Ultrasound of the pelvic organs bladder. What day to do a pelvic ultrasound? What does a pelvic ultrasound show in women? Abdominal ultrasound examination of OMT

Pelvic ultrasound is performed for women and men for many reasons. Sometimes some patients try to avoid this type of diagnosis - either because of false modesty, or because of the fear of learning a bad diagnosis. Consider the main features of the procedure, its indications and contraindications, as well as what can be seen on such an examination.

  • Organs inspected

    The ultrasound method for studying the pelvic organs differs in both sexes. And this is mainly due to the anatomical features of the analyzed organs.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is rightly considered an absolutely safe type of diagnostics, since in modern clinical practice no harmful effects of ultrasound on the human body have yet been found.

    What is examined in women?

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is used to examine the following organs in women:

    • ovaries
    • Uterus
    • Bladder
    • Uterine cervix
    • Fallopian tubes.

    This type of diagnostics is also used to analyze the conditions of the course of pregnancy.

    What is examined in men?

    Such an ultrasound is a comprehensive examination and is used to analyze the condition of such organs:

    • bladder (in addition, the amount of residual urine is determined);
    • prostate gland (adjacent tissues and lymph nodes are additionally examined);
    • seminal vesicles.

    In what cases are they carried out?

    Indications for such an examination for women

    This procedure is carried out with:

    • diagnosis of deviations in the course of pregnancy;
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • the appearance of vaginal bleeding;
    • infertility.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is done in such cases:

    • Various violations of urination (when the patient goes to the doctor with complaints of painful, frequent and difficult urination).
    • Sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
    • Soreness in the urinary region, as well as in the perineum and scrotum.
    • Attacks of colic.
    • The appearance of blood in seminal fluid and urine.
    • Urinary, perineal, prostate injury.
    • If abnormalities in the structure of the genitourinary organs are detected, as well as when deviations in the functioning of these organs are detected.
    • If the patient has complaints of erectile dysfunction.
    • To clarify the indicators obtained by digital examination of the prostate gland.

    It is also necessary to make an ultrasound before planned surgical interventions on the pelvic organs.

    How to prepare?

    Before a transabdominal examination, men need to drink about a liter of liquid in an hour and a half.

    The actual procedure is carried out when there is an urge to urinate.

    If patients undergo a transrectal diagnostic study of ultrasound of the pelvic organs, then it is necessary to prepare for it several days in advance. The main thing is to exclude the consumption of products that increase the release of gases. Their excess will interfere with normal examination.

    These products include:

    • bread;
    • alcoholic beverages, especially beer;
    • vegetables containing coarse varieties of fiber;
    • dairy dishes.

    On the day when the transrectal ultrasound is done, the intestines must be cleaned.
    Women should empty their bladder before transvaginal examination. To reduce the formation of gases, you can take activated charcoal, Mezim, and so on.

    How is the research process

    In modern conditions, this procedure takes place with maximum comfort for all patients. However, the method of their implementation differs depending on the gender. A slight pain may occur if the sensor touches the painful area. Sometimes unpleasant sensations appear at the moment the sensor is inserted into the rectum.

    If a biopsy is performed (for example, of the prostate gland), then the patient has additional discomfort associated with the introduction of a thin needle into the organ. However, such sensations are minimal, as the doctor inserts the needle into a place where the number of nerve endings is minimal.

    Carrying out the procedure in women

    In women, the doctor performs a transabdominal, transvaginal, or transrectal examination.

    During a transabdominal examination, the patient lies on a couch, which can freely change the angle of inclination and other parameters. A special harmless gel is applied to the skin (for a tighter touch of the sensor with the skin).

    The bladder must be full. The specialist drives the sensor along the patient's skin areas, pressing it against the skin. So he can examine the organ under study in more detail.

    This type of examination is convenient because it is not invasive, i.e. during the examination, the sensor does not penetrate into the natural environment of the body

    A transvaginal examination involves the doctor inserting an ultrasound probe into the vagina. A condom is put on the sensor, on which the gel is applied. The position of the patient in this case is the same as on an ordinary examination by a gynecologist.

    With the transvaginal method, a filled bladder is not required, and the information content of the procedure is much higher than with the transabdominal type of examination.

    A rectal examination involves inserting an ultrasound probe into the rectum. This type of procedure is prescribed for girls. The patient lies in a position on her side, with her legs bent at the knees.

    Features of the procedure for men

    The doctor chooses one of the following methods for performing a pelvic ultrasound.
    Transabdominal examination of the pelvic organs occurs using an ordinary sensor that emits ultrasound waves. It moves along the abdominal wall (the bladder must be full at the same time).

    Thus, the specialist can see the state of all organs under study, the thickness and structure of their walls, and other parameters. The same diagnosis is carried out after urination (during such an examination, the doctor also determines the amount of remaining urine).

    A rectal examination is performed using a specially designed probe that is inserted into the anus. This study is done in cases where the patient cannot keep urine in the bladder for a long time (this happens during inflammation of the organ, as well as with urinary incontinence).

    In this way, pathologies that are not visualized by conventional transabdominal examination can be detected. The doctor clearly sees stones, abscesses, cysts and other foreign objects. Sometimes, during a transrectal examination, a biopsy of the prostate is performed (this procedure is necessarily performed under ultrasound guidance).

    This type of examination combines high information content and accessibility, and also allows you to diagnose most possible pathologies.

    Doppler study is an additional clarifying diagnosis. It makes it possible to see the causes of circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, to detect other vascular lesions.

    Detectable pathologies

    Based on such a study, the doctor makes his conclusion and establishes a diagnosis. The results can be provided in the form of snapshots, or recorded on a digital disk.

    Among women

    The doctor evaluates the structure of the uterine tissue, its dimensions and localization, the localization of the ovaries, the presence of a follicle. In addition, the following parameters are examined:

    • the presence of formations of a different nature and degree of malignancy in the uterus and gonads;
      the state of the urinary tract, its dimensions;
    • the presence of various pathologies of the colon and rectum.
    • In the course of the study, the results obtained are compared with the norm. The presence of deviations indicates certain dysfunctions of the diagnosed area of ​​the body:
    • if the study showed a change in the thickness of the cervix, a change in the size of the uterine tubes - this indicates a high risk of developing cancer;
    • if the image shows formations of different sizes or geometric shapes, this indicates the presence of cysts, fibromas in the body;
    • a reduced uterus (as well as with enlarged ovaries) indicate that a woman has polycystic disease;

    If such an examination shows that the examined organs have changed their echogenicity, the sonologist usually diagnoses endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

    In men

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in men visualizes:

    • kidney stones;
    • tumors of the urinary, prostate gland;
    • disorders of the development and functioning of the urinary tract;
    • neoplasms in the pelvic area;
    • diseases of the prostate, seminal vesicles;
    • anomalies of the rectum.

    Choice of research method

    Ultrasound of the small pelvis can be done by the methods described above, the determination of one of them is carried out individually. Usually, when prescribing, the gynecologist recommends a study, the time of its conduct, and tells about the preparation for diagnosis.

    In the case when an ultrasound examination is performed without a preliminary visit to a gynecologist, the choice of method and preparation for it is independent.

    For all girls who have not begun sexual activity, the study is carried out transabdominally. The abdominal method requires prior filling of the bladder to improve visualization.

    For women, the study of the pelvic organs is most often carried out transvaginally. However, it is possible to use both methods - first examination through the abdomen, and then (after emptying the bladder) TVUS.

    During pregnancy, the examination is carried out transabdominally, while pre-filling of the bladder is not required. TV is resorted to in case of a low location of the fetus.

    Feelings during the study

    Often among patients, especially young ones, the question arises of whether it hurts during an ultrasound scan.

    Doing a transabdominal examination is absolutely painless. Only a chill can be felt from applying the gel to the lower abdomen. With transvaginal, a short-term sensation of discomfort is possible when the sensor is inserted. If during the ultrasound pain sensations are formed, this should be told to the doctor, as this is not normal.

    Frequency of ultrasound

    This issue remains important and debatable in gynecological practice.

    The harmlessness of the method is confirmed by many years of experience. This allows the use of ultrasound in every necessary case. However, like any other study, ultrasound is correct to do if indicated. After menopause, an annual ultrasound examination is recommended.

    Given the absence of harmful effects on a woman, it is possible to use this method frequently. This makes it possible to conduct an annual analysis in women even before the onset of menopause and to detect precancerous diseases and oncology at an early stage.

    Study protocol

    Every healthcare organization has its own template. The differences relate more to the design, but at the same time, all protocols have established measurement and evaluation parameters. An example of this (ultrasound of the pelvic organs) is presented below.

    For research during pregnancy, there are separate protocols for each trimester. In them, it is mandatory to indicate the class of the apparatus (expert, high), since the quality and reliability of the analyzes depend on this.

    Normal test results

    OMT ultrasound can be performed at any age. In pediatric practice, the transabdominal method is used.

    In newborn girls, the cervix is ​​not differentiated, a general measurement of the uterus is carried out. The size of the organ is increased against the hormonal background of the mother, and the reduction of the uterus occurs during the first year of life. It is 8-10*10-15*30-40mm. The organ restores this size by 7 years.

    the arrow indicates a narrow cavity

    Table of sizes of the female organ depending on age.

    Notes. The length of the uterus up to 10 years was measured together with the cervix. After the start of menstruation, measurements are carried out in the first phase of the cycle.

    In the reproductive period, indicators of the size of the uterus have a wide range and depend on a number of factors (the presence and number of pregnancies, their interruptions, the number of births).

    Table of the size of the uterus in the reproductive period.

    Ultrasound after menopause can detect uterine involution. The decrease in its value depends on the period of menopause.

    The size of the uterus in menopause.

    The thickness of the endometrium is an important parameter that also changes during the menstrual cycle: from 0.6-0.9 cm in proliferation to 1.1-1.6 cm by the end of the cycle (photo of the endometrium during various phases is normal. No change in M - Echo during the cycle is a pathology, which indicates hormonal disorders.

    the condition of the walls, the thickness of the layers and echogenicity are determined. The size of the ovaries also changes with age: active growth is noted in adolescence, and with the onset of menopause, involution.

    Linear parameters are used to estimate size, but ovarian volume is more important. In the reproductive period, the volume norm does not exceed 8 cm³. With the onset of menopause, the volume decreases: after a year - up to 4.5 cm³, 5 years - up to 2.5 cm³, 10 years - no more than 1.5 cm³. At any age, the volume of the right and left ovaries should normally not differ by more than 1.5 cm³.

    size, structure and echogenicity are determined

    Videos uterine measurements

    It is correct to decipher the results taking into account age, reproductive history, day of the menstrual cycle (if menstruation is present).


    All types of ultrasound in gynecology can be supplemented by an assessment of uterine blood flow. This method shows the state of the arteries, and with the help of color doppler it is possible to assess capillary blood flow and differentiate focal formations. Ultrasound is important for obstetricians. Doppler ultrasound can show changes in blood flow in the uterine vessels and umbilical cord vessels. Based on these parameters, the risk of intrauterine growth retardation at the preclinical stage is revealed. In older women, the study of the venous network reveals their varicose veins.

    Standards for dopplerometry include speed indicators, and are also based on the assessment of the resistance index and the systolic, systolic-diastolic ratio.


    After the doctor conducts this type of diagnosis, the patient needs to wait for some time until a conclusion is drawn up. This usually takes a little time. According to the results of the diagnosis, the necessary treatment is prescribed or additional clinical examinations are carried out.

    If a sonologist has prescribed a pelvic ultrasound for a patient, there is no need to refuse. After all, only according to the results of an accurate diagnosis, you can choose the most effective treatment for pelvic problems. On the contrary, untimely diagnosis negatively affects the effectiveness of treatment.

    Additional photos

The main feature of ultrasound is that it does not use harmful ionizing radiation, as is the case with x-rays. In addition, ultrasound does not show a static picture, but an image, so to speak, online. This allows specialists to assess the movement of organs and blood flow in the vessels.

Indications for pelvic ultrasound

So, the doctor may prescribe a pelvic ultrasound in one of the following cases:

    With the help of ultrasound, you can determine pregnancy literally in the first days after conception.

    The doctor prescribes ultrasound for women with any failures and irregularities of the menstrual cycle, whether it is a delay in the onset of menstruation or too early menstruation, bleeding in the middle of the cycle, and so on. Ultrasound is also prescribed for excessively strong or weak menstruation, with incomprehensible vaginal discharge, with discharge after menopause, and, of course, if menstruation is completely absent.

    Ultrasound of the uterus is prescribed for suspected difficult-to-treat disease - uterine myoma.

    Ultrasound also allows you to identify all the formations on the uterus and ovary (both malignant and benign).

    Various inflammations of the pelvic organs are also indications for ultrasound diagnostics.

    A gynecologist may prescribe a study to monitor the intrauterine contraceptive (spiral), as well as in case of complaints of side effects from such a contraceptive.

    Pelvic ultrasound is performed for both sexes in the presence of any problems with the genitourinary system.

    Obstetricians prescribe ultrasound for the early detection of all pathological disorders of the fetus, checking the condition and tone of the uterus during pregnancy, and simply to control its development of the child.

    Also, ultrasound is a mandatory procedure when searching for the cause of infertility in men and women.

    Ultrasound is always prescribed for possible obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women.

    It is important to note that ultrasound is prescribed for men, in case of suspicion of any pathology of the prostate gland (prostate) and seminal vesicles.

    Children are also sometimes prescribed a pelvic ultrasound for severe pain in the pelvic area.

What can a pelvic ultrasound reveal?

In addition to monitoring pregnancy and the process of fetal development, pelvic ultrasound in women can detect a number of serious diseases in time. First of all, of course, these are neoplasms, such as cysts, polyps and fibroids. Ultrasound can also show whether a woman has ovarian or uterine cancer. Ultrasound is able to detect almost all anomalies of the uterus, including scars on the uterus.

In both men and women, ultrasound of the pelvic organs reveals diseases of the bladder, including a tumor (cancer) of the bladder, as well as the presence of stones and sand in the kidneys. As for children, their ultrasound reveals various neoplasms and anomalies in the pelvic area, heterogeneity of the genital organs. At little girls Ultrasound can show too early or too late puberty.

A special type of ultrasound - Doppler ultrasound, shows such nuances as congenital vascular malformation, blockages and blood clots in the bloodstream, narrowing in the vessels, the appearance of blockages in the vessels.

Preventive ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Ultrasound is not always sent only in the presence of any diseases. The purpose of ultrasound is early diagnosis of the disease, after all, in the earliest stages, any disease is much better treated. So it is very necessary to undergo ultrasound for prevention purposes, this is especially important for women.

How often should this be done? Healthy young women need to undergo such an ultrasound for prevention purposes at least once every two years. Women after forty need to do such an ultrasound more often - once a year.

For the most reliable result, it is important to undergo preventive ultrasound at the beginning of the menstrual cycle - on the fifth to seventh day after the onset of menstruation.

Ultrasound is of key importance in gynecological practice. The widespread use of the method is associated with high information content, painlessness of the procedure, as well as the absence of contraindications and economic availability. In addition, the availability allows for dynamic monitoring at any required frequency.

Ultrasound examination is included in the list of recommended annual examinations for women of reproductive age and after the onset of menopause. Annual echography of the pelvic organs helps to diagnose pathology at the preclinical stage, as well as diseases that may be asymptomatic.

It is also impossible to manage pregnancy. The need for this study may also arise in pediatric practice with suspected congenital malformations of the reproductive system.

    • Scope of study

      With a standard ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, the study and evaluation of the structures of the uterus (body, cervix), endometrium, ovaries, retrouterine space is carried out. During the procedure, organs are measured, the structure of tissues and their blood supply are assessed, and if a pathology is detected, a thorough study and description of the identified focus is carried out.

      Additionally, if there are indications, a study of the pelvic vessels can be carried out with the determination of the type of blood flow and speed indicators, lymph nodes, and retroperitoneal space. It is possible to conduct ultrasound with the use of contrast agents - echohysteroscopy. Such a study allows you to assess the condition of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes. Such a study is especially relevant in the diagnostic search for the causes of infertility due to the fact that during a standard ultrasound examination, the fallopian tubes are not visualized.


      Ultrasound diagnosis of OMT is carried out in two ways - transabdominally and transvaginally. These two methods may be used in conjunction or may be used separately.

      Conventional convex probe through the anterior abdominal wall. This method allows for ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs in women of all age groups. Transabdominal examination is also used in pediatric practice to diagnose abnormalities in the development of the genitourinary system. This method allows you to review the organs and tissues of the area under study, measure the main indicators, detect volumetric formations located in the internal genital organs and outside the organ.

      A vaginal sensor, which allows you to study the necessary organs in more detail, but this study may not be used in all groups of patients (for example, it is not used in pediatric practice). The method has a higher resolution due to the closer location of the structures under study and the use of higher frequencies. However, structures located along the periphery are poorly visualized and a diagnostic error is possible.

      Therefore, the joint use of these methods is optimal.

      Study preparation

      Before transabdominal ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in women, a good filling of the bladder is a prerequisite. To do this, before the study, you need to drink about a liter of liquid (in 30-50 minutes). Ultrasound is done when the urge to urinate appears. If there is a tendency to increased gas formation, then 2-3 days before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude products that stimulate increased gas formation (yeast breads, whole milk products, raw fruits and vegetables, carbonated drinks).

      A transvaginal ultrasound is performed without prior preparation, and the bladder, on the contrary, should be empty. But in preparing for this type of research, the psychological aspect is important. Due to the intimate nature of the procedure, it is necessary to explain to the patient before the start of the study what will happen and how.

      If both types of research are planned, then a transabdominal study is first performed on a full bladder, and then, after micturition, a transvaginal one is done. This order of conduction will allow obtaining the maximum amount of reliable information in a short period of time.

      The common stage of preparation for both methods is the choice. Usually, ultrasound is recommended to be performed on the 5-7th day of the cycle, however, some pathological processes require examination during the second phase or several times per menstrual cycle. For the correct choice of the day for the study, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist.

      Detectable pathology of the pelvic organs in women

      Pathology of the uterus and endometrium

      A bicornuate uterus is considered the most common OMT anomaly. The sonographic picture of this anomaly depends on the severity of the separation of the uterus. In most cases, two identical masses are visualized during a transverse scan with a separate M-echo.

      The saddle uterus is diagnosed with an increase in the width of the fundus of the uterus and the presence of an impression in the region of the bottom during transverse scanning. With a one-horned variant of the anomaly, the uterus is determined, displaced relative to the midline and having a width in the bottom area less than normal.

      uterine fibroids

      The most common benign tumor of the reproductive system in women. The location is variable, but the ultrasound picture is identical: a round or oval formation of reduced echogenicity, with feeding vessels along the periphery, having a capsule and clear contours. As the nodes grow, the size of the uterus increases with deformation of the contours, degenerative processes inside the node are possible.

      Leimomyoma was found in a 46-year-old patient who complained of vaginal bleeding. The picture clearly shows isoechoic formation.

      Sarcoma of the uterus

      This is a rare malignant tumor that has a similar ultrasound picture with fibroids.

      Distinctive features are the lobulation of the internal structure, fuzzy contours, increased blood flow, as well as cystic degeneration and intensive growth during the study in dynamics.

      Internal endometriosis

      In women, it has various forms: diffuse, focal, nodular. hyperechoic areas, the contours are often uneven, there are hypoechoic inclusions. The walls of the uterus become asymmetrical and its shape is rounded. The nodular form is characterized by the presence of round or oval hyperechoic lesions with anechoic inclusions of various diameters. The focal form is very similar in echographic pattern to the nodular form, and their differential diagnosis is extremely difficult.

      endometrial hyperplasia

      It is characterized by a thickening of the endometrium, a discrepancy between its size and the day of the menstrual cycle. The structure of the endometrium is hyperechoic, often there are hypoechoic and anechoic inclusions.

      small polyps

      They do not change the thickness of the endometrium and have a heterogeneous hyperechoic structure. With an increase in the size of polyps, a similarity with myomatous nodes appears. Differential diagnosis is carried out on the basis of ultrasound with the use of contrast agents. have a tendency to malignancy.

      Cervical cancer

      Cervical cancer

      One of the most common cancers in women. During sonography, this malignant process is detected when the tumor reaches a size of 3 mm or more. Ultrasound markers of cervical cancer: an increase in the size of the cervix, the appearance of small structures of varying echogenicity, the appearance of fluid in the uterine cavity or cervical canal, changes in blood flow during color flow.

      Ovarian pathology

      The absence of ovaries on the sonogram has many reasons: congenital aplasia, previous surgical removal of the ovary, degenerative changes in postmenopause, incorrect preliminary preparation due to which the ultrasound picture is uninformative (increased intestinal gas, insufficient filling of the bladder during transabdominal examination).

      ovarian ultrasound

      Multifollicular ovaries

      It is characterized by a moderate increase in their size, the presence of (more than 10) with a diameter of about 10 mm. In this case, there should be no clinical picture of polycystic ovaries.

      Polycystic ovaries

      Manifested by an increase in size, an increase in the echogenicity of the stroma. Hormonal imbalance also leads to the formation of multiple anechoic formations up to 10 mm in diameter, which deform the contour of the ovary. Additionally, there is a discrepancy between the thickness of the endometrium and the phase of the menstrual cycle.

      Follicular cyst

      Ultrasound of the left ovary, cyst of the corpus luteum.

      Formed from a non-ovulated follicle. Ultrasound examination visualizes a rounded anechoic formation with a thin capsule, 2–10 cm in size, unilateral location.

      Cyst of the corpus luteum

      It is formed from an ovulated follicle and has a similar ultrasound picture with a follicular cyst. The differences are a thicker capsule, the presence of inclusions and partitions inside the cyst, the unevenness of the internal contour. Both types of cysts undergo involution and disappear within a few menstrual cycles.

      Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

      Including inflammatory processes of the ovaries, a fairly common pathology. The ultrasound picture of oophoritis is characterized by an increase in size, blurring of the contours of the ovary, a decrease in echogenicity, an increase in blood flow and a decrease in resistance to CDI. The follicular apparatus is either not defined or does not correspond to the menstrual cycle. Perhaps also in the pelvic cavity, inflammatory changes in other organs of the reproductive system.

      Timely is essential for women. After all, untimely detection and treatment of these diseases can lead to negative consequences, including infertility. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs helps to identify pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system, to conduct a differential diagnosis of possible pathologies, including during dynamic observation, to track the results of the treatment.

      Modern devices can detect foci of a few millimeters. The similarity of the sonographic picture of the main pathological processes requires the researcher to be attentive, clinically thinking and experienced.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women is a safe and informative method for examining the reproductive system, which can be used at various periods of a woman's life, including pregnancy. A pelvic ultrasound examines the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

It is necessary to make an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in case of pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, with suspicion of inflammatory diseases and tumor formations in the small pelvis. Such an examination is used in monitoring the development of pregnancy, identifying the causes of infertility, as a preventive diagnostic procedure. Women who care about their health are advised to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs at least once a year.

There are two methods of conducting the study - transvaginal (through the vagina) and transabdominal (through the anterior abdominal wall). In any case, pelvic ultrasound is recommended to take place in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle (5-7 days after the onset of menstruation). To pass the examination by the transvaginal method, special preparation is not required, it is enough to empty the bladder immediately before the examination. Ultrasound of the small pelvis by the transabdominal method, on the contrary, is performed with a full bladder. You should not urinate 3-4 hours before the procedure, and drink at least 1 liter of liquid an hour and a half before the examination.

Where to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in Moscow

If you are looking for where to do a pelvic ultrasound in Moscow, contact the network of clinics of JSC "Family Doctor". Ultrasound services are provided in all polyclinics of the network. In order to do a pelvic ultrasound, you can immediately sign up for a study, or you can first visit a gynecologist. Many gynecologists of JSC "Family Doctor" have a certificate of specialist in ultrasound diagnostics and perform this study. There is an additional advantage to the fact that the diagnosis is performed by the attending physician. The doctor will be able to get enough information to form the most complete picture of the situation.

The price for ultrasound of the pelvic organs is indicated below.

How to book an ultrasound of the pelvic organs

You can sign up for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs through the call center, and if you have already been served at the Family Doctor, then through the service of your personal account. Taking into account the fact that you can do a pelvic ultrasound in any clinic, evaluate the location of our clinics and choose the one whose location is most convenient for you. The results of the study will be included in your electronic card, and if your gynecologist sees them in another of our clinics, he will immediately see them.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a medical procedure using high frequency sound waves.

Devices that medical professionals call "sensors" send and receive these sound waves, which produce images on a computer screen in real time and in real time.

These images include various parts of the body, organs, and blood flow.

Usually, an ultrasound scan is performed 1-2 days after the end of menstruation, but you can visit a doctor on the 8-12th day after the end of menstruation.

In case of bleeding that is not related to menstruation, ultrasound is performed regardless of the day of the cycle. With endometriosis, it is desirable to conduct an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in the second half of the cycle.

Pelvic ultrasound is performed by one or both of the following methods:

  1. Transabdominally (through the abdominal cavity).
  2. Transvaginally (through the vagina).

In rare cases, transrectal ultrasound is also used, it is also TRUS. It is performed by inserting a small ultrasound probe into the anus. Indications for this type of ultrasound are: deep pelvic endometriosis with (or without) infiltration of the intestinal wall, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, cysts and polycystic ovaries, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, tumors on the fallopian tubes and inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The type of ultrasound procedure depends on the reason for the patient's request.

Only one method or both methods may be used if they may be necessary to provide the information required for diagnosis or treatment. Other diagnostic procedures that may be used to evaluate pelvic problems include: hysteroscopy, colposcopy, and laparoscopy. However, they are more invasive than pelvic ultrasounds in women and take longer to prepare.

Ultrasound of the female pelvic organs is useful in that it allows you to assess:

  • Size, shape and position of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Thickness, echogenicity (darkness or brightness of the image associated with tissue density), and the presence of fluid or mass in the endometrium, myometrium (uterine muscle tissue), fallopian tubes, or within or near the bladder.
  • The length and thickness of the cervix.
  • Changes in the shape of the bladder.
  • Blood flow in the pelvic organs.

Often, ultrasound is performed after childbirth, surgery, in order to avoid possible complications. In the early stages of childbearing, an experienced specialist can identify some of the problems associated with pregnancy.


Pelvic ultrasonography can provide more information about the size, location, and structure of the pelvic organs, but cannot provide a 100% certainty for a specific diagnosis.

The big advantage is that with ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women, preparation for the procedure is minimal, and its implementation does not carry any risks. The only unpleasant moment may be a slight discomfort when inserting the transvaginal probe into the vagina. The transvaginal method requires covering the ultrasound transducer with a plastic or latex sheath, which may cause a reaction in patients who are allergic to latex. During a transabdominal ultrasound, the patient may experience discomfort from having to keep the bladder full.

A pelvic ultrasound can be used to diagnose and help treat the following problems:

  • Abnormalities in the anatomical structure of the uterus, including the endometrium, fibroid tumor (benign formation), cysts and other types of tumors within the small pelvis.
  • The presence and position of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD).
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease and other types of inflammation or infection.
  • Uterine bleeding in menopause.
  • Monitor ovarian size to evaluate infertility.
  • Aspiration of follicular fluid and eggs from the ovaries for in vitro fertilization.
  • Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy occurs outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube).
  • Monitoring of fetal development during pregnancy.
  • A transvaginal ultrasound may be used in sonohysterography, a procedure in which the uterus is filled with fluid to stretch it for a better image.

After an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women, a gynecologist or phlebologist is preparing the results for the patient if the examination was carried out after complaints of varicose veins. Further diagnostics for various diseases may include a general blood and urine test, a gynecological examination on a chair, and a smear analysis for flora.

Certain conditions may affect test results. These include: obesity, gas in the intestines, insufficient filling of the bladder (with transabdominal ultrasound). A full bladder helps move the uterus up and the intestines out to the side, giving a better image.

Preparation for pelvic ultrasound for women of different methods

Preparation for a pelvic ultrasound for women is very simple: you need to drink 2-3 glasses of clear liquid at least one hour before the appointed time. And don't empty your bladder until the ultrasound is done. Two days before the study, it is better to refuse food that can lead to flatulence, as this condition can distort the results of the ultrasound. The diet for two to three days before the examination should consist of lean fish, cheeses, cereals, beef and poultry. It is advisable to take activated charcoal.

Preparation for pelvic ultrasound for women before transabdominal ultrasound and its features

This type of ultrasound is done with a full bladder. You will be asked to remove any clothing, jewelry, or items that interfere with the screening. You will lie on your back, on a couch, or on an examination table. Your doctor will apply a gel-like substance to your abdomen. It doesn't hurt, but it can be slightly uncomfortable because the substance is cold.

The sensor will be pressed against the skin, and the specialist will move it around the area being examined. Images of body structures will be displayed on the computer screen. After the ultrasound is completed, the gel can be wiped off with a tissue. You will be able to empty your bladder when the procedure is over.

Preparation for pelvic ultrasound for women before transvaginal ultrasound and its features

It is not necessary to fill the bladder before this type of ultrasound. You will be asked to remove any clothing, jewelry, or items that interfere with the screening. You will lie on your back, on an examination table, or on a couch. This type of ultrasound uses a long, thin transvaginal transducer that is sheathed in plastic or latex and lubricated to prevent discomfort.

The tip of the probe will be inserted into the vagina. It may be a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt. The doctor will gently rotate the transducer at an angle so that the areas to be examined are in focus. You may feel a slight pressure when the sensor is moved. Images of organs and structures will be displayed on the computer screen. After the ultrasound is completed, the transducer will be removed.

Preparation for pelvic ultrasound for women before transrectal ultrasound and its features

Blood thinners should be stopped 7-10 days before the start of TRUS. TRUS is done on an empty stomach, 1-4 hours before the procedure, you need to take an enema (or take a laxative) to clear the intestines. And just before the procedure, you need to urinate to empty the bladder. During the examination, you will likely be asked to lie on your side and bring your knees up to your chest.

The doctor puts on a protective sheath (usually a condom) and applies lubricant to the ultrasound transducer. Then the probe passes, the width of which does not exceed the width of the finger, into the rectum. You may feel pressure in your rectum when the transducer is in place. TRUS takes 10 to 15 minutes. What happens after a pelvic ultrasound? There is no special type of care that is required after a pelvic ultrasound. You can resume normal activities and eat normal food.


There are no confirmed data on the adverse biological effects of ultrasound at the intensity levels used in ultrasound diagnostics.

How to prepare for a pelvic ultrasound for a woman, and which doctor to go to with the results

How to prepare for a pelvic ultrasound for a woman depends on the type of proposed procedure. It is best to avoid foods that cause flatulence for a few days prior to the exam, as gas in the intestines can reduce image quality.

A full bladder is essential for a successful transabdominal examination of the lower abdomen. On the day of the examination, you may take your regular daily tablets if necessary.

Popular questions

How does a pelvic ultrasound work?

The patient lies on his back, on the couch. The ultrasonic machine is next to the couch. It consists of a monitor, a computer and a transducer (sensor), which is connected to the machine with a cable. While the doctor moves the ultrasound transducer over the lower abdomen, the organ under study is displayed on the monitor.

For a more accurate assessment, it may be necessary to insert a special rod probe into the vagina. In many countries, this study is called endovaginal ultrasound, in Russia it is usually called transvaginal ultrasound.

Do I need a medical examination to do a pelvic ultrasound?

No, this procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis. You can go home after the examination. This also applies to other types of ultrasound, such as ECHO KG.

What should I bring with me?

A napkin or soft cloth to remove the gel left after the ultrasound.

How to prepare for a pelvic ultrasound for a woman during pregnancy

In women "in position" ultrasound is no different from the same procedure in non-pregnant women. The results of the ultrasound are either sent to the doctor who referred you for a routine examination, or evaluated by the doctor who performed the ultrasound diagnosis.

He will issue a written report of the results of the examination either to you or to the doctor who referred you for the ultrasound. Procedures such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may be used to further investigate ultrasound findings, which are not definitive. These methods allow you to identify and evaluate even the most minor changes in the body.

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