How women live in Arab countries. How do women live in the UAE? Arab women: education and career

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Polygamy and harems, lack of education and lack of legal rights, the brilliance of diamonds and the veil - the life of Arab wives has acquired so many stereotypes in the eyes of foreigners that it is already difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.

website I decided to find out how the beautiful and mysterious women of the East actually live.

arranged marriage

  • Half of the marriages in many Arab countries are really still based on the will of the parents.. And many are sure that no one takes into account the opinion of the girl. In fact this is not true. If the bridegroom did not like the bride, then she has the right to refuse the marriage proposal.
  • The marriage contract must be signed. Unlike the rest of the world, in the Arab countries this rule is strictly observed.
  • Arab women rarely marry non-Christians, because for marrying an infidel they can be expelled from the country. Men are in a more privileged position, they are allowed to marry Christians and Jews. But in this case, the girl does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, the children remain with their father.
  • Marriage age. In most Arab countries, the minimum age of the bride and groom is 18 years. For example, residents of Tunisia, by law, can marry at the age of 18, but in fact the average age of brides is 25 years, grooms - 30 years. Although in some developing countries, early marriages are still practiced. For example, more than half of girls in Saudi Arabia and Yemen are married before the age of 18.

How are weddings

In different countries, traditions vary, but often the Arab bride and groom celebrate the wedding separately.

  • "Men's wedding" it can not even be celebrated on the same day as the bride's celebration and, as a rule, goes uncomplicated: tea, coffee, dinner and communication - no more than 4 hours in total. Weddings of wives are much more magnificent: a huge hall, waiters, artists.
  • "Women's wedding"- this is an occasion to show off in diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses. After all, usually all this beauty is hidden under scarves and hijabs (abayas). Therefore, only ladies are present at such weddings. Men are strictly prohibited from entering. All staff are women only, including singers, photographer and DJ. If a famous singer is invited, then he will not see either the hero of the occasion or the guests, performing songs behind a screen or in the next room, and the broadcast is going into the hall.
  • The arrival of the husband is announced in advance, so that all the ladies can cover themselves with abayas. And if the husband comes with his brothers or father, then the bride is also covered with a white abaya, because even male relatives should not see her beauty.
  • It is not customary to give money or household appliances to a wedding. As a gift, jewelry is usually presented to the bride.


  • Most marriages are monogamous. Not every Arab man can afford polygamy. Islam allows you to have up to 4 wives, but each of them must be provided with their own home, equally bestowed with gifts, attention, jewelry and other things. Several wives are the privilege of sheikhs and very wealthy people.
  • The first marriage is the most important. No matter how many wives a man has, the first, “great” marriage is considered the most important, and the wife is the “eldest”.
  • If the husband nevertheless took another woman as his wife, the rest of the spouses are ordered to reconcile. They should obey the will of their man and not show any emotions. As a rule, all wives live in different houses and do not intersect so often.


  • A man, wishing to divorce his wife, according to a long tradition, could tell his wife “leave” three times at any time. After that, the wife had to immediately leave his house, taking with her only what was on her. Therefore, women wore all the donated gold on themselves. In practice, divorces initiated by husbands are extremely rare. In addition, children in a divorce always remain with their father.
  • A woman can file for divorce if the man does not provide for her well enough. Such statements are considered carefully by the courts and most often satisfy them. In the Arab world, men express their love not with flowers, but with gold and jewelry. For example, he is obliged to take her to restaurants, buy expensive gifts and clothes. If there are several wives, then everyone is entitled to the same amount of attention and gifts.
  • In other cases, it will not be so easy for a woman to achieve a divorce, after all, the courts often make decisions biased, supporting the side of the husband to the last.

Women's rights

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, an Arab woman is highly respected by men. She shouldn't need anything.

  • Arab women were among the first to receive the right to marry at will, to divorce and to own property. This happened back in the 7th century, while in other states the ladies were deprived of such opportunities. Islamic law viewed the marriage of a woman and a man as a contract that could only take effect with the consent of both parties. Also during this period, the right of women to own property and dispose of the wealth that she brought to the family or earned was introduced.
  • Weekly women's days. Once a week in the UAE, all beaches, water parks and beauty salons are open exclusively for ladies. A man will simply not be allowed into the institution.
  • However, the wife of a Muslim does everything with the consent of the man. To go somewhere, she should warn her husband about it and get his permission.


  • Women must cover their bodies with loose clothing and a veil. They can wear anything: miniskirts, jeans, and shorts. The outfits of Arab beauties could be the envy of many fashionistas. But, going out into the street, a woman puts on a silk cape from above to the toes, and hides her face with a scarf. After all, her beauty is only for her husband, strangers should not see her. The exception is "women's" celebrations, weddings, where there are no men and you can "walk" designer novelties. However, this custom is not observed everywhere, but women should cover their heads in almost all Arab countries.
  • Kuwait is the only Arab country where women wear European clothes on the street. However, it must remain modest and closed.
  • Against Kuwait there are countries, such as Yemen and Sudan, where old customs still exist and women are required to wear black capes that hide them entirely, from top to toe.

Education and work

  • If a woman wants to get an education, it is not forbidden. Many girls even go to study abroad. For example, in Jordan only 14% of women are illiterate. In the UAE, after graduating from high school, 77% of girls enter a university and make up 75% of the total number of students at Al Ain National University.
  • Housekeeping lies on the shoulders of a woman, however, in rich countries, housekeepers take over this responsibility, and the main task of the wife is to give birth and raise offspring.
  • There is a career. In the UAE, women make up about 2% of managers, hold 20% of administrative positions and make up 35% of the country's workforce. On the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange, 43% of investors are women. Also in the United Arab Emirates, women can hold the post of judge and work in government departments, such as the police. In Tunisia, more than 26% of members of parliament are women. fly in the ointment it can only be the fact that in many Arab countries a woman cannot get a job without the consent of her husband or guardian.

Many years ago, the purpose of an Arab girl was only that she should be a wife and mother. How do women live in Dubai now, many years later?

Arab women clothing in Dubai (with photo and video)

The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country where deeply religious people live. They honor their traditions, in violation of which a person will face severe punishment.

Arab women in Dubai and other emirates, according to the Koran, have the right to show only their feet, hands and face to strangers. Sometimes you can not even see the faces of these beautiful Arab girls, because in especially religious families they leave only their eyes open.

If you look at the photos of women in Dubai, you can see that they are all dressed in black clothes, this is the color that is traditional for women's outfits in the emirate:

Everyone knows how women dress in Dubai and other emirates. At first glance, it may seem to visitors to the UAE that girls suffer from wearing such long and dark clothes, because in summer the air temperature often reaches 50 degrees. In fact, it is not hot in such a vestment, because it is made of high-quality silk, which, on the contrary, creates the effect of coolness. In addition, in the UAE, no one walks in the heat, and every car has air conditioning.

Clothing for women in Dubai can be quite revealing. If desired, a married Arab woman can wear short shorts or a miniskirt, but on top she must cover everything with a long black silk cape, reaching to the heels. Big fashionistas live in Dubai, but they can only show off their outfits in front of their husbands.

Emirati girls wear a lot of gold. This feature has its own history: earlier, an Arab man could divorce his wife by telling her the word "talaq" three times, which means "go away." After these words, the woman had to collect all her belongings and leave her husband's house. That is why, in order not to be left with nothing, they wore all the gold jewelry on themselves. This habit has been preserved in the Emirates and now, however, only the wives of wealthy Emirates have gold jewelry.

After watching a video about Arab women in Dubai, you can learn more about the life of Muslim girls in the UAE:

Life of Arab wives in Dubai

Arab women are not without rights: they can study, work and even drive a car. However, they are strictly forbidden to show at least part of their body to other men, and even more so to marry a foreigner. If an Arab girl marries a foreigner, her husband and children will not have UAE citizenship. In addition, she may even be evicted from the country.

When a foreign woman becomes the wife of an Arab, everything looks completely different: after a certain period, a visiting girl can obtain local citizenship, however, if her husband agrees to this. However, if family life does not work out, after a divorce, a European woman will be sent to her country, and the children will remain with their father.

In principle, if the marriage is successful, life with an Emirati husband is very pleasant. According to the law for women in Dubai, no matter what kind of Arab wife she has become, she is provided with her own house and generous maintenance. A man should give his attention to each of his wives equally. Today, not every Arab can afford polygamy, only wealthy Emirates have several wives. Islam allows you to have up to four wives, but you need to have a lot of money to maintain a harem. For several years now, the traditional UAE family, which consists of one husband, several wives and a harem, has been the privilege of sheikhs and wealthy Emiratis.

Discrimination in the relationship between an Arab man and a woman is a bit exaggerated. How Arab wives and women live in Dubai can only be understood by talking to them personally or by observing the relationship of a married couple. Indeed, an Arab woman should obey her man, but at the same time she also takes part in solving important family issues.

For Arab men, the family comes first, while the woman acts as the keeper of the family hearth. According to the Arabs, the more children in a family, the happier it is. The decision to create a marriage is made by the groom's family. Now the rights of women in Muslim families are practically equal to those of men, so if the bride does not like the groom, she can refuse to marry.

Foreign women who aspire to become wives of Arabs should understand that for an Arab man a wife cannot be a friend, a sister, and a psychologist all rolled into one. Rather, she is seen as a sex object and homemaker.

A woman can divorce an Arab husband in Dubai only in one case: if the man does not provide enough for his wife.

  • Half of marriages in Arab countries are still organized by parents. Most people think that nobody asks a girl's opinion. In fact, if the future bride does not like the groom, she can refuse his offer.
  • A wedding is not possible without a marriage contract. Unlike the rest of the world, this is a mandatory rule in Arab countries.
  • Arab women rarely marry members of other religions, because in this case they would have to leave the country. Men have more privileges and are allowed to marry Christian and Jewish girls. However, in this case, the foreigner does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, common children always remain with their father.

  • In most Arab countries, the bride and groom must be at least 18 years old to be allowed to marry. For example, citizens of Tunisia can start a family at 18, but the average age of brides is 25 and grooms 30. However, in some developing countries, early marriages are still popular. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, most girls are married before the age of 18.

wedding ceremonies

Wedding traditions may differ in different countries, but the Arab bride and groom celebrate their wedding separately from each other.

  • The "groom's wedding" may be celebrated on a different day from the "bride's wedding". As a rule, the celebration is very modest: guests are offered tea, coffee, dinner, and their communication lasts no more than 4 hours. The bride's wedding is celebrated much more widely: in a large town hall with waiters and artists.

  • "Women's wedding" is an occasion to show off diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses, because usually all this beauty is hidden under hijabs (or abayas). That is why only women can attend such a wedding. Men are strictly prohibited from entering. The wedding is also served only by women, and we are talking not only about waitresses, but also about singers, photographers and DJs. If a famous singer is invited to a women's wedding, he will not be able to see either the bride or her guests, as he will perform behind the screen or in the next room with a live broadcast to the main hall.
  • They warn about the visit of the husband to the wedding in advance, so that all the guests have time to cover themselves with abayas. If the husband comes to the wedding with his brothers or father, then the bride must also wear a white abaya, since even the husband's relatives should not see her beauty.

  • In Arab culture, gifts to young people related to alcohol, including wine and champagne, are forbidden. Guests usually give various handmade items that can be used in the interior of the couple's future home. Also, a man cannot receive gold jewelry and silk as a gift.


  • Most marriages in contemporary Arab countries are monogamous, as not every man can afford to have multiple wives. Religion allows men to marry four times, but they must provide each wife with a home and give them the same amount of gifts, jewelry and, of course, their attention. Having several wives is a privilege of sheikhs and very rich people.

  • The most important is the first marriage. No matter how many wives a man has, the first wife is considered the "eldest".
  • If a man finds a new wife, the rest must accept her and submit to the will of their husband without showing their displeasure. Most often, wives do not live in the same house, and therefore they are extremely rare.


  • According to ancient tradition, a man who wants to divorce his wife must repeat the phrase "I'm divorcing you" three times. After that, the wife has to stay in his house for a certain period of time to make sure that she is not pregnant. During this wait, the husband may change his mind and get his wife back by simply saying "I'm taking you back." You can repeat this “return” procedure only three times. After the third divorce, he is forbidden to take this woman as his wife again.

  • A woman can also apply for a divorce if her husband does not provide for her well. Such cases are carefully considered in the courts, and wives often get divorced. Arab men are accustomed to expressing their love with gold and jewels rather than flowers. For example, a husband should go to restaurants with his wife and buy expensive gifts and clothes for her. If he has several wives, then the amount of gifts and attention should be equal.
  • In all other cases, it will be very difficult for a woman to obtain a divorce, as the courts are often biased and supportive of the husband.

Women's rights

Despite stereotypes, Arab men have a lot of respect for women. It is believed that they should not need anything.

In fact, Arab women were among the first to be given the right to marry of their own accord, file for divorce, and own property. It happened in the 7th century, when women from other countries could only dream of such opportunities. According to Islamic law, marriage between a man and a woman was a contract that was valid only if both partners showed their consent. In addition, during this time, women gained the right to own property and use the assets that they brought into the family as dowry or earned.

Once a week, all beaches, water parks and beauty salons in the UAE are open to women only. A man simply will not be allowed to enter any of these places. However, the wife of a Muslim must obtain the permission of her husband for everything. If she wants to go somewhere, she must first tell her husband about it and get his permission.


A woman is required to wear loose clothing in public, under which there can be anything: mini-skirts, jeans and shorts. Many fashionable girls envy the outfits of Arab beauties. But when leaving the house, women should completely cover their bodies with loose clothing and hide their faces. This is because her beauty is only for her husband and other men should not see her. The exceptions are "women's" holidays and weddings, where men are not allowed to attend. Here women can show their designer clothes and jewelry. The custom of covering the face is not observed by everyone, but women are required to cover their heads in most Arab countries.


On many sites and forums dedicated to life, there are often very heated discussions about their real situation. There are several main myths that exist among. Western feminists are constantly trying to fight for liberation from male oppression. Women from Europe do not want Muslim husbands for their daughters, and the question arises: why? Yes, because Western society has formed a certain image of an odious Muslim who has several wives at once, beats them, does not allow them to study, is a terrorist.

Society ascribes to Muslim men the image of some kind of terrorist who is ready to blow up anything and anywhere, who does not love his children, especially girls, rejoices at the birth of only boys. And he does not let his wives out of the house, they can do this only accompanied by other family members. In a word, an unsightly, even terrible, image of a male tyrant is drawn, which a Muslim woman should please.

Some women, Russian by origin, convert to Islam, marry Arabs, move to permanent residence in the countries of the Islamic world. They talk a lot about their lives on the Internet. The myth that a woman has no rights is fundamentally untrue. Women can study, work and participate in social life there.

The fact that girls in the East are married without love is not true. It is considered the main thing for them that the husband and wife are not opposed to each other, so girls can quite easily find a husband for love. Parents also do not show much resistance to the union of the young. Here we can cite as an example the women of Europe, Russia, the USA. It is time for them to envy Muslim women, they marry and live with a husband who is obliged to support his family. A Muslim man will never force his wife to work. The civilized West is increasingly practicing civil marriages "for grinding". But this is only a cover for the irresponsible attitude of the Western man to the woman and the family.

Muslims cannot and do not beat their wife. First of all, his wife's relatives will beat him well in response. If the wife has traces of beatings, then this is the basis for annulment of the marriage and at the same time sue her husband for most of the property. You can't really go anywhere without your husband's permission. But if he believes that it is not necessary to go to some place, then it is not necessary. And a smart woman of the East always believes that a man is a head. But she is a neck! And the head will always look where its neck will turn.

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