The funniest and most interesting facts in the world of sports. Interesting facts and information about sports and athletes

Sport is not only a way to improve your health. Sport is progress. Every year new sports appear or old ones are improved. Every year, new heroes appear on TV screens, whose exploits we so tirelessly follow. Every year new records are set. Of course, sometimes we see funny and ridiculous situations from the life of athletes, but these memories will pleasantly linger in our memory. Today you can read interesting facts about sports that may inspire you to new achievements.

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1) Few people know, but the maximum flight speed of a shuttlecock in badminton can reach as much as 270 kilometers per hour.

2) When playing bowling, there is no need to throw balls hard. The pins only need a light push to fall. Deviated by only 7.5 degrees, the pins will fall.

3) Officially, boxing became a sport in 1900. Until that time, everyone believed that boxing was too cruel and traumatic. It was in the 20th century that this sport gained immense popularity in cinema.

4) The ancient Greeks participated in the Olympics completely naked. Even gymnastics is translated from ancient Greek as "naked".

5) Few people know, but the founders of Adidas at the beginning of their career as a businessman wanted to sell ordinary sleeping slippers.

6) Jamaican Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world. It was he who was able to set two records. Sprint 100 he was able to overcome in just 9.69 seconds. He completed the sprint 200 in 19.30 seconds. So far, no one has been able to beat these two impressive records.

7) A race horse must have a name that cannot exceed 18 letters. Very long words are hard to write.

8) There are exactly 336 holes in an ordinary golf ball.

9) The Vatican State has its own football teams. There are 5 teams in total.

10) For normal volleyball, the temperature of the hall should be 16-26 degrees Celsius. As for beach volleyball, there are no temperature standards for this type of volleyball.

11) Bowling was played for the first time in 3200 BC. Such conclusions were made by scientists when they found bowling equipment resembling a modern weapon in an Egyptian tomb.

12) Snooker stopped being played in the middle of the twentieth century. After some time, interest in the game increased again. Why did this happen? All this thanks to the BBC. It was this sport that the channel decided to broadcast in order to show the merits of color television. The green tablecloth and balls of different colors are perfect for this role. The broadcast of the championships gave an impetus to people becoming interested in this sport again.

Olympic competitions are watched with passion not only by savvy fans, but also by people who are far from sports.

If you are just one of those, you probably have a lot of questions about the mysterious behavior of athletes, their mysterious rituals and many other details of the competition that seem strange or wild to an unprepared person.

We offer to open the veil of sports secrets.

What is this white powder that gymnasts smear their hands with?

This is magnesium powder. It removes the slightest traces of moisture from the hands, which can lead to a fall from the projectile, and facilitates sliding, as a result of which it becomes easier for gymnasts to spin on the bars or the crossbar.

How is the distance measured in a long jump? He flops with his whole body, so from what point is the countdown?

It's simple: the landing point is considered to be the point of contact closest to the push bar. That is why the jumpers try to stretch their arms and legs forward - so as not to accidentally strike a limb on the sand before the final landing, because in any case only the first touch will be counted.

Do synchronized swimmers hear the music they are performing to?

Yes. To do this, special speakers are built into the pool under water. French synchronized swimmer Margot Chretien says: “The sound, of course, is not like in headphones, but everything is heard normally.”

Why do swimmers pat their shoulders before starting?

For many athletes, this patting is a familiar ritual that reduces nervous tension. Some, however, argue that these claps speed up blood circulation, which is not at all superfluous before the start.

Why do some swimmers wear two rubber caps at once?

The second cap presses the elastic band from swimming goggles, because of this they sit tighter and do not risk slipping.
What kind of bruises are visible on the body of Michael Phelps? What, the coach beats him?
And not only for Phelps, but also for other American athletes. Only these are not bruises, but traces of medical cups - the very ones with which our mothers and grandmothers were treated for colds in childhood. Now in the sports world - a new fashionable fad: it is believed that medical cups increase blood circulation and help relax muscles.

What is the temperature of the water in the Olympic pools?

According to the standards of the International Olympic Committee, the water temperature in the Olympic pools must be between 27 and 28 degrees Celsius.

Why are the Olympic fields for field hockey blue?

Field hockey fields are covered with artificial grass. The blue color was first used at the London Olympics in 2012, as the blue cover contrasts best with the yellow ball, which is convenient for spectators, referees and the athletes themselves. At the Beijing Games-2008 and earlier, athletes played on a green field with a white ball.

Why is the score so strange in tennis - 15, 30, 40, game?

Initially, the counting system was associated with the position of the hands on the clock, counting points in quarters - 15 minutes, 30, 45 and, finally, 60. True, later, in France in the 19th century, with the development of tennis, the number 45 was replaced by 40 - presumably to it was easier to announce the score. Several attempts were made to change the number system to a simpler one - from 1 to 4 - but they were not successful.

Why didn't American football become an Olympic sport?

American football is popular mainly in the USA. Therefore, the IOC decided that it makes no sense to include in the Olympic program a sport that is interesting only to residents of one country.

What is freestyle swimming?

Exactly what sounds in the title: the athlete is allowed to swim in any style, even like a dog. Restrictions apply only to the medley relay: here, a freestyle swimmer is allowed to swim in any way, but not breaststroke, butterfly or backstroke. However, the vast majority of athletes consider this or that kind of crawl to be freestyle.

What do the five Olympic rings symbolize?

They symbolize the unity of the five continents, although none of them is a symbol of any particular continent. The colors of the rings - blue, red, yellow, green, black - were chosen as the most common on the flags of the world's states.

Where did the tradition of lighting the Olympic cauldron for the duration of the Games come from?

This is an ancient Greek tradition - however, many people know about it. Few, however, are aware that the ancient Greek Olympic flame was not just a torch, but an altar on which sacrifices were made to the gods. Fortunately, this part of the tradition has not come down to us.

What sports are included in modern pentathlon?

Modern pentathlon is a sport dating back to 19th century military training. In fact, it recreates the situations that an officer had to face when delivering a report to the commander through the ranks of the enemy. It includes horse racing, shooting, fencing, swimming and running.

Why are all gymnasts so short?

There are many explanations for this. One of them says that it is not natural data that is to blame, but the training regimen. At the ends of the bones, a person has cartilage pads, the so-called "growth plates". If these pads are constantly overstressed, they wear out and bone growth slows down. Since gymnastics at the level of elite sports is very traumatic for the musculoskeletal system, these very “growth plates” wear out very quickly, and growth practically stops.

Why are two bronze medals awarded in judo competitions?

This is the scheme of competitions in judo. According to it, the athletes who lost in the quarterfinals meet each other in knockout fights, and the winner of this “battle of four” receives a bronze medal. The same competitions are held between the losers in the semi-finals - in the fight between them, the second bronze medalist is determined. The same system operates, by the way, in boxing and classical wrestling.

Can judo be used for self defense?

Yes. Judo is a real martial art that originated in Japan in the 16th century and modernized in the 19th century by master Jigoro Kano. It became an Olympic sport only in 1964.

How much does a gold medal weigh?

At the Rio 2016 Games, gold medals weighed 500 grams. They consisted of 92.5% silver, 6.16% copper and only 1.34% gold, which was used only for coating. Thus, each Rio gold medalist received 6.7 grams of 24 carat gold.

And how much does an Olympic gold medal cost?

Somewhere between $560 and $590. But this is the official price, on the collecting market the price is many times higher. For example, the gold medal won by black athlete Jesse Owens in 1936 at the Berlin Olympics was auctioned off in 2013 for $1.5 million.

Do Olympiad winners receive additional cash prizes?

Depends on which country they represent. Brazilian athletes teach, in terms of, about 30 thousand US dollars for "gold", 15 thousand - for "silver" and a little less than 10 thousand - for "bronze". In Argentina, each medal costs about 20 thousand dollars, in Russia - about 60 thousand. But in Italy, bonuses for an athlete can reach 185 thousand dollars. But, in the US itself, only gold medalists are rewarded, giving each a relatively modest amount of $25,000.

In the entire history of world sports, there have often been curious, strange and completely unique cases, we present you with the ten most unusual sports facts.

Male athlete

Polish athlete Stanisława Walasewicz won the 100 meters at the 1932 Olympics, setting a world record. It was only after her death in 1980 that an autopsy revealed that she was a man, although she had both male and female pairs of chromosomes.

Absurd Sports

At the first Olympics there were many strange sports by today's standards. For example, throwing a spear with both hands and pushing a cobblestone. At the 1900 games in Paris, there was a 200-meter steeplechase swimming - swimmers had to wade among submerged logs and dive under anchored boats.

Unusual climber

Eric Weienmeier conquered Everest in 2001, and in 2002 he completed the Seven Summits program - conquering the highest peaks in all parts of the world. Among all other climbers who have achieved the same results, Weienmeier is distinguished by the fact that he is blind. In addition to mountaineering, Eric is engaged in diving, skiing, running marathons.

Football doomsday

Argentine goalkeeper Carlos Roa, who played for the Spanish "Mallorca", at the peak of his career, announced its completion, although he was interested in "Chelsea" and "Manchester United". He explained his decision by the fact that he was waiting for the end of the world, which was to come along with the third millennium. After he returned to football, but played only in teams of the lower divisions.

sport of eskimo ears

The program of the World Eskimo Olympic Games includes an unusual sport - tug-of-war. Two opponents sit opposite each other, and a loop of one rope is put on each ear. After that, the opponents must tug on the cord until it comes off or one of them gives up from pain.

death game

In 1998, lightning struck a football field in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during a football match. All 11 away team players died on the spot. * , another 30 spectators received burns, but all the players from among the home team remained unharmed.

*I did not find confirmation of this anywhere (reposts do not count). The video also does not show the death of 11 players.

Double punch

At one of the baseball games in 1957, player Richie Ashburn unsuccessfully hit the ball, which hit the spectator and broke her nose.

When the game resumed, Ashburn again made a bad shot, hitting the same spectator, who was already leaving the stadium on a stretcher.

The first Olympic lie

The very first known case of cheating at the Olympics occurred at the 1904 Games in St. Louis, US. The marathon runner, having run a small part of the distance, got into a car waiting for him. Having traveled almost the entire distance, 1.5 kilometers before the finish line, he again entered the race track and, of course, won. The deception was revealed only later.

Square washers

Incredibly, the first hockey pucks were square. The washer was made of wood, even the triangular washer is known! Modern rubber pucks are kept ahead of the match in the refrigerator so that it flies smoothly and does not spoil the ice.

fatal number

In the numbers of cars participating in Formula races, one number is missing, after 12 immediately comes 14. In the entire long history of the Royal Races, only six people decided to use number 13.

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Sport is not only health, but also the desire to be better, to move forward. Sport also does not stand still, it develops and progresses along with humanity. New heroes appear, new records are set - both personal and team. The most interesting, fantastic and curious facts remain in the history of sports, in the memory of all fans, in our memory. We offer you some interesting facts and statistics in sports.

1.The best karate. Would you like to know which karateka is the best today? Yes, it is “the best” and no other. Do you know the name Hirokazu Kanazawa, it is this person who is the most respected karateka in the world. Kanazawa was born in 1931 on the island of Honshu to a fisherman's family. Until the age of eleven, the boy did nothing and was like the others, but then everything changed. Once, a fight took place between Kanazawa and his classmate, in which, naturally, our future sensei won. Everything would be fine, but after this fight, Kanazawa received a slap from the father of his enemy - a 100-pound sumo wrestler, the boy fell into the mud and could not do anything. From that moment it all started - the boy became very upset, and he decided to take revenge. With incredible efforts, training day and night, cherishing the plan of revenge in his heart, the boy developed spiritually. When Kanazawa finished school, he was already so strong not only physically, but also morally, that he forgave the old offender, and he died after 2 years. Today, Hirokazu Kanazawa is already over 80 years old, but being the owner of a black belt and 10-dan, he remains the best karateka of our time and age is not a hindrance to him.

2.Where did the name of footballer Jan Vennegaard of Hesselink come from? In modern European football, the longest surname is the former Dutch national team player Jan Vennegaard of Hesselink, who has now retired. This surname appeared in the 17th century, when representatives of two farming families, the Vennegors and the Hesselinks, became related. Since the families were equal in social status and wealth, it was decided to combine the two surnames into one. And not through a hyphen, but through the union "of", which in Dutch means "or".

3. Back in 1932, an athlete from Poland, Stanislava Valasevich, conquered the hundred-meter race. Then she set a world record. And only in 1980, after her death, an autopsy revealed that Stanislav Valasevich was a man. This was found out by the genitals, although the chromosome set in this person was both female and male.

4. An interesting nickname in the Slavic interpretation has a four-time winner of the World Cup in alpine skiing and a two-time Austrian Olympic champion Hermann Mayer - "Herminator".

5. Representative of China Song Mingming - tallest basketball player worldwide. His height is 236 centimeters, with a weight of 152 kilograms.

6. March 20, 1976 was remembered for the unusual match Aston Villa against Leicester City. Then Chris Nicholl, first team player, scored two goals each against the opponent and his own. The match ended with the score 2:2.

7.The longest parachute jump. The longest parachute jump was made by Joseph Kittinger, a captain in the US Army. On August 16, 1960, the stratostat lifted the record holder to a height of 31,332 meters, from where the parachutist jumped. The movement to the ground lasted 13 minutes and 45 seconds - a third of this time the captain was in free fall, the maximum speed of the parachutist was 1149 km / h. I must say that this jump is also considered the most dangerous, since it is impossible to make it without equipment. Kittinger himself lost consciousness during the fall, and was saved by his parachute, which opened at an altitude of five and a half kilometers. After landing, the captain fell into the caring hands of doctors, who quickly put him on his feet.

8. Which athlete overtook the world record holder by running the distance at a nearby stadium? At the 1924 Paris Olympics, Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi won every race he entered. He became the first in the individual and team cross-country, in the 3000 m team run, as well as in the 1500 and 5000 m distances, the finals of which were held with a difference of only an hour. Nurmi was very upset that the Finnish delegation did not put him up to run the ten-kilometer race, but Ville Ritola. He won with a world record, but at the nearby warm-up stadium, Nurmi started at the same time as the participants and finished earlier.

9. Greatest skate jump ever. Are you wondering who is the best skateboarder and who set, well, the record skateboard jump? Danny Way - this name became a legend when in 2004, participating in the Skateboarding Big Air competition, which was held in Los Angeles, he set a world record for jumping on a skateboard. Climbing onto a tall ramp, Danny drove off it, accelerating his skate to a speed of 88 km / h, then he jumped a distance of 24 meters. This jump became the greatest in history. A year later, Danny Way decided to fix his name in people's memory by jumping over the Great Wall of China on a skateboard. With his achievements, Way demonstrated to everyone his willpower and real courage.

10. Which famous football player was named after the American president? Cristiano Ronaldo is not a first and last name, but a double name. Moreover, the name Ronaldo is quite rare for Portugal, and the boy got it because his father was a fan of the then US President Ronald Reagan.

11. Alexander Medved, a Soviet athlete, won ten world championships in freestyle wrestling - the most.

12. Haile Gebrselassie, Olympic champion in the 10 thousand meters from Ethiopia, has a special style of running. He presses his left hand to the body, more than the right, and unusually bends it. The athlete explains this posture during the competition by the fact that as a child he had to run 10 kilometers to school in the morning and back in the evening, holding textbooks in his left hand.

13. The fastest person recognized by Usain Bolt of Jamaica. In 2009, he set world records: he ran the hundred-meter dash in 9.58 seconds, and the two hundred-meter distance in 19.19 seconds.

14. The heaviest weight lifted in the bench press exercise. Everyone knows, and someone knows firsthand, that pulling barbells is quite difficult. Only a trained person can lift a lot of weight without harm to health. I would like to inform everyone that a new world record has been set for the bench press exercise. This record was set by Ryan Keneally. The athlete managed to squeeze from the chest no less, no more than 486 kilograms. The record set by Ryan is absolute and no one has managed to beat it yet. Let Kenelli fail to complete the exercise cleanly - he was unable to straighten his arms to the end, but anyway, the judges decided to count the result. It is impossible not to pay tribute to the champion, because that barbell weighed 486 kilograms - almost half a ton.

15. Why did the Inter player draw a plus sign between the numbers of his game number? Moving to Inter in 1998, Roberto Baggio asked for his favorite number 10. Ronaldo conceded it, but demanded a jersey with number 9, under which the Chilean Ivan Zamorano performed. He took the number 18, but drew a plus sign on the T-shirts between one and eight.

16. Which athlete became the best on the continent by learning from Youtube videos? Kenyan Julius Yego learned to throw the javelin using Youtube videos of Olympic champions as a tutorial. Only after winning the All-African Games did the athlete begin to work with a coach, although he continues to improve on his own for most of the year. In 2015, Yego won the World Championship, and won a silver medal at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

17. "Throwing" dwarfs. In France, such a rude "sport" as throwing dwarfs in length was justly banned. But the dwarf Manuel Weikenheim (height 1.20 m) very strongly protested against this. He went on a hunger strike and then appealed to the International European Court. He stated that this ban means for him a loss of monthly income, and in addition, he has the right to be scammed. It's a tradition, and he insists on it.

18.One-legged skydiver. Near the city of Pau, in southwestern France, a 70-year-old pensioner landed after his first parachute jump. When he landed, he had only one leg. At an altitude of 1500 meters, his prosthesis came unfastened. But, despite this, a strong pensioner landed confidently on one leg.

19. Which footballer played in a jersey with number 0? When the Scottish football club Aberdeen signed the Moroccan Hisham Zeruali, the fans immediately gave him the nickname "Zero" by the first letters of his last name. That is why Zerouali began to play in the number 0 jersey, which had never happened before. The following season, the football federations of Scotland and England imposed a ban on playing with such a number.

20. Guinness book record for flip ups. The famous Russian athlete Zalodniy Denis entered his name in the famous Guinness Book of Records, having made the largest number of lifts with a coup on the crossbar. During the exercise, the guy lost 1 kg, and wiped his hands, because he worked without gloves. By the way, it took 208 minutes to set a record of 1333 coups. Most notable is that the athlete was only 21 years old. Coach Sergey Rachinsky said that in 2008, on April 28, his ward set another record - he squatted with a hundred kilogram barbell 210 times.

21. Which gymnast brought his team an Olympic gold medal with a broken knee? At the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, during the team competition in gymnastics, the Japanese Sun Fujimoto broke his knee. Without saying a word, he continued his pommel horse and rings performances, landing perfectly on both feet in the final, and only after that he fell, writhing in pain. Thanks to his estimates, Japan bypassed the Soviet gymnasts and took first place.

22. A child who can do more push-ups than you. The boy named Ronak Atul Vitha is already 5 years old. At the age of 2.5, he seriously decided to develop his body. According to mother Ronaka, her son easily managed to perform various tricks, even those that were shown to the audience in the popular blockbuster Ghajini. Just this film became the starting point of the future champion. Ronak decided to try push-ups. Every day he did 10 push-ups. The child's body began to quickly get used to physical activity, and a week later the boy was already doing 50 push-ups a day. A little more time later, 100 push-ups became a regular warm-up for Ronaka. Today, in the Guinness Book of Records in the column “master of push-ups” there is the name of a small athlete - Ronak mastered the “height” of 1482 push-ups, and it took about 40 minutes. The boy was born in 2005. At 2.5 years old, Ronak Atul Vitha set a life goal - to become the strongest child on Earth. In achieving his goal, the boy is helped by his loving family and his personal trainer named Satyajit Chaurasya, who comes to the child 3 times a week for training.

23. What hockey player survived after an opponent cut his throat with a skate? In 1989, Buffalo Sabers goaltender Clint Malarchuk was accidentally hit in the throat with a skate blade, cutting his jugular vein. Blood immediately rushed onto the ice, but Malarchuk was saved thanks to the skillful actions of physiotherapist Jim Pizzatelli, who grabbed the goalkeeper by the neck, squeezed a vein and took him to the locker room. There, Pizzatelli, before the arrival of resuscitation, in addition to blocking the vein, pressed his knees on Malarchuk's collarbone. The goalkeeper lost one and a half liters of blood, but survived and returned to the ice a week later.

24. Which Olympic champion trained while lying on an anthill? Norwegian biathlete Magnar Solberg practiced shooting in the summer, lying on an anthill. According to the coach's idea, this exercise was supposed to teach the athlete to concentrate on the target and not be distracted by external factors and fatigue. Solberg, who had not even won a medal at the world championships before, became the 1968 Olympic champion in Grenoble and repeated his success four years later in Sapporo.

25. Oscar Swann, who took 2nd place in the shooting competition, is the oldest man to win an Olympic medal.

26. Who was killed for an own goal in the World Cup? Colombian football team defender Andres Escobar scored an own goal in the 1994 World Cup match against the United States. Having lost this meeting, the Colombians could not leave the group and flew home. A few days later, Escobar was shot while in his car. The killer accompanied each shot with a cry: “Goal!”.

27. The richest athlete in history. Are you curious about which athlete has earned the most money in his career? The London Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that Peter Struck, a professor at the University of Chicago, calculated and found the richest athlete in history. This man was Gaius Appulei Diocles, who lived in ancient Rome in the second century AD. Guy was engaged in a popular sport in those days - chariot riding. According to modest calculations, during his sports career Gaius Appulei Diocles earned about 15 billion dollars in terms of modern currency!

28. Which disabled person with a prosthesis won six Olympic medals, competing with ordinary athletes? American athlete George Eiser at the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis won six medals in one day: three gold (on parallel bars, vault and rope climbing), two silver (in the championship on seven shells and on a horse) , as well as bronze on the crossbar. With all this, Eiser was disabled - instead of his left leg, he had a wooden prosthesis. It is worth noting that no more than five athletes competed in each of the listed disciplines, and all of them represented the United States.

29. The toughest wrestler. What sport do you think the heaviest athlete in the world should choose? Of course, it can only be a sumo wrestler. The way it is. The heaviest sumo wrestler in the world today is Emanuel Jabrauch. The weight of this giant is as much as 402 kilograms with an increase of 203 centimeters. Of course, Emanuel owes such a complexion to the specifics of the sport he is involved in. Emanuel Jabrauch is a recognized seven-time world champion in sumo. The famous athlete was born in 1964. Today, Emanuel Jabrauch is a member of the board of the Foundation dedicated to the development of children's sumo. The champion is trying in every possible way to support young novice sumo wrestlers.

30. Racer and tester Mauro Kahlo set a record for the longest drift (controlled skid) on a Mercedes car - it skidded to 2308 meters, after which further movement was impossible due to tire damage.

31. Yury Yudkin was Maria Sharapova's first coach. At the beginning of 2004, she was already among the top 20 tennis players in the world.

32. Why was the clay shooting champion not allowed to defend her title at the next Olympics? Shotgun competitions at the Olympic Games have been held since 1968, and women have taken part in them on an equal basis with men. However, none of them could win a medal, so even before the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, ​​the IOC decided to limit women's participation in this discipline at the 1996 Olympics. But it was in Barcelona that the Chinese woman Zhang Shan took the gold. Despite the hype, the decision was not changed, so Zhang was unable to defend her title four years later. Only since 2000 have women returned to Olympic trap shooting, but now separately from men.

33. Olympic champion Stanislav Valaskevich was both a woman and a man at the same time.

34. Who has run over 5,000 km with a leg amputated to help cancer patients? Canadian Terry Fox was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 19 and had his leg amputated above the knee. Then he conceived a project to help all cancer patients "Marathon of Hope", intending to cross the whole country and collect at least a dollar from every Canadian. After three years of training, Terry with a prosthesis started from the Atlantic Ocean and ran an average of 42 km per day. However, after 143 days of running and covering 5373 km, he stopped, as his illness progressed, and soon died. Before reaching the Pacific Ocean, Terry achieved another goal: his campaign attracted more than $24 million in donations, and the population of Canada then was just 24 million people.

35. The youngest hockey player in the history of the NHL, who was recognized as the "most valuable player in the league" at the age of 19 - Wayne Gretzky.

36. Founder of judo Dhigaro Kano. Out of 51 games, he played the first professional fight of Mike Tyson, he finished with 21 knockouts in the first round (40.8%).

37. The athlete who is considered the youngest, managed to win the national championship was a resident of Jamaica, his name is Jay Foster. This event took place in 1958. At that time he was only 8 years old.

38. The heaviest sumo wrestler- World champion in this sport discipline Emanuel Jabrauch. Its height exceeds two meters, weight - over 400 kilograms.

39. Acrobatics on a bicycle is very dangerous for health. However, cyclists sometimes do tricks so difficult that they are recorded as records. At the age of 24, cyclist Jed Mildon did a triple backflip on his bike at the BMX show. The athlete prepared the trick for three months.

40. The longest skate jump was made in 2004 Danny Wayne at the Los Angeles Skateboarding Contest. Having left the high ramp, Danny reached a speed of 88 kilometers per hour, flying 24 meters on the subsequent jump. The following year, the athlete turned his jump into a real show by flying over the Great Wall of China on a skateboard.

Everyone understands that it is impossible to live without physical activity. Reasonable loads bring only health. But what happens in a professional sports environment?

Dangerous sports

Playing professional sports is becoming more and more dangerous. The load is constantly growing, along with it, the number of injuries is increasing. What sports are considered dangerous?

martial arts. Dangerous with large amounts of damage. 65% of injuries in boxers occur in the fingers and elbow or shoulder joints. In 18% of cases, the face is injured. CNS damage has been reported. In wrestling, 70% of injuries are injured knees, 13% of cases are fractures, dislocations, and 4.5% are severe bruises. The better the athletes are prepared for the fight, the less the risk of injury.

In basketball players, injuries occur more frequently during sudden stops and jumps, rapid angular accelerations, and physical contact with other players. 20% of basketball players get knee injuries in a season. The famous never recovered after several knee surgeries and left the big sport.

Athletes are more likely to be injured in contact play. They also happen during training. Notable soccer players who have sustained open fractures during matches include Eduardo Da Silva, David Bast, Alan Smith and Luke Nills.

Gymnastics. Typical injuries in female gymnasts are leg injuries. They account for 60% of cases. Men are more likely to injure their hands. If they fail to perform exercises on the crossbar, rings or a horse, they get dislocations, sprains and fractures.

extreme sports

Those who consider life without extreme insipid, endanger their lives. Sports to be extremely careful with:

Jumping from high objects holds the record for the number of deaths. Jumpers are not afraid of terrifying overflights in the mountains (73% mortality), flights over long distances from skyscrapers. And they film it all on video. Sports are great fun, but not safe. Extreme Dean Potter miscalculated the trajectory and died.

The athlete is highly dependent on weather conditions. The incorrect behavior of the take-off at the start sometimes leads to the deviation of the aircraft from the given trajectory due to strong wind. This causes injury or death to the athlete.

(protracted). Tangled slings or strong winds, pressure drops become risk factors. Novice skydivers jump with an instructor who insures the athlete.

Diving enthusiasts in underwater caves know the figure that warns against frivolous behavior in this sport. 8 thousand deaths per year - such statistics. With a lack of oxygen, it is more difficult to surface to the surface than in simple diving. We have to find a way out of the cave, and it's not easy.

In addition to the risk of being covered by a big wave and not getting out of there alive and unharmed, there is also the danger of getting into the teeth of a shark. There are 3 deaths per 100,000 surfers per year.

Statistics report 1 death per thousand motorcyclists. Racers die not only from accidents. Due to the huge speed up to 300 km / h, they experience physical and mental stress, which negatively affects their health.

Athletes who refuse insurance devices when conquering peaks are subject to serious consequences. The sad statistics are supplemented by athletes who suffered from hypothermia, collapses or avalanches.

Rafting on the river also does not always end well. The high speed of the river, cold water, bare stones, whirlpools lie in wait for rafting people. On the dangerous routes of Altai, every second athlete dies.

Top Expensive Sports

Those who play sports professionally know that this activity is not cheap. After researching sports competitions, in which a lot of money was invested, its most expensive types were found out:

"Formula 1". A unique car that helps win a race is expensive. The price consists of the cost of the karting itself, the motor for the spare, tires, and the rider's equipment. To participate in world-class races, investments of one million euros are required. There are no sponsors here.

Here, finances are needed to purchase a sailing vessel, which costs from 500 thousand rubles and more. Participation in amateur regattas also requires investments. Races in America's Cup cost athletes a million euros.

The cost consists of the cost of buying a thoroughbred horse and its veterinary care, training a rider to race, blacksmith services and renting a room.

Top highly paid athletes

The work of athletes is titanic. How is it evaluated? According to the Sunday Times, the magazine that conducted the research and compiled the rankings, the top earning athletes are:

Gold (first) place at. The American golfer has won over a hundred tournaments. His net worth is almost $870 million.

Silver gets. The German Formula 1 driver is a world star and a wealthy man. He is only $40 million behind Tiger Woods.

And Michael Jordan completes the top three. On account of his record - a victory for the season in 72 matches. Five times he was recognized as the most valuable basketball player in the National Association. He earned $515 million from his victories.

Interesting from history and modernity about sports and health

There are many interesting facts about various sports and their impact on human health. Here is some of them:

  • Sport as a mass activity came into the life of our society at the end of the 19th century and remains so to this day.
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, tug of war was part of the program of the Olympic Games.
  • Boxing was officially recognized as a sport in 1900.
  • 40% of fights finished by knockout in the first round.

  • Nearly a third of NBA players have tattoos.
  • England is the birthplace of baseball.
  • Table tennis appeared at the end of the 19th century as an entertainment of high English society. Now everyone can play it.
  • The most powerful blow with a force of 1 ton was at.

  • A ping pong ball weighs 2.5 grams.
  • In checkers, there are only 7 variants of the initial move, and in the first 10 moves - 170 septillions (170 and 24 zeros).
  • Checkers was invented before chess. In terms of popularity, they are still not inferior to each other.
  • There are 336 grooves in a golf ball.
  • - the fastest man in the world.

  • The speed of a shuttlecock in badminton reaches 270 km/h.
  • The only country that has participated in every World Cup is Brazil.
  • Running strengthens the body, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, so this sport is given great attention. For children, it is a mandatory view in physical education lessons.
  • According to research, listening to music increases the effectiveness of training.
  • The Detroit Free Press claims that 68% of hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

  • Hockey puck speeds up to 160 km/h. It poses a danger even to a protected athlete.
  • Americans spend about $600 million a year on golf balls.
  • The largest number of push-ups in one set - 10,507 times.
  • Song Mingmin is the tallest basketball player at 2.36m.

  • The English Wembley Stadium was built exclusively for games, training is prohibited there.
  • The most primitive bowling alley was created in Egypt around 3200 BC.
  • The bowling pin can fall at a deflection of 7.5 degrees.
  • In classical wrestling there is no draw, there must always be a winner.
  • Vitaly Shcherbo won 6 gold medals at the 1992 Summer Olympics, 4 of them in one day.

  • The sum of the numbers of opposite faces of a die is always equal to 7.
  • A football player runs an average of 10 km per match, and during his career he can run about 300,000 km.
  • The longest game of Monopoly lasted 1,680 hours.
  • Hurling is a team game of Celtic origin. It is played on grass with clubs and a ball.

Sports develop a person's desire to win and temper the spirit. And reasonable caution and the use of protective equipment in extreme situations saves lives.

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