Mineral tooth gel. Side effects, overdose, interaction. General characteristics of the series

Caries is a complex and slowly proceeding pathological process in solids. It develops as a result of a complex adverse effect of internal and external factors.

Consequences of dental diseases

B is characterized by demineralization (focal) of the inorganic layer of enamel and the destruction of its organic matrix. As a result, this leads to the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth and contributes to the formation of a cavity in the dentin.

If such a disease is not treated, then the patient may experience inflammatory complications from the periodontium and pulp.

So high and other dental problems? For this, the Rox gel is often used. To strengthen the teeth, this tool is perfect.

general information

Gel "Rocks" was developed specifically to restore the structure of enamel at home. Its important feature is its versatility. Gel "Rocks" can be used by children (including small ones), adults and the elderly. In addition, it is allowed to use courses and regularly.

The composition of this product is completely safe for human health. Its effectiveness has been proven in clinical trials. Also, experts found that the Rox gel has no contraindications.


For what purpose do clients of dental clinics use Roks gel? Reviews indicate that it is designed to strengthen teeth. This special series was created with the aim of high-quality care for the enamel and the oral cavity as a whole.

Using the Rox dental preparation (gel) to strengthen your teeth, you will notice its effective action very soon.

According to patients, this is the best way to restore the enamel and restore the beauty and whiteness of the smile. Regularly using the gel, consumers observe:

  • noticeable whitening effect (by about four tones);
  • reduction of tooth sensitivity to such irritating factors as cold, hyperacidity, heat, etc.;
  • return of natural whiteness and shine after plaque removal;
  • improving the appearance of enamel after prolonged wearing of braces, as well as with fluorosis;
  • fight against developed caries;
  • restoration of microflora in the oral cavity.

It should also be noted that the Rox gel is also used to prevent carious manifestations.

Features of the composition of the drug

Remineralizing gel "Rocks" can be used by both adults and young children. Regular use of this tool contributes to the formation of a special film on the surface of the tooth.

According to the instructions, this drug contains xylitol. It is this substance that fights the development of caries, and is also responsible for improving the microflora in the oral cavity.

It should also be noted that the gel in question contains various biological compounds that are rich in elements such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. These substances have a strengthening effect on the enamel and reduce the development of dental diseases.

Remineralizing gel "Rocks" can be used by those who are prohibited from using fluorine-containing products. As a rule, this category of patients includes people with impaired mineral metabolism, kidney stones, thyroid diseases, kidney failure, and various forms of osteoporosis.

Use in children

Gel "Rocks" to strengthen the teeth is often prescribed for children. Its important feature is that it is absolutely safe. The composition of this product does not include fluorine, and therefore, there is no possibility of poisoning when it is swallowed.

Gel "Rocks", designed specifically for children, has a pleasant fruity taste. He successfully passed all clinical trials among a group of schoolchildren. Experts managed to fix a decrease in the occurrence of caries up to 4 times. This is a very good indicator. After all, no equipment was used to eliminate dental problems.

Gel "Rocks": instructions for use

Each patient chooses whether to use this remedy on an ongoing basis or use it as a course treatment. It must be remembered that clinical studies have not revealed any harmful effects of this drug on human health with its regular use.

According to experts, if this remedy is used only for course therapy, then it must be carried out at least three times a year. The standard duration of application of the gel is 14 days.

It is extremely important to remember that the stability of the result already obtained depends on the correct implementation of hygiene procedures, as well as compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist.

So how should this gel be used? First, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste. After that, a therapeutic gel is applied to the brush and hygiene procedures are carried out again. The optimal frequency of use of this remedy is twice a day: after breakfast and before bedtime.

To make the effect of the drug more effective, after applying it to the teeth, you need to wait about half an hour. In this case, it is forbidden to eat food and liquid. In addition, some experts argue that the effectiveness of the agent in question will be more pronounced if it is applied to caps. These are products made of plastic, which are made according to a unique cast of a human jaw. They are absolutely safe and allow the gel to maximally affect the enamel.

The price of a dental preparation

How much does the gel we are considering cost? You can buy this remedy at any pharmacy. It is sold in tubes of 25, 45 and 35 g, as well as bags of 11 g.

Experts recommend using a disposable gel. According to them, the drug in sachets is more effective, as it is protected from environmental influences, while the composition in the tube is constantly subject to oxidation (when the cap is opened).

To date, this drug is produced with a neutral taste, as well as with fruit and mint. The price for one tube of this product varies between 290-380 rubles.

Of course, the Rox gel will never replace the one carried out in the dentist's office. But it is this drug that contributes to a significant extension and maintenance of the effect of such a procedure.

After using the gel, your teeth will become less sensitive. They will no longer react to cold or hot food, and will also become stronger and whiter.

The need to improve your teeth can occur at any age. Sometimes they also need remineralization. To this end, dentists prescribe special medications to patients. Among them is the Rox gel. We learn in detail about its features, method of application, limitations.

The composition and properties of the gel

Xylitol is an ingredient in this drug. The substance inhibits the development of microorganisms, prevents bacterial infections, protects teeth and gums from inflammation. The antibacterial protection that the drug provides reduces the likelihood of caries. Other components of the gel, and these are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protect the teeth by forming a stable film on their surface. The drug itself has a light consistency, which facilitates its penetration into the chewing organs. The active substances of Rox act longer than other drugs of the same purpose.

The gel helps to carry out preventive cleaning to avoid caries; removes pigmentation; improves the appearance of teeth with fluorosis; restores enamel after wearing braces. This drug helps to whiten teeth by 4-5 tones. After applying the gel, they acquire a natural shine, and the bacterial composition of saliva is maintained in a stable state.

Since the instructions say that there is no fluoride in the preparation for strengthening the teeth, even if it is swallowed, it will not cause harm. Gel Rocks can be used for young children, for whom it is specially produced with different tastes.

When drinking water contains a lot of fluorine in its composition, the medicine penetrates into those places where it accumulates, eliminating it. It is worth noting that this particular remedy is suitable for strengthening teeth for those people who cannot use fluoride-containing preparations for this purpose. This is a category of patients with kidney and endocrine diseases.

The aesthetic effect of the drug is that in just a few weeks it will significantly improve the appearance of the teeth, make the smile of a man or woman attractive.

One of the main advantages of Rox gel for strengthening teeth is its safety. It can be used by nursing mothers and pregnant women.

If a person suffers from osteoporosis, then such a drug will help keep the teeth healthy and protect them from destruction.

About the use of adult gel

According to the instructions, the gel should be applied to the toothbrush and brush your teeth like a regular toothpaste. After the procedure, it is necessary to leave it for a few minutes in order for the minerals to penetrate into the edentulous canals of the tooth. It is enough to clean the gel once a day. If the teeth are sensitive, then soon after applying the gel this problem can be forgotten.

Gel Rocks and strengthening children's teeth

It's no secret that children are afraid of doctors. This also applies to dentists.

But today, the condition of the teeth of babies wants the best. Therefore, using a gel to strengthen their chewing organs is an excellent option for caring for children's teeth at home.

Baby gel has the following advantages: maintains the balance of minerals; reduces tooth sensitivity; restores their aesthetic appearance; eliminates harmful microorganisms; has a pleasant taste.

The only limitation in its use for babies may be the presence of casein in the composition. It is a protein found in cow's milk. And if the child has an allergy to this substance, it is better to refuse the use of the drug. This limitation is the only one in its use for young patients.

If we are talking about the use of Rox gel to strengthen children's teeth, then it is applied to a soft toothbrush in the size of a pea. Teeth are brushed, gums are massaged, the mouth is rinsed with water. There is nothing wrong with swallowing the drug by a child.

By the way, parents note the effect of using the gel in the care of the milk and permanent organs of chewing their children.

So, Rox gel is an affordable, safe and reliable way to get a radiant and healthy smile.

Proper oral care can help prevent a number of problems; This applies to children as much as parents.

Remineralizing gel Rox is a universal remedy. It can be used by adults and children.

Consider what it is when applied.

Is it possible to use the remedy in childhood

The tool is universal, can be used from infancy.

For many kids, the hospital and the doctor cause panic and stress.

To improve the condition of your baby's teeth at home, you need to take care of proper nutrition. But the young body cannot fully absorb the necessary substances.

This negative effect is the active use of sweets, poor-quality brushing of teeth.

Then Rox helps. You can use it even for the smallest, whose milk teeth are just beginning to grow.

The main task of Rox Minerals dental gel for children is to strengthen teeth and prevent a number of problems with the oral cavity.

Composition, release form

The drug is available in the form of a gel., which contains magnesium, phosphorus, xylitol, strengthening the surface, whitening enamel. Xylitol also helps to protect the tooth from infectious lesions, helps other components to better penetrate inside to protect teeth and gums.

The peculiarity of the composition is the absence of fluorine in it. Therefore, the gel has practically no contraindications, it is safe if accidentally swallowed, and can be used in areas with a high fluorine content in water.

Properties, effect on the child's body

The main action of the Roks Medical Minerals gel for children is to strengthen the teeth. It helps to provide high-quality care for enamel and oral cavity.

The medication is one of the best for enamel restoration, its whitening.

Helps fight existing cavities, helps to restore the microflora of the oral cavity, to improve the appearance of the dentition, reduce sensitivity, prevent caries and a number of other problems.

For children, Rox is most often prescribed to strengthen tooth enamel.. Studies have shown that it reduces the risk of tooth decay by almost four times.

It has a pleasant fruity taste, which is an additional advantage.

Indications and contraindications Rocs Medical Mineral

For young children, Rocs can be used when they are just starting.

The indication for use may be caries or the need for its prevention., increased susceptibility and sensitivity of teeth to temperature changes, change in taste. Assign it to strengthen and prevent diseases of the teeth, after removing the braces.

There are no contraindications, age restrictions. The composition contains the protein casein. If the baby is allergic to this component, the use is not recommended.

Instructions for use

Rocks mineral gel can be used for children both permanently and temporarily. If you use it as a course, then it is usually 14 days, repeated no more than 1-3 times a year.

The effectiveness of the remedy will be determined by the correct use. First, the teeth are cleaned in the usual way, then the composition is applied to the toothbrush and distributed over the tooth enamel.

The drug is usually used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.. After application, it is recommended to withstand half an hour without eating and drinking. Similarly, the remedy is used when caries appears at the stage of a white spot or to prevent a problem.

For these purposes, it can be used in courses or permanently., but the decision on this should be made by a specialist.

Also, dentists are sometimes advised to use dental caps that improve the effect of the gel. They are made of plastic according to an individual cast of the jaw.

Thanks to caps, the active substances in the gel composition have a maximum effect on tooth enamel.

How to use correctly

The composition is applied to the cleaned surface of the teeth using a toothbrush. It is left for a while to soak.

Can be used instead of toothpaste although the gel consumption will be quite large.

If the child is small, the product can be applied with a finger or a very soft brush, lightly rubbing into the gums and enamel.

Even if the baby swallows a small amount of the drug, it's not scary. The gel is much better than the paste: it gets into hard-to-reach areas, promotes mineralization, enamel restoration.

For general strengthening of teeth, prevention of caries, and other problems mineralizing gel Rocks with calcium used for children in the usual way - by brushing.

For small children, one small pea is enough, which is distributed over the enamel.

How effective is the drug for strengthening teeth and against caries

After a few days of using the product, the teeth become smoother, become whiter.. If you use the remedy for some more time, the sensitivity of the teeth will decrease, they will react less to cold or hot, and the risks of the appearance and development of caries will decrease.

If Rox is unable to cope with the tasks assigned to him, you need to consult a dentist.: He may prescribe other drugs or certain dental procedures.

Side effects, overdose, interaction

Side effects of the drug were not found. The same applies to cases of overdose. Even if accidentally swallowed, there will be no danger. Caution is needed only if you are allergic to the components of the gel.

It is important to make sure that there are no allergies to the components.

Parents should take care of the proper diet of the baby. It is necessary to limit the amount of flour, sweets in it, enrich the menu with products containing calcium, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Proper nutrition determines not only the condition of the teeth, but also the health of the baby as a whole.

The condition of the enamel is affected by infections of the oral cavity, malocclusion, diseases of internal organs.

Learn more about the effectiveness and rules for using the Rox gel from a specialist in the following video:

In addition to the use of the drug, you should think about taking vitamins, regular sanitation of teeth. It is best to start taking care of the health of the baby's oral cavity even at the stage of pregnancy, using the Rox composition, which is allowed for both children and expectant mothers.

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To have a beautiful smile, you need strong and healthy teeth. Bad habits and a wrong way of life destroy the enamel, making them ugly and fragile. How to keep your teeth healthy? Is it possible to strengthen enamel at home? If yes, what is needed for this? The answers to all these questions are below.

Tooth structure and enamel features

The tooth, both for children and adults, can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: crown, cervical and root. The first of them is located above the gum, and the other two parts are immersed in the tissues of the alveoli. The cavity inside the tooth is filled with connective tissue with many nerve endings - the pulp. The top of the crown is covered with enamel, which is the hardest tissue in the human body.

What is enamel? What is its role in human life? So, enamel is a transparent film that covers the surface of all teeth and protects them from external influences. For 95-97% it consists of minerals, including calcium and phosphorus. The enamel layer is a crystalline structure that includes small prisms of hydroxylapatites. Such a porous network is the reason that acids easily penetrate the enamel and displace minerals. The resulting acidic environment causes the development of caries, which, if left untreated, can progress to painful pulpitis.

When caring for the oral cavity, do not forget about the gums. With the help of bristles of medium hardness, they can be lightly massaged. To relax your mouth, you will need a soft brush. After the massage, it would be good to use a conditioner. It is both an antiseptic and a tonic.

How to restore the erased enamel, because any damage to it can lead to irreversible consequences, and it will not be able to recover itself? In this case, the mineralization method is used, as a result of which the enamel is strengthened by saturating it with minerals.

When is a remineralizing gel indicated?

Remineralizing gel is a special tool for strengthening teeth, high-quality care for enamel and the entire oral cavity. It is used for:

Strengthening and whitening teeth

There are many ways that help not only reduce the likelihood of cavities, but also strengthen teeth. One of them is an enamel remineralization gel (we recommend reading:). He is able to improve her condition and reduce sensitivity to changes in food temperature.

The gel contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and xylitol. Thanks to this composition, it replenishes the mineral balance of the teeth and, thereby, strengthens them. This gel can be used at home. The main thing is to act according to the instructions.

All that is required of you is to brush your teeth with a regular toothpaste, use a mouthwash and apply a thin strip of remineralizing gel. To obtain a visible result, the whitening gel is used for at least one month. After this therapy, the teeth become whiter by at least 2 tones.

The composition of mineralizing preparations includes special components that protect the teeth from exposure to the active substance. Enamel whitening with gel can be done in several ways:

  1. using a toothbrush on which the product is applied;
  2. using a brush that is included with the gel;
  3. placing the gel in mouthguards.

Slowing down the carious process

Remineralizing gels contain special components that create a transparent film around the teeth. It protects the latter from the effects of acids that are formed in the mouth due to the absorption of carbohydrates by bacteria. This function of the gels provides not only the prevention of caries, but also the slowing down of its development. Remineralizing therapy for carious tooth damage looks like this:

  1. thorough cleaning of the tooth from plaque and pellicle (we recommend reading:);
  2. use of rinse aid;
  3. treatment of the damaged area with a multi-percentage acid (for example, 40% citric acid) for additional cleaning and preparation for the next procedure;
  4. applying a remineralizing gel to the site of damage (by application or by electrophoresis).

10-20 procedures and a white spot on the tooth, indicating the initial stage of caries, should disappear. The enamel then takes on its natural color.

Description of Rocs gel and its properties

Remineralizing gel Medical Rocs is designed to restore enamel at home. It has been clinically proven that its composition is absolutely safe for both adults and children, including infants.

Rocks gel is characterized by the following properties:

  • removal of white spots, indicating the initial stage of development of caries;
  • improvement of the external condition of the dentition;
  • decreased sensitivity of the enamel;
  • brushing teeth to prevent caries;
  • restoration of enamel after braces;
  • teeth whitening up to 5 tones;
  • the enamel becomes shiny after using the gel;
  • oral flora returns to normal.

The composition of the product

Rocks minerals are based on the following components:

  1. calcium and phosphorus - to strengthen the enamel;
  2. magnesium - to maintain the interaction of active components;
  3. xylitol - to protect teeth from infections and replenish mineral balance.

Due to the fact that the gel forms a protective film over the entire surface of the tooth, minerals enter the dental tissue all the time. Rox Gel does not contain fluoride, which means that it is safe to swallow and can be used even by children.

Instructions for use

Mineralizing gel is applied exclusively to brushed teeth. The paste should not contain fluorine. To evenly distribute the gel over the surface of the teeth, you must use a toothbrush. After applying Rox, it is advisable not to drink anything and not eat for at least 40 minutes. Frequency of use - twice a day for at least two weeks.

For a more pronounced effect, experts recommend using a mouth guard, in which Rox is placed for about 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth after using the drug is not recommended.

For adults

Strengthening Mineral gel Roks is ideal for those who are contraindicated in toothpastes with fluoride (see also:). These include patients with nephrolithiasis, mineral metabolism disorders, various forms of osteoporosis, thyroid problems, etc. Also, this type of gel is suitable for those who live in areas where the fluorine content in the water is overestimated.

For kids

To begin with, the baby must be taught how to use the Rocs Medical Minerals preparation on their own, since they will have to use it daily. A pea-sized gel will suffice for a child. It must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the teeth. At the same time, the layer of the drug should be thin. Rocs minerals paste is absolutely safe and this has been proven in many clinical trials. Pregnancy and lactation are also not a reason for not using this drug.

One could assume that he does not have any contraindications at all, but still there is one caveat. It contains casein, a protein found in cow's milk, and the baby may have an allergic reaction to it. In this case, the use of this tool is not recommended.

Gel analogs

So far, there is no absolute analogue to Rocs Minerals gel, but there is a very close one - Tooth Mousse. It also strengthens tooth enamel and heals gums.

To restore the enamel and its remineralization, dentists recommend using preparations similar to Rox:

  1. gel Lacalut fluor;
  2. Protefix dental gel;
  3. Apident Active;
  4. Elmex Gelee;
  5. Splat Likvum-Gel;
  6. Miradent Mirafluor.

If you want your smile to shine with whiteness and give a great mood not only to you, but also to those around you, do not forget to take care of your teeth and visit the dentist twice a year. He will tell you how to properly care for them, and how to remineralize tooth enamel at home.

To prevent caries, there are many tools that help keep a person's teeth healthy, strong. These include rocs medical minerals gel. It has unique properties that help strengthen enamel, make it stronger and avoid various dental diseases. What is included in the composition?

ROCS Medical Minerals Gel - Composition

The gel contains phosphorus and magnesium, calcium and xylitol, which allows you to strengthen the enamel and make it whiter by several tones. In addition, xylitol helps protect teeth from infections, increases the ability of other components to penetrate to protect teeth and gums. The gel also creates a protective film that helps create an antibacterial barrier in the oral cavity.

Gel features

The gel has many unique properties that toothpaste does not have, so the use of rocs medical minerals gel is very useful for people of any age.

For example, he can:

  • To carry out cleaning with a preventive purpose in order to avoid the formation of caries;
  • Removes white spots - harbingers of caries without a trace;
  • Helps improve the appearance of teeth;
  • May reduce enamel sensitivity;
  • It copes well with the restoration of enamel after wearing braces;
  • Whitens teeth up to 5 shades;
  • Teeth begin to shine after applying the gel;
  • The bacterial composition of the oral mucosa after the use of the agent is normal.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of the teeth, spots appear on them over time, they darken, turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and the teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest tool - Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect..

It has the following properties:

  • Evens out damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Restores natural whiteness, smoothness and shine to teeth

Indications for use

The gel can be used:

  • In babies from the appearance of the first teeth for the prevention of caries;
  • In pregnant women in order to preserve enamel during pregnancy;
  • And for everyone who wants to keep their teeth strong and healthy for a long time.

In addition, doctors recommend it to those who have tooth sensitivity, wore braces, or for some reason have a weakened enamel structure. Since the product does not contain fluorine, it can be used by everyone without exception, especially those who cannot use pastes with fluorine-containing substances due to their illness (endocrine, renal, and others).

With poor oral hygiene not only caries occurs, but also plaque, stones form. The teeth are subjected to a double load, because in the presence of a stone, the gums are loosened, the gum pockets become inflamed. Also oral infections can affect whole body problems in general: the occurrence of kidney problems, dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, connective tissue. This is especially true for people with autoimmune diseases.

Instructions for use

In order to use the gel, you must decide what it will be used for. It is usually applied to the cleaned surface of the teeth with a brush and left for a while to absorb.

You can use gel instead of paste, however, the expense will be somewhat large.

To small children the gel is applied with a finger or a brush with soft bristles, lightly rubbing the gel into the gums and teeth. Even if the baby swallows a little money, then nothing terrible will happen.

The gel has the ability to get into hard-to-reach places, so the paste copes much better with the mineralization of the enamel and its restoration.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of the enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents earlier tooth decay. Effectively eliminates plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

Rocs Medical Minerals Gel for Children

It is necessary to apply the gel every day, so over time you need to teach the baby to use it on his own. For use in childhood, the gel is needed the size of a pea, which must be distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the teeth.

For babies there is a special gel Rocs with different tastes, so they can be easily taught to take care of their teeth from early childhood. Since kids do not like visiting the dentist's office, you just need to constantly engage in the prevention of caries. The gel is designed for different ages, and you can buy it, like paste, from the appearance of the first milk teeth.

Besides gel fights various bacterial infections, which can often occur in the baby's mouth, so this will help to avoid other diseases of the oral cavity.

The gel does not have a negative effect, so it can be used as indicated in the instructions. If necessary, the doctor can adjust the intake of funds on an individual basis.

How does Rocs gel affect baby's tooth enamel:

  • Helps maintain the acid-base balance in the mouth;
  • Reduces the sensitivity of enamel and the difference in taste sensations;
  • Restores the aesthetic qualities of the surface of the teeth;
  • Removes germs from the mouth.

The only contraindication to the use of Rocs gel may be the presence of allergies to casein. It is a protein found in cow's milk. If you are allergic to this component, the enamel strengthening agent is not recommended.

In general, the tool is absolutely safe, therefore used at any age of the child.


This universal tool has a fairly high price. Therefore, this is what scares away many buyers. So a 45 gram tube will cost from 250 to 280 rubles depending on taste and suppliers. However, the gel is used in a small volume, in addition, after its use in a group of schoolchildren, a 4-fold decrease in complaints about caries was noted.

Therefore, it makes sense to think about the need to deal with the prevention of this disease, especially since treatment is often much more expensive than the cost of the gel.

You can buy the product in pharmacies or cosmetics stores, in the department with ordinary Rocs pastes and others. The Rocs paste series has not only various tastes, but also solves the problem of tooth sensitivity, removes plaque from coffee and cigarettes, helps to eliminate bleeding gums. Teenagers and adults can use Rocs gel and paste in combination.

Also eat foods high in calcium, namely:

  • Milk and cottage cheese;
  • Cheese and kefir;
  • Beef liver and eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Cabbage, cereals and more.

The health of the child as a whole depends on proper nutrition. Also, dental health is affected by various infections of the oral cavity, malocclusion, diseases of internal organs: stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs. You can not think that using only the gel you can achieve amazing results.

It is very important to take vitamins and constantly carry out teeth cleaning. Some people have weak enamel since childhood. And here the fault of the mother, who tried to diet, ate poorly and did not lay a good foundation in the health of her baby. Therefore, it is necessary to start the prevention of caries of the unborn child from the mother.

Don't be afraid to use Rocs Medical Minerals Gel at any age, because it allows you to further strengthen the enamel and give a beautiful smile.

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