Is it possible to hurt your eyes when you cry a lot. Crying is a good healer. It makes us happier

As a rule, most crying people show their emotional weaknesses. Some use this principle to get a desired result or need for a certain action. Let's find out in detail why can't you cry too much?

Because too much crying is bad for your health. After prolonged sobs, the body of any person will be depleted. The nervous system is drastically disrupted. Often crying people age quickly, the cells are depleted and from youth you will go into old age in appearance. Yes, we do not argue that crying is sometimes even useful, but everything should be in moderation.

And yet why not cry a lot?

  • health problems occur
  • sleep is disturbed
  • the nervous system is exhausted and inflated


Each person has a factor in the indicator of health. For some it is stable and normal, for others it is quite weak. Poor health may be due to the fact that a person cries a lot. It doesn't matter if there is a reason or not. We will try to describe in as much detail as possible. Let's say the reason for endless tears is the loss or loss of loved ones. The serious reason. Yes, but if you don’t stop in time, then the result can be one: you are guaranteed shaken health. And this will become a serious problem if you do not help get out of this situation of frequent tears.

Touchy people are prone to frequent tears. Slightly that and eyes on a wet place. One piece of advice: do not create such provocative situations for yourself or others. Better save your precious health.


  • if poor eyesight:

The tear itself is a salty discharge of fluid from the eyes. On the one hand, a kind of protection from external factors of natural phenomena, etc., and on the other hand, a rapid loss of vision ten times. The mucous membrane of the eyes is constantly irritated by your own excreted liquid salt. And if this happens regularly, then the fact is on the face. Vision is deteriorating. There is blueness under the eyes and puffiness of the face. There is drowsiness and laziness.

  • in a stressful situation:

Tears will help to quickly relieve stress, but preferably not lingering and not for a long time. Because of stress plus lingering tears, people are capable of incredibly stupid things that you have to pay for all your life.

  • depression

Depression doesn't go away on its own. We need a real push. Then the brains will fall into place, and the tears will stop. But unfortunately not everyone succeeds and depression can last for years. It is terrifying to imagine that these are not days, weeks, months, but whole long years. An alternative may help. The main thing is not to get hung up. Everything will gradually fall into place. Frequent tears will be replaced by joy and laughter.

Doctors believe that you can cry no more than once a week. Well, if more, then it is harmful.


Probably many of you have observed such a situation when a drunk person begins to cry and sob. There is a surge of emotions, a need to speak out. How to say cry in the vest. But if a regular drunk state occurs, then tears are a frequent occurrence. These people have their nervous system shattered to the limit. This is evidenced by proven statistics and examples from the lives of people who have experienced this or are struggling with this disease.


In infants, an umbilical or inguinal hernia may form from frequent crying. There is a breakdown of the voice and the baby does not eat well and completely stops sleeping. Although small babies need a lot of sleep. The child should not be allowed to cry often, in order to avoid health problems.

Eye cleansing and moisturizing

When some foreign body (dust, specks, soap suds, plant pollen, etc.) gets into the eyes, tears appear reflexively. This is a natural protective mechanism that protects the delicate mucous membrane of the eyeball and adjacent tissues from any traumatic factors. Natural moisture pushes any foreign bodies out of this area, which can scratch the eye and lead to blindness.

The body also needs to maintain a sufficient degree of moisture in the organ of vision. After a long work at the computer and forced rare blinking, the mucous membranes of the eyeballs begin to dry up in a person. There is a feeling of sand in the eyes, burning, severe dryness. Special drops that are similar in composition to human tears can help. They ideally relieve all negative symptoms and restore the natural water balance of eye tissues.

Bactericidal properties of tears

Human tears contain a special protein called lysozyme. This enzyme destroys the walls of bacterial cells, which provokes their death. Due to lysozyme, tear fluid has antibacterial properties. It protects the cornea, eyelids, nasolacrimal ducts and all adjacent internal cavities from many pathogens of dangerous diseases. This substance and the unique ability of tears associated with it was discovered by the bacteriologist Alexander Fleming.

In addition to lysozyme, tears contain a whole set of substances that protect eye health: retinol, endothelin-1, etc. They heal microcracks that sometimes form on the cornea due to injuries and foreign objects getting into the eyes. Our ancestors knew about the bactericidal properties of tears. In Russian fairy tales, they often act as "living" water, resurrecting the dead. Having cried over her beloved for 3 days and 3 nights, the beauty from the fairy tale easily brings him back to life.

When blinking, the eyelids are evenly distributed over the surface of the eyeball in 3 layers: water, mucous and lipid. They are called tear film. This important component is responsible not only for eye health, but also for visual acuity. The eyes of the elderly, which are usually visually impaired, lose their ability to be sufficiently moistened.

Tears make a person smarter

American scientists, who studied the influence of various factors on brain activity within the framework of the BRAIN project, established an interesting fact: tears make people smarter and open up their creative potential. Physiologists are still not completely clear how the ability to cry is connected with brain activity. But practical research has already confirmed that only people who can cry from the heart can think broadly and generate fresh ideas. The one who holds back tears more often uses stamps and ready-made (that is, alien) thought forms.

Stress management

Another important point concerns the ability of tears to remove the stress hormone cortisol from the body. When its level in the blood exceeds all permissible norms, a person begins to cry or even sob excitedly. Moisture pushes through the tear ducts all that chemical “pain cocktail” that makes a person suffer. Having cried enough, the latter feels lightness and calmness.

Psychologists say that the ability to cry in moments of sadness, rage or despair is a unique mechanism for self-preservation. It saves the human psyche from "burnout". That is why people who are experiencing a bereavement are always advised by sympathizers to cry. Together with tears, the chemical component of suffering - stress hormones - will leave the body.

Tears always bring relief and therefore are a powerful therapeutic tool. If cortisol levels are too high in the body for a long time, a person begins to get sick. Increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Tears should not be kept in, otherwise the overflow of stress hormones will lead to illness.

social significance

Interestingly, over many centuries of evolution, the human psyche has adapted to this amazing mechanism. If someone cries, the outsider automatically begins to feel pity and sympathy for him. This is how the empathy mechanism works: a person intuitively feels that the level of the stress hormone in the body of the crying person has exceeded its threshold. As a result, this stranger begins to feel sorry for him.

The same mechanism reduces the sexual attraction of men to crying women. A sobbing girl evokes nothing but sympathy. Mentally healthy, not prone to sadism, a man is simply not able to experience sexual attraction to her. So tears are a whole range of benefits. They protect vision, the psyche and other body systems, protect against sexual and any other aggression of others, and even help to reveal creative potential.

Many young girls often cry. Moreover, this is not caused by hard work or a bad life. For many ladies, “letting a tear” is considered fashionable. So they see themselves as more feminine, get rid of stress and get satisfaction. After all, after such a shock, the brain produces a large amount of the hormone of joy. But what happens if you often cry and get nervous during pregnancy or just like that? What do doctors and psychologists say about this view?

What happens if you cry a lot and get nervous?

From a medical point of view, tears are only useful for a single cry, when emotions are simply impossible to contain. But with periodic tearing, you can get:

  1. Headache;
  2. swelling under the eyes;
  3. High blood pressure;
  4. Pain in the eyes.
  5. Visual impairment.

Tears are a rather toxic liquid. And they can be bad for the skin. Although, some myths say otherwise.

It is important to remember that crying is not a natural state of the body. Therefore, you violate your health with this habit. And this can lead to bad consequences.

What happens if you cry during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an important stage in a girl's life. At this time, the body will experience stress. And that kind of stress needs to be dealt with. After all, if you cry, then the child can get:

  • Nerve problems;
  • congenital insomnia;
  • Violation in the development of organs;
  • lung problems;
  • Mental retardation.

With the constant crying of the mother, the child receives less oxygen and nutrients. Also, it is subjected to mechanical stress. After all, your whole body is trembling with sobs.

Therefore, it is much better to carry out the pregnancy normally, and not to endure the brain to yourself and others. And all the myths about hormones and so on. are empty talk. After all, everything depends on us. And you can always control your crying.

Psychology and constant crying

In addition to physical problems, you can be exposed to diseases on a psychological basis. Eternal crying is a direct path to depression and suicide. At the same time, you may begin to be afraid of people, experience persecution mania, and generally behave inappropriately.

Remember that the more you cry, the more tears are produced. As a result, you get "tear addiction". So, do not cry when there is no good reason for this.

In addition, the more reasons for frustration you find, the more they appear. After all, a crying girl thinks negatively. She does not pay attention to something good. This drives her into even more depression.

Society and girlish crying

Do not think that a lady who constantly cries looks feminine. This is a simple myth. In fact, the eternally upset girl annoys and angers everyone. After all, each of us has our own problems. But few people sit and cry all day.

The worst thing for such persons is with a long relationship with a guy. Over time, the young man ceases to feel sorry for the crybaby, and begins to scold her. The relationship falls apart and she is left with nothing.

Some mental disorders are associated with constant crying. Don't be ashamed of your problems. If you cannot cope with this problem, then consult a doctor. You can try and take sedatives on your own. Just do not buy strong drugs and do not resort to alcohol. So you won't help yourself.

A man is born, and the first sound he makes is crying. During the first year of life, the little man communicates with the world and people in this way - by crying. It has so many shades that the mother almost always knows what the baby needs. And then, growing up, very often the child hears: “don’t cry, you’re already big”, “ah-ah-ah, how embarrassing to cry”, “men don’t cry”.

From childhood, an axiom is laid - crying is bad. Laughter increases life expectancy - this is proven by science. What about crying?

Why are tears needed?

You can cry from pain, from grief, from happiness, from the wind or a bow. After watching a romantic or sad movie, we involuntarily brush away a tear. Having hit, the child bursts into tears. Having lost a loved one, it is simply impossible to hold back tears. Tears help to cope with emotional overload. And not only:

  • protect the eyes from the adverse effects of external factors;
  • increase life expectancy;
  • help to remove harmful substances from the body;
  • treat.

Crying is healthy - most scientists agreed on this conclusion.

Fact 1: Tears cleanse the body

The human body contains catecholamine is a stress stimulant. Crying releases catecholamine with tears. That is, tears help relieve stress and remove harmful chemicals from the body.

Catecholamine is most harmful to the child's body. Therefore, the frequent crying of children in any incomprehensible or unpleasant situation for them is a protective reaction of the body, which preserves the physical and psychological health of the growing organism.

Fact 2: Tears protect the eyes

Mechanical (reflex) tears moisturize, cleanse and protect the eyes. Help protect them under the following adverse conditions:

  • difficult weather conditions - wind, heat;
  • long sitting in front of a TV or computer monitor;
  • environmental degradation - dust, smog, emissions.

It happens that natural tears are not enough. In such cases, artificial tears are recommended - special eye drops that act in the same way as reflex tears, protecting the eyes from overwork and external influences.

Fact 3: Tears prolong life

Women live longer than men. There are quite a few reasons for this. One of them - women cry more often. Is it good to cry when pain strikes – physical or emotional? Or do you have to be patient? The men are trying their best to hold back the tears. It begins in childhood, when the boy is taught that real men do not cry. Boys are much more likely to get into all sorts of adventures and get bumps and abrasions more often. But remembering the suggestion of dad and mom, they try not to burst into tears. Thus, emotions are driven inside, and then manifested either by excessive aggression or, at a more mature age, by diseases of the cardiovascular system.

That's why it's good to cry instead of hiding your emotions inside.

Fact 4: Tears in the company

The experiments that scientists conduct with crybabies (crying in the company of a person who sympathizes and supports) are not entirely indicative. A person will cry differently when he knows he is being watched. Emotions and tears are therefore not entirely real. But still, the vast majority of people participating in the experiment say that they felt better when they cried.

Also, an interesting feature was revealed. It is more comfortable for a crying person to cry in company, when they pity him, console him, show sympathy.

When Tears Bring No Relief

Whether crying is harmful or beneficial is now the question resolved and scientifically proven. It is worth remaining yourself and not resisting the functions inherent in nature in a person. Someone more whiny and emotional - likes to be pitied. Psychologists advise people who are more restrained in society to cry alone. Still, tears help relieve stress, make you feel better and heal wounds.

Every person learns to cry from the moment they are born. For a small child, crying is a kind of mechanism for influencing others. Thus, he notifies everyone that he is hungry or feels unwell, for example. With the help of tears, the child also attracts attention.

When a child grows up, he already begins to be ashamed of his tears and cries less and less. This is especially true for male children. But still, there are moments when even the most severe men cannot hold back their tears.

Moreover, it should be noted that people cry not only from grief, but also at the most touching moments or even from happiness.

reflex tears

As you know, tears can be divided into mechanical and emotional. Mechanical tears serve to cleanse and moisturize the eyes. They are reflex in nature. We need these tears to keep our eyes healthy. The mucous membrane of the eye is very delicate and dries out quickly. Without moisture, it can very easily be damaged.

As we age, our eyes gradually lose their ability to be adequately moistened with tears. For this reason, the eyes of old people seem to us as if faded and dull.

artificial tears

Hydration of the mucous membrane of the eye is especially important for those who spend long hours at the computer or in front of the TV. Very often, such people suffer from dry eyes. There is a feeling as if something is interfering inside the eye all the time.

Therefore, such people are advised to blink more often. During blinking, the tear film is distributed over the surface of the eye, which consists of three layers: mucous, water and lipid. However, for some, this does not help either. For such cases, scientists have created artificial tears. Their use avoids drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

The benefits of emotional tears

Emotional tears are triggered by a variety of strong emotions. Most psychologists believe that crying is good for health.

In this case, only real emotional tears are meant, and not artificially caused. Tears have been proven to be somewhat of a pain reliever. When a person experiences severe shocks, many “stress hormones” are produced in his body. In a difficult situation, a person usually has enough strength only to cry. But this is what brings him psychological relief.

In addition, by crying, the human body gets rid of harmful substances that could harm it.

Tears are also able to normalize blood pressure and have an anti-stress effect.

Scientists have discovered that tears even help heal small wounds on the skin. This property helps the skin under the eyes not to age for a long time.

The chemical composition of tears

Holding back tears is bad for our health. So, people who do not cry are much more likely to suffer from severe nervous disorders and mental illness.

Scientists conducted research to study the chemical composition of human tears. They discovered that during crying, harmful chemicals are removed from the body along with tears, as well as catecholamines, which are stress stimulants. These stimulants pose the greatest danger to the young organism. It is for this reason that children cry much more than adults. This natural protective natural mechanism protects children's health. Tears also promote milk production in breastfeeding mothers. They also contain antibacterial substances.

By the way, the human body annually produces a glass of tears. Moreover, their number does not depend on the age or gender of people.

Tears prolong life

Tears to some extent contribute to the prolongation of life. The ability to cry properly gives the body a strong psychological release. We can say that, in this way, crying helps us to effectively deal with stress.

As you know, women live longer than men. This is due to several factors at once. One of them is the emotional restraint of men. Men do not cry, thus preventing their emotions from breaking out. At the same time, negative emotions accumulate inside, gradually undermining health. Women, on the contrary, tend to give vent to their emotions and tears.

Crying is also beneficial from a physiological point of view. It leads to relaxation and slowing of breathing, has a calming effect.

Harm of tears

However, tears can sometimes be harmful. So, for example, scientists from Holland do not recommend crying too intensely. The nervous system of some people can be overworked by this. You need to learn to cry in such a way that it brings relief, and not vice versa. It can even be said that the benefits of crying depend mainly on the circumstances and individual characteristics of each individual person.

Scientific studies have been carried out in this regard. So, psychologists offered special tests to American volunteers. They had to describe how they felt after crying. For this, more than 3 thousand people were examined and interviewed.

Most of the test subjects experienced a sense of relief. However, about a third of those surveyed said they experienced absolutely no relief. And 10% of the participants generally said that after crying they only got worse.

As a result, scientists have concluded that there is a certain category of people who are contraindicated in crying. These people have various emotional disorders and suffer from increased anxiety. After crying, they feel only the burdening of the internal state. Experts also noticed that it becomes easier after crying, especially for those who managed to arouse the sympathy of others.

But it should also be noted that in laboratory conditions it is quite difficult to study the emotional nature of tears. After all, the studied volunteers feel additional stress from the consciousness that they are being observed.

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