The benefits and harms of morning dew. Walking in the dew: what's the use

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog "Be healthy!" Did you know that morning dew is the oldest cure for many diseases? Since ancient Vedic times, people have known about the healing properties of dew. Many peoples endowed it with magical properties. Dew treatment gives people health, youth. And for good reason! The health benefits of a miraculous drop of water - this simple creation of nature, are multifaceted.

Which of you at least once in your life in the early morning did not admire the dew drops that shimmer like diamonds in the rising sun? If you have not seen, I strongly recommend that you visit in July - the month where the grass grows. You will see an amazing, harmonious and divine world in every reflection of a dewdrop!

Each drop of dew concentrates the pure energy of the earth and the sun. Thanks to the powerful therapeutic properties contained in a drop of water, many diseases can be cured. Our ancestors knew about this effect of dew and they skillfully used it for treatment.

Dew is called small drops of water that settle on plants when the evening or morning coolness sets in.

Air always has a certain percentage of humidity. As the air cools in the evening and during the night, water vapor condenses on objects closer to the ground. Air cooling is faster in clear weather and on covered surfaces such as grass. The most abundant dew occurs where there is high humidity, in the tropical zone. If this happens in winter, then with this mechanism frost is formed.

Dew can only form on a clean surface. If there is a layer of dust on the grass, then microdroplets of dew roll along with the dust to the ground. On a clean surface, water is retained due to the rough surface of the plant.

Morning dew - beneficial properties

Dew is the result of the natural phenomenon of sublimation (distillation). Remember the water cycle in nature? Saturated vapors, when the ambient temperature changes, are distilled into microdroplets of water, which we see.

The condensate that forms on the surface of grass or other objects is distilled water without impurities of any substances. Plant cells contain various organic substances, plant pollen and minerals. A leaf soaked with moisture and a dew drop form a single body of water. According to the law of physics about osmotic pressure, plant extracts, as well as mineral salts, pass into the liquid that is on the surface of the plant.

And we know how useful our plants are, what healing properties they have, and what diseases they help people with. From here it becomes clear why dew becomes beneficial to health.

Is there a difference between evening and morning dew

It is believed that morning and evening dew affects human health in different ways.

evening dew , collected at midnight, has the following properties:

  • soothing - for nervous diseases, including insomnia,
  • wound healing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • enhancing immunity.

Evening dew was used to treat diseases, the cause of which is associated with psychological or emotional trauma, stress. Some of these diseases include angina pectoris, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, sexual disorders, neuroses and phobias.

Morning dew , collected after sunrise, has positive energy. The sun's rays, falling on a dew drop, activate some of the chemical components of the dew drop. With the help of morning dew, inflammatory diseases are treated, remission is prolonged in chronic diseases.

Dew treatment

Now almost everyone knows that various internal organs of a person are projected on the feet. Walking barefoot is nothing more than a massage of active biological points, the result of which is the stimulation of the work of specific organs.

When walking barefoot, there is a beneficial effect on blood vessels, joints, on the central nervous system, blood circulation in all organs increases. Also, when walking barefoot, the arches of the soles and the ligamentous apparatus are trained, which is the prevention of flat feet, and hardening also occurs.

Walking in the dew for people suffering from fungal diseases of the skin of the legs is very useful.

Contraindications for walking in the dew are inflammatory diseases of the joints, gout, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

In order to get the maximum benefit from dew walking, you need to walk for at least 40 minutes. This time will be enough to give the earth the accumulated static electricity, and in return receive positive energy. Even devices have established that it is after 40 minutes that the negative energy of the body decreases.

Cloth wrap

The Slavs had a way to treat many diseases by wrapping them in cloth soaked in dew. This method is good at the present time, but not everyone uses it.

Natural, better linen, thin cloth cover the grass with dew. The fabric is soaked with dew, then the body is wrapped with this fabric. Of course, it is better to wash up the day before, preferably. The fabric dipped in dew is cold and in contact with the body, the cold increases blood circulation, and the beneficial substances contained in the dew are perfectly absorbed into the skin and quickly enter the bloodstream.

With the help of this wrap, you can treat rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, headaches, impotence.

But there is a caveat. With caution, such wraps should be carried out by those who are allergic to the pollen of some plants. In this case, it is necessary to consult with an allergist or phytotherapist.

Bathing in the morning dew

On the night of Ivan Kupala (from July 6 to 7), dews are considered the most healing. At the height of summer, grasses are richest in biologically active substances. Girls and women, wishing to become more beautiful and attractive, bathed naked in the Kupala dews. Women who wished not to grow old longer went into the thickets of willow-tea and tried to get wet through with dew.

You can swim not only on this night. Just a few procedures, and the skin will remain velvety and healthy longer. Bathing in dew calms the nervous system. To strengthen your nervous system, it is best to bathe in chamomile fields on the new moon.

By itself, bathing in dew strengthens the immune system and hardens the body, which is a good prevention of colds.

Dew for the treatment of eye diseases

The healing properties of dew are good for eye diseases. If every day for 2 weeks apply compresses from a cloth soaked in morning dew for 10 minutes, then you can improve your eyesight without medication, cure conjunctivitis, and slow down the development of cataracts. You can simply wash your eyes with morning dew.

Our weather is not constant, sometimes it rains, sometimes it's cold, and dews appear, perhaps not every day. Therefore, if you see that dew has appeared on the grass, prolong your youth and health, walk in the morning or evening dew. You will feel how wonderful it is! With the help of dew, you can most likely do without doctors.

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With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

We often hear about the benefits of walking barefoot in the morning dew. Is it true? The question is rather controversial...

Why is dew useful?
Walking on the morning dew in a civilized society became popular thanks to the German priest Sebastian Kneipp, who lived in the middle of the 19th century. Kneipp adhered to the principles of the so-called natural philosophy, which promotes the closeness of man to nature. He himself practiced morning walks on the dewy grass and claimed that in this way he managed to cure tuberculosis.

The healing properties of this method are actively promoted by Oriental medicine. It is alleged that morning dew, which absorbs enzymes and plant pollen, which contain many biologically active substances, fills the body with energy, improves immunity, relieves stress, and heals nervous disorders. Eastern healers explain this by the interaction of the root chakra of a person with the energy of the Earth through the soil and grass.

Plants secrete the greatest amount of nutrients in the morning. Therefore, morning moisture has an analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effect. As for the evening, it has soothing, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

In Russia, this method of healing has also long been practiced. The Slavs specially collected dew, treating many ailments with it, or even swimming naked in it, rolling on the grass. It is believed that our ancestors (in any case, who lived in the countryside and had a peasant origin) were stronger and healthier than most of our contemporaries. But in ancient times, peasants walked barefoot in the warm season.

Expert opinions
The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov is said to have practiced dew walking himself. Some modern doctors confirm that it really has a certain positive effect on the body. So, the morning coolness contributes to the tone. Dew cools the feet and helps restore heat balance. Supporters of this technique believe that it cures almost all diseases, including ulcers, varicose veins, kidney and gallstones, gynecological problems ... Also, walking in itself is an exercise that improves blood circulation and the state of the cardiovascular system. On the sole of the foot there are many nerve receptors through which impulses are transmitted to the internal organs. It is also helpful to simply look at the grass. Green color has a calming effect on vision, and since the nerves located in the eyeball are connected to the back of the foot, the process of walking barefoot on dewy grass stimulates the restoration of nerve endings and, accordingly, an increase in visual acuity.

But the osteopathic doctor Boris Protasov is ambivalent about this "miraculous method."

“The most useful thing in walking barefoot for a modern person is the prevention and treatment of flat feet,” the expert believes. - On an uneven surface, the muscular arch of the foot is trained. And on a completely flat one, on the contrary, it doesn’t work.”

Does not deny Protasov and the effect of hardening. As for other "miracles", he has a skeptical attitude towards them. “There is an opinion that walking barefoot is useful for the prevention of herniated discs of the lumbosacral spine,” says the physician. “Doctors consider it a delusion: “barefoot procedures” have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the spine, but no more.”

When is it contraindicated to walk on dew?
Firstly, do not forget that when walking barefoot, you always run the risk of injury, for example, running into glass or a sharp stone lying in the grass, some insect can bite you in the foot ... Secondly, this activity can turn out to be far from hygienic, especially in urban areas: who can guarantee that there is no garbage in the dewy grass, that it is not polluted with gasoline and other toxic substances?

Thirdly, there are health contraindications. “For allergy sufferers, this liquid can cause allergic reactions or an exacerbation of hay fever,” comments doctor O.A. Solovyov. - In people with diabetes, before walking in the dew, it is necessary to check the skin for microtraumas so as not to cause an inflammatory reaction. Walking in the dew is contraindicated for persons suffering from inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. According to the expert, before applying such a "treatment", you should definitely consult a doctor.

Nervous disorders, helps to overcome stress. From an energetic point of view, this is due to the fact that the first or root chakra of a person interacts with the energy of the Earth through the soil and grass. There is also more scientific evidence for the health effects of walking barefoot in the morning dew.

According to folk legends, washing with morning dew helps to preserve youth.

Benefits of walking barefoot in dew

Morning dew cools the feet and helps balance heat transfer. This is especially important during the hot summer period.

Walking in itself is an excellent exercise that improves blood circulation in the cardiovascular system. And the coolness of the early morning tones the body.

They say it's a job. The green color is soothing to the eyes, and the nerves located in the eye are connected to the back of the foot. Walking barefoot in the morning dew helps restore nerve endings and improve vision.

This is the most pleasant and effective from the stresses with which our lives are overloaded. Strong nerves are the key to strong immunity. It is said that people who practice this kind of hydrotherapy do not get sick. After all, this is a kind of hardening of the body.

Dew is pure distilled water without any impurities.

What you need to know about walking barefoot

Never rush. Breathing should be even and measured. Think of this activity as a home spa treatment that brings youth and health to your body. Leave the house at dawn. Put on open shoes such as clogs or slates on your feet. Find a clean area free of rocks, wood chips, or rubble. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot in the dew, even if it's cold. A few minutes is enough. Basically, you can stand still just by moving your feet. Without wiping your feet from the dew, put on your shoes and walk for a while. Don't rush home. Enjoy the awakening of nature if the weather permits. On average, the duration of the walk should be about 10-15 minutes.


  • Walking without shoes and the benefits of it
  • Walking barefoot in the morning dew

Ancient people went without shoes at any time of the year. Today, a barefoot person can only be found on the beach. Meanwhile, walking barefoot is very good for health. It was practiced by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates and A.V. Suvorov, who were distinguished by excellent health and ability to work.

Why is barefoot useful?

The soles of a person are a powerful reflexogenic zone, on which there are more than 1000 acupuncture points associated with various organs of the body. Irritation of these points while walking barefoot increases their activity and affects health.

Walking barefoot helps to strengthen the immune system, prevents the development of colds and normalizes and serves as a prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and angina pectoris. Massaging the feet in contact with the ground helps to increase blood circulation and strengthen the nervous system.

Walking barefoot is useful for preventing deformities of the feet and flat feet. Regular barefooting develops a beautiful posture and easy gait, improves the elasticity of the vessels of the legs and relieves stress in the feet. This is especially useful for those who spend a lot of time in heels.

Due to synthetic clothing and contact with household appliances, electrical charges accumulate on human skin. This can lead to insomnia, neurosis, chronic. When walking barefoot, electric charges go into the ground and the human condition improves.

Bare walking also affects the human psyche. It helps to get rid of complexes and excessive dependence on the opinions of others, and also forms an excellent resistance to stress.

Barefoot, rheumatism, diabetes, kidney disease, colds and inflammatory diseases, fungal infections and foot skin lesions are contraindicated.

Grass, asphalt or earth?

Sand, grass, asphalt, pebbles, foliage, pine needles and snow have different effects on nerve endings. Therefore, to enhance the positive effect of barefoot walking, it is recommended to alternate different types of surfaces and their temperature. Remember the rule: warm and soft surfaces calm the nervous system, cold, hot and hard surfaces excite.

It is best to start walking barefoot in the summer in the country. In your backyard, you'll have a wide variety of surfaces—grass, well-trodden paths, sand, gravel—and minimal risk of injury. Walk at first for a short time - for 5-10 minutes, but gradually increase the duration of walking barefoot to 30 minutes or longer.

After walking, thoroughly wash your feet with cool water, soap and a brush. Then apply a foot cream that prevents the appearance of cracks. Over time, the skin will adapt and become stronger.

Children can start walking barefoot at home. Bring some pebbles from the beach, put them in a flat bowl and fill with cool water with a little sea salt. Every day, let's trample in this basin for 10-15 minutes, and then massage his feet and lubricate them with a nourishing cream.

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Pie "Morning Dew" is very tender and pleasant to the taste. Having prepared it, get ready to receive praise from loved ones, because they will surely like it.

You will need

  • - margarine - 200 g;
  • - sugar - 150 g + 3 tablespoons;
  • - eggs - 4 pcs;
  • - sour cream - 150 g;
  • - milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • - flour - 2 cups;
  • - baking powder for dough - 10 g;
  • - cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • - cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • - coconut flakes - 5-6 tablespoons.
  • For cream:
  • - milk - 2 cups;
  • - eggs - 1 pc;
  • - sugar - 150 g;
  • - flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • - vanillin - 2 g;
  • - salt - to taste.


Mix and grind the following ingredients in one bowl: minced cottage cheese, egg yolk, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and coconut flakes. From the resulting mass, make ball-shaped figures, the size of which is exactly the same as that of walnuts. Send them to the freezer. They must stay there for at least 30 minutes.

Sugar, combined with melted margarine, grind until smooth. Enter the three remaining chicken eggs and protein into the resulting mixture. Beat the mass properly, then add milk, baking powder for dough, as well as sour cream and flour to it. Mix the dough well.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Put one of them in a greased baking dish, and add cocoa powder to the second.

After mixing the dark dough well, put it on the light one. Remove the curd balls from the freezer and gently press them into the resulting mass at the same distance.

Send the cake to the oven and bake it for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Combine vanillin with granulated sugar and one egg. After whisking the mixture, add flour to it. Then pour milk into it. Cook the mass, stirring constantly, until thick.

Cover the pastry with custard and garnish with cocoa powder. Pie "Morning Dew" is ready!

Summer has come. Wherever you look - carpets of meadow grasses, river sand, sea pebbles, coniferous needles and moss are spread under your feet. I want to take off my shoes and step barefoot on the warm earth ... Is it useful to walk barefoot?

The hardening effect is due to the fact that the surface of the earth of a person has a different temperature. This contributes to the adaptation of the vessels of the foot to the “set” temperature regime, which, in turn, changes the tone of the vessels throughout the body. The body gradually gets used to responding to cooling in the right way, as a result, a person practically does not get colds during the cold season.

The massage effect of walking barefoot can hardly be overestimated: there are many receptors on the foot through which impulses are sent to the internal organs, and this, in turn, improves their work and “unloads” the nervous system, relieving stress.

What should be feared when walking barefoot?

So how do you go barefoot? In summer, you should definitely use every free minute for the benefit of your health. Therefore, it is very important to know that this is correct.

Firstly, the main thing is to choose the right place: carefully inspect the territory for contamination with household and construction debris, broken glass, animal excrement.

Secondly, if you are new to this business, start the procedure with 10-15 minutes and increase the time gradually, adding 5 minutes daily.

Thirdly, after walking on wet ground, dry your feet before putting on your shoes. Otherwise, instead of hardening, you risk catching a cold.

Fourthly, it is imperative to keep a minimum medical kit with you for first aid in case of minor injuries: hydrogen peroxide, iodine, plaster, sterile bandage, ammonia. If you get hurt, immediately treat the wound with peroxide, because dangerous microorganisms may be contained.

Be sure to go barefoot in the summer. Make the most of this summer time for your health!

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Work with dew water occupied an honorable place in Russian healer medicine. Not every healer knew how to fully use this unique material. Nowadays, dew treatment methods are considered almost lost, although no substance can compare with dew water in terms of effectiveness, scope of possibilities and ease of use. The collection and use of dew water in Russian medicine was often accompanied by complex ritual actions, reading prayers and incantations, strict observance of the time of collection and the herbs from which the dew was collected.

It is also important to know how to store and use the healing dew water. I often watched the work of healers with whom fate brought me together, I myself practiced dew treatment, so I can say with confidence that even using dew water in a simplified way, you can get rid of a huge number of ailments.

Morning dew is best harvested from clover when the moon is in its waning phase. The collection time is quite short, so it is advisable not to miss it. This is only half an hour from the moment the first sunbeam illuminates the dewdrops. The dew drops collected at this time carry ethereal (cosmic) energy and have the greatest power in healing.

Dew water can be stored for quite a long time (up to a week) if it is kept in a wooden or birch bark container, in a dark, cool place. Morning dew remarkably rejuvenates the skin, and if taken orally, it enhances metabolic processes and the protective functions of the body. Therefore, it is an excellent remedy for the elderly.

Night dews are collected when the moon is in its growth phase, from a dandelion. Collection time is from one to three. This dew is used to treat severe inflammatory processes, only in the form of compresses.

Evening dews are interesting for their powerful calming effect. They are collected on the new moon from chamomile and used to treat nervous and mental diseases, as well as for insomnia. Rose water is taken orally, used for compresses. An excellent effect is achieved in the treatment of schizophrenia, epilepsy, reactive psychosis, the consequences of fright in children.

Of course, when collecting dew, it is not necessary to strictly observe the phases of the moon and choose plants from which to remove droplets. It is possible to collect dew simply from herbs, although this greatly reduces the effectiveness of the treatment. But the time of collection and storage rules must be strictly observed. Dew should not be collected and stored in glass and especially metal containers. For this, only wooden utensils are used!

Do not collect dew water on collective farm fields sprayed with chemicals near freeways. Do not be too lazy to move away, then small dewdrops - "God's tears" - will do everything for you that they are capable of. And they are capable of a lot!

RECIPES with dew

The use of "living" water

Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis

From urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, dew compresses on the area of ​​​​the liver and kidneys help to get rid of with simultaneous ingestion of 30-60 g 30-40 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is 7-10 sessions every other day.

To improve vision

Washing the eyes with dew and dew compresses in the morning and at bedtime, which are applied for 10-15 minutes, improve vision, treat cataracts and cataracts.

The course of treatment is 12-15 days daily.

To improve the condition of the hair

Head massage with dew water makes the hair thick and lush, improves hair growth and in some cases even allows you to restore hair on a bald head.

Moisten head with dewy water and massage with fingertips until warm. Moisten again, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with infusion of chamomile and let dry.

The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures every other day.

Mastopathy, fibroids, myomas

Mastopathy, fibromas, fibroids and other non-malignant neoplasms are treated with compresses, douching and ingestion of 30-50 g of dew 3-5 times a day.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days daily.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases, bones, spurs, corns and fungal diseases will disappear if wet compresses with dew are applied 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes daily. With bones and spurs, compresses are applied at night.

The course of treatment is until the signs of the disease disappear.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as with hemorrhoids, you need to drink on an empty stomach and at bedtime 50-100 g of dewy water, combining it with a vegetable diet. With hemorrhoids, evening dew enemas are added.

The course of treatment is 21 days.

The use of "dead" water

Taking night dew inside is permissible only for oncological diseases - such dew stops the growth of tumors. In this case, dew is taken orally 30-50 g before and after meals, as well as in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Wet compresses are applied to the skin opposite the lesion. In some cases, in such a simple way, it is possible to cope with the disease or at least stop its development. But even if the disease does not recede completely, this method alleviates pain and normalizes sleep.

Compresses for nervous disorders

In case of nervous disorders, before going to bed, the patient's head is tightly tied with a towel moistened with dew water. In the morning, the whole body is wiped with a damp cloth and during the day, dew water is given inside 50-100 g 3-5 times during the day.

The course of treatment is 5-21 days.

Morning dew, it turns out, is a very useful phenomenon of nature. It accumulates the energy of stars, the Moon, the Sun, the Earth, water, plants, air and is a natural concentrate of many biologically active substances.
Our great-grandfathers considered dew to be the nectar of immortality, and skillfully used its healing properties in their lives. In particular, they ran naked in dewy grasses, washed themselves with dew, collected it in wooden dishes and used it as a cure for many diseases. Healing "amrita" filled them with strength, health, prolonging youth and beauty.

Bathing in dew - purification at all levels

Our great-grandmothers loved to bathe in dewy grasses at dawn. The Kupala dews that fell on Ivan Kupala were considered the most useful. Women entered the dewy thickets of willow-tea and tried to get wet through there. And the most daring climbed into these herbs naked, shook the healing drops from the pink-lilac flowers and washed the body.
However, May and other summer dews are no less valued.
Of course, now it is difficult to imagine a girl or a woman who rides naked on the dewy grass in the early morning. Although if there is such an opportunity, when no one sees you, it is quite possible to afford to be a dewy mermaid. After several such procedures, the skin becomes noticeably younger and acquires a delicate velvety appearance. By the way, it is believed that in this way you can get rid of diseases, as well as remove the evil eye and some types of damage, as well as cleanse yourself of sins. However, you need to know that before you plunge into the dewy font, you definitely need to get rid of bad thoughts.

Dew wrap activates blood circulation

Wrapping with dew-soaked cloth is an ancient Slavic method of treatment. It allows you to most effectively use all the healing properties of such a natural health elixir as dew. At the same time, the cold activates blood circulation, and useful substances from the dew enter the blood faster.
In particular, traditional medicine recommends wrapping legs with dew-soaked cloth for rheumatoid problems and diseases of the genitourinary system. And in case of arthritis and problems with the cardiovascular system, such wraps should be done on the hands.
With migraines, neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia, hair loss, reduced libido, a head wrap will help. However, it is good to do a dew wrap for the whole body.
Another interesting thing. If you want to get rid of a specific disease, then know that the most healing will be the dew collected from the herbs that are used to treat your disease.
Dew can be collected with a linen or cotton cloth early in the morning before sunrise or around 12 at night. To do this, the fabric needs to be laid out in a meadow and wet the grass with it. Immediately after this, the whole body or some part of it should be wrapped with a wet cloth. This procedure should last 5-10 minutes.
It is important that the skin is clean before wrapping. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the day before, and even better, go to the bath with a steam room, using an oak or birch broom.

So that the legs do not hurt - walk in the dew

Walking or running barefoot in the morning dew brings great benefits to the feet. As a result, corns, spurs, bones disappear, swelling and inflammation are eliminated. Walking on dew is a gift for the whole organism. After the procedure, do not wipe your feet - let them dry themselves.
Walking in the dew is useful both in the evening before going to bed and early in the morning. By the way, if you start doing this in the summer, then by the autumn the body will harden and no colds will overcome you.
A person, walking barefoot on the ground, connects with the Universe. In addition to the fact that illnesses pass, the person himself changes: he becomes calmer, more confident, begins to feel harmony and connection with everything around him.
In addition, it is very useful to drive on the grass with the palms of your hands, thus stimulating the sensitive points on them.

"Sap" from the sky

Dew collected from morning onions has long been considered clean and healing - they drank it and prepared various folk medicines on its basis. Especially miraculous properties are still attributed to the dew that fell on the first day of August (according to the old style), on the Wet Spas, as well as to the May dew. In addition, morning dew is best collected on the waning moon. The collection time is quite short - only half an hour from the moment the first sunbeam hits the ground. The dew drops collected at this time carry ethereal (cosmic) energy and have the greatest power.
The collection of useful "amrita" can be done in an accelerated way, which somewhat reduces the healing power of dew, but its quantity compensates for the loss of quality. To do this, you need to take a white new sheet and air it in the sun for one day. Before dawn, a sheet is laid on the grass and, after it absorbs moisture, twisted into a basin (in extreme cases, a few white linen towels or pieces of gauze will do).
However, a more thorough, but high-quality method for collecting morning dew is with a pipette. It takes more time and physical effort. If you are lucky, you can see plants with depressions in the meadow, in which the dew content is maximum, but even in this case, the collection process remains troublesome.
It is advisable to collect dew in wooden or earthenware and store it in it too. In glass containers - it is not recommended, and in no case should you use metal utensils for this. Dew collected in reserve retains its power for 42 days.

Morning and Night Dew - What's the Difference?

It is believed that morning and night dew have different properties that depend on the energy of the light that affects them. In particular, morning dew is exposed to the sun, so it contains a lot of positively charged ions that can effectively fight inflammation. In addition to the fact that morning dew rejuvenates the skin very well, it also, if taken orally, enhances metabolic processes and the protective functions of the body. It is better to collect it, as noted above, on the Waning Moon and from clover.
The night dew, which is collected after midnight, is saturated by the Moon with negatively charged electrons that fight free radicals in the body, helping to restore internal balance and cope with stress and nervous disorders. In addition, it is good to use sheet wraps soaked in night dews for the prevention of heart disease, sexual dysfunction, and stomach ulcers.
Night dews are collected during the New Moon and the waxing Moon. It is very good to collect such dew from dandelions or daisies and use it to treat nervous and mental diseases and insomnia. Collection time is from 1 am to 3 am.
Night dew is cold, and therefore it relieves any inflammation and heals wounds well. Compresses and lotions from it help with burns, without leaving scars on the affected areas. Apply night dew only externally. Although healers previously treated cancer patients with it: they gave them drink and made compresses for the night. At the same time, the pain decreased, the tumor stopped growing, and then generally began to decrease.
Of course, it is not necessary to strictly observe the phases of the moon during the collection of dew and choose certain plants for this. You can collect it simply from herbs, although this greatly reduces the effectiveness of the treatment. But the collection time and storage rules must be observed without fail.
Attention! Do not collect dew in collective farm fields, which are often sprayed with chemicals, and near motorways.

Therapy with "living" water

With urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, it is good to make morning dew compresses on the liver and kidney area and at the same time take dew inside: 30-60 ml 30-40 minutes before meals. Course: 7-10 sessions every other day.
. To improve vision, eye wash with dew and compresses from it in the morning and at bedtime are used, which are applied for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, not only vision improves, but cataracts and thorns are also cured. The course is 12-15 days daily.
. Head massage with dew makes hair thick, lush and improves hair growth. To do this, moisten your head with dew and massage your scalp with your fingertips until it warms up. Then re-moisten, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with chamomile infusion. Course: 5-7 procedures every other day.
. Mastopathy, fibroids, fibroids and other benign neoplasms are treated with compresses, douching and ingestion of dew (30-50 ml 3-5 times a day). Course: 5-7 days daily.
. Skin diseases, bones on the fingers, spurs, corns and fungal diseases can be eliminated if dewy compresses are applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes daily.
With bones and spurs, compresses are applied at night. Course to extinction.
. In case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in the case of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to drink 50-100 ml of dew on an empty stomach and at bedtime, while observing a vegetable diet. For hemorrhoids, evening dew enemas should also be added. The course is 21 days.
. May morning dew helps to normalize metabolism, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and also eliminates joint pain. To do this, you need to drink 1 glass of dew per day at any time convenient for you.
. In diseases of the joints of the legs, it is recommended to walk barefoot on the dewy grass every day before sunrise - it is better to do this in May, when the dews have the most healing properties.

Prepared by Alla GRISHILO.

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