Commission on disability for a child or children's medical and social examination: what documents are needed? Recertification of disability. Medical and social expertise

Many patients who first undergo such a procedure as a medical and social disability commission ultimately remain dissatisfied with the decisions made, as well as with the very principle of conducting all examinations. After all, they have to constantly deal with additional processing of various documentation, undergo a large number of examinations and perform a number of other actions. However, if you know how the medical and social commission on disability is carried out correctly, you can solve the overwhelming majority of problems.

Documents are the most important

First of all, you should check how well the various documents that you will provide during the examination process are drawn up and drawn up. A referral for you to pass the medical and social disability commission is issued at a specialized medical and preventive institution located at the place of your treatment and observation. At the same time, this document must necessarily be certified by the appropriate seal of this institution, as well as the signatures of three doctors, including the signature of the head physician or the chairman of the commission.

Check everything carefully

Make sure in advance that the passport data specified in the documents you provided is correct, since even if there is an error literally in one letter, the document can be considered invalid, and you will not achieve anything with it. Before the medical and social commission on disability is held, photocopies of each hospital discharge you receive should be made, after which they can be applied to the referral to the ITU. The most optimal is to attach them in chronological order, so that, if necessary, representatives of the relevant services can quickly and better check all the documentation. For examination, it is mandatory to take the original of each extract from the hospital, as well as the originals of any other medical documents, so that the experts can verify them with the copies you provided. After the verification is carried out, all originals will be returned to you immediately.

What influences the result?

The results of the observation of the patient, as well as the results of treatment in the outpatient setting, are of great importance in the ongoing commission, as a result of which you always need to have an outpatient card with you. In the event that there are ambulance call coupons, also try to collect them and attach them to (ideally, you should also make a copy of each such certificate).

What else to take with you?

If you have any pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, then in this case you should provide the commission with the appropriate x-rays, while it is immediately worth noting the fact that in order for the medical and social commission on disability to be successfully passed, take only fresh documents (made a maximum of one month before the date of submission). It is also worth noting that the referral for such an examination should include a description of these documents.

If you have accumulated a large enough number of images, you should still take them all with you so that qualified specialists can draw up a picture of the dynamics of your disease in as much detail as possible. Again, it's best if all the shots are packed in chronological order. In the presence of any hypertension, as well as the presence of crises in accordance with the outpatient card, you can simply make a few neat colored bookmarks on the pages where these crises were recorded, but it is immediately worth noting the fact that such records should be collected only after the last year prior to the examination.

References from doctors

If you took sick leave, as a result of which you received the relevant sheets from the doctor, then in this case it is advisable to write on one separate sheet from what and by what date you had a disease, what diagnosis you were given and how many days it took to get rid of this ailment . Unfortunately, the medical commission on disability does not always make a footnote to the fact that the doctors of health facilities can fill out referrals to the ITU far from being of the highest quality.

If there are conclusions from highly specialized specialists that you received in any other medical institutions, you can also provide such documents, but do not forget that each such conclusion must be approved by the seal of this institution. In addition, be sure to check the dates on which the conclusions were issued, as well as the passport data indicated in them, because otherwise the disability medical commission may simply refuse to accept your documents.

Additional documents

In some situations, it may be necessary to provide information about your education, while students must provide a certificate that they study at a particular educational institution. For everyone else, you will need to provide a copy along with the original diploma of education. In some situations, the disability commission also requires the provision of a work book or a copy of it, but in the latter case, you need to ensure that the copy is confirmed by the seal of your personnel department. Here it is also recommended to make a photocopy of the passport and attach it with the rest of the documents.

If a person is currently working, then in this case a full-fledged production characteristic should be provided, which will indicate the working conditions, as well as how the sick person copes with the tasks assigned to him. This document must contain the date of compilation, and must also be certified by the individual seal of the enterprise.

What do you need to be prepared for?

You should mentally prepare for the fact that in the end, the disability commission for children or adults will not make the decision that you would like. You should not rely too much on the opinions of some medical doctors, who often allow themselves to simply share their opinion with clients about the fact that they are entitled to a certain one. Few people know that this is actually one of the most common causes of conflict situations, appearing in the process of announcing the decision made by the disability medical board.

Why do doctors have different opinions?

Do not forget that the attending physicians do not have the appropriate expert training, as a result of which they are professionally forbidden to set up their patient that the examination will ultimately make a certain decision. Such specialists do not bear any responsibility for the words they said orally, while the expert doctors who conduct the commission for the appointment of disability draw up a specialized expert medical file for each patient, in which the decision provided is substantiated in writing in detail, referring to to various regulations. Ultimately, such a document is certified by the appropriate seals and signatures of the institution, after which these experts bear full legal responsibility for it. It is very important to understand this point in order to avoid useless proceedings and disputes.

Getting ready for inspection

Before the ITU commission is held for you, you should prepare and take all the necessary things. In particular, take a clean sheet with you, as it may be useful to you during the examination on the couch in the supine position. If you wish, you can also take an interesting book that will allow you to brighten up the waiting time for a call. It is not recommended to take a radio or a player with you, since in the process of their work you can simply interfere with others. Of course, you can use headphones, but in such a situation you risk simply not hearing how you will be invited. The disability assignment commission is a relatively lengthy procedure, however, veterans and invalids of the Second World War, as well as liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, are given the opportunity to call first. Thus, if you fall into any of the above categories, always try to inform the commission about it.

Medications must be taken with you

You should not hope that this is a matter of a few minutes, and therefore you will not need to take any drugs there. In fact, the duration of the examination can be several hours, depending on how busy the premises are and how many people need a commission to determine disability. This is especially important for those people who suffer from coronary artery disease, hypertension or diabetes. Always be prepared for the fact that you may have a rather long wait for your turn.

What to do if there is no opportunity to come to the commission?

For the most severe patients who do not have the opportunity to independently arrive for an examination at the ITU institution, the possibility of an examination at home is provided. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that in extremely rare, one might say, even exceptional cases, a decision on disability is also made in absentia, based on the documentation provided. In this case, you will need to additionally attach a certificate stating that, due to the state of health, the patient is not able to come for examination.

If we are talking about seriously ill or elderly people, they are advised to come only accompanied by their relatives, who, if necessary, will help them undress and dress during the examination, and can also supplement complaints or control them on their own.

After my friend's mother received a disability, I had to get acquainted in detail with the legislative sphere of this issue. When applying for a disability for the first time, each sick person must prove that he really has a disease in which he is entitled to form a group.

But I was more surprised by the need to constantly go through a special commission in the future to confirm my status as a disabled person. Therefore, when obtaining such a status, you need to know that in almost all cases it will have to be regularly confirmed. And within the framework of this article, I will tell you in detail how to pass the ITU.

This event is understood as a mandatory procedure for examining a person’s condition, the purpose of which is to establish or confirm the fact of the disability of the subject. Also, this commission should determine the severity of the pathology and establish a certain group of a person's condition.

The commission consists of several expert doctors who must jointly make a decision. The general functions of the ITU include:

  • determination of the possibility and need to provide a specific group;
  • setting deadlines for which disability is issued;
  • development of rehabilitation measures which should help a person to integrate into society and continue working if possible;
  • determination of the degree of loss of working capacity by a person and the possibility of its restoration in the near future.

Based on the results of the commission, a decision is made to award or refuse to assign the status of a disabled person. If this status is assigned, then a group must be indicated depending on the physical indicators of a person. Grouping is not carried out only for children who have not reached the age of 18. In their case, a recommendation is made to appoint a certain group in the future after the child reaches the age of majority.

If the passage of the medical examination is carried out not primarily to obtain the status, but for its next confirmation, the commission must establish an improvement or deterioration in the patient's condition. After the analysis, the commission must decide whether to leave the same group, or change or completely remove the disability status.

What affects the conclusion of the commission

During the examination, a comprehensive analysis of all human functions is carried out. Therefore, doctors present during the examination should monitor the following areas:

  • clinical indicators characterizing the functional activity of a person;
  • characteristics of professional activity person;
  • social and domestic opportunities person;
  • psychological condition sick.

Each of these characteristics has a great influence on the final result of the commission. In addition to the main commission, the patient must undergo an examination by a psychologist and a social worker. The overall result will also depend on their conclusions. In some cases, commission doctors may appoint other specialists if their opinion is required to fully clarify the state of a person's health.

Differences between VTEC and ITU

Many people confuse these concepts, since in both cases the result of the commission affects the further opportunity to work in one's position. VTEK used to be engaged in the examination of only the working population for the presence of disability. Therefore, children were not included in their competence. The main meaning of the conclusion of such a commission was the need to establish the ability of a person to continue his work in his position. When considering this issue, not only human health itself was studied, but also the characteristics of its working conditions.

ITU is considered an expanded option, it also considers the condition of children. Therefore, on the one hand, these concepts are identical and their result in any case is the recognition of a person as a disabled person, or a refusal to extradite a certain group. But children can get an opinion from the ITU.

Where is held

Each region has its own Bureau, where the relevant examination is carried out. Therefore, in order to obtain an opinion, it is necessary to contact the territorial offices. In almost every city there should be special units so that the disabled can easily reach them. The highest authority of the Bureau, which manages all divisions, is located in Moscow.

Passing algorithm

This procedure takes a lot of time for a disabled person, so there is a category of people who have the full right to receive this status, but do not do it. A person needs to go through many doctors, pass all the tests, and also prepare a whole package of documents. It is especially problematic to form a group for people who have severe physical or mental disabilities. But there are no other ways to register and confirm your status as a disabled person.

The algorithm of actions itself involves the following steps:

  1. First you need to get a referral. It can be issued by a therapist or psychiatrist if the deviations are psychological in nature. A referral is required if requested by the patient. Therefore, the doctor himself can be sure that the patient will not be able to receive a group, but he is obliged to issue a referral.
  2. Then you need to go through all the required doctors and pass all the required tests.. Their list is provided by the attending physician along with the referral. All results are recorded in the patient's outpatient record.
  3. It is also necessary to prepare the entire list of mandatory documents and send them to the Bureau. In addition, the Bureau itself will need to write an application for passing the ITU.
  4. Based on the application, the day of the commission will be appointed. The disabled person must appear at the appointed time. A commission of doctors will ask him various questions, as well as look at the physical and mental state of the person. Based on the information received, the doctors will make a final decision.
  5. Next, you need to get a conclusion in which a certain group will be indicated, or receive a refusal to establish the status of a disabled person. Sometimes it happens that the opinions of experts differ. And if they cannot come to a certain unified decision, then a second examination will be appointed. You may also need to see additional doctors or other tests.

If the decision you received did not suit you, and there are reasons to try to get a certain group, you can apply to the highest authority of the Bureau. In this case, a second examination will be carried out, the result of which may challenge the earlier decision. You can find out more about this in the video below.

How to get a referral

To get it, you need to contact your doctor. Sometimes such a referral can be issued by the FIU or social security, but these are exceptional cases, so you should not rely on them. However, if all the listed structures are denied to a person, he can apply directly to the Bureau in order to undergo an examination.

The easiest and most common option is to get a referral from your doctor. If a person has a disease or injury, he is in any case undergoing special treatment. Therefore, this document should be taken from this doctor. At the reception, you will need to inform about your desire to register a certain group.

The doctor must prepare a referral and record this fact in the outpatient card. After that, he also sends the patient to the passage of a certain circle of mandatory specialists who will give their conclusions about the patient's condition. All their information is recorded in the map. Here they indicate the necessary methods of treatment.

If a person is not treated and does not go to a doctor, then a referral may be denied.

The documents

The mandatory list of documents includes the following papers:

  • direction obtained from the attending physician;
  • statement drawn up on a special form received from the Bureau;
  • copy of work book or its original if the person is not working;
  • the passport the person being examined;
  • his medical card, which lists all the results of surveys;
  • SNILS;
  • medical documents confirming the medical history, tests performed, treatment carried out;
  • certificate of employment confirming the employment of the patient, as well as the nature of the working conditions;
  • copy of previous ITU opinion if the disability has already been established earlier;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy, confirming the right of a person to undergo the entire procedure free of charge.

Not the citizen himself, but his representative can submit documents. But in this case, he will need his personal passport, as well as a document confirming the right to represent the interests of this patient. From the moment of submission of the application and all documents, the commission is appointed within a month.

Last year, the administration of the President of the Russian Federation received more than 130,000 complaints about the work of the medical and social expertise: about the incompetence and bias of specialists, about corruption and increasing errors. Every week, the Public Chambers of the regions register dozens of appeals from citizens.

The situation in the ITU system is out of control, according to Vladimir Slepak, Chairman of the Commission on Social Policy, Labor Relations and Quality of Life of the OPRF. The head of the Interregional Center for Independent Medical and Social Expertise, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Danilova agrees with this. Before the interview, Svetlana Grigoryevna sent a letter to the editorial office from a young woman with a disability, telling about her trip to the next commission. Showed that journalists understand what people with disabilities face. There are no generalizations and analysis of problems, but there is resentment, frankness, and just real life ... We immediately contacted the author: is it possible to publish it? "Why not? I don’t mind,” said Ludmila Simonova, a wheelchair user from Bashkiria.

“Grandma is disabled, she has diabetes, and she has been in line for 7 hours ...”

“I have a disability group I since 2008. Injury to the cervical spine, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, explains Lyudmila Simonova. - I live in the village. I recently went to my doctor and got tested. He wrote a letter and sent it to the city to see a urologist, a neurologist, and so on.

I'm going to the city of Beloretsk for a hundred kilometers. Doctors receive at different times and on different days - whoever is lucky to make an appointment. I had to live in the city for a week to get around everyone. I did not find a proctologist, so I went to the next city - Magnitogorsk. Another hundred kilometers… The building is not suitable for wheelchair users, the premises are old, the plaster is falling off, it is damp and cold inside. People wait in line for hours. From one in the afternoon until seven in the evening we sat with the thought: “When will we be invited?”. One grandmother came at 11 and left after eight hours. She said: "How to plow the shift." The other was crying, begging to be accepted. The old woman is disabled, she has diabetes, she wanted to eat, and she stood in line for 7 hours. ITU workers walked past with stone faces and pretended not to notice anything.

There has been no ITU in Beloretsk recently, experts from Ufa come to us on certain days. I had to live in Beloretsk, wait for the specialists to arrive. Well, relatives let me in, and it's good that I have a friend who dragged me to the 3rd floor. Otherwise, I can’t imagine how much it would take to dangle from the village to the city on impassable roads (we don’t have asphalt), to rent a car, because our buses are not equipped for wheelchair users.

This time, employees of the ITU Bureau No. 6 of Ufa came to us. According to my ideas, I should have been invited to the office at the appointed time. Ask what problems I have, give advice and recommendations on the entire list of technical means of rehabilitation that would make life easier and help to adapt and adapt. It is not for nothing that the word “habilitation” was added to the individual rehabilitation program. I thought that the ITU should work for the disabled, but I was wrong. I sat in line, they called me, looked at me and said: “If we redo the IPR, then we remove half of what you have entered, you are not allowed to under the new rules. Better leave the old program and go home.”

How are they removed? By what law? It turned out that I was not supposed to have an electric wheelchair, but I am a "neck", my hands do not work well. Yes, I use an active wheelchair around the house, it is easy to put it in the trunk, lift it up the stairs with me to the third floor when I visit my sister in the city, but for walking around my village without asphalt with pits and bumps, an electric wheelchair is needed. And in 2012, she entered the program for me. Now they said: "We don't care where you live."

The experts did not agree with many decisions of the attending physicians and ignored their recommendations. They treated me and other disabled people as if we had come to them to ask for alms, they were rude. The commission gave a friend a disability group, and then called her to Ufa for a second examination. I was given a month to appeal the decision to the main bureau of the region. But this will be a huge problem - you will have to drive not a hundred, but three hundred kilometers, spend your money hiring a car. This is how people with disabilities are helped to live in our country, everything is for them.”

“When I first heard that the II disability group costs 450 thousand rubles, I didn’t believe it”

We are talking with the head of the Interregional Center for Independent Medical and Social Expertise, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Danilova .

- Svetlana Grigoryevna, everything that Lyudmila Simonova writes about is true?

- Of course. Russian disabled people overcome so many obstacles in order to pass a commission, get a status or receive subsidized drugs, that mom does not cry. Now, after all, it is impossible to get an appointment with a narrow specialist, bypassing the therapist - he gives directions. First you go to him, then to the doctors, then - again to him with the results. A disabled person travels 100 kilometers to one city, another 100 to another. And, in theory, should be examined and receive assistance at the place of residence. The task of the ITU is not to challenge the diagnoses established by clinicians, but to determine the limitations of life. In our country, experts change diagnoses, cancel the recommendations of doctors, they say: "The patient has no pronounced disorders."

In the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", disability is interpreted as "social insufficiency due to a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, leading to a limitation of life and the need for social protection." In accordance with this, in addition to expert examination, ITU institutions are responsible for developing individual programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people and determining their needs for social protection measures.

- This is according to the law, but as in life ?

– And in life, the main problem of medical and social expertise is the duration and complexity of obtaining a disability group and rehabilitation services for citizens with disabilities through the examination procedure in ITU institutions. Currently, people with disabilities often refuse to go through bureaucratic procedures and solve problems at their own expense. The legal rights of the disabled are being violated. The ITU forces people to undergo unnecessary examinations, collect unnecessary tests, arguing that they allegedly discipline a disabled person: “At least once a year he will pass a medical commission, otherwise you won’t force him.” But, in fact, the ITU bureau today is a complex bureaucracy that creates various obstacles and problems for people with disabilities.

The entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 11, 2012 No. 310n “On Approval of the Procedure for the Organization and Activities of Federal State Institutions of Medical and Social Expertise” called into question the need for the existence of the ITU itself as a separate structure.

According to paragraph 4 of this law, a necessary condition for the formation of the composition of the bureau is the presence of at least one doctor in the ITU. However, the specialty of the doctor is not indicated ...

- Is there really only one doctor included in the bureau, and who are the rest of the experts? Officials?

- When there were VTEKs, there were three doctors in the commission. Then they tried to include 5 specialists. Three experts are currently working, one of them is on medical and social issues. Moreover, clarifications about the specialization of the doctor were removed from the documentation. Specialists do not go to ITU, since it is impossible to get a category, it is not taken into account.

ITU General Bureaus examine citizens with a variety of diseases, and no matter how competent a doctor in ITU is, it is almost impossible to navigate well in all nosological forms. And the psychologist and rehabilitation specialist included in the bureau are not competent at all in the issue of establishing disability.

In addition, according to the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95, the decision to recognize a citizen as disabled or to refuse is made by a majority vote of the experts who conducted the ITU. If there is only one doctor for medical and social expertise, the objectivity of such a vote is doubtful - the main condition for recognizing a person as a disabled person to this day remains the type and severity of impaired body functions, which can only be determined by an ITU doctor (with the exception of mental functions).

In other words, the ITU bureau turns into a bureau for issuing disability certificates, which significantly increases the corruption component and significantly reduces the objectivity of the decision.

– Disabled people complain about the low professional level of ITU specialists in the regions. They say that they even confuse diagnoses. The mother of a child with a serious illness recently showed a copy of a document in which experts call adrenogenital syndrome ... diabetes mellitus. Where are they prepared?

- In Russia, experts are trained in internships in St. Petersburg - there is an advanced training institute for doctors. And in the ITU federal bureau. The level is really low. There are few professionals: the leaders are weak, sometimes it is embarrassing to listen to them - they do not know the regulatory documents, they are poorly versed in the legislation, and the experts in the regions do not have enough knowledge and competencies to understand and execute the orders of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. This is sad because the ITU system is an absolute monopoly. Her decisions cannot be challenged. In the pre-trial procedure, an appeal is carried out in the service itself: with one composition, with another, and then you need to contact the federal bureau, where often the documents sent are not opened at all. I defended my candidate and doctoral thesis there and repeatedly saw how the meetings are held, how the experts do not see the patient, do not study the documentation, but immediately take the decisions of the main bureau of the region as a basis. Decisions rarely change. Sometimes the courts, considering the claims of the disabled, decide: undergo an examination in any region of your choice. And which region will change its mind after the federal bureau?

No independent expert can approach the service, since there is no independent ITU by law - the license is given only to federal agencies. Therefore, no matter how objective and fair the opinion of an independent expert is, it will not affect the change in the decision of the federal institution ITU.

- The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation proposes to consider “ITU errors from the point of view of the Criminal Code of Russia” and gives examples of corruption in the Ulyanovsk and Volgograd regions ...

- And there is corruption, and, unfortunately, the regions have their own rates. I'll probably put up tariffs for the card soon - there are a lot of complaints from people with disabilities. I remember when I was first told that in Vorkuta the II disability group costs 450 thousand rubles, I did not believe it. And then people confirmed. In the same Vorkuta, a surgeon was caught red-handed. It is especially scary when they extort money from real people with disabilities. Alas, this is also part of the system. It needs to be changed, but I no longer believe the talk about the reorganization of the ITU. Three years ago, this question was already raised, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation was asked to calculate how much the reforms would cost. They counted a lot, wrote a lot and did not offer anything specific.

No reorganization of the ITU at this stage will be able to solve the problem. Examples are the largest regions, such as the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov-on-Don. The leaders were removed a few years ago, and on the ground the specialists of the primary bureaus both worked and continue to work. Nothing has changed in the service. The monopoly was and remains.

I believe that the determination of disability groups can be carried out by the medical commission of a medical organization on the proposal of the attending physician on the basis of the data of the primary medical documentation, without filling out a referral to the ITU. Currently, the attending physician presents to the medical commission a patient with temporary disability, a disabled person with a deterioration in condition for the purpose of prescribing and correcting treatment, therapeutic and diagnostic measures. Therefore, the chairman of the commission is usually aware of the peculiarities of the course of the disease of such patients. And the specialists of the ITU bureau determine the disability group without knowing anything about the patient (if we are not talking about re-examination) and rely only on the submitted medical documents and a single examination of the patient within a few minutes.

I consider it expedient to abolish the ITU service, and entrust the conduct of the ITU to the medical commissions of healthcare organizations, especially since the medical commission currently performs most of the functions to one degree or another. The reform will require a change in the procedure for medical institutions to conduct an examination of disability, a revision of the functional duties of medical commissions of primary care medical organizations. On the other hand, it will make it possible to shorten the route of movement of citizens with disabilities, simplify the examination procedure, improve the quality and expand the volume of medical and social rehabilitation services provided to the disabled.

The liquidation of the ITU service by transferring its functions to medical commissions of medical organizations will allow:

reduce social tension among the disabled and citizens who are initially sent to the ITU (the long procedure for filling out referrals to the ITU and subsequent examination at the bureau will be excluded);

reduce federal budget expenditures on the maintenance of the ITU service;

reduce the burden on specialists of the medical commission and doctors of a medical organization by eliminating the need to fill out a referral to the ITU;

increase the availability of expertise for the population, because medical commissions exist in all medical organizations, while the ITU bureau is created at the rate of 1 bureau for 90,000 people, and citizens of small settlements are forced to travel considerable distances at their own expense to get to the ITU bureau;

eliminate the corruption component on the part of the ITU bureau specialists;

to legislate an independent ITU.

  • no later than 2 years after the initial recognition as a disabled person (establishment of the category "disabled child") of a citizen who has diseases, defects, irreversible morphological changes, dysfunctions of organs and body systems according to the list according to the appendix;
  • no later than 4 years after the initial recognition of a citizen as a disabled person (establishment of the category "disabled child") in the event that it is impossible to eliminate or reduce the degree of limitation of the citizen's life activity caused by persistent irreversible morphological changes, defects and dysfunctions of the organs and systems of the body during the implementation of rehabilitation measures ( with the exception of those specified in the appendix to these Rules).

Medical and social expertise ->

Re-examination of a disabled person before the established deadlines, as well as re-examination of a citizen whose disability has been established indefinitely, is carried out at his personal application (application of his legal representative), or at the direction of an organization providing medical and preventive care, in connection with a change in his state of health. Or in the implementation of the Main Bureau of control over the decision taken by the corresponding branch of the bureau.

The list of documents required for MSEC when registering a disability

Documents that are drawn up by the attending physician are called messengers. They should record the state of health at the time of treatment, the results of tests, as well as the necessary funds for rehabilitation. In particular, to rehabilitation facilities include a wheelchair, special orthopedic shoes, diapers or walkers, a hearing aid or spa treatment, and so on. In addition, a referral form for the passage of the ITU commission is issued, which is certified by the seal of the hospital or medical institution, and also has the signature of three doctors.

Medical and Social Commission on Disability

You should mentally prepare for the fact that in the end, the disability commission for children or adults will not make the decision that you would like. You should not rely too much on the opinions of some medical doctors, who often allow themselves to simply share their opinion with clients about the fact that they are entitled to a certain disability group. Few people know that this is actually one of the most common causes of conflict situations that appear in the process of announcing the decision made by the disability medical commission.

Disability registration procedure: all the nuances of the issue

But one has to overcome the barrier of one's own inferiority and documentally seek the assignment of disability in order to be entitled to preferential medical services, increased pensions and additional social benefits in the future. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of disability registration.

Registration of disability

Registration of disability is a rather lengthy and difficult process, since you will not only have to collect all the necessary documents, but also be able to defend your legal rights. Most likely, you will have to face the reluctance of medical workers to help in this difficult matter, but it should be clearly understood that this is their direct responsibility. If the state of health requires it, then it is simply necessary to overcome all obstacles.

How to pass the ITU (VTEC): the algorithm for passing the disability commission

Such a replacement was logical, since in this case the issue is not only about persons who have lost their ability to work, but also minors with disabilities who have not entered the working age. This also applies to those disabled due to congenital or acquired at an early age disorders belonging to the category of "disabled since childhood".

Disability: disability groups, how to apply for (receive) disability

4) Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the transition of the examination system to the international classification of functioning to determine the degree of health impairment in points, and not to determine groups. Will this apply to those who have already received a disability? Will I need to re-certify?

It is now more difficult to become disabled: new standards of medical and social expertise

And few people know that a person has the right to additional passage of specialists - after all, there may not be a specialist of a certain profile in the commission. For example, a person with a genetic disease comes to the commission, but there is no geneticist on the commission. But how can something be decided in this case without genetics?

Required information about disability registration

To receive a disability group after a stroke, it is necessary to undergo an additional outpatient examination. A bedridden person can undergo such an examination in a hospital. Usually, the attending physician, for an objective assessment of the condition after a stroke, directs the patient to undergo an REG, ECG, EEG; MRI or CT of the brain, he needs to make an x-ray of the skull and, possibly, the cervical spine, ultrasound of blood vessels and other studies. The results obtained are necessarily recorded in the outpatient card.

ITU Medical and Social Commission on Disability (MTEC)

The medical commission for the establishment of disability no later than 30 days (calendar) from the date of submission of documents and application is obliged to conduct an examination and decide on the appointment of one of the 3 degrees of disability or submit a refusal to assign the status of a disabled person in writing.

Medical and social expertise - step-by-step instructions for conducting ITU useful tips in case of refusal to conduct an expertise

The doctor will record everything you need in the medical record and write out a referral for examination. After that, you will be assigned a hospital examination. Do not hide your illnesses and injuries during its passage. You need to communicate with doctors, tell them in detail why you have this or that disease.

How to get a disability

The disability group is established on the basis of classifications and criteria that determine the main types of violations of the functions of the human body due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, and the degree of their severity, the main categories of human life and the severity of the limitations of these categories, as well as the conditions for establishing disability groups (categories " disabled child”), described in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1013n dated December 23, 2009 “On approval of the classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal state institutions of medical and social examination”.

How to apply for disability? Disability pension: documents

  • absence of one eye and stable complete ptosis;
  • blindness in one eye;
  • bilateral deafness;
  • persistent tracheostomy and aphonia of organic origin;
  • stenosis of the larynx of the second or third degree;
  • defect of the jaw or palate;
  • scars and defects distorting the face;
  • pituitary dwarfism;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • osteochondrodystrophy;
  • moderate sensory aphasia;
  • paralysis of one hand or severe paresis of the limbs;
  • foreign bodies in the brain;
  • significant defect of the cranial bones;
  • absence of a hand or fingers;
  • stump of the lower leg, thigh or foot;
  • pronounced contracture or ankylosis of the ankle, knee or hip joints;
  • acquired or congenital dislocation of the hip joint;
  • chest deformities;
  • instability of the hip or knee joints;
  • shortening of the lower limbs;
  • joint endoprosthesis;
  • scoliosis;
  • ankylosis and contracture of the elbow joint;
  • ischemic contracture of the forearm;
  • extirpation of the stomach;
  • total caloproctectomy;
  • pancreatectomy with diabetes mellitus;
  • total thyroidectomy;
  • foreign bodies in the heart muscle;
  • artificial heart valve;
  • absence of a kidney or lung;
  • unilateral mastectomy.

How to pass the ITU commission (VTEK) to get a group: a step-by-step algorithm and a list of questions

At the same time, documents for appeal must be brought to the office where you have already been examined. It is it itself that is forced to transfer the applications of dissatisfied citizens to higher authorities within no more than three days. The last body to which you can turn in such proceedings, and the decision of which is no longer subject to appeal, is the court.

The state has created a whole system of assistance for the social protection of those people who have persistent health disorders, injuries, cannot work, have limited opportunities for socialization. Its goal is to reduce the distance between a sick person and society. It consists of several components:

ITU - what is it

To resolve some of these issues in relation to each specific person requiring state support, they created a medical and social expertise (MSE). Strictly speaking, ITU is a state examination designed to resolve the issue of establishing disability for a particular person.

Among the main tasks of the MSE is to determine the degree of damage to the basic functions of the body of a particular person, identify possible ways of rehabilitation, and legally recognize him as a disabled person.

ITU structure

For each specific person who needs to establish a disability, an examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. They are branches of the Main Bureaus located in the regions.

There are city and district branches of the Main Bureaus, where you should come with a referral and documents. A disabled person can apply to the ITU at the place of residence (this may be the place of his stay) or at the location (if he left the Russian Federation). For example, to conduct ITU Moscow, one should contact one of the 95 branches of the ITU GB in Moscow (their addresses are posted on the official website of the Head Office).

In case of disagreement with the decision of the local branch, a person (or his guardian) can appeal it to the Head Office, as a rule, these are regional structures. Then the examination will be carried out here (in our example, it will be the ITU Headquarters for Moscow).

The main structure is the Federal Bureau of ITU. In difficult situations, in case of disagreement with the decision of the Head Body, the examination is carried out here, its decision can be appealed in court.

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise is subordinate to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Tasks and powers

One of the main functions of the ITU is the establishment of a disability group. This procedure is an actual general assessment of the state of health of the person who applied to the bureau.

To conduct an examination of persons with various diseases, special expert groups have been created:

  • mixed profile groups will examine patients with common diseases;
  • special groups are created to consider issues on persons aged 18-1 years.

And also specialized groups have been created for examination:

  • tuberculosis patients;
  • persons with mental disorders;
  • suffering from visual impairment.

The examination will be carried out by an expert group, depending on the disease that the patient has.

When passing the ITU, the issue of rehabilitation is also resolved and an individual rehabilitation program (IPR) is issued (or adjusted).

Place of examination

At the same time, in accordance with the Rules for Recognizing a Person as a Disabled Person (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95), an examination is possible:

On disability groups and criteria for their establishment

The ITU survey implies the definition of a disability group (its extension) or the refusal to establish it. All and also there is a category "disabled child". Bureau ITU disability can be established for 1 or 2 years, for 5 years and for life (this is determined by the relevant criteria of the Rules).

The specification of groups has a detailed list of health disorders of the examined person. These criteria underlie the establishment of a disability group by an examination.

For example, when persistent moderate violations lead to a decrease in the ability to perform previously habitual professional duties or to a decrease in the volume or intensity of work, and also cause an inability to continue activities in the main profession, but at the same time it remains possible for a person to perform duties of a lower qualification under standard conditions. This indicates the presence of 1 degree of limitation of the main categories of life, there are grounds for assigning a III group of disability.

If there are persistently expressed disorders of body functions that require special adaptations or the creation of specific working conditions for the performance of labor activity, any special technical equipment. funds or assistance from outsiders, they qualify as the second degree of restriction. In this case, the second group of disability is assigned.

When fixing persistently expressed health disorders, leading to the impossibility (even contraindications) of labor activity or unconditional inability to it, there is a 3rd degree. These are signs of the I group of disability.

The appointment of the group depends on the general health of the person undergoing the examination. It takes into account very many factors that limit the basic categories of life. Among them will be his ability to self-care, orientation, communication, movement, self-control and learning (which is very important for children and young people).

When all these factors are taken into account, a group will be established. The criteria themselves are approved specifically for each group and have uniform, very clear recommendations for all ITU branches in Russia.

About the possible purposes of the examination

In addition to the main goal - the maximum adaptation of a disabled person to society - the ITU also pursues more specific goals. These should include:

  • identification of a person with a disability group (category "disabled child");
  • determination of the degree of loss of professional skills and ability to work;
  • development (or its correction);
  • development (or its correction) of the program of rehabilitation of the victim.

And also the commission can be held in order to establish:

  • stages of loss of professional skills due to occupational disease or accident at work;
  • the need for extraneous care of a close relative, a citizen undergoing military service;
  • signs of a persistent health disorder for police officers and other structures.

How to get a referral

To pass the examination, you need to get a referral (to the patient himself or his guardian). This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Contact a medical institution of healthcare of the Russian Federation , where the person requiring examination is observed or treated.
  2. Apply to the branch of the Pension Fund. Here you will need to submit the necessary medical documents certifying the disease, injury or disability.
  3. Come with an appeal to the social protection authorities, and there must be signs of a person's life restriction and his need for social protection.

The medical institution issues a referral in the form No. 088 / y-06. In which there will be information about the state of health of the person being sent and the restorative possibilities of his health, about the rehabilitation measures taken, their results and, necessarily, the purpose for which the person is sent to the ITU (disability and group are not indicated in it).

The social protection authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation issue a referral in the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2006 No. 874, which contains information about the signs of limited life activity (as a rule, on the basis of a fact established by them) and the need for social protection, the purpose of the referral.

If a person was denied a referral by all of the listed institutions, he has the right to appeal directly to the ITU branches .

What other documents are required for examination

Documents are attached to the received direction. Their list will depend on the purpose for which the referral is issued. And it can be obtained along with the referral.

Common to all types of expertise will be:

  • a written application for an examination from a person who needs it;
  • a document proving the identity of the disabled person and his guardian (if any). For children under 14, documents of one of the parents are required;
  • medical certificate confirming health disorders.

You will most likely need the following documents:

Who are legal representatives

In a number of cases, a person who requires the establishment of a disability, due to his illness, cannot be fully responsible for his actions or is physically unable to collect certificates and go to the authorities. This will be the basis for their interests to be represented by legal representatives. They can be parents, children, other relatives, spouses or strangers who are guardians of a disabled person (in this case, a guardianship decision will be required).

When examining children under 14 years of age and adolescents under 18, their parents will be their legal representatives. The law provides for their mandatory participation in the process (the examination is not carried out without them). If the child does not have parents, they are replaced by guardians.

In all these cases, legal representatives for ITU are an important part of the process. They must submit documents that certify kinship or marriage, and can carry out a number of actions for the patient. So, they collect the necessary certificates, bring the patient for examination, organize the departure of the commission home, if it is impossible to deliver it. In fact, they represent the interests of their ward at the ITU.

About results

A protocol is kept during the examination. Then an inspection report is drawn up, which consists of 2 parts. It is kept for 10 years. On the hands of the person in respect of whom the examination was carried out, they issue:

  • Help. It indicates the group of disability, the reason and the period for which the disability was established, there must be a link to the examination certificate and its details.
  • Individual rehabilitation program.

An extract from the act, which must be drawn up, is sent to the regional branch of the Pension Fund no later than 3 days.

If a person does not agree with the results of the examination, it is necessary to write an application to the same regional or head office no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the certificate. The period during which the re-examination must take place is 1 month.

In case of disagreement with the conclusions of the commission, you can also apply to the court.

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