Soy protein. Benefit or harm. Side effects of soy protein: harm or benefit

Soy product is a derivative of soy beans, during the technological processing of which valuable components are released, with the exception of protein. To eat or not to eat soy protein, the benefits and harms of which cause a lot of controversy, the question still remains open. Opponents frequent use meat believe that soy protein is exactly the product that the body needs for a full existence. It fills the body with useful components, provides the right amount squirrel. Soy is a real klondike of protein, and this fact is beyond doubt. There are also opponents of eating soy concentrate, who argue that soy is a useless and even harmful dish on our table. Let's try to figure out what soy protein is, the benefits and harms of the product, to whom and how much soy can be consumed.

Learn more about Soy Protein (Isolate)

Soy comes from the legume family. China is considered the birthplace of the product, although it is known about the distribution of the species throughout the globe. Qualitative composition soy is similar to meat. It is called a meat substitute because it is in composition and taste characteristics reminiscent of this product. The protein content in soy is identical protein amount in meat. Soya is widely used in cooking around the world. Many use the product as an additive to the main dishes. The following options are actively used: soy milk, soy cheese, adding the product as the main ingredient to minced meat. Soy bean protein is found as a dietary supplement. To obtain an ingredient, the plant is subjected to chemical processes during which carbohydrates and fats are removed. Vegetable protein is divided into amino acids, which are completely absorbed by the body. The resulting substance is called soy protein, since the mixture contains only protein.

To understand the topic: soy protein is good or bad - which is more, you need to study the effect of the product on the human body. soy protein stabilizes metabolic processes, balances hormonal background, maintains proper functioning thyroid gland. One hundred grams of the product contains about ninety percent of the protein. The rest is fat. In addition, the isolate contains useful macro- and microelements.

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What foods contain soy protein

Correct use isolate will give the body only a positive effect.

Soy concentrate is found not only in nutritional supplements, but also in some foods:

  1. Soy sprouts. They are easy to get at home. To do this, soybeans are kept for several days in water, after which they are sown in a pot. When the seedlings reach a height of three to five centimeters, they can be eaten, adding to salads, soups or desserts.
  2. Soy flour. By its composition, flour is a substitute for eggs during baking. Buns, bread, cookies - lovely way get useful components from a plant.
  3. Soy milk. Soy drink is a recognized equivalent substitute for cow or goat milk. The advantage of this drink is the fact total absence cholesterol and lipids.
  4. Soy tofu cheese. Delicious complete product is a substitute in the diet of all suffering allergic reactions on the animal protein.

Valuable properties of the concentrate

Product a large number of advantages that are not unfounded facts, but scientifically confirmed.

Consider the statements that are proof of the benefit of the concentrate:

  1. The isolate is compared with meat in terms of quality protein content, it is able to compensate for the lack of protein in the body.
  2. Soy product effectively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. The components that make up soy have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Soy helps in weight loss. Due to the high protein content, there is a feeling of satiety. A person consumes fewer calories, while the isolate provides a lot of energy. Stimulates metabolism and absorption processes food components happen faster.
  4. The product is a prophylactic against oncological diseases especially breast cancer. Soy substances inhibit the development of mutated cells and prevent the process of their degeneration. Protein concentrates stimulate the removal of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body.
  5. Special substances of the plant, phytohormones, alleviate the condition of women during the age hormonal adjustment organism. The period of menopause with the use of soy is easier.
  6. When the body rejects animal proteins, soy is an ideal substitute and fills the systems with natural protein.
  7. Some components of soy protein contribute to the normalization of work nervous system, improve the processes of memorization, thinking.
  8. For people leading an active lifestyle, the product is indispensable, as it produces an increase in muscle volume. People who are actively involved in sports use a protein soy shake. It supports the body during large overloads, fills the body useful substances and vitamins, helps to increase muscle corset as soon as possible.

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When is the Best Time to Avoid Soy Concentrate?

Scroll positive qualities isolate is amazing, but like any other product, there is potential danger from eating soy. AT individual products The foods that we consume daily contain soy, so you need to carefully study the composition. Soy protein is not always good for human health, so you need to know the conditions under which it is better to refuse it.

  1. Small children. It is especially dangerous to eat soy products for young children under five years of age and adolescents during puberty. The concentrate affects the work of the glands internal secretion, in particular on thyroid gland and adrenals. Girls have an accelerated puberty, in boys, the process is delayed or even slowed down.
  2. Women expecting a baby. For them, the use is also undesirable, because the product affects the hormonal background, which can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby.

Soy concentrate is contraindicated for anyone who has malfunctions endocrine system. Also, the product is prohibited for persons with stones in any organ. Passion for soy isolate causes early withering of the body. According to observations, in some cases there is a violation of the process of blood supply to the brain. The main thing during the use of the concentrate is compliance with dosages, then a useful product will only have a positive effect on the body.

Soy itself is not harmful, you just need to observe moderation due to the effect on the hormonal background. "Bad" soybeans are caused by several factors that can be eliminated and taken into account:

  1. Soy concentrate may not be safe high content genetically modified additives. Therefore, read the composition, be interested in the origin of the product, compliance with the rules.
  2. Sausages containing soy are not dangerous for this, but for the presence of dyes, stabilizers and other harmful components in the product.
  3. Do not consume soy of unknown origin. If it grew in an area with poor ecology, then it absorbed all the harmful substances.

Benefits of eating soy for men and women

Women prefer soy products because of their low calorie content. For the female body, soy is useful in that with the rational use of the concentrate, the following metamorphoses occur:

  • the hormonal background is normalized, especially during menopause;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis, atherosclerosis is reduced;
  • improves the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • the work of the thyroid gland is normalized;
  • improves liver function;
  • the risk of developing cancer is reduced;
  • body weight decreases.

Men need to be more careful with soy due to the presence of hormones in the product, which are called "female".

This can cause suppression of testosterone production and problems with potency. The main thing when introducing concentrate into the diet is moderation. For professional athletes, a soy diet is developed individually by a dietitian.

With the irrational use of soy protein in men, suppression of digestive processes, a decrease in testosterone levels, and a decrease in libido are observed. Despite this, the reasonable use of soy concentrate has a positive effect on well-being. The high content of beneficial ingredients helps to improve health. With moderate consumption of soy protein, the beneficial effects on the body are obvious.

For many decades and to the present, fierce discussions have been going on around soybeans. The main problem is that there is no consensus on the benefits and harms of soy protein for human health. Some critics argue that soybeans need to be “driven” from store shelves, while others, on the contrary, advise every gardener to breed it in their area.

Soy (also known as edamame) is a semi-growing legume originally grown in Asia from about 1100 BC. For hundreds of years, it has been an indispensable part of Asian cuisine.

The most famous soy-based products:

  • tofu;
  • soy milk;
  • mixture for cooking;
  • meat pies and hamburgers;
  • powders for food additives.

The incredibly high content of protein and fat, along with other properties, give these products undeniable benefits for human nutrition. Because it is a legume, it significantly enriches the soil with nitrogen, and can play a critical role in protecting and improving soil health. These plants contain a complete set essential amino acids for human health: histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine.

Benefits for the body

Soya - good source protein for the human body, and this is no longer a secret to anyone. But there are other useful properties that few people know about. Surprising is the fact that in addition to vegetarians and vegans, meat eaters also need soy. The main benefits of soy protein are:

Products and their best properties

Soy products have been consumed as meat and milk substitutes for many years, but you don't have to be a vegetarian or vegan to include these products in your diet. The benefits and harms of soy for women and men are of great importance in building gastronomic habits among the population. But many facts indicate that soy protein is useful for most people, and all its shortcomings are often associated with the individual characteristics of the organism.

It is an excellent source of healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats, so it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

There are several products that can be gradually included in daily diet in order to experience for yourself positive properties soy protein for weight loss and body strengthening:

Possible harm

There are a number scientific research confirming the fact that phytoestrogens contained in soy products lead to an undesirable decrease in testosterone and an increase in estrogen. From this discovery, it follows that soy can be harmful to both females and males. Changing the ratio of testosterone and estrogen in favor of estrogen can lead to an increase in body fat and other side effects associated with a person's potency. Negative properties of soy products:

Subtleties of the use of soy

The correct use of soy protein will help set up many functions of the body to work flawlessly, moreover, soy is useful product contributing to the saturation of the body with nutrients and vital necessary components. The benefits and harms of protein for women and men are always different: it all depends on individual characteristics body and the amount of protein consumed in a certain period of time.

Sports nutrition today important element workouts to achieve the goal faster. Great amount sports supplements aimed at improving health muscle tissue, burning subcutaneous fat. The main thing is to understand this set so as not to harm your health.

Nutritional Supplements for Athletes

In the world of sports, new supplements are constantly appearing to help athletes improve their health and shape a beautiful body.

They are almost indistinguishable from regular food. main feature them is that they are more concentrated and purified from harmful impurities, have balanced composition necessary substances.

For example, from athletes receive high-quality protein isolated from dairy, meat and herbal products simultaneously. In addition, a vitamin-mineral complex is also added here. In general, it turns out very useful supplement, which at the same time does not overload the digestive system.

Among these supplements are soy protein isolates.

soy protein isolate

Soy protein competes with animal proteins. There are 90 grams of protein per 100 grams of product, the energy value 375 kcal. which means that vegetarians and believers can freely use it during the fasting period.

Soy protein isolates contribute to the body's production of thyroxine (T4), which is responsible for metabolism.

The composition of this supplement includes amino acids, the percentage of which is greater than in animal proteins. Attention should be paid to the amino acid methionine, it is small, therefore, it requires additional intake.

There is practically no fat in this supplement, so it is suitable for drying or a protein-vitamin diet. In addition, it is great for people with allergies to animal protein.

Soy protein isolates are taken twice a day, before and after training. To prepare a cocktail, mix one and a half with a liquid: milk, juice or water.

It's a protein supplement plant origin, obtained from In addition to protein (90% in the final product), contains a small amount of fat and carbohydrates, but does not contain lactose, unlike whey protein.

Biologically rich active substances: soy lecithin and soy isoflavones. The first protects the liver, improves brain function, normalizes fat metabolism; the second - protects against cancer and keeps normal hormonal balance. It also contains phosphorus and iron. There is arginine, which is responsible for the secretion of anabolic hormones, as well as glutamine, which suppresses metabolic stress. Calorie 100 kcal.

Isolate soy protein ideal for extensions muscle mass helps to reduce weight while dieting.

To prepare a cocktail, stir 1 scoop into 1 glass of liquid (preferably low-fat milk). Can be used as a meal replacement once a day.

Benefit and harm

The value of the diet of a person who is actively involved in training is increased if soy protein isolate is used, the benefits and harms of this food additive well known to athletes.

Let's start with the good:

  • Soy is able to lower blood cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular disease.
  • Isoflavones in soy protein reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  • Sports performance is significantly increased.
  • The state of the body after training improves: recovery processes increase, the sensation of pain decreases.
  • The benefits of soy protein for women are known: alleviation of symptoms during menopause, prevention of osteoporosis and breast cancer.
  • Soy protein can be consumed by people with lactose intolerance.

You also need to remember that soy protein isolates have negative sides:

  • Soy protein has a low biological value, which is manifested in a weak amino acid reserve.
  • It doesn't absorb well.
  • It contains phytoestrogens (sex hormones similar to women's); they block the secretion of testosterone in humans, men have problems with the formation of sperm.
  • AT exceptional cases may have indigestion or constipation. To avoid these problems, start taking soy protein at a lower dose.

Thus, if you want to purchase soy protein isolate, the benefits and harms of it should be studied in advance so that there are no health problems later.


To achieve good athletic performance, it is recommended to purchase isolate, the price of which is almost half that of whey protein. One kilogram of soy protein costs from 215 to 300 rubles. Many athletes refer to this as positive side soy protein.

In addition, you need to know that the price of a product depends on the percentage of protein in a serving: the higher the percentage of protein, the more expensive the product. There are soy protein isolates on the market ranging from 78 to 100% protein per 100 grams.

This percentage is important when a specific goal is pursued. When drying, for example, it is better to use a 100% product.

In conclusion, it should be noted that at a low cost, the product is available on the market.

In sports circles, you can often hear talk about soy protein. It is a product of plant origin and is often used in sports nutrition. There is no single opinion about the benefits or harms of soy protein.

Soybeans are rich in protein and amino acids that are required by the human body. Among other types of vegetable protein, soy is most similar to animal protein.

It is great for athletes, as their body undergoes intense training and loses a lot of energy. For many years there has been a debate about whether a product such as soy is useful or harmful. If you delve into the arguments for and against in detail, it becomes clear that if you consume it in moderation, then there will be no harm to the body.

To negative aspects or harmful properties, which are characteristic of soy protein, include low bioavailability and useful action this product. In other words, not all soy protein is absorbed by the body. Soy also contains substances that inhibit (inhibit) the action of internal enzymes, which effectively break down protein molecules in the stomach and intestines, so when soy is taken, the absorption of any proteins that come with food slows down. However this problem is successfully solved by manufacturers by industrial cleaning of the soy product. Manufacturers also enrich it with methionine and increase its value.

Elevated estrogen in men leads not only to an increase in adipose tissue and mammary glands, but also increases the risk of prostate cancer, low libido, and stroke.

Soy contains phytoestrogens - substances of plant origin, similar in structure to female sex hormones and providing similar action. The harm can be an increase in body fat stores and a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. In addition, phytoestrogens can stimulate growth certain types tumors. There is evidence that soy protein long-term use damages the heart vascular system. We must not forget that all the soy from which they are made sports nutrition, genetically modified, and this is a separate topic about the dangers of this product.

Cons of soy protein

In addition to low biological value, soy protein has a number of other disadvantages, which is why bodybuilders avoid it like fake steroids. One of the reasons for the low BC of soy protein is the lack of the sulfur-containing acid methionine. Sulfur-containing amino acids (they also include cysteine) play a special role important role in protein synthesis and normal functioning immune system and the production of glutathione.

Glutathione (GTT) is one of the most important antioxidants in the body. It protects cells and detoxifies a number of harmful compounds such as hydrogen peroxide, carcinogens, reactive oxygen species, etc. In particular, glutathione is partly responsible for preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol).

A number of studies have shown that soy protein is less effective than whey protein in terms of the production of GTT and positive impact for immunity. Although soy protein has been reported to lower cholesterol levels in humans and animals, in one study, when soy protein not fortified with methionine at 13% of total calories administered to rats, there was an increase in cholesterol levels and the likelihood of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol peroxidation. Thus, in rats, not only increased cholesterol levels, but also simplified the process of oxidation of the LDL fraction, which can lead to atherosclerosis. The experimental rats were found low levels GTT. In addition, compared to the other group of rats fed with casein, the "soy group" showed growth retardation.

To evaluate the effect of soy protein on cholesterol levels, experiments were conducted on rats.

If that's not enough to convince you to give up soy protein, then things are even worse. Soy proteins contain components that interfere with the digestion and absorption of many different nutrients. The two most important antinutrients found in soy are lectins and protease inhibitors.

Lectins are dangerous plant elements that lead to various problems– from impaired absorption of important nutrients to damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Proteases are enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins. Soy contains several protease inhibitors that interfere with the function of the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin. Both of these substances play an important role in digestion and protein absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Finally, soy is rich in estrogenic compounds such as genistein and diadzein. There are more than 300 phytoestrogens, which differ significantly in their physiological effect and activity in humans and animals. As every bodybuilder knows, changing the testosterone/estrogen ratio in favor of estrogen leads to an increase in body fat and other adverse effects that hinder the achievement of the goals of strength athletes.

Let's talk about benefits

Despite certain harm, soy-based sports nutrition is successfully used all over the world and promoted. The first thing that serves as an argument in favor of soy protein is its cost. The price of such a product is much lower than that of other protein supplements.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of soy-based protein for fans of vegetarianism and individuals with individual intolerance to animal protein. Lecithin, which is contained in soy, helps in the restoration and renewal of brain cells, inhibition of the aging process throughout the body. The estrogenic effect of soy is not entirely harmful, as it has been proven positive effect phytoestrogens to lower cholesterol levels and the formation of blood clots.

Soy protein, due to its plant origin, is a godsend for vegetarians.

The benefits are especially noticeable for female athletes, who often notice an improvement in their well-being after taking soy protein. Some studies refute Negative influence plant estrogens on the body of men. To be absorbed in the body, phytoestrogens must be released under the influence of enzymes in the intestines. Less than half of the incoming plant estrogens are absorbed, so the harm is on male body minimized.

The effect on the kidneys of soy protein is not as aggressive as that of animal proteins. This should be taken into account for people with a predisposition to pathologies of the urinary system.

There is evidence of a positive effect of soy on the activity of the thyroid gland. Increasing the level of thyroid hormones promotes fat burning. And this undoubted benefit for those who are struggling with excess weight in the form of fat reserves.

Benefits of soy protein

"Can Soy Have Other Benefits?" - you think. Of course, after reading the previous paragraphs, you didn’t have the most best opinion about soy protein. However, scientists have collected and positive news.

The problem of antinutrients in soy protein is solved. Manufacturers of high-quality soy protein isolates remove or significantly reduce the activity of antinutrients during the processing of raw materials. In addition, the addition of methionine to soy isolates significantly increases their biological and nutritional value. However, whole egg BC or quality whey protein is still a long way off. Rats fed methionine-enriched soy protein grew at the same rate as rats fed casein protein.

With the estrogenic components that make up soy, everything is somewhat more complicated. Per long years soy protein has been found to lower cholesterol levels in many animals and humans. A recent study found that isolation of the estrogenic components from soy lost its normal effect on cholesterol levels. This is not surprising since the protective lipid-lowering properties of estrogen are well known.

Biological value of different types of protein

  • Whey - 100
  • Whole egg - 100
  • Egg white - 88
  • Casein - 77
  • Soy - 74

Soy protein has several cholesterol-lowering mechanisms (e.g. isoflovones, effects on endocrine gland, fibers, saponins, etc.), and this mechanism depends on the type of animals tested. In addition, an epidemiological study found that soy protein also reduces the number of certain types of cancer cells. Soy protein isolate is now recommended by companies specializing in life extension for the treatment of certain types of cancer.

Soy protein - muscle support without excess fats and carbohydrates.

Let's talk about how this applies to athletes? The estrogenic components that make up soy are tissue-specific. In one study on rhesus monkeys, it was found that soy proteins do not affect the sex hormones of these animals. Parameters such as levels of testosterone, DEAS and sex hormone-binding globulin, testis weight, body weight were determined. prostate etc. Scientists found no difference between male monkeys who consumed soy protein with plant estrogens and without them. As a result, it was concluded that the isoflavones (genistein and diadzein) contained in soy protein “reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders without any visible negative effect on the reproductive system.”

The scientists reached the following final conclusion: “The experiments support the notion that the tissue specificity of soybean estrogens is partly due to their mixed properties as agonists and antagonists. These and other data suggest that the phytoestrogens found in soy may reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease without causing systemic estrogenic effects (eg, gyno, fat gain, etc.). results this study are more applicable to humans, since it was carried out on monkeys, which are much closer to us than rats.

It is better to take soy isolates cyclically than constantly, since on this moment we do not have 100% knowledge of the long-term estrogenic effects of soy proteins in athletes. Soy's cholesterol-lowering properties without other estrogenic effects may be beneficial for bodybuilders using anabolic steroid. As a rule, they have elevated levels cholesterol and LDL.

And finally, we kept the most interesting information about the benefits of soy proteins. Soy protein has been found to improve thyroid function in many animals, from rats to rabbits and pigs. Making calculations in human studies has proven more difficult (which is not new). However, a number of studies indicate that soy protein isolate affects the production of thyroid hormones in humans. This can be a big advantage for bodybuilders looking to burn fat. The intake of high-quality proteins is accompanied by an increase in the levels of thyroid hormones. However, soy's ability to increase hormone production is unique compared to other proteins.

Although a number of studies have shown changes in the levels of T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone, a truly significant effect is achieved only in the case of T4. Levels of this hormone are continuously increasing in animals and, to a lesser extent, in humans taking soy proteins. Some studies have also found changes in the insulin/glucagon ratio, which helps lower cholesterol and, apparently, fat. At the moment, the mechanism of action of soy proteins on the production of thyroid hormones is not fully understood, but research in this area continues.

Soy protein - benefits and harms for men and women

Soy products contain varying amounts of protein. Potential negative side effects soybeans may be associated with protein and soy isoflavone levels. Foods that have added soy protein and isoflavones can affect the body in different ways. Products with more high level isoflavones may increase the risk of cancer.

Isoflavones are a component of soy that act like weak estrogens once they are ingested. Moderate soy consumption may prevent breast cancer. Consuming a lot of soy products over a long period can lead to negative effects, such as an increased risk of developing cancer.

With 25 grams of soy protein per day, you get 45 milligrams of isoflavones. Accordingly, 50 grams of soy protein contains 99 mg of isoflavones. The safe level of their (isoflavones) consumption is up to 100 mg. When taking soy protein above this level, you increase the risk of developing cancer.

The recommended intake should be between 35 and 50 milligrams per day. High doses of soy isoflavones can be especially harmful to surviving breast cancer cells. But moderate consumption - no more than 11 grams of soy protein per day, however, can actually be beneficial for surviving cells after breast cancer.

Soy products, including soy milk, contain structures similar to estrogen. chemical substances. Therefore, a diet rich in soy can be a health hazard if a woman has recently had breast cancer.

The soy diet can disrupt metabolism because it contains phytates that prevent the absorption of important trace elements such as sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, and copper.

Some studies done on rats show that large doses soy can affect erectile function. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Andrology. It described that eating large amounts of soy protein in childhood can negatively affect sexual function during adult life. However, the researchers acknowledge that experiments in rats do not necessarily reflect the same results as in humans.

For healthy men and women, it may be safe to take 2-3 servings of soy products each day. For women who have high risk development of breast cancer, you need to limit the consumption of soy products to 1-2 times a week. Soy supplements that are high in isoflavones are best avoided in this case.

How to use?

To vegetable protein was able to completely replace the animal, it is necessary to take it according to the following scheme:

  • with active training - 1.5-1.7 g per kilogram of body weight;
  • for "drying" - 1 g;
  • with strength training - 2 g.

Methods of taking soy protein for women and men are different


Females are allowed to use this product in the amount indicated on the package. It is absolutely harmless and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.


Men should be careful when taking this product so as not to harm the body. The maximum effect can only be achieved by mixing soy supplement and whey in a ratio of 1:2. This mixture should be taken 2-3 times a day.

You can make a shake: mix 25 g of soy protein with juice or water (150 ml). It must be consumed 35 minutes before training and for 20 minutes after it.


Soy protein can be combined with other protein supplements. There are even special protein complexes, which, in addition to soy, include whey, egg and casein proteins. They help compensate for the lack of each other's amino acids. You will be interested to know that dates are a source of protein.

Soy protein and weight loss

Protein for weight loss is often used by girls. Diet can adversely affect nails, hair, teeth and general condition organism. With the help of herbal supplements, you can make up for the lack of nutrients. They will help supply the body with the necessary protein. One of the options for losing weight is to drink a protein shake instead of dinner.

A protein shake is not only a source of protein, but also a great alternative to dinner.

At the same time, it is important to follow a diet:

  • in the morning - 2 eggs, vegetable salad;
  • for lunch - vegetables, as well as meat, poultry or fish;
  • for an afternoon snack - you need to alternate fruit and dairy product;
  • Dinner is a protein shake.

It is recommended to add evening workouts to make the effect better. Consider which protein is best for weight loss. To choose the best supplement, you need to talk with a trainer. To achieve maximum effect whey protein hydrolyzate is recommended. But it is the most expensive and is used by professional athletes.

Did you know? Human body is not able to accumulate protein, so it is necessary to replenish the supply of protein products daily.

Opinions of American scientists:

  • works better for weight loss fast protein than slow;
  • whey works better for weight loss than soy;
  • Whey protein is more effective at reducing body fat than an equivalent amount of meat.

Before using the product in question, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Only in this case you will not harm your body.

So what does this all mean for bodybuilders? Strength athletes should be primarily interested in two points:

  1. Although thyroid hormones are considered catabolic hormones, when enough calories are consumed in the presence of moderate amounts of thyroid hormones, these hormones can stimulate protein synthesis. Certainly, further research is required in this area.
  2. If a person is on a diet, the effectiveness of that diet quickly declines once the body understands what is happening and reduces the production of thyroid hormones. This reaction of the body to a decrease in calorie intake leads to a decrease in the metabolic rate and the establishment of new caloric parameters. A person who is on a diet feels tired. Using soy protein isolate to increase thyroid hormone production is exactly what the doctor ordered to maintain hormone levels with reduced calorie intake during the diet.

Soy protein during the diet supports the level of thyroid hormones

Solving the soy dilemma

After reviewing all of the above information on soy protein, you are most likely at a loss. If a bodybuilder replaces too many high-quality proteins with soy to get its potential benefits, they risk losing muscle mass. This is especially noticeable when reducing the number of calories (for example, during a diet). How fewer calories enters the body, the higher the quality of proteins must be to maintain a lean body mass.

Make no mistake, soy protein doesn't have the nitrogen-maintenance, catabolism, and muscle-building qualities of whey protein. However, soy has a number of other benefits. So what are we to do? It turns out that in order to get the beneficial properties of soy, you do not need to consume it in huge quantities. Nutritionists estimate that ten to thirty grams of soy protein per day is enough for most people.

This is how the dilemma can be resolved. And it turns out that this strategy is quite effective for most people. mixing Whey Protein with soy isolate at a ratio of 2:1 and taking the resulting mixture two to three times a day, you can get the benefits of both supplements. To date, there is no reason to believe that the combination of these two proteins leads to the loss of their properties.

Protein is a trace element that is necessary for the growth and repair of muscle tissue, as well as for improving cell function. For this reason, almost every bodybuilder, athlete or just a person who keeps himself in shape buys himself an additional good sports protein product which helps to support enough protein intake per day. However, any phenomenon has two sides: benefit and harm.

When we talk about protein shakes, the first thing that comes to mind is whey protein. Many do not know how to drink such a protein. Some people refuse it for other reasons. However, some people simply can't or don't want to take whey protein (again, just don't know how to drink it) or protein that comes from animals in any way, in any form. Therefore, as a result, good alternatives are needed. For example, such as soy protein isolate. The benefits and harms of soy protein will be discussed further.

soy protein is more benefit or harm? Let's try to figure it out. Soy protein is vegetable species protein, which a person has learned to get from soybeans, which belong to the legume family, rich in healthy dietary protein. How to take soy protein? Yes, just include more legumes in your diet, their usefulness is huge.

Soy contains coarse alimentary fiber, isoflavones and protein. It is very popular among vegans and vegetarians who are looking to increase their protein intake through delicious food.

Soy also provides the body with lecithin and a variety of amino acids that, when combined, create protein, the building blocks of the body. None of the amino acids found in soy protein is produced by the body.

Is soy protein bad?

Now that we have learned a little about what soy protein is, let's list its main benefits:

High quality vegetable protein

On the this moment a lot is available vegetable sources protein, and while each has unique advantages and disadvantages, the general consensus among experts regarding soy protein is that it is considered the best plant-based protein available. existing species squirrel.

This is justified by the fact that the amino acid composition of soy protein proportionally consists of the required set of acids in order to put the body into an anabolic state.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Another beneficial property of soy protein is its richness in vitamins and minerals. Soy proteins provide an adequate dose of B vitamins, vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and iron, which are essential for correct operation organism. For example, these trace elements not only strengthen the immune system, but also help increase testosterone levels (zinc and B vitamins are responsible for this) and give the body more energy.

muscle growth

Although it is believed that taking soy protein as a source of protein makes the body more “feminine” (we will talk about this later), many studies confirm that eating soy protein usually makes it difficult for a person to gain daily allowance amount of protein, but at the same time muscle growth is observed.

The benefits of soy protein

Having considered the benefits of soy protein, it's time to learn about its disadvantages. As already mentioned, soy protein is considered a protein that makes the body more feminine, as it contains phytoestrogens. What does this mean?

Estrogen boost

Since soy contains phytoestrogens, eating it can lead to an increase in estrogen levels. Estrogen is the female analogue of testosterone. And while testosterone leads to muscle gain and fat loss, unfortunately estrogen has reverse effect. Due to the content of isoflavones in soy, the balance of female and male hormones can be disrupted and this can lead to lower testosterone levels.

Decrease in testosterone

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, which is responsible for a large number of important anabolic processes in the body, therefore, in general sense The more testosterone a person has, the more muscle grows and the more fat is burned. It is believed that soy protein contributes to below average levels of testosterone, and therefore, again, an imbalance of hormones in the body towards an increase in estrogen can occur.

Who Can Eat Soy Protein?

In fact, soy protein is suitable for anyone, although there are people who are better off consuming soy as a source of protein.

For example, for those who do not consume dairy products (for personal or ethical reasons), soy as a supplement can be a great alternative.

Many vegans and vegetarians supplement their diets with soy products for this reason and see impressive results.

On a note

So, as you can see, although soy has unique useful properties, it also has its drawbacks.

However, due to the fact that people do not yet have enough knowledge about the “feminine” effect of soy protein, it is unfair to write it off completely, as it is an effective and popular food for vegans, vegetarians and for people looking for quality plant-based protein!

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