If your feet smell sour, what should you do? Causes of bad foot odor. Causes of odor

The feet smell of all people without exception - both women and men. However, the heels of the representatives of the stronger sex are much "fragrant". And there are reasons for this. For example, the males of many animals mark their territory: the smell of urine warns other individuals that the local females and lands already have an owner. Our prehistoric ancestors did the same. Only they indicated their presence with strong-smelling footprints.

Of course, times have changed, and modern men no longer have to drive competitors away from their own wives and homes, marking the territory for a long time. But the genetic predisposition to more severe sweating in the legs remained. However, despite this fact, if the smell from the heels of your missus becomes too intrusive and harsh, you should take him to the doctor.

Hyperhidrosis: stand in a puddle

As you already understood, men sweat more than women. However, at the same time, the legs of some machos become wet much more often than others. And the smell that comes from their limbs is much more pronounced. Most often, this ambre causes the so-called "local hyperhidrosis".

It is diagnosed when some part of the human body (in this case, the legs) begins to sweat intensely just like that, without any objective reasons (heat, severe fright, etc.). If your man's feet are covered with sticky perspiration, even when he is in an air-conditioned room, there is a good chance that he is a victim of hyperhidrosis. If this is the case, you should purchase a special foot cream that reduces sweating.

As a rule, such products contain organic salts of aluminum or zinc. These components cause some swelling around the channels extending from the sweat glands, which reduces the amount of sticky fluid secreted by as much as 35-50%. However, there is another, more troublesome, but at the same time more effective way to overcome hyperhidrosis. His name is iontophoresis.

During the session, the man will have to lower his legs into a special bath filled with water, through which the beautician will pass a weak current. It sounds scary, but you should not be afraid: he will not feel pain at all. Electrically charged ions will act on the sweat glands for 20 minutes, "forcing" them to stop producing a sticky fluid that poisons a man's life.

After a course of 10 treatments, sweating will decrease significantly. Just keep in mind, before signing up for iontophoresis, you should definitely consult a doctor!

Kidneys and heart: internal security organs

In the event that profuse sweating of the legs of your man is accompanied by swelling, there is a possibility that he has problems with the kidneys. When they cease to cope with their main function, that is, to remove fluid, moisture begins to accumulate in the body and sink down under the weight of its weight and the influence of gravity. As a result of this process, the legs swell and, naturally, begin to sweat much more. The sticky liquid in this case smells sharper and more unpleasant. This is due to the fact that, along with water, the kidneys remove from the body - its waste products, toxins and toxins.

Usually they leave the body in the urine, and if this does not happen, they sink into the legs and get out with sweat, which, as you understand, carries the smell of waste and harmful substances. Subsiding edema (occurs during the day and disappears at night) is signaling kidney problems. In the event that the legs swell constantly, it is likely that the cause lies in heart problems.

When its contractile function is disturbed, it ceases to pump blood in full, and with it other fluids, which again accumulate in the legs. In any case, no matter what the edema may be accompanied by an unpleasant smell from the shoes of a loved one, do not guess on the coffee grounds, go with him to the therapist. He will understand the situation and direct you to the right specialist.

Nails: crooked track

Unpleasant foot odor is not always the result of excessive sweating. Sometimes it is caused by an ingrown toenail. First, it breaks through the skin and digs into the flesh, and then an infection occurs in this wound, triggering the inflammatory process. It, in turn, is accompanied by suppuration, which, as you know, smells unpleasant.

At risk are dudes flaunting in tight shoes, as well as absent-minded comrades who forget to do pedicures regularly.

It is also worth carefully examining the big toes of a man if he has flat feet. The fact is that when the foot collapses, the weight of the body is distributed unevenly throughout the foot, and presses mainly on its inner surface. Because of this, the skin begins to creep over the nail, which sooner or later breaks through it.

Remember, you cannot fight an ingrown toenail on your own or with the help of a pedicure master. With ordinary wire cutters, you can only cut off the visible part of the plate, while it digs into the flesh along its entire length. That is why, having found symptoms of ingrowth in your man, immediately write him down to the surgeon.

To a person whose feet sweat a lot and smell unpleasant, others are treated with a certain amount of disgust. In order not to experience awkwardness and discomfort, you need to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Causes of excessive sweating and fetid foot odor

Why do feet sweat a lot and stink? Now you will learn about it, because sweating and unpleasant foot odor can be overcome only after determining the causes of their occurrence. Often there is a combination of factors that led to the problem. Some of them:

Excessive sweating does not pose a threat to life, however, it can contribute to the appearance of skin diseases and psychological disorders:

  • mycoses (fungal infection) occur due to ideal conditions for the vital activity of fungi. Humidity and heat in shoes contribute to their reproduction. In the treatment of nail and foot fungus, drugs, ointments, creams, etc. are used;
  • skin diseases in the form of warts, boils and carbuncles. May exacerbate atopic dermatitis;
  • bromhidrosis;
  • psycho-emotional stress, in which a person experiences a feeling of inferiority, tries to avoid public places.

Feet sweat and stink: should I consult a doctor?

If the trouble cannot be eliminated on your own, you need to contact a specialist. The body could be in serious trouble. To begin with, it is worth consulting with a therapist who will prescribe a comprehensive examination for the presence of pathologies. If they are absent, you need to visit a dermatologist and get his recommendations.

Your doctor may prescribe medications for excessive sweating and recommend anti-anxiety medications.

This is due to the fact that hyperhidrosis is caused by nervous strain or constant stress.

Usually they resort to valerian tincture, motherwort, peony root and other medicinal plants.

Tranquilizers or bromides are resorted to in exceptional cases, since they have side effects, they quickly get used to them and can be taken for no more than three weeks.

Pharmacological agents

Your feet sweat a lot and stink, but you don't know what to do? We suggest considering some drugs:


Most often, to prevent profuse sweat and odor, you just need to maintain hygiene:

  • Wash your feet 1-2 times daily with antibacterial soap. It cleanses the skin better than other means, it can be liquid or lumpy. Washing should begin with warm water, gradually reduce its temperature and rinse with cold or strong tea. The use of a contrast shower is also very useful;
  • dry your feet thoroughly with a towel specially provided for this purpose. This will prevent the growth of bacteria;
  • use special baths, use special creams, sprays and powders.

Shoes and socks

Shoes and hosiery directly affect the condition of the skin of the legs. Therefore, their condition must be taken very seriously:

A solution of manganese, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide is used to remove stench from shoes. Internal surfaces are processed.

Folk remedies

Folk methods have an excellent effect in combating sweating and foot odor and are used for preventive purposes.

You can powder the skin of the legs with potato starch, put on socks on top. Excess moisture is absorbed, as a result of which bacteria will multiply less.

Oat straw (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water, infused for about an hour. Do not filter the resulting infusion and dilute with warm water. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes.

Put birch leaves in socks, change twice a day.

Vinegar has a destructive acidity for bacteria and fungi. Baths are made both from a diluted product and from a pure one. To do this, you need to slightly warm the vinegar (1 liter), pour it into a basin and lower your legs there.

Hold for 15-20 minutes. Do not rinse off the vinegar after the procedure. Baths to take five times a day. For a delicate dermis, vinegar is diluted with water.

There are many bath recipes. In most cases, they are made on the basis of: oak bark, mint, sage or chamomile. Linden blossom, tea leaves, nettle, celandine, salt, soda, manganese and iodine are also used.

To wipe the feet after the bath, use lavender, sage, thyme and essential oils, as well as lemon peels and apple cider vinegar.

They give the skin a fragrance, fight bacteria and disinfect the skin.

Urgent measures

What can be done to urgently get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat from the feet? To urgently eliminate odor and sweating, it is necessary to take water procedures and change socks, then:

  • use a special deodorant;
  • wipe the skin with alcohol;
  • treat the dermis and nails with undiluted vinegar.

Prevention of sweaty feet

  1. Avoid stress.
  2. Observe hygiene.
  3. Cut your nails regularly and preferably get a pedicure.
  4. Cleanse your feet from keratinization. You can use a pumice stone for this.
  5. Eat properly. Excessive consumption of spices, garlic, coffee, strong tea can lead to increased sweating. Foods containing zinc should be included in the diet.
  6. Take good care of your shoes. Wear only high-quality models and cotton socks.
  7. In time, consult a doctor if you have diseases that contribute to increased sweating.

There are a lot of remedies for combating sweating and unpleasant foot odor. Due to the individuality of each human organism, the best result can only be obtained through repeated experiments and trials.

More information about hyperhidrosis of the legs - in the next video.

Sweating may be a natural process, but it is not uncommon for women to experience foot odor as a cause of anxiety and embarrassment. Often people consider a nasty smell to be the norm, they don’t even think about the causes and treatment, and this can be the first signal of a serious illness.

Once a problem is identified, it must be dealt with immediately. First you need to find. After all, if you find the source and deal with it, you can thereby get rid of the consequences.

All types of fungal infection

A disease occurs when hygiene standards are not observed, wearing one shoe, in public places, as well as in a pedicure room. This is a rather unpleasant disease, if treatment is not started in a timely manner, it can lead to even more dangerous consequences. Foot mycosis is characterized by itching, burning, as well as an unpleasant and strong smell of sweat.

Problems with the endocrine system

This is another disease that can lead to foot odor in a woman. Reasons in the fact that the balance between the release of sweat and products is disturbed, its quantity changes, as well as its structure.

Hormonally cyclic changes

This problem is typical only for women. Such problems are accompanied by increased sweating in the area of ​​​​the feet, which is why from the legs. The reasons may be varied. But in any case, it is better to treat these symptoms responsibly, come for a consultation with a doctor and get tested.

Trophic disorders in the leg area

It leads to the formation of a skin defect, and together with it causes an unpleasant smell of feet in women. The reasons are that pathogenic bacteria on weakened skin develop very quickly, sometimes it is even difficult to understand at what point this problem arose.

Failure to comply with hygiene standards

Sometimes you can hear sour. The reasons may lie in a simple non-observance of body hygiene. Wash your feet well with soap every day. And at least once a month, do a soap and soda bath, and remove all skin growths with a pumice stone, or with a special brush. True, I would like to note that this problem is rare in women, because basically the beautiful half of humanity monitors the condition of their legs by visiting salons, or taking care of them on their own.

Poor quality clothes and shoes

Sweat itself is odorless, but it is caused by bacteria. And for microorganisms dark and humid environment, is ideal for living. Therefore, if a person is in tight and low-quality shoes that do not allow air to pass through the whole day, or synthetic tights, an unpleasant smell appears.


Causes of foot odor in women can be related to life circumstances. Sometimes stress at work or in your personal life leads to increased sweating.

Active lifestyle

Some people lead such an active lifestyle that it is difficult for them to avoid the smell.

How to treat female foot odor

And in this case, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will determine the disease. What's this? Fungal infection, problems with the endocrine or hormonal changes in the body, which is not uncommon for women. Whatever it was, the doctor will examine and make the correct diagnosis. After prescribing treatment.

Folk remedies

DEOcontrol ACTIV

Foot gel to help with odor. Easy to use, everything needs to be done according to the usual scheme, apply the product on clean and dry feet. The gel itself is transparent, one pea is enough to completely spread the leg. Absorbs quickly and completely. With daily use, you can not worry about the unpleasant smell from the feet. The causes of its occurrence will be eliminated.

Maxim Dabomatic 30%

First of all, I would like to note that the product is not cheap 35 ml bottle will cost 1200 rubles, but the result will justify itself. Yes, and such a tool is enough for a long time, since you need to use it no more than 1 time per week. You can apply it not only on the legs, but also on all other sweating areas. All the problems associated with excessive sweating can be forgotten, even in the summer heat. But it is very important to follow the instructions.

Talc, which can be purchased at a very reasonable price. And plus, everything for small money to get a great result. The product deodorizes, cools and refreshes. It is quickly absorbed, however, after application, a small white coating remains. But anyway, it's worth a try.


This tool will be just a salvation for hyperhidrosis. It also contains natural oils. You can get rid of the unpleasant smell literally after two uses. But the price is quite impressive.

Miracle Peeling Foot

Peeling, which can be used without problems at home. The cost of funds is about 890 rubles. It does its job very well, although the only drawback will be peeling after application. That is why it is preferable to use it not in the summer season.

Every person's feet can smell unpleasant, but for a woman this problem is the most delicate.

In addition to discomfort in communicating with other people, strongly smelling feet can be a signal of a malfunction of the body and the onset of certain diseases.

Causes of foot odor

Possible reasons include:

  • sweating. This is one of the main causes of unpleasant foot odor. Sweat normally contains 99% water and 1% ammonia and various salts and does not smell of anything. Sweating is necessary to protect the body from overheating in hot weather or during physical exertion. Standing out, it normalizes body temperature. The smell appears when microorganisms begin to multiply on the skin. They are present in every person, but in a warm and humid environment their vital activity is enhanced.
  • fungus. One of the symptoms of fungus infection is a strong unhealthy foot odor. You can get infected with any kind of fungus when visiting a bath or sauna, when using untreated tools during a pedicure, when wearing someone else's shoes.
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene. Insufficient washing of the feet and lack of care for the feet is the cause of the multiplication of microorganisms.
  • footwear influence. Modern shoes are mainly made of artificial materials that do not provide proper skin air exchange and moisture removal. As a result, a humid environment is formed, the skin does not breathe, and the growth of bacteria increases.
  • endocrine diseases. If the endocrine system fails, the composition of sweat may change. The production of ammonia and other organic components increases. It can be diabetes, menopause, menstruation or pregnancy.
  • trophic disorders. In older people with chronic diseases, blood circulation is disturbed, which can cause various skin lesions. Such conditions encourage the growth and reproduction of bacteria that affect foot odor in women. The causes and treatment in this case should be determined and prescribed by a doctor.
Sweating is one of the main causes of unpleasant foot odor.

Note! If the unpleasant smell of the feet in women or men is accompanied by itching, redness and peeling of the skin, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause, confirm the diagnosis and treat the foot fungus.

Is there a cure for foot odor?

Important! You can remove the smell of feet if you approach the solution of the problem in a comprehensive manner.

You need to find out the reason first.

For many women, these are hormonal disruptions in the body.

Then choose a treatment that will be effective only with proper care of the feet and shoes.

How to get rid of bad smell

Main options:

  • personal hygiene rules and procedures. Be sure to wash your feet one or more times a day using antibacterial cleansers. Nails should be trimmed neatly and short. otherwise they are a breeding ground for bacteria.

Various cosmetics with antibacterial or deodorizing action should be applied only to clean and dried skin of the feet.

Socks should be changed daily, perhaps twice a day.

  • remedies for sweaty feet sold in a pharmacy. In the presence of foot odor in women, if the cause is not a disease and no treatment is required, various pharmacy cosmetics are used.

Their effectiveness is associated with antiseptic, tanning, deodorizing action:

  1. Deodorants. Used for the treatment of legs and shoes. They are convenient to use available as creams or sprays. These can be antiperspirants (completely stop sweating, not suitable for frequent application), deodorants that normalize sweating, and deodorants with a therapeutic (antibacterial) effect.
  2. Drugs that reduce sweating and have antiseptic properties.

For example:

  1. Teymurov's pasta applied 1-3 once a day on dry, clean skin of the feet. The duration of treatment is about a week. Paste is contraindicated for inflammatory foci on the skin, pregnancy and before 14 years.
  2. - the drug is in liquid form, applied 1-2 once a day also on cleansed skin of the feet. Exposure time on the skin 3 minutes, then the solution is washed off with water. The effect lasts up to 2 weeks.
  3. Boric acid-used as a solution for baths or dry as a powder. Does not cause skin irritation, has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. The effect after daily procedures comes through 2 weeks.
  4. Oak bark- a herbal remedy with tanning and antibacterial action. A decoction is used, which is added to medicinal baths. The procedure can be carried out 2 times a day for 15 minutes. After that, the feet are thoroughly dried.
  • folk ways. At home, folk methods will help eliminate the unpleasant smell of feet in women, the causes.

Formidron has a powerful antiseptic effect

And the treatment of sweating includes the use of baths with various means:

  1. Apple vinegar. The bath is prepared in equal proportions of water and vinegar. The temperature of the water should be at room temperature, it is advisable to cover the legs with a towel and keep in the solution 20 minutes. The duration of treatment is about a week.
  2. Sea salt. To the usual volume of water for a foot bath, add 2-3 st.l. salt. Keep your feet in the water 15-20 min. Then, without rinsing with clean water, dry well.
  3. Tea. Any tea (green or black) in bags or loose is used. Need to brew 2 cups of strong tea, dilute it with water in a basin to the desired volume. Keep feet in solution 10-15 min. The procedure is carried out daily, the effect through 2 weeks.
  4. Potassium permanganate. Prepare a solution of a slightly pink color by adding a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the water. Keep your feet in the solution 10-15 min., then dry well.
  5. Lemon. You can use lemon juice or peel. They are added to warm water in any quantity. Procedure time 15-20 minutes.
  • shoe and linen care. All measures taken to eliminate unpleasant odors will not be effective if they are applied only to the feet and do not pay attention to shoes, as bacteria that cause odor are activated in shoes, as well as fungi that contribute to re-infection of the feet.

Bath with apple cider vinegar will help with the problem of sweaty feet

To prevent the appearance of smell in shoes, the following measures should be observed:

  1. Make sure the shoes are dry inside. Dry and ventilate shoes in time. For drying, you can use special dryers or toilet paper. Apply waterproof products.
  2. Wash shoes regularly by wiping the inside with a cloth soaked in an antiseptic solution. Periodically treat the inner surface with antiseptic solutions.
  3. It is desirable to store shoes in a dry place, which needs to be ventilated and wet cleaned occasionally. To eliminate the smell, you can put aromatic fragrances in the cabinet.
  4. Change socks daily. They should be made from natural materials, without synthetics, which do not allow the skin to breathe and increase perspiration.

With an already existing unpleasant odor, the following remedies will help:

It is recommended to use special powders for shoes
  1. Pharmaceutical deodorants for shoes in the form of a spray or powder.
  2. Drying shoes in the sun.
  3. Treatment with antiseptics (vinegar, potassium permanganate, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide).
  4. Treatment with adsorbents (Activated carbon), they eliminate not only high humidity, but also a persistent smell.

Effectiveness of insoles against odor

With high sweating of the feet, special insoles are quite effective. They absorb excess moisture, thereby reducing the growth of microorganisms and eliminating odor.

Sufficiently effective special insoles for high sweating of the feet

Insoles can be reusable and disposable, with antibacterial and disinfecting effect. Reusable insoles must be taken out every day for washing and drying, insoles are replaced every 3 month.

When you need a doctor's help

Important! If, with all the measures for prevention and elimination, an unpleasant foot odor in women persists, the doctor should identify and prescribe the causes and treatment.

Since excessive sweating can be a signal of certain diseases, hormonal disorders, menopause.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if itching, redness of the skin of the feet appears.

In this case, a fungal infection is possible, without treatment of which it is impossible to solve the problem of foot odor.

The delicate problem of foot odor in women is solved with personal hygiene, the use of medicines or folk remedies, proper shoe care and attention to one's health.

In this video you can learn how to get rid of bad foot odor:

In this video you can get acquainted with the remedy for sweating feet:

In this video you will learn how to use baking soda to treat unpleasant foot odor:

Unpleasant foot odor- this is a common delicate problem, the appearance of which causes inconvenience both to its owner and to the people around him. A person with such a problem develops complexes, he experiences great embarrassment if necessary to take off his shoes.

An unpleasant drawback requires mandatory elimination. Before you fight the smell, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. For different people, the reason why feet stink or smell may be different.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

Unpleasant foot odor does not appear out of nowhere. The reasons for this may be:

1. Use of shoes made from non-natural materials. Such a wardrobe item blocks the flow of air to the skin of the legs. This also applies to shoes that are too tight. As a result, the feet begin to sweat. For the spread of microorganisms that cause bad smell, all favorable conditions are created.

2. Wearing synthetic products. The use of socks, stockings, tights made of poor quality materials is a common cause of stink. The principle of its appearance is the same as in the case of low-quality shoes.

3. Individual predisposition. Some people are naturally endowed with a peculiarity in the form of heavy sweating of the feet. Therefore, any physical activity, an active lifestyle, stressful situations will provoke the appearance of sweating, and as a result, an unpleasant odor.

4. Failure to comply with hygiene regulations. These may include wearing dirty socks and foot wear, walking in wet shoes, not wanting to take care of the feet (removal of rough skin).

Often the causes of the appearance of a fetid odor from the feet are diseases:

  • . This is one of the most common causes of the disease.. The disease can affect both the nails and the skin of the feet and provoke the appearance of an unpleasant smell. Any stress or heat that results in profuse sweating will create an ideal environment for fungal bacteria to thrive;
  • many diets and malnutrition lead to metabolic disorder. The consequences of this can manifest themselves in the form of foot odor;
  • various diseases, the course of which is accompanied by sweating. It can be diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, various disorders in the activity of the thyroid gland, as well as the nervous and vascular systems;
  • the cause may be menopause and any hormonal changes in the body;
  • a weakened immune system of the body is unable to resist the effects of various bacteria.

Primary Cause - Toe and Nail Fungus

When a fungus appears, symptoms such as peeling, dry skin, itching, a nasty odor, cracking, redness, yellowing of the nail plates, their delamination and brittleness can be detected.

There are many varieties of the disease. The doctor can determine the type and nature of the fungus. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Ways to eliminate foot odor

Unpleasant foot odor is not a sentence at all. It should not be ashamed, it should be disposed of. Some rules will help to effectively and quickly overcome a delicate problem. You need to follow the main steps:

Hygiene. If there is a problem, you need remember to wash your feet regularly. This should be done with great care, using a washcloth and an antibacterial agent. It is good to wash the areas between the fingers, as the most suitable area for the habitat and spread of bacteria.

Timely disinfection. For these purposes, special disinfectants that have alcohol in their composition are perfect.

Use of specially formulated antiperspirants for feet. You can use improvised products that can dry the skin and cleanse it. It can be talc, soda.

To get rid of the smell wear only leather shoes. Otherwise, the cleaning of any other footwear should be given considerable attention. It should be washed, and it is better to wash it, and you should do it regularly.

In summer it's worth wear open shoes so that the feet can breathe. But rubber slippers or sandals, as well as shoes with plastic inserts, will only increase the unpleasant odor of the feet.

Under no circumstances do not wear wet shoes if you do not want to become the owner of an unpleasant smell of feet.

Must be worn under closed shoes good quality clean socks. If there is a problem, it is better not to wear or purchase synthetic products. Every day you should wear a new pair. If the problem worsens, socks should be changed more often.

They will help get rid of the fetid odor, created on the basis of natural ingredients at home.

Application essential which have an antiseptic effect on the skin.

The use of talc, which eliminate excess moisture and reduce sweating.

Special means and antiseptics, foot powders

To eliminate the problem of bad smelling feet, pharmaceutical companies offer many different remedies. Each of them is effective in its own way and has its own application features:

1. Foot lotions- special preparations that have a deodorizing and disinfecting effect on the skin of the feet.

Effective drugs - Galeno Pharm" and " 5 days».

2. Ointments:

  • zinc ointment- an affordable budget tool to reduce sweating of the legs, soften, moisturize the skin and eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • ointment DEO-control, consisting of oils of lavender, tea tree, shea, cocoa and a complex of vitamins. Thanks to this composition, the ointment acts on the legs as an antiseptic - it softens the skin and reduces sweating;
  • Teymurov's pasta- recommended and highly effective drug to combat fetid odor. The product has drying and antibacterial properties and has proven itself in eliminating the deficiency.

Wash your feet well before applying any ointment., let the feet dry naturally, then rub the product in smooth, thorough movements for several minutes and wait for it to dry completely. The procedure should be carried out for 4-7 days until a tangible result is obtained.

3. Formidron- a drug, the main component of which is formaldehyde. It refreshes the skin and has an antibacterial effect on it. The drug is applied by rubbing into the skin. Due to the high drying effect you can not overdo it with its dosage.

You can learn about the important features of using formidron from the video:

4. Boric acid- another good antiseptic. It is necessary to pour a little funds into the sock before putting it on clean and dry feet. After each use, such socks should be washed and feet washed.

5. Burnt alum have an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and sweat-blocking effect on the skin. The composition of the product includes potassium-aluminum alum. The drug is available in the form of a powder. It is used as a morning foot powder, and in the evenings the product is simply washed off.

Home remedies for bad foot odor

Traditional medicine offers many options for dealing with the unpleasant smell of the feet. Among the huge number of folk remedies, the following recipes are really effective:

Chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour a dried crushed plant (3 tablespoons) with a liter of boiling water. Then cover the container with a lid and let the liquid brew for 1 hour. After this time, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, and the infusion is ready. The tool will need to rub badly smelling feet, after washing them.

oil cocktail. When taking a bath, you can add a mixture of essential oils to the water. Take 5 drops sage, eucalyptus and pine oil. These fragrances will help eliminate foul odors.

Vinegar infusion is suitable for both odor removal and fungus control.. To do this, mix 200 g of butter, 100 g of vinegar, 1 egg and its crushed shell. Place everything in a glass jar and refrigerate for one week. Ready infusion should be lubricated daily on the affected areas for 2 weeks. If you add carrot juice to vinegar, it will help heal the skin of the legs and will contribute to its speedy recovery.

Garlic ointment. You need to crush the garlic and mix with the same amount of butter. The finished ointment is applied during the day until the first positive results appear.

Onion compresses. In some situations, onion helps to get rid of the sweaty smell.

burdock leaves used to create a compress for the feet. First, the plant must be prepared by rolling a rolling pin over the leaves to squeeze the juice. Then you just need to wrap the feet with prepared leaves and leave them overnight, securing them with socks. It is necessary to be treated in this way for 3 weeks. Rowan leaves have similar properties..

Recipes for refreshing and healing foot baths

A good way to eliminate the annoying nasty smell of feet are various baths. They need to be taken regularly to achieve noticeable results. Several available recipes:

oak decoction. To create the product, you will need crushed oak bark (2 tablespoons), 1 cup of boiled water. The mixture should be put in a water bath and boil for 30 minutes. After cooling, the liquid must be filtered and a little water added to it to replenish the initial volume.

This decoction is used for baths lasting 20 minutes. Chopped oak bark is also used in dry form. To do this, you just need to pour oak bark into socks, put it on your feet and leave it all night.

Bath based on strong tea, salt and vinegar. The ratio of ingredients to water is 100 g per 1 liter. You need to keep your feet in such a liquid for 7 to 9 minutes several times a week.

bath out veronica herb decoction. To prepare, you need to boil the stems of the plant for 5 minutes. Every day you need to take foot baths for 10-15 minutes.

Baths with sea ​​salt can eliminate the problem of the legs, but not equally well in each individual case.

Celandine decoction can be prepared from 4 tbsp. l. dried herbs and 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure can be carried out daily. The efficiency of the method can be improved compresses from celandine. Vinegar must be added to the brewed herb and applied to the feet as a compress.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

So that the problem of bad foot odor does not bother a person once again, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene. It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of any disease than to deal with its consequences. Therefore, a few worthwhile tips will be useful to everyone:

  • do not walk barefoot in public places;
  • it is important to change socks regularly;
  • you need to keep your feet clean, for this they need to be washed daily and wiped dry with a towel;
  • shoes should be kept dry and aired regularly. Various aerosols will help in this matter to eliminate odors;
  • try don't wear someone else's shoes and do not give your use to strangers in order to avoid acquiring a fungus;
  • regularly do pedicures and monitor the condition of the skin of the legs.

Proper care of shoes and socks

It is possible to completely eliminate the problem of emitting an unpleasant odor from the feet only in a complex way. To do this, you need to monitor not only the hygiene of the feet, but also properly care for the shoes. It must be stored in special ventilated boxes.

Of the available funds, a small amount will help baking soda. If you pour this product into shoes, you can eliminate excess moisture and bad smell. A portion of baking soda for shoes should be changed every day.

Eliminate the unpleasant smell from the shoes, which is transmitted to the feet, will help Bay leaf. You just need to put a few leaves under the insole. The spice of cloves will help to solve the same problem.

To prevent your feet from smelling bad, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of socks or tights. Better wash garments inside out.

If you approach the solution of the problem in a complex way, devoting a little time regularly to foot and shoe care procedures, you can get rid of a foul-smelling scourge in the shortest possible time.

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