Psychoneurological tests. The Most Accurate Mental State Test: What Do You See? Projective test "Cube in the desert"

The test is aimed at identifying psychological abnormalities. It consists of several stages. At each of them you will be shown portraits, from which you will need to choose the least and most pleasant in your opinion.

This testing method was developed by psychiatrist Leopold Szondi in 1947. The doctor noticed that in the clinic, patients communicated closer with those who had the same diseases. Of course, the Internet test will not give you a diagnosis - it will just help to detect some tendencies. Moreover, depending on the state, the results will be different, so you can take the Szondi test in any incomprehensible situation.

2. Beck depression scale

As the name suggests, this test measures how depressed you are. It takes into account the common symptoms and complaints of patients with this disease. When answering each question, you have to choose the closest one from several statements.

The test is worth taking even for those who are absolutely sure that they are healthy. Some of the statements in the questionnaire may seem strange to you, but many of them are true for a person with a disease. So if you think that depression is when someone is depressed from idleness, it's time to rethink your attitude.

3. Zang (Tsung) scale for self-reported depression

4. Beck Anxiety Scale

The test allows you to assess the severity of various phobias, panic attacks and other anxiety disorders. The results are not very telling. They will only tell you if you have reason to be concerned or not.

You have to read 21 statements and decide how true they are for you.

5. Luscher color test

This test helps to assess the psychological state through the subjective perception of color. Everything is very simple: from several colored rectangles, you first choose those that you like more, and then those that you like less.

Based on the results of the Luscher test, a specialist will be able to give recommendations on how to avoid, but you just look deeper inside yourself.

6. Projective test "Cube in the desert"

This test looks less serious than the previous ones, and it really is. It consists of fantasy exercises. Few questions, but the result is simple and clear.

You will be asked to present a series of images, and then they will give an interpretation of what you made up. This test, most likely, will not discover America, but will simply introduce you to the real you once again.

7. Diagnosis of temperament according to Eysenck

You have to answer 70 questions to find out who you are: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic. At the same time, the test determines the level of extraversion, so you can find out if you are or are just temporarily tired of people.

8. Extended test of Leonhard - Shmishek

The test helps to reveal personality traits. The final grade is set on several scales, each of which reveals one or another aspect. Separately, it is checked whether you sincerely answered questions or tried to be better than you really are.

9. The method of rapid diagnosis of Heck's neurosis - Hess

This scale will help determine the likelihood of neurosis. If it is high, then it may be worth contacting a specialist.

10. Hall Emotional Intelligence Test

Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to recognize the mood and feelings of others. To evaluate it, psychologist Nicholas Hall came up with a 30-question test.

How to detect a mental disorder at an early stage?

Are any alarming symptoms a sign of deviation?

Apathy, disorientation, overexcitation, causeless anxiety, depression, hallucinations in themselves are not always the cause of a serious pathology.

You can take the online mental health test below for free. It will help determine if you have signs of various mental disorders.

It's not hard to get through. The online test allows you to identify signs of disorders such as borderline, paranoia, addiction, narcissism, obsession, schizoid and antisocial personality disorder, as well as anxiety syndrome.

Answering questions "Yes" or "No"

Questions must be answered in the affirmative or negative. The answer "Yes" means that you experience similar states or ideas for a long time, and they repeat.

The impetus for the development of mental disorders is the inability to cope with stress in various life situations. Therefore, the test rather indicates the direction in which measures should be taken to avoid unpleasant symptoms.

You need to look not only at the results. Pay attention to the situation in which you are.

Test: 17 questions that will reveal the truth

Before you take the test, take a pencil and a sheet of paper. During the passage, write the number of the question and the answer.

1. Do you feel like you are being watched, followed by other people?

2. Do you have certain rituals that you use to calm your anxiety?

3. People often tell you that you:

  • Restless.
  • Possessed.
  • Paranoid.
  • Too often you are in your own world.
  • Duplicitous.

4. Do you experience fluctuations in energy and vitality?

5. Are people around you often annoyed by the fact that you are immersed (leaving) in your world?

6. You repeat various activities for a strictly defined number of times (for example, take exactly 4 sips from a drinking fountain, count to 4, say, before starting to do something).

7. Do your palms often sweat, and do you feel fluttering in the pit of your stomach?

8. If someone disappears from your life, do you think that he did it on purpose to annoy you?

9. One of your features:

  • Trying to do everything perfectly.
  • You are distracted too often.
  • Worry about what others say about you.
  • Come into indescribable excitement because of the little things.
  • You are in a depressed state.
  • I don't have any features.

10. Do you have conflicting feelings for others, love today, hate tomorrow?

11. Do you hurt yourself to feel better, calmer?

12. Do you have few friends?

13. Are you afraid of commitment?

14. Do you sometimes feel hyper and drive yourself crazy?

15. Are you quiet and reserved?

16. Do you miss various events because you can’t communicate with anyone, do you think you are being eavesdropped on?

17. Do you have a need to touch things? If you cannot satisfy her, do you become extremely restless?

Results: Mania or Attention Deficit?

If you answered yes to less than two questions on the test, your state of mind is absolutely normal. Depending on which questions you answered yes to, this may indicate the following deviations.

1. About attention deficit says the desire to stay in your world, bouts of absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate, unwillingness to take responsibility.

2. If a person feels either good or bad, feels a feeling of boundless sympathy for people, then inexplicable hostility, gets angry for unknown reasons and worries about what others think, harms himself (for example, hurts himself, scratches), this signs of manic-depressive psychosis.

3. If a person avoids crowded places, it seems to him that he is being followed or eavesdropped, this signs of paranoia.

4. Rituals, attachment to numbers, the need to touch things and often rearrange them, changing the order, testify to obsessive-compulsive syndrome (neurosis).

And yet, just passing the test is not enough! You need to look at the results as a whole. If you are seriously concerned about your condition, which seems unusual to you, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

He will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In a polyclinic or public hospital, this can be done free of charge.

If there is a clinical disorder, it will not go away by itself. In the fight against such ailments, professional support and help is needed.
Author: Maria Ariel

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Sometimes our actions are based on a serious psychological conflict that can develop into a neurosis. Freud believed that neurosis is a conflict between human instincts and social norms. It manifests itself in anxiety, low self-esteem, a sense of insecurity.

website offers to take a simple psychological test: it will help you figure out how things are going with your psychological health.

1. A friend you haven't seen in 100 years calls you. Offers to meet in a cool restaurant and talk heart to heart. You have the last hundred in your pocket. Your actions?

A) I will answer that it is possible to meet, but in a more affordable place: there is no extra money. Besides, he needs a meeting.

B) I agree: I can’t admit that I have less money than him. Even if we haven’t seen each other for 100 years, I can’t fall into the dirt on my face.

C) An expensive restaurant is great: at least we'll eat. The main thing is to move the score to a friend in time. I wish I could remember his name.

2. You are walking down the street and you hear a group of people laughing out loud behind you. What are your thoughts at this moment?

A) Someone must be joking, since everyone is having so much fun. I need to meet my friends too.

B) It must be above me. What's wrong with me, I'm walking crooked? Stupid sweater, should not have bought it.

C) I’ll listen: maybe I’ll take note of an interesting anecdote. What if there is someone nice and you can get to know each other?

3. You are away on business and no one is home. What will you be thinking about most of the time?

A) About business, of course: where else to go, what else to buy.

B) Is the iron turned off? Are the faucets closed? What if the door was left open? We must hurry home before the stove explodes.

C) I will admire nature and enjoy the moment, because the world is beautiful.

4. You accidentally spilled coffee on your clothes, and ahead is the way home in public transport. How will you behave?

A) Calmly: there are normal, good people around, just like me. They understand everything. Spilled coffee doesn't make me worse.

B) Everyone is watching! You have to cover up with something. What a nightmare, shame and disgrace, I will never drink coffee again.

C) Great, at least I’ll buy new jeans. And I'll leave these as they are - in case you need to attract attention.

5. A smart and handsome acquaintance, whom you are madly in love with, calls you on a date. Your actions?

A) I agree. It's great when you can spend time with the person you like. Maybe we have a lot in common and we will become a great couple.

B) I will refuse. I don't deserve this beauty and intelligence. I still need a promotion, courses, a new haircut and a gym membership for a year. Maybe then.

C) Class! Everything goes into the hands, I see. Jeans work.

Choose which answers you got the most - A, B or C

Option A

You have stable self-esteem, you are calm and always assess the situation reasonably. Whatever happens around you, you will make the right decision: weigh the facts, find the missing links and fix the problem. You have everything in order with self-esteem: you know how to protect your interests, set priorities and just enjoy life. Trust yourself and the world. You think outside the box, find the positive in any situation and know how to laugh at yourself.

Your openness to new things and curiosity will help you achieve a lot. Set goals and keep moving forward without turning back!


Psychologists often use projective tests to assess a person's condition.

For these purposes, ambiguous photographs or images are often used, which each person interprets in his own way.

This simple quiz will tell you what's going on in your head right now and what state you're in.

Read also:The most terrible test: how developed is your sixth sense?

Look at the picture for no more than 10 seconds and answer what you saw first.

Mental State Test

Did you see the cave

If you saw a cave, you are a balanced person who is very difficult to piss off. You have a calm state of mind and a positive personality, inclined to see the good in everything. You have inner strength, are optimistic, and are not pressured by problems or negative situations. You are the type of person to turn to for advice. They reach out to you for support and love your positive energy.

Did you see a UFO

You are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and you may be about to explode due to pent-up stress. Even low susceptibility to stress can lead to problems such as cardiovascular disease, insomnia, and recurring nightmares.

Try not to suppress your emotions and not get annoyed over trifles, otherwise you risk incurring headaches, nausea and other unpleasant consequences.

Did you see the alien's face

You tend to create problems out of nothing or inflate little things to universal proportions, which brings you considerable grief. Shake yourself up and don't let petty annoyances drain your energy. If problems arise, look at them from different perspectives, which will give you several options for development, and not one path in which you think you are stuck.

See also: Watch-prediction test: what did fate have in store for you?

To cope with stress or panic attacks, do breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

You saw a cave and a UFO

Many of you may have immediately seen the picture of the UFO cave. This means that you are a strong person who tries to deal with his stress by denying existing problems to the point of suppressing them. Suppressing stress isn't always helpful, and sometimes you need to blow off some steam.

You are certainly strong, but deep down you are trying to cope with stress at work and in your personal life. Such situations are quite normal, and you do not need to deal with them. It is better to ask for help and talk to someone, instead of carrying all the burden of problems on your shoulders.

If you do not do this, fears will take root even more firmly inside you. Try to look at everything from a positive point of view in order to analyze the situation and find a way out of it.

Rorschach test

There are other projective tests by which a psychologist can learn about a person's mental state. Since it can be difficult for a person to open up, it can be helpful to do simple projective tests at an early stage.

In such tests, it is more difficult for a person to lie than during a clinical conversation, since they do not give clues about preferences or correct answers.

One of the most famous projective tests is ink blot test, developed by the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. Rorschach believed that the reaction of a person is more eloquent than any words and can tell about what is happening in your subconscious.

Look at the following inkblots and tell us what you see.

This inkblot card is about your response to anger. If you saw on it two people who are fighting, while the red color represents blood, then you can say that when someone upsets you, you are ready to take revenge on the offender.

If you saw two figures joining hands, then in situations of aggression you behave calmly.

In any case, if you see two figures (for example, women or clowns), this is a positive answer. If you do not see them, this may indicate difficulties in interacting with people.

About 50 percent of people also see wild animals in this picture, as well as a butterfly or a cave entrance, which is also a positive response.

This is one of the most famous color ink blotted cards. Look at her and say what you see.

Many people see strange four-legged animals on it, for example, a lion, a pig, a bear, or others. Others see a butterfly, a chest, a Christmas tree, or reproductive organs. All of these are positive responses.

Failure to see animals with four legs may indicate mental retardation.

Look at this simple card and say what you see.

Most often, two girls or women or rabbit ears are seen in this ink spot. This image can tell you about your feelings for your mother.

Disapproving statements such as "witches", "gossips", "girls fighting or arguing" may indicate a bad relationship with the mother.

If you see storm clouds instead of female figures, this may mean anxiety.

The white space between the girls can also be interpreted as a lamp or similar object. As a rule, only schizophrenics see this spot as a lamp.

This quick picture test will help determine your state of mind at the moment. Agree that we ourselves do not always understand what is happening in our soul, why the mood has deteriorated and what we really want.

We invite you to learn about your inner psychological state right now!

Carefully consider all the symbols shown in the picture. In each group of symbols (Movement, Calmness, Confidence and Uncertainty), choose the one you like. In the end, you must select 4 characters from each square. Calculate the number of points you got and read the result.

test result

From 8 to 13 points. At the moment, your internal state, your decisions and actions are more dependent on the people around you. You can easily lose heart and find it hard to force yourself to do something you don't like. You are in a stage of some kind of dependence on circumstances, and this is very depressing for you.

From 14 to 20 points. You are looking for your way, although in fact, for the most part, you go with the flow. You are guided by common sense, are able to look at yourself and the world around you without illusions. At the moment, you are difficult to manage, as you clearly adhere to your positions.

From 21 to 27 points. You think that you are right in everything and live correctly, unlike many people around you. Be proud of your achievements. At the moment, there are several people in your life that you give in to. But despite this, you still try to find a compromise between your views and the current situations. You follow your instincts and intuition and that helps you.

From 28 to 34 points. You show great perseverance and even stubbornness. Even if you understand that you are wrong, it is still very difficult for you to give up your position. The more pressure you get, the more you resist.

From 35 to 40 points. It's hard to convince you of something. You are a tough person who, no matter what, goes to the goal. Sometimes you are able to burn bridges without thinking, because you are not afraid to lose, which you later, most often, regret. You lack flexibility and ingenuity.

Did the interpretation of the test match your personal feelings? We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to press the buttons and

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