Immobilization of the shoulder, the imposition of a Cramer splint on the forearm. In case of a fracture of the bones of the forearm, a splint is applied Depending on the anatomical location

What to do? Apply a tight bandage bandage to the chest, spiraling upward from the lower parts of the chest. Transportation - sitting or half-sitting.​

  • - change in the position and shape of the limb; "​
  • With a sharp change in the speed of the car, the driver and passengers experience characteristic injuries of the cervical and lumbar spine - the so-called whiplash fractures. If the car receives a blow from behind and its speed increases sharply at once, the body of a person in the cabin is thrown back onto the seat back. In this case, the head is strongly thrown back, an excessively strong extension of our cervical spine occurs and, as a result, ruptures of the ligaments of the intervertebral disc, fractures of the processes and vertebral bodies occur. Sudden braking causes excessive flexion of the cervical and, of course, the upper thoracic spine, which also leads to damage to the spinal column.​
  • The need for surgery will also depend on the severity of such a fracture.
  • It is applied only on the back of the limb, in the direction from the ends of the fingers to 1/3 of the length of the shoulder. It is important here that a knowledgeable person perform such a procedure, otherwise an incorrectly applied splint can lead to complications. First, squeezing blood vessels can cause the death of living tissues. Secondly, the fixation of the limb must also be carried out correctly, otherwise the patient will feel constant pain instead of relief.
  • If the elbow segment is affected, the main signs will shift to the elbow area. An additional symptom here will be the acquisition of a blue tint by the skin. If you ask the victim to straighten the forearm, but he cannot, then you can suspect the displacement of the bones, or rather, their fragments.
  • It should be remembered that only when timely assistance is provided, the fracture will heal somewhat faster, and there will be no complications.

After the splint is applied, the injured limb must be given its average physiological position, that is, slightly bent. In order to fix the arm in the best possible way, a Dezo bandage is used, which was invented specifically for this case. But it is quite possible to use a bandage instead of a bandage. It is necessary to immobilize the limb and create the most comfortable conditions for transporting the patient.

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As we said, the treatment depends entirely on how serious the injury is, and also on whether or not displaced fragments are present. If it is just a crack, or there are few fragments, then the damaged limb is simply fixed. For this, a plaster splint is applied, which fixes the shoulder and wrist joints. In some cases, there may be an incorrect application of the cast when the injured limb is immobilized along with the fingertips.​

How are forearm fractures treated?

How is the treatment carried out? The doctor determines the method of treatment after the diagnosis. For this, palpation and x-ray methods are used. Given the fact that the forearm consists of several parts, the location of the fracture can be very different.​

Characteristic signs of a fracture of the forearm are:

- the appearance of bruising at the site of injury;

Signs of spinal fractures in the cervical region:

How are splints applied for different types of fractures?

If a person has an open fracture, then the wound site must be closed in order to avoid infection. For such purposes, only sterile material is used.

If the head and / or neck of the radius is affected, then identical signs will be observed here. The pain will be felt below the elbow, it is extremely difficult to bend or straighten the arm, in addition, such movements will be accompanied by severe pain. Also, these sensations will be stronger if you ask to move your forearm away from the body.

​First aid for a fracture of the forearm often becomes the main motivating factor in further and effective treatment. And if we take the overall figure for bone fractures, then 25% of all cases fall on a fracture of the forearm.​

If there is no bandage at hand, let alone a Dezo bandage (which is not at all uncommon), then it is necessary to unload the limb by laying it on a scarf bandage, which is then tied around the neck.

​Before hospitalizing a patient in the department, he needs to perform transport immobilization - i.e. immobilization of the diseased limb. Fixing can be done using special tires. But if they were not at hand, then immobilization can be carried out using any improvised means that are available. It can be, for example, small boards, pieces of plywood.​

Features of the treatment of a fracture of the forearm

It shouldn't be like this, the fingers should move and be free. This will allow the patient to perform exercise therapy exercises to restore the hand. In the event that it is necessary to fix a fracture with displacement, then a closed reduction is used. In this case, the bones are compared manually and fixed. Most often, knitting needles are used for this. Such methods of treatment are conservative.

The most common type of forearm fracture is a displaced fracture. If the displacement is insignificant, then the bone can grow together on its own. However, if the offset angle is more than 15 degrees, then surgery is required.​

crunch at the time of injury;

- shortening of the limb;

Sharp pain in a certain place of the fracture;

Causes and symptoms of a shoulder fracture

After all the measures taken, the ambulance delivers the victim to a medical facility, and there specialists already provide qualified assistance.

There is such a thing as a diaphyseal violation of the ulna. In this case, when palpation of the injured forearm on the sides or with axial load, severe pain will occur. Such an injury is often accompanied by the presence of debris, which makes rotation of the forearm extremely difficult.

This is mainly due to falls, since in order to receive such an injury from a blow, the force must be applied not hefty. Help is most often sought by people who play sports where there is a high risk of striking (for example, boxing). Also, patients in this category are people who have been in a traffic accident, or those who have been in hostilities or a disaster.​

The main goal of transport immobilization is to take the injured person to the hospital, preventing his condition from worsening.

Features of hospitalization of the patient in the traumatology department

Reposition by an open method is by no means always required; it can also be carried out by a closed method. Such operations are indicated in cases where there is a complete detachment of the head of the bone from the body. After that, a plaster bandage is applied, it is worn for about a month. The forearm changes its color, which is explained by hemorrhage in the damaged area;- when feeling the fracture site, there is a sharp pain.

immobility of arms and legs;

If there is a fracture of the diaphysis of both bones, but no displacement is observed, then the plaster is applied for 2 months. The hand is fixed in a bent state. In the opposite case, again, it will be necessary to reposition the fragments, and only then is it possible to apply a plaster cast.

In the hospital, first of all, the victim is sent for an x-ray.

Tire Rules

Very often, a fracture of the forearm is accompanied not only by its deformation, but also by the shortening of the limb itself.

In addition to these reasons, a forearm fracture can be the result of an inadequate diet, the presence of a genetic bone disease, osteoporosis, or the result of a decrease in muscle mass. All these points determine the choice of treatment method. Nevertheless, first aid in all cases is the same.

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This is not only due to the fact that during transportation, the debris can shift, which will lead to the transition of a normal fracture to a displaced fracture.

However, there is another treatment method that involves surgery. The indication for intervention is damage to the articular capsule, if the displacement of the fragment is more than 3 mm. Often there are fractures with fragmentation of bones, with the formation of a large number of fragments.

The course of rehabilitation consists in the fact that the doctor prescribes a course of exercise therapy. This allows you to restore the motor functions of the hand and strengthen the muscles. Only a doctor should treat a fracture, and all treatment should be carried out under his supervision.

Anesthesia of a fracture

A damaged forearm is visually different from a healthy one;

1. Stop external bleeding. In the presence of arterial bleeding, the blood is bright red, released in strong pulsating shocks. First of all, you need to press the vessel with your finger to the bone above the wound, and then apply, also above the wound, a hemostatic tourniquet. With venous bleeding, the blood will be dark cherry in color, it is stopped by applying a pressure bandage on an elevated limb. 2. Apply a sterile napkin to the wound, bandage it. 3. Apply two splints to the fracture site on the inside and outside of the limb, i.e. perform transport immobilization.​

Signs of fractures in the thoracic and lumbar regions:

Sometimes doctors replace the cast with intraosseous, extraosseous, or external metal structures. This method is used in cases where there is a lot of debris and they can only be removed through surgery. After that, the bandage is applied for 12 weeks.

It allows you to determine the shape of the fracture, its degree and severity. In most cases, the treatment takes the form of a plaster cast, but the duration of wearing here will be determined individually. Each case requires its own approach.​

Therefore, it is important for a person with such an injury to be able to properly provide medical care until an ambulance arrives.

A fracture of the forearm has certain symptoms by which an injury can be recognized:

This procedure is necessary to avoid the development of pain shock in the victim. Such shock occurs in approximately 50% of injured people who have not been adequately anesthetized. The most popular among all painkillers are analgin, ketorol, diclofenac, baralgin, spasmalgon. But since analgin, most likely, will not be able to anesthetize the fracture well, it can be pricked along with ketorol. If the injections did not bring relief to the patient's condition, the pain decreased only slightly or remained at the same level, then it is advisable to use stronger painkillers than those listed above. Sometimes the use of narcotic drugs is indicated.

After immobilization, the pain in the affected limb is somewhat dulled. Therefore, the patient has a reduced risk of developing pain shock, which can accompany absolutely any fracture. In addition, immobilization reduces the risk of developing infectious complications and thrombophlebitis.

A Kramer splint is applied for transport immobilization in case of a shoulder fracture. A fracture of the shoulder is quite common and takes a solid seventh place among all other types of fractures. This is a condition that is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the shoulder joint.

Symptoms of a fracture of the bones of the forearm

How to make an immobilizing fixation? Depending on the type of fracture, the methods of splinting may be different. If this is a fracture of the bone of the hand, then in this case the splint is applied in such a way that it is located from the fingertips to the middle of the forearm. In order for the transport tire to have the correct overlay, it is necessary to bend the fingers into which they put a roller made of a brand or bandage. In this case, the surface of the palm should be located towards the abdomen. After application, fixation is performed with a scarf, bandage or belt.​

  • The patient is worried about severe pain;
  • In the absence of ordinary tires, you can use planks, sticks, bundles of rods - any suitable material. Splints on the outside and inside of the human limb should be applied in such a way as to immobilize one joint above and all joints below the location of the fracture. Tires must be very securely fastened with a bandage, strips of cloth or other soft material at hand. In case of a broken arm, before splinting, cover the bare limb with cotton wool or other soft cloth. The arm is given a rather gentle position of a certain physiological rest: the arm, if necessary, is bent at its elbow joint at a right angle, while the palm must necessarily be facing the stomach, the hand is half-bent. After splinting on the outer and inner sides of the arm with a grip above and slightly below the fracture site, the arm can be hung on a scarf. In case of a fracture of the bones of the forearm, tires are applied from the middle of the shoulder to the fingers. With a fracture in the area of ​​​​the wrist joint - from the elbow joint to the fingertips along the palmar surface.
  • Sharp pain that worsens with movement
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If the fracture did not cause displacement of the olecranon or coronoid process, then the plaster cast is worn for 3-4 weeks. In this case, the arm is fixed in a bent position so that the elbow bend is 90 °. In the opposite case, when the displacement exceeds 1.5 cm, the doctor performs additional fixation of the broken bone. Here osteosynthesis is used, which for the most part will look like plates.

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  2. In the area where the injury occurred, soft tissues will begin to swell;
  3. In addition, when transporting a patient, it is necessary to monitor his general condition. It is necessary to periodically measure the victim's blood pressure. Its sharp decrease and the appearance of cold, sticky sweat may indicate the onset of a state of shock.

When immobilizing, you must follow a few simple rules. If this is not done, then the transport immobilization of the shoulder joint in general and the humerus in particular will be performed incorrectly, and there will simply be no benefit from it. The first thing to remember when immobilizing is that three joints must be immobilized when splinting. After the splint or any other improvised means is applied, the immobilization must be fixed. This can be done with a regular bandage, it is better if it is wide. It is necessary to fix below, and, accordingly, above the fracture site. Otherwise, immobilization will be useless. During the transportation of the patient to the hospital, the tire should not be removed in any case. A fracture of the humerus can be both in the middle of the bone itself, and in its epiphysis or diaphysis. A fracture can be extra-articular or intra-articular, that is, it occurs already in that part of the bone that begins to take a direct part in the formation of the joint. Also, a fracture of the humerus can be both with displacement of bone fragments, and without displacement. In addition, a fracture may be accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, when some small part of the bone sticks out of the wound. This is an open fracture of the humerus. If there is no damage to the skin, then the fracture is considered closed.

If the forearm is broken, then the splint is applied as follows. The tire is located from the tips of the fingers to the middle of the shoulder. To do this, the arm is bent in the area of ​​the elbow joint, at an angle of 90 degrees, the position of the palm is towards the abdomen. The fingers are in a bent position, and a roller should be placed in the palm. After that, the tire should be bandaged, and then hung from the scarf.

First aid

motor functions are impaired;

  1. In case of a hip fracture, the outer splint is applied from the armpit to the sole, the inner splint is applied from the groin to the sole. During transportation, the victim lies on his back. In case of fracture of the bones of the lower leg, the outer splint is applied from the middle of the thigh to the sole, the inner splint is applied from the groin to the sole. Transportation - in the supine position.​
  2. Sometimes immobility of the legs.
  3. There is such a type of fracture as the Montage injury. In this case, the branch of the ulnar nerve is affected. The direction in which the wreckage went will depend on the help. With a flexion fracture (the bones are displaced backwards), the head is returned to its place, and only then a plaster is applied. With an extensor fracture (the bones move forward), the hand is fixed in the position in which it is, and only after a month the palms are given the necessary position. Accordingly, in the second case, gypsum will have to be applied twice a month each.

Surgery may be prescribed in cases where one bone has entered another. For example, the coronoid process in the elbow joint.

In this case, the scheme of actions is in many ways similar to the actions that occur with other fractures. First of all, it is necessary to deal with pain, since each person has his own pain threshold, so some people simply lose consciousness from pain. And this is not always good. The first steps look like this:

With a closed fracture, the external shape of the shoulder will be modified, and with an open fracture, there will be a rupture of the soft tissues up to the exposure of the bones;

Medical care for fractures of the forearm

After the victim is taken to the hospital, they will take an x-ray. Then the doctor will carefully examine him. After that, the patient will be put in a plaster cast. The hand in this case must also be unloaded. This is necessary so that the fracture heals faster.

In case of an open fracture, an aseptic bandage is necessarily applied before immobilization. This is necessary in order to stop bleeding, if any, and prevent pathogens from entering the wound.​

  1. The main and therefore common cause of a shoulder fracture is trauma. Very often, a fracture of the humerus occurs after a blow directly to the bone. A fall on the elbow joint can also lead to a shoulder fracture. Even a dislocation of the shoulder joint can lead to a fracture of the shoulder.​
  2. As a rule, the patient holds the injured limb, bending it at the elbow joint.

- pain at the fracture site, aggravated by inhalation and exhalation;

What assistance should be provided to the victim? 1. Remove it as carefully as possible from the passenger compartment and move it to the side of the road, away from the roadway. 2. Lay on your back on a shield or on a wide board and bandage to the board. 3. Provide complete rest, cover warmly in the cold season. 4. If you suspect a fracture in the cervical region around the head, make a roller out of a blanket or clothing. 5. Call an ambulance.​

In case of injury to the neck and / or head of the radius, the splint is applied for 3 weeks.

Initially, an ambulance should be called, and while it gets to the location of the victim, others will be able to carry out primary resuscitation.

a hematoma is formed;

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Additional points

Pathological fractures can also occur, but, however, very, very rarely. Their main reason is the leaching of calcium from the bones with the frequent use of diuretics or glucocorticosteroid hormones.

In order to avoid complications of this injury, the patient should be given first aid. A characteristic manifestation of a fracture of the forearm is severe pain. Therefore, in order to prevent pain shock, you should take an anesthetic drug.

- sharp excruciating cough;

Fracture. Signs of a fracture and first aid for a fracture.

There may be closed or open bone fractures. With closed fractures, the skin is not damaged; with open fractures, there is a wound in the projection of the fracture. Bone fractures are severe injuries, as they are accompanied by blood loss and often shock. Signs:​

Signs of fractures

  • If the fragments have been displaced in the fracture, then osteosynthesis will be used in this case as well. Surgical intervention is performed only if the head has been crushed due to trauma.
  • Next, you need to give a strong painkiller that will help relieve pain. But the remedy must be very strong, so ordinary Analgin will not help here. Again, if the victim is conscious, you need to find out if he has any allergies to certain drugs. Otherwise, in addition to a fracture, you can get anaphylactic shock.

The injury is accompanied by severe pain, which makes it almost impossible to move the forearm or touch it.

  • ​​
  • The most effective for a shoulder fracture is a special Cramer splint. This is a ladder splint, which is easy enough to bend to adjust to the individual characteristics of the structure of the body. The Kramer tire will help to immobilize the injured limb as much as possible, thereby reducing the likelihood of complications. It is designed specifically for transport immobilization of fractures of the upper extremities, because it most accurately fits these parts of the body in terms of its size and design. In order to apply it, you must have bandages of the right size, scissors and, in fact, the tire itself.

The main symptom that is present in all types of fractures, including the humerus, is severe pain. It occurs at the moment of fracture and is very difficult to anesthetize with various non-narcotic drugs. The hand in the place where the fracture occurred swells. In the same place, the formation of a subcutaneous hematoma is possible. Movements in the affected limb can be severely limited, or there is no ability for them at all.

Limb fractures

If the fracture of the forearm is complicated by a fracture of the humerus, then a splint should be applied completely to the entire limb, which is located from the fingers to the area of ​​the shoulder girdle from the healthy part. This provides a secure fixation of the joints. If one tire is not enough, then two short ladder-type tires are used. After that, the limb is hung on a scarf or on a bandage.

  • After that, the limbs should be kept in a stationary position. Immobilization of the forearm is performed using a splint. You can use a tire, which can be manufactured industrially, or made from improvised means. The splint design is quite rigid and provides maximum fixation of the injured limb.​
  • - when pressing on the chest, a crunch is felt.
  • - sharp pain, which increases with any movement of the limb;
  • To make rehabilitation faster, it is best for the patient to take vitamin complexes, which include calcium. This substance contributes not only to the speedy regeneration of bones, but additionally strengthens the entire skeletal system. In addition, the success of recovery largely depends on the patient himself, how responsibly he will approach all the instructions of his attending physician.
  • For a month, gypsum is applied if there is a violation of the diaphysis, but there is no displacement. If it still takes place, then it will be necessary to perform the reposition of the debris. In this case, the period is extended to 1.5 months. Then, according to the rules, a plaster cast is applied in such a way that it covers, in addition to the injured area, also the elbow and wrist joints. The limb itself is fixed in a bent form.

First aid for a fracture:

After that, you need to apply a tire.

Tire rules

Making a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor can also focus on other additional signs that will help him determine the type of fracture. The fact is that the severity of the injury and the methods of its treatment will depend on which and to what extent the bones are affected.

Fractures of the lower extremities

If during the period of wearing the cast, the injured person feels any discomfort, then at the next visit to the hospital, he must inform the doctor about this.

Rib fractures

  • When applying a splint, it is necessary to capture three joints. This is the wrist joint, elbow and, accordingly, the shoulder. Do not forget that the imposition of any type of immobilization should be carried out only after adequate anesthesia. Otherwise, this may lead to the development of a painful shock, or to its intensification.
  • A preliminary diagnosis can be made by examining the patient, carefully collecting an anamnesis of the patient's life in general and the disease in particular. The final diagnosis can be made in the hospital, where the patient must be taken as soon as possible.​
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Fractures of the clavicle and scapula. For immobilization in these cases, a Dezo bandage is applied and the hand is suspended on a scarf or bandage.

Shoulder fractures, injuries of the shoulder and elbow joints. Ladder splint is applied from the middle of the scapula of the healthy side. Then the tire goes along the back, goes around the shoulder joint, goes down the shoulder to the elbow joint, bends at a right angle and goes along the forearm and hand to the base of the fingers. Before applying the splint, the assisting person first gives it the desired shape by applying it to himself: lays his forearm on one of the con-

splints of the tire and, grabbing the other end with his free hand, directs it along the posterior outer surface of the limb through the shoulder girdle and back to the shoulder girdle of the opposite side, where he fixes it with his hand. By swaying the body from side to side, the desired bend of the tire is obtained.

In the area of ​​the forearm, the tire is bent in the form of a gutter, then wrapped with cotton wool and applied to the victim. So that the upper end of the tire does not move, it is tied with two gauze ribbons to its lower end (on the brush). Ribbons go around the front and back of the shoulder joint on the healthy side. A ball of cotton wool or a rolled scarf is inserted into the armpit on the side of the injury before the splint is applied. The tire is strengthened with a bandage.

Fractures of the bones of the forearm. The ladder tire is bent at a right angle so that one end of it corresponds to the length of the forearm and hand to the base of the fingers, and the other to the length of 2/3 of the shoulder. The arm bent at the elbow at a right angle is placed on the splint; the tire is bandaged

If, in case of a fracture of the forearm or hand, there are no splints and improvised materials at hand, the arm bent at the elbow at a right angle is fixed by tying it to the body with a scarf and a belt.

Fractures of the bones of the hand. The ladder tire is deployed to the length of the forearm and bent in the form of a gutter. The fingers are placed on the roll, and the forearm is placed in the gutter; the tire is strengthened with a bandage.

You can put your hand and forearm on a piece of board, plywood, placing a lump of cotton or cloth under your palm so that your fingers are half-bent.

Fractures of the femur and upper third of the leg. They provide immobility in the hip, knee and ankle joints by applying a Dieterichs splint. It consists of two sliding wooden branches (outer and inner), a sole and a twist.

The jaws have slots for kerchiefs, belts or bandages. Before applying, the tire is adjusted in height: it is pushed apart like this. so that the transverse bar of the outer branch rests against the axillary fossa and the transverse bar of the inner branch rests against the groin. The lower ends of both Eranches should protrude 10-12 cm beyond the foot. Fitted branches at the level of the pegs are tied with a bandage. Then, in each pair of slots, the branches are threaded with one scarf, folded into eight

zv: or waist belts. Instead of scarves and belts, you can prepare cotton belts in advance.

To the inner surface of both halves of the tire, as well as to the cross bars, a thick layer of cotton wool or strips torn from the padded jacket is bandaged. The area of ​​the ankle joint is covered with a thick layer of gray cotton and the plantar part of the splint is bandaged to the foot, and the heel area, which accounts for the main effort during traction, is especially carefully strengthened.

Then the lower ends of the branches are passed through the wire staples of the sole and attached to the lateral surfaces of the limb and torso. In the area of ​​the protrusions of the greater trochanter, knee joint and ankles, cotton is placed. For better immobilization of the limb, a ladder splint is laid along its back surface. The Dieterichs tire is attached to the body with scarves, belts or belts threaded through the slots of the branches. The ends of the twist laces are threaded through the holes of the transverse bar and into the rings of the sole, brought back through the hole of the bar and tied around the twist. Then, holding hands on the foot, the leg is stretched until then. until the cross bars of the branches rest against the groin and axillary fossa; in this position, the foot is fixed with a twist. After stretching, the tire is fixed by tying it to the leg with circular bandage moves. Keep in mind that too much traction can cause pain and pressure sores in the dorsum of the foot and the Achilles tendon.

In the absence of a Dieterichs tire, ladder tires can be used for immobilization. Two splints are connected to such a length that the elongated splint, passing along the outer surface of the limb and torso, with one end rests against the armpit, and with the other end wraps around the sole in the form of a stirrup. The third splint should pass along the inner surface of the limb, resting with one end against the groin, and with the other, bending around the sole in the form of a stirrup. The fourth splint should be adjacent to the back of the limb from the buttock to the foot.

Fracture of the bones of the leg. Three ladder rails are used. One of them is applied along the back surface of the lower leg from the fingertips to the middle of the thigh, the other two - along the lateral surfaces of the lower leg

so that they cover the foot in the form of a stirrup.

In the absence of ladder tires, plywood tires are applied along the outer and inner surfaces of the lower leg, and a ladder one is applied to the back surface, as mentioned above.

Fractures of the bones of the foot. Two ladder rails are applied. One - from the tips of the fingers along the plantar surface of the foot and then, bending at a right angle, along the back surface of the lower leg, almost to the knee joint. The tire is modeled along the outline of the back surface of the lower leg, and the excess part is folded back. The second tire, curved in the shape of the letter G, is applied along the outer surface of the lower leg so that it covers the plantar surface of the foot like a stirrup. Tires are bandaged to the limb.

In the absence of ladder rails, two mesh rails can be used.

Skull fractures. The wounded are carefully placed on a stretcher, a soft bedding (overcoat, pea coat, cotton wool, etc.) with a recess is placed under the head. Soft rollers are placed on the sides of the head. If the wounded person needs to be lifted in a vertical position (from any structure), then a cotton-gauze collar is first applied to his neck (the neck is wrapped with several layers of gray cotton and a bandage is applied tightly, but not tight, over it). The same cotton-gauze collar is made with a fracture of the cervical vertebrae.

Rib fractures. The lower parts of the chest are tightly bandaged, and before starting this procedure, the wounded must exhale the air. At the moment of inhalation, the bandaging is temporarily stopped, but at the same time the free end of the bandage is pulled.

Jaw fractures. For temporary immobilization, a sling-like bandage is applied. More reliable immobilization is achieved by applying a standard chin sling (tire), which consists of a bandage worn on the head and a plastic chin sling. The sling is attached to the headband with rubber bands. In order to avoid pain and bedsores, the chin sling is filled with a cotton-gauze pad before application, which should go beyond the edges of the sling.

Spinal fractures. In case of damage to the thoracic or lumbar spine of the wounded, care must be taken

lay on a hard surface (boards are placed on a sanitary stretcher, in their absence - plywood or ladder tires, the length of which should correspond to the growth of the wounded) in a strictly horizontal position. In the absence of boards, four ladder tires are tightly bandaged to the back and sides.

Pelvic fractures. As with fractures of the spine, the wounded are laid on a hard surface with the lower limbs divorced and bent at the hip and knee joints: a duffel bag or a roll of an overcoat is placed under the knees.

In medical institutions where the wounded with bone fractures are evacuated, the splints applied during first aid are removed.

To apply plaster casts, gypsum is used - a fine powder of calcined calcium sulfate. In a mixture with water, it forms a slurry, which hardens rather quickly. During storage, gypsum absorbs moisture from the air, which causes its quality to deteriorate; Therefore, you need to store gypsum in a dry place. Gypsum should not have lumps and grains. If there are lumps in the gypsum powder, then it is sifted through a sieve before use. A gruel prepared from an equal amount of gypsum and water should harden within 5-6 minutes. Gypsum that has lost its properties as a result of the absorption of water from the air can be used after calcining at a temperature not exceeding 140 "J C.

Before applying plaster bandages prepare plaster bandages. To do this, put the end of the bandage on a table covered with oilcloth, pour a little gypsum on it and rub it with the palm of your hand into the bandage. Roll the plastered end loosely into a roller and unwind the next segment of the bandage, into which gypsum is also rubbed. So the whole bandage is plastered. Immediately before use, the plastered bandage is placed in a basin with warm water and they wait until it is saturated with water, that is, when air bubbles stop emitting from it. Then they are taken out of the water and squeezed so as not to squeeze out the gypsum gruel. To prevent the plaster bandage from hardening before it is applied, the bandage should be applied quickly.

The shoulder bone is a long bone located in the upper part of the limb, which is included simultaneously in the shoulder and elbow joints. It consists of three elements: body, proximal and distal parts. The humerus is rarely injured, but in these cases it is necessary to correctly navigate. When the humerus is fractured, a splint is immediately applied, and for the correct implementation of this event, you need to know a few subtleties.

Before rendering assistance, it is necessary to determine the etiology of the fracture. If you are a victim, you need to be able to correctly orient those who help in providing assistance even before entering a medical facility.

What are humerus fractures?

Damage can be classified according to several criteria.

Depending on location:

  • injury to the upper part of the shoulder;
  • fracture of the body of the bone;
  • damage to the lower part of the shoulder bone.

Depending on the proximity to the articular formation:

  • Intra-articular fractures. The injury is localized in one part of the bone, which is involved in the formation of one of the joints and has a joint capsule;
  • Fractures are non-articular.

Depending on the location of the debris:

  • No shifts. They are treated easily, without complications;
  • With displacement of parts of the bone. The treatment is complex, with the reduction of fragments to an anatomically correct place.

Depending on the integrity of the covers:

  • Closed - without violating the integrity of the skin;
  • Open - there is a wound with a rupture of the skin and the release of bone fragments to the outside.

Proximal shoulder fracture

Injury to the proximal humerus is a type of shoulder injury in which the head of the bone, which is mated at the shoulder joint, is damaged. Leads to limited mobility in this area.

If these symptoms are present, the likely cause is a fracture of the proximal humerus.

Symptoms in case of damage to the body of the bone

Injury to the body of the shoulder can sometimes affect the radial nerve. This condition is accompanied by pain, limitation of movements in the hand and wrist of the limb.

Such an injury heals on its own, without surgical treatment. The duration of treatment is affected by the degree of fracture and care.

If, after an injury, there is no mobility of the wrist and hand, or pain occurs when moving this zone, then the center of injury is located in the middle of the hand.

Symptoms of damage in the distal part of the shoulder

This type of injury is more common in children than in adults. The distal injury is close to the elbow joint and requires surgery.

With such an injury, instability or weakness is felt in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist joint.

Common signs of violation of the integrity of the shoulder bone:

  • swelling of the damaged area;
  • redness of the integument;
  • pain sensations;
  • limited mobility.

Factors contributing to the formation of a fracture and risk group

Most often, the following factors lead to a shoulder fracture:

  • falling on a straight arm;
  • sharp muscle innervation;
  • zeal for a hand pressed close to the body;
  • car accidents;
  • non-compliance with safety precautions when working in a hazardous production;
  • a sharp impact of strong intensity on the shoulder area.

Risk group:

  • age group from 60 years;
  • women after menopause;
  • children;
  • professional athletes;
  • people involved in heavy production;
  • patients suffering from osteoporosis and similar diseases;
  • patients with malignant neoplasms.

Diagnostic measures

The victim should be taken to the trauma department as soon as possible, in which a detailed diagnosis will be carried out by a specialist.

The doctor palpates the area of ​​damage and notes the main symptoms:

  • increased pain when pressing on the elbow joint;
  • when pressing on the joint, a sound characteristic of this injury appears - the sound of a burst bubble - these are the edge parts of the fragments rubbing against each other.

During the examination, the doctor independently rotates the patient's shoulder, noting the moving fragments. If there is a dislocation in tandem with a fracture, then on palpation of the joint, the head of the shoulder is not in its anatomical place. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after an X-ray examination. These pictures clearly show the damaged area, all the debris and the presence of displacement.

First aid

First aid includes several items:

  • proper anesthesia;
  • wound treatment with available antiseptics;
  • stop bleeding, if any;
  • transport immobilization;
  • escort of the patient and delivery to the point of provision of qualified medical care.

Pain relief is an important stage, including first aid measures. This is done before the rest of the manipulations. It helps the patient cope with pain and avoid the development of pain shock. The drug, administered intravenously and intramuscularly, allows you to quickly get rid of pain. In the absence of such an opportunity, they resort to drugs in tablet form. For these purposes, ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketorolac are usually used.

In case of an open type injury, it is desirable to wash and treat the wound as soon as possible. To do this, use any available antiseptic. After manipulations, the wound is covered with a sterile napkin. These actions will help to avoid the development of sepsis.

Transport immobilization helps to achieve a number of important functions and avoid undesirable consequences.

The main functions of transport immobilization in case of a shoulder fracture:

  • prevention of displacements inside the damaged limb;
  • minimizing pain.

Cramer's ladder splint is used for transport immobilization of the injured limb. The technique for applying a splint for a fracture is quite simple. The design is made of a special wire with high ductility. This feature allows you to give the tire the desired shape, depending on the specific case. Before applying the structure, it is necessary to determine its size by a healthy limb.

Before applying the tire, it must be overlaid with softening materials so that the protrusions of the structure do not cause discomfort to the patient, and the hand should be given an anatomical position. For this purpose, the limb is bent at the elbow joint and brought as close as possible to the body. The brush should be in a half-bent state; for this, some object is put into it.

After carrying out the manipulations to apply the splint, the limb must be fixed in one position. To do this, use a scarf or a piece of fabric. The material is folded diagonally. One end is threaded under the arm and connected in the neck with the other. The design should capture the elbow of the broken arm. The angle should be right on the side where the limb is injured. After that, the victim must be taken to a medical aid point.


In medical practice, 3 methods of treating a fracture of the forearm are used:

  • limb traction;
  • surgical intervention;
  • conservative treatment with fixation.

The choice of therapeutic treatment depends on the characteristics of the injury, additional pathologies of the patient and many other factors. A fracture without fragments and damage to the vessels is eliminated by simple reduction and the imposition of a fixing structure made of gypsum. The same treatment plan is used for damage to the tuberous part of the forearm.

If a muscle was injured during a fracture, then in complex therapy, a splint with abduction is used. This method helps not only to ensure the healing of the muscle, but also reduces the risk of complications during movement.

For diaphyseal fractures, skeletal traction is used. This method involves placing a weight to permanently traction the fixed limb. Surgical treatment is required for a fracture of the humerus with numerous displacements.

Surgical treatment is used in the following cases:

  • when any fragment of the tuberous part of the humerus is torn off with rotation or significant displacement;
  • if the patient has osteoporosis;
  • in case of injury with numerous splinters;
  • in the event that bone fragments have damaged nerves or vascular formations.

After surgery, a fixing bandage of plaster material is applied.


After the fusion of damaged structures, proper rehabilitation is necessary to restore the physiology of the limb. Restoration of mobility includes a set of the following activities:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • massage of the injured limb;
  • a diet high in calcium-rich foods;
  • sanatorium treatment.

When is a splint placed on the damaged area in case of a fracture of the bones of the forearm? This question interests many patients. A fracture is a serious injury that needs to be treated responsibly. In order to avoid the consequences of such an injury, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid in a timely manner.

To avoid the displacement of fragments, a splint is applied when the bones of the forearm are fractured, which makes it possible to ensure the immobility of the injured limb.

Main types of fractures

According to statistics, they are more common than others. The forearm is formed by the ulna and radius bones. The cause of the fracture is most often an unsuccessful fall on the arm, the bones can simply break. In this case, the injury of the radius is more common than the ulna. No one is immune from a fracture of the forearm, and there is no difference in the age of the patient.

Fractures can be:

  • closed;
  • open;
  • with displacement of bone fragments;
  • no offset.

They are considered the most dangerous, the fact is that they lead to serious damage to tissues and skin. In this case, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet, this will help stop the bleeding.

In addition, you need to treat the wound in order to avoid infection of the wounded surface.

To stop bleeding, apply a bandage slightly above the damaged area, this will prevent blood flow to the wound area. To do this, you can use a medical tourniquet, a regular belt, or just a thick fabric. To avoid tissue death, the bandage must be periodically loosened to ensure blood flow to the wound.

It can also pose a certain danger. It is impossible to determine its type without an x-ray. Some fractures may be with displacement of the bones. Trying to determine the type of fracture on your own is not worth it, this can lead to the fact that a closed fracture will turn into an open one.

In order to avoid this, it is necessary to immobilize the diseased limb with an immobilizing bandage. For this, a tire is used. After that, it is necessary to deliver the patient to traumatology as soon as possible.

How does a fracture of the forearm manifest itself?

The characteristic signs of a fracture of the forearm are:

  • crunch at the time of injury;
  • soft tissues begin to swell;
  • the forearm changes its color, which is explained by hemorrhage in the damaged area;
  • a damaged forearm is visually different from a healthy one;
  • the patient is worried about severe pain;
  • motor functions are impaired;
  • as a rule, the patient holds the injured limb, bending it at the elbow joint.

In order to avoid complications of this injury, the patient should be given first aid. A characteristic manifestation of a fracture of the forearm is severe pain. Therefore, in order to prevent pain shock, you should take an anesthetic drug.

After that, the limbs should be kept in a fixed position. Immobilization of the forearm is performed using a splint. You can use a tire, which can be manufactured industrially, or made from improvised means. The splint design is quite rigid and provides maximum fixation of the injured limb.

How are forearm fractures treated?

How is the treatment carried out? The doctor determines the method of treatment after the diagnosis. For this, palpation and x-ray methods are used. Given the fact that the forearm consists of several parts, the localization of the fracture can be very different.

The most common type of forearm fracture is a displaced fracture. If the displacement is insignificant, then the bone can grow together on its own. However, if the angle of displacement is more than 15 degrees, then surgery is required.

Reposition by an open method is not always required; it can also be carried out by a closed method. Such operations are indicated in cases where there is a complete detachment of the head of the bone from the body. After that, a plaster bandage is applied, it is worn for about a month.

The course of rehabilitation is that the doctor prescribes a course of exercise therapy. This allows you to restore the motor functions of the hand and strengthen the muscles. Only a doctor should treat a fracture, and all treatment should be carried out under his supervision.

How are splints applied for different types of fractures?

How to make an immobilizing fixation? Depending on the type of fracture, the methods of splinting may be different.
If this is, then in this case the splint is applied in such a way that it is located from the fingertips to the middle of the forearm. In order for the transport tire to have the correct overlay, it is necessary to bend the fingers into which they put a roller made of a brand or bandage. In this case, the surface of the palm should be located towards the abdomen. After application, fixation is performed with a scarf, bandage or belt.

If the forearm is broken, then the splint is applied as follows. The tire is located from the tips of the fingers to the middle of the shoulder. To do this, the arm is bent in the area of ​​the elbow joint, at an angle of 90 degrees, the position of the palm is towards the abdomen. The fingers are in a bent position, and a roller should be placed in the palm. After that, the tire should be bandaged, and then hung to the scarf.

If the fracture of the forearm is complicated by a fracture of the humerus, then a splint should be applied completely to the entire limb, which is located from the fingers to the area of ​​the shoulder girdle from the healthy part. This provides a secure fixation of the joints. If one tire is not enough, then two short ladder-type tires are used. After that, the limb is hung on a scarf or on a bandage.

Features of the treatment of a fracture of the forearm

As we have already said, the treatment depends entirely on how serious the injury is, and also on whether displaced fragments are present. If it is just a crack, or there are few fragments, then the damaged limb is simply fixed. For this, a plaster splint is applied, which fixes the shoulder and wrist joints. In some cases, there may be a misplacement of the cast when the injured limb is immobilized along with the fingertips.

It shouldn't be like this, the fingers should move and be free. This will allow the patient to perform exercise therapy exercises to restore the hand. In the event that it is necessary to fix a fracture with displacement, then a closed reduction is used. In this case, the bones are compared manually and fixed. Most often, knitting needles are used for this. Such methods of treatment are conservative.

However, there is another method of treatment, which involves the operation. The indication for intervention is damage to the articular capsule, if the displacement of the fragment is more than 3 mm. Often there are fractures with fragmentation of bones, with the formation of a large number of fragments.

For people adhering to a mobile lifestyle, children, the elderly, trauma to the bones of the forearm is a fairly common occurrence. A broken bone is a dangerous injury that causes discomfort. This issue must be approached with all seriousness. When the bones of the forearm are fractured, a splint is applied immediately to reduce the risk of unwanted complications. The further condition of the patient will depend on the actions taken. That's why it's so important to know how to do it right.

Types of forearm fractures

All fractures can be divided into two groups: open and closed. From the presence or absence of displacement of fragments, they are distinguished among closed fractures: injuries with displacement of fragments, injuries without displacement of parts of the bone.

The most dangerous and difficult to heal are open fractures. They contribute to the rupture of tissues and external integuments. With this type of fracture, tourniquets should be applied to stop the bleeding.

Signs of a fractured forearm

It is possible to make a conclusion about the presence of a fracture only after an x-ray, but there are a number of signs indicating the presence of damage before this study. The pain that occurs with a fracture of the forearm and a specific crunch are the first signs of such an injury. The next sign is the formation of edema and hematoma in the damaged area. The forearm area acquires a burgundy hue, turning into purple. This is due to damage to the arteries and veins and subsequent hemorrhage in the region of nearby tissues.

The area of ​​damage has visually distinguishable deformation changes. The physiological mobility of the limb is reduced. The patient experiences piercing pain during the work of the elbow joint. This test is an indication of trauma in the bones of the forearm.

A patient who has received such an injury should be provided with assistance to alleviate his condition. It is necessary to calm the victim in order to avoid panic. The patient with such an injury experiences severe acute pain. To relieve pain, he should be given any painkiller. To avoid severe hematoma, ice must be applied to the site. If the fracture is open, it is necessary to treat the wound with an available remedy. It is important to apply a tourniquet if there is a strong hemorrhage. Before entering the emergency room, the patient needs to put a splint on the injured limb. It is necessary to conduct a dialogue with the victim in order to control his condition.

To reduce the risk of infection and the occurrence of gangrene, it is necessary to clean the wound, then treat it with non-alcohol-containing antiseptics.

To avoid blood loss, a tourniquet is applied above the wound. This prevents blood flow to the injured area. To do this, use an available tissue or a special medical tourniquet. In the field, you can resort to a belt or a tightly rolled cloth. The bandage must be loosened over time to prevent tissue oxygen starvation.

A closed fracture is also quite dangerous. The presence or absence of this type of injury can only be determined by X-ray examination. You should not palpate the fracture site on your own, this can provoke an open one.

To avoid this, the injured limb must be completely stationary. For this, a tire overlay is used. The patient should be immediately taken to the trauma department.

Bus rules

To fix the arm in a fixed position, it becomes necessary to apply a splint. This procedure will allow a person to carry out movement and their functions without additional damage to the forearm area. To properly apply a tire, you need to adhere to some nuances:

  • the tire is superimposed to secure the joints above and below the site of the injured area;
  • superimposed over the limb, if necessary;
  • to reduce pain during the procedure, it is necessary for the patient to perform anesthesia, only then apply it;
  • tires fix the functional position of the limb;
  • where there is a protrusion of the ends of the bone, it is necessary to apply cotton rolls;
  • fix the tire with soft material;
  • fixation is carried out from the periphery to the center in order to avoid causing additional pain;
  • if a tourniquet was previously applied, it should not be covered with a tire;
  • if the patient is transported in the winter season, the limb must be insulated to avoid the risk of frostbite;
  • leaves fingers free to regulate blood flow activity;
  • for the manufacture of the fixing structure, any safe materials at hand can be used.

Splint Features

Methods for fixing a limb differ in each particular case.

If the metacarpal bones are also injured, the splint is strengthened, capturing the metacarpal bones and the middle of the forearm. The palm should be placed towards the lower region of the body. You can fix it with any improvised material.

When only the forearm is affected, the fixing structures are applied in the same way. Fixation is carried out in the elbow area, at an angle of about 90 degrees, the palm is placed to the lower part of the body. The tire is bandaged, then fixed with a scarf.

In case of a fracture of the bones of the forearm, it is necessary to fix the entire damaged arm completely. This method provides the necessary fixation of all movable joints of the injured limb. With this method of fixation, several ladder-type tires can be used. After manipulating the tire attachment, the limb is suspended with available material.

Treatment of fracture of the bones of the forearm

After admission to the hospital, further assistance is provided by specialized specialists. Initially, the diagnosis is carried out: palpation and X-ray. Additionally, tomography can be used. The location of the broken bone may vary. Determine the degree of damage. If there is a displacement of the bone by more than 15 degrees, surgery is performed. Such intervention can be performed in an open and closed way. Most often resort to a closed method. When there was a complete prolapse of the head of the bone from her body, they resort to open. After these manipulations, a plaster cast is applied, which fixes the limb. This bandage is worn for a month.

Recovery after injury

Each person heals this injury differently. In children, healing takes place the fastest - about a month. Older people may need up to 2-3 months. Follow all doctor's instructions to ensure a speedy recovery. The treatment period is very important. At this time, bone fusion occurs, so rest is necessary. A displaced wound heals for a longer time.

Recovery can be judged by repeated X-ray examination.

Proper rehabilitation

After wearing a plaster cast, the doctor must select an appropriate course of rehabilitation. This period of treatment depends entirely on the efforts and diligence of the patient. This is necessary to restore the correct physiology of the limb after injury.

To restore tissue sensitivity and active blood flow, courses of therapeutic massage are prescribed in them. Physiotherapy is used for the same purposes. Therapeutic physical culture includes a range of different exercises and is aimed at restoring the mobility of the hand. All these procedures should be performed under the supervision of narrow specialists and as prescribed by the attending physician. It is absolutely impossible to get involved in self-medication.

The most common method in rehabilitation is physical education. It should be approached with all responsibility. The most effective exercises for rehabilitation after a fracture of the bones of the forearm:

  • rolling a ball or any other object on a smooth surface in a horizontal or vertical position with one hand; translational movements aimed at twisting or unscrewing actions;
  • brush manipulations in different directions;
  • turning the bone in the fist;
  • an exercise aimed at moving the arms closer to the back of the head.

The effect of rehabilitation depends on the efforts of the patient, but you should not overload the arm, giving a high load. This may backfire. It is worth restoring functions gradually so as not to cause harm.

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