Folk remedies in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma): causes, symptoms, treatment, complications

Prostate adenoma is a more harmless disease than, but no less insidious. According to statistics, this is the most common pathology of the genitourinary system, which awaits men after 45 years. Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) causes a lot of pain. Effective treatment of prostate adenoma in men is medication.

What is prostate adenoma and its symptoms

Prostate adenoma is expressed in the uncontrolled growth of prostate tissue. As a result, a neoplasm occurs. Moreover, this is not a “native” tissue, but an alien, modified one.

The tumor forms and grows without any hint of its presence, for quite a long time.

The direction of development of this neoplasm can be different: both inside the prostate and from its outer walls. Depending on the direction of growth, the adenoma may or may not cause problems with urination.

The statistics are as follows:

  • More than 60% of men over 60 years of age have histological signs of adenoma;
  • More than 40% have its clinical signs;
  • 20% of men feel a decrease in the quality of life due to urination disorders.

For a full recovery, you need to know exactly what to treat. Symptoms of adenoma and prostate cancer are largely identical. In order to exclude oncology, several studies must be done:

  • Take a test for total and free PSA;
  • Undergo a digital rectal examination;
  • Get an ultrasound
  • To make in order to take biomaterial for histology.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma

The first signs of a developing pathology are the complexity of the process of urine outflow. They can manifest themselves in different ways, but most often - in numerous false urges to urinate throughout the night. In this case, pain syndrome may be present. A characteristic symptom of adenoma is repeated nightly trips to the toilet.

In some cases, men have to wake up at least 7 times.

All this adversely affects the emotional and physiological state of the patient. Chronic lack of sleep provokes depression, causes systematic fatigue. The patient may experience increased irritability, which directly affects the quality of communication with others.

The most serious complication of a developing adenoma is acute urinary retention, which is expressed in the impossibility of spontaneous urination, despite the strong urge to urinate. As a result, urine begins to accumulate in the bladder. Its quantity can reach 3 liters. There are two ways out: catheterization, and if it is impossible, a puncture in the lower part of the abdominal wall.

With the progression of the disease, a man begins to be disturbed by severe pains in the lower abdomen, an admixture of blood may appear in the urine and semen. All this cannot but frighten, and a person begins to intensively look for an opportunity to get rid of the disease. At the same time, men often ignore the need to visit the clinic and turn to the doctor in the most extreme and neglected cases.

Methods of treatment of prostate adenoma

There are only three ways to get rid of adenoma.

  1. drug therapy;
  2. Operative (surgical) intervention;
  3. Phytopreparations.

With self-medication, there is one danger: you can choose the wrong recipe or it will be incorrect, with distorted data on preparation, dosage and schedule of administration (for traditional medicine). During treatment with such a drug, the pathological process will develop. And precious time will be wasted.

It is better not to tempt fate, but immediately start with proven medicines. However, there are some "pitfalls" here as well.

Being treated "blindly", not knowing the real state of affairs, is fraught not only with uselessness, but also with the possibility of getting serious side effects.

In order to avoid complications, you should consult a doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is enough to do three things:

  • Visit the nearest laboratory on your own and get tested for PSA;
  • Visit the nearest medical center and do;
  • Come to the clinic at the place of residence or visit a commercial medical institution and get a consultation with a urologist, providing the doctor with research data.

Most men give up on the thought of going to the doctor because of a possible rectal palpation procedure. According to the medical standards of urological reception, it is a mandatory research method for suspected pathology of the prostate gland.

But there are many doctors who, realizing the uninformativeness of palpation, refuse it and immediately refer the patient to (biomaterial sampling with simultaneous ultrasound). The data obtained as a result of this procedure allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

Drug treatment of adenoma

Prostate adenoma is a steadily progressing pathology. The growth of a benign neoplasm is constant, but the speed of the process can be different. As the patient ages, the risk of a variety of complications increases. At the beginning of the development of the disease, drug treatment is most effective, which consists in taking medications prescribed by a doctor. It is guaranteed to eliminate violations of the urination process.

At the moment, there are three groups of drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

  • Alpha blockers;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors;
  • Means based on natural ingredients: phytopreparations.

The choice of therapeutic technique depends on two characteristics of the disease: its stage and the complexity of the course. The action of drugs is aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms of this insidious disease.

Probiotics (preparations and dietary supplements containing live microcultures) are often prescribed as concomitant treatment. These remedies will help restore the intestinal microflora, which will increase immunity.

It is important to understand that alpha blockers can only eliminate the symptoms of BPH. And inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase affect the cause of this pathology. Therefore, the drugs of the first group quickly provide assistance, eliminating pain in the lower abdomen and cramps. And drugs of the second group eliminate the cause, treat.

Alpha blockers in the treatment of prostate adenoma

Alpha blockers are effective medications that can quickly eliminate the symptoms of pathological processes in the prostate. But eliminate the symptoms, not the cause of the disease.

These drugs are prescribed for sluggish outflow of urine, intermittent, painful.

The help of these drugs is expressed in the relaxation of the muscles of the prostate and bladder, which contributes to the free outflow of urine. At the same time, alpha blockers do not affect the neoplasm itself. They are not able to reduce the size of the tumor or stop its growth.

The action of alpha blockers

A significant role in the functioning of the genitourinary system of men is given to alpha-adrenergic receptors of the bladder neck and proximal calving of the urethra. There are three types of receptors:

  1. Alpha-1A-adrenergic receptors. Located in the prostate, prostatic urethra, bladder. The function of these receptors is to regulate the activity of the smooth muscles of the prostate, the base and neck of the bladder, seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts.
  2. Alpha-1B-adrenergic receptors. They are located in the blood vessels and control the tone of the arteries during the redistribution of blood. The number of receptors increases with age.
  3. Alpha-1D-adrenergic receptors. Located in the bladder, spinal cord and sinuses. The purpose of these receptors is not fully understood, but it is known that they play a significant role in the functioning of the muscles of the bladder.

Alpha-adrenergic blockers

Drug CARDURA "Kardura"

Release form - round tablets of small diameter. Supplied in doses of 1.2 and 4 mg. On one side of the 1mg tablets is the inscription CN 1, on the other - Pfizer. 2 mg tablets have CN 2 and Pfizer. 4 mg tablets have CN 4 and Pfizer.

The active substance is mesylate. The drug affects all groups of alpha-adrenergic receptors, normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system. The initial dose is 1 mg per day, taken in the morning or evening, at night. Focusing on urodynamic indicators, the dosage can be up to 2 and 4 mg per day.

  • Artezin;
  • doxazosin;
  • Kamiren;
  • Urocard.

The drug "Omnik"

Most in demand in blocking alpha-1 receptors. Removes spasmolytic phenomena, normalizes the bladder. Available in yellow-green capsules at a dose of 400 mg. Take 1 capsule 1 time per day before meals. One pack may contain 10 or 30 capsules.

The drug has a wide range of contraindications, caused a lot of negative reviews.

Possible side effects such as nausea, vomiting, itchy skin. diarrhea, headaches and dizziness.

  • Alfater;
  • Cornam;
  • Bazets;
  • Adenorm;
  • NetworkSizes.

The drug "Dalfaz Retard"

The active ingredient is alfuzosin hydrochloride. It has a pronounced effect on adrenergic receptors, contributes to the normalization of the genitourinary system, eliminates the symptoms of BPH. Effective for prostate adenoma 1 and 2 degrees.

Daily dosage 10 mg. The drug is taken twice: in the morning and in the evening. Release form: capsules.

  • Urorek;
  • Alfuprost;
  • Sonizin.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors: how they work and why they help

The second group of drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma are inhibitors (blockers) of 5-alpha reductase. This is a protein compound and there are two types of its enzymes (ioenzyme): 5-alpha reductase type I and type II.

Ioenzymes of the first type are concentrated mainly in the tissues of the liver, in hair follicles, and skin. Ioenzymes of the second type - in the prostate. Specifically: in the nuclei of her stromal cells. Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are needed to treat benign enlargement of the prostate.

The pharmacological industry offers several types of drugs for the treatment of adenoma. Among them:

  • Proscar (analogues of Finasteride, Propecia);

Long-term urological practice has shown that Finasteride and Dugasteride have the most effective action. Each of these drugs has its own pharmacological and clinical features.

The recommended duration of taking the drugs is 5-6 months. Comparative analyzes of the effectiveness of these drugs have not been conducted. It is noted that the effectiveness of taking "Finasteride" and "Dugasteride" is almost the same. One of the positive effects: lower PSA levels.

Possible reactions to taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors:

  • Depressive states;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Violations of potency;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Skin itching.

Side effects of drugs can be expressed in various disorders in the genitourinary system.

Often there are varying degrees of pain in the testicles, in the mammary glands. There are cases of a decrease in the quality of sperm, less often - male infertility.

Efficacy of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors

Since these drugs act on the cause of the pathology, a lot of time passes before complete recovery. Depending on the size of the benign tumor and the rate of its progression, it takes from 5 months to 1 year.

At the initial stages of adenoma development, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are able to completely stop the development of the neoplasm and subsequently eliminate it. On average, these treatments can reduce the adenoma symptom index by 3 points on the AAU scale.

Phytopreparations for the treatment of adenoma

Phytopreparations are more prophylactic than curative. They can help in the initial stages of the disease. So, at the first violations with urination, you can take Prostamol Uno. This is a completely natural remedy, made on the basis of serena serenoi. It helps quickly, but the cause of the pathology is not able to eliminate.

Any means, which include, are guaranteed to provide assistance at the initial stage of pathological processes in the prostate.

The most popular is "Tykveol", which not only normalizes the outflow of urine, but also has an analgesic effect.

Decoctions of hazel or hazel leaves will also help to cope with minor disorders in the genitourinary system. Preparing a healing agent is simple: you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the plant with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for 30-40 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Useful for the prostate turn. A decoction of this herb can be taken as a tea, several times a day. The effect will not be slow to manifest itself: urination will become easy and painless. A decoction of thorns is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of herbs is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. They insist all night. Taken during the day.

Effective for congestion in the pelvic area and the growth of prostate tissue stinging nettle. This ubiquitous plant can be of great help in the initial stages of the disease and stop the growth of the tumor.

Combined drugs

A relatively new therapeutic agent is Soniride Duo. It contains two main active ingredients: finasteride and tamsulosin. This medicine is able to quickly eliminate the symptoms of BPH, while simultaneously affecting the cause of the disease. But there is a wide list of contraindications and side effects, which affects the popularity of this drug in clinical practice.

It is almost impossible to cure adenoma on your own

For a successful result, constant therapeutic control is required. It is necessary to undergo studies that reveal the degree of effect of a particular drug.

It is impossible to predict how taking pills will affect the body. Only a doctor can correctly assess all the risks. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications. Therefore, at the first signs of prostate adenoma, it is recommended to consult a urologist.

The treatment of diseases such as prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is of particular interest to the strong half of humanity due to the relevance of pathologies associated with the functioning of the bladder and prostate. To date, the number of successfully performed therapeutic interventions has reached 80%, however, the problem is still not fully resolved. The main reason for the lack of positive results in the treatment of hyperplasia lies in the complications that develop against the background of delayed therapy.

What is prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is one or more nodules formed from the glandular epithelium. Some of them use the stromal component of the prostate gland for further development, but the end result is always the same - squeezing the urethra. As a result, the patient with hyperplasia has problems with emptying, which, if not properly treated, can lead to serious complications.

Violations in the work of the bladder trigger a pathological process that causes severe pain in men when urinating. Hyperplasia is characterized by benign growth, due to which the formation of metastases practically does not occur. With an unfavorable outcome, prostate adenoma can degenerate into malignant cancer, therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should consult a specialist.

ICD-10 code

According to the international classification of diseases, a benign tumor of the prostate or hyperplasia is number 40 and belongs to the class of ailments of the genitourinary system. In addition, pathologies of the male genital organs from this category include: adenofibromatous hypertrophy, fibroadenoma and fibroids. Other neoplasms, other than those listed above, are not included in the list.


Manifestations of prostate adenoma always depend on such indicators as the size, localization and growth rate of the tumor. Due to the violation of contractile functions, the bladder during hyperplasia is forced to be under constant pressure of an excess amount of urine. The inability to remove residual urine negatively affects the state of the whole organism.

A decrease in testosterone levels in the blood causes more than just problems with urination. Most male patients in the urologist's office complain of general weakness, loss of appetite and a sharp decrease in weight with hyperplasia. Sudden anemia or constipation may be the first symptoms of prostate adenoma, heralding complications. In addition, men have:

  • uncontrolled urination;
  • nighttime urge to go to the toilet;
  • frequent or intermittent urination;
  • lack of relief after emptying;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles during urination.

Irritative symptoms

Detecting prostate adenoma by examining irritative symptoms is considered one of the progressive methods of modern medical institutions. Hyperplasia differs from other pathologies in such unpleasant manifestations as urinary incontinence, frequent urination, and regular nighttime urge to go to the toilet. Bladder instability is a major concern for many men over the age of forty. However, timely medical care and treatment can significantly alleviate this symptomatology.

The reasons

Proponents of traditional medicine are firmly convinced that the cause of prostate hyperplasia is solely the age of the patient. The risk of prostate adenoma increases in direct proportion to the number of years a man has lived, so doctors attribute this disease to the inevitable companions of aging. However, according to another version, other factors, such as ecology, also influence the likelihood of developing a tumor.

If we take into account only age-related changes, then the pathological process of hyperplasia begins from the moment of the appearance of disturbances in the hormonal background. Closer to the middle of life, some men have a decrease in the amount of androgen in the blood, which inevitably leads to an increase in another hormone - estrogen. Due to such an imbalance in the patient's body, uncontrolled growth of cells and tissues of the prostate gland can be observed.

According to recent studies, the formation of prostate adenoma is influenced by an unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, malnutrition and lack of sports activities lead to a decrease in immunity, which eventually causes the development of unnatural complications in the body. The period of the formation of the disease takes, on average, from one to three years, after which the treatment of BPH with medications will be difficult.


The clinical picture during the course of hyperplasia can be traced very clearly. Depending on the stage of the disease, the patient has symptoms of a certain nature. For example, at the compensated stage of adenoma, there is a slight urinary retention, which is inherent in the initial form of the disease. Also, frequent nightly visits to the toilet and a sluggish urine stream indicate an enlarged prostate gland.

At the subcompensated stage of hyperplasia, the main signs of BPH increase, the bladder is no longer able to completely empty and function naturally. This is due to squeezing of the urethra, as a result of which the patient feels constant discomfort. The presence of dark urine with blood clots indicates the development of the third stage of prostate hyperplasia, which is called decompensated. During this period, the walls of the bladder are stretched, which negatively affects the work of the kidneys.


In order to accurately diagnose prostate adenoma, more than one medical examination can be carried out. The annual number of male citizens who suffer from acute pain during urination is increasing at a tremendous rate. Healthy patients after 40 years of age are very rare, because even the slightest negative environmental impact affects the state of the body. HR is determined using several methods, the final result of which will give a complete picture of the patient's health status:

  • instrumental diagnostics;
  • laboratory blood and urine tests;
  • IPSS (International Prostatic Symptoms Scale). This test includes eight questions that the patient is asked to answer;
  • radioisotope research;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • analysis for PSA.

Treatment of BPH

At the moment, there are many different ways to treat prostatic hyperplasia, ranging from folk recipes to surgical intervention. The latter option is used only in extreme cases, when all other methods were powerless. Much depends on the stage of development of prostate adenoma, so some patients can be cured by non-operative methods (using drugs), while others have to undergo surgery.


Conservative treatment of prostate adenoma involves several ways to remove excess urine from the urethra. The action of modern drugs is aimed at blocking the development of hyperplasia. When it stops growing, doctors prescribe drugs such as alpha blockers to relieve the pain symptoms of hyperplasia.

Hormone therapy affects the secretion of dihydrotestosterone, thereby slowing down the growth of prostate adenoma. Doctors prescribe drugs: Tamsulosin, Dutasteride or Finasteride. Treatment of a benign tumor is carried out in courses, the minimum period of which is six months. With less prolonged therapy, there is no guarantee of stopping the development of hyperplasia.

Operative method of treatment

There are two types of operations designed to remove prostatic hyperplasia - adenomectomy and prostatectomy. Each of the species differs from each other in a therapeutic way of exposure, however, the result is approximately the same. Surgical intervention is indicated for patients at advanced stages of prostate adenoma, since no other methods have the desired effect. This type of operation is considered the most traumatic for a patient with hyperplasia, since the doctor penetrates through the wall of the bladder.

Minimally invasive methods

Some therapies are based on minimal surgical intervention, however, their use for the treatment of prostate adenoma is possible only in the absence of serious pathologies (acute urinary retention). With such symptoms, the urologist is forced to remove the remaining urine using a catheter that is passed through the urethra into the bladder. Minimally invasive methods of treating hyperplasia include embolization of the arteries of the prostate and enucleation. In the first and second cases, operations are performed without incisions, through the urethra.

Alternative treatment

Traditional medicine contains many useful recipes that are used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for prostate hyperplasia. For example, patients with prostate adenoma are advised to drink one glass of pumpkin juice every day, or at least add raw pumpkin seeds to their diet. In addition, it is very useful to eat walnuts with honey. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants have a special therapeutic effect, so they are drunk two or three times a day.


To maintain the immune system and health, it is necessary to take care of your body from a young age. Prevention of prostate adenoma includes three main areas of activity: proper nutrition, exercise and regular medical examinations. Rational nutrition can become a source of all the necessary elements for the full functioning of the body. Special exercises will increase muscle tone, thereby improving immunity. Doctors recommend taking tests every six months to prevent the development of adenoma.

Video: treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

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Diagnosis and treatment of prostate adenoma

The content of the article:

In this article, we will take a closer look at modern methods for diagnosing and treating prostate adenoma, or as it is now called benign prostatic hyperplasia.


One of the most common prostate diseases is prostate adenoma or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This pathology is so common that some researchers talk about its inevitability for any man. According to official medical statistics, benign prostatic hyperplasia affects about 80% of males who have reached the age of eighty. The first histological manifestations are observed after 40 years - stromal nodules that have arisen in the prostate gland (in the periurethral region of its transition zone) testify to the disease. After the formation of nodes, the actual prostatic hyperplasia (PG) develops.

Symptoms of BPH are primarily associated with urinary problems. The passage of urine through the urinary tract is hampered by detrusor dysfunction and infravesical obstruction. Obstructive phenomena are due to the fact that the size of the prostate gland grows, and the lumen of the urethra becomes smaller over time - a mechanical component. In addition, the pathological process is aggravated by a dynamic component - the muscle fibers of the prostate gland and the posterior urethra come into increased tone.

In some patients of the older age category, the above pathological phenomena are supplemented by damage to the smooth muscle tissues of the bladder of a stressor (effect of catecholamines) and ischemic nature (vasospasm). Adrenoreceptors and sympathetic nerve fibers are the efferent part of the stress response. In such situations, due to the excessive action of catecholamines on the bladder, bioenergy disturbances appear, and the work of the detrusor worsens. Therefore, problems with urination are aggravated, and the patient has to go to a medical facility.

The standard treatment for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia is surgical intervention - transurethral resection of the pancreas. However, in recent years, an increasing role is given to drug treatment of this disease. Today, modern physicians have many new drugs at their disposal, and indications for taking drugs are expanding.

Given the wide range of available drugs, it is very important to correctly formulate indications and choose the right medicine for a particular patient. Before prescribing drug therapy, each patient must undergo the diagnostics shown in such cases.

Diagnosis of prostate adenoma in men

Today's diagnostic methods provide accurate data with minimal invasiveness. There are two groups of diagnostic methods of the prostate gland: basic and clarifying.

The main methods for diagnosing prostate adenoma

Collection of historical data.

Urination diary.

· Physical examination.

Rectal digital examination.

· Ultrasound examination of the kidneys of the bladder, assessment of the volume of residual urine.

· Analysis of urine.

· Application of the IPSS-QoL(BS) questionnaire.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland (transrectal).


· Serum PSA analysis.

According to modern requirements, the purpose of diagnosis is not only to recognize prostatic hyperplasia and identify complications, but also to identify factors that increase the risk of further development of the disease.

Risk Factors for BPH

These risk factors are currently considered to be:

An overall IPSS score greater than 7.

Prostate volume greater than 30 cm3 (assessed by transrectal ultrasound).

Excessive volume of residual urine determined by ultrasound - more than 200 ml.

· Qmax (maximum urination rate) below 12 ml/s (this value is estimated using uroflowmetry).

· PSA value from 1.4 ng/ml.

That is, if a patient has symptoms of pancreatic hyperplasia (more than 7 points according to the results of the questionnaire), the maximum rate of urination is reduced, there is an increase in the pancreas or PSA in the blood serum rises, the risk of needing surgery increases significantly - 4 times compared with patients who there are no such clinical manifestations. Each of the indicators described above is of great diagnostic value and should be taken into account when determining the treatment regimen for patients (in some cases, it may be preventive).

Additional methods for diagnosing BPH

Clarifying diagnostic methods are used when:

• the results of the initial surveys contradict each other;

· there is a need to differentiate BPH from other pathologies;

planned surgical procedure

· the previous course of treatment of prostate adenoma did not give positive results and it is necessary to find out the reason for the ineffectiveness of therapy.

The traditional refinement methods are:

· Comprehensive urodynamic study.
· Retrograde urethrocystography.
· Excretory urography.

In addition, relatively new methods are used:

Echo-urodynamic study.
· Transrectal Doppler echocardiography.
Voiding multispiral cystourethrography.

Let's talk in more detail about modern methods of imaging in the diagnosis of BPH.

Doppler ultrasound very informative in terms of diagnosing malignant tumors of the pancreas. This examination method shows better results than a simple ultrasound. Its specificity is 85% and sensitivity reaches 65%. In addition, risk factors determined by Doppler ultrasound (the possibility of intraoperative bleeding) make it possible to determine the course of surgical interventions, taking into account the position of overly vascularized areas. It also becomes possible to evaluate the need for preoperative therapy (5α-reductase inhibitor) in order to reduce the above risk.

echo-urodynamic method used to assess the contractility of the detrusor. In addition, it is possible to visualize the prostatic urethra and bladder neck during urination. This diagnostic method is used if it is necessary to differentiate benign hyperplasia from other conditions of the prostate associated with urinary disorders (strictures, urethral stones, detrusor hypotension).

Cystourethrography using a multispiral tomograph- an informative method of visualization of the lower urinary tract at the time of the urination process. This technique accurately identifies anatomical changes in the urinary tract (for example, after surgical procedures). Therefore, it is often used before repeated surgical interventions.

MRI It is necessary, first of all, for the diagnosis of malignant tumors with the determination of their stage. In addition, the data obtained using MRI, give an accurate picture of structural changes in the pancreas, help to assess its growth and size (which makes it easier for doctors to plan surgical interventions). However, MRI also has its drawbacks - first of all, the impossibility of good visualization of the lower urinary tract.

So, the use of modern methods for examining patients with BPH makes it possible to diagnose hyperplasia, to identify the features of its development in a particular patient, on the basis of which an individual treatment regimen is developed. If surgical intervention is required for hyperplasia, it becomes possible to more rationally plan operations (including repeated ones).

Treatment of prostate adenoma in men

Specialists of the European Association of Urology have developed recommendations for the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The goal of treating BPH, according to these recommendations, is:

Slow down the hyperplastic process in the pancreas.

Improving the quality of life of patients with urination disorders.

· In some (few) cases - prolongation of life of patients with a complicated course of the disease.

Patients diagnosed with prostatic hyperplasia are treated with both conservative and surgical methods. A conservative approach involves drug therapy or is reduced to dynamic monitoring of the patient's condition. In this case, the patient must regularly visit a medical institution. The intervals between examinations should be approximately one year. Simple observation of the patient is permissible only when the symptoms are mild and do not cause the patient tangible discomfort, and when there are no absolute indications for surgical intervention.

Usually, the treatment of patients with BPH involves drug therapy. In recent decades, many new drugs have been developed to treat this disease. Therefore, the number of surgical operations for BPH has significantly decreased to date.

Drugs used in modern medical practice for the treatment of prostate adenoma give a good result with minimal side effects. So drugs are divided into three groups.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with medicines

All of the above medications are able to relieve unpleasant symptoms and positively affect the objective indicators of urination.

In addition, each of the drugs used can have effects that determine additional indications for their use in a particular case. For example, α1-blockers are characterized by increased speed of action - the result becomes noticeable after a few days. Also, after a series of studies, it was possible to find out that tamsulosin and doxazosin help not only with acute urinary retention, but also prevent postoperative ischuria (urinary retention). Doxazosin, alfuzosin, terazosin have a hypotensive effect, and therefore they are recommended for the treatment of patients prone to high blood pressure. And if a patient with prostatic hyperplasia suffers from coronary artery disease, the choice is made in favor of tamsulosin, which improves the performance of the heart.

Taking 5α-reductase inhibitors not only leads to a decrease in the prostate (by about a third), but also helps to relieve the manifestations of gross hematuria in patients with pancreatic hyperplasia. In addition, these drugs can be used to reduce intraoperative blood loss (for this purpose, they are prescribed during the preparation of the patient for surgery for transurethral resection of the pancreas).

Results from the PCPT study showed that the 5α-reductase inhibitor finasteride was able to reduce the chance of developing prostate cancer by about 25%. Another authoritative study (MTOPS) helped to find out that a course of monotherapy with this drug reduces the risk of progression of hyperplasia by half. And if you combine it with an α1-blocker, then this risk is reduced by 67%. That is, the combination of two drugs is indicated not only for the rapid elimination of problems with urination, but also helps to prevent complications associated with hyperplasia (such as acute urinary retention).

Of the herbal remedies, the preparations Permixon, Prostamol uno with Serenoa repens extract were most studied. This extract helps to reduce the size of the enlarged pancreas (up to about 20%). The research results confirm the decongestant properties of the extract and its ability to reduce the inflammatory process. For this reason, it is indicated for patients with concomitant chronic prostatitis.

Features of the treatment of prostate adenoma

In conclusion, it should be added that effective therapy for BPH requires that patients take an active part in the treatment process. Therefore, the patient needs to be told about all the features of his illness, to inform him about the possible consequences, to provide information about different methods of treatment (with all their advantages and disadvantages).
Fully informing the patient is extremely important, because it concerns the quality of his life. And he has the right to decide which of the possible ways the therapy will be carried out. That is, a treatment plan is developed taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease in a given patient and based on his personal wishes. Subject to all of the above principles, drug therapy usually leads to a marked improvement in the patient's condition.

Further research in this direction is based on the latest achievements of scientific medicine and therefore has great prospects.

Prostate adenoma is a common disease diagnosed more often in men over 50 years of age. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is manifested by the growth of tissues without their malignancy. The pathology is characterized by symptoms such as impaired urination, discomfort and heaviness in the groin. However, these same signs may also indicate oncological neoplasms in the prostate.

Adenoma - proliferation of glandular tissue of the prostate, accompanied by a significant increase in the volume of the gland

Causes and symptoms

The reasons for the development of BPH lie in hormonal imbalances: the body undergoes a change in metabolism that affects the conversion of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone, the regulator of which is 5a-reductase. Substances such as estrogens and 5a-androstenediols also affect the content of androgen receptors. A decrease in the number of the latter leads to the activation of a 1 -adrenergic receptors, which causes contraction of the muscle fibers of the prostate, bladder and urethral canal. All these are factors provoking the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia. An increase in estrogen in the blood often leads to a stromal type of adenoma.

Symptoms of the disease are urination disorders: urine leakage, lethargy of the jet, tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall during emptying of the bladder.

Frequent urination at night can cause sleep disturbances

In connection with the emerging changes in its sphincter and part of the urethral canal, over time, patients begin to develop pollakiuria, pain during urination, and urinary incontinence.

Principles of treatment

Treatment at the initial stage is carried out with medications. The drug is always selected taking into account the age of the man, the presence of concomitant diseases and the degree of dysfunction of the prostate and urinary organs.

The main objectives of therapy are to normalize the quality of life, reduce the symptoms of the disease, and prevent its progression. If the enlarged prostate gland causes a serious violation of urination, surgical treatment is performed. If the patient for some reason refuses such a surgical intervention, he is also prescribed medications that help improve the quality of life.

Conservative therapy for hyperplasia involves long-term, sometimes lifelong, medication.

The drugs Finasteride and Dutasteride are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and are indicated for the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. These medicines help prevent the overgrowth of her tissues. Blocking the 5-alpha enzyme can reduce the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone, resulting in a decrease in prostate volume. Tablets are prescribed for men with a prostate size of more than 40 mm. They are most effective at PSA values ​​of 1.3 ng/mL. Results from the use of medications are observed after 3-5 months.

Drugs Terazosin, Tamsulosin are prescribed not so much to reduce the size of the prostate gland, but to expand the urinary canal, narrowed due to the connection of the hormone with a 1 -adrenergic receptors.

Medicines restore the process of urination and prevent the stagnation of urine.

Terazosin may be marketed under other brand names

Adrenoblockers reduce the activity of muscle fibers and reduce the tone of prostate tissues, as a result of which smooth muscles relax and urine begins to flow freely through the urinary tract. Symptoms of difficulty urinating may decrease as early as two weeks from the start of therapy with these drugs. Side effects are manifested in the form of dizziness, hypotension, migraine and retrograde ejaculation.

The use of herbal remedies

The use of various preparations made on the basis of plant extracts is also indicated for prostate adenoma. Some time ago, preparations from St. John's wort, parsley, nettle, lingonberries were used. It is far from convenient for all patients to prepare decoctions, infusions, which, moreover, have a very short shelf life. It is much more convenient to take medicinal products consisting of plant extracts in the form of tablets, elixirs, capsules.

Phytotherapeutic capsules have all the beneficial properties of medicinal plants

Doctors believe that such herbal medicines are effective in the treatment of gland hyperplasia due to the phytosterols they contain, which can reduce inflammation in tissues, treat prostatitis, normalize the size of the organ, and prevent its further growth.


The drug Tykveol is produced in Russia by two pharmaceutical companies. The drug can be purchased in the form of an oil solution, capsules and rectal suppositories. It stimulates the regenerative capacity of tissues and metabolic processes.

Tykveol improves the functions of the gallbladder and liver, is a powerful antioxidant.

When using Tykveol suppositories, the active substance begins to act in the immediate vicinity of the affected organ

The antiandrogenic properties of the drug prevent cell proliferation in the prostate with its adenoma, improve microcirculation and relieve pain. In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, preventing the deposition of cholesterol plaques in them. Internal reception of Tykveol is contraindicated in case of stomach ulcer and cholelithiasis. Rectal suppositories are prescribed for hyperplasia of the gland, chronic prostatitis, erectile disorders.


The drug Koprivit consists of wheat germ oils, nettle seed, pumpkin seeds, tocopherol. All these substances normalize urination, increase potency, impaired as a result of prostatitis and prostate hyperplasia. Pumpkin seed oil strengthens the muscles of the bladder, normalizes the work of its sphincter.

Nettle seeds - a well-known folk remedy for improving potency

Nettle seeds are rich in phytosterols, which help the body synthesize sex hormones and improve overall well-being. Tocopherols have a positive effect on erectile function, increase potency. Koprovit must be taken in the morning and evening, 2-3 capsules for three months.


The drug Speman contains a complex of plant components that have a beneficial effect on men's health. It consists of seeds of beans, lettuce, asterkant, rhizome of argirea, parmelia, tribulus, leptadenia. Speman has a pronounced prostatotropic effect, improving the blood supply to the prostate gland, the quality of sperm. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the manifestations of prostatitis. After a course of taking Speman, the process of urination normalizes. The drug is indicated for prostate hyperplasia, its inflammation, male infertility, a tendency to premature ejaculation.

Despite the completely natural composition of the drug, there are contraindications to the use of Speman

Speman should be taken for one and a half months, two tablets three times a day.

Then the course should be continued for one month with a decrease in dosages. If allergies and nausea occur, the use of the drug should be discontinued. Speman should be used with caution in cardiosclerosis, a tendency to thromboembolism, hypervitaminosis, after myocardial infarction.

Indications for surgical treatment

Surgical intervention is indicated for those patients whose treatment of prostate adenoma in which medication is ineffective, and at the same time the quality of life worsens. With existing serious complications, an open adenomectomy is performed. Transurethral resection is less traumatic, since it does not cut healthy tissues. Patients after such an operation recover much faster. TURP is indicated for elderly patients suffering from other chronic diseases.

Electroincision through the urethra allows intervention with minimal harm to the general condition of the patient

There are other methods of surgical treatment of prostate adenoma, which are carried out with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy: electrovaporization and needle ablation of the gland. These methods are indicated for small prostates. Elderly patients can undergo transurethral electroincision. It is indicated for debilitated patients suffering from chronic diseases.

Medical treatment is not carried out if:

  • there is a suspicion of prostate cancer;
  • there are scars in the pelvic organs;
  • calculi were found in the bladder;
  • the patient suffers from renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • the body reacts negatively to the drugs.

Conservative therapy is prescribed only after a thorough examination of the patient.

Pharmacies should only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

With extreme caution, medications should be selected if the man has concomitant diseases. With dysfunctions of the liver and kidneys, the dosage of drugs should be reduced. If, against the background of conservative treatment, the patient experiences negative reactions from the body (dizziness, migraine, nausea, allergies, pain in the digestive tract, diarrhea, heart disorders), a more suitable drug should be selected or dosages adjusted.

After the course of treatment, the patient must undergo a second examination, which is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of treatment with medications. If the patient's condition worsens and there is no positive effect from taking the drugs, the question of surgical treatment of prostate adenoma is raised. The type of operation is chosen by the urologist and surgeon, depending on the degree of symptoms and changes in the volume of the gland.

From the video you will learn about how prostatic hyperplasia is treated:

BPH is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. The disease, its other name is adenoma, is an active proliferation of prostate tissues, the formation of nodules in them. Pathology due to lack of space causes clamping of the urethra, which leads to serious problems.

Diclofenac. Rectal suppositories are medicines for prostate adenoma aimed at eliminating inflammation.

Dosage - 2 suppositories per day, apply for 7 days.


  • kidney failure.

Buscopan. Pills from prostate adenoma - are used to weaken the muscles of internal organs.

Dosage - 1 suppository per day for 14 days.


  • glaucoma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • atherosclerosis.

Vitol. Candles of natural origin, contain nut oil and tea tree oil. Used in inflammatory processes, relieve swelling.

Dosage 2 suppositories per day. The course of treatment is 14 days.


  • component intolerance.

Due to the fact that the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia with drugs is often not effective, minimally invasive methods and drugs for the treatment of BPH have been developed in recent years.

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