Medical concierge is a new trend in medicine. What is a "medical concierge"? Portal of a company providing concierge service in medicine

A concierge is not only a porter at the entrance to the entrance of a rich house. In the West, the word concierge is more popular than ours, and the word itself is more widely used, that is, it has more meanings. For example, in one of its dictionary meanings, the word “concierge” means the unexpected: “Direct communication, contact with someone. Concierge with the sick.

We usually say “contact” in such cases, and psychologists say “rapport”.

Thus, a concierge is a situation where someone communicates with you closely and intimately, in order to help, to be always in touch. Or - such a person himself - a specialist in concierge services.

As you understand, people need a variety of help, they need contact with a variety of specialists for various reasons. Therefore, “concierge services” are different: a legal concierge, a concierge in a hotel in an unfamiliar country, and now also a medical concierge.

Let's remember: "concierge" and all kinds of "concierge services" is the latest fashion, it's a trend. Moreover, this fashion is more of a word than a phenomenon as such.

Previously, the middle class also had: both a personal (home) lawyer and a notary. Wealthy people also had personal (home) doctors, doctors.

Doctors could always not work in a hospital, but have a narrow, private practice, and then only a few families were their clients. That is, they did not work "on stream", as today's notaries or doctors work. Don't work with strangers.

Consider "medical concierge" the same as "house doctor". It's just called now in a fashionable, trendy style ...

Let's look at one example of a medical concierge as it happens in America.

Recently, a Texas physician named Raymond Solis retired from general government practice, to which he devoted 21 years of his life. Now he is a family doctor, medical concierge.

What did it change in his life? And here's what.

If earlier this particular doctor had 3,000 patients, now there are only 400! As you understand, the quality of service from this only improves!

The official figures common to the market are as follows.

In traditional "conveyor" medicine, a doctor is required to serve from two and a half to three thousand patients.

In the medical concierge, the doctor serves from 400 to a maximum of 600 patients.

All doctors who work in a medical concierge practice are united under the auspices of a special organization (in America) called MDVIP concierge practice.

By the way, most of these VIP doctors do not accept money from patients for a visit - they close their medical insurance account. The truth is that insurance is different. We couldn’t clarify which insurances are quoted in concierge medicine, but we guess that insurances must also be VIP...

This pleasure is worth - your own home doctor, not cheap - $ 1,500 per year per person. What if you are serving a family?

So, it is better to spend money and energy wisely - on the right lifestyle and reasonable rest, and be healthy. Then you don't have to boast that you are a client of a medical concierge. You don't even need a doctor...

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Have you decided to entrust your health to foreign specialists, but do not know how to organize everything correctly, being at a distance and not knowing all the specifics of holding such “events”? In such cases, it will not be superfluous to have your intermediary in the form Medical Concierge in Miami.

Already an impressive number of Prime Life clients have taken advantage of this unique opportunity to have a kind of personal assistant who will not only take you on a tour of the best Florida clinics, but also quickly select a qualified and reliable specialist in the field of medicine you are interested in.

American health care consultation

Medicine in America differs significantly from Russian healthcare. Private practices of doctors and the work of hospitals. Very often people come to America to find the best doctors of a narrow specialization. But even while on vacation, you or your child may need a doctor. Call us and we will tell you everything about medicine in Miami.

Choosing a doctor being in a city that you are not quite familiar with is not an easy task. In our database, the best doctors of broad specializations in the field of pediatrics, dentistry and others are at your service. Also narrow specializations depending on the request. Miami Medical Concierge will help you choose a good doctor, make an appointment as soon as possible and if you need to be next to you during the visit for translation and processing of all documents.

If you need: you want to order, arrange insurance in Miami or plan - the concierge services of our company will help in resolving these issues.

What is concierge services from Prime Life

We do not work with you, we work for you. By purchasing a package of services from our company, you get a personal assistant and representative of your interests in Miami. Medicine, education, and much more at your service. Prime Life is your personal assistant in everything.

After purchasing a package of services from PL, your personal assistant will make a thorough search of all available doctors for your request and find the best one for you.


A large number of pediatricians in Miami. We will help you choose the best one based on our extensive experience in the field of medicine. Sometimes parents have problems due to lack of English proficiency. Our database includes Russian pediatricians with extensive experience in America. Also, if you do not want to treat your child with traditional medicine, we will be happy to suggest the best homeopaths in Miami.

So that the treatment does not turn into torment

Prime Life has achieved a leadership position in providing this type of service. We were able to achieve such results in the shortest possible time due to the fact that everything that our exclusive packages consist of is thought out to the smallest detail, which means that you do not have to worry about something that might go wrong.

Being in another city, not knowing English perfectly, it is almost impossible to resolve the issue with the upcoming treatment on your own and without incidents. In addition, all this is fraught with stress, which negatively affects health. That's why medical concierge in miami is the best solution in this situation.

Children's dentists

It is a very big problem to find not just a dentist, but a children's one who will find an approach to your baby and cure his teeth without unnecessary trauma to the child's psyche. We all know treating teeth is not the most pleasant procedure. Our dentistry has a large number of toys, comfortable chairs with hanging TVs for children. You can bring his favorite cartoon and dental treatment will be a pleasant experience for your little one.

The concept of "medical concierge" is gaining increasing popularity in Russian reality, becoming as necessary a service as shopping escort or VIP service at the airport. An increasing number of people refuse to be monitored in public and private clinics, following the trend of the new trend and trusting their health to the medical concierge service.

The concierge is to some extent an intermediary between the patient and the doctor, partly performing the functions of a family doctor. Its functions include the selection of a qualified doctor, the organization of body diagnostics (check up), treatment and personal medical care in the best clinics around the world. In a short period of time, scheduled or emergency hospitalization, the provision of personal ambulance services and air ambulance will be organized.

To understand in more detail what a medical concierge is, Roman Fishkin, General Director of Liberta Medica, a surgeon, will help.

Roman, tell me, who today has the opportunity to use the services of a medical concierge?

This direction is not the privilege of the elite. A potential client of our company is any person who is ready to spend money on his treatment. The minimum cost is only 2-3 thousand rubles, this is the organization of a consultation with a doctor of a certain level. The maximum is not limited, it depends on a number of factors: the complexity of the assistance provided, the level of entourage and service. After all, there are people who absolutely do not care how much the service will cost. If only they were met at the airport on a Maybach, taken to the University of Zurich, and the operation was performed by one of the most "star" cardiac surgeons.

How does the amount a customer is willing to pay affect the service your company provides?

It is important to understand that the amount spent does not affect the quality of work of our managers and specialists. In any case, the service will be provided at the proper level. Yes, when we entered the market in 2006 we focused on the star segment, however, now our position has changed. We help people of any income get the most qualified help.

Roman, which of the concierge services is the most in demand today?

First of all, this is a planned hospitalization. Unfortunately, due to the imperfection of the medical system, it is currently very difficult to get to a good hospital to see a specialized doctor. Endless queues do not allow you to receive medical care in a timely manner - which, of course, cannot remain without consequences.

What is the peculiarity of the planned hospitalization that you offer?

Within a few days we understand the problem, we are looking for a clinic and a specialist suitable for a particular case. Moreover, we take into account all the wishes of the patient regarding his accommodation, including the view from the window and the number of rooms in the ward.

Roman, what can you say about emergency hospitalization?

All of the above is done in the shortest possible time. We have our own fleet of 9 resuscitation vehicles, ready to come to the patient as quickly as possible. If the distance does not allow sending a car, we provide air ambulance services - we send a specially equipped aircraft to anywhere in the world. Our main advantage is that we have the opportunity to hospitalize the patient in that clinic and to those specialists who specialize in his problem.

This begs the question, with which clinics do you work as a medical concierge?

With leading federal clinics and institutes. If, for example, a person needs heart surgery, we know several surgeons in different clinics who will perform it at the highest level. We use private clinics mainly as rental sites to create the most comfortable conditions for the patient.

Tell us a little about a comprehensive examination of the body ...

We organize the patient's body diagnostics, the so-called check-up, the duration of which can take from one day to a week, this is determined individually. This can be either a general comprehensive examination, a check of all body systems, or a special examination - cardio, gastro, male or female check up. After the examination, we arrange a consultation with a doctor for the patient, where he is diagnosed and given recommendations for treatment.

Today, treatment abroad is becoming quite popular practice. Isn't this service a privilege of wealthy people?

This is an erroneous opinion. Many people think that treatment abroad involves a long stay in the clinic. However, you can simply confirm the diagnosis, get recommendations, and carry out the treatment in Russia. I can say that treatment abroad is 25% of our business.

Roman, what is the main goal of Liberta Medica?

Our task is to cure a person, while making communication with us bring him maximum satisfaction. We provide a service at such a level that the client has a desire to contact us again.

Medical Concierge - Your personal guide to the world of modern medicine. The medical concierge service organizes diagnostics and treatment by the most qualified doctors of the capital, will help the patient, without wasting time, find "their" doctor and arrange annual medical care. A competent doctor, a truly professional in the necessary field of medicine. A medical concierge is a kind of intermediary between a patient and a doctor. We cooperate with the best public and private clinics. We have established contacts with the most experienced and qualified doctors.

Independent searches for doctors most often lead to a loss of time and money. While you need to think only about recovery. We save you the hassle of going from one doctor to another. All questions regarding the organization of your treatment will be taken care of by a medical concierge. You only need to contact us with your problem. We organize its solution from all sides.

A medical concierge is like a family doctor who personally deals with your health and the health of your family. Since ancient times, a family doctor has been a generalist who fully cares about the health of family members throughout their lives. It is he who knows how to help and what is best for you in a particular situation. A medical concierge, like a family doctor, constantly monitors the health of the entire family. And if necessary, the medical concierge promptly organizes an examination or treatment with any necessary, even the narrowest specialist.

“Medical Concierge” is a paid service, but it is this service that allows you to save. The doctors to whom we refer you will not offer any unnecessary procedure “just in case”. Specialists will diagnose and prescribe only the necessary treatment. A medical concierge is also your legal support: we clearly know and will tell you which free services you as a patient are entitled to. For example, many do not know about the possibility of obtaining quotas for free operations.

Every major medical institution in Europe and the United States has a "medical concierge" service. This is the first such experience in Russia so far. The competence of the medical concierge is absolutely all organizational issues related to your treatment and diagnosis. We will bring you to the largest federal clinics of the capital, to famous and world-renowned specialists.

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