Red frenulum under the upper lip. Can plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip solve the aesthetic and functional problems of the mouth. Consequences of a short frenulum

Normally, each person has a special bridge on the mucosa, which helps to attach the lips to the jawbone. This frenulum should not interfere with normal chewing of food and speech, but deviations sometimes occur, especially in young children. In this article, we will consider when and whether it is necessary to cut the frenulum of the upper lip, at what age it can be done, what is the difference between plastic surgery and surgery, etc.

In young children, a gap often forms between the front teeth. As a rule, the cause of the pathology is too short a frenulum on the upper lip. In order to bring the teeth together and give the oral cavity an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to install a suitable orthopedic system (plates, braces, etc.). However, this becomes possible only after correction of the frenulum of the upper lip.

Frenulum of the upper lip in a child

What problems can lie in wait for a baby in case of a compacted or too short mucous fold:

  • an interdental diastema (gap, gap) is formed;
  • the baby cannot normally and widely spread his lips, because of which the smile becomes skewed, weakly expressed and unaesthetic;
  • possible speech disorders, distortion of the pronunciation of various letters;
  • the mucous fold pulls the interdental papilla, which leads to malocclusion (the front teeth move forward strongly).

The most common pathology can be considered a low fastening of the fold of the upper or lower lip. The lack of correction of the frenulum of the upper or lower lip in this case leads to complications:

  • violation of the sucking process in infants;
  • speech defect, pathology of the development of speech organs;
  • problems while chewing products;
  • the appearance of characteristic pockets in the gums, where food debris, bacterial plaque and stone fall, and this in turn leads to inflammatory processes and suppuration;
  • teeth roots are exposed;
  • enamel sensitivity increases;
  • development of periodontal diseases (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis and others);
  • violation of the stability of the teeth, the appearance of gaps between them.

Also, a wide frenulum under the upper lip can cause accumulation in the teeth and between them of pathological microflora, plaque, stone, and food debris. In this case, professional oral hygiene will be necessary every 2-3 months.

Indications for the procedure

In case of pathology of the development of the mucosal fold, there are several treatment options, the most popular of which are considered to be laser and conventional plastics, as well as surgical excision. Only surgery can correct this defect - it is not treated with diets, physiotherapy, acupuncture and medication.

Laser plastic surgery of the frenulum

If you notice a short fold of the upper lip in a child, you should contact the following specialists: neonatologist, orthodontist, orthopedist, speech therapist, periodontist. The dentist or surgeon does not establish objective indications for the operation.

A neonatologist has the right to prescribe a procedure if a mucosal defect prevents normal breastfeeding of an infant. As a rule, we are talking about the pathology of the structure of the upper lip, since it is most actively involved in the sucking process. In some cases, this specialist is able to independently excise the bridge or write out a referral to a pediatric surgeon.

A speech therapist can detect a short frenulum of the upper lip in a child when speech dysfunction and underdevelopment of the speech organs are detected. Especially often this diagnosis is made when the baby slurs or incorrectly pronounces the vowels “oh, y” and others, in the pronunciation of which the lips are involved. The speech therapist, unfortunately, determines the violation at a later date (children of preschool and school age). In this case, the usual cutting will not correct the situation and a full-fledged surgical intervention will be required.

Often, the need to trim the frenulum of the upper lip in children is determined by orthopedists, orthodontists and periodontists.

The pathology of the attachment of the lip to the jawbone leads to a violation of the bite and a change in the position of the teeth in a row, the appearance of their mobility. If the procedure is not carried out in childhood, treatment in the future can be long, unpleasant and costly.

When to have surgery

The optimal age for the operation is considered to be 5-6 years. Despite the difficulties that arise during breastfeeding, babies under 4 years old are not corrected. If the doctor suggested performing a full surgical procedure on an infant, you should go to another clinic, as early intervention in this area can threaten a number of consequences.

Cutting the frenulum of the upper lip in children before and after

The cutting of the mucosa should begin when the permanent central teeth have already fully erupted, and the second incisors are just at the eruption stage. That is why most doctors try to prescribe surgery at school age.

What complications can correction or removal of the frenulum of the upper lip at the age of up to 5 years:

  • the formation of the jaw after the operation continues, which may necessitate its re-conducting in the future;
  • the upper lip of the baby performs only a third of its functions (the baby does not talk, does not bite through solid food, etc.), and a change in the structure of the mucous membrane can cause scarring of the tissue, which can subsequently pull the lip and cause discomfort just like a regular frenulum;
  • an operation in the mouth without permanent teeth is carried out almost “blindly”, so the doctor can touch the rudiments of molars, disrupt their nutrition, provoke inflammatory and pathological processes in the oral cavity.

Types of procedure

The most common types of changes in the frenulum for a baby are surgical intervention (cutting, removal, repositioning, etc.), as well as plastic surgery (including with the help of a laser).

After this modern technique, there is no swelling of the area, soreness, and even a scar, and the event itself lasts up to 5 minutes. In addition, laser beams under the influence of high temperatures disinfect the wound, which contributes to its speedy healing. The absence of a scar discourages the need for suturing.

The use of laser therapy allows you to split a trip to the doctor into several sessions, which reduces stress for the baby and makes the procedure more comfortable and faster.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Recovery after plastic surgery or surgery takes several days.

For the first few hours, the child may experience disorientation, as the anesthesia wears off, and unpleasant sensations and discomfort appear. The goal of parents is to help the wound heal faster, and for this you should follow a few simple rules:

Recovery after plastic surgery or surgery takes several days

  • monitor the regular and high-quality oral hygiene of the baby;
  • prepare special dishes for several days (liquid, slimy, mushy, soufflé, minced meat), as well as serve food and drinks only at room temperature;
  • in a few days will come to the doctor for an examination;
  • perform myogymnastics with the baby, which allows you to develop chewing, facial muscles.

The first days after the procedure, the child will feel disorientation due to the appearance of a new amplitude and strength of tongue movement. His diction will also change, so you should practice the correct pronunciation of sounds with your baby.

On average, rehabilitation lasts up to a week. In 4-5 days, wounds heal and discomfort during chewing disappears.

Contraindications for plastic surgery

We learned in the article how to trim the frenulum of the upper lip. The event involves surgery, which is stressful for the body.

Not surprisingly, there are a number of contraindications for plastic surgery:

By itself, the procedure of cutting the frenulum is common for young children and allows them to save them in the future from a number of physical and aesthetic problems.
Compliance with the rules of hygiene and the doctor's instructions will allow you to quickly and with the least discomfort go through this event and provide the baby with a full future.

Upper lip frenulum plasty is a corrective frenulum surgery that is performed on a patient who has appropriate indications for surgical intervention in the direction of an orthodontist, periodontist or speech therapist.

A bit of anatomy

The frenulum of the upper lip is an elastic band of the oral mucosa that connects the upper lip to the bones of the jaw and allows a person to freely move his lips, easily open and close his mouth.

Normally, the frenulum is attached at a distance of 5-8 mm from the necks of the frontal incisors. If it is attached below or even goes beyond the frontal incisors and the place of attachment is not visible, then they speak of a short frenulum of the upper lip.

In such patients, it begins in the middle of the upper lip, and is attached somewhere 4-6 mm above the gum, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gap () between the frontal incisors. The pathology of the frenulum can be detected during an external examination.

Why cut the frenulum of the upper lip? The thing is that its abnormal location can cause a number of complications.

Why do plastic surgery?

Bridle cutting is necessary to avoid the following consequences:

Indications for surgery

The indication for correction is:

When is the best time to have plastic surgery?

Although this procedure is considered easy and usually does not cause any complications for newborns, it is rarely done only when there are problems with breastfeeding.

It is better to carry out the correction when the child is 5 years old and the front teeth have erupted by 1/3. If plastic surgery is performed at this time, the diastema will not form, and the front incisors will grow correctly.

Some doctors advise to have surgery at 7-8 years old, when 4 upper incisors have already come out. According to indications, correction is carried out for adolescents and adults.

Existing restrictions

A contraindication to plastic surgery is:

Intervention preparation

Before the operation, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity, since infectious foci can cause a number of complications.

Some doctors require tests and X-ray fluorography, but there is no particular need for this, since the operation is less traumatic.

Before plastic surgery, the child needs to be fed, since the intervention is more difficult to tolerate on an empty stomach and in a hungry person it can worsen blood clotting.

Varieties of the operation

There are several ways to perform plasty, the choice of a specific method depends on the anatomy and fixation of the frenulum of the upper lip:

  1. If it is very narrow in the form of a transparent film and is not attached to the edge of the alveolar process, frenotomy, or dissection of the frenulum. It is cut across, and the seam is applied along.
  2. With a wide bridle, they resort to frenectomy, or its excision. It is cut along a stretched ridge, at the same time the interdental papillae and tissues localized in the bone gap between the roots of the extended frontal incisors are excised.

With frenuloplasty, the attachment point of the frenulum is moved.

The procedure is carried out in two ways:

For anesthesia, Ultracain D-S forte is used, wounds are sutured with absorbable suture materials. The entire procedure lasts a maximum of 15 minutes.

Laser plastic

Laser removal of the frenulum of the upper lip is becoming increasingly popular. The site of the operation is treated with an anesthetic gel, then a laser light guide is directed to the frenulum, forming a beam of light that “dissolves” the frenulum. At the same time, the laser disinfects and seals the edges of the wound.

Advantages of laser plasty:

  • lack of vibrations and various sounds that can frighten the child;
  • bloodlessness;
  • no need for stitches;
  • no risk of infection;
  • absence of pain and postoperative scars;
  • reduction in the duration of plastic surgery;
  • fast recovery.

The cost of the procedure varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Familiar firsthand

My son had speech problems. The speech therapist said that this was due to the short frenulum of the upper lip and advised her to correct it.

After the operation, the child began to pronounce sounds more clearly. During the procedure itself, I did not feel pain, after the operation there was no stitch left.

Valentina Semyonovna, 36

Possible Complications

In most cases, complications after surgery are not observed. However, if the correction is made too early in the milk teeth stage, the permanent teeth will begin to grow crooked, the upper jaw may form small and narrow, which will cause progeny.

When the lower jaw is pushed forward, and the upper one is poorly developed and when the jaws close, the lower dentition overlaps the upper one, which will lead to problems with diction.

However, in each case, the doctor must decide individually at what age to perform surgery.

rehabilitation period

Usually the recovery period passes without complications.

Sometimes after the effect of anesthesia wears off, mild pain may appear.

In order for the rehabilitation to go faster, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Every day perform meticulous oral hygiene. For two days there is no hard and hot food.
  2. 2-3 days to visit a doctor for postoperative examination.
  3. A week later it is desirable to start doing myogymnastics, which will strengthen the facial and chewing muscles. It will take some time to get used to the fact that the lips will move more freely. Almost immediately there will be an improvement in diction. If the gap between the teeth has managed to form, then a longer treatment will be needed.

The rehabilitation period lasts a maximum of 5 days, during which all the discomfort disappears and the wounds heal.

Timely plastic surgery will help prevent the development of a number of dental problems. The procedure itself is painless and usually does not cause complications, so you should not be afraid of it.

Good afternoon, my dear visitors! Today we will talk about how the frenulum of the upper lip is cut in children.

This problem in babies is not so common, but if you miss it, the child will develop incorrect speech and bite. Consider at what age, and for what purpose, the cutting of the muscle cord is done.

Most of you, dear readers, are aware of the tongue tie. It is cut at infancy or at 5-6 years old to improve the crumbs' speech. As for the short frenulum of the upper lip in a small child, parents encounter this phenomenon much less frequently.

How dangerous is this problem? In the normal position, the upper frenulum is woven into the gum at a distance of 0.5-0.8 cm from the upper teeth. If the jumper is fixed lower in the gap between the incisors, it does not allow a person to properly open and close his mouth, speak, eat.

To diagnose a short muscle bridge, it is enough to lift the upper lip and pay attention to the location of the cord. If it is located at a distance of less than 0.4 mm from the gums, more serious consequences may develop:

  • the newborn cannot suckle normally and, therefore, receive enough food;
  • the sound pronunciation is disturbed, first of all, the vowels “O”, “U”;
  • in people of age, due to a too short cord, malocclusion may develop;
  • curvature of the teeth, the formation of a gum pocket;
  • accumulation of food between the teeth and the development of inflammatory processes.

In most cases, doctors advise cutting the muscle. This is done not only to improve speech and eliminate these problems. Consider why the bridle is cut, and how dangerous the operation is.


Although the situation may prevent the baby from developing normally, I think that any operation should be performed for a reason, but be a justified action. Bridle cutting is performed for the following indications:

  • in the presence of a gap between the central upper teeth;
  • in bite correction procedures;
  • with periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • in preparation for prosthetics. In this case, a frenuloplasty is necessary, since with a short cord, the prostheses will be dropped;
  • with speech problems.

If there is at least one indication, dear readers, I advise you to agree to the operation, no matter what age you are. This will save you a lot of unnecessary problems.

Operation types

Modern medical technologies can make any manipulation quick and painless. Doctors consider the optimal age for muscle cutting to be 5 years, although older age is not a contraindication.

Cutting a bridle or plastic is a slightly traumatic operation and does not require preliminary preparation. Only in some cases it is necessary to take blood tests and fluorography. It is recommended to feed the baby before the procedure.

There are different types of undercutting and plastics:

  • Frenotomy, or dissection. It is carried out with a too narrow bridle. The incision is made longitudinally and the sutures are placed transversely.
  • Frenectomy, or excision. With a wide frenulum, a piece of tissue is excised between the bases of the anterior incisors.
  • Frenuloplasty- the essence of the muscle plastic surgery is that the place of attachment of the frenulum is transferred. Local anesthetics are used for pain relief. For suturing, a self-absorbable thread is used, which does not have to be removed later. The operation lasts about a quarter of an hour, while it is absolutely painless.
  • Laser plastic surgery. The operation time is only a few minutes. A special gel is used as anesthesia. The laser device sends a beam of light, under the influence of which the frenulum "disappears". Then the edges of the wound are sealed. The advantages of this method are the absence of sutures, bloodlessness and a short rehabilitation period.


Proper treatment is only half the battle. Dear parents, it is important to carry out competent rehabilitation after pruning. It consists in following the following rules:

  • enhanced oral hygiene;
  • refusal of hard and hot food;
  • examination by a doctor on the third day after the procedure.

Complete healing takes only 4-5 days. Almost immediately after the manipulation, the language gains greater freedom, and diction returns to normal.

Now, dear readers, if you come across such a phenomenon as a short frenulum of the upper lip, you will know how to act. Although the word "undercut" sounds threatening, with regard to the bridle, this is the only way to correct the situation.

Were you able to learn anything useful from the article? Then share your impressions with your friends.

See you soon, dear visitors!

Every child and adult has a frenulum of the upper lip in the oral cavity, which serves as an additional attachment of the lip to the jawbone. It is a vertical fold of the mucous membrane and happens in structure:

  • Slimy type: easily extensible;
  • Fibrous type: dense, slightly extensible;
  • Mucous-fibrous type: medium density and extensibility.

Attachment height:

  • Low: go into the tissue of the gingival papilla;
  • Middle: located in the middle of the attached gum;
  • High: located in the region of the transitional fold of the upper lip.

Such an arrangement is considered correct, in which the lower edge of the frenulum joint is 5-8 mm from the neck of the teeth in the center of the alveolar process of the upper incisors. If it is attached below this distance or goes beyond the front incisors, then it is considered shortened. Anomalies of its development are among the factors predisposing to and dental diseases.

Consequences of a short frenulum

In newborn babies, short frenulums of the upper lips can interfere with sucking function, making it difficult to take the nipple of the mother's breast correctly and completely. In this case, after examination by a neonatologist, it is cut back in the maternity hospital. However, if the baby is gaining weight well during feeding, the frenulum correction is not carried out.

At preschool age, its low attachment has little effect on the mobility of the lips and the growth of the facial skeleton. But when, after the eruption of the central incisors, the frenulum is tightly woven into the gingival papilla between them, this leads to the formation of a gap - which, without treatment, will only expand with age.

Also, the presence of a short frenulum of the upper lip can lead to the following dental, orthodontic and speech therapy problems:

  • Advancement of the upper central incisors and, as a result, malocclusion, deformation of the dentition;
  • Changes in the configuration of the upper lip, a curl that does not completely cover the upper teeth;
  • Excessive tension of the mucous membrane of the gums, and as a result of its recession, exposure of the roots of the teeth, inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​the anterior incisors: gingivitis, periodontitis.
  • Violation of the pronunciation of labialized sounds, fuzzy diction.

When is the upper lip frenulum trimmed?

With the growth and development of the jaws of the child, the frenulum is able to change the place of attachment and stretch significantly without outside intervention. Therefore, a short and thick frenulum of the upper lip during the milk bite is considered a variant of the norm. But when it remains short and low-attached even after the permanent incisors have erupted, a periodontist or speech therapist may recommend trimming it.

In children, the operation is performed no earlier than 6-8 years of age, after the complete eruption of all 4 front incisors on the upper and lower gums. Cutting the frenulum earlier can lead to the development of a malocclusion.

The main indications for its plastic surgery are as follows:

  • Diastema;
  • Preparation for orthodontic treatment;
  • Periodontal diseases or the threat of their occurrence;
  • Preparation for removable prosthetics;
  • Violation of diction, pronunciation.

How to trim the frenulum of the upper lip

This is a simple but very effective surgical operation that allows you to solve and prevent a number of problems. Quite often, not only children, but also adults need it. It is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, using the classical method with a scalpel or alternatively using a medical diode laser. The main advantages of laser plasty are bloodlessness, painlessness, high antisepticity.


Dissection (phrenotomy) is indicated for a narrow frenulum of the upper lip that is not attached to the edge of the alveolar process. It is dissected in the transverse direction, after which sutures are applied in the longitudinal direction. Removal of sutures after surgery is not required, as surgeons use self-absorbable catgut suture material.

Sometimes a child may have a rupture of the frenulum of the upper lip as a result of a fall, in which case you should immediately contact the surgeon at the dental clinic to decide on its future fate.

Excision (frenectomy) is indicated for a wide frenulum of the upper lip. The surgeon cuts the stretched frenulum along the ridge, then excised the interdental papilla and tissues in the gap between the roots of the central teeth. Frenuloplasty is indicated to relocate the site of attachment of the frenulum.

Postoperative period

After the operation, there is a slight discomfort due to the novelty of sensations, fresh wounds may ache a little at first, but the patient quickly returns to normal. To minimize discomfort and consolidate the result, the following rules should be observed:

  • Refrain from taking solid and hot food for 2-3 days;
  • Strictly observe oral hygiene;
  • Be sure to see the surgeon the next day or the day after the plastic surgery;
  • To strengthen the masticatory and facial muscles, a week after the operation, regularly perform special myogymnastic exercises.

There are also, with which problems in babies are also possible.

Your mark:

A smiling person inspires confidence, disposes to communication. Not only the presence of a smile is important, but also its beauty. Appearance is determined by many factors. This is not only the presence, aesthetic appeal of the teeth, but also the position of the lips, the width of the exposure of the surrounding space. Upper lip frenuloplasty is performed to eliminate some of the problems that break the harmony of the smile. Intervention in the presence of anomalies helps to solve dental, orthodontic, speech therapy problems. The operation has a beneficial effect on the formation of a charming smile.

What it is

The elastic attachment that connects the movable soft tissues of the upper lip and the maxillary bone is called the frenulum. Education provides the mouth with mobility. The quality of lip fastening is reflected in speech functions, affects the formation of bite, dental health, affects the aesthetics of a smile.

The location of the frenulum attachment is considered normal 5–8 mm from the necks of the anterior incisors. A lower location indicates the presence of a shortening frenulum problem. Defects in the width of the formation are possible.

To normalize the location of the bridle, prevent, minimize or eliminate the difficulties caused by the format of the elastic fastening of the upper lip, a correction is carried out. The surgeon, using special technologies, eliminates anomalies by decorticating the cord.

Indications and effectiveness of application

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip is performed to correct complications that entail:

  1. Sucking dysfunction in infants. The child may not grasp the breast correctly, overstrain during feeding, refuse natural feeding.
  2. Problems with speech. A short frenulum makes it difficult to pronounce the vowels "o", "u". This makes speech ugly, difficult to understand.
  3. Formation of malocclusion. Changes are different, contribute to difficulties with digestion, teeth, aesthetics.
  4. Dental problems: periodontitis, accumulation of tartar, accumulation of food debris, which leads to activation of decay, inflammatory processes, infections. Complicated prosthetics.
  5. Stretching of the incisal gap. Sound pronunciation changes, tooth wear accelerates, aesthetics worsens.
  6. Formation of a gingival smile. Deep exposure of soft tissues violates the aesthetics of a smile.

The operation is indicated for children from birth. In difficult cases, for babies, the correction of fixing the upper, lower lip, tongue is done in the first days of life. This makes it possible for babies to receive breast milk naturally.

Important point! Doctors are sure that a planned correction to prevent the development of problems in the future should be carried out no earlier than the child reaches 5 years of age. The optimal age is 7–8 years, when only milk teeth have been replaced by molars.

Manipulation is also carried out by adults, which helps to minimize the negative effect of existing defects. It is possible to completely eliminate problems in adulthood with the help of an integrated approach, part of which is plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip.

Operation types

The method of intervention is selected by the doctor individually. The definition of the type of correction is based on the anatomical features of the upper lip. The cord can be of different severity, differently fixed to the tissues. Depending on the parameters, carry out:

  • frenotomy (dissection with a narrow cord);
  • frenectomy (excision of excess tissue);
  • frenuloplasty (moving the anchor point).

It is possible to perform the operation using a classic surgical incision or using a laser. The second option is considered more modern, less traumatic. After laser correction, there is no rehabilitation period, the intervention is more easily tolerated by patients.


Preliminary consultation with a doctor is a prerequisite for the operation. The surgeon will find out the essence of the problem, collect anamnesis, if necessary, refer to other specialists: orthodontist, dentist. Conducting various studies will be required in rare cases (if contraindications are suspected).

As a preparation, the patient is required to sanitize the oral cavity. It is recommended to abandon blood thinning medications, taking alcohol-containing substances. You must come to the operation in good health. Intervention is not desirable to carry out on an empty stomach.

Operation progress

Frenuloplasty is classified as a simple, low-traumatic intervention. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Perform an injection, as in the treatment of teeth. The oral cavity is treated with an antiseptic.

A classic surgical operation takes 15–20 minutes, sometimes dragging on for up to half an hour. The surgeon cuts the frenulum. Depending on the type of intervention prescribed according to the indications, the doctor cuts out the excess, shifts the attachment point, and sutures the tissues. Absorbable materials are used for suturing.

When performing laser surgery, no incisions are made. An anesthetic gel is used for anesthesia. The doctor sends a laser beam that “burns” the frenulum. The surgical light beam treats the edges of the wound at the same time. Additional disinfection, tissue suturing is not required. Manipulation takes 10-15 minutes.

The doctor evaluates the achievements, makes the final antiseptic treatment, and gives recommendations for care. Despite the seeming simplicity of manipulation, only a surgeon can deal with frenulum plastics. When choosing a doctor, it is recommended to pay attention to specialization.

Photos before and after

Postoperative period

The appearance of the patient after the operation does not change. The intervention is preventive or therapeutic in nature. After the operation, an improvement in diction and smile is immediately noticeable. Other benefits of manipulation will not be noticeable. In children, after a while, negative changes will not form. For adults, therapeutic measures are rarely limited to plastic frenulum.

The postoperative period, including recovery, is easy. Usually 5 days are enough for complete rehabilitation. To prevent complications, the doctor will recommend:

  • carefully monitor oral hygiene (regular antiseptic rinses are required);
  • exclude solid food, observe the temperature regime of food, drinks (not hot, cold);
  • protect the operated site from injuries (carefully brush your teeth, manipulate appliances while eating);
  • protect wounds from contact with potentially dangerous objects (dishes in public catering, dirty hands).

The doctor prescribes a follow-up examination for 2-5 days after the operation. The patient is invited to start performing myogymnastics. Special exercises help to strengthen the muscular apparatus.

Rehabilitation after laser intervention proceeds imperceptibly. There may also be mild pain, slight swelling, passing in 1-2 days. Feelings of freedom of movement of the upper lip are often unusual for the patient.

Note! The result of the operation is permanent. The problem does not reappear throughout life. The intervention does not leave scars, scars. The appearance of the lips does not change.


Frenuloplasty is considered a simple manipulation. Finding a specialist to perform the procedure is not difficult. The intervention is usually performed by surgeons in dental clinics. It is more difficult to choose a performer to perform a laser operation. Not every clinic has an expensive unit. The cost of manipulation for any type of plastic surgery varies from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. The price depends on the complexity of the correction, the anesthesia used.

Side effects

If you carefully monitor the implementation of restrictions, then the development of side effects is not observed. Perhaps the appearance of insignificant pain, mild postoperative edema. Manifestations disappear in 1-2 days. Children may complain of discomfort, temporarily become more moody.

Improper oral care may cause inflammation that affects the quality of scar formation: repeated manipulation may be required.

Complications are more often observed in patients with milk teeth, an unformed jaw. After the operation, when the teeth are changed to permanent ones, they may be bent, the jaw may show signs of underdevelopment. When performing an intervention on patients with malocclusion, there may be difficulties with pronunciation.


Manipulation is not carried out if the doctor has identified contraindications:

  • defects of the oral mucosa that affect the quality of the result;
  • blood diseases;
  • somatic disorders;
  • acute course of any disease;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • oncology;
  • open carious cavities;
  • tendency to keloid scarring.

The doctor individually approaches the assessment of health, current condition, age readiness of the patient. In case of need for complex treatment of the problem, the surgeon coordinates the moment of intervention with other specialists.

Pros and cons

A clear advantage of manipulation is the possibility of preventing various defective conditions when performing interventions in childhood. The manipulation is simple, in most cases it does not cause complications, it is easily tolerated by patients.

The disadvantage of the operation is the need for careful attention to the appointment of the moment of intervention. In adulthood, manipulation is rarely able to solve all the problems that have formed due to a defect in the attachment of the lip.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors have a positive attitude towards plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip, but do not place too much hope on it. In adult patients, the procedure helps to relieve symptoms, but rarely completely resolves the problems. Cosmetologists, in combination with surgical techniques, offer the use of Botox. To improve aesthetics, doctors use various methods of lip correction with fillers.

The cosmetologist suggests considering frenuloplasty as a solution to the problem of a gingival smile.

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