Vitamins for maintaining youth for many years. Vitamins for youthful facial skin What vitamins to drink for beauty and health

The beauty of the skin depends on its ability to recover, renew itself, and protect itself from the aggressive effects of the environment. The natural processes in the skin can fade over time or be disturbed due to various adverse factors. The general health of a person, the quality of his nutrition also affects the condition of the skin.

Unfortunately, the body's resources are clearly not enough to keep the skin in excellent condition. Wrinkles, inflammatory processes, peeling, sagging of the oval of the face and other skin problems arise as a result of a violation of the biochemical processes occurring in the skin. To normalize these processes, specific substances are needed - coenzymes, or vitamins.

Vitamins can only be obtained from food. That is why the diet should be rich enough. However, the daily requirement for vitamins is so high that it is almost impossible to cover it with food. That is why there are pharmacy vitamins and vitamin complexes that help make the skin of the body and face beautiful, elastic, smooth, healthy.

What vitamins does the skin need?

In order for the face to remain beautiful and young longer, skin must be carefully looked after. However, in addition to regular care and proper nutrition, it is extremely important for the skin to receive the full range of vitamins that will support its normal functioning. Which vitamins to choose?

Many vitamins are important for skin beauty:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • niacin (vitamin B3);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • biotin (vitamin H);
  • vitamins B6, B5, B12
  • vitamin F (a collective name for several substances).

All of them should be consumed regularly by mouth and applied directly to the skin. Which drugs to take, you need to decide on the basis of a specific skin problem. It makes sense to drink vitamins a course two or four times a year.

Who is responsible for what?

Different vitamins solve different problems on the skin.

It has the greatest influence on it, on which the nutrition of the cells of the dermis depends. It is this vitamin that normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of natural collagen. When vitamin A enters the body in the right amount, the skin becomes smoother, ceases to be dry, gets rid of fine wrinkles, becomes youthfully elastic and elastic. If retinol is not enough, clogged pores (comedones), pimples, acne, skin sags, becomes dry.

Tocopherol strengthens cell membranes, preventing their damage and thus acquiring the properties of a powerful antioxidant. reduces the rate of skin aging, smoothes skin creases, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory properties, restores smoothness and elasticity to aged skin.

is also a powerful antioxidant. It promotes better production of elastin, collagen, accelerates tissue regeneration, whitens, gives the skin radiance, tone. Vitamin C also helps to smooth out wrinkles and slow down the rate of aging. If it is not enough, the dermis becomes excessively dry, thin, easily injured.

Skin problems

Any skin problem is caused by a lack of several vitamins. That is why vitamin complexes are produced.

If there is peeling, there is a deficiency of B vitamins (B2, B5, B6), as well as vitamins A, F, PP.

Wrinkled, old, sluggish skin will be supported by vitamins B1, C, E, A, F.

Vitamins B2, E, B6, A, C, H fight acne. They also eliminate comedones, help the skin to renew and exfoliate.

Vitamins PP, C, F, A, K, E are responsible for elasticity and elasticity. In combination, they improve regeneration, stimulate collagen synthesis.

Vitamins C, B3, PP can make the skin shine. They make the face smooth, matte, relieve puffiness, erase age spots.

Complex preparations should be taken at intervals of two to three months. What drugs to pay attention to? It is necessary to study the information of the manufacturer, listen to the opinion of the pharmacist.

The best vitamin complexes

Pharmacies offer a large selection of vitamin complexes. Your doctor can tell you which medications to take. In addition, you should pay attention to the composition of the product and the features of the state of the dermis.

Complivit Radiance

A magnificent vitamin complex has a complex effect on the skin of the face and body, nails and hair. The structure of the skin is leveled, pimples disappear, the skin is filled with a radiance of health and beauty. The composition of this drug is balanced. It includes calcium, without which the absorption of vitamin D3 is impossible, silicon, vitamins E, C, A, PP, H, a powerful antioxidant selenium, B vitamins, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. This complex has a magical effect on the skin of the face: wounds heal, swelling and peeling disappear.


One of the most famous, which includes two vitamins: tocopherol (A) and retinol (A). The drug perfectly protects against adverse weather conditions, solar ultraviolet radiation, gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. It is good for dry, burnt, skin exposed to constant microtraumas. You need to drink capsules before meals, one or two things, three times a day. Reception of the vitamin complex is not possible with hypervitaminosis E, A, disorders of the heart, pregnancy.


The vitamins K, A, E included in Aekola improve the structure of the skin, disinfect, and normalize blood circulation. Vitamin K, which is part of the preparation, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, normalizing the blood supply to the damaged skin fragment. The complex removes peeling, heals wounds and cuts, fights bacteria. This drug showed itself well on the mucous membranes of the body.

"Skin, Hair, Nails" by Solgar

A balanced beauty preparation contains not only vitamin C, but also sulfur, red algae, several essential amino acids, which together improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. The dermis receives the necessary hydration, an even, pleasant color. The drug stimulates the formation of collagen, protects against ultraviolet rays, restores skin elasticity, makes it elastic, removes oily sheen, inflammation. The skin of the face and body becomes clean, radiant, even, matte.


The complex preparation has an amazing composition: B vitamins (B6, B 12, B1, B5, B2, B9), H, D, E. This is a real healing cocktail for the beauty of the body, face, joints. If you know what vitamins the manufacturer has included in the composition of the drug, it becomes clear its beneficial effect on the skin. "Revivona" is important for dry, aging facial skin, as well as for the healthy state of joints, bones, and improving the functioning of the immune system. The skin ceases to be dry, dull, gray, filled with health, the radiance of beauty.

Lady's Formula

A cocktail of vitamins of groups B, D, A, C, H, PP is supplemented with amino acids, plant extracts, micro and macro elements: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine. This is an indispensable preparation for the rapid improvement of the condition of the skin of the face and body. It is used to treat skin diseases, including excessively dry, age-related, problematic.


The preparation for the beauty of the face and body "Revalid" includes vitamins B6, B1, H, amino acids methionine, cystine, as well as zinc, iron, copper, wheat germ extract, millet, yeast. It perfectly copes with a wide range of skin problems, improving the condition of wounds, restoring metabolic processes to the dermis.


An effective complex of vitamins D, C, E, H, A, the entire line of group B is combined with selenium, silicon, copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, chromo, amino acids, extracts of echinacea, burdock. It is indicated for dry, damaged skin of the face and body, relieves peeling, treats psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. A great tool for maintaining beauty, youth, radiance.

Taking vitamins to improve the condition of the skin of the face is a prerequisite for maintaining health, preserving youth and beauty.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...
Serious talk about the most "feminine" vitamin of eternal youth and beauty

The lack of this vitamin is manifested by chronic fatigue syndrome, muscle cramps and spasms, dry skin of the face and flaky spots. Overdose - sepsis, enterocolitis, renal failure, hemorrhages in internal organs, edema. The human body is equally bad in both cases, so it is so important to find that golden mean in the use of tocopherol, this unique substance. Vitamin E is an indispensable assistant for the face - in rejuvenation, for hair - in terms of strengthening, for health - in general.

Vitamin E in medicine
In the body, tocopherol performs very important functions, without which the internal organs cannot fully function:
protects cells from free radicals;
prevents thrombosis;
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removes harmful substances;
supports immunity.
Therefore, when diagnosing certain diseases, medical professionals strongly recommend that their patients consume vitamin E in the course of prescribed therapy. Pharmaceutical preparations of tocopherol are used in a variety of situations. Indications may be:

disturbed menstrual cycle;
threatened miscarriage,
asthenic syndrome;
muscular dystrophy;
spasm of peripheral vessels,
heart diseases;
problems with joints and spine;
psoriasis, dermatomyositis and dermatoses;
elderly age;
malnutrition and scleroderma in childhood.

Contraindications to the reception of tocopherol is much less: basically it is an individual intolerance to the drug.

What foods contain tocopherol

So that the body does not lack vitamin E, you need to include foods in your daily menu that contain a lot of it:
1. Animal products: liver, egg yolk, milk.
2. Fresh vegetables: carrots, radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, onions.
3. Oatmeal.
4. Vegetable oil.
5. Seeds.
6. Nuts.
7. Herbs: alfalfa, raspberry leaves, dandelion, nettle, rose hips, flax seeds.

Knowing where vitamin E is found, you can increase the amount of these foods in your diet. This will have the most positive effect on well-being. But in addition to food, tocopherol can be enriched through medicines, which are freely available quite inexpensively in pharmacies. It's just that not everyone knows how to drink vitamin E, because dosage forms can be very different:
- capsules with liquid, oily filling, the daily dose of which for an adult should not exceed 8 mg;
- oil (alpha-tocopherol acetate): vitamin E in this dosage form is taken in a teaspoon per day;
- ampoules for injection: the dosage in this case can only be determined by the doctor individually.

With the active use of vitamin E through food and its dosage forms, you can significantly improve your health and forget about diseases. Tocopherol is no less actively used in cosmetology - for facial rejuvenation and hair strengthening.

Vitamin E for facial skin

Vitamin E is not without reason called tocopherol, because it is translated from Latin as "promoting birth." For facial skin, in fact, there is no remedy more reliable in terms of rejuvenation than this vitamin. Under its miraculous action, she seems to gain a second wind, is reborn, becomes young and unusually beautiful. Homemade face masks have a whole range of useful properties, since tocopherol for facial skin is:
anti-aging vitamin: aging processes in cells slow down, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes toned, elastic, elastic;
antidepressant: gives energy to tired skin, boosts vigor, improves color, protects against harmful external influences, soothes irritated skin;
antioxidant: destroys free radicals and removes toxins from cells;
anti-inflammatory agent: localizing, eliminates foci of inflammation, relieving acne, blackheads (comedones), acne;
bleach: eliminates pigmentation;
humectant: able to retain moisture in the cells, preventing premature aging and dryness of the epidermis;
medicine: does not allow cancer cells to develop in the skin, relieves allergy symptoms that manifest themselves on the skin (itching, redness, peeling, rash), treats anemia, protecting red blood cells and thereby saving the skin of the face from excessive, deathly pallor.

It can even be said that, having a complex effect on the skin, vitamin E renews the processes in the cells, and they begin to work, as in 20 years. In order to enjoy this therapy, it is enough just to regularly pamper your skin with homemade tocopherol masks a couple of times a week.

Anti-aging mask vitamin E + cocoa butter + sea buckthorn oil
Mix one tablespoon of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil in a water bath, add 1 ampoule of tocopherol to the warm mass. It is recommended to keep it on the face for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the sea buckthorn will color the skin in a bright orange color.

Moisturizing mask vitamin E + cottage cheese + olive oil
Two tablespoons of fatty homemade cottage cheese are mixed with two teaspoons of olive oil (it can be slightly warmed up in a water bath beforehand), 1 ampoule of liquid tocopherol is added before applying the mask to the face. The duration of action is from 20 to 30 minutes.

If you are looking for an effective anti-aging treatment that is great for wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity, vitamin E will help solve these problems. Cosmetologists also use tocopherol for hair beauty.

Vitamin E for hair

Antioxidant, regenerating, rejuvenating properties make it possible to use tocopherol (vitamin E) as a medicinal, cosmetic and prophylactic agent for the health and beauty of hair. He:
improves subcutaneous microcirculation, stimulating hair growth;
heals minor wounds and scratches on the scalp;
saturates the roots with oxygen;
moisturizes dry hair;
restores split ends;
prevents falling out.

To improve hair, homemade masks are used, the main active ingredient of which is tocopherol. For this purpose, you can use vitamin E in capsules or ampoules.

Mask egg + vitamin E for hair growth
Mix burdock oil heated in a water bath in the amount of two tablespoons with a pre-beaten egg, add one ampoule or one tablespoon of an oil solution of tocopherol. Keep warm for at least an hour.

Mask chamomile + bread + vitamin E to strengthen hair
Pour two tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water for an hour. After that, strain and soak 20 g of black bread crumb in herbal infusion to make a liquid slurry. One ampoule or one tablespoon of an oily solution of tocopherol is added to it. Keep the mask on your head for about half an hour. Please note that bread is difficult to comb out of the hair.
No wonder tocopherol is so valued in cosmetology. This truly unique vitamin of irresistible beauty and eternal youth is necessary for hair health, as well as for facial skin and women's health in general.

Vitamins for facial skin play a big role in maintaining youth and improving appearance. Therefore, most girls are wondering what vitamins are needed for facial skin in order to always look young and beautiful. Women's skin, unlike men's, is very delicate, so it needs special care and constant replenishment with useful substances. The main source of vitamins is natural products.

How do vitamins affect the skin of the face?

The table provides a list of the most useful vitamins, their effect, signs of deficiency, and the main foods to make up for the deficiency.

Vitamin name Signs of shortage Functions Products
BUT Wrinkles (crow's feet) appear around the eyes, the skin may become dry and flaky The use of vitamin A for improves the protection of the skin from harmful natural influences, makes it more elastic and moisturizes. Beets, onions, carrots, apricots, liver, egg yolks, fish oil, butter
B2(riboflavin) Lips begin to crack, jams appear, permanent dermatitis Improves metabolic processes of facial epithelial cells, stimulates cellular respiration Eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish, cocoa, almonds, yeast
B7(biotin) Manifested in the pallor of the face, peeling. Hair starts to fall out Improves the activity of epidermal cell regeneration. Egg yolk, liver, black bread, walnuts, legumes
B9(folic acid) The face looks lifeless, the hair falls out profusely Responsible for the freshness of the skin, keeps it young Coarse flour, legumes, greens, liver
Vitamin C The skin fades, becomes flabby, vascular patterns, freckles and black dots appear Improves the work of hormones responsible for the production of collagen and strengthening of collagen fibers, strengthens blood vessels and is able to remove bags under the eyes Sweet peppers, lettuce and spinach, blackcurrant, sauerkraut, rose hips and citrus fruits
E(tocopherol) The lack of tocopherols for the skin of the face is manifested in the coarsening and drying of the skin. Deficiency manifests itself in coarsening and drying of the skin Wheat germ, sunflower, cottonseed and soybean oils
R(rutin) The lack of routine is noticeable with an increase in the number of vascular patterns, an increased tendency to bruising. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents their fragility Plums, chokeberries, grapes, cherries, raspberries, rose hips, sweet peppers, garlic, tomatoes, sorrel, green tea
PP(niacin) Pale and dry skin with bluish lips Improves the formation of enzymes and respiration at the cellular level Eggs, fish, milk, chicken, cheese, peanuts, wheat germ
To Skin pigmentation, swelling, inflammation Accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, improves blood circulation Tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, greens, carrots, rowan berries

Rules for the use of vitamins

Vitamins can enter the body in three ways:

  • natural substances obtained from the consumption of products;
  • synthetic vitamins and vitamin supplements (tablets, capsules, powder or liquid in ampoules);
  • cosmetic masks for facial skin.

Important! Vitamins are divided into two categories based on solubility: water-soluble and fat-soluble. C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, B12 - these substances dissolve easily in water and are easily absorbed by the body, instantly absorbed into the blood. A, E, D, K are poorly soluble in water - they must be mixed with fats before use. Therefore, a mixture of vitamin e and glycerin for facial skin is very useful and nutritious.

To choose the best vitamins for facial skin, you should consult a nutritionist - only he will be able to prescribe the necessary drugs and diet as accurately as possible.

Correctly balanced diet taking into account all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, it always comes first in facial care. It is impossible to get an overdose with this method of obtaining them.

Artificial preparations are good in that they are easily digested and quickly absorbed, they can be easily found on the shelves of pharmacies, each drug must have instructions for use.

It is important to take precautions:

  • Open ampoules should be used immediately, otherwise the substances may react with oxygen and quickly become unusable.
  • Do not mix different substances, they may not be compatible.
  • Before use, be sure to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use.
  • Be sure to take into account allergic reactions.

Vitamin masks made from fresh vegetables and fruits are very useful for the face. Their main advantage is that most products can always be easily found in the refrigerator. You can also prepare face masks from pharmaceutical preparations. The most important rule when preparing masks is not to mix vitamins, but this does not apply to vitamins A and E. They combine very well and help to digest each other.

With any intake of vitamins, it is imperative to follow the following rules:

  • Before buying drugs, you need to consult a professional.
  • You can not mix elements with each other, except for E and A.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules of admission specified in the instructions for use.
  • After the end of the course of treatment, a second consultation is necessary to change the drug.

Vitamins for different skin types

Facial skin is divided into 4 types. Every skin type has different vitamin and skin care needs. You can not use vitamins designed for one type of skin, another type. At best, the vitamin will simply not help, and at worst, on the contrary, it will harm. You should carefully select vitamins for your skin type.

Vitamins for dry skin moisturize it and protect it from harmful effects. It is necessary to include fish in the diet, as it contains a lot of fatty acids. Ellagic acid, which is found in large quantities in strawberries, will also help well. However, it should be used carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Combination and oily skin lacks phosphorus, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B, E, C. These elements are found in kiwi, pumpkin seeds and watercress. Vitamin B helps to remove toxins from the skin and break down fats. The use of these vitamins leads to getting rid of rashes and acne on the face.

For normal skin type B vitamins work well. They strengthen and make the skin smooth, retain moisture and prevent it from drying out. Substances of this group are found in many products. It will be useful to include cottage cheese, eggs, fish, meat, greens and legumes in the diet.

The effect of tocopherol on the skin of the face

Vitamin E has a complex effect on the skin of the face. Facial rejuvenation occurs, cells regenerate more actively, wrinkles decrease, the skin looks firmer and more elastic, and blood circulation improves. Also, this substance acts as a natural antidepressant and antioxidant, it relieves fatigue and invigorates, the face looks more rosy. This vitamin also has a therapeutic effect - it alleviates allergic reactions, regulates the sebaceous glands, and helps in the treatment of anemia.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


For beauty and preservation of youth, a woman needs not only positive emotions and a good mood. Vitamins are indispensable in this matter. With their lack, problems such as dry lips, brittle nails, peeling of the skin appear, and the list is endless. Natural sources of vitamins are fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.

But not always the vitamins contained in them are enough to maintain the internal forces of the body. Therefore, doctors all over the world are advised to periodically make and take vitamin complexes for beauty, health and youth.

What vitamins are necessary for the health and beauty of a woman?

Scientifically proven to be several main vitamins that ensure the beauty of hair, nails and skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant - it is taken with the aging process and with the emergence of malignant tumors. This substance supports the work of the female sex glands, the amount of estrogen hormones increases. Without tocopherol, the female figure gradually becomes masculine.
  • Vitamin C beauty vitamin. It also has an antioxidant effect. In addition, ascorbic acid regulates the formation and destruction of melanin. Therefore, with its lack in large quantities, freckles, age spots and moles appear.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, apricots, pumpkins, as well as fish meat, animal offal and chicken eggs. The lack of this substance leads to the formation of cracks in the feet and palms. At the same time, the skin of the hands becomes as if parchment, and sores appear in the corners of the lips - jams.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. With their lack, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent depression and nervous breakdowns appear. Vision deteriorates, there is a burning sensation in the eyes and redness of the skin of the eyelids. Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, and vitamin B9 is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin H necessary for beautiful skin and healthy mucous membranes. This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, peanut kernels and liver.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the hardness of bones, the whiteness and health of teeth, as well as the beauty of nails and hair.

9 best vitamin complexes for the health and youth of a woman - choose beauty vitamins

You can not take vitamins at all and use only natural sources of life substances. And you can periodically take a course of fortification with complex vitamins. Such prevention will allow the body to be in full "combat" readiness, to resist dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as aggressive environmental conditions.

But modern pharmacies are oversaturated with various vitamin complexes. And how to choose the best among such a variety?

  1. Vitamin complex Velnatal. Every day a woman is faced with various situations in which she needs the support of the body. These situations can be called, in one word, “stress”. We are not talking about emotional shock, but about what can happen every day! We go in for sports, we go on a diet, we pass reports, we get sick. In all these situations, we need vitamin support for the body. And sometimes it's hard to find. What is the confusion about the shelves with vitamins worth? Some - for hair and nails, the second - for mood, for vivacity, for
    leather, etc. As a result, every time there is a continuous torment of choice, or even worse - the first one that comes across, or even nothing at all.
    With Velnatal, you do not have to choose a vitamin complex for every situation. This complex is balanced in such a way as to support a woman with beriberi associated with completely different situations, from diet to pregnancy. Which, of course, speaks not only of the correct combination of components in the composition, but also the selection of dosages. Velnatal contains two types of omega 3, biotin, 400 mcg of folic acid, 55 mcg of selenium, iron, B vitamins, which, being in balance with other vitamins and minerals, will support the female body and do not have to think again which complex is better to choose. now.
  2. Anti-aging complex Famvital. Due to the "smart" capsules, its active components enter the body of a woman, taking into account daily biorhythms.
    The 16 components included in the complex - antioxidants, trace elements and vitamins, are optimally combined with each other and help prevent premature aging, help improve the structure and appearance of skin, hair and nails, help slow down the appearance of wrinkles, increase thermogenesis and increase calorie burning, helping to maintain normal body weight.

  3. Imedin.
    This is not just one of the many vitamin complexes that are primarily needed by other organs - the heart, lungs, nervous system. This is a complex containing biologically active substances that work directly in the skin cells.
    IMEDEEN® complexes include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins, similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.
  4. Supradin . It comes in many forms: gummies, water-soluble tablets, regular tablets, and syrup. This complex contains the necessary vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, B12, B9, Vitamin E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradin should be taken 1 tablet or candy twice a day for 1 month. Prevention should be repeated no more than twice a year. Preferably in spring and autumn. The price of 10 tablets is 250 rubles. 25 sweets - 200 rubles
  5. Alphabet Cosmetic - a series designed for the care of female beauty. Contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin, eyes, hair, nails - vitamin A, E, C, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. Features of the reception are that all substances are divided into three groups. Tablets of different colors to be taken one after another in the morning, afternoon and evening. This sequence will allow prevention to be more effective. The course of taking the Alphabet is no more than two weeks. It should be repeated no more than twice a year. The price for a package of 60 tablets is 320 rubles.
  6. Vitamin complex Vitrum Beauty - a popular brand among modern consumers. He is advised by about 57% of therapists, which reinforces the credibility of the Vitrum brand. It contains a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, A, E, D, K, H, B vitamins, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. This list is supplemented by iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, boron, selenium. This complex is suitable only for young women. For more mature ladies, Vitrum produces Antioxidant, Beauty Lusk and Beauty Elite complexes. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 610 rubles.
  7. Complivit . This brand produces a huge number of names of vitamin complexes. For female beauty, the formula "Radiance" was specially invented. It contains beauty vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, nicotinamide, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium and flavonol glycosides. This composition allows you to support the production of collagen, the regeneration of skin cells, protect them from the harmful effects of UV rays, and increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Complivit should be taken one tablet per day for a month. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 271 rubles.
  8. Laura from Evalar . It is a biologically active food supplement. It contains a minimum of all the necessary vitamins that are needed for beauty. The main trump card of this drug is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with vitamins E and C. Thanks to this composition, skin hydration and collagen production are improved, as a result of which the skin of the face acquires an even color and a natural glow, wrinkles disappear and decrease. The price of such a remedy in 36 tablets is 271 rubles.
  9. Perfectil from the English company Vitabiotics . This tool serves as a powerful prevention of aging. It is also prescribed for dermatological diseases in order to improve the body's resistance to viruses or bacteria. Profectil gelatin capsule contains vitamin A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, biotin, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon and chromium. The price for a package containing 30 capsules is 420 rubles.
  10. Elite Spanish product Revidox does not contain pure synthetic vitamins. It consists of a squeeze of plant extracts - sources of vitamins: grape extract and pomegranate seeds. This composition boasts a shock dose of antioxidants that slow down aging, improve complexion and skin elasticity. The price of this complex in 30 tablets is about 2100 rubles.

9. Biocomplex Lady's formula "Menopause Strengthened formula"

The problem of hormonal restructuring of the delicate female body has ceased to be a problem with the advent of the biocomplex Lady's formula "Menopause Enhanced Formula". This drug has already managed to win the trust of the beautiful half of humanity, since it is designed to comprehensively affect the entire body as a whole without any side effects.

All doctors in the world warn that you can not take vitamin complexes all the time. Also, before each course, you need to consult a doctor for contraindications. In this case, you will not harm your health and successfully increase your beauty.

Youth is the natural beauty of any woman. Therefore, everyone wants to prolong this state as long as possible. However, age changes take their toll. The skin loses elasticity, elasticity, color, the body no longer looks so perfect. But in spite of everything, it is possible to defeat the listed symptoms. They play the main role in this battle. Today we will tell you what microelements will help prolong the youth not only of the skin, but of the whole organism.

Vitamins for youthful skin

Young and healthy skin is always beautiful. In order for it to constantly look fresh, radiant and toned, a sufficient supply of vitamins is necessary. But not all trace elements are so important for the condition of the skin.

The negative impact of weather conditions destroys the cells of the epidermis, which leads to its age-related changes, and antioxidants, affecting the skin, do not allow it to age quickly. This group of vitamins includes A, C and E. In addition, they relieve the body of peeling, cracks, various small wounds, and help increase the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin turgor.

Vitamin C helps maintain skin elasticity. With its abundance, the skin quickly recovers, and with a shortage, you can get a bruise, even from light pressure on the body. The specificity of the trace element is such that it is very quickly destroyed and excreted from the body during stress and strong physical exertion, so try to be less nervous and take life calmly.

It has a strong rejuvenating effect on the face. It can be taken not only inside, but also added to creams, masks and lotions immediately before use.

Vitamin A helps maintain water balance in the skin. Lack of moisture leads to dryness, flaking, wrinkling and usually aging. You can replenish this trace element by eating foods such as carrots, cabbage, cottage cheese, sour cream, peaches, etc.

This is another category that will help the body rejuvenate. It is necessary to eat foods containing these trace elements in sufficient quantities. Their deficiency causes dermatitis, the skin acquires an ugly pale tone, and the protective properties of the skin are significantly reduced. They are found in large quantities in brewer's yeast, seafood and meat.

Vitamin D, which is produced directly by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, helps to prolong the youthfulness of cells. Therefore, walks on a sunny morning are simply necessary for women to maintain their skin in good condition. You can replenish the body with a vitamin by eating meat, seaweed, eggs, etc.

Vitamin F restores damaged cells and is responsible for the smoothness of the body. Its intake into the body is possible only through food. The basis of this trace element is polyunsaturated acids, which are contained in vegetable oils: linseed, sunflower, peanut. To saturate the body with them, it is necessary to use oils obtained directly by cold pressing.

Vitamin K does not allow inflammation and swelling on the body, it is he who helps to get rid of age spots and freckles. A large amount of this element is found in carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, eggs.

Vitamin of youth for women

Already after 25 years, women begin to notice the first signs of aging. Experts have proven that such early changes in the body begin due to the formation of free radicals. Above, we have listed the main vitamins that directly affect the condition of the skin, but unfortunately, aging affects not only the skin, but the body as a whole. What other trace elements need to be supplied to the body in order to delay the unpleasant process.

Vitamin H will help restore metabolic processes in the body. The correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will help not to gain extra pounds and maintain seductive forms.

Zinc plays a huge role in the growth of nails and hair. It relieves a person of dandruff and various skin diseases, is the main assistant to adolescents struggling with acne.

Natural components - flavonoids strengthen blood vessels, restore metabolic processes and help preserve elastin in the skin.

The well-known coenzyme Q10 allows you to preserve youth and longevity. Its strongest antioxidant properties have been proven by experts. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, which have a positive effect on the state of the whole organism.

Vitamin of youth: reviews

There are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about the use of vitamin E. Women notice significant changes in the skin, a reduction in fine wrinkles, even with its external use, i.e. adding to creams and masks.

Recently, some women have been using coenzyme Q10 to prolong youth, and quite successfully. Almost everyone notices a positive change in skin color, turgor and elasticity.

As you can see, today it is possible to prolong youth and no special financial investments are needed for this, the main desire.

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