Implants comparison. Which implants are best for a perfect smile? Tools and equipment

Most people pay much more attention to the condition of their teeth than to the control of gum health. Sometimes, when examining the oral cavity, unpleasant symptoms are found: the gum has moved away from the tooth, the color of the tissues has changed. Often added soreness, bleeding of varying intensity.

What is this pathology? What to do if a “pocket” has formed between the tooth and the periodontal tissue? You can get rid of inflammation and discomfort with the help of medications, folk methods, but first you need to go to the dentist. Advanced cases require the use of surgical methods of treatment.

general information

Omission or recession of the gums is a pathological process, the result of which is detachment, abrasion of the edge of the gum tissue. Part of the unit of the dentition is gradually exposed.

Immediately, a person does not attach importance to minor changes in the appearance of the teeth and periodontal tissue. The problem manifests itself with several symptoms:

  • enamel sensitivity increases; (We have an article about tooth sensitivity);
  • there is a noticeable distance between the gum and teeth;
  • the exfoliated area interferes, the periodontal pocket causes discomfort during meals, hygiene procedures;
  • the gum looks swollen, unhealthy, density is lost, color changes;
  • due to inflammation, the taste of blood is felt; (Read the article about inflammation of the gums);
  • sometimes the patient notices with surprise that one, several or all units of the dentition seem longer than before.

Take note:

  • lack of treatment causes complications, further deterioration of the quality of the gingival and dental tissue;
  • with a severe degree of pathology, deep layers are affected, the inflammatory process with the formation of purulent masses reaches the jawbone;
  • over time, a person may lose several units of the dentition;
  • in advanced cases of periodontitis and periodontal disease, very few teeth remain in the mouth.

Causes of pathology

The gum moves away under the influence of various factors. The worse the condition of the oral cavity, the higher the likelihood of pathological changes. Often, a decrease in the density of the gum tissue is caused by chronic pathologies, vitamin deficiency, and a lack of minerals. Examine the main causes of the pathological phenomenon.

Oral diseases

Has the gum dropped noticeably? You are developing. Have periodontal pockets formed in which pus accumulates? The name of the disease is .

Provoking factors:

  • poor hygiene;
  • poor quality paste, bad brush;
  • accumulation of soft, hard plaque;
  • diabetes;
  • reduced immunity;
  • eating predominantly soft foods;
  • injury.

Important! Often the disease is caused by an abnormal bite. That is why it is necessary to deal with the correction of defects in the dentition from the age of 10-11. Modern orthodontic constructions (brackets of several varieties) are able to correct malocclusion even in adults.

Poorly fitted dentures

Another common cause of poor gum health. Improperly made, poorly fitted structures with sharp edges rub delicate areas, provoke inflammation, and the appearance of purulent masses. Constant friction of prostheses gradually leads to microtrauma, then to gum recession.

Patients with soft (silicone and nylon) prostheses are at risk. The reason is an uneven chewing load, a high probability of a gradual drooping of the gums.

Excessive zeal in hygiene procedures

Increased attention, misunderstanding of the concept of "careful oral care" often has the opposite effect. Instead of the health of the oral cavity - exfoliation of tissues, inflammation of the mucous membrane, increased sensitivity of the enamel.

What is the reason? Common mistakes:

  • some people are so afraid of the development of inflammatory processes that they brush their teeth several times a day for at least five minutes;
  • another mistake: choosing a device with the stiffest bristles. Many believe that elastic villi will ideally clean the surface, not a single gram of soft plaque will remain.

Consequences of aggressive brushing:

  • irritation, microtrauma, the appearance of friability of tissues;
  • triggering inflammatory processes when an infection penetrates;
  • gum recession appears due to the fault of a person, and not due to an infection that has penetrated from the outside;
  • abrasion of enamel, increased sensitivity to hot / cold food, sweet, sour.

Poor oral hygiene

Another extreme, provoking a deterioration in the density of the gum tissue. Some people pay too much attention to caring for their teeth, tongue, and mucous membranes. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is enough to brush your teeth for a minute in the morning + in the evening - and the freshness of breath, the pleasant color of the enamel, and the removal of plaque are provided.

Future patients of dental clinics do not remember such concepts as dental floss, rinsing, removing plaque from the tongue. Delusion, lack of knowledge is costly.

Consequences of violation of hygiene rules:

  • accumulation of soft plaque and;
  • enamel darkening;
  • inflammation of the areas near the teeth, the development of caries;
  • the formation of periodontal pockets, ;
  • fragility of teeth, friability, often weakened near-tooth zones.

Note! Lack of attention to hygiene plus rare visits to the dentist increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as periodontitis, periostitis, abscess. With an abundance of purulent masses, inflammation of the jaw joint develops, the jaw bones are destroyed.

Receding gums when wisdom teeth erupt

Many patients have experienced an unpleasant phenomenon with inflammation of the periodontal tissue. If the tooth breaks through with complications, grows incorrectly, cannot erupt, the place above swells, turns red, loses its density, moves away from the hard tissue. Bleeding accelerates infection, pus appears, and severe inflammation can develop.

A pocket in the periodontal space is a place of accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. Lack of treatment causes severe pain, accumulation of food debris under the soft, loose tissue, damage to the tooth. (Read about how to relieve pain when teething a wisdom tooth; an article is written about the possible consequences of removing a wisdom tooth).

Methods and rules of treatment

Gingival recession is a dangerous sign, a harbinger of a more severe complication - bone destruction. Finding signs of omission, gums moving away from the dental tissue, contact your dentist as soon as possible.

The doctor will prescribe an x-ray to determine the severity of the process. Early stages of periodontitis (inflammation, severe bleeding, swelling, redness) and periodontal disease (exposing the neck of the tooth, omission of areas without tissue inflammation) are successfully treated.

Conservative treatment

At the first appointment, the dentist will give a direction for an x-ray, evaluate the picture. The radiograph will show the degree of tissue destruction near each unit, the location of the pathological process. With an initial and moderate severity of the disease, surgical treatment can be dispensed with.

The main methods of therapy:

  • deep cleaning of teeth using ultrasound. The dentist will remove soft plaque, mineralized tartar. With a large accumulation of deposits, several procedures will be required;
  • The next step is anti-inflammatory therapy. In the clinic, after each cleaning of the surface of the dentition, the doctor applies a drug to the affected areas that relieves swelling and redness. Gel gives a good effect;
  • periodontal pockets the doctor washes with a powerful antiseptic. The patient continues treatment at home. Chlorhexidine solution 0.05% is an effective remedy for fighting inflammation. The duration of therapy is one and a half weeks;
  • dental gel covers loose gum tissue with a protective layer, relieves redness, swelling, restores density. Effective drugs - Metrogil Denta, Kamistad, Holisal-gel;
  • daily rinses with herbal decoctions. Oak bark, chamomile, sage, calendula have an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect;
  • lubricate the inflamed areas with aloe or yarrow juice, rinse your mouth with saline, treat with peach, sea buckthorn oil;
  • with a strong degree of inflammation, antibiotics are recommended, for example, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxiclav. The doctor will select the drug after a special test.

The dentist is obliged to point out to the patient errors in hygiene procedures, prescribe therapeutic toothpaste, and suggest how to choose a good brush. The task of the patient is to follow the recommendations of the doctor: poor care will nullify the result of using gels, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

How to rinse your mouth if it hurts? We have an answer!

How much does airflow teeth cleaning cost? Read the page for details on the procedure.


Advanced cases of periodontitis, in which it is impossible to restore gum density, restore bone quality, require surgical treatment. An experienced doctor will choose a method depending on the severity of the process.

Types of manipulations:

  • early stage. Closed curettage of shallow (up to 5 mm) periodontal pockets. The essence is the removal of subgingival deposits, modified tissue;
  • medium, medium stage. Open curettage - through an incision in the gum, the doctor removes granulations, adds artificial bone tissue;
  • hard stage. Flap operation. The doctor cuts the tissue a centimeter and a half below the edge, removes the exfoliated area. The final stage is the pulling of the flaps to the neck of the tooth, the elimination of gum prolapse.

The postoperative period is accompanied by soreness, careful care of the wound, the use of painkillers are required. Advanced cases cause suffering, require significant costs for a number of drugs.

Preventing gum recession is easy:

  • take good care of your mouth. Use a high-quality, moderately hard brush, paste with calcium, fluorine, herbal extracts;
  • gently brush your teeth, do not rub delicate tissues;
  • eat right, take multivitamins;
  • control the standing of the mucous membrane, dentition, gum tissue. A visit to the dentist every 6 months should become the norm;
  • in case of abnormal bite, loss / removal of part of the units, visit the prosthodontist. Orthodontic constructions will restore the bite, improve the condition and appearance of the dentition. Check how well the braces, crowns, clasp prostheses are made and installed; (Learn about sapphire braces; about lingual braces -; a page is written about other types of braces; read the article about dental crowns; about dentures - address);
  • if the area above the wisdom tooth is sore, consult a dentist as soon as possible until the inflammatory process has spread to a large area, deep into the periodontium;
  • prevent exacerbations of chronic pathologies. Many endocrine diseases, such as diabetes, often cause loose tissues.

Now you know why many people have gums moving away from their teeth. Do not hope that herbal decoctions, homemade ointments, natural oils will completely solve the problem.

Be sure to visit the dentist. The doctor will find out the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon, prescribe conservative or surgical treatment. After eliminating the defect, follow the instructions of the dentist, properly care for the oral cavity.

In the following video, you can clearly see the process of treating gum recession:

A beautiful smile is an indicator of human health. People pay great attention to their teeth, rarely paying attention to the gums, and one day they find that the gum begins to move away from the tooth.

This article will tell you about what to do if the gum has moved away from the tooth, the reasons for the exposure of the neck of the tooth and methods of treatment.

What to do?

Exposing the neck of the tooth (gingival recession) is a process in which the gum tissue begins to wear away or flake off, resulting in the exposure of an extra tooth or root. Then periodontal pockets appear and diseases develop - periodontitis, periodontal disease, which make the teeth sensitive to the penetration of microbes.

Untreated recession leads to complications and tooth loss.

First of all, you need to calm down and carefully examine the place where the gums recede, paying attention to the presence of such symptoms of pathology:

  1. The tooth (own or accrued) outwardly lengthened, its mobility palpable by the tongue appeared.
  2. The appearance of a small depression near the gum line and a soft coating on the enamel is felt.
  3. When brushing teeth, blood appears when spitting and rinsing.
  4. The gum is somewhat swollen and has changed color (to bright red or purplish blue).
  5. There was an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the teeth began to stagger and creak when the jaws were closed.
  6. The gum between the teeth has become inflamed with the appearance of a pocket where the remnants of food fall, which provokes the formation and release of pus.
  7. There was pain, lowering and swelling of the gums.

If at least one of the above signs of a serious incipient dental disease is present, you should consult a doctor. At the same time, you can start using improvised folk remedies.

Step-by-step instruction

It is necessary to visit the dentist, and at home it will be useful to use folk methods for gum disease and identified recession.

If the meeting with the dentist does not happen soon, then the following recipes will help:

  1. Chamomile (1 tablespoon) and sage (1 teaspoon) pour 400 ml of boiling water, wrap, leave for 30 minutes. Then cool a little, strain and add 1 tbsp. l. 30% propolis solution (sold in a pharmacy). Do rinses throughout the day, repeat the procedure with a fresh remedy daily for 7 days.
  2. Salt with baking soda, take 10 g each, mix with a glass of boiled water, rinse every 2 hours for several days in a row.
  3. 1 tsp dissolve hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm boiled water and add 5 drops of 30% propolis.
  4. Mix ready-made calendula tincture (1 tsp) with a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth with an emphasis on the place where the neck of the tooth is exposed an arbitrary number of times.

Bandages with sea buckthorn, fir, peach oil, oak bark or rubbing oil into the gums with clean fingers (as a massage) are useful.

At the same time, you need to reconsider your nutrition system: exclude sweets, eat solid food, take foods with a high content of ascorbic acid.

Maintain oral hygiene by gentle brushing and rinsing of mouthwash after meals throughout the day (to prevent germs from multiplying).

Stages of treatment

The most suitable method of medical care will be selected by a dentist or periodontist.

After the examination, the patient is prescribed x-rays that help determine the destruction of the tissues of the teeth and gums.

The doctor will conduct a thorough cleaning of tartar or neglected plaque, which provoke the appearance of inflammation.

Antibiotics are prescribed (Cifran, Lincomycin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen), rinsing with antiseptics (Oracept, Stomatidine, Chlorhexidine, Maraslavin, Stomatofit), special dental ointments and gels (Metrodent, Asepta, HolisalMetrogildenta, Dental, Parodium, Kamistad), balms and natural oils (bark of oaks, fir, sea buckthorn, tea tree).

With an increase in temperature and severe inflammation, analgesics and dressings on the gums with glucocorticides and antibacterial agents, as well as taking vitamins, can be prescribed.

Professional cleaning of teeth with washing with antiseptics can be carried out by curettage (mechanical cleaning with a special instrument), ultrasound (the second method is the most gentle and popular).

If necessary, the dentist will replace a poor-quality filling, fit dentures.

Severe periodontitis may require surgical assistance (flap surgery, incision of the inflamed hood with the removal of a wisdom tooth, soft tissue transplantation).

Possible reasons

Most often, the gum can move away from the tooth due to the onset of periodontitis (inflammation in the soft tissues of the gums surrounding the tooth). People who prefer soft foods are prone to periodontitis: cereals, baked fruits, boiled vegetables.


Due to such a monotonous diet, there is no massage of the gums, which is necessary for good blood circulation and gum tone. Food gets stuck in the pocket between the teeth.

In addition to soft nutrition, the following factors can be the reasons for exposing the neck of the tooth:

  1. Errors in the establishment of seals, ill-fitting prosthesis, piercing in the mouth (on the tongue or lips). Here, microtraumas are formed in the gums, leading to microcracks. Microbes begin to develop in them.
  2. Excessively thorough cleaning of the teeth with a brush of increased rigidity. Injury and irritation of the gums occurs, then inflammation occurs, bleeding appears. In this case, it is recommended to clean the teeth with a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide (thorough gentle cleaning).
  3. Insufficient dental care. There is an accumulation of bacterial plaque and the formation of stones, leading to gingivitis and periodontitis.
  4. Diabetes. A disease characterized by damage to all organs and systems affects the gums. This requires frequent visits to the dentist and monitoring of the oral cavity.
  5. Hereditary diseases (genetic predisposition to diseases).
  6. Somatic diseases, diseases of the hematopoietic system, immunodeficiency.
  7. Hormonal changes. More often, women are prone to gum problems due to hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives (pregnancy, childbirth, menopause).
  8. Bad habits (smoking, grinding and strong clenching of teeth).
  9. Incorrect bite and growth of wisdom teeth, uneven teeth (there is increased pressure on the gums in some places, the jaw may hurt).

You can help yourself with the exposure of the gums using folk methods.

Possible Complications

Gum diseases carry a lot of unpleasant symptoms and often lead to consequences.

Complications, in addition to non-traumatic loss of healthy teeth, include:

  1. Periostitis (damage to the massive part of the periosteum in the jaw).
  2. Abscesses, phlegmons (the formation of inflamed cavities with pus can lead to sepsis in advanced cases).
  3. Frequent acute respiratory viral infections and infectious diseases (due to pathological microbes entering the inflammation site and their reproduction in the upper respiratory tract).

Inflammatory phenomena in the gum itself, caused by bacteria due to poor cleaning of the teeth (with the accumulation of food debris in the gaps-pockets between the teeth) can lead to the development of severe periodontitis and the irretrievable loss of a previously healthy tooth. A weak inflamed gum will not be able to hold its root.

The onset of complicated consequences can always be prevented by a timely trip to the dentist and the observance of preventive household rules for oral care.

What to do if the gum has moved away from the extended tooth?

Extended teeth look no different from ordinary teeth. The extension is done on the pin or without it, leaving the natural root.

Since the build-up is carried out using ultrasound, even with the onset of periodontitis in a patient, ultrasound is useful as a professional method of cleaning teeth.

For several visits to the patients of the clinic, the dentist will prescribe an x-ray (panoramic and sighting), remove supragingival deposits, small pebbles under the gum.

In all other respects, professional and home therapy is the same as for natural teeth: the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, antibiotics, rinsing with herbs and antiseptics, the use of dental gels, proper oral hygiene.


In order not to develop periodontitis, at the first signs of the disease (bleeding gums and gum recession), it is necessary to more carefully monitor oral hygiene and rinse with infusions of chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort or wild rose, which have a strengthening, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, and visit a dentist.

Early treatment and therapy will not give any chance of periodontitis. Regular dental checkups (at least twice a year) will help prevent oral pathologies. Also, in case of malocclusion, it is worth discussing the problem with the dentist, to find ways of possible correction.

It is advisable to adhere to a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition, getting rid of smoking). No need to deny yourself the use of raw fresh vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, currants, cherries).

They massage the gums well and improve blood circulation in them. In addition, the vitamin C contained in them helps to maintain the general condition of the body.

It is necessary to properly care for the teeth (2 times a day) with a soft-bristled brush, and also use dental floss for a more thorough cleaning. After each meal, you can rinse your mouth with special dental elixirs with herbs (they are sold in large quantities in the pharmacy).

What to do if the tooth has moved away from the gums?

gum recession

Recession or detachment of the gums from the tooth is observed against the background of the formation of a periodontal pocket due to the development periodontitis. Condition leads to vulnerability, soreness and loosening of the teeth. Nothing prevents the penetration and spread of pathogenic bacteria and microbes in the basal part of the tooth; if left untreated, the problem will definitely lead to shakiness, increased sensitivity, visual lengthening of the bare tooth until it falls out, and the development of inflammatory processes.

The problem needs to be fixed by visits to the dentist for a range of medical procedures .

With periodontitis, it is often recommended to do splinting - combining teeth into a solid block using a splint. Due to this, loosening can be avoided. Take a look at another article on the site to learn in detail what splinting is.

There can be many reasons for the detachment of a tooth from the gums:

  1. Usually this is an aggressive mechanical action., applying excessive force when brushing your teeth or using the wrong, too hard brush, which eventually leads to injury and abrasion of the enamel with constant pressure. As a result, to damage, exfoliation of the tooth from the gums against the background of incorrect manipulations to clean the oral cavity.
  2. Formation of plaque on the teeth as it turns into a hard stone, it can lead to gum recession. The phenomenon is often observed in smokers against the background of the appearance of sticky yellow plaque on the teeth, which only helps to accelerate the formation of a periodontal pocket and lead to tissue damage around the circumference of the tooth.
  3. Bruxism against the background of excessive clenching or grinding of teeth at night, it creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of a periodontal pocket, the development of periodontitis against the background of infection of the tissues around the tooth.
  4. Hormonal changes often leads to a decrease in the stability of the gums.
  5. wisdom tooth growth in the wrong direction can put pressure on one of the teeth individually or a row as a whole. In another article, we provided a photo of a wisdom tooth.

Associated symptoms

Since the main reasons for the detachment of the gums from the tooth is its injury or the formation of tartar, over time periodontitis develops, which inevitably leads to the processes of degeneration, resorption in the tissues of the bone, the formation of a periodontal pocket, i.e. an unprotected open cavity between the root of the tooth and the gum - the gate for the settlement of viruses and bacteria.

As the inflammatory process develops, the contents of the cavity filled with pus, bad breath begins to disappear, teeth (in particular neighboring healthy ones) will become more mobile, the gums will sink down, become swollen and painful on palpation, will start to bleed. Here we covered the question of how to treat the gums if they bleed.

Treatment at home

When the neck of the tooth is exposed, of course, you need to visit the dentist, otherwise loosening over time will lead to falling. It is unlikely that improvised means in the form of herbal infusions for rinsing will help save an injured tooth. Only a doctor will be able to provide effective assistance, eliminate the processes of inflammation, it is possible to save the tooth from inevitable loss.

You can rinse your mouth:

  • Saline solution;
  • Infusion of calendula, alder cones, lingonberries;
  • Decoctions of St. John's wort, oak bark.

Lubricate the affected areas sea ​​buckthorn, peach or vegetable oils. If the tooth hurts, then it is good to rinse with soda-salt warm solution (salt and soda, 10 g per 1 glass of water).

To relieve swelling and inflammation it is recommended to rinse the mouth with oak bark. When a tooth moves away from the gum- infusion of lime blossom and calendula, pour 120 g of boiling water, leave for 0.5 hours, strain. You can prepare a composition of St. John's wort, chamomile and calendula. Pour 15 g of boiling water (1 cup) for 2 hours, rinse your teeth after eating.

Treatment at the dentist

The elimination of recession in the conditions of a dental clinic is a phased one, it consists in a number of procedures performed by the dentist:

  • Examination of the oral cavity;
  • Dental x-ray appointments;
  • Examination of the image to determine the degree of damage;
  • Cleaning teeth from plaque or tartar that has appeared using ultrasonic equipment;
  • Treatment of places with antiseptics;
  • Washing the pocket with anti-inflammatory agents;
  • It is possible to prescribe a course of antibiotics in order to completely eliminate the foci of infection, chlorhexidine for rinsing and lubricating the gums.

Applicable curettage as a deep cleaning of the lesions, removal of plaque and calculus with a strong deviation of the gums from the tooth and the impossibility of curing, eliminating this condition in other ways: cleansing the periodontal pocket only with antiseptics.

In severe advanced cases it is possible to carry out a surgical operation to clean a deep pocket (over 5 mm), remove granulations accumulated between the gums, plant sympathetic bone tissue, suturing when curettage is performed, other methods are no longer effective.

The doctor will prescribe to patients rinsing the mouth at home with antiseptic solutions(saline solution, tincture of calendula and horsetail, other medicinal herbs, hydrogen peroxide) to prevent the spread of infection deep into the dental canal, gums.

What to do if the gum has moved away from the wisdom tooth?

  1. When the gums detach from the wisdom tooth, massaging the gums is recommended by taking solid food, rinsing the mouth with antiseptics, cleaning the spaces between the teeth with special threads.
  2. Prevention of periodontal disease, other inflammatory processes in the mouth due to the accumulation of dangerous microbes.
  3. Showing mouth rinses with anti-inflammatory and healing infusions from herbs of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, as well as pharmacy balms and ointments for lubricating damaged areas.
  4. If the wisdom tooth began to move away from the gums at the eruption stage, while the gum swells up, bleeds and hurts, the temperature rises, other troubles appear, which often happens in children, then a visit to a specialist should not be postponed.
  5. Swelling of the gums is unpleasant, painful, and when rejected, it causes a lot of inconvenience. especially when eating. This condition actually leads to the development of periodontitis, the appearance of a pocket between the gum and the tooth. It is recommended to regularly rinse the gum area with saline, infusions of sage, chamomile and propolis to prevent the spread of a bacterial infection.
  6. To prevent pain, it is worth reviewing the diet, giving up strong tea, coffee, alcohol, sweets, smoking cigarettes, from which gray plaque quickly appears, then tartar and gum exfoliation.
  7. To reduce inflammation, it is recommended to use dental gels., for example, Kholisalom. Here you will find detailed instructions for use, reviews, prices and analogues of Holisal gel.

What can not be done if the gum has moved away from the tooth?

With the rejection of the gums from the tooth, the main thing in every possible way prevent the development of inflammatory processes prevent the progression of this condition.

In no case should you:

  • Apply warm compresses;
  • Rinse your mouth with hot infusions favorable for intensive reproduction of microbes;
  • Touch the sore spot with your tongue, which contributes to increased pain, acceleration of the intensity of the course of processes.

In any case, you need to visit a dentist.

Hygiene rules are simple:

  • Brushing teeth 2 times a day;
  • Using Floss(dental floss up to 50 cm) for cleaning; interdental spaces;
  • mouth rinse after every meal;
  • Examination at the dentist at least 2 times a year;
  • Inclusion of hard foods in the diet, cabbage, currants, cherries, fresh berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • Eating solid non-ground food to improve blood circulation, blood purification;
  • Carrying out gum massage;
  • Eating hard apples, carrots, in order to avoid preventing tartar, it is useful to eat nuts, dairy products containing vitamin C, lemons, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, sauerkraut, currants;
  • Avoid strong mechanical impact on the teeth to avoid damage to the enamel, detachment of the tooth from the gums;
  • Stop using hard brushes, abrasive products when brushing your teeth, which can lead to abrasion, thinning of the enamel, subsequently - to loss of sensitivity and exposure of the neck of the tooth. Otherwise, the condition can lead to complications, when it becomes simply impossible to cope with the problem without surgical intervention.

Possible Complications

Pathogenic bacteria, when they enter and multiply in the oral cavity, inevitably lead to the development of caries, gums moving away from the tooth, periostitis, abscess, periodontitis, phlegmon. The condition can provoke development or progression (in diabetics) diabetes, also stroke, heart attack when the bacterium enters the hematopoietic or respiratory system. The risk of acute respiratory diseases increases.

Complications are often found in pregnant women, the elderly. In severe cases, it becomes impossible to dispense with a surgical operation to remove cysts, granulomas. The defeat of one tooth inevitably leads to the defeat of all neighboring ones. Treatment of detachment of the gums from the tooth, elimination of existing defects in the mouth should be timely.


In order to prevent the development of periodontitis and other inflammatory processes, the main thing is:

  • Permanent oral hygiene;
  • Brushing teeth 2 times a day(in the morning and in the evening);
  • mouth rinse warm disinfectant solutions, antiseptics;
  • Use of dental floss(45-50 cm in length), proper hygienic brushes and toothpastes;
  • To give up smoking;
  • Nutrition correction and balance with the inclusion in the diet of foods to strengthen the gums: fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C;
  • Regular visits to the dentist compliance with all instructions and recommendations.
  • Receding gums can lead to complications, it is not always possible to cure the disease on your own.

In order to avoid complete loss of teeth, the development of inflammatory processes is better consult a doctor in a timely manner, treat even minor manifestations of caries at the initial stage.

The gum has moved away from the tooth

If the gum has moved away from the dental crown, for the patient this is fraught with tooth loss, and then - atrophy of the bone tissue. Such complications exclude the possibility of effective prosthetics. Why this happens and how to deal with it - read on.

The most minimal thing that can be expected with the development of pathology is tooth loss. In some cases, inflammatory processes lead to the formation of purulent tumors, upon rupture of which the exudate comes out. The consequence of such a complication can be blood poisoning, which is already life-threatening.

Why does the gum move away from the tooth

local causes

Poor oral hygiene.

With the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria, gingivitis first appears - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth. Gradually, gingivitis develops into periodontitis and inflammatory processes spread to the soft tissues that hold the tooth in the hole.

Mechanical trauma to the gums.

For example, hygienic cleaning with a too hard brush, too high a filling or an incorrectly selected prosthesis: in all cases, irritation and injury of soft gum tissues occur. Over time, this leads to periodontitis.

Common Causes

Periodontitis can also manifest itself against the background of the following factors:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes).
  2. Immunodeficiency states (caused by HIV and other diseases of the immune system).
  3. Hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause).

Types and stages of periodontitis

Depending on the lesion, there are such types of periodontitis:

  • generalized (affects the tissues around each tooth);
  • localized (applies to one or two adjacent teeth, most often as a result of an injury).

The gums bleed after eating hard and hard food, brushing, tartar appears. Periodontal pockets are formed (gap between the edge of the gums and the crown) up to 4 millimeters deep.

The gums bleed profusely and hurt, the crowns near the gums are exposed by 5-6 millimeters, there is not too pronounced pathological mobility.

Suppuration is added to gingival bleeding, pockets deepen up to 7-8 millimeters, pathological tooth mobility leads to their displacement.

What to do if the gum has moved away from the tooth

No matter how trite it may sound, you will have to make an appointment with the dentist.

At home, you can only temporarily minimize the unpleasant manifestations of the disease in the following ways:

  • antiseptic rinses (solution of potassium permanganate, Chlorhexidine);
  • cold compresses (you can apply cold to the inflamed area to relieve pain);
  • taking painkillers (with severe pain, Tempalgin, Sedalgin, Ketanov, Solpadein, etc. will help).

What not to do:

  • warm and hot rinses (in a warm environment, microbes will multiply even more intensively);
  • warm compresses.

If possible, you should continue to perform hygiene procedures to prevent the growth of bacteria. If it is not possible to brush your teeth, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with toothpaste diluted in water.

To begin with, the doctor conducts diagnostic studies to determine how far the gum has moved away from the tooth. For a complete picture of the course of the disease, a visual examination and radiography is necessary.

Therapeutic treatment

Treatment of mild to moderate periodontitis includes the following steps:

Removal of solid deposits.

Cleaning with ultrasound and Air Flow sandblasting helps to get rid of soft and hard deposits, and closed curettage of periodontal pockets makes it possible to thoroughly remove subgingival plaque.

After removing the stone, the gums are carefully treated with anti-inflammatory solutions and gels (Chlorhexidine, Stomatidine, Miramistin, Rivanol, etc.).

In acute inflammatory processes, antibiotics are prescribed - Metronidazole in combination with Lincomycin, Clindomycin. Patients with diabetes mellitus or resistance to other antibiotics are shown drugs with active ingredients such as Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin or Ofloxacin.


With a severe form of periodontitis, therapeutic methods alone are indispensable. Affected gum tissue is treated with the following surgical methods:

The gum is cut 1-1.5 mm from its edge, damaged tissues are removed. The dentist peels the gums from the roots, polishes them and treats them with an antiseptic, cleaning them from plaque and pus. Next, stitches are applied, if possible, the gum is sewn to the tooth.

The doctor makes two incisions on the gum, removes the flap formed after the incisions. Exposed areas are cleared of deposits. After that, the flap is returned to its place and sewn.

In the surgical treatment of periodontitis, drugs that promote osteosynthesis (bone tissue growth) are widely used.

Tooth exposure during pregnancy

Teeth and gums often suffer from hormonal changes in the body of a future mother. The difficulty lies in the fact that radiography and surgical treatment of periodontitis is not recommended for pregnant women. Therefore, if a woman notices that the gum is literally a millimeter or two bare, you should immediately contact your dentist for a gentle and safe therapy for the baby.

How to strengthen gums

Oral hygiene

Cleaning is needed at least twice a day. The procedure should last at least three minutes. Rinse your mouth with water after every meal.


To keep your gums healthy and strong, it’s a good idea to include the following in your daily diet:

  • foods rich in vitamin C (lemons, oranges, kiwi, pineapples, strawberries, onions, etc.);
  • fermented milk products (calcium is useful not only for dentin, but also for gums);
  • hard vegetables (chewing apples and carrots is a great massage for the gums);
  • nuts (prevent the appearance of tartar).

Have you noticed any of the following symptoms of exposed teeth? Sign up for a consultation at one of the clinics below.

Previously, it was believed that the gum moves away from the tooth mainly in the elderly. However, the problem is getting younger: detachment is observed in children, pregnant women, at a young age. There are complaints about the gap (periodontal or gingival pocket), the ingestion of food debris, inflammation with swelling, suppuration. Also, the phenomenon is considered a cosmetic defect that spoils the smile.

In the photo, the gum has moved away from the teeth

For treatment, it is necessary to determine the reasons why the gum has moved away from the teeth, conduct a thorough diagnosis, adjust nutrition, select a thorough care for the oral mucosa, and prescribe complex therapy.

The causes of receding gums are varied. The most common are improper care of the oral cavity, diseases.

Other reasons why part of the periodontium departs from the teeth are surgical interventions: after dental treatment, an installed crown, erroneous actions of dentists when working with implants, prostheses.

Cause of withdrawal - periodontitis

The problem when the periodontium departs occurs with a disease such as periodontitis. This is an inflammatory process, accompanied by soreness of the gums, bleeding, the formation of gum pockets. Possible deterioration of the general condition of the patient:

  • body temperature rises;
  • there are complaints of pain in the muscles;
  • pain, swollen lymph nodes.

The disease can be the result of advanced gingivitis, periodontal disease. Patients note that their teeth are exposed, the gums are inflamed and swollen. Rough brushing of the teeth, the use of a brush with hard bristles, mechanical, thermal injuries of the gums also cause periodontitis.


The disease is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • Increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, especially when taking cold, hot food, going out into cool air, reaction to temperature changes, when smoking.
  • The gum does not adhere to the tooth, periodontal pockets are felt with the tongue - a gap has formed between the tooth and the gum.
  • The color of the mucous membrane and enamel changes, blotches appear, the neck of the tooth is exposed.
  • An inflammatory process occurs, accompanied by swelling, swelling, soreness.
  • The mucous membrane turns red.
  • Itching, burning.
  • Persistent bad breath.
  • Bleeding.
  • Destruction of teeth, bones, their departure from the gums.

The neck of the tooth is exposed

When the condition is neglected, symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, aching joints and muscles are possible.

What to do if the gum has moved away from the tooth

Why does a part of the periodontium come off? If the gum has detached from the teeth, it is necessary to visit a doctor or clinic.

Timely diagnosis is essential for proper treatment. It includes an examination of the oral cavity by a dentist, an x-ray showing the expansion of the cracks and scales, drawing up a periodontogram.

In advanced cases, when the gum has corroded, surgical techniques are used - open or closed curettage, gingival flap technique. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, while removing tartar, deposits, pus, and treating the oral cavity with antiseptics.

If the gum has parted, it is necessary to determine the cause of the condition. When tartar is used, ultrasonic cleaning or special instruments are used. If the disease is provoked by gingivitis, periodontal disease or periodontitis, concomitant treatment is prescribed.

Depending on the cause, the following may be prescribed:

  • glucocorticoids;
  • antibacterial and antiseptic agents;
  • drugs for the correction of immunity, diseases of the endocrine, hematopoietic systems.

If the gums have moved away from the tooth, they are worried about their reeling, splinting of the teeth is used, restoration of bone tissue.

Particular attention and qualified assistance is required in cases where a piece of gum has fallen off and hangs in a child or the condition worries a pregnant woman when part of the periodontium moves away from several teeth.


Methods of therapy are selected depending on the stage of the disease that caused it, the individual characteristics of the patient. The dentist removes deposits if dentures, veneers or crowns are not installed correctly - this also needs to be corrected.

Gingival tissues are treated with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic drugs. When the condition is neglected, antibiotics are used (Doxycycline, Lincomycin, Ciprofloxacin with Tinidazole).

Antiseptics in the form of a solution are used after each meal to remove microorganisms, food debris, and the microflora is restored. The most common:

  • aqueous Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort).

For rinsing, solutions of sea salt or soda can be used.

During treatment, it is important to brush your teeth properly. The dentist will recommend mucosal care products - soft toothbrushes, rinses, pastes, threads to remove food debris.

An additional measure for effective treatment is the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes based on vitamin C.

Use of gels, ointments and balms

To heal wounds, reduce pain, eliminate swelling and redness of the gums, gels, ointments and balms based on antiseptics are used.

Twice a day, the gums are smeared with therapeutic gels:

  1. Metrogil Denta or Metrodent;
  2. Holisal;
  3. Kamistad;
  4. Asepta.

To do this, use sterile cotton swabs or napkins.

With bleeding, inflammation of the gums, mouth rinses are used after each meal - Forest Balsam, Asepta, Rocks, Colgate, Listerine, President.

The gum moves away from the tooth during pregnancy

Gum recession often occurs during pregnancy, hormonal changes and requires immediate medical attention due to possible complications. Diagnosis of the condition is important, the use of radiographs is debatable.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The main factors that provoke the gums to move away from the teeth in pregnant women practically do not differ from other cases. It leads to the formation of a disease, as a result of which part of the periodontium departs from the teeth:

  • advanced gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • insufficient cleaning of the oral cavity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • tartar and its spontaneous removal;
  • pathological wisdom tooth.

Some women complain about the impossibility of brushing their teeth. Throughout pregnancy or only in the first trimester, they are worried about nausea when they touch the gums with a brush and paste, a gag reflex. In this case, it is necessary to visit a dentist, regularly rinse your mouth after meals, use mechanical cleaning methods - eating fresh apples or carrots.


Therapy for the condition in pregnant women includes the following methods:

  • the use of antiseptic solutions, gels;
  • consultation with a periodontist, with its help you can pick up items for oral care (toothbrush, paste, irrigator, rinses);
  • antibiotics are prescribed strictly by a doctor in serious cases, if the benefit outweighs the possible risk.


To prevent the development of pathology, after its elimination, to consolidate the result, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • prevent the development of caries in the early stages, timely remove deposits, tartar;
  • regular, high-quality cleansing of the oral cavity, the correct choice and use of a toothbrush, paste, rinses;
  • visit the dentist once every six months;
  • do not injure soft tissues;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, the desire to gnaw pens and pencils, click seeds less);
  • eat well, take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • timely treat diseases of the oral cavity and the whole organism as a whole.

If pockets are found between the teeth and the periodontium, the first symptoms of the disease should immediately visit a specialist.

Oral hygiene

The key to gum health is proper oral hygiene. To do this, it is important to brush your teeth regularly and correctly, in case of bleeding, take measures in the form of prescribed procedures, rinse your mouth with a special solution, sea water, herbal decoctions or ordinary water after each meal.

It is important to use dental floss, irrigators to remove food debris, plaque.


If you have problems with periodontal disease, you need a proper, vitamin-rich diet. It should include foods containing calcium, vitamin C. These are cottage cheese and sour-milk products, kiwi, cabbage, bell peppers, black currants, cranberries, rose hips.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Instead of cookies and sweets, it is better to give preference to hard fruits, vegetables - apples, pears, carrots. It is better to refuse seeds, or clean them with your hands, and not click.

It is quite difficult to cure gum recession, in which part of the periodontium leaves the teeth: it is important to diagnose the disease, provoking factors, perform surgical therapy, select medications and the necessary oral care products. In some cases, tooth hemisection is used if the patient is concerned about a cyst or an incorrectly installed crown.


For some reason, it so happened that people pay more attention to their teeth, but the gums remain not well-groomed. This is fundamentally wrong, because a healthy tooth and unharmed soft tissue are links in the same chain. And if you ignore the hygiene rules, then the pathological process of the oral mucosa is provided. In such a situation, recession is often diagnosed, that is, the gum has moved away from the tooth. This disease is a sign that there is already inflammation in the gum tissues. Departure of the edges of the soft tissues leads to the exposure of the lower part of the unit and even the root. What to do? Contact a dentist immediately.

Note! Dentistry ARTE-S is equipped with the latest equipment to make an accurate diagnosis and competently conduct therapy. With a timely visit to the dentist, he will not allow such a dangerous condition as the formation of periodontal pockets. This will protect the enamel from pathogenic microbes. Remember that the lack of treatment leads to severe damage to both soft and hard tissues, which leads to the loss of a unit and bone atrophy. And then you can forget about effective prosthetics.

When the orthodontic crown moves away from the gums, most often, it scratches or rubs the mucous membranes, which is fraught with inflammation and degenerative changes. You can’t count on healthy teeth next to the prosthesis. It is best to change this design. Everyone should understand that the smallest thing for dental health is a professional cleaning of the units. Do not wait for purulent formations in the oral cavity, because it is life-threatening.

The reasons

This pathology develops from many factors. Existing causes are divided into internal and external. Both those and others actively influence the detachment of the gums from the teeth. A genetic predisposition that the patient inherited can also lead to the disease. According to medical statistics, this happens in a third of cases. Smoking has a negative effect. After all, smokers form a sticky yellowish coating in the mouth, and this symptom provokes a recession.

Grinding and squeezing of the units causes excessive pressure on them, which causes gum problems. With an incorrect bite or uneven incisors and molars, the same situation is created from uneven pressure. Often, dentists diagnose that the gum has moved away from the wisdom tooth. This may be due to the incorrect growth of the figure eight, with pressure on adjacent molars, even on the entire dentition. Soft tissue may be injured at the time of eruption. In such a situation, the doctor must be wise and find the right solution. In extreme cases, the tooth is removed, the gum is sutured and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.

Dental causes

They are also called local. If the gum moves away from the tooth, this indicates the following aspects:

  1. Irregular oral hygiene contributes to the accumulation of pathogens. At the same time, gingivitis develops first, that is, inflammation of the tissues that surround the units. Over time, the disease causes the development of periodontitis. And the process of inflammation extends to the tissues that hold the organ in the hole.
  2. Hard bristles and improper cleaning cause abrasion of the enamel, and then the discharge of mucous tissues, which leads to increased sensitivity.
  3. Insufficient cleaning and incorrect use of floss is fraught with the formation of stones that are localized between the units and on their walls. It is for this reason that the gum often comes out between the lower front teeth.
  4. Mechanical injury and irritation of soft tissues with too stiff bristles, too high filling, incorrect orthodontic prosthesis, tongue or lip piercing. After some time, localized or generalized periodontitis is formed.

At first, the gums bleed, a stone forms and small gaps between the crowns and the edges of the gums. Then the hemophilia becomes more abundant, painful sensations appear, the crowns become more exposed, and the mobility of the units is noted. In a difficult situation, pus flows, pockets deepen, organs are displaced due to mobility.

General health

It happens that periodontitis is formed against the background of diseases of the endocrine nature, in particular, diabetes. The disease also causes an immunodeficiency state of the patient, for example, HIV and other ailments of the immune system. Also, pathology appears at the time of puberty, during pregnancy and during menopause due to hormonal changes in the body. Gums and teeth become vulnerable. The complexity of therapy is that radical interventions and radiography are not always recommended for expectant mothers. Therefore, with minimal exposure, you should immediately visit the dentist. In such a situation, a safe and gentle treatment will be offered.


For proper treatment, diagnostic procedures are needed. To clarify all the nuances of the disease, in addition to a visual examination, an x-ray is performed. If the tissues have exposed the crown a little, then the dentist prescribes a deep cleaning at the pathology site. Through this manipulation, soft and hard plaque is removed. In medicine, this is called conventional curettage. The cost of medical procedures in our center is affordable, as we always pursue a reasonable pricing policy.

Treating gums that move away from the teeth can be done according to a different program. It is compiled on an individual basis. In the classic version, it includes:

  • Rinsing the mouth with solutions of the antiseptic group: "Chlorhexidine" or "Stomatofit", "Stomatidin" or "Maraslavin";
  • Washing the pockets formed from the syringe with antiseptic preparations;
  • Dressings with drugs of the glucocorticoid type;
  • Antibiotics to destroy pathogenic flora;

Of course, when the degree of recession is neglected, radical measures are resorted to. The traumatic nature of the disease requires the use of a soft brush, a special rinse and paste for a while.

Therapeutic treatment

With a timely visit to the dentist, it will be easier to cope with the problem, the therapy does not last as long as with a neglected disease. Effective treatment of periodontitis in the mild stage, and in the middle form, begins with the removal of deposits. For cleaning, a sandblaster and ultrasound are used. Subgingival dirty layers in pockets are removed using closed curettage technology. Mandatory therapy aimed at relieving inflammation through drugs such as Rivanol or Miramistin.

Antimicrobial treatment is prescribed for acute inflammation processes. In such cases, antibiotics are prescribed, for example, Metronidazole, which is supplemented with Clindomycin, Lincomycin. If the patient has diabetes, he is shown medications of this type, such as Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin.

Surgical intervention

Radical measures are selected taking into account the degree of pathology.

  • The first thing a doctor can do is open curettage. This is an effective procedure with a gum incision;
  • Patchwork type operation. The surgeon cuts the tissue twice, forming a flap that folds back. The resulting pocket is sanitized by removing deposits and pathogenic microorganisms. This technology is indicated for serious anomalies, when the bone is affected, which supports the unit. It is restored by transplantation from a donor or from the patient himself. The modern procedure is guided regeneration. Its essence is the laying of a special synthetic material, which helps to build up the bone through the membrane;
  • Surgical periodontics is soft tissue transplantation. The flap is taken from the connective material that is removed from the palate. It is attached to the problem area of ​​the gums. Sometimes gum tissues are used, which are located near the problem area. This technology significantly reduces pockets, prevents their deepening, and also prevents bone destruction.

All operations are practically painless, as modern painkillers are used. They are highly efficient.

Folk remedies

If it is impossible to temporarily visit the dentist, and the pathological area hurts and there is swelling, use traditional medicine recipes. When the gum moves away from the tooth, disinfectant and strengthening rinses will help. They usually include propolis tincture or plantain juice, hydrogen peroxide or calendula tincture. Salt solution, dressings from sea buckthorn or fir oil, decoctions from oak bark, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort are also used.

Of course, at home, you can only minimize discomfort, in particular, rinse your mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate, apply a moderately cold compress, and take an anesthetic such as Tempalgin or Solpadein. Hot rinses are prohibited, warming procedures too. If possible, conduct hygienic care of the oral cavity. This will prevent bacteria from multiplying. In severe cases, brushing can be replaced by rinsing with water and adding toothpaste.

How to strengthen gums at home

It is easier to prevent an illness than to treat it. A good habit at home is daily care for the cleanliness and health of the oral cavity.

  1. Teeth are brushed both in the evening and in the morning for three minutes.
  2. Planned visits to the dentist - 1 time in 6 months, during a recession - at least 1 time in 30 days.
  3. In times of recession, you need a brush with soft bristles.
  4. It is necessary to introduce solid foods into the menu to stimulate blood circulation in the gums, as well as fermented milk products rich in calcium, nuts, vitamin C.
  5. Use a special floss for the care of interdental spaces.
  6. Always rinse your mouth after eating.

Not many people think that a beautiful smile and healthy teeth depend on healthy gums. The thing is that the gums perform important functions - they keep the teeth in the correct vertical position, and also saturate them with nutrients and minerals through the connective fibers. Usually, if there are any problems with the gums, they do not pay attention to them, thinking that everything will go away by itself. Meanwhile, various gingival pathologies are fraught with many dangers.

For example, if you suddenly notice that the gum is moving away from the tooth, you need to visit the dentist as soon as possible. Why? Below in the article is useful information about the possible complications of this unpleasant phenomenon, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment.

Description of the problem

The separation of the gum from the tooth in dentistry is called "recession". Recession can be localized (the gum has moved away between one or two teeth or from the front tooth) or generalized (the lower or upper gum moves away from all teeth, i.e. the pathology extends to the entire row or even to both jaws at the same time). The problem is often associated with abrasion, peeling of the gingival margin and exposure of part of the tooth, its root. This leads to the formation of periodontal pockets and.

The tooth becomes vulnerable to various pathogens, which easily penetrate into the formed pockets and cause various dental diseases. If the pathological process is not stopped in time, as a result of the destruction of periodontal tissues, as well as ligaments around the tooth root, the patient may lose one, several or even all teeth.

At the first stages of development, the recession makes itself felt by the increased sensitivity of the teeth affected by the pathology. Also, visual inspection shows that these teeth look longer than the rest. The presence of these signs is already a reason for an immediate visit to the dentist.

Causes of the recession

Recession is not an independent disease. The exposed neck of the tooth indicates inflammation of the periodontal tissues - or periodontal disease, which in a neglected state in 90% of cases is the reason why the gum moves away from the tooth. These diseases lead to a reduction in the volume of gum tissue, a violation of its metabolic processes.

Useful information! Periodontal disease is associated with a general violation of metabolic processes in the body. But periodontitis is caused by infections that have penetrated into the periodontal tissues, which are responsible for holding the tooth in the hole. However, periodontitis is the most common disease. It often occurs in children around 10 years of age. The disease affects tissues that have not yet been formed, which react sharply to the slightest irritants, and causes the gum to move away from the child's tooth. In some cases, periodontitis develops during pregnancy. the body of a woman consumes nutrients for the formation of the fetus.

Also, teeth can be exposed for the following reasons:

  • poor-quality implementation of hygiene procedures, which leads to the formation of plaque and, as a result, gingivitis may develop, contributing to a reduction in the volume of gum tissue,
  • regular trauma to the gums with a hard brush, rough brushing movements, improperly selected prostheses or crowns,
  • malocclusion: for example, with an open and deep bite, blood circulation is disturbed, because of this, the gum tissue decreases. Often a recession occurs against the background,
  • unbalanced diet: with the predominance of soft foods, due to the lack of an active chewing process, the blood flow of the gums weakens, salivation slows down, food deposits form in the oral cavity,
  • hormonal changes during puberty, in women during menopause, pregnancy, which make the mucous membrane more sensitive and vulnerable,
  • the process of natural aging of the body, as a result of which the epithelium atrophies, the gingival tissues lose their tone,
  • bad habits: for example, the problem of smokers is brown plaque, which subsequently negatively affects the health of the gums.

In addition to local causes, the occurrence of a recession can be influenced by serious chronic human diseases: weak immunity, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular system of capillary circulation, beriberi, and more. All of them are associated with a change in metabolic processes, which disrupts the nutrition of cells.

Symptoms of the pathological process

Symptoms depend on the degree of development of the pathology. Initially, the patient notices insignificant bleeding of the gums and almost does not feel pain. As the recession progresses, its signs intensify. The most characteristic symptoms are:

  • omission and mobility of the gums,
  • the appearance of pockets between the gum and the tooth,
  • redness, swelling, itching of the gums and their soreness, aggravated during eating, brushing,
  • visually, the crowns seem longer, the gaps between them at the bases become very noticeable,
  • purulent taste in the mouth and bad breath,
  • hypersensitivity of teeth and their mobility.

The most pronounced symptoms are when the gum moves away from. Recession of wise teeth (the so-called wisdom teeth or figure eights) is accompanied by severe pain, inflammation, swelling and hyperemia of the surrounding soft tissues. There may be an increase in temperature and a slight increase in lymph nodes.

How is the diagnosis carried out

Everyone knows that a correct diagnosis is a guarantee of effective treatment and recovery. Therefore, if the gum moves away from the tooth and hurts, you should not hesitate to visit the dentist. In order to understand what the problem is, the doctor uses differential and instrumental methods. The differential approach involves finding out the real cause of the pathology by excluding other possible ones. The specialist conducts an examination of the oral cavity, collects an anamnesis.

The instrumental approach is the use of such diagnostic methods as radiography, computed tomography, which allow you to see pathological changes that are inaccessible to the eye. These are the most popular and accurate diagnostic methods. To get ahead of the form and stage of the disease, the doctor can use an orthopantomogram - a panoramic picture of the entire jaws. It will show how deep the gums have sunk and whether there is bone tissue destruction.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor prescribes individual treatment, and also gives general recommendations to combat the disease.

Methods for treating the pathological process

As with any other disease, the sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be. Therefore, the logical answer to the question "what to do?" is to see a doctor. Treatment of the pathological process occurs as follows:

  1. at the preparatory stage, the doctor conducts the necessary diagnostics. In addition to the visual examination, x-rays are taken,
  2. the second step is the removal of plaque, stones. Initially, the dentist removes supragingival deposits, then carries out a deep cleaning of the subgingival area. In advanced stages, it may be necessary
  3. at the final stage, the doctor treats the crown and periodontal pockets with antiseptic agents. Also, a dental gel is applied to the soft tissues, which reduces pain, redness, and swelling. Additionally, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

In addition, the dentist gives the patient individual recommendations for caring for the problem area. due to improper hygiene procedures, poor brushing of paste, rinse aid, a relapse may occur. In some situations, they resort to surgical intervention - gingival plasty, which allows for the correction of the position of the mucosa.

Surgical intervention

Based on the overall picture of the situation, the specialist may resort to surgical treatment. So, at an early stage of the pathological process, when the periodontal pocket does not exceed 5 mm, subgingival deposits and granulation changes in the gums are removed (closed curettage).

In advanced cases, you will have to make a gum incision, and then remove the mucosa layer by layer, the doctor will also implant synthetic materials into the gum, and finally suture. Sometimes a flap operation is used to eliminate the foci of prolapse: an incision is made in the gingival margin, exfoliated tissues are removed, and a tissue flap is pulled in their place from another place in the oral mucosa.

Important! Folk methods of treatment involve rinsing with various medicinal decoctions from oak bark, chamomile, strawberry leaves, St. John's wort, calendula. However, you should not engage in self-treatment, because. traditional medicine can only relieve the symptoms, but not eliminate the cause of the pathology.

The postoperative phase usually lasts several months and ends with the complete healing of damaged tissues.

In order to minimize the risk of a recession, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • regular and high-quality oral hygiene,
  • choose the right toothbrush, paste and rinses,
  • stop smoking,
  • adhere to the schedule of preventive dental examinations,
  • time to remove the stone, plaque,
  • try to avoid injury to soft tissues,
  • if necessary, undergo orthodontic treatment to exclude factors associated with anomalies of the dentition,
  • saturate the diet with solid and calcium-rich foods.

At the first symptoms of this unpleasant phenomenon, immediately contact a specialist. Modern dentistry has all the necessary methods of treatment that will allow you to successfully cope with the problem. And remember that you can not start the problem, because gum problems can lead to tooth loss!

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1 According to WHO - World Health Organization.

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