What can raw foodists. What is a raw food diet and what are its types? Nutritious porridge for raw foodists

healthy image life is an inevitable "evil" that one has to put up with on the way to health and longevity...

Since time immemorial, people have been in constant search right image life that can not only maintain human health at an ideal level, but also heal any disease, thereby prolonging the years of a happy stay on this earth. However, so far no one has been able to find a scheme that could be called a "panacea". However, raw foodists think differently, and for good reason ...

But before delving into the "wild" of the raw food diet, let's first define what a raw food diet is.

raw food diet- This is a diet that involves eating exclusively raw foods. However, the most common raw food diet is the vegan raw food diet (an all plant based diet).

Many raw foodists believe this diet the only permissible and exclusively correct, and therefore equate it with the "species nutrition" of a person. Many do not agree with this - this is evident from the extent to which national cuisines The absolute majority of the peoples of the earth are "saturated" with dishes of fish, meat, eggs and dairy products. But as the raw foodists would say, “That’s their problem!” And they would be right.

What can you eat on a raw food diet, or What do raw foodists eat?

With the answer to these two questions, the story of any raw foodist, as well as his new relationship with his entire environment, actually begins. Because the newly minted “adepts” of the vegan raw food diet quickly determine what they can eat and what they can’t. But it is extremely difficult for everyone else to understand what raw foodists can eat. Therefore, one has to do long and painful "educational work", explaining what's what and why...

Be that as it may, it is impossible to do without defining the boundaries of a vegan raw food diet. Therefore, let's define them as clearly as possible.

Foods you can eat on a vegan raw food diet:

  • All non-cooked plant foods (generally, temperatures above 42-45°C are considered heat-treated, as proteins start to coagulate and enzymes die at this temperature)
  • Honey and its derivatives (debatable, but many raw foodists use them as food)
  • Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut and herbal teas (again debatable)
  • Salt, soda
  • Vegetable oils
  • This is an exhaustive list of foods that fit into a raw food diet, but the first item needs to be deciphered.

    All plant foods include not only whole fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals, seeds, nuts, leaves, stems and roots of various edible plants, but also any dishes that can be prepared from them (without cooking!):

    • Salads
    • Cakes
    • cakes
    • "dairy" products (from seeds and nuts)
    • sandwiches
    • side dishes

    Naturally, it seems that all the listed dishes cannot be cooked without boiling, frying or, on extreme case, quenching. However, all this raw foodists really cook without heat treatment, as well as without the addition of dairy products, eggs, meat, fish and poultry!

    So raw foodists, although they have to limit themselves, but with right approach, the restrictions do not seem as unbearable and scary as it may seem to outside observers. Naturally, a certain discomfort is felt (at least at first), because traditional cuisine has been perfected by culinary specialists for centuries, with the aim of turning food into a real pleasure. Only very rarely did these same chefs think about how to make dishes not only tasty, but also healthy ...

    Benefits of a raw food diet

    A vegan raw food diet is useful for people primarily because it allows you to cleanse the body of all kinds of garbage that has accumulated in it during long years our life. Toxins, antibiotics, salts heavy metals, mucus, stones (wherever possible), cholesterol, excess protein and other inorganic contaminants of our body - all this is excellently removed from the human body while eating raw plant foods.

    In the past century, there have been several attempts to create hospitals that heal people with cancer using a vegan raw food diet. True, to this day, officially, not a single institution of this kind has survived. Why? And whoever likes it more ... Either a raw food diet is charlatanism, or a raw food diet is a terrible healing power which can easily destroy most pharmaceutical and Food Industry because it can heal people for free.

    Naturally, a raw food diet is not able to cure everyone and everyone, and even from any misfortune. For some people simply do not have enough time to complete healing(for example, last stage oncology with metastases or peritonitis). In addition, no diet can cope with most types birth defects and genetic diseases(although here, perhaps, there are exceptions), as well as with traumatology. Although the regeneration of any tissues on a raw food diet (with the right approach) is somewhat faster.

    Otherwise, the vegan raw food diet can be seen as a very, very effective remedy against any disease, including cardiovascular diseases, oncology (for early stages), any functional problems with digestion, skin diseases(psoriasis, dermatitis), bronchopulmonary ailments, allergies and other diseases up to mental disorders.

    On top of that, raw foodists release an enormous amount of energy, which earlier organism used to digest traditional food.

    Harm of a raw food diet

    However, a raw food diet can also bring colossal harm. This is most likely in the following situations:

    • if a novice raw foodist has problems digesting raw food (fructose intolerance, lack of any vital internal organs etc.)
    • too low body weight (because cleaning almost always contributes to additional weight loss)
    • the diet of a raw foodist is absolutely unbalanced (for example, a person eats practically only nuts or only apples and bananas)
    • if a person switching to a raw food diet completely lacks understanding of at least a minimal understanding of the processes occurring in the body

    In addition, the raw food diet itself is fraught with vitamin B12 deficiency. Otherwise, the harm of a raw food diet is experienced by people who do not have sufficient information about what to eat, when and in what quantities. Despite the talk of raw foodists who claim that you can eat as much as you want and when you want.

    So, for example, the vast majority of raw foodists spoil tooth enamel(from frequent chewing and improper care per oral cavity), bones become thinner (from the abuse of protein products), skin dries (from insufficient consumption water during the initial cleansing of the body of toxins), etc.

    If we take into account all these features, then raw foodists rarely have problems.

    Raw food for weight loss

    A vegan raw food diet definitely promotes weight loss. Moreover, the weight goes away at a very rapid pace - 5-7 kilograms in the first months (depending on the initial weight). At this time, weight loss occurs mainly due to the withdrawal of excess water.

    This is what happens ideally. However, a person with his fanatical ideas, lack of knowledge, or some other emotional and intellectual factors can significantly correct perfect option and get either excessive thinness or excess weight.

    Where to begin?

    It is best to start gradually, because a sharp transition to a raw food diet is fraught with serious cleansing processes, as a result of which the human blood is filled with toxins that the body has hitherto stored in adipose tissue.

    • include in the diet green smoothies”, consisting of any kind of greens and fruits or vegetables, without changing the rest of the diet
    • replace one meal with raw plant foods (breakfast)
    • replace another meal with fruits, vegetables or nuts (dinner)
    • complete raw food diet with rare inclusions in the diet of products that are “horrible as you want”
    • whole and completely raw vegan diet

    Well, master the raw food cuisine, of course. After all, even the most strict and healthy diet must be delicious!

Hello my dear readers!

As promised, I am writing to you again. In the article "" we have analyzed in detail general principles raw food diet. What raw foodists eat, a list of foods that are allowed is the topic of today's article.

The raw food diet as a food system has enough varied menu. And even from the most simple products food that mother nature gives us, you can cook delicious dishes. The list of products that raw foodists are allowed to eat is quite large. I don't know if I can miss anything. But I will try, and most importantly, I will definitely note.

All products for raw foodists can be bought in a regular store, supermarket or in the market. You can also purchase them without leaving your home through online stores. For example, on iherb.com.

Fruits and berries are the basis of the diet of every raw foodist. They charge not only with energy, but also with positive due to the fact that they contain glucose and useful vitamins.

Fruits and berries should not be processed in any way. Everything is eaten raw. The percentage of the total food volume is 50%.

I recently read here - scientists have proven that the a large number of vitamins we get from freshly picked vegetables and fruits. When they lie down, they already contain less vitamins. Therefore, I am for this section of the raw food diet with all my hands! Yes, and I recommend everyone to eat every day for 2-3 fruits. And in the summer it’s better not to find your garden 🙂

I decided to make a rough list that you can print. And with such a list, you can confidently walk to a store, supermarket or market.

The list of fruits is endless. Dried fruits will also help keep your body in good condition. Dried dates, pineapples, apples, pears, prunes, raisins, dried apricots. The main rule is the natural drying of dried fruits on outdoors. Raw foodists call them "sunfruits". Not allowed the use of dried fruits that have been processed with chemicals or dried in high temperature ovens. In this case, a home dryer is indispensable. I myself use and dry mushrooms and fruits.

Vegetables and greens

Vegetables, greens make up 35% of the total food in the diet of a raw foodist. Moreover, they are used not just raw, but even with the skin in some cases. It is believed that the skin is rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the intestines.

It is advisable to use vegetables that are not greenhouse grown without harmful fertilizers.

Nuts, grains, legumes

The total amount is approximately 15% of the total diet. it important products nutrition, but pay attention to the percentage. Don't abuse.

Especially, be careful with nuts. For example, walnuts contain 12% carbohydrates, 18% proteins and 70% fats. It must be remembered that high percent fatty component can harm the body. Especially for those who have liver problems, are obese or diabetic. Doctors recommend eating 3-4 walnuts a day.

Grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fats as well as amino acids.

Legumes are leaders in the content of proteins, fats and starch. And vegetable protein human body absorbs much better.


It is necessary to use only the first cold-pressed oil that has not been subjected to heat treatment above 40 0 ​​C.

High-quality manufacturers do not add extra preservatives and additional additives. The most famous are:

  • Olive oil
  • Sunflower
  • corn
  • Linen
  • avocado oil
  • sea ​​buckthorn
  • Pumpkin
  • Hemp
  • Sesame
  • chia oil
  • Coconut oil

You can even cook at home butter without heat treatment.


The main drinks are plain artesian water (not boiled of course), freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices, herbal teas. Moreover, the temperature of water heating should be no more than 40 degrees.

Dedicated to milk and sugar lovers

Tell me honestly, raw foodists, adhering to this strict diet, do you miss dairy products? If yes, then I found good alternative. Coconut milk or brown/young rice milk can be used instead of goat/cow milk.

Sugar can be replaced with various syrups (agave, Jerusalem artichoke, dates), natural honey, cane or coconut sugar. And what delicious ones you can make ... yum-yum 🙂

My dear friends, the main thing is to listen to your body. He will tell you like no one else what is harmful and what is useful. Eat the food you want to eat. And neither you nor your health need to “choke” on something in order to be considered a real raw foodist.

I advise you to draw up your menu with a raw food specialist. I can recommend Denis Terentiev. He not only experienced raw foodist, but also just a good, sympathetic person who will help everyone to switch to a raw food diet. Contact him.

Did you like my article? Then share it with your friends on in social networks. Don't forget my updates.

Be healthy and take care of yourself. See you soon!

We all know the existence of raw foodists. Some people really think they are strong people, others cannot understand how they can live without tasty homemade food. But adherents of the raw food diet claim that this way of life allows them to always remain healthy, energetic and emotionally balanced. However, this approach also has its detractors. Dietitians suggest that if for a long time adhere to such a nutrition system, then the body will not receive all the nutrients and will not be able to resist disease normally.

What is a raw food diet?

raw food diet- this is special system nutrition, in which only fresh products can be used in food. People who eat such food believe that thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits can bring the body much more benefit than, for example, soup and chop. But do not confuse raw foodists with vegetarians. Unlike the latter, they may well eat fish and meat. They pickle these two products or dry them. In addition to raw foods, cereals are also present in their diet. They just don't give them up heat treatment, and soaked in long time water. When the cereal begins to sprout, it can be eaten.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet for the body

Every year the number of supporters of thermally unprocessed food only increases. And if some people switch to such a nutrition system just out of curiosity, others consider it a panacea for all diseases. Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be called junk food, but by eating them exclusively, a person deprives his body of the proteins and fats he needs. And this immediately affects his health. But, on the other hand, scientists have proven that people who eat raw food almost never get heart disease and cancer.

The benefits of a raw food diet for the human body:
1) Carcinogens do not enter the body
2) Eat much less salt and fat
3) Faster satiety
4) Improves the work of the digestive tract
5) The gums are strengthened
6) Weight returns to normal
7) Increases the overall tone of the body

Harm of a raw food diet for the human body:
1) Tooth enamel is quickly damaged
2) Slightly enlarged belly
3) Kidney failure may develop
4) Joint problems appear
5) The menstrual cycle is disturbed

Raw food: results and reviews

Lillian: I decided to try to eat raw foods when I was 22 years old. In my twenties, I began to gain a lot of weight. My volume increased so quickly that very soon I stopped fitting into my favorite dresses and I had to radically change my wardrobe. After listening to the advice of my friends, I went on a strict diet and started exercising. Everything was fine, I worked out, the weight gradually went away, but as soon as I switched to a normal diet, the volumes returned again. Seeing my suffering, a neighbor suggested that I switch to a raw food diet. At first I was a little skeptical, but then I decided to give it a try. After about six months, I finally began to feel real woman. I'm in my 30s now, but sometimes I feel like I look a lot better than I did when I was 20.

Anastasia: I have always had poor health. I constantly sneezed, coughed or treated a sore throat. There was a period when I ate almost the same pills. All this chemistry slowly killed my immunity and each time the body was more and more difficult to cope with the consequences of diseases. In addition to all this, I began to have terrible skin problems that I could not cope with. So I decided to radically change my life. To begin with, I found a person who is engaged in a raw food diet and asked him to tell me everything about this way of eating. And when I realized that I was mentally ready for this, I began to act. At first it was very difficult, but when the diseases began to recede, it became clear to me that I was on the right track.

Switching to a raw food diet: where to start?

To make the transition from processed foods to fresh vegetables and fruits as painless as possible, you need to learn as much as possible about the raw food diet and its effects on the body. After all, if a person is ready for the emergence of problems, then he will be able to cope with them much easier. Therefore, before you change your lifestyle, be sure to find out what foods raw foodists can eat and how to do it. fasting days. Only reliable information and correct morale can make the transition as comfortable as possible.

Basic rules for the transition to a raw food diet:
1) Gradually reduce the consumption of thermally processed foods
2) Eliminate meat and fish from your diet
3) Cleanse the intestines and liver
4) Find your soulmates
5) For some time do not visit ordinary restaurants and cafes

The main stages of a raw food diet

People who plan to start eating raw food should be aware that such a diet will only benefit their body if they eat raw food for a long enough time. For people who are at the very beginning of this path, Victoria Butenko wrote the book "12 steps of a raw food diet." In it you will find answers to all your questions, as well as find out what problems may arise during the transition. You will also learn whether a raw food diet is good for the human body and learn how to build relationships with people who eat regular food.

Raw Food Steps:
1) Give up your beliefs
2) Open up to new experiences
3) Learn to cook raw food
4) Try to build harmonious relationship with the people around you
5) Avoid Temptations
6) Find like-minded friends
7) Learn something new
8) Listen to your inner voice
9) Don't Eat Your Failures
10) Never eat on the go
11) Reject conventional stereotypes
12) Help raw food beginners

Raw food for weight loss: raw diets

A raw diet is a special nutritional system that slows down all aging processes and promotes a soft reset. extra pounds. Thermally unprocessed foods saturate the body as much as possible useful fiber which removes toxins from the body and excess liquid. If you manage to set yourself up correctly, then such a diet can help you completely wean yourself from junk food and never return to normal life.

Types of raw diets:

Vegetarian. Such a diet does not include the use of eggs and lactic acid products. For 10 days, a losing weight person can eat only raw vegetables and fruits. A person can eat no more than two kilograms of food per day. On the eleventh day, nuts can be added to the diet.

Meat. Such a diet is more suitable for those people who could not completely give up meat. In addition to vegetables and fruits, a losing weight person can afford 300g of raw or jerky. Fish may also be present in a meat diet. From it you can cook delicious and healthy tartars.

List of raw foods

Many people are afraid to switch to a new way of life because of the fear that the menu of raw foodists is quite limited. But if you start to study information about this way of eating, it becomes clear that the list of products is quite large. Moreover, the list of products is so huge that monotony in the diet of a raw foodist is definitely not threatened.

Foods that can be eaten raw:
1) Organic vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, carrots and beets.
2) Natural fruits: citrus fruits, plums, apricots, apples, pears, bananas, watermelons.
3) Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries.
4) Greens: all kinds of salads, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil.
5) Mushrooms: you can collect forest mushrooms or buy champignons.
6) Raw seeds: rice, buckwheat, corn, oats, lentils, flax.
7) Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes.
8) Oils plant origin: sesame, peanut, pumpkin, olive.

Victoria Butenko about raw food diet: recipes

We bring to your attention several simple recipes that will help you comfortably transition from a regular diet to a raw food diet.

Nutritious porridge for raw foodists

  • Take a glass oatmeal and fill them with clean water.
  • Let the mixture sit for at least 8 hours. After this time, you can start cooking porridge.
  • Transfer the oatmeal to a bowl and add crushed dates, raisins and vegetable oil to it.
  • For more beautiful view porridge can be decorated with slices of fresh fruit.

milk from nuts

To prepare this nutritious drink, you will need nuts, seeds and ordinary water.

  • Nuts must first be soaked, and then, together with water, honey and dates, put in a blender.
  • Next, we move on to grinding the ingredients of the future milk.
  • After grinding, the drink must be filtered and you can enjoy a pleasant nutty taste.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with raw food. If you approach this issue correctly, then it is quite possible to improve the body and reset overweight. But whether raw food will become a way of your life, only you can decide.

Hello my dear readers!

As promised, I am writing to you again. In the article “Raw Food: What You Can Eat”, we have analyzed in detail the general principles of raw food diet nutrition. What raw foodists eat, a list of foods that are allowed is the topic of today's article.

The raw food diet as a food system has a fairly varied menu. And even from the simplest food that Mother Nature gives us, you can cook delicious dishes. The list of products that raw foodists are allowed to eat is quite large. I don't know if I can miss anything. But I will try, and most importantly, I will definitely note.

All products for raw foodists can be bought in a regular store, supermarket or in the market. You can also purchase them without leaving your home through online stores. For example, on iherb.com.

Fruits and berries are the basis of the diet of every raw foodist. They charge not only with energy, but also with positive due to the fact that they contain glucose and useful vitamins.

Fruits and berries should not be processed in any way. Everything is eaten raw. The percentage of the total food volume is 50%.

I recently read here - scientists have proven that we get the largest amount of vitamins from freshly picked vegetables and fruits. When they lie down, they already contain less vitamins. Therefore, I am for this section of the raw food diet with all my hands! Yes, and I recommend everyone to eat every day for 2-3 fruits. And in the summer it’s better not to find your garden 🙂

I decided to make a rough list that you can print. And with such a list, you can confidently walk to a store, supermarket or market.

The list of fruits is endless. Dried fruits will also help keep your body in good condition. Dried dates, pineapples, apples, pears, prunes, raisins, dried apricots. The main rule is the natural drying of dried fruits in the open air. Raw foodists call them "sunfruits". Not allowed the use of dried fruits that have been processed with chemicals or dried in high temperature ovens. In this case, a home dryer is indispensable. I myself use and dry mushrooms and fruits.

Vegetables and greens

Vegetables, greens make up 35% of the total food in the diet of a raw foodist. Moreover, they are used not just raw, but even with the skin in some cases. It is believed that the skin is rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the intestines.

It is advisable to use vegetables that are not greenhouse grown without harmful fertilizers.

Nuts, grains, legumes

The total amount is approximately 15% of the total diet. These are important foods, but pay attention to the percentage. Don't abuse.

Especially, be careful with nuts. For example, walnuts contain 12% carbohydrates, 18% protein and 70% fat. It must be remembered that a high percentage of the fat component can harm the body. Especially for those who have liver problems, are obese or diabetic. Doctors recommend eating 3-4 walnuts a day.

Grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, vegetable fats, and amino acids.

Legumes are leaders in the content of proteins, fats and starch. Moreover, the human body absorbs vegetable protein much better.


It is necessary to use only the first cold-pressed oil that has not been subjected to heat treatment above 40 0 ​​C.

High-quality manufacturers do not add extra preservatives and additional additives. The most famous are:

  • Olive oil
  • Sunflower
  • corn
  • Linen
  • avocado oil
  • sea ​​buckthorn
  • Pumpkin
  • Hemp
  • Sesame
  • chia oil
  • Coconut oil

At home, you can even cook butter without heat treatment.


The main drinks are simple artesian water (not boiled of course), freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juices, herbal teas. Moreover, the temperature of water heating should be no more than 40 degrees.

Dedicated to milk and sugar lovers

Tell me honestly, raw foodists, adhering to such a strict diet, do you miss dairy products? If yes, then I have found a good alternative. Coconut milk or brown/young rice milk can be used instead of goat/cow milk.

Sugar can be replaced with various syrups (agave, Jerusalem artichoke, dates), natural honey, cane or coconut sugar. And what delicious raw food sweets and cakes can be made ... yum-yum 🙂

My dear friends, the main thing is to listen to your body. He will tell you like no one else what is harmful and what is useful. Eat the food you want to eat. And neither you nor your health need to “choke” on something in order to be considered a real raw foodist.

I advise you to draw up your menu with a raw food specialist. I can recommend Denis Terentiev. He not only experienced raw foodist, but also just a good, sympathetic person who will help everyone to switch to a raw food diet. Contact him.

Did you like my article? Then rather share it with your friends on social networks. Don't forget to subscribe to my updates.

Be healthy and take care of yourself. See you soon!

And most often only products of plant origin. There are four main dietary options for raw foodists.

1. Raw food diet consists of fresh raw fruits, berries, vegetables and their juices, air-dried fruits and berries, wild edible plants, nuts, raw seeds oilseeds and other plants, sprouted grains soaked in cold water whole grains or cereals close to whole grains, vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing, natural honey. Pickled vegetables are allowed. The drink is pure raw water. Juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as drinks from raw grain products or nuts, are classified as food, not thirst-quenching drink.

This diet is common among supporters of the raw food diet. By set food products it is very close to a strictly vegetarian diet - veganism. What distinguishes it from ordinary veganism is that it is completely excluded here. heat treatment food when cooking.

2. Raw food diet basically repeats the previous one, but whole grains and cereals soaked in cold water, pickled vegetables, and sometimes vegetable oil are excluded from it. Sprouted grain is acceptable. This is the most strict diet in the raw food diet. The most consistent raw foodists include mainly fresh raw fruits and berries in their diet. This diet is called fruitarianism.

3. Raw food diet represents the products of the 1st diet, but is supplemented with raw milk and, in some cases, dairy products: yogurt and others fermented milk drinks, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese. At the same time, true raw foodists reject dairy products. industrial production. You can include raw eggs.

Raw foodists who eat raw plant-based dairy products are called "omnivores," as opposed to absolute or ideal raw foodists, who eat only raw, plant-based foods. The word "omnivorous" has a relative meaning, since raw foodists of any type do not eat meat and fish.

4. Raw food diet corresponds to the 1st or 3rd ration, but is supplemented with bread baked, if possible, from whole grain and without the use of yeast. If baked bread is included in the 3-1 diet (vegetable-milk-egg), then such a diet can be considered the least strict in a raw food diet.

Many raw foodists consume whole apples and other fruits, always with a seed box, so as not to violate the "food complex". In a grated apple or ground pumpkin, the seeds are less noticeable. Great importance the peel is also attached - fruits, berries and vegetables should be eaten with the peel. A whole egg is considered more nutritious than one yolk or protein, and whole milk- more nutritious than cream or sour cream.

You should not eat a lot and often. Only once a day you can eat thoroughly, and two more times - little by little. This is the limit. Anything beyond that is bad, especially snacking between three meals. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. This is especially important when we are talking about raw herbal products. With them bad chewing gastric and intestinal disorders, bloating.

With a raw food diet, you can do without table salt, hot spices, spices and seasonings. Due to the complete or almost complete exclusion of table salt from the diet, thirst is reduced and excess fluid is not introduced into the body, especially since fruits and vegetables contain natural juices.

The dietary menu of raw fruits and vegetables can be as follows:

  • Apple salad (see recipe below), 20-30 g of nuts - separately or in a salad, 100-200 g of fresh fruit, tea from dried fruits wild rose.
  • 150-250 g fresh fruit, 50-100 g green salad, 100-150 g fresh vegetables, 20 g nuts, fresh juices fruits or vegetables.
  • Dinner:
    • Same as breakfast.
    apple salad

    Soak 1 tablespoon of oatmeal for 12 hours in 3 tablespoons of water, then add the juice of ½ lemon or other sour fruit, 1 tablespoon of milk, kefir or honey, 2 grated apples and 1 tablespoon of grated nuts, if they are not given for breakfast separately.

    raw food diet can contribute to the normalization of body weight, especially in obesity, strengthening muscles, facilitating body movements. The famous Australian naturopath K. Jeffery in the book "Natural Food" (1974) pointed out exemplary set products (as a percentage) of which the daily diet with a total weight of about 1.5 kg:

    • raw fruits and berries (except bananas) - 50%;
    • raw vegetables (except potatoes) - 35%;
    • grain products (mainly from whole grains), legumes, potatoes, bananas - 10% of the diet; these foods can be eaten after light thermal processed or raw;
    • dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, cream, eggs, honey - 5-10%;
    • boiled vegetables(except cabbage) can be consumed 1-2 times a week, provided they are heated for a short time;
    • vegetable oil, fruit juices, onion, garlic, salt and other seasonings - 1% of the food consumed.

    According to the “Health System” by Katsuzo Nishi (1936), which incorporated a raw food diet, fasting, yoga, bioenergetics and other methods, you should start the day with juicy fruits, which should be eaten raw and whole - with peel and seeds. It is unwise to make juice out of them. AT winter time you can soak dried fruits and eat them as a separate dish along with infusion.

    For people who still continue to eat "unnatural" boiled food, K. Nishi recommends taking after meals cold and hot shower or air baths. Be sure to combine boiled food with raw vegetables. At the same time, raw foods should be 3 times more than boiled.


    raw fruits according to the season (2-3 oranges or 200 g of grapes and one apple or 2 pears, etc.) or they are combined with soaked dried fruits.


    Salad of raw grated or finely chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.) with herbs and, if desired, with the addition of vegetable oil, instead of vegetables, you can use sour fruit and berries, adding to them 100 g of nuts or oil seeds (sunflower, etc.).


    Vegetable salad, nuts (seeds) or a combination of lettuce, green or red peppers, beet tops and nuts; instead of vegetables, you can eat fruits, as for breakfast.

    In salads, mainly in winter, you can add dried herbs, powdered seeds and berries (mountain ash, blueberries, etc.). In summer, it is worth drying the gout, nettle, and other wild plants. It is advisable to use apricot kernels, flower pollen(2-3 g per reception). Raw vegetables can eat with vegetable oil, fruits and dried fruits with honey. Fresh fruits can be replaced with freshly prepared juices from vegetables.

    Raw foodists believe that the main cause of obesity is eating unnatural food. When eating natural, raw food, obesity cannot occur. Indeed, at first, it is difficult to overeat raw plant foods. Secondly, the calculations accepted in nutritional science show that the energy value of the recommended six diets is at most 2.94 to 5.88 MJ (700 to 1400 kcal) per day. This corresponds to the diets used in the treatment of obesity in modern dietetics.

    The transition to a raw food diet requires great endurance and the ability to limit oneself in food. Becoming an absolute raw foodist, a person not only stops using animal products, but also refuses the usual taste of boiled, baked, stewed, fried, salted and other foods. In addition, the transition to raw food rarely manages without adverse manifestations and intensity of adverse side effects. Therefore, the rules for the transition to a raw food diet have been developed.

    Rules for the transition to a raw food diet

    The doctrine of the raw food diet provides for a gradual transition from the usual diet to the use of only raw food and the gradual restriction of the set of products until the diet consists mainly or entirely of raw fruits, berries, vegetables, wild plants, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. Only a few supporters of a raw food diet, in particular G. Shelton, recommend a quick, without hesitation and addiction, the transition from "dead" food to "live", raw plant foods.

    The first step towards a raw food diet is to exclude meat from animals and birds, then fish. Further, if desired, eggs can be excluded from the diet. A diet consisting of raw and cooked vegetable and dairy products or vegetable-milk-egg food is called a semi-raw diet.

    Raw foodists believe that the transition to a semi-raw diet usually occurs without significant difficulties, especially for those people who have already been able to wean themselves from meat and fish. However, the transition from cooked food, not even meat or fish, to a complete raw food diet is rarely done immediately, easily and irrevocably. In adults, such a transition should be cautious and carried out gradually. We need to "re-educate" our digestive system.

    The amount of time required to switch to raw food depends on the age, health, character of the person, his profession and other factors. Adaptation can take years, as the habits of the body are of great importance in nutrition. In addition, during the period of getting used to raw food, one must undergo a number of possible discomfort or disorders from gastrointestinal tract and general malaise.

    • in the morning and in the evening - raw foods, in the afternoon a dinner of raw and boiled food or only boiled;
    • in the morning and in the evening - boiled food, in the afternoon - a dinner of raw food;
    • during each meal, they first eat a raw dish, then a boiled one; fruits and nuts should be eaten before a main meal, and not after it, then they are better used by the body.

    However, most people do not need a morning meal and it is more correct to limit themselves to two meals: around 11 and 17 hours. In the morning and evening, only liquids are recommended: juices diluted with water, vegetable "milk", raw "teas" from herbs, leaves, roots or flowers. From a vegetable-milk or vegetable-milk-egg diet, which includes boiled food, one should step by step exclude eggs first, then dairy products, then milk, while replacing boiled food with raw food.

    Raw foodists claim that the phasing out of all animal products provides a diet "of the purest and least toxinous." It is recommended to conduct a "trial raw food diet": every semi-raw foodist who has the will, endurance and healthy digestive system, already partially accustomed to raw vegetable and dairy products, can conduct such a trial course for 2-3 weeks. Raw foodists believe that even such a trial raw food diet "purifies, heals and rejuvenates the body, is for it rest and a solid vitamin charge."

    The end of summer and autumn are the most right time for a "trial raw food diet", especially during the holidays. According to raw foodists, as a result of a trial diet of only raw food, a person feels an unusual ease in movements, clarity of mind and a cheerful mood. Body weight almost always decreases, but then, after the body adapts to a new diet, it normalizes.

    During the trial raw food diet, at first it is better to eat little than a lot, and only when appetite appears. It is advisable to eat mainly seasonal products of this time of year. Exclusively importance has a thorough chewing of raw food, and with a poor chewing apparatus, some raw foods (for example, nuts) must be finely crushed, ground or rubbed.

    Do not eat after drinking and drink with meals. In the cold season, raw food should be heated in a warm room to the temperature of the air in this room. cooked raw meals cannot be left for long. table salt, vinegar, spices, seasonings should be replaced with tomato, lemon, cranberry and other juices.

    Of course, these rules retain their significance even with a complete transition to a diet consisting of raw fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, etc., i.e. for absolute raw food. The consumption of unleavened bread, baked from whole grains or from wholemeal flour with the addition of bran, is acceptable during the transition period. Some raw foodists include such bread in their regular diet.

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