Demodicosis - subcutaneous tick in dogs: types, causes, symptoms, initial signs, home treatment. Is demodicosis in dogs contagious to humans? Preparations for demodicosis in dogs: names, list, instructions for use, the most effective scheme for l

Demodicosis is one of the most common tick-borne diseases in dogs. Most often, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Cocker Spaniels, Boxers, French Bulldogs, Dobermans, Great Danes and Dachshunds get sick.

The critical age is 1-2 years, and in puppies the disease is detected starting as early as 3 weeks (8). A person is also sick with demodicosis, however, reliable cases of isolation of dog or cat species of ticks from him have not yet been described.

For example, the fact of carriage of this tick in a number of short-haired breeds of dogs (Rottweiler, Boxer, Staffordshire Terrier, Bulldog) is well known, so the detection of D. canis in a dog is not yet a signal of invasion.

Demodicosis has a certain seasonality: Most often, clinical signs appear in the period from May to September. This is due to the fact that in warm weather, the already short tick development cycle is halved and is about 2 weeks. This feature determines the complexity of the struggle in the summer, since the female manages to lay many eggs in a short time.

The development of demodicosis is often promoted by improper feeding.(especially with regard to protein and vitamins), past infectious diseases, helminthic invasion, severe stress, rickets, cosmetic surgery, immunosuppressive (chemo- and glucocorticoid) therapy or long-term antibiotic treatment. Usually, the invasion develops against the background of immunodeficiency, often congenital. Among the primary immunodeficiencies, against which demodicosis occurs, one can single out IgA deficiency, as well as hereditary deficiency of immunity mediated by T-lymphocytes, the prognosis in such cases varies from cautious to unfavorable. The genetic susceptibility of dogs, predisposing to the development of this invasion, is manifested in the inability to develop delayed-type hypersensitivity in response to intradermal injection of Demodex antigens.

Many studies have shown that immunity suffers with demodicosis, erythrocytopenia, leukocytosis, lymphocytopenia, and monocytosis develop (6, 8).

Pathology is almost always accompanied by secondary microbial and fungal infections, sometimes by other invasions. These complications, as a rule, aggravate the course of the disease, intoxication, provoke dysbacteriosis, which is reflected in the biochemical and clinical parameters. So, in severe demodicosis, when ticks can be found in the intestinal walls, liver parenchyma cells and other internal organs, there is a significant increase in total bilirubin, an average of 5-7 times (6).

Depending on the course of the disease, three main forms of demodicosis are traditionally distinguished:
- scaly (lighter),
- pustular
- generalized.

In a severe form of a secondary fungal or bacterial (most often staphylococcal) infection and a generalized nature, sepsis can develop, which is fatal for the animal, treatment in these extremely rare cases is extremely difficult.

Obviously, the versatility of the course forms and the complex nature of the development of the disease require the creation of a whole range of therapeutic measures: it should include both specific therapy based on the use of acaricidal drugs and systemic maintenance therapy with the indispensable inclusion of modern immunostimulants. Since the generalized form of demodicosis is not a local, but a general disease of the whole organism, therapy should include antimicrobial, antifungal, antitoxic, adaptive, immunoprotective and immunomodulatory approaches (6).

Of the acaricides, preparations based on amitraz are often prescribed, as well as ivermectin (ivomec), milbemycin, tiguvon (contains fenthion - 0.0-dimethyl-0-(3-methyl-4-methylthiophenyl)-thiophosphate), an oral preparation " Sayfly "(contains cythioate - O-(4-amidosulfonylphenyl) -0,0-di-methylthiophosphate), etc.

In Western European countries, milbemycin is also used - a drug for the prevention of heartworm infection, effective in demodicosis. It is a macrolide produced by Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Its mechanism of action is to disrupt the neurotransmission of y-aminobutyric acid in invertebrates. Compared to amitraz, milbemycin shows no side effects when used at recommended dosages, including in breeds sensitive to ivermectin. The effectiveness of therapy with drugs based on it is higher than with the use of drugs whose active ingredient is amitraz (10). However, treatment with milbemycin, as well as with amitraz, is desirable to start in a hospital, so that in case of poisoning it is possible to take immediate measures, or to prescribe them together with Gamavit, which reduces the toxicity of these compounds.

In some cases, ticks develop inherited resistance to ivermectin (2). Apparently, in a number of cases observed in the USA and Western Europe, this explains the almost zero effectiveness of ivermectin in the treatment of demodicosis. However, in the treatment of generalized demodicosis, ivermectin is perhaps the only treatment for dogs that are at risk of being euthanized after their owners have exhausted the possibilities of topical treatment with amitraz-based drugs.

As for "Saifli", its advantage lies in oral administration and the absence of adverse reactions, however, the course of treatment is long - up to 6 months.

Overall, generalized demodicosis in dogs remains one of the most difficult skin conditions to treat, and no new drug is guaranteed to be successful.

Demodicosis, especially the generalized form, develops, as a rule, against the background of immunosuppression. In its treatment, it is advisable to prescribe modern immunomodulatory drugs (5). Among them, Fosprenil has a certain advantage, which also has antiviral properties. It not only stimulates the immune system, correcting immunosuppression, but also has a high hepatoprotective activity - an extremely important property in the treatment of demodicosis, when the liver can function at its limit. Here, fosprenil is preferable than even Essentiale Forte: mites feed on the secretion of the sebaceous glands and multiply more actively, receiving food enriched (especially with B vitamins), and Essentiale Forte is a drug with a fairly wide range of vitamins and phospholipids. On the other hand, when using the immunomodulator Maksidin, a faster improvement in the skin condition is noted.

The use of corticosteroids for demodicosis is usually not justified, since dogs with a generalized form often develop secondary bacterial pyoderma, often threatening the life of the animal. On the contrary, to prevent the development of secondary infections, Salmosan is shown - a polysaccharide of the O-somatic antigen of Salmonella, which is used to increase nonspecific resistance.

In the scaly form of the disease, it is desirable to additionally prescribe vitamin E (flax oil, milk thistle), which stimulates skin regeneration and improves hairline.

In any form of the disease, Gamavit is indicated, which is not only an adaptogen, but also a universal detoxifier. It significantly reduces the toxicity of acaricides, and in combination with salmosan, its antitoxic effectiveness increases (4). An important indication for the use of gamavit is its antioxidant activity, which helps to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and toxic decay products. In addition, the introduction of gamavit normalizes the blood formula.

In any form of demodicosis, the appointment of the Gamabiol balm is indicated, which effectively relieves inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. With its appointment, even with severe extensive skin lesions, rapid healing and cleansing of the skin is observed. Apparently, the high efficiency of Gamabiol in suppressing skin inflammation is determined by the combination of polyprenols and terpenoids, which accelerate regeneration processes, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects and improve microcirculation in the skin, with hyaluronic acid, which reduces the synthesis of prostaglandins, improves tissue blood supply and increases the bioavailability of other components of the drug. .


1, Vasiliev, I.K. The use of Gamabiol balm in small pets. - Zooindustry, 2008,
2, Viktorov A.V., Drinyaev V.A., Ivermectin, Development of resistance // Veterinary, No. 4, 2002, -C, 50-54,
3, Makarov V.V. Vasilevich F.I., Muravleva T.V., Soshenko L.P., Negussie B.T., Manichev A.A., Sereda SV., Molchanov I.A. Epizootology of demodicosis of dogs in modern conditions // Veterinary practice, No. 3,2000, - C, 27-35,
4, Ozherelkov SV, Vasiliev I.K., Narovlyansky A.N., Pronin A.V., Sanin A,V, The use of the drug "Salmosan" as a detoxicant in the experimental conditions and when included in the treatment regimen for diseases of various etiologies of small domestic animals // XV International Moscow Veterinary Congress. 2007
5, Sanin A.V., The use of immunomodulators in viral diseases of small domestic animals // Russian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, No. 1,2005, - C, 38-42,
6, Svyatkovsky A.V. Karpenko L.Yu., Tikhanin V.V., Svyatkovskaya M.A. Zibrev 0.0, Some issues of pathogenesis and diagnosis of demodicosis in dogs // Veterinary practice, No. 1,1997, -0 40-45,
7, Semenov I.V., Buran ON, Demodicosis of dogs // Abstracts of the I International Veterinary Conference, October 1996, - Kyiv, - C, 65-70,
8, Shustrova M, V. Scabies and demodicoses of animals of different species (epizootology, etiology, pathogenesis, development of a system of measures for the prevention and elimination of these diseases in the conditions of the North-West region) // Diss, doctor, vet, science, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Academy of Medical Sciences , 1996.
9, RJ. Ginel. Demodicosis in dogs. WALTHAM Focus, v.6, No. 2, 1996, p, 2-7

An arthropod grows from an egg to a sexually mature state in 3-4 weeks in winter and 14 days in summer. Therefore, the peak incidence falls on the warm half of the year. Young and old dogs are sick. Animals of short-haired breeds - Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Boxers, etc. are predisposed to the disease. Pathology can take a permanent character and last for years. The death of a dog occurs due to sepsis or exhaustion. Demodex canis is not dangerous for humans.

The reasons

The following factors that depress the body's defenses become the trigger for the onset of the disease:

  • congenital immunodeficiency. Animals affected by demodicosis should not be bred.
  • Unbalanced feeding.
  • Stress.
  • Weakened state after infectious diseases.
  • Side effects of antibiotics and corticosteroids.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Hormonal surges.
  • Vaccination.

Secondary infection complicates the course of the disease. The pathogen is transmitted to weakened dogs through contact with yard dogs. A tick can be brought in by the owner of the dog on shoes to which the hair of an infected animal sticks.

Skin protection mechanisms fail when the content changes: a dog that lived in the yard is transferred to a room and vice versa. The elasticity of the skin falls, it becomes available for the penetration of the arthropod.

An increased load on the dog with insufficient feeding leads to exhaustion, and low mobility with an abundance of food leads to obesity. Both conditions weaken the immune defense and contribute to the onset of the disease.

Forms of demodicosis

The disease proceeds in the following forms:

  • scaly,
  • pustular
  • generalized.

The focal or scaly form affects mainly young animals 3–12 months old. Single spots disappear without treatment. Moreover, the use of drugs in such cases can provoke a transition to a generalized form, since arthropods acquire immunity to acaricides. In nine cases out of ten, recovery occurs. In other dogs, demodicosis becomes generalized.


A sexually mature individual moves along the hair and penetrates deep into the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, gnawing passages in the thickness of the epithelium. Signs of the disease become noticeable if more than two hundred mites accumulate in the gland.

The disease proceeds according to the following scenario:

  1. Severe itching develops.
  2. After a few hours, hyperemia of the hair bases is observed.
  3. After 2–3 days, pustules with red, then clay-like contents are formed.
  4. Hair falls out, bubbles break through, releasing foul-smelling contents.

The animal is depressed, the body temperature drops, anorexia is observed. With a localized form, demodectic glasses are observed - the disappearance of hair around the eyes.


Microscopy of skin scrapings is able to detect individuals in healthy animals. A large number of ticks can be suspected. A characteristic indicator is a five-fold excess increase in blood bilirubin. This symptom indicates the penetration of the insect into the internal organs.


The fight against demodicosis begins with the identification of the form of the disease. With a focal variety, in more than 4/5 cases, self-healing is observed. Therapy consists in the use of the following medications:

  • External anti-inflammatory drugs of local action. The hair is cut short, the affected areas of the skin are cleaned.
  • Immunostimulants - immunofan, etc.
  • If acaricides are used, I use hepatoprotectors to prevent side effects.

Anti-tick drugs affect only sexually mature individuals, without harming the eggs and intermediate forms of demodex development, so the course of treatment is extended to a month or more.

Generalized demodicosis is characterized by a high degree of skin lesions. The tick penetrates the internal organs. Alopecia spread to the whole body, there are more than five of them, the area of ​​the lesion is steadily increasing. The skin thickens, acquires a gray or reddish tint and an unpleasant odor. Death occurs as a result of intoxication.

A variety of generalized demodicosis is juvenile, which is inherited. During the period of hormonal surges, such dogs suffer from exacerbations of the iron gland, so they are recommended to be sterilized.

During the release of hormones, ticks are activated. From a sick bitch they move to puppies. Their immature immune system is unable to resist invasion. Therefore, animals with demodicosis are excluded from breeding.

For the treatment of all forms of glandular disease, the following medications are used:

  • Immunostimulators: fosfprenil, maksidin, salmozan.
  • Detoxifiers. Gamavit is in demand.
  • acaricidal preparations. Used in the form:
  1. subcutaneous injections. Dectomax and ivermectin are effective. The latter drug should be used exclusively under the supervision of a veterinarian, since it is able to destroy not only the tick, but also dogs of some breeds.
  2. external funds. Effective preparations based on amitraz. Ointments or solutions are rubbed into the skin on the affected areas. The active substance accumulates in adipose tissue and has a toxic effect on demodexes.
  3. Tablets. Seifli and Milbemycin are harmless to dogs, but the anti-tick effect is achieved with many months of medication.)
  • Antibiotics. In most cases, the course of the disease is complicated by a secondary, mainly staphylococcal infection. An antimicrobial agent of prolonged action is prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Antimycotic drugs. Fungal infections of skin defenseless after the action of Demodex suggest the use of fungicides. Antifungal vaccines - Vakderm, Microderm, Polivak-TM have a therapeutic effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal external agents.

During the treatment of demodicosis, nutrition correction is necessary. The best solution is to purchase food for sick and debilitated dogs after consulting a veterinarian, not a dog handler.

How to determine the disease in a timely manner? What modern methods help to cope with pathology faster?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the appearance of the disease:

  • lack of hygienic care for animals;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • general weakness of the dog associated with other diseases;
  • age;
  • prolonged starvation or nutritional deficiency;
  • weak immune defense;
  • prolonged treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that depress the immune system.

The Demodex mite thrives best in damp conditions, so it breeds well in damp rooms and on wet, irritated skin. Demodicosis can be combined with diseases such as scabies, conjunctivitis, stomatitis and immunosuppressive conditions.

Symptoms of demodicosis in dogs

The first signs of the disease appear when the ticks begin to multiply en masse. In this case, the symptoms may differ, depending on the clinical form of demodicosis.

Symptoms of the disease are divided into localized (focal), generalized and asymptomatic forms.

  • Localized demodicosis in dogs is characterized by the appearance of baldness zones in certain parts of the body (usually on the head and limbs). The skin in these areas thicken, wrinkle, become grayish or reddish-red, covered with small scaly elements. Pustules may appear - light pink nodular rashes that darken over time and degenerate into abscesses. The pustules, filled with pus, burst, exuding their contents, which dry out, becoming grey-brown scabs. Damaged skin becomes rough and red, wrinkles appear on them. In severe cases, general intoxication and exhaustion develop, as a result of which the animal may die.
  • Generalized demodicosis in dogs occurs with extensive damage to the skin, with the involvement of almost all parts of the body of the animal in the process. The disease penetrates into the deep layers of tissues, and internal organs are also affected. Signs of general intoxication come to the fore:
    • weakness;
    • muscle tremor and convulsions;
    • vomiting reflex;
    • nausea (salivation);
    • dyspepsia;
    • the appearance of foam from the oral cavity;
    • coordination disorders.

If the dog is not treated soon, the disease can be fatal.

  • Asymptomatic demodicosis proceeds without visible changes on the skin, but with a thorough examination, Demodex mites can be found.

Juvenile demodicosis in dogs

There is also a special form of the disease, such as generalized juvenile demodicosis. This form is considered hereditary and is caused by an autosomal recessive gene. It is difficult and long to treat such a disease, in addition, after treatment, such dogs are sterilized.

Complications and consequences

Demodicosis in dogs can be complicated by other dermatological diseases, such as rosacea, dermatitis, or conjunctivitis.

In the generalized form, damage to the stomach, duodenum, intestines, and gallbladder can be observed. In addition, often there are diseases of the endocrine system, there are foci of chronic infection.

With a weakness of the immune system and poor-quality or insufficient treatment, the disease can result in a general defeat of the body and death.

Diagnosis of demodicosis in dogs

Demodicosis in dogs is usually easy to diagnose. For the correct diagnosis, the following information is taken into account:

  • the result of a deep scraping from the skin;
  • analysis of heredity;
  • clinical symptoms of the disease.

Scraping for demodicosis in dogs is carried out after squeezing the skin in order for the maximum number of mites to come out. After that, a scraping is taken so deeply until a drop of blood appears. During the study, the appearance of a tick in the material in healthy dogs is not excluded. However, in a sick animal, ticks are found far from being in the singular, moreover, in combination with eggs and immature individuals. If a single insect is present in the material, it sometimes makes sense to scrape in another place, again.

In advanced cases, as well as in dogs with specific skin integuments (for example, in Shar Pei), histological analyzes of the biopsy are often carried out - the material that is obtained by biopsy.

Differential Diagnosis

Differentiate demodicosis in dogs with the following pathologies:

  • sarcoptic mange;
  • dermatosis of autoimmune genesis;
  • endocrine alopecia;
  • skin mycoses;
  • pyoderma;
  • infectious furunculosis;
  • leishmaniasis, etc.

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs

The treatment regimen for demodicosis in dogs is prescribed depending on the extent of the damage to the animal. With a localized course, a spontaneous cure is possible, and with a generalized one, such an outcome is impossible.

First of all, attention is drawn to competent care, hygiene and living conditions of the animal. A sick dog should be kept in a warm and dry environment, with proper nutrition, which we will talk about later. If the general state of health is unsatisfactory, then it will be quite difficult to cure demodicosis.

Antibiotics and other pills for demodicosis for dogs are prescribed only by a veterinarian. Such drugs should act in several directions:

Do not use Milbemycin for the treatment of puppies under 14 days old and weighing less than 500 g, as well as in pregnant and debilitated animals.

  • Bravecto is an insecticide. It is prescribed before meals at the rate of 25-56 mg/kg of the dog's weight. The tablet is given as a whole, without crushing or breaking. It is permissible to take this veterinary drug to pregnant and lactating animals.

Penicillin therapy or sulfa drugs are also used to treat and prevent purulent infection.

Treatment with hormonal (in particular, corticosteroid) agents is contraindicated, since such drugs exacerbate demodicosis and accelerate its transformation into a purulent form.


Advocate is a veterinary medicinal product for demodicosis in the form of a solution for external use, intended for the treatment and prevention of nematodosis, entomosis, sarcoptoidosis (including sarcoptic mange and otodectosis) and subcutaneous ticks in dogs.

Advocate is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the disease, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, entomosis, intestinal nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm), as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis.

The drug is used by drip ("spot-on") application to dry intact skin. Before use, the protective cap is removed from the pipette and, placing it vertically, the protective membrane of the pipette tip is pierced (putting the cap on the reverse side), then the cap is removed again. The drug, parting the hair, is applied to the animal in places inaccessible for licking, directly on the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck. When processing large animals, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in 3-4 places. The minimum therapeutic dose for dogs is 0.1 ml/kg animal weight (10 mg/kg imidacloprid and 2.5 mg/kg moxidectin).


In case of subcutaneous tick, sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas previously cleared of scabs and crusts at the rate of 0.2 - 0.3 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, slightly rubbing from the periphery to the center with a capture of 1 - 2 cm of the borderline healthy skin. To prevent licking of the drug, the animals are put on a muzzle (or their jaws are closed with a loop of braid), which is removed 15-20 minutes after the drug is applied. The treatment is carried out 2-4 times with an interval of 5-7 days until the clinical recovery of the animal, which is confirmed by two negative results of the acarological examination. Animals with extensive lesions are treated in two doses with an interval of one day, applying the drug to the affected areas, first one and then the other half of the body. This is the treatment for demodicosis.


Usually does not cause side effects. In no case should the drug be taken in case of hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug. This is a serious remedy that requires special consultation before use. The therapeutic effect of the treatment of demodicosis in this way is achieved in a short time.

Vitamins for demodicosis in dogs

The feasibility of using vitamins for demodicosis in dogs is controversial: some experts prescribe vitamin preparations to all animals without exception, while others are categorically against it, believing that such agents favor the development of ticks. Meanwhile, vitamins definitely help to strengthen the dog's immunity, which enhances the body's resistance to infection.

Among the most common vitamin preparations prescribed for demodicosis, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Vetzim" is a vitamin tablet preparation based on brewer's yeast. Contains vitamins of groups B and E. "Vetzim" has practically no contraindications and can be used for a long time. Usually prescribed from 2 to 4 tablets per day for a month.
  • Midivet is a modern adaptogen preparation containing a large amount of essential amino acids, fatty acids, macro- and microelements. Midivet accelerates the elimination of toxins, inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses, activates skin regeneration, strengthens immune defenses, and improves liver function. The drug is used 1-4 drops per 1 kg of body weight for 10 days. After 1 month, the treatment can be repeated.

Before giving your dog vitamin preparations, be sure to make sure that the animal is not allergic to the components of the selected remedy.

Alternative treatment

Birch tar is considered the most effective folk remedy against demodicosis. It is evenly distributed over the affected skin and left for 3 hours.

In addition, you can prepare various ointments at home:

  • a mixture of pure turpentine with drying oil or animal fat in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • 1 part celandine juice with 4 parts vaseline;
  • powdered sulfur with melted fat (1:2);
  • a mixture of equal parts of melted fat, grated green soap, powdered sulfur and birch tar;
  • a mixture of dried chopped celandine grass with heavy cream;
  • a mixture of equal parts of ground bay leaf and animal fat;
  • five parts mustard oil and 1 part minced garlic;
  • one part ground elecampane root, two parts birch tar and 4 parts melted butter;
  • two parts of melted fat, the same amount of rubbed laundry soap, one part of powdered sulfur and one part of birch tar.

Also, wounds can be washed with infusions of plants such as buckthorn bark, elecampane root, korostavnik grass, smoke grass.

Dog nutrition for demodicosis

Treatment of the disease caused by the Demodex mite should be comprehensive. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account such an important factor as nutrition. The dog should eat a complete, natural and fresh food, without the content of chemicals - flavor enhancers, dyes, etc. It is better if the food consists of meat products (boiled), as well as eggs, dairy products, vegetables, cereals.

You should not make the dog's food fatty, salty, and also add vodka to it. It is allowed to add vitamins to the feed, after consulting with the veterinarian.

Some manufacturers produce special dry food for the treatment of skin diseases in dogs. When buying such a product, you need to make sure of the following points:

  • thorough examination of animals before the intended mating.
  • Demodicosis in dogs is a serious disease that can provoke the development of very sad consequences. This happens when the pet's health is not given enough attention. If you follow preventive measures and visit a veterinarian in a timely manner, then the likelihood of demodicosis can be minimized.

    A four-legged pet in the house is a full member of the family. For many, he becomes the second child, and for some couples even the only one. Sincere love and respect for their owners requires a response. The dog needs to be monitored, cared for, and if there are health problems, it should also be treated. should be alert. Perhaps the skin of the pet was chosen by ticks.

    Manifestation of demodicosis in a dog.

    Demodex mites under a microscope.

    There are several reasons why the disease begins to progress:

    1. Decreased defenses.
    2. Hormonal disbalance.
    3. An oncological disease that undermines the immune system and gives impetus to the development of demodicosis.
    4. Treatment with strong chemicals can also cause tick-borne infection to become more active.

    Risk group

    Puppies are at risk.

    The disease usually develops in puppies or older dogs . Certain breeds of dogs suffer from demodicosis more often than others - these are pugs, sharpei, bull terriers, rottweilers, bulldogs. The disease usually occurs in autumn or spring. It is during these periods that immunity decreases.

    Pugs suffer from demodicosis more often than other dogs.

    Is it infectious for humans?

    The disease is not contagious to humans.

    You can't get demodicosis from a dog.

    Methods and treatment regimens

    Fish oil can be used as first aid for an infected dog. All balding areas of the skin are abundantly lubricated with this fat. In addition, you should review the diet and enrich it with vitamins, especially retinol.

    Fish oil lubricates balding areas of the skin.

    When visiting a veterinary clinic, a treatment plan for the animal will be selected. It will vary depending on how much the disease has spread.

    If there are single places of baldness on the pet's body, then we are talking about a localized form. At the same time, if left untreated, the disease very quickly transforms into a generalized stage, when all the skin is covered with scales, wounds, and there is practically no hair.

    Approximate treatment regimen:

    1. With isolated places of baldness, the pet is bathed using an antibacterial agent for bathing animals. Then a special ointment or lotion is applied to the affected areas. During treatment, it is recommended to visit a veterinary clinic and take scrapings from the skin in order to monitor the disease. How often to take the analysis will advise the doctor. Usually 2-3 visits to the veterinarian are required during the month of treatment.
    2. If the disease is advanced and has passed into a generalized stage, complex treatment will be required.. Some drugs will be aimed at the destruction of ticks, while others will be aimed at eliminating the associated bacteriological infection. Preparations for internal and external use should be selected by a specialist, while taking into account the breed of the diseased dog.
    3. Otomodemodecosis is effectively treated with Amitraz solution (20%) diluted with mineral oil in a ratio of 1:9. The remedy is applied externally, rubbed into the affected areas daily.

    Effective drugs for demodicosis in dogs

    Sea buckthorn oil relieves itching and irritation on the skin.

    Complex treatment involves the use of intravenous or intramuscular injections, external agents.

    If a tick-borne disease is detected in a domestic dog, you can use not only veterinary drugs for treatment. Treatment at home can be carried out with the help of folk remedies. Consider some recipes:

    Folk remedies cannot be called a panacea in the case of demodicosis. It is better to visit a doctor and fulfill all his appointments, and use folk methods as additional ways to deal with ticks.

    So that the animal does not get sick with demodicosis, it is very important to monitor its health, as well as coat and skin. Combing the coat and examining the pet will help to identify signs of the disease in a timely manner.

    To prevent the disease, you need to monitor the diet of the dog.

    • Nutrition plays an important role in prevention. . You need to watch your dog's diet. Periodically conduct courses of vitamin therapy. Do not allow monotony in food. You can use special high quality dog ​​food, in this case the usual food is not given.
    • While walking, make sure that pet did not play with unknown stray dogs . Usually such animals have weak immunity and are carriers of many diseases, such as demodicosis, helminthiasis.
    • In residential areas where four-legged pets live it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning using disinfectants . The bedding of the animal is regularly washed and stroked.

    If a pet is ill with demodicosis, all its household items are boiled or treated with a solution of chlorophos.

    Video about demodicosis in dogs

    One of the most difficult skin diseases to treat is demodicosis in dogs. At the initial stage, the disease may not seem too dangerous: other animals and humans cannot get infected, the pet is active, the appetite is preserved, even the itching is not too strong. However, without treatment, the signs of demodicosis in dogs become more pronounced, the disease affects the internal organs and, ultimately, can lead to the death of the pet.

    Read also: Seething in the dog's stomach: possible causes and methods of treatment

    Ways of infection

    In recent publications, one can often read that demodexes are part of the normal flora, that is, they live on the skin of any dog, far from always causing an illness. It is noted that, like some other skin diseases in dogs, demodicosis is hereditary.

    Thus, there are at least two points of view on demodicosis in dogs, the causes and ways of infection. Apart from considering these mites as part of the normal flora, contact with sick animals is dangerous (that is, a healthy dog ​​can become infected from a sick one). If we start from a different point of view, the prevention of demodicosis in dogs comes down only to maintaining general health, since with a decrease in immunity and hormonal diseases, ticks begin to multiply actively.

    Read also: Thyroiditis in dogs and cats: diagnosis and therapy

    Forms and symptoms

    Before treating demodicosis in dogs, it is necessary to determine the form of the disease:

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