Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dental prosthetics. Free dentures for pensioners

And other groups of citizens have some benefits, including medical ones. A very common need for people of retirement age is the need to install dentures. This dental service in Russia can be provided with some discount or even completely free of charge.

List of given persons established by the Federal Law "On Social Protection of the Population", but the individual region itself determines the procedure for obtaining benefits, the conditions and terms are prescribed by regional legislation.

Sometimes the service can be provided to the patient out of turn, and there are also situations when the local budget is ready to pay for prosthetics in full.

Who is entitled to this assistance from the state

A denture is made and inserted in Russia in every clinic, even in the state, even in private, only on a paid basis.

Restoring a damaged jaw in the modern world is quite expensive, not everyone can afford this medical procedure, and even at such a high price. Therefore, the state, after analyzing the socio-economic factors, decided to provide some categories of citizens with benefits for equipping dentures.

priority list applicants looks like this:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • persons with 1 or 2 disability groups;
  • old-age pensioners who no longer work;
  • who have not reached the age of 18.

There is also second order queue where the following persons are:

  • participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl;
  • with income lower in a particular region by 2 times;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military pensioners;
  • lined up before 2005.

This is with regard to the general list of beneficiaries, and full funding from the budget:

  • veterans and disabled veterans of the Second World War, as well as;
  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people with a documented group;
  • citizens;

Terms of Service

This privilege in a particular territorial body of social protection is assigned in its own way: somewhere the list is expanded with additional items, and in some regions it is reduced, often by force, depending on the state of the budget. And in some subjects of the Russian Federation, this program is not provided at all.

For example, in the Krasnodar Territory For pensioners, the state reimburses only 50% of the cost of the operation to install the prosthesis. St. Petersburg is ready to pay for prosthetics to the widows of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And in the legislation Kamchatka all members of the family where a disabled child is brought up are added to the standard list. AT Moscow region a pensioner is entitled to a benefit only if he is not employed.

Preferential prosthetics for certain categories of citizens in Russia are provided only by state dental clinics. Sometimes in some private institutions such a service is provided, but in each case it is necessary to specify separately. As a rule, this implies a discount for a paid service in the amount established by the contractor.

The documents

To join the queue for free prosthetics, you must contact the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

There must be provided the following documents:

If it is necessary to register a citizen who is not able to move independently, then either the next of kin, or trustees, or social workers can deal with all cases.

Procedure Implementation Mechanism looks like that:

  1. The pensioner receives a coupon and is sent to a designated clinic within a month to provide the service.
  2. For prosthetics, materials are used that were financed from the local budget.
  3. If a pensioner is allergic to the prescribed medications and materials, then he can pay the difference in the cost between the necessary and provided consumables.
  4. The dental structure has a one-year warranty, that is, if any malfunction of the prosthesis occurs during this period, it will be repaired or replaced. For this procedure, the first priority is provided. No additional payments will be required if it is proved that only the dental clinic is to blame for the breakdown. Each case is evaluated by a special committee.

Types of services under the program

You can use the state service for free dental prosthetics once every five years.

After this period and the repeated need for the operation, you need to re-join the queue.

In addition to prosthetics, labor veterans entitled to count for other free dental services:

Not provided free provision of the following services:

  • installation of prostheses made of metal ceramics and ceramics;
  • dental implantation;
  • manufacturing, installation and maintenance of prostheses made of precious and other expensive metals;
  • manufacture or repair of orthodontic appliances for the treatment of periodontal disease and the prevention of intense tooth decay.

Queue issues

In addition to order, there are also additional factors, promoting veterans of labor, pensioners and disabled people to the beginning of the existing queue:

Compensation for dental prosthetics is possible according to the conditions, for this you need to regularly pay to the budget. Moreover, the need to install a prosthesis must be confirmed.

Benefits for dental prosthetics and the establishment of special structures greatly facilitate the life of pensioners, because the oral cavity must be in order. The state of many internal organs depends on it, not to mention the aesthetic component. State protection of certain categories of citizens is a guarantee of the provision of certain necessary services to the population.

The rules for providing this service to privileged categories of the population are described in the following video:

Dental diseases are a concern for almost every elderly person. In addition to the fact that dental diseases lead to an aesthetic problem, they provoke a deterioration in health and well-being. When a person cannot fully chew food, the functioning of his digestive system becomes difficult, which causes a number of concomitant diseases. Modern medicine has learned to deal with this problem with the help of high-quality dental prosthetics. But, unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of much-needed medical care, because the prices for dental services are unaffordable for ordinary pensioners. Realizing this, the state took on part of the cost of prosthetics for certain categories of pensioners.

In which clinics can you get dentures for free in 2019?

Full or partial dentures are provided exclusively in public clinics. The state cannot oblige private dental institutions to provide pensioners with special benefits and conditions. However, many private clinics offer additional discounts to their clients who have already taken a well-deserved rest. But, as a rule, the size of these discounts is insignificant.

Who can benefit from free prosthetics?

Features and nuances of benefits in the form of free dental prosthetics are determined by regional legislation. According to the general rules, the following categories of pensioners can count on free dentures in 2019:

  • war veterans and invalids;
  • disability pensioners (including disabled children);
  • persons affected by the Chernobyl disaster;
  • labor veterans;
  • non-working pensioners by age.

The authorities of each region of the country have the right to independently supplement their list of beneficiaries.

In addition to belonging to one or another category, in order to receive free prostheses, a pensioner must also meet the following conditions:

  • stand in line for free prosthetics;
  • receive EDV;
  • have an income below that established in the region.

How to take advantage of free dentures?

You can find out if a pensioner is entitled to preferential prosthetics in the local social security. Social security staff will also explain the procedure for contacting a prosthetist. As a rule, the benefit is provided in three types:

  • 100% discount on prosthetic services;
  • 50% discount on prosthetist services;
  • payment for dentures.

Since the number of beneficiaries wishing to use this benefit exceeds the capacity of the state, free dental prosthetics are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and only for medical reasons. Out of turn, you can only visit a dentist for those for whom prosthetics is a vital measure. As a rule, this applies to people suffering from oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, severe maxillofacial diseases, as well as to victims of serious injuries.

Please note that the discount does not apply to expensive materials. But if a pensioner wants to install high-quality prostheses, he can independently pay the difference in the cost of preferential and expensive materials.

Benefit in the form of dental prosthetics is provided once every five years. The guarantee for dentures is usually 1 year.

Refund of 13% of the cost of medical care

If the queue for preferential dentures in the region is too long, and the pensioner decided to pay for dental services on his own, he can return 13% of the amount spent. To do this, before paying for prosthetics, it is necessary to draw up an agreement for an officially working relative, so that after a year he will receive 13% of the amount paid for the manufacture of prostheses.

Free prosthetics in the state dental clinic is provided to beneficiaries. Disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War (in the first place), labor veterans (in order of priority) with the appropriate status, as well as disabled children of groups 1 (first), 2 and 3 who have not reached the age of majority are entitled to preferential prosthetics of teeth. But non-working pensioners and the poor receive benefits in a different order.

For veterans of labor, the Second World War and the disabled, dental prosthetics can be carried out out of turn, other groups of citizens are registered in a state clinic and wait an average of several months.

If you do everything right, collect all the necessary documents and write an application, then preferential prosthetics for labor veterans and disabled people of groups 1, 2, and in some regions of group 3 will be faster.

How do I get free dental treatment, and who else gets prosthetic restoration benefits?

Who is entitled to benefits

Free or partially unpaid restoration of teeth is due to the following groups of citizens:

  • pensioners unemployed due to old age;
  • out of turn for veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • in order of priority to veterans of labor with the corresponding status;
  • disabled people of 1, 2, 3 groups (children);
  • persons whose subsistence minimum is half the minimum;
  • persons liquidating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • home front workers.

In different regions, preferential prosthetics and dental therapy may be provided to other groups of citizens.

Preferential prosthetics (or partially unpaid) of teeth for non-working pensioners is carried out by decision of the regional authorities. This service can be used not in every region of the Russian Federation. In order to make sure that such services are provided to veterans of labor and for disabled people of groups 1, 2, it is necessary to contact local government bodies for information.

If preferential dentures are carried out in this region, it is necessary to send an application to the (regional) social protection authorities. These services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and there are two in total.

The first to carry out preferential orthopedic rehabilitation for Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as for disabled children and Heroes of the Soviet Union. The following include old-age pensioners, disabled people of groups 1, 2, as well as labor veterans. There is also an extraordinary preferential or partially free dental prosthetics.

Queue order

Out of turn, dental treatment is provided to labor veterans, disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, pensioners in such cases:

  • malignant pathologies of the digestive system;
  • oncology of hematopoietic organs;
  • transferring a major operation on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe facial trauma with jaw deformity;
  • malignant formation of the maxillofacial system.

How to get free treatment

To receive the opportunity for free dental treatment for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, labor veterans and other persons with benefits, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • original passport;
  • a written application to the social security authorities;
  • document on the composition of the family;
  • additionally - a compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • a document indicating the need for dentures;
  • pensioner's ID.

For a child, you must have a passport of one parent and a birth certificate is required. Close relatives, guardians, social workers can apply for a beneficiary to the social protection service.

Free dental treatment

The list of preferential services for labor veterans and disabled people in the state dental clinic:

  • consultation and examination of the oral cavity;
  • , removal of solid deposits;
  • treatment of carious and non-carious diseases, pathology of the mucous membrane;
  • surgical removal of tumors in the maxillofacial region;
  • replacement of low-quality fillings, refilling of root canals;
  • installation of an orthopedic structure.

Benefits do not apply to the following services:

  • production and fixation of ceramic-metal and porcelain dentures;
  • implantation, treatment after fixation of implants;
  • repair of expensive orthopedic structures;
  • repair of structures that are indicated for the treatment of periodontal tissues.

The patient receives only the denture for which the funds were allocated. You can choose the material and type yourself only for your own money, after which the installation will be free of charge (depending on the region).

Each service has exceptions. For example, cermets can be installed in people with allergic reactions or severe pathologies of the digestive system, the stomach in particular.

Low-income citizens also get the opportunity to offset the costs or receive completely free dentures. A special coupon is issued for dental services, it can be used within a month. The installed orthopedic structure is guaranteed for a year.

Each region has a different procedure for the provision of public services, for detailed information, you need to go to the authorities.

To receive benefits, veterans of labor must obtain the appropriate status. Documents are drawn up in the social security service within a month. After a positive decision and obtaining a certificate, you can choose the appropriate benefits and draw up documents for them.

Dental prosthetics can be compensated under the terms of the tax deduction. All taxpayers can benefit from this. To do this, it is necessary that dental prosthetics be really necessary.

Over the years, they occur more and more often and in many cases lead to a violation of the integrity of the dentition. Loss of teeth leads not only to complexes that can occur at any age, but also to diseases of the digestive system, since the chewing process is significantly impaired. Therefore, it is necessary to perform dental prosthetics for pensioners in a timely manner.


The methods of prosthetics for older people have their own characteristics. This is due to the general condition of the body, age-related changes in the oral cavity and the financial capabilities of elderly patients, whose only income, as a rule, is a pension.

Pensioners in most cases have chronic diseases, suffer from high blood pressure, angina pectoris. These problems are taken into account when choosing a treatment method to use minimally invasive techniques that cannot be hazardous to health at this age.

Dentists are often visited by older people who are missing most or all of their teeth. In such situations, the choice of method is limited, since many types of prostheses require attachment points in the oral cavity.

The financial possibilities of the elderly are limited, so expensive dentures are not available to everyone. Also, not all methods of treatment are included in the list of dental services that are subject to compensation from the state for socially unprotected segments of the population.

Types of prostheses and their features

Consider the types of dentures, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages for older people. This information will help pensioners decide on a specific technique.


This is the most common type of prosthetics and is often used for patients of all ages. If the root of the tooth is in a healthy state, and the visible part cannot be restored, then the crown is the best way to replace the defect.

The method is non-invasive, practically has no contraindications. Even people with chronic diseases can benefit from it. Correctly installed crowns will last for many years, do not cause discomfort and allow you to restore chewing function.

Today, the choice of types of crowns is large, made of different materials, which differ in appearance, strength and price. A patient with any income level can choose the type of prosthetics.


This type of prosthetics is also popular. The bridge consists of several connected crowns and replaces one or a row of missing teeth. To install bridges, two support currents are required along the edges of the defect. With end defects of the dentition, this tactic is not applicable.

Installation is no different from working with crowns. You can choose a material that suits the price, type and performance.


There is an opinion that it is not recommended for people of retirement age. However, pensioners are the main group of patients for whom implantation is indicated. The method was originally developed because it is at an older age that the problem of losing teeth becomes more urgent than ever. The fear of patients is often due to the fact that the process itself is long, associated with damage to soft tissues and bone structures. The state of health of aged patients does not always allow for surgery and rehabilitation period. Secondly, the structure of the bone changes with age, and with a long absence of teeth, its atrophy develops. And thirdly, with a slowdown in metabolism in tissues, unfavorable conditions for engraftment are created. However, statistical studies show that in pensioners the engraftment of the implant occurs in the same way as in young patients, due to the normalization of the bone structure.

In most cases, people of retirement age who have lost all their teeth can be offered implantation according to the system. It is designed for such patients and allows you to successfully perform prosthetics even with significantly pronounced atrophy of the alveolar process.

The only disadvantage of implantation is the relatively high price. Most pensioners think that the amount that will have to be spent on prosthetics in this way will not fit into the budget. In fact, this method is more accessible than is commonly thought.

If the patient expresses a desire to install implants, he must undergo a comprehensive examination, on the basis of which the doctor will determine whether implantation is possible.

Clasp prostheses

The technique allows you to replace both single and multiple defects in the dentition. strong and durable, since its base is a metal arc. Fastening is carried out by special hooks, so artificial teeth are installed in the oral cavity. The appearance of such prostheses is natural, which, along with functionality, allows you to get a good cosmetic effect.

The prices for clasp prostheses are average, so many people of retirement age can afford such treatment. The service life of such structures is quite long, so after 1-2 years you will not have to carry out prosthetics again.

Clasp prostheses have their limitations. To fix them, you need the presence of teeth in the oral cavity, which can act as fulcrum. If there are none, you will have to choose a different method of prosthetics.

Removable acrylic dentures

This method of prosthetics has practically no contraindications, is non-invasive, the procedure is painless. Such structures can be installed even for elderly people with serious health problems. The complete absence of teeth is not an obstacle to the use of such prostheses, since they perfectly follow the shape of the oral cavity, which ensures good adhesion.

Acrylic prostheses are durable and easy to use After getting used to, patients do not feel discomfort, the chewing process and sound pronunciation are not disturbed. For a more secure fixation, you can use special creams, which prevents even minimal inconvenience.

Acrylic dentures are cheaper, so almost every pensioner can install such a design.

Nylon prostheses

These designs are similar to acrylic, but are more flexible. This is an alternative for people with sensitive mucous membranes and a tendency to allergies. With intolerance to acrylic prostheses, nylon is the best way to prosthetics. The disadvantages include frequent deformation. But if you do not chew solid food, then such a jaw will last a long time.

Where to perform dental prosthetics for pensioners in Moscow

Many patients turn to public clinics, where they are provided with a minimum list of free services. But the quality of treatment in many clinics leaves much to be desired, and a long queue for prosthetics can drag out the process for many months.

If you wish, you can contact private dentistry and choose an affordable method for restoring the dentition. Many clinics provide for pensioners, so everyone has the opportunity to be treated in such institutions.

The older the person, the more health problems he has, including the oral cavity. But today, dental prosthetics are available for pensioners: both free of charge and so on benefits. This opens up opportunities for older people to use the services they need at a profitable system without spending extra money.

Of course, the installation of dentures for pensioners has its own characteristics, and the choice of free options is too limited. But for a person who cannot afford much on a small pension, this is also valuable.

Features of dental prosthetics for pensioners

The state has thought over a certain program, according to which the installation of prostheses is provided at the expense of preferential conditions. It provides that by standing in line at a regular district dentistry, older people can use some of the services of doctors either completely free of charge or at significantly reduced prices.

However, there are certain conditions, such as a limited selection of available options. The state makes it possible to use only acrylic removable dentures, which have the lowest cost. The installation of nylon structures can only be used by those who are allergic to acrylic. More expensive and high-quality prostheses are not provided free of charge at all.

In addition, you can count on a little help from the state in terms of compensating for part of the cost of prosthetics in some cases. But it is important to consider that each city or region has its own rules for forming a queue, the size and method of reimbursement, available prostheses and clinics. Therefore, it is necessary in each individual case to clarify how the system works and what are the conditions in your particular situation.

Who is entitled to benefits?

To begin with, let's figure out who can generally claim a refund or discount in terms of dental services. You can count on a full free service:

  • disabled people of all categories;
  • labor veterans;
  • military, retired and not working;
  • participants in various military operations.

In some regions, you can get compensation or free dental services not only for people with disabilities, but also, for example, for all family members with a child with a disability. Sometimes the queue consists of all beneficiaries in a row, while in other cities it is formed for each category separately.

What documents are needed and how to get benefits?

Having applied for help in terms of free prosthetics, a person gets in line. He can use the desired services only when his time is right. At the same time, it is necessary to collect a number of documents, without which it is impossible to count on free service.

  1. A statement of a certain sample is drawn up.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. An income statement, most often a statement of the amount of a pension.
  4. Documents confirming the place of registration and residence.
  5. A referral from a doctor confirming the need for prosthetics.
  6. Retiree certificate.
  7. Insurance policy or other document on health insurance.

Free dental prosthetics for pensioners

Despite the fact that the free program is provided only for implementation in public dentistry, nevertheless, a person can count on the high quality of the procedure and design. We list which dentures are put free of charge, as well as other services provided on similar conditions:

  • initial consultation with a dentist;
  • treatment of caries of any complexity and neglect;
  • removal of dental units, as well as cleaning the canals;
  • plaque elimination;
  • all types of prosthesis repair;
  • installation and production of crowns.

Who is entitled to preferential and free dentures

The topic of preferential prosthetics is relevant for those regions of the country that do not have enough money to pay for the service in full. In such conditions, the state reimburses only half of the funds spent on the manufacture and installation of dentures.

The issue of the possibility of providing free prosthetics is decided by the local regional authorities. In order to find out if the service is available in the city of residence, the pensioner should visit the regional governments at the place of residence.

According to the legislation on social protection, the following categories have the right to preferential or free prosthetics (depending on the region):

In order to receive a benefit, belonging to one of these categories is not enough - you must also fulfill at least one of the conditions:

  • stand in line for free dental prosthetics;
  • receive EDV (in addition to pension);
  • have a net income twice as low as the subsistence level.

According to the law, citizens of Russia can use the benefit provided by the state no more than once every five years.

How to use the service in St. Petersburg?

Obviously, it is impossible to pay for dental prosthetics to all beneficiaries at the same time, so each region of the country has its own queue. In St. Petersburg, it is distributed as follows:

Other categories of beneficiaries follow below. Those who took part in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are provided with a 50% discount on the price for the manufacture and repair of orthopedic products.

When applying in person, the applicant must provide the following list of documents:

In the case of a representative from the applicant, you will additionally need:

After receiving all the necessary documents, the Department of Social Protection of the Population makes one of two decisions:

  • gives the applicant a referral for free (preferential) dental prosthetics;
  • issues a notice of refusal to provide the service to the applicant.

In case of moving to another area of ​​the city, the right to receive the service and place in the queue are preserved.

How to bypass the queue for pensioners?

You can use the service out of turn in the following cases:

    the patient has an oncological disease in the area of ​​​​the face and mouth;

  • oncology of the digestive system of the beneficiary;
  • malignant disease of the patient's circulatory system;
  • previous complex operation on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • defects in the dentition as a result of serious injuries.

If the patient does not have time to wait for his turn, you should contact a paid clinic. All documents on payment for services must be issued to a working family member, after which he will be able to receive a special certificate that allows him to return 13% of the cost of dental services in the future.

How to return a tax deduction for treatment (personal income tax), see this video:

Types of free dental services under the CHI policy

You can use free dental services in Russia under the CHI policy. It gives a guarantee that the cost of dental services will be reimbursed by the insurance company to which the policy was issued.

Despite the fact that orthopedics and prosthetics are not included in the program, pensioners and other previously listed categories of citizens are entitled to receive free orthopedic care under the policy.

The insurance company provides all the information regarding the full range of services available on a budgetary basis. As a rule, among them:

What does the free prosthetics service include?

Dental prosthetics with a 50% discount or free of charge involves the manufacture, installation and repair of orthopedic products. At the same time, the quality of the drugs and materials used often suffers.

As part of the program, do not count on:

The patient retains the right to independently pay for expensive material and services for the installation of structures, i.e. the difference between the actual and estimated cost. The allowance will apply to the remaining amount.

How to apply for a service to a pensioner?

In order to apply for a free (preferential) service, you must first obtain a medical certificate confirming the need to install dentures.

At the next stage, the pensioner needs to contact the local social protection authorities with the following package of documents:

  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificates from the place of work of all family members who have reached the age of majority; certificates of the amount of other material payments;

  • birth certificates of minors (if any) and parent's passport;
  • applicant's passport;
  • pension certificate (if any);
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • certificate from the place of registration;
  • medical policy.

In a few days, you will be able to find out about your place in the queue in the same bodies.

Unfortunately, the pensioner does not have the right to choose the institution in which prosthetics will be carried out. As a rule, these are public clinics that have everything necessary for the procedure.

Prosthetics for low-income pensioners

The country does not have a unified federal program that reflects the conditions and rules for the provision of orthopedic services to low-income pensioners. In each region they are individual. As mentioned earlier, to obtain all the necessary information, you should contact the local authorities of the Social Protection of the Population.

The relevant authorities will acquaint you with a list of local medical institutions providing such services and a list of documents required for the provision. As a rule, this is:

Thus, the current system of free (full or partial) prosthetics for pensioners in the country allows elderly people to solve problems with their teeth, while saving their own money.

Free dental prosthetics can be done at the orthopedist of the nearest dental clinic if you are:

  • WWII veteran;
  • Non-working pensioner by age;
  • labor veteran;
  • You have a disability.

This is a general list of beneficiaries, which can be expanded depending on the region of residence. For example, in the Leningrad Region, citizens who survived the blockade, spouses of deceased veterans of the Second World War, and in the Kamchatka Territory, families raising a disabled child are also subject to the law on free dental prosthetics.

How to get the service for free

Your need for dental prosthetics must be confirmed at the state clinic by issuing an appropriate certificate. With this help, as well as:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension certificate;
  • statement;
  • a valid CHI policy;
  • certificate of income (the amount of pension and EDV),

it is necessary to apply to the social protection authorities at the place of residence: in person, through a legal representative or by mail. In case of a positive answer, you will be put on a waiting list and given a coupon, according to which, for 2 weeks to 6 months (which also depends on regional legislation), free prosthetics will be performed.

Tax deduction for dental prosthetics for pensioners

Another benefit that older people can take advantage of is a tax deduction. That is, the state is ready to compensate 13% of the funds spent on prosthetics (and not necessarily in state dentistry) if you:

  1. You are a working pensioner, spouse or parent of an officially employed citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. They made prosthetics of teeth for an amount not exceeding the total annual income according to the provided certificate.

The tax deduction is returned by the Federal Tax Service to the settlement account opened in a branch of any bank at the end of the tax period, namely at the beginning of the new year.

Types of prostheses and which is better to choose

Let's say right away that the free prosthesis provided by the state is an inexpensive removable acrylic construction, domestically produced, which is attached to the sky with a gel and removed at night. The manufacture and installation of soft imported prostheses (for example, the Quadrotti, Akri-Free brands) is carried out only in private dentistry. The same situation is with metal-ceramic crowns and bridges.

acrylic dentures

Budget acrylic prostheses are made from acrylic acid-based plastics. They are durable, wear-resistant, but due to the porous structure of acrylic, they strongly absorb moisture and food odors.

Plastic is a material that can cause allergies. If you are faced with a similar problem and have a certificate confirming this fact from an orthopedic dentist, you can contact government agencies for monetary compensation. In this case, you must reimburse the cost of a cheap prosthesis in favor of dentures with more expensive, hypoallergenic materials, such as nylon-based thermoplastics.

Nylon prostheses

A nylon prosthesis is a structure made of a soft pad on the gums with artificial plastic crowns. It is attached to the abutment teeth with flexible hooks, clasps. Used in the absence of 3 or more teeth in a row.

What is the difference between nylon dentures and acrylic dentures?

  • flexibility, due to which they practically do not break;
  • wearing comfort;
  • easy to remove and clean by washing in running water;
  • the service life of nylon structures is 5-7 years.

They are manufactured and installed only in private clinics that have a certificate for that.

Clasp prostheses

A clasp prosthesis is used to replace several teeth at once in a row. In appearance, these are interconnected artificial crowns - made of ceramic in an expensive version and plastic in a cheap one, which are attached to healthy teeth with metal hooks-locks.

Advantages of clasp structures:

  • look as natural as possible;
  • keep well on the teeth;
  • cleaned with a toothbrush.

Manufactured and installed in private dentistry.

Metal-ceramic dentures are inexpensive

Metal-ceramic constructions are used for non-removable dentures. These are separate crowns and bridges, they are based on a metal frame, which is covered with a layer of ceramic on top.

These prostheses are put on “native”, pre-turned and pulpless teeth or on titanium implants. The service is available in city municipal polyclinics - if you wish, you can use it by paying the difference in the cost of acrylic materials and cermets according to the price list.

Preferential conditions for dentures: for whom are they available?

Free dental prosthetics is available to persons of retirement age who are currently considered to be informally employed. In addition, the following groups of people fall under the category of beneficiaries:

  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people of 1-3 groups;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • military pensioners;
  • children with disabilities who have not reached the age of majority;

All of the above groups are located in the general list, however, in some regions, other groups of the population are added to it. It should also be noted that for persons who were involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the cost of constructing teeth will be reduced to 50% of the total price for the procedure.

How can I find out if this service is available in your area?

As a rule, the pensioner must apply directly to the local social protection structure. If the answer is positive, an application is sent to the appropriate authority. Presumably the beneficiary will have to wait for their turn. Extraordinary service is possible if there is an oncological disease of the digestive system, loss of teeth after an injury, a tumor in the maxillofacial part, diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

Procedure for obtaining benefits

In order for a pensioner to be able to use the service of preferential prosthetics, it is necessary to provide the following list of documents to the local hospital:

Provided that all documentation is correctly filled out, a citizen is placed in a queue, the duration of which depends on the region in which he lives. As a rule, it varies from 3 to 7 months of waiting.

It should also be noted that for preferential dentures, only acrylic structures are used which are created in municipal medical institutions. As for imported prostheses, ceramic bridges and crowns, they are produced exclusively in private clinics, so they are not included in the system of preferential prosthetics.

Providing a guarantee

Dental prostheses, which are installed under the conditions of a special social program, are guaranteed for a period of 1 year. Provided that if the prosthesis breaks down, on the basis of a medical report, repairs are carried out or a new one is assembled. Repair and manufacture of a new design is carried out free of charge if it is proved that the denture has become unusable due to the fault of the medical institution.

Persons eligible for beneficiaries

The following citizens are eligible for the prosthetics benefit:

  • labor veterans;
  • disabled children under 18;
  • people of retirement age who do not have additional income;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled for health reasons.

In addition to pensioners and the disabled, the right to preferential prosthetics can be used by ordinary citizens, which:

  • have an income 2 times lower than the subsistence level;
  • were in the queue for free prosthetics as of 01.01.2005;
  • participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Detailed information about the list of beneficiaries can be found in the bodies of social protection of the population.

Additional categories of beneficiaries

In some regions, you can find the following lists of categories of people eligible for free prosthetics:

  • rear workers;
  • old-age pensioners;
  • invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • victims of repression and rehabilitated;
  • disabled people (you must have a document confirming this or that group).

Queue for free prosthetics

The queue for free prosthetics in each region may be different. So, in St. Petersburg, the queue is distributed as follows:

  • invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • health disabled;
  • pensioners and labor veterans.

The remaining beneficiaries are distributed at the last level. An exemption in the amount of ½ of the total cost for expenses can be received by the liquidators of the consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In Moscow and the Moscow Region, pensioners can use the right to free prosthetics only if they are not working. For these persons, a separate priority is determined. For free prosthetics military pensioners can count and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Getting benefits for pensioners

In order to take advantage of the prosthetics benefit, you must first contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. Each region has its own procedure for deciding on a preferential queue and its provision.

Free preferential prosthetics for pensioners, perhaps only in public clinics.

At the moment, private dental clinics can also make a discount for treatment for pensioners. Wherein a certificate from the social security authorities is required that the person really belongs to the beneficiary group. But you need to learn about such moments personally in the clinic.

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