become not only an interesting pastime, but also an opportunity to realize their talents and dreams. Perhaps your child will turn a childhood passion for photography or wood carving into a profession in which he will achieve great success.

Additional education is an educational process aimed at meeting a person's need to improve basic intellectual, professional and special skills. The methodology is based on the development of existing skills and the acquisition of new knowledge.

What is the peculiarity of out-of-school children's educational institutions?

The school educational program is focused primarily on the assimilation of fundamental knowledge by the child. Despite this, many of the practical skills necessary for a successful career in life remain outside the school curriculum. Therefore, most parents try to make sure that their children attend various specialized circles and sections in addition.

School education can also achieve such goals through the introduction of special courses and lectures. Among the institutions that implement additional education programs, there are the following: general education (children's and youth creativity palaces, young naturalist stations), professional (art schools), sports, technical, scientific, social organizations, as well as special (correctional) educational institutions. But here these programs are already basic and fundamental. This is how a school differs from an ordinary educational institution.

The main tasks of sections and circles

For younger students, classes are often held in the form of games. Due to such classes, students are guided by success at an early age, they learn to solve non-standard tasks. For them, additional education programs look like an exciting pastime in a circle of like-minded people. Employment of schoolchildren outside school hours helps to strengthen self-organization, resistance to the influence of negative environmental factors, and forms the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Scheduling student time

Children's schools of additional education make it possible to solve the problem of expedient spending of leisure time for students, reducing the likelihood of the influence of "bad companies". Often in institutions of this type, groups are divided not by age, but by the degree of mastery of the subject, stimulating communication between various age categories with different degrees of life experience. This gives positive results: children develop social skills to communicate with like-minded people of all age groups, and the process of rapid maturation is stimulated.

Do you need a program of additional education at school?

Circles and various sections in the school allow you to increase the learning space by including the student in a social life filled with interesting tasks and problems that require an individual approach to solving. Self-expression and self-affirmation of schoolchildren are activated, their personalities develop comprehensively.

Institutions of additional education and the school, interacting, ensure the comprehensive intellectual, spiritual and professional development of the child. In addition, the baby begins to understand how to engage in self-improvement of the individual. Due to the integration of basic and additional education, students participate in various activities, ensuring the relationship between the cognitive and creative spheres.

Additional educational programs for children should be introduced even in kindergarten, thus instilling in the child the habit of constantly enriching their knowledge and skills.

Lack of motivation as the main problem of the educational process

Often teachers of general education institutions face such difficulties. In complementary institutions, students usually make informed choices. They themselves decide in what direction their education will be directed. Unless this choice was forced on them by overprotective parents. Therefore, moms and dads should ask: why do carefree schoolchildren who seem to have no “adult problems” often experience overloads?

It is worth observing the golden mean - the child must have time to play and walk. After all, if personal space is not enough, the student will use additional classes for relaxation. The consequences of information overload can be quite deplorable: from apathy to violent protest.


Living in today's society involves a high level of stress. According to many scientists, it is creative activity that is an effective means of removing a person from a stressful state. Children are even more susceptible to external influences, so psychologists often recommend that they engage in creativity in addition. Education at school, focusing on basic subjects, at this stage does not allow students to get a sufficient level of creative growth, which is closely related to personal growth. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: additional and basic components should form a single educational space.

In addition, in recent years, many graduates are faced with the fact that regular school education is not enough to enter some educational institutions. Therefore, the educational program of additional education at school often involves final certification, according to the results of which the student is issued a document indicating the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. This allows you to expand your opportunities when choosing a future profession.

Every person throughout his life asks the most important question: what is the purpose of his life? There may not be a definite answer, but one of the most important and indisputable goals is self-development and self-improvement. The most precious vessel in your life is yourself, and the more you fill it, the more opportunities you will receive in return from the world around you. Kindergarten, school, university - with each step of learning on the path of life, you replenish the stock of knowledge, impressions and develop what nature has instilled in you. However, “I only know that I know nothing,” Socrates said, urging people not to forget that life is given to us for continuous knowledge and learning. The time allotted by the educational system may not be enough to implement and develop everything that you want to take in this life. For five years you gnawed at the granite of science, but from childhood you wanted to play the guitar, draw or dance? Or does your child show interest in the most diverse areas of art, science and sports? It's never too late to do what you've always dreamed of! There is a huge number of centers of additional education in any area and for people of any age in Moscow and the Moscow region. On our portal edu-inform you can easily find any schools you are interested in. Foreign language courses will give you the opportunity to learn a new language and get a certificate. Business Education Centers will allow you to learn the basics of doing business and gain the necessary knowledge to start your own business. Trainings of the most diverse profile will help you both to understand yourself a little better and find harmony with the world, and to acquire some unusual and useful skill, for example, speed reading. To master or improve work with 1C accounting programs will allow Courses 1C. In order to improve or just get the qualification of driving any vehicle, you need driving schools, whose addresses are on our portal. Creativity Centers and sports schools will take up the development of creative and physical abilities of you and your child. If your child gravitates towards the arts, then dance, theater, art and music schools completely at your disposal; if the secrets of the universe stir his mind, then scientific and educational centers direct him to the path of science. The computer is subdued to all ages, if you want to pass computer training. Get additional education or just improve your skills will help you professional courses. BUT beauty and health centers will teach you the secrets of youth and work with appearance.

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Evgeny Samarin

For additional education, Moscow uses the potential of not only schools, but also colleges, enterprises, universities, museums, theaters.

The circle movement in Russia is on the rise. This was stated by Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting held at the Palace of Children's Creativity on Sparrow Hills. The event dedicated to the development of additional education was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia Olga Vasilyeva, and representatives of executive authorities of other regions, heads of educational institutions and teachers.

“We need to think about how best to disseminate the experience that existed before, and the experience that is emerging today. Of course, we strive to ensure that there are as many modern, well-equipped clubs and sections as possible,” Dmitry Medvedev noted, adding that a new model of education is being created in Russia. It is based on an individual approach to the development of each child. The core of the new model will be children's technology parks and additional education centers. By the end of the year, about 40 technoparks should appear in Russia. “We have singled out additional education as a separate priority project within the framework of those projects that the Government is involved in,” the Prime Minister noted.

Additional education and circles help children understand who they would like to become in the future. Dmitry Medvedev explained: “This is very important, because after all, such an early professional orientation allows the student to prepare for studies, especially when it comes to studying in complex technical institutions.”

Sergei Sobyanin, in turn, noted that in recent years the number of children who receive additional education in Moscow has almost doubled - now there are more than 800 thousand. “It became obvious to us when we analyzed the situation in 2011-2012 that, by and large, Moscow's potential is much greater than the one that was used. In 2012, just over 400,000 children received additional education in Moscow,” he added.

The city began to use the potential of not only schools, but also colleges, enterprises, universities, museums, theaters. “In fact, we have created a project in which our school, an ordinary comprehensive school, has become the center of integration of the entire urban space,” said the Mayor of Moscow.

Additional education is in great demand by parents, and Moscow will actively develop it. It will also be possible to use the resources of the Moscow E-School for classes and sections. Sergei Sobyanin stressed: “In our opinion, within a year or a year and a half, a maximum of two years, this project will already be a daily routine, an ordinary story, without which it will be difficult to conduct modern lessons in general, including in the field of additional education.”

Exhibition of pre-professional additional education

The meeting participants also viewed an exhibition of city projects in this area. Several Moscow ones were also presented at it. At the stands dedicated to medical classes that appear in the capital's schools, they showed interactive first aid simulators, a telementor (simulator in the field of telemedicine), digital laboratories in biochemistry and physiology. As part of this project, master classes are held on laboratory analysis of food products, injections and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Sergei Sobyanin said: “Schools are equipped with medical equipment, they can provide both basic pre-profile knowledge and additional ones, for this you don’t need to run somewhere, you can get a whole set of pre-profile skills at your school. The same goes for engineering and academic classes.”

For the project "Engineering class in a Moscow school", educational institutions received equipment for an engineering laboratory complex. Schools organize master classes on the use of digital laboratories and 3D modeling on interactive drawing boards. At the booth, which tells about the competition of autonomous robots, you can see robot football games and a demonstration exam in mobile robotics. Also on display are robots designed by students who won the World Junior Inventors Expo in Japan.

In addition, the exhibition presents the Neuropilot project. These are master classes on controlling quadrocopters using a neural interface. And the Circle from the Champion project includes master classes by the winner of the WorldSkills Professional Excellence Championship in the Chemical Laboratory Analysis competency.

"The city as a school": additional education for children in Moscow

An extensive system of additional education has been created in the capital, which includes circles and sections in general education, sports, music, art schools and centers for children's creativity, as well as at the place of residence. As part of the City as a School project, universities and scientific organizations, theaters and concert halls, museums and sports schools, parks and estates, industrial and transport enterprises, children's art schools and veteran organizations have joined in the additional education of young Muscovites.

Since 2013, a system of unified electronic registration of children in sections and circles has been operating in Moscow. Parents can find out full information about the programs implemented in the city system of additional education on the portal.

The city portal provides a convenient search for the desired circle or section near the house, convenient registration of the child, consolidated personalized records of children attending circles and sections, regardless of departmental affiliation, an individual educational trajectory for each young Muscovite.

Circles and sections are developing most actively now in general education schools, which are most convenient for children and parents.

Compared to 2012, the total number of circles in the city system of additional education has grown 2.5 times - from 48 thousand to 120 thousand. The number of children involved in them has almost doubled - from 429,000 to 841,000.

At the same time, one child can attend several circles and sections.


Over 120 thousand

children involved

444 thousand

472 thousand

841 thousand

In 78 percent of the circles, children study for free, in 22 percent - on a paid basis. The cost of paid classes and the amount of benefits are set by the organizations themselves based on the decision of the governing council.

The areas that help ensure successful socialization and professional careers of the younger generation have become priorities for additional education: engineering, medicine, science and technology, and integrated security. The number of children enrolled in these programs has increased in recent years. The share of those participating in technical circles increased from 6 percent to 12 percent between 2015 and 2017, and in science circles from 16 percent to 18 percent.

There are also projects in Moscow that integrate general and additional education into a single system: "Engineering Class" - 60 schools and more than three thousand students, "Medical Class" - 72 schools and more than 3.5 thousand students, "Academic Class" - 10 schools and 500 students, "Cadet class" - 168 schools and 12.5 thousand students.

Of great interest are the "Saturdays of the Moscow schoolboy". They include several projects. For example, 60 universities participate in University Saturdays, which hold more than 2.5 thousand events annually for 340 thousand participants. As part of the “Activist Saturdays” project, trainings and master classes are held for 3.8 thousand people, more than 15 thousand young Muscovites participate in the “Saturdays of Courage” project. And the Professional Environment project involves 42 colleges that organize 600 master classes for 47,000 participants.

On behalf of the President of Russia in Moscow since September 1, 2016 the project "A circle from the champion" is being implemented. Schoolchildren - winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads, as well as college students - winners of the WorldSkills and Abilympics professional skills championships, conduct classes in 400 circles with more than 4.5 thousand schoolchildren.

The following projects are also being implemented in Moscow:

- "Preuniversity" - 11 universities and over 3.5 thousand students are involved in it;

- "Vocational Training" - the project covers 52 colleges and 135 professions. 1,700 schoolchildren received professional certificates;

- "Lesson in the Technopark" - in the Technopark "Mosgormash" 120 school students and 130 college students study geoinformatics, modern astronautics, robotics, more than 200 schoolchildren are engaged in additional education programs; in the technopolis "Moscow" about 300 schoolchildren study the modules of the subject "technology". Children's technoparks called "Quantorium" are also open here;

- "Masterslavl", "KidZania", "Kidburg" - children's parks - cities of professions.

The capital regularly takes part in the championships of professional skills "Young Professionals". At the WorldSkills competitions (their participants are from 18 to 23 years old) in 2017, the Moscow team took first place in the team standings, winning 32 medals, including 22 gold. The Moscow team also won the JuoniorSkills championship (for children aged 10 to 17) this year, winning 27 medals, including 17 gold.

Sparrow Hills: Moscow's main children's address

The Palace of Children's Creativity on Sparrow Hills traces its history back to 1936 - from the opening of the City House of Pioneers and October on Stopani (the current name of the lane is Ogorodnaya Sloboda).

For decades, the Palace of Pioneers has been the largest and most famous center for children's creativity in the country. There have always been many children's creative associations, studios, art groups, circles and sections of technical, natural science, physical culture and sports, art, tourism, local history and socio-pedagogical orientation. In total, more than 1.3 thousand circles and sections work in the Palace.

In 2014, it was reorganized into the educational complex "Vorobyovy Gory" - a multidisciplinary educational institution that combines the functions of a kindergarten, school, college and its main specialization in additional education for children.

It included 12 institutions of additional education, two kindergartens, three secondary schools, one college and a year-round educational center "Command".

The total area of ​​the buildings of the complex is 104.7 thousand square meters, the total area of ​​the territory is 70 hectares.

Now about 30 thousand children are engaged in it. Among them are 272 preschoolers, 2,773 schoolchildren, 380 college students and 29,500 children involved in the additional education program (22,000 of them on the main site of the Palace of Pioneers).

It was successfully completed by 76 graduates of the 11th grade. Of these, 43 people scored at least 220 points in three USE subjects. 19 graduates were awarded the gold medal "For Achievement in Teaching". Among the graduates of 2015-2017, there are ten laureates of the Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the field of supporting talented youth (biology, ecology, technical creativity), five winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Moscow (biology, astronomy, history, Italian language), three winner (social science, physics) and eight winners (astronomy, history, physics) of the Moscow School Olympiad.

Every year the educational complex "Vorobyovy Gory" holds more than 700 events within the framework of city festivals and holidays, in which students and their parents participate. Particular attention is paid to children with disabilities, orphans and families with many children.

The educational complex employs 2.3 thousand people, including 1.3 thousand teachers. Irina Sivtsova, Honored Teacher of Russia, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, General Director of GBPOU Vorobyovy Gory.

Physical education and sports activities

Fitness Section

The benefits of fitness are obvious to everyone. This is not only the development of strength, flexibility, coordination, endurance, but also the strengthening of the immune system, healthy backs in our students and the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Classes are taught by a children's fitness trainer, teacher of the Aerobics Federation of Russia.

Chess Club

The main task of the studio is to introduce chess as a kind of cultural pastime. Development of useful qualities of character: perseverance, concentration, logical thinking, the ability to endure failures.

Rhythm lessons

By attending studio classes, children receive a general musical and choreographic development, try themselves in dance and music. Classes contribute to the development of correct posture, plasticity, coordination of movement, and the development of a sense of rhythm.

Mini football

theatre studio

For many years, the artists of the theater studio of our school have been delighting the audience with unforgettable performances, which we show not only within the walls of the Petrovsky Private School, but also on the stages of other schools, at city venues. The theater studio participated in the School Theater Seasons festival. The audience remembered performances based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, Felix Krivin's Half Fairy Tales, Yevgeny Schwartz's The Princess and the Swineherd.

Mini football

In the football section, children study and improve the technique of possession of the ball and the discipline of team play. Every year, our team participates in futsal competitions, where it competes for prizes.

Studio of Applied Arts "Magic Tassel"

After school, many of our children pick up brushes and show us the world as they see it. Some are making significant progress. At first, not everyone succeeds, but in the classroom in the studio they will learn this. Classes are taught by the teacher of our school Kuznetsova Larisa Evgenievna.


Vocal studio. Here everyone can feel like an artist on a big stage. We invite everyone to reveal their vocal gift in the classroom with the master!

Studio of Foreign Languages ​​"Window to Europe"

Studio "Window to Europe" offers children to learn German and French. Classes in groups contribute not only to mastering the basic speech skills in the Italian language, but also open the way for students to the world of European culture and art.

Studio "Entertaining chemistry"


Experiment is the basis of our knowledge in the endlessly fascinating science of chemistry. And to study experimentally in the classroom substances that are familiar to everyone, those that we have in the kitchen and bathroom, in the garden, in the grocery and hardware stores, in the pharmacy and on the river bank. To form an interest in chemistry, to show its close connection with our everyday life, to teach children to handle substances safely - these are the main goals of the Entertaining Chemistry studio. Classes are taught by a chemistry teacher Biryukova Marina Alexandrovna

Programs of additional education and extracurricular activities

Additional general educational general developmental program of artistic orientation "Beading" 6 - 9 years

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