Dizziness when standing up abruptly: causes, treatment. Vertigo when lying down and on rising. What can make you dizzy when you lie down

Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms various reasons. Usually the head is spinning in the weather, with illness or with a hangover. But, as it turns out, dizziness is different. And it can occur at the most various circumstances. Why can you feel dizzy when you lie on your back or on your side? And what exactly is this dizziness?

It is necessary to distinguish between healthy dizziness and not healthy person.

Normally, the head can feel dizzy from fast movement: carousels, dancing, riding something. This is due to the fact that the eyes have time to capture information about the movement of the body in space, and the vestibular apparatus, located in inner ear, No. A confusion arises between the eyes, the organs of balance and the brain, which cannot cope with the flow of unprocessed nerve impulses.

Stress and excitement cause the release of adrenaline into the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, blood vessels are compressed, preparing to protect the body from possible danger and the brain doesn't get enough oxygen. Hunger can also become - the brain is in dire need of replenishment with glucose. During pregnancy, pressure fluctuations, fasting and diets, the head can also periodically spin.

All this is a normal reaction of the body to external stimuli. The problem should be taken more seriously when the head begins to spin at various body positions - tilting, rotating and raising the head, sudden movements and turns, while lying down. This can be observed in adolescents, when the vessels of the brain grow rapidly, there is nothing to worry about. But in adults, it can mean some diseases and disorders. vestibular apparatus and vascular system.

Visual disturbances are often mistaken for different types dizziness. A veil or "flies" before the eyes, the surrounding space suddenly darkens or turns into any color - it is not considered true dizziness. But if there is a feeling of instability, “floating away”, it seems as if everything is spinning around, moving, constantly changing position, including own body, - here we can already assume a violation of the vestibular analyzer. Often these discomfort accompanied by nausea, sweating, impaired vision and hearing. Usually a person with these symptoms complains that they appear when he lies down or gets up.

Reasons why you feel dizzy when you lie down

If you are experiencing similar discomfort, this may mean:

  • Vestibular neuritis. Dizziness begins suddenly, and may be accompanied by vomiting. Usually the attack occurs after sleep.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical region. When you try to lie down, stand up, turn or raise your head, the vertebral artery, squeezed by the deposition of salts, is pinched even more, blocking the access of blood to the brain.
  • Hypotension. Low pressure acts not only in the vessels, depriving the brain of blood and, accordingly, required amount nutrition. The fluid in the inner ear, which is responsible for maintaining balance and signals about body position, is also normally under a certain pressure. If this pressure is not enough, the fluid does not move correctly, creating informational confusion for the brain.
  • Tumors and inflammation of the brain tissue. Warning symptoms, along with increased dizziness when you lie down, may include headaches and unilateral hearing loss.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. Vascular tone from birth may be "wrong" - inadequately respond to situations. Including changes in body position.
  • Vertebral hernias. When you change position in a dream or just when a person is lying down, there is dizziness similar to intoxication. In this case, the neck or back may not hurt.
  • Diseases of the outer and inner ear, nasopharynx. When inflamed, tissues fill up excess fluid, slime and swell. This can cause pressure on other organs, which is manifested not only when you hold your head upright, but also when you lie down and tilt it.

What to do about dizziness that occurs when you lie down

Why is this happening and how can you help yourself? Finding the answer on your own is very difficult. First of all, of course, you should consult a doctor. Consultations of a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, and in some cases a therapist and an endocrinologist will help answer these questions.

As temporary self-help, you can try:

  1. breathing exercises. Sit down or lie down, lay down right hand on the stomach. Slowly inhale through the mouth and at the same time inflate the stomach. When we exhale, we retract the stomach. We do 5-7 minutes. This helps to stabilize vascular tone;
  2. put your hand on an immovable object and look directly at it during an attack of dizziness;
  3. press your finger on the point of the "third eye" on the forehead and hold for 10 seconds, you can massage a little;
  4. head, face and neck massage.

AT emergency cases, especially if there are dangerous symptoms described above, you should call an ambulance.

Also, when your head is spinning when you lie down, experts recommend:

  • Don't commit sudden movements and turning the head to avoid fainting. If you get out of bed, then you need to do this first by turning over on your side, and only then carefully get up.
  • Do not endure diseases, especially viral ones, “on your feet”. It is necessary to lie down for at least a couple of days, and after that - to heal properly.
  • Normalize the regime of work and rest. Sleep should be 7-8 hours a day, and the bulk of sleep should fall at night. This should certainly be taken into account for people with vegetovascular dystonia.
  • At least one and a half hours a day to spend in the fresh air, preferably in motion.
  • Don't go on strict diets.
  • Study physical therapy designed specifically for your case.

So, if impatience just eats you up, why is your head spinning when you lie down, do not rush to set yourself terrible diagnoses. But do not put off going to a specialist, ignoring the attacks. The head is one of the most sensitive and delicate parts of the body designed by nature, which must be especially carefully protected.

Dizziness when getting up and when you lie down is not a pleasant phenomenon. Naturally, there are reasons for everything. Before this treatment pathological condition it is desirable to define them. It is especially important to apply for medical care if dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms: weakness, constant fatigue, nausea.

In general, you must first understand what dizziness is. This is the sensation of the subject, in which it seems to him that his body is moving in space. And given state is not always pathological, because nerve impulses do not always reach the brain in time. Sometimes it appears when a person lies down.

Why do you feel dizzy when you lie down?

If dizziness appears in the supine position, then it can be provoked not only by a failure of the functionality of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The reason may be any disease. So, the following factors can provoke dizziness:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system. In this case, it does not matter how exactly the person will lie: on his back or side.
  • Spinal injury.
  • orthostatic collapse.

The neurologist Alexei Borisov will tell you more about the disease:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis. When you try to lie down or get up, turn your head, the vertebral artery suffers, so blood does not enter the brain well. Lack of oxygen causes dizziness.
  • Hypertension.
  • Inflammation of the meninges.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

  • Hernia.
  • Infectious diseases of the ears and nasopharynx.
  • Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses to the brain due to injury or alcohol consumption.

These reasons are not the only ones, but they are the most common. If the pathology does not allow a person to sleep normally, rest, do physical exercises in the supine position, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Additional symptoms

Dizziness is unpleasant feeling especially if the person is in a horizontal position. Naturally, the presented pathology does not just appear. To find out what disease provoked him, you need to figure out what other symptoms are present in the patient. He must provide this information to the doctor during the examination.

So, in a person, depending on developing pathology additional symptoms may include:

  1. Vertigo (benign). Here dizziness appears not only when the patient has to lie down or get up. An unpleasant sensation appears precisely in a certain position. This condition is caused salt deposits in the inner ear. If the head is spinning due to pathologies of the vestibular apparatus, then true vertigo is already present. So, the patient shows the following symptoms: palpitations, hearing loss, nausea, tinnitus.
  2. Violation of blood flow in the inner ear. Here the patient may feel a headache, his pressure rises, and memory problems occur.
  1. Trauma to the inner ear. Here, dizziness is also present when a person needs to lie down or get up quickly. He also has the following symptoms: headache, hearing problems, as well as nausea and even vomiting.

  1. Labyrinthitis. Inflammatory lesion of the inner ear. The dizziness is very strong, and appears in the supine position, when the body is turned to one side. The patient may feel symptoms for several days or weeks. Additional Features not particularly different from other pathologies, however, with inflammation there is a high temperature.
  2. Neuritis. The head begins to spin suddenly, in the supine position. This condition may be accompanied by vomiting. Most often, the symptoms of this pathology appear in the morning.

In addition, one can distinguish such symptoms that accompany dizziness in a horizontal position: darkening in the eyes, complete absence hearing (temporary). If a person lies down, and then he has to get up abruptly, then dizziness may be the norm. But the head can be spinning, even if just lying in bed, which cannot but alert. In this case, the first thing to do is to be examined.

Features of treatment

So, many netizens ask the question: "What to do: dizzywhen I lie down?". First of all, it is necessary to determine the causes of the manifestation of such a pathological condition. If the dizziness is temporary and does not recur often, then there is nothing to worry about.

But if a person goes to bed or just relax, and feels a lot of other symptoms, along with dizziness, then you should already contact an ENT specialist, a therapist and a neurologist. It will not be superfluous to consult an endocrinologist.

Treatment this disease presents no difficulty. It all depends on what pathology provoked it. The patient may be prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antibacterial drugs. In addition, you need to drink multivitamin complexes to strengthen immunity.

It is very efficient breathing exercises. You can do it in a sitting or lying position. Inhalation and exhalation should be deep. The whole process takes no more than 7 minutes. Massage of the neck, face and head also helps. During an attack, you can press your finger on the middle of the forehead, and hold it there for a few seconds. In addition, you should try to focus on some static object, and keep your eyes on it for a while.

Opinion of specialist neurologist Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling on the treatment of vertigo:

Doctors also advise not to give up reflexology and therapeutic exercises.

So, the causes of the pathology have already been determined, the treatment has been prescribed. However, you need to know what else to do or not to do when dizziness appears in a horizontal position:

  • You need to go to bed on time. At the same time, the duration of sleep is observed (7-8 hours).
  • Lying in bed is not worth reading or doing other work. This will create additional stress on the eyes.
  • It is not advisable to stand up or turn around abruptly. Such actions destabilize the vestibular apparatus.
  • Infectious or colds should be treated on time. In doing so, it must be observed horizontal position.
  • It is better to live according to the regime. For example, all work tasks must be done within the strictly allotted time for this. Irregular working hours are harmful to health. Be sure to leave time for rest.

Eat healthy natural food, add regular light physical activity to your life - this is an excellent prevention of dizziness

  • During sleep, it is better to lie on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. This will make it possible to avoid some pathologies. support apparatus that can cause dizziness.
  • Physical movement and walking outside will also improve general well-being, strengthen the immune system, improve the supply of body tissues with oxygen. Gymnastics can be done lying down, sitting and standing.
  • You can not adhere to strict diets that harm the metabolism.

What is dizziness why pathology happens and how to deal with it is already known. However, it is not worth taking up treatment on your own. Better know exact reasons appearance similar condition. Ignoring the causes of pathology will lead to improper treatment dizziness that occurs when lying down.

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Many people do not give a damn about their health, considering the rare manifestations of symptoms as something unimportant and unobtrusive. Dizziness when getting up and when lying down is one such problem. If you do not start looking for causes in time, the consequences can be severe.

Why is my head spinning

Dizziness causes disorientation in space and darkening before the eyes. Often occurs without apparent reason, and it seems to a person that everything will pass by itself. Unpleasant discomfort, a feeling of falling into an abyss - far from the most pleasant sensations.

Typically, vertigo attacks last for several seconds, when a person completely loses orientation in space. In addition, he may feel loud noise in the ears and a feeling of nausea. If such symptoms appear very often, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a complete examination.

So why is your head spinning when you get out of bed, the reasons:

  • Eye. Occur when, during transmission from the retina of the eye to central department brain image is distorted. When you try to turn your head or focus your eyes on some object, a person may feel nauseous and see a “veil” before their eyes.
  • Psychogenic. The main cause is stress, nervous disorders and strong feelings as well as lack of sleep and emotional overload. As a result of such overwork, a person increasingly feels clouding in the head and a feeling of whirling in all parts of the body.
  • Cerebellar. They appear when the process of conducting electrical signals in the cerebellum is disturbed. Since it is this part of the brain that is responsible for orientation in space and coordination of movements. The appearance of dizziness in this case is called vertigo - when it “floats” before the eyes, nausea and tinnitus are felt. Most often occurs during physical activity and running, with sudden movements and trying to get out of bed.
  • Ear. The problem lies in the disruption of the vestibular apparatus, as a result of which a person feels disorientation in space and the inability to stand exactly in one place.

Often true reason dizziness lies in damage to brain structures. In this case, you cannot deal with the problem on your own. It is impossible to do without the intervention of a professional and appropriate diagnostics.

Associated symptoms

Most often, dizziness occurs when getting out of bed, and it is quite difficult to distinguish it from a sign of a serious illness without a doctor's examination, but this can be done by some cumulative signs. If your head is suddenly dizzy for several seconds, signs of illness may be as follows:

Diseases that cause dizziness

Often, dizziness can be caused serious illness. If some symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis. Despite the fact that there is a lot of advice on the Internet traditional medicine, however, in this case it is not worth resorting to it, since only professional doctor can prescribe the right treatment.

Most often, circulatory disorders are caused by malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, blood vessels.

Vertigo can be caused by the use of some medicines. The head may be spinning as a result of trauma or cervical osteochondrosis.

The main analyzes that are needed for complex diagnostics, - MRI, x-ray of the cervical vertebrae, general and biochemical analysis blood. Only after they have been submitted can a final conclusion be made.

Diseases that cause dizziness:

Vertigo in men and women

Some doctors argue that dizziness is more common in women and girls than in the stronger sex. However, this is primarily due to the fact that mostly ladies complain about dizziness, as men are used to keeping everything in themselves.

Possible causes of violations:

  • Inadequate rest, lack of sleep, insomnia.
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system and heart muscle.
  • Bad habits, abuse of alcohol and caffeinated drinks, nicotine addiction.
  • In older women - menopause and hypertension.

Also vertigo can be one of the brightest severe symptoms developing diabetes or malnutrition. In this case, after visiting a doctor, you should review your diet and exclude from it harmful products or reduce their consumption.

Why girls are more prone to vertigo:

Mostly men suffer from vertigo, abruptly changing the horizontal position to the vertical one. Also, discomfort can be felt at night, during urination and after it. Men are more likely to faint and pre-syncope.

Prevention measures

If frequent dizziness is not caused by a lesion internal organs or the central nervous system, but the person still asks the question “what to do if I feel dizzy when I lie down or get up”, there are several simple rules, observance of which will help to avoid fainting and nausea.

Basic Rules:

  • Stretch in the morning, lying on your back for one minute. Thus, the work of the heart muscle will be activated, and the vessels relaxed during the night will return to normal.
  • Before getting out of bed, you should change position and roll over on your side. Wait two minutes.
  • You need to sink to the floor as slowly as possible, without sudden and hasty movements. At times, they cause dizziness and discomfort.
  • Before rising to your feet, it is recommended to sit still for a few seconds, preferably with eyes closed to appease heartbeat and put in order the vestibular apparatus.

  • Lie down in bed correctly: first take sitting position, then - lie down smoothly, first on the left side, then on the back. It is forbidden to fall sharply, as there is a possibility of damaging the spine.
  • If dizziness occurs, it is recommended to perform circular movements with your fingers around the eyes in a clockwise direction for a couple of minutes.
  • Drink tablets only after diagnosis and prescription by a doctor.

Despite the fact that when vertigo appears, you should immediately consult a doctor, it is far from always possible to do this on time. Therefore, it is necessary to take a set of measures necessary to prevent dizziness.

First of all, you should be outdoors and walk more often. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, stimulating it and thereby reducing the risk of losing consciousness. Get out of bed and lie down on it as carefully as possible, without making sudden and hasty movements.

It is recommended to avoid stress and situations that could lead to nervous exhaustion and disorders. Smile more often, say nice things, try to protect yourself from negative emotions. AT daily diet nutrition, it is necessary to include foods containing iron and as many vitamins as possible so that the body does not feel a deficiency nutrients. For a while, it is worth giving up part of the physical activity.

Diagnosis and treatment

After passing a complex of tests, undergoing X-rays and MRI, the patient will be prescribed treatment. Since dizziness never just happens, treatment must be comprehensive and take into account physiological features every sick person.

Usually, in addition to medical procedures and drugs, doctors spend manual therapy- massages, acupuncture and so on, as well as exercise therapy ( physical therapy) and aromatherapy with essential oils. These procedures help to relax the body as much as possible and eliminate the tension in it caused by internal disorders.

should not be neglected and simple ways get rid of dizziness:

  • Focus on one subject in close proximity. You can take your eyes off only after the attack is over and the discomfort subsides.
  • There is a point in the middle of the forehead, which is called the “third eye” area. If your head is very dizzy, you can put pressure on it index finger and gently massage for a few minutes.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale air - the so-called breathing exercises, which will help bring breathing back to normal and normalize the functioning of blood vessels. During inhalation, the stomach should be pulled in as much as possible, inflating it as you exhale.
  • Do light massage neck, head or cervical region to disperse the blood in the vessels and normalize their work.

The most important thing is to see a doctor in time and not reach the point where it will be almost impossible to cure the pathology, and the person will feel dizzy every time he goes to bed or gets out of bed.

Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms that can occur for a variety of reasons.

In scientific circles, when referring to dizziness, the term "vertigo" is often used, which, in fact, is the second name for this condition. People often feel dizzy when they get up and lie down, and other symptoms may accompany this:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • loss of consciousness, fainting;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • split in the eyes;
  • spasms of various muscles;
  • decreased hearing acuity (sounds are muffled);
  • decrease in visual acuity;

If you have repeatedly asked yourself the question “why is my head spinning when I lie down”, this article is for you.

People tend to stay inactive to the last. For a long time they do not pay attention to the symptoms, which may be signs enough dangerous diseases, pulling a visit to the doctor. As a result, at the moment when the disease is detected, it may simply be too late.

However, there are also opposite cases, when the patient, on the contrary, goes to the doctor too often, inventing terrible diseases demanding from the doctor emergency treatment in the hospital.

It’s good if the doctor gets honest and patient, he can convince you that nothing terrible is happening to the body, but you can also get caught by a scammer who is in the process false cure try to pull it out as much as possible more money from a completely healthy person. Therefore, it is extremely important to distinguish between physiological and pathological dizziness, which will be discussed further.

  • Usually the head is spinning in case the brain cannot cope with large quantity unprocessed impulses sent out by the nerves when the body moves too fast. For example, as on a carousel, when turning, dancing and traveling by any means of transport. This will make anyone dizzy, except for trained professional athletes or astronauts. This is due to the fact that the vestibular apparatus, unlike the eyes, does not have time to follow the movement of a person in space. Such dizziness is not caused by a health disorder and does not require medical intervention;
  • in most cases, vertigo appears due to the most banal overwork, too strict diet or sleep disturbances. In these cases, it is enough to normalize sleep patterns, diet and find time for quality rest. It also does not require treatment with any drugs;
  • the cause of dizziness can be a lack of oxygen caused by stress, unrest. Stress causes the release of adrenaline into the blood, under the influence of this hormone, the vessels in the human body are compressed, preparing to protect the body from possible danger, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the head, which is why there is a shortage.

If your case is one of the above, you don't have to worry. Otherwise, you really should think about why you get dizzy when you get up and when you lie down.

Causes of dizziness during position change

Dizziness in itself is not a disease, but only a symptom, a sign that helps to detect a deviation. Do not confuse dizziness with visual disorders, during which midges may flash before the eyes, fog may appear.

True vertigo does not cause a disorder of the vestibular apparatus, but its violation. During dizziness, the patient cannot stand firmly on his feet, loses his balance, it seems to him that everything around is moving, rotating, he is confused in space.

Sometimes these unpleasant sensations can be accompanied by the release of a large amount of sweat, nausea, visual or hearing impairment, darkening in the eyes. The appearance of vertigo can provoke the most various diseases, violations. And it often manifests itself during a change of position, when a person gets up, lies on his back or on his side.

The most common causes of pathology

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis. A disease resulting from a deficiency physical activity, in other words, seated life as a result of trauma or congenital predisposition. Usually, the vertebrae located in the region of the cervical spine are tightly adjacent to each other. Due to various reasons displacement of the vertebrae may occur, which, in turn, causes compression of the nerves and blood vessels, and those in cervical region spine set. When squeezed vertebral artery there are problems with the blood supply to the brain, this causes dizziness.
  2. Vegetovascular dystonia. A disease that leads to dysregulation of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems. It is often congenital, associated with fetal pathology. It manifests itself with many symptoms, including dizziness.
  3. Spinal hernia. With this disease, dizziness appears, similar to the sensation caused by alcohol, in other words, intoxication. If this happens frequently, you should immediately consult a competent doctor. The process of removing a hernia is extremely painful, dangerous, it takes a long time to recover, and therefore it is better not to delay going to the hospital, diagnosing and treating.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, inner ear, leading to swelling. Such inflammation causes swelling of the channels of the labyrinth, fluid is released, mucus, which presses on the cells responsible for the orientation of the body in space. When the head is tilted, rotated or changed position, dizziness occurs.
  5. Hypotension. In other words, low blood pressure, which leads to improper movement of fluid in the inner ear, which causes pain, dizziness and nausea.
  6. Neuritis of the vestibular nerve. It occurs mainly as a consequence of herpes zoster, various infections. Dizziness in this disease is accompanied by the illusion of rotation in a circle, vomiting, excessive sweating, an increase in body temperature and appears after sleep.
  7. Various viral diseases. Dizziness is one of the body's reactions to intoxication.
  8. Hypertension. High blood pressure may also cause dizziness, nausea, blurred vision.
  9. Injuries to the head, spine, for example, concussion.
  10. Multiple sclerosis.
  11. Diabetes. Low or high level blood sugar can provoke not only dizziness, balance disorder, but also weakness, nausea.
  12. Mental disorders. There is such a thing as psychogenic dizziness that appears with strong emotional stress.
  13. side effect of taking various medicines, antibiotics, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antihistamines.

If the attack of dizziness lasts for a long time, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance and before her arrival, leave the patient alone, in lying position. You don't need to do anything else on your own.

What to do during an attack of dizziness

The following tips can help reduce or relieve an attack of dizziness:

  • light massage in a circular motion nose bridge (nose bridge - the point between the eyes), face, neck, head;
  • try to focus on one motionless object, this will definitely help if the dizziness is mild or caused by psychogenic factors. If the dizziness is severe, it is better not to resort to this, you can only harm yourself by hitting something or making the dizziness worse;
  • breathing exercises. It is necessary to inhale as much air as possible through the mouth, inflating the stomach, and exhale, blowing it off. The exercise is performed within 4-5 minutes. Helps improve vascular tone;
  • avoid sudden movements, head and body turns, tilts, so as not to faint. In general, any movement is something that is best avoided when dizzy;
  • get out of bed, after turning over from your back to your side, and then get up. Do not attempt to rise abruptly unless absolutely necessary.

Health is the main value of a person, therefore it is better to take care of it, including being attentive to such a symptom as dizziness during a change in body position. Dizziness can be a manifestation of many diseases, and in case of frequent occurrence, it is best to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Often this happens: you don’t seem to be sick with anything, you eat normally and follow the daily routine, but still you sometimes feel dizzy when you get up and when you lie down. These blackouts in the eyes are due to some factors: most likely a disease and weakness of the vessels, or oscillatory pressure surges. Dizziness is backed up by oxygen shock, which occurs when there is a sharp inflow or outflow of blood from the brain.

Correct diagnosis of vertigo

You get out of bed, and everything around you starts to swim. The head is spinning and the objects in the room become fuzzy and floating, the soil leaves from under the feet, and weakness immediately begins to be felt in the arms and legs. The state is drowsy and usually a person begins to feel wild fatigue.

There are a lot of causes, factors, symptoms and signs of dizziness. the main task each person to recognize the type of disturbance in the sense of self in space and to cope with dizziness so as not to lose consciousness.

Based on the many causes and factors of this kind of ailment when getting up and when you lie down, quite a few accompanying symptoms have been identified.

Main accompanying symptoms, looking at which you can recognize the type and cause of dizziness, are considered:

1. Nausea. This symptom accompanies general malaise in the body, the presence of pregnancy, poisoning, or in violation of the functioning of the nervous system. Nausea combined with dizziness can indicate serious deviations in work gastrointestinal tract. First of all, in this case, you need to adjust your diet, daily routine and monitor the quality of the food you eat. If the reason feeling unwell does not pass long time, it is urgent to consult a doctor for qualified diagnosis and treatment.

2. Darkening in the eyes and sharp short pains in the head. These cases of poor health most often indicate visual impairment, and more specifically, a disorder in the process of supplying blood and oxygen. optic nerve or eyeball. In this matter, you should not wait until the dizziness goes away on its own. If you notice frequent darkening in the eyes, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe you competent treatment and help protect your eyesight.

3. Often, there are no problems with coordination and dizziness only when you lie down and get up, and also in the process of lying on the bed can be due to problems with blood pressure. This ailment in most cases visits hypotensive patients - people with low blood pressure. sharp drops pressure, which are due to the fact that the vessels in the body are not able to cope with the load placed on them, often give jumps in indicators blood pressure on the tonometer. In case of problems with pressure, it is necessary to immediately contact a neurologist and treat all deviations from the normal working state of the body. Such a cause of dizziness can develop into a chronic or even lead to lethal outcome: sudden pressure surges exert pernicious influence on the walls of blood vessels in the human body, as a result of which they may simply not withstand the stress and burst.

4. Lack of hearing. Darkening of the eyes and weakness, which is accompanied by a slight hearing loss, may indicate the presence of problems with the hearing aid in the body. This state is generally medical practice called Meniere's syndrome. Often a person with such a pathology complains: I get up or lie down on the bed, and my ears seem to be pawning and my head suddenly starts to spin. The above speaks of a discord in work. hearing aid and requires immediate treatment.

Vertigo when getting up and when lying down and when turning the head

With such a violation of normal well-being, a person may feel severe convulsions all over the body, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus and blurring of objects before the eyes.

The above deviations may indicate violations in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, problems with inner ear, which is responsible for coordinating human movements and its orientation in spaces.

One of the causes of dizziness when turning the head may be a disorder in the work thyroid gland. The thing is that this gland produces a number of hormones that stimulate the circulatory system. hyperfunction, that is increased activity in the work of the gland, provokes what it secretes a large number of adrenaline hormone, which circulatory system begins to work actively, supply a large amount of blood through the vessels, which, in turn, simply cannot cope with such a load. Often this is the main cause of dizziness.

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