Military pensioners returned free travel to the sanatorium. Are military pensioners paid for travel to the place of treatment

People often have to travel for treatment. This also applies to pensioners. And under what conditions is the travel to the place of treatment of military pensioners? Are compensations paid for travel by transport to the sanatorium? Let's deal with these questions.

How can a military pensioner get to a sanatorium for treatment? The state is trying to help him in this. Special Decree No. 176, which entered into force on April 1, 2005, approved the rules for compensating the travel of military pensioners to the sanatorium. Travel expenses to the location of the sanatorium or resort can be compensated different categories residents of Russia, including;

  • combatants during the Great Patriotic War;
  • military personnel who served in units for at least 6 months from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945;
  • military personnel who have a medal or order of the USSR;
  • citizens who worked at air defense facilities, on the construction of defensive structures;
  • citizens who have passed military service in officer rank and have reached age limit;
  • officers dismissed from service due to organizational and staff measures or for health reasons;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers upon reaching the age limit or dismissed for health reasons, as a result of organizational and staff measures.

The total service life for persons of the last three categories must be at least 20 years. Payment of compensation is also provided for the family members of the former serviceman. Payments for travel to the place of treatment of a military pensioner are possible annually for movement along railway, by water, by air, by bus in both directions. But payment is only possible once a year. The sanatorium does not have to belong to the Ministry of Defense. Compensation is not provided for travel to a place of rest or a camp site. If the sanatorium belongs to the Ministry of Defense, then the military pensioner pays only 25% of the cost of the tour. It is sold to his family members for 50%. Payment for travel to the sanatorium to a military pensioner is made in full.

And what about overseas health resorts? You can go to Karlovy Vary or Piestany, to other resort places. Travel expenses are paid, but not in full. AT this case the calculation is made for air, water, bus transport to the place of crossing the state border and back. No travel expenses are paid. Other categories of citizens are equated to military personnel:

  • employees who served in the internal affairs bodies who have reached the rank of major with at least 20 years of service;
  • military personnel of the internal troops retired after January 13, 1993 and with a length of service of 20 years or more;
  • members of their family.

Family members are:

  • spouse or husband;
  • minor children;
  • adult children who have become disabled before reaching the age of 18;
  • children under the age of 23 who study full-time in educational institutions;
  • dependents of military personnel or employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

Compensatory payments for travel to military pensioners to the place of rest and treatment are made for:

  • bedding;
  • luxury wagon;
  • reserved seat;
  • insurance premiums;
  • additional fees for transport.

The following documents are required to receive compensation:

  • holiday statement;
  • documents confirming the financial costs of travel;
  • documents confirming stay in a health institution;
  • children's birth certificate or marriage certificate.

In addition to pensioners, former citizens of Leningrad who survived the siege and have the appropriate certificate enjoy the right to receive compensation. There is another category of people with the right to benefits: these are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies.

All collected documents provided personally to the relevant service social protection. No more than 10 days are allocated for their consideration. During this time, a decision on the payment of compensation is made. If a refusal is received, the pension fund will notify you in writing. Based on this letter, you can file a corresponding complaint with a higher authority, up to the main branch of the FIU.

On January 1, 2012, pensions were increased and some benefits were removed from military pensioners. But payments for a trip for treatment are saved almost completely. This does not include surcharges for a trip to a holiday destination.

Questions of compensation payments for a trip for treatment are of interest to many.

Military pensioners used this benefit for a long time and use it to this day. It is only necessary not to lose travel documents and hand them over to the pension fund on time.

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Then tell me the jurisprudence.
October district court Petersburg, consisting of:
presiding judge Tokar A.A.,
under the secretary Grigorieva Yu.M.,
in an open court session, a civil case on the claim of Alekseev V. V. to
Federal State Institution "Military Commissariat of the City
Petersburg" on the recognition of illegal refusal to pay compensation for
travel, collection of travel expenses, expenses for obtaining a certificate,
payment for the services of a representative, compensation for non-pecuniary damage,
u s t a n o v i l:
V.V. appealed to the Oktyabrsky District Court of St. Petersburg, stating that
from 07/28/2014 to 08/17/2014 together with his wife, Alekseeva
R.N., passed Spa treatment in a military sanatorium
"Chebarkulsky", located in the Chelyabinsk region, to the place
undergoing treatment and back followed the plaintiff with his wife followed
route: St. Petersburg - Yekaterinburg (aircraft), Yekaterinburg -
Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk - Chebarkul (bus) and back: Chebarkul -
Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk - Yekaterinburg (bus) and Yekaterinburg -
St. Petersburg (airplane). Since the plaintiff is retired
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. twenty
federal law"On the status of military personnel" has the right to
free pass together with family members to the place of passage
sanatorium-resort treatment and vice versa, sent the defendant a statement about
reimbursement of travel expenses to which travel cards have been attached
documents and documents confirming the stay in the sanatorium, however
was refused with reference to the fact that payment is subject to direct or
shortest route from least amount transplants, the shortest
by following to the sanatorium "Chebarkulsky" is an air flight from
St. Petersburg to Chelyabinsk; However, the respondent did not indicate which
documents must be submitted to receive the said compensation.
After receiving legal advice, as well as clarifications on the issue
compensation for travel expenses to the place of passage of the sanatorium-resort
treatment received from the Department of Budgetary Planning and
social guarantees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Alekseev V.V. again
appealed to the defendant with an application for travel compensation with the application
required documents and information about the cost of air tickets on the route
St. Petersburg - Chelyabinsk on the date of his journey to the sanatorium and
back, received from the Central Air Communications Agency. On the
On 10/20/2014, this application received a similar refusal.
According to Alekseev V.V., the actions of the defendant in refusing to pay
fare compensation is contrary to the requirements of the law and violated it
the rights established by paragraph 5 of Art. twenty
of the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen", caused him a moral
damage in connection with which he asked to declare unlawful the defendant's refusal to
reimbursement of expenses for travel to a military sanatorium and back, oblige
the defendant to reimburse the costs of travel to the military sanatorium and back to
sum<данные изъяты>recover the costs incurred to pay
certificates of the Central Air Transport Agency in the amount<данные
withdrawn> and to pay for legal advice in the amount<данные
seized>, as well as recover from the defendant in his favor on account of compensation
moral damage<данные изъяты>.
The defendant denied the claim
referring to the fact that the payment of travel to military pensioners and members of their
families is carried out only on condition of going to a military sanatorium and
back along the direct, shortest route. From Saint Petersburg to
sanatorium "Chebarkulsky" the shortest way is air travel
Petersburg - Chelyabinsk, however, the plaintiff presented travel cards
documents on a route other than the direct route and did not submit
documents confirming the absence of a direct route, while a certificate
transport organization on the cost of a direct direct route
travel is not a basis for paying compensation for travel.
The defendant also pointed out that the claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage in case of
violation of property rights is allowed in cases directly
statutory, violation of pension rights affecting
property rights of citizens are not among them. According to the
grounds asked to dismiss the claim.
The plaintiff appeared at the hearing and supported the demands.
The defendant's representative appeared at the hearing and asked that the claim be dismissed.
Having listened to the opinions of the persons who appeared, having examined the materials of the case, the court comes to the following.
case materials it appears that Alekseev The.The. and his wife
Alekseeva R.N. from July 28, 2014 to August 17, 2014
sanatorium treatment in the branch "Sanatorium "Chebarkulsky" FGKU
« Sanatorium-resort complex"Privolzhsky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
(hereinafter the Sanatorium "Chebarkulsky") on the basis of sanatorium-resort
travel number of the series CHEB and series number CHEB, respectively (case sheet 20, 21). place
location of the mentioned sanatorium-resort institution is
Chelyabinsk region, the city of Chebarkul. To the place of passage
sanatorium-and-spa treatment to the Chebarkulsky Sanatorium and back
Alekseev V.V. and his wife Alekseeva R.N. followed the route:
St. Petersburg - Yekaterinburg (airplane), Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk and
Chelyabinsk - Chebarkul (bus) and back: Chebarkul - Chelyabinsk and
Chelyabinsk - Yekaterinburg (bus) and Yekaterinburg - St. Petersburg
(airplane); the fact of the flight on the specified route is confirmed by electronic
tickets and boarding passes, the cost of air travel along the route
St. Petersburg - Yekaterinburg and back for two was<данные
withdrawn>, the fact of purchase and payment of air tickets is confirmed by copies
electronic tickets and cashier's check(case sheet 22-25c), the defendant did not
In paragraph 5 of Art. twenty
The Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen" enshrines the right of former
military personnel from among the specified officers and members of their families, as well as
ensigns and midshipmen for travel free of charge
rail, air, water and road (with the exception of
taxi) transport to health resort organizations and wellness
organization and vice versa (once a year) and the conditions for the implementation of this
From paragraph 9 of this article it follows that the costs associated with
transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members
their families and transportation of personal property by rail, air,
water and road (excluding taxis) transport, booking
places in hotels when sending military personnel to official
business trips are reimbursed at the expense of the Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation (other federal body executive power, in
which federal law provides for military service) in the manner
determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Government of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2000 No. 354 “On the procedure for compensation
expenses associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens dismissed from
military service and members of their families, as well as their personal property”
the procedure was approved, paragraph 6 of which the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other
federal executive body, which provides
military service, it is prescribed to reimburse the expenses of military personnel, citizens,
discharged from military service and members of their families (close relatives),
having the right to travel and transport personal property on a gratuitous
basis, when they purchase travel and transportation documents for their
Plaintiff is a retired Colonel, retired
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, length of service in calendar terms is
30 years old, has a family composition: wife - Alekseeva R.N., in accordance with
The Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen" has the right, together with
family members to receive at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
medical care and sanatorium treatment in military medical
institutions (case sheet 63).
The procedure for processing documents for payment
compensation for travel to the place of sanatorium treatment and
back of military pensioners is regulated, among other things, by the Guidelines for
registration, use, storage and handling of military
transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2001 No. 200
(hereinafter referred to as the Guide). According to paragraph 3 of the Guidelines, payment is subject to travel to
direct direct communication, and in the absence of a direct
messages - with the least number of transfers in accordance with
passenger route signs shortest communication, which
are developed and distributed by the chiefs of the military communications service
military districts, fleets; pp. 35, 85 of the mentioned Guidelines
established that the reimbursement of the cost of travel of a soldier and members
his family is carried out at actual costs. At the same time, under
actual costs are understood to be all expenses associated with travel (except
taxi rides).
Alekseev V.V. contacted the defendant
application for reimbursement of these expenses, however, a letter from the head
Center for social security of the military commissariat of the city
Petersburg dated 09/04/2014 No. PG-321078, he was refused
reference to the Guidelines for the design, use, storage and
handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces
Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No.
06/06/2001, No. 200, according to which expenses for
travel to the place of treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions and back
direct route, and the route of Alekseev V.V. with his wife in
Sanatorium "Chebarkulsky" was not direct (case file 30). 10/08/2014
Alekseev V.V. re-submitted to the respondent a request
to compensate for the cost of travel to the Chebarkulsky Sanatorium, to
application, including a certificate of the cost of the air ticket according to
direct route St. Petersburg - Chelyabinsk, issued by the Central
air communications agency No. dated August 28, 2014, however, by letter
military commissar of the city of St. Petersburg dated October 20, 2014 No. PG
-321078 in satisfaction of the application to Alekseev V.V. denied for the same
grounds (ld 31, 32, 36 - 40).
The fact of representation by Alekseev
V.V. at the same time as claims for reimbursement of travel expenses
documents that reliably confirm the expenses incurred by him for the flight to
place of sanatorium-and-spa treatment and back, the defendant did not
disputed, however, objecting to the stated requirements, indicated that the payment
travel of a direct route based on the information reflected in the certificate
transport organization on the cost of a direct route when traveling
in a roundabout way is carried out only by active military personnel and on
military pensioners does not apply.
The Court rejects these arguments, since they are contrary to the provisions of paragraph.n. 5 and 9 st. 20 of the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel".
According to
p.p. 39, 40 of the Regulations on military commissariats, approved by the Decree
of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2012 3 1609 implementation of the pension
provision of citizens discharged from military service and members of their families,
family members of the fallen (deceased) servicemen, the appointment of the indicated
persons of pensions, allowances, provision of compensations and implementation of other
payments stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as
implementation of measures of legal and social protection of citizens dismissed from
military service, and members of their families, members of the families of the dead (deceased)
military personnel, including the implementation of information work on these
issues assigned to the military commissariats.
In addition, paragraph 54
Guidelines for officers discharged from military service upon reaching
age limit for military service, state of health
or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the general
whose duration of military service in preferential terms
is 20 years or more, and total duration military service
25 years or more, regardless of the reason for dismissal, and family members
said officers the cost of travel by rail, air, water and
by road (with the exception of taxis) transport to a stationary
treatment in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission or in
sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions and back (once per
year) are reimbursed by military commissariats at the expense of funds
provided for in the consolidated budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for
social security of retired servicemen (Article 006226
Classification of expenditures according to the budget estimates of the Ministry of Defense
Russian Federation).
Analyzing the above legal norms in
systemic interconnection, taking into account the fact that
the defendant is entrusted with the obligation to perform the state function of
providing military pensioners and members of their families with compensation and
making other payments provided for by law
Russian Federation, given the fact that Alekseev V.V.
provided evidence required by management to support
actually incurred travel costs to the place of treatment and
conversely, the court concludes that the defendant's refusal to pay
Alekseev V.V. compensation for travel expenses to the Chebarkulsky Sanatorium and
back is illegal.
Paragraph 85 of the Guidelines states that
travel expenses for persons entitled to travel or transport personal
property at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, are reimbursed according to
actually incurred costs.
Taking into account information about
the cost of one air ticket on the route St. Petersburg - Chelyabinsk and
back in the period from 07/28/2014 to 08/19/2014, reflected in
certificate of the Central Air Communications Agency No. dated August 28, 2014 in
size<данные изъяты>, availability of documents confirming
the actual cost of travel to the place of treatment in the amount of
<данные изъяты>for each air ticket, the court considers the claims
Alekseeva V.V. subject to partial satisfaction, namely:
amount of actual costs incurred<данные изъяты>.
In coming to this conclusion, the court takes into account that the defendant is the cost of one
air ticket on the route St. Petersburg - Chelyabinsk, as well as in
refutation of the amount actually incurred by Alekseev V.V. costs for
travel was not disputed.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of the order of the Minister
Defense of the Russian Federation dated 06/08/2000 No. 300, officials
Ministries of Defense must reimburse military personnel eligible for
free travel, costs associated with the purchase of travel
documents only after the passage and presentation of documents,
supporting actual costs. It follows from the above that
the obligation to confirm actual travel costs rests with
person applying for compensation for the cost of travel
Thus, providing a cost estimate
air ticket on the direct route St. Petersburg – Chelyabinsk and back
was the responsibility of Alekseev V.V., and the need to obtain it
arose in connection with the choice of a non-direct route to the Sanatorium
"Chebarkulsky" and is not a consequence of the defendant's illegal actions,
Therefore, the grounds for imposing a duty on the defendant
reimburse Alekseev The.The. the costs incurred to pay for the said certificate,
The provisions of Art. Art. 151, 1099
The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides that compensation for non-pecuniary damage may be
is assigned to the tortfeasor if his actions violated personal
non-property rights or other intangible benefits of a citizen;
moral damage caused by actions that violate property rights,
subject to compensation only in cases provided for by law.
regulating disputable legal relations on reimbursement of expenses related to
the passage of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members of their
families by rail, air, water and road (for
except for a taxi) by transport, to the place of treatment and the provisions of the Federal
law "On the status of military personnel" does not provide for the possibility
compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the event of an unlawful refusal to compensate
such expenses. Under such circumstances requirements Alekseev The.The. about
non-pecuniary damages are not based on the law and are subject to
According to Art. 98
Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the party in whose favor the court decision was made, the court
awards compensation on the other hand for all legal damages incurred in the case
expenses in proportion to the requirements met; court expenses
consist of the state fee and the costs associated with the consideration
cases (art. 88
Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). Representative fees are reimbursed for
on the basis of the application of the party in whose favor the judgment was held,
submitted in writing; these expenses are reimbursed by the court in
reasonable limits (Article 100 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).
confirmation of the costs of paying for the services of the representative Alekseev V.V.
presented contract No. 367.0914 with Center for Legal Support LLC,
concluded on September 13, 2014, the subject of which was the submission
his interests in the court of first instance on the present claim (case sheet 41).
Meanwhile, in the two court hearings held in the case, the defense of their
interests Alekseev V.V. carried out independently in the absence
representatives of Center for Legal Support LLC, thus,
evidence to confirm the fulfillment of the specified
there is no representation contract. In such circumstances
grounds for the recovery of expenses incurred to pay for services
representative, in the amount<данные изъяты>, not available.
By virtue of h. 1 Article. 103
Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the costs incurred by the court in connection with the consideration of the case, and
state duty, from payment of which the plaintiff was exempted,
collected from the defendant, not exempt from payment of court costs,
in proportion to the satisfied part of the claims. In this case
the collected amounts are credited to the budget, at the expense of which
they were reimbursed, and the state fee - to the appropriate budget
in accordance with the norms of deductions established by the budget
the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Because when contacting
court plaintiffs - pensioners receiving pensions assigned in the manner
established by the pension legislation of the Russian Federation, - according to
property claims against the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation,
non-state pension funds or to federal bodies
executive power providing pensions to persons
those who served in the military are exempted from paying the state duty
(clause 5, part 2, article 333.36
Tax Code of the Russian Federation), the court believes that from the defendant to the budget of St. Petersburg
subject to collection of state duty in the amount of<данные
withdrawn> ((27,200 – 20,000)* 3% + 800 + 300).
Based on the above, guided by art. Art. 194 - 199 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, court
I decided:
Satisfy the claim of Alekseev VV in part.
illegal refusal of the Federal State Institution "Military Commissariat
of the city of St. Petersburg" in the payment of compensation to V. V. Alekseev for
travel to the military sanatorium and back.
Collect from the Federal
State Institution "Military Commissariat of the City of St. Petersburg" in
in favor of Alekseev V.V. compensation for travel expenses to the military
sanatorium and back in size<данные изъяты>.
Deny the rest of the claims.
from the Federal State Institution "Military Commissariat of the City
Petersburg" to the state budget of St. Petersburg
a fee in the amount<данные изъяты>.
The solution might be
appealed to the St. Petersburg City Court within a month from the date of
drawing up a reasoned decision by filing an appeal
through the Oktyabrsky District Court of St. Petersburg.
The reasoned decision was drawn up on March 23, 2015.
Oktyabrsky District Court (City of St. Petersburg) (details)
Judges of the case:
Tokar Antonina Andreevna (judge)

The refusal is invalid. Should reimburse

The reforms carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation have affected all segments of the population. The legal framework of the country provides for the existence of a social base, which is designed to ensure comfortable conditions residence for citizens.

State regulations provide for a number of benefits for pensioners. Now people of respectable age can count on compensation for the cost of travel. What are key features of the law on benefits, and which category of pensioners will be able to receive compensation for the spent cash for travel?

Legal regulation

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for provisions that testify to the powerful social base of the country. The presented norms allow people of retirement age to receive benefits for travel to a place of rest and other “movements”.

The legal regulation of compensation provides for two main laws. Among them are the following:

  • For pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 10, 11, 16 articles of the Federal Law "On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies ..".
  • For pensioners - northerners - the law "On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North" is provided.

Thus, citizens of retirement age in order to receive benefits should be guided by the points presented legal framework RF, which describes the procedure for obtaining benefits.

Retirement Requirements

On the state support not all categories of pensioners can count. First of all, travel compensation is provided for persons who worked in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can receive travel benefits in the following cases:

  • Length of service - the employee must have served in internal organs at least 20 years old.
  • Disability - in the event that the employee received a disability in the performance of their official duties.

Thus, in order to receive benefits, people of retirement age need serious grounds. If an employee has served less than 20 years, benefits do not apply to him.

State support is provided for another category of pensioners living in the Far North. In this case, the person applying for benefits must receive an insurance pension. In addition, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in the Second World War can apply for benefits.

Video: Case study

Travel reimbursement for pensioners

Pensioners of the Russian Federation have the right to receive compensation for travel to the place of treatment or to other points within the established norms. Social benefits are characterized by some features.

Travel compensation is carried out taking into account the amount that was indicated in travel ticket. The law provides for reimbursement of travel on any form of transport, whether it be a bus or an air carriage.

It is worth noting that state benefits do not apply to all expenses.

People of retirement age do not have the opportunity to receive compensation for the following services:

  • ticketing fee;
  • service fee, we are talking about bed linen and other additional services;
  • fees for the delivery of the ticket;
  • advance booking fees, etc.

Also, it is important to note that a pensioner - a northerner can count on compensation payments once every two years. The biennial frequency is calculated taking into account the calendar order, from January 1 of the year in which the citizen submitted an application with a request to reimburse the fare.

In the event that a citizen did not take advantage of the opportunity to travel free of charge within the established period, further compensation is not accumulated. The pensioner will be able to use the compensation in the next biennium.

As for pensioners who have served in the internal affairs bodies, the state has provided additional benefits for their families. Once a year, a relative of a pensioner can also count on payment for travel to the place of treatment .

The family members of a pensioner who can receive compensation include the following persons:

  • husband or wife;
  • children under the age of 23 studying at a university on a full-time basis;
  • children with disabilities;
  • dependent persons.

How to get a

The procedure for issuing compensation varies depending on its type. Retirement travel compensation comes in two main forms.

Among them are the following:

  • Travel documents to the place of rest - as a rule, are issued in the form of specialized coupons.
  • Reimbursement of expenses of people of retirement age spent on travel.

Travel vouchers

A specialized ticket allows people of retirement age to travel free of charge. The procedure for its registration is extremely simple.

To receive a coupon, a pensioner must provide documents confirming his stay in a health center or in another place to the pension authorities. Such a document can be a ticket to a sanatorium, an invitation from relatives, and so on.

In addition, the pensioner needs to write an appropriate application, which will have legal force only with proper execution.

The document must contain the following information:

  • Information about the pensioner - full name.
  • Place of rest, indicating exact address, in case the pensioner is sent to a sanatorium.
  • Data about individual, which invites a pensioner - full name, address, etc.
  • Certified signature of the person to whom the recipient of the compensation is being sent.

It is worth noting that the application must be submitted to the relevant authority no later than 10 days before the planned trip. Otherwise, the pensioner will not be able to receive a travel ticket in a timely manner.

Reimbursement of expenses

The procedure for reimbursement of compensation for actual costs, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for pensioners. In order to receive funds, a person claiming compensation must submit an application to the relevant authorities and attach travel documents.

As practice shows, modern technologies created a great demand for buying tickets on the Internet. Such trends raise questions among retirees about how to provide documentary evidence of ticket purchase.

In this case, you need to go to Personal Area» and print out a ticket receipt.

Thus, in order to reimburse the cost of travel, a pensioner must present in government bodies the following package of documents:

  • identity documentation;
  • insurance certificate;
  • certificate indicating the fare, route and related costs (certificate is issued at the box office or help desk transport organization).

It is worth noting that the state reimburses pensioners the full fare, taking into account the following categories:

  • railway transport - reserved seats;
  • water transport - cabin of the third category;
  • maritime transport - the fourth or fifth category;
  • road transport is of a general type.

In the event that a citizen of retirement age prefers to travel more than high category, for example, luxury class, the state will pay only that part of the fare that is provided for within the specified categories. The remaining expenses are covered by the pensioner himself.


As practice shows, pensioners applying for benefits often receive a refusal to provide them. What is the reason for this state of affairs?

Employees of pension authorities are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation when compensating for travel, considering each application from citizens on an individual basis.

There are cases when pensioners incorrectly interpret legal norms, demanding compensation unreasonably.

In accordance with established order, compensation is not issued in the following cases:

  • the place of rest is located outside the Russian Federation;
  • travel was carried out on the personal transport of a citizen;
  • if the pensioner is due for granting benefits;
  • if the fare was paid from the account of a third party;
  • if the pensioner is an employed citizen at the time of receiving benefits;
  • if a stop during the trip is not planned by the itinerary, it will not be paid.

Within ten days after the submission of the application, the territorial body of the Pension Fund must inform the citizen about the decision on his request for compensation. In the event that a pensioner was denied benefits, but at the same time he is confident in the legitimacy of his claim, he has the opportunity to protect his rights.

To do this, a citizen must write a complaint addressed to the head territorial authority. The document must contain detailed description claims and data on the basis on which the pensioner requests travel compensation.

In the event that the authorities of the territorial body will also refuse compensation, the pensioner has the right to file a complaint with the main branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for consideration and regulation of the problem.

In this way, Russian Federation has a strong social base, which in practice is manifested in the provision of benefits to pensioners. Citizens, in accordance with the established procedure, can count on travel compensation, which significantly minimizes the financial costs of pensioners.

  • Travel expenses to the place of treatment
  • The order of consideration of documents
  • Conclusion on the topic

People often have to travel for treatment. This also applies to pensioners. And under what conditions is the travel to the place of treatment of military pensioners? Are compensations paid for travel by transport to the sanatorium? Let's deal with these questions.

Travel expenses to the place of treatment

How can a military pensioner get to a sanatorium for treatment? The state is trying to help him in this. Special Decree No. 176, which entered into force on April 1, 2005, approved the rules for compensating the travel of military pensioners to the sanatorium. Travel expenses to the location of a sanatorium or resort can be compensated for various categories of Russian residents, including;

  • combatants during the Great Patriotic War;
  • military personnel who served in units for at least 6 months from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945;
  • military personnel who have a medal or order of the USSR;
  • citizens who worked at air defense facilities, on the construction of defensive structures;
  • citizens who have served in the military in the rank of officer and have reached the age limit;
  • officers dismissed from service due to organizational and staff measures or for health reasons;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers upon reaching the age limit or dismissed for health reasons, as a result of organizational and staff measures.

The total service life for persons of the last three categories must be at least 20 years. Payment of compensation is also provided for the family members of the former serviceman. Payments for travel to the place of treatment of a military pensioner are possible annually for travel by rail, by water, by air, by bus in both directions. But payment is only possible once a year. The sanatorium does not have to belong to the Ministry of Defense. Compensation is not provided for travel to a place of rest or a camp site. If the sanatorium belongs to the Ministry of Defense, then the military pensioner pays only 25% of the cost of the tour. It is sold to his family members for 50%. Payment for travel to the sanatorium to a military pensioner is made in full.

And what about overseas health resorts? You can go to Karlovy Vary or Piestany, to other resort places. Travel expenses are paid, but not in full. In this case, the calculation is made for air, water, bus transport to the place of crossing the state border and back. No travel expenses are paid. Other categories of citizens are equated to military personnel:

  • employees who served in the internal affairs bodies who have reached the rank of major with at least 20 years of service;
  • military personnel of the internal troops retired after January 13, 1993 and with a length of service of 20 years or more;
  • members of their family.

Family members are:

  • spouse or husband;
  • minor children;
  • adult children who have become disabled before reaching the age of 18;
  • children under the age of 23 who study full-time in educational institutions;
  • dependents of military personnel or employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

Compensatory payments for travel to military pensioners to the place of rest and treatment are made for:

  • bedding;
  • luxury wagon;
  • reserved seat;
  • insurance premiums;
  • additional fees for transport.

The following documents are required to receive compensation:

  • holiday statement;
  • documents confirming the financial costs of travel;
  • documents confirming stay in a health institution;
  • children's birth certificate or marriage certificate.

In addition to pensioners, former citizens of Leningrad who survived the siege and have the appropriate certificate enjoy the right to receive compensation. There is another category of people with the right to benefits: these are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies.

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The order of consideration of documents

All collected documents are submitted personally to the relevant social security service. No more than 10 days are allocated for their consideration. During this time, a decision on the payment of compensation is made. If a refusal is received, the pension fund will notify you in writing. Based on this letter, you can file a corresponding complaint with a higher authority, up to the main branch of the FIU.

On January 1, 2012, pensions were increased and some benefits were removed from military pensioners. But payments for a trip for treatment are saved almost completely. This does not include surcharges for a trip to a holiday destination.

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