Basic rules for writing a prescription. How to recognize a distributor doctor? Here are his "special signs" Where to write about the medicine why so expensive

November 18, 2016 51405

"Belarusian Buyer"- a sonorous slogan calls us to support the domestic manufacturer. Belarusian knitwear, Belarusian sausages, local alcohol... Everyone has their own attitude to our products.

And now we hear: “Shoes are not worn, blouses lose their appearance after the first wash, sausage is not tasty”, one says.

“Yes, for that kind of money I’ll buy 2-3 pairs and depart the same time, about blouses - choose the right washing mode, and sausage ... yes, you can’t drag my child or husband by the ears”, — retort others. And everyone is right in their own way, and nothing terrible will happen if the same shoes go one season less than the time allotted to them.

But what about drugs? They, too, are “ours” and “strangers” ... What to choose? How to correlate price / quality is applicable to your loved one. After all, we don't want to "depart" one season less than our sandals. We we want to survive everyone their enemies, friends and third parties with whom they are not even familiar.

And diseases are different: (black, white, red) acute and chronic, severe and not very; those that will go away on their own and those that cannot be cured for any money.

And here is a man - SICK!!! The world has stopped, everything around is losing color. A person goes to the doctor, and he writes out a medicine, the price of which makes you want to hide under a baby blanket and call for mom.

- Why so expensive?..- the voice of one crying in the pharmacy. — Give me cheap!

But when you can "cheaper"? When will the replacement of an imported medicine with a domestic analogue not lead to sad consequences?

Reference: yes medicines original(originally invented and patented) and there are "generics" are copies created in the image and likeness. In each tablet that we drink before or after a meal, there is an active ingredient (the same for the original and the copy) and a "ballast" that helps to bring the active ingredient to the goal.

The degree of "purification" of the drug provides its effect and the severity of side effects. Optimally, if the "generic" has passed the so-called bioequivalent studies, which prove that its effect corresponds to the original.

Is the original always better than the copy? Yes! And it is not discussed. And if we want the best of the best, then this is the original. But if we haven't found ours yet "irreplaceable ruble" If we still want to save money for a pair of new boots from paycheck to paycheck, then the question arises: is it possible to save money?

I must say right away that the vast majority of Belarusian medicines are “generics”, which are packaged from imported raw materials in local packaging. But it can also be packaged in different ways.

5 practical tips

And now let's reason logically on examples of the most common diseases.

1. Arterial hypertension. I'm telling you right now, she's not to be trifled with! Prices for treatment fluctuate so widely that you can lose your mind when choosing. And here's a tip for the thrifty person:

Focusing on achieving normal blood pressure (BP) figures of 120/80 mm Hg, do you maintain blood pressure while taking Belarusian enalapril and have no side effects?

Congratulations, you are the lucky one who gets the maximum for the minimum cost. Otherwise, drinking tea with a handful of Belarusian antihypertensive drugs in maximum doses, think, perhaps it makes sense to change the manufacturer.

And there are cases when patients reduced the maximum Belarusian dose to the minimum imported one (prices are sometimes comparable)

2. IHD (ischemic heart disease), angina pectoris, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol). The principle is the same: against the background of taking a cheaper domestic drug, there are no attacks of retrosternal pain, there are no edema and shortness of breath, cholesterol is within normal limits and you have taken the disease under control - victory in the game "Who want to be a millionaire"!

Separately, we single out aspirin, which is drunk after 40 years for “thinning the blood” in IHD. Simple, at first glance, effective and the most widely used drug in the world. Many forms, names and, most importantly, prices.

  1. Infectious diseases (pneumonia (although it is treated more often in a hospital), tonsillitis, STIs (sexually transmitted infections), etc.). Treatment with antibiotics. Here I am categorical: you need to hit hard, hard, without swinging. We cannot take risks. The bacterium may all too successfully use its chance to win. Savings can lead to "carrying out the body." And I'm not saying that Belarusian antibiotics are bad, but the effect of them is not always good where an imported drug would work 100%. Save money on antibiotics!
  1. Joint diseases and painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. There is an effect and no side effects, your stomach, smacking with taste, absorbs our native "diclofenacs" that relieve you of pain and swelling - do not chase the "brand" for the last money, better buy yourself sweets.

But if, after taking the pill, the pain did not recede, but somewhere “under the pit of your stomach” it twisted unpleasantly, heartburn appeared, then maybe it’s worth increasing the article "illness expenses" for a couple of roubles...

  1. Cold ordinary, one that passes without treatment in 7 days, and with treatment - in a week. There is no problem at all. Come to the pharmacy and say: "Give me something for a cold for 2 (5.25.50) rubles." And that's it, the question is closed. In a week (unless you are some special individual who could not overcome a cold in the allotted time). You are happy, healthy and grateful to the pharmacist.

Conspiracy of the world behind the scenes

Sometimes patients think that the doctor is in some conspiracy of doctors, "Masons and pharmaceutical companies" and deliberately prescribes you expensive drugs in order to enrich himself.

Well, if you think that this doctor is ready to make a deal with the devil for a pen and stickers (which are sometimes given to doctors by companies involved in the production or import of medicines), then I propose to bypass such a doctor and be treated using Internet materials.

In fact, every doctor has his own opinion about this or that drug, the treatment of this or that disease. And this is his right. He studied at the medical school for six years and continues to study all his life.

In this age of evidence-based medicine, recommendations for the treatment of any disease are based only on what has been "randomized placebo-controlled" studies, when on a republican / world / universal scale they compare a drug and an empty "ballast". The results are extremely interesting, sometimes contradictory and unexpected.

In addition, do not forget that the human body is a fairly highly organized and self-regulating thing. If the brain gives the command to extract 100 rubles for pills from the wallet, then it will simply have to defeat the disease in the bud, regardless of the medicine, dosage and dosage regimen :)

- Joke, you say.

- Only partially I will answer.

Each doctor, based on personal experience, can draw conclusions about the effectiveness of a particular drug, about the likelihood of curing you from a fatal illness. Discuss with your doctor even before writing a prescription - it's cheaper or more effective for you, but only from the point of view of the particular doctor you visit.

My opinion, the doctor sitting opposite you right now, is stated above. Belarusian medicines are not bad, and imported ones are not great.

Each person is individual, and we cannot predict how the same aspirin will behave when it enters the body of our neighbor in the stairwell, Gennady.

Man's struggle with diseases on the scale of the Earth is akin to Sisyphean labor: as soon as one person invents a cure for all known diseases, another in a neighboring laboratory reveals a dozen new ailments.

As soon as we defeated measles, HIV sneaks up behind us. HIV is under control - tuberculosis has breached our defenses. And here, diseases of the circulatory system (CVD) are in a hurry to catch up, which do not spare either the young or the old.

Control shot in the head - a comparative table of prices for domestic and imported drugs (in denominated rubles) in equivalent doses.

Domestic Price Import Price
Enalapril 1,11-2,69 Renitek* 3,17-4,7
Ramilong 3,11-12,23 Tritace* 7,14-15,22
Losartan 5,22-8,26 Lorista 6,3-14,36
Indapamide 0,74-1,04 Arifon* 9-23,49
Amlodipine 2,54-4,59 Norvasc* 31,19-42,47
metoprolol 1,28-2,94 Egilok 5,77-11,79
Monocaps 0,5-4,35 Monocinque 5,14-5,7
Atorvastatin 3,62-10,02 Liprimar* 10,12-25,99
Aspicard 1,05-1,85 Polocard 4,95-4,98
Amoxicillin 2,99-4,86 Ospamox 3,27-6,71
Doxycycline 0,91-2,01 Unidox 7,63-16,49
Azithromycin 2,3-3,1 Sumamed* 20,38-30,82
Clarithromycin 8,53-13,54 Klacid* 17,17-22,59
Ceftriaxone 1,23-14,8 Rocefin 24,16-29,86
Fluconazole 2,76-4,44 Diflucan* 23,47-59,47
Metronidazole 1,22-1,97 Trichopolum 5,65-8,52
Omeprazole 1,11-2,15 Omez 10,73-14,87
Pantoprazole 6,24-6,51 Controloc 14,3-29,33
Drotaverine 0,74-1,02 No-shpa* 4,99-7,34
Pancreatin (25 units) 1,9-3,02 Creon(10000! Units) 24,0-48,63
Motillion 2,15-7,67 Motilium* 8,77-20,34
diclofenac 1,11-2,58 Voltaren* 5,0-22,82
Nimesulide 1,69-2,46 nise 6,13-9,28
Meloxicam 2,22-3,1 Movalis* 10,6-15,89
Chondromed 20,4-34,08 Structum* 60,12-92,37
Tolperisone 5,58-9,38 Mydocalm* 11,39-16,35
Aflumed 3,9-7,13 Theraflu 7,9-17,8

* — original drug.

As you can see, the price even for the same domestic drug in different pharmacies differs significantly. Prices for domestic and imported drugs are sometimes comparable, and sometimes differ significantly.

It should also be taken into account that not all original drugs have domestic counterparts. But these are, as a rule, reserve drugs prescribed for the ineffectiveness of first-line drugs.

So what I wanted to say...

Most likely (with your finances and our knowledge) we will defeat your disease if we are on the same side of the barricades. But how you don’t want to lose at Russian roulette, categorically choosing cheap drugs.

Or arrange a local apocalypse for the family budget, constantly chasing brands. Weigh your financial possibilities together with your doctor and get the only correct prescription.

Health to you and your families!

In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to trust doctors. Instead of prescribing the most effective treatment, while weighing the patient's capabilities with the cost of drugs, doctors are not shy and prescribe expensive drugs to patients.

I came to the pharmacy, and the pharmacist picked up analogues of these medicines for me. As a result, I spent only 600 rubles on treatment. In the same pharmacy, they told me that now many doctors practice concluding agreements with pharmaceutical representatives, according to which the doctor prescribes exactly the medicine that they supply to pharmacies, and in return receives a percentage of sales. After the course of treatment, when I came to my doctor and said that I was taking exactly what he prescribed, I heard in response: “You see, what good drugs I prescribed for you, how quickly you recovered ...”, says Arutyunova.

Such situations are not uncommon. It happens that doctors do not just prescribe a specific medicine - while it will not necessarily be the most expensive among analogues, but also send the patient to a specific pharmacy, motivating this with something like "it's cheaper there" or "quality is guaranteed there." Some especially nimble doctors try to frighten their patients: if you do not buy this particular drug in this particular pharmacy, then by the evening you will feel really bad ...

Health workers themselves are reluctant to comment on this problem. Only on the rights of anonymity did the psychiatrist of one of the clinics for neuroses in St. Petersburg agree to tell the news agency “News” exactly how doctors turn into sales agents, selling not food or clothes, but our health.

Everything happens very simply. A representative of a pharmaceutical company comes to a doctor in a city polyclinic or a private clinic. He quickly and beautifully talks about the miraculous properties of this or that drug and invites the doctor to prescribe it, and for the “work” he can receive either a percentage of sales or a certain fixed amount - both in cash and on a card. At the same time, with the proposals "you prescribe our drug, and we give you a percentage," most often come manufacturers of inexpensive compared to original drugs and low-quality generics, - says the psychiatrist.

According to her, a good doctor will always explain the difference between a branded drug that has passed clinical trials and drugs that did not participate in these trials, and then the patient can choose. If the doctor maniacally imposes a particular medicine, it is worth considering why he is doing this, if there is any personal benefit in this for him.

Intimate talk

It happens that we are approached with such complaints. A teenager comes to see a doctor with his father, whose faces say that their income level is not that far from perfect, but even from the average level, but the doctor still prescribes a certain drug and sends the patient to a certain pharmacy, - says Galina Kozlovskaya, Chairman of the Society of Consumers of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

According to Galina Kozlovskaya, if a similar story happened to you, and the doctor prescribed you an expensive medicine, while he didn’t want to hear about the existence of analogues and about your difficult financial situation, you need to go to the head physician or head of the medical facility and demand that the authorities pay attention on the behavior of his subordinate.

In turn, consumer rights lawyer Igor Solomonis notes that the first thing in such a situation is to try to have a heart-to-heart talk with the doctor and ask him to prescribe something less expensive.

It so happened in our country that the high price of the drug is not a guarantee of its effectiveness and quality. I have personally experienced this many times. You come to the doctor, and instead of a normal treatment, he suggests that you go to a specific pharmacy and buy a specific remedy, while some even give their card number. Like, if I call this number, I will get a discount, - says Solomonis.

According to lawyers, there is, in fact, no mechanism for controlling this problem. A doctor prescribes this or that medicine, as they say, according to his inner conviction. He is sure that this disease is best treated with this particular drug. Therefore, it is almost impossible to prove the fact of a collusion between a doctor and pharmaceutical representatives. Even when a doctor sends a patient to a particular pharmacy, he can say in his defense that he himself personally bought this medicine in it, and therefore knows that it is good and cheaper than in a pharmacy on a neighboring street.

As they say in the Office of Roszdravnadzor for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, no such complaints have been received by their department. People, apparently, are trying to solve this problem on their own. On the other hand, many simply do not know where to turn in such situations. In any medical institution there should be a stand with information on which the contacts of the parent organization are indicated. If a medical institution is under urban subordination, then it is managed by the Health Committee, if federal - by Roszdrav. It is to these two departments that you need to write complaints about negligent doctors.

It is theoretically possible to prove the fact of a collusion between a doctor and a distributor, but it is very difficult. And taking into account the fact that we do not have such a practice, since there were no relevant complaints, it is difficult to say how this will happen in reality. However, if there are still such complaints, our department will come out with unscheduled inspections, Roszdravnadzor specialists promised.

The rules for writing a prescription for a particular drug must always be followed. Otherwise, you may incur some liability. As practice shows, doctors are responsible for issuing prescriptions for medicines. Therefore, violation of the established norms is not permissible. What tips and tricks to follow? What can and in what order, and what cannot be prescribed to patients as a drug in this or that case? What features of the process should all healthcare professionals pay attention to?

Medication definitions

The first step is to learn the basic concepts that every medical worker should know and fully understand. Only after studying them, you can take on the design of the recipe. The following concepts are useful:

  1. A drug (substance) is a certain chemical compound that has a so-called pharmacological activity.
  2. Medicinal product - a medicinal raw material that has undergone special processing. Sources can be different: vegetable, mineral, animal, synthetic, as well as the result of the activity of various microorganisms.
  3. Dosage form is the form of release of the medicinal substance, which is best suited for a particular drug.
  4. A medicine is a medicinal substance released in a certain form.

Recipe Definition

Prescription rules vary. Each specific case has its own characteristics. Before issuing this document, the doctor must understand what kind of paper he is being issued. So what is a recipe? What document can be called that?

A prescription is a so-called written request from an authorized medical worker to a pharmacist (pharmacy employee), which indicates the need to manufacture and dispense a certain medicine to a patient. This paper gives the patient the right to purchase a particular drug.

When dispensing / selling a medicine, the pharmacist must carefully study the prescription - instructions for taking it for the patient will be written there. This is an extremely important point. We can say that a prescription is a kind of permission for the issuance and purchase of special medicines that are not intended for free access. Without this paper, many powerful drugs are not available to patients.

A similar form is used not only for medicines that are marked "Dispensation only with the permission of a doctor." Prescriptions are issued to control the intake of drugs containing narcotic and psychotropic substances. So it will be possible to find out exactly who and when, as well as which drug and for what specific reasons they purchased in one place or another.

Consequences of incorrect writing

The rules for writing prescriptions (dispensing medicines) are established at the legislative level. And the violation of these rules entails certain consequences. Most often they are dangerous or cause discomfort to the patient. Especially if the medicine is urgently needed in order to save the life of a citizen. So what should you prepare for if the established norms for processing and writing prescriptions are violated? The consequences may be the following:

  1. Non-issuance or non-sale of medicine. Pharmacy points have the right to refuse to dispense the goods indicated on the form. This is a kind of reinsurance measure - maybe the buyer decided to purchase a psychotropic substance (or narcotic), having produced it on behalf of a particular doctor.
  2. Refusal of the doctor to bear responsibility for the consequences of the use of the drug. A prescription filled with errors is considered invalid. If the patient uses it, all the consequences will lie solely on the one who decided to use and purchase the medicine. It will not be possible to present any claims to the doctor if the medical worker made some mistake during the treatment process.
  3. Extra money spent on a drug listed on a higher-priced prescription. Some doctors try to prescribe either "wrong" drugs, or drugs with large price tags.
  4. Criminal or administrative punishment of doctors who write prescriptions for narcotic/psychotropic substances without evidence. Not the most common, but the case. The prescription must be issued only upon indication. If a medical worker writes out this document unnecessarily, you will have to answer for the consequences.

It can be concluded that violation of the rules for issuing the release of medicines leads to rather serious consequences. Therefore, medical professionals should pay special attention to this process. Otherwise, you can bring trouble on yourself and on the patient. What are the rules for writing prescriptions? Order number 1175 dated December 20, 2012 indicates the document preparation algorithm. What features should you pay attention to first of all?

Who can write prescriptions

It is not difficult to guess that not all citizens can write out certain prescriptions. These documents are extremely important, their execution imposes, as already mentioned, a certain responsibility on the one who issues them. It should also be remembered that a person who gives a pharmacist a prescription issued by an unauthorized person may be accused of making a fake. It is for this reason that it is necessary to figure out who exactly has the right to issue this documentation.

The thing is that the general rules for writing prescriptions indicate that only a certain circle of people has the right to issue a document to the patient. Of course, we are talking about medical workers. These include:

  • paramedics;
  • doctors;
  • obstetricians.

This is where the list ends. No nurses or assistants are authorized to issue a prescription. Speaking of doctors, it should be noted that we are talking about all such medical personnel. That is, a treating specialist, a narrowly focused health worker, and an ambulance employee can issue a prescription for some kind of medicine. The main thing is that it should be a doctor, and not secondary staff.

This is not all the features that are fraught with the rules for writing a prescription. The thing is that often individual entrepreneurs act in the form of doctors. Some wonder if such employees have the right to issue a prescription for drugs. The question is moot. In general, such a right is reserved for individual entrepreneurs providing medical care as narrow specialists or attending physicians. It's just that such citizens cannot issue prescriptions for certain groups of drugs. For example, all drugs that contain drugs or the 2nd and 3rd list fall under the restriction. Therefore, IP has less opportunities. But ordinary doctors have more rights in the field of prescriptions. They have the right to prescribe almost all drugs.


Need a specific prescription? Its structure (the rules for writing a prescription have general provisions on the content of the issued form) is clearly defined at the legislative level. Every doctor must comply with the established norms. Otherwise, the prescription will be considered invalid. So the structure of this document is as follows:

  • information about the patient (name, age, date of birth);
  • information about the doctor (initials are enough, sometimes the position is indicated);
  • the name of the medicine;
  • indication of the recommended form of leave (optional);
  • features of the issuance of the drug;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • stamp of the medical organization in which the prescription was issued;
  • signature of a physician with a personal seal;
  • instructions for taking the medicine (usually written for the patient).

It is this information that must be indicated on the issued document. Sometimes doctors even indicate the disease for which the patient is being treated. This is far from the most essential step. But some use it, especially when it comes to drugs containing narcotic / psychotropic components. Order 1175N, issued back in 2012, indicates these rules for prescribing. It contains other features of the design of the document in question. What other points should be paid attention to?

Miscellaneous forms

The thing is that in medical institutions there are various forms for writing prescriptions. This feature plays an important role for both the doctor and the patient. Failure to comply with the choice of form is a serious omission of the physician. What every doctor should know about forms? The general rules for writing prescriptions indicate the existence of only 4 forms of documents:

  • N148-1/y-88;
  • N148-1/y-04 (l);
  • N148-1/y-06 (l);
  • N107-1/1.

Each form has its own restrictions. In general, the structure of recipes is no different. You just need to follow a few rules of paperwork. Otherwise, it will be considered invalid.

What are the prescription rules? The prescription forms listed earlier are for certain medications. What drugs and on what forms are prescribed? For example, N148-1/y-88 is used for:

  1. Medicinal products containing psychotropic substances included in the 3rd list.
  2. Any medicines subject to registration.
  3. Drugs with anabolic activity.
  4. Medicines that contain narcotic or psychotropic components of the 2nd list in a dose that does not exceed a single higher dose, provided that the drugs themselves are not in the list of the 2nd list of psychotropic or medicinal medicines.

We have dealt with the first type of forms. What's next? The Rules for Prescription Drugs indicate that forms N148-1/y-04(k) and N148-1/y-06(k) are forms that help you get free drugs. The option of selling medicines at a discount is also being considered. We can say that these two forms of issuing a document are intended exclusively for beneficiaries. For all other medicines, form N107-1/1 is used. This is not all that a medical worker should know before he issues a prescription. What rules have not yet been taken into account?

For example, how to correctly write down drugs in certain forms. The thing is that the doctor must first of all write components that are psychotropic or narcotic, provided that they are included in the lists of the 2nd and 3rd lists. In the first place, it is also necessary to record the names of any medicinal substances that are subject to mandatory registration. All other components are recorded after.

There is one more thing - each drug has a maximum allowable rate. It allows you to set the maximum amount of medication per prescription. It is not recommended to exceed the established maximums. For some drugs, the prescription of the drug in excess of the norm is under the strictest ban.

Sometimes it turns out that the prescribed medication contains narcotic / psychotropic substances in its composition, the concentration of which exceeds the maximum dose. In this case, the rules for writing a prescription indicate that the physician must prescribe exact instructions for taking the medicine with a dosage, and after that an exclamation mark is placed. The dose must be written in words. This rule applies to medicines with psychotropic or narcotic components included in the 2nd and 3rd list.

If the patient is receiving palliative care, it is permissible to exceed the established rate of the drug per prescription. But there are also limitations in this area. It is impossible to prescribe the amount of drugs with psychotropic or narcotic components, which will exceed the established norm by more than 2 times. As in previous cases, this algorithm applies to substances that belong to the 2nd or 3rd list, or are subject to mandatory accounting.

The rules for prescribing dosage forms in prescriptions indicate that when compiling a document, you should write an appeal to the pharmacist, and also indicate the components of the medication (along with its name) at the same time, certain abbreviations are allowed. They are approved by special order. Ingredients close in name cannot be reduced at all under any pretext. The ban also includes substances whose incomplete names can cause difficulties in determining them.

For patient and pharmacist

Rules (order) for writing prescriptions exist not only for doctors and pharmacists. Patients must also understand what exactly they are being prescribed. Therefore, there are some recommendations that can help in deciphering the rules of admission, as well as in other instructions regarding the medication that was prescribed by a medical professional.

For example, the method of using the medicine is prescribed with all the nuances. The dosage, frequency and duration of the course of treatment, as well as the time of admission relative to sleep (morning, evening, night, "before bed") are indicated. When it comes to drugs that must interact with food, the time of use relative to the meal is indicated without fail. For example, during meals or after.

Sometimes it turns out that medicines should be issued / sold urgently. Established rules for writing out prescriptions (and other forms of issuing funds) indicate that under such circumstances, the physician makes a certain note on the form on Cito is "urgent" status used to indicate the immediate release of a drug.

If we are talking about prescribing liquid forms of the drug, then the dosages are indicated only in milliliters. For all other (solid or loose) options, this parameter must be written in grams.

Validity periods

This is not all the rules for writing prescriptions. Order No. 1175 provides for an indication of the validity period of these documents. After all, it is impossible to issue a prescription and claim that the patient is able to purchase medicines on it constantly. The form must be updated from time to time. Maybe the course of treatment should be stopped!

How long are the forms valid? It all depends on their shape. Prescriptions written on the form N148-1 / y-88 are valid for only 10 days from the date of issuance by a doctor. If we are talking about receiving medicines by beneficiaries (or at a discount), then you can not rush to purchase. After all, forms N148-1 / y-04 (l) and N148-1 / y-06 (l) allow you to use the issued prescription for one month. But this is not the only rule that must be taken into account. The thing is that the period of validity of "preferential" forms can be extended up to 3 months. These are cases of issuing a document to disabled people of the 1st group, disabled children, as well as pensioners. But the prescription form N107-1 / 1 has a duration of action equal to 2 months. After the expiration of the specified periods, you will either have to refuse the prescribed drugs, or take a new prescription from the doctor. No pharmacist will accept the old document.

Features for beneficiaries

The last thing to consider is the rules for writing subsidized prescriptions. After all, such cases are not very rare. The thing is that all of the above features apply to beneficiaries. Only for recipes in this case, there are some points that will have to be taken into account.

For example, it is impossible for a certain circle of people to write prescriptions for drugs that can be obtained at a discount or free of charge. The ban includes medical workers who carry out their activities in sanatorium-resort organizations. Personnel in day hospitals also do not have any rights to prescribe a prescription to beneficiaries. In all other cases, the document is issued by the attending physician during treatment.

Prescriptions issued on preferential forms are issued in 3 copies. One remains with the medical worker who prescribed the medication, 2 are given to the patient. They need to go to the pharmacy.


The rules for writing prescriptions (RK and RF) provide for some features of filling out the document. More precisely, the requirements that must be met without fail. It is no longer about the recipe itself, but about its design. In what order to list the substances is clear. But that's not all.

The fact is that all forms must be completed manually by the attending physician or other health worker who has the right to issue a prescription. In this case, all entries are made only with a ballpoint pen (black or blue). Lettering must be clear and legible.

The initials of the patient and doctor must be indicated in the spaces provided for this in full. Abbreviations are prohibited. In the case of specifying information about the doctor who writes the prescription, such a step is acceptable, although not welcome. But the patient's data must be contained in full.

The column "Rp" is intended strictly for the names of the medicinal product. Here the name is indicated in Latin, then in Russian. Next, the doctor prescribes recommendations for admission. At the end, the physician's signature, date of issue and seal are put. Now the rules for writing prescriptions are clear. Narcotic and psychotropic substances are not sold without this document!

neurologist, top blogger LJ

Gone are the days when the doctor was the absolute authority for the patient. Almost any information can now be verified independently, even if you do not have a medical education. And to find out, for example, that medicines for the common cold are not needed. And that there is no drug that would get rid of an intervertebral hernia, although many doctors claim the opposite. If you dig a little deeper, it turns out that there are diagnoses that exist only in Russia: for example, vegetovascular dystonia. And it turns out that doctors treat an imaginary disease with imaginary medicines. But why do they do it?

Placebo effect

Yes, doctors sometimes successfully use this effect when working with suggestible patients. They deliberately arrange an imitation of intensive care with the infusion of all kinds of multi-colored ampoules in the form of droppers, unnecessary intramuscular injections, and even being placed in all sorts of things like spa capsules or using magnetic therapy devices.

Every day, up to 80% of patients who do not really need medical care turn to a neurologist for an appointment. People who are bothered by a little whining in their back after dragging furniture, or a twitching eye, or goosebumps for two seconds every other week, are likely to recover without treatment (however, a good doctor always remembers that the back can ache from inflammation of the kidneys, and the eye twitches against the background of the debut of multiple sclerosis, and still carefully examines the patient). But for some reason, an honest explanation: “You have nothing to worry about and you don’t need treatment,” does not meet with enthusiasm. Especially if everything happens in a state clinic in a provincial town.

A person signed up for two weeks, sat in line for two hours, listened to the dialogues of grandmothers-regulars of the polyclinic full of excessive naturalism ... In order to find out that he is healthy? While Google predicted him cancer, prostatitis and West Nile fever?..

Therefore, an experienced doctor will prefer to prescribe something harmless and ineffective to such a sufferer, instead of persuading the patient not to rush to run to the pharmacy.

A lot of guidelines have been written for Russian doctors, in which serious professors explain to ordinary doctors a step-by-step algorithm of actions for various diseases. All this is approved by the Ministry of Health. Take, for example, a stroke. And we will find recommendations for drugs with unproven effectiveness. In other words, doctors at the official level are advised to treat a stroke by extracting calf brains, instilling drops with polypeptides into the nose, which in no way can penetrate the bloodstream and have at least some effect, vitamin injections and other things.

What is left for the doctor to do? You can go against the system and treat the patient strictly in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine. However, if an approach that is by no means evidence-based is supported at the state level, it is not so easy to go the other way. It is much easier to honestly give the patient a few tablets of glycine, to inject some drug with “neuroprotective properties”, which, according to Russian professors, “has huge potential”, and according to serious clinical studies, is zero without a stick. And transfer the patient to the emergency doctors, who will continue the magical rites for the introduction of neuroprotectors while the patient is being taken to the emergency department of the hospital.

In the case of a patient's complaint and the subsequent trial of rights, it will turn out to be the doctor who actively pumped the patient with ineffective drugs, creating a placebo effect not only for the patient, but also for the relatives accompanying him. Because he acted in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health. And actively created the appearance of intensive care. For it is unrealistic to explain to indignant relatives that at the pre-hospital stage, that is, while a patient with a stroke is waiting for an ambulance and going to the hospital in it, no IVs are needed (and the decision not to let the patient go to smoke while waiting for the ambulance has a much greater positive effect).

Sometimes the use of ineffective drugs is the policy of the medical institution. In private clinics, treatment with injections and droppers helps to increase profits well. And in the state - helps to avoid dissatisfaction of patients and their complaints.

The Patient's Desire

Sometimes patients themselves insist on being prescribed this and that medicine. In connection with the new order of the Ministry of Health, the number of prescription drugs has increased, which means that the “find it on Google - buy at the pharmacy” scheme has expanded by one more point - going to the doctor and getting a prescription.

A doctor who sees 30 patients a day simply does not have the mental resources to fight the windmills of the patients' frantic desire to be treated with useless medicines. And he does not at all want to dilute his already difficult work by appearing to the authorities and writing explanatory notes, which is why he did not appoint another actovegin to a suffering patient with inflammation of the cunning. Therefore, if ineffective drugs are relatively safe, the doctor will certainly write out the coveted prescription and give the coveted referral to the drip.

How to avoid prescribing an ineffective medication?

Doctors do not prescribe ineffective drugs out of a financial interest. All that a representative of a pharmaceutical company can offer an ordinary doctor is a pen and a can of coffee. Not a very impressive reward for a deal with conscience, is it? Therefore, doctors prescribe “fuflomycins” to their patients not from a desire to receive some material benefits, but from the high suggestibility of those who apply and the inability to regularly read good medical periodicals. That is simply because of poor awareness.

Today you can find private clinics that fundamentally work within the framework of evidence-based medicine and speak honestly about it. True, you can find them only in the capital. In the provinces, it is still more profitable to create the appearance of active treatment with a huge list of drugs, none of which has been proven effective in studies. In small towns, patients are not spoiled by free medicine, they are tired of queues at clinics and the need to knock out any procedure, and therefore they perceive the sheet of appointments with enthusiasm.

But even in the most run-down public hospital, you can also find a doctor who sees no point in prescribing ineffective drugs. Usually it can be detected by negative feedback from older patients who wanted a drip and talk, but received a recommendation to buy a blood pressure monitor and go for a free trial consultation with a psychologist

You will also have to master the skills of searching for objective medical information. Ignore various advertising sites for Russian pharmaceutical products, fake reviews and terrible quality articles written by copywriters who have nothing to do with medicine. You will have to improve your English and learn how to read articles from pubmed and similar resources. Blogs of doctors who are ready to share modern scientific data and provide explanations for common questions will also help.

Diet is an important factor in the treatment of cystitis. It is necessary to give up spicy, smoked and fatty foods, alcohol and drink more than 8 glasses of water a day. Cranberry juice or fruit drink will also be useful.

  • Chronic alcoholism in the patient's history (it is not recommended to take liquid drops that contain ethanol).
  • Centaury provides antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is rich in alkaloid substances and contributes to the reduction of pain.

    Tablets before doctor's prescription

    However, herbal medicines can also cause allergic reactions, therefore, without consulting a doctor, they are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under six years of age.

    Furagin with cystitis is prescribed to combat the direct causative agent of the process, and not for the symptomatic relief of signs of the disease. Improving the patient's well-being, as a rule, is not long in coming. It is also worth saying that the drug is a remedy from medicines of a relatively low price category.

    For women bearing a child, Kanefron is prescribed exclusively in the form of a dragee, regardless of the gestational age.

  • dragee orange;
  • Not only the patient, but also an experienced doctor thinks about which pills to use for cystitis. After all, if they found an ideal drug that hits the target exactly, suitable for everyone, without exception, there would be no need to constantly increase the range of such drugs. And even more so, you should not believe that it is worth taking one, and all problems are solved.

    amoxicillin (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid), cefuroxime, ceftibuten, cephalexin, nitrofurantoin. For maintenance therapy, amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin, cephalexin, fosfomycin are prescribed. In parallel, you can take herbal uroseptics: kanefron, phytolysin.

  • characteristic features of the working day (required or not concentration of attention);
  • Antibiotics. Modern pharmacology offers broad-spectrum drugs that can fight any bacteria. Monural is considered the safest antibiotic. A single dose of this drug is enough to completely cure cystitis.
  • there may be blood in the urine.
  • Doses of the drug in each case are selected taking into account the severity of the underlying condition and the cause of the disease.

  • a state of unmotivated weakness or insomnia;
  • Taking any herbal remedy will give the greatest effect as part of complex therapy.

  • severe pathology of the central or peripheral nervous system.
  • For Kanefron treatment to be effective, you should drink as much liquid as possible.
  • In order to prevent the development of an infectious process (in particular, with upcoming manipulations on the urinary organs, such as cystoscopy).
  • symptoms do not disappear after taking antibacterial drugs, such as Norbactin;
  • As clinical experience shows, most often the reason that the medicine does not help lies in the patient's non-compliance with the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor. Such patients can independently choose for themselves the “correct” regimen and dosage of the medication. In addition, they often stop therapy prematurely, associating this with various reasons (the medicine ran out, they began to feel better, they drank alcohol, etc.).

    Furagin from cystitis during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prescribed with caution, only under medical supervision. To do this, the risks and benefits of the therapy are carefully evaluated.

    The instructions for use of Furagin describe the possibility of its use not only inside, but also for external procedures, which has a better effect and speeds up the process of fighting the pathogen.

  • Antibacterial drugs. These include Norbactin, Lokson-400, Norilet, Normaks and others. These drugs inhibit the growth of bacteria in the bladder and destroy existing ones.
  • As it turned out, our millet doctors prescribe mostly expensive drugs for treatment, but there are also drugs of a more budgetary category that were relevant 10 years ago and helped remarkably. That's just Furadonin and belongs to this list. In general, I hardly believed that it would help me, but still diligently drank the whole pack according to the instructions. The tablets themselves are small and yellow in color, I don’t remember the exact taste, but I drank normally.

    The path to a medical institution, where professional assistance is provided, medicines are prescribed based on modern diagnostic methods, is not always quick and without obstacles. Therefore, patients take responsibility and begin therapy of the disease on their own. What can be taken from cystitis before visiting a doctor, which is mandatory in any case?

    When contacting a doctor, several urine tests will be prescribed to identify the causes of cystitis.

    Immunomodulators. Most often, cystitis affects people with weakened immune systems. To strengthen it, the drugs Affinoleukin, Derinat, Immunoglobulin, Imunofan, etc. are prescribed.

  • Representatives of antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group:
  • The drug is used in the practice of an ophthalmologist for the treatment of purulent diseases of the conjunctiva.

    If there are contraindications to prescribing antibiotics (allergic reactions, pregnancy, breastfeeding), decoctions of flax seeds, bearberry, birch buds, as well as their dosage forms - Fitolizin, Cyston, Kanefron, are prescribed.

    Some women require an examination by a surgeon, as cystitis can occur when the urethra is close to the vagina. In such cases, an operation is performed to lift the opening of the urethra.

  • blood analysis;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • What is important to know

  • The patient drinks an insufficient amount of liquid per day.
  • With a good therapeutic effect, tablets for cystitis in women - these are second and third generation cephalosporin antibiotics:
  • Lovage root helps to improve the process of urination and relieve spasm. It eliminates inflammation and promotes the rapid removal of infection from the urinary system.

  • yellow-brown drops with a grassy odor.
  • Prescribing the wrong treatment.
  • nausea, heartburn, or vomiting;
  • Currently, Kanefron is produced in two forms that are interchangeable:

    In addition to urological practice, the drug is used in the following situations:

  • loss of appetite, loss of interest in food;
  • Thanks to the above components that are part of Kanefron, it has the following complex action:

    At the first suspicion of cystitis, you should immediately seek qualified medical help at the clinic. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examination, based on the results of which he will prescribe therapy.

  • Antispasmodics. With severe pain, you can take No-Shpu, Papaverine, Droverine and others.
  • Before starting treatment with Kanefron, you should read some recommendations for its use:

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug;
  • What did not like about this drug.

    For children, the selection of the dose of the drug is made from the following calculations: 5 mg of the drug is required per 1 kg of the child's weight.

    Furagin is a domestic drug with an antimicrobial effect

    What other doctors will help cure cystitis?

    Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate. It is worth undergoing an examination in the clinic and treating cystitis in a complex manner, following the doctor's recommendations.

  • Pathology of the liver and decompensated heart disease.
  • To find out if Kanefron really helps with a disease such as cystitis, you can analyze patient reviews on health forums. Almost all of them are positive. Here is some of them:

    The most common imported analogues of the drug that can be purchased at the pharmacy network are: Furadonin and Furamag. The active substance in these products is absolutely identical, however, the difference in the price category is very significant. Therefore, before drinking expensive medicines offered by representatives of pharmaceutical companies, make sure that this will not be a waste of your money.

  • cystitis arose after sexual contact with a new partner;
  • Exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With caution, the drug can be taken by people with traumatic brain injury and brain diseases.

    However, sulfonamides, along with the manifestation of allergic reactions, a negative effect on most organs and systems, can lead to crystalluria (the formation of crystals in the urine). Therefore, a prerequisite for the safe use of this group of drugs is the sufficient intake of alkaline fluids throughout the course of treatment.

    Biseptol, co-trimoxazole, bactrim continue to be effective, despite the fact that modern microorganisms have learned to develop resistance to many antibiotics.

    All fluoroquinolones have a negative effect on the central nervous system, destroy the normal microflora in the intestines, and cannot be used in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

    With a timely visit to the doctor and compliance with all his recommendations, cystitis should pass within a week.

  • Eliminates inflammation and promotes rapid healing of mucous membranes.
  • There is a category of patients for whom the drug did not bring the expected effect, or the treatment did not help at all. In this case, it is worth understanding all the possible reasons for such situations, and not expressing an extremely negative opinion about Furagin.

    Timely treatment with Kanefron helps prevent the development of cystitis into a chronic pathology. In addition, the medicine can be used for prophylactic purposes to prevent the formation of stones and sand, and in the postoperative period after their removal.

    Rosemary is based not only on vegetable oils, but also on flavonoids. Due to their action, there is an increase in urination and relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bladder. Rosmarinic acid helps to relieve pain, and the gradual elimination of the inflammatory component.

    cefuroxime (cetyl, axef), cefixime (loprax, ceforal solutab). However, all these antibiotics should not be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Of the negative manifestations, an allergy to their composition can be noted.

    Usually the first thing that provides relief is drotaverine tablets (no-shpy. no-x-shi). They can be taken at once two pieces, washed down with plenty of water. Drotaverine relieves spasm and pain in the urinary organs and improves well-being.

  • From cystitis Furagin is prescribed for a course of 7-10 days. In this case, during the first three days the patient takes 2 tablets 4 times a day (that is, every 6 hours), and the remaining days - 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Patients with a lack of sucrose or lactase deficiency.
  • An opened bottle with drops should be used within six months.
  • Who to contact with cystitis?

    Despite the fact that the drug Canephron for cystitis is safe, it is better to take it after an accurate diagnosis by a specialist.

  • decompensated renal failure;
  • The next group is on herbs. These include capsules trinefron, fitolite, urolesan. kanefron H and cystone. having a moderate therapeutic effect and practically no toxic effect. In addition, they are inexpensive.

  • Herbs and medicines based on them. If there are contraindications to prescribing antibiotics (allergic reactions, pregnancy, breastfeeding), decoctions of flax seeds, bearberry, birch buds, as well as their dosage forms - Fitolizin, Cyston, Kanefron, are prescribed.
  • Medicine in the form of a dragee is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age.
  • Most women, having felt the first symptoms of cystitis, go to see a gynecologist or take drugs that have already been prescribed to them, such as Monural or Furadonin. But an unpleasant disease makes itself felt again and again and does not go away from the usual pills.

  • general urine analysis;
  • Furagin for the treatment of cystitis

  • Due to frequent urination, pathogenic microbes do not linger in the bladder and, as a result, do not multiply.
  • What is Furagin?

    In children over the age of 3 years, the appointment of Furagin leads to effective therapy for many urological diseases.

    Kanefron has practically no side effects. However, it should be remembered that there is the possibility of an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness, swelling, hives. In this case, the medication should be discontinued.

    If there is such a need, then the drug is resumed after a two-week break.

    also undesirable during pregnancy and lactation, children under three years of age. They concentrate in the urinary system, cope well with the infection that caused the disease. The disadvantage of oxyquinolines is a side effect that appears during the recommended course of treatment (up to four weeks).

    Review: Furadonin avexima for cystitis - quickly helps

    But if the “human” factor is nevertheless excluded, then it is necessary to look for the cause in the nature of the pathological process. Often, the drug is prescribed already on the basis of the patient's complaints (at the time of his first appointment), and the diagnostic procedures are late. If symptoms such as pain in the kidneys or frequent urination are caused by oncological processes or non-infectious agents, then Furagin will be absolutely ineffective (for example, in a patient with kidney tuberculosis and tuberculous urethritis that has arisen against it).

    In fact, they caused some discomfort, because I ran to the toilet after them even more often. But this time, nevertheless, the difference was very noticeable, because gradually I had cramps, pain during the process itself. I was surprised that at the same time everything came out in a very saturated and bright yellow hue, but this is how the drug itself colors everything, so there really is no reason for concern. Already on the third day of use, I began to worry that everything did not go away completely, but as it turned out, it was in vain, since then all my symptoms disappeared, nevertheless I decided to drink everything in a course, it lasted for about a week and as a result I had more cystitis didn't bother. When the same problem began with my husband, I said to immediately buy this drug. He drank and he also felt better.


    The disease occurs more often in women than in men. It usually develops against the background of genital infections and is accompanied by inflammation of the urethra.

    You need to see a doctor if:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene measures.
  • Cystitis is a bacterial infection of the bladder and urethra that is treated primarily with antibacterial drugs such as Norbaktin, as well as broad-spectrum antibiotics such as Monural.

    Cystitis may not respond to treatment for three reasons:

    “I drank Kanefon with acute cystitis together with an antibiotic. Then for some time I took it separately for the purpose of prevention. There have been no relapses yet.” Irina, 43 years old.

  • Patient intolerance to certain components of the drug.
  • Due to the fact that Kanefron contains exclusively herbal ingredients, the list of contraindications is small. These include:

    Side effects

    Kanefron should be taken three times a day before meals with water. Taking into account the severity of the disease and the form of its course, the doctor will determine the duration of treatment. On average, the course of therapy is 3-4 weeks. Further use of the drug for prophylactic purposes can be carried out for a shorter period.

    What is it and what did I like about it.

    The classic scheme of taking the medicine is as follows:

    Pipemidine (Palin) should be taken up to ten days. Do not prescribe to patients under 15 years of age.

  • Preparation of external solutions for the treatment of wounds with purulent contents, burn surfaces, fistulous passages, vulvovaginitis in women and others.
    • These drugs include the drug Furagin, which has a good therapeutic effect and is widely used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases.

      The instructions say a lot of contraindications for use and side effects are also indicated, but I have not experienced anything like this during the entire time of use. She usually drank with plenty of water so that the tablets were washed out. It is written that they remove all harmful bacteria, relieve the inflammatory process, relieve spasms, and are also an excellent antiseptic.

      Most patients who have had to deal with such a problem as cystitis know that they first resort to antibiotic therapy in treatment. However, there are drugs with antimicrobial activity that are in no way inferior to antibiotics in their effectiveness.

    • Solutions for rinsing the oropharynx for infections caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus and others.
    • The drug belongs to the representatives of nitrofuran antimicrobial agents. Its mechanism of action consists in the complete blockade of a number of enzymes that ensure the transfer of a hydrogen molecule in the cells of an infectious agent. There is a violation of metabolic processes in the microorganism, which certainly leads to severe violations of vital processes and their death.

    • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
    • Late visit to the doctor.
    • Furadonin Avexima from cystitis.

      Due to the fact that a bacterial infection is a factor in the development of the disease, doctors prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed not only at relieving unpleasant symptoms, but also at eliminating the focus of inflammation. Therefore, along with antibiotics, doctors also prescribe herbal preparations.

    • spastic pains from the stomach;
    • weak immunity;
    • there is blood in the urine;
    • The daily dose for children 6-12 years old is 3 tablets or 75 drops.
    • Contraindications

    • dark urine;
    • Release forms

      Only the doctor sets the individual dosage of the drug that is right for you

    • Cystitis (acute and chronic form of the disease).
    • It is impossible to find one drug, one tablet for cystitis will not help once, there is no universal remedy suitable for absolutely everyone, since the effectiveness, adverse reactions and success of treatment determine the individual characteristics of the human body. In addition, any drug needs to accumulate in the body in sufficient dose to show its properties.

    • individual preferences of the patient.
    • Disadvantages: frequent urges

      The least toxic of the fluoroquinolones is ciprofloxacin (ciprolet, cyprinol, tsifran). It can be taken by patients from the age of 15, and the course of treatment is 5-10 days.

    • pregnancy;
    • analysis for vaginal dysbacteriosis;
    • Doctors consider provoking factors for the development of cystitis:

    • if necessary, a biopsy.
    • attacks of diffuse headache.
    • There are many drugs that have an absolutely identical mechanism of action, and hence the same therapeutic effect. In order for the therapy to bring the desired result, always contact a specialist who will tell you about all the benefits of certain medications and advise on the correctness of their choice.

      The positive effect of the drug

    • Damage to the urethra (urethritis).
    • After the symptoms of cystitis disappear, the drug is recommended to drink for another three weeks, if necessary, you can increase the period to one and a half months.
    • Kanefron with cystitis, doctors prescribe to patients quite actively. The drug is based on natural ingredients and substances that act on the source of inflammation at the local level. Kanefron has a number of advantages over modern antibacterial drugs and contributes to the rapid removal of inflammation and the rapid neutralization of the focus of infection.

      Read also:

    • rosemary;
    • Which doctor treats cystitis in women and men?

      The most common side effects among patients are:

      Cystitis pills: before and prescribed by a doctor

    • symptoms appear in a child or a man.
    • To prevent a possible recurrence of the process (for example, before the upcoming cystoscopy or catheterization of the bladder), it is recommended to drink 1 tablet at bedtime or in the evening for a week.
    • As mentioned above, Canephoron is a herbal remedy. In its composition, it has a unique collection of medicinal herbs:

      The composition of the drug

      A disease such as cystitis requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the infection can penetrate the kidneys and cause a more dangerous pathology - pyelonephritis.

    • bacteriological culture of urine;
    • Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the patient's body, accelerating the process of urination.
    • The doctor prescribes a complex treatment consisting of antispasmodic drugs, antibiotics, antibacterial drugs, products based on plant extracts and immunomodulators:

    • centaury;
    • If the disease has spread to the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system, treatment in a hospital is required, while prescribing drugs such as Normax or Norbactin.

    • After the disappearance of signs of cystitis, the patient does not take the drug, while doctors recommend drinking the full course.
    • Adults are advised to take 6 tablets or 150 drops per day.
    • Dosing regimens

    • Cystitis is long-term and has become chronic.
    • The main tablets for cystitis in men: amoxiclav, monural, nitroxoline, furagin and others. The use is longer than in women, about 2 weeks.

    • Infants are usually prescribed 30 drops per day.
    • After the patient takes the Furagin tablet, it is captured by the epithelial cells of the small intestine, after which it enters the lymphatic system, and then is excreted from the body through the urine, where the maximum concentration of the substance is reached. This fact explains the effectiveness of treatment with the drug, and its widespread use in the field of diseases of the urinary tract, and not as a drug of systemic action.

      Still, it is better to be treated on it during holidays and weekends. I drank at work and very often I had to run to the toilet, and this is problematic for us, they swear, because I work with children. I also had a little rash on my stomach, it didn’t itch, but still a fact.

      Like any drug, Furagin has a number of restrictions under which it is forbidden to take it. These contraindications include:


    • PCR research;
    • Symptoms and causes of cystitis

      Cystoscopy will determine the condition of the patient's bladder.

      Ofloxacin (ofloxin), which belongs to the same group, is prescribed to patients from 12 years of age in a course of 5-10 days.

    • lovage root.
    • Before, I never complained about my state of health, because the only thing I was sick with was seasonal colds, my throat was my weak point. But my mom and dad are already at that age that they often complain about either one or the other. Especially with age, dad began to have problems with urine excretory tracts and he runs to the toilet very often. I thought that such problems would certainly not threaten me, at least in the next 20 years. But somehow I went for a walk with my husband and I didn’t calculate the weather conditions, I dressed very lightly, the shoes were simple, as a result, my legs got very cold . I thought that the next day the temperature and cold for me should be guaranteed. What was my surprise when, instead of all this, my back began to ache somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kidneys. Then in the late afternoon began frequent urge to go to the toilet. I ran almost the whole day, I ran often, but it was problematic with urine emission. Before, I didn’t observe this, so that in the process itself there were cramps, soreness, and so on. Terrible feeling. It was not possible to immediately turn to local doctors, as a lot of work had piled up. Then I still had to go, because my bladder hurt. It turned out that these were all symptoms of cystitis and they immediately warned that it was necessary to be completely treated or it would turn into a chronic form. They prescribed very expensive medications and drunk cranberries, as a result, I did not notice any effect at all. A colleague at work with the same problem advised me to try Furadonin avexima. I decided to try it, especially since it costs only 55 rubles for 10 tablets.

    • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire genitourinary system.
    • Inflammatory processes in ophthalmology (keratitis, conjunctivitis and others).
    • pain before and after emptying the bladder;
    • Why is the drug not effective?

      What will the doctor prescribe?

      As mentioned above, the drug has found its "niche" in the treatment of patients with the following diseases of the urinary tract:

      The choice of one or another means depends on the following factors:

      Only reliably knowing the diagnosis, the cause of the disease, the doctor will write out a prescription, and the patient will know exactly which pills to buy from cystitis. What and why do doctors most often prescribe?

    • worries about back pain and fever;
    • Effective pills for cystitis during pregnancy, children and men


      In some cases, people complain about the ineffectiveness of Kanefron. This is usually due to the fact that the patient treats cystitis on their own. The main reasons for this situation are as follows:

      If a woman has cystitis, the urologist may refer her to a gynecologist for a sexually transmitted disease. Some women require an examination by a surgeon, as cystitis can occur when the urethra is close to the vagina. In such cases, an operation is performed to lift the opening of the urethra.

    • during the day, the signs of cystitis do not go away, but intensify;
    • It relieves pain and spasms, which has a positive effect on the patient's well-being.
    • For the correct diagnosis and the appointment of effective treatment, you need to contact a urologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests that will indicate the cause of the disease:

    • stressful situations;
    • hypothermia;
    • If cystitis does not have complications, it can be cured at home with drugs (Monural, Urofosfabol or Fosfomycin sodium).

    • Bacterial pyelonephritis both in the phase of the acute process and to prevent recurrence of the chronic form.
    • The use of the drug in the wrong doses, reducing the frequency of doses and the duration of the course of treatment.
    • Why Kanefron did not help?

      augmentin, amoxiclav, co-trimoxazole, monural. cefuroxime, ciprofloxacin. used in extreme cases.

      Dosages for pregnant women and nursing mothers may differ from the standard. The dragee should be swallowed whole, and the droplets should be dissolved in water (for adults) or in any liquid (for babies).

      You should always remember that it is necessary to prescribe Furagin for cystitis, like any antimicrobial agents, only if the disease is caused by infectious agents, and not by other causes. Only then will therapeutic measures bring the necessary and expected effect.

      If Kanefron for cystitis is taken in combination with an antibiotic drug, then the disease can be cured much faster, since the antimicrobial effect of the drug will increase.

      lomefloxacin (lomay), gatifloxacin (gatimak, gatilin, ozerlik) can cure cystitis in three days, but they can only be used by people over eighteen years of age.

    • From 1 year to 6 years, you need to receive 45 drops per day.
    • Only a doctor can determine the dosage and duration of treatment with a medication. Usually Kanefron from cystitis is prescribed according to the following scheme:

      Kanefron in the treatment of cystitis

      quickly penetrate into the bladder, are kept there for quite a long time, providing an antimicrobial effect on most of the microorganisms that cause the disease. Preparations of this group are not prescribed for young children, pregnant and lactating women. Nitrofurans have quite strong side reactions in the form of nausea, diarrhea, headache and allergies. The recommended course is about ten days.

    • Wrong choice of doctor.
    • Kanefron is approved for use by both pregnant women and people with heart and vascular problems. The drug does not remove potassium from the body, which makes it safe for use in these categories of patients.

      During pregnancy, cystitis appeared, she drank Kanefron on the recommendation of a doctor. After a few days, the pain subsided, it became much easier. The only condition is to drink as much water as possible.” Vera, 25 years old.

      properties of Kanefron components

      What treatment should a doctor prescribe for cystitis?

      It is especially dangerous to self-medicate cystitis in men and children.

      Sometimes treatment with Kanefron may be accompanied by indigestion. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

    • patient's age;
    • children's age (up to 3 years);
    • Furagin is washed down with a sufficient amount of water, there is no dependence on food intake

    • cystoscopy;
    • urinalysis according to the Nechiporenko method;
    • Other causes of adhesive formations in the uterine cavity. To reduce the degree of intoxication in the severe course of the disease, which is often observed in acute postoperative endometritis, it is advisable to prescribe infusion detoxification therapy. This measure involves intravenous infusions of isotonic physiological […]
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    • And most importantly - do not worry and do not be nervous. In addition, oils of coniferous trees are used: cedar, fir, juniper, pine. The effectiveness of essential oils depends on their quality. Therefore, oil treatment is not always effective. spray; ? Internal treatment is performed with pills, rectal suppositories and […]
    • Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes, and this virus is transmitted very easily. This disease does not have any restrictions on age, gender, national and territorial characteristics. Absolutely all inhabitants of the planet are subject to it! The sixth and seventh type of virus is roseolovirus. In the adult generation, the sixth type causes […]
    • Pour 20 g of propolis into 100 ml of 70 percent alcohol, leave to infuse for 8 days, shaking occasionally, several times during the day. Dissolve one teaspoon of tincture in half a glass of boiled water at room temperature, take the infusion 2 times a day for 3-4 days. A woman who is expecting a child and has been ill with this disease can infect […]
    • Also effective for the treatment of cystitis in women are natural medicines, such as Canephron, Cyston, Phytolysin. observe bed rest; Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. This applies not only to the regularity of hygiene procedures, but also to the choice of suitable personal hygiene products. Features of the structure and functioning […]
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