The wisdom tooth almost got out but the gum hurts. Wisdom tooth grows: what to do, photo. Medical methods for solving the problem

Only in some people, the eruption of the third pair of molars does not cause any inconvenience. Many people say that the gum around the wisdom tooth has become inflamed and there is a very strong pain. In addition, the process of teething is complicated and brings a lot of various inconveniences.

The most common complication is acute pericoronitis (ICD-10 code K05.2.). The formation of a hood is a very complex problem, which can be eliminated surgically.

Features of wisdom tooth growth

A person has a wisdom tooth at the end of each dentition. There is no need for them, rather, only the problems associated with their growth are added. The reason for this is that by the time of their growth, the formation of the bone tissue of the jaw is already ending. There is not enough space for molars to erupt, so they can cause severe pain and discomfort.

They do not replace dairy, therefore they do not have a conductive channel that would facilitate their eruption. Unpleasant sensations, mainly provoked by the thickness of the gingival mucosa and the size of the walls of the dental sac. Discomfort may also be accompanied by swelling, fever, difficulty opening the mouth. This can go on for quite some time. All these signs occur due to inflammation of nearby tissues. That is why you should definitely consult a dentist.

It is quite difficult to clean the wisdom teeth well, and sometimes those located next to them. Molars, even at the stage of their growth, are often carious, and are also capable of transmitting infection. Their growth is almost always accompanied various kinds problems. It is necessary to contact the dentist in a timely manner, as these molars cause significant discomfort, sometimes affecting the well-being of a person.

What is pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is an inflammation characterized by swelling, redness of the mucosa, and possibly suppuration of the hood. This is a kind of mucous membrane hanging over the tubercles of the crown that have not yet appeared.

In the process of growth, a space is formed between the tooth and the remaining mucous membrane, into which food particles fall. At the same time, its removal is almost impossible. As a result, they create optimal conditions for the reproduction of pathogens, which causes complications.


When a wisdom tooth erupts, the main causes that provoke pericoronitis are:

  • dystopia of the third molar;
  • semi-retention;
  • thickening of mucous tissues;
  • small width of the dental arch.

Dystopia is characterized by the fact that the tooth grows at an angle or parallel to the main dentition. Semi-retention - a condition accompanied by eruption of only part of the molar.

All this may be accompanied by the formation of a hood over the wisdom tooth, even if it subsequently takes its usual position.

Main symptoms

Initially, the patient for a long time may not even notice that he has a hood over the tooth, since in calm state it rarely brings inconvenience and discomfort. However, literally after 1-2 days, certain difficulties begin. Initially, food particles begin to fall into the gap between the mucosa and the molar, creating good conditions for the development of bacteria.

Due to the fact that pathogens develop very quickly, and inflammation begins. If the gum becomes inflamed near the wisdom tooth, then certain symptoms begin to appear. The main features include such as:

  • swelling of the gums and parts of the face;
  • it is impossible to open the mouth normally;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature rise.

Every few hours, the symptoms will only get worse. This happens due to the fact that developing infection quickly spreads to adjacent tissues. Initially suffer chewing muscles, which with every movement will give very severe pain. Gradually, the whole jaw begins to hurt.

Could also be general infection. This is due to the fact that in the affected soft tissues a lot of blood vessels. Once the bacteria enter the bloodstream, they spread to all organs. This threatens the development of chronic diseases, as well as a general deterioration in immunity.

Features of treatment

When a wisdom tooth climbs, the gum hurts, what should I do? This question is of interest to every person suffering from pericoronitis, since such a condition causes significant discomfort and very severe pain. Treatment is selected only by the attending physician. The most radical method of therapy is the removal of a wisdom tooth. The operation is performed only if the molar has no physiological value. In addition, the removal is carried out if the X-ray revealed that there is not enough space for the formation of the molar, and it grows in the wrong direction.

In all other cases, the hood is removed; in this case, the wisdom tooth can be saved and the development of complications can be prevented. Excision of the inflamed mucosa - the operation is not very complicated and is carried out by applying local anesthesia.

How is the hood removed?

If a wisdom tooth is growing, hood removal may be done for reasons such as:

  • when biting the gums, severe pain occurs;
  • there is a local swelling of the tissues;
  • inflammation;
  • the tooth is located under the hood.

If the pain is tolerable and lasts a short time, then you can try to wait a bit. It is possible that the hood will gradually wear off on its own. The operation to excise the mucosa is performed if there is a strong swelling of the tissues. Often it spreads to the larynx, then there are signs of sore throat, dryness and sore throat, difficulty swallowing.

In case of occurrence bad taste, this may indicate that the infection has passed into chronic form. If the required measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the inflammation can pass to the root of the tooth. Similar state require the removal of a molar.

The tooth located under the hood is quite difficult to completely clean, so caries can begin to develop. To spend quality treatment, a preliminary excision of the mucosa is required.

When there is a very severe discomfort and inflammation is carried out removal of the hood. The wisdom tooth in this case begins to grow correctly and there are no problems. Excision of the mucosa is performed by a dentist-surgeon. This process is not particularly difficult, and takes only a few minutes.

Initially, only the surface of the gums is anesthetized. This can be done by injection or local application anesthetic. When the anesthetic takes effect, the doctor cuts off the hood with a sickle-shaped scalpel. At the end of the procedure, a cotton swab soaked in drugs is applied.

After removing the hood over the wisdom tooth, healing occurs within 1-3 days. To speed up this process and prevent complications, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the dentist.

Rehabilitation after removal

After removing the hood over the wisdom tooth during the day, a person may experience severe discomfort, swelling and pain. To make this process less painful, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and salt. This tool gives a very good anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

You can also use chamomile flowers, St. John's wort. It is important to wait until the prepared product has cooled down to room temperature. Good result provide pharmaceutical products, such as the drug "Miramistin". It is necessary to irrigate the mucosa every 2 hours.

If you have a temperature after removing the hood over your wisdom tooth, it is important to visit the dentist immediately, as this may be a sign of serious inflammation.

Causes of pain during teething

If a wisdom tooth climbs and the gum hurts, only the dentist can determine what to do after comprehensive examination. There are several reasons why pain may occur during the eruption of the outer molars. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

When the extreme molars erupt, it is not the tooth itself that hurts, but the adjacent ones. soft tissues. This can happen if the tooth grows incorrectly and rests against the gum, and it hurts very much.

With difficult eruption of the molar, a kind of gingival hood is formed. Under this fold, food debris and pathogens penetrate, provoking the onset of inflammation.

Sometimes the wisdom tooth starts to put pressure on facial nerves, and then there are very strong pains that cover almost half of the face.


It is important to know if a wisdom tooth is cut and the gum hurts, how to anesthetize and eliminate inflammation. It is worth remembering that drugs that eliminate pain, remove only general symptoms but do not solve the problem as a whole. To eliminate discomfort, remedies such as:

  • analgesics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • gels and ointments for topical treatment.

If the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, only the dentist in the clinic can determine what to do. However, in the presence of severe pain, analgesics can be used. It is recommended to take a pill "Nurofen", "Ketanov", "Analgin". The effect lasts 1-5 hours. It is worth noting that in some cases, analgesics may not work. Then you can not increase the dosage of the drug and you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If there is very severe inflammation, then antibiotics for pericoronitis may be prescribed to eliminate pathogens, as this will prevent the subsequent spread of pathogens.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are also taken orally and they give a good analgesic effect, help reduce the temperature, which often rises during the eruption of the outer molars.

If a wisdom tooth is cut and the gum hurts, how to anesthetize - this issue bothers many people who experience discomfort and severe pain. Can be applied local funds, for example, such as "Metrogil Denta", "Kamistad", "Kholisal". These drugs have an antibacterial, analgesic and wound-healing effect. Instead of an ointment or gel, you can use the Angilex spray.

It is worth noting that these are only temporary measures, so if a wisdom tooth grows and the gum hurts, only a qualified dentist can determine what to do.

If a wisdom tooth grows and the gum hurts, what should a person do who does not want to take medicine, but cannot visit the dentist? In this case, you should turn to the means traditional medicine. There are many various recipes to help relieve pain and inflammation. One of the most effective remedies is sage. To eliminate pain, you need 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 cup boiling water. Cover with a plate and let sit for at least 1 hour. Warm solution should be rinsed.

A decoction of oak bark will help reduce pain and inflammation. You need to brew it as indicated on the package, and for greater effect, you can combine it with sage. Rinsing is carried out every hour.

For pain relief, you can additionally use propolis infusion. Some are well helped by propolis applications, which are applied to the inflamed gum area. Such remedies have a short-term effect, and if pericoronitis has formed, it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

Possible Complications

Complications of pericoronitis with untimely or improper treatment meet quite often. The disease can lead to the development of an abscess or phlegmon, and also affects adjacent teeth. Sometimes inflammation rapidly spreads to the pharynx and tonsils, simulating the development of tonsillitis. It is worth remembering that it is possible to cope with complications only during treatment in a hospital, since a full-fledged operation is required.

If a lot of pus has accumulated, then over time this can lead to osteomyelitis and pathologies of the entire jaw. With the defeat of the lymph nodes, sometimes lymphadenitis is found in patients. Problems such as actinomycosis, ulcerative stomatitis and many other dental diseases.

Untimely dental care can lead to blood infection. If there is an infiltrate in the mouth for a long time, then it breaks out. The tissues of the neck and jaw have a loose structure, which contributes to the very rapid spread of infection. In particular advanced cases it threatens a person's life.

If a wisdom tooth grows and the gum hurts, the dentist should decide what to do, since the extreme molars, with improper eruption, can lead to the development of malocclusion. This leads to a violation of diction, a distortion of aesthetic functions and a deterioration in the quality of chewing food.

Carrying out prevention

It is impossible to exclude the possibility of incorrect eruption of the wisdom tooth. It depends on the structural features of the jaw of each person. In order to prevent the occurrence of quite dangerous complications and the development of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive actions. These include the following:

  • regular oral care;
  • periodic visits to the dentist;
  • Seek medical attention for any signs of illness.

The dentist must carry out not only visual inspection oral cavity, but also in case of certain complaints and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, perform x-ray examination. The image will clearly show the problem area. This will allow you to choose the method of therapy.

Most dentists do not support the idea of ​​removing a wisdom tooth, as they believe that it may still be required for subsequent prosthetics. Others, on the contrary, strongly recommend their removal, as they say that this will avoid many dental problems.

Most people are afraid of visiting the dentist, but this is wrong, since only a doctor can help eliminate the existing problem, get rid of unpleasant symptoms. In addition, after dental treatment, a person feels better, and the smile becomes aesthetic.

Years of childhood, in which erupted permanent teeth, long gone. And this change did not leave any unpleasant sensations in my memory. Everything went painlessly (provided that there were no pathologies). And so, perhaps at night, a person experiences painful sensations that can be different nature. Most likely - it climbs a wisdom tooth. How to relieve pain if it caught you by surprise? After all, you won’t go to the dentist at night. This question will be the main topic of our article. Along the way, we will consider how and when a wisdom tooth is cut. How to relieve pain and what are the causes of its occurrence? How to avoid complications?

Wisdom teeth

Two pairs of teeth, which experts call the third or “eights”, are what we are talking about. They are characterized by their late eruption. As a rule, the period of their appearance ranges from 18-30 years of age of a person. Therefore, in common parlance, these molars are called "wisdom teeth." In some cases, they do not erupt at all. Although, it is worth noting that these "eights" are not really needed for a modern person. They are not involved in chewing food. In the process of evolution, this organ has lost its original purpose. But the location of the molars makes it difficult to carry out hygiene procedures. The brush simply does not reach into these nooks and crannies. Therefore, often these dental units are affected by caries. And other problems are no exception.


How to relieve pain during teething? First you need to make sure that the assumption that the G8 is making its way is correct. A list of symptoms will help diagnose the situation.

First, this pain in the area of jaw joint. They can be different nature: aching or sharp pulsating backache.

Secondly, there is inflammation of the gums. This is due to damage to the tissues of the tooth. Since these areas of the oral cavity are characterized by the accumulation of pathological microorganisms, infection is added to the injury. The gum becomes inflamed at that moment, How to relieve pain? This is not the only question that worries a person at these moments. getting worse general well-being patient, body temperature may rise.

Thirdly, inflammation of the gums can lead to the development of flux. This is already a purulent disease. It carries risk various complications. The consequence of the above reasons is the swelling of the gum tissue in the back of the mouth.

Causes of pain

The causes of discomfort are obvious if a wisdom tooth climbs. How to relieve pain? First you need to determine the etiology of its occurrence.

The first cause of pain is mechanical damage tissues during molar eruption.

The second point is the incorrect position of the tooth in jaw row. In this case, during growth, he pushes, pushes adjacent teeth and their roots. Experts recommend to closely monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity at the time of teething. After all, if food remains get into the space between the gum and the crown of the tooth and are not removed in a timely manner, there is a risk of infection. Then there is swelling, swelling and purulent inflammation hood.

In all these cases, it becomes necessary to visit the dentist. He diagnoses the situation, excludes or determines possible pathology and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Wisdom teeth: how many are cut and how to relieve pain at home?

So, if the process has started, how long will it last? Maybe wait a few days? But that doesn't happen. The process is almost always lengthy. In cases where a person has a large, developed jaw, and there is enough space for the "eight", the molar grows without problems. Mild discomfort can be alleviated by rinsing or taking an anesthetic tablet. Doctors recommend not to allow the occurrence of the inflammatory process. Therefore, immediately, as soon as tooth growth is suspected, apply herbal infusions for rinsing the mouth.

For these purposes, calendula is well suited. Dilute a teaspoon of her tincture in half a glass warm water. You can use propolis tincture or Rotokan pharmacy. Rinse every few hours. This will reduce pain and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Another good advice. Several times a day, a swollen place on the gum can be lubricated with iodine. This will disinfect the surface of the hood and reduce inflammation.

If the sensations are too painful, we can “freeze” the gum. Moisten a small swab in a solution of Ledocaine or Novokan and apply to the sore spot. For the same purpose, you can use pharmaceutical drug"Denta".

Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Ketolong, Deksalgin, Analgin, etc. tablets are well suited as painkillers.

Medical methods for solving the problem

If the methods that can be applied at home do not help, and the wisdom tooth is very worried, how to relieve the pain? You need to see a doctor. Strong, characteristic of the development of the inflammatory process. You can not hesitate to prevent the onset of pericoronitis. This disease is frequent companion eruption of "eights". In advanced cases, the situation is complicated by a flux or abscess.

If you went to the dentist, you are guaranteed to receive qualified assistance. Even if the situation is simple, the dentist can excise the gum. Thus, the tooth grows much faster. Usually, the patient is advised to do an X-ray examination. The picture shows the location of the roots, the direction of tooth growth and all other details. Having studied the materials provided, the dentist may recommend the extraction of the problematic tooth.

Separately about inflammation of the gums

Most often it is because of the inflammatory process and how to relieve pain? Unpleasant sensations, of course, should not be tolerated. Take action. But it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that such simple symptoms, like swelling and swelling of the gums, pain, make it clear to a person that it is impossible to delay. It is necessary to act. by the most right decision will be going to the dentist.

Removal process

The daily practice of the dentist shows that the "eights" at the top are easier to remove than lower teeth. This is due to the structure of bone tissue and the structure of the roots. Specialists distinguish between simple and complex surgical intervention. Removing a molar is sometimes the only solution and answer to the question: “How to relieve the pain of growing a wisdom tooth?” In some situations, the "eight" is born only half. Therefore, the gum is constantly inflamed, and the patient experiences pain. If there are no complications, after the introduction of anesthesia, the dentist calmly removes the tooth with forceps. The incision of the gums is not carried out. After the extraction of the tooth, the wound is treated antiseptic solution and sew up.

The complex removal of the "eight" is used in cases where the molar has strong, branched roots or it has not erupted. Anesthesia is sometimes used general. The operation can last from 15 minutes to several hours. The doctor makes an incision bone tissue, washes and sews. After all these manipulations, it is recommended special care behind the oral cavity.

If you had a wisdom tooth removed, how to relieve pain and take care of your oral cavity? Follow your doctor's recommendations. As a rule, they are. Half an hour after the extraction of the molar, the swab must be removed from the wound. It is forbidden: the first 4 hours to eat, touch the wound with your tongue or hands. Do not smoke or drink alcohol during the day. During this time, it is not recommended to rinse. He is appointed only the next day. If the cheek hurts, then ice can be applied to it. Just don't warm the swelling! This leads to rotting of the wound. If the operation was complicated, you will have to visit the doctor at least one more time.

To make you feel better, doctors advise you to take an anesthetic pill. Sometimes a specialist will recommend antibiotics if inflammatory process managed to get into the running form.


In conclusion of this article, I would like to emphasize that getting rid of painful sensations is not a primary task. How to relieve pain when teething a wisdom tooth, now we know. It also becomes obvious that self-medication is dangerous. The situation should be under the control of a specialist. Then even the eruption of all wisdom teeth will pass without unnecessary problems. By entrusting our health to a specialist, we can avoid the development of complications. Why darken your mood with unnecessary troubles and illnesses?

Once upon a time, the appearance of wisdom teeth was considered a sign of growing up and adding intelligence. Now everyone understands that intelligence has nothing to do with them, but problems with their growth may increase. First of all, these are pain sensations that are localized in closely located tissues and organs. Do I need to endure them stoically, or is it better to go to the dentist and find out exactly what hurts and how to treat?


Features of the growth of wisdom teeth

By the age of 18, a person has 28 teeth. After this age and up to about 30 years, 4 more appear at the end of each row above and below. These are wisdom teeth. Nature conceived them, taking care of people who previously lost their chewing organs in early age due to insufficient hygiene and the predominance of roughage in the diet. Wisdom teeth could replace them.

At modern man there is no need for these organs, rather, problems associated with the period of growth are added. The reason for most of them is the end by the time of eruption bone formation jaws. There is not enough space on it for the location of the wisdom teeth, and they grow as best they can, delivering pain and discomfort. In addition, they are not replace dairy, which means they do not have ready conducting channel, which would facilitate their eruption. Unpleasant sensations are caused by the thickness of the walls of the dental sac, the size and density of the mucous membrane of the gums.

Lack of space for an organ can cause crowding of all or part of the dentition, also accompanied by pain. It, in turn, complements high temperature, swelling, difficulty opening the mouth. It can last for a long time, as wisdom teeth do not erupt quickly either. All these signs mean inflammation of the surrounding tissues, including bone. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is inevitable.

Clean your wisdom teeth well, and often nearby, because of the problems mentioned, it is difficult. They also play a role in this location deep in the jaw where it is problematic to reach with a brush. Therefore, even at the growth stage, the wisdom tooth is carious, it is also able to transmit infection and neighboring. Sometimes the disease strikes him while he is in the gum.

In a word, emergence of wisdom teeth almost always accompanied by problems. You need to make sure that they do not approach the frames, life-threatening. After all, in the immediate vicinity is the brain.

Truth, in extremely rare cases wisdom teeth don't grow at all. If the reason for this is the absence of their rudiments, this does not pose any danger.

Wisdom teeth and pericoronitis

Soreness of the gums associated with the eruption of the wisdom tooth occurs with inflammation of the soft tissues, called pericoronitis. This is a reaction to irritation provoked by the "eight" and often the "seven".

In addition to gum pain, pericoronitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

The appearance of these signs is an indispensable reason for a visit to the dentist, if the sensations do not subside in 2-3 days, especially when they increase.


In it a short time You can reduce pain on your own with drugs:

  • Ketanov;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketarol;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Etoricoxib.

They are used inside with water 3 times a day, a last medicine enough and once a day. If there is no effect, the dose should not be increased. fraught with poisoning. This indicates that the process already requires the intervention of a specialist.

For local use worth a try:

Slightly relieve pain and disinfect mouth rinses with herbal decoctions:

  • Sage, if brewed 2 tbsp. 0.5 l of boiling water and leave for an hour;
  • Oak bark. Here you need 6 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water. Boil 5 minutes.

dragged on longer the inflammatory process in the gum becomes purulent. Pain, like swelling, gets worse, deteriorating general state, the temperature rises. Feelings are no longer localized only in the gum area, but also in the throat, jaw, give into the ear. Pressing the hood covering wisdom tooth location, foul-smelling discharge comes out. Here you can not do without surgical care by incision of the mucosa at this point and the removal of the masticatory organ, for consequences can be unpredictable and the most terrible, up to blood poisoning and death. Even if the patient has high immunity, and purulent contents safely erupted into the oral cavity from where it was expelled by rinsing, the disease necessarily recurs. Next, periostitis will occur with the penetration of exudate into other tissues and cavities. characteristic feature such suppuration is the increased asymmetry of the face. The side where the wisdom tooth is cut becomes noticeable more swollen. The patient is no longer able to open his mouth on his own, this has to be done by the doctor. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.

What does jaw pain mean when teething wisdom teeth

It is almost always difficult for the patient to determine exactly where the pain is felt during the eruption of the wisdom tooth. It seems to exist everywhere. But if there is also a cyst on it, as a rule, sensations are clearly manifested in the jaw area. This is a fluid-filled formation that is formed due to the long eruption of the wisdom tooth.

In addition to pain in the jaw, the cyst also has signs:

Such a condition requires medical intervention, as to establish accurate diagnosis possibly with the help of an X-ray, then it is necessary to check the absence of a tumor with a puncture. The cyst is filled with fluid. As temporary pain relief measures, you can use rinsing with cool decoctions of sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, cranberry juice, as well as Kalanchoe.

treatment when we are talking about the wisdom tooth, surgical. It is removed, and the cyst cavity is drained. In order to avoid inflammation and the attachment of infection to it, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs.

Tightening with medical assistance lead to the growth of the cyst, damage to the bone tissue.

The list of possible complications includes:

Another reason for jaw pain when a wisdom tooth erupts may be wrong growth . If he moves to the side neighboring bodies, they inevitably shift. Their movement causes bone tissue trauma and. The method of treatment here is the same, that is, wisdom tooth extraction. Tighten up with it, waiting malocclusion, which then also has to be corrected, is not worth it.

Why does my cheek hurt

There can be several explanations for this symptom:

  1. The already mentioned pericoronitis. Under the dense gingival hood, which has a large area, food debris accumulates, with which bacteria actively “work”. In this place there is inflammation, then suppuration. Left without professional treatment The disease is spreading over an increasing area. Pus penetrates the soft tissues, including the cheeks. This is an absolute reason to run to the dentist. If the wisdom tooth needs to be preserved, treatment will be limited to trimming the hood, extracting pus and antibiotic therapy. If there is no need for it, an operation is performed to remove it;
  2. Incorrect growth of the wisdom tooth. When it does not have enough space in a row, it changes its normal position and can be guided by deviating towards the cheek. The mucosa is chronically injured, which causes first discomfort, then pain. Damage at first provokes stomatitis, which then plays out, then heals with the formation of scars. But since the main traumatic factor remains in place, inflammation occurs again, and in advanced cases, a tumor may form later at the site of the wound. So the treatment in this case is to get rid of the cause, that is, the wisdom tooth.

Sore throat and wisdom teeth

Quite often, when a wisdom tooth erupts, especially if it is located on mandible, there is a sore throat. This symptom is similar to the manifestation of angina, but in this case sensations are localized only on one side. On examination, it is easy to see swelling and redness, the pain increases when swallowing, but does not disappear at rest. Submandibular lymph node from the side of the cutting tooth is also increased.

To relieve the symptom, you can gargle with decoctions. medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, thyme, calendula). It is important that they were not hot or even warm. If a purulent process has begun in the tissues, such treatment will do harm. Better take room temperature rinse.

Pharmaceutical preparations can also be used:

If such treatment does not help, the sore throat has intensified, the temperature has risen, swelling has appeared on the cheek or neck, you can not wait longer. You need to hurry to the dentist, because similar signs testify to bacterial infection. Most likely, the tooth will have to be removed, purulent contents pumped out, treated with antibiotics.

Can Wisdom Teething Cause Headaches and Earaches?

This the symptom sometimes accompanies a normally growing wisdom tooth if it is located on upper jaw, and the already mentioned complications existing in this process. In the first case, local funds will help, placed on the gum, and to eliminate headaches, you can take Analgin or Ketorol.

With an improperly growing wisdom tooth, there is also inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Then the same sensation in the ear joins the pains in the head, twitches facial muscles . Symptoms are more pronounced when brushing teeth, shaving, eating. Such a disease with home remedies, rinses and pills do not win. Will have to take advantage surgical methods and treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Neuralgic pains in the head and ear let you know about an uncut wisdom tooth. Its absence over the gum and its presence in its thickness is dangerous by damaging the roots of neighboring organs and their complete destruction. This happens when the wisdom tooth is incorrectly positioned when it lies in a horizontal plane. Hence the pain, swelling of adjacent tissues. Salvation will be surgery for the removal of a wisdom tooth.

It is believed that healthy person there should be 32 teeth in the oral cavity. But this is not always the case and not every person can boast of such a number of teeth. It has nothing to do with any pathology. Everything is much easier. This is due to the so-called wisdom teeth or third molars. These teeth appear much later than all the others.

Quite common are cases when wisdom teeth do not grow at all. It is possible that in the future these teeth will not grow at all. But these days, many people are faced with unpleasant symptoms of teething eights.

Wisdom teeth - how to relieve pain

The first sign that a wisdom tooth is erupting is inflammation of the gums, more precisely, its most distant department. There is a small or pronounced swelling of the gums and pain appears in the place where the figure eight is supposed to grow. Sufficiently pronounced pain appears due to the fact that the tooth begins to grow through the already formed bone tissue of the jaw. If the pain is very strong, then it is can be due to several reasons:

  • when the tooth began to grow horizontally or obliquely, resting against a row standing tooth or, in general, in the bone of the lower jaw;
  • lack of space for normal germination and development of the wisdom tooth;
  • if the “hood” becomes inflamed, this refers to the mucous tissue that covers the third molar during growth;
  • in cases of infection entering the channel through which the figure eight passes;
  • due to the fact that the wisdom tooth does not grow very quickly, caries may develop in the visible area during this time. This defeat can penetrate deep.

Sometimes the third molar begins to hurt after treatment. This can happen if the treatment is performed poorly, with wrong actions conducted by the dentist. With poor cleaning of a damaged figure eight. If you get too thin a layer between the filling and the canal of the wisdom tooth.

What to do if the gum hurts?

Pain in the gum area at the time of cutting the wisdom tooth - most often normal and natural phenomenon. If the pain becomes unbearable, you should immediately consult a dentist. He will prescribe surgical or therapeutic treatment.

Means used for therapeutic purposes include various anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs.

But there are cases when you can not do without surgical intervention. If there is no way to go to the dentist, then you can use home-made remedies that will help reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

Ice or something cold

On the outside cheeks, where the gum is located, which hurts, for twenty minutes you need to apply cold.

You can use anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical products dispensed without a doctor's prescription. These include:

  • "Paracetamol",
  • "Ibuprofen"
  • "Nimesulide".

As a drug that relieves pain near the gums, analgin is suitable.

You can also make applications with local anesthetics.

fit antiseptic solutions:

  • "Chlorhexidine"
  • "Eludril".

You can also use folk recipes for treatment. These methods can help reduce gum pain and inflammation.

Take two tablespoons of dried sage herb and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it. Leave to brew for one hour. Strain this composition and rinse with it oral cavity. Do this as often as possible until the symptoms are completely gone.

More can help decoction of oak bark. Take 6 tablespoons of bark and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Now put on a small fire and wait for the boil. After that, add 4 tablespoons of sage herb to the decoction and remove from heat. When the composition has completely cooled, rinse your mouth with it.

There is also a recipe based on turnips. True, not everyone has this vegetable at home. If you have it, then it is very good, because this recipe is considered very good. Grind 2-3 tablespoons of turnips and pour clean water. Boil the composition for 15 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, rinse your mouth with it.

Unlike turnip, soda is in every home. It can also be used to alleviate your condition. Take 1 teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in a glass of warm water. Stir and rinse your mouth with the resulting composition.

You can make the composition in a similar way, only use salt instead of soda.

While these remedies may help reduce or eliminate your pain, it is important to see a dentist.

Only timely appeal Seeing a doctor can help prevent further consequences. Because sometimes surgery is necessary and only a dentist can determine this. In some cases, to facilitate the germination of the wisdom tooth, they resort to cutting the gums, and in other cases, the dentist removes the “hood” located above the wisdom tooth, or a decision is made to remove the tooth.

If a pregnant woman has a wisdom tooth

Separately, we should dwell on cases when there are difficulties in cutting the figure eight during pregnancy. Strong pain can cause health problems not only for a pregnant woman, but also for a child. If the inflammatory process is not stopped in time, it can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning) in both the woman and the fetus.

When such a situation begins to develop in a pregnant woman, the woman is very worried and does not know what can and should be done.

Wisdom tooth hurts - what to do?

To get rid of pain, you can use noshpu, inflammation will help safe formulations for rinsing oral cavity, to For example, Chlorhexidine. When you feel swelling and pain in the gums, where the wisdom tooth erupts, go to the dentist first. He will prescribe medication.

Decision on surgical intervention accepted only in last resort. After all, it is stressful for a pregnant woman. If this is irreversible, then they try to carry out operations in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Used for pain relief modern drugs for local use. They do not penetrate the placental barrier and therefore there is no risk of harming the baby. After tooth extraction, in order to avoid infection, the doctor prescribes rinsing with special formulations.

These are, perhaps, all the most popular ways to get rid of toothache during the cutting of a wisdom tooth. We hope the article helped answer the question of what to do if a wisdom tooth hurts.

Wisdom teeth are called so because they are “on their own mind”, they can come out when they please.

Often, figure eights hide inside the gums for a long time, there are times when teeth never grow in a lifetime.

But if a wisdom tooth is cut, problems with it cannot be avoided, and most an unpleasant symptom considered severe uncontrollable pain.

Why does it hurt so much when the "wise" climbs?

Soreness in the process of teething wisdom teeth due to several reasons. They can be called physiological characteristics or the development of diseases. Eights have thick walls of the dental sac, because of this, pain is often caused during growth.

In addition, the mucosa in the eruption zone is usually very dense, which greatly hinders the growth of the tooth. Often, wisdom teeth begin to erupt as early as adulthood when the factors that accelerate growth cease to act.

Wisdom teeth are unique in their essence, and it is still very difficult to understand their purpose. Often they bring more harm than good, so most dentists recommend removing them.

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