Are there spoilages that cause cancer. Removal of damage to death. After the expiration of the powders, you need to dig out and read the black plot

Everyone knows that damage induced by the evil eye causes extremely backfire. This energy virus/cancer can manifest itself in health problems, in the family, at work, with money. Why is this simple technique, how to “conjure” with a needle or a doll, or some other trinket that unsettles people so much?

Looking through the energy component of this phenomenon, I managed to make an interesting discovery. It turns out that damage is a cancer of energy structures. That is, these structures already live in the human body, like cancer cells, but in a “frozen” form. When energy immunity is weakened or under specially created circumstances, a cancer cell is activated and turns into a tumor. Further, this structure begins to spread throughout all human energy fields and manifests itself in events, physical body and space.

Corruption (from Russian to spoil) is a superstition based on the belief of some people in harmful (illness, death, mental disorder, ugliness, disruption of affairs and good relations, termination of contracts) magical influence from ill-wishers, through an unkind look (evil eye), or with the help of a magical ritual (rite, slander) through food, things, water, wind, wood.

Ways to induce damage

There are several ways to activate cancer formation:

Method 1. Weakening of energy immunity. When we do not feel the strength in ourselves, when we have lost ourselves and become entangled in everyday problems. At such moments, our natural energy goes to patching "holes" and is quickly exhausted. If, instead of support, a person receives a portion of an “unkind” look (evil eye), this “revives” the cancer cells of his energy. And then, according to the law of attraction (and these cells are very active), like a virus, the infected energy begins to spread rapidly throughout energy bodies person. Your body releases more resources and energy to correct the situation, but it fights the consequences, not the cause. The systematic “burning” of energy begins.

Method 2. artificial guidance. Most magicians and other magicians use various objects, trinkets, candles, they can even hang the skull of a dead animal somewhere ... In general, they use attributes to create a frightening image. The essence of the process is not to create a portal “with the forces of darkness”. The essence of the process is to create a lightning-fast trance induction or suggestive influence (suggestion situation). If this happens at the moment of inner weakness, then the energy cancer programs that exist in us are activated. The mage is no longer needed. We will "burn" ourselves.

Method 3. Completely magical. Exploring experiments on remote reading of information, our team received stunning results. Reading at a distance gave good result. And if so, then direct impact on a person does not need to be rendered at all. It is enough to “enter” this thin space and lay the command to activate the cancerous formations program. To enhance it, you can make some kind of “sacred” ritual for calling the forces of darkness in order to launch the “butterfly effect”.

Wikipedia: The Butterfly Effect is a term in the natural sciences that refers to the property of some chaotic systems: a slight influence on the system can have large and unpredictable consequences somewhere else and at another time.

Method 4. indirect activation. As a continuation and addition to method 3. During the ritual, both the magician and his client will believe in the result even more strongly, thereby becoming “indirect” carriers of activation. The thought is material. And even if the client himself does not have the experience of energy impact, he will become the carrier of the programs for activating damage in the victim. And with verbal or non-verbal contact, the effect will be enhanced.

How to protect yourself from damage?

In each situation, use various options healing. Two key types of influences can be distinguished: transforming and connecting to the energies of the creator. In both options, you can work on a “self-healing” scheme or seek the help of a professional.

Option 1. Transforming. The resulting energy of corruption, reinforced by fear, destroys the chakras and begins to burn everything energy fields person.

Depending on the level of development, three sub-options are distinguished:
1) removal of energy impact (with small infections, the level of laurel),
2) incineration and/or transformation negative energy(medium impact),
3) disintegration of overgrown structures (when the energy of corruption captured a person, made him obsessed). Example: any form of addiction has similar energetic features. This is the most difficult option.

By the way, one way that helps to quickly get rid of damage is to run naked near the door of the ill-wisher. The main thing then do not forget to put the video on YouTube. Such an act will shake up your energy and there is a great chance that cancers die - having lost energy. You will simply not be spoiled. Didn't check. But there is a feeling that it should work :)

Option 2. Work with the Energies of the Creator. The essence of the method is to connect to the energies of the creator and conduct these energies through oneself to all planes.

With such an activation, you become a conductor of powerful energy and are charged with it. You are fully aware of yourself and the processes that take place around you. You have an inner spiritual core and inner faith. You will not have the time and energy to feed the "malignant" structures. And any suggestive influence will bounce off you like peas, which you will meet with a smile on your face and will not even notice.

The first option is an energy pill and you need a doctor for a course of treatment. The second option is a lifestyle and requires a deep transformation.

Did you have an experience when you saw the induction of damage? What were the consequences of this? What was the way out of the situation?

Probably hard to find modern society a man who has never heard what damage". And all this despite the fact that this concept comes from the most ancient pagan times. Even then, our ancestors knew a lot about the negative effect on a person and at the same time knew how to neutralize these actions through magic. But even today people are increasingly turning to magicians and sorcerers for help. Some are to remove negative programs from them, and others in order to harm them.

What damage to death .

One of the worst kinds of overlaying negative programs is damage to death, which is designed to eliminate a person physically. Most often for guidance damage to death they turn to sorcerers either out of a sense of envy, but more often because of revenge. It even happens that to bring damage to death, blood relatives of the victim ask the sorcerer. No matter how blasphemous it sounds, but it exists a large number of people who do not disdain black methods to eliminate their rich relatives in order to seize the inheritance. In this case, the sorcerer acts as a kind of killer.

The fundamental point is the fact that damage to death can only induce a very experienced black magician, who has a wealth of practical experience, since this kind of damage is one of the most complex rituals, which requires knowledge and strength to perform. The purpose of this damage is the complete annihilation of a person by any means, or due to hasty deadly illness or as a result of an accident. Very common suicidal spell when a person feels so unhappy that he is simply looking for of death.

Some black magicians define the concept of " damage to death"as the strongest energy blow that can bring a person full of health to the grave in a relatively short time period. There is some truth in this, but first of all, it is required to clarify that magicians do not always achieve instant of death of their victim, because in order to destroy a person, they do not use their own energy, but resort to the help of the energy of the elements of death, misfortune. A common word can be called this energy - the energy of destruction. That is, it is set negative program to destroy a person with the help of certain spells and rituals.

When damage to death most serious illnesses such as heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. After all, it is extremely rare to be completely cured of these ailments. But knowing the technology of black magic, for any negative impact you can find an antidote, unfortunately, not every master. Even a very experienced black magician, possessing remarkable strength, will not have enough energy potential to deal a crushing blow. It simply accumulates external negative energy, concentrating it in one place. At the same time, a negative program aimed at complete destruction has a double effect on the human body.

On the one hand, it completely blocks the action of positive energy, as if de-energizing a person, and on the other hand, it infects the energy with an alien negative program. At the same time, the person who is targeted by such a program does not have the opportunity to independently recover in the previous state, since he simply does not have the tools to confront damage. Therefore, at the first sign damage to death, you need to urgently contact an experienced master who knows his business.

signs damage to death.

Whatever individual psychologists say, since damage- this is just a program, which means that a person can get rid of it on his own, this is not true. Yes, damage is a program, but so complex that not everyone can even imagine it. It suffices to give an example. If we assume that the magician removes the negative program, resorting to the method of "deprogramming", to which the subconscious of a person responds with damage, something that the subconscious responds to in infants who, due to their age, cannot respond to any magical manipulations. This suggests that everything depends not only on the human psyche, but also on the skill of the magician.

Signs that a person is pointed damage to death a lot and they are far from all explicit, because sometimes in order to achieve effective result, sorcerers try to mask their actions so that a person does not have time to determine what is on him deadly corruption and couldn't get rid of it. After all, almost all magicians are afraid of reverse kickbacks. There are a number of precise signs by which one can judge the damage. These include:

. prolonged depression;

. persistent insomnia or restless sleep with nightmares;

. complete absence joys of the day and unwillingness to live;

. lightning exacerbation and aggravation chronic diseases;

. the occurrence of incurable serious diseases;

. inability to be in the church;

. chronic fatigue and apathy.

For a person who has a negative program on suicide, life becomes painful and he tries to get rid of it. If the causes of such a state are not recognized in time, no matter how hard psychoanalysts try, it will not be possible to save such a person. Only an experienced strong magician can help such a person. But it should be remembered here that after damage to death or suicide(which is basically the same thing) is located in the energy of a person, he becomes like a zombie, for which any arguments sound unconvincing. The resistance of the black forces begins, which prevent getting rid of damage.

In this sense, a person who himself seeks to part with life, in every possible way tries to do it faster, because this way seems to him to get rid of torment. But damage has a very strong effect on the environment. She, like infectious disease, which spreads around the victim, can have different influence in terms of severity different members families. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a person, on his “spiritual immunity”. But damage to death may show up in an accident when it looks like that. Very often, people do not even realize that most accidents are deadly the outcome is a consequence of the induced negative.

However, most often we can talk about damage to death, which leads a person to death through a difficult incurable disease. Such a patient walks around the best luminaries from medicine, passes all the most meticulous tests, nothing can be found in him, and the person withers and withers. And here the main thing is not to waste time. After all, it is important not only in medicine correct diagnosis and timely treatment, also in magic, it is necessary to turn in time to an experienced magician who will be able to recognize the causes of diseases and resolve the issue of their elimination.

Is there a cure for damage to death.

Get rid of fatal damage quite possible. The main thing, as we found out, is not to waste time. But it should be said that not every magician can agree to remove this type of negativity, since this is, indeed, one of the most strong species targeting negative programs. Inexperienced masters are simply afraid that not to the end filmed damage will have a negative effect on him. And it makes sense. Therefore, if the magician is not confident in himself or you do not know anything about his practice, then it is better to start looking for another master, and not waste money and precious time, which expires very quickly for a person with fatal damage.

From damage to cancer (general information)

Sometimes it happens that a person develops cancer for completely different reasons than those described at the beginning. A person is simply helped to get cancer. And, as a rule, this is done so that a person dies, that is, to death. As you can imagine, there is no point in treating this with medications. If a person was promised, like: “Well, I'll do it for you! You will remember the century! ”, Or“ Cancer will pour out all this for you! ”, Then this is just such a case. If the one you offended, or with whom you quarreled, is not able to cause damage himself, then he goes to the witch or witcher, who use certain knowledge, skills and abilities to harm other people. This is what black magicians do.

The opposite of black magic is white magic. white magic does good. A real white magician will never engage in magic that brings harm or evil, because he knows at what cost he will have to pay for the evil caused to anyone.

Induced cancer proceeds much faster than cancer as a disease. If the healer does not know how the damage was induced, then he will not be able to cure it. Such damage is done different ways, so the treatment for it is different. When the damage is removed, it returns back to the one who sent it. She returns strengthened several times, and has the same consequences that the one who sent her wanted to cause, now for himself. He feels that the fruits of his labor have returned back, and then a whole “war” begins between the white and black forces, to meddle in which, for an uninitiated person, is life-threatening.

Therefore, it is necessary to heal damage only to people who are initiated into this. You need to know a lot and be able to cope with the intrigues of the witch. So, in this case, for treatment, contact the healer. Such people have always been, are and will be, as long as evil and disease exist.

Watch some videos on this topic at these links:

In conclusion of this section, I would like to say that the folk recipes will help only for a while to relieve the exacerbation of the disease. Can pass all the symptoms of cancer, and this can even be confirmed by medicine. But, after a while, he will return again. Its complete cure will come only when all the causes that give rise to it are eliminated. And these reasons are a time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. You should know that cancer can also help to get sick, and this is done to the death of a person. With damage to cancer will not help either drug treatment, no treatment folk remedies. In this case, as they say, I fell ill from words, and I need to be treated with a word.

Are there conspiracies for cancer? How effective folk methods and magic to cure cancer? Is there damage to cancer?

Yes, conspiracies for cancer and magical rituals exist and are used. But not every patient, unfortunately, can be helped. If a terrible illness is a karmic retribution, no one will save this patient. When the tumor is the result of some "natural" factors, the disease can be fought and official medicine, both folk and magical. If, to the emergence oncological disease experts in the field of black magic had a hand in it (damage to cancer is a very common thing), you can’t do without the help of a magician or healer.

Unfortunately, most people do not know true reason of his disease and may turn to the wrong place. I know many cases when doctors say to the patient: "Sorry, we can't help, urgently look for a grandmother." In turn, if traditional healer is aware of his inability to help a person, he is obliged to honestly and openly tell his client about it, and refer him to the doctors before it is too late to perform surgery and apply chemotherapy. Money, ambition and prejudice must be swept clean when a person's life is at stake.

First, I'll talk about the tricks. traditional medicine applied in cases where the cause of formation malignant tumor not associated with witchcraft and there is no damage to cancer. Nutrition must be severely limited, up to permanent malnutrition. Cancer cells must starve! Foods rich in magnesium are needed: capsicum, millet, peanut. I recommend eating cereals, grapes, southern fruits, caraway seeds, quince and grapefruit juice. At pernicious anemia This combination has proven itself perfectly: spinach, apples and vitamins. Avoid milk, meat, legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, canned foods.

Many have heard that gynecological tumors (uterine cancer, etc.) are treated with "honey, wine and aloe." I will share with you more detailed recipe. One part of aloe is mixed with two parts of natural May honey and two parts of red fortified wine. The age of aloe is at least 5 years, do not water it for several days before cutting. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate. Within a day, the drug is ready for use. Reception: three times a day one hour before meals for 1-2 months. The first five days you need to take the mixture one teaspoon, then one tablespoon. In combination with taking this drug, you need to make daily sitz baths in a decoction of violet flowers.

And here is a very interesting effective recipe. Pour one part of grated birch ash with five parts of water and boil for 10 minutes. When the ash has settled, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth into a bowl that you keep in the refrigerator. Mix a quarter cup of this liquid with fruit juice and drink three times a day. Avoid milk.

Local remedy: grind fresh carrots with onions, put on the tumor and bandage. Change the bandage three times a day.

Plant a live cancer at the site of the tumor and remain motionless until the cancer begins to back away, after which it falls dead (after 20-30 minutes). Cancer must be allowed to freeze in the place where he himself may crawl. dead cancer remove immediately, perform the procedure regularly.

Make thin plates of clay, which are applied to the site of the tumor daily for 2 hours. At the same time, I recommend drinking water with the addition of purified clay (about a teaspoon per glass of water). Clay absorbs slags and malignant cells and then removes them from the body.

An hour before breakfast, drink purified clarified kerosene one tablespoon at a time, but in the early days, start with a few drops. In the case of a strong allergic reaction do not carry out this treatment: kerosene is not suitable for everyone.

There are a number herbal recipes from cancer, but the composition medicinal plants depends on the location of the tumor.

For liver cancer, brew a decoction of yarrow, horsetail, mint, St. John's wort, chicory, birch leaves. Drink half a glass three times a day. Drink juice at the same time sauerkraut without salt and beet juice.

Sleep for stomach cancer fresh leaves plantain sugar and leave for 10 days. Strain the juice and drink it in a tablespoon 5 times a day for a month.

For cancer of the lips, tongue, larynx, rinse your mouth with sour and beetroot juice, take the juice inside.

Pancreatic cancer is treated with the following composition: calendula flowers - 2 parts; celandine - 2 parts; birch leaves - 2 parts; mint leaves - 1 part; elecampane root - 1 part; dill seeds - 1 part; dryer - 1 part; St. John's wort - 1 part; coriander - 1 part. Infusion of these herbs to drink half a cup three times a day.

For cancer of the uterus - daily douching with a warm decoction of celandine and violet (a glass of grass in four glasses of water). There are a lot of onions, beets, garlic, cauliflower.

For cancer different localization you can use a decoction prepared from the following herbal ingredients: celandine, plantain, wormwood, immortelle, violet, chamomile, yarrow, currant leaf, fireweed leaf, burnet root, St. John's wort, lungwort. Drink the composition 3-4 times a day for half a glass at the same time. Take a break one or two days a week to let your kidneys rest!

Grind all parts of the hemlock and pour into glass jar equal volume of vodka for 3 weeks. Close tightly, shake occasionally. Strain the tincture and drink in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals, 1 drop with water. The next day - 2 drops, then - 3 drops of tincture and so on, up to 40 drops. If at any time you become ill, hold on to the reached dose until the body adapts to the poison, then continue the course of treatment. After 40 drops, reduce the dose by a drop per day until you reach 1 drop. The course is periodically repeated. Similar treatment spend with fly agaric tincture.

Start treatment with conspiracies by buying a spool of black thread. On the full moon, begin to tear off a small segment from the spool of thread, constantly saying: " This is not a thread that breaks, breaks,and cancer breaks, tears itself apart, eats, outlives! There is no place for you on my body, just as there will be no threads on this spool! Amen". When the coil is empty, burn all the pieces of the thread, dissolve the ashes in water and take a few sips. Wash the area affected by cancer with the rest of the water and ashes.

Light 12 aspen torches, fumigate the patient with smoke and read 12 times such a conspiracy from cancer: " How the torch-torch burns and goes out, the pop-eye disease, severe cancer earthly, not river, not underwater, not under the rock, so come down from the servant of God (name), burn down to the underground, under the earth, under the stone, from the servant of God (name) come down, flow, forever, amen".

This conspiracy is read 3 times on the waning moon for water, which needs to be watered and washed three times a day by a sick person: " Cancer is heavy, painful, edible! Do not grab, do not gnaw the servant of God (name), let go of the claws, roll back to the dark forest, to the dry bush, where the rooster will not sing, the dog will not pass, the baby will not scream. Amen". After each repetition of the text, do not forget to spit three times over your left shoulder.

The next plot is read into the water in exactly the same way as the previous one: " In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. In the city of Vereten there is a throne, on that throne sits Mother Mary with a sword andcross cuts cancer. Cancer: prickly, powerful, oppressive, growing, fiery, fatty, internal, smelly, watery, creeping, poisonous, poisonous, rotting, bloody, granular, ripening, servulant, cereal. Mother of God! You help everyone, quench all illnesses, quench illnesses, corruption of cancer and all its titles with the servant of God (name), in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

When treating birch fungus with chaga, read the plot: " I will rise, the servant of God (name), having prayed, I will go, blessed, from the door to the gate, I will go out into an open field, in that open field there is a white birch, on a birch - a chaga, and a chaga gnaws a birch. And the servant of God (name) is destroyed by cancer-growth. Cancer-growth, go from the body of the servant of God (name) to the curly birch, to the clumsy chaga, get used to it, grow together. Where there is one cancer on a birch, there will be two. In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit, amen".

Conspiracy for breast cancer: " Cancer is not fish, tumor is not meat! I will come to an empty field, where it is not sown, not reaped, the owners are not called; where it has grown, what is not asked, worn by the body, put on the chest. As that wheat dries, so the tumor will fall off the servant of God (name). Niva toydry up, breast cancer does not happen. Amen". The plot is read 7 times when preparing a wheat cake (a mixture wheat flour and water), which must be left on the chest for at least an hour. Then discard the cake and repeat the procedure the next day. The ritual is performed daily.

A conspiracy uttered when rolling out a tumor chicken egg(roll clockwise, say the plot 33 times, then burn the egg). " As the egg does not return to the chicken, as the stick does not become an oak, so the cancer from the slave (name) will be pumped out and left behind. Go where they plow in winterin the summer they row snow, where the dead sleep, there they are waiting for you, cancer. Howthe cancer is moving backwards, so you, cancer, go from the body of the white servant of God (name). My word is strong and stucco. Amen".

Damage to cancer is much more common than people think. The worst thing here is this: damage to cancerous tumor does not disappear with the deceased person. Cancer "jumps" to the next victim, usually the next of kin, during the funeral. You can say: "Nonsense, these are women's tales." Have you ever heard how in one family or another within a very short time there were several deaths in a row with small intervals? And the diagnosis is the same - cancer. Knowledgeable people try to protect the close relatives of the deceased from the funeral procedure in the case when there are good reasons to consider damage to cancer as the cause of death. When parting with the body, blood relatives should not kiss the one who died of cancer!

There is an opinion among the people that healers often refuse to treat cancer patients for fear of taking the disease upon themselves. In fact, such healers simply understand that they are unable to help the sick. However, some are really afraid, because they can actually become victims of corruption. Here is a very important question. energy protection doctor. For example, several dozen visitors visit me during a reception day, many of whom have become victims of all kinds of curses: illness, loneliness, family discord, lack of money, alcoholism, and so on. What would happen to me if I took upon myself all the troubles of these people?! Just as a telemaster uses his knowledge and skills to repair a TV, so white sorcerers and healers use their skills to "repair" people. After all, the telemaster does not take on the disease of the TV! In order for the damage to pass to the healer, he must, firstly, be afraid of the possibility of "infecting", and secondly, be insufficiently protected.

In the magical arsenal, there are many ways to remove damage to cancer diseases, but it makes no sense to talk about them, since an unprepared person will not be able to use them. Damage to oncology is an extremely serious thing and only professionals can fight it. For those who planned to bring such a curse into the world, I want to remind you of the inevitability of a backlash. People diligently knock out nails from the coffin, hammering them into the threshold of their victims, sew knotted ropes into pillows, even bubble allowed with special spells. But they do not think that, in the end, damage to cancer returns to the one who sent it. Such is the law of witchcraft retribution: if the return blow does not catch up with the aggressor in this world, it will catch up in the next!

If you need to contact me personally for any clarifications, consultations or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 14 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to remove induced cancer

How to remove induced cancer

It's no secret that cancer can be contrived. Here is one example. A resident of the Kemerovo region told him:

“... I was 29 years old when I passed medical examination for a pregnant card. We didn’t have ultrasound in the village, and I went to district hospital. When I left the doctor's office, I was taken aback when I saw my boots filled to the brim with grain. I shook about half a bucket of wheat out of them and put them on. But at home, under the insoles, I found grains that had accumulated there. When I told my mother-in-law about this, I said, surprised:

- Who needs it, because I don’t know anyone in the district center.

The mother-in-law listened to me, but did not answer. About a month later I suddenly became ill, I was treated and eventually diagnosed with cancer. No one in our family had cancer. I was horrified. My weight began to decrease, my strength left me.

And then my mother-in-law told me:

“Remember, they filled your boots with grain to the brim? Now, I think you got cancer then.”

I did not believe that someone hated me to such an extent that they would do such a thing. Here I heard for the first time the name “Galya”, which, it turns out, lived with my husband before me (without marriage registration). They hid this from me, and she, according to her mother-in-law, came the day before our wedding to her mother-in-law and my husband and declared that she would destroy her rival, that is, me, with cancer. Apparently, on that ill-fated day, she followed me to the city in the same bus and, after waiting for the right moment, did her dirty deed. She followed our family and was aware of my pregnancy, and our pregnant villagers go to the district hospital. So I went for cancer.”

You can help like this. A born puppy is carried around a sick person counterclockwise, saying:

dog soul,

Take from me what they put on me

What I was sentenced to.

How that rye, that oats grew in the field,

So that cancer grows on this puppy,

Not on me God's servant(name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After that, the person usually recovers, but the dog gets sick. And doctors believe that the diagnosis was made incorrectly.

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