Why do we need female hormones in tablets? Hormonal drugs: list, purpose, description and prices - a complete review

Contraceptive drugs. The general popularity of these funds is influenced by ease of use, reliability and a minimum of side effects on the body.

In today's world, there is a huge choice of contraceptive protection and it is very difficult for most women to choose the best contraceptive pills.

Before purchasing these funds, you should carefully read all the proposed options and learn more about their features and benefits.

There are several varieties of combined oral contraceptives that can provide different protection against unwanted pregnancy. This, and drugs.

The table below describes some types of contraceptives.

Name Hormone content and dose Price, rub.) Description
Ethinylestradiol and desogestrel are present. Low dose. From 200 to 1126 Relieves premenstrual syndrome
Has ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. Low dose. 800 to 1100 Suitable for nulliparous women
It contains ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. Microdosed. 800 to 2500 Effective for acne
Contains ethinylestradiol and dienogest. Low dose. 827 to 1780 Suitable for tall women with a slim figure.
Gestodene and ethinylestradiol. microdosed 380 to 500 Suitable for women with oily skin and hair.
Cyproterone and ethinylestradiol. low dose 450 to 700 Helps to get rid of the growth of excess hair and acne.
200 to 400 Eliminates the painful symptoms of PMS.
Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. Low dose. 200 to 600 Suitable for women of average height, with a normal figure.
Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. Low dose. 200 to 500 Recommended for women with normal oily hair and skin.
Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. Low dose. 150 to 700 Helps prevent gynecological diseases.
Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. Medium dosed. 200 to 450 Suitable for women of short stature and curvaceous.
345 to 600 Suitable for girls with dry hair and high dryness of the skin.
Levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. medium dosed 250 to 680 Effectively normalizes the menstrual cycle.
Linestrenol From 1100 to 1500 Suitable for women during lactation.
Desogestrel From 980 to 1100 There are no contraindications for migraine.
norgestrel 700 to 1000 Can be taken with diabetes.

Monophasic drugs

Every year there are new and improved drugs, but many women prefer to take contraceptives. previous generations.

Monophasic contraceptive pills differ from other types of drugs in the presence of two important hormones: progestogen and estrogen.

They are present in tablets in equal amounts and allow you to achieve almost complete control over menstruation and the process of ovulation.

These pills are indicated for women of different reproductive ages who are in great need of high-quality protection against unexpected pregnancy. Monophasic products are suitable for most women.

  • If we consider low-dose products, then they are suitable for nulliparous and more women senior age category, for example, after 35 years.
  • Medium-dose experts advise for women who have already given birth, and for those who are in an older reproductive age.
  • And high-dose drugs can be prescribed when medium-dose ones are ineffective.

There is three type of female phenotype.

Monophasic pills are more often prescribed for women of small and medium height with a curvaceous figure and a long menstrual cycle.

Also, in the presence of an antiandrogenic component, they can be recommended for tall women, lean physique with meager periods.


Effective hormonal tablets with antiandrogenic and antimeneralocorticoid properties. It contains drospirenone and ethinylestradiol. It acts by suppressing ovulation and changing the cervical serota. When used correctly, the Pearl Index, which means the number of pregnancies per year per 100 women, can be less than 1.

Affects regular periods, which become less painful and intense. Disappear severe symptoms of PMS, such as headaches, swelling and pain in the mammary glands and characteristic pain in the joints and muscles. Also, this drug reduces the risk of various tumors and anemia.


It is a combined universal estrogen-progestin contraceptive drug. Its effect is carried out by increasing the viscosity of mucus in the pelvic organs and suppressing ovulation.

Yarina is especially useful for women with acne and noticeable fluid retention due to hormonal causes.

It has a positive effect on the passage of menstruation. It can also affect the elimination of painful symptoms during menstruation. Reduces oily hair and skin.


This is a combined remedy, which in its composition has an estrogen component (ethinyl estradiol) and a progestogen (desogestrel). It acts by inhibiting the ability to produce gonadotropins of the pituitary gland and makes it difficult to ovulate. At the same time, the density of church mucus decreases and spermatozoa cannot penetrate into the uterus. At the same time, it has a positive effect on lipid metabolism. Works well on the skin and helps to get rid of acne. It also normalizes the menstrual cycle and prevents the development of gynecological diseases.


It is an estrogen-progestin agent with an antiandrogenic effect. The composition contains hormones: dienogest and ethinylestradiol. This effective remedy produces inhibition of ovulation. In this case, the cycle becomes constant and regular, and the intensity of bleeding also decreases. It also reduces the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Among other things, Jeanine improves the characteristics of the blood lipid profile.


These are tablets that have an estrogen-progestin effect. Suppresses pituitary secretion of certain hormones. Does not have a noticeable effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body. Prevents the maturation of a fertile egg. Increases the level of viscosity of the substance in the cervix. It has a healing effect, preventing the development of many gynecological diseases.


Combined low-dose contraceptive with antiandrogenic activity. Affects the decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands and contributes to the disappearance of acne. Effectively inhibits ovulation and prevents the maturation of the egg. Affects the normalization of menstruation and reduces the intensity of bleeding. It is not recommended to use this drug with a normal level of androgens.

In biphasic drugs, the dose of estrogens contained has the same value in all tablets, and the dosage of the progestogen varies for the 1st and 2nd half of the menstrual cycle. The package contains 2 types of tablets.

Biphasic remedies, in addition to the main application, help to cure acne.

Suitable for women of average height, with normal skin and hair, who have a normal menstrual cycle.

It contains hormones such as levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. It has a slowing effect on ovulation and the maturation of follicles. They will be used not only as contraception, but also to restore the menstrual cycle and to eliminate painful symptoms.

It is an effective contraceptive combination drug. It contains ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel. Blocks the release of certain substances of the hypothalamus and suppresses the secretion of the pituitary gland, thereby inhibiting ovulation. Prevents the occurrence of many gynecological diseases.

It is a low-dose oral contraceptive drug. Also contains levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. At the level of hypothalamic-pituitary regulation, it suppresses ovulation. Changes the properties of the cervical secret. It affects the change in the substance of the endometrium, which makes it almost impossible for the implantation of the egg after fertilization. Reduces the risk of iron deficiency anemia and reduces bleeding during menstruation.

It is a contraceptive that regulates the passage of menstruation and contributes to the timely prevention of dangerous gynecological diseases. For example, various tumors. It contains such hormonal substances as levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. When properly taken orally, it depresses the pituitary secretion of hormones, which inhibits the release of an egg ready for maturation.

Triphasic contraceptives

Experts say:

  • That young girls are best suited for monophasic pills that do not cause noticeable changes in the hormonal system.
  • And women after 30 years of age and giving birth are recommended drugs "not contrary to nature", that is, two- and three-phase contraceptives.

Before choosing a particular tool, you need to consult a specialist.

Three-phase preparations can simulate the menstrual cycle, since they contain hormones in numbers as close as possible to physiological characteristics. These tablets contain two types of hormones, but there are three types of tablets in the package.

First, tablets of one specific color are used, and then the other two colors are drunk in sequence.

Modern high-quality tablets have a general regulatory effect on the female body and do not change the endocrine structure.

Substances in three-phase tablets affect the activity of the corpus luteum of the ovaries and significantly reduce the thickness and activity of the endometrium, which prevents implantation.

Important advantages of these drugs include their ability to reduce the risk of cysts, ectopic pregnancies and various tumors.

This drug contains hormones in different proportions. These are the progestin hormones levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. Triziston normalizes the menstrual cycle and relieves pain during menstruation.

This is an effective three-phase contraceptive that mimics the physiological fluctuations in the level of certain hormones in the blood during the menstrual cycle and contributes to the remarkable tolerability of the drug. This tool increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervix and inhibits the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which affects the inhibition of ovulation.

Provides high contraceptive effectiveness, due to the ingestion of progestin with estrogen, released in different phases of the cycle and in such a ratio to the corresponding physiological processes. Not only prevents pregnancy, but also regulates the menstrual cycle.

mini pili

These high-quality drugs contain only one progestogen. Their action is based on local action on the peripheral areas of the reproductive system. They affect the amount and structure of the cervical mucous substance, and also make changes in the biochemical processes of the endometrium. These drugs are inferior in effectiveness to combined analogues, but can be successfully used if there are some contraindications.

  • The undoubted advantage of this drug is that it can be taken by women who are not recommended combined drugs. For example, with diabetes, high blood pressure, migraines.
  • And also shown to women after 35 years, especially those who smoke.
  • May be effective in women who are breastfeeding.
  • This drug is recommended for women after 40 years.

The advantage of these contraceptives is the presence of fewer side effects than when taking combined drugs.

It is a synthetic progestogen. It prevents the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus, due to a change in the composition of cervical mucus and the transformation of endometrial secretion. Contains linestrenol. Exluton is recommended for nursing mothers. With prolonged use, it prevents inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and reduces the risk of fibrocystic mastopathy.

It is a contraceptive product that contains only progestogen (desogestrel). The effect of preventing pregnancy is achieved by inhibiting ovulation, which is provided by thickening the cervical mucus. Taking this medication leads to a significant decrease in the values ​​​​of the amount of estradiol to those characteristic of the early follicular phase.

In its composition contains a hormonal substance - norgestrel. This is a progestogen drug that has a contraceptive effect. Affects a decrease in contractility and activity of the muscles of the fallopian tubes and uterus. Affects the secretion of hypothalamic factors and blocks the formation of gonadotropic hormones. It has an efficiency of about 97%.

There are simply no ideal recommendations on the best birth control pills to choose. In any case, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will prescribe the most optimal option. It is important to remember a simple rule that if there is no period for 3 months after taking contraceptives, then most likely this drug is right for you. It should also be borne in mind that any drug should not be taken for a long time.

The latest birth control pills: freedom of choice. Hormonal and non-hormonal, used after the act. Which of them is better to use?


The main priorities of modern medicine are caring for the preservation of a woman's reproductive health, protection and ensuring safe motherhood. It is no secret that Russia is in one of the first places in terms of the number of abortions. Abortion is a real operation that often results in infertility, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, and even maternal death. The following conclusion can be drawn - measures to prevent abortions can help maintain a woman's health and give birth to a healthy child.

No wonder they say that children are the flowers of life. But each flower opens only at a certain time by nature. A woman has the right to give birth to a child whenever she wants, at any time in her life, so that the child is desired and happy. This fact is confirmed by law.

For the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and the prevention of abortions at a certain stage in a woman's life, an important role is played by contraception.

Contraception has been used by women since ancient times. So, even in ancient Africa, intravaginal herbal remedies were used in the form of a cocoon, and in America they used douching with decoctions of herbs, lemon juice, decoction of mahogany bark after sexual intercourse.

The number of contraceptives increased over time, but effective methods and reliable drugs appeared only in the 20th century.

New contraceptives appear almost every day. Science does not stand still. They are easy to use, reliable, safe for health, moreover, they have a therapeutic effect in certain diseases.

Currently, medicine offers various contraceptives, and a woman can always choose which methods and drugs to use. In our country, freedom of choice of contraceptives is ensured, but a woman cannot always decide on her own what is best for her. In deciding on the choice of a contraceptive, consultation with the attending physician will help - only a qualified specialist can assess the state of a woman's health, determine the indications for prescribing a particular method of contraception, and offer the best drug for the patient.

Hormonal oral contraceptives

Every year more and more women use hormonal contraceptives. In Russia, over the past ten years, the use of hormonal contraceptives has increased by more than 5 times. Reliability, ease of use, a minimum of side effects, a beneficial effect on the organs and systems of the body allow hormonal drugs to find more and more grateful fans. Women today prefer hormonal oral contraceptives, as the most effective. Combined birth control pills are the gold standard of contraception, their effectiveness is 99%. The latest hormonal contraceptives have made a splash, a real revolution among other contraceptives.

The effectiveness of contraceptives is estimated by specialists by counting the number of unplanned pregnancies per 100 women during the year. This index is called the Pearl Index.

Types and composition of birth control pills

The first oral contraceptives appeared in the fifties and sixties of the XX century. The forerunner of all drugs for practical use is the contraceptive Enovid, which included 0.15 mg of mestranol and 15 mg of norethinodrel. Then the development of hormonal agents developed, and underwent the following changes:
  • New contraceptive pills began to contain small doses of hormones, while at the same time their effectiveness and reliability were maintained.
  • New analogues of female sex hormones were obtained: ethanyl estradiol and levonorgestrel.
  • Third-generation progestogens appeared - norgestimate, desogestrel, gestodene.
  • The latest contraceptives have been developed - mini-pills that do not contain progestogen.
Taking drugs with a low concentration of hormones helps to reduce side effects and complications.

Combined contraceptives contain two components in their composition:
1. Synthetic estrogen ethinyl estradiol, which is the estrogenic component of the drugs.
2. Progestogen component in the form of various progestogens.

All contraceptive pills, depending on the dosage of hormones, are divided into the following types:

  • monophasic;
  • two-phase;
  • three-phase.
In monophasic hormonal contraceptives, the daily dose of active ingredients is a constant value, and the composition may vary. It is clear that monophasic preparations consist of tablets with the same dose of hormones. These tablets are of the same color and are used during one course. Popular monophasic contraceptives include: Regulon, Marvelon, Silest, Novinet, Mercilon, Rigevidon.

Biphasic drugs involve changing doses of hormones twice per course, triphasic drugs - three times. Usually such tablets for one course have a different color. Biphasic contraceptives include Anteovin, three-phase contraceptives include Tri-merci, Triquilar, Tri-regol, Triziston.

Contraceptives "mini-drank" are monophasic, and are intended for the period of breastfeeding and lactation. These include: Lactinet, Exluton, Charozetta.

The action of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is based on blocking ovulation. This way they protect against unplanned pregnancy. Only progestogen has the ability to block the ovulation process, the dose of which is the same in all combined birth control pills. The difference between micro-dose and low-dose drugs is only in the dosage of estrogen. Estrogens affect a woman's menstrual cycle.

Depending on the dosage of the active ingredients, contraceptive pills are divided into four types:

Microdosed birth control pills
As a rule, these drugs contain minimal doses of the hormone ethinyl estradiol. Side effects when using them are minimal. In some cases, they have the ability to eliminate hormonal disorders: acne (especially in adolescence), painful menstruation. These pills are best suited for young girls under 25 who have not given birth and are sexually active on a regular basis. They can also be used by mature women over 35 and women who have never used hormonal contraception. The most popular are: Tri-Merci, Jess, Mercilon, Lindinet -20, Klaira, Novinet.

Low dose birth control pills
The preparations contain the same ethinylestradiol, but in combination with various hormones: desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate, dienogest or levonorgestrel. These birth control pills are recommended for young women who have given birth. In addition to the contraceptive effect, these funds have a pronounced antiandrogenic effect: they help eliminate unwanted facial hair growth, prevent the appearance of acne and hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Popular tablets: Regulon, Belara, Marvelon, Yarina, Janine, Midiana, Femoden.

Medium dose birth control pills
As a rule, they contain two hormones: ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel. Less commonly, they may contain other combinations of hormones. Medium-dose birth control pills are intended for women who have given birth, especially over 30 years of age. They also have an antiandrogenic effect, which is important for women who have not recovered from pregnancy and childbirth. However, when choosing a drug, one condition must be observed - these drugs are not suitable for nursing. Popular tablets: Diana 35, Demulen, Tri-regol, Chloe.

High dose birth control pills
They contain ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel, but only in higher doses. Such funds are primarily used to treat and prevent hormonal diseases. Contraceptives of this type can be taken by women over 35 years of age, with the ineffectiveness of drugs with a low dosage of hormones. These include: Triquilar, Tri-regol, Ovidon, Milvane, Non-Ovlon.

The latest birth control pills: how to choose?

A woman wants a full life, and the fear and unwillingness of an unplanned pregnancy should not be a reason for refusing sexual relations. There are many ways to protect. The most reliable are birth control pills.

The choice of contraceptive is difficult, it should be approached seriously.

Ideally, a specialist should deal with the selection of contraceptives, but sometimes a woman herself decides which pills to take. In these cases, it is necessary to scrupulously collect information about the remedy. Where to start?
1. Familiarize yourself with the different types of contraceptives.
2. Compare all the pros and cons.
3. Define your goal - decide what you want to get as a result of using oral contraceptives.

What do you need to know to make the right choice? Let's figure it out.

A woman should find information about drugs and their effects on the body. It should be borne in mind that birth control pills differ in parameters, degree of reliability and side effects.

Combined contraceptives usually contain two analogues of female sex hormones, so they are in the first place in terms of reliability. Combined oral agents are used both for protection against pregnancy and for the treatment of diseases and hormonal disorders. Women who opt for hormonal birth control pills are still advised to consult with their doctor and undergo a hormonal study.

New contraceptives are the so-called "mini-pill". They contain only one hormone - in this regard, the reliability of drugs is 90%. Their advantage is the possibility of use during lactation, as well as by women who have estrogen intolerance (which are part of COCs).

The next type of contraceptive pill is represented by means for emergency contraception. These tablets are not intended for long-term use, but are used immediately after sexual intercourse. The content of hormones in them is very high, so these funds can be used only once a month.

Currently, contraceptives of the second - fifth generations have appeared on the market. These newer drugs contain a small dose of hormones, have mild side effects. It should be understood that there are no good or bad contraceptives. There are remedies that are suitable or not suitable for a woman. Therefore, for the selection of contraceptives, the individual characteristics of the body of a particular woman should be taken into account.

With self-selection, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the phenotype - the body type of a woman.

There are the following types of female phenotype:
1. With a predominance of estrogen - estrogenic type.
2. With a balance of estrogens and progestogens - a balanced type.
3. With a predominance of gestagens and androgens - progestogen type.

The phenotype is determined by the following features: general appearance, volume and condition of the mammary glands, skin type, the nature of menstruation, the duration of the menstrual cycle, the presence of toxicosis during a previous pregnancy, the woman's body weight and a tendency to be overweight.

A balanced phenotype is characterized by average values ​​of these traits. In this case, it is recommended to take Marvelon, Triquilar, Microgynon, Triziston, Mercilon, Tri-merci, Regulon.

With the predominance of the estrogen phenotype, a very feminine appearance is characteristic, a very long menstrual cycle, very abundant menstruation and vaginal discharge, and moderate fullness. It is advisable to take drugs such as Anteovin, Minulet, Norinil, Rigevidon, Minisiston.

With the predominance of the gestagenic phenotype, all signs are less pronounced: unfeminine appearance, small volume of the mammary glands, scanty menstruation, a short duration of the menstrual cycle, oily skin. The following remedies are effective Bisecurin, Chloe, Non-ovlon, Yarina, Ovidon, Jess, Jeanine, Claira, Diana, Midian, Belara.

No matter how carefully the choice is made, it still happens that the drug is not suitable. The ideal selection method has not yet been invented. Often you have to act by "trial and error", but sometimes this is inevitable, because the body of each woman is unique.

It has been proven that the criterion for a successful choice of a contraceptive is the absence of menstruation for three months - i.e. period of adaptation. Then this drug can be taken for a long time.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills

Along with hormonal contraceptives, non-hormonal contraceptive pills appeared at one time. Today, there is an increase in the popularity of these funds, which is explained by some features of their action.

The fact is that the use of non-hormonal birth control pills is not contraindicated for women immediately after childbirth, nursing mothers, as well as women who cannot take hormones. And another important detail: non-hormonal means to prevent pregnancy not only have the ability to destroy spermatozoa, but also contribute to the formation of a protective film on the vaginal mucosa, and thickening of mucus in the cervical canal. Moreover, active substances - spermicides - reduce the speed of spermatozoa, and the resulting mucus is a barrier to their penetration into the uterus. This is a good protection against unwanted pregnancy. Non-hormonal contraceptive pills, which is important in our time, protect a woman from sexually transmitted infections, as they have both antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

It follows from this that non-hormonal contraceptives can be used by many women at different periods of life. The use of tablets refers to the barrier chemical method of contraception. They are easy to use, do not disrupt the hormonal background, can be used at any reproductive age of a woman, and are the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

Contraceptive pills Pharmatex

The most popular non-hormonal contraceptive is currently Pharmatex. Pharmatex has spermicidal, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, Pharmatex birth control pills prevent the transmission of sexual infections, reduce the risk of their consequences: infertility, miscarriage, cervical disease, tumors caused by HIV infection.

A huge advantage of using Pharmatex is that it in no way affects either the hormonal background or the vaginal microflora.

Pharmatex, like other non-hormonal tablets, affects such types of microorganisms as Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia, Candida fungi, herpes virus. Pharmatex acts locally, which does not give side effects on the organs and systems of the whole organism.

The use of vaginal tablets is more suitable for women in the postpartum period, during lactation and breastfeeding, after an abortion, with irregular sexual activity, when there is no permanent partner.

Mode of application
The manufacturer of funds, as a rule, attaches instructions for use. Basically, non-hormonal vaginal tablets are inserted into the vagina to a sufficient depth 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. For more convenient administration of tablets and other dosage forms, a special applicator is included in the package of the drug.

It is necessary to know that before each subsequent sexual intercourse, and in the case of sexual intercourse that occurred later than two hours after the administration of the pill, it is necessary to introduce a new tablet. Of course, this is inconvenient to a certain extent, since a woman cannot afford to re-administer the pill after casual or unexpected sex. She needs to plan the time of intercourse, which is unnatural.

It is believed that the effect of the drug lasts from 40 minutes to several hours. But it must be remembered that the use of vaginal tablets is not combined with water procedures before and after sexual contact using intimate hygiene products.

In some women, the drug may cause a burning sensation in the vagina. In this case, you should consult with your doctor about continuing or canceling Pharmatex. The reliability of Pharmatex is 80-82%.

Contraceptive suppositories and creams

Although vaginal contraceptives are less reliable than hormonal contraceptives, they continue to gain popularity. An unwanted pregnancy can only lead to improper use of these funds.

In addition to tablets, manufacturers suggest using other dosage forms: suppositories, creams, ointments. The active substance in the suppositories is either nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride.

Pharmatex is also available in various forms: in the form of vaginal suppositories, tampons, creams, capsules.

Benefits of using contraceptive suppositories
Contraceptive suppositories are easy to use, easy to insert into the vagina, and have minor side effects. Another advantage in the use of non-hormonal vaginal suppositories is the effect of additional lubrication. They are especially suitable for partners who have problems with natural lubrication and dryness in the genitals.

Vaginal suppositories protect a woman from sexually transmitted infections, are indispensable for casual sexual intercourse, with infrequent sexual intercourse, in the absence of a permanent partner.
Disadvantages in the use of contraceptive suppositories
Vaginal contraceptive suppositories can affect the microflora of the vagina, since in their composition, in addition to the active substance, they have acids. Burning and itching, allergic rashes that occur when using candles, are an indication for their cancellation.

Candles are vaginal. The candle is inserted into the vagina 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The drug works for 4 hours.

Tampon vaginal. The tampon is taken out of the package, with the help of a finger, it is inserted into the vagina, up to the cervix. The protection effect is immediate and lasts 24 hours. The tampon does not need to be changed during this period, which is very convenient. The tampon does not change even if there are several sexual intercourses that follow each other during the day. The tampon is removed no earlier than 2 hours after the last sexual intercourse, but no later than 24 hours after its first insertion into the vagina.

Cream vaginal. It is inserted into the vagina with a special syringe. The device should be filled to the mark without the formation of air bubbles. Then slowly insert into the vagina before intercourse. The introduction is made lying down. The action of the remedy begins immediately, and lasts about 10 hours. Before repeated sexual contact, it is necessary to introduce a portion of the cream again.

Popular drugs: Pharmatex, Nonoxynol, Patentex Oval, Contraceptin T.

Birth control pills after intercourse

One method that prevents an unintended pregnancy is called emergency contraception. This is the only protection in emergency situations: rape, forced sexual contact and mental conditions associated with them. Also, emergency contraception is used during unprotected intercourse, as a post-coital protection against a possible pregnancy.

Sometimes this method is simply called: emergency, fire, emergency contraception, contraception the next morning after. But still, it is correct to call it emergency, since this method is used in emergency situations.

Emergency contraception aims to prevent pregnancy at the following stages: ovulation, fertilization and fixation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine lining).

  • in emergencies associated with violent actions by a partner, as well as in violation of the integrity of the condom or skipping the birth control pill for a woman;
  • with rare sexual contact;
  • during unprotected sex, when no methods of contraception were used.
Contraindications for this method are the same as for taking other birth control pills, namely:
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism (even in history);
  • liver disease with a high degree of insufficiency;
  • kidney disease;
  • oncological diseases.
For this method, hormonal preparations containing estrogens, combined hormonal contraceptives, as well as preparations containing gestagens and intrauterine devices can be used.

Estrogens for emergency contraception have not been used as often recently, because they contain high doses of hormones, which leads to side effects - nausea and vomiting.

Combined birth control pills are used within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, twice, with a break of 12 hours. You can use any drug from this group.

The most well-known drug for emergency contraception in Russia is Postinor. It is recommended to take it twice, one tablet at a time. The first tablet is taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, the second - 12 hours after the first.

The second drug for emergency contraception - Escapelle - is taken once within 96 hours after sexual intercourse.

Combined oral contraceptives are taken daily for 21 days. Then a break of 7 days is taken, and the next package of the drug begins. The course begins with an active tablet.

"Mini-drank" are taken without interruption. Immediately after the end of the package, the reception of the next one begins.

Reception break

Birth control pills are recommended to be taken for a long time, but once a year you should see a gynecologist. If the doctor does not determine contraindications to taking your usual remedies, then you can safely continue taking them.

Menstruation while taking

When taking COCs, periods may stop if taken for a long time. When using other oral contraceptives, periods may become scanty and last for a shorter time.

If the intake of contraceptives was regular, without gaps and breaks, but the menstruation stopped, then it is necessary to continue taking them.

But if the reception was irregular, it is worth suspecting the onset of pregnancy, urgently stop using the contraceptive and contact a gynecologist to identify it.

Menstruation after cancellation

Menstruation is fully restored within one to two months after the abolition of birth control pills. According to experts, about 80% of women have a planned pregnancy. If within six months the menstruation has not recovered, you should consult a doctor.

Bleeding on admission

After the start of taking the pills, a woman may experience spotting spotting. The course should not be interrupted for this reason. Smearing discharge disappears as the reception continues.

If you experience heavy bleeding, you should consult your doctor.

Can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Pregnancy can only occur if the contraceptive regimen is violated. If the delay in taking the pill is more than 12 hours, the effectiveness of the contraceptive action weakens.

Another situation is that a woman vomits when taking it. Then you need to take the next pill, because the first one has not been absorbed. With repeated vomiting, it is better to switch to another type of drug. The same actions should be taken with loose stools.

The reliability of contraceptive contraceptives may decrease when taking other drugs - for example, antibiotics, St. John's wort, etc. In this case, the use of an additional method of contraception is recommended.

How long can the tablets be taken?

Unfortunately, the fear of hormonal drugs in Russian women is transmitted from generation to generation. Women ask a lot of questions, trying to find answers to them.

According to scientists, fifth-generation contraceptives have already appeared in Russia, which have minor side effects. But the number of questions is not decreasing.

Is it possible to take birth control pills constantly, for more than a year?

In the absence of side effects of the means taken by a woman, as well as medical contraindications for their use, it is allowed to take contraceptives for a long time, even several years. Changing pills to others, or interruptions in taking, are not useful, but on the contrary, they are harmful. The body tunes in to one type of pill, the transition to other contraceptives makes it work in a different rhythm. Research scientists have proven that interruptions do not affect the frequency of complications, and the development of subsequent pregnancies.

Pregnancy after stopping birth control pills

Calculations confirm that pregnancy can occur immediately after the withdrawal of birth control pills, or after a short period of time. Interestingly, after the abolition of the probability of pregnancy increases several times. Doctors use this circumstance in the treatment of infertility.

Can you stop taking birth control pills?

A woman has the right to stop taking a contraceptive when she wants.

Which is better: birth control pills or a spiral?

Women often ask: "Isn't it better to insert an intrauterine device than to take pills?" Again, the same fear of hormones makes you think about the abolition of combined oral remedies. It must be borne in mind that the spiral is a foreign body in the uterine cavity, which can cause inflammation. Tablets are more reliable and safe.

The best birth control pills

We have already said that it is impossible to determine the best pills for a particular woman. Every woman should opt for pills that are just right for her. At present, drugs of the fifth generation have already appeared, and such side effects as fullness and infertility are a thing of the past. Modern contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones and have virtually no side effects. Let's try to give short descriptions of some drugs.


Jess contraceptive pills are a new, practical solution for preventing unwanted pregnancies for young women. This drug contains small doses of estrogen - 20 mcg, and progestogen drospirenone - 3 mg, which reduces the risk of vascular complications. Tablets are well tolerated, do not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

This tool belongs to the fourth generation of contraceptives.

It is recommended to use the drug for a long time. The package contains 28 tablets. Take the tablets daily, preferably at the same time. They begin to take Jess on the first day of menstrual bleeding, then drink continuously.

Jess is a novelty in medicine. The popularity of the drug is growing. Jess provides reliable protection, controls the menstrual cycle, is used to treat symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, acne, and has a beneficial effect on hair and nails. At the same time, the weight of women using Jess remains stable. The period of adaptation to the contraceptive is 1-2 months.

No wonder the drug Jess is called the contraceptive of the twenty-first century.


The action of the new contraceptive Novinet is based on blocking ovulation and the production of luteinizing hormone. This allows you to delay the movement of sperm into the uterus by increasing the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical canal.

The drug has minimal side effects, does not cause pain during menstruation, does not affect the weight gain of a woman.

When taking Novinet, nausea, rarely vomiting, partial hair loss, headaches may occur.

Novinet take 1 tablet daily for 21 days. Break - 7 days, on the eighth day they start a new package.

Breastfeeding women can start taking the drug three weeks after giving birth. It should be remembered that Novinet dramatically increases the amount of breast milk.

Reviews about Novinet are mostly positive.


Jeanine refers to monophasic low-dose contraceptives. The contraceptive effect of the drug is due to a combination of three actions: inhibition of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of the cervical secretion and changes in the endometrium in terms of eliminating the introduction of spermatozoa.

The active substances are dienogest and ethinylestradiol.

Janine take 1 tablet daily for three weeks. Then they take a break for a week, after which the course is repeated.

Reviews of Janine prove a really pronounced contraceptive effect.


Regulon is a combined oral contraceptive. Active substances - 0.03 mg of ethinylestradiol and 0.15 mg of desogestrel. Regulon acts similarly to the previous drug.

Regulon helps with menstrual disorders, uterine bleeding.

Reviews about Regulon
Women who took this drug note the quality of the drug and its reliability. Regulon acts much softer than other drugs. It was often recommended by doctors for use by teenagers and young girls. With prolonged use, it does not cause side effects, reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy and does not contribute to weight gain.

Women who used it for medicinal purposes speak positively about Regulon. The drug helps with uterine bleeding, abundant vaginal discharge, improves the quality and appearance of hair, nails and skin.


The drug Yarina is also popular in Russia. This is an effective new generation oral contraceptive. The active substances are drospirenone and ethinylestradiol.

The drug is well tolerated and has few side effects. During the reception, the woman's weight remains unchanged, there is no nausea and vomiting, a therapeutic effect is expressed - a decrease in premenstrual symptoms, symptoms of seborrhea, acne.

Women taking Yarina noted the high reliability of the drug, as well as an improvement in mood, restoration of libido, and normalization of the menstrual cycle.

The minimum cost of a monthly drug intake in Russia ranges from 600 rubles.


Logest is a modern contraceptive of a new generation. It contains the minimum amount of hormones. In addition to a stable contraceptive effect, it has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the course of female oncological diseases, which is an advantage of the drug.

The action of the drug is based on the inhibition of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of the secret, which makes it difficult for the movement of sperm and prevents the implantation of the egg in the uterus.

The tablets are taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Take 1 tablet daily for 21 days. Then they take a week break, after which the course is repeated.

With the abolition of the drug, the body's ability to conceive is fully restored.

The price of the drug ranges from 330 to 450 rubles per pack.


More recently, new contraceptive pills Qlaira have appeared in our country. Qlaira is the first fifth-generation contraceptive, the latest and highest quality contraceptive.

Qlaira refers to natural oral contraceptives. For the first time, ethinylestradiol as an active substance was not included in the combined hormonal preparation for contraception. It has been successfully replaced by the milder and safer hormone estradiolavalerate, which is a hormone with a natural formula. This hormone is well studied, and is used mainly to treat the symptoms of menopause.

To enhance contraceptive functions, scientists added the active substance dienogest to estradiol valeriate, which also solved the problem of intermenstrual bleeding.

The procedure for taking the drug has also been changed. It has a unique dynamic dosing mode. Qlaira is a four-phase hormonal drug. The package contains two placebo tablets, that is, they do not contain the active ingredient, and 26 active tablets with different doses of the active substance. The doses of estrogen when taken are gradually reduced, and the doses of progestogen are increased. This dosing regimen increases the effectiveness of the drug several times.

At the present stage of development of contraception, Qlaira is revolutionary, providing a high degree of protection and treatment of women's diseases.

Despite a very large selection of birth control pills, the abortion rate remains high in our country. Women do not have sufficient information about drugs, they experience a panic fear of using hormonal drugs, not allowing the idea that safe and reliable contraceptives have appeared at the present stage. New generation contraceptive pills containing lower doses of active substances can help women plan pregnancy without being at risk of complications and abortions.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

For many of us, the term "hormonal drugs" sounds threatening. In the concept of most people who are not related to medicine and pharmaceuticals, hormones are pills of monstrous power that bring a lot of the same monstrous side effects.

What are these fears based on? And if hormones are so harmful, why are they so widely used? Let's try to figure out together what hormonal pills actually are.


Hormonal medicines contain hormones or substances that have properties similar to hormones (hormonoids). Hormones are produced in the human endocrine glands and distributed through the bloodstream to various organs and systems, regulating the vital functions of the body.

Hormonal drugs can be conditionally divided into hormone preparations:

  • pituitary.
    These include chorionic gonadotropin and oxytocin, probably known to every woman;
  • thyroid gland.
    These funds are used to treat insufficient production of their own hormones (for example, with hypothyroidism) and the opposite condition - excessive production of hormones;
  • pancreas.
    The most famous means of this group are insulin preparations;
  • parathyroid glands;
  • adrenal cortex.
    This group includes glucocorticosteroids, which are widely used in many branches of medicine as anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and analgesic agents;
  • sex hormones: estrogens, gestagens, androgens;
  • anabolic agents.

What is treated with hormonal pills?

Despite the very wary attitude towards hormonal drugs on the part of patients, we can safely say that these drugs are extremely necessary and important. Often, only hormonal drugs are able to provide a chronically ill person with a decent quality of life, and sometimes save life itself.

Therapy with hormonal pills is necessary for:

- oral contraception;

- hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women and in older men suffering from a lack of testosterone;

– treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases;

- treatment of hormonal deficiency.
These pathologies include hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease, and other diseases;

- treatment of many oncological diseases.

Oral contraception. Achievements of modern medicine

The first studies that initiated the development of hormonal contraceptives were carried out as early as 1921. Ten years later, scientists have already accurately figured out the structure of steroid hormones and found that high doses of sex hormones inhibit, that is, block ovulation.

The first combined hormonal contraceptive was released in 1960 by American pharmacists. It contained really high doses of hormones, and therefore had not only a contraceptive, but also a lot of side effects.

Over time, the situation has changed dramatically. In the 90s of the last century, hormoneoids were synthesized, which, along with high activity, have excellent tolerance. Therefore, modern women may not worry about the extra pounds gained as a result of taking hormonal birth control pills. This side effect is a thing of the past, along with the shock doses of the active ingredients contained in the first contraceptives.

The effectiveness of all contraceptives is assessed using the Pearl Index, which determines the likelihood of pregnancy within one year with constant use of drugs. On average, the Pearl Index of hormonal contraceptives ranges from 0.3% to 2-3%. The maximum value of this indicator reaches 8%.

If a woman is of average fertility and does not get pregnant from her husband's toothbrushes, the chance of pregnancy rarely exceeds 1%. Of course, subject to the daily use of tablets.

But let's get back to classifications. Modern hormonal contraceptives can be:

1. combined;

2. non-combined (mini-drank);

3. pills for emergency contraception.

Let's try to figure out how these groups differ.

1. Combined hormonal contraceptives: COC

Behind the funny abbreviation COC are very serious drugs that are the most popular modern contraceptives. All COCs include two active ingredients - estrogen and progestogen. Ethinyl estradiol is used as an estrogen, and levonorgestrel, norgestrel, desogestrel and other synthetic hormones can act as a progestogen.

The dose of ethinylestradiol in modern COCs is much lower than in the first "killer" pills. Because of this, when taking new drugs, the side effects of estrogen are rarely developed: weight gain, breast tenderness, and nausea.

Monophasic COCs have a constant dose of estrogen and progestin in each of the tablets. Despite the fact that during the menstrual cycle the concentration of hormones in a woman's body is not constant, monophasic contraceptives are a strictly defined dose that comes daily.

Biphasic contraceptives contain two types of pills in one package. The main difference between tablets of the second type is the increased content of gestogen, which is also characteristic of the physiological cycle.

However, three-phase COCs are traditionally considered the most adapted to the menstrual cycle. They include three groups of tablets. The concentration of active substances in each group approaches the content of estrogens and progestogens in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. The first group of tablets mimics the follicular phase, which lasts 5 days, the second - the periovulatory phase, which lasts 6 days and the last - the luteal, the longest 10-day phase. At the same time, the concentration of estrogen in three-phase COCs, as well as in the menstrual cycle, is maximum, and the level of progestogen increases from the first phase to the third.

Pharmacology: how do hormonal birth control pills work?

The contraceptive effect of all hormonal contraceptive pills, regardless of composition and dosage, is based on blocking the release of hormones responsible for ovulation and implantation. The ovaries practically “fall asleep”, decreasing in size. Ultimately hormonal pills:

  • suppress ovulation;
  • change the properties of cervical mucus. As a result of this effect, the cervical canal becomes a real barrier to brisk spermatozoa;
  • change the state of the endometrium, as a result of which the "lining" of the inner surface of the uterus does not allow the implantation of the egg, if fertilization does occur.

How to take hormonal birth control pills?

The answer to the question of how to take hormonal pills that protect against pregnancy can be expressed in one single word: regularly. Depending on the period for which the course is designed - 21 or 28 days - the tablets should be used once a day during the entire period of treatment, and preferably at the same time.

An important question that worries most women taking COCs is what to do if the patient forgot to take the pill on time. First, don't panic. The situation is solvable and, in general, very commonplace.

Secondly, the missed pill should be taken immediately after memory recovery. Take the next pill as scheduled, even if you have to take two pills at the same time.

Thirdly, it is necessary to evaluate the period during which a woman forgot about the need to protect herself. The following actions depend on the "statute of limitations".

If the delay is no more than 12 hours, you can calm down - the effectiveness of contraception will remain the same, that is, close to 100%. If this period lasted more than 12 hours, you will have to use additional methods of protection, for example, barrier or spermicidal.

Monophasic COCs: effectiveness and popularity

The most popular and common hormonal contraceptives are monophasic drugs. Many gynecologists believe that these are the best hormonal pills for women under the age of 35, and patient reviews confirm this.

Monophasic contraceptives contain pills of the same color. Despite the fact that a strict scheme for the use of tablets may be applied to the package (usually in a queue), this does not carry a special semantic load. And if you manage to drink at the very beginning of the cycle a pill intended for use, say, on day 25, absolutely nothing bad will happen - after all, all pills have the same composition.

Most of the COCs that the Russian pharmaceutical market is saturated with are monophasic. The choice of drugs is so great that even experienced gynecologists sometimes hesitate before prescribing the drug to patients. Therefore, we will consider only those hormonal pills that can be classified as "new", modern means.

The German drug Logest, which is produced by the well-known company SCHERING, S.A., contains 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 75 micrograms of gestodene. The product is available in a pack of 21 tablets. Logest is an excellent drug for young women.


Hormonal tablets Lindinet 20 are a complete analogue of the German Logest. The preparations have the same composition, and the only difference can be considered color - Lindinet tablets have a pale yellow shell. The manufacturer of Lindinet is the Hungarian company GEDEON RICHTER.

Lindinet 30 differs from its counterpart only in the dosage of estrogen (30 mcg).

Hormonal tablets Janine manufactured by SCHERING contain 30 μg of ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg of progestogen (dienogest). The Pearl Index with regular intake of Jeanine does not exceed 1%.

The main difference between Zhanin and other COCs is the antiandrogenic activity that dienogest has. Therefore, Janine is prescribed to patients with elevated levels of male sex hormones. In addition, hypocholesterolemic, that is, the cholesterol-lowering effect of dienogest, has been proven.

The German drug Yarina is one of the most popular monophasic hormonal contraceptive pills. The medicine contains 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol and 3 mg of drospirenone.

The properties of Yarina and Zhanin are very similar. Yarina helps to reduce the level of high density lipoproteins and has an antiandrogenic effect. Thanks to this quality, Yarina is also considered a remedy for acne: hormonal pills are prescribed as part of complex acne therapy. The drug helps to reduce the production of sebum and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Among the very famous hormonal contraceptives in tablets is Diane-35, which is produced by SCHERING. The drug contains 35 micrograms of ethinylestradiol and 2 mg of the antiandrogenic progestogen cyproterone acetate.

Diana has a pronounced antiandrogenic activity, which makes it possible to prescribe it for the treatment of acne and seborrhea. In addition, Diane-35 is the drug of choice for contraception in women who have mild manifestations of hirsutism - excessive hair growth.

Among the tablets with antiandrogenic activity, the popular hormonal contraceptive Jess occupies a special place. It contains 20 micrograms of ethinylestradiol and 3 mg of drospirenone. The gestagen, which is part of Jess, eliminates the side effects of estrogen. In this regard, the remedy is very well tolerated, and swelling and weight gain are practically excluded.

In addition, drospirenone softens the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, including the pronounced one. To all the positive properties of Jess, one can add a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, which manifests itself in an increase in the concentration of high density lipoproteins (HDL). But it is HDL that removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Among the COCs containing drospirenone is also the Hungarian hormonal Midian tablets. They differ from Jess only in a higher content of ethinyl estradiol, the dose of which is 30 mcg.

Among low-dose COCs, it is also worth noting the hormonal tablets Rigevidon, Femoden, Novinet, Minisiston, Microgynon, Regulon.

The list of monophasic contraceptives registered in Russia is far from exhausted. However, they are used much less often, so we will immediately move on to the next categories of COCs.

Table "Monophasic COCs":

Preparations Manufacturer, country Compound
Logest, analogue - Lindinet 20 Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg
Gestodene 75 mcg
Femoden, analogue - Lindinet 30 Schering, Germany (Gedeon Richter, Hungary) Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg Gestodene 75 mcg
minisiston Jenafarm, Germany Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg Levonorgestrel 125 mcg
Mercilon, analogue - Novinet Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg Desogestrel 150 mcg
Microgynon Schering, Germany Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg Levonorgestrel 150 mcg
Marvelon, analogue - Regulon Organon, Netherlands (Gedeon Richter, Hungary) Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg Desogestrel 150 mcg
Silest Cilag, Belgium-Switzerland Ethinylestradiol 35 mcg Norgestimate 250 mcg
Diana-35 Schering, Germany Ethinylestradiol 35mcg Cyproterone acetate 2mg
Janine, analogue -Silhouette Schering, Germany (Gedeon Richter, Hungary) Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg Dienogest 2 mg
Regividon Gedeon Richter, Hungary Ethinylestradio 30 mcg Levonorgestrel 150 mcg
Jess, analogue -Dimia Bayer, Germany (Gedeon Richter, Hungary) Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg Drospirenone 3 mg
Yarina Schering, Germany Ethinylestradiol 30mcg Drospirenone 2mg
Midian Gedeon Richter, Hungary Ethinestradio 30 mcg Drospirenone 3 mg

Two-phase and three-phase COC: time-tested

As we have already said, two- and three-phase hormonal contraceptives act more physiologically. Nevertheless, most often doctors prefer to use the first group of drugs. What caused it?

The fact is that changes in the concentration of hormones are associated with an inevitable increase in the dose of active substances. As a result, the side effects of biphasic and triphasic drugs are more pronounced than low-dose monophasic drugs.

Biphasic COCs are among the rarely used drugs. Among them there are remedies whose names are often unusual even for a pharmacist, not to mention the patients - Anteovin, Nuvelle, Orfo-Novum, Bi-Novum.

Three-phase contraceptives are more famous and popular. However, the disadvantages in the form of standard side effects are no less pronounced than in biphasic drugs. Three-phase COCs are easy to "calculate" by the name, which, as a rule, begins with "three": Triziston, Triquilar, Tri-merci, Tri-regol, Trister.

Tablets of two- and three-phase hormonal contraceptives are painted in different colors depending on the composition: in two-phase preparations - in two colors, and in three-phase preparations - in three. It is necessary to take such medicines strictly according to the scheme. Usually, the KOC consignment is full of various arrows and other bright marks designed to help a woman deal with the peculiarities of using multi-colored pills. After all, if you inadvertently confuse the color of the pills, the contraceptive effect is reduced.

Useful contraceptives? Benefits of COC

Oral contraceptives are designed not only to carry out direct, contraceptive action. They have a lot of other, often no less important indications, including:

- treatment of menstrual irregularities and PMS.
The use of COC helps to normalize the cycle, reduce blood loss during menstruation, as well as reduce premenstrual syndrome;

– treatment of acne, seborrhea and acne.
The complex therapy of dermatological diseases in women often includes COCs with an antiandrogenic effect. Hormonal tablets significantly reduce the synthesis of sebum, helping to reduce the manifestations of acne. In patients suffering from seborrhea who take COCs, the level of sebum is normalized and hair loss is noticeably reduced;

- prevention of benign diseases of the breast and pelvic organs.
COCs inhibit ovarian stimulation by follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Therefore, regular intake of hormonal contraceptive pills significantly reduces the risk of formation of functional cysts and benign nodes in the mammary glands;

- prevention of ovarian cancer and endometrial carcinoma.
With regular use of oral contraceptives, the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced by as much as 40%. This protection lasts even 15 years after the end of taking hormonal pills. The longer you take a COC, the longer it takes for the anti-cancer effect to show.

And that is not all. The chance of developing endometrial adenocarcinoma (uterine cancer) in women treated with hormonal birth control pills is reduced by 50%. The protective effect persists for 15 years after stopping the use of COCs.

Negative aspects of combined hormones

We are being disingenuous if we say that COCs are exceptionally healthy drugs. In the process of treatment with hormonal contraceptive pills, sometimes adverse effects cannot be avoided. The negative aspects of COC include:

- the likelihood of developing side effects, including nausea, breakthrough bleeding, increased sensitivity and breast enlargement. However, some ladies use hormonal pills just to increase the bust, so sometimes this effect can be attributed to the positive qualities of COCs;

- the need for regular daily use;

- the probability of delaying ovulatory cycles after the abolition of COCs.

When are hormonal contraceptives banned?

There are several conditions in which the use of any hormonal contraceptive pills is excluded. These pathologies include:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • oncological diseases;
  • abnormal vaginal bleeding;
  • liver disease;
  • age over 35;
  • smoking.

Drugs containing drospirenone - Jess, Angelik and others - are also contraindicated in patients with diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands or liver. This is due to the fact that drospirenone has an antimineralocorticoid effect.

Hormonal contraceptives and venous insufficiency: incompatibility #1

Many women know that hormonal pills are not recommended for varicose veins and are categorically contraindicated for thrombophlebitis. But the answer to the question of what such a ban is connected with is unknown to most patients.

It turns out that the constant component of all hormonal birth control pills - estrogen - activates the mechanism of blood clotting, resulting in an increased risk of blood clots. It is known that modern drugs with a low level of estrogen are associated with a low risk of thromboembolism, while high-dose hormonal pills are the opposite.

In addition, the likelihood of blood clots is significantly increased in women who smoke, patients with high blood cholesterol, severe diabetes, hypertension or obesity.

2. Mini-pill: special hormonal contraceptives

Under the affectionate and usually little-understood name "mini-drank" are hormonal contraceptive pills containing only one component - progestogen. Moreover, the dose of the active substance in the mini-pill is really minimal.

Mini-pill hormonal tablets can be prescribed to patients over 35 years of age, including after 40, as well as to women with diabetes. Even breastfeeding is not an obstacle to the use of these drugs. However, mini-pills have a lower Pearl Index compared to COCs. In addition, drugs in this group can cause intermenstrual bleeding, the appearance of cysts in the ovaries, and even ectopic pregnancy.

Note that the contraceptive effect of mini-pills is reduced if taken at different times of the day. This shortcoming often finally tips the scales in the direction of combined hormonal pills.

Among the mini-drinks, we will name several drugs registered in Russia: Norgestrel, Levonorgestrel, Linestrenol.

3. Urgent contraception: when you can not wait

Hormonal preparations of emergency contraception are a kind of emergency pills in case of unforeseen circumstances. They hurried, forgot, broke, did not find, and other verbs in the past tense can briefly describe the standard reasons why women begin to rush about in search of miracle cures for all problems.

And, of course, there are such drugs. They contain high doses of hormones that either prevent ovulation if trouble occurs in the first half of the cycle, or change the state of the endometrium if fertilization does occur.

The best known emergency contraceptives include Postinor, Microlute and Escapelle. These pills should be used as little as possible - after all, the hormonal surge that occurs after taking the drugs is akin to a blow. And no organism can stand if it is beaten with high doses of hormones regularly.

Down with self-activity!

All hormonal contraceptives, including pills, are exclusively prescription drugs. And it is no coincidence. After all, an incorrectly selected medicine can easily cause menstrual irregularities and other gynecological troubles.

Therefore, if you decide to take a hormonal remedy, the first person who should know about it is an obstetrician-gynecologist. Remember: the right to choose a hormonal contraceptive should be given not to a neighbor, not to a friend on the forum, and not even to a pharmacist, but to a doctor.

Menopause: if there is little estrogen

Unfortunately, menopause brings with it a host of clinical symptoms that are hard to miss. The classic symptoms of menopause are characterized by irregular or no menstrual cycles. In 60% of women, a sharp drop in estrogen levels leads to vascular disorders, which are manifested by hot flashes, sweating and heart palpitations.

Other, no less vivid symptoms are possible. After all, it is estrogens that provide sufficient hydration of the vagina and regulate urination. Until a woman's body adapts to a new hormonal background, neurological manifestations of menopause are inevitable: depression, insomnia, mood swings.

An extremely dangerous consequence of the onset of menopause is a catastrophic decrease in bone mass. As a result, a disease associated with bone fragility, osteoporosis, develops.

If no action is taken, these manifestations can poison a woman's life for many years. However, the body can be "cheated" if such necessary estrogens are introduced from the outside. And this can be done with the help of hormonal pills, which for some reason are so afraid of some patients. Is the game worth the candle? Let's figure it out together.

Add estrogen: hormonal preparations in tablets

Hormonal pills that are used during menopause may contain:

  • estrogen only;
  • a combination of estrogen and progesterone;
  • combination of estrogen, progesterone and androgen.

The most popular drugs are estrogen. Hormonal pills are taken constantly, that is, daily, or in cycles of several weeks.

In most cases, these drugs contain the so-called conjugated estrogen, which is obtained from the urine of mares. Among them, we note Estrofeminal, Premarin and Hormoplex. All these drugs are used cyclically for 21 days, followed by a week break.

Biphasic products

These pills consist of two components - estrogen and gestagen.

Divina- a drug manufactured by the Finnish company Orion. The first group of tablets contains only estradiol at a dose of 2 mg, and the second - a combination of 2 mg of estradiol valeriate and 10 mg of progestogen (medroxyprogesterone).

Klimonorm- German medicine of the Bayer corporation. The main difference from Divina lies in the gestagen: 0.15 mg of levonorgestrel is used as a progesterone-containing component in Klimonorm.

Klymen contains the same 2 mg of estradiol and 1 mg of cyproterone (gestagen).

In addition, other hormonal replacement pills are no less popular among Russian gynecologists, including Cyclo-proginova, Femoston, Divitren, Angelik.

Triphasic hormonal pills

These drugs are designed for continuous use and include three groups of tablets: the first and third contain estrogens, the latter at a lower dose, and the second group includes a combination of estrogen and progestogen.

In Russia, only two three-phase drugs are registered - Trisikvens and Trisikvens forte.

Hormone replacement pills: contraindications and side effects

Hormone therapy during menopause is contraindicated in breast or endometrial cancer, severe liver disease, thrombophlebitis, endometriosis, fibroids.

Side effects of hormone therapy include mood swings, breast engorgement, and intermenstrual bleeding.

And the last. Before prescribing hormone replacement pills, a thorough examination of the woman is carried out, which includes a general urinalysis, a blood sugar and lipid profile, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, an ECG, a cytological examination of a cervical scraping, and mammography. And if replacement therapy is not contraindicated, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Hormones to treat inflammation: why do we need glucocorticoids?

A separate group of hormonal pills is glucocorticosteroids (GC). They have three properties at the same time: anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic. This unique triad is the basis for the widespread use of glucocorticoids in almost all areas of medicine.

Synthetic hormonal pills containing HA are regularly taken for autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It is impossible to do without hormonal pills containing HA in the treatment of allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma. Glucocorticoids are able to reduce the inflammatory response and counteract the activity of immune cells that are involved in the pathological process. Most often, HA is administered by inhalation, but in some severe cases, hormonal preparations are used in tablets and ampoules.

Glucocorticoids are certainly included in the treatment of oncological diseases. Their main purpose is to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. In addition, hormonal pills can help in the destruction of cancer cells in lymphoblastic leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Glucocorticoid tablets

Most often, several tableted glucocorticoids are used.

The drug effectively reduces inflammation by suppressing the function of leukocytes. Interestingly, the anti-inflammatory effect of Dexamethasone is 30 times higher than the activity of another HA - hydrocortisone.

Dexamethasone tablets are indicated for the hormonal treatment of Addison's disease, hypothyroidism, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, eczema, malignant tumors in advanced stages.

The dosage of Dexamethasone is selected individually.

The drug is an analogue of hydrocortisone. Prednisolone is able to influence all stages of the inflammatory process and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

There are really a lot of indications for the use of Prednisolone tablets - hormonal treatment is prescribed for systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, joint diseases, bronchial asthma, cancer, adrenal insufficiency, allergies, autoimmune pathologies and many others.

The drug produced by the Polish plant Polfa contains triamcinolone HA at a dose of 4 mg. The main indications of Polcortolone include diseases of the joints, allergic pathologies that are difficult to treat, rheumatic, dermatological, hematological, oncological and other diseases.

Side effects of glucocorticoids

HAs have truly unique qualities. Therefore, glucocorticoids could be called healing drugs, if not for the side effects. Due to the large number of adverse events associated with treatment, long-term use of these drugs can even be dangerous.

We list the most common side effects of hormonal tablets of the glucocorticoid group:

  • decreased immunity;
  • increase in blood sugar levels. With long-term treatment with GC, the development of diabetes mellitus is possible;
  • decreased calcium absorption, which can lead to osteoporosis, a dangerous bone disease;
  • amyotrophy;
  • increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood;
  • mood changes, depression, memory impairment, in severe cases - psychosis;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle, decreased libido;
  • slow wound healing;
  • weight gain.

Another extremely unpleasant side of corticosteroids is the withdrawal syndrome: after stopping long-term use of hormonal pills, there is a possibility of severe side effects. To avoid such a development of events, drugs should be canceled smoothly, gradually reducing the dose over a certain period of time.

Hormonal deficiency: when you can not do without pills?

The most common pathologies that require constant use of hormonal drugs include thyroid diseases.

Thyroid deficiency - hypothyroidism - a common disease in which the production of hormones is reduced. Treatment is based primarily on compensation for the lack of hormones. To do this, prescribe hormonal tablets, which include levothyroxine sodium.

Levothyroxine sodium is the levorotatory isomer of thyroxine. It is a synthetic analog of the thyroid hormone. Thyroxine is the first-line drug for hypothyroidism, euthyroid goiter, and after removal or resection of the thyroid gland.

Despite the fact that thyroxine is a hormonal drug, there are practically no side effects when prescribing the correct dosage according to indications.

Hormones in oncology: when drugs save lives

Hormone therapy in oncology, along with chemotherapy, is one of the main drug treatments for cancer. Hormone treatment is used for several types of hormonally sensitive tumors, including breast, prostate, endometrial (uterine cancer), and adrenal cortex.

Most drugs that are used to treat hormone-dependent tumors inhibit, that is, block the release of hormones. These drugs include one of the most famous drugs for the treatment of breast cancer - Tamoxifen.

Many drugs can reduce the production of other hormones that are responsible for the growth of malignancy. Often, hormonal treatment is almost the only way to fight the tumor and prolong the life of the patient.

Hormonal pills are a whole pharmaceutical world in which there is a place for efficiency, uniqueness, and side effects. And only doctors can untie this tangled tangle of complex concepts, indications and contraindications. Then a properly prescribed remedy turns out to be the right path to a fulfilling life.

Hormonal pills were invented in the middle of the last century as a cure for unwanted pregnancy. Currently, many drugs have been created that, in addition, can help get rid of inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries or vagina. Contraceptives are suitable for young girls who have recently begun sexual activity. There are special forms with a high content of hormones for the treatment of severe pathologies.

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    Hormonal remedies for women

    Hormonal preparations are used by women as a means of contraception and for the treatment of diseases of the genital organs.

    In pharmacology, there are several types of drugs. First, they are divided according to the change in the amount of hormones in the composition:

    • Monophasic- the dosage of hormones in all tablets is the same. This group includes: Regulon, Jeanine, Logest.
    • Two-phase- the amount of hormones varies depending on the 1st or 2nd phase of the cycle. Representatives: Femoston, Bifosil, Binovum.
    • Three-phase- according to the name, the amount of hormones is changed three times during the entire period of the menstrual cycle in women. These are the following medicines: Tri-Regol, Tri-Merci, Triziston.

    The hormonal cycle of a woman

    The following list divides oral contraceptives into:

    1. 1. Microdosed- they are recommended for girls under 24 years of age. Example: Jess, Clayra, Zoely.
    2. 2. Low dose- assigned to older women and those who gave birth. Also, girls who, when using drugs of the 1st group, experience bleeding before menstruation, switch to low-dose COCs. These include: Diana, Yarina, Chloe.
    3. 3. Highly dosed- are used to treat diseases of the uterus and ovaries, as they contain a large amount of hormones. These drugs may cause side effects. Representatives are: Triquilar, Ovidon, Triziston.

    There is an additional group of substances (oral contraceptives), which contains only 1 type of hormone - progestogen. It leads to violations of the movement of sperm to the egg, therefore, it only affects pregnancy. These are the following medicines: Charozetta, Exluton.

    Microdosed COCs

    Preparations from this list are most often prescribed to young girls who have just begun sexual activity and have not been pregnant. They are not harmful to the female body.

    The hormonal agent Jess includes a synthetic analogue of estradiol and drospirenone. The medicine stops the onset of ovulation and prevents the fusion of the egg with the sperm. It has an antiandrogenic effect on the body, reducing the production of male hormones in the blood, so it can be used to treat acne, alopecia, seborrhea and other endocrine diseases. It normalizes the cycle of nulliparous girls, contributes to the appearance of regular bleeding and prevents the development of cancer.

    Drospirenone has a positive effect on the synthesis of mineral corticoids in the body, so even prolonged use of Jess tablets does not lead to the appearance of extra pounds and psycho-emotional disorders.

    Qlaira is also a combined contraceptive. Contains both gestagenic and estrogen components. The drug suppresses the onset of pregnancy by thickening the contents of the cervical canal. Prevents hyperplasia of the mucous membranes of the uterus. An indication for the appointment of this medicinal composition is the situation when young girls have long periods of menstruation and a lot of blood is lost.

    Zoely includes nomegestrol and estradiol. The medicine should be used only for contraception - the drug is not suitable for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

    It is not recommended to drink microdose COCs for girls with diseases of the pancreas, kidneys and liver. You should also limit the use of these drugs in severe endocrine pathology, pituitary tumors and severe hypertension.

    With prolonged use, some women develop side effects, in particular, edema appears and weight increases, as well as dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.

    Low dose tablets

    These drugs are not dangerous and do not harm the health of a woman. They are prescribed for middle-aged patients who have already given birth and need contraception. The drugs contain an increased dose of hormones.

    Diane is a monophasic contraceptive that contains estrogen and cyproterone acetate. The drug inhibits the release of mature eggs for subsequent fusion, reduces the activity of testosterone in the woman's body and blocks androgen receptors, as a result of which the voice is restored in patients with androgen-dependent pathologies and the condition of the skin of the face improves.

    The drug is intended for the treatment of endocrine disorders (alopecia, hirsutism, androgenization), polycystic ovaries.

    Yarina contains drospirenone and an estrogen derivative. It has an effective contraceptive effect, blocks ovulation and disrupts the movement of spermatozoa. Prevents the appearance of anemic syndrome, cancer and hyperplasia of the mucous membranes. The medicine is used only for contraceptive purposes.

    Chloe also belongs to monophasic oral contraceptives with pronounced antiandrogenic activity. The tablets contain cyproterone and estradiol.

    Chloe is used in the treatment of seborrhea, androgenism, alopecia, hirsutism and acne vulgaris.

    Contraindications are:

    • pathology of the heart and liver;
    • vascular thrombosis;
    • pregnancy and lactation.

    High-dose COCs

    This group of tablets is used mainly for the treatment of certain diseases.

    Triquilar is a three-phase agent containing a combination of hormones. The main effect of the drug is considered to be a change in the deep layers of the endometrium of the uterus, which leads to a violation of egg implantation. Also, the drug disrupts ovulation.

    As a rule, Triquilar is not used to prevent pregnancy due to frequent adverse reactions. The drug is used to treat endometriosis, heavy bleeding, and the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle.

    Complications include severe suppression of libido, migraine, visual disturbances, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, thromboembolism, and increased blood pressure.

    Ovidon tablets contain levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. The drug is used to prevent bleeding from the fallopian tubes and cervix, to treat pain during menstruation. Also, the tool helps to restore a regular cycle.

    Contraindications for the use of this group of drugs are:

    • pregnancy;
    • violation of the psyche and emotions (depression, nervous excitement, schizophrenia, parkinsonism);
    • hereditary anemia;
    • breast tumors.

    One-component products

    Charozetta and Exluton contain only desogestrel, a progestogen derivative that disrupts the movement of spermatozoa to the egg due to the thickening of mucus in the uterus. Both drugs have the same properties.

    Medicines are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies, unlike other COCs, they have fewer side effects and are more expensive.

    Side effects are represented by moderate headache, urticaria, dyspepsia and libido disorders, but they develop extremely rarely.

    The package contains 21 tablets, designed for 28 days of the cycle. If the patient missed taking the medicine, the next day you need to drink both tablets at the same time.

    Overview of the most popular drugs

    There is a list of hormonal drugs that are prescribed by gynecologists most often.


    Contains ethinylestradiol and desogestrel.

    The drug is used to prevent pregnancy and as a source of additional female hormones. The mechanism of action is based on the suppression of the pituitary function, which is associated with the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. As a result, ovulation is disturbed, mucus thickens in the lumen of the vagina and cervix, which creates unfavorable conditions for the fusion of the egg with spermatozoa.

    Estradiol begins to be synthesized independently in the body of a woman - this is the hormone of the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle. With its help, the ovaries develop and the egg is released. Ethinylestradiol blocks the release of a mature egg into the lumen of the fallopian tubes, reduces the amount of blood secretions and reduces pain.

    Desogestrel is an analogue of progesterone, therefore it has an antiandrogenic effect. In women, facial hair stops growing (as in men), acne disappears and the condition of the skin improves.

    Regulon is used to treat dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome and to prevent pregnancy. The drug reduces pain in the lower abdomen in women, treats aching pain in the chest and reduces the size of uterine fibroids.

    Contraindications include: current pregnancy, liver disease, jaundice, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, herpes, estrogen-dependent tumors and itching. In some women, while taking COCs, arterial hypertension develops, hearing decreases. 1% of patients develop systemic connective tissue diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

    Regulon must be drunk from the 1st day of the cycle - this is the first day after the end of blood discharge. The package contains 21 tablets, after taking the last one, you need to stop using the medicine for 1 week. At this time, the woman begins to bleed, during which you need to start taking a new package.

    In case of overdose, there is a risk of developing convulsions or vomiting. In such cases, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage and consult a doctor.


    Jeanine contains dienogest and ethinylestradiol. The drug inhibits the maturation of follicles in the ovaries and suppresses the release of pituitary hormones. After using the product, the structure of cervical mucus is disturbed, and spermatozoa cannot penetrate inside.

    Jeanine reduces the risk of developing anemic syndrome, since the severity of bleeding decreases during the use of tablets.

    Dienogest is a member of the progestogen group, which is an analogue of nortestosterone. The effect of taking the substance is to reduce testosterone activity, so the acne on the face disappears in the patients, the hair on the chest falls out, and so on. Ethinylestradiol blocks the development of healthy eggs.

    The tool is used to treat acne vulgaris, androgenetic alopecia, seborrhea, hirsutism and prevent pregnancy.

    Do not drink the drug to patients with vein thrombosis, heart attack, angina pectoris, paroxysmal tachycardia, diabetes mellitus, liver failure and liver tumors.

    Side effects after taking a contraceptive:

    • headache;
    • an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
    • decreased libido;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • skin rashes;
    • jaundice;
    • small fluctuations in weight;
    • water retention in the body;
    • allergy.

    The package contains 21 tablets, which must be drunk 1 for 3 weeks. This is followed by a break of 7 days, during which bleeding should appear.

    If you miss taking any COC, the next day you need to drink 2 tablets: the missed one and the current one. It is recommended to take them at the same time so that the concentration of hormones in the blood is maintained for 24 hours.


    Logest is a combined agent containing gestodene and ethinyl estradiol. The drug increases the viscosity of the vaginal mucus and disrupts the processes of ovulation, prevents the release of a mature egg from the tubes and inhibits the speed of movement of male sex cells inside the uterus.

    Gestodene is a synthetic analogue of a woman's gestagens, it actively acts on the ovaries and inhibits the growth of follicles. The medicine is prescribed only for contraception.

    You can not use this remedy for heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, diabetes, pancreatitis, mastitis, during an existing pregnancy, with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.

    Undesirable side effects:

    • the appearance of acne;
    • stomach ache;
    • depression;
    • swelling;
    • jaundice;
    • rash;
    • vaginal discharge.

    Tablets should be taken every day for 3 weeks. It is correct to do this starting from the 1st day of the cycle. If the patient takes Logest from the 2nd or 3rd day of the cycle, it is necessary to prevent sexual contact, as the concentration of hormones will be insufficient, or use a condom in addition.

    In case of an overdose, vomiting and nausea occur. You can not take antibiotics at the same time, as the therapeutic activity of the latter decreases.


    Femoston contains estradiol and dydrogesterone. There are several types of this drug, differing in concentration. The drug has anti-menopausal activity.

    Estradiol is an analogue of natural estrogen, which is necessary for women during menopause. Estrogen has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system and normalizes a woman's mental activity, eliminates excessive sweating, mood disorders and insomnia.

    Dydrogesterone has a progestogenic effect, but does not affect androgen function and does not have an anabolic effect. It provides replacement therapy for the lack of gestagens, which is noted during menopause.

    Femoston is used in the postmenopausal period to eliminate hormone deficiency. Taking the drug prevents the development of bone fractures, hair loss, caries.

    Contraindications include:

    • hormone-dependent tumors;
    • mammary cancer;
    • bleeding from the vagina;
    • hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus;
    • inflammation in the wall of blood vessels.

    Femoston is contraindicated in girls under 18 and pregnant women.

    With prolonged use of tablets, sexual desire decreases, edema appears on the legs, gastritis develops, and nervous excitement increases.


    Tri-Regol contains ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel. The latter is an inhibitor of the production of gonadotropins - pituitary hormones that regulate the production of eggs. As a result, after using Tri-Regol, healthy eggs are not released and pregnancy does not develop. Ethinylestradiol acts on the vaginal mucus - thickens its contents and prevents the free penetration of spermatozoa.

    Also, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, promotes the onset of bleeding after a long delay due to a lack of hormones in a woman.


    • jaundice;
    • age over 39 years;
    • diabetes;
    • vascular sclerosis;
    • cystic skid;
    • colitis;
    • phlebitis;
    • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.

    In some women, the effect on the body is expressed by the following undesirable effects:

    • depressive states;
    • amenorrhea;
    • acne;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • lupus and other connective tissue diseases.

    The package contains 21 tablets - this is enough for 3 weeks. 6 pink tablets should be taken during the first six days, then the next 5 days you should drink white tablets, after which - 10 yellow pills. The order of use in the package is indicated by numbers and arrows.

    In case of an overdose, vomiting is noted, uterine bleeding may develop. With these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Tri Mercy

    Tri-Merci is a three-phase agent with ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. The tablets differ in color, the concentration and ratio of hormonal components in them changes.

    The mechanism of action of Tri-Merci is associated with the suppression of the activity of female sex hormones. This leads to a decrease in the size of the ovaries, a change in the structure of the uterine mucosa, which prevents the implantation of spermatozoa. These effects are provided by the gestagen, which is part of the tablets. Dihydrotestosterone also helps to get rid of acne caused by excess male hormones in women. Estradiol regulates the cycle and relieves pain during bleeding.

    The drug is intended to prevent the development of pregnancy in women of reproductive age. You can not drink this remedy for arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, vascular atherosclerosis, endometriosis, pregnancy, breastfeeding, Gilbert and Rotor syndrome. With caution, Tri-Merci is prescribed to patients with thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and with hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

    The package contains 7 tablets of different colors. First of all, they drink yellow, then red and white tablets. After 21 days, a week break follows, and a new cycle begins.

    Symptoms of overdose are repeated vomiting and abdominal pain. It is necessary to use activated carbon or other sorbents.


    Triziston is available in the form of tablets that contain levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol.

    Levonorgestrel is an analogue of nortestosterone, which has gestagenic activity: it binds to receptors in the uterus and disrupts the maturation of the endometrium, ovarian follicles and prevents ovulation. Estradiols disrupt the movement of spermatozoa.

    Triziston is used for contraception and for the treatment of various functional disorders (absence of menstruation for 2 months or more, with pain during menstruation, and so on).

Today, every couple can plan for the birth of children and control their sex life thanks to the merits of the pharmaceutical industry. A huge selection of contraceptives allows you to choose the appropriate method of protection against pregnancy and / or sexually transmitted infections.

Coitus interruptus

The most unreliable options for contraception are coitus interruptus and the calendar method. PPA is generally difficult to call a method of contraception. The essence of the method is to remove the penis before ejaculation.

In 60% of couples who are protected by PPA, pregnancy occurs in the first year of using the method. Yes, and according to statistics, 80% of women who became pregnant "accidentally" were protected precisely by interrupted intercourse. The problem is that not all men feel the onset of ejaculation. One "wrong" move, and the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly.

calendar method

The method is slightly more efficient than the previous one - 65%. There are 10-15 pregnancies per 100 women who take the risk of contraception in this way. This method becomes more relevant after 30 than for young girls. Only girls and women with a regular menstrual cycle can afford to be protected in this way.

The essence of the method is to calculate the so-called dangerous days on the calendar and not have sex during this period. In general, from the 16th day until the expected start of the next menstruation, the probability of conception is greatest. The most dangerous days fall in the middle of the cycle - from the 12th to the 18th day of the cycle (with a 28-day cycle).

Cons: errors, an irregular cycle, in which it is almost impossible to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, hormonal disruptions. There are other nuances - if sexual intercourse occurred a few days before the expected ovulation, spermatozoa can live in the genital tract for several days and fertilize the egg even after such a seemingly long time. To increase the reliability of this method of contraception, you need to learn how to correctly calculate dangerous days. In addition to the calendar method, you can use ovulation test strips or follow the charts of basal temperature.

Spermicides and non-hormonal pills

Another not very effective method (70% reliability) is spermicides. These are special substances that are introduced into the vagina and have a negative effect on spermatozoa, after which they can no longer fertilize the female egg. Drugs with a similar mechanism of action are sold in pharmacies in the form of suppositories, creams, capsules or tablets, which are injected directly inside before sex.

Such non-hormonal (which is better to choose, reviews of different types - below) are used by many women who, for one reason or another, are afraid to take conventional OK (oral contraceptives). Such non-hormonal tablets are recommended for use in premenopausal women, patients with endocrine system dysfunction, individual sensitivity and adverse reaction to conventional OK. Importantly, these can be used for HB (breastfeeding).

How to choose non-hormonal contraceptives? The rating of the best is presented by such tablets:

  1. Pharmatex. Available in the form of tablets, cream and suppositories. The average price of a pack of 12 tablets is 250 rubles.
  2. "Gynekoteks". The same form of release, the price is 100 rubles for the same 12 tablets.
  3. Benatex. The cost of 10 tablets is 250-300 rubles.
  4. "Erotex". Price 5 pcs. - 110 rubles.
  5. "Contratex".

How to choose tablets? It is advisable to consult a doctor, otherwise it is worth focusing on personal feelings when using. Some pills, for example, cause itching in some women, which disappears when switching to another brand of drugs.

Barrier contraception

Barrier methods protect not only from conception and unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted infections. But the reliability of such means is not 100% (moreover, not a single contraceptive is 100% reliable, except for complete abstinence from any kind of sexual contact), but is only about 85%. Barrier methods include the use of condoms, but they can also break, and then all efforts will go in vain, and lubricate the sensations of sexual intercourse.

Hormonal patches and ring

Other non-invasive methods include patches and a hormone ring. The effectiveness of such funds reaches 92%. The patch adheres to the skin, but is noticeable, requires regular replacement, and is not suitable for use by women over 90 kg. The ring is inserted into the vagina, but also has disadvantages: in some cases, it can cause a change in the nature of menstrual bleeding and disrupt the regularity of menstruation. These methods do not have contraceptive side effects such as treating acne, relieving PMS symptoms, or preventing seborrhea.

Implants and injections

Hormonal implants and injections are essentially the same oral contraceptives, that is, birth control pills, only with a different mechanism of action. If substances from tablets are absorbed through the digestive tract, then injectable contraceptives are administered intramuscularly. The frequency of injections is once a month or every three months. Implants are inserted into the shoulder and require replacement only once every five years. The effectiveness of the methods is 90-99%.

Such contraception, however, can cause migraines, changes in the menstrual cycle, hormonal disruptions, decreased sex drive or weight gain. Injections and implants are generally not used by young women who have not yet given birth, this method of contraception is more suitable for women in their thirties and forties who do not plan to have a child in the near future.

Intrauterine device

The second most effective method of contraception after birth control pills is the intrauterine device. The method also refers to the barrier, only the spiral is installed in the uterine cavity, preventing the embryo from fixing. But the installation of a spiral can cause a change in the nature of menstruation, sometimes causes pain, increases the risk of developing various inflammations and the onset of an ectopic pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives protect against unwanted pregnancy, but not against sexually transmitted diseases. The latest birth control pills have an additional effect: many drugs contain the active form of folic acid, so they alleviate the symptoms of PMS, have an antidepressant effect, help fight acne, improve skin and hair. The reliability of OK is 99.7%, but this method of contraception requires prior consultation with a gynecologist, the care and organization of a woman when taking it. It is about this method of planned contraception that will be discussed further.

Classification of OK according to the content of hormones

All contraceptive pills are divided into 2 large groups: combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and mini-pills. COCs contain an estrogen analogue and a progestogen. The mechanism of action of such pills is that they block the onset of ovulation (the maturation of the egg and its readiness for conception), make the implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity impossible due to "glandular regression" and thicken the mucus, which disrupts the progression of spermatozoa to the female reproductive cell.

COCs are divided into groups according to the variation of hormones and their content. So, there are monophasic, two- and three-phase tablets (more on them later), as well as microdosed, low-dosed and high-dosed COCs. Microdosed OK are suitable for young girls, since the content of active substances in tablets is minimal. The rating of contraceptive pills of this type is presented as follows:

  1. "Jess".
  2. Marvelon.
  3. "Klayra" (the only three-phase tablets in the list of microdosed).
  4. "Dimia".
  5. "Zoeli".
  6. "Logest".
  7. Mercilon.
  8. "Lindinette".
  9. "News".

Low-dose OCs are suitable for both young and older women, and can be used by those patients who experience intermenstrual bleeding when using microdose tablets. Such birth control pills are suitable for women who have given birth. In addition, low-dose OCs prevent hair growth in unwanted places, eliminate increased oily skin and acne, and reduce the manifestations of seborrhea.

  1. "Yarina.
  2. Tablets "Janine".
  3. "Silhouette".
  4. "Diana".
  5. Tablets "Femoden".
  6. "Three-merci".
  7. "Lindinette".
  8. Tablets "Silest".
  9. "Minisiston" and others.

High-dose OK can be taken only on the recommendation of a gynecologist. Such drugs are used, as a rule, for therapeutic purposes (for the treatment of endometriosis, hormonal disorders and other diseases). In the ranking of contraceptive pills with a high concentration of hormones, such OK:

  1. "Non-Ovlon".
  2. "Trikivlar".
  3. "Ovidon".
  4. "Trieseston".
  5. "Three-Regol".

Another type of contraceptive - mini-pill - contains only progestogen. Mini-pills affect the reproductive system only at the local level:

  • increase the viscosity and amount of cervical mucus, which interferes with the free movement of spermatozoa;
  • change the biochemical and morphological structure of the uterine endometrium, which makes it impossible to fix the embryo even in the case of fertilization.

Mini-pills completely block ovulation in only half of women, but this does not affect the reliability of pills as a method of protection.

  1. "Charozetta" (800 rubles per pack).
  2. "Laktinet" (530 rubles).
  3. "Orgametril" (1100 rubles).
  4. "Exluton" (1250 rubles).

There is also emergency contraception, which is used if unprotected sex has occurred, which can lead to pregnancy. These birth control pills are taken within 72 hours after sex. A common example of this type of OK is Postinor. You need to take birth control pills within 72 hours after having sex, otherwise there will be no effect from emergency contraception. You can not use such drugs constantly.

Monophasic, two- and three-phase preparations

COCs also differ in the variation in the content of hormones, dividing into monophasic, two- and three-phase. In monophasic tablets, the percentage of substances does not change in each tablet, in two-phase tablets, the ratio of active components changes in the first and second halves of the cycle, in three-phase tablets, the percentage of substances changes three times per package.

Monophasic birth control pills:

  • "Regulon";
  • "Rigevidon";
  • "Janine";
  • "Silhouette";
  • "Lindinet";
  • "Logest";
  • "Femoden";
  • "Microgynon" and others.

Biphasic OK:

  • "Femoston";
  • "Binovum";
  • "Bifazil";
  • "Adepal";
  • "Anteovin" and others.

Three-phase drugs are represented by Tri-Merci, Triziston, Tri-Regol and others.

How to choose the right birth control pills

You cannot choose birth control pills on your own or even with the help of a pharmacist in a pharmacy. To find the right contraceptive, you need to go to the doctor. The gynecologist will interview the patient, find out if there are any diseases (whether they were in the past) and which ones, and will conduct an examination. During the examination, the gynecologist will measure the patient's weight, blood pressure, assess the condition of the skin, palpate the breasts and prescribe tests. You may also need to visit an ophthalmologist, as long-term use of OCs increases the risk of various eye diseases.

The pills that are best for the patient, the doctor chooses depending on the phenotype. The phenotype takes into account the growth and appearance of a woman, the mammary glands, the degree of hair growth, the condition of the skin, hair, existing chronic diseases, the nature and frequency of menstruation, the presence and severity of PMS, and so on.

There are three main phenotypes:

  1. Women of short or medium stature, whose skin and hair are prone to dryness. Menstruation is profuse and long, the cycle is more than 28 days. Such patients are suitable for medium and high-dose COCs, for example, "Milvane", "Trisiston", "Femoden" and others.
  2. Women of average height, with normal oily hair and skin, with medium-sized breasts. There are no symptoms of PMS in this type of women or they do not cause negative, painful sensations. The menstrual cycle is standard - 5 days, every 28 days. Suitable tablets are Marvelon, Regulon, Tri-Merci, Silest, Logest, Tri-Regol and others (most COCs on the market).
  3. Women who are tall, underdeveloped mammary glands, oily hair and skin. Menstruation is frequent and painful, but scanty, PMS symptoms are often severe. The tablets "Yarina", "Jess", "Zoeli", "Dimia" are suitable.

Rating of oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are too diverse to form an overall rating. But still, the recommendations of gynecologists and patient reviews allow us to highlight some of the best COCs of the new generation. The rating of contraceptive pills is represented by such drugs:

  1. "Jess". They not only perform a direct function, i.e., protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also treat a number of gynecological diseases, hormone dependence, improve the condition of the skin and hair, reduce the manifestations of PMS and relieve painful periods. How to drink birth control pills "Jess"? According to the instructions, you need to start taking the first day of menstruation, pink pills should be taken every day, and on the 28th day - take white (placebo). After the end of the cycle, start the next pack.
  2. Jess Plus. The same "Jess", only the composition also includes an active form of folic acid, which normalizes the psycho-emotional state and avoids unpleasant consequences if pregnancy does occur: the body will be ready to bear a child, despite taking pills. If the patient decides to stop taking OCs in order to become pregnant, planning can begin as early as the next cycle after stopping. In addition, Jess Plus is a birth control pill that does not make you fat. The latter is confirmed by the responses of patients.
  3. Tablets "Janine". According to the girls and women who took Janine, this drug somewhat reduces sexual desire, but is reliable. In addition, "Janine" is a contraceptive pill that does not make you fat, which has been proven by many reviews.
  4. Marvelon. OK are recommended for use by women after 25-35 years of age who are of childbearing age, but have already given birth. The content of hormones is minimal, but the tablets are suitable for patients who are sexually active. Like other OK, "Marvelon" improves the appearance, condition of the skin and hair, normalizes hormonal balance and reduces hair growth in unwanted places.
  5. "Regulon", instructions for use, price, reviews of which are of interest to many women, costs about 1150 rubles (63 tab.). Tablets should be taken daily, from the first to the twenty-first day of the cycle. This is followed by a seven-day break. After a break, you need to start taking it again, even if your period has not stopped yet, the drug "Regulon". Instructions for use, price, reviews should be studied before buying. The opinions of the patients are contradictory: some women became irritable and gained weight, noted a significant deterioration in well-being and a menstrual cycle failure, others were completely satisfied with the drug, while others did not suit them.
  6. Depo Provera. Tablets are recommended for women after forty years of age, can be used in the treatment of various kinds of gynecological diseases. There are injections - doctors say that Depo-Provera is much more effective than in the form of tablets.
  7. Pharmatex. This is a non-hormonal contraceptive that is inserted directly into the vagina in the form of suppositories. It is recommended to apply "Pharmateks" to women from 45 years old, leading an active sex life.
  8. "Yarina". The drug is low-dose and has an anti-adrogenic effect. Some patients claim that they managed to get pregnant while taking Yarina strictly according to the instructions. How to take contraceptive pills "Yarina"? You need to drink OK every day, starting from the 1st day of the cycle, in the order indicated on the blister.
  9. "Lactinet" is not a combined remedy, but a mini-pills, which have a number of contraindications, so a doctor's consultation is a must before you start taking it. The tablets are suitable for women over 45 years of age, patients with diabetes, varicose veins, smokers, breastfeeding.
  10. Contraceptive pills "Silhouette". Many patients note a visible improvement in the appearance of the skin and hair, stabilization of the menstrual cycle, reduction of pain during menstruation and symptoms of PMS. But birth control pills "Silhouette" can cause weight gain - about half of women complain of such a side effect.

Side effects of taking a contraceptive

Reliable, safe (if you consult a gynecologist before taking) and a convenient method of contraception - birth control pills. Side effects, however, also exist. Among them:

  • nausea;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight gain;
  • uncharacteristic discharge between periods;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • decreased libido;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • pain in the chest.

In case of side effects, birth control pills are canceled.

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to taking OK can include:

  • hypertension;
  • kidney pathology;
  • pregnancy;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • migraines of unknown origin;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • overweight (more than 30%);
  • smoking after 35 years (for some tablets, this fact is not a contraindication - a mandatory consultation with a doctor is needed);
  • diabetes mellitus (you can use some OK) and so on.

Whether to take birth control pills is a personal choice for every woman. This is a reliable method of contraception, which is convenient to use for those who have an active sex life. At the same time, there are a number of side effects that occur if you choose the wrong remedy. So, the main thing to be guided by when choosing and taking birth control pills is the recommendations of a gynecologist.

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