Puchkov's letter about the private fire department. Registered letter to Puchkov sample. Where to write a letter to Puchkov

During the year, the fire program of Greenpeace Russia tried many times to draw the attention of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at various levels to the dangerous situation with peat fires in the Tver region. However, instead of fighting the problem, the employees of the regional administration preferred to hush it up. Having received no constructive response to his appeals, the head of the program, Grigory Kuksin, decided to publish an open letter to the Minister for Emergency Situations, V.A. Puchkov. Here is its full text:

“Vladimir Andreevich, I am writing this text in public in the hope that you will actually read it. I do not expect an answer to it, I do not need formal replies from the ministry. Almost all my adult life I have been extinguishing fires in natural areas, including extinguishing peat bogs. I understand that the problem of peat fires is complex. And like any complex problem, it has no easy solutions. It is obvious that the problem of fires cannot be completely solved without solving the problem of "no-man's" land, unused territories, without destroying the tradition of grass burning by the population, without an integrated and systematic approach to watering and restoring swamps... But with all the need for these long-term investments, it is understandable and the fact that peatlands burn every year and require extinguishing. In most cases, these are not lands of the forest fund, and it is up to employees of your ministry and regional firefighters to respond to these fires.

In recent years (after the smoky summer of 2010 for Moscow), much attention has been paid to the problem of burning peat bogs. Unfortunately, this attention sometimes plays a cruel joke. It is obvious to all participants in the process that extinguishing a fire at an early stage is much easier and cheaper than when it has developed. It is obvious to everyone that any fire flares up from a small hearth. And, if you prevent the dangerous development of a fire and allocate enough forces at an early stage, it will be possible to minimize both the damage and the cost of extinguishing. And for this purpose, instructions and instructions are issued, plans are written and exercises are conducted. However, in every dry year we have the problem of massively burning peatlands.

I will list several problems that, in my opinion, greatly hinder the organization of a high-quality system for combating peat fires. Some problems drag on for years. Some of them have appeared quite recently.

One of the problems that does not allow to extinguish peat fires with high quality is, surprisingly, the desire of the ministry to improve the efficiency and quality of extinguishing. Now, to extinguishing in natural areas, including extinguishing peat fires, the same approaches are used in assessing the effectiveness of the work of fire departments as in settlements and at economic facilities. In reality, a peat fire is almost never extinguished on the first day. Even in the early stages (in areas of several square meters), extinguishing takes several hours. The best time to detect small outbreaks is the evening before the dew falls. It turns out that a peat fire almost always lasts and passes into the second day. This is not an indicator of poor unit performance - this is a feature of a peat fire. In addition, for reliable extinguishing, several additional guarding trips are required within the next few days after extinguishing. As long as there is an installation to show the liquidation of a peat fire on the day of detection, the units will be forced to “close” the fire before it is actually extinguished, they will be forced to look for illegal ways to organize guarding and extinguishing. That is, a situation will be created (and is constantly being created) in which, for the qualitative performance of work, it is necessary to misinform your leadership and in which it is impossible to officially request help if it is nevertheless required. With a shortage of forces and means and in the presence of other fires, the priority will always be (and rightly so) - the protection of settlements. If a peat fire on paper is “closed”, but there is not enough strength, it will be extinguished according to the residual principle. And, with a high probability, they will miss the time, while it could be extinguished with small forces. This is a practical situation. This is how most fires in the Tver region have developed since April of this year. This situation can be confirmed in an informal conversation in every garrison where there are drained peat bogs in the area of ​​departure. Firefighters who are forced to “carry out” trips to peat with garbage or fire-tactical exercises in their reports are also well aware of their insecurity in this situation. If an employee is injured or killed, it will be difficult for his management to explain the fact that a firefighter is far from the city in a swamp on a “non-existent” fire.

Another problem is the lack of a system for detecting peat fires in the early stages. The main time when most peat fires start is spring. The first (and most numerous) peat foci appear as a result of grass burning in the spring. As long as there is no system for responding to such fires (surveys of drained bogs in case open burning is detected on them in the spring), peat fires will be detected very late. Now many of the fires that arose in April begin to extinguish in July and even August, when they become clearly visible from afar along the plume of smoke. But it is incomparably more expensive and more difficult than at the stage of barely noticeable small foci. While there is no system for early detection of peat fires, while firefighters encounter burning peat only at the stage of large deep fires and in summer conditions (water shortage in the drainage system), myths persist that peat burns always and that it cannot be extinguished. We know this is not true, but even professional firefighters are losing faith that this problem can be dealt with.

Unfortunately, the systems of remote sensing of the Earth do not yet allow identifying peat pockets at an early stage. But even if field checks are carried out for each case of detection of a thermal point within the boundaries of drained peatlands (taking it for granted that most peat pockets arise from grass burning in spring), the probability of early detection of fires will increase. Now such checks of thermopoints are carried out formally. And even if traces of a grass fire, which gave a thermal point, are revealed, the territory is almost never surveyed to identify peat foci.

Another problem is the informational consequences of the flooding story. So many promises and statements were made in the regions that now the swamps will not burn, that it is politically very inconvenient to admit the existence of peat fires. And without recognizing the presence of a fire, it is impossible to use all the forces and means that are provided for by all kinds of master plans. It turns out that at the stage when the fire can still be extinguished by local or regional forces by implementing a ready-made plan, the fire is not recognized and extinguished by insufficient forces (in extreme cases, they show how it was extinguished on the day of detection on an area of ​​​​less than 1 hectare). And then, when the fire can no longer be hidden, they try to extinguish it with the involvement of help - but already in the absence of water in local water sources and in areas that cannot be extinguished before winter. Unfortunately, this behavior of both regional officials and your subordinates was partly provoked by your statements and promises to journalists that the peatlands would not burn. In informal communication, many employees of your department admitted that the pressure to prevent the word “peat” from being used in official reports, publications, and even operational reports was very strong this year. This pressure was also directed at the heads of the main departments in the regions, that is, at least at the level of the regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Under such conditions, it is impossible to make informed decisions and it is not possible to request the necessary assistance in time.

In addition to these “political” problems, there is also the problem of the quality of training of the personnel of the units that are engaged in extinguishing these fires. Historically, fire departments have been focused on extinguishing buildings and economic facilities. In the training system, very little time has been and is given to extinguishing in natural areas. And the technologies for extinguishing peat fires are familiar to a relatively small number of firefighters and rescuers. Often it is the lack of knowledge (and sometimes the necessary equipment) that leads to the fact that the fire cannot be reliably extinguished. And the resumption of smoldering of peat on previously flooded foci leads to a loss of motivation, to disbelief that peat can be reliably extinguished. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the use of spectacular technologies, for example, aviation firefighting, without sufficient explanation to the firefighting participants of the goals and objectives of using such means, creates a final confusion in the minds. Until people (including firefighters) are explained that water discharges can only bring down the burning on the surface and reduce the intensity of smoke emission, but not extinguish peat, they will perceive the use of aviation either as a reliable means of extinguishing (and not understand the essence of peat extinguishing processes) , or consider it a complete window dressing and waste of funds.

Taken together (taking into account the objectively difficult situation with the abandoned territories of drained swamps, with grass burning, with climate change), these reasons create the current situation. We again (fortunately, only in one region of Central Russia) could not control the situation with peat fires and suffered enormous losses. If systemic conclusions are not drawn from this situation, it will happen again.

For our part, we (employees of the Greenpeace Russia fire program and volunteers) are ready to provide support in the fight against peat fires. Sometimes our activities are perceived as hostile towards the employees of the ministry. This is not true. Simply by assisting in the detection and suppression of these fires, we cannot but try to influence the systemic problems that I have listed. These issues are very difficult to raise for people working in the field. But without their solution, the situation is unlikely to change for the better.

Head of the fire program Greenpeace Russia
Grigory Kuksin"

The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs to be saved from their leader Vladimir Puchkov. Vladimir Puchkov took over as head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations less than two years ago, but even in such a short time he managed to show himself not on the best side. We propose to recall the former "merits" of Vladimir Andreevich. The work of the newly minted minister began with a major emergency in the Krasnodar Territory, as a result of which more than 170 people died. The Ministry of Emergency Situations did not notify the population about the threat of flooding in time and did not ensure the evacuation of residents of the flooded areas. The head of the department, Puchkov, also took on a significant share of the criticism, whose subordinates did not work in this situation in the best way. Last year, another corruption scandal flared up in Khakassia - an organized criminal group engaged in embezzlement operated in the leadership of the Khakassian rescuers. Experts call this scheme “usual”, that is, the current head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, could well be aware of what is happening. The incident in Khakassia is not something unusual for today's Ministry of Emergency Situations, because. such "schemes" appear there quite regularly. The level of corruption in the territorial departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations rose sharply after Vladimir Puchkov became the new minister. There are rumors that a vertically integrated corruption system has now formed, when bribes from the grassroots go to the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Previously, Puchkov served as head of the Department of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - and even then there were a lot of complaints about his work. Then the official of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was accused of inappropriate spending, i.e. in theft. At one time, Mr. Puchkov was the head of the North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And here there was a scandal: this regional center created a three-dimensional database of geo-images, including potentially dangerous objects - hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants and the chemical industry. In addition, the training of 20 employees for this purpose cost two million rubles. It seems that there was no misappropriation of funds here. While in the position of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Puchkov "marked" himself in the fight against forest fires in 2012: many experts then placed all responsibility for the poor work of rescuers on Vladimir Andreevich. In addition, in 2010 it was the current head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who was responsible for the elimination of fires in the Moscow region. We all remember that the fire then reached the approaches to the capital. Vladimir Puchkov, as a minister, began to carry out a rather strange personnel reform - instead of the old leadership, he began to appoint dubious characters. For example, Major Bunakov, who served as assistant to the state secretary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, turned out to be a drug addict, and his immediate supervisor Vladimir Artamonov tried his best to hush up the scandal. If we take an interest in the opinion of the old-timers about the new leadership, we will get the following answer: “Everything is in a bundle. It’s good that we don’t participate in gay parades yet ... ”Now we can summarize briefly. Under Puchkov, the number of corruption crimes has increased dramatically, there can be no talk of any positive transformations in the ministry, and the general atmosphere in the department has become very difficult. What is the way out of this situation? Vladimir Andreevich must either be dismissed or forced to work! In addition, we advise the anti-corruption services to check the activities of the minister as soon as possible.

Putin and Medvedev can rub beautiful words about supporting small and medium-sized businesses into people’s ears to tears, but nothing will change in our long-suffering country as long as there are such top officials, Bolshevik ministers, like Puchkov, who don’t give a shit about the Law, for business development in the country and for private property. I read this letter in the original, it contains lies and verbiage, but the key phrase in it is: "Therefore, it is necessary to abolish the private fire brigade, transferring movable and immovable property within the existing fire and rescue garrisons to other types of fire brigade, as well as ensuring the employment of firefighters" ... Again, the skeletons of the Bolsheviks climbed out of the cracks with cobwebs to take everything away and divide? You have to be such a sapper who has become a minister, so as not to ask the executor of the document, but what is the movable and immovable property of the PPO !!! Of course, it is a trifle, but the movable and immovable property of the CPO is fire trucks, fire fighting equipment, equipment, office buildings and RMM, which are PRIVATE PROPERTY of various LLCs and IPs that have received from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation LEGAL and PERMANENT Licenses for fire extinguishing activities .
The private fire department began to be created in December 1991. Immediately after the death of the USSR and the proclamation of capitalism in Russia. Until 1993, the activities of "ICP" (individual private enterprises, as the current "LLC" were called in those years) for extinguishing fires were not prohibited by law, and therefore allowed. Somewhere since 1993, the activity of the IChP in extinguishing fires began to be licensed in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The federal law on licensing certain types of activities appeared only in September 1998. Existing since 1991, private fire protection, as a type of fire protection, was included in the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" only in August 2004, the famous FZ-122. Since then, THIS IS THE LEGAL TYPE OF FIRE PROTECTION.
Why did the current Minister of Emergency Situations Puchkov dislike the private fire department? Which he, in a Bolshevik way, decided to liquidate as a class, sorry, as a species, on July 20, 2017! And he didn’t like it that the CPO in the competition began to win “contractual units of the FPS GPS EMERCOM of Russia”! This is what experts have foreseen since 2008, and argued their predictions on the pages of the site “0-1. RU". The fact is that the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Puchkov personally, when he was a deputy minister and was engaged in lawmaking, did not solve one of the main, strategic issues in organizing the FPS, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. They were never able to approve in the Government of Russia the LIST OF OBJECTS ON WHICH THE SFS (FPS) IS MANDATORY CREATED, which was provided for by the early versions of the Federal Law “On Fire Safety”. Eh, if they had done this by the middle of 2008, it would have made no sense to come up with “contractual divisions of the FPS”, and there would have been an OBJECT FIRE PROTECTION of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies, CREATED MANDATORY at large public and private industrial, as well as military facilities, and there would have been would, and quietly flourished, private fire protection, in distant fields, where the creation of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies is not necessary!
But Puchkov, being a deputy minister, failed this work. And since 2009, the “contractual FPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations” began to steadily roll into the abyss, losing tenders, like an economically clumsy state structure overflowing with unnecessary managerial posts ...
Therefore, by July 2017, Puchkov understood the only way to win in the competition with PPO, this is to eliminate it as a type of fire department. “AVOID the private fire department,” as he writes in his letter to the leaders of the Subjects of the Federation of the Russian Federation! But something like this understanding needs to be justified! And the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not have clear facts of poor combat readiness of the ChPO and poorly extinguished fires. Therefore, in his letter, Minister Puchkov is simply lying.
Well, for example, Puchkov is lying that the CPO is a more expensive fire department! Alas, the more expensive ones are his contractual divisions of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergencies, which is why they lose in tenders!
Puchkov writes in his letter that the ChPO is more poorly equipped and trained. But this is not true! CPO is equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations that people from Puchkov from DND present to CPO Customers. It is equipped in accordance with license requirements! After all, it was Puchkov’s people who prepared the project and coordinated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69 of 2012 “On licensing fire extinguishing activities”! After all, it is Puchkov's people who check the equipment, education and training of the ChPO units and issue them Licenses for firefighting activities! If the Ministry of Emergency Situations issued a license, then everything is fine with the equipment!
Puchkov writes in his letter that the ChPO does not take part in the activities of the fire and rescue garrisons! Again not true! The participation of the CPO in the activities of fire and rescue garrisons is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2008 N 240 "On approval of the Procedure for attracting forces and means of fire departments, fire protection garrisons to extinguish fires and conduct emergency rescue operations." By this Order, the Ministry of Emergency Situations established that the PPO takes part "BY AGREEMENT with the owner of protected organizations." Hello!!! Chiefs! This is how the Ministry of Emergency Situations DEFINED it, and not the ChPO puts sticks in the wheels of fire and rescue garrisons!
Puchkov writes that the training of PPO personnel is not carried out on an ongoing basis! Another lie! Training at the ChPO is carried out on the basis of licensing requirements established by the Russian Federation Decree No. 69-2012 and the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 No. 645. All these documents were prepared in the bowels of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. As you wrote in them, it is being conducted, and if it is not being conducted in this way, then the Ministry of Emergency Situations has the legal right to suspend the license of the PPO, and not complain to the heads of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Puchkov also praises departmental, municipal and voluntary fire protection. Practically non-existent types of fire protection!
Large subdivisions of departmental fire protection (with the exception of departments not supervised by the Ministry of Emergency Situations: Ministry of Defense, Russian Railways, Civil Aviation and something else secret there) DO NOT EXIST in Russia. Even the largest private fire brigade, which was created back in Yukos, and then transferred to Rosneft: Rosneft-Fire Safety, it is not departmental, it is LLC, i.e. joint-stock, i.e. private, i.e. also works for profit. The same is true for Gazprom subdivisions.
The municipal fire brigade was covered with a copper basin a long time ago when the State Fire Service of the Subjects of the Russian Federation was created. GPS subjects and absorbed the entire IGO. There is NO municipal fire department in Russia!
The voluntary fire brigade is a "filkin's letter", everyone knows that Puchkov ordered that the DPO be a MILLION DOBROVTS! As the minister ordered, they did it! This was reported to the minister. They say here it is, a million volunteers! No one will audit this million volunteers. Licensing for extinguishing fires for DPO was canceled in time, which means there is no need to check.!!! And the paper will endure everything! GENTLEMEN DO NOT CHECK, GENTLEMEN BELIEVE THE WORD!
And even in his last phrase, Puchkov managed to write a lie that the abolition of the private fire department, ...... I quote: "will reduce the financial burden on the budgets of all levels, reducing the cost of ensuring fire safety" ... Baby!!! …Let's guess! Here in the CPO where I, a personnel specialist in the fire department, work, I own about 50 main and special fire trucks, as well as two of my own repair bases! They didn’t steal, but acquired and built over the 25 years of our organization’s existence, since 1991 an individual entrepreneur, and since 1999 an LLC, to provide services in the field of fire extinguishing. All this movable and immovable property is the property of the founder of our PPO. We protect distant oil fields, at a distance of 60 to 150 km. from the locations of the units of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Every day, about half of these vehicles are in the combat crew ... Attention to the question! Now, if we are DISCONTINUED, who and with what money will immediately buy, well, if not 50, then 25 fire trucks to replace us (and we won’t leave our cars to Puchkov, it’s better to sell them as scrap metal and for spare parts so that Minister Puchkov wipes himself off)? The guarded facilities where we are standing do not have their own fire trucks and there is no money to buy new fire trucks! Puchkov also doesn’t have money for new cars to replace us, he would have to change old equipment for a new one in the city divisions of the FPS, and that’s a little joy! The subject of the Russian Federation also does not have money for such a quantity of new equipment, even for a couple of new fire trucks. The subject would have fire trucks in the State Fire Service Slowly replace the subject for the protection of rural settlements ... I’m not talking about municipalities, they haven’t bought fire trucks for 20 years, they somehow scrape a pretty penny for motor pumps in the villages ... So I just talked about 50 firefighters cars of our CHPO! And how many such CPOs are there throughout Russia? Puchkov considered it?
Final question. What stupid asshole, or what assholes, came up with the idea of ​​abolishing the CPO in the current hungry and creditless years, and what kind of asshole performer prepared this letter for Puchkov to sign?

Subtleties of sending And now it's time to reveal to you the most terrible secret! Russian Post does not send a registered letter with an attachment list. Due to their ignorance, post office customers often confuse some concepts. An exceptionally valuable letter is sent with an inventory of the attachment. In this case, the sender fills out a special form, which was mentioned above. Of course, you can also send a registered letter with a description of the attachment. No one has the right to forbid you to do this. But only such an inventory you will have to draw up by hand and in any form. No one will compare it and generally pay any attention to it. There will be no seal or signature of the branch employee on it. And this means that if necessary, you will not be able to confirm that the envelope contained exactly the documents that you, according to you, put there.

Form opened:

How to sign a class 1 envelope? 1st class mail is sent first due to the shortened delivery times. The price distinguishes such departures - it is slightly higher than that which is established, for example, for sending registered letters. Important! The weight of 1st class shipments must not exceed 2.5 kg.

An envelope of the 1st class is filled out in the same way as a simple envelope with sending across Russia. A distinctive feature of the envelope is the presence of a yellow strip located in the middle. Language of filling in the mail envelope All data on the envelope are filled in Russian.
For republics within Russia that have a permitted other state language, it is allowed to fill out a postal envelope in it, but at the same time filling it out in Russian.

Write a letter to a. Puchkov

Letters are often addressed to Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov, with requests or proposals on various topics. As a rule, they are all connected with civil defense, since Vladimir Andreevich holds the post of Minister of Defense of Russia. There are different ways to write a letter to Puchkov, but not all of them are justified.

For example, writing an appeal on the official website often does not give any results. Therefore, this method is not optimal for those who have a serious problem that requires the direct intervention of the Secretary of Defense to solve. If you do not know where to report a natural disaster, you can write a letter to Puchkov.
Letters containing information about the commission or intention to commit a terrorist act are also addressed to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.


From the regional or regional center to cities in the territory of subordination, letters should arrive in 2 days, from the regional center to other settlements - in 3 days. Frequently Asked Questions Since ordinary citizens do not often send registered letters, they may have questions regarding this type of mail. What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter? A registered letter differs from a simple departure by mandatory registration.


The sender simply drops a regular letter into the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. The employee applies the so-called bar postal identifier (SPI) to the registered item and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the method of delivery, accepts payment and issues a receipt.

How to send a letter by Russian Post: step by step instructions


The weight of the shipment must not exceed 100 g, and the size must not exceed 229 x 324 mm. Photos, manuscripts, printed publications should be sent in the form of a parcel. For them, the maximum allowable weight is 2 kg. How to send a registered letter? To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office.

Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope of the required size, indicate the recipient's and sender's addresses on it, fill out the appropriate forms for additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt. Simple registered letter If the sender does not need to receive notification of receipt, he can send a simple registered letter without any additional services.

A sample of the correct filling out of the notice of the Russian mail


The addressee can open such a postal item in the presence of postal workers and check it against the inventory. If it turns out that the correspondence did not reach in full, the post office employee draws up an act. The act is sent to the main post office of the settlement, on the basis of it, an investigation is carried out within up to two months.

Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient is compensated for the value of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If the payment of compensation is delayed or refused to pay, you can use legal assistance. See also: Commodity neighborhood of food products according to SanPiN - table How much does a registered letter cost? The cost of sending a registered letter of the Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of departure, etc.


This is an indisputable proof that the sender forwarded the letter in a timely manner, and the recipient is familiar with the contents of the message. Forwarding a registered letter is a more reliable, but also more expensive way of delivering correspondence. How to send a letter by Russian Post if you want to use the Registered Letter service? After completing the above steps, the sender must contact the mail operator, say that he needs to send a registered letter, and pay the cost of this service. The postal clerk will weigh the envelope, register the letter with a track number, stick a barcode and stamps in accordance with the cost of sending.

Notification: what is it for and how to correctly fill out Registered notification letters - a service that allows the sender to find out the exact date the letter was delivered to the recipient.
First of all, you need to download on the Internet or ask the post office worker for a special form marked "f-107". The sender at home or directly at the branch fills out this sheet. And he does it in duplicate. Each item listed in the inventory must be evaluated.

The letter is brought to the post office open and the employee of the department carefully compares the contents of the envelope with the list that is indicated in the document. Only after that the post office worker signs on each copy and puts a seal. The sender also leaves his autograph. One copy of the inventory is placed inside the envelope, and the sender keeps the second one.

In the future, it will serve as confirmation of what exactly was invested in the envelope. Now the package (envelope) can be sealed and handed over to the post office employee for clearance.
In the first line we write the full name of the sender (for example, from Fedorov Ivan Petrovich) or the name of the legal entity (it can be abbreviated, for example, from Kosmos LLC) Important: if a specific employee writes on behalf of a legal entity, or a letter from a structural unit, indicate this information. For example: from the head of the sales department, Ivan Petrovich Fedorov, Cosmos LLC. In the second line we write the full address of the sender. The address is filled in the following sequence:

  • street - house - building - apartment (office);
  • the name of the settlement (village, city, urban settlement, etc.);
  • the name of the region;
  • the name of the region, territory, autonomous region, etc.;
  • the name of the country;
  • index.

For example: st. Petrova d. 12 k.3 apt. 22, Ivanovskoye village, Petrovsky district, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, 123456.

Registered letter to Puchkov sample

This is of great importance, for example, during litigation, as in this case, the fact of sending a letter takes place. Registered mail can be delivered with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, the notification form is handed to the client against receipt, i.e. after the addressee receives the letter, the sender receives a receipt for receipt. If a registered letter is sent without notification, then a notification is sent to the addressee as a notification of the arrival of the letter to the addressee. If the addressee does not come for the letter within 5 days, then the post office sends a repeated notification to his address, which must be handed over under the signature.

Minister of EMERCOM of Russia
Puchkov V.A.

Dear Vladimir Andreevich!

Veterans of the fire department of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are turning to you. We are extremely concerned about the current situation in the subdivisions of the district with the financing of employees of the contractual subdivisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
We, the veterans of the Fire Service, who dedicated the best years of their lives to “the development of firefighting in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”, do not understand the ongoing transformation of the contractual divisions of the Federal Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia (formerly the object divisions of the State Fire Service) carried out by the Ministry.
Today, the Yamal fire brigade consists of 4 territorial units of the Federal Fire Service, 6 fire stations as part of the territorial units of the Federal Fire Service, 5 independent fire units of the Federal Fire Service, 6 contractual units of the Federal Fire Service, 34 fire units as part of the contractual units of the Federal Fire Service, 7 units of the Fire Service of the YNAO and 1 independent fire unit funded from the budget of the subject of the federation of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
34 on-site fire departments protect 81 fuel and energy complex facilities, including 45 gas fields, 18 compressor stations, 8 central oil collection points, 3 oil pumping stations, 2 gas processing plants. 40 units protect the cities and towns of Yamal. The main extraction of raw materials is carried out in young cities, which are just over 35 years old. This Novy Urengoy, Nadym, Noyabrsk, Gubkinsky, Muravlenko. There are 17 municipalities in the Okrug. Each city has fire departments that protect not only the settlement itself, but also oil and gas fields from fire.
Oil and gas fields are objects of increased fire danger, especially in permafrost conditions. It seems impossible to put out a fire in such a field, but a person fights with fire and ... defeats it! Fires at industrial facilities and oil and gas fields are a special, highest category of complexity; firefighters guard such facilities on a rotational basis.
The second critical section of the "front" is fire fighting in the residential sector. About 70 percent of housing in the Autonomous Okrug is built of wood. A typical wooden house burns to the ground in minutes. So you need to have time to save people and defend their property from the fire. Firemen of Yamal save hundreds of human lives every month. If we talk about saved material values, then the bill goes to tens of millions.
In the event of emergency situations, the manager must make the right managerial decision within the framework of his official powers. How correct the choice will be depends on the quality of the data used in describing the situations in which the decision is made.
As a rule, emergencies arise unexpectedly. This occurs as a result of a sudden failure of parts, mechanisms, machines and assemblies and can be accompanied by serious disruptions in the production process, explosions, catastrophic floods, the formation of fires, radioactive, chemical contamination of the area, etc.
The initial action from which management begins is usually considered the development and adoption of a decision. This action involves:
1. definition of the purpose of management;
2. assessment of the situation and the initial state in which the object is located
3. forecasting the development of the situation;
4. determination and evaluation of the sequence of actions that together should lead to the achievement of the management goal;
5. adoption of the most rational (according to preliminary estimates) sequence of actions as a management decision.
When evaluating the chosen solution, the main role is played by the determination of the resource possibilities for the implementation of this solution, which include forces and means, financial costs, the amount of costs, as well as their distribution.
The responsibility of the manager is to make the right decision in the face of time pressure, general panic and general confusion.
Management and execution of decisions is the daily work of every head of the EMERCOM of Russia, an integral part of his daily activities. As a result, the ability to choose rational proportions between these main types of work is a necessary feature of a professional leader of the RSChS system.
Until 2009, the object divisions of the State Fire Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug guarded 85 largest oil and gas facilities owned by such organizations as Gazprom dobycha Urengoy LLC, Gazprom dobycha Yamburg LLC, Gazprom dobycha Nadym LLC, LLC Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk, OOO Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk, OOO Gazprom transgaz Surgut, OAO Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz (OAO Gazpromneft), OAO Sibnefteprovod, OAO Transneft, OAO NOVATEK, OAO Sibur-Tyumen, OAO Sibneftegaz, OOO Rosneft-Purneftegaz, OAO LUKOIL-Western Siberia, OOO Gazprom dobycha Surgut, OOO Yurkharovneftegaz.
Many of these enterprises are city-forming, with a predominant population over other cities and towns of the YNAO. Accordingly, part of the forces of the object units of the State Fire Service covered the settlements of the YNAO from fires, namely the largest cities for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with a population of more than 100 thousand people (Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk), settlements and rotational residential complexes located directly to ensure the activities oil and gas companies - settlements of LLC Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk, LLC Gazprom transgaz Surgut with a total population of more than 30 thousand people and other settlements of enterprises (with a total population of YNAO - 546 thousand people). Financing of the object subdivisions of the State Border Service was carried out at the expense of protected organizations (objects). The optimization of the number of FMS announced in 2004 by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the gradual reduction of FMS from 278 thousand units to 110 thousand units, and subsequently the restoration of the number of FMS to 220 thousand units, could not but have a negative effect on the protection of fuel and energy facilities of the YNAO, and also on the personnel potential of the Yamal Fire Department. The best firefighters who stood at the origins of the development of the fire department of the Tyumen region and its northern regions were lost. Many managers of explosive and fire hazardous enterprises, seeing the gaps in the legislation that have arisen, as well as the lack of perfection in the transformations taking place in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the facility units of the State Fire Service of the District, considered it unnecessary to bear the financial costs of ensuring fire safety and the maintenance of fire departments, refusing the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, later faced with problems of fire protection, they began to conclude contracts with private fire departments or create departmental fire departments comparable in number to a voluntary fire brigade (1 driver, 2 firemen). All these managerial decisions on contractual (object) fire protection could not but affect the level of fire safety, fire and explosion hazardous objects of the economy that are critical for the security of the Russian Federation.
On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. No. 4435 of June 15, 2007, in connection with numerous appeals from heads of organizations on the issue of maintaining the existing procedure for ensuring fire safety of organizations by units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, amendments were made to Articles 5 and 24 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994. No. 69-FZ "On fire safety", allowing the protection of property of organizations from fires by contractual divisions of the federal fire service, included in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Letter addressed to the President of the Russian Federation, heads of such large corporations as Gazprom, Lukoil, JSC " NK Rosneft, OAO Tatneft).
Article 23 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 281 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” extended the reform of the facility units of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia until 2009 (inclusive). In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 4, 2009 No. No. Pr-23 contractual subdivisions of the FPS must be created before January 1, 2012. at explosive and fire-hazardous economic facilities critical to the security of the Russian Federation.
Further, from the statements of officials of the ministry (Chief military expert P.V. Plata magazine "Fire Business" No. 4, 2008 Reform in action), ("The word to the leader - an interview with Major General of the Internal Service E.T. Kargaev" Magazine "Fire Business » No. 3/2010) - it followed that one of the priorities of the Ministry in 2008 was the implementation of the instructions of the President R.F. June 14, 2007 No. 4435 on the issue of ensuring fire safety and sustainable operation of sectors of the economy that are critical to the national security of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 4, 2009 No. No. Pr-23 by 2012, the number of contractual divisions of the FPS should be 60 thousand units of personnel.
It was planned to carry out activities to create contractual subdivisions of the FPS in stages. The approach of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the phased creation of contractual subdivisions of the FPS was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council of the Russian Federation. To organize the activities of the contractual divisions of the FPS, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 No. 989 was adopted, which determined the rules for the performance of work and the provision of services in the field of fire safety by the contractual divisions of the FPS, as well as the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 4, 2009 No. 52 on the organization of work on the implementation this government decree. The heads of the main departments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are empowered to conclude contracts for the performance of work and the provision of services in the field of fire safety by the contractual divisions of the FPS.
One of the priority areas of activity of the EMERCOM of Russia for 2009 in accordance with the order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated March 12, 2009 No. 134 "On the priority areas of activity of the EMERCOM of Russia and structural divisions of the central office of the EMERCOM of Russia for 2009" is the creation of contractual divisions of the FPS at the facilities of the oil and gas complex .
In order to implement the tasks of organizing the work of contractual divisions of the federal fire service, by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of November 18, 2008 No. No. 702 since January 1, 2009 the state institution "Department of contractual divisions of the federal fire service" was created.
At the first stage (2009), the facility units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia at a number of oil and gas facilities were reformed into contractual subdivisions of the FPS. Organizational measures in terms of the creation and registration of legal entities (contractual units of the FPS, contractual fire departments of the FPS) were completed. On the territory of the Russian Federation in 29 constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of August 17, 2009, 48 detachments, 202 fire brigades and 29 separate posts were created, the staffing of contractual units was about 16 thousand personnel. At the same time, work was underway to re-register contracts with interested organizations for 2010.
At the second stage (2010), it was planned to take under protection the most fire hazardous organizations that form the basis of the economic potential of the Russian Federation. This stage provided for the completion of the reformation of all existing FPS facility units from January 1, 2010 into contractual units of the FPS or units of other types of fire protection in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of Article 154 of Federal Law No. 122-FZ, as well as the creation of contractual units of the FPS in organizations that the object units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were not previously guarded. The number of these units in 2010, in case of interest of organizations in their protection by contractual units of the FPS, should have been 36 thousand personnel. The federal budget for 2010 provided financial resources for 36,000 personnel of contractual subdivisions of the FPS.
The result of the reform of the contractual divisions of the Federal Border Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, including contractual ones, could be considered to have taken place if it were not for new changes in the internal policy of the state and the ministry that have recently taken place in relation to certified employees of the Federal Border Guard Service.
For what reason, it was decided to address the President of the Russian Federation with a letter No. 42-1039-3 dated 09/29/2011 and once again optimize the number of the entire FPS and the DP FPS in particular, now the number of 60,000 units of contractual units is not needed by the State and the Ministry, Ensuring fire safety and sustainable functioning of sectors of the economy that are critical for the national security of the Russian Federation is not a priority task of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, and the existing number of 29,975 employees is transferred to the category of employees not at the end of 2012, when contractual obligations end, but already from 01.03 .2012 it is necessary to make changes to the existing contracts and to 01.07.2012 to certify all times.
The first information about the alleged "re-certification" of the DP FPS appeared in September 2011 on the Moscow selector and the subsequent indication of the Director of the Organizational and Mobilization Department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, Major General Sergeev I.N. dated September 16, 2011 - "On the suspension of admission to the service (work)". The next confirmation of the “recertification” of the contractual divisions of the FPS was a letter from Plat P.V. dated 09.11.2011 No. 43-4716, which states that before 01.03.2012, work should be carried out to revise all existing contracts, taking into account the replacement by July 1, 2012 of the positions of employees of the FPS of the State Border Service with employees. These documents quite agitated the entire personnel of the contractual units, and the final “calming” document that cast aside all doubts about the removal of shoulder straps was the order of the Minister of EMERCOM of Russia No. on a contractual basis.
WHAT IS THE REASON?!! Probably the burden on the federal budget is indeed so great that it was necessary to start with units that, in fact, earn income for the federal budget through their activities, since they provide paid services in the field of fire safety in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Order of the EMERCOM of Russia No. 356 dated June 26, 2012 “On Amendments to the Appendix to the Order of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia dated December 31, 2010 No. 717 “... Allow, from July 1, 2012, upon dismissal of employees of contractual divisions of the FPS, to replace the vacated positions of employees with the positions of employees in accordance with the typical staffing tables of the departments of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Fire Service ", the instruction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 29, 2012 No. 18-6-3-2899 "... proposes to replace most of the posts until December 01, 2012, that is, again, the postponement of certification until the end of 2012 , so why was it “flogging a fever” in March of this year?!
Directive of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 1551-7-1-3 dated February 27, 2012 “On the approval of the payroll and the payment of wages to employees of the DP FPS” ordered the payment of wages to employees of contractual units in strict accordance with the order of the Ministry No. 545 dated September 22, 2010 years and payments in excess of the established wage funds can only be made by the main manager of budgetary funds increasing coefficients to wage funds. Instruction of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the YaNAO No. 4304-7-1-8 of May 16, 2012 “On the payment of wages to employees of the DP FPS”, clarifications were given that the accrual and payment of wages to employees must be carried out in strict accordance with the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 22, 2009 No. 545, and the orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for 2012 did not approve increasing coefficients for the payroll of employees of the DP FPS, the limits of budgetary obligations by the URC will be brought to the 1st half of the year without payments, which are planned in excess of the established wage fund. Payments to employees of the DP FPS shall be made according to the allocated limits of budget obligations for the 1st half of 2012, without taking into account the multiplying coefficient.
In accordance with this instruction, since May, employees of the FPS contractual units have been paid wages without a multiplying coefficient. For example, in the FKU “10 OFPS of the State Fire Service for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (negotiable)”, the maintenance estimate for 2012 protected a multiplying factor of 1.47. In FKU "4 OFPS GPS in the YaNAO (negotiable)" - 1.55 This estimate was approved by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and sent to the Office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the URC. Instruction of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 4304-7-1-8 dated May 16, 2012 “On the payment of wages to employees of the DP FPS” is not an order and cannot serve as a basis for reducing the level of social protection of employees of the DP FPS, today these are positions that already have not a high level of income (leading accountants, envious offices, dispatchers, lawyers, cleaners and newly vacated positions of drivers and firefighters).
Earlier in 2011, the ministry did not approve a multiplying factor for employees and wage payments were made according to the coefficients protected in the estimates of the maintenance of detachments, in the same FKU "10 OFPS GPS in the YaNAO (negotiable)" the multiplying factor for 2011 was protected at the level of - 1 .41.
As follows from the incoming documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the URC, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the level of social protection of the personnel of the DP FPS falling under organizational measures should not have been infringed or reduced, as evidenced, for example, by the following documents (instruction of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug No. 707-6-1-23 dated January 31, 2012, order of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the YaNAO No. 25 dated January 31, 2012, order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry No. 799 dated December 30, 2011, order of the Deputy Minister Volosov A. I. No. 236 dated 07/04/2012, etc.), however, everything happens in proportion to the turnover, everything is the same. Instruction of the Russian Emergencies Ministry No. 18-6-3-2890 dated 06/29/2012, proposes to replace most of the positions of employees of the DP FPS before 12/01/2012 , while the text of this instruction does not say a word about organizational changes under which personnel fall under paragraph “e” of Article 58 of the Regulations on Service in the Department of Internal Affairs, which in turn calls for misunderstanding and just indignation among the personnel of the units.
The order of the EMERCOM of Russia No. 454 dated July 30, 2012 was supposed to clarify the calculation of multiplying coefficients for the wage funds of employees of contractual divisions for 2012, however, there were some incidents here. In the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 454-2012, the multiplying factors are set not taking into account the wage fund protected according to the estimate in relation to the staffing level and not taking into account the northern extreme climatic conditions for life and service, as determined by orders for employees and military personnel.
One gets the feeling that this order was prepared by ministerial officials who are not familiar with geography and who do not know where the contractual units are deployed. So for FKU "16 OFPS GPS in the Novgorod region (negotiable)" in Veliky Novgorod, the coefficient is set. - 1.44; FKU "Detachment of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service for the Moscow Region (negotiable)", Shatura, coefficient - 1.24; FKU "11 OFPS GPS in St. Petersburg (negotiable)", St. Petersburg coefficient - 1.22; in FKU "4 OFPS GPS in the Tyumen region (negotiable)", Tyumen coefficient - 1.06; FKU "16 OFPS GPS for KhMAO-Yugra (negotiable)", Langepas coefficient - 1.01; FKU "8 OFPS GPS in the YaNAO (negotiable)", Tarko-Sale coefficient - 1.11; FKU "6 OFPS GPS in the YaNAO (negotiable)", Gubkinsky; FKU "7 OFPS GPS in the YNAO (negotiable)", the city of Muravlenko coefficient - 1.13 or how can you explain that two detachments of the FKU "4 OFPS GPS in the YaNAO (negotiable)" N. Urengoy and FKU "10 OFPS State Fire Service for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (negotiable)" stationed in the same territory Nadymsky district and performing identical tasks at the same typical facilities, in the same climatic conditions, have different coefficients of 1.33 and 1.18.
Perhaps we are mistaken, in this regard, we ask for clarification on how this coefficient is calculated, on what criteria it depends, however, all contractual detachments of the YNAO have a different coefficient, and FKU "6 OFPS GPS in the YNAO (negotiable)", Gubkinsky , even lower than the PKU in Tyumen or Konakovo, Tver region.
According to the Federal State Statistics Service, last year the average nominal wage in Yamal increased by 11.9 percent and amounted to 59,000 rubles. At the same time, the indicator of the level of real wages increased by only 6.3 percent, the average wage in the Nadymsky district is 56,000 rubles, the average salary among state and municipal employees of the federation subject of the YaNAO in the Nadymsky district is 74,000 rubles. Information from the site: http://www.r89.ru The average salary of the police, the bailiff service in the Nadymsky district is 64,000 rubles.
We ask you to understand the current state of affairs and amend the Order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry No. 454 dated July 30, 2012.


With respect - the team of veterans of the YNAO State Fire Service.

The merits of YNAO firefighters are assessed by the State:
105 Yamal firefighters have government awards - the Order of Courage, the Order of Personal Courage, the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, the medals of Courage, For Courage in a Fire, and For Saving the Dead

P.S. For reference - the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is, figuratively speaking, the central part of the Arctic facade of Russia. The territory of the YNAO is located in the Arctic zone in the north of the world's largest West Siberian Plain and occupies a vast area of ​​more than 750 thousand square kilometers. More than half of it is located beyond the Polar District, covering the lower reaches of the Ob with tributaries, the basins of the Nadym, Pura and Taz rivers, the Yamal, Tazovsky, Gydansky peninsulas, a group of islands in the Kara Sea (White, Shokalsky, Neupokoeva, Oleniy, etc.), as well as eastern slopes of the Polar Urals. The extreme northern point of the Yamal mainland is located at 73 degrees 30 minutes north latitude, which fully justifies the Nenets name of the peninsula - the Land's End. Territory of extreme living for a person.
The climate of the district is distinguished by severe, long winters and short cool summers, piercing winds, low clouds, a small number of sunny days, and deep freezing of the soil. Winter can last up to eight months, the air temperature can drop to -60 degrees Celsius. During the year, there is a sick amount of magnetic storms, during which the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) can be observed in winter.
The Arctic climatic zone is located in the north of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and covers the sulfur part of the Gydan Peninsula, the north of the Yamal Peninsula and a group of islands in the Kara Sea. This area has the harshest climate. Winter is very cold, long, with severe winds, little snow, frequent and strong storms and snowstorms. During the winter, the temperature is mostly very low (from -35 -45 degrees Celsius), the absolute minimum temperature is -63 degrees Celsius.

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