Inhalipt is it possible for children 3 years old. How safe is Ingalipt for children? Composition and pharmacological action

There are special requirements for medicines used to treat children. In addition to the fact that they should effectively and quickly eliminate the symptoms of diseases, any drug should be as safe as possible for a sensitive child's body. These requirements are met by the combined drug Ingalipt, which is prescribed to children for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory lesions of the oropharynx. The medicine must be taken strictly in accordance with age and be sure to take into account the existing contraindications and side effects.

Composition and form of release of the drug

Inhalipt is produced by several pharmaceutical companies: Pharmstandard, Altaivitamins, Vips-Med Firm LLC, Esco-Pharm, NIKAPHARM, DAV PHARM, BINNOPHARM JSC, MOSHIMFARMPREPARATY named after A.I. ON THE. Semashko. This affordable and effective drug has been widely used in pediatric medical practice for decades. Full information on the forms of release and composition of the drug is presented in the table.

characteristic featureRelease form
SpraySpray can
AppearanceClear yellowish liquid with menthol aroma.Transparent solution of light yellow or dark yellow color with a smell of thyme and menthol.
PackingGlass bottles of 20 ml with a dosing device. Packed in a cardboard box.Aerosol aluminum or glass cans of 15, 25, 30 and 50 ml with a continuous valve and atomizer. Medicine is packed into a dense cardboard box.
CompoundSoluble sulfanilamide, sodium sulfathiazole, thymol, eucalyptus and mint oil, glycerol, ethyl alcohol 95%, sucrose, food stabilizer E 433, purified water.Soluble sulfanilamide, sodium sulfathiazole, thymol, eucalyptus and mint oil, ethyl alcohol 95%, food additive E 954, glycerol, food stabilizer E 433, purified water, nitrogen.

Pharmacological action of Ingalipt

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Ingalipt for children is a combined topical preparation with disinfecting and analgesic properties.

Due to the action of active substances, the drug effectively fights gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that affect the oral cavity. Extracts from thyme, eucalyptus and peppermint oils inhibit the action of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. In addition, these medicinal components quickly stop inflammation and relieve pain.

Instructions for use

Each package with the drug has instructions for use, which contains detailed information about the age at which medicine can be given to children, how to use the spray and aerosol correctly, how many times a day they can be sprayed. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Only a doctor should determine the dosage and duration of treatment. When prescribing Ingalipt, the pediatrician necessarily takes into account the age of the child and the characteristics of the body, assesses the likelihood of negative consequences.

Indications and contraindications

In accordance with the instructions for use, Ingalipt can be used to treat a child older than 3 years. However, in some cases, if there are certain indications, the pediatrician may prescribe this drug to a baby up to 1 year old. To exclude the option of developing laryngospasm at the age of less than 2 years, individual tolerance of the components should be checked before using the drug. To do this, apply a small amount of spray or aerosol to the child on the tongue. If there are no negative reactions, you can start treatment.

The drug is prescribed to children in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the pharyngeal or palatine tonsils;
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;
  • acute or chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords;
  • aphthous stomatitis - in this case, it is recommended to use Ingalipt Vialine;
  • angina;
  • other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The use of Ingalipt is strictly prohibited in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components. Relative contraindications include children under 3 years of age and diabetes mellitus.

Method of application and dosage

Spray and aerosol should be used taking into account the age of the small patient and the disease. During the use of the drug for the treatment of infants, especially up to 1 year old, you need to be very careful, otherwise you can seriously harm the health of the baby. It is forbidden to independently change the dosage indicated in the instructions for use - this can cause life-threatening consequences for the child. Only a doctor can adjust the dose of the medicine.

Up to 3 years

At this age, the drug is sprayed exclusively on the inner surface of the cheek. With this method of use, the medicinal solution slowly flows down the throat. Due to the content of essential oils, the drug is strictly forbidden to be applied to the walls of the larynx - this can lead to laryngospasm or death of the child.

Babies can apply medicine to a dummy or give a remedy from a teaspoon. During the procedure, the baby should be in an upright position. The daily frequency and duration of taking the drug in children under 3 years of age is determined on an individual basis.

Over three years old

Ingalipt is allowed to be used only after an allergy test. During the spraying procedure, the child should stand or sit; it is strictly forbidden to spray the medicine to the baby in a supine position. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with warm boiled water and remove purulent-mucous discharge. Detailed information on the use of the drug for children over 3 years of age is presented in the table.

Symptoms that botherMethod of application of the drugDaily frequency of reception, timesDuration of drug use
Moist coughInstall the nozzle on the bottle, shake the container with the solution thoroughly. Spray the medicine on inflamed areas (closer to the tonsils) for several seconds in an even layer. After spraying, the composition should be held in the mouth for 5-7 minutes.2-3 (with equal intervals between applications).No more than 7 days.
Sore throatShake the bottle with the product before spraying. Spray the solution for a few seconds. After spraying, the liquid should be held in the mouth for 5-7 minutes.3-4
Inflammation of the larynxBefore using the drug, you need to remove the purulent plaque with a sterile cotton swab. Shake the drug solution thoroughly and spray by pressing the spray valve 1-2 times.2-3 If after 5 days the child's condition does not improve, you need to show him to the pediatrician to change the treatment method.

It is not recommended to irrigate the oral cavity for children more than 5 times a day - this can lead to an overdose. You can eat no earlier than 30 minutes after taking the medicine. It is forbidden to spray spray and aerosol into the nose.

What side effects can a child have?

Due to the fact that Ingalipt contains a large number of components, the risk of side effects cannot be ruled out. The use of the drug can cause the following phenomena:

  • allergic reactions in the form of rash and itching of the skin;
  • burning sensation on mucous membranes treated with a solution;
  • sore throat;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • dry mouth.

As a rule, the listed side effects go away on their own after a short period of time. If the condition of the child is aggravated, you should immediately seek medical help.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

An overdose of the drug can manifest itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately stop using the drug and give the baby activated charcoal. If the health of a small patient worsens, you should seek medical help. In rare cases, it becomes necessary to eliminate the consequences of an overdose in a hospital setting.

Ingalipt interacts well with other medications. However, the possibility of combining Ingalipt with other medicines in each case is determined by the doctor. During the joint administration of Ingalipt with drugs that contain derivatives of aminobenzoic acid (Novokain, Anestezin, Dikain), the medicinal effect of sulfanilamide may decrease.

Ingalipt's analogs

Ingalipt has a large number of analogues. Medicines that are used to treat infectious diseases of the oropharynx in children differ in their composition, form of release, method of administration and cost.

A drug prescribed by a doctor cannot be independently replaced by either an analogue or a generic. The prescription of medicines is a responsible process during which various factors are taken into account. The attending physician should determine which medicine is suitable for the baby. Brief information about the most effective and safe for children's health medications that can replace Ingalipt is presented in the table.

Name of the drugProducing countryRelease formActive substanceAge restrictionsContraindications
HexoralFrance, Germany, USALozenges, spray and aerosol for topical useHexetidine≥ 6 years for tablets, ≥ 3 years for other formulationsErosive-squamous lesions of the oral mucosa, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
CametonRussiaSpray and aerosol for topical useRacemic camphor, levomenthol, chlorobutanol hemihydrate≥ 5 yearsHypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Tantum VerdeItalyLozenges, spray and solution for topical useBenzydamine hydrochloride≥ 3 yearsHypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Relative contraindications: sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchial asthma.
GorpilsIndiaPastilles with different flavorsAmylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol≥ 5 yearsSensitivity to the active substances of the drug.
AgiseptLozenges in different flavors
FalimintGermanyDrageeacetylamino nitropropoxybenzene

The tool consists of several effective substances:

  • Streptocide, which by antibacterial action eliminates the processes occurring in pathogens;
  • Thymol, which is a natural antiseptic, due to the production of a substance from thyme, which has an antiseptic effect;
  • Glycerol is a component of the drug, which is able to draw out the fluid accumulated in the tissues. The substance eliminates purulent raids;
  • Eucalyptus oil, which acts as an antiseptic, instantly relieves sore throats.

Benefits of inhalipt treatment:

  • Particles of the drug almost instantly penetrate into the mucous membrane and complex areas of the oral cavity;
  • Thanks to the dispersed formula, a high activity of the substance is achieved. For this reason, a smaller dosage of the drug is required for successful treatment;
  • The ability to regulate the amount of substance required for application to the affected area;
  • The tightness of the spray bottle is a guarantee of safety from an antiseptic point of view.

Indications for use

A constant phenomenon with - pain, which is provoked by sores in the mouth. Pain becomes stronger when aphthous vesicles increase in size and burst. Such symptoms create discomfort, worsen the quality of life, preventing normal food intake and increasing body temperature. Acute pain syndrome is experienced by young children under one year old, so the doctor prescribes painkillers for them.

Means that have an anesthetic effect, including stomatitis, are produced in the form of ointments or gels. Sometimes a spray is used for pain relief. From other drugs that treat the disease, the spray differs in a quick result, which is similar in speed to the intravenous administration of the drug. No less effective are lozenges or an aerosol sprayed on the affected area.

Inhalipt for children from three years old can be used as a topical treatment for stomatitis. The tool neutralizes the foci of the disease and translates the disease into a stable state of remission.

It is better to prescribe inhalipt for aphthous stomatitis. In such cases, the child's oral cavity is irrigated with the remedy three times a day. The course should be continued for five days.

Instructions for use

Sometimes the doctor prescribes an inhalipt for children, recommended for use only by adults. At the same time, the instruction allows the spray to children only from three years old. What to do under such circumstances and at what age is it recommended to treat a child with such a medicine? Sometimes with angina and laryngitis it is advisable to look for an alternative to the medicine. But if you are treating a child with this remedy, follow some rules for using the drug.

First, spray a small amount of medicine on the child's tongue. So we can conclude about the portability of inhalipt. With a positive result of the procedure, you need to spray the medicine in small portions two or three times, directing the spray on the cheek, along which the medicine will fall into the required part of the throat.

You can treat young children up to a year old by spraying a dummy spray, as parents do with. In this case, you need to ensure that the child is in an upright position.

You can buy a remedy for children under one year old in pharmacy chains, but this probability is extremely small due to the frequent lack of such a medicine. It is not recommended to use the spray on your own, use is allowed only after consulting a doctor.


The rules for the use of the drug state that the remedy is contraindicated if the patient has an increased sensitivity to essential oils and extracts from herbs that contain inhalipt. The instruction does not advise the use of the drug for the treatment of babies who have not reached the age of three. This is due to a possible spasm of the throat.

There are no direct contraindications for the treatment of women who are carrying a child. However, doctors do not advise expectant mothers to use the product due to the content of alcohol and thymol in the preparation. Essential oils can negatively affect the body.

Side effects

The spray can cause allergies due to high sensitivity to the components, manifest as a burning sensation on the skin and sore throat. The reaction may occur in places in contact with the agent. Edema may form in the mouth.

Rarely, the agent provokes nausea that occurs during the ingestion of inhalipt, for example, with laryngitis. Children after taking the drug may suffer from a rash with redness. Allergies often occur in women who use the medicine during pregnancy.

Any negative manifestations when using the remedy are the reason for its cancellation. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will help you choose a similar drug to continue therapy.

Ingalipt's analogs

In the absence of ingalipt in the first-aid kit for the treatment of children from three years old, you can use its analogues.

Tantum Verde

The active ingredient in Tantum Verde is benzydamine chloride, which inhibits the formation of prostaglandins. They can lead to inflammatory processes in the human body. Drawing analogies between the means, it can be noted that they are both aimed at achieving the same result, therapy for laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat. These drugs are distinguished only by the basic components included in the composition.

Doctors without fear prescribe Ingalipt and Tantum Verde to small patients up to a year old, without limiting themselves to the requirements that the instruction prescribes.

When prescribing doctors, the rules for using Tantum Verde do not stop, among which the achievement of patients by the age of twelve. Instructions Tantum Verde recommends that children from six to twelve years of age give four doses daily. When buying a product, you should remember that the price of this drug is higher than the cost of inhalipt.


Preparations for local anesthesia include tableted and liquid hexoral in the form of an aerosol. The medicine is successfully used for laryngitis, and sore throat. The composition of the product includes chlorhexidine and benzocaine, which contributes to the double result of treatment, expressed in anesthetic and antimicrobial effects.

The instruction says that the drug can be used by children from the age of four. Small patients should be given four tablets per day for resorption. Hexoral-aerosol is best used for bacterial stomatitis. For therapeutic purposes, irrigation of the oral cavity should be carried out three times a day.


- an aerosol used to treat inflammatory processes occurring in the nasopharynx. With this remedy, you can cure sore throat, tracheitis and even cough in children from the age of five. The medicine helps to eliminate inflammation in sore throat, laryngitis and aphthous stomatitis.


Chlorobutanol is a component in the preparation that eliminates the inflammatory process and disinfects the affected areas. Camphor, being a component of the aerosol, gently irritates the site of inflammation, improving blood circulation. Eucalyptus oil gently acts on the mucous membrane, creating an analgesic effect. The drug can be irrigated in the mouth or sprayed into the nose up to four times a day. When irrigating, do not tilt the child's head and do not turn the preparation over.


The average price of the drug is from thirty to seventy rubles and varies in pharmacies depending on the region. A small price and increased performance distinguish inhalipt from foreign analogues.

The common cold occurs for many reasons, but is accompanied by symptoms such as cough, sore throat, and runny nose. To eliminate pain in the throat, it is necessary to use drugs that, when used, very quickly and effectively eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Such a drug is Ingalipt spray. It refers to combination drugs that cope with pain, but also help eliminate germs and fungi, instructions in the article.

Impact on health

This medication has a local effect. and children, actively eliminates all microbes and the inflammatory effect.

How to gargle with purulent sore throat, read.

It is possible to achieve a positive effect from the use of the drug due to the following composition:

  • sulfathiazole;
  • sulfanilamide; thymol;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil component;
  • glycerol;
  • additional ingredients (alcohol, sugar powder, water).

Read also about what angina looks like.

Sulfonamides can effectively eliminate the excretion of folate directly in the cell of the pathogenic microorganism. As a result, it is possible to quickly and effectively cope with the disease.

Due to the presence of vegetable oils, it is possible to achieve an antiseptic and refreshing effect.
Applying Ingalipt spray is very important in the treatment of cough syndrome.

The special nozzle included in the kit allows you to easily and evenly distribute the medicine on the tonsils.

When using a spray, you can achieve a stopping and analgesic effect. If there are severe coughing attacks, then you need to complete the full course of therapy. Only then can you get the maximum effect.

According to the instructions, Ingalipt spray should be used for the following pathologies:

  • tonsillitis in acute and chronic form;
  • follicular or lacunar tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • aphthous stomatitis.

In addition, a positive effect from this medication has been seen in the treatment of sore throat caused by viral pathologies, as well as influenza.

Find out why your ear and throat hurt on one side.


To increase efficiency, before using the drug, it is necessary to eliminate bacterial plaque from the oral mucosa. For these purposes, it is worth using a cotton swab. The spray is sprayed into the oral cavity, and therefore it is worth pressing the spray head and holding it for 2-3 minutes. When the procedure is over, rinse the sprayer with warm water and let it dry.

It is necessary to carry out spray procedures within a week.

For kids

Today, the pharmacy has a special form of the drug, designed to treat the disease in children. This drug has a safe effect on the child's body and does not harm it. But it can be used to treat children only if they reach 2 years of age. The reason is that for babies it is not recommended to use drugs in the form of a spray. Otherwise, complications such as suffocation may occur. And so Ingalipt is a completely safe way to eliminate pain in the throat. Children should use the drug at a dosage of 2 sprays 3 times a day.

In adults and during pregnancy (can pregnant women use it for the throat, use)

For adult patients, the dosage of the spray is 3 sprays 3 times a day. Can it be used during pregnancy? If you use the drug during pregnancy, then there may be health problems in the child, so the question always arises whether it is possible for pregnant women. For this reason, it is not worth using the spray during the period of bearing a baby. There are cases when drugs are used during pregnancy when it is justified.

During pregnancy, be sure to follow the dosage indicated by your doctor.

Price (how much can it cost / cost)

There is always a drug in the pharmacy, but the question arises: how much does Ingalipt cost? The price of a spray can vary between 30-57 rubles. It all depends on the region in which the drug is sold and its form of release. Ingalipt is sold without a prescription. You can familiarize yourself with the instructions for using the Hexoral spray.

Ingalipt analogues sold in Russia

If for some reason you cannot buy Ingalipt spray, there are analogues. The most effective include:

  • Agisept;

The price of the drug is 110 rubles.

  • Aldesol;
  • Anestezol;
  • Anti-Angin Formula;
  • Ascocept;
  • Astracept;
  • Acerbin;
  • Boromenthol;
  • Bronchicum balm with eucalyptus oil;
  • Geksoral tabs;
  • Gorpils;
  • Dr. Theiss Angi Sept;

The average cost of a medicine is 130 rubles.

  • Dr. Theiss Sage Extract with Vitamin C;
  • Drapolene;
  • Drill;
  • Ingafitol No. 1;
  • Ingafitol No. 2;
  • Instillagel;
  • Iodinol;
  • Yodonat;
  • Iodopyrone;
  • Cameton;
  • cathegel with lidocaine;
  • Koldakt Lorpils;

You can buy a drug at a pharmacy at a price of 220 rubles.

  • Laripront;
  • Lidocaine Asept;
  • Lidochlor;
  • Lugol;
  • Metrohex;
  • Neo-Angin;
  • Novosept Forte;
  • Rinza Lorcept Anestetics;
  • Rinza Lorcept;
  • Sebidin;
  • Septogal;
  • Septolete;
  • Septolete D;

The cost of the drug is 210 rubles.

  • Septolete plus;
  • Stopangin;
  • Strepsils;
  • Strepsils Plus;
  • Suprima-ENT;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Tantum verde forte;
  • Terasil;
  • TheraFlu LAR;
  • TheraFlu LAR Menthol;
  • Travisil;
  • Faringopils;
  • Fukaseptol;
  • Eucalyptus-M.

The price of the medicine is 130 rubles.

You may also be interested in information on how to use .

“A sore throat was relieved by Ingalipt, who was appointed pediatrician. We soon recovered. After a while, the throat ached again, and we again took advantage of it, but the doctor said that in this case this medicine would not benefit us.. There are plenty of stories like this on the web. Therefore, let's see in what cases Ingalipt is prescribed for children, and when is it more appropriate to use Tantum Verde? What are the age limits for these drugs? Why, in one case, children need Ingalipt, and in another, he turns out to be simply helpless?

The most important thing for parents is the health of their children, so any dosage form of any medication should be prescribed by the attending physician.

The attached instructions for the use of Ingalipt states that it is a remedy for combating bacterial inflammatory diseases and is used for:

  • chronic and / or acute tonsillitis (in other words, inflammation of the palatine tonsils);
  • lacunar or follicular tonsillitis or streptococcal tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis or inflammation of the pharynx;
  • laryngitis or inflammatory processes in the larynx;
  • stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity).

Not infrequently, Ingalipt is also used to treat acute respiratory viral infections or influenza.

The composition of this medicine includes many components, including herbal ones, but it is worth highlighting:

Among other components are also present: peppermint, menthol oils, ascorbic acid, carotene.

As you can already see from the composition, it will be attributed to children in a strictly defined case.

Spray Ingalipt for children under 3 years

In European countries, there is a clear concept of "medicine for children." We don't have that definition yet. Sometimes doctors prescribe Ingalipt, which can be used in adulthood. For example, the spray is allowed for children after 3 years. However, what to do if the baby is sick, and the pediatrician prescribed this medicine to the baby who is not yet 3 years old? Is it possible to give Ingalipt to children or refer to another specialist?

The prohibition is reduced to a possible allergic reaction, which will entail, if not difficulty breathing, then its complete stop due to swelling of the larynx.

After all, the dose in the spray can not be limited. Therefore, very often children under 3 years of age are not prescribed it, and the instructions for use warn about this. There is another anatomical feature, according to which this medicine is not recommended for children under 3 years old, but this is already a strictly medical element.

Now let's consider the question: can it be used to treat a one-year-old baby, or is it worth listening to the instructions that indicate exactly the age of 3 years? So, you decided to treat the baby with Ingalipt. In this case, the instructions for use will be as follows:

  1. Spray a small amount on the baby's tongue and thus check the tolerance of the drug.
  2. If everything went well, then sprinkle the medicine again, but not in the larynx, but behind the cheek, so that it falls along it into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe throat we need.

Spraying the spray, according to the instructions, into the throat is strictly prohibited. This can cause laryngospasm or respiratory arrest.

Often, in life practice, mothers prefer to give it not only after the first year, spraying it on a nipple or a pacifier. Then you need to make sure that the baby is exclusively in an upright position, as at the age of 3 years.

In the network of pharmacies, you can buy Ingalipt spray recommended for children after one year, but, as a rule, it is not always available.

Method of application and side effects

The throat must be cleared before use. This is done with ordinary warm boiled water, by rinsing. Then, a spray bottle is put on the balloon containing the spray and shaken several times. Only after all these manipulations, having introduced the free end of the sprayer into the oral cavity, press on its opposite side until it stops and evenly irrigate the affected area.

The duration of this procedure is from 1 to 2 seconds. One such session should consist of 2-3 sprays. After completion, the sprayer is removed, and the bottle in which the spray is located is closed with a protective cap. Next, you need to refrain from eating for 15-30 minutes.

During the day, such procedures should be from 3 to 4, and the duration of the course of treatment can be from 7 to 10 days, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Among the side effects are:

In addition to Ingalipt, doctors often prescribe Tantum Verde spray, and it is about him that our further conversation will take place.

Ingalipt missing? Take Tantum Verde!

I would like to start with the fact that the instructions for use clearly limits the age of patients, namely, 12 years and older. What can be said about this? There is one little secret: from the first days of its release, the drug was intended for children almost from the first day of their life. However, after re-registration, the age limit was increased to 12 years. Therefore, the same question arises again: is it possible to give Tantum Verde spray to children under 3 years old, not to mention those who are not yet a year old? We will provide the answer to it a little later.

A few words about Tantum Verde

This spray is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug, but with a different composition.

The main active ingredient is benzydamine chloride, which suppresses the production of prostaglandins that provoke inflammatory processes in the human body. It is well absorbed by tissues. Fully exposed. It improves blood microcirculation in the affected areas, restoring them faster and clearing them of toxins.

Comparing the two drugs discussed today speech, we can safely say that both have the same directed action, differing only in composition and basic basic components. Nevertheless, pediatricians, without any particular fear, prescribe it to infants or children of the first year of life more often than not, despite the fact that the instructions for use clearly indicate no younger than 12 years. Dosage for children:

  • from 3 to 6 years - 1 dose, based on every 4 kg of body weight after every 1.5 - 3 hours (but not more than 4 doses per day);
  • from 6 to 12 years - 4 doses per day are recommended.

You can spray the Tantum Verde spray exclusively on the child's cheek and in no case in the throat.

Constraints and side effects

It must be remembered that children can take it for no longer than seven days and only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. In the case of a longer period, the components that make up the drug can cause such side effects:

  • nausea (even with vomiting);
  • diarrhea
  • tachycardia or rapid heartbeat;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache.

Quite often, gastrointestinal bleeding or bleeding gums, anemia, and less often rash and itching were observed.


Medical practice proves that Tantum Verde can be very effectively used to treat both infants and children aged 3 years and older.

With its help, diseases such as:

Tantum Verde is prescribed for children by a specialist as an addition to the main course of treatment. The drug can be prescribed to children of the first year of life. However, Tantum Verde is safer when it comes to babies, although its side effects are more serious. Only a doctor can answer the question “can or can’t Tantum Verde be used” after assessing the degree of the disease, but in no case parents. Saying the word "can" without the participation of a doctor, you take on too much responsibility.

Sore throat is a common childhood problem. Hypothermia and various infections often cause tonsillitis, laryngitis and other diseases. There are a large number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that help in the treatment of such diseases, but not all of them are allowed for children. One of the effective means recommended for use in pediatrics is Ingalipt aerosol.

Aerosol Ingalipt consists of natural ingredients and is used to treat throat diseases

  1. Streptocid (sulfanilamide). The substance inhibits the activity of pathogens in the child's throat, has a strong antibacterial effect.
  2. Glycerol. An antimicrobial agent that can quickly cope with plaque in the throat.
  3. Sulfathiazole. An antibacterial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria.
  4. Thymol. A powerful natural antiseptic obtained from thyme leaves.
  5. Peppermint essential oil. It has analgesic and antimicrobial properties, relieves cough.
  6. Essential oil of eucalyptus. An effective antiseptic that promotes healing of the membranes of the respiratory tract.

The composition of the spray also includes a number of auxiliary components: menthol oil, carotene, ascorbic acid.

Indications for use

Due to the wide spectrum of action, Ingalipt is prescribed for children to combat various diseases of the throat and oral cavity:

  • lacunar and follicular tonsillitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomatitis.

Application depending on the age of the child

According to the instructions, Ingalipt spray can be used for children over 3 years old. However, doctors often prescribe an aerosol for infants. The medicine copes well with a common problem among children under one year old - stomatitis, and a convenient spray form guarantees the distribution of the product throughout the oral cavity. Only a qualified specialist can set the correct dosage and duration of administration, so be sure to consult your doctor.

Please note: spraying the spray directly into the throat of a child under 3 years is strictly prohibited! This method can cause reflex spasm and swelling of the larynx.

Ways to use the spray Ingalipt (table)

Children under 3 years old Children over 3 years old
  1. The baby should be in an upright position to avoid getting the medicine directly into the throat.
  2. It is necessary to drop an aerosol on the edge of the child's tongue to test the tolerance of the agent.
  3. You can sprinkle a little spray on the inner surface of the cheek so that the drug is evenly distributed in the oral cavity.
  4. In the treatment of stomatitis, it is convenient to lubricate the nipple with medicine.
  1. Before using the spray, clean the child's throat by rinsing it with warm boiled water.
  2. Shake the aerosol can vigorously several times.
  3. Insert the end of the nebulizer shallowly into the child's mouth and press for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Irrigate the throat 2-4 times a day, guided by the doctor's recommendations.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The main limitation for use in children is intolerance to the components of the drug.

Sometimes when using Ingalipt, the following side effects may occur:

  • general weakness;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • burning sensation in the throat;
  • perspiration;
  • allergic reactions: itching, swelling, skin rash.

Medicines with a similar effect

Spray Ingalipt is not the only drug used to treat throat in children. If you have an allergy or for any other reason, you can successfully replace it with another medicine.

Preparations - analogues (table)

Name Release form Active substance Mechanism of action Indications for use Contraindications From what age can it be used
Hexoralspray canhexetidineantitussive, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • purulent inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • stomatitis;
  • treatment of the hole after tooth extraction.
allergic reaction to ingredientsfrom 3 years old
tantum verdespraybenzydamine hydrochlorideanalgesic and anti-inflammatory action
  • stomatitis,;
  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • inflammation of the gums.
hypersensitivity to drug componentsfrom 3 years old
Lugolsolution and sprayiodineantiseptic and local irritant action
  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the vocal cords.
  • hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the drug;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • solution - from 6 months;
  • spray - from 5 years.
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